#I LOVE THEM!!! they’re sometimes HORRIBLE to watch but they deserve forehead kisses!!!!
pizzabookbuying · 1 year
my beloved: characters who struggle with making any decisions
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michelle-is-writing · 3 years
Family Matters, Greg House
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Word count: 1.7k~
In the time I’ve worked at Princeton-Plainsboro teaching hospital, some might say I'm the bubbly doctor in our group. Although I don’t know how true this might be, I do know everyone can agree I'm definitely more bubbly than doctor Gregory House, but that's for another day to discuss. I'm usually the one people send in to try and cheer up patients. Because of this, I mostly work in the pediatrics ward where young, sick children are. Sometimes, I have an easy time talking to the kids and making them happier, and sometimes, I don't; usually, when I'm upset, I have a hard time.
Right now, I'm having a very difficult time.
A young New Jersey girl at the age of 11 had developed mastoiditis, an infection that affects the mastoid bone above the ear and is typically caused by a middle ear infection. Usually, this all clears up, but sadly, this infection had grown to be so bad that the girl ended up with only twenty-three percent of her hearing left in the one ear. Although this is the case, I'm not having a hard time because of the girl's loss of hearing, no.
I have my own problems at the moment.
Since I'm working in the children's ward, I don't get to see Wilson or Greg as much as I want to. Despite Greg's tendency to be an asshole, he's still my best friend and not to mention that Wilson is the kind of guy anyone can talk to about anything. However, our schedules are all different, so, as I said: we don't get to see each other that often.
At least they're still in my life though. For my family, I can’t say the same. Recently, I've just lost the closest person to me in my family; although it wasn’t through death, but through immaturity and childishness. Because of this, all of my other family members have closed me out as well, causing me to be alone. With all of my friends busy and my family shutting me out, I have no one to talk to or enjoy time with... no one. I can't even get a boyfriend for Christ's sake, and it's not like the guy I have my eyes on actually likes me back. Greg is the type of guy you can easily fall in love with, yet at the same, you really shouldn't.
"Doctor (y/n)," the young girl by the name of Jessie states. Putting all my focus back on her, I remind myself not become distracted anymore today. This isn’t the first time, unfortunately. "Will my hearing ever return?"
I smile sadly at her and shake my head. "I'm sorry, Jessie," I tell her. "Your hearing in that ear won't return, but it's not a bad thing!" I assure her. She smiles in relief. "We can always get you a hearing aid, and that will help get your hearing back to normal again, but the wait might be a little long," I explain. "Is that okay with you?"
She nods her head at my question. "I'm okay with that, doctor (Y/n)," Jessie tells me, "I'll have my family help me until then," she smiles brightly. "You can always look up to your family, right?" She states, confident in her words.
Tears slowly rising to my eyes at the thought, I nod and quickly blink them away. "That's right," I tell her, still smiling. "And don't you ever forget it," looking toward her parents, I nod my head. "The discharge nurse will be here in a few moments with the papers. If you'll excuse me..."
Without another word, I quickly leave the room and walk as fast as I can to the nearest empty room. I prefer going to James’ office instead, but it's two floors away, and I don't want any awkward elevator trips. So, before I have a mental breakdown in the middle of the hallway, I find an unlocked janitorial closet before walking in and closing the door behind me, ultimately sliding down the hardwood door once it's shut.
Sitting on the cold, tile floor, I begin sobbing as quiet as I can, my hand covering my mouth. I already had my family drama on my mind all day, but for that girl to unintentionally throw it back in my face? That was the frosting on top of the already leaning, three-layer cake.
Tears stream down my cheeks like raindrops as I cry my heart out. I can tell my cheeks are red by the sensation of heat I currently feel on them; my hands feel it too. I'm crying so hard my chest begins to heave up and down as if I were having a panic attack. Oh God, I can't have a panic attack. Not here, not now.
Behind me, I feel two knocks on the door, causing me to halt. The only problem is: the knock wasn't above me, it was where my back is against the door. Remind you, I'm currently sitting on the floor. The only way someone can knock that low is if there is a midget behind the door there or someone used something like a cane... it's Greg.
Slowly moving up a little, I shakily open the door and let the grey haired man in, watching as he looks at me with pity. I've never seen the confident doctor House look like this with anyone. It's like a... a totally different Greg.
Sitting down beside me against the door, Greg drops his cane beside him as he sighs and wraps his arm around me before gently tugging my body close to his. Shocked, I tense up, tears no longer pouring out of my eyes. Greg never comforts anyone like this. He always makes fun of them or says something that many people take offense to, but he never... he never cares. He always brushes it off his shoulder, yet for some reason, he seems like he actually cares this time.
"What's wrong?" He asks, his voice deep as usual with no emotion.
I wait a few seconds before lying. "Nothing important," I tell him, my voice wavering from my scattered emotions.
Pulling me back to face him, Greg looks me in the eye before sighing again. "I know you've been crying by the wet tears on your cheeks, slight puffiness, and redness to your eyes, and fast-paced breathing - and I don’t even have to be a doctor to notice that," he breaks down my current state, lifting an eyebrow. "Now, are you going to begrudgingly tell me what's wrong or do I need to stay in here with you until you finally give in to all my unrelenting sexiness."
His comment makes me laugh, causing a grimace of a smile to fall on House's lips. Out of all of us, I've been the only one to do that. I've been the only one to break Greg's stone exterior and interior. Plus, It doesn't help that I like Greg romantically. I like the fact that he's confident and witty; he's not afraid to be himself. Although, he can still be quite an ass to others, but to me, he’s always been nothing but kind. Even when I first started working here, he was still patient and sweet - a rare sight to everyone else. It used to hurt me to think he’ll never feel the same way as me, but I’ve gotten so used to that fact that it doesn’t even bother me anymore.
"It's just... my family," I explain, Greg pushing my head back onto his shoulder as he holds me. At this point, I'm not shocked by anything he does. The infamous doctor could be high for all I know. He probably took a few Vicodin tablets before coming down here now that I think of it.
"They've completely... shut me out," I explain, shrugging as I rest my hand on his shoulder. "They never talk to me anymore, they've blocked me in any way of even trying to talk to them. My cousin just sent me an email last night telling me that I didn't need to contact them anymore as they no longer wanted me in their lives," I close my eyes, tears rolling down my cheeks. "Plus, I wish I could work with you guys again," I take a breath before saying the next thing. "I miss you."
A few seconds of silence pass before Greg leans down to my face level. Opening my eyes, I'm greeted by his own sapphire orbs, watching as he continually inches forward until his lips plant themselves on mine. Our eyes close at the same time in response to the touch of our lips, and they stay that way too. With my heart beating fast and a different fire in my cheeks, I instantly respond to his kiss while placing my hands on the sides of his face, feeling his hands attach themselves to my hips as I do so. We kiss until we have to breathe, both of us pulling apart simultaneously.
"They don't deserve you," Greg tells me, a little out of breath. "You are wonderful; a decent and kind human being, inside and out," he takes a small pause, flashing his blue eyes down to mine. "I never thought I’d say this, but… because of you, I think maybe not everyone is a horrible person and that maybe I can be a bit nicer a time or two," he then smiles at me, kissing me once more. "You have made me feel love believe it or not."
Smiling, I lean up to kiss his forehead before sitting back down and resting my head against his chest, my eyes cast upon him as he looks down at me. "You've also made me feel love," I confess to him, my voice shy. "I've grown to love you as well. You and your sarcastic comments and witty comebacks and your insults to apparent stupid people," for once, he laughs, making me grin. "I can't help but love it all."
After a few moments, Greg speaks up. "I know I can't be your entire family," he murmurs, holding me close. "But I can try to be your... your..." He draws on, clearly trying to come up with an appointed title for himself. After a few seconds, I giggle and cut him off.
"Boyfriend?" I ask, making him roll his eyes.
"I was going to say significant other," he argues, looking over to me. "The term boyfriend is so, well, childish," he complains, making me giggle.
Leaning closer, I peck his lips. "Good thing you have a childish mind," I tease him, pressing my lips to his one more time before he responds to my comment with something horrible or completely inappropriate. It is Doctor House we’re talking about, after all.
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mazuwii · 3 years
Zeke SFW Alphabet
Flying monke
Hey bestie, I see you like Mr Monke😏
No shame! No shame!😤 I am writing the chapters everyone has requested but I got asked to do a Zeke alphabet first so here it is
—A (Affection. How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
•Not very physically affectionate in public, he tends to give you stares that gives you the same warm feeling you get from being hugged tightly.
•When you crash into him for a hug, he's so shocked and confused, his heart is dancing at the feeling of your warm little body right against his, affectionately rubbing his back. Before he knows it, he's silently crying, holding your face to his chest so that you don't see.
•Zeke never knew hugs felt so nice and now whenever he's feeling down or whenever you both have nothing to do, he randomly opens his arms up and waits for you to run into them. If you take too long all he does is twitch his hands slightly, which is funny and cute.
•I can see him being way more affectionate in the nighttime, where you're sleeping on him and you mumble under your breath, he kisses your head and strokes your cheek, lovingly gazing at you.
—B (Bestfriend, how would he be like as a best friend, how would the friendship start?)
•Zeke would be the bestest friend ever, sure he isn't the most affectionate or upfront friend but he is incredibly reliable!
•Always defending you behind your back. He insults you but then compliments and uplifts you behind your back to other people. Basically your lawyer.
•I will never stop saying this, Zeke Jaegar is intelligent as fuck and hates small talk so his conversations are so delicious, so full of flavour. His intelligence turns you on so hard, he is so fun to talk to because A, he makes fair points and teaches you things, B, he has a good sense of humour, C, he genuinely listens. He wants your opinion and understands your point of view on the subject.
—C (Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
•Before getting into a relationship, he always thought hugs would be stiff and horrible, especially in bed but he discovered that he was wrong.
•When you were spooning him, he couldn't nearly think straight from the appreciation he felt. Your arm was so secure around his waist and your body was warm against him, it was a feeling that made him wish he was immortal and experience this FOREVER!
•He likes it when you bring yourself to him, automatically. He finds it cute and always compliments you when you do. It isn't a full-of-shit-flattery compliment, he means it.
•"Why- on this gruesome green earth, are you so cute?" He kisses your head as you nestle yourself on his chest. "Mind telling me? Hm?" He pecks your head again and tightens his arm around you.
•One thing he will die to protect is you, he wants to hide you away from all the horrors of the world and treasures you so much and one way to do it is to tightly hold you right against him, melting at the sound of your giggle.
—D (Domestic. Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
•Zeke wants to live in a cottage with you, secluded from other humans. All the serenity of it relaxes him, it's one thing he'd never stop thinking about.
•Sure he wants to settle down but he'd never want to have kids. He sees himself as a failure to all and can see his little ones hating his guts, having to hear them exclaim how much they hate their papa (even if it's just his imagination) terrifies him.
•He felt like everyone hated him, but you and his grandparents and Mr Ksaver. Children would be too much stress
•As for cooking and cleaning, I don't think he's good with cooking or cleaning. He doesn't really make a mess so it's okay that he isn't good at cleaning
•However he isn't bothered with cooking actual food, he'd always just have fruit or instant noodles when he's hungry. So you'd have to be a good cook because my mans has no motivation for that stuff
—F (Fiance(e) How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
•Like I said before, Zeke isn't good on relationships so if you both last more than a year and he realises you've helped him as a person and he has helped you, he secures it.
•But proposing would be difficult, he's shy, scared, worried you may laugh and blow him off.
•Eventually he gives in and asks, a heavyweight washing off his shoulders when you said yes, even getting butterflies when he realised you were crying.
—G (Gentle. How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
•His inner child is bruised, you can see a little boy in him anytime he smiles properly, it makes your heart shatter to know that he never experienced his childhood properly and is currently a little boy in an old man's body
•He is gentle, he tries so hard to be soft with you and touches you like you're made of glass. H o w e v e r, my man does not hold back when it comes to baseball.
•Zeke is so happy when he's playing baseball with you that he doesn't realise he may have thrown too hard and only realises it when you grunt at the impact it made with your collarbone, dropping everything and running to check on you.
—H (Hugs. Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
•He hesitates at first when your smaller body collides with his, he had let out a small yelp but couldn't help smiling when your arms get tighter in desperation.
•Slowly and gently, he'd embrace you back and smell your hair.
•Zeke's hugs are warm, secure and surprisingly cuddly. He's too shy to hug you first, you'd have to hug him first and he'd not hesitate anymore. Sometimes, when he's missed you so much, he'd hug so tight that your legs float off the floor, completely powerless in his embrace.
—I (I love you. How fast do they say the L-word)
•Zeke thinks a lot so admitting that he loves you would be an epiphany, even years into the relationship. He genuinely can't believe someone loves him and stayed with him.
•He'd say it with a kiss to your forehead, small freckles of tears glistening in his eyes when he stares longingly at you.
—J (Jealousy. How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
•Very jealous but he keeps it to himself. Especially when it comes to the opposite sex. He realises anytime a man talks to you and you smile around them, he can feel himself shrink. He's all dramatic in his head, wondering if he'd ever been enough for you or if you finally realised you deserved a better guy than him.
•All of those thoughts would disappear when you take his hand or talk to him with the tone you always use with him, a cheerful and appreciative one.
—K (What are his kisses like? Where does he like to kiss you? Where does he like to be kissed?)
•Zeke's kisses are hesitant and full of pauses. Sometimes you do most of the work, bringing him closer and all that while he's questioning if he deserves you.
•When Zeke tries to be affectionate, he likes to kiss your forehead, crown of your head, cheek, lips in private. It's reassuring and he loves his little lady more than anything. This small kiss passes on so much serotonin through your skull.
•Zeke doesn't have a specific preference but when you pepper his face with kisses it makes him so happy and fireworks go off in his tummy. With your hands gently cupping his face and your lips pressing every area on his face he softly holds onto you with a flustered smile.
—L (Little ones. How are they around children)
•Lol, he's like their older bro but a lil more distant
Let's move on...
—M (Morning. How are mornings spent with them?)
•Zeke's life is full of duties and priorities but he wishes with his full heart that he could spend the rest of his life lazily holding you with you peacefully laying by his side
•To his dismay, he must leave you to sleep. He has to get up earlier and doesn't bother waking up his sleeping angel, getting ready for work and leaving- not without kissing your cheek. Even if you're fast asleep, Zeke tucks you in and pecks your cheek, admiring you for a few seconds before heading on with his day.
•I'd say on good days, you make an effort to wake up with him and make breakfast so that he doesn't go to work and smoke ciggerates on an empty stomach. Fucking idiot, sorry but don't do that 🙄 even to my readers, don't smoke bestie💜
—N (Night. How are nights spent with them?)
•He does sleep at a reasonable time, sometimes at ten PM, sometimes at eight PM..
•Before bed he'd watch a documentary with you while having dinner and probably tire himself out by sucking in all that knowledge (the TV voice makes him sleepy, so you can see his eyelids drooping when he lies about how he isn't tired... it's cute)
•When it's time for bed he does the usual routine and gets into bed after smoking... which is pretty painful for you to watch but you won't scold him, you'll bring him closer to you and kiss his nose, massaging his scalp and becoming limp when his hand is soft at your waist, caressing patterns with his slender fingers until you fall asleep.
—O (Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
•Zeke thinks he is the scum of the Earth and wouldn't be surprised if you thought so too. It'd be difficult for him to mention any of his trauma so it all comes out through his humour.
•Daddy issues jokes, mommy issues jokes, self-deprecating jokes and you go through so many until you realise the man is traumatised. I can say with full confidence that he once tried making a joke for the millionth time and ended up crying instead of laughing. Of course, you were reassuring and comforted him in every way he needed.
—P (Patience. How easily angered are they?)
•Very patient when it comes to his S/O, he doesn't force anything out of you and slowly, gently speaks.
•Zeke doesn't become angry easily, honestly, he's so smart and open-minded that it becomes a problem because he understands so many things, unable to use his emotions to his advantage.
•Again, emotions pass and are useless to him, they just come and go so he doesn't like feeling too vividly. Especially anger, he thinks there's no use in it.
—Q (Quizzes. How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
•Like I keep saying, Zeke is a smart, attentive person even when he doesn't mean to be. He pays attention to small details by accident and remembers subconsciously. He memorises a lot of your habits, bad and good and makes notes of when and where they mostly happen, adapting to your lifestyle without realising.
•Someone is asking what to get for your birthday and tries to get a type of chocolate flavour he remembers you despise and he gives away your full interests and a list of what you like, dumping an essay of your public info to one of your best friends and they're just like °_°...?
•It's cute, he just doesn't know his brain sucks everything about you in
—R (Remember. What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
•When you took him out to dance and the music suddenly switched from formal dancing to just 'go crazy' and he watched you GO OFF. You were shaking your hip and hopping around energetically, glaring at him for laughing his ass off over the loud music.
•You forced him to dance with you, both of you whipping your hair back and forth, your movements less stiff but nonetheless, in sync. He's never had so much fun. No one he knew was there, it was all strangers but he felt like only you and he were there, dancing freely to the music, he'd just follow your lead confidently
—S (Security. How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
•Zeke is so protective, paranoid but never expressing it, knowing he'd sound insane:
-"Angel, I have to go out with you because what'll happen if you suddenly get run over?!"
-"No you can't use the phone while it's in charge, what if it explodes in your face?!"
-"Cookie dough, don't try handstanding, you could snap your neck!"
-"No, I won't let you go up these faulty escalators, they could suddenly break open and swallow you, here let me hold your hand up the normal stairs."
-"Don't lean against the balcony, you could fall over!"
•So instead he does it sneakily. Like small solutions, in order, he'd: offering to help you shop when you go out, making you put your phone down to massage him, scaring you into stopping your handstands, holding your waist securely when you're both on the balcony.
•To feel protected, Zeke needs constant reassurance from you. Physically and emotionally. A small kiss on his cheek and a little "Don't overthink, I'm here, let it all out, I'll listen to your thoughts."
—T (Try. How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
•I think Zeke is more of a private person but his dates can be fun too. For anniversaries, you'd both have turns. For his half of the day, it would be spent playing baseball, going to the arcade, taking you out to dinner and then he'd warmly hold your hands in his, asking you what you want to do now.
•His gifts are so thoughtful but he tries to be cool when he gives it to you, lips straight and eyes avoiding you like a shy schoolboy. He can't keep his cool since you have to attack his face with kisses🙄 Jees Y/n stop it, he totally doesn't go insane when you do that to him, totally isn't in love
—U (Ugly. What are some bad habits of theirs?)
•I'd say the damn smoking. Zeke chose an unhealthy coping mechanism and needs guidance out of it, so you do just that.
•Taking his cigarettes and helping him get the nicotine out of his body through skipping rope, taking him to the sauna and even massaging his scalp when he has a headache.
•If course it'd be such a shock to him when he realises how nice he feels after his addiction is over, it's amazing what getting rid of one bad habit can do to your life.
—V (Vanity. How concerned are they with their looks?)
•Zeke trimmed his beard shorter and did his hair when he realised he had seemed to be ageing faster but... for the sake of my selfishness this is a modern au
•Surprisingly, he actually has good skin, a nice beard and a good haircut. Zeke is beautiful.
•Only once, has he ever shaved fully and my guy looked 10 years younger and was lowkey getting cocky but he rathered the beard and let it grow out... not too long though
—W (Whole. Would they feel incomplete without you?)
•Zeke is like the moon, it's a bit dark but it's still useful, however, it needs the sun to give it a boost? So what I'm trying to say is you're the sun to him, life wouldn't feel the same now that you've made your mark
—X (Xtra. A random headcanon for them.)
•I don't care what you say, he can do the entire dance for boy with luv by BTS. He doesn't know why he knows it so well, he's only seen the dance rehearsal once (yes he memorizes pretty fast)
•extra but, by the way, Monke man can figure out a Rubix cube faster than a War breaking out in AOT so... haha very fast👁👁
—Y (Yuck. What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
•He doesn't like a controlling partner, not everything has to go your way babe, life is always going to steer you in a different direction and it sometimes is in a better direction than the one you had first intended.
•So there's that
—Z (Zzz. What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
•This is funny to me for some reason? But once he lets go of your cuddle, he subconsciously sprawls his body out, and he does it for the entire night even when you're on top of him, his clothes are somehow half-off. The pillows are everywhere, the blanket is under his heavy thighs so you're freezing on him :")
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julek · 4 years
read on ao3
Jaskier moved closer, his footsteps echoing down the stone hallway. The Witcher was sitting down, his hands in his lap as a thoughtful look crossed his face. He looked adorable, admittedly, brow furrowed and white strands framing his face, which was burrowed into a woolen blanket.
“Hi, love,” Jaskier said softly, and climbed onto Geralt’s lap as he opened his arms in invitation. He gently traced Geralt’s cheeks, pink from the cold wind howling outdoors. “You look... transfixed. Did Lambert try fishing with bombs again?”
At that, Geralt smiled, a soft, small thing, pink lips curving up. His cold fingers traced nonsense patterns on Jaskier’s back, even though layers and layers of warm fabrics stood in his way — sometimes, it was about feeling Jaskier’s skin against his, the touch grounding and pleasant; sometimes, it was about occupying his hands for the sake of doing it, no plans or intention.
“Ciri and I trained earlier this morning,” he rumbled, his voice rough.
Jaskier hummed, his nose brushing Geralt’s hair. “I know. I heard her swearing all the way to the library.”
“Hmm. She gets frustrated.”
“That she does.”
“She’s getting good. Real good. She just can’t see it, I’m—” Geralt’s frown deepened, his mouth twitching like the words wanted to escape him. He closed his eyes and breathed out, once, twice. “She’s really good. I wish she could see that— how far she’s come.”
“Mm.” Jaskier pulled back, only a little, to catch a glimpse of that amber gaze. “Have you told her?”
“What you think— have you told her? How far she’s come, how proud you are of her?”
Geralt narrowed his eyes, almost a subconscious thing, and Jaskier could tell he was turning the idea over and over in his head. Jaskier tucked his head in the crook of the Witcher’s neck, then pressed a small kiss over his pulsepoint. He felt Geralt relax against him, if only a bit.
They stayed in each other’s arms for a while, comfortable silence surrounding them, Geralt’s hands running across the bard’s back, Jaskier humming a quiet melody as the hearth rumbled and firewood cracked, sizzling noises filling the air.
“You know,” Geralt murmured against Jaskier’s hair.
Geralt shifted his weight on the armchair, pulling the blanket tighter around them both. Some minutes passed, and Jaskier didn’t push, didn’t press — he just waited, knowing the words would come when they’re meant to, if at all.
“She called me ‘Dad’, the other day,” Geralt whispered, and he sounded embarrassed, somehow, his voice thick. “‘T was a slip of the tongue, she— she didn’t mean it. We’d been sparring, and she kept getting frustrated and wanted to quit. Then snow started falling.”
Jaskier found his hand, buried under the blankets, and squeezed it softly.
Geralt smiled, his cheeks flushed a gentle pink. “And Ciri was so tired and miserable, and I was getting impatient too, and I just— I took some snow in my hands, and made a ball, and just— covered her in it. She was furious.” He let out a small laugh. “‘T was war, she said. And we kept throwing snow at each other. She started running, at one point, and I chased her around the courtyards.”
Jaskier felt tears gathering in his eyes, delighted by the story, and by the sentiment Geralt’s voice carried.
“Ciri was laughing so hard by the time I got her, and she didn’t care that her hair was white and her fingers had gone numb,” Geralt continued. “She was so happy, Jas. I— I had never seen her like that. So carefree and happy, like any child should be.”
He took in a deep breath, pressing their foreheads together. Jaskier grinned, his eyes closed, as they breathed in the same air. “We were laughing together,” he said. “And then we stopped, and everything was still for a second, and she said, ‘that was so fun, Dad’, and— she sounded so happy, so... alive. She hugged me.”
Jaskier felt a tear slip down his cheek. “Geralt.”
Geralt looked at him, so open and vulnerable, and his thumb gently wiped the tear away.
“Of course she meant it,” Jaskier said, and his voice cracked. “Of course she did.”
“I don’t know, Jas, I don’t— This is so hard on her. Everything. I don’t want to pressure her into anything she doesn’t want.”
“You’re so lovely, Geralt,” Jaskier murmured against his cheek, and hugged closer, his heart breaking a little. “You’re such a good man, so honest and humble and good— she adores you.”
He meant it — he’d seen it firsthand. The first week Ciri spent in the keep, Geralt had made sure she felt comfortable, showing her around and encouraging her to ask questions and wander the grounds whenever she felt like it. He’d train with her in the mornings and, after they all had lunch together, he’d accompany her to the library, where she and Vesemir would sit for hours on end, surrounded by books and bestiaries and ancient stories, all under the Witcher’s attentive gaze. Late at night, after dinner but before the wolves turned in for the night, Geralt would walk her to her room, then stay for a bit to tuck her in and listen to her talk — long conversations about her past, Cintra and her family, or small remarks about her findings in the keep, a hunting trip with Eskel or an alchemy lesson with Lambert. Geralt listened intently every time, and remembered every detail she’d shared with him. He worried about her; sometimes, late at night, Jaskier would wake up to find him sitting outside on their balcony, a foreign expression on his face and a steaming mug of tea between his hands. He cared for her endlessly — he loved Ciri.
Jaskier brushed a kiss against his forehead, warm and loving, and was about to bury his face back into Geralt’s neck, when a soft noise made them both look up.
Ciri padded into the room, her hair mussed and sleep still tugging at her eyes as she rubbed them with the back of her hand. In the firelight, she looked even younger, her rosy cheeks and soft woolen socks the most perfect picture of pure innocence. As she moved closer to them, Jaskier saw it, the worn fabric of Geralt’s cloak, draped over her shoulders like a cape and dragging across the floor, too large to fit her body. He looked at Geralt and saw his own expression mirrored on his face, if only more intense — adoration, raw and blatant, pouring from his eyes, a smile curling on his lips.
“Ciri?” Geralt called, one hand stetched out for her. “What is it?”
She moved closer, entwining his fingers with Geralt’s, so different yet so similar; pale hands that were slowly becoming more calloused and hard as they gained experience. “Fell asleep in the kitchen, by the fire. Vesemir wanted me to tell you he needed help with dinner.” She yawned. “Also grumbled something about you being lazy, but I told him we trained hard today, and he frowned, but said it was okay. That we could be lazy today.”
Geralt huffed a laugh, and Jaskier shifted so Ciri could sit on Geralt’s thigh, too. “Hmm. Good, then. Wouldn’t want to laze around without his permission.”
Ciri wrapped her arms around Geralt’s neck, and rested her head on his shoulder, firmly fighting sleep but losing. “Hmm.”
Jaskier snorted, and swatted playfully at Geralt’s side. “Oh, Geralt, that’s all you. She did not even know how to ‘hmm’ before she met you.”
He shook his head in fond exasperation, and leaned back, just a bit, to look at them in earnest. He watched as Geralt now traced small circles on Ciri’s back, her body tucked into his side as she snored softly, a small smile on her face. Geralt looked so content, so peaceful, so at home, Jaskier’s heart ached in his chest, pride and love fluttering in his stomach. They deserved it — every bit of peace and quiet, every moment of tenderness they could get, they deserved them all, and even more.
“You’re being sappy in your head, I can tell.”
Jaskier clicked his tongue. “I’m being sentimental— there’s a difference, thank you very much.”
Geralt leaned back, his head pressed against the chair, and closed his eyes with a content rumble and a knowing smirk on his lips. “Hmm.”
“Don’t know why I put up with you and your nonsensical grunting, really. Must have been dropped on my head as a child.”
“Must’ve been.”
Jaskier gasped with mock outrage. “You horrible, horrible Witcher. Don’t know why I bother.”
Geralt cracked one amber eye open. “Because you love me.”
“Hmm. Yet further proof I was most definitely gravely injured as a child,” Jaskier replied, with but there was no bite to his words. “I’ll go help Vesemir with dinner— someone must, if you’re to stay here and simply laze.”
“Thank you for your sacrifice,” Geralt said, teasing. Jaskier let out a small laugh and leaned down to kiss his forehead once more, then brushed Ciri’s hair back from her face. He took his hand back, but Geralt stopped him. “Thank you. Truly. I love you.”
Jaskier’s chest seized, and he smiled, smitten. “I love you, too. Very much. Now sleep, I’ll come wake you both when supper’s ready.”
“Okay.” Geralt leaned back. “Please don’t burn the keep down.”
Jaskier grinned, and looked back at him before shutting the door. “No promises.”
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
You Coward!
Fandom: Avengers Pairing: Peter Parker x Male!Reader Summary: You show your love to Peter in a weird way. Word Count:  1,133 Request:  hey! i was wondering if i could request a peter parker x reader fic where the reader and peter are dating, but nobody knows everyone thinks they actually hate each other because they have that kind of relationship where they constantly insult each other to show affection. thanks a ton!
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“The real treasure was the memories we made along the way!” The team hears the two youngest avengers enter the base, coming back from a shield mission.
They were always apprehensive in sending you and Peter on missions because you guys are young - you should live your life out. They’re even more apprehensive when they send the two of you together on a mission, knowing that you two somehow don’t have a pleasant relationship.
“I almost died!” Peter exclaimed as both Tony and Steve raised an eyebrow at Peter’s exasperation.
You chortle laughter, throwing your head back, “Ah yes, that was my fondest memory.“
“You’re a prick,” Peter snapped.
See, what they hear is you and Peter once again arguing, throwing each other under the bus and insulting each other. What they don’t see is the fond smile the two of your share, the love and admiration in your eyes as you lovingly had your arm over your boyfriend’s shoulder. That’s right, boyfriend. You really don’t know what it was about Peter or how you got together, but the two of you had mutual respect for each other. 
Again, it was weird how you two came to be. You were a cynic, pessimistic and probably realistic at best - you don’t have high expectation to be disappointed that easily. Peter was full of life, he saw the glass half full and always optimistic, sometimes it’s sickening. Your mutual friends like to tease you two when you’re together at school, you somehow are a further progressed relationship of Enjorlas and Grantaire from Les Miserables. 
When Tony and Steve enter the front room to see you and Peter, they witness you pushing Peter - though seconds before, you had tenderly ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead. 
“Do we want to know what happened on the mission,” Steve asked, his arms crossed over his chest.
Tony sighed as he pats Peter on the shoulder, gripping him and pulling towards himself, “Steve, keep your boy on his leash - will ya?”
Steve standing by you like a protective dad, “Back right at you, Stark.”
You raised both your eyebrows at your boyfriend to signal him good luck as he rolls his eyes. Tony leading Peter away before something bad between the two of you happens. You sighed, stretching your back as you looked at Steve, who raised an eyebrow at you.
“What?” You asked, almost offended.
“You need to be nicer to Peter.”
“I am nice to Parker!”
“Perhaps, start of by calling him by his first name?”
“I am nice to Parker!”
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“(L/n) gave me a 'get better soon' card,” Peter spoke as he was looking at his homework.
Tony and Bruce looked up from their work as Tony spoke,  “Aw, that's so sweet!”
Peter scoffed, “I wasn't sick. He just thought I could do better.” 
There is a lot of hints that you two had despised each other, but those things were just things you did to each other to keep your relationship fun and fresh. It just so happen the team missing out on the cute stuff and overhearing or walking into the ruthless antics the two of you display.
“What are you doing?” Peter asked, holding a can of soda in hand.
You were lying on the ground, “My best.”
Peter scoffed, stepping over you as Clint and Natasha watch in disbelief as Peter calls out a dig at you whilst you put the middle finger behind his back before getting into a comfortable position on the ground. 
It always seemed to be Steve and Tony that your antics get caught out by. It’s always funny to see their reaction which egged you and Peter to continue to be horrible to each other, of course within the respected limit. 
“Aren’t you sugar and spice and everything nice?” You leaned against the breakfast island with Steve looking whilst Peter was on his laptop with Tony looking over his shoulder.
“Well, aren’t you rudeness, and sarcasm and everything...” You raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend who flushed red.
You smirked, looking very smug, “No, go on. You find something that rhymes with sarcasm and makes sense and I’ll stop acting like an asshole.”
“Shut up-”
It got to the point that the team was very concerned and had planned to sit the two of you down of intervention. But, they never seem to get a good time to sit you down, everyone was busy and despite their concerns, they actually enjoy the words that were being thrown about between the two young lads of the team. 
“I am here to grace you with my presence,” You announced as you enter Peter’s room.
Natasha and Clint hearing Peter groan, “Oh Lord, what have I done to deserve this?”
Ten minutes later the two hear you laughing as you exit Peter’s room, “Get a hobby!” Peter shouted.
“My hobby is making fun of you when you talk!”
The insults don’t stop there, it happens everywhere and anywhere, even at dinner with the team as you sat across each other, playing footsies under the table.
“I’m a highly educated person, for your information,” You were offended.
Bruce was about to intervene from Peter saying something hurtful but he was too slow as Peter replied, “Doubtful,” As you gasped, you saw the twinkle in his eyes that everyone seemed to miss, “ Sometimes, I wonder if you were dropped when you were a baby.”
“Fuck you, Parker.”
“Boys-!” Steve interjected as the two of you fall silent.
Your insult battle had even appeared in a battle with the bad guy, somehow you and Peter wormed in a conversation in the middle of fighting the bad guy. You’d think the team would actually appreciate the banter if they actually knew that you and Peter were dating and meant to no harm to each other
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“You're annoying,” You hissed as Peter smirks at you.
At that point, the team was about to raid the living room to start a meeting with the pair of you that you should be nicer to each other. However, they were stopped short with Peter’s reply.
“But, you love me.”
You scoffed, “Doesn't make you less annoying.”
Standing in the open archway, the team looks on at the two boys who had no idea the team was behind them. Peter tackles you into a loving hug and mounted you, as he put little kisses on your face as you struggle to get out of his grip. 
“Peter!” You moaned, pouting, “This isn’t fair!”
“Don’t care,” He snaps back and goes back in kissing all areas of your face, “Let me love you, you coward!”
The team leaves the two boys in the living room, thinking they didn’t need to worry about you two at all.
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t-lostinworlds · 4 years
Hold On (Tom Holland)
a/n: hello, surprise? but yes, so, i was kind of in a funk for a bit and when that happens, i write angst. then i heard the song (i was listening to my sad playlist as u do aha) and here we are. i wrote this fairly quick so bear with it as it may seemed rushed (it is) so it may be bad heh. also, i suggest listening to the song while reading for full effect.
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pairing: tom holland x female reader summary: You locked yourself in the bathroom when things got overwhelming. Tom felt worried when it went quiet inside for too long, heart stopping by what he saw when he broke through the door. based on song: Hold On - Chord Overstreet warnings: drug overdose (vaguely written & only on tom's pov), angst, brief panic attack, open(?) but happy ending. word count: 3.2k+
masterlist on bio & pinned post
"I can't do better in helping if you don't tell me what's wrong Y/N," Tom said softly, concerned eyes staring right into your troubled ones.
He had his arms open wide as he slowly inched towards your trembling form, making sure to not get too close, too fast. He doesn't want to overwhelm you by being all over your personal space, he doesn't want to stress you out even more by crowding you. Tom knew he needed to be gentle, patient, giving you enough space to breath but also showing that you can jump into his arms whenever you need to, whenever you're ready to.
"That's the thing Tom, I don't know what's wrong," you started with a shaky intake of breath. "I just feel this pit in my stomach and sometimes it gets so overwhelming in my head about everything, about what I'm even doing with my life, if I'm doing enough, if I am enough. I'm overthinking about everything and I just feel so lost and angry for not knowing what's wrong with me. And I—I am so tired," you admitted, tears slipping down your cheeks as you ran your palm over your face in frustration.
To see your agitated state, to hear the hurt and frustration in your voice, added with your heavy words, it just broke Tom's heart to pieces. You didn't need to elaborate what you meant by 'being tired' because he understood, both physically, emotionally, but especially mentally. And Tom's frown could only deepen as you continued.
"And you can't do better Tom, you don't need to. You've already done so much for me. You've put up with my shit for so long. I've already put you through so much," you trailed off at the end of your sentence, bottom lip quivering as you stared at him with utter guilt.
The look of distress on his features was hurting you so much. You just want to see him happy, that's what he truly deserves. But now it seems like you're not giving him that anymore. Not giving him enough happiness, just nights of him being worried about you, stressed because of you.
"I feel like lately, all I've done is be a burden to my family, to everyone in my life, but even more to you."
Tom shook his head frantically as he took a few steps forward. "No, don't say that love," he whispered.
Once he reached a safe distance, he gently took your hand in his, touch soft, comforting. You let him hold you, eyes trained on the way your fingers intertwined but never looking up. You couldn't bear to hold his gaze, especially with the obvious sadness that swam in them.
"Darling, look at me," Tom coaxed, giving your hands a tender squeeze. With a deep intake of breath, you willed yourself to meet his eyes again. Those brown orbs bring you so much happiness, and to see them filled with everything but, to know that you're the sole reason why they're not coated with that lovely glow, it only makes you feel guiltier.
"You know that's not true Y/N," he said firmly, but you only shook your head at him with a soft whimper, his voice unable to break through the loud screams that filled your mind.
"Angel, you are not a burden to me. I'll always be here for you no matter what, remember? Didn't I promise you that, love?" Tom tried again, both hands going to cup your face as he gently wiped your tears away with his thumb. "When I said I wanted to be here for you, with all the joy and the chaos, all the demons we're made of, I meant that with every beat of my heart Y/N."
"But you deserve so much better Tom," you croaked, nimble fingers wrapping around his wrists, leaning into his warm touch with bottom lip jutted out as fresh tears dampened your cheeks once more.
"No, I don't," Tom objected. "You're all I want, all I ever need, please believe that, believe me Y/N," he whispered, forehead pressed up against yours as his eyes held nothing but truth.
Still, it wasn't enough to help subside the roaring demons in your mind. Not because Tom didn't hold any importance or his words any power, no, he's everything to you. But tonight they just happen to be a lot stronger, the loud and guttural voices. They were blocking anything that's trying to get through to you, blocking the only thing that always seemed to easily get through to you which was Tom.
"I just—I need to think. I-I need to be alone," you muttered under your breath. Although reluctant, Tom nodded, figured that if that was what you wanted, then he will give it to you.
"Okay," he sighed, placing a tender kiss on your forehead, the warmth of his lips on your skin making you close your eyes with a shaky breath. It was a sweet, rather mundane kiss, but it was one that lasted a few seconds longer than normal before he lets you go. Tom's grip around you slowly loosened, your heart growing heavier as you feel his touch gradually disappear.
You quickly turned on your heel with your head down, arms wrapped around your body to stop you from crumbling to the floor. Tom hesitantly stood still in his place, a certain feeling in his gut growing as he watched you walk towards the bathroom. As you were about to shut the door, his voice stopped you.
"Y/N?" he called out.
You turned around with a hum, meeting those brown orbs you've grown to adore with every inch of you. So many emotions were swimming in them, but only one struck you the most, even more so when he opened those lips to let it out into the air, loud, clear and sincere.
"I love you."
You gave him a small smile, trying your best to suppress your sobs as more tears ran down your cheek. And softly, you said,
"I love you too Tom, so much."
There was something about the way your voice trembled that made Tom feel even more uneasy, but he decided to let it go, thought that it was just him stressing over nothing at all.
The bathroom door slamming shut was what he heard next, a frustrated hand running through his hair as he stared at the white painted wood for a whole minute. With a sharp exhale of breath, Tom looked at it for a few seconds more.
Once he heard the running water on the sink, he made his way out of your shared bedroom, body slumped with deep frown still intact. His demeanor was quick to catch the attention of his brother who was sitting on the living room couch, the only other person in the house as of the moment.
"Is she okay?"
Tom could only flash Harry a sad, forced smile, not speaking any words as he went straight to the kitchen to get you some water and a bit of food. You haven't eaten anything yet and it was worrying him even more.
It wasn't long until Tom was back in the bedroom, setting the glass of water and the plate of your favorite sandwich on the nightstand.
The silence that filled the room was uncanny, nervousness coating the lad slowly as he stood completely still. Tom's eyes landed on the closed door of the bathroom, a lump forming in his throat as he found the negative thoughts that grew in his mind harder to ignore.
He took long strides towards the door, pressing an ear on the surface as he tried to listen to something, hoping to hear anything. Tom felt his heart quicken its pace as the silence screamed in his ear, brain quick to jump into horrible, dreadful conclusions.
"Darling? Are you okay in there?" he called, fingers twitching as his eyes landed on the metal knob.
No response...
"Darling?" Tom tried again, voice even louder, fear growing stronger as he grabbed the doorknob, chills running down his spine once the cold surface touched his skin.
"Y/N, if you're not going to answer I'm kicking this fucking door down," Tom growled frantically, grip on the doorknob tightening as he tried to shake it open.
With an anxious breath, Tom walked away until he reached a safe distance, lifting a leg up and with all his might, kicked the door just by the keyhole, the wood snapping in its place as it swung open.
Tom ran inside but immediately froze, blood drained out of his whole body at the sight of you, heart coming to a halt for a full second as he shook his head in utter fear.
"No, no, no," he rushed, scrambling towards your limp, unconscious form on the white tiled floor, the bottle of painkillers right beside you, so close to empty. Tom was breathing rapidly as he pulled you onto his lap, vision turning blurry as he cleared the hair away from your face.
"Y/N! Wake up love, p-please wake up," Tom stammered, fingers shaking as he brought it up to your neck to the side of your windpipe, urgently feeling for your heartbeat. Cold sweats coated his entire body once he felt a faint one. It was there, but barely.
"No, don't—p-please don't leave me!" he cried out, head pounding as he shifted in his place, adrenaline at an all-time high as he hoisted you up in his arms. "Harry! Harry please!" Tom screamed after his brother as he rushed outside the bathroom and into the hallway, the lad in question rushing towards his brother's voice with sheer worry on his freckled face.
"Start the car! Her breathing is getting slower," Tom choked on his words. The twin didn't waste any time as he bolted towards the kitchen island to grab the keys and went straight to the front door, held it open until Tom was out with you, alarmingly unmoving in his hold.
Once the car door was slammed shut with you and Tom in the backseat, Harry veered right out of the driveway and drove fast like your life depended on it, because it did.
Tom kept you close to his heaving chest, mumbling sweet but desperate nothings against your hair, silently praying as he tried his best to contain his shock.
The slower your heart beats, the faster Tom's heart raced, your body cold to the touch, his head spinning at the dreadful feeling. Tom felt so helpless just staring at your expressionless features, his clammy palms resting on your cheek as he kept talking to you.
"Hold on, I still want you angel, please hold on," he whispered over and over, hoping that you were able to hear him, hoping that the sound of his voice will stop you from fading into the light.
He was glad that the drive to the hospital was only five minutes away, but with you lying still, turning colder by the second in his arms, time seemed to go slower, agonizingly slower. There was no doubt that it was the longest, most painful five minutes Tom has ever endured in his life.
The bright hospital lights were blinding the moment Tom rushed inside with you in his arms, his voice hoarse as he screamed for help until the nurses came to your aid. They took you away on the table, your whole body lying motionless as they checked for your pulse. He didn't want to let you go, didn't want to let you out of his sight in fear that it would be the last time he'll see you with a bit of life left. But despite his protests, he was met by double doors slamming closed on his face.
Both of Tom's hands tugged at his hair in pure agitation, bottom lip caught between his teeth to try and suppress his sobs. He was pacing anxiously as his eyes kept steady on the door of the room where you disappeared into, lungs struggling to provide oxygen, unable to keep up with his raging heart.
He felt a hand grabbed at his shoulder, unable to see the person as they immediately pulled him in for a tight hug. But he didn't need to, he knew who it was, he knew what his brother's embrace felt like. Tom's whole body shook in Harry's hold as loud and broken sobs came out of him, arms wrapping around his brother for mere support, knowing that his legs are about to give out any second.
"I d-don't want to lose her, I can't lose her H-Harry, I—" Tom felt his throat start to close up, his grip around his younger brother turning vice-like as he gasped for air.
"Hey, hey Tom, breathe," Harry rushed, grabbing Tom's shoulders, pulling him away and holding him in arm's length. "You're alright, just breathe."
Tom shut his eyes tight and tried to regain his breathing, calming himself as best as he could. A whimper came out of him as he shook his head slowly, opening his eyes to meet Harry's with nothing but utmost fear and pain swimming in them.
"I c-can't imagine a world without her, I can't—"
"Then don't. You're not losing her Tom. She's going to be fine. She's a very strong girl. You, out of all people, know that," Harry reassured, giving his shoulder a squeeze for good measure.
"Fuck, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have left her alone. I knew something wasn't right before she even—I should've tried harder," Tom sobbed as he ran his shaking fingers through his hair, bottom lip quivering as he casted his eyes on the floor in shame.
"Tom you did the best that you could. No one could've seen this coming. Y/N wouldn't want you blaming yourself. You know it hurts her when you blame yourself," Harry said softly, rubbing his back comforting as he shot him a knowing look.
Tom rubbed the nape of his neck as he nodded with deep, strangled breaths. He pressed his lips into a tight line as he didn't say another word because Harry was right. You always get even more upset when you see him blame himself for something out of his control.
"You just sit here and wait alright? I'm going to get you some water."
He only shot Harry a small but thankful smile, the younger lad giving him one last hug before he disappeared down the opposite side of the hallway.
Tom cleared his mind and thought of nothing but you being safe. You are going to be safe, alive and well, because he wouldn't know what to do with himself if you weren't.
It was an hour and half later until the doctor came out. Tom scrambled on his feet as she asked about who was there for you. His nails were digging into his palms, creating crescent shapes on the skin as he held his breath, dreadfully waiting for her to speak.
"We've managed to pump all the drugs out of her system. She's stable now but still unconscious," the doctor said. Tom lets out a big puff of breath, his whole body relaxing as he felt the weight of the universe lift off his shoulders. Tom grabbed onto Harry for support once he almost lost his balance, just feeling relieved to hear that you were fine, still breathing.
"Is she going to be okay?" Harry asked when Tom can't seem to form any words, the older brother squeezing his shoulder as a way to silently say thank you.
The doctor nodded with a small smile. "We still need to keep a close eye on her until she makes a full recovery. There are still a few dangers that can occur given that she's consumed quite a handful."
Tom stood straighter as he cleared his throat, "Can I see her?"
"Right this way."
The sound of the soft beeps of the heart rate monitor oddly felt comforting to Tom as he entered the room. It was a mixture of relief but also hurt the moment his eyes landed on your sleeping form, hooked up to all these wires and tubes as you lay peacefully on the white bed.
He would've just stood still on his place, just staring with a deep from if Harry hadn't given him an encouraging tap on back. Tom flashed him a small smile before Harry closed the door, giving Tom some time alone with you for as long as he needed.
Slowly, he made his way over to your side, pulling up a chair beside the bed and letting out a shaky breath once he sat down. It was when he reached over to hold your hand did Tom start to bawl his eyes out, body shaking with full on sobs as he lifted your nimble fingers and pressed it on his damp, flushed cheek.
"You're okay. You're going to be okay love," he whimpered, not sure if he was saying those words to reassure you or himself. He turned his head to place a warm, tender kiss on your palm before he cupped your hand with both of his, his thumb sweetly stroking the back of it.
"It may sound selfish but you know I can't just let you go. I'm not that strong. Not as strong as you," Tom paused, giving your hand a squeeze, just waiting patiently for you to return it. "So, come on, darling, come back to me," Tom begged, a choked sob following after as his teardrops soaked the white sheets.
"I still need you. I will always need you," he continued, voice merely above a whisper as he tried his best to keep his breathing steady. "You're going to wake up and tell me to take you home, yeah?"
"We're going home," Tom breathed out with a small nod. "You're going to come back to me, and we're going home." Tom's voice broke at the end of his sentence, his head dropping low as he screwed his eyes shut, an overwhelming feeling rising in him that he couldn't stop the tears from falling continuously.
Tom just wants you to be back in his arms, wants you safe and warm in the comfort of your shared bed. He just wants to hear your hearty laugh echo in the kitchen as you make breakfast together. He wants to hear your scolding whenever he leaves dirty clothes on the floor, or the little arguments on whose turn it was to load the dishwasher.
Tom just wants to take you home.
Then once you do, once you come back home, he will take your hand and make things right, help make things better. And with all that he is, all that he has, with every beat of his heart, Tom will swear to love you all his life.
"Come home to me Y/N."
It was then Tom felt it, the light squeeze around his hand, his head shooting up as he looked at you expectantly. It was completely unmatched, the utter joy and relief that coated every inch of his bones. The sound was music to his ears, happiness filling him up to the brim once he heard your sweet, lovely voice.
“Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You’re alive for a reason so don’t ever give up.” – Unknown
like, reblog & leave a comment if you liked it and tell me your thoughts <3
Overall/Everything Taglist: @theunwantedomega​​ @vinylmendes​​ @fallinfortom​​ @disneysamara​​​ @avengersficwriter​​​ @musicalkeys
Tom H. Taglist: @hollandfanficlove @averyfosterthoughts @2018shawn @darlingspidey @namoreno @spacebitch2 @hollanddolanfangirl @keepingupwiththehollands @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @unbelievableholland @kittenruby @sunkisseddreamer @worldoftom @quaksonhehe @big-galaxy-chaos @clara-licht @dummiesshort @imanativeofswlondondahling​ @harrysthicccthighs​ @perspectiveparker​ @chloecreatesfictions​ 
just let me know i u want to to be removed from the taglist love:)
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prinxlyart · 4 years
Would you be interested in providing any Willumity headcanons you have?
Y’all are after my heart I stg
CONSTANTLY needs to be touching at least one of them if at all possible; she loves holding their hands and playing with their fingers, linking arms, arms over shoulders, even just pressed up against each other so their arms are touching, she just NEEDS that contact. She gets antsy if they’re nearby and she can’t be by their sides.
Likes to nuzzle her face into her girlfriends’ necks and just sort of live there when she gets the chance to be extra clingy. She likes the feeling of being completely surrounded by her girlfriend’s presence.
Sleep schedule?? With ADHD ??? Not likely. She’ll be up at odd hours with the need to do something and will often times find herself thinking of ideas she can make her girls happy. She’ll either jot down ideas or just mindlessly sketch and think about “oh, I think Willow said something about wanting to grow human pumpkins, I should get a packet of seeds next time I visit Mamí” and “Amity mentioned off-hand at dinner how tired she was lately, I should treat her to a spa day this weekend.....that might be costly, maybe I can set it up from home??" And then she’ll get so caught up in researching different things that suddenly the sun is up and she’s only had like 3 hours of restless sleep but she’s excited regardless because she’s got plans to make her girls happy that she’s eager to get started on.
Sometimes she’ll just be so happy when she’s with her girls she’ll just start crying. Willow and Amity would of course be immediately alarmed but Luz reassures them they’re happy tears because she loves them so much. Willow and Amity always cover her in kisses after she’s done crying
For the first few weeks of dating (either one or both of them) she is a complete mess. She goes through a LOT of internal doubt that she doesn’t make known that drives her crazy. Luz and Willow are always patient and understanding and just kiss the space between her eyebrows whenever they catch her frowning and having one of her inner spirals. Amity eventually breaks down and confesses her fear that she doesn’t deserve them. She’s never had something so good in her life and good things have been taken from her before under the pretense of “only good girls get nice things” (thanks Mr and Mrs blight for ruining a perfectly good child. Look at her. She’s got anxiety). She’s scared they’ll realize one day just how horrible she is based on her actions in the past and they’ll leave her (in Willow’s case, again). After Luz and Willow THOROUGHLY reassure her that they’re not going anywhere, she just ends up being clingy whenever those fears creep back up. Whenever those fears DO crop back up, she has the tendency to approach either one of her girls and just rest her forehead against them silently, internally reminding herself that nothing is taking them away from her. Luz and Willow pick up on this behavior and whenever it happens, they drop what they’re doing (if they can) and just smother Amity in love until she feels better.
She has a hard time doing eye contact for a variety of reasons, but as a result she likes giving them hugs and kisses from behind. She really enjoys being able to wrap her arms around their waists and just plop her chin on their shoulders and see what they’re doing.
Very easily jealous (related to the fear of losing them). Depending on whether or not she knows the person, she’ll glare daggers at anyone she sees trying to hit on either of her girls. One time she caught someone making Luz visibly uncomfortable from across the room, stomped over angrily, and just pulled Luz into a searing kiss that she almost dipped her into because she was kissing her so hard. She definitely left Luz breathless and giddy and the look she gave the other person made them nearly shit their pants. She watched v smugly as the other person walks away looking sheepish and terrified. She considers it one of her proudest moments.
She adores helping her girls with whatever they need. No matter how little, she always offers either her help or solutions. These usually result in a hug or a kiss as thanks that she quietly cherishes.
I think Willow is just in shock for a while when she first begins her relationship with Luz and Amity. For so much of her time growing up she’s been alone, or nearly alone, and heartbroken since Amity first ended their friendship as kids. It’s taken a lot for her to be able to bring her walls down; she’s spent years building them to keep the bullies at bay. While she loves her girls, it’s hard for her to accept that love in return. Not that she thinks she doesn’t deserve it, she just genuinely doesn’t know how to process being on the receiving end of so much love. For the first few weeks (months maybe?) of their relationship she just doesn’t know how tor respond to Luz’s spontaneous shows of affection or Amity sometimes coming up from behind and just hugging her to hug her. Her face essentially becomes a loading wheel because she doesn’t know how to process the affection.
Once she gets into the groove of being in a relationship, she finds herself easily reciprocating the displays of affection her girls give her; cheek kisses, forehead kisses, nose kisses, hugs of all varieties. She likes being able to magically conjure their favorite flowers for special occasions, but for regular days she actually likes to get them little snacks she knows they enjoy. Luz likes stuff with peanut butter and Amity likes fruit-based sweets (strawberry [or boiling isles equivalent] being her favorite). If she ever finds she has the time, she’ll try to make the treats herself, but she often just gets them from a bakery or sweets shop in town.
She loves when her girls get cuddly. There’s something about having their weight around her that brings her a sense of peace and comfort. It’s also nice to feel wanted when they get clingy.
She’s never been particularly bothered by her weight, but on rare occasion she’ll feel upset by her tummy rolls or how much fat she has on her arms despite her workouts. On those days, Luz and Amity get EXTRA clingy, especially in regards to whatever body part Willow is self conscious about at the time. Arms? They link arms with her for as much of the day as they can and squeeze her arms and whisper to her how impressed they are with how strong she is but how soft her hugs are. Tummy? Lots of hugs where they can whisper to her how huggable she is. By the end of the day, any self-consciousness is thoroughly banished and she’s reduced to a blushing mess.
She loves being able to just. Lift her girlfriends at any given moment. They’re both beanpoles and she works with giant dangerous plants every day. Lifting her girls is a piece of cake. She especially enjoys watching them turn into bright red flustered messes whenever she does this. She also enjoys when she sets them down and can feel how warm their faces are when she kisses them. It’s a secret source of pride in her heart.
She’s not inherently clingy like her girlfriends are, but she immediately adapts to their language of touch. She learns what sort of touches mean what: when Amity has her forehead on her Willow knows she’s having a bad day. Whenever Luz just sort of flops into her lap, she’s either very tired or upset about something and Willow knows to just start running her fingers through her hair. She knows that Luz kisses her temple when she expresses gratitude. She knows Amity has difficulty with eye contact and learns what kind of mood Amity is in by the way she holds her hand. She becomes fluent in touch as an unspoken language between her girls.
I could go on for days but this is already a lot lol. This was a lot of fun though!
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stydiaeverafter · 3 years
Ch2: Hidden Nightmares
Summary: Heather helps Ray through his nightmares but also worries about her own—her future.
Rated: T
Warnings: PTSD from the challenges of Panic
A/N: Thank you for all the kind words! I'm excited to continue this story between Nillhall. As much as I love writing from Ray's POV, I will be switching back and forth as the story goes on. I hope you all enjoy it!
Read on ao3
"I'm scared I'm falling in love with you." Heather could not get those words out of her head. They were floating alongside so many feelings that she couldn't ignore, even if she wanted to.
"I'm scared, too." It was the truth. Ray had been right. Since the challenge, everything frightened Heather. Sometimes she didn't know which way was up from down.
After she received the money from the Bagman, Heather was living in a constant state of anxiety. It didn't help that someone had thrown a scarecrow dummy at her car—a warning that Panic wasn't through with her, that she was being watched.
Though, she had been the fool and hadn't told anybody about it. Heather had wanted to wait to see if anything else would happen. Plus, she knew that Ray would freak, and she didn't want him going off the deep end, primarily because of her.
Besides worrying if someone wasn't through with her yet, the money would be stolen. The challenge was just beginning. Heather also thought about the relationship with Ray.
They were in the beginning stages of figuring out what this all meant between them. Heather had joked, saying, "We don't have to fall in love, Ray,"  but she realized soon after that the falling was inevitable.
Heather had been falling in love with him since he finally had opened up to her at the Player's Ball. Even though she had tried to push anything serious from her mind, fate had a different path for her.
Ray brought out a wild, not-so-sheltered side of her. It was fun, exciting, and new. Natalie, before leaving Carp, had warned her for the millionth time, saying men like Ray don't always change. But the problem was that many people didn't actually know the real Ray Hall. They saw what was surface deep—not the man behind the iron mask.
She was taking the time to really get to know Ray after so many years of witnessing the facade.
It had been almost a month since the game and surrounding herself around Ray Hall. Heather tried to keep digging to get to know him, even though they had difficulty keeping their hands off each other. There was a chemistry between them that was electrifying. She knew he felt it, too, as he would often tremble when they kissed.
They had hooked up a few times, still not having sex, and she was grateful he was willing to take it slow after what had happened at Graybill Manor.
However, Heather couldn't stop thinking about that. This part Natalie didn't have to warn her about. It was only the truth that Ray had hooked up with many girls and had since their freshman year. As she replayed Graybill Manor often in her mind, Heather still couldn't figure out why he had gotten so upset. Part of her whispered that it was because what was going on between them had been different for him, special,  and when she had said, "What's the big deal," it had stuck him in the heart. But was that the real reason? Maybe so, now that she knew he was falling for her. But would it last? In her mind, she was sometimes scared she was one of the many on his list, and when he was bored, he'd throw her to the side. However, her heart would beat, saying that was a lie. This man loves you. He'll wait.
Heather had fumbled a lie saying she wasn't a virgin, but the truth was, she very much was. She had wanted to wait for the right person and always thought it would be with Bishop. But they had failed romantically, and that was okay. Sometimes just being best friends was enough.
Being around Ray, her thoughts shifted, and more and more did she want her first time to be with him. But how could she tell him that? Unless he already knew. That man was perceptive.
She looked over at him, sleeping in the sun on his boat as she wrote ideas for her stories that would probably never be published. The way he encouraged her to write was as beautiful as watching the sun touch his face in the light.
His arms were folded, and his eyes were closed in a peaceful way. He looked younger this way, not the troubled adolescent who had been forced to grow up too soon, even though she knew exactly how that felt.
Ray truly was gorgeous, and she resisted the urge to run her fingers down his cheek. Instead, she gripped her pen tightly and continued to write.
Writing gave her purpose. The inner words, too scared to speak, found their escape into the world. Heather wanted so desperately to take her writing a step further. But to do that, college was a must. She had more than enough money, but part of her was scared to use it, and the other part didn't want to leave Lily or Ray. This hadn't been the first time Heather considered taking her sister with her, but could she give her the life she deserved? It sure would be a hell of a lot better than what their mom was giving them. But it was a custody battle she didn't want to play, even though she was 18 now.
That didn't stop Heather from still applying to the University of Austin, the place she always saw herself going. She looked back down at Ray, wondering how he would take the news that she had applied. Heather knew he had changed a lot from the boy before Panic, but would he be willing to do long-distance?
Her thoughts evaporated as Ray started thrashing around, whimpering in his sleep. She closed her notebook and made her way over to him.
"No...don't...don't leave me. Heather..." She froze at his words, wondering if he knew exactly what she had been thinking only seconds before. "No, help. No...."
Heather knew Ray spoke in his sleep, especially with his nightmares—the unfortunate pleasure of having a traumatic past—but this seemed unusual. Worse in numerous ways, especially given how Ray was shaking like a scared child.
"Ray! Ray, wake up." Heather shook his bare arms as he tossed around the small boat. "Ray!"
Finally, his eyes shot open, and he gazed up at her as Heather attempted to block the sun from his eyes.
"Heather?" Ray asked after a moment, sitting up slightly, his body covered in sweat.
"It's me. I'm here," Heather replied, bending down to gently kiss his forehead. "Are you okay? You were having another nightmare."
Instead of answering right away, he just gazed into her eyes as if he were getting lost in something that only he could see. Then all of a sudden, Ray shook his head and ran a hand through his already messy curls. "I'm fine. Sorry to worry you."
"How often are you getting them?"
"Nah," Ray shrugged, "it's not a big deal. Just my fucked up brain." He ran his fingers gently through her hair, a habit that had formed since spending so much time together. "No worries, babe."
"Ray, stop it." Heather gripped his hand tightly, and he froze, "Don't do that! Please don't push me away. It's a big deal to me if it's hurting you." She placed her palm against his warm cheek, and the facade disappeared instantly as Ray closed his beautiful blue eyes.
It still took a lot for Ray to be vulnerable, but he would for her. Sometimes though, it took a bit of convincing. Old habits die hard. She was working on letting someone in as well.   In her past, Heather had to be a closed-off box inside her own comfort zone—being with Ray expanded everything she knew. It was scary but worth it.
"I'm sorry," Ray responded, opening his eyes. "I don't mean to be an asshole, especially not to you. I appreciate that you want to be there for me. Guess I'm still getting used to it, though." Heather nodded with a smile, confirming that she understood the journey and making positive changes. He sighed deeply as he took her hands into his lap. "The dreams?" Heather bit her lip, waiting for when he was ready. "You. Lately, so many of them are about you."
"Me?" He nodded. Heather squeezed his hand, "Can you tell me what this one was about?"
Ray glanced up at her, with a crestfallen expression, "You left me again."
Her heart stopped in her chest—Ray must've known. Heather cleared her throat, "Left you how exactly?"
"It was the fire this time. I could see your lifeless body on the ground as we tried to do CPR. But...it didn't work. Just a reminder that even when I ran in to help you, I was the one who couldn't save you."
Heather gasped and held her breath, "You ran into Graybill?" He nodded with a sad defeated grin. "I had no idea. No one told me. Why didn't you?"
"Explain how I couldn't find you?" Ray shuttered, gripping her hands tightly. "You almost died, Heather; I felt like a failure."
Heather couldn't explain what that meant to her. He had tried to get to her, even if he hadn't found her. Ray had searched for her, even after their argument and him calling what had happened between them a mistake. They weren't a mistake; they never would be.
"It means the world to me that you tried, though. I hope you know that." He didn't answer her, so Heather went back to the dream, remembering to focus on the issue at hand. "But damn, I'm sorry you keep reliving it," she whispered. Heather scooted closer to him in the small space. "It was a close call, but I'm okay."
"I never know which one is worse. They're all fucking horrible." Ray let go over her hands and covered his eyes with a groan, "Last night's dream, you fell off the plank, right through my damn fingers."
"The challenge is over, Ray. We both made it out in one piece." Now was definitely not the time to tell him about the weird dummy being thrown at her car. She really didn't want to send him into a nervous breakdown.
"Maybe that's what Panic does to you, though, screws with your mind even after it's over."
Heather sighed, "But the nightmares are only of me?"
"Yeah, and I fuckin' hate it. I'd rather it be me."
She shook her head rapidly—Heather wouldn't want that...never. "No, don't say that. Listen, I know they're probably terrifying as all hell, but I'm okay. See?"
He nodded but didn't look at her. Heather could tell that Ray was still far away in that mind of his. "Ray, I'm here." Heather took his hands and placed them firmly on her shoulders. "Feel me. I'm not leaving you."
Ray finally peered at her. The look reminded her of the day he told her he was scared he was falling in love with her. "Promise?"
It was a double-edged sword making the promise to Ray. If she got accepted into UT, Heather would be leaving him unless he came with her, which she doubted he would. But she had to do something to alleviate his worries, at least for a little while. "I promise, sweetheart."
His lips were on hers before she realized Ray had moved. "I love it when you call me that."
She smiled at his words spoken against her mouth, feeling a small dose of relief. But as he kissed her softly, Heather felt like she could cry at the desperation behind it. As much as she yearned to leave Carp, she was terrified to say goodbye to Ray Hall—the man she loved.
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senjutobiirama · 4 years
BokuAka fic recs
@lnsouke asked for some BokuAka recs, so here’s a list of some of my favorite BokuAka fics!
♥ = personal favorite
First of all, literally anything by norio, who’s like THE BokuAka author, but my favorites so far are:
if kisses were fishes, then i'd be an ocean (G | 4.600)
notice me kouhai (G | 4.400)
nine hundred lies (G | 8.400)
the volleyball is beautiful tonight (G | 2.400)
one in a hundred (G | 4.000)
apowlogize (G | 2.300)
Fight! The Exciting Adventures of a High School Girl! The Fire Will Never Die! (G | 1.900 | Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun AU)
i put my hand out, unfolded, into the sunlight by carafin G | 3.700
In which Bokuto Kotarou is woefully inept at conveying his feelings, and Akaashi Keiji has a sort-of superpower. Sort of. Next to him, Komi is chewing his cupcake dutifully, albeit with obvious effort. Washio has assumed a completely neutral expression on his face, although Akaashi thinks that his eyes might be watering. Sarukui, having seemingly demolished the entire thing out of sheer willpower alone, looks like he deeply regrets every single choice that has led to this precise moment in his life. ‘It isn’t too bad, huh?’ Bokuto says, grinning. ‘I made them in our school colours, so they’re like, marbled black and white chocolate swirls! Do you guys want more?’ Sarukui looks like he might pass out at the thought alone. Komi pauses mid-chew to shake his head weakly. ‘I’ll have more,’ Akaashi says, to the general astonishment of everyone.
From the text logs of Bokuto Koutarou by koikawa T | 2.800
(To: Keiji) akaashi!!!!! I got a new phone!!! (From: Keiji) Who is this (To: Keiji) it’s your best friend in the whole world!!!! (From: Keiji) Konoha-san?
legs killed the owl by dalyeau T | 1.900
He's not smiling anymore an hour later, after he's fucked up four perfect spikes that Akaashi tossed carefully for him because he's too distracted by the lean, elegant line of Akaashi's legs, kneepads dark against the white of Fukurodani's gym.
third wheel by arsenicjay T | 4.500
"So you and Bokuto, huh?" Akaashi's attention snaps back to Kuroo and he gives the other boy a blank stare. "What about us?" Or, Kuroo figures out that Bokuto is interested in Akaashi long before Bokuto does himself and being the kind friend that he is, tries to help them along.
pink roses for the couple at the back by orphan_account T | 4.800
The first-year, who Kuroo assumed to be Akaashi, seemed to grow more dead inside as the two approached them, and Kuroo couldn’t help the smirk on his face as Fukurodani’s setter patted Akaashi’s shoulder and departed with a pitying, “Good luck, Akaashi-kun.” Akaashi barely looked at him as he dryly said, “Thank you, Uchido-san.” “AGHASHEE!” Kuroo briefly wondered if that was how Bokuto always pronounced his name, then snorted when he saw the first-year close his eyes and mutter a bitter, “Fuck you, Uchido-san.” alternatively: bokuaka is in love but in kuroo's point of view.
our destiny, in ourselves by drifloon G | 6.600
Akaashi was probably thinking about how stupid he was for having said yes to this, a day at the zoo when it wasn’t even that warm yet, March air keeping everyone on their toes. But the sun was out and shining, and for a first date, the weather was good. Not that this was a date, Koutarou quickly corrected himself. Just a last hurrah while they were still teammates. A last chance to see each other before it was all over.
5 tips to get your guy by Mizaaistom G | 5.900 | ♥
Second-year Bokuto gets fantastic dating advice from his sister’s magazines.
Something good can work by choir T | 3.700
“Do you want to date, Akaashi?” The serve that Keiji is about to hit curves and hits Konoha in the back of the head.
idyll by mutterandmumble T | 6.600
In which a risk is taken, a list is made, there’s a piano, and somehow Akaashi gets a boyfriend out of all of it.
Victory Will Be Mine by spadebrigade T | 4.000
"Bokuto-san," Akaashi found himself saying, sweat dripping down his forehead. "If we win this match, I’ll give you a kiss."
Sphoeroides maculatus by himbokuto (hibouu) G | 1.100
Akaashi's plan to boost Bokuto's confidence has unexpected results, but he's not complaining.
desire as your holy fire by blushytobio (blanketkicks) G | 4.900
The five times Bokuto calls Akaashi by his first name. (alternate description: Akaashi’s weaknesses are Bokuto, Bokuto, and Bokuto.)
Red Reed by yuuki T | 5.200
It's Aka-ashi, Keiji wants to say every time Bokuto says his name wrong, not Ah-kashi. He never corrects him. It's easier to study if you don't talk and actually study, Keiji wants to tell Bokuto every time he fails a test. He never tells him. Everything Bokuto does makes Keiji fall in love with him, and there's a lot that Keiji doesn't tell him.
Something to Look Forward To by mousapelli T | 500
Bokuto's a bit clingy, which makes Akaashi curious what he did the whole of his first year.
Right Outside Your Window by hokshi G | 2.100
Akaashi has a frequent visitor in his classroom.
Principles by timkons G | 2.800
Akaashi has a list of Bokuto's weaknesses. Bokuto has a list of Akaashi's principles.
Observing You Observing Me by undercovermartian G | 2.700
Bokuto realizes that he doesn't know Akaashi as much as Akaashi knows him. Bokuto comes to the conclusion that this will not do so he vows to learn everything about Akaashi that he can, using his powers of observation alone. Akaashi is a weirdo and a worrywart.
soft blue by groaninlynch G | 6.000
Koutarou finds a sketchbook that he's never seen before.
Owl Notes by orphan_account T | 8.800 | Bullying and implied self-harm
Bokuto has brought an owl plushie with him to school every day since junior high. One day, while running down the hall, he crashes into someone, and loses it. It makes its way back with a note under its wing, and prompts him to search for the owl's rescuer.
Flaws Upon Your Sleeve by downtownfishies G | 9.400
First Akaashi fell hard for volleyball, which was fine. Then he made the questionable decision of falling for his team's ace.
Lumos of my Life by DeathBelle T | 6.700 | Hogwarts AU
Bokuto knows who Akaashi Keiji is. Everyone knows who Akaashi Keiji is. Bokuto has never spoken to him, but that's by personal choice. He doesn't fancy making a fool of himself. When he and Kuroo get caught sneaking out past curfew by Akaashi himself, who is a fifth-year prefect, Bokuto has no choice but to speak to him. As expected, he kind of makes a fool of himself.
Thermodynamic by Telenovela G | 5.000 | ♥
Heat can be transferred from place to place in three ways: conduction, convection and radiation.
Noctua by Telenovela G | 2.200
Every night before official matches, Bokuto and Akaashi lie side by side on the roof of Akaashi's apartment building and watch the stars together.
Maybe We're Airborne, Baby by fathomfive T | 3.100
Realizing he's got it bad for his setter is the easy part. Getting his feelings across might be the hardest thing Bokuto's ever done, not counting his literature final or putting out the flames on that birthday cake he tried to bake for Akaashi last year, or—or a lot of things, actually. But the point still stands. Reaching out to Akaashi is a leap in the dark, and he wants it more than he's ever wanted anything. He's an expert at seizing his perfect moment, at bringing victory home against the odds. So he's got this, right? It's gonna go great, right? Right? (After all, it's what you attempt with your own two hands that matters.)
wonders that remain by shizuoh T | 2.900
The door swings right open, like Akaashi had been standing there, waiting for him. He hasn't even knocked yet. Oh, jeez. He's going to die. (or: bokuto goes on his first date with the one and only akaashi keiji.)
bitter by silvercistern G | 14.000 | ♥
He accepted his classmate's chocolates gracefully, then declared his lack of interest with as much dignity as he could muster. She deserved the courtesy. At least she'd acknowledged that Valentine's Day was all about her, and not about him in the slightest. Because if any of these girls had taken the time to actually get to know him, they’d quickly realize something even more important than his lack of interest in girls. And that was that Akaashi hated sweets.
Kissing Ace by Karasuno Volleygays (ToBeOrNotToBeAGryffindor) G | 2.400
It happens right after training camp. Akaashi Keiji has a secret he has guarded since he was a child. He won’t go so far as to call it a fear, but more of an aspect of himself of which he is horribly mortified. No one on the team knows about it, and Akaashi does his best to keep it that way. But years of dodging hugs and casual contact come to naught in the blink of an eye and the swipe of a hand.
A Lesson In Anatomy by Zillyhoo T | 830
Bokuto gets his hands on a label maker, and after filling the dorm with them, he decides to get a little creative with where he starts to place them.
Notes: Bokuto Koutarou by dgalerab T | 8.700 | ♥
Bokuto knows he's a hassle, but he likes to think that Akaashi likes him. Sometimes, he even shows it. Or: 5 times Akaashi showed that he thought highly of Bokuto and 1 time that Bokuto proved he thought just as highly of Akaashi.
Karma by dgalerab T | 9.000
Akaashi pulls a muscle and Bokuto offers to help him with yoga. Akaashi knows a bad idea when he sees it, and he really only agrees because he's suddenly acquired a deeply rooted desire to see Bokuto do yoga. For multiple reasons.
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mydisasteracademia · 3 years
SFW Alphabet: Enji Todoroki
Before you start, I know, I know. For this one, I’m pretending that he and Rei are divorced (which is frankly what they need and deserve), and he’s the Number One. Please don’t yell at me about how much he doesn’t deserve anything nice.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Enji is very awkward with his affection, especially to you. Quick little hugs, head pats, maybe even a pat on the shoulder. He’s trying not to be overbearing, but he hasn’t even dated before (his engagement to Rei doesn’t count), and he hasn’t shown romantic affection since his first two children were born.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
More willing to be around you, less likely to get annoyed at your antics. You likely became friends after you recognized him on the street and asked for an autograph for a family member, he accidentally broke your only pen, and you just met for coffee to start over.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
When you’re alone together and you sidle up to him, he enjoys cuddling. You’re so small in comparison that he just enjoys curling up to you, but only if you initiate. He doesn’t want to overstep in his first relationship as a single man again.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He can cook and clean well enough. Even though I imagine him with hired help up until he’s divorced, he knows how to function by himself, especially now that the kids are gone. He’s afraid of settling down again, just because his past still haunts him too much.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Oh, it would kill him to do it. But maybe he’d get too paranoid if you being targeted just to get to him, and he’d sit you down and discuss breaking up for now. He’s not out to break your heart; he wants his loved ones safe. He spends a lot of time avoiding his feelings in the days and weeks following.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Very afraid of commitment again. After the disaster that was his first marriage, even the thought of having children is enough to have him run for the hills. It takes a lot of time and healing for him to even consider marrying someone.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He tried to be gentle with you, but sometimes his brash personality can seep out. He feels awful every time it happens and tries to make it up to you, but for the most part, he’s been successful at being careful. His touches are light, as if you were made of glass.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He appreciates hugs from certain people. He enjoys when his daughter hugs him, and it makes his day when Shouto hugs him. He doesn’t initiate them with you, waiting for you to make a move. As soon as you hug him, though, his arms are wrapping around you like a big, warm, muscley blanket.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It happens during a villain attack in your first year of friendship, when he realizes he’s both in love with and terrified of losing you. As soon as you’re safe he’s hugging you tight, saying “Don’t scare me like that, I love you”.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He can get jealous easily, especially when you’re around people like Toshinori. He knows you can do so much better than him, and some part of him wants to let you go free, but then he realizes he doesn’t want you to leave.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are shy, yet passionate, and he often goes for your forehead. He likes it when you kiss his face, especially when you tenderly kiss his scar.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s, admittedly, not as good around children. Not unless it involves training in some way. He just doesn’t have the patience or endurance to keep up with them these days.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He gets up earlier than you do, due to his work as a pro. He might wake you up to eat breakfast with him, but otherwise he leaves you a note and a plate of food, detailing when he thinks he’ll be back.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Usually tries to make it for dinner, but always ends up collapsing into bed with you, just holding you close.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s hesitant at first, given that he doesn’t want you to run off the minute you learn of his past as an abuser. It takes a lot of mutual trust before he can really open up to you, and even then he worries you’ll leave him. He starts off by peppering little things about his kids here and there, maybe some things he likes.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
This is Enji we’re discussing. Of course he’s got a temper. He tries to keep his cool these days (trust me, he was way worse before as his family can attest to), but now he’s got a better handle on his temper. He still gets irritated easily, but he doesn’t rage like he used to. Not unless he’s facing a villain.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers what he can. As we’ve seen, he has a pretty good memory about little things (think Rei’s flower), so if you tell him you like or dislike something, he’s going to remember it.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Honestly, his favorite moment was when he first discussed his past with you. You’d cried as he told you of the horrible things he did and what he was doing to atone for it, and when you said you’d support him in his path to redemption, it really touched his heart.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Extremely protective, to the point where he would voluntarily end the relationship if it meant you were safe (though that’s largely rooted in his own insecurities). But sometimes he just wants someone to hold him and reassure him too.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts everything he has into your relationship. Tries to make time for dates, gives you breakfast in bed on your birthday, every once in a while giving you little trinkets... he’s also used to doing chores on his own, so don’t be surprised if he does most of the work around the house now that it’s just him.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Oh geez, where to start? He’s still got a temper that tends to flare up on bad days. If he gets too deep into his own self-loathing he’ll go a few days without even seeing you, instead sleeping at the agency and doing work from there. Real touchy about the subject of kids/marriage/his past and will stubbornly refuse to talk about it, sometimes to the point of fighting. Too prideful to admit his misdeeds sometimes. Drinks in the evenings to numb some of the pain. Spends way too much time in the gym and often neglects his own health.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He does what needs to be done. Trims stubble, makes sure his hair is combed, takes extra care with his clothing... he wants to keep up the facade that he’s got everything together in public. When he’s alone, shirtless and sweatpants for days babey.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Depends on how far in the relationship you are. In the beginning, he’d be sad, but he would learn to push the pain down. Later on, though, he wouldn’t want you to leave. He likely wouldn’t get into another relationship after you, focusing instead on his work.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I mean, I know this is already kinda canon, but he is a very Proud Dad. In order to make up for all that he missed, he likes to keep track of his kids’ accomplishments and if you get him drunk enough he melts into this puddle of pride as he boasts about how great they’ve become. Has about dozen framed pictures of his family (and two of just Rei, one when she was discharged from the hospital and one on the day the divorce was finalized) in his bedroom and office that he looks at whenever he’s lonely.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Anyone not willing to keep him in check. That would be the big one. Anyone too judgmental and/or just plain mean. Anyone who likes to poke at his insecurities just to watch him explode. Especially not anyone who gushes about other heroes all the time (especially not Toshinori).
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He tries to keep a fairly-regular sleep schedule. He usually ends up going to bed fairly late and waking up early. Sometimes if he gets a chance to take a break during the day he’ll nap depending on how exhausting it’s been.
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
Hazel’s ABC’s
fuck i keep doing this, the moral of the story is: don’t let me write anything that’s based on a schedule bc i will forget about it. (peep @incorrect-coi-quotes ​ )
pairing ; hazel x gn!reader
wc ; 1,526
request ; nah pls just enjoy this
- day
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
She would definitely want to go horseback riding with you, but other than that, she’ll often spend time in the arts and crafts center with you, forcing you with a smile to help her paint something or maybe make a pot to hold the items you bring her from quests.
Beauty - What do the admirer s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
She loves the way your eyes light up when you smile. The way your eyes squint in amusement when Piper whispers an inside joke to you, it just makes her heart flip. She’ll often try to use knock knock jokes or things she stole from Leo to make you smile.
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Hazel might panic herself. The first time it happens she might be close to tears, calling someone over to help you in the meantime. After that first experience she’ll be way more prepared, but she still feels guilty that she was so useless the first time around. She’ll always find different ways to cheer you up if you’re down though, but if nothing works, she’ll sit in silence with you too.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Hazel really wants a small family. Further in the future, of course, but she really wants to take care of a kid with you. But if you don’t want a kid, she would settle for an animal as long as they like her.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Hazel is a mix. Most days she’s very affectionate and go with the flow, but when she’s irritated she likes to take charge. 
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Hazel really hates fighting. She tries to settle disputes as soon as she can because she doesn’t want to leave things in a bad note. 
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
She is constantly complimenting you and thanking you whenever you do something for her. She’s very aware how much you do and it makes her all the more grateful to see that you’re still doing things for her despite being busy.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Hazel will keep things to herself sometimes, but only if it’s especially important. She values honesty but finds it hard to admit things from her past or struggles she deals with these days.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You make her more comfortable in the modern world. There is still so much that Hazel doesn’t understand and she really appreciates the little history lessons you two have.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Not very. There are times she’ll get insecure because she thinks that maybe you deserve better, but she never gets angry. You can usually tell she’s jealous when she grows quiet and fiddles with pieces of her hair or tugging at her clothes. 
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Hazel got better with kisses over time. The first kiss was so innocent you nearly screamed. Her lips shyly finding yours and barely brushing against them before she jerked back suddenly, hands coming to cover her face. Your laughter and kind smile brought her to ease and soon you shared another kiss.
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
She was so much more endearing to you than she was to the others. It was apparent that she had a crush on you, but was much more quiet about it. You would have to make the first move, or at least encourage her. She’d confess soon after with a mumble of how much she liked you.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
She once tried to race you on horseback and you’d fallen off somewhere along the way. She only noticed when she won the race. When she went back to find you, she saw you sitting on the grass with arms crossed and a pout, “you didn’t even notice I fell!”
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Sweetheart mostly, but sometimes she’ll mix it up and call you baby or an endearing nickname.
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
You guys are practically besties. She knows your coffee order by heart, knows what you dislike people doing, she knows everything about you and vice versa. She swears she has a horrible memory when it comes to her friends but she can remember what you said on a Thursday night three weeks ago just fine.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
She’s cool to sneak a kiss, but she gets easily embarrassed if there are others around. She won’t mind an arm around the waist or maybe a soft kiss to her forehead, but otherwise she’s too shy to show her affection publicly.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Hazel hates conflict. When it does happen, she’s quick to resolve it and because of that, even your most serious arguments never last more than a few hours. 
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Hazel can get really creative and sneaky when she wants to be. If it were your birthday, she would probably pretend to forget (which hurt her to see the look on your face) and then surprise you with your name spelled out in candles on the beach.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Hazel is your biggest cheerleader at all times. You woke up? Yay! You ate three meals? Awesome! You made it back safely from a quest? You’re so cool! She would definitely be elated to see you achieve your goals.
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
She isn’t afraid to try new things, but the routine of her everyday life is sort of a comfort after all of the hell she’s gone through. If you needed a change of scenery or pace then she wouldn’t be opposed to it.
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
She knows nearly everything about you and vice versa, you two are extremely close. Because of this she is able to sympathize easily when you come to her with troubles and you do the same.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
The relationship is super important to Hazel because she feels like she has found a confidant that isn’t her brother. She’ll do anything to ensure that you stay with her, if not as a lover, at least as a friend.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Hazel likes cooking and often will ask you to join her. weather you can cook or not, Hazel always wins the friendly competition you two have. You think that the judges (Percy, Frank, and Piper) are probably biased, but give her the win anyway.
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
She is extremely affectionate to everyone so it is tenfold when it comes to you. She isn’t one for PDA, but when you two are alone you’ll be pampered with the best of kisses varying from your forehead, cheeks, lips, shoulders, really just anywhere she can reach. She will constantly give you back hugs while you’re working on something and likes to lay against you when she can. She just really likes touching you.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
She tries to brush it off, but finds that she misses you more than she thought she would. She keeps one of your hoodies around to sleep with at night and sprays your perfume over her pillow if the smell of you fades from your hoodie.
Zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
She’ll let you have the last bit of cereal if you want it, give you the rest of the blanket if you’re still cold, spend her last coin on you if you need it. Hazel is willing to give you anything even if you don’t ask for it, and in return she hopes you share the same thought.
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taglist ; @smileitsisa , @beneaththeiceandsnow​
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for-fucks-sake-h · 4 years
As You Held Onto Me - Five
a/n: Hiiiii! Welcome to the final chapter of ayhom! I’m SO excited to finally be sharing this with you. It’s been a long time coming. Huge, huge, HUGE, thank you for my loves for supporting me through this story @idk-who-she-is​ @andwhenshesays​ @oh-honey-styles​ I couldn’t have done it without you. And to anyone that celebrated today - Happy Mother’s Day 🌸you’re amazing and deserve the world! Alright babes, I hope you all enjoy this! xx   
Rated: M, mature // Word Count: 4.9k 
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Sometimes, love can feel like it’s everything. And sometimes, we hope it can be.
- Friday, September 27, 2030 -
You turned the shower’s water off, messily shaking your hand through your sopping hair as you slid the glass door open with your other hand and grabbed your hair wrap off the hook.  You were quick to flip your head upside down, twisting the cotton towel around your hair and securing it at the nape of your neck.  Your heart was fluttering the tiniest bit as you grabbed the plush bath towel to dry yourself off.  Lotion was hastily applied as you stood at your bathroom counter, and some oil was frivolously smoothed through your hair, your towels discarded in a ball next to your feet, deciding you could take care of them later.  
You were eager to join the party down the hall.  
With a pep in your step, you flicked your ensuite light off and made quick work of throwing on the first pair of shorts from your pj drawer, your sopping hair clinging to the material of an old, worn out Kiss shirt of Harry’s that you had conveniently confiscated years ago. And with some fuzzy socks quickly pulled on, you headed to the room at the end of the hallway, laughter becoming more prominent the closer you got.  
You already felt like your heart was in your throat as you paused at the door, slowly creeping it open as discreetly as you could.  The vision in front of you never got old.
Their laughter was infectious, practically identical in the way their noses creased and dimples etched into their cheeks. They sat on the bed, side by side as they both leaned back against the headboard, ankles crossed in the same way, most likely laughing at one of Harry’s horrible jokes.  They weren’t horrible to her though. No - to her, they held the moon in the sky.  
“Finally,” Harry chuckled when he noticed you.  
You shot him a look, one that he’d been on the receiving end of plenty of times throughout the years, and one that had a slight curl of your lips that you desperately tried to keep at bay as you walked over to them.  
“Hi, mommy!”  
You leaned down to kiss her head before sitting on the bed beside her, intertwining your arms as she rested her head on your shoulder.  
“Hi, love. Did you have a good day?”
“Yeah! How was yours? We missed you!”    
This was what you lived for - getting home after a long day to spend the evening with your two favorite people.  
“Good, happy to be home.”  You kissed her head once more, your eyes flicking up to meet Harry’s, a warm smile spread across his face.  “What have you two been up to?”  
“We got some stuff for tonight, didn’t we baby?” Harry nodded at your daughter, encouraging her to share.  
“We got face masks,” she beamed at you as you dropped your mouth open in excitement. “And daddy picked out a yellow nail polish.”  
“Did he now?” You smiled, warmth encasing your heart at how happy she looked.
“Yeah! We were just waiting for you,” she nodded, her eyes fluttering fondly as Harry kissed the back of her head.  
“Go grab them, love.” He nodded with a smirk pulling at his lips.
She was quick to crawl down to the bottom of the bed, practically skipping out of her room.
“Where’s she going?” You laughed.  
“They’re refrigerated face masks, love. All the rage.”  
“Ah, I see.”  You smiled, taking in his ruffled hair and soft hoodie, the thin layer of facial hair that scattered across his jaw and upper lip.  
He leaned down onto one elbow, inching himself closer to you. “We missed you.”
You breathed out through your nose as you ran the backs of your knuckles across his jaw, leaning down until you could rest your forehead on his. “Missed you too. I’m just glad she still wants to do this,” you admitted softly.
“Me too, baby.”  
He extended his neck enough to softly slant his mouth over yours.  He was warm and tasted like the honey you knew he put in the tea they had while you were still at work.  With one last kiss to the corner of your mouth, he pulled away, chucking two fingers under your chin.
He was gone way too soon, leaving you blinking at him as your daughter entered the room. Harry must have heard her coming and didn’t want to get caught.  He was the one that got yelled at for “always being all over mommy” after all.  The thought made you smile fondly as you watched your daughter set up the nail polish, some nail art stickers, the face masks and even a small bowl of M&M’s for you to snack on.  
“Can’t believe my baby’s gonna be ten years old tomorrow,” you shook your head in disbelief.  
She crossed her feet under her legs before smiling up at you, “Don’t cry, mommy.”  
“I’m not gonna cry,” you scoffed.  
They laughed in unison, the same boisterous laugh escaping their mouths at the same time. And you couldn’t help but laugh too as you blinked the tears from your eyes, enamored with the life you and Harry had created.  
Every year, you had spent the night before her birthday as just the three of you, even when she was too young to remember.  It was your tradition, one of many that your little family had created over the years.  As she got older, she started requesting new things; coloring night,  movie night, game night - and tonight, spa night.  It was special to you, and you knew it was special to her and Harry too.  
“What should we talk about?” Harry asked as he extended his left hand onto his daughter's knee as she opened the nail polish jar.  
“When you asked mommy to marry you,” she smiled brightly.  
Harry laughed, watching as she carefully painted the yellow polish on his first finger. “How many times can you hear that story!”
She giggled softly before her eyebrows crinkled in concentration, her tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth, the same way Harry’s did.  “Hmm, okay when you first met? Or when you told grandmom and grandpop you wanted to live together!” She rattled off stories you’d told her numerous times, her eyes trained on neatly painting her dad's nails.  
“How about a new one?” You suggested.  
You looked over at Harry, a smile pulling at his lips as he chimed in, “Yeah, was thinking when you were born?”
- Tuesday, September 28, 2020 -
It was like you could see the bright overhead lights before you even opened your eyes.  You blinked slowly, adjusting to the harshness and groggily taking in your surroundings.  A warm bed, soft socks, a faint beeping sound - it all started filtering into your senses as you came to.  It was almost blissful, being unaware and waking up to a fresh day.  
Except reality started to quickly set in and your heart rate began piterpattering as your eyes focused in on the band that wrapped around your waist and the dopplers that were attached to the sides of your belly.  You suddenly felt way too warm.  The blanket laying across your legs felt suffocating, the hospital gown itchy against your skin.
But the machine to your right - the one with the beeping, tracking your daughters heart rate - that settled you.    
“Hey, welcome back,” Jess smiled as she checked the machines you were hooked up to.  “Gave us a nice scare.”  
“What happened?” you spoke roughly, your voice cracking around your dry throat.  
“You passed out. You were dehydrated, babe.”  
“Fuck,” you breathed.
“And your blood pressure is through the roof…”  
“Fuck,” you breathed out again. “Preeclampsia?”  
She hummed in response as she sat on the edge of your bed.  “You’re okay, Dr. Wood is here. She already has you on the magnesium and everything looks okay so far.”  
“How long do we have until she has to come out?”  
Preeclampsia; a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure that, if not treated, can lead to organ damage.  And the only treatment is to not be pregnant. So you knew your baby was coming out sooner rather than later. Magnesium; a drug used to prevent seizures in women with preeclampsia, could only be administered for so long.    
“She’ll be in to talk to you soon, but they want to get you on Pitocin right away, see if it can jump start you into labor. They don’t want to mess around with it babe.”  
You sighed, already anticipating that answer. “Yeah, yeah. I know. Is she okay? Charts look alright?”  
“She’s doing great,” Jess smiled, squeezing your hand reassuringly.  
You released a deep breath, settling back into your pillow more. “Shit... did you call Harry?”  
“He’s on his way,” she nodded.  
You relaxed a bit more just knowing he would be with you soon.  And as if his ears were burning, your hospital room door burst open and your frazzled husband eagerly stormed into the room.  
“Christ baby! You okay?” He rushed as he practically power walked to the side of your bed, sitting down parallel to Jess. “Hey, Jess,” he shot her a quick glance and a smile before bringing his worried eyes back to your face.    
She laughed as she stood, squeezing your hand once more. “I’ll leave you guys to it.”  
“I’m okay,” you chuckled as Jess pulled your door closed, taking in Harry’s messy hair and creased brows.  “Was dehydrated. Passed out,” you chuckled. “And... I have preeclampsia.”
His warm hand cupped your cheek, fingers tucking behind your neck as his eyes flitted across your face. “Shit, babe. What does that mean?”  
“They’re gonna induce me.”
He nodded as he processed what you were saying. “When?”
“Now,” you smiled.  “It’s okay,” you breathed when his eyes widened.
His other hand went to your belly, fingers spreading across the roundest part. “Is she okay?”  
“Mhm. She’ll be a couple weeks early, but she’s okay. I’m considered full term.” 
“Shit, so she could come today?”  
You nodded. “That’s what we’re hoping for. It’s not ideal, but we’ll be okay.”  
He quickly leaned forward to awkwardly wrap himself around you in a hug, his face tucked into your neck.  You scratched his back with the hand that wasn’t attached to an IV, breathing in the scent of his hair.  He eased you in a way you couldn’t explain.  He didn’t even have to do anything, he just had to be.  
“Well fuck, we can be excited then? Right?” His voice was muffled as he spoke into your neck, his breath tickling you just so.  
You hummed and nodded against his cheek, suddenly feeling your throat tighten with emotion.  You’d waited so long for this to happen, and now it finally was, in the most overwhelming way possible. But you were excited to meet this tiny human that you already loved more than you ever thought was possible.      
His hand gripped the side of your neck again, his lips finding yours with practiced ease. His taste warmed you from the outside in, completely infiltrating your senses as his soft lips caressed yours.  You could feel him start to smile into the kiss, a small snicker escaping his throat as his fingers flexed into the back of your neck.  
When he pulled back, all you could focus on were his glassy green eyes, knowing your own eyes mirrored his.  
“It’s happening, baby.”  He spoke softly as you traced your thumb across his bottom lip.    
You couldn’t stop the smile from pulling at your lips, your eyes watering even more before you tugged him closer to rest your forehead against his.  
Twelve hours.  That’s how long you’d been induced before anything started to happen.  It was a slow process.  And even though you figured it would be, it still left the tiniest bit of anxiety to sit on your chest.  
Your body was not ready to give birth, having two weeks left until your due date, so it fought the Pitocin until it literally couldn’t anymore.  And you fought against the contractions the medicine brought on for as long as you could before raising the white flag and asking for the epidural, which you also knew could possibly slow down the process even more. 
Hours passed as you sat at one centimeter.  Every time your doctor came in to check, you held your breath in the hopes of progressing, just to be let down over and over.  You’d started to discuss the possibility of needing a c-section.  If your body didn’t want to let the baby out on it’s own, she was going to have to be taken by force.  
It was a little past 8pm and you were passing time with Law and Order repeats, the only saving grace available on the hospital television, when Dr. Wood knocked.  
“Okay, YN. It’s that time again,” she spoke softly as she sanitized her hands before pulling the latex gloves on.  
Harry muted the TV from where he sat next to you, a chair pulled over to the bed to sit right next to your head so he could play with your hair.  
Dr. Wood made quick work to check your cervix as you and Harry both waited with bated breath.  And then her eyes lit up.  
“Four centimeters.”  
“Oh thank god,” you breathed as you dramatically tilted your head back before laughing.  
“Yes, this is good. We’re finally getting somewhere.”  She removed her gloves as she walked towards the trash can to throw them away.  “So I’ll come back to check again in about an hour,” she walked back towards your bed, her hands casually tucked in her coat pockets. “I think we’re going to be moving a lot quicker now. Hopefully we’ll have this baby before midnight,” she smiled.  “Hope you like this date.”  
Harry scratched your head lovingly, giving you the most beautiful smile when you glanced at him.
“So relax, have some ice chips,” Dr. Wood joked, “and I’ll see you in a bit.”  
“Thank you!” You called excitedly as you grabbed your cup from the bed tray to tip some of the ice into your mouth.  “I’m so relieved,” you turned your face to Harry as you chomped on the ice noisily, letting your eyes fall closed as he scratched your head again.  
“Me too, baby.” He leaned in to place a soft kiss to your forehead.  “God, she’s gonna be here soon. Can you believe it?”  His voice was soft and full of wonder, it made your heart clench in your chest.  
“No,” you chuckled, “but I’m ready.”  
“Me too,” he kissed your head again before lowering his mouth to yours, his warm lips a soothing contrast to your cold mouth.
You were so ready.  
“You’re doing so good baby!”  Harry’s face was right next to yours, his hand gripped to your knee as you fought to keep your eyes on his.  
“Good,” Dr. Wood agreed. “Catch your breath, then you’re gonna push again, YN.”  
Your doctor, nurses and Harry had all been encouraging you like that for at least an hour. You couldn’t really be sure.  It felt like an eternity.  
“This baby’s almost here. A few more good pushes, YN. She’s right there. When you’re ready.”  
You could feel your eyes watering as you looked at Harry, watching him nod along with what Dr. Wood was saying.  “Doing so good. She’s almost here,” he spoke lowly, as if he only wanted you to hear him.
And for a second, it felt like it really was just the two of you.    
It was like your life together - the good and bad - flashed in your mind like a movie.  As if you were watching the ending credits, glimpses of your past selves and everything you had been through that brought you to this moment.      
You took a deep breath, a tear slipping down your cheek as you pushed with every ounce of strength you had. You pushed, and pushed, and pushed - and then it was like your eyes looked down on their own accord to watch your daughter enter the world.  And it was the most breathtaking moment of your life.  The nurses were congratulating you as Dr. Wood held her up for you to get a good look at her, and your husband was praising you with his hand gripped tight to your leg and his lips on your cheek.  
“You did it baby! She’s here,” he cried, kissing your clammy cheek over and over again. “Oh my god, she’s perfect. You’re perfect. I love you. I’m so proud of you.” His voice was rough with emotion but his lips were soft against your skin.  
You cried when she cried, and you watched with blurry vision as Harry cut the umbilical cord, feeling like your heart could burst from your chest.  
Finally feeling complete.
- Friday, September 27, 2030 -
“You did all that for me?”    
She looked so shocked by the end of the story that it genuinely made you laugh, Harry laughing right alongside you at her wide eyes and disbelieving tone.    
“Yes! And I would do it again in a heartbeat. You know why?”  You watched her shake her head no, her eyes still wide as saucers.  “Because I would do anything for you. Daddy too. You are the best thing that ever happened to us.”  
She smiled at that, blinking softly at you. She may have had Harry’s dimples, but that was your smile, through and through.  
“Alright, love. It’s late. Don’t want you to be tired for your birthday!” Harry spoke up after a moment before climbing out of bed.  You watched as she got herself tucked under her covers, smiling happily up to you.  He leaned down to kiss her head first, then the tip of her nose as she scrunched it up the same way Harry did.  And then you did the same before pulling the covers over her more.  
“Good night, Rae. Love you.”  
“Love you,” she whispered as you turned her light out and quietly left her room.
Harry’s hands were on your shoulders as you pulled her bedroom door closed, massaging a seemingly always present knot.  “Can you believe she’s gonna be ten tomorrow?”
“Nope,” you laughed as you turned towards him, wrapping your arm around his waist as he slung his around your shoulder to walk down your dimly lit hallway. “I know I say that every year. But every year it blows my mind.”
“Mine too.”  
He kissed your head as you made your way into your bedroom before separating at the foot of your bed.  You pulled the covers down in silence, tossing the decorative pillows onto the floor before climbing into the crisp sheets.  You watched Harry as he stripped down to his boxers before slipping in beside you, quick to pull you closer and turn you to face away from him, fitting his front perfectly against your back.  
“Do you think she’s asleep already?” he asked, his breath tickling down the back of your neck as he pulled you even closer, his hips casually flexing against you.  
“Oh my god, you’re the worst!” you laughed as you squirmed against him.  
“What?” he exclaimed, the smile evident in his tone. “Just missed you.”  
That had you humming, arching your back against him a silent plea. “Missed you too, H.” You spoke softly as you smiled into your pillow.  
“Is that a yes?” He flexed his hips again with his question. “Think she fell asleep extraordinarily fast? All that pre-birthday excitement knocked her out?”
“Mm, doubtful.” Your voice lowered when you continued. “So I guess you better be quiet.”    
“I can be quiet.”
His words and the deep timbre of his voice sent a chill down your spine in the same way his hand gripping your hip and his mouth finding your neck did. That was all it took for your body to warm, arching against him more to feel the way he was already puffing up in his boxers.  
He sucked soft kisses to your skin as he awkwardly tugged your shorts down as much as he could before you kicked them off the rest of the way.  He was quick to follow suit, pulling his boxers down his thighs so he could feel your soft skin against his own.  Your ass curved perfectly into his groin, his warm cock perfectly tucked against you, his leg hair tickling the backs of your legs, his chest flush to your back as he softly bit your shoulder through your tee shirt.  
His hands roamed your body - squeezing your thigh, your hip, your waist.  His breathing picked up against the skin of your neck as he rolled his hips against you.  You sighed happily at the way he practically massaged all your sore spots, his fingers digging into new spots every so often.  And when he pulled your hair up off your neck to suck at the spot where it met your shoulder, you couldn’t help but let out the smallest moan.  
You could feel him get harder the more he pressed himself against you, until he was straining against your ass cheek, hot velvet grazing your skin.  
“God... I want you,” he whispered. “I always want you.”  
His hand found it’s way up the front of your shirt, his warm palm cupping your breast as he pulled you even closer.  
“Harry,” you breathed as he pinched your nipple just enough for a warm zip of pleasure to caress your core.  He flicked his first finger across your pebbled nipple as he sucked another kiss to your neck.  
“Gonna open up for me?” He pressed his hard length into you more, your legs involuntarily opening for him. “Think I can slip in?”  
“You tell me.”  
He bit into your shoulder again in retaliation, his hand quickly smoothing down the length of your stomach until his middle finger could slip between your folds. 
“Fuck,” he spoke in a hushed whisper. “I’ll never get tired of it.” He slipped his finger lower, finding the pooling arousal waiting for him at your entrance. “Get so fuckin wet for me.”  
He wasted no time pulling your wetness back up to your clit to press slow circles against you.  It was amazing how quickly he could make you feel like you were on fire, even after so many years.  It was something so uniquely yours.  He knew your body like the back of his hand, and he used it to his advantage to turn you on as quickly as possible.    
“I want it, H.”  
“What, baby?”  He flexed his hips into you again, his length teasing between your legs.  
“You. Want you to fill me.”  
“Shit,” he breathed. And then he was pulling his hand from your clit to take hold of his cock to guide himself into you.  
He pushed in slow, a moan catching in your throat as you adjusted.  Your hands fisted your pillow as you took in the heavy pressure of him until he was fully seated inside you, his pelvis pressed tight to your ass.  He waited for you, getting the tiniest bit of smug pleasure out of your need to adjust to his size.  He withdrew and pushed back in just as slowly, rolling his hips at the same torturous pace until you whimpered into the pillow.  
“So good,” he moaned softly as he picked up a steady rhythm, one that had a soft clap of his thighs against yours every time he pushed in.  Your back was arched, the angle hitting perfectly.  He was big, and taking him that way only intensified it.  
His moans were soft, but still present.  And you were happy they were, even though he said he would be quiet, you didn’t really want him to. Every sound he made turned you on more, every hushed curse and choked moan, every breath and pant against your skin, it all made your arousal bubble under your skin like a dormant volcano just waiting to erupt.    
“Harry,” you moaned softly as his hand traveled up the length of your side, until it could smooth across your chest and up to your throat, his long fingers cupping the front.  He didn’t squeeze tightly at first, just enough to feel possessive in the best sort of way. His hips picked up pace a bit, rocking into yours steadily as you clenched around him.  And when his hand did tighten on your throat a bit more, your vision went spotty with pleasure as you coated his dick with your arousal.  
“Fuck… fuck,” he moaned as his hips flexed against your ass to push even deeper until you were gasping around a moan.  
You whined and whimpered as he fucked you before you were panting when he released the grip on your neck to slide his hand down your body once more, fingers immediately finding your clit.  
“Oh my god,” you moaned as he flicked his middle finger across your swollen bud.  You were burning up beneath your skin, red hot currents of arousal shooting from your belly throughout your body.  
“Come on,” he encouraged. His hips were relentless and completely unforgiving. Your orgasm was right there, dangling in front of you, just out of reach. “Be a good girl and come on me.”  
And that was all it took for it to wash over you, soaking his cock more as you moaned his name and clenched down on him over and over.  Your hips spasmed with it, his fingers flicking against your clit as best he could to ride the high out with you.  
Your orgasm pushed him over the edge too, as it usually did, the tight grip on his cock pulling the deepest moan you’d heard from him all night.  His hips stuttered into yours, his mouth pressed to your neck as he panted your name while he came.  
You both went completely lax at the same time, sinking into your mattress together in bliss.  
“I love you,” he breathed, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist.  
“Mm, I love you too.”  
You laid in silence for a few moments, catching your breath together as you settled, only to be pulled across the mattress, until he was standing and bringing you with him.  
“Sorry,” he looked down at your pouting face. “We’ll fall asleep if we don’t get cleaned up right now.”  
He kissed your lips softly as he walked you both to the ensuite, your legs feeling like jello as he carried most of your weight with your arms wrapped tightly around his neck.  And once you were back in bed, he pulled you into the same position you started in, with his warm skin seeping through the back of your shirt.  
Neither of you had to say anything as you settled together.  It was late, and you had a long day ahead of you for the birthday party.  But you were both happy and loved, and your life together was everything you could have hoped for and more.
And that was how you contentedly fell asleep, wrapped in Harry’s warm arms.  
- Wednesday, September 29, 2020 -
The soft sound of Harry’s voice slipped into your senses as you slowly started to wake from a much needed nap.  You knew exactly what you were going to see before even opening your eyes, a smile pulling on your lips just at the thought.
As you slowly turned your head in the direction of his voice, cracking one eye open to check, you were met with exactly what you thought.  
Harry tucked away in the chair in the corner of your hospital room next to the window, your daughter swaddled up in a security blanket that you’d picked out for her months prior, slowly rocking back and forth as he sang softly, barely above a whisper.    
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away. 
You knew this scene, having caught the same exact visual a few times already.  You watched him sing it over and over, his index finger softly tracing over her cheek, his eyes never leaving her face.  It made your heart ache in a way that you knew you would never get tired off.  
You watched him quietly, only speaking once he was quiet for a while.  “Hi.”  
Wet eyes reached yours, a smile spreading on his face as a rogue tear slipped down his cheek.  He didn’t say anything - just silently lifted from the chair to come sit with you, tucking himself next to you on your bed.
“Mommy’s up, Rae.” He spoke softly as you rested your head on his shoulder, looking down at your beautiful baby.  A perfect mix of you and him.  
You smiled as you turned to place a kiss on his shoulder, the smell of your laundry detergent present on his freshly changed clothes.  You felt a kiss to your head, prompting you to lift your own to meet his soft gaze, his lashes still wet with happy tears.  
He kissed you slowly, pouring his love from his soul to yours.  It was quick and it was sweet, and you found yourself silently sitting next to your husband, watching your dream come true sleep, blissfully aware of the hold she had on both of you already.    
You smiled at her, all of the possibilities of your life to come at the forefront of your mind as you spoke softly.  
“Our little ray of sunshine.”
Thank you so much for reading and coming on this journey! To anyone that has ever struggled with infertility or miscarriage - I’m sorry.  I love you. You are not alone.  
If you enjoyed this, please let me know your thoughts. I would love to hear from you! xx  
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yukipri · 4 years
Marco’s Bauble Part 8 - a One Piece Mermaid AU Text Story
Another update for Tumblr!
This work goes by On the Courtship of Monkey D. Luffy on AO3, and I’ll be updating over there tonight as well!
A quick question....do people like reading the updates here on Tumblr? Or now that it’s on AO3, would people prefer to read there? And if so, would you be okay waiting for new updates until AO3 catches up? I’m a little torn because I’m not sure if people are enjoying reading on here, and it’s quite a hassle to format for Tumblr, and it’s getting a bit difficult for me to juggle updating these stories on 3 separate platforms...
ANYWAY, in this update, Thatch has some Thoughts, and there is mention of Ace x Luffy.
Continues off of, and should be read after:
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 1
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 2
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 3
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 4
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 5
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 6
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 7
What are her 3 sizes?
(For the wedding dress, of course.)
"The fuck! Like I'd tell you!" Thatch roars, startling the blue gull into momentarily leaping off the rail, before it circles back, landing again to peck at his  sleeve to express its displeasure. Thatch ignores it, because he's fuming.
So apparently all of his and Koala's secret debates over whether Marco intentionally proposed or not were for naught, because here's the fucking evidence. And it comes from Izo of all people, because Thatch would recognize that lopsided handwriting anywhere (the man insists that his handwriting is beautiful in his native language of Wano, but he never quite got used to writing any other way).
And well, if Izo, an unrelated third party but professional snooper knows, then Marco himself must know.
And apparently, they're already planning a wedding.
Thatch feels like an idiot. He'd been defending Marco against Koala, and the lil Revolutionary was a tough opponent, one he'd had to chase out of the kitchen with a ladle more than once when he was tired of her word games. Thatch had insisted, like a fool, that no Marco's not that kind of guy, he really isn't the type to play with people's emotions, he would never propose for a joke, nor would he do it seriously without good reason. It must all be an accident, a little misunderstanding, Marco was just ignorant like Thatch himself was!
Except, apparently he did know and it wasn't an accident, and now Thatch feels completely lost because he doesn't know what Marco's thinking at all. Marco, who's not just his his first friend on the Moby, but arguably his best friend; Marco, his brother over several decades; Marco, who Thatch thought he knew better than anyone, except perhaps Pops himself...
Thatch's also pissed, because if Marco wants to start drama after they all reunite and he's introduced to Luffy, that's one thing (not that that would be great either). But right now, they're still near the beginning of Paradise with almost half the circumference of the world to go until even the halfway point, and Marco is WAY on the other side of the Red Line. If this ship explodes in flames or whatever that batshit Revolutionary brother might do, Mister First Division Commander is completely unaffected, but there are plenty of innocents here (like hello! Thatch!) who would find that pretty devastating.
Also, Thatch was the one who passed on that gift to Luffy! Even if he didn't know what it meant at the time...doesn't that make Thatch complicit? And even if not, Marco's strongest connection here is clearly Thatch. If Marco's actions cause chaos, then the blame and responsibility to clean up the mess naturally falls upon Thatch. Which, he definitely did not sign up for.
Pops, Thatch thinks miserably, I thought I was supposed to show them they can depend on us Whitebeards, NOT that us Whitebeards will fuck shit up for them...
But more than anything, there's a shocking large part of Thatch that absolutely balks at just the idea of Luffy getting married. And it's shocking because Thatch shouldn't feel this upset.
Marco, for all the complaints Thatch wants to hurl at him at the moment, is still a really great guy. A guy who, in literally any other situation, Thatch would be the first in line to enthusiastically encourage, and also to congratulate.
And sure, Thatch knows he has a crush, and his little Seastar's carving out a larger home for herself in his heart by the day, but--Thatch admittedly has crushes a lot. Sure, this one feels different, but...Marco, to his knowledge, has never had a romantic crush. He only sometimes but very rarely even has a night out, and Thatch doesn't think he's ever held a relationship longer than three encounters. He's always so serious, so diligent, so sincerely and whole-heartedly dedicated to Pops and his family. He almost never does anything selfish for himself, and Thatch would know.
If, for whatever reason, Marco is genuinely serious about Luffy...then Thatch should, and would, step to the side, regardless of personal feelings. If this is the path Marco wants, then he deserves it, and Thatch will always be the first to say it, no matter how craptastic the circumstances. And Thatch knows that Marco would give his bride the world.
Without them even having met, Thatch doesn't doubt for a second that Marco would make Luffy happy, till the end of her days.
The fact that Thatch knows all this, yet still feels near unbearable reluctance...says more than he's willing to admit.
And so he decides to avoid thinking about the most obvious reason (his own feelings), and instead contemplates his second very compelling reason: Ace.
His littlest brother isn't so great at being honest with himself, and never has. But this, Thatch feels, isn't just a matter of denial.
The boy literally has no clue.
Oh sure, Ace knows he loves his little brother. He makes sure everyone else knows it too, both here on the Merry and back on the Moby once he opened up enough to talk to people. He's so damn proud of her, yet also concerned for her, while also trusting her with his life and more. It's clear to anyone who sees them together that he absolutely adores her.
But it's more than that, isn't it, Thatch thinks. It's in the little gestures, the way Ace raises his arm up without looking at her and she slides under it, also without needing to look at him. It's the casual way they lace their fingers together, like it's nothing, when they're snoozing out on the deck. It's the way sometimes they have unspoken conversations, just staring into each others eyes, before moving forward in synch to meet in the middle to bump their foreheads together in some secret mutual understanding.
It's the reason why Sanji, for all his extravagant flirting, knows when to shut up and return to being a normal human (and, Thatch grudgingly admits, this applies to himself too). It's why Zoro never lets his gaze linger more than two seconds longer than it needs to (but he'll always take those two seconds), why Nami always looks like she wants to sit closer but doesn't, why Koala hasn't said anything when she's probably usually a much more proactive flirter.
Everyone on their crew can see it, except the two in question.
Ace, Thatch thinks, heaving a huge sigh as he looks down at the crumpled note from Izo in his palm. Little brother, you are so fucking in love.
It might not necessarily be romantically. It's certainly not particularly sexually, if Ace's lack of reaction to Lu's aggressive physical smothering is any indication. It could very possibly be platonically.
But either way, there's no room for Sanji, nor Zoro, nor the girls, nor even Thatch himself...at least, until those two figure that out.
Until then, everyone aboard the Merry is here because they love and respect their captains. No one would dare encroach on something so special, yet so potentially immature, not yet ready to be dragged out to be recognized.
Thatch knows Ace has known Luffy for years, he practically raised her. But he was also away at sea for three years. Luffy was a child when he left; she's an adult now.
Thatch once asked him if she had changed at all since he last saw her (Ace most certainly had, according to Deuce). And Ace looked blank, then horribly confused, before saying No...but also, yeah, I guess. Thatch understands; Ace isn't used to not knowing something about Luffy. And something...something had changed.
That something might very well be the thing that needs to be figured out. And for that, Ace hasn't had much time yet, since reuniting with Luffy. Only as much time as the rest of them, in fact. And they deserve time to figure that out, and as the two captains' loving crew, the ASL pirates have an unsaid agreement to watch over them...at least until they have.
(After that, Thatch thinks grimly, it might be open game.)
But of course, there's also the question of Luffy herself, and as much as she's the heart of the ASL Pirates, she's also an enigma. Thatch, for all that he adores her and honestly wants more with her, genuinely has a hard time imagining her as anything but clueless as someone's romantic partner (he's carefully not thinking about anything sexual). It very well may be that the whole "figuring out" that she and Ace have to do...ends up being nothing. And that's fine as well.
Either way, as much as Thatch loves him, there's no way that any of them here on board the Merry will stand to let Marco shatter this delicate...whatever it is that's going on between their captains, that the rest of them are so patiently respecting. Even if it ends up continuing indefinitely.
As strained as it can feel at times, they're comfortable like this. There's the little spark of joy when Seastar gives him a little extra attention, a little burn when Sanji kisses her hand, but comfort in the stability that no one will go any further. If anything it's a nice little spice to their daily lives, just the right amount, and not enough ruin the dish so to speak. This is fine.
Except, that there's just one teeny little problem...
"What did the blue gull bring you today, Commander?"
Thatch doesn't jump, because he's not an amateur and did realize that the Revolutionary was approaching, but perhaps later than he should have. Damn the kid's good at hiding his presence, and Thatch wonders if he'd have noticed at all if Sabo was being serious.
"Just a stupid request from a stupid brother," Thatch says cheerfully as he turns around to face Sabo. The boy isn't even trying to hide his curiosity, his gaze pinned to Thatch's hand.
Thatch contemplates chucking the letter into the sea, but then he realizes he isn't sure Sabo wouldn't just dive after it, and as a devil fruit user, Thatch wouldn't be able to stop him from reading it underwater.
So he casually uncurls his fingers, watches Sabo visibly perk up--before Thatch opens a black hole in his palm, letting the crumpled paper get sucked into the void.
(Perhaps he should be using his power as more than a secure second dimension pocket expansion, but hey, so far it hasn't been so helpful in the kitchen.)
Sabo sags and sulks, rather cutely, Thatch thinks. "You coulda let me see it," he pouts, looking up at Thatch with an expression uncannily like Luffy's. Fuck.
"Collecting intel, Chief?" Thatch winks, expertly hiding his horror that for a moment, he'd actually been tempted. Little sneak.
"Perhaps." Something slightly manic enters his gaze, and alright, that's nothing like Seastar, not so cute after all...
"Nice try, but it's a personal family thing, can't really share," Thatch says, and it's not really a lie.
Sabo grunts, letting it go, before his gaze flicks to the gull, who still has a beakful of Thatch's sleeve. "It waiting for something?"
Thatch sighs. "Yeah, yeah, my response, which I should probably give..." Because, right, Thatch needs to send a message back to the Moby, even if no, he isn't going to answer Izo's idiotic question.
Which, is actually a fine excuse to extract himself from this situation.
"So, sorry, the response also is personal, hope you don't mind," Thatch nods, and Sabo easily opens the way for him--which, Thatch belatedly realizes, he'd actually been blocking. Scary, little Chief, scary...
"Sorry, didn't mean to pry." Sabo sounds genuinely apologetic, and tips his hat at Thatch as he passes by, and Thatch inwardly heaves a massive sigh of relief. "I'm working on it, but I know I can get a little...pushy, when it comes to things that involve my baby brother."
Thatch continues to walk away.
But inside...
Oh. Yikes, he thinks.
Thatch is in the privacy of the currently empty men's sleeping room beneath the deck, and has just finished writing and giving instructions and bribes to the gull when the hatch creaks open.
"Thatch, we're in trouble," Koala announces as she stomps down the stairs, making her sneaky opening of the door rather pointless.
"I noticed," Thatch says dryly.
Koala pales. "He didn't break any of your toes, did he?!"
"Well, you're a cook, you make food Luffy likes with your hands," Koala shrugs. "Just wanted to make sure."
"What the fuck."
"I don't think he will! You're Luffy and Ace's crew, and you're a Whitebeard pirate, but..."
Thatch groans. "I already thought your Chief might be trouble, but holy shit I didn't know he was that batshit."
"He might not be!" Koala sounds defensive, but it's not particularly comforting. "He's usually reasonable, kind of, but since his memories came back..."
Thatch throws up his arms. "So, how'd he get it out of you?"
Koala flushes. "I didn't say anything!"
"It's not my fault that Sabo's a damn--!"
There's a loud knock, before the hatch flings open, and Ace pops his head in. "Hey Thatch! What's for snack--"
"NOT AGAIN!" Koala cries.
At the same time, Thatch shouts, "IN A SECOND!"
Either way, the hatch slams shut with a, "SORRY!"
Thatch and Koala stare at each other with their hearts beating uncomfortably rapidly.
They slowly heave a slow sigh of relief as the tension drains.
"I really need to apologize to Ace," Thatch mutters.
"I really need to work on my Observation Haki," Koala groans.
"HEY THATCH, I WANT A SNACK," Luffy shouts, and Thatch and Koala's heads whip around in horror, only to sag with relief at seeing that Luffy's not in the room, but only for a second--
--because after that second, a mermaid's crashing through the hatch, ripping it from its hinges as she slams, hatch and all, into Thatch's chest.
The room fills with dust and debris, and there are shouts outside.
Koala gingerly peers into the wreckage where Thatch is now buried in the wall, a terrified blue gull  perched on her shoulders peering alongside her, its claws digging through the fabric of her shirt.
"We're fine," Thatch coughs, peering down to make sure he'd successfully caught and shielded Luffy from damage, even as he peels himself from the wood. Luffy seems unharmed, though her eyes are wide; she clearly hadn't expected to do quite this much.
"...Armament?" Koala asks, noticing how the back of Thatch's hair is black from where it's fanned around him.
"Armament," Thatch agrees, keeping the entire back of his body coated until he's safely pulled himself and Luffy, still in his arms, away from any sharp wood.
"Sorry, Thatch," Luffy says, not particularly apologetic, if anything sort of curious. She peels herself back from his chest, scritching her cheek while looking down at what was once the hatch to the mens room that had shattered between them. She then reaches back to tug at Thatch's black locks, and oohs when they fade back to auburn.
"No worries, just make sure to make it up to Deuce and Usopp when they have to fix this," Thatch sighs, before grinning, letting his arms fall away from Luffy once he knows she has a secure grip on his shoulders. He then begins carding his fingers through her hair to make sure no splinters got in, and likewise dusting off the front of her vest, taking care not to let his touch linger. Luffy nods frantic agreement, more like rubs her head into his palm, and Thatch feels his heart skip a beat.
Koala sighs.
"Hey Thatch, what's this?"
Thatch blinks, then inwardly curses.
Luffy's holding Izo's crumpled piece of paper. His control of his power's still shoddy, and it must have accidentally spat it back out in the commotion.
Please, don't be able to read that, he prays. He luckily doesn't have much confidence in Luffy's reading abilities.
"It says 'what are her three sizes.' What are those?"
In the background, Koala slowly raises her fist.
A few days later, Marco's scouting when a blue gull rapidly approaches him.
Delivery! it squawks. Delivery for you, Boss, and don't show Izo! Don't show Izo! Don't show Izo or the bread man will be mad!
Thank you, noted, friend, Marco responds, and catches the note from Thatch in mid air.
The gull trills acknowledgement, then wheels away to rejoin its brethren, while Marco changes course for the nearest island, a safe forest haven in Pops's territory, still a ways away from the Moby. It's uninhabited, save for the wildlife, and it would be good to land once before returning home anyway.
Marco lands lightly on the tallest and oldest tree on the island, from where he can survey the island of pure greenery, and the endless blue stretching beyond. The branch he's chosen looks deceptively thin, but he already knows it can support his human weight, which is why he shifts, passing the note from his claw to his hand before completing his transformation.
Marco frowns. The other Commanders (and to be honest, the entire crew) have been acting a bit strange recently, but for Thatch, who isn't even on board with them, to also be in on it...
True, this may or may not be related to that at all. But still.
Marco feels like he's missing something.
Marco, Thatch's message starts, and Marco already knows it's going to be serious because it didn't start with a jibe at his appearance.
Marco, I think I'm actually serious about her. Thoughts, brother?
Her, meaning the Ace's little brother, the mermaid girl.
If Marco remembers correctly, in Thatch's first note back to him, he'd written, She's stolen my heart, I think I want to marry her.
Marco had assumed Thatch was joking at the time, or just light-heartedly flirting, as he always did. Marco's used to hearing Thatch spew these kinds of words, and he'd taken it to mean that the girl's exceptionally Thatch's type, but hadn't thought further.
The words had made him remember a little trinket he'd had stored in a chest at the back of his closet, one he'd received from an elderly couple on Fishman Island around two decades ago...
But that's not important now, Marco thinks, focussing on Thatch's message.
In all his years of flings and casual relationships and jokingly asking ladies (and some gents) Won't you marry me...Thatch has not once asked for Marco's opinion. He's certainly had plenty of opinions himself about whether someone would be a potential good match for Marco, which Marco always ignored. But Thatch has never asked Marco about matches for himself.
Thatch really is serious.
Marco finds himself slowly smiling. "Finally, you sap," he murmurs, though no one hears him but the other birds in the trees around him.
He knows he ought to think more about what to say, but the answer is so obvious that Marco takes Thatch's note, and carefully tears the paper so that his brother's words aren't damaged. Gently tucking Thatch's note into his pocket, Marco pulls out a pen for the remaining small blank strip of paper.
Shortly afterwards, two birds depart from the island, in opposite directions: one, a phoenix, wings burning cyan against the clear skies, and the other, a blue gull headed to Paradise.
Part 9, things start Moving as Sabo confronts Ace.
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! And again, please do let me know if you actually like reading the story here on tumblr or not >.<;
As always, any comments are immensely appreciated and help motivate me to create more for this AU! ;A;
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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evening-starlight · 3 years
Chances {Chapter Eleven}
I lied, this is the longest chapter. They just keep getting longer ya’ll
Master List
Comfortable, Not Easy
Word Count: 2010
Tumblr media
    I spent the next two weeks avoiding everyone and everything thing, especially after I slipped and invited Jared over. Not my proudest moment. Robbie dropped by a couple of times to coax me out of bed, but it didn't work. I felt dirty, used, and stupid. I called Jared after he assaulted me in front of my house like a whore and let him stay over for nine days.
    It wasn't necessarily comfortable being with Jared for nine days, but it was familiar. I knew what to expect from waking up to going to bed. Tom was texting to check in as well, and I ignored every sweet text he sent me. I couldn't face the fact that he was there, waiting for me to recoup while I was living with my ex again.
    Robbie finally kicked Jared out on day ten for me. I told him about the kisses and how horrible I felt letting Jared stay on day nine. Jared was gone before I woke up, and Robbie was trying to pull me out of bed. Literally.
    Robbie pulls on my ankle repeatedly, trying to loosen my hold on the headboard. "Come," pull. "On." He pulls again. "You can't stay locked in your room because you've made a mistake, Stella." He scolds, sitting next to my feet. I grunt in response. "I swear to all things LA, I will make Stevie do a house call." I moan louder, pulling a pillow over my head. The space next to me dips down, and Robbie throws an arm over me.
    Whenever I'm in a lousy mood, Robbie's first response is forceful eviction of my room followed by snuggles. If either won't work, he calls Stevie. In our ten years of friendship, he's gotten to know me inside and out. He's my closest friend and my most relied-on confidant. He knows more about me than anyone else in the world. He knows the darkest places in my head and knows how to help me navigate them better than myself. He was the only one who was there during my entire marriage and divorce. Hell, he was my bro of honor.
    I turn to lay on his chest, curling in to feel his warmth and wrapping my arms around him so tight I thought he'd turn purple. I never, ever, want to lose him. "I hate seeing you like this, Stell." He mumbles. "You're so hard on yourself. I know it's easy with Jared; you guys have a routine. He's easy, and Tom is hard. I understand why you did what you did." The sobs rip out of me in violent bursts. I hate how well he knows me some days, especially when he says things I know I need to hear.
    He remains quiet as I sob, rubbing my head and holding me tight. He's the rock in my twisted life, and I'd be lost without him. Robbie makes me feel seen, heard, and appreciated even after my undesirable days.
    When the sobs turn into small whimpers, Robbie continues, "I think you need to talk to Tom; he's genuinely worried for you. He's dropped by the studio to ask about you. God, you should have seen him, Stella. He's a fucking god. Don't even get me started on those eyes dude, they're so blue." I can't help but laugh at Robbie's fanboying. "They hold so many emotions I didn't know they could do that. He looked so worried and concerned. He really cares about you."
    "I know he does." I manage. "I just don't want to bring him into this fucked up life I've created for myself. He deserves so much better." Robbie sits up quickly, grabbing my face to look at him. His eyebrows are pulled together, and his face is set in a stern look. His father look.
    "You deserve better, Stella Thompson. You deserve a man like Tom. You deserve Jesus himself for all I care. You need someone who will treat you ten times better than Jared ever could. Someone who loves and cherishes you as you are, broken, sharp pieces and all." Robbie runs a thumb over the new tears leaking. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever met, Stella. You care so deeply about people that you let them continue to be in your life even after they've fucked you over a dozen times. Stella, you deserve to start over with someone like Tom."
    I swear to God, the universe was listening to us because, as if divine intervention stepped in, my phone begins to buzz on the nightstand. Robbie reaches to hang up before going over the name again. "Here. Talk to him. I'll make you some food." With that, Robbie leaves the room and closes the door behind him.
    With a grounding breath, I answer the phone with a meek hello. "Oh, thank heavens you're okay." Tom breaths out a sigh of relief on the other side of the phone. "I was beginning to worry. More. Worry more than I already was."
    "I'm sorry I scared you," I mumble. "And I'm sorry I've been MIA for so long. It's been a really rough two weeks after everything happened, and I tend to shut down when things get hard." I admit, brushing my mangled hair out of my face.
    "I understand, Love. We all have bad habits. I was worried I had pushed too hard, and you were ghosting me. I was actually going to call and tell you I would give you some space if you hadn't picked up. I can still give you space if that's what you'd like?"
    "No," I answer quickly. "No, please. I really like having you in my life, and I love the way you make me feel. But I have to tell you that Jared spent the week with me. It doesn't mean anything. He's just..." I pause, trying to find the right words to make my asshole move sound less assholey.
    "Easy. You're used to him. I understand that, Love." I take in a shaky breath. "I appreciate you telling me. Is there anything I can do to help with your rut?"
    "Can you come over sometime today? I could kinda use a hug from you." Fucking crying making my defenses turn to mush. It always makes me a ball of emotions and fussy needs.
    "I'd be delighted to. Would you like me to bring some lunch?"
    "No, Robbie is here making me some. You called at the perfect time, actually. We were talking about you. Everything good, though. Nothing bad." I reiterate quickly. Tom chuckles on the other end.
    "Well, I was just thinking about you and hoping you were at least alive."
    "The heart's still ticking, so the body is alive," I joke. "Brain could use a jumpstart, though."
    "I'll be over in about ten if that's alright with you?" I confirm with him and hang up. Pulling myself out of bed for the first time in fourteen days, I make my way to the kitchen.
    Robbie stands over the stove, cursing and shaking his left hand. "Burned yourself again?" I ask. If you'd lose a year off your life every time you got burnt, Robbie would have died at age five.
    "Fuck off." He mumbles, going back to the grilled cheese he's making. "How'd the call go? It seemed pretty short." I nod as I sit on a barstool.
    "Fine, he's coming over in a few minutes." It hits me. Tom Hiddleston is coming over to my depression pit of a house after I've had two weeks of nonstop crying and zero hygiene. "Fuck, I need to shower." I curse, rushing to the bathroom. A quick shower will help everything. Hopefully.
    Robbie pokes his head into the bathroom as I wrap my towel around me. "Tom's here. I'm going to keep him company while you  get changed." He states before winking and shutting the door again. I don't feel like I have the energy to put on any form of makeup to cover up how deathly ill I look, nor the power to care what I look like besides the clean part. The shower did seem to wash away the residual guilt and shame I felt about everything. Though it didn't clean off everything.
    After changing into some comfortable clothes, I make my way into the living room, where Robbie is watching Tom talk with nothing less than homosexual love in his face. "Robbie, out," I demand, catching both boys' attention. He leaves after a quick goodbye and non-discrete wink.
    Tom walks over to meet me behind the couch, wrapping his arms around my shoulders in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're doing better," He mumbles into my hair. "I've been worried." We stand like that for a few minutes before my stomach growls loud enough for him to hear. "Here, Robbie left your food on the table." Tom leads me to the couch and sits next to me, our legs touching.
    "Thank you for being so understanding, Tom. I know I'm pretty fucked, and I really appreciate you being understanding of it all." He smiles as I take a bite of the grilled cheese. Robbie should be made grilled cheese God the way it melts in my mouth.
    "Of course, Love. We are all pretty fucked when we think about it. I haven't felt this way in quite some time. I know I can be a bit pushy, but I really enjoy your company," Tom says, sending those all-too-familiar shivers down my spine. "We can take things as slowly as you'd like. We can stay friends if that's what you need to heal as well." I shake my head while finishing a bite.
    "I don't want just friends, Tom. You make me feel like a better version of me. Less dark and gloomy." The anxiety of actually communicating and talking about feelings causes my knee to bounce. Jared never let me talk so candidly, and I'm afraid I might overstep. "Can I be honest?" Tom nods quickly. "I have absolutely no idea how to communicate in a not toxic way.
    "My whole life, it's been demonstrated that yelling and cursing is the only way to get across what I'm feeling. What I do know is that I like who I am when I'm around you, and I don't want that feeling to ever stop." Tom presses a kiss on my forehead.
    "Then let us work it out together. I like who I am when I'm with you as well." The absolute zoo that took residence in my stomach could wipe out the entire human population. Tom motherfucking Hiddleston likes being with me. "Bloody hell, I fancy you, Stella."
    Tom chuckles as I start to choke on my own breath. He reaches for the Caprisun set out and hands it to me. Tom likes me. He like likes me. Tom Hiddleston. Who would have guessed my damaged ass would land someone like him.
    For years after my breakup with Jared, I thought all I deserved was heartbreak and pieces of shit men. Maybe I could really turn my life around here. Turn it into something wonderful and perfect. Something made just for me.
    "I, uh, I fancy you too, Tom," I admit after controlling my breathing. His smile in this exact moment will stay with me forever. No ill-meaning behind it, wide and bright, and absolutely dazzling. Tom was as close to perfect as one man could get.
    The kiss. The kiss that followed behind our confessions was just as magical, if not more magical, than the first. Only this time, there was no Jared to ruin it. It was just Tom, me, and the ugly off-white sofa I stole from Jared when I moved out.
    How do you even end a chapter after that? Like, I impressed myself with that shit. We still own that couch too. It's where our little love story started, truly. I mean, no, we didn't go exclusive at that moment, but it's where it began.
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ursus-mari · 4 years
Lol I would definitely love to see a good “kiss to hide their faces from pursuers”
Hi! Person!! Hello!!! Thank you, this was a lot of fun! I don’t know where it came from and it wasn’t meant to be this long but eh. For context, Merlin’s role here is basically an amalgam of every magical girl anime I ever watched plus like. kaito kid. No idea how we got there but here we are. I imagine the transformation thing doesn’t involve any actual physical change except the eyes, but it blocks people’s ability to perceive and recognize features and all that. Sorry, I ramble sometimes. Anyway, thank you again, and I hope you enjoy this?
Arthur Pendragon was a normal sort. Well, a bit better than normal, if he was being honest. He got good grades, he was captain of the football team, and his father was the well respected Chief of Police, Uther Pendragon. The point of all of this being that Arthur was certainly not the type to get caught up with the well-known sorcerer-thief Emrys.
So it was a mystery to Arthur how he’d ended up trailing after the aforementioned thief as they ran from one of his father’s officers specifically assigned to the Emrys case.
Arthur had been walking home, minding his own business, as he was wont to do, when Emrys had darted around a corner, crashing into Arthur and sending them both toppling to the ground. Arthur had not registered the thief’s identity as he’d been a bit preoccupied with having been knocked over and planning a very long and voracious complaint about it.
“Watch where you’re going, you idiot!”
Emrys had sent him a withering look, and that was right about when Arthur registered the glowing golden eyes and realized he was well and truly fucked. “I was going to apologize, but if you’re going to be rude about it, your royal highness, you can shove it straight up your arse.”
Arthur just stared, frozen. Emrys registered something Arthur couldn’t hear with a curse, pulled them both up off the ground, and started running, Arthur’s hand still clutched in his. That broke Arthur out of his freakout in light of entirely new information to freak out about. “Hey! Let go!”
Emrys shot Arthur a quick scowl over his shoulder. “Trust me, you don’t want to get caught in the vicinity of where Emrys disappeared. They’ll think you’re me, and you won’t like what they do to sorcerers.”
“I’ll be fine.” Emrys scoffed. “No, seriously, I’m--”
Emrys yanked them both down a dark alleyway before Arthur could inform Emrys as to who exactly his father was, as if this whole misadventure couldn’t get worse. Arthur was going to get stabbed, probably. By Emrys or another sorcerer or some creepy person who lurked in alleys for fun. He was going to die.
“What are you--”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up,” Emrys hissed, throwing a furtive glance over his shoulder. “You really, really don’t want them to find us, I promise you that.”
“Could you just--”
Emrys covered Arthur’s mouth with his palm and narrowed his eyes threateningly, jerking his head toward the corner they’d just rounded. Right, that did sound like his father’s men.
Emrys shoved Arthur up against the wall, a hot, tense line down his front. Arthur’s breathing grew faster and shallower despite his best efforts as he listened to the approaching footsteps. He was a good, normal citizen. He didn’t deserve to be caught up in this. Emrys, though he did a decent job of hiding it, was clearly panicking too, which meant whatever the consequences for being caught were, they were bad. He was pushy and rude and a criminal besides, but Arthur didn’t think he deserved that. Besides, Arthur really, really didn’t want to get caught.
And then suddenly, the solution was right there. Literally right in front of his face.
“Hey, they’re just looking for your eyes, right?”
“Yes, but be quiet!”
Right, so this would work then. Arthur grabbed Emrys’s neck and dragged him closer.
“What are you--”
“Just trust me.”
And then Arthur kissed him, muffling the surprised noise Emrys made with his mouth. It was a surprisingly nice kiss given the circumstances once Emrys started to respond. The physical contact meant Arthur felt it when Emrys’s powers ran out, a buzzing hum that seemed to resonate in him. Which kind of made it better? Which was obviously very wrong and magic was very evil and cute thieves were clearly not to be trusted, no matter how talented they were with their tongue. Arthur even almost managed to forget why he was kissing a cute boy in an alleyway.
“Oi! This is a restricted area!”
Or not.
But they didn’t stop, horribly aware of what showing their faces might mean. Eventually, they heard the man mutter, “Damn kids,” and stomp off, and the two of them let out a mutual breath of relief, resting their foreheads against each other for a moment as they waited a moment to be sure he and his partner were gone.
 Emrys pulled away fairly soon (too soon), eyes now a lovely grey-blue. Arthur stared for a moment, keenly aware that he might be the only one who knew what the elusive Emrys actually looked like.
“Er,” Emrys said, avoiding Arthur’s eyes and blushing faintly. He was really, really cute. Fuck. Arthur was not going to develop a crush on a dangerous sorcerer he’d likely never see again, he wasn’t-- “Thanks for the help, I suppose. And sorry for dragging you into…” Emrys gestured vaguely to the whole alleyway. “...all this.”
“Well,” Arthur said, trying not to be too disappointed by the fact that this felt like a goodbye despite himself. “Not every day you get to kiss Emrys, Camelot’s most wanted.”
“Merlin,” Emrys blurted, blushing again. Ah fuck, Arthur was screwed, wasn’t he? He was going to spend his days pining away for a blurry image on the news. This was his life now. “My name’s Merlin.”
They stared at each other for a moment before Emrys-- Merlin cleared his throat and made to leave. “Right, I’ll just… thanks again.”
“Anytime,” Arthur said faintly, and realized with horror that he meant it.
The next day, a new student named Merlin Wyllt with blue-grey eyes stood in the front of the classroom to introduce himself, and Arthur knew the exact moment Merlin saw him because that was when he saw the horror he was feeling reflected in the other boy’s face.
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ayanna-wild · 5 years
I’d love to see a lucifer story where the reader notices him doing cute things around her, since they started seeing each other, like softly touching her arm when they’re close or him putting her hair behind her ears without thinking about it, other cures things like that. and she talks about it to him and he acts all tough at first but then softens up? i don’t know i think it would be so cute. 🥺
Little Things
Word Count: 1235
Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Warnings: none just fluff, to be honest I made a new years resolution to do more fluff but I'm like 99.9% sure I'm going to break that😂
Tag List is open
A/N: Requested from anonymous
Summary: You hadn't noticed them at first, they were to subtle. But one day you'd begun to notice it, they became obvious and you found yourself noticing everything little thing you hadn't before.
It wasn't something you had noticed, not really. You weren't sure how you'd missed it, because looking back now, you realized he'd done it every day. At least since the two of had been together.
He'd wake up before you every morning, turn off your alarm and go about getting ready. Once he was ready, he'd wake you gently, calmly, much better than being jerked awake by your loud alarm. He'd make some joke about you wasting the day away by sleeping, and then he'd leave you to get ready.
"Don't be to long darling, we've got a busy day, so much to do and such little time." Lucifer called over his shoulder as he walked out of the room.
You sat up, watching him go, before smiling to yourself and swinging your legs over the side of the bed. It didn't take you long to get ready and you were joining him in no time.
"Where are we going first?" You asked.
Lucifer placed his hands on your shoulders, pulling you backwards and away from the elevator.
You stumbled a little, turning to look at him confused.
"But you said-"
Lucifer continued, cutting you off.
"Nowhere, until you eat breakfast."
You nodded snagging an apple from the bowl on top of his piano.
"Okay, let's go!"
Lucifer laughed shaking his head a little.
"I meant something a little more sustainable, but I suppose as long as you're eating."
You gave him a cheeky smile and took a bite out the apple. He followed after you as you strolled into the elevator. You went to take a bite from the apple as you watched the numbers descend on the elevator, but paused.
Just like this morning, you'd realized yet another thing you hadn't even noticed before. Lucifer would always make sure you at least ate breakfast, no matter how busy the two of you were. He would stop everything and assure that you ate, even a little.
You blinked, lowering the apple from your mouth.
"I'm sorry, did you say something?"
"You've got your head in the clouds today don't you my dear? Thinking of anything interesting?"
"Nothing, just tired still."
Lucifer hummed, nodding little and lead you from the elevator with a gentle hand on your arm.
He wasn't lying when he said it would be a busy day. You'd been out for hours, with almost no breaks. You'd finally been able to rest your feet once you'd arrived at the precinct. You sunk into a chair, hair falling into face as you let out a sigh.
"I'll be just a moment darling, just need to have a quick chat with the Detective."
You waved him off, smiling when Ella poked her head out of her lab with giddy expression on her face.
"Take your time, I need a break, and Ella looks like she wants to talk."
Lucifer tucked your hair behind your ear before walking off. Ella sat down in front of you, leaving you no time to dwell on the simple action.
"Y/N, you've missed so much around here!" Ella said.
You listened to her ramble on, always thankful for her keeping you up to date on everything going on when you fell out of touch now and then. Your hair had once again fallen into your eyes once again, but you were to focused on Ella's story to really notice.
"And Dan found..."
She trailed off as Lucifer walked by pausing for a brief moment to drop a bag of chips into your lap and move your hair from your eyes. He continued on his way resuming his conversation with Chloe, as though nothing had happened. You mindlessly opened the bag of chips.
When you didn't hear Ella talking anymore, you looked up to see her grinning ear to ear. You lowered the chip you were about to pop in your mouth. Her grin only widened when you leaned back a little.
"What?" You muttered.
"Does he always do that?" She asked.
You furrowed your eyebrows, shrugging.
"He buys me snacks all the time."
She shook her head, moving her chair closer to you.
"No, well yes, that too, but I meant the stopping mid sentence to tuck your hair behind your ear."
You didn't answer, falling into your mind as you begun to realize that yes, he did do it a lot. In fact, you'd begun to realize every little thing he'd been doing, things you hadn't even noticed before.
"Oh bloody hell, what on earth could you be possibly be thinking about?"
Lucifer watched as you sat on the couch, so absorbed in your thoughts you hadn't heard him calling your name.
Eight times.
You rubbed your forehead with a disbelieving look.
"Did you just flick me?"
Lucifer rolled his eyes, motioning for you to move your feet, so he could sit beside you.
"It seemed to be the only way to pull you from your mind, now what in dad's name could you have possibly been thinking about?" Lucifer questioned.
He moved to tuck your hair behind your ear, but you moved away from him, frowning.
"Why do you do that?"
He tilted his head, confused.
"Do what?"
"Always move my hair out of my face?"
Lucifer laughed a little, shaking his head.
"You're thinking about it too much." He brushed you off.
You grabbed his arm when he went to stand, pulling him back down beside you.
"No, I'm pretty sure my question is valid. You do things like that all the time."
Lucifer remained quiet eyeing you with an unreadable expression.
"Love, I'm not entirely sure what you mean."
He tried to laugh it off, but you persisted.
"Why do you wake up before my alarm and turn it off? You're always insisting I eat something in the morning, and you'll buy me snacks if you think I haven't eaten enough."
"Well I-"
You looked at him expectantly, and he sighed, realizing that avoiding your questions wasn't going to work.
"I know your past relationships haven't been ideal, and I was hoping to make up for the horrible men you had the unfortunate pleasure of being with."
You weren't expecting his answer to be so blunt or so straight to the point. You blinked a few times.
Lucifer rushed to correct his mistake when he realized how harsh that had sounded.
"I just meant I want you to know you're loved darling. I know you forget to eat sometimes because you get so busy, and I think you're stunning, and hiding behind your hair just isn't fair to me." He winked at the last part making you laugh a little.
"I wake up before you, because I'd much rather wake you myself then you have a heart attack from that dreadful alarm tone you set."
Lucifer continued to explain his actions and the more he talked, the more you smiled. When you felt he'd said enough you silenced him with a kiss.
"What did I do to deserve you?"
He grinned, grabbing your hips and pulling you into his lap.
"I believe that's my line, although if you'd like to thank me I can think of a few ways to do that." He muttered suggestively as he kissed your neck.
You laughed, playfully hitting his chest.
"You're awful."
He pulled you closer, smiling at your laughter.
"You love it."
Tag List: @we-are-all-alittle-strange-here @adira-secrets @beththedemonhunter @shywriting @emiwrites3reads @gingernarwal @cuddly-cat-in-a-trench-coat @im-just-along-for-the-ride @lifeshortbro @sallyp-53 @officalfangirl @cptgryps @mizzezm @measure-in-pain
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