wikitpowers · 3 months
How do you think Kit and Anush’s relationship will play out in TWP? Like, do you think Kit will be a bit jealous of him? Anush might be protective of Ty? Maybe they’ll hit it off?
before i get into the kit/anush relationship i wanna first off say that i really hope ty and anush are really really good friends. like i hope they got super tight at the scholomance and can truly rely on each other, i just really need ty to have a bestie like anush (and seems super sweet <3). and if that is the case in twp, then i think kit would definitely be jealous of anush and how close they are. he might even assume they are in a relationship and that would make him even more heartbroken (and me absolutely shattered).
so i think at first, he would for sure be jealous of anush. and actually i think that like you say, anush totally would be protective of ty (that's something i need desperately)!!!!! bc i imagine at the start of twp, kit will be really cold and distant to ty in order to protect himself and anush might feel iffy towards him bc of it as he is ty's best friend. but after all the angst is over, i just know kit and anush are gonna be really great friends and have fun together🫶🏻
AND AHAHHAHA I NEVER THOUGHT THEY COULD HIT IT OFF! THAT'S A NEW IMAGE IN MY MIND :') but honestly, i don't think they would, kinda bc of what i said before. like even if anush found him attractive, he wouldn't act on it bc he wouldn't like kit's treatment of ty. but that's just a silly little theory i made up! f knows what will actually happen :') but what a turn of events it would be if they did hit it off :') but i would also hate that bc 1) NO MORE LOVE TRIANGLES I BEG U CASSIE! and 2) kitty are literally ~soulmates~ and are angsty enough on their own. shit i'm sorry naturally my reply got long :')
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
LEMME JUST SAY the number of times you've made me cry with your fics isn't even funny anymore...
And "Jason talk dirty to me" is the best way to start a fic, I said what I said.
Don't we all hate zoom meetings? I know I sure do and I have class in 5 and a half hours (i woke up at 1 am...don't even question it). Technically i was gonna try and go back to sleep when I remembered HOLY SHIT LBAF FUCK SLEEP I CAN STAY UP
Patrick...I never really knew the guy well but Aline is grieving LEAVE ME ALONE TO CRY
Lexi wrinkled her nose at the name. “I have a message for you.”
“You love me more than mom?” Jace asked.
but seriously though...do silent brothers wear clothing under their robes...?
“I’m not a child!” Lexi protested.
You are seven years old, brother Enoch pointed out. He had been there to place the protection charms after the twins had been born.
If Jace didn’t know any better he’d say the silent brother was sassing her.
But Lexi was a Herondale.
“I’m 49 in dog years!” Lexi huffed.
You are not a dog, Alexandra.
“Daddy said I can be anything I want to be,” Lexi stuck out her tongue. “I’m a dog. A very old dog. Woof!”
Brother Enoch turned to him as if to say, ‘control your Herondale spawn’.
Jace knew many children had been orphaned by the war with the cohort - like Diego’s daughter, who had been adopted from the Chennai Institute.
This part scared me because for a second I was like "IS DIEGO DEAD??????" before I read on and my mind caught on.
ok on to my second favorite character right after Lexi
I just wanna squeezes David into a bear hug ill protect him from now.
Max stamped his foot on the ground, because he liked to be theatrical about everything
Im sure we all know where he gets it from...
“Shall we go check on the little miscreants?”
“Max and Rafe aren’t that bad,” Jace replied faithfully.
“I was talking about your girls,” Magnus grinned. “My boys are literal angels.”
“One of them is a warlock,” Jace pointed out. “With demon blood.”
“You know your family descended from Tessa, right?” Magnus asked. “Your children have demon blood too.”
“Yikes, no wonder people want us gone,” Jace chuckled and Magnus chuckled with him.
“Did you know there is a trick to find out if kids are really sleeping?”
“A magic trick?” Jace asked.
“Yes,” Magnus winked. “You see…When kids are asleep, really asleep, they put up right hand. Only parents know of this secret.”
Rafael and Selena remained still, his little celery still snoring gently.
Max’s hand slowly went up and Lexi’s followed.
A bark of laughter escaped Jace, and Magnus shushed him.
“Miscreants!” Jace whispered.
“I told you so!” Magnus chuckled.
“I know of another secret. I heard the Consul has a new punishment for kids who lie,” Jace said. “They apparently have to eat Izzy’s food.”
The hands flopped back into bed immediately and Magnus covered his mouth to control his laughter.
“Damn, I would have gladly punched you in the face, Herondale. Next time, ask for volunteers.”
Damn bestie-
“This is ridiculous! I didn’t do anything!” Albert yelled and looked at the brother Enoch. “You saw what they did, right?”
I’m a silent brother, Albert. I can’t see. Surely you know that.
Exactly you blind fuck.
we got Jace and alec brotp bonding leave me alone to cry in a corner. the fact that shadowhunters don't have laws protecting children like wtf is wrong with you people
“Alexandra,” his parabatai interrupted. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?” “Shouldn’t you be in Los Angeles?” Lexi countered.
“Max is awake?” Magnus was alert now.
“And Max is hungry!!!” the boy walked into the room.
Live footage of me every morning (or evening. or night. depends on my sleep schedule)
“Oh my god, who is this?” Max yelled and jumped straight into the bed, right next to David. “Are you a shadowhunter? Where are you from? Your eyes are so blue! My daddy has blue eyes too! Wait, I also have blue eyes! We both have blue eyes!”
“Yay!” Lexi yelled. “You could pretend to be my other twin.”
“Then you would be triplets,” Alec mumbled quietly. “Not twins.”
Oh shush
“Our people are not going to like this, Alec,” Jace pointed out.
“Well, that’s too bad,” Alec said unapologetically. “I’m the Consul.”
I really hope Albert does have to come crawling back and have his marks stripped.
“Is that...Is that a stubble?” Jace asked when something prickled his cheek.
"Are you growing a beard?" Jace inquired sceptically.
“Gross. I don’t like it,” Jace complained.
“Too bad. Cause I do.”
“I’m going to tell Magnus to shave it off while you are asleep,” Jace muttered.
“Jokes on you. He likes it too.”
Jace weren't you starting to grow a beard in TDA as well-
no, but I'm with Jace on this one.
“So, I heard an interesting story from Magnus when I came in,” his wife said, coming out of her bathroom, wiping her face with a towel. “You adopted a kid, I hear? Your parabatai is really rubbing off on you, huh?”
It's the alec affect bestie.
“He only said there is a child at the institute who needs my help. At first, I thought he was talking about you.”
Jace trying to find David a new last name was so goddamn sweet I'm crying in a corner. And David choosing to keep his name as a reminder that he survived??? TEARS
Selena had learned Spanish so she can talk to Rafael. Then she had learned French just because she could.
Oh to be good at languages...
“It means darling,” Jace corrected and then beamed. “But wait! It also means cabbage! David, you are going to be my little cabbage.”
Lexi, Selena, and Clary groaned in unison.
“You’ll have to deal with this, David,” Clary said apologetically, not letting go of the boy. “Lexi is Lettuce. Selena is Celery and I’m Carrot.”
That was so long wtf-
and I guess I don't truly understand what it's like to be a child abuse victim but to all those who can hurt a child and not feel anything...I hope they fucking pay for what they do. All those kids who survive are so goddamn strong but why the fuck does one have to go through so much shit and people be like "oh you came out stronger" sure bitch but they didn't deserve this shit in the first place. i might be saying it wrong but we seriously need more strict laws against this kind of shit.
damn, I curse a lot. SEE YA ON FRIDAY BYE
Me scrolling through this entire liveblog like:
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Thank you so much. It made my day! I love reading reactions!!! (lol you know that)
I am so glad you like the first chapter. And I curse a lot too so issokay ;)
And thank you for that last point. It's what we need more of in this world - empathy and understanding x.
And we definitely need better laws - but these laws also need to be implemented correctly - without judgment and with efficiency.
We have a long way to go just like the shadowhunters oof.
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sixofreaders · 5 years
the wicked powers friendship headcanons
a bunch of headcanons for the twp gang because i love them
kit has a tiktok account
90% of his videos has dru in them (he did the renegade with dru and julian flipped his shit when he saw)
but he has one video of ty with the ‘aye yo, boyfriend check’ meme
and one video of ash with the ‘you’re gonna wanna be my best friend, baby’ song and its just a close-up of his face
speaking of ash he uses the surname herondale to disguise himself
because no one would talk to him if they knew he was a morgenstern
well he doesn’t really care about people not talking to him anyway, but julian, emma, clary, and jace do want to protect him from the kind of hate he would get if people knew
but kit knows
ty knows
dru knows
kit never experienced the damage valentine and sebastian caused so his reaction wasn’t that bad
ty clenched his fists, nodded, said ‘you’re not him. i just have to remind myself that every time i talk to you now’ and moved on
dru was probably the most emotional; she avoided him for two days
but then they watched the grudge series (the original japanese one, not the hollywood one obviously, they’re not heathens) and things slowly start to get back to normal
ash accompanies ty when he goes out to collect crabs and lizards often
ty explained to him what ‘bioluminescence’ once and ash nodded, said everything in faerie is bioluminescent
julian had to explain to ty why u-hauling to the lands of faerie at two am is Not a Good Idea
sometimes the four of them sleep in the same room together
kit and ty cuddle, sometimes kit uses dru’s tummy as a pillow
dru can sleep in any position, she doesn’t mind cuddling and she doesn’t mind sleeping alone, though she does find her friends’ touch comforting
especially when the nightmares start to kick in
as for ash he doesn’t really like human contact while he’s asleep
but one time in his sleep he reached out for dru’s hand and they held hands the entire night
(kit woke up first and took a picture of them)
kit dragged ty to pride
at first ty doesn’t understand why mundanes feel the need to celebrate their sexuality since in the shadowhunter world same-sex marriage is considered more normal
that, and the fact that he’s raised in a very non-homophobic environment
but kit explains a little bit more and now he thinks its cool that people are brave enough to be who they are
especially in a world where everyone tells them not to
they had fun there, they wore matching couple shirts, kit painted a small bi flag on his cheek and a small rainbow flag on ty’s cheek
they kissed a lot
please let these boys be happy
when ty first saw ash’s wings he thought they were very cool
he asked a lot of questions and ash was only comfortable answering like, half of them
but its ok he’s a curious boy and we all love him
dru thinks his wings look ‘gothic’
‘like an 80s stephen king horror movie angel of death kind of vibe’
‘i have no idea what you’re saying but i love you, therefore i agree with you’
kit wanted to reenact ‘a whole new world’ where he’s jasmine and ash is aladdin
because of course the dumbass wants to know how it feels to fly
his baby sister, the three year old mina carstairs, was very adamant about this idea too
but ash has qualms about flying with an eighteen year old shadowhunter and a three year old child on his back
sometimes jaime comes and visits them at the los angeles institute
kit and jaime love dicking around because they radiate an equal amount of dumbass energy
ash was a little jealous of jaime at first
because of dru’s adolescent crush on him
for ash, dru is his first friend and first love
he clings to her because he can’t lose her
but eventually he grew fond of jaime and now has a soft spot for him, despite the two boys’ differences
dru still remembers the day she walked into ty’s bedroom only to find it in a complete mess, the chair was in splinters, there was blood on his pillows, and there were clothes strewn everywhere
since then she makes a note to visit his room every week and have a brother-sister sleepover with him
she knows she’ll never be livvy
what she doesn’t know is that ty doesn’t love her because she can replace livvy
he loves her because she’s dru
his little sister who loves horror movies
and when the nightmares start to show up, they know that when they wake up, their sibling will be right next to them
sometimes things are hard between the four of them
they have a lot of history, they’ve made a lot of mistakes towards each other that they can’t just undo
ash is the son of the man who killed dru and ty’s parents and the son of the woman who helped fuel the flames of the Dark War
they know he’s not sebastian but sometimes paranoia gets to them
kit is the heir to a throne he never even knew existed
ty is neurodivergent in a world where being anything but neurotypical isn’t even acknowledged
and as for dru, there will always be the gaping hole inside her that makes her feel like she doesn’t belong
but at least they have each other
yeah, they have each other.
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alma-berry · 5 years
Let’s talk about The First Heir
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I got a lot of asks about the matter, so while I don’t have a concrete theory, sometimes summarizing what we do know helps.
One of you asked for a list of people who knows about Kit’s heritage, and I actually think that’s a pretty good place to start with!
Knows for sure:
Jem & Tessa, duh
Barnabas Hale
Probably knows:
Alec - not because of Magnus, actually... he was there when Jem and Tessa heard it from the faerie in The Land I Lost
So was Lily Chen
Jace - we know they will have a familial relationship, and it’s pretty weird to keep him out if Alec already knows.
If Jace knows, and Alec knows, Clary will know.
Hypatia Vex “That’s a lie,” he said. “My father is Johnny Rook.” “And your mother?” said the deep voice of Shade, behind them. A crowd had gathered behind him, too; they couldn’t run that way. “I don’t know,” said Kit, between his teeth. To his surprise, Hypatia raised her eyebrows, as if she knew something he didn’t. (Lord of Shadows)
Mother Hawthorn - We can debate on whether or not she actually followed the line up until Kit, but she knows the gist
The prime suspect to spill the beans is Barnabas, right? He hates Kit in particular. Warlocks have patience, so I’m inclined to believe he will wait up until the best moment, where the truth will be most harmful.
Hypatia is a mystery… we know she doesn’t like shadowhunters (a subject on which COG will probably elaborate) but she’s an ambitious woman who basically wants what’s best for her people. She’ll align herself with Shadowhunters if it’s necessary, but will she also betray them if it is?
Mother Hawthorn is no friend to Shadowhunters and we remember too well how cruel she can be. She cared about Auraline, but not about her decadents. In the very end, where will she align herself?
Lily made me worried for a while because of the Janus favor thing, here’s a theory about it. But I read somewhere that Cassie said Lily probably blocked it out of her memory from lack giving a shit.
I honestly believe none of the rest will tell - not to their families and not to their friends. Emma and Julian probably know everything - they did see Kit using his magic, and we know that they went to visit the Carstairs in Devon. But for the sake of this issue, I don’t think Ty, Dru, or any of the Blackthorns will learn about Kit’s ancestry from Jules or Emma. It would be problematic if Emma would have told Christina, because of her relationship with Kieran, and even though we know both Emma and Christina could keep a secret, I don’t think Emma would risk it - it’s not her secret to tell.
Will Ty figure it out before all hell brakes lose?
One of the more burning questions are - did Ty see Kit making the horses disappear? He was on a tree, yes.. but he hit one of the riders with his slingshot - which means he was looking.
In GOTSM, Ty is still hurt. He won’t talk about Kit, and he won’t talk to Kit. When Livvy asked him to write him, he didn't say "I don't want to".. he said, "He won't answer". Which means he's still sure Kit is mad at him, and him staying away is respecting Kit's decision. But Ty is the sort of person that can channel his emotions into actions, into goals, like with Livvy’s death. I find it hard to believe he would refrain from such a mystery for long. At some point, he will probably channel his pain into a relentless chase after the truth. He needs rules, he needs a plan, and he needs a purpose.
Ty is definitely a proud person… that, and the fact that discussing his detachment from Kit would result in questions he doesn’t want to answer - probably means he won’t go asking Emma and Julian about Kit. So who will he ask?
The obvious answer is Ragnor, of course. He sees him all the time at school, he already knows about Livvy, and he’s an extremely old and powerful warlock. But, he won’t ever tell. He’s far too loyal to his friends, and he stands to gain from claiming he’s the one that tricked the riders ;)
The second obvious option is Barnabas. Ty was the one who noticed Hale’s weird remark (“We tolerated you because the Shadowhunters hadn’t found you yet. But now they have and it’s a hop, skip, and a jump until you find out who you really are—” “What’s that supposed to mean?” said Ty.) But will it do him any good to ask? As we know, he hates Blackthorns… and if he knew Ty was searching for that information, he could use it against him.
I did a little reading about faerie magic and warlock magic.. and I actually disagree with one of the anon’s assumptions. I don’t think Kit’s magic “screams” faerie... But when it comes to him seeing through glamour - that’s a clue alright. The Codex specifically says that fairies are considered the masters of glamour magic. It’s not an easy connection to make, but Ty is, as we know - more than capable of getting there.
Ty didn’t know that Kit’s mother was the lost Herondale. Now he has her necklace, which means he knows both of Kit’s parents had shadowhunter blood… but apparently not only. That’s a lead - one parent is a Herondale, one’s origin is unknown. One of them, at least, had more than Shadowhunter blood.
Honestly? I don’t know if Ty will come up with something significant before TWP… because we won’t be there to read about it ;) but I’m almost certain he will try.
Who, how and why?
The two we know for a fact that are looking at Kit’s existence are The Seelie Queen and Janus.
The main problem, when it comes to the queen, is the fact that Kit is a Shadowhunter. If it was any other way, I don’t think she would have seen him as such a potential threat… not that she knows who and what he is at the moment. Julian thought she’s not into harming Shadowhunters just for the sake of it, but the end of TDA suggests differently - she wanted the parabatai bonds to be severed so she can weaken the Nephilim. Kit, being the descendant of the first heir and a Shadowhunter is like a spit in the face of everything she and The Unseelie King tried to accomplish with their union - all of that power could be harnessed by the wrong hands.
When it comes to Janus - I am more than sure that the fact that Kit looks like Jace will not be in his favor. I said it a while back - Janus will probably look at Kit and see the past he had, and the future that was stolen from him. The similarity between them will probably be even more pronounced in TWP - and it would be like looking at a broken, twisted mirror. By the time TWP comes, Janus will be even more ruthless - because now he has someone to love. Not just the memory of loving Clary, or even the distance stalking and occasional smooching in some alley. Its Ash - he’s everything to him. He put all of the shattered pieces of his heart in Ash’s hands, and that would clean away every remnant of guilt or empathy that was left in him.
I’m kinda scared just from thinking about it.
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abbbiemarie13 · 4 years
Killing Eve Season 3 Asks: 19, 22, 23, 32, 35 and 36. + What's your personal favorite performance of Jodie Comer?
oooohh hiii!! 
19) Sum up how you feel about S3 in three words. 
Villaneve is endgame. 
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22) What song have you been listening that is not necessary from the show but has big Villaneve energy or always makes you think of them? 
The Night We Met by Lord Huron. It’s so beautiful and will forever be a Villaneve song. 
23) Tangfastics or a KitKat?
KitKat only because I have never had tangfastiscs before lol 
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32) What is your biggest criticism of S3?
Hmmmmmm. I would have to say the organization of the events in the season. Like everything felt super choppy and didn’t flow really well. It felt unnecessarily rushed. There were things that were important and didn’t get enough attention, and things that felt minor and had too much time. One of the big things was Kenny’s death. Kenny is way too important of a character for his death to just slide under the rocks. But maybe it will be something that they dig more into in the next season.  I know this was a big season for Villanelle and her personal character development, and while that’s amazing and I love seeing how she has progressed, I think there was plenty of room for other things to happen. I am sad at the lack of Eve. But, I’m interested to see how and where they are going to take season 4. 
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35) Describe the expectations you had before the finale.
I tried to stay away from a lot of discussions and theories and go into the finale with as clear of a head as possible. I had a few book thoughts that didn’t happen (which I won’t say what they are in case ya’ll want to read them). But the main thing I wanted was for Eve and Villanelle to get together and admit their ridiculous love for the other. I reaaaaalllllllyyyyyyyy wanted another smooch but good things come to those who wait :) 
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36) Is there something you wish Villanelle and Eve had talked about in finale that they didn’t? 
Oh this is a great question that I never thought about. The thing that I think is really beautiful about them is that they don’t always need to talk to communicate. They express so much to each other just by a look. or a kiss (wink wink) And they are able to understand so much about each other with hardly any words. But I think it would have been a really cute moment if they talked about what happened on the bus. Even if it was a brief witty exchange just acknowledging that that was a thing. Because it clearly affected them both so aggressively. And you know that neither of them have stopped thinking about it. 
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what is my favorite Jodie performance??? 
OH LORD HOW ABOUT ALL OF THEM. Good god there seems like there isn’t anything that woman can’t do. Her acting is truly something that is unmatched and just will keep getting better as she grows. However, there is a scene from The White Princess where she is talking to a group of soldiers, basically telling them to get their shit together and defend their country. Her overall performance in TWP is spectacular. And just the EMOTION in her face and in her entire body is so moving and outstanding it really brought me to tears. But I also think another great performance is at the scene with Villanelle’s mother right before V kills her. Incredible. Absolutely incredible. 
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These were so much fun thank you love <33
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jellybeanbeing · 6 years
Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare
WARNING: It’s gon’ be long.
What if damnation is the price of true love?
Innocent blood has been spilled on the steps of the Council Hall, the sacred stronghold of the Shadowhunters. In the wake of the tragic death of Livia Blackthorn, the Clave teeters on the brink of civil war. One fragment of the Blackthorn family flees to Los Angeles, seeking to discover the source of the blight that is destroying the race of warlocks.
Meanwhile, Julian and Emma take desperate measures to put their forbidden love aside and undertake a perilous mission to Faerie to retrieve the Black Volume of the Dead. What they find in the Courts is a secret that may tear the Shadow World asunder and open a dark path into a future they could never have imagined. Caught in a race against time, Emma and Julian must save the world of Shadowhunters before the deadly power of the parabatai curse destroys them and everyone they love.
Queen of Air and Darkness was INTENSE. My goodness... There was so much stuff that happened and were packed into this book. It was amazing and so well done with some exceptions but I’ll get into it later on. Overall, it was so emotional, dynamic, and great! And since this book was so big, I’m gonna try to go over every storyline(?) or significant character.
Starting off with Ty/Kit/Dru. I knew that some necromancy was gonna happen and I was prepared for it, BUT I thought that Livvy’s ghost was gonna pop up and say “stop it” and then everything would go back. Apparently, that’s not what happens. Ty now has to face his consequences which I’m pretty sure we’re going to see in The Wicked Powers. I wasn’t so invested in their story line, mostly because it didn’t have a big relation with the bigger story line. I felt like it was all set up for Kit and Ty’s story. I did really enjoy it though. We get to see more layers of Kit and Ty, and even Dru. I really loved getting to know Dru more. She has such a great voice and seeing things from her perspective was so interesting. I’m really excited to get more from her because what we did get from her in QOAAD, I really liked. She’s so smart, strong, and has a lot of potential to grown and be an even more amazing character.
I am loving Kit even more as we get to know him and the complexity of his character. I can understand his decision at the end when he wants to leave with Tessa and Jem without saying goodbye to the Blackthorns (especially Ty). Since Livvy’s death, all Kit did was be there for Ty even if what he was doing was really wrong. But when they both were at Lake Lyn and Livvy’s ghost came up, Ty was saying how there was nothing for him if Livvy wasn’t there, and that hurt Kit. So I can understand Kit’s decision. On another note though, KIT IS THE DESCENDANT OF THE FIRST HEIR? And that scene where he and Emma are with the Riders and magic just bursts out of him? How did that even happen? I need to know what is up with that. Again, on another note, I am always loving how Kit is accepting the fact that he’s a Shadowhunter. I love a good character development, and Kit’s development is so good. When he has that conversation with Jace, Kit wants his own weapon of choice and it was such a precious scene. We can really see Kit’s growing love of being a Shadowhunter.
We didn’t get a Ty perspective AT ALL in QOAAD so I’m really thinking Cassandra Clare is saving his voice for TWP which I’m all for. We’ll get to hear his voice and it’ll be so great. Ty was really something in this book though. I was lowkey kind of getting Julian-ish vibes from him. Ty was so determined to fix himself and his family that he completely forgot the logistics of everything and tried to do the almost impossible. We saw that Blackthorn stubbornness in him and I wasn’t all about it. I JUST NEED HIS PERSPECTIVE because when he got that letter from Thule Livvy, it seemed like he didn’t care. Not even a tiny bit. I just... I need TWP now. On a side note, holy mole. What if the Thule Jace coming to the normal Shadowhunter world is the consequence for Ty trying to raise Livvy? The necromancy could’ve opened a portal and let them pass through. Oh shit. DAMN IT. That means Ty will have to face this consequence and there’s gonna be another war. Are you kidding me?
I want to explore the Scholomance more. With just the small scenes we get of it, it seems so interesting. They weren’t happy or jolly scenes but something about it makes me want to delve in the Centurions lives more. I’m hoping that in The Wicked Powers, we will get to see more of the Scholomance. Especially since Ty is going to become a Centurion which WOW. I can’t wait for it. 
Moving onto Diana/Jia. Seeing things from their perspectives was pretty interesting considering that they are really the only adults here besides the TMI gang. We really saw the politics during their parts and it was unsettling because of the parallels it had with our real world politics. That was one thing that scared me. We know how things have gone in the real world when hateful people and extremists have power and influence. With those parallels, we can kind of grasp at how high the stakes are within the Shadowhunter government. There was that scene where Diego, Divya, and Rayan are brought upon the council and have the runes of Quietude put on them so they can’t speak. This hit me hard and made me tear up because it was so real. They, who are still basically children, aren’t given the chance to speak for themselves and are imprisoned. It was so heartbreaking to read that scene. But overall, I didn’t really care for Diana/Jia’s story line because nothing really happened.
There was that one badass scene where Diana was talking to Horace and he’s trying to convince her to side with him. I was so nervous that Diana wouldn’t have a way out of it and when she agreed to it, I was like, WE ARE FUCKED. But no. Diana grabs Horace’s sword, chops his arm off, and busts out the window like a BADASS. I was livid. 
And then the hot faerie threesome aka Cristina/Mark/Kieran. This was a pretty wild one. I absolutely loved the character development with every one of them. Not really Cristina because her character arc wasn’t that big or different. Mark and Kieran have come so far from being these broken faerie warriors to these strong and amazing people. It makes my heart ache and feel so happy. Oh my gosh, that last scene with the three of them at Magnus and Alec’s wedding, killed me. There’s that recurring line “Remember that none of it is real.” and at the end, Mark says, “Remember that all of this is real.” RIGHT IN THE FEELS.
I need to know more about the relationship between the Rosales family and faeries. There are so many unanswered questions with this. Why does Cristina have that time medallion thingy and the Rosales have the Eternidad? And I’m pretty sure there’s something sketchy about all of that. I need answers...
Speaking of the Rosales, Diego and Jaime? I actually really liked them in this book. I was pissed at Diego for lying to Cristina but he kind of redeemed his character. He showed his compassion and kindness which I really liked, and he apologized to Cristina. He confronted the situation and knew what he did was really shitty. Side note: I really ship him with Divya and I’m hoping to see them both in TWP at the Scholomance with Ty. ALSO, Diego was asked to take the spot as Inquisitor????? Would’ve never thought of Diego as the Inquisitor but I’m not mad. Yay, Diego. Jaime literally didn’t have a huge role in here and I felt like he was just there to set up TWP story line. For a second when Diego and Jaime were in the cell together, I thought that Jaime was going to die. I think it would’ve added so much more drama if he did die and given them something to hold against the Cohort but it’s okay. Jaime lived so yay.
Really quick before we get into Emma and Julian’s part, Aline was probably one of my top favorite characters in QOAAD. She was so sassy and always stood up for Helen. She was also so understanding and logical. Aline is quick to catch onto things and I’m hoping we get to see more or Helen and Aline and their POSSIBLE BABY.
Now let’s get to Emma and Julian. I was kind of disappointed in their characters, not gonna lie. I was really liking them in the beginning but towards the end, I was beginning to not really care if they lived or not. It just makes me sad because they’re the main characters. But if I’m gonna be REAL HONEST here, I didn’t really care for anyone’s story line. This pains me to say SO MUCH because this is my favorite series in the entire Shadowhunter Chronicles. 
Anyways, back to Emma and Julian. I was really liking borderline evil Julian. He was really living up to his ruthless title and it was so interesting. I seriously thought that his character would just continue to go downhill and no one was going to or could save him from it. That scene where Emma and Julian find out that Dane Larkspear was following them and then Julian MURDERS HIM sent chills down my spine. Julian was so cold and heartless in that moment and I kind of liked it. Also, call me heartless too but Dane deserved it. When he decided to go fetch the Black Volume by himself, he was asking to be killed. Back to Julian, though I liked borderline evil and emotionless Julian, he was such an asshole. Not only did he lie to and hurt Emma, he also did the same thing to his siblings. What the fudge nuggets, Julian? I was so glad that Magnus took that spell off of him because I was low key getting irritated. BUT that spell should have never been put on him in the first place, just saying.
I still think Emma is such a great strong female lead character. As I said in my Lady Midnight review, she is strong both mentally and physically but she has emotions. She expresses those emotions and shows her vulnerabilities. She ain’t no stone cold badass who welds a sword around, threatening people all the time. She’s a cool badass and I love it. One thing I really liked was how when Emma and Julian are in Thule and Julian tells Emma that he can feel again, she doesn’t just jump at the chance to be with Julian. He hurt her and lied to her, and she ain’t about that. Even when they returned from Thule, Emma knew Julian wasn’t himself and restrained herself from getting hurt by him again. 
That battle scene in the Unseelie Court was probably one of the most epic scenes in this book for me. We get Jace and Clary back, Mark and Kieran are there in chains, about to die, and there’s also Adaon, Julian, Emma, and Cristina there. I almost forgot that ASH, ANNABEL, AND THE SEELIE QUEEN WERE THERE TOO! Everything just went to shit but Kieran killed the Unseelie King, the Seelie Queen stole Adaon, Ash and Annabel jump through that portal, and soon after when the building is in flames, Julian and Emma jump through the portal too. It was absolute chaos and I loved it. And you know what scene I lived for during this whole thing? It’s when Julian is stabbing the shit out of Ethna with Simon’s D&D figurine. Amazing.
This book made me realize how crucial or very helpful it is to have read The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. I feel like if you’ve only really read TID and TDA, you won’t be able to grasp the how high the stakes are in Queen of Air and Darkness. Especially the whole deal with the Mortal sword and the Dark War.
Speaking of the Dark War.. when Emma and Julian went to Thule, I didn’t know what to expect but I was not expecting what we got. It was so different from what we know of the Shadowhunter world and it felt like a short novella inside QOAAD. But again, being honest here, that was the best part in this entire book. I was so captivated and entertained by this alternate dimension. Seeing Livia grown up and being a leader was just so nice to see, but it was also heartbreaking. 
Y’all, Cameron deserved so much more. I don’t know about you guys but I didn’t really care or like Cameron because we got the bare minimum of him. I also don’t know if it was mentioned in the other books about how he was as a person but the way Emma described him in QOAAD, he seemed like a sweet and goofy guy. I mean, this boy sent Emma llama pictures when he was sad. How precious is that? He was done dirty in this book. He was locked in the city of bones while fighting for his life by his girlfriend Livvy, got stabbed by his own cousin, and was ridiculed by his entire family. Cameron needs a hug.
I am so loving how the writing and characters in this book are getting so (dare i say) “rebellious”. Cassandra Clare isn’t sugar coating ANYTHING OR ANYONE anymore. I just want to appreciate the appearance of curse words whether its in English or another language. My rebellious heart loves it. I think this also ties into the fact that a lot of these characters are so done with the bullshit that’s been thrown at them that they just don’t care about censoring themselves anymore.
Zara and the entire Cohort can go choke. That’s all I’m gonna say about them.
That last battle scene was just intense. And the build up for this scene was equally as intense. I just absolutely loved how Julian got his shit together and remembered who he was. He is a motherforking genius. He contacted everyone he knew and set up that meeting. This seventeen year old boy did that. He was also smart enough to know that there was obviously going to be spies at the meeting so he had a secluded one after the majority of people left. I knew the Cohort was screwed from there on out, even when it was revealed that “Oskar” was Annabel. I was shocked but I knew they were gonna be in deep shit. But back to that last battle scene. What the fork? Everything was going pretty smoothly until someone just had to throw the knife and kill someone. I was living for that scene with the Mortal Sword. Everything was coming out and it was so amazing. But shit happened, so there’s that. 
The ending for this battle scene was a different kind of battle scene that I’m used to reading. Usually the perspective stays within the battle but Cassandra Clare included ALL perspectives of this battle, on field and out. I seriously thought that after Emma and Julian became giants, they were going to die or have all of their marks stripped. I really didn’t think they were have a happy ending. I mean, I’m happy they did but, it just doesn’t make sense. Also, I was not expecting Emma and Julian to become giants. Was it only me who imagined them as the Green Giant from the frozen vegetables thingy? Haha, yeah, just me.
I did really like how we saw so many perspectives of the battle. It made for a really good battle scene, but I guess I was a bit underwhelmed by the entire ending of this book.
THAT EPILOGUE? I was kind of expecting to get an epilogue similar to the one in Clockwork Princess. In Clockwork Princess, we get closure and I felt satisfied with the entire story but THE QOAAD EPILOGUE? I’m unsettled and I have to wait until around 2022 FOR ANSWERS. My heart will be unsettled for about 4 years. Okay. Cool.
Just the fact that this whole situation is coming full circle back to TMI but with it being more complex, is making me so tired of these assholes coming back to fuck shit up. Let these children be, goddamn it. 
I seriously thought I would feel at ease when I finished QOAAD but I don’t. That’s the one thing that bothers me. This book is so big yet we have SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS AND LOOSE ENDS. Please fucking yell at me if this was also the situation for COHF because it’s been a hot minute since I’ve read it.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed some aspect of this even if it’s complete shit.
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Has Anyone Listened to Fathoms Deep This Week?
Long ass post!
I just finished listening to it and for the first time I have not been on the same page with the girls. Things I feel like they interpreted seem odd to me and I even when they explain what they mean it still doesn’t add up.
Like Daphne indicating that Madi was being manipulative in the house when speaking with Eleanor. Like....how in the hell did that come about? Her reasoning was that they were enemies but I just don’t see either woman especially Madi thinking to use Eleanor for any reason at that moment that would help her. She knows very clearly that everything has changed for everyone and she has retreated into herself to deal with that and also chooses a book to soothe her. Eleanor begins that conversation and when Madi sees that Eleanor needs to get some things off her chest that is private gives the nod to her guard to leave. Now Daphne says she wanted Eleanor to divulge information that she can use. How does talking about love and her wanting to leave be cunning? It’s literally what she was trading the cache for soooo she was very much aware of Eleanor’s intentions to leave the island. That desire didn’t change on a walk up the beach. Also, we’ve seen several times in season 3 when she got the guns and with her father that she has an interest in Eleanor as a sister she never had. So of course she is curious now that Eleanor is letting her guard down.
The first conversation between them began poorly because Eleanor tried to manipulate her immediately. You see Madi listen then take a breath as if she caught on  to what Eleanor was doing quickly and THEN turned to tables on her by hurting her in a way she was hurt. If the  woman you haven’t seen since a child’d first words to you are deceptive, the next reaction is to tell them about themselves in the most forthright manner. Madi could have been cruel but she simply stated facts. And did it without bringing her own emotional feelings into it.
Back to cabin, Eleanor starts by asking about her childhood. She is making statements as well. It must have been hard for her to not have her father. Madi offered due to her vulnerability to show hers by admitting that yes she missed her father and it was tough not having him but that she did have her mother which she is grateful for. Eleanor agrees with this basically complimenting her that her mother did a good job. Eleanor outright admits she revers HER.
Still staring out the window, when Eleanor is speaking of love Daphne said I believe that Madi’s answer was no to Silver’s question “ Am I enough?” I emphatically disagree. I actually believed this was the moment the walls came down between them. She never answered Silver. She didn’t get a chance to because he rescinded the question and then walked away. But you see her in this scene listen to what Eleanor is dreaming of. She takes a second to answer her. You can see her mind going back to Silver’s question and she almost has a slight smile on her face. Madi’s smiles are hard to catch as she doesn’t reveal her emotions easily especially within company but she says, “yes” as if its the easiest thing because that us the moment that’s EXACTLY what she does want. Silver didn’t ask Madi to jump on a boat with him, abandon her people and go open an inn somewhere. He said after this war. So I also consider that question more of a promise or proposal and before she could answer lets it go. He never asked her to give up anything. He just wants to have a future with her and would she be happy with him in that future. 
Anyways, that’s when Eleanor sits because she now knows despite the gap since they’ve seen each other last they both bond over this desire for love that both have found on opposite sides of a war. But their loves are different. Woodes chose his ambition and hatred for pirates instead of happiness away from Nassau. John is choosing her path to free her (and the island) from hatred and oppression. Madi is secure in her love which Eleanor is not. So she leans on Madi for that assurance and Madi gives it to her not because she is trying to deceive her but because despite it all they can see each other. 
Now this Flint thing....maybe I am cynical (likely) but I would not consider calling Flint a cinnamon roll. Mainly because the speakers aren’t pointing out the main reason Flint is so damn chill; he’s getting everything he wanted! He was all cinnamon roll when Silver died to Madi but the minute Billy said no the Nassau all pf Captain Flint came roaring to life. This is what ALWAYS pushes Flint over the edge; people trying to steer his ship in a direction he does not want to go or that does not benefit his ultimate goal. Since Silver decided to jump in that darkness with him in season 3 and pulled him from his funk he found another partner. He’s had partners! Gates was his partner! Miranda was his partner! Dufrense at some point was his partner. Billy was at some point his partner. When they DIED ( or were murdered by him) then Silver became his partner and he’s back to his more calmer state and Silver has been leading his closer and closer to his goal moreso than the rest since he actually is a willing participant but remember again! this started out with Billy wanting the pirates to rally behind a new King and Silver was the only one relatively unknown to take that role and Billy knew they were in accord. 
So this Flint has changed thing isn’t wholly accurate. He’s simply getting his way and has been even with Silver there. I would not argue he’s given Silver any responsibility in his steed. When you first see them after taking Nassau Silver is the legend so he has to step forth first to get the army behind him....which was FLINT’S idea. But the minute Berringer is dead it is FLINT who chooses and summons the captain. It is FLINT who gives them instructions which is why the captain’s look to Silver because Silver is who they ultimately follow. When Silver gives the nod, only then do they follow orders. Silver is sometimes baffled about the game still which is why he makes these emotional decisions like trying to re-recruit Billy and his talk with Julius. Flint is NOT stupid to this, you’ve seen it in his eyes several times that he can see the power shift but he’s done what he does. He’s tied Silver to his side by serving him the koolaid. And don’t get me wrong, that’s the fucking catch because Flint’s ideals are sincere but what poison it is he thinks this dream can only be attained through brutal violence and other people’s sacrifices. Despite his affection for the people in his life he is not willing to ever stop and that means a never ending shit storm. He could gain Nassau but then he’d be onto the next thing. He’s been too far gone in his obsession for too long. More on Flint in control, when Billy is summoned it is FLINT that addresses him to the room and questions him. Only when it came to Madi’s safety did Silver speak up. Since then FLINT made the call for the deal. The only time he’s really been given the reigns was when they were unexpectedly attacked. And just when Silver has his great victory he manufactured without Flint he’s left defeated by the news of Madi and FLINT once again takes over and it’s FLINT seen with everyone since.
 So, no, I can’t knight Flint with any change of heart. Yes, he has become easier to deal with sure. Yes he’s found a friend in Silver and Madi and he never wanted anything to happen to the, especially Silver but it;’s naive to say it’s just for kindness sake. No, Silver is DANGEROUS and as @scottsndsilver pointed out, just as he did before when Madi lost Silver he immediately goes in to empathize and apologize while also pointing out it is not his fault. Granted, it really WAS not his fault in this case but while Silver absolves him of personal guilt for what happened, he is like I said previously, feeling some kind of way that has changed the friendship they had. He needs the support of Silver and Madi because they are the only ones supporting him. Without the two of them he doesn’t get what he wants. Joh has the army and Madi has the slaves.
Another failure but success that showcases just how much Flint hasn’t changed and just how much Silver IS learning ( though I did agree that Silver is still struggling to understand the politics of it all. He needs his Madi, which is interesting because didn’t Zethu say in her interview that they are both dangerous ( Madi and Silver) and to look forward to what they will do together or some such like that. @mbookerus help). Anywho, Flint NEVER attempted to repair the truce with the slaves. First he sends Madi who makes it clear Flint and Flint’s men were at the Underhill estate that night ( remember when we were wondering why she said Flint and not Silver; you ain’t slick) The Pirate King himself comes and not only does he come but he offers up Billy as Madi told him to do ( ugh and didn’t kill him like Madi may have hinted that she should do and now that sob is going to have her...) and afterwards earns enough respect with the slaves to at least hear him out. While the conversation with Julius was fraught I wouldn’t say Silver lost. I honestly believe Julius saw something in him that made him trust him even if it was with some reluctance because the slaves did NOT have to fight. They could have hidden with the rest of the Maroons and waited until he dust settled but they didn’t and I honestly think it was because of Silver’s actions. They are twp people also feeling each other out so there’s going to be caution and some animosity from Julius.
And I still think he and Silver will be more on the same page by the end of it. as suggested if Julius makes a deal with Rodgers it’s something even Madi may approve of. All she wants is freedom from for her people. She accomplished that by keeping them in the fight long enough for someone to be able to offer a new perspective and the simple fact is; as Julius says next week you can’t fight the world. And the damn truth is what the pirates want aren’t the same thing. Flint has talked those closest to him the dream. Everyone else is following out of fear, loyalty, or a desire to remain a pirate. Never forget they blackballed people who took pardons. Pirating is about taking. It’s a selfish life and in the book although LJS is a pirate he certainly has a derision for other pirates. He sees them as spendthrifty alcoholics were very loose morals. Which is why he has no loyalty to any of them. I would assume that Jack leaving was Silver’s first clue that he cares so much more than everyone else in this world. I mean, the man lost someone and he is looking devestated and Dooly walks over and he sees it, he knows something is wrong, but it’s not his problem. His problem is lets get ready for the next fight. No one offers him condolences besides Flint and I’ve already stated my opinion on that. All he’s given up is for a cause and for people who aren’t what he thought. His eyes are opening and I’m sure we will see his brain reasserting itself especially when Madi being alive comes into play. 
And stop giving Maxc so much credit. I like Max but she annoys me sometimes. Yes she gives great advice, but she also chides people for things she herself does or is responsible for. She betrayed Anne and Jack. She KNOWS people like Woodes cant be trusted as she told Eleanor but she thought he was going to spare Anne? Wtf???? She wants to berate what happened in Nassau without expressing that she DID IN FACT CAUSE IT ALL. If she had no qualms siding with the pirates when it suits her she has no loyalty to anyone but herself. She is just as selfish as the other characters she just runs her mouth more. I take it back. I don’t like Max lol I want to but she’s really turned into the Eleanor I hated. It’s in her manner which is odd because she does say all the accurate shit! But she takes no personal responsibility either and I think that’s what bugs me. And it annoys me that she went looking for Eleanor and when she couldn’t find her settled for the pirates then got upset that she is cast aside from her chair!!!!! Yes she lost Eleanor and Anne is hurt but so many people have lost so much more and her vengeful speech once again became about her “ my fucking chair” I hated that line. And I;’m scared what that means for Jack or Anne because I would not trust her again not after it’s clear she still hasn’t given up that dream of civilization. She’s a leech. No amount of personal wisdom changes that for me.
Any defense of Woodes makes me throw up. Like he brought his wife’s worst nightmare to life!!!! He got what he deserved and the maid is going to tell her she was pregnant 
Lingering thoughts....will Woodes and Madi have a conversation? She was the last person seen with Eleanor.
I will deal with Billy in a different post because people are so very very very reaching and I unfortunately have to destroy their ideals. 
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Are your requests currently open? Thank you :)
Are your requests currently open? Thank you :)
Oh hey! Thank you for your ask and your interest!! 💕 So here’s the thing about requests: I am not currently in a place where I feel like I can accept them and commit to writing a story in response. I’m not sure I ever will be? (I mean, let's be real: I’m still working on the prompts I solicited for my 100 follower celebration back in November. 😅‍🙈)
Here is what I can commit to:
My ask box is open. Always. For whatever you’d like to send me. Whether that's a story idea, a question about my fic, or just a silly thought/interesting thot--all of those are welcome!! (Getting an ask can and does brighten up my whole day! 🥰)
And I’ll respond in some way.
Maybe with a short answer or a long ramble or just a quick “holy shit, you’re a genius!”  Maybe with a headcanon.  Maybe even with full blown fic if I get inspired?  (How often will that happen?  Honestly, who knows? Certainly not me! 🤦‍♀️)  BUT, regardless of how, I will answer every* ask I get... uh... eventually 😅
So, send away, friend!  I love to hear from you!!  <3
🧡 twp
*Note: offer not valid for hate (anon or otherwise)
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35 Questions Tag Game
I’m cheating: I was tagged to do 17 questions by @fromthedeskoftheraven and there’s a lot of overlap with the 30 questions that have been sitting in my drafts since I was tagged by @songsformonkeys several weeks ago, so instead of doing both or ditching one, I’m gonna do a mashup.
Thanks for thinking of me, friends! 🥰😘 (Sorry I’m bad at following directions!)
Rules:  answer 17 30 35 questions and tag 17 20 some blogs you want to get to know better
Name/Nickname:  I’m trying to keep my name off this blog for plausible deniability reasons (I have a young teenager who is out here in the wilds of the internet reading fanfic, and we'll both be happier if she and/or her fanfic-reading friends don’t find out for sure that I write smut fics just yet or... uh... ever.)  You can call me thirst or twp, I guess? (Or by my actual name in chats & msgs that aren't public ; )
Gender:  female (she/her)
Star sign:  Libra
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw, probably?
Height:  5′ 5.5″ (approx 166cm). I always hoped I’d hit 5′6″, but at this point, that ship has sailed. I'm shrinking if anything
Time:  8:31am
Birthday:  mid October
Favorite bands: Beach Boys, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Nico & Vinz, REO Speedwagon & basically anything from the 80′s, Walk the Moon.  (My music tastes are eclectic, and there’s not a whole lot I don’t like.)
Favorite solo artists:  Matt Nathanson, Prince, Rihana, Taylor Swift (one of the few artists all of my girls & I can agree on) 
Song stuck in your head:  ‘Some Things Never Change’ from the Frozen 2 soundtrack (#momlife)
Last movie:  Kronk’s New Groove (#sameasabove)
Last show:  The Mandalorian 
When did I create this blog:  June 2020
What I post:  Mostly Pedro Pascal character gifs, fan art & fanfic.
Last thing I googled:  converting 65.5 inches to cm
Why I chose my url:  ‘Cause I like puns/wordplay and it... uh... seemed like a good idea at the time?
Other blogs:  Yep, several! Main is here, but don’t bother tagging me over there, 'cause I wont see if for like a month (if at all(
Do I get asks:  Some and I love them!!
Following:  991 (so yeah, tag or msg me if you want to make sure I see something)
Followers:  395 on this blog
Average hours of sleep:  My sleep schedule is shit and ranges from 2-12ish hours/night), so who tf even knows anymore. 
Lucky number:  not sure I have one... maybe 11?
Instruments Played:  Piano very poorly
What I’m wearing:  purple henley over a tank top and jeans
Dream job:  I dunno... zookeeper? librarian? studio artist? voice actor? author/artist of children’s picture books?  (I still haven’t decided what I want to be when I grow up)
Dream trip:  One of my cousins took a year off after college and spent the entire time traveling, visiting something like 40+ countries as he circumnavigated the globe, and that sounds pretty fantastic!  Otherwise, maybe something lazy and tropical where someone else manages all the planning and logistics (I am but a tired, stressed-out mom...  I just want to nap the day away until someone calls me for dinner). 
Favorite food:  Mexican (though that gets a little tricky now that I’m not eating dairy)
Nationality:  American
Favorite song(s):  This changes frequently, but current things on repeat are:  Van Horn by Saint Motel, Uncharted by Sara Bareilles, Holding Out for a Hero from Shrek 2, Oh What a Night by the Four Seasons, Downtown by Macklemore, Africa by Toto
Favorite author(s):  Jane Austen, Tolkien, Tamora Pierce, Steven King, Sandra Boynton, Dr Seuss, Shakespeare, Shel Silverstein, Simon R Green, Mercedes Lackey, Edgar Allan Poe, Terry Pratchett, Rumiko Takahashi, and so many others.
Last book:  Ahahahahaha... “real” books... in this economy?  Can I count the Boxcar Children Mystery I started the last time I forgot to take my phone with me to the bathroom? 😅  ...or Simplicity Parenting (reading it for a parent book group run by one of my kids’ teachers)?  These days, when I have time to read for fun, I’m all about fatnfic.
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna live in:  Star Trek tos, Dinotopia, Xanth
Aesthetics:  comfort, green plant life, water flowing (oceans, rivers, lakes), animals, overcast days, the sky, blue green, lots of soft pillows
Favorite animal noise:  cat purring
Random: Our heater is on the fritz, so it’s very cold in our house right now!
Zero pressure tagging (you can do 17, 30, or all 35 questions), and anyone else who wants to do this should consider themselves tagged & tag me when they do it!): @abuttoncalledsmalls @alwaysbethewest @anxiety-riddled-mando @frannyzooey @goldafterglow @heatherbel @immortalstarme @ithinkwehitametaphor @javiers-tac-vest @keeper0fthestars @knittingqueen13 @ladyblogger-margie @no-droids-on-sunday @remmyswritings
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