larperwithastaff · 1 year
THIS !!! IS !! WHY !!! I !!! LOVE !!! LARP !!!!!!!
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ratspider · 5 months
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leeeeeeeeech · 6 months
Don't Wanna be your Friend Anymore
"B-Beee." I slur, leaning against the ghoul, my vision swimming behind my drooping eyelids. The alcohol kicked in much quicker than I would've liked it too. This game was a dumb idea.
"Told ya," He chuckled, tucking some of my hair behind my ear with a delicate claw. "You cannot hold your liquor fer shit, tootsie pop."
I go to argue with him, but the bile that jumps into my throat beats me to it. I practically launch myself from the couch to stumble towards the bathroom. Beetlejuice cackles, triumphant that he'd won. I come back, sweatier and a couple shots lighter, to Beetlejuice sipping on another bottle of tequila. His hair a subtle purple hue.
"Damn, Beej, you goin' through something?" He jumps, a little startled, before he jerkily shrugs his shoulders, the purple retreating into his hair line, quickly replaced by his signature electric green.
"Nah, I like the burn," He takes another gulp, making a sour face as he set the bottle down. "Augh yep! That's the stuff."
"Come on, what's wrong? You're purple."
His eyes widen, hands jumping to his hair, attempting to cover it up. "N-Nothing's wrong. I just.. ughhh fuck okay okay." He sighs, gritting his teeth. My heart breaks as the purple comes back full force, it even bleeds past his hair. His tie and the white stripes of his suit a faded plum color.
Oh no.
"I miss you." He whispers, his voice strained. I sit next to him on the couch, scooting closer until our legs bump together.
"But I'm right here, Beej." I reach for his hand, but he smacks it away.
"No! No, you're not. Ever since you took that dumbass job you never have time for me!"
"How? We hang out every night."
He shakes his head, red sprouting into the purple, like splotches of blood.
"No. We really don't Y/n. This is the first time we've had an actual conversation in weeks, and it's only happening because we're both drunk!"
My head is swimming from this revelation. Was my new job really affecting him this much? I thought that things were good between us. I... I really fucked up, didn't I?
"I'm sorry, Beetlejuice, why didn't you say anything before?"
He shakes his head. "I didn't want... fuck.. this shit is really somethin' huh?" He gestures to the half empty bottle of tequila. "It really makes ya just say anything!" He laughs, but the joy doesn't reach his eyes, or his hair, or..anywhere really. A mirthless noise.
"Beej, you can be honest, I'm sorry we haven't hung out like we used to. I've been a terrible friend to you."
Beetlejuice mutters something angrily under his breath, crossing his arms and turning away from me. "What?" I lean towards him, grabbing a hold of his shoulder to balance myself.
"I don't want to be your friend." He says, punctuating each word with a pained hiss. I feel like complete shit. I took him for granted. "Beej, I'm so sorry! I wish I knew how to make all this better."
He's quiet for a while, seemingly contemplating, his hair changes from color to color. Red, blue, purple, orange, yellow....pink. I continue to watch in silence as he broods. A soft pink remains at the root of his hair as it fades through the entire rainbow. He pauses for a moment, noticing that I hadn't said anything to him. His eyes meet mine, the pink crawling through his hair slowly, the purple sliding into the forefront of his head. His gaze flickered down to my lips for a beat.
"Beetlejuice, I know I messed up, and if you don't want me-"
"Shut up for a second."
I clamp my mouth shut, watching him carefully as he scoots closer to me.
He cuts himself off, turning away from me with a scoff. I hear him grumble, "Fuck it." but before I can comment on it at all, his hands are cupping my face, and his lips are pressed up against mine. My eyes fluttered closed as he presses into me, my hands wandering up into his hair to pull on the ever-changing strands. He groans into the kiss, the vibrations reverberating throughout me. It makes me shiver
He leans into me further, more hands groping, pinching, pulling. His tongue, cold and wet pressing against my teeth. His heavy breaths, and little groans are too much for me to handle. I push him off, panting and wiping at the slobbery residue of the kiss. Beetlejuice looks upset for a moment, but his eyes flick to my lips again and his hair goes bubblegum pink, strands of red settling in random patches. it makes him look like cinnamon candy.
"Bee-" He holds up a hand to my mouth, shushing me. He runs his free hand through his hair, a few mold spores falling out as he did so.
"Listen, Y/n, I.. I like you. A lot. Anytime I think about you and me it's like my heart's havin' an orgasm." His confession is rushed and stumbled through, but I quit listening to him once his hair started glowing. The pink shining so bright that it cast a soft light throughout the living room. I smiled at all my things being in Beej's light. I interrupt his ramble by kissing the hand that covered my mouth. He flinched, stopping mid sentence.
"You give my heart orgasms too, Beej." I laugh, holding on to his hand with both of mine. His shock quickly fades, replaced with that flirty cockiness that I've come to love.
"I bet I can make you feel like that all over~"
I lean forward into his space, grinning as his cheeks darken at my being so close. Liquid courage or love, I didn't care. I was going to see my ghoul pink for as long as possible.
"Let's test it."
(lil note): this is also on ao3!
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xxswagcorexx · 22 days
Swagcore comes back from the war and gives Swagdoons fic recs....Please
hi! i'm going to be real i haven't been reading a lot of swagdoons fics as of late,,, (aventurine from hsr grabbed me by the throat and now i'm stuck in gatcha game hell) but! here's some i enjoyed for far :)
(and if you haven't seen it, here's a bunch of links to other swagdoons fic recs i've done 1 / 2 / 3 / 4)
On the open road by di_fairy
“Anyways,” he says, tugging slightly at the length of rope, “where are we goin’?” Because if Ash has decided to technically kidnap him to take him on a post graduation road trip, he at least deserves to know where they’re going. “No idea yet. Just go until we get lost.”
unwritten letters to a dead man by Fey_wilde
day 2: promises/betrayal
It’s like we’re married, Ash had joked, far more than once, shoving aside the stacks of notices with their printed red block letters screaming out their contents to the world, to instead fill the cups with diluted juice that tasted like the memory of summer fruit. To spread cheap jam onto bread that breaks their teeth when they bite into it, but it was sweet, and that’s what mattered. Now the cups are empty.
poorly written guide on how to fold an origami star by oneirogen
it's probably par for the course for you to dedicate yourself to this ultimately meaningless task instead of actually talking with your partner, but it's not like you've ever claimed to be good at this.
you're in the walls that I made with crosses and frames // hanging upside down by orioncataclysmic
Because Ash is the God of Nothing Good, of glitches and scams and trickery; things that show up quite frequently in the business world. It’s a good arrangement they have, especially on mornings like this, when Redd gets to wake up with a slightly-less-divine body next to him. They cut the whole holy appearance shtick short when Redd got tired of eye and ear and nose and mouth blood, and Ash got tired of healing him up.
MCYT aro week day two - loveless
TUSSLE! by starbamnk
“AUGH, RED-” “How d’you like that, bitch!” Red cheered as he struggled to find his voice again, fighting against Red's grip. “Red,” Ash managed, halfway between laughing and coughing, his face flushed from his lack of air. “Fuckin’ a- OW- asshole, you're choking me-!” “WHATTTTT-” - Spep misinterprets a situation, and Ash thinks it might just be the end of the world.
something stupid by starbamnk
'I love you.' Ash had to stop himself from choking. That's not how they were here. It ached, but that wasn't how things were.
"We should probably get up" by Anonymous
posters by draiin (orphan_account)
red forgets to take down some posters.
faith is not enough by swagin (reddoons)
Ash’s form of worship is one of sedentary and nothingness, a macabre monster of self-pity and self-loathing, all contained within his room. It is no place for God. Ash indulges anyway, the hope for something new in a day that blends in with all the others, monotonous and empty. It is the cold caress of a skeleton, nothing there in those eyesockets, staring back.
(yes i am aware that the prev. fic is most likely yours. also the next fic is casino quartet but you know. swagdoons is in it regardless)
four suits, one house by orioncataclysmic
“Yeah?” Ash asks, seemingly having learnt his lesson about looking anywhere other than forward. “How many people did you kill today, Clownpierce?” “A gentleman never asks about another gentleman’s body count, you rascal."
MCYT aro week day six - found family
and that's pretty much all of the fics i have to recommend :) now i will say that i make it a personal rule of mine not to recommend my own fics and, uh, considering:
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maybe, if you want, i can make a separate post on my favorite fics that i've personally written because it feels a little disingenuous to include my own fics into a list of general fic recommendations, you know? (also the reason i post on anon is so people can judge the fics on their own merit and not because my name is attached to it LOL--but i've written a lot of these fics 1+ year ago so i think they've more than stood the test of time already)
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gaybellethorn · 4 months
i started listening to the first shannon hale eah book on my walk earlier and it's so good. hale you mad bitch <3!!!!!!!
raven being a swiftie (taylor quick........obsessed) and apple being a directioner ("you don't know youre charming" in universe pointing to the real life charming family. CRAZY.)
apple keeping a basket of candy and coins at her bedroom balcony to throw down to her adoring masses PLEASEEEEE . all her kingdom management classes amassing to this she's so FUNNY.
relatedly, how frustrated she gets at the end of her first chapter that people are only gonna grade her on being a good snow white based on how pretty she is and not on how hard she's studying to be a good ruler. very very juicy very interesting characterisation very interesting take for a snow white character. but also. the chapter starts with her naming the dwarves by derogatory nicknames ("my name is frank," pouty said poutily) and the narrative itself superimposing her names onto them in the dialogue tags. SO FUCKING GOOD. APPLE YOU SILLY BITCH.
hale's distate for apple's dad bleeding into the description i looooove it. "keeping a hand on the hilt of his blade as if ready for battle at a moment's notice, but of course he had never been in battle. his only claim to fame was falling in love with a comatose woman in a glass coffin in the woods" damn hit him again for me!!!!!
BUT this coming from apple's pov???? EXQUISITE!!!!!! god that's so fucking INTERESTING and really doubles down on her looking up to her mam and wanting to be the best ruler she can be, because no one's gonna help her out later! i haven't gotten to apple interacting with daring yet, but that's gonna be such an interesting lens to read their relationship through as well if she considers his role in the story like. repulsive!
also just an interesting contrast to raven's relationship with her parents, where she loves her dad and wishes her mam wouldn't belittle him in their convo. oh sidebar there was a description like, raven's mam did love her, in her own way. hope was like a sticky syrup and raven wished she could drink it down just one more time. auggghhh ravennnn :( <33333
back to apple, i liked the little detail about snow having this squeaky high pitched voice, and apple musing that being stranded in the woods with the squirrels may have done a number on her. i think she gives a length of time there, either weeks or months? i hadn't considered that being part of the snow white legacy, that's interesting ! especially after thinkng of her dad as a useless bum ass nobody like 😭
looooove getting raven's introspection around her mam. the mirror scene at the start is so so good. ugh then when she's talking to apple and she notices how slouchy and unkempt she is next to her. and she tries standing properly but she knows she comes off as too tall, too gaunt comparatively. and then she reprimands herself like 'stop comparing yourself to her, that's probably how mom turned out the way she did' AUGH ? that being the first indicator that raven can understand how that path unfurls in front of her, how she could easily take those same steps. sooo juicy
also looove her relationship with baba yaga so far. it's really interesting that baba yaga is compared/contrasted to raven's mam, i wanna keep an eye on how that relationship develops
baba yaga using an actual spray bottle on raven when she starts voicing rebel thoughts PLEASE‼️ raven grumpily looking into the princess' advisor office (run by the white queen! cute detail) where theyre given tea and plush chairs and noticing that there isn't a spray bottle in sight. MWAH.
oh ! and the detail about it being maddie who asks raven point blank "if you weren't destined to be the evil queen, you would...?" as part of this wonderland word game that she doesn't think anything more of, but raven is left speechless because she's never been allowed to consider it before. really sweet moment between them! :)
im like an hour into this 6.5hr audiobook. the voice actor is doing a wonderful job, i really like her voices for raven and apple in particular so far. i definitely wanna keep going on it! i will listen to it on walks i think :^)
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choco-cherry-chunk · 11 days
Thinking a lot about OFMD Steddyhands mpreg bullshit as usual but in such a tragic way because I love drama and horror and as much as I post kink and sweetness on this blog, I’m a horror and literary writer in my regular life lol. I want Izzy getting knocked up super young, prior to ever knowing Ed or piracy or anything of the like. His life wasn’t beautiful or soft or good, but he’s still a romantic at heart - call it the whimsy of youth or the impact of his mother, who knows? And when the owner of the boarding house he’s staying in knocks him up, the capital-R Romantic in him builds up a fantasy. That this man has fallen in love with him, that they will have a family, that they will live a simple and tender life together. But that’s just not how things work. Near the end of his second trimester, something happens. Some dockworkers, pirates, whoever, go after him. Who could say why? Later, there’s some talk that they were hired by the boarding house owner’s wife. But it ultimately doesn’t matter. His child never takes a breath and he is forced to bury him alone. Within a week, he’s out at sea, eventually to meet Ed and a crew of his own.
But beyond the past, I’m thinking of how such a reveal would exist with the main three. For Izzy, I feel like - because of what’s written above and the personal head canon that he’s not exactly careful during sex and has tended to either miscarry or abort conceptions with random pirates, he knows the signs of having gotten pregnant by his men. But he figures it is bound to be gone soon enough and does nothing. But there are little things. Changes he makes to care more for this possibility. Because while he will deny it to his last breath, the crew of The Revenge has invited that small capital-R Romantic back to him and maybe he does want a child, wants that softness with Ed and Stede, though he doesn’t know the first thing about such an existence.
For Ed, he would be caught in the middle. On one hand, I think he would fear becoming his father. Not just that he would treat a child in the manner that his father had, but that the title alone is enough to build resentment. That being called “Dad” is almost like a curse, having never known anyone to have a positive connection to that title in his life. He wants to play possum and pretend it isn’t happening, pointedly ignoring any changes that may need to be considered for their future. On the other hand, I also think he would only look at the surface level of the pregnancy and be excited. A baby is a child and children are entertaining. They’re weird and funny and different. He would see the baby to come almost as a commodity or toy, though not intentionally and would not see his views as that, but it is true. Kind of like the inn, he sees this future as a game, and is ready to take on the role (a word chosen very specifically) as father.
For Stede, as much as I love his sweetness and tender nature, I think it would be a mask that is slipping in this context. There is an artist on Twitter that did this beautiful comic (as soon as I can find it, I will link it and the artist here) about Ed and Stede’s time on the island building their inn, during which Ed is trans and gets pregnant, and he continues to have nightmares about Izzy’s death. All the while, Stede is clearly restless, happy to have Ed but not inclined to his return to land and monotony. He said himself that he isn’t meant for domesticity. And I know that the end of the show was rushed for reasons, but I wish Stede and Ed’s uncertainty of their future had been stretched; Stede’s pirating career building as Ed’s is coming to an end is fascinating. But to throw in a baby (and thus a clock) is all the more chaotic. Stede so often takes on this role of lightness and care, but he left his family for a reason. He loves them, but he didn’t want them. And now, the same thing he didn’t want has essentially followed him. How can thinks work out for the three of them? AUGH, I JUST WANT TO UNPACK THIS CHAOS!!
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why did I play wayhaven chronicles book 3
A list of grievances and observations as I played this heck of a game
Spoilers for all of it because I don't care and you shouldn't either
there's so much stage direction it's unbearable. people smile, smirk, chuckle, roll their eyes, shrug, scoff, groan, all of it, always, often for no reason, often to just fill word count, often so unnaturally it reads like they're all robots.
descriptions and dialogue are repetitive as fuck, and the prose quality is so poor. i feel like you could write a better game faster if you just had a better editor. or AN editor, really.
It really is a game that bit off more than it could chew so it didn't chew anything at all and just spit this back out.
I encountered like 3 major bugs in my first playthrough that would've broken the plot/game, if any choice actually mattered and the vampires didn't just swoop in to save my ass no matter what I did, so I guess no harm done ????
You can't keep bragging about how much you loooove adding variation when seemingly no or very few options actually impact anything
No seriously, the amount of times player agency is discarded just because nothing is allowed to matter is staggering (why couldn't the detective confess their love for Mason? well because it would change the dynamic uwu!)
Speaking of Mason, look how they slaughtered my boy!
I refuse to believe M is this fucking stupid, they clearly know enough about romance to realize that some other people might want more than they can offer (in fact they say this exact thing if you reject sex in book 2) so like ?? why wouldn't they be able to recognize or even entertain that that's what's going on? sorry i get not realizing initially but the longer it goes on the more annoying and less realistic it becomes
But that's a non-issue right? Because the romance develops in this book? Sure, it does, and that's one of the few good things about it, that there's visible romantic development with M at least, but it also just completely doesn't care how you approach the romance at all. If you try to approach M's romance as a slow burn, it's not taken into account. Because the game doesn't seem to track which kiss is actually your first, ANY of them could be, so they're all written as equally important, meaning none is allowed to be more important than the others
Same goes for the sex scenes. You're waiting until the best in-character moment to fuck M? Well fuck you. it'll be the same as any other. This was the first time? cool cool, the game doesn't care. headcanon your own emotional weight of the moment, asshole. first time my detective had sex with Mason was written with pretty much the same weight as any previous ones I read, and we didn't even get a morning-after scene when Mason ditches their ass. I'm sure your slow-burn, slow-to-trust, emotionally motivated detective is tottally chill with their lover leaving in the morning after they finally brought their guard down and let Mason in, right? no? well fuck you. it's a week later now and they have no comment to make.
"oh but it's sooo hard to code alll of these variations! you can't expect the writer to take your headcanons into account!" they're not headcanons. i can reject Mason's advances at every step of the way, but the game doesn't care about this beyond the next page where the rejection actually occurs. anything else plays out like it does regardless of whether it's your first time doing anything or not.
Here's a simple, cure-all solution to writing choices that are too complicated for you to handle: don't! just don't put them in if you don't honor them! DON'T FUCKING PUT THEM IN IF YOU DON'T HONOR THEM.
Speaking of fuck you, if you're playing as a nonbinary detective and you have sex with M? congrats on having ghost genitals. your "detailed" intimate scenes are so vague and noncommittal that it's difficult to tell who's doing what with what body part. it's all so vague and bland that there's really no point in picking the option at all. Pro tip, cissies: nonbinary people have genitals, too. I know! Wild, right?
What's funnier, you always get to pick if you "initiate" or not (I assume this is code for topping). But if you're NB, regardless of what you pick, you don't really find out what your character is doing, even though Mishka gave herself a perfect out to write player-based variation. Everyone's got holes, man. It's not that hard.
Basically the game insists you have sex with M ASAP because there's no material reason not to, but if you dare to be nonbinary and fuck M, good luck on figuring out that sex scene, bitch!
Rebecca is still getting so many excuses and second chances that it's getting genuinely triggering to read at times. Your character keeps having to confront her about their relationship and it's like it wants you to forgive her because it's #feelgood. Plus, if you decide not to work with her at one point, you get a shorter climax where you're a cringefail idiot who can't do anything right. If you work with her, everything works without a hitch and you get to waltz out being all cool and badass. huh? huh ? huh ???? i hope this is just something me and my pals who played this are missing and maybe there's more variation??? but man oh man the Rebecca stanning going on in the narrative is so uncomfortable :')
We really peaked with Falk. This new villain is barely a presence and doesn't even get named until like halfway into the story. We meet him once and then he's defeated.
Sin, who got a lot of hype and buildup ... is not of any consequence. He just leaves.
You don't even find out what his deal is if you go the combat training route. Oh you thought this was vital info that would be delivered to you regardless of your personal character choices? fuck you.
Addie, the face of the victims of these gruesome kidnappings? comes back at the end as a non-speaking character you never even talk to personally.
The whole entire kidnapping+human/supernatual trafficking thing is just so ... bad. It's all so poorly constructed and not thought-out at all. Why would you go here with your silly vampire detective romance? Who thought this was the place to do that?
The detective's emotional breakdown is triggered by a random nameless victim who never comes back into the story again
The detective's emotional breakdown involves them being naked in a shower with their LI. This is (in M's case, at least) never brought up again and barely has any impact on the romance (because you can avoid it, so it can't matter too much<3)
The blood drive that was set up as being a potential major issue and would maybe tie back into the alleged "main plot"? Easily avoided, explicitly in-universe boring, and literally of no consequence
After all this, after three books of being dumb as shit for no reason other than idk cringefail cheap angst? Mason confesses his love for the detective via a NEVER-HAVE-I-EVER DRINKING GAME.
This is, of course, not touched upon at all and the detective (who, at this point, is pretty much aware they're in love with M) barely reacts at all
honestly it wouldn't be so bad if it were acknowledged or discussed afterward or if it had any fucking effect on anything ever but it's barely even played as a joke so we can't have that! Why????
Because the book is over. if you're an M-mancer the book ends with a drinking game indirect love confession and you don't get to react to it at all
But here's a cheap stinger about the detective's relative who's totally evil and will totally be a main antagonist eventually!
did you have fun??? no?? well fuck you.
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the-tmnt-ficfinder · 2 months
Ficfinder finds: firefight
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Summary: No summary
firefight Chapter 5: Appraisal and Ratings
(Don't know what fanfic "Appraisal and Ratings" means? Check out my explanation on my Main Masterpost! Looking for a different fanfic to read? Head on over to my Fanfic List Masterpost!)
Disclaimer: This fanfic is written by, @remedyturtles so go show them some love and support!! They write top notch fic's!
The fanfic ratings are not based on quality, favoritism, or how good I think it is, but rather, how intense a subject may be. Like a movie review, or the tags on Ao3, letting the readers know what to expect.
Plot: 💛💛🖤🖤🖤
"Plot is two out of five!! This chapter isn't as plot heavy, however, that doesn't mean what's happening isn't relevant. Everything that happens in firefight is something important, so remember the interactions in this chapter for when reading later on."
Suspense/Mystery: 💛💛💛🖤🖤
"Suspense/Mystery is three out of five!! The suspense in this chapter was amazing!! The standoff between Donnie and Leo had a lot of suspense laced into it, making for a tense read."
Angst/Hurt: 💛💛💛💛💛
"Angst/Hurt is five out of five!! Aw heck the angst/hurt in this chapter is definitely there. I can't stand to see the twins fighting, augh it hurts my soul!!"
Fluff/Comfort: 💛🖤🖤🖤🖤
"Fluff/Comfort is one out of five!! This chapter has practically no comfort to pair with the hurt. Its just arguing, desperation, and sadness."
Emotions Conveyed: 💛💛🖤🖤🖤
"Emotions Conveyed gets a two out of five!! This chapter really invoked a feeling of stress and sadness in me. It won't mess with your head to badly, though it'll still be a tense read."
Drama/Tension Level: 💛💛💛💛💛
"Drama/Tension Level is five out of five!! Like I've been saying, this chapter is a VERY tense read!! The tension is very thick, and the drama is intense!!"
Triggers: 💛🖤🖤🖤🖤
"Triggers for this chapter are one out of five!! Only the basic triggers for this fic apply to this chapter. The usual of starvation, dehydration, and overall despair."
Legibility (Reading): 💛💛💛💛💛
"Legibility (Reading) is five out of five!! Once again, would highly recommend reading this chapter!! Very smooth, very enjoyable, wonderful read!!"
Legibility (Audio): 💛💛💛💛💛
"Legibility (Audio) is five out of five!! One hundred percent this chapter is a good one to listen to! Whether reading or listening to, this chapter is good both ways!!"
Length: 💛 💛 💛🖤🖤
"Length is three out of five!! Chapter 5 of firefight takes about 25-26 minuets to listen to!!"
Next Chapter ->
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Firefight: Story Ratings and Chapter List
Personal thoughts on chapter below cut (Contains Spoilers)
"I really think we have enough problems without you creating new ones. I actually don't think I've ever felt this frustrated with you and I survived your entire Nyan Cat phase." Donnie's brain immediately began to play the Nyan Cat song, which he had listened on loop for weeks. It was a particularly stark contrast of that moment to this one, that made him feel off-balance and unwell. Sugar sweet music as he watched the wretched expression on Leo's face twist and try to find somewhere to settle. What game his twin was going to try and play next to win.
I know this chapter is supposed to be on the more serious side, but this was just really funny to me!! I remember being younger, and thinking Nyan Cat was great lol.
Donnie really let himself sink into the freezing atmosphere, weaponizing all his innocent little brother energy, "But Leo, I'm cold." "Evil." Leo pointed directly at him. "Evil. Put that face away. What are you, Mikey?"
I can just imagine this scene so vividly, but its a lot funnier in my mind lol. Donnie, with huge sparkly eyes, pouting ever so slightly. I know I said this chapter is on the more intense side, which it is, but my brain is also just broken lol.
"So your hypothesis is that because Dad was capable of using your sword, it is a Hamato shared power instead of just Dad being incredibly versatile?" Donnie asked, managing to get his voice in something resembling his preferred monotone instead of this tortured arguing that was all Leo's fault for starting. "My hippopotamus is that it'd be stupid if we didn't at least try and see how many assets were have at our disposal." Leo replied, rolling his eyes up towards the shallow ceiling, flopping the hand away from his face. "I am not proposing any semi-aquatic mammals, thank you." Donnie said, stiffly. He spun the sword agilely, having practiced with enough weapons over the years that a sword wasn't too hard to play with. There wasn't any noticeable spark of ninpo, however. "I doubt this will work, unless you feel as if you'd be able to build constructs like I do. Hell, can you imagine doing Mikey's chain thing?"
:) Hippopotamus
His markings lit the corpse in faint violet. Not human, not Kraang, something slumped over with jaw detached and hanging. Painted on the inside was some kind of writing -- whatever it was, the same alien word over and over -- and the alien's appendage was torn open and caked in the same dark substance covering the wall. Something about the stillness of the corpse, the vacant stare of what could've been a face -- it immediately turned Donnie's stomach, let alone the desperation needed to decorate the walls of your tomb in your own blood. He wanted to know what the word was. He hoped he never had to know.
I wonder what everyone imagined the alien to look like. The description is a little vague, leaving so much of it up to the imagination. I wonder, was the alien in peoples minds, ugly, pretty, cool, or something else? Perhaps they based it off of another design they've seen before, their brain latching onto the first idea it could generate. When we hear the word alien, does it influence what we see or imagine? Would something else have been imagined if the word 'creature' or 'being' was used?
Through the steam on the other side, maybe Leo had thought he wouldn't see, or maybe he had no idea he was subconsciously doing it -- but he signed his real answer, a fist in a circle against his chest. I'm sorry.
I enjoy how actual sign language signs are used in this fic. Many fics I've read don't elaborate on what signs are being used. Its a small detain, but a special one.
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camthecatchameleon · 11 months
OFFtober week 3! prompt list is by @echothefreak
Day 17: Snow - I had trouble with this one, for some reason? So I defaulted to Pablo because cats are easy to draw
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Day 18: I had three friends - honestly i could not tell you the thought process behind this composition. not too proud of it but oh well. the idea itself stems from the theory that the world of OFF is all in Hugo’s imagination
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Day 19: Fail - TW for blood - some backstory for this: i didn’t know until I listened to the OFF OST that if you die in the game, the song Stay In Your Coma plays. I haven’t actually replayed OFF yet since I’m. weird like that so I haven’t checked myself, so. shrug. but it’s a good song (all the OST is good) and if you haven’t heard it. go listen to the OST.
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Day 20: Outfit Swap! …which ended up also being a Role Swap because I couldn’t get the idea out of my head. also idk if this is at all clear but Purifier!Zacharie’s AddOns are supposed to have sorta crown-like spikes…? i dunno i wanted to pay homage to my guardian AU in some way. DAMMIT in retrospect i could have still given zacharie a sword because i really don’t think a bat is his style AUGH whatever whatever ajsdkjfkafsladghfs
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Day 21: Buddies? got skipped because i was not feeling 100%
Day 22: Mutual Feelings … of hatred >:) Full disclosure I almost didn’t draw today. as the month passes its getting harder to remind myself to do this, which is normal for me and honestly I’m surprised I’ve made it this far!
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week 1 / week 2 / week 3 / week 4 / week 5
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propfortytwo · 28 days
augh. god i really wish spiral knights didnt suck ass as a game im thinking about it again tonight and imagining how good it could be if everything about it was different
it has such a good artstyle and presentation and the foundations for intrigue and a great world and then you need to grind for literal weeks to buy the upgrade materials to advance the plot. actual clown shit and it should enter public domain right now. imagine how fucking good spiral knights could work as a setting for a story driven game like if the level types were discreet layers and had like, individual arcs with friendly monsters from the area and more recurring npcs who actually show up in levels. the actual gameplay wouldnt even have to change that much just. aughhgghh. pain
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scramble-crossing · 8 months
2 3 10 12 13 for the ask game!
2. A headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like! Ok this is hard to answer because I forget what's canon and what's intricately-woven-into-my-brain headcanon but I'll say the "Kariya was an Angel" theory! I never disliked it, but I never liked it more than the simpler explanation of "Oh he's just been around the block a couple of times, that's why he knows more than the average Reaper but still couldn't pick out Joshua as the Composer-that stuff's above his paygrade." Even now it's not "canon to me" level of headcanon, but I can see the appeal and really I appreciate anything that inspires people to look a littler closer at characters like Kariya or Uzuki. Also it's really good when played for comedy. His ass is showing up at the Angel convention, stealing as many appetizers as he can, and bouncing before anyone can point out that he got fired 30 years ago for skipping meetings to go play Tin Pin with random Wall Reapers.
3. A character that fandom has helped you appreciate It's too easy to say Coco so Beat! It's embarrassing to admit but I kinda had a bone to pick with him when I was first getting into the series for sorta "replacing Sho" in neo. I didn't think he was as interesting (and to be fair he really isn't in neo until you take his relation to Rindo's arc into consideration; he works wonderfully as a back for Rindo to hide behind even if his own story was very much concluded by the end of the first game. Then there's also his dynamic with Neku, which is very very good, but he didn't need to be a player character for that. Anyways). Beat analysis posting made me actually pay attention to him while replaying the games and realize how much I'd missed skimming over him in W2 (the poor guy's really gotta try to compete with fan darling Joshua and Sho, aka the loudest fucking man alive, for screen time). His stint as a Reaper is incredibly fascinating. I forget who, but I always distinctly remember someone talking about Beat getting prepped to try and deaden his heart and become as brutal and merciless as a Reaper is supposed to be before ultimately choosing kindness in both his siding with Neku and sparing Kariya and Uzuki in W3 and man.....yeah. He's just such a good guy. He's easily in the top 10 favs now, if not the top 5
10. A blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter Well....yknow....
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There are a LOT of others and I'm too shy to tag but goldensunset (incredible analysis) playtwewy (fav fics ever) sho-minamimoto (awesome art + sho headcanons) dj-of-the-coven (made me love beat) purplelea (also incredible analysis) bitternami (very kind and wow I read a fic of yours once and it blew me away...I will remember to find it and leave a comment soon) leonvilasi (always leaves fun and interesting comments in my notes) off the top of my head and a whole bunch of people who aren't as active in the twewy fandom anymore or whose art I love and the people I always see leaving funny tags in my notes you're all awesome <3
12. Compliment someone else in your fandom AUGH HELL ON EARTH!!! dandelion2302 I absolutely adore the way you draw Sho your art is amazing.................
13. Your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc) Yknow I've never actually done any fandom events before twewy! I had a blast during the twewybang and while I probably won't participate again for a while (I'd rather finish the fic I wrote for the 23 one first) it was a wonderful first experience with this sort of thing :]
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pandorlily · 7 months
sorry for flooding the palia tag AUGH my brain just can't stop thinking about palia. i have not had a good night of rest this week 😭 i keep playing until the sun comes up .....
autism 😒 why must u!!!!
i NEED more lore and dialogue. i wish the full game came out already, though i loove the beta!! it's sooo fun :) i've gotten my bsf and another close friend fixated on palia as well LMFAOO SO at least that helps me not get stressed! i looove playing with people sm. even if we r just doing our own thing, being in a party with friends is so fun bc u can always ask them for stuff.
ARRGHH MY RANTING. i am just so obsessed. i already forgot half of the game bc my memory is really bad but its still my fav thing atm 🤎
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ratsoh-writes · 2 months
With every claim and demonstration of Mermaid's skilled abilities, Briar seems shocked into yet another double-take. Does this dog also drive the boat and perform CPR??? She is truly. The goodest girl.
For a moment, she was surprised they were technically at his house.... It MADE SENSE but like, it's his HOUSE. She felt like maybe they should have brought a cake or something?? They don't get invited to houses often. Or maybe she needs to calm down about hanging out at a friend's house. That also happens to be a date. Woah, maybe they need to sit down.
Slowly sitting down, Briar agrees to Finn's suggestion. The coastline sounds nice. They could look to see how the South Western shore was doing after the scouts had their beach clean up last week.
Bracing themselves against the waves as the boat left the shore, Briar found themselves closing their eyes to get their bearings as they held tightly on the chair. Once open, Mermaid was there. She reached out again. She pet. Mermaid was pet.
This amazing, smart and sweet dog could practically be a caretaker and probably famous on that tikgram thing Aspen uses, but here she is, asking BRIAR for pets?? More pets. Pets on the neck pets on the beach pets on the ears it didn't matter, Mermaid wanted more and did not complain. Oh no.
As Finn came back from checking the initial boat vitals to ask how she was doing, he could potentially see Briar's tail swishing shortly back and forth before shooting back up at attention at heading him approach.
"Mermaid is.... So sweEt?" THEIR VOICE CRACKED. NO. Briar held her hand against her mouth and throat for a moment. That was just a weird cough from like the ocean air it something not emotional over a dog they just meet.
They stood up again, now a little more used to the waves before quickly pointing at a distraction, "Hey is that the Navy lighthouse?"
Aspen provides receive during his story, interested in the drama. She sips her soda but clearly pays attention. Upon Star showing off his bruise, though, she has to cover her mouth to avoid spitting out the drink all over the bruise and mention of the scar.
"Holy SHIT!"
Her face had mixed emotions. Bruises and scars were cool and all but like... From like flights where both monsters want to fight. Like he's a cop but could he have died? From another monster? He was doing paperwork all last week! Augh... She looked stressed. She shook it off and tried to play cool again. She wasn't here to be stressed.
"That is messed up! I'm glad you and your buddy are okay. Do you want a drink?" The alley had beers. She was also already plugging in their names into the game board, looking for a distraction. "You gonna be good to play?" Friendly flights are better.
Mermaid is such a sweet lady as she calmly sits at briars side enjoying the attention. Briar is glad to sit as finn sets the boat to move. He gets it a ways away from shore. Close enough to totally see the shoreline, but far enough that it won’t really be in the way of any close play boats. He has the boat turned in the right direction. It’s only a slight breeze today. So as he gets out, he can turn the motor off and let up the sails to let the boat slowly drift along the shore.
Oh yea, with a small boat home, a crazy dog is not recommended lol
Finn looks towards where briar is pointing
Happy for something to talk about, he shares the story of Saint plywood, a seatale monster from some folk legend. He seems a little nervous too. Strange since he was always quite naturally cheery around briar normally. She gets the sense that this being a date is getting to him too lol
Star laughs and shakes his head no to the offer of drinks
Mmmm responsibility is sexy~ gotta love a man who knows his limits
Star does accept the offer of a soda right after though! Perfect. He winks at Aspen when she fusses over him
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iantimony · 6 months
twoweeker tuesday: redux
im really making a trend of two-weekin these huh. gonna try to Not do that bc it makes me way less likely to actually do it lol. speed-posting this before bed (and before the melatonin kicks my ass, i'm trying to reset my sleep sched a bit)
listening: hozier unreal unearth. sammy rae & the friends. leaving this pretty sparse because i don't want to dig back through my history for the past two weeks and that's definitely the bulk of it. some notes from the Release Radar(tm) that i like: good luck, babe! - chappell roan bell - rob blivion waiting. - pater ...all (feat jake clemons, live) - grouplove i had not my hat - tom rosenthal april 8, 2024: the great north american eclipse - sleeping at last (!!!) too sweet - hozier flea - st vincent lil' freak - bbno$
reading: finished the main bit of scum villain! i'm reading the extras now. officially read all three mxtx books
watching: FINISHED SERIAL EXPERIMENTS LAIN. i have so many thoughts. i was in delta-orionis' dms about it a bit but my ass has so many Notes. many thoughts. gnosticism mostly but also the obvious tech-as-extension-of-self throughline. idk it was a very weird show and i definitely need to re-watch it to let it sink in a little more.
playing: no games but a lot of horn! i have an audition tomorrow for the fall's campus ensembles, i am...not super confident about it tbh, unsurprisingly i am not back to where i was pre-pandemic so my upper range and endurance is still really crunchy.
making: i keep forgetting to charge my phone before pottery so it keeps. dying. so i made quite a few new things the past few weeks but no photos of those - i did Crack the Code a bit, so now i can more reliably get things shaped in a conscious way. basically i was sitting too far forward so when i was pulling the walls up i was actually doing it at an angle, if i sit with my nose over the center of the pot it's all *chef kiss* beautiful. anyways here's a few glaze related pics. a lot of disappointment unfortunately.
1. my fucked up teacups. god im so mad about these. they were supposed to be a cool grey-green with a white flower, and matte. it is None Of These Things. idk will get redone. big mad.
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2. bowl and mug that both got bubbles because i misread the glaze labels - they're both mayco glazes that are optimized for cone 05, not cone 5, so the both the color is not as good as i thought and also the surface variation is. not great. the bowl is acceptable, it's mirror blue, it went through the kiln again and the bubbles evened out (pic is from before), and plus it's on the outside - i just put plain white on the inside - so it's fine. the mug is a little more problematic. it was green slip sgraffito with evergreen fir over top, and i really love the color effect, but there's some small bubbles along the rim...this glaze was marked as food safe in a way that the mirror blue is Not so i thought it would be fine but. well. i'm hoping nuking it in the kiln again will smooth those out.
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3. One Good Thing: trying a new glaze technique! someone in my studio does this gorgeous thing where she paints on flowers with underglaze, then covers them with liquid latex to paint on the background, and finally peels off the latex. it always comes out sooo nice, so when i ordered some more underglaze i went ahead and added liquid latex to cart too :3 this is just the flowers, i will be adding the background tomorrow!
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eating: uhhh good cauliflower vegetarian shawarma thing that i refused to make unless we added a can of chickpeas because where in the fuck is the protein. tonight was a miso-butter chicken with radishes that we added potatoes and onions to. both sheetpan recipes so im def a fan of those now.
misc: ouuuugh. augh. oughghghg. i need to be done with homework forever please god. i have like...7? 8? total hws left between my two classes. and then i am Done With Classes. mentally gearing up to do my preliminaries at the end of the summer. not to doxx myself but ouch. basketball yesterday. Pain. the eclipse yesterday WAS unreal. oh my god. i drove to [redacted] very small town about 40 minutes from me and it was perfect. so glad i avoided the Big City, although that's where my roommate and her mom went and apparently the traffic was fine, but i'm definitely glad to have been in a less crowded zone. i get it now. i want to take that feeling i had watching totality and eat it and keep it with me forever. i was with friends. the weather was perfect. it was beautiful.
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faustquillpen · 2 years
Apollo Justice x Reader from Apollo's POV, writing style to emulate the game
Warnings for death mentions, injury mentions, pretty much what you would expect from the game. Let me know if I need to tag more.
[There will be a dog mentioned in the story, but a cat or other pet can fit too if the reader desires!]
Chapter 1: Ruff Day (sfw)
|Prev| |Next|
Apollo: Red
Apollo's thoughts/muttering: (Red with parentheses)
Trucy: Blue
Reader: Purple
N - No! Get away from me!
Heheh, I'm just tryna get a lookacha
Fuck off!
Is he... Dead?
Someone call the cops, I saw them push that dude!
No! He must've lost his footing or something, please...!
April 18th, 7:00 AM
Wright Anything Agency
New case, Apollo! But you miiight not like it...
(It's been a bit since the last case... Whatever it is it's better than cleaning this place for the 100th time) Oh yeah?
Yeah... They denied it at first, but now they're saying it was them! Daddy thinks they're hiding something... And Daddy usually is good at guessing!
(Hiding something by taking credit for a murder? That doesn't seem right.)
He was some sorta creep anyway, the "victim" I mean. Known for harassing people of all genders. A sleezeball with a record.
(Sigh, I guess it's better than nothing.) I'll at least talk to them I guess. Your Dad better be right about this though.
He's always Wright! ... Eh? Eeeh???
Shut up. You've used that joke before.
April 18th, 7:35 AM
Detention Center
Visitor's Room
Well, we're here.
I wonder where the defendant is?
(Oh!! It's... I-it's)
You're that sweet guy I met last week ... Apollo I think?
(They remembered my name!!!!!) OH hey!!! (oh no oh no oh no I am not prepared for this!!!)
(Oh yeah! This must seem weird) Oh! I'm a defense attorney!!! Defense attorney Apollo Justice that's me hah
You mean Jupollo Astice...?
(shut up shut up shut up shut up)
(Oh no, they're still really cute...!)
Ah-em. I'm Trucy, the best assistant and magician, and we're gonna defend you!
(Wait I hadn't agreed to that yet!!! I... Can I defend someone who I feel this way about...? It's so hard to focus when they're around... Augh!!! They're looking at me again!)
But I uh... I really did it. Yeah.
Hmmmm kinda sus to me, bro
(They won't look me in the eye, there's something extra going on here... How can I show them I know for sure they didn't do it?)
[Present Paper Ladybug]
Take That!
Huh? Oh! It's...
Do you remember this?
Y... Yes
You cried when you thought you killed a bug. I really don't think you'd ever be able to kill a person.
Okay... *Sigh* I'll tell you the truth. It happened at around 3 in the morning at my apartment, I had invited him in since he was the landlord and said he needed to fix something. He started to try to touch and flirt with me... It was.... It was my dog... They were protecting me! The police will kill them if they find out!!!
(The... Dog...?)
Awww, so you're trying to protect your puppy!
I don't want [Dog name] to be punished!! They were protecting me from that creep!!! But he fell over from the momentum when they bit him on the arm... Plus...
I heard... There was a witness walking past my open door who said I pushed him into the table on purpose...
Woah Apollo, you look really intense right now! Like you're gonna rip off a chunk of the table!
Oh-uh... S-sorry (I guess I just got really mad for a second...)
Woah... Cool...
(... They think I'm cool!!!!? F-face... Flushing... I think I hear Trucy snickering at me...)
So... You're going to defend me then?
YESOFCOURSE IfYoullHaveMe... You don't have to say yes or anything ahah...
... I.. I'd really like that...
OKAY!!! *cough* Okay. We'll uh... Start on the investigation and... See you tomorrow!!!! Aaaah!!!
Well... There he goes... Well! Goodbye [name]! Don't worry, we'll get you an innocent verdict!
I... I trust you guys. Thank you. Oh and uh... Will you go to my apartment please? My poor dog is probably hungry and confused....
Sure thing!
April 18th, 9 AM
[Name's] Apartment Complex
So... Why exactly are we here?
Well, you'd know if you weren't such a dork and ran off!
... I... Had a thing I had to do, okay!!!
Apollo, I found you holding your chest trying to calm your breathing down right outside the detention center.
... Shut up.
Heheh, whatever you say.
(Why me...)
Okay, we're here! They said the food was on top of the fridge...
(Food...? I thought we were watering some plants of someth-- EEK)
(That's the murder dog!!!! And it's... Licking Trucy's face and wiggling)
Wuf wuf!
Hehe! They said you were sweet as long as we were friendly. Good dog!
(I guess I'll keep this in mind in case I need to "defend" the dog too...)
Snooping time!
Wh- Nonononono we can't!!!
Ooh, a diary~
Put it down put it down put it down put it down
C'mon Polly, maybe it'll give us info on the night of the murder! If could be important! We'd of read it during any other investigation! If you didn't have a crush on the defendant.
Awww, the night of the murder is blank. Hmmm....
Trucy. Seriously. It's not right to go through it
Relaaaaax, I'm just looking for one particular day... Ah! Here it is
April 6th....
Went to the art fair today, got some cute dog sculptures.... Blah blah...
We really should put it down--
... Aaaand today I met a really cute guy!
Oh yeah?? What about it being wrong? Heheh
Well-- it is but I... ugh
Hahaha! Your face is soooo red!!! Anyways I was joking, this is a completely blank notebook.
Aw, now I feel bad. You look like you just deflated. ... Just kidding it's hilarious.
[End Chapter]
Next chapter will be a nsfw fantasy/dream so I have an excuse to do nsfw before you two actually have time alone together!!! WOO!!
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getitfrenchship · 1 year
Hello, friends! Hope you're all doing well. In fact, I'd like to know what you're all up to so I can reconnect with friends again. What things are you watching/playing/doing now? Any new things in life you'd like to discuss?
Below the cut I'll say what I've been up to!
Just got back from my local con today and while I did spend a lot on game collecting + VA stuff, I'm glad I went. Thankfully I got paid Friday (though that means I'll have to wait to get paid again in 2 weeks) and my financial situation isn't dire. It's kinda like when you go to Disneyland and get caught up in the spectacle of things. Oh yeah, an IRL friend from high school helped me with a lot of the VA stuff since she had a VIP pass & could skip long lines. (On that note FUCK F//UNKO SCALPERS FOR HOGGING LINES AND MAKING ME WAIT 2 HOURS FOR ONE VA AAAAAAAAAA)
Thankfully, no insurance adjuster lady to drive me up the wall this past month at work. A few eh client encounters but overall it's been way more pleasant than it was a few months ago. ...Might still need to figure out vacation time just so I can take a longer break (and maybe find a government job if I'm able to find something so I have guaranteed holidays).
That being said, S//aimon's series is starting to see a spike of discourse and one of the servers I'm in keeps talking about it. It's making me feel bad as a result. Thankfully, none of the people in it are starting the discourse, but they tend to go "getaloadofthisguy" a lot. Along with usual self ship discourse that I see on my dash (that again thankfully neither friends nor I directly participate in), it kinda just drains me.
Seasonal anime I'm watching are Detergent (hopefully one of Shitsui's big scenes will happen next week; they took a break this week), Und//ead Mur//der Far//ce, Hel//ck (though I'm admittedly not really paying attention to this one), Happy Marriage, J J K season 2 (i am not ready for this arc AAAAAAAAA), and Z//om 100. When there isn't a seasonal anime for me to watch at work, there's Sai//ki K (I think watching Bla//ck Lag//oon kinda helped make me more bitter at work, but I'm feeling better now that I'm watching Sai//ki). Oh, I might check out OPLA since I hear it's an actual good adaptation. Aaaand F//ionna and C//ake too! God, I went "kindred spriits" with Simon's episode
Currently I'm playing Se//a of St//ars and I really like how it looks & plays so far! (Of course, I loved Chr//ono Trig//ger, so the gameplay feels right at home). I wooould continue Gh//ost Tri//ck, but I'm at a stealth section and like I expected, I'm looking up a lot of the puzzle solutions online instead of figuring it out for myself. Curse you, time limits!!! (And for Bom//b R//ush, I feel like I need to play with music, but I keep forgetting to bring my wired headphones. Bluetooth is for my phone mainly due to personal preference). I also watched the endings for OT2 and AUGH I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH!!!
Oh, a new manga I found called "Inv//isible Man & his soon to be bride" is cute so far.
someday i will find balam merch. somedaaaay
I might do a separate post showing my current ideas for S/I's/OCs, but hhhh I'm hesitant. Right now I just know for a P3 OC he takes inspiration from "The Stranger"
boy howdy i sure hope bluesky finally makes my account or i can get an invite because i really want tweetor to die. ...though i'd miss posting switch screenshots directly
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