turbotastico · 5 days
King Candy… Cane?
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My version of King Candy! And finally talking about my AU:
While he remains an unstable character (I mean, he still took over Sugar Rush), he has more compassion for those around him and is constantly haunted by the guilt he feels after the incident. For 10 long years, Turbo has been hidden in solitude and is desperate to race again. It’s in his code.
When he sees that a new racing game has been connected to the arcade, he decides to infiltrate it, this time with more caution. He modifies the code to his liking, inserting himself into the game and using an unused character as his avatar.
As King Candy, he explores his new realm and eventually meets Vanellope. As he observes her, he notices that she is a glitch and witnesses what she has to endure every day. KC feels guilty, knowing that it was ultimately his fault that she ended up in this state, and he decides to take her under his wing.
At first, he is reluctant to get attached to the young racer, but as he gets to know her, he realizes that they are not so different; there is something about her that reminds him of himself… and the twins.
Over time, he adopts her, and for the first time in a long while, Turbo feels like he belongs, even though the weight of his past still haunts him.
He is still very controlling of everything in his kingdom, making sure everything stays in order, but he wants to be a good king to his people. He is very paranoid about another unplugging and acts overprotective over the game and even Vanny.
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I love a good villain, and I love to challenge myself to rewrite said villain to have a redemption arc.
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First doodle I did of him. Decided to change his color palette to something more Turbo-like, keeping the red and white ande re-using them to make a candy cane pattern!
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starryinkart · 8 months
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(Likes and Reblogs are appreciated!!)
Soooo I was sucked into Poppy Playtime again because of these goobers!! I don’t think I’ve ever posted Poppy Playtime stuff on here before, buttt I think I will now, I just wish the fandom was a bit bigger and more lively lmao 🤣
Catnap is my #1 favorite, then DogDay, then KC, and then Hoppy! I love the others too, but Bubba and Crafty are so hard to draw atm. I just need to practice more with them!😓
{Colorless Lines Below!!}
Headcannons for them below too!!!
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Some headcannons in the show universe cause I’m feeling fun:
- Catnap is the youngest! DogDay is the oldest of the crew! Their age order goes (oldest to youngest) DogDay, Bubba, Picky, Kickin, Crafty, Bobby, Hoppy, Catnap!
- Catnap doesn’t talk much, but he can. Just with a low voice that tends to be calming, and very sweet sounding. He usually just points, says short answers like yes or no, and nods.
- While Kickin (or KC) is the most egocentric and confident, Hoppy is the most energetic and tends to like talking people’s heads off, which causes them to butt heads at times, all while Picky tends to be the usual third wheel, often just quietly eating.
- Crafty is the most creative while Bubba is the most thoughtful and intelligent, which usually allows them to have deep, meaningful conversations of the wonders of life together.
-Crafty is the shyest out of the bunch, usually drawing with Catnap calmly, sharing her creations with him or hanging out with Bubba.
- Bobby and Picky tend to share their love for the world together, usually playing dress up with each other, talking about crushes. or cooking of course! Bobby always has something lovely to share and Picky, in contrast to her name, always is open to trying something new, as long as she thinks she may like it.
- In contrast to the canon, all of the crew just magically woke up in the Playcare, with no memories of before they opened their eyes to the colorful world around them. DogDay and Bubba were the first to appear, Picky, Crafty and Kickin spawning after, Bobby and Hoppy spawning together and Catnap spawning alone. There seems to be no way out, so the crew just embraces their situation and tries their best to not think about it too much.
- Catnap was the last and most unexpected to spawn in. From the time he opened his eyes to the new world around him, he had felt like something was off, like he didn’t belong there. While most of the others treated him nice, some of the crew were uneasy about his sudden appearance, seemingly years after the last of the previous arrivals had spawned in.
- Catnap begins to grow close to DogDay, almost becoming like his little brother. They spend the most time together, due to DDs kindness and warm welcoming energy towards him on his arrival! Also them both noticing they wore opposite necklaces, Cat being the moon and DD being the sun helped with that connection too!
- Kickin doesn’t really like or trust Catnap much, and doesn’t try to hide it, making snarky remarks and comments to clearly express his dislike for him.
- Catnap is super playful with the others, his best friends being Dog Day, Hoppy and Crafty! He tends to move like a ghost, the crew not usually noticing they are in his presence until they turn around! A lot of times, he hangs by his tail on the trees to say hello, or can be found in the fields laying in the grass and sleeping.
- Cat can sleep anywhere that is a surface, and is not wet.
- Every once and while, Cat swears he can see a skinny, metallic hand in the shadows, beckoning his attention. He’s tried to bring it up to the others, but they either think he’s acting weird, insane, or tell him not to worry about it.
If you want to hear more, my asks are open!!! And I will be drawing them inbetween my Absolutely Chapters for Murder Drones, which I am STILL working on and Chapter 4 is coming out soon!! Promise, I didn’t forget, things have just been busy!!
ALSOOOOO New Murder Drones Comic for King Solver N coming this weekend 👀👀👀 Perhaps some angst or something fun?
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eatyourmaker · 2 months
I heard your doing drawing requests! I have one if you don't mind.
Ignacio and Garcia as kids? I wanna see the lil goobers <:)
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I've drawn tiny Ignacio before and now it's time for tiny Garcia!!!
These two would get into fucking prank wars bro NDJDJJD
I had a bit of a hard time trying to picture what little Garcia would look like (mainly bc I was trying to decide whether I wanted to make him trans or not)
But if he was trans I think the only difference I'd make in his kid design would be a skirt bc I'm pretty happy with how he turned out
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ageravena · 5 days
You know what, the Fairly OddParents fandom has been quite tame. Let's spice things up a little bit.
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Doesn't anybody else get that silly feeling when you see fanart of Peri being like a father to Dev, like... where's the rest of you 😍? Don't be shy, show us where Dale is. Or are you too scared? (I wouldn't blame you, I was too at first)
Small warning: this post includes slight swearing and many brain-numbing headcanons. I'm not responsible for any mental anguish you may experience
I would like to quickly apologize to the 6 people shipping Peri with Dale. I thought I was the only one but it seems like I've finally found my people. Anyways, back to the topic.
Now that you're here, I may as well show some more art of these two goobers +some silly headcanons. These are my AUed* versions of the two in my odd semi-realistic style that I completely ditch whenever I don't have the patience to draw faces (I often suck at drawing them. No wonder all my OCs are furries)
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Note: him being slightly chubby and him having mobility issues are both headcanons I have shamelessly borrowed from others in the fandom. Also am I the only one who thinks Peri WOULDN'T be 6 ft tall? In the series he's like 5 apples tall, so wouldn't it make sense for him to be a bit short?
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Note: there's like a bunch of lore explaining the reason why Dale looks so fucked up in my version. I scarred him for life, oopsie! But at least he has Peri now who "forces" him to go to therapy 😍. I may need to make a seperate post where I only talk about him and his past if I have the motivation.
I know a lot of you don't even know the pain of trying to convert a stylized character into a realistic style and still making them look good and kinda recognizable. I envy you who have less realistic art styles.
*And yes, I did say AU. More specifically I'm talking about the "Missionaries of Eden AU" (by me). I'm not gonna go into detail now, but basically it's a semi-biblical and more serious take on FOP, where the fairies are angels, anti-fairies are demons and pixies... I think they can stay as pixies, or maybe they're ghosts, bees? (There's a lot of things I still need to figure out) Their tasks are to work as missionaries on the planets of Eden (planets where life exists). There's a bunch of other lore (some of which I've explained on my casual/personal account on Instagram), but it's best I leave it for another time.
Btw: if you've seen me talk about a "Below the Stars AU", "Bible AU", "Ager DLC" or something else, it's all just the same thing. I just had a hard time coming up with a good name for it lol.
Also speaking of which, I have another post coming up (hopefully) where I explain my reasons for shipping Peri and Dale. It can honestly, out of context, seem like a toxic yaoi crack ship, but believe it or not but I managed to make it the opposite; plausible AND healthy. I want to enlighten you all plus I really want to yap about them.
It feels super funny to ship such a underrated ship. I'm used to shipping semi-popular ships, so to now be all alone feels kinda fun! They have so much potential and so few are seeing the vision?? Though to be fair I'm also glad it's not that famous lmao.
Ps. Ignore the fact I haven't posted anything here for at least half-a-year. All my mutuals are on Instagram, so I don't have a need to post here, though now I've decided to dedicate this account to hyperfixation slop so maybe you'll be hearing from me much sooner.
Ps. Ps. I currently have a 22-page-long google doc filled with lore and info about almost everything I've thought of for the AU, but it's 80% in Finnish so sharing it is useless.
Man, I love writing unnecessary long posts knowing I'm the only one reading them❤️😍 though if you HAVE gotten this far, here's a little treat:
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My body refuses to draw Dale in his original outfit. I like to pretend Peri helped him change a bit (most notably taking off his goddamn shoes, though they do have some lore that I've created. GGHHRRAAA EVERYTHING HAS LORE ATTACHED TO IT GRRRR). Also Dev isn't actually grumpy, he just likes to act tough.
My art style looks probably so inconsistent❤️
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gaybananabread · 9 months
⌁₊˚⊹ Jay's Silly Moods⊹˚₊⌁
(Art this is based off of)
Definitely getting back into Ninjago… Halfway through drawing this, I got a very strong urge to write a self-indulgent fic. These goobers are slowly regaining their vice grip on my brain. I might be getting to the “Requested When Shit Was Closed” prompts soon, but big possibility. Back on task, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Jay
Ler: Cole
Summary: Jay’s been zapping his shipmates, sneaking in quick pokes and shockingly ticklish squeezes whenever he can. While it isn't his intention, most of those are aimed at Cole. Sick of the surprise jolts, the Earth ninja has a little vengeful fun of his own.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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The ninja were peacefully relaxing on the couch, trying to unwind after a long day of battles and villain encounters. Cole was listening to music, the faint sounds of “dad rock” coming through his headphones as he rested his arms behind his head. Zane was messing around with his circuitry, and Kai was sprawled out, trying to nap. 
The only one not lazing around was Jay; he had a much more mischievous way of cooling down in mind. 
Sneaking up near the couch, he positioned himself right behind the relaxed Cole. Not wasting another second, he sent a very small amount of electricity to his finger tips, tasing Cole's sides before taking off. The rocky boy jolted out of his trance, a surprised laugh flying from his lips as his arms came crashing down.
“GYAH! W-whahat the hell?” When he turned around to his perpetrator, though, all he saw was a streak of blue disappear around the corner. “Zappy jerk…”
Zane chuckled, shaking his head before resuming his tinkering. Kai was still snoozing, oblivious to the world. With a huff, Cole lowered his arms, not wanting to risk another attack before relaxing again. Damn Jay's silly moods…
The whole rest of that week was full of little pokes, squeezes and zaps from the blue ninja. Whenever anyone even thought of letting their guard down, he'd be there, disappearing the moment they tried to retaliate or catch him.
Most of the team just ignored it, used to his silly behavior. Sure, it was a little annoying sometimes, but it was all in good fun. Everyone was fine with that.
Everyone except Cole.
While he loves his friend's quirks, the constant tickling was getting on his nerves. The guy wore tank-tops daily; it wasn't exactly hard for Jay to get him.
But he had a plan. One that would surely keep Jay off his back, or at least for a little while. So, sitting on the couch and sprawling out, he waited for the inevitable pokes that would seal his fellow ninja's fate.
Jay snickered as he saw his rocky friend, sprawled out and relaxing on the couch. It was too easy! He should have been suspicious, but the brain goblins were overpowering his rationality with mischief.
Creeping over to the couch, he sent small sparks to his fingers. Just a little closer…wait is he smili-
Before Jay could even think to run, Cole shot his hands upward, latching onto the sparky boy’s wrists and flipping him over the couch. Cole was careful not to hurt him, though the shriek Jay let out surely did some hearing damage. 
He was pinned in seconds, stuck lying on his stomach with a rather intimidating man on his waist. Whatever his friend was gonna do, he literally couldn't see it coming.
Anticipatory giggles bubbled past Jay's lips, his eyes wide and giddy-looking. “C-Cole, wait! Lehet's talk about thihihis!”
Cracking his neck, Cole smirked down at his fellow ninja. “Neh, I'm good. Actions have consequences, Jay..”
Without another word, Cole dug into the sparky boy's sides, squeezing the sensitive skin. He was done with Jay's shit; it was payback time.
“Nohohoho! Cohome on, thihihis ihis mehehean!” The brat tried to wriggle out of the hold, but Cole's hands were just out of reach. The position he was in was evil: Who pins people on their stomach?!
“You know what's mean? Poking your friends when they're trying to get stuff done. I'd say you deserve this, wouldn’t you?” He smirked, scritching little lightning bolts on his sides. It was silly, sure, but he kinda asked for it.
Jay kicked his feet behind Cole, trying anything to make things tickle less. It was a fruitless effort, though: he was stuck. 
“Plehehease! Ihit’s nohohot fahair!” His giggling sounded whiny, like a child throwing a tantrum.
Cole scoffed and rolled his eyes. He wants to see unfair? Cole’ll show him unfair…
Snickering, he moved up to the zappy boy’s ribs, digging in and wiggling his fingers between each bone. That should kill him.
“C-Cohohole! Grk- NOHOhohot thehere! I'M SOHAHARRY! NYAHAHAHA!” Jay lost it when Cole dug into his ribs, loud belly laughter quickly replacing his giggles. Little snorts and squeaks flowed with the laughter, only adding to the mild chaos.
“Hmhmph. Sparky brat…” Cole just chuckled smugly, continuing to torment his fellow ninja. Besides the payback, his cute reactions were well worth it.
Thrashing wildly, Jay laughed his ass off, the tickling on his worst spot driving him insane. “P-PLEHEASE! COHOHOLE! I CAHAHAN’T-” He patted his hand, palm flat against the floor. 
The moment Cole saw the tapping-out, he knew it was time to quit. Pulling his hands away, he climbed off Jay. The giggly boy immediately curled up in a ball, tickle-drunk and giddy. 
“You alive, sparky?” Cole asked while rubbing Jay's back, trying to calm him down. There was an air of humor in his tone, but he was trying to be nice.
Jay tried to catch his breath, his cheeks flush and his nerves buzzing. “F-fuhuck youhuhu…”
“Alright, alright. I'm done being mean.” Snorting, Cole pulled his friend up into a hug. It was clear he enjoyed the short bout of being tickled, the agitation just a facade.“Next time, try just asking for what you want, okay? I'd be happy to help~”
Blushing heavily, Jay whined, though he did relax into the hug. It was warm, nice, and calming after all the laughter. Muttering something under his breath, Jay leaned his head against Cole's chest. If he wanted to be mean, the rocky boy was gonna be a pillow.
Cole lifted him up with a huff, carrying the lightning ninja to their beds. He laid him down, cuddling up next to him and pulling a blanket over them both. It wasn't a rare sight: the ninja saw some things on missions, and physical contact helped keep them calm.
It was ten o’clock: not the latest for them, but good enough to doze off. Cole closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of his fellow ninja and the happy air in the room. Yeah, he could get used to Jay's goofy moods…
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doodle-bopper · 1 year
Spreads the leosagi agenda The sillies. The goobers.
Usagi is trying to be intimidating, unfortunately for him, his target is very attractive. Leo is a bit too distracted to feel worried.
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I had tons of fun drawing this, but I feel like it's important to mention that every time I zoomed out I laughed really really hard because this is on the same canvas.
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sirwow · 8 months
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I think its about time i talk about my internsona more in depth- so a long ramble about Wally under the cut for those who wanna know about him!
Wally Oxie Wornon (yes thats a joke on oxymoron and the initals spelling out WOW like my username) is MSH's local patient-intern. - 5,0 - 18yrs old, Trans n pan, skipped to college after softmore year - Smart but very lazy - Loves to pull pranks on people and make bad jokes to cheer them up. never goes too far with them unless the going too far point is only tolling him - Monotone and sarcastic, cares alot with a heart of gold under it all though. Not willing to worry about himself though - Dislikes authority and being bossed around in general - Despite the fact he was basically pushed into being an intern by Edega, he doesn't mind that much- he was bored anyways - call him a kid and you will be bitten on the spot - if its not a serious situation- runs completely off of cartoon logic So how'd bro even get here??? well originally was just a patient at MSH and went around causing trouble for funzies which made the job of every online intern trying to keep up with him very hard. (this is during act 2 after he had some stress heart issues) Wally eventually ended up back in the hospital during act 5 this time much more long term due to a sudden lung collapse. This is the 17th time hes shown up at the hospital and Edega is sick of having to deal with him so instead Edega gave Wally an easy button when he complained about being bored n told him to go take care of people. so he did. Wally after the fact chilled in his physiotherapy room when off work and wandered around when on work n not having anything to do. Eventually got in the habit of pranking and shooting people with his dart gun. When it comes to other interns- Hes friendly, open, and a bit kinder to younger interns then him or the same age, encouraging them to join in his pranks most the time. (with the acceptation of cold ones) Older interns it's usually more tense and heavy with sarcasm but hes still a prankster to them. Almost never opens up to them about his interests (writing drawing and gaming) and only gets along with ones that go with his shenanigans 100% of the time (or gives him candy) When by himself though Wally tends to watch people veeery intently. Memorizing their schedules and paths, little fidgets, favorite things, and what is ok to prank with and whats not. Can catch people off guard by suddenly appearing in their path at the perfect opportunity where they're distracted n can be spooked to get a laugh for himself. Will also leave gifts around their usual spots n if they leave candy for him anytime then like a fox he'll bring something else they like. So yeah thats all for Wally for now. Goofy goober with a good heart deep down and very smart but he doesn't like being open about either.
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positivelybeastly · 3 months
To the Mod: I know Cat! Hank is your number one version of the character, now I'm curious of how you rank the other encarnations from least favorite to favorite...
Ha, so, funnily enough, this reminds me of an old meme I made, which is horrifically low quality, but eh, it makes me laugh.
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Pretty much all versions of Hank, I can find at least something to love about them, even if it's just something visual or something small, one little scene that works for me, so, with that in mind, let's begin our ranking! I hope you don't mind, but I went from favourite to least favourite, just because that's the way my brain works. :)
Platinum Medal - Feline Beast (2000-2012)
As you mentioned, in my opinion, absolutely the best version of our man. When drawn well, he has the best design, the best look, the best storylines, the best everything. He's still eloquent, he's still hilarious, he's still bipolar, he's still ridiculous, he's still so aggressively unhappy and doing his best to make it through, he's still the biggest bleeding heart you'll ever see. He's my guy.
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Gold Medal - Classic Beast (1974-2000)
The boy! The bouncing, bludgeoning, bountifully blue Beast himself! Honestly, I used to be a little down on him, I used to think he lacked complexity and was just kind of a weird 'diversion' on the path to cat Hank, but reading New Defenders completely changed that opinion, and now he's firmly second place. He's just such a goofy goober!
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Silver Medal - Dark Beast (1994-Current)
Honestly, one of the better evil twin/counterparts I've seen in media, mostly on account of some very subtle characterisation tweaks that make him fascinating. His strange, borderline narcissistic-but-also-self-worth-affirming fascination with 616 Hank, his inability to hurt Hank's parents because the idea of being loved makes him weak, his absolutely incredible sense of humour . . . like, I dislike what he's done to the discourse about Hank, since people will trumpet the idea that Dark Beast 'proves' that Hank always goes evil, but as a character, I really am just happy any time he's on panel.
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Bronze Medal - Modern Beast (2012-2019)
You'll note that I cut this off before 2019 for obvious reasons. Honestly, this version of Hank is saved primarily by a few key stories that actually bother to examine his actions and ongoing personality crisis in more than surface level detail, and I do really like this design, even if I wish people could be more consistent with it (seriously, he's not a hard character to draw, can we please establish if he's as big as the Hulk or not?). Forever tarnished by being written by Bendis, but I do like him when he's written well.
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Runner-Up - TAS/'97 Beast (1992-1997, 2024-Current)
I love this boy, but he hasn't gotten quite enough stories of real import and character development for me to say I like him as much as the comics versions of Hank. I'm optimistic that season 2 of X-Men '97 will rectify that, given some key scenes in episodes 5 and 7, but until then, I just like him. I think he's neat. Definitely has one of the best voices of all the Hanks.
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Runner-Up - Grey Beast (1974-1975)
I used to regard this guy as just a transition from human to blue Hank, but going back and reading those issues of Amazing Adventures and the tie-in issue of X-Men Unlimited, I actually kind of adore this brief but meaningful period of Hank's life immensely. When I started writing my big X-Force fix-it fic, the idea of regressing Hank back to this colour and something like this state of mind was key to my vision of the character, because it's so under-explored and so fascinating to me.
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Runner-Up - Sublime Beast (2004)
The best of the villain turns Hank has ever had, because it's not really Hank, and yet, the manner in which he turns is so achingly Beast - he burned himself out trying to keep everything afloat, and in his desperation, he made a stupid mistake that ended up hurting him most of all. Also, 11/10 character design. White fur and purple leather? Fucking god damn what a daddy.
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Runner-Up - X-Men 3: The Last Stand, The Marvels (2006, 2023)
Honestly, good version of the character, even if I don't love Kelsey Grammer's politics. Great voice, good design, good integration into the storyline, interesting place for Hank to end up after leaving the X-Men, good use of his acrobatics. I was very pleased to see him crop up again in the Marvels.
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Runner-Up - X-Men: Evolution, Wolverine & the X-Men, Marvel Anime (2000-2003, 2009, 2011)
Throwing these all into their own little space because I do love them, but they were very much just supporting characters who didn't get a real chance to shine outside of one or two funny moments, and one or two episodes (the Beast of Bayville from Evolution is the standout here). Great designs on these three fellas.
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Runner-Up - Human Beast (1963-1974, 1986-9, 2013-2018)
Honestly, not my favourite version of the boy. He's fine, but he's not done yet, he hasn't finished baking. I appreciate a lot of the stories that come from this era, but I always regard this version of Hank as fundamentally unfinished and incomplete. The magic stuff with time displaced Hank was interesting, the Jean love triangle and the conga line of humiliation Bendis was intent on putting him through was. Less so. Still. Good lad.
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DNF (Did Not Finish) - X-Men: First Class, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix (2011-2019)
Just not really the same character, tbh. See me after class for notes.
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An Affront to Me, Personally - X-Force Beast (2019-2024)
If I could fill your bed with thumbtacks, Ben Percy, I would. You have poisoned the earth for this character for decades to come, if not forever, and I regard you as a blight upon his legacy. The fact that you were allowed to do this with the character is all the confirmation I needed for my theory that the X-office, and Marvel at large, does not give a single solitary fuck about the integrity of this character, will not protect him, and does not hold any regard for his history or meaning.
Beast in name only. Shame on you.
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Bonus: Lives In My Head Rent Free - Gay Exiles Beast (2009)
It's canon.
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This list isn't entirely exhaustive, there are a billion other versions of Hank out there, like Brute from Mutant X, Manga Beast who looks like a teddy bear, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 Beast, Ultimate-1610 Beast, etc, etc, but these are my 'core' Beasts, and as such, this is my ranking.
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mobudenitz · 1 month
Holy shit Mobu is making a post after seventy years it’s a miracle
But hey guys :) I just wanted to share a quick update post. I’ve been uploading less content as of late because I’m very busy with education and life overall. I’ve generally had a hard time being on social media as of late anyhow, but I’m trying to get back to it.
I know a lot of you who follow me are from the Klarion era of my posts, which is fine. However; that obsession has passed and I’m working on more original stuff now! I’ve been neglecting my own stories a lot and I want to start working on them more specifically. So, expect more OC stuff in the future!
Now I’m not saying I won’t post fanart ever again, I’ll probs still draw DC goobers and Gargs stuff every so often, but it’s not my main focus anymore. Young Justice Travelers is discontinued, and I have repurposed the original characters I made for other things! I hope you all stick around and enjoy the stuff I make regardless.
That is all, ill try to keep y’all updated <3
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androids-insides · 9 months
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v v More info on them down here v v
Favourite Character to Draw:
He’s this sort of alien from a different dimension who “governs” a town. He acts like the only normal one there, but he’s just as weird as everyone else. He’s just super pointy and fun to draw! I love drawing sharp characters. A nice balance of solid shapes, and fine detail.
Latest Character of Mine:
WICKEt The Wizard!!!
(Yes, his name is spelt correctly) Technically, he’s a DnD character, but he’s really fun to draw. Just a little goober who is entirely convinced that he is a very powerful wizard, and that he has killed every wizard in existence, but he is very wrong. He is also semi-illiterate, and therefore has learned the only four spells he knows, very incorrectly. He’s awful and I love him.
First Character I Made:
She is a Silent Protagonist from a story called MasonMaggedon. She talks eventually, but not until over half way through. She’s one of four roommates, the most responsible one, and is severely traumatised! I redesign her and her roommates every time I get a new sketchbook, but I ought to write for them again. Lots of secrets in her story, per all my stories, I suppose.
Hardest to Draw:
12 0 |] 11 3 \’
He’s a sort of robot who miraculously powers back on after an accident at this science facility. It’s slowly being reclaimed by nature, and is falling to pieces. He goes around, carrying a computer he found plugged into his neck that he believes is important to keeping him functioning, trying to remember who he is and what happened. I planned for this to be a plat-former game, actually. That, or a mix of a bunch of different game styles. Just had a cool brainwave where he is in the same universe as that weird non-Newtonian zombie I made, so I guess it’s cannon for now. He’s fairly simple to draw (and one of the characters I’m scared of showcasing), it’s just all the little robot parts that are hard to keep track of. So. Many. Moving. Parts.
Easiest to Draw:
He doesn’t really have a story, per se, but he’s fun to draw. He’s a little 2D shape, and he’s got anxiety. There is a 3D version of him, but it looks a lot like how I draw myself, so I’m trying to workshop it. He’s all fragmented and such, and he’s super easy to draw, solely because he’s always changing shape. I can do whatever the hell I want with his character design, because thats’s part of his design! I’m so cheeky :]
The Artist:
That is exactly what I look like. I’ve been trying to draw myself with more of the outfits I actually wear, just for some variation, but I definitely have my favourites. Hopefully, I can break out of the habit of creating characters that look like me.
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rubykgrant · 3 months
I would very much like to see the experience of Tucker introducing Poppy to Reservoir Dogs. I live that kind of stuff. Before he passed, I introduced my dad to RWBY because we had already been RvB fans together for years, and during COVID I introduced my aunt and sister to RWBY and we all keep up with it. Needless to say, I love that kind of stuff, and it'd be neat to see Tucker experience that. Bonus if Junior is there too cuz 20 years from now I want my kids seeing RvB
(I'm sorry to hear about your dad, but glad to know you could share things together like that. My dad died several years ago, and many of the movies I enjoy I watched because he showed them to me, and as I got older, I would share new things with him. I still have my mom, and we enjoy either re-watching movies we've loved for years, or me showing her something new)
I wish I had the time/energy to draw out all the interactions I have in mind for Poppy and the others, but I do indeed have a lot planned! Poppy was meant to be the new Red Team member, and because Simmons so rarely gets to make any new friends, I thought it would be funny if in the beginning, Sarge is like- "Look boys, we got a new Red! She's a real firecracker!". Simmons' internal knee-jerk reaction is KILL-DIE-HATE-DEATH-MURDER-DESTROY (because that's HIS father-figure that he also tried to bury alive one time, back off!). Then Poppy has ONE conversation with him about the Ewoks Cartoon, and Simmons just goes- "Oh, sibling?". Yes, sibling! It also helps later when Gene shows back up; Poppy can tell them apart just fine- "They don't even sound the same. Simmons sounds like Simmons. Gene sounds like an obnoxious little dipshit".
I wanted to have a few different interactions with Poppy and everybody else, to show how they would get along, and how they would argue (because that's just the fun with all these goobers! they love each other, and they WILL bicker constantly). Tucker becoming Poppy's first friend in the group (besides Sarge) wasn't planned, but then it was accidentally cute? She first meets him when he arrives to do some special training as a favor to Sarge, but he immediately trips and falls down a hill. Poppy is the only one around, so when she helps him up, he doesn't say right away WHY he's there (a bit embarrassed). She introduces herself with her first name, and he does the same- Lavernius. It eventually comes out that yes, he was here to help with the same "Freelancer Training" that Wash put him through, and Poppy is nice enough not to tell everybody he ate dirt 10 minutes ago. They then proceed to get along, because a couple of the others training under Sarge try to give Poppy a hard time, and Tucker gives her some fun suggestions as come-backs (Mr Quick-Witted, Mr Sarcastic). She tells him- "You're funny!", and it takes a sec for Tucker to process that- "I... I am?". Most people just groan and complain about his jokes, but they are vibing!
When Poppy officially becomes part of the group, Tucker gets to catch her up on everything (who has what annoying habit, etc), and at last, somebody new to show Reservoir Dogs to! This is like having a new friend you get to show all your favorite stuff to! Tucker truly has incredible depth as a character, he's smart and clever, he carries so much responsibility, and he CARES a LOT about other people. When he jokes about being important, it is usually just false bravado... but then he actually IS important, VERY IMPORTANT. Which is why he struggles with not feeling good enough, falling back on his own annoying habits. Tucker realizes Poppy has issues with feeling comfortable just being HERSELF, and losing the group of Reds and Blues who used to be her friends (Flag Zealots who ran out of ammo, and started harmlessly pulling pranks on each other, mostly fighting over who got to keep Poppy on their team). They both just make each other feel welcomed in a very simple and easy way.
In the larger part of my story-line, it takes a while, but they DO find Junior again. Poppy has heard so much about him from Tucker, she's more than happy to really get to know him. Poppy is very good at making Junior feel accepted right away (the kind of person who can chill with kids, talk about stuff sort of on the same level, but is also very comforting and supportive, a balance of a cool friend who will still be responsible).
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daralamalice · 4 months
We all do know you have a very high standard with drawing Revenant, Ash, and the occasional appearance of the other legends (Never change, I freaking love it ❤️❤️❤️)
But do you have a goober style for them? Or chibi style? I dunno, just, smol or simple doodles of the legends? .3.
I wish i had. The thing is i tried so hard that I've become monomaniacal about my own art. I tried to do lighter artstyles, to gain time when i draw my comics, to try animation, or even just to do some quick and fun stuff, but i'm so insecure i can't. I absolutely love cute things and chibbis, and all. But when it comes to try it myself, i feel like i'm being cringe, or fake, or simply not enough. Which is paradoxal because the ability to simplify complex characters into consistent minimal designs is way more difficult than it seems. I'm simply not good at being fun or kawai. :')
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brodingles · 2 years
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Year in Review, 2022
I actually made a couple of these, because it was hard deciding what really encompassed my year. The version above is the one with my Aesthetic version, which has the pieces I think were the prettiest or most aesthetically pleasing ones I did for that month.
This post has my thoughts on the pieces and some overall thoughts on my progression through the year! I’ll post one with just the image afterwards.
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I spent most of January coming off the end of IR and DMP, and as such I had a lot of. Juniper, Dorkus, and Angie on the brain. I actually made a few of these little comics. >:0 Dorkus is one of my favourite expressions I’ve done in a long time, and it lives in my army of Discord emotes haha.
This kind of WAS my meme for the month, my favourite thing overall.
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This piece is actually part of a set that I did on stream! It’s part of a set. Keep this artstyle in mind, it will come back later!
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Was still drawing Triad Shenanigans this month. I just wanted to share Discount Chocolate Dorkus.
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Despite what it may seem like, I actually spent this month planning Tiny Gents! I made headshots for every important NPC for the first oneshot I ran ever in my life. Very shaky knees, but everything went well!!
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I have no idea what came over me for this one I just went as feral as Barbeau haha. This HAD to be when we were talking about doing a certain DnD game, but the DM and players have been so busy all year we never played. Maybe 2023 is the year Barbeau comes into fruition??
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Not the full comic and no Dorkus because I’ve already shared plenty of Dorkus and Juniper needs to be in here SOMEWHERE, but apparently I was still going strong with these in March?? Wild!
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We ran the second(?) Tiny Gents session this month. I am including Tiny Gents because it was such a big part of the year in total haha. April
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I actually don’t like this piece very much, if I’m honest, but I made it and that should be worth something!! I had the song Eyes Don’t Lie going on loop for this, and I put it on my Rememdium playlist, which is probably my most played playlist of the year (If not, it’s TG). This song is going to come up again, but it definitely put me in A Rememdium brainspace.
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I actually spent the month drawing more Tiny Gents stuff. Pictured above is one of the “Feral Group” PCs (featuring Charming reading a book). I did some more character design stuff this month, mostly sketching traditionally.
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This piece is actually from a LIST of pieces that I did in a row for the Song Meme. This one just looks the nicest when cropped to me haha.
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I also redrew a classic comic with the newer designs for the TG RA’s. I...got so much done this month haha.
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Pride! Emilio and (then) Geon! This was actually NOT the highlight of the month, because this month I created Aine!!
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She just POPPED into existence while I was listening to Eyes Don’t Lie and then she took over my brain for a while. 
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I also did more Tiny Gents art because I had brainrot all year.
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So Anthony, my boy, came into existence a little before this month, but I didn’t draw him much or think about him much until AFTER I drew his token. Now I’m obsessed with the goober. I plan on redrawing this, I’m not as happy with it now.
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I actually posted this one here recently, but I did this as a send off with the Feral Group for TG. They haven’t played since and I miss them ;v;
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I did a lot of doodles? This month? It was a little slow. I created Hisscisca (the half orc) and Jamie (the pink goth). I actually did frames for an animatic done by @anatthema-art 
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Also created another character with the help of @churrobird
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Got back into Triad shenanigans and made Dorkus a gf. I also did a set of outfits for Juniper! I’ll try to post these separately, this post is getting long.
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More Tiny Gents. I did so much Tiny Gents. Not so much art but just doing Tiny Gents.
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I drew this one in a haste and for love of the game to do MOTI’s Songtober! It was a really fun piece to do, and I’m surprised I have not done more fanart for this game ohoho. Omori made a big impact on my art.
I also tried really hard to do a TG comic this month, and I did 3 pages. Hooray! I can’t find it in my files, but it sure is a thing I did.
I also did like...3 birthday pieces because I have so many OCs with October birthdays.
I actually also spent this month working on an even bigger project...
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 So Monkey’s Paw is not mentioned ANYWHERE in this summary, and that’s because I forgot I had to do a ton of art for it despite it consuming my being for several months. It is a surprise I got anything else done, really. I don’t even remember when I drew these-- technically they should be earlier. I’m glad the song and video are out haha. Also yes I put an Omori reference in the video.
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This piece kind of changed how I approach my pieces in general? There was a lot of reference gathering and editing that went into it, even though it didn’t take long to actually draw. I just wanted to try something cool, and it seems to have succeeded.  Really this month I did a bunch of cool art with Anthony, I’m also quite fond of the sword piece.
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I have so many feelings about this image you don’t understand.
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I actually don’t know if the person I did this for has a Tumblr, but it was a Secret Santa gift! I did other smaller pieces this month, a lot of them, actually, but I mostly just chilled out. December was very reflective for me personally, and I became so grateful for things that happened this year. This summary is very visual heavy and I apologize for that, but there’s so much art to share this time around and I wanted to do that! Conclusion
I spent this year working mostly on my own projects, which was very surreal. I’m very grateful for being able to do that, and would like to continue working on projects throughout 2023 as well!
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just a little something i tinkered up with Loadout+ extra editing with CSP.... maybe i might redraw them, maybe not.
all the models, separated below.
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me, being an idiot, rendered Bravado and Champ on a solid png, closing the site before i remembered i could have saved a lot of trouble if i just remembered to make the background invisible. seriously, i wish there was a "save model" kind of feature on this site.
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did you know i rendered that image before i knew how to turn on the rotation wheel? thankfully, from this render onwards, i've been modelling these goobers like a normal person.
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i gave Inge a lot of bags because i like bags. i'm still trying to figure out why it needs so many bags though.
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Leader's side shot makes it look like the tsundere it absolutely is.
by the way, do you know i'm very proud of how the arm crossing thing turned out? it was hard figuring how they should be posed, which is why i'm even more sad i can't save these beyond pngs.
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ahh, [name still undecided], do you know how much of a PAIN IN THE MOTHER. FUCKIN. ASS YOU WERE.
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i had decided at some point that my Heavybot was to be posed so that she was slouching over and clip over (? not sure what words to use) Leader.... this would be easy if this was in SFM (uh, easier? SFM is still hard) because it's a matter of where you put the models and perspective and blah, blah...
i spent like, a few days posing the model-> exporting the image-> melding it over the Medibot model to see if they covered up the areas i was aiming for-> procrastinating after failing over and over again... repeat at least 20 times.
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for the hands.... the lasso tool, as usual, was my friend.
(also, is it just me or does the exported image have a slight blue outline on it? i have no idea why that exported like that. i don't give a fuck at this point.)
Loadout has been open for like, an entire week at this point, and i think it's safe to assume that i might not be touching that site for a while, in favor of physically drawing stuff. well, if i don't get off my 3ds anytime soon...
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henrysglock · 1 year
finally got the time to read chapter 3 of ptolemaea…. MISTER NIFTY AND MISTER NEAT JSKSBSJSNS CRYINGGGG SOBBING
Bob and henry have my whole heart I love them so muchhhh and young Scott is exactly how I’ve envisioned him, I also love how u write henry in regards to his trauma n how it can warp your perspective of situations, I relate so hard to how he downplays or twists things in his head because of what he’s been thru like being excited by hearing that Scott liked him to deciding it must just be fascination or something and settling on that. And I like how u don’t hold back w him still being triggered by the actions/words of ppl who have good intentions, that’s v real. And his pang of fear at the mere mention of doctors, also v real.
I felt it IN MY SOUL henry would take to sleeping in an oversized t shirt that’s why I always draw him it one !!!! I started kicking my feet when I read that
I also just love the small touches of references from the show like Henry’s insistence on “it’s not safe” and a bunch of others I noticed while reading like that
The pacing of it all is rlly satisfying too Im so intrigued
<3<3<3 shsksnsj
The Bob-Henry dynamic has been so fun because like. Bob's in kind of this Steve-like role? Where he's a teenager himself but he's just got this kinda batshit kid attached at his hip and he has NO idea what the hell is going on. but he's here for it 🫡 Which is kind of akin to his role in ST2. Mans has NO idea what he's getting into, but dammit he's going to be helpful!!
Young Scott is my sweetie pie pookie little guy. He's got so much enthusiasm. He's dramatic and a little over the top sometimes which...looking at the dramatics he uses in canon as an adult? Yeah. 15 year old Scott feels like an absolute goober of a kid. He puts so much energy behind his interaction with Henry, it's just natural for him to. He's kind of puppy-like in that way; he charges forward with so much enthusiasm, only to realize a bit later that he may have come on a little strong and that he needs to be a little gentler. He's learning how to interact with Henry in a way that isn't overwhelming, but he's doing it without framing that change as burdensome (like we see with Max in canon, when she corrects him on her name and he just goes with it like it's no big deal). I adore him. He's such a good kid.
Young Henry has been a joy to write honestly. There's a delicate balance between capturing the fact that he's just some snarky teenager and having that trauma come in with a steel chair every once in a while. Because like a lot of the time that's how it is with trauma. Henry's got baggage, sure, but it's not everything all the time. He can still be and think about so many other things outside of his experiences in the lab. It just means his perception of himself is a little warped and certain settings/phrases make the hurt kick up a little dust.
Like that's how trauma goes! It's the lights going on in the foyer, something Bob doesn't think twice about re: the Creels, and Henry being hit hard with the last time he was there. It's Henry having a nightmare about something that was done to him, or a mistake he made that had disastrous consequences, and that turning around to color his self worth, making him go from expressive and present to completely shut down in a matter of seconds. Like you said, it's Bob with the best intentions (Bob, who's 100% correct), trying to get him to see a doctor for his concussion and him getting snappy about it out of fear.
And that's something that follows Henry, too, into adulthood. His mother still haunts him. Brenner still haunts him. The self-esteem issues still haunt him. It all just happens less frequently/with less intensity. It never goes away, he just...gets used to it. He gets better at pushing it away.
But anyway moving on!! Yes!!! He's such an oversized t-shirt guy. Personally I was thinking about that John Mulaney bit about the ghost of the little girl vs him in the too-big sleep shirt, because that's SO Henry. (Was there ever a ghost? Or was it just me all along?)
And okay like. As one of the main timeline theorists on this hellsite, I had to include my baby Edward in here somewhere. Yes, he is going to be plot important. It may or may not end up being canon compliant. We'll see how it fleshes out!! But yeah Bob doesn't know what he's getting into lmao he's seeing the Surface. Hell, even Henry doesn't know what's going on with that, but he knows that every "coincidence" has something more to it, even if he doesn't know what that something entails.
Okay okay and finally. I'm a slut for direct references to canon. Henward/El/Will are all canonically very similar to each other, it's just that they're shaped by differing circumstances. That is to say, 15 year old post-lab Henry would react to things in a mixture of El and Will: shoving hurt down/turning it inwards while also taking matters into his own hands and refusing to let others help. So...I would die before missing chances to make references!! (there's also a Robin-Steve reference, in chapter 2, I think, about being friends with 15 year olds pfft)
Gougjhfghjf I'm so glad the pacing is coming across alright!! I have No idea how long this fic is going to be so I'm just. writing how it comes and seeing how far it goes!!
<3 <3 <3
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tea-and-formaldehyde · 7 months
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Tried new shading technique- I love it so far!
This is Marc. Absolutely suffering from exhaustion and having two strange, god like beings with him. I kind of just came up with his looks one day- drawing random doodles, and this strange goober appeared.
I'm gonna drop more facts about him-
He hates his original blonde hair, so he dyes it. He feels like the blonde just isn't him. It also is a painful reminder of his sister, as she had the exact same blonde. It always stood out. He can't help but think of her when he sees his hair undyed, plain. And the memories he experiences are not good ones.
He doesn't like the bright, intense lights of his flat, so he bought LEDs and dim lamps as to make things less intense, and his curtains are stained with light red and they cast a very nice tint that he absolutely loves.
He's an avid urban explorer. He loves finding old and abandoned spots, delving deep into danger for secrets. It's a comforting hobby for him, as for a large portion of his life, he never got to explore anywhere.
He loves kids. He's always there to help a child in case they need it. He has a part-time job as a caretaker for a kindergarten, and it's the one thing he looks forward to during the week. The kids love him and they think that he's the coolest, when he tells them (slightly exaggerated) stories of his adventures in abandoned spots, but also tells them the dangers of it as well. He's also always got cookies and oranges handy if a kid forgets their lunch.
He tends to put others before himself way too much, and he's a bit of a people-pleaser. He sometimes hurts himself badly trying to protect others. He has a hard time saying no as he lacked social interaction as a kid.
With the cats, he often gets frustrated, especially with Socket. They both argue quite a bit. And when Socket convinces him to let it into his body, it does some pretty stupid things. But, as the balance, Pocket's always there to help out.
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