algae-tm · 2 days
Max Verstappen x anthropologist! Reader
Author’s note : this smau has a special place in my heart, if you haven’t noticed I’m not Caucasian, but was born and raised in Nigeria and a lot of my university life has been centred around studies of the black diaspora. My masters research is on homosexuality and Afro-syncretic religions, so have been trying to figure out how to incorporate it so thought I’d go full send and thus this was borne.
peopleplacesthings just posted
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peopleplacesthings: I spent three years (give or take) with the people of the Bahia state in Brasil, researching the afro-syncretic religion of Candomblé. My research paper on the gender roles within Candomblé (how men express masculinity, and the role of women as spiritual leaders) will be published online where everyone will be able to access it. Can’t wait to see where the world takes me next!! 🌎🇧🇷
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yourbsfuser: y/n baby I love you and your big brain, but please take a sabbatical 😭. stay in the UK for a while.
— peopleplacesthings: what’s in it for me? 🤨
— yourbsfuser: seeing your family and friends???
— peopleplacesthings: sorry gotta blast, the world is waiting 🏃🏿‍♀️
user10: your masters research on the linguistic appropriation of AAVE was vital for me completing my dissertation! Thank you so much
— peopleplacesthings: passing down knowledge is the key to preserving culture! I love when I get comments like this, well done my love.
lewishamilton: so you’re free now?
— peopleplacesthings: until my next adventure
— lewishamilton: good to know
— user10: not SIR LEWIS HAMILTON in my old TA’s comment section
— user7: IK 😭 she was a guest lecturer at my uni like one month ago! Really my two worlds colliding 😭😭
— user8: how do they know eachother???
— user9: I’m guessing they must have met one of the times Lewis was in Brazil??
— peopleplacesthings: he is my cousin! he’s much older and way less attractive than me so that’s probs why you couldn’t see the family resemblance🙂🙂
yoursisteruser: 2 back to back research papers… you could use a break from work
— peopleplacesthings: it’s not work if you love what you do 🤗🤗
— user17: 2 research papers??? How old is she?
— user19: she’s actually done 3! One for her masters which was only 15,000 words and then 2 more, her 2nd was for her PhD and she’s published her last two as books. She’s 28 if I’m not mistaken. I’m not a stalker just obsessed with her work!
— user17: oh so she’s SMART smart
— user19: bro she’s DOCTORATE OF ANTHROPOLOGY smart
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peopleplacesthings just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, lewishamilton, and yourbsfuser and 43,000 others
peopleplacesthings: I can check getting papped reading in the park off my bucket list… maybe I should start a book club! Anyways everything is a learning opportunity so I am currently reading Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga. Don’t be so surprised that I read fiction! Nervous Conditions is a valuable case study in cultural anthropology due to its rich exploration of themes related to post-colonial identity, gender, and cultural conflict. If you take my post-colonial anthropology module in September, this will definitely be on the further reading list. Come read with me! 📚 📚
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user1: are we sure this is the woman max is dating…
— user3: I was just wondering that, so out of left field 😭 😭
— user4: I mean what do they even have to talk about? She just lectures him all day?
lewishamilton: how can I take your class if I’m not enrolled in the university?? 🤨🤨
— peopleplacesthings: you can’t! Hope this helps
— user5: jeez she’s so rude…
— user9: who does she think she is????
— peopleplacesthings: Dr. Y/n Y/ln that’s who I know I am
user11: so is anthropology all she talks about, or does she have hobbies…
— peopleplacesthings: I happen to think my field of anthropology; the study of societies, people and culture, is quite interesting. But no I am a person I contain multitudes anthropology is not all I talk about.
user6: not y’all invalidating a woman with a literal doctorate just because she MIGHT be dating your fav… pls touch grass
— user13: that’s what I’m saying! If anything she’s WAY out of Max’s league, hasn’t he only ever read like 2 books?? (liked by danielricciardo)
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peopleplacesthings just posted
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peopleplacesthings: We DTR’ed!!
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lewishamilton: DTR?
— peopleplacesthings: Define the Relationship apparently
— lewishamilton: my how the tables have turned, miss I don’t date drivers.
— peopleplacesthings: DR* I don’t date drivers. And what can I say my commitment issues are no match for Max Verstappen
danielricciardo: you’re welcome!
— user4: what could you possible have done
— danielricciardo: I told max to grow some balls that’s what! I’m the architect of this relationship
— peopleplacesthings: you and Lewis can fight over that title
maxverstappen1: WE DTR’ED!!!!
— peopleplacesthings: hell yeah we did!
maxverstappen1: I love you schat ❤️💙
— peopleplacesthings: 🥹 I love you too
you doofus
maxverstappen1 just posted
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maxverstappen1: Did it hurt when you fell from your culture’s dogmatic view of an afterlife?
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peopleplacesthings: I think that’s the sexiest thing anyone has ever said to me
— maxverstappen1: there’s more where that came from
— peopleplacesthings: oh shucks not in public maxie
— danielricciardo: this is the weirdest foreplay I’ve ever witnessed
user14: how did a man that drives in circles manage to bag my anthro professor??
— user16: shouldn’t that be the other way round???
— user14: if you ever attended one of her lectures and saw her in action you would know the answer to that question is absolutely not (liked by maxverstappen1)
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theostrophywife · 16 hours
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🤍 pairing: theodore nott x reader.
🤍 song inspiration: moonlight by kali uchis.
🤍 author's note: high! theo is the best kind of theo. gif credit to @dramaticals
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A thick cloud of smoke permeated the air, making the room as hazy as your drug addled mind. Theo shifted in your lap and silently held the joint up to your lips. You smiled down at your best friend, his watercolour eyes as red-rimmed as your own yet still full of that familiar sharp intensity as he watched you with curious intent. Wrapping your lips around the blunt, you shied away from his gaze and inhaled generously. 
As the smoke filled your lungs, you felt your body relax. With an exhale, the terrible day you endured was gone in a breath. You rested against the headboard and let your eyes shut close. Theo traced circles on your skin, happily humming away while you scratched his head. Smoking always made the two of you more touchy and giggly, blurring the lines even more than they already were. 
Not that you were complaining.
A late night smoke session was exactly what you needed. Usually, the two of you would be indulging in Neville’s newest strain up in the Astronomy Tower, but thanks to the storm raging outside, you and Theo were confined to his dorm instead. 
In all honesty, you didn’t mind. Especially since Theo had a generous stash of snacks to pilfer through. 
“This new shit is strong,” Theo remarked, coughing a bit as he waved away the smoke. Above you, rain drops pelted the skylight in a soothing rhythm. “How does Longbottom even come up with this stuff?” 
“Because,” you drawled, every syllable slow and syrupy. “Neville actually pays attention in Herbology instead of skipping class and getting into fights.” 
“That’s the pot calling the kettle black, bella,” Theo pouted as he poked his nose against your stomach. “Didn’t you get detention for taking a swing at Cho this morning?” 
“She called me a slag,” you recalled with a frown. While you had no problem with Cho, she seemed to have a problem with you. All thanks to a certain Hufflepuff. Theo tensed underneath you, his anger simmering beneath the surface. “As if it’s my fault her boyfriend can’t stop staring at my arse.” 
“You should’ve told me. I would’ve taken care of it.”
You sighed deeply. “That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you, Teddy. You tend to be a little overdramatic.” 
“Me?” Theo asked incredulously as he placed the joint on its holder. “Overdramatic? That’s absolutely absurd.” 
“I know you hated Cedric. When we were dating, he told me you threatened to beat his face in if he ever broke my heart.” Your best friend began to protest, but you held your hand up. You didn't fault him for being overprotective. After all, you've been friends with Theo long enough to know that this is just how he showed that he cared. “I'm not mad. I just didn’t want to add fuel to the fire.” 
“That stupid prat poured gasoline on the fire and lit the goddamn match the day he made you cry.” Theo ranted, his eyes glazing over with fury. “I should've made good on my promise to beat his fucking face in. He’s lucky you stopped me before I sent him to the infirmary.”
"It's not worth it, Teddy."
Your best friend shook his head. "It's always worth it when it comes to you."
“You shouldn’t get into trouble just because I have terrible taste in men.” Time and time again, Theo warned you about the guys you chose to date, but you were too stubborn to listen. You laughed humorlessly. “I really know how to pick them, don’t I?”
“Hey,” Theo whispered softly, tracing soothing circles on your back. “It’s not your fault your ex-boyfriend’s a prick. He’s an idiot for fumbling you.” 
You smiled as you ran your fingers through his hair. “Thanks, Teddy.” He hummed and squeezed your hip. “It’s not like I’m that broken up about it. I’ve just come to accept the fact that my love life is a complete shit show.” 
“That bad, huh?” 
“Don’t get me wrong, Cedric had his moments, but even when things were good, it always felt like something was missing. We just weren’t compatible,” you paused as you considered your words. “Cedric and I weren’t a good match. Mentally, emotionally, and physically.” 
Theo cocked his head curiously. “What do you mean?” 
Given your longstanding friendship and history, there were virtually no secrets between you and Theo, but there were aspects of your past relationship with Cedric that you weren’t as forthcoming about. Your best friend wasn’t exactly your ex-boyfriend’s biggest fan, so you skimped out on on the details to keep the peace. That was long gone now.
“Our sex life was kind of…bland.” 
Piercing blue eyes zeroed in on you. “What do you mean by bland?” Theo pushed himself upright, his face mere inches away from yours. “Was it just missionary and a polite handshake afterwards? Honestly, Diggory seems like the type.” 
You snorted in response. Theo wasn’t that far off the mark. “Basically, yeah. I just don’t think we were sexually compatible. Plus, he never wanted to go down on me.” 
Theo looked absolutely appalled. “What?” 
“Well, we tried and it didn’t really work. It’s not his fault, though. Oral just doesn’t do it for me. I’ve never…” you flushed as you rushed past the embarrassment of admitting such intimate details to your best friend. “I’ve never finished that way. I think it’s just a me problem.” 
“Let me get this straight,” Theo said matter-of-factly. “Cedric ate you out once, couldn’t make you cum, and then made you think it was somehow your fault?” 
“Cedric wasn’t a dick about it or anything,” you said rather lamely. “He just never tried again, so I figured that was that.” 
“That’s a fucking shame.” 
You shrugged. The past was in the past. It wasn’t like you could change things now. “It’s alright. Like I said, maybe it’s just not for me.” 
Theo stared at you. “You’re just saying that because he didn’t do his job properly.” 
You rolled your eyes in response, playfully smacking his arm. “And you’re suddenly an expert on the matter, Teddy?”
“I sure am,” Theo exclaimed proudly. “Cedric’s a coward for backing out after the first try. I mean, sure, it took me ages to get the hang of it, but now eating pussy is my favorite thing in the world.” 
Heat flooded your cheeks. Part of it was shock and the other — well, you didn’t want to think of what that other part might mean. Talking about sex wasn’t anything new for the two of you, but it was always in a teasing way. It was never quite this personal. 
“Oh,” you said after a moment. Theo watched as you shifted, trying to alleviate the building pressure between your legs. “I didn’t realize…” 
“That I love eating pussy?” Theo asked with a smirk. You knew he was doing it on purpose. He never missed out on the chance to tease you. “I’m really fucking good at it too.” 
You didn’t doubt it. While you tried not to feed into the rumors of your best friend’s bedroom habits, you knew that he was much more experienced than you were. Judging by the longing stares that followed in his wake, Theo wasn't the type to leave his lover unsatisfied.
After a moment, Theo spoke. “I can show you,” he rasped, that thick Italian accent of his bleeding through the words like it did every time he smoked. “If you’d like.” 
You blinked in surprise, practically gaping at your best friend. “You want to eat me out?” 
Theo nodded, his eyes dipping to your mouth as you anxiously chewed on your bottom lip. “More than anything in the fucking world.” 
The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down your spine. “Let me show you how it’s done, bella,” Theo whispered as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear. Though the action was innocent, his words were far from. “I’d get on my knees and beg for a taste of you. I promise not to stop until you’re a crying, whining mess for me.” 
Desire bloomed in your core, filling your stomach with butterflies. Fuck, why was that the hottest thing anyone’s ever said to you? What were you supposed to do? Refuse? That wasn’t even a possibility at the moment. After all, you were just a weak, weak woman. 
“Okay?” Theo asked softly. 
“Yeah,” you answered confidently. “I trust you, Teddy.” 
Theo smiled and leaned forward to place a kiss on your temple. “Good girl,” he murmured. “Now lay back, I’ll make you feel so good, bella.” 
A nod was all that you could muster as you settled amongst the pillows, watching with rapt attention as Theo crawled between your legs. He kept his gaze on you as he kissed your neck, his lips soft and warm against your skin. You leaned into his touch as he licked along your collarbone, his big hands slipping underneath your bra. Theo unclasped it quickly, nosing at the straps before kissing down the valley of your breasts.
Those dead eyes came to life as he flicked his tongue over your nipples, sucking on them until they stiffened. You shuddered in response and Theo savored the tiny whimper that slipped past your lips. After showing your breasts ample attention, he continued mouthing at your torso, nipping and biting on the way down. Every sensation was heightened by the weed, your body buzzing even at the simplest touch. 
Theo parted your legs and maintained eye contact as he toyed with the tops of your knee socks. He smirked and kissed the spot right above them. “We’ll keep these on, yeah? I like when you wear these.” 
You held your breath when he bunched up your skirt, leaving filthy, open-mouthed kisses on the inside of your thighs. His breath felt cool on your core yet your entire body ignited into flames as Theo kissed you through your lace panties. 
You gasped in surprise, bucking your hips against his mouth. “Oh, fuck…” 
Theo hummed against you. “Does that feel good, principessa? I haven’t even started yet.” 
With a cocky smirk, Theo slid off your panties and groaned. You were embarrassingly wet, but he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he relished it. Theo teased two fingers along your folds, spreading your arousal and watching as your slick soaked him. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” His eyes were nearly black, swallowed by lust as they flickered up to your face. “I bet you’re sweet too.” 
Theo popped his fingers into his mouth, pretty eyes rolling back as he sucked them clean. “Gods, you’re so fucking delicious. Better than I imagined.” 
You whimpered, pressing your thighs together to tamper the need. Theo shook his head before prying your legs apart and diving in. When he dragged his tongue through your folds, you writhed underneath him, eager for more. The first lick had both of you moaning. He hummed in appreciation as he hooked your legs behind his shoulders. 
He chuckled darkly, before biting softly at the flesh of your thigh. “You like that, huh, bella?” 
You panted, frowning down at him. “Stop being a tease, Teddy.” 
“As you wish.” 
His dark head disappeared between your legs, silky brown waves slipping through your fingers as you held on for dear life. Theo wasted no time in showing off his skills, poking and prodding with his tongue. You tugged at his hair as he sucked on your clit, lightly grazing his teeth against the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
Theo popped up to take a hit off the joint before passing it over to you. His slender fingers held them up to your lips before slinking down to continue eating you out. As you held the smoke in your lungs, you inhaled deeply, letting the drug that was Theodore Nott singe your veins. 
Nothing in this world could've prepared you for this moment. Theo wasn't exaggerating his skills. If anything, he underplayed just how good he was. Theo switched strategies often, starting off slow and sweet before swirling and sucking, fucking you with his tongue like he’d never get another chance to taste you again. Once in a while, he’d come up for air, smiling as you offered the joint to him. 
Mostly, Theo was focused on feasting. He made out with your pussy shamelessly, making it as sloppy and messy as he possibly could. The higher you got, the more sensitive everything felt. When Theo found a particularly sensitive spot, you arched your back and nearly scorched his sheets with the joint. 
Theo only chuckled before taking it from your hands and putting it out. “You’re on fire, bella. But I’d prefer if my sheets weren’t.” 
You smiled shyly. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to.” 
He flashed a boyish grin back. “The only thing I’m sorry about is that we didn’t do this sooner.” 
“Me too, Teddy.”
He smiled softly at you. “Sei la donna più bella che abbia mai visto.” 
Before you got the chance to ask what he said, Theo pulled you by the ankles and picked up where he left off. He made good on his promise, driving you to the brink until you were writhing and whining. Tears streaked down your cheeks as you gasped, moaning his name in the night like a prayer. It only encouraged Theo to show off even more, using a combination of his mouth and fingers. His middle and pointer finger slid inside of you easily, squelching while he worked you tirelessly. 
There wasn’t a single coherent thought in your mind as you lost yourself to pleasure. When Theo introduced a third finger and flicked his tongue on your clit, a rush of heat flooded your body. 
“Oh gods, Theo. Please. I’m so close. Fuck — ” 
“C’mon, cara mia. Cum for me.” 
Theo watched as your orgasm rocked you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. He lapped you up like a man starved, not wasting a single drop. You tried to fight the overstimulation by squirming away from his mouth, but Theo merely held your hips down. 
“I’m not done,” Theo warned with a growl. “Stay still, principessa. You wanted me to eat your pussy? Then be brave enough to fucking take it.” 
When he brought you to your second orgasm, you were gasping for air. You roughly tugged at Theo’s hair, eliciting a filthy moan from him. Despite this, Theo was still decidedly not done. As the third orgasm approached, you screamed before squirting and soaking right through the sheets. 
With wide eyes, Theo stared up at you. “Have you ever done that before?”
You flushed, embarrassment heating your cheeks as you shook your head. “No — I — I didn’t even know I could do that.”
Your best friend smiled, brushing your hair back gently as though he hadn’t just made you see Merlin. “Did it feel good?”
“Yes,” you admitted. “Was it okay? I mean, was that too much? Oh god, I’m sorry.”
“No,” Theo said in a stern voice as he tipped your chin up. “Don’t ever apologize. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I like knowing that I’m the only man that’s ever made you squirt.”
“You’re not mad?” You sniffled, lower lip trembling. “I ruined your sheets.”
“Fuck the sheets." He caressed your cheek, gazing deeply into your eyes. "It's still me. Your Teddy. There's nothing that you could do that would make me mad. You're perfect, Y/N."
Theo kissed you softly, his lips pressed firmly against yours to emphasize the words. He was your Teddy. He always would be.
"You're really good at that, by the way."
Your best friend smirked, the cocky grin tugging at his lips. "Oh yeah? I couldn't tell by the way you kept screaming my name."
You rolled your eyes. "I'm not going to compliment you if you're going to be so cocky about it."
He cocked a brow before kissing the sweet spot beneath your ear. "What are you going to do about it, principessa?"
"No fair. You play dirty, Theo."
Your best friend smiled, taking in your flushed cheeks and kiss bitten lips. In one swift move, Theo pinned you underneath him. "I'll show you just how dirty I can get, bella."
He wrapped a hand around your throat possessively and pulled you in for a kiss. You moaned into his mouth, dizzy with desire. Theo slid his tongue against yours and claimed you with a groan. 
"This — this is what it should feel like. This is what Cedric failed to do. That stupid prick should’ve worshipped the ground you walked on, but he didn’t. He missed his chance. It’s my turn now.”
Wrapping your legs around his waist, Theo squeezed your ass as he grinded his erection against your core. Even through his sweatpants, you could feel how big he was. You bucked your hips in response, rubbing against him for more friction. 
“Oh fuck, don’t do that,” Theo panted breathlessly. “I won’t be able to stop.” 
“Who said I wanted you to stop, Theo?” 
Theo cursed up a storm, a mixture of Italian and English that sounded equally hot. “I want you so fucking bad. You’re all I ever want, Y/N.” 
You smiled up at him, placing a sweet kiss on his lips. “Then have me, Teddy.” 
It was like a flip switched inside of him. Theo crashed his lips against yours, frantically tugging your skirt off as you pushed his sweatpants down. They were barely halfway off before he was lining up at your entrance. 
Theo pressed his forehead against yours. “Deep breaths, baby.” 
Though you were sufficiently warmed up, you knew it was still going to be a stretch. His tip was barely in and you were already gasping for breath.
“Theo, fuck. Oh my god.” You clawed at his back as he inched inside. “You’re so big. I can’t — “ 
“You can, principessa. I know you can. We’ll make it fit, yeah?” Theo stroked your cheek, giving you time to adjust. “So fucking tight. I can feel you stretching to take all of me. Just a little more,” he slid in further, watching your expression intently to ensure that he wasn’t hurting you. “That’s it. Good girl.” 
When Theo finally filled you to the hilt, he pressed down on your stomach, marveling at the tight fit. You whimpered in response, clenching around his cock and making him groan. 
“Can I move, principessa?” 
Tears filled your eyes, but you wiped them away and nodded bravely. “Yes.” 
To his credit, Theo went sweet and slow as you adjusted to his size. He seemed attuned to what you liked and what you didn’t like even without having to utter a word. You weren’t surprised. Theo had always known you better than you knew yourself.
It took some time, but eventually the pain subsided to give way to pleasure. You kissed Theo as he thrusted into you, feeling every delicious inch of him sliding in and out of your pussy. He was going slow for your benefit, but your impatience craved more. It turns out that when it came to Theo, you were an all or nothing kind of woman. 
“Theo, please,” you pleaded through tears. “Please, I need more. I need all of you.” 
A feral expression crossed Theo’s handsome features before he hiked your ankles over his shoulders and drove in harder. His thrusts were deep and punishing, setting your teeth on edge as he fucked you into the mattress. Theo pinned your arms above your head, watching himself slam into you again and again. 
“I love watching your pretty cunt take all of me,” he murmured, intertwining your fingers together. “You’re a fucking goddess, baby. Dea mia, I’ll worship at your altar.”
“It’s never — I’ve never felt like this with anyone else,” you admitted.
Theo softened, his tender gaze drinking you in. “It’s never felt like this with anyone else for me either, bella.” 
You pulled him down for a deep kiss, the intimacy of the act surpassing lust and physical attraction. A spark awakened within you, like finally accepting an inevitable truth. 
The thread snapped and you allowed it to wash over you like a wave, the orgasm even more intensified than the first three. Theo followed soon after, panting into your neck as he emptied himself inside of you. He whispered your name, collapsing beside you when he finished. 
The two of you lay side by side, stunned into silence. You felt breathless and boneless, not quite believing that you just had the most mind blowing sex with your best friend. 
Theo glanced over at you. You glanced back at him. The two of you burst into a fit of giggles, breaking the tension. 
“Well, fuck.” 
He rolled over on his side, tracing your lips with his thumb. “Is that good or bad, tesoro?”
“Good. Definitely good.”
Theo smiled and kissed you softly. 
“I meant what I said,“ you breathed as he pulled you to his side. “I’ve never felt like that with anyone else.” 
“I know, bella.” Theo hummed in agreement, snaking an arm possessively around your waist. “You were made for me. Just like I was made for you.” 
“You knew it would feel like that?” 
He grinned. “I had an inkling.” 
“What did I tell you about teasing me?” 
“I’m not,” he said earnestly. “I knew it would be you since the moment we met.” 
The realization from earlier reared its head as you snuggled against him. “We’ve never been just friends, have we?” 
Theo shook his head. “Not for a single second, dea mia.”
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cheezeybread · 2 days
Hello! i do have a request headcannons with the housewardens with g/n reader who is very physical affection, yet they are also very smart on academics. They also loves to take a notes during a lessons so imagine they saw reader who writes a lot that definitely until a whole paragraf (even worse if they ran out of the paper or books, they can be write until the table)
I hope you like the idea if you can't you can ignore it, and i'm sorry for the bad grammar, have a good day! (⌒∇⌒)ノ"
Will do! You have a good day, too! :D
𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙣𝙚𝙪𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙝𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮-𝙥𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨
𝐅𝐭: 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞, 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚, 𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐥, 𝐊𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐦, 𝐕𝐢𝐥, 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬, 𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐚
No, this is not proof-read, I'm lazy, sorry TwT
Oh my goodness, you show him physical affection AND you're studious despite not having any magic to practice on in class? He's so in love it's crazy
He finds it very admirable how you pour your heart and soul into the technical aspects of class...which only serves to make Grim look worse in his eyes (I mean, the little Direbeast is your magic-half and he doesn't even pull his own weight! Grim is single-handedly dropping your grades down with every magical assignment)
Anytime there's a group assignment, you bet your bottom dollar that Riddle's going to convince the teacher to make the two of you partners! You both pull your own weight in the task and always manage to get the highest grades on projects! Plus, he enjoys spending class with you
Although he's not exactly the best with physical affection (words of affirmation are more his own love language because of his STUPID MOM-), he does his best to reciprocate, albeit somewhat awkwardly.
Expect some hand-holding from him in public, because that's all he can work himself up to do, PDA-wise. In class, though, he's more prone to absentmindedly touching you. Hand-holding, for sure, or maybe just resting a hand on your side, nudging you with his elbow to see what sort of notes you're writing down. His attention in class is split between the teacher and you, a fair 50/50
But sometimes it leans more towards 40/60 when you squeeze his hand affectionately.
A big cat at heart (and physically, lol), Leona's a bit iffy with the physical affection. It mainly depends on the mood you catch him in.
If he's in a particularly gracious mood, he'll allow the physical contact and even give some back, preferring to wrap an arm around you or rest his head on your shoulder
If he's in one of his leave-me-alone kitty phases, he'll allow the touch, of course, but he might be a little less prone to give you any in return. But he'll never say no to you if you want to show him your own way of love
Because of Ruggie, you're now his un-official tutor! I mean, you are his partner, so you might as well help him learn some stuff with all the time you spend around each other, right?
Pretty much how the tutoring sessions go: *y/n, opening their notebook for a class, preparing to read to Leona since he missed that day's lesson* Leona: Wtf y/n: What? Leona: Why do you have so many notes for just one lesson? y/n: Oh, this isn't all of them, actually. Leona:....Why does it say 'Page 1 out of 32'.
Whether he likes it or not, he's gonna learn something from those notes of yours!
Of course, when he does come to class, his attention is always on you throughout the entire lesson.
You're actually his soulmate, he's convinced.
Physical affection? Poor little guy needs all he can get! It helps assure him that 1) You don't find him absolutely repulsive, and 2) That you like him! He's the sort where if you don't give him a kiss upon first seeing him, he'll spiral into a "omg they hate my guts and want me to die now" mindset. Poor fella.
During any lessons the two of you have together, he's found that since you have the better notes out of the two of them, he can look over yours and add to his notes. So expect him to ask to borrow your notebooks after every single class. Or maybe he'll just forgo writing his own notes and copy yours entirely, hm? Nah, he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing-
This man is clingy af
He's always got a hand on you in some way, shape, or form, and always, always finds a way to touch you in passing. Your hanging out with him in the Mostro Lounge? He's leaning up against you, legs crossed. You two are out walking? Arm around your waist. In class? He's got his ankle hooked around yours.
Expect him to constantly ask you if what he's doing is alright or not. He's not well-versed in the relationship-styles of humans, and he knows that merfolk can come off a bit...too much. So he figures that it's better safe than sorry!
He's also totally going to ask you to read over any contracts that he drafts up, asking if you can find any loopholes written in the fine print or not. A second pair of eyes helps out more often than he'd like to admit!
FINALLY, someone on his level of affection!
PDA? Hell yeah!
Always touching, always hugging, and he gives zero regards to who might be looking when he gives you a lil smooch!
"Oh, yn, you took notes today? You always do, you're such a good student! Can you come back to Scarabia with me and help me out with my classwork? Jamil is busy, and I really want to get better so I can beat him fair and square!" :D
Of course, whenever you go over to help him study, or just to review notes, it ends up in a cuddle-fest.
Are you complaining? You better not!
Every time there's an option to pick partners, you'd best believe he's picking you! Even if somehow he doesn't end up being your partner, he'll congratulate the person who is, telling them how nice and kind you are, and how smart, too!
The world doesn't deserve Kalim, fr fr
But you sure do!
And he'll make sure that you know how much you mean to him, whether it's by an ungodly amount of gifts, compliments to make you all flustered, or even just insisting on hanging around you 24/7!
Due to his own preoccupation with his looks and such, Vil unfortunately misses some parts of lessons. He'll pull out a small mirror to double-check if his eyeliner is smudged, and bam! Suddenly the teacher is onto the next subject.
Not to worry, though, because he has you!
With a bat of his eyelashes and a few small kisses on the back of your hands, he can convince you to show him your prized notes (of course, you'd be more than willing to give them to him with just a please, but you quite like the effort he puts into it)
In return for you re-reading your notes to him out loud, he'll fidget with your appearance, or simply caress the back of your hands
You two are working in the courtyard? He's running a hand through your hair, braiding it if it's long enough. You're in his dorm reading? He's painting your nails. You're in the library? He's running a hand up and down your arm.
He's more into the low-key physical affection out in public, but who's to say he won't openly kiss you if someone starts trying to hit on you? Or maybe he just feels like a bit of PDA is deserved after all your hard works! Who can tell with that guy!
Definitely one to gift you with custom-made notebooks.
It started with him watching as you tried to make your handwriting smaller, attempting to fit your last notes onto the veeeeery last page in your journal.
When he got back to his room, Idia found some basic journals that he never got around to using, and he puts stickers on them, quotes, any and everything he thinks that you'd like. It's a sloppy mess, since arts and crafts isn't his strong suit, but it's handmade!
Eventually, though, he'll get frustrated with making the notebooks, and he'll just make some piece of technology that prints spoken words onto a notebook for you, so you don't have to have an aching wrist from writing so much.
God love him, he's trying, A for effort.
On the side of affection, though...he's still getting used to it. If you do ANYTHING in public, he's going to turn into an absolute mess and get all flustered. It's especially bad in class. You accidentally brush your hand up against his and he gives a shriek in response, slamming his head on the table in embarrassment and asking to leave
In private, he's still liable to get flustered, but if you assure him constantly that he's fine, he'll eventually settle down...eventually.
He's determined to get better at physical affection for you, so he's definitely trying...just give him a little bit, and he'll come around.
This is just normal human behavior, is it not?
Most definitely, though, he finds it refreshing to have someone at the school who doesn't fear him and treats him like an equal (although who's to say that there isn't a mutual worshiping going on between the two of you?)
Since you are the Prefect of the Ramshackle Dorm, you are required to attend the Housewarden meetings! On the occasions that Malleus is unreachable and unfindable, you take it upon yourself to write down the notes of the meeting, nearly word-for-word of what transpired. Later on, you'll hunt down Malleus and give him the notes, which in turn you'll receive a kiss as a thank-you.
He truly does appreciate you, in every way, shape, and form. Just so ya know ;)
He'll find old journals around the Diasomnia dorm (either journals that Lilia has and never used, or just ones that were bought for dorm use), and he'll give them to you, seeing as how you make the most use out of them!
And by gosh, these journals are gorgeous! They're rugged and antique-looking, leatherbound, and some of them even have an ancient design burned into the cover. It almost makes you sad to use them, but Malleus is overjoyed when he sees you writing down notes or anything in one of them
269 notes · View notes
jiniretracha · 2 days
~ Y/n is a "nerdy but hot" type of girl whos also rlly smart. The bad boy hyunjin has secret eyes for her. Shes always alone in class and doesnt talk to many ppl so basically shes mysterious ooo. One day hyunjin finally asks her to tutor him and she gets surprised knowing he knows she exists. Hyunjin has hooked up w many other girls but y/n is different as shes not despo like them and thats what attracts him to her. They both meet late night at a cafe and y/n is wearing a black tank top which has her neck and chest exposed and her lacy bra straps can be shown as well. She covered herself w a fuzzy jacket before entering the cafe but eventually took it off whilst tutoring hyunjin. Hyunjin feels lusty looking at y/n being so effortlessly hot and unknowing of it, he also gets turned on by the way she sucks her frappe straw etc. But he controls himself and after their study session ends hyunjin offers to drop her home on his bike and somehow enters her apartment as well where she lives alone and cozy with a good view of the city. They both have a deep convo before it turns into hot late night sleepy smut fr (also unexperienced y/n doing things with the guidance of hyunjin) tysmm
A Shakespeare's Sonnet - Hwang Hyunjin
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Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings: smut!!, fluff, minho's mean but he's just an overprotective little shit, minsung exes to lovers, slight angst, felix and jeongin being supportive besties
Summary: The one where Hyunjin needs tutoring literature sessions, you are a smart hot student and Minho almost faints.
Word count: 9,3k (i went too far i fear)
PS: This was sent in April, i apologize for being so late ☠️. i've been working on a felix smau so forgive me 😭
Hyunjin walked the halls of uni, his lazy walk attracting countless girls who would squeal under their breaths as they watched him pass across them, hoping silently one of them could end up being another notch on his bedpost. 
Hyunjin would be lying if he said he didn’t notice. Or that he didn’t love it. He was never one to take advantage of it, but having that feeling around him, of being wanted, was awesome. 
His friends also loved the attention people always had projected on him. It meant being invited to frat parties every single weekend, the coach calling them to the football team, and obviously, having girls flutter around them 24/7. 
What wasn’t something that was guaranteed by Hyunjin’s popularity, was having good grades. 
Hyunjin didn’t really study much, but he considered himself a smart person, so overall, he was a pretty good student. 
Until literature happened. 
He was so sure he was going to ace it, until a new professor, Mr. Jackson, came to uni and started giving out homework and assignments that were hard as fuck. 
The boy couldn’t believe his bad luck, as every single assignment he handed in, returned with a very angry red mark in the shape of an F. 
It was a Wednesday, when Hyunjin sat by the last seats of literature class, knowing how it was going to go down. 
“Do you think you passed?” Changbin asked Chan. 
Chan only snorted. “No way, man. I actually read the book he gave us last time, like 3 times, and the fucker still gave me an F” he rolled his eyes. 
Hyunjin sighed. “I think I failed as well”
“Yeah, dude, you’ve been failing all of yours. What’s up? You never go on a streak” Jisung says next to him.
He shrugs. “I guess it’s this fucking dude that apparently has a thing against me”
“Nah, I don’t think so” Changbin said. “I mean, he has a thing against you, but I think it’s against all of us”
“Thank you” Hyunjin said with sarcasm.
“Yo, this friday we’re going to Seungmin’s, okay? He already gave me a preview of the place and it’s going to be big” Jisung said excitedly. 
“I don’t think I’m gonna go” Hyunjin said.
His three friends went silent.
“Excuse me?” Changbin asked. 
“Yeah, I’m failing literature way too hard and without a reason. And, I don’t know about you, guys, but I really want to get my degree. And literature won’t stop me from getting that” He told his friends. 
“But mate, it’s literally one party” Changbin said.
“No, it’s one party every week” he told him. “Maybe that’s why I’m failing. Because I’m not trying hard enough”
“Well, it won't be the same without you there, mate, but it’s your call” Chan smiled slightly.
“Thank you!” Hyunjin said with a high pitched voice. 
Mr. Jackson’s unwanted presence walked into the room and Hyunjin sighed in disdain. He wanted earth to swallow him up already. 
“Okay, class, I’m handing you today your assignments from last class. I am… disappointed to say the least” the professor said and Hyunjin inwardly rolled his eyes. “Only two people passed, and that’s Mr. Lee, and Miss Y/L/N. Congratulations” the man smiled at two students who were in front of him. 
Hyunjin frowned. He had to get the number of either of those people to help him pass this fucking subject. 
“Oh, of course Minho passed. Ugh” Jisung faked a gag.
Hyunjin smiled. “What’s the matter?”
“See that guy over there?” he pointed at a guy with slight orange hair going on black, talking to a girl. “That’s my ex”
“Oh God, that’s your ex! Minho goes here? Since when? How did I not notice?”
Jisung frowned. “Why do you say that?”
“I was going to ask him to tutor me, since I suck” 
“No! No, no, no. You won’t ask Minho to help you. No way. Ask Y/N, his friend” Jisung shook his head. 
Hyunjin frowned. “O…kay” he said slowly. “I will. Y/N… I think I know her. Her hair… sounds familiar”
“Yeah, we went to high school together” Jisung replied.
Hyunjin’s eyes widened. “That’s Y/N?” he asked. 
“Yeah” He nodded. 
“I didn’t… I didn’t even know she went here” he said with a confused tone.
“Why do you sound disappointed?”
“I… okay, I used to have a crush on her when we were in like… third year? And, well, apparently she didn’t like me” Hyunjin shook his head.
“You’re lucky I liked you in secondary. You were an ass” 
Hyunjin straightened up his position when Mr. Jackson walked towards him and put the paper on his desk. 
“Disappointed in you, Mr. Hwang” Mr. Jackson told him.
When he walked away, Hyunjin turned around. “He always says that” Hyunjin spat. 
Jisung smiled. “I actually got a D this time”
“Yeah, I got an F like always”
Jisung pressed his lips together. “I really think you should consider talking to Y/N to help you” he told him. “She’s a good girl. And she’s super smart”
Hyunjin chewed on his lip. “Okay…”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You put your paper away inside your bag and smiled at your friends. 
“Okay, I am, like, so jealous you guys passed” Jeongin sighed. “I’ve only passed two of his assignments. And this is like the eighth!”
You smiled with a giggle. “It’s only reading and rereading the texts. This one was really tough. I’m lucky I got a C” you said. 
“Yeah, I got a C-” Minho said. 
“Yeah, sorry, why was Jisung staring at us?” Felix asked, nudging his forehead towards him. 
You all turned around and saw Jisung talking to his friend. 
Minho sighed. “I don’t even wanna know, honestly” he shook his head. “I can’t believe he’s still friends with that asshole, my God”
“Who? Hyunjin?” Felix asked.
“He’s… not that bad” Felix scratched the back of his head sheepishly. 
“Yeah, no. He’s horrible” you sighed. “He was always staring at me with a scowl on his face and being witness of his bully friends back in high school”
“Thank God those fuckers didn’t apply to this one” Jeongin sighed. 
“Yeah. Unfortunately we got the worst. The witnesses” Minho said. “And of course, because the universe couldn’t have conspired enough against me, my ex”
“I still don’t know why you guys broke up” Felix said.
“Yeah, me neither” Jeongin shook his head. 
“I just got tired of the people surrounding him. And the way they influenced him. He was one thing with me and a totally different one when he was with his friends. It was like he was embarrassed of me or something. Like they didn’t know he was gay” Minho explained.
“But they knew” You deadpanned.
“Yeah” Minho nodded. “And cherry on top, he cheated on me”
“He did?” Felix asked.
“That’s horrible… well, good riddance, right?” You smiled at him.
Minho forced a smile, “Yeah… good riddance” he chuckled, unsure. 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You grabbed your stuff and quickly pushed it inside your bag as soon as the bell rang. 
“See you next week, class. Don’t forget to bring your assignments” Mr. Jackson said and left. 
“Hey, do you want to go to the coffee shop next to our dorms?” Jeongin asked next to you.
“Hey, Y/N” a masculine voice said behind you. 
You frowned as you turned around, only to find none other than Hwang Hyunjin in front of you.
You arched your eyebrows. “Uh, hello?” you said unsure. 
“Can I- Can I talk to you for a sec?” he asked, fidgeting with his hands.
The man was nervous. 
You turned around and looked at your friends. 
“Call us if you need us, Y/N” Felix politely smiled at Hyunjin and winked at you.
“Yeah, you guys go. I’ll catch up” you nodded. 
“Okay…” Minho said unsure, grabbing Jeongin’s arm and pulling him with the rest. 
You turned around and looked at Hyunjin. “…What’s up?” you asked.
“I- I was just wondering… you know, since you’re basically rocking this subject and well- you and Minho are the only ones who passed the last assignment… I was- just… wondering if you could- I don’t know, tutor me or- or something?” he asked. 
You snorted, unable to help yourself. “I didn’t know you knew my name”
“Yeah, I do. We- we went to high school together” he frowned. “Why?”
“Well, you basically ignored me in high school” you shrugged. “Figured we aren’t as cool as your wolf pack over there” you nudged your head towards his friends. 
Jisung smiled and waved, while Chan and Changbin made a peace sign with a nervous smile. 
Hyunjin sighed. “Yeah- well, I was an asshole in high school”
“I know”
Hyunjin inwardly winced. “So… about tutoring…”
You snorted and grabbed your stuff. “Goodbye, Hyunjin” you said and left the classroom.
Hyunjin stood there, watching you walk away while his friends snorted and laughed. 
“I think this is the first time I’ve seen a girl reject you” Chan laughed while Changbin cackled with his infamous laugh. 
“Ha-ha” Hyunjin said humourlessly. “That wasn’t funny”
“Oh, it was” Jisung laughed. “She literally laughed in your face”
“I’m gonna fail literature and never get my degree. I wanna die” he whined dramatically as he plopped down on the chair. 
Changbin rolled his eyes. “Be persistent mate. Come on. You have that charm and effect on people. Use it”
Hyunjin opened his eyes and looked at Changbin. “You say I should- like- follow her around and-“
“Yeah” Changbin nodded. 
“I never beg” Hyunjin shook his head. 
“Well, mate, you gotta push your ego aside if you wanna pass literature” Chan shrugged. 
Hyunjin nodded. “Yeah, I know. The girl hates me though”
“I wouldn’t blame her” Jisung shook his head. 
“Why’s that?” Changbin said. 
“Well, me and Hyunjin were with the popular group. Who were straight up bullies” Jisung explained. 
“You guys bullied Y/N?” Chan asked, his eyes widened. 
“No!” Hyunjin said loudly. “No, we didn’t. I don’t want to talk about high school. It’s been ages. Let’s just… move on”
“Okay…” Chan said unsure. 
“Well, what are you gonna do, Hyunjin?” Changbin asked. 
Hyunjin sighed and looked at the ceiling. “I think I’m gonna continue asking her”
“Yeah, figured” Jisung nodded.
Hyunjin looked at him with a frown. “Why’s that?”
“Well, you couldn’t stop staring at her ass, for all that matters”
“Hey! I’m not attracted to her, and I’m definitely not sleeping with her” Hyunjin whined. 
“Sure” Jisung nodded with a smirk. “So, about Seungmin’s…”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You opened the door of the café and walked inside with a scowl. 
Minho looked up from their usual table and his eyes softened. “What’s up, Y/N?” he asked you. 
You sat down with a huff and left your bag hanging on the back of the chair. “Nothing. This fucker just asked me to tutor him”
“The audacity” Minho rolled his eyes. 
“Why’s that bad?” Felix asked, sipping on his iced tea. 
“Because he’s literally the guy who made my high school life miserable!” you whined. “My life and Minho’s life”
“Oh, well, maybe he’s- you know- changed” Felix tried. 
“Could be. The guy was staring at you like he was terrified” Jeongin said. “It was laughable”
“Maybe because he knows what he did” Minho added. “Typical bully attitude to get what he wants”
“I don’t know. He looked weird, though” You confessed. “Like he was nervous. He was all fidgety and awkward about it”
Felix hummed and looked down at his beverage. “Don’t worry about it, okay? It will be fine”
“Yeah, thank you, guys” You smiled at your friends.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. You got us” Jeonging winked, poking your cheek with his finger, making you laugh. 
“I know. That’s why I love you guys” you smiled. 
An hour passed and you and your friends were having fun, as Jeongin was telling you about his date last night. 
“And then she laughs in my face, like- fully in front of me and I feel the stink in her breath. She had ordered ravioli with a cream cheese sauce that was showered with garlic” Jeongin said while you all cackled. 
“Oh my God, and what did you do?” You asked. 
“Nothing, I just contained my breath in and nodded at everything she said” Jeongin said. “Near death experience”
“And do you plan on texting her or something?” Minho asked.
“No, I mean, she was really cute but other than her attempted murder, we did not connect in the talking at all” Jeongin shook his head with a frown. “No way” 
“Okay, let’s all look down or look like we’re in a deep conversation” Minho said, suddenly.
“What?” Felix asked, confused.
“Hyunjin just walked in” Minho replied. 
Your eyes widened and Minho grabbed your arm when you were about to turn your head. “No, no, don’t turn around” he said, in front of you. “Okay, so my mother just died and we’re like- mourning or something”
“Good grief” Felix shook his head, biting on a muffin. 
Hyunjin, as soon as he stepped in, started whipping his head around, trying to look for you. He saw the back of your head while you were engrossed in a conversation with your friends. He took a deep breath in and tried to collect all the courage he could muster and walked towards you.
“Oh, no, he’s coming” Felix whispered.
“Act normal” Jeongin said.
“Hey, Y/N” Hyunjin said standing in front of you.
You looked up and blinked. “Hyunjin, what are you doing here?” 
“Man, my mother just died. Could you have some-”
“Minho!” Felix said, slapping his arm. 
Hyunjin looked at them curiously and you huffed. “Don’t mind them. What’s up?”
“I know you said no already, and you probably don’t like me at all but I seriously need your help” Hyunjin pleaded. “You see, I need to pass literature to get my degree. Please, I’ll literally pay you, whatever you want”
You chuckled and you moved your head to the side. “Hyunjin, are you serious right now? You’ve ignored my existence since we’ve met and now, when you need something, you acknowledge me?” you snort at the end. “Sorry, not happening”
Hyunjin let out a whine and out of literally nowhere, the man dropped to his knees.
“Oh my God” Felix mumbled and looked away.
“Y/N… I’m begging you. Please, please, please. I’ll literally clean your dorm, pay for your food, I’ll buy you whatever you want, just please, please tutor me” he asked, giving you puppy eyes.
You looked into his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.
“What?” Minho asked, in a high-pitched voice.
“Yeah, what?” Hyunjin asked, surprised as well.
“I’ll tutor you, just please get up. You’re embarrassing me in front of everyone” You said with a grimace.
Hyunjin quickly scrambled to his feet and nodded. “Okay, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Here’s my number” he said, grabbing a pen and scribbling the number into a piece of paper and handing it to you. “Text me. We can meet tomorrow”
“Yeah, okay” you nodded slowly. 
“Thank you, again, Y/N. I really appreciate it a lot. Sorry for bothering” Hyunjin said and quickly walked away.
You looked at him with a frown as he walked out of the café and then turned to look at Minho who was glaring at you. 
“What?” you asked him.
“I’m just gonna ask one simple question. Are you playing stupid? Or were you just born with it?” 
“Oh my God-”
“You just accepted tutoring the devil incarnate, Y/N!” Minho said dramatically.
“Did you see how he was begging on his knees? I don’t want to be as cruel as he was” you argued.
“The guy is the worst, Y/N. Come on” Minho insisted.
“I don’t know, Min. He really needed help” Felix tried. “I think it was sweet of you to give in” 
“Thank you, Lix” you said sincerely. 
“What if he just wants to sleep with you?” Minho asked.
“God, Minho! Hyunjin does not want to sleep with me” you laughed. 
“Yo, why not?” Jeongin asked. “You would make a hot couple”
Minho faked a gag. “Please no”
“You’re into guys, wouldn’t you say he’s hot?” Jeongin asked.
“Yeah, he sure is. But he’s a horrible person so no. I don’t like him” Minho spat, shaking his head in disapproval.
“Okay. Why don’t we all calm down, hm?” Felix asked. “Y/N’s gonna be tutoring Hyunjin and we’re all going to be supportive friends and be there for her if she needs anything”
“Thank you” you mouthed and he winked. 
Minho sighed and looked away. 
“Just trust me. You know I wouldn’t do anything” you told him.
“Y/N, it’s not you I’m worried about. I know you’re not going to do anything. But him? Yeah, I don’t trust him” he said. Felix gave him a look and he let out a breath. “But… I’ll give it the benefit of a doubt”
“Great” Felix clapped. “Everything’s solved. Can we please go back to talking about Jeongin’s horrible date with the garlic breath girl and all?”
“Yeah” you nodded. 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You dropped your bag on the chair next to the door of your room and sighed. 
“Wanna order take out?” Minho asked from the kitchen. 
“Yeah, chinese, please” you called out.
“On it!”
You dropped your body on the bed and felt the purring of one of Minho’s cats next to your head. 
“Hey, Dori” you cooed, brushing your fingers across the cat’s soft fur. “You missed me?” you asked and the kitty purred. “Yeah, you did” 
You grabbed your phone from your jean back pocket and the piece of paper with Hyunjin’s number fell out. 
Sighing, you picked it up and after a while of thinking, you added him into your contacts. 
Y/N: hey, it’s y/n
You texted him and left the phone on the bed, to stare at Dori.
The phone vibrated and you grabbed it.
Hyunjin: oh hiii
You frowned. “A hi with three ‘I’s?” you asked yourself in a whisper. 
Hyunjin: what’s up?
“What’s up? God, we’re just gonna be having tutoring sessions. You don’t wanna know how I’ve been” you harshly whispered to yourself.
You: fine. Do you wanna meet tomorrow at the café me and my friends were having a hangout until you interrupted-
You sighed and pressed the delete button. 
You couldn’t send him that.
You: i’m ok. you wanna meet at the same coffee shop tomorrow after english?
Hyunjin: yeah, i’m okay with it.
You: great. 
You left the phone on the bed and went to help Minho while he put on the plates and silverware on the table.
“Everything okay?” Minho asked.
“Yeah, yeah. I was just texting Hyunjin” you told him. “I told him he could meet at the coffee shop from today”
“The one where he rudely interrupted us?”
“Yeah, the same one” you laughed.
He smiled and then looked down. “I’m sorry if I was harsh with you today” he said quietly.
“Oh, don’t worry, Min. I know you’re just looking out for me” 
“I know. I just… we suffered a lot in high school and- well, I don’t wanna go through that again. Neither of us” he shook his head.
“Aww, are you sweet talking to me?” you cooed.
Minho dropped his soft expression and rolled his eyes. “Man, you ruined the moment. I hate you”
“No, you love me” you said and wrapped your arms around him.
“Get off” Minho said.
“You love me” you said louder.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever” he said. 
The bell rang and he looked at the door. “That’s the take out. Be right back” 
“Go ahead. I love you too”
“Shut up”
You giggled as you made your way back to your room and grabbed your phone. Your heartbeat started beating faster when you saw the notification from Hyunjin.
Hyunjin: see you tomorrow, y/n :)
“Fuck, you stupid heart. Stop doing that!” 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You sighed as you tapped your nails on the wooden table from the café as you waited for Hyunjin. 
He was 10 minutes late and you were so close to grabbing your stuff and fleeting out of there. 
Suddenly, your eyes caught his figure being followed by a girl who was looking at him with a smile while he had a frown on his face. He said something, making the girl’s smile drop and walk away embarrassed. 
You looked down and felt a weird feeling in your stomach.
Hyunjin, with a sigh, sat down on the booth bench. “Hey, I’m so, so sorry Y/N” he said, sounding tired.
You didn’t even have the heart to say something rude to him because he was late. “No worries” you breathed out. “Did something happen?”
“Oh, uh… no, it’s just this-”
Hyunijn looked at you, wide-eyed and then let out a laugh. “Yeah, kind of”
“You slept with her and she wants more but you don’t want more?” you asked, feeling that curious, annoying thing on your stomach.
Hyunjin shook his head. “No, she’s uh… my ex-girlfriend” he said.
“Yeah” he nodded. “We broke up a long while ago but- well, I broke up with her but she didn’t take it well”
“How long ago was that?”
“Four months ago”
“Four?” you asked and he nodded. “Fuck, that’s a long time”
“I know” he sighed. 
You chewed on your lip. “Okay, we can start now. I’m sorry I asked, I just- well, you looked kind of bothered” you said.
“No, it’s okay. Y/N, thank you” he said with a little smile.
Those damn butterflies kicked inside your stomach and you inwardly rolled your eyes. You hummed and looked down at your computer. 
“Right! So, the next assignment is to choose a sonnet from Shakespeare and analyze it. That means we’ll have to search, read some and well, choose the one we like the best” you told him.
“Oh God, I hate this already” he said, pressing his forehead against the table.
You giggled. “It’s not that bad. I collected a bunch for you to pick” 
He pulled his head up quickly and smiled. “Really?” 
“Yeah” you nodded.
“You’re the best” he smiled wider. 
Fuck, that’s a pretty smile- FOCUS. “It’s nothing” you scoffed with a little smile too.
“No, really. It’s a lot. Let me see” he said and you pushed your computer towards him.
As he started scrolling through the different sonnets, his eyes couldn’t help but wander towards your face. You were looking out the window while sipping your pink drink with a sense of tranquility, something that was definitely lacking in his life. Hyunjin couldn’t help but feel his heart hammering in his chest as he admired your pretty face. He paid attention to the way you sucked on the straw of your drink and he bit his lip. 
You were so attractive to him and you had no idea. 
How didn’t you see it? How didn’t you notice him staring at you in high-
“You picked one yet?” you asked him, turning your head to face him.
He blinked a couple of times and nodded. “Y-yeah” he lied. “I picked one” 
“Let me see” you said, grabbing the computer. Your eyes lit up and smiled at him, making him feel a flutter in his chest, something he hadn’t felt till now. “Wow, Sonnet 116. Good choice. You are one romantic guy, never thought of that” 
His eyes narrowed, confusedly and then nodded. “Yeah… I guess you didn’t know that about me, huh?” he joked.
Hyunjin was in fact a very romantic guy himself, he loved cliché stuff and, whenever he painted, he tried to symbolize love as much as he could. He would paint red roses very often, thinking they symbolize an act of love, sensualism and mysticism. Hyunjin loved romantic comedies and he always cried with them.
But that was a secret he kept well hidden.
“Well, this one you picked is very beautiful” you said with a smile and he couldn’t help but reciprocate it. “Let Me Not to The Marriage of True Minds is one of his most famous works” 
Hyunjin immediately took out his computer and started typing whatever you said. 
“We can read it together” you said, pushing the computer so he could see it.  
He nodded and you started reading some lines and explaining them to him.
Hyunjin stared at you attentively and tried to focus, he really did. But his stupid brain and heart had teamed up to sabotage this study session, because they were focused on you. You, you, you. Then, his eyes couldn’t help but go down as he took in what you were wearing. 
Fuck, how did he not notice? You were wearing a black top that had a low cut and it gave a good view of your breasts, as your arms pushed them together due to your inclined position on the table. His mind started racing with different dirty thoughts of what he’d do to you if they weren’t in a crowded café. Hyunjin noticed you were wearing a lace black bra and it made him wanna grab-
“He’s basically saying that true love is not changeable, no matter the length of time” you explained, bringing him back to earth.
Hyunjin quickly typed, trying to convince you he was paying attention. 
“He is so certain about his definition of love that, if proven wrong, then he was sure he had never loved anyone” you finished.
“Wow…” Hyunjin said. “That’s… beautiful”
“I know” you giggled. “Well, we have to, basically, do an analysis of it”
“Okay, how do we start?”
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Hyunjin pressed the point button on his laptop and sighed. “Fucking finally” he said.
“It wasn’t that bad, you gotta admit that” you smiled.
He had to admit, he did enjoy literature after all. “Yeah, it was actually interesting. Maybe I should’ve asked you for help a long time ago” he confessed.
“Well, that means you would’ve acknowledged my existence, which you didn’t until… yesterday” you said with a shrug.
That’s a lie, Hyunjin thought. “I… I’m sorry” he said and he mentally slapped himself.
“It’s okay. I’m used to it. Really” you said.
He frowned. He didn’t like the sound of that. He was about to open his mouth when you cursed.
“Fuck! Look at the hour, it’s almost eight” you cursed.
Hyunjin looked out the window and noticed how dark it had gotten. “Right, wow. I didn’t even notice” he mumbled as he looked at his phone. 
“Yeah, me neither” you chuckled, putting all your stuff away.
Hyunjin frowned as he didn’t like the fact that this session was over and you’d probably go back to ignoring each other like you did. 
“Hey, uh… do you wanna go back to my place? Like… to hang out” he said.
You arched your eyebrows. “Why?”
“Well, to be honest, I could pay you back with some take out. Whatever you want. My roommate, Chan, is out for the day with his girlfriend so I'm gonna be home alone” Hyunjin explained. 
You leaned your head to the side.  “Are you inviting me because you feel bad for me or because you don’t wanna be alone?” 
None, I just wanna be with you. “Both, I guess?”
You chuckled and looked away. “Hyunjin-”
“Please?” he asked.
You looked at him again and then sighed. “Fine. But we’re ordering chinese”
“Deal” he smiled, satisfied.
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“She did that?” You asked him as soon as you and him walked inside his dorm.
“Yep. And then she basically threatened Lily, my friend’s girlfriend, to stay away from me because she was jealous” Hyunijn explained.
“Oh my God” you mumbled. “That’s borderline obsessive”
“Yeah, I know” he said, dropping his stuff on the couch, “You can drop your stuff  and sit here, I’ll order take out” Hyunjin whipped his phone out and started clicking on the delivery app.
You did the same and noticed there were a few notifications from your group chat with your friends.
Min 🐈: hey, you alive bestie? 
Min 🐈: did you kill hyunjin? I’d be delighted if your answer was yes. I’d even help you bury the body
Innie 💛: min shut up
Min 🐈: what?
Lixie☀️: i think you’re overreacting a little
Min 🐈: i think i’m not
You chuckled and quickly typed your answer back.
You: I’m okay, you guys. calm down!! 
You: i’m at his place.
Innie 💛: excuse me?
Lixie☀️: say what?
Min 🐈: oh my god, I think i’m gonna faint
You: shut up. he invited me and ordered chinese as my payment, i happily accepted bc u know i’d never decline chinese 😀
You sighed. You knew Minho would never approve of this, he’d scold the hell out of you. 
Lixie☀️: okay, take care y/n. 
Innie 💛: pls text us if anything happens!
Min 🐈: yeah that
You: i will, thx! love u guys
“Okay, it’s on its way. Want a drink or something?” Hyunjin brought you back to reality and you quickly turned off your phone.
“Oh, uh… what do you have?” you asked him.
“I have wine… coke, water”
“I could have some wine” you smiled.
“Great” he said and took it out from the cupboards. 
You walked towards the kitchen and sat down on the stools, feeling your hands get sweaty from the nervousness you felt. 
“So… did your friends roast me via text?” Hyunjin asked. You pulled your face back and he chuckled. “I know you were texting them. You looked really stressed out explaining this situation to them”
You sighed and looked away. “Yeah, uh… I think it’s not news that they don’t like you” you chuckled humourlessly.
He nodded. “I don’t think you do either” he said. He hoped that was untrue.
“Well. I had my reasons” you said.
Hyunjin frowned. “Had?”
“Yeah, well, I think you weren’t just as bad as I thought” you confessed.
“Why’s that?”
“Well, you did ignore me in high school” you told him. “And you were friends with the people that made my life a living hell, while you stood there, watching”
He was about to say something but the bell rang. “That must be the delivery guy. Be right back”
He walked away from the kitchen and you put your head in your hands. What were you doing?
Hyunjin came back really fast and he placed the food on the plates, wordlessly, while you just stared.
Great, you ruined the whole mood. 
You started eating and the silence was so loud, you wanted to fleet out the door. 
“I didn’t ignore you” Hyunjin suddenly spoke. 
You looked up and gave him a confused look. “What?”
“I didn’t ignore you. In high school, I mean” he repeated himself. “I was just hanging out with the wrong crowd, and I admit that. I just wanted you to know that I did know you who you were. I didn’t know you attended this uni, though” 
You analyzed his words and expressions. He sounded sincere.
“I… it’s funny, actually. I had a huge crush on you” he said in a small voice.
Now, hold up.
“What?” you asked him with a frown.
“Yeah” he laughed. “You were really cute and just my type. But as I said, I hung out with the wrong crowd and it repelled people like you, fairly. And I wanted to be popular, because it was like a dream and it felt like being powerful but then I understood that it was stupid and there’s literally not a day in which I don’t regret hanging out with those people” 
You blinked a couple of times, trying to figure out if this was a figment of your imagination.
“So, I deeply apologize” Hyunjin said in a small voice. 
You nodded. “Okay… I uh… I did not know that” you chuckled nervously.
“No, you didn’t have to,” he said. “Really, I’m sorry, Y/N. If it… helps or whatever, I did want to defend you when they said those things to you and your friends. I was just too afraid to say anything, honestly”
“Afraid they’d do it to you” you said.
“Yeah, basically”
You hummed and licked your lips, deep in thought. “I had a crush on you too back in high school” you suddenly said.
His eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yeah” you chuckled. “Even if I hated you, I couldn’t… help it” 
“I never told anyone about this” you chuckled. “Not even Minho”
“Oh God, he hates me so much” he said, making you laugh.
“Yeah, well, you’re friends with Jisung, so…” you said.
He frowned. “What’s up with him anyways?” 
You looked up in surprise. “Jisung cheated on Minho”
He looked really surprised to hear that. “What?” Hyunjin asked in a high pitched voice. “No, that’s not it. I mean, yeah, he accused him of cheating but Jisung didn’t do that”
“Yeah, well, that’s what Minho told me. Back at prom” you told him.
“Okay, that’s weird because Jisung did not attend prom” he said.
Your eyes widened. “What do you mean he didn’t go to prom? He said he found Jisung kissing other guy” you frowned.
“Yeah, no. Jisung’s grandfather had passed away the day before so he had to travel overnight to his hometown” Hyunjin said.
“Oh wow” you mumbled. “Well, then we’ll have to tell them and maybe…”
“Get them together again?” Hyunjin asked, with a little shrug.
“Yeah” you giggled. “You know, as much as Minho talks about hating him and all… I think he’s never really gotten over Jisung. He still keeps the necklace he gifted him and the collar he made for Soonie” 
“Jisung’s never gotten over him either. He likes to gag at the mention of him but he still has that shirt, you know, the one they shared of-”
“Oh my God, from that Cat Café? The one that says-”
“Cat Café Lovers? Yeah, that one” Hyunjin laughed.
You chuckled and looked away. “Gosh, that was peak cringe from them”
The chatter continued. You talked about everything and anything. It was like you both needed this talk from a long time ago, and you didn’t know it. 
After eating everything and helping him with the dishes, you looked at the clock and gasped.
“Oh shit, it’s eleven. Fuck” you whispered. “I gotta go, I’m sorry”
“Oh…” Hyunjin said, sounding disappointed. “It’s okay, don’t worry”
He walked you to the door and opened it. He leant against the frame and watched you put your bag on your shoulder and look up at him.
“Thank you for the food… and the talk” you smiled.
“No, thank you. I’ll probably get an A from what we did” he chuckled. “You’re very smart and very kind to help me… even after everything I did”
“It’s alright” you nodded. “And you apologized, so, we’re good”
“Yeah…” he said. “I actually lied” he suddenly blurted.
You frowned. “What… did you lie about?” 
He swallowed nervously and looked down at his feet. “I did like you in high school but… I didn’t stop” 
You pulled your face back in utter shock.
Say what?
“I… seeing you the other day. It made me realize I didn’t stop liking you after all” he chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I thought you were really cute back then but, seeing you now, I see you got even more beautiful and it kills me that I did what I did. And I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable by saying this but- well, I just thought I could tell you because-” he started rambling and you felt a rush of confidence to shut him up.
Shut him up by kissing him. Hard.
Your kiss shocked him but he was quick to grab your waist and pull you against his chest. 
You pulled away and smiled at him. “I like you too, Hyunjin. Even if you suck at literature and stare at my tits the whole time I’m explaining a Shakespeare sonnet to you” you told him against his lips and he blushed. 
“Okay, that’s-”
You giggled and pressed your lips against his once again, making him groan. He pushed you inside his dorm again, closing the door with his foot. Your bag dropped to the floor and he put his hands under your legs, hoisting you up in the air, making you wrap your legs around his waist. 
Hyunjin led you to his room and then laid you down on his bed, all while literally devouring your mouth with his tongue deep, stroking yours. 
He pulled away to kiss your neck and you arched your back, mewling and clawing at his clothed back. 
“Hyunjinnie…” you sighed, combing your fingers through his hair.
“Fuck, Y/N” he whispered, biting on your skin. He pulled away and stared at you. “You are so beautiful”
You smiled shyly at him and when he went to kiss your neck again, you stopped him by pulling his hair. 
“What?” he asked, caressing your waist.
“I just uh…”
“You a virgin?” he asked.
“No! No, no. I uh had my fair share of hook ups… but I am not like the most experienced so please-” he silenced you with a kiss, moving his hands under your shirt.
“You-” kiss. “-are perfect-” kiss. “Don’t worry, baby” he whispered and went to kiss you again. 
Hyunjin pressed kisses on your neck down to your stomach, over your shirt until he reached the belt of your jeans. He made quick work of taking off your shoes and your belt. 
You helped him kick your jeans off and he stared at your panties. 
His eyebrow arched, as he looked at your laced black panties. “I wanted to feel sexy” you shrugged innocently. 
He tugged on your legs, making you yelp. “Come here” he growled, kissing your lips as his hands groped your breasts through your shirt. “I’m gonna eat you out until you’re shaking, is that okay?”
You shivered at his tone and his honesty. “I…”
“Has anyone ever done that before?” he asked. You shook your head ‘no’, giving him doe eyes. “What kind of dumb men did you date? Who wouldn’t want to do that?” 
He didn’t even give you time to answer, because he took off your panties quickly and shoved your legs open. 
“Fuck, look at that. You’re so wet, baby” he whispered, smirking at you.
“God, do something, Hyune” you moaned, arching your back.
He chuckled at your desperation and swiped his fingers over your drenched entrance, making you whimper. He dragged those soaked fingers over his tongue and sucked them clean. As soon as he finished, Hyunjin crawled over you and kissed you, inserting his tongue inside your mouth, making your nails dig into his shoulders as you tasted yourself. 
He pulled away and panted as he looked at you. “Do you feel how good you taste?” he asked and didn’t even give you time to answer as he dropped a quick peck on your lips and went down to eat you out. 
Hyunjin’s tongue dragged over your core over and over and all you could do was hold onto the sheets desperately. He inserted his fingers and scissored them as he licked over your sensitive clit in a circle motion. 
Your hands went to his hair and started pulling, making him mewl against your cunt. You pushed his head against your cunt, making his nose press against your clit as his tongue licked over you. 
He had you cum on your tongue two times and then, he pressed a kiss over your pubic bone when he was finished, definitely leaving your legs shaking in pleasure, just like he had promised. He wiped his face with his sleeve and then grabbed the back of his tee, pulling it over his head, letting you admire his toned body.
Your hands immediately brushed over his torso and his abs contracted, feeling the goosebumps run all over his body. He pressed his chest against yours and kissed you again, really soft and sweet. 
“How was that?” he whispered against your lips.
“Fucking mindblowing” you whispered, making him smirk.
“Can I take this off?” he asked, fidgeting with the end of your shirt.
You smirked. “I think you tortured yourself long enough at the café staring at me. Go ahead” you giggle.
He giggled back and pecked your lips and then pressed a kiss to your cleavage. “I couldn’t help it” he murmured and then grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head. He stared at your black lacy bra, his hand going under you to grab at the clasp.
You didn’t let him, arching your back at taking it off yourself, exposing your tits to him. 
His hands immediately grabbed them and pushed his face towards them, enveloping one of your nipples inside his mouth and sucking. You arched your back and moaned, gripping his hair tightly with your fingers. He sucked one and then another, then, pushed them together and licked over them.
“Fuck, Hyunjin, I need you to fuck me” you whispered.
“Okay, okay, fuck” he said, giving one of your tits one last suck and then leaned up on his knees, trying to take off his belt as fast as he could. 
You helped him kick off his jeans and saw his erection straining against the fabric of his Calvin Klein’s. It was big already and when he hooked a finger on the hem and pulled them down, your eyes widened. 
His dick slapped against his stomach and his hand went down to stroke himself. 
He knelt on the bed and pushed himself to brace himself over you while looking for a condom. Hyunjin took it out and put it on quickly, and then went back to brush the tip over your entrance, making your nails dig against his forearms. 
One of his big hands gripped your thigh and the other one held his cock to push it inside you. Once he did, you arched your back and he let out a choked moan. 
“Fuck, you’re so fucking tight, Y/N. And so wet, shit” he whispered against your neck and then he kissed the hot, sweaty skin. 
“Fuck, Hyune” you moaned. 
“Yeah, keep chanting my name like that” he whispered, moving his hips as he hit your cervix over and over. 
You let out a little yelp every time he hit that sweet spot and one of his hands went to one of your breasts, brushing over your nipple and pinching it every now and then.
He licked over your ear and pulled on your earlobe. “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this?” he whispered. “So fucking long, baby” 
You put your leg over his shoulder, making him go deeper and pulling a moan from both of you.
His fingers found your clit, and as he rubbed it in a circle motion, it made you get closer and closer towards your orgasm.
You bit at his neck and moaned. “I think I’m gonna come, Hyune”
“Yeah?” he groaned. “Fucking come, then”
Your cunt gripped him tightly, making him groan and thrust even harder. You arched your back against Hyunjn’s chest and came around his length, feeling your vision go white and like you were about to pass out from the amount of pleasure the man on top of you was making you feel.
You barely noticed how he was losing control, as his thrust became sloppier. With a choked moan, he emptied himself inside the condom, his hands gripping the mattress tightly and then with a sigh, he collapsed on top of you, completely spent and satisfied.
Your arms wrapped around him tightly as he panted against your neck. 
“That was-”
“Amazing, fucking amazing” he whispered against your neck. 
You giggled and combed your fingers through his hair, caressing his scalp. 
Hyunjin lifted his head and smiled at you. “You are so pretty”
“Thank you. You are very pretty, too” you said shyly and he blushed. “You blushing?”
He let his head drop against your chest and mumbled, “Shut up”
“You definitely are” you giggled.
“Shut up!”
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After he let you use your shower (in which he may or may not have sneaked in and ate you out against the tiles), you changed into one of his shirts and wandered around his room. You saw the canvases that laid on the desk and smiled as you saw the amazing drawings and paintings he did.
“Wow… you did this?”  you asked him over your shoulder.
“Yeah” he said shyly, brushing the towel over his wet hair. “They’re not the greatest-”
“They’re not? I think they’re museum-worthy, are you kidding?” you chuckled. “The way you painted that rose, wow” 
He chuckled and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around you. “I feel so at peace with you, Y/N” he whispered against your neck.
You smiled and put your hands over his arms. “Me too, Hyunjin” you whispered, kissing his skin. “Me too”
“You have practice tomorrow at the studio right?” he asked. 
“Yeah, we have that super difficult R&B choreo” you sighed. 
“Really?” he asked. 
Hyunjin started thinking about a little something in silence and then spoke up. “Do you want me to change classes?” 
You frowned and looked up at him. “What do you mean?”
“So that we can practice together. Maybe that’s the reason I never saw you here. Because we never got to practice together” 
You let out a little laugh. “You’re crazy, Hyune” 
“Yeah, crazy about you” he said and kissed your cheek with a loud kiss sound. 
You giggled and shook your head. “Oh, fine. Change classes”
“Yay” he whispered. “What do you usually wear for practice?” 
“Oh, it’s gonna be amazing, I’m so sure of it. I’m gonna have so much fun” he smirked.
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You and Hyunjin woke up with a loud buzzing noise coming from the night stand. 
Hyunjin from behind you groaned and pressed his face harder against your neck. “What’s that, babe?”
“It’s just my phone, hun” you whispered as you grabbed it and looked at the ID of the call. “Hello, Min?”
“Where are you, bitch?”
“Huh?” you asked, surprised at his tone.
“You don’t come home, then you don’t show up at history, and you’re not here at the cafeteria” Minho said.
Your eyes widened and you sat up, looking at the hour. 10:04.
“Shit!” you yelled. “Hyunjin, we overslept!” you yelled, grabbing at his arm and shaking him.
“Hm?” he asked, confused.
“Hyunjin, wake up! We need to get to my dorm to change and then go to the studio! Come on!” you yelled, jumping off the bed and searching for your clothes frantically. “Where the hell did you throw my socks?” 
Hyunjin took his sweet time sitting up on the bed and stretching his muscles. He scratched his eyes and blinked a couple of times. His head turned to the clock on the nightstand and his eyes widened. 
“Holy shit, it’s 10 AM” he said, and jumped off the bed.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!” you yelled back as you ran towards the bathroom to brush your teeth in your bra, jeans and only one sock on your feet.
Hyunjin quickly dressed while you brushed your teeth. He combed his hair with his hands quickly and saw you get out of the bathroom, looking around for your shirt.
“What are you searching for?” he asked you.
“My shirt! I don’t know where you threw it. And my socks” you said, looking everywhere.
“Here, use one of mine” Hyunjin tossed you a shirt. “You look better in them” 
You grabbed it and looked at it. “Thank you” you said in a small, shy voice and quickly pulled it over your frame. “My socks” 
“Oh, here” he said. “I found them” he smiled.
Hyunjin grabbed his stuff and smiled at you again. “Let’s go?”
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You and Hyunjin ran through the hallways, panting.
“To the right!” you yelled and quickly turned with Hyunjin following suit. 
“There you are!” Minho suddenly appeared in front of you just as you turned the corner, with Felix and Jeongin behind him.
“FUCK! Minho!” you yelled. “You scared me!” 
He was staring at you and Hyunjin with a frown. “Okay… please tell me that you are wearing his shirt because he clumsily dropped wine on it and those marks on your neck are just mosquito bites” he said calmly.
Your eyes widened and quickly slapped your hand over your neck, as you looked at Hyunjin with a glare. He just shrugged.
“I think I’m gonna faint” Minho said, grabbing his heart, dramatically.
Felix rolled his eyes and sighed. “Let’s go, guys. We have practice in two minutes” he said with a smile.
You followed them and Hyunjin did too. “I’m gonna ask my professor to… do what I told you, okay?” he asked, grabbing your shoulder.
“Okay” you nodded. 
Hyunjin pressed a kiss to your lips and walked away the other way. You stared at him and then your eyes darted to your friends who were wide-eyed staring at you. 
“No comments, okay?” 
“Oh, no, you come here and tell everything!” Jeongin giggled excitedly.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
After practice, you sat with your friends at the café, telling them everything.
“It was like I had been wrong about him my whole life” you told them, after you finished. 
“Wow, Y/N, he sounds like he really likes you” Felix smiled.
“He does” you nodded. “Hell, he liked me in high school? I did not expect to hear that” 
“Yeah, no one did” Jeongin shook his head.
You looked at Minho and sighed. “Could you be supportive about this?” you pleaded your friend, pressing your hands together.
“What happened with the I’m not gonna sleep with him, he doesn’t wanna sleep with me thing? You bumped your head against a wall and forgot about it?” Minho asked.
“No, we just had a really good conversation in which he apologized and well… I kissed him” You confessed. 
“Hold up, you kissed him?” Felix asked.
“Yep… oh! I have news about Jisung” you gasped, looking at Minho.
He looked up and his eyes widened. “What? What do you know?” he asked.
You smirked. “It was a misunderstanding, Min” you told him. 
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Of course he’d defend his friend. I mean, what can you expect from him?” he laughed, humourlessly.
“He told me that he didn’t even attend prom” you told him and Minho pulled his face back.
“Uh… a little context please?” Jeongin asked.
“So, basically, Minho saw what he thought was Jisung at prom kissing some other dude. They fought, they broke up, the end. But Hyunjin told me that Jisung did not go to prom, his grandfather had died the night prior and he had to rush to his hometown” you told him.
“Wow…” Felix said. “That’s- Minho, what do you think?”
“I think I need to go” he said and grabbed his stuff quickly. “Uh, sorry. Thank you for telling me, I’ll be right back” 
You three watched as Minho left the cafeteria in a rush and then looked at each other.
“You think they’ll get back together?” Jeongin asked.
“I think so” you smiled. “They aren’t over each other. At all” 
Felix smiled. “I can’t believe he has refused to date anyone this past year because he is still hung up on him” 
“Yep. Their relationship was really intense and they loved each other very much” you smiled. “Hell, he still keeps lots of things from him at the dorm. I just pretend I don’t see them but they’re there” 
“Like what?” Jeongin asked.
“You know that necklace Minho always wears?” you asked.
“Yeah, the one with the cat- No!” Felix suddenly gasped.
“Yeah, that one was a gift from Jisung” you giggled. “And then the collar that Soonie has, is a gift from Jisung as well”
“Oh my God” Jeongin said. “He talks a lot about hating him and now I realize he does not hate him at all”
“No” you chuckled. 
“Okay, I’m having a deja vu” Felix sighed.
You frowned and turned around, finding Hyunjin running towards you. You couldn’t help the smile that ran across your face. “Hey!” 
“Hi, good news!” he smiled and sat down on the empty seat where Minho was. “Where’s Minho?” he asked, realizing he wasn’t there anymore.
You and your friends smirked. “He went to search for the love of his life” Jeongin said, arching his eyebrows.
Hyunjin looked confused and you just chuckled. “I’ll tell you later”
“Okay” he nodded. “They let me change classes” he smiled.
“Really?” you gasped. “That’s great!” 
“You’re practicing with us?” Felix asked.
“That’s awesome, man” Jeongin smiled.
Hyunjin smiled. “I know, I’ll get to practice with my pretty girl” he said, smirking at you.
You groaned when you felt your friends starting to poke at your sides and make annoying noises at you. “Stop it!” You groaned.
“Y/N’s in love” they started singing. 
Hyunjin could only chuckle and shake his head. 
He felt his phone buzz and he took it out. He read the message on his phone and frowned.
You noticed his expression. “What’s up, hun?” you asked.
“Why is Jisung texting me: Minho just kissed me?”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
Two weeks later…
You and Hyunjin sat next to each other and he fiddled with his hands nervously. You put your hand over his fingers and smiled, with a chuckle. 
“Hyunjin, oh my God, calm down! It’s just an assignment” you told him.
“Yeah, I know” he sighed. “It’s just that I need to pass literature or-”
“You won’t get your degree, you told me already, yeah” you giggled. 
Mr. Jackson came over with the assignments and stared at Hyunjin. He gave him a curious look adn then left the paper on his desk with a sigh. 
“Here’s your work, Mr. Hwang. And yours Miss Y/L/N” he said, dropping yours on your table. 
Hyunjin took a look at the paper and gasped. “I got an A!” 
“Me too” you smiled excitedly. “See? I told you you were going to pass”
“I know, but it’s all thanks to you” he said, grabbing your hand and kissing it a couple of times. “Honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without you now”
You looked at him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “You won’t have to wonder now” you said and giggled. 
Your eyes darted to the couple in front of you and sighed.
“Ever since they got back, they won’t stop making out, it’s disgusting” you said to him.
“Hell, we are clingy and we don’t go making out like that” Hyunjin said.
Minho pulled away and looked at him. “That’s a lie, Hwang. Yesterday, I got scarred for life finding you naked on top of my best friend”
“Yeah, I got traumatized too” Jisung said next to him.
“Hey, the happy couples at the back!” Mr. Jackson called out. 
“Sorry” you all four said in unison. 
You and Hyunjin turned your head to the side and found Chan and Changbin mocking you, pretend-kissing each other while making faces. Hyunjin threatened to throw his pencil case while you laughed at them. Hyunjin looked down at your smiley face and his heart doubled its size. Maybe literature hadn’t been so bad after all.
Thank you, literature. 
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writerpetals · 2 days
mbfw: boundaries | 🔞
; optional male lead smut |  ☁️
w / au's: werewolf!au, bestfriend!au, getting you off with his fingers ...
summary: you learn more about what it means to be mates and Wolfie has a few things to say when you tell him you just want to talk
a/n: part two to my best friend's werewolf !!
words: 4899
“So tell me more about mates.” 
The two of you decided to go to a small coffee shop just outside of town the following Saturday afternoon. You both knew there was so much to still be discussed, settling on a quiet place to sip drinks, eat a dessert, and talk at a corner table near the back without as much foot traffic. You wanted to know more about his werewolf side as well as discuss the what if’s and the maybe’s. The best thing about your best friend is he is always willing to talk through whatever is going on. 
“What would you like to know?” he asks before taking a bite of the raspberry pastry he ordered for himself. “Mates are just kind of like soul mates. Our perfect partner. One we could spend lifetimes with.” 
The thought has your heart swelling. Oh… to be loved so strongly. You couldn't imagine. Or, maybe it's not about love and just about what fits best. Does his wolf even care about you? Could he love you? These are the questions that have been plaguing you and you know you need to find the answers before the situation drives you crazy. 
“Well, how did your wolf decide me?” You poke at your own danish with a fork, not as hungry as you thought. “Why me?”
“I think it’s because of our friendship.” He doesn’t sound so sure, but he sounds sure enough that it’s a pretty good guess. “You’re the closest friend, honestly closest anything I’ve ever had. You’re like a sister to me.”
“Ugh,” you huff, rolling your eyes, “sisterzoned by my mate’s second brain cell.”
“No, we share a brain cell, remember?” He chuckles while you laugh, nudging him with your arm. 
“It’s still so bizarre to me,” you tell him in a whisper. “That all of this is happening with my best friend, but I don’t think I would want it to happen with anyone else.”
He smiles at that. He has always been the sweetest person you’ve ever known. Even in high school, you became friends because he spotted you crying coming out of the bathroom one day freshman year. He stopped you to ask what was wrong. You told him some excuse about your period. He laughed when you actually told him the truth that it was over a boy. A boy that broke up with you to immediately ask out your only friend in the class, all while his friends laughed at your embarrassment. Teenagers can be so cruel. 
The reason he laughed was because he already knew what he was going to do. He asks you to point the boy out so casually, as if he was only going to talk to him, so you do. Turns out that talk turned into a fight and he was suspended for three days. The guilt weighed down onto your shoulders like a heavy rainstorm until the day he returned. You apologized, asked him why he did it, and he said it was because of the t-shirt you were wearing. He knew you were cool. No one as cool as you should be crying.
Looking back, you can barely remember the band on the shirt because they disappeared due to a scandal a year later, but it was his favorite as well as yours at the time. Your favorite tv show became his next one and his sentimental dessert shop from his childhood became the place the two of you would get ice cream and study on the weekends. You went to prom together (as friends), played video games together (as enemies), and your families grew as you got to know one another. His family fell in love with you because you kept him focused on school, and your family wasn’t convinced he didn’t have ulterior motives (they eventually came around). 
He’s always been there for you. Became your friend, the person you looked to first when you tell a joke and the last person you wanted to disappoint. Protected you and kept the creeps away from you as you grew older. You didn’t find it funny when he would tell guys you liked that he liked you more. They ran away because they felt like they had no shot after that, but in the end you were glad because most of the time, you loved when it was just him and you. 
Which is why you nearly spit your drink in his face when he asks you, “Are you going to tell me what the two of you do?”
“What… No! Fuck no. Absolutely not!” You reach for the nearest napkin to wipe your mouth from where the liquid dripped. He stares at you from across the table, a questioning look on his face. “Why would I? I mean… do you want me to?”
The two of you have never, in the history of your friendship, discussed such topics. Sure, you’d joke about sex in general because that’s what friends do, but you’ve never talked about personal details with one another. You didn’t care to know about his sex life, and he knew yours was nonexistent. Well, until now. 
“You’re okay with doing things with my body, but not letting me know about it?” He raises a brow, and damn it, you know he has a point. He’s right and the last thing you want to do is overlook a boundary he might have. Talking about it isn’t one for you, but it is embarrassing. 
“Didn’t you say you can feel it?” You try your best to look for a loophole. “So, just… feel what we do, maybe?”
His body slumps as his expression goes slack, his mouth even pouting a little. He’s seconds away from calling you by your government name, so you take a deep breath and nod.
“Okay, I will tell you. It’s not like I care if you know, I just can’t seem to say the words to you.” 
He chuckles, leaning in with a devious look in his eyes and… is he actually trying to smolder? “Would you rather show me?”
“Ugh!” You shove his shoulder to make him fall back in his seat. His laugh echoes throughout the coffee shop, so you glare at him until he quiets down because the barista is looking. “That’s not funny, Flynn Rider.”
He’s still smiling wide, but it soon begins to settle. “I’m not asking to know to be a weirdo or anything. It’s just that it feels weird, sometimes, to have these blank slates in my memory. I can feel that everything is okay, if I’m happy, or angry, or… other things…”
Your cheeks heat at the comment. Just like he’s always been there for you, he’s always made you feel so safe. He was your sanctuary when you felt bullied and had nowhere else to turn. He’s understanding and patient. He’s sweet and kind, and always puts you before himself. But now it’s time for you to put your feelings aside for him so you give him his own peace with the situation.
You lean in, voice just a whisper. “He was in my room that night after work, waiting on me after my shower. I just had my robe on.”
“He didn’t warn you first he was coming over?” You shake your head at his question.. “That asshole. I’m so fucking sorry. I’m sure that scared you.” He reaches to take your palm in his own. Offering a squeeze, you smile and shake your head once again. 
“I was startled, but it was you, so I calmed down. Well, I thought it was you.” You sigh, gathering the strength to do the most embarrassing thing you can think of. You just hope he won’t judge you for it. “He asked if I remember him. I didn’t at first, but it clicked when I remembered the night of the full moon. He then told me no one can keep him from me, and he wanted to see me… um, see my body.”
You can’t meet his gaze as you tell him. Staring a hole into the uneaten pastry in front of you, you take a moment to catch your breath. You aren’t sure why this is so hard for you. Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve never had conversations with your best friend like this before, or maybe it’s the situation at hand. It’s got you so confused and emotionally charged. 
“Did he…” He cocks his head to the side, pursing his lips in thought for a moment. “Did he ask nicely?”
For a second, you’re silent as the question registers. Then you release a breathy laugh. “He was very… gentle. Dominant and… convincing, but he wasn’t forceful if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Good.” He nods with a wrinkle of his brow. Then he leans forward, elbows on the table with his forearms crossed, ready to hear the rest. Your heart races. 
“He untied my robe. I had nothing on underneath, so he pressed me to the wall and his thigh pressed into me and I pressed into him and we were really just pressed… pressed all together doing stuff.”
He can’t control his laugh at your rambling. You don’t care. You did it. You told him and he’s not storming off, so you’re good, right? You force a smile at him, making him shake his head. 
Then his smile settles and he bites his lip for a second. “Did you like it?” Warmth surges through you at the question, surprise taking hold. You stammer for a second, unsure how to reply.
If you tell him yes, you’ll feel like a creep and if you tell him no, you’ll be lying. 
“I did.” Creep it is, because you’d never lie to him. He nods, gaze falling down for a few seconds. 
“I’m not asking to make you uncomfortable about it,” he admits, taking you by surprise again. “As long as he’s coming out to be with you, I need to know for sure that you’re okay. That he isn’t… you know.”
“Okay,” you interrupt, getting the hint. “I know. Okay.”
“Okay.” He nods and smiles at you. You grin at him, warmth blossoming in your heart because no one has a best friend like you. 
omw baby
The single text you receive the following night sends your heart into a spiral. You know it wasn’t your best friend that sent that text from his number, but the wolf inside him. You barely had time to shower once you arrived home from work, but as you were throwing on an oversized, faded t-shirt, your phone dinged with his warning.
Luckily you had the place to yourself, and it didn’t take him much longer to arrive after sending you the warning. You assume your best friend made his disapproval of dropping by your place unannounced clear, which makes you feel a little better. It also made clear the fact they both are taking care of you, whatever you need. Why do you feel like the luckiest girl alive?
You’re happy he’s stopping by, however, knowing you need to try to talk to him like you said. You answer the door with a racing heart, letting him inside, but not before he raked eyes up and down your body. 
“You smell as pretty as ever, baby,” he tells you in a deep, dark and demanding voice, shaking you to the core. Once you shut and lock the door behind you, he pulls you close with hands on your hips. For a moment you’re tempted to melt into him. His scent begins to drift through the air right to your nostrils. It’s warm and safe and inviting, daring you to trust him and give yourself to him.
Shaking your head, you blink away the thoughts and push him away.  “Can't we just talk?” Raising your hand, you point toward the couch close by in the living room. You take a step away from him to back towards the front door. “Go sit over there, please. We need to set some boundaries.”
“Sure. Can I play with your pussy while we talk?” He shrugs before sitting down on the couch, spreading his legs to push aside the fuzzy pink pillows your roommate just bought and gripping his cock through his gray sweatpants.  “Come sit right here, baby. We can talk all night.” 
“No!” You groan, stomping your foot and waving a finger at home. “We need boundaries here and now!”
He pouts. Actually pouts and gives you puppy dog eyes. Releasing his cock, he sighs. “Whatever you want, baby, but if I don't get to play soon, I might go crazy.” Then he gives you the most devilish grin to remind you he’s not human. “Don’t make me come bite you.”  
You huff and roll your eyes. “You'll be fine.” Your fear turns to aggravation toward him. Maybe the confidence comes from the fact he would never hurt you. Or maybe it’s because he’s getting on your last nerve. If your best friend is patient and understanding, Wolfie is too playful for his own good, too bold with his choice of words, and a pain in your ass. 
Then for a split-second you wonder what he would feel like in your ass. He does look absolutely delicious sitting there in sweats and a plain t-shirt. You really did want to have a seat and be served a never-ending course meal and… what are you thinking?
“Your scent!” You cover your nose with a slap of your hand against your face. “What are you doing?! It’s like you’re making it stronger.”
“Having fun thoughts, baby?” He chuckles. “Tell me what they are and if you’re a good girl, you’ll get it.”
“Why are you so horny?!” You turn away from him toward the front door and throw your hands in the air. “I need to know what this is, okay?! Because I’ve never done this before and I don’t want to lose my best friend!” 
You turn and point between the two of you. All smiles fade from his face as he leans forward, elbows on his knees. His lids lower, eyes darkening as he stares at you. A chill shoots straight down your spine. His glare is iced over, but the fire it ignites inside of you shoots straight between your thighs. 
“I’ve told you before, you’re mine.” He rises to his feet to step toward you. Your body jumps on high alert as he nears, knowing if his scent enters your body, you can’t control yourself. “He can’t live without you, so I think you’re safe there.” He reaches for you when he’s close, taking your chin between his index and thumb. You have no choice but to meet his gaze and his body burns hot pressed against your own. “There’s no need to worry over what you have and haven’t done because the only things you’re going to be doing from now on are with me. And if you want to know what this is, it’s me wishing to cherish, worship, honor and obey my mate because you’re not only my mate, baby, but my master. I might have claimed you, but you own me. So that’s what this is.” 
You can’t think. Can’t breathe. Can’t speak. You feel flushed and weak and dizzy all at once. To keep from slipping to the floor, you press your hands against him, until he guides you to the couch where you settle in his lap. Side pressed to his chest, his arm around you. 
“Breathe, baby.” He rubs your back in small circles to soothe you, his voice caring, yet confident. If your best friend can make you feel better by being with you whether it gets better or not, the wolf in him speaks as if it’s a fact. He demands the troublesome thoughts in your mind and lures them out with his deeper, yet gentle tone that will rip them to shreds with his claws. If he has a playful attitude with you all the time, he has a deadly one with your anxiety. “Breathe and tell me what happened? How do you feel?”
His words are a warm blanket on the coldest night. It shouldn’t surprise you. Sure, this wolf desires you and wants to mate with you, but he’s also the protector. He can save you from drunk college wolves as well as your own worries and insecurities. 
“I’m fine… I just… can’t wrap my head around it still.” You inhale a slow, deep breath, then exhale as he soothes the anxiety with his hand against your back. “The fact that you’re my best friend, but you’re his wolf side, so it feels like two different people to me. And this is all happening so fast. Three weeks ago we were planning our summer vacation after we graduate. He beat me in three games of Mario Kart and I had to buy him pizza. That was the deal. Now the deal is a very intimidating werewolf in the shape of my best friend wants to mate with me and I’ve never ao much as made out with a guy. Now… all this!”
You throw your hands up in the air. Finally, you let it all off your chest. You only wanted to be strong for your best friend. Considering it was your fault for ignoring him and going to the bonfire anyway, you decided you owe it to him. But holding onto every emotion after a confession like that has you nearly in tears. You don’t even want to think about how much you’ve been crying lately. 
“You’re human, so it’s hard for you to deal with it all at once. But, baby, look at me.” You turn to see the look in his eyes that serves as warning. Listen to every word he says or he’s going to bend you over and spank you. The thought sends a jolt of desire straight to your core. “Everything I said is true. I’ve waited half my life for you so don’t think I act this way just because I want to fuck you. I act this way because I crave you like a sinner craves salvation and it would make me go insane not to have you now that I’ve finally got a little taste. You are my moon because you made me like this, but I’m still just an animal, baby.”
Your body comes alive with every word he speaks. Heat courses over your skin, feeling the air hard to breathe in the moment. His hand caressing your back falls to your thigh, reaching around to pull your t-shirt higher up your side. You’re frozen. All you can do is look him in the eyes. 
“I can’t help that your body is calling to me.” His tone shifts from assertive to teasing. His voice is still deep, but there’s a dark desire there that is begging you to play with him. “I can smell how wet you are for me. Don’t be a bad girl and hide it from me.”
As he speaks, his other hand rises to the knee closest to him, pulling it apart from the other. Your body remains weak in his hold, but now it’s due to the way your body yearns for him. He’s right. You can’t help but be turned on. All he’s done is talk about how he wants to worship you and you’re starting to become curious about what that would entail. The thought excites you. He made his intentions clear, now maybe it’s time you start trusting your best friend’s wolf. 
You finally look away from him to look down at your parted thighs. Your shirt is hiked up, exposing your cotton panties with a darkened spot showing him just how much you want his attention. Your pussy begins to ache with need as his sights fall between your thighs, taking in the fact that he was right. 
“You’re going to let me play with this pretty pussy, aren’t you, baby?” He moves his hand to dip between your thighs, his thumb brushing over your clothed pussy. A gasp fills the air. “Don’t make a wolf beg.” 
He begins to whine like a puppy dog a second before a devious smirk replaces his pout. Then without warning, he twists your body so your back is pressed against his chest and his hand falls to cup your pussy in his palm. Your breath hitches and body tenses, until his hand moves back and forth over your panties, coaxing you to relax against him. A soft sigh falls from your lips. You can’t stop your hips from moving, giving in to his touch because it just feels too damn perfect. He is perfect for you, there’s no denying it. 
“Please,” you softly whimper. You can’t stop yourself. Your clit begins throbbing, needing more, wanting the attention it deserves. Arousal drips from your aching cunt, dying for more pressure, more friction, more everything. 
“So you want me to play now? Want me to slide your panties to the side and fuck you with my fingers?” You’re trembling against him as he speaks. He leans in, mouth next to your ear, lips ghosting over your skin. “Be a good girl and let me make it feel good for you.” 
Your legs part wider for him without thinking as his hand dips into the band of your panties. His fingers slip between your thighs to brush over your slit, feeling how wet you’ve become. A jolt of electric pleasure courses through you when he grazes your clit, his fingers wet with your juices.
“Perfect, baby,” he groans into your ear from behind. Light, feathery strokes graze over your pussy as his other hand slips beneath your big t-shirt, fingers caressing up to your breast to take in his palm. “You feel so perfect in my arms. You were made just for me.” 
He finds your clit as he speaks, beginning to circle your swollen, slick flesh to earn little whimpers and moans from your body. His motions are slow and steady, taking his time to appreciate the way you feel in his grasp. 
“Oh…” You cry out his name, hearing him groan behind you just from the sound. Your hips begin to move, only to feel just how excited this wolf is beneath you. His hard length presses into your ass, but the more you move yourself against him, the more lost you become in the moment. “Quicker… please…”
“Show me,” he growls against your ear, beginning to roll your hardened nipple between his fingers. The sensation sends your head rolling back, a gasp filling the living room. “Show me how you touch yourself. What gets you off, baby?” 
It’s like your body follows his commands before your mind has time to register what he’s saying. Your hand dips into your panties, pressing your fingers over his own to guide him in touching you. You apply more pressure and circle your clit a little quicker. Feeling his fingers against you, pleasuring you in the same way you pleasured yourself the night before to thoughts of him, has your limbs trembling. Soft moans and strained whimpers fill the air until you’re breathless in his hold thanks to his pleasure. 
“So wet for me, baby,” he groans, holding you threw every second of your limb-twitching and hip-rolling against him. “You feel so soft, just like I thought. I can’t wait to feel you like this with my cock. Filling you up with my cum until it’s dripping out of you. Would you like that?”
“Yes!” you gasp before you can stop yourself. Every word he speaks draws you close to the edge. The heat of bliss surges between your thighs. You’re so close. Every stroke of his fingers feel like heaven and it only takes seconds before you’re tumbling over the edge. 
A final gasp falls from within as your body tenses, the first wave crashing over you before you completely sink into him. Every inch of you melts into his embrace as you coast the planes of pure, unselfish pleasure. He whispers in your ear how you’re so good for him, how you feel so perfect, guiding you into complete euphoria. Your head becomes light and your fingers and toes begin to tingle, so high off of him touching you, your vision goes blurry.
The first tear falls before your mind can catch up with your emotions. Your frustrations, your worries, your fears, and the pleasure all roll into one cloudy storm and you can’t make heads or tails. A sob slips from your lips and before you know it you’re being tugged into his arms, chest against chest, one leg on each side of him. His hands find your back as he wraps himself around you, holding you tight against him as your tears fall into his shoulder. He tries to get as much of his skin pressed to your skin as possible, and the warmth of him begins to calm you. 
“It’s okay, baby,” He whispers into your hair, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“I dnn knn wh mm cyngg,” you mumble into his shirt, because you truly don’t. It’s like everything came crashing down at once and the flood gates opened. 
“It’s my scent,” he admits, soothing your tears with his hands rubbing circles into your back. “It makes things feel so much more intense when I make you come. I know it was overwhelming the first time, but you will get used to it.” 
It makes sense, but now you just feel exhausted from the night. Your body slumps into him, closing your eyes. You didn’t know how you were ever going to get used to anything about this situation. 
“When will you leave?” you ask him, pulling away from his shoulder with wet cheeks. He reaches to brush the tears away with his thumb. 
“When you’re ready for me to,” is all he replies.
“How do you decide who gets control?”
“I decide when you need me and then I find you.”
Your heart skips a beat. “Could he come out right now if he wanted to?”
He stares at you for a moment. “Do you want him to come out right now?”
Sighing, you bat your heavy lids, ready for sleep. “I want to get to know you more,” you tell him. His brows twitch in surprise. “This is still kind of scary to me because you feel like someone different. Like a stranger. I think I only trust you because of him, but I want to trust you for you.” 
For a second he grins, all before pulling you down to press your lips against his own. His scent floods your nose from being so close, only thinking of how soft his lips are and wondering what they would feel like in other places. You can’t stop the moan that spills out, feeling him deepen the kiss with a tight grip on your hip. His tongue slips against your bottom lip to tease, and so you playfully nibble on his until he chuckles against you. 
When you pull away from him, you look down at him looking up at you. He really is so beautiful. It’s like your heart threatens to burst when you set your sights on him. He’s a stranger, but your mate. Someone else, but your best friend. You’re so conflicted yet satisfied with how perfect it feels.
“Are you dangerous?” you whisper as you ask him.
“Not to you.” He pulls you closer, wrapping arms around you with your face inches from his. “Never to you.”
“To others?”
He licks his lips, taking in a sharp breath. “To no one that keeps their hands off of what’s mine.” You see the visceral danger etched in each of his features so well it makes you scared for whoever he is imagining. A darkness settles over his eyes that chills you to the bone. Their fate would be sealed, no doubt, and the thought of just how dangerous he is both thrills and scares you. 
“Can I ask you one more question?”
“Ask me a million.”
You take a deep breath, then blurt out the words. “Do you think he is truly okay with this? I’m scared for my best friend…”
He takes in your question with a few seconds thought. “I told you before, you are our moon. You created us.” He cups your cheek, brushing his thumb over your skin as heat spirals down to the pit of your stomach at his words. “One animal, one human, fused together by our moon both wanting the same thing.”
“Which is?” He couldn’t seriously be implying your best friend wanted to be mates, right?
“We want what’s best for you. We have our different ways of showing it and experiencing it, but in the end you’re what we need to feel complete.”
His words have the tears welling again, but he’s quick to kiss them away. Who knew the big bad wolf had such a gentle side?
“You’re sweet,” you tell him, bottom lip still trembling just a bit as he scoops you up to guide you to the bed, ordering you without words to get some rest. 
“I’m everything you need me to be.” 
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mxtantrights · 2 days
Do you think Jason would attend pta meetings for his twins? I think he’d make enemies with some of the snooty moms.
YES! oh my god YES thank you anon for sending this in!! he's a PTA MOM in disguise for sureee. you can't take this away from me.
Jason makes brownies because it's easier to cut into squares and put into Tupperware. he knows this to his CORE. won't let you make cupcakes or cake or anything that would make a big mess.
he probably hears twice the gossip of any usual PTA member because, for one, most of them can't believe he's an active member, and two, Jason has a very inviting aura.
Jason makes posters with the parents on Saturdays and invites them over to your house for casual chit-chat and food. oh best believe he will put a pot roast on and say that it was you who wanted it just so he could feed them.
is the first to offer to carpool. always.
he knows everyone by name but usually doesn't use all their names all the time. just to throw off from time to time, the mean parents who exclude other parents or always have something foul to say
Jason actually gets the chance to baby-sit some of the kids at different ages so it's like practice for the twins. he already knows how to French braid, cornrow, box braid. He also probably secures hand men downs from the other parents
Jason is frugal and he knows kids outgrow things in a matter of weeks. why pay for sneakers when he can get them for free from Marsha who is a single mother trying to make room in her garage for her personal gym.
you very much let him take it in stride that he's the PTA parent.
probably because you're the parent that no one wants to have to call when there is trouble. you will lay the law down for your babies. even the principal doesn't want to call you.
one of your kids said a bad word in class? call Jason. He'll talk to them about it and let it go.
you? you're demanding that someone else in class taught your kids that word. you're calling an emergency school board meeting about vulgar words.
Jason likes planning events too. He put on the first play the twins were in. It was a live action reenactment of a The giving tree.
he spends nights up sewing costumes and gluing decorations together. give Jason a task and he's making it his passion project. which is so concerning to some of the PTA parents who only know him as the burly man who brings brownies and hosts infamous parties at his house.
Jason doesn't care about his reputation at this point. will go out full PTA mode if he has to. Takes over someone shift as crossing guard one morning. Will put up posters around town and create whole websites for anything the kids need.
Also secretly gets Bruce to underwrite what the school needs. I mean, he's not gonna let the old man waste his money! it's for a good cause!
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starkwlkr · 3 days
love potion no. 9 | sebastian vettel
teenage!sebastian vettel
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summerween series
Sebastian Vettel was a flop with the chicks. Every girl he talked to would ignore him and walk away. What was wrong with him? Did he have something stuck in his teeth or was it his braces?
He didn’t let it get to his head until he met Y/n L/n. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Everything about her was perfect. A girl like Y/n could never be seen with a nerd like me, thought Sebastian. She was the prom queen, everyone liked her, she had the best grades and she was most likely going to Yale or Harvard.
And what did Sebastian have? The reputation of being the school’s biggest nerd. How could he ever be with the most popular girl in school?
It all started when a Halloween dance was announced at school. Everyone was excited for it especially since they could wear costumes. Most couples were already thinking about their couples costumes. Sebastian had nothing in mind. He could go as Beetlejuice or maybe Peter Parker (not Spider-Man, everyone dressed up as Spider-Man). His thoughts were interrupted when his dream girl sat across from him at the table. It was study hall and he spent it in the library along with several other students.
“Hi.” Y/n L/n said to him. “Sorry I didn’t ask, but is it okay if I study here? I can move if you want me to.”
“No!” Sebastian said rather loudly. “Um . . I mean you can stay. No one is sitting there.”
Y/n smiled at him then proceeded to sit across from him. She took out her books and notebook and began to study. Sebastian didn’t get much studying done. He kept glancing at her, wondering if maybe he could start a conversation with her. By the time he actually built up the courage to say something, the bell had rung signaling the end of study hall. Y/n was already gone.
“Stupid.” Sebastian whispered to himself.
The days leading up to Halloween dance were pure hell for Sebastian. He heard many rumors that Jason, the most popular boy in school, was going to ask Y/n to the dance. That couldn’t happen, no! Sebastian needed to take you to the dance. Since it was a costume required dance, he needed the best costume to impress you so he looked through his old yearbooks and pulled up the class pictures from grade school. He found her name and read over her likes and dislikes, hobbies, and what she wished to be when she grew up. Every kid had a page like that, some kids changed, no longer liking Barbie or toy cars, but Sebastian never did. He still liked comics, cars, old movies.
You never changed either.
Likes: Star Wars, the color pink, almond M&M’s
That’s it! Star Wars was his answer. It was pretty obvious that Y/n would chose to go as Princess Leia so Sebastian bought pieces of clothing to resemble Han Solo. He hoped that she would be impressed.
The day of the dance finally came and Sebastian was nervous. All around him people were dressed as witches, pirates, devils and angels and what was he dressed as? The captain of the millennium falcon.
He stood around hoping to spot Y/n, but there was no sign of her. Maybe she stayed home . . . This was a stupid idea anyway. Sebastian was defeated so he walked to the gym door and was about to leave when he bumped into Y/n in her costume.
“Holy shit! Han Solo!” She gasped when she saw Sebastian in costume.
“Princess Leia . . .” He cracked a smile. Y/n was dressed in Leila’s outfit from The Empire Strikes Back. “Hi.” He shyly said.
“Hi, Seb! I didn’t know you liked Star Wars? I love it! My brothers don’t so I really have no one to talk to about it, but maybe you and I could—”
“Y/n!” A friend of hers ran up to Sebastian and Y/n. “What are you wearing? We agreed to be cats!” She gestured to the fake drawn on whiskers and cat ear headband. “You look . . ”
“Pretty. She looks pretty.” Sebastian cut in. He really didn’t know where he got the confidence to speak up, but he was glad he did.
“Sure,” her friend rolled her eyes. “I don’t think Jason would like a prude for a girlfriend.”
“Well I’m not here with Jason.” Y/n stated. She then grabbed Sebastian’s hand and pulled him away from her friend. “You can have him!” She and Sebastian ran down the hall to god knows where. Sebastian didn’t really care in the moment. He could believe he was holding hands with her, especially dressed as Han Solo and Princess Leia.
Y/n and Sebastian ended up in the art room where they were laying on the rug staring at the painted ceiling.
“And don’t even get me started on all my ‘friends’! One of them called my dad hot! It was so uncomfortable so I stopped inviting them to my house.” Y/n revealed. She laughed it off knowing she was never going back to her friends.
“Oh god.” Sebastian chuckled. “I didn’t realize you knew my name.” He changed the topic.
“I’ve always known. We’ve been in each other’s classes since grade school!” Y/n pointed out. “You’re a really cool person, Seb, and I really like being with you.”
“You’re the only person who calls me Seb, you know. I like it.”
Y/n giggled. “Did you drink some of the punch?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Amber Marsh spiked the punch.”
So that’s where the confidence came from. Thank you Amber Marsh I guess, thought Sebastian. He couldn’t remember how many times he had gotten punch.
“Yeah?” The boy and girl continued looking at the painted stars on the ceiling.
“I like you.” He admitted.
“I know.”
That was the closest they got to their Han and Leia moment until a year later when Sebastian finally said ‘I love you’ to Y/n. She replied with the classic ‘I know’ line that made Sebastian’s nerdy teenage heart melt.
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@yannew @annieoncrack @stinkyjax
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I Want to See You
Paige Bueckers x Azzi Fudd
Warnings: More Angst and suggestive content
Feedback is always welcome :)
Paige feels like she’s drowning. She isn’t swimming; in fact, she would actually prefer that she were. She’s suffocating. It’s been four days since she woke up alone; and in those four days, she feels as if her heart has been ripped out. She’s tired.
At least, that’s what she’s been telling anyone who asked. It’s not a lie. She hasn’t had much time for sleep between basketball and classes. The very little time that she does have to sleep, isn’t good sleep. 
She looks and feels like crap. It’s been a long four days. 
The bright side is that she has barely seen Azzi; so it’s been easier to cope with her arching heart. Or at least, that’s what she thought.
Paige is exhausted. Her body drags as she walks through the hallways of her apartment building. Practice was particularly hard today and she had 2 exams. All she wants to do is take a hot shower and plop in her bead. The thought of sleep motivates her to walk a little faster to her apartment. 
By the time she gets to her door, she’s out of breath. Paige practically ran down the long hallway to get to her front door; too eager for sleep. She makes her way into her apartment and immediately heads for the shower. She’s in the middle of washing her hair when she hears her front door open. 
It startles Paige. Not because of why someone is in her apartment; but because of who. There’s only one person who has the ability to come and go in the spaces that Paige claims as her own. However, that person hasn’t done so in almost four weeks.
Paige takes her time finishing her shower; knowing that her guest will still be there when she’s done. The blue-eyed girl makes her way into her bedroom, thirty minutes later. As expected, Azzi is spread out on the left side, in her pajamas. 
“What are you doing here?”. Paige is direct and straight to the point. She’s tired and all she wants to do is sleep.
“I wanted to see you, plus I thought we could cuddle.”
“You should be with your girlfriend.” It comes out bitter and Paige knows it. At this moment, she doesn’t care.
“Riley is pulling an all nighter for some exam that she has coming up” Azzi shrugs as if it’s a perfectly good explanation as to why she’s in Paige’s bed. As if it's okay that she's in her bed.
Paige scoffs as she moves to get ready for bed. “So you didn’t want to see me; you just couldn’t see her.” Her annoyance grows as she sifts through her dresser; looking for a shirt to sleep in. 
“Don’t say that, P. I always want to see you.”
“No; you always want to fuck me” Paige says pointedly with her back to Azzi. She’s so busy digging in her dresser that she doesn’t notice Azzi rising from the bed. She crowds Paige’s space; flushing her front completely against the taller girl’s back while she wraps her arms around her waist. 
“How could I not when you beg so prettily?” Azzi rasps. Her hands undoing to knot to Paige’s robe; letting it fall open. The cold air and Azzi’s touch make Paige gasp. Her entire body is on fire. Azzi’s fingers trail up and down Paige’s sides. It’s a simple action but it leaves Paige craving more. She turns around; getting ready to take exactly what she wants when she looks at Azzi’s shirt. Or should she say Riley’s shirt. It’s a navy blue UConn shirt; one that could’ve passed as either one of basketball player’s; however UConn Volleyball is printed on the upper left corner of the shirt.
Paige was tired, but now she’s pissed. And hurt. How dare she?
“Were you going to fuck me in her shirt?” Every word is coated with disgust. She doesn’t even realize she’s crying. 
“Shit! P, look I didn’t realize. I was with her before I came here! Fuck!” Azzi rushes to get her words out. Her mind is racing to find a way to fix this.
“So you came here for what, exactly? It comes out through gritted teeth. Paige knows that the last week was anything but ideal; but she hasn’t felt as used as she does right now. “She wasn’t available so you came here? Hoping I’d be waiting?” 
“N-Not at all.” Azzi’s heart clenches. 
“But isn’t it? You’re all over me one second and then all over her the next.” Paige sneers. She angrily wipes her tears as she rushes to put clothes on. 
She spent the last few days being sad. Now she’ll spend the next few being angry. Angry at Azzi. Angry at Riley. Angry at herself.
Azzi grabs at Paige in a desperate attempt to get the older girl to listen to her. “P, Please!’
“Get out.” It’s cold and even. 
“Get out.” Paige says emotionless. She watches as Azzi looks at her; eyes full of hurt. Normally, she’d fight wars to never see that look on the curly-haired girl’s face. These aren’t normal circumstances. She’s hurt too.
It’s the fifth night in the row that Paige has cried herself to sleep.
“She did what?” Blair asked, shocked.
The two had met up later that week to hang out and vent. They’re at a restaurant not far from campus. It’s small and secluded.
“She wore her fucking shirt.” Paige shakes her head at the memory. She hasn’t spoken to Azzi since then; doing everything in her power to avoid the girl. It’s nearly impossible with them being on the same team, but Paige has managed to successfully evade all attempts of a conversation.
Blair gives her a sympathetic look followed by a sigh. “You know you deserve better right?” 
“I know; but I love her.” Paige sighs with defeat. “It’s exhausting only receiving half of her.”
“You’re too full of life to be half loved.”
It’s a simple enough statement; but it does something to Paige. It makes her think. In fact, that’s all she thinks about for the rest of the day.
It’s Friday night and the team has filed into Aubrey’s apartment after their game against USC. The Huskies pulled off an amazing win with 89-63. The celebration is well deserved and needed. 
The girls sit around the dining room table; laughing and giggling while playing UNO. They have total privacy so the alcohol is flowing a bit freely tonight. Paige is in the middle of deciding which card she wants to play when Azzi and Riley walk through the door. She’s irritated but not surprised. Riley was at the game earlier that night; completely decked out in an Azzi Fudd Jersey with “35” splayed across her chest. 
The team welcomes them and immediately moves to arrange the chairs so that they can fit around the table. Jana takes the initiative to deal them cards so that they can join. Paige decided at that moment that she needed another drink. 
Paige is in the middle of adding the sprite into her Shirley Temple when she gets the idea to invite Blair. Not wanting to think about the decision too long or linger in the kitchen, she shoots her a quick message before returning to the game of UNO. Everyone is slightly squished together to accommodate the couple but in an uncomfortable amount. It helps that Azzi opted to sit on Riley’s lap instead of her own chair. The sight makes Paige’s blood boil.
How dare she sit on her lap knowing I sat on her face last week! Paige thinks to herself. She shakes her head at the thought while smirking to herself. She picks up her UNO cards and begins to sift through them when she hears a chirp from across the table.
“What’s so funny, Paige?” Riley asked pointedly as she stared at her. Paige almost wants to ask if there’s an underlying question’ but she doesn’t. This isn’t the time nor the place. She recovers quickly, though. “Just thinking about how nice it’ll be to win this game.”
“Are you sure about that?” Riley raises her eyebrow cockily. “Azzi is my good luck charm.” She looks up at Azzi with a smile. She almost excuses herself when she hears a knock on the door. Aubrey disappears for a split second, and when she comes back, Blair is on her heels.
Unable to mask her excitement, Paige jumps up and engulfs Blair in a tight hug. She leans her head on the other girl’s shoulder and whispers quietly “Thank you for coming.” Blair pulls back first so she can look Paige in the eyes when she tells her “Anything for you.” 
The two haven’t been friends long but they’ve helped each other in different ways. Blair is helping Paige realize that she deserves more than just crumbs of someone’s time. Paige helped Blair navigate the difficulties of her long distance relationship with her boyfriend, Nate. They have shared a few deep conversations and have voiced their insecurities. Paige considers her to be a close friend.
A throat clears from the table. “P boogers, are you going to introduce us?” KK asked.
Paige apologizes and introduces Blair to the team. Like clockwork, the girls start shuffling to make room for her around the table. While they do this, Paige runs to get her a drink. 
She’s in the middle of measuring out the shots when Azzi walks into the kitchen.
“Who is she?” Azzi’s voice is unsteady and tainted with something that Paige can’t identify. Regardless, she has no interest in playing this game tonight. 
“A friend.”
“Bullshit. I know all your friends and I haven’t met her” Azzi grits out. 
“She’s a fairly new friend. I met her at the bar last week.”
“Is that the girl you spent all night talking to?” Jealousy creeps up Azzi’s throat. 
“Why? Jealous?” Paige counters. She smirks with an eyebrow raised. She knows the answer.
Azzi moves from her spot to crowd Paige’s space. She backs her up so she's trapped between Azzi’s body and the counter.
“Should I be?” Azzi whispers. She’s so close to Paige that her breath lightly fans her face.
Paige closes the gap between them some more; eliminating the space between their bodies. She moves as if she’s going in for a kiss. Her lips brush Azzi’s as she speaks “As long as you have a girlfriend, no.”
The reminder of Riley is like a bucket of cold water to Azzi; the shock prevalent on the younger girl’s face. Paige takes advantage and pushes past her; joining the rest of the team in the dining room.
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thevirtualvalentine · 16 hours
His favorite things 2 do w u !
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ft: Atsumu Miya, Shōyō Hinata, Kozume Kenma, Ushijima Wakatoshi, & Kiyoomi Sakusa.
warning(s): tooth rotting domesticity, gn!reader + no pronouns used, nudity in kiyoomis (you shower together), nerd!shō (canon), autistic coded kags, established relationships. thrown in kenma bc I love nerds.
notes: hq has me in its cold slimy grip, sos. Divider by @dollywons !
Being a pro-athlete makes him oh so busy! He’s so grateful to have a honey at home who loves him.
ATSUMU MIYA … helping him redye his hair. Around every month and a half ‘Tsumu and you take on the task of making him a fake platinum blond. He can thank you for the correct mix of toners to rid him of that nauseating yellow hair.
While it may be about him, he’s watching you intently in the mirror. The way you take care of him and make him feel oh so handsome. He’s used to getting the job done himself, but he trusts you and wants you to be there for him in this small gesture.
During those 2 hours, the world is silent and it’s just you and him in your shared bathroom. You donning one of his old shirts and nothing else while you, “make him sparkle.” He really is a diamond in the ruff, in need of your polishing.
TOBIO KAGEYAMA… doing nail care together. While yes, it sounds peculiar, we all know how deeply Tobio cares about the state of his hands. They’re fundamental to his everyday life on and off the court. After watching him prep the night before a game by filing his nails, you asked him to let you help. “Here baby, let me,” you offered, taking his much larger palm in your own as you round out the shape.
It became a habit between you not long after, body doubling as you both take care of your hands or trading off doing each other's. It’s a simple thing really, but he can’t help the light smile that finds him in those moments. Tobio can’t explain in words why it makes him feel so loved.
But you know his true feelings as a quiet show functions as white noise in the background, his hand in yours prepping for yet another match. He appreciates the intimacy of silence together.
SHŌYŌ HINATA … watching One Piece together. Growing up, Shōyō didn’t have friends who engaged in his interests as deeply as he did. It took you 5 months into your relationship to realize he also liked the show because he was scared you might tease him.
It led to a deeper conversation about things you both liked and the two of you have been closer than ever. Engaging in each other’s hobbies even if you didn’t know what it was about.
Now, it’s a ritual you both do every Sunday when the new episode drops. It’s shared y/n & Shō time. A sacred pact of nerds that cannot be broken. He loves that you’ll share his love for life with him, even the nerdier things.
KOZUME KENMA … cooking dinner together. Even when he was playing volleyball in high school, Kozume did not care too deeply for his nutritional intake. Food was just food, a meal was another part of the day. Even with all the money he makes now, he's ultimately unfazed by high class food. Preferring those shitty frozen dinners he can make in the comfort of his apartment.
Then he met you on campus, and the day you cooked something for him he swore he would never eat anything again if it wasn’t made by you. Maybe that phrase, “made with love,” was true when it came to you.
Now he likes to help out, meal prepping here and there. He’s quite good at cutting up vegetables actually. He’ll watch or even stand behind you with his arms snaked around your waist at the stove observing.
WAKATOSHI USHIJIMA … work out. We all know volleyball is a big aspect of Ushi’s life. He’s constantly conditioning himself for the perfect physique. When he discovered that you had a similar passion for building and honing your body to its fullest capability, he was whipped.
He found it hard to be understood by others, but he really does just enjoy the simple things. Playing volleyball, working out, and coming home to you. It’s enjoyable to him to be able to do it with you and gives him greater motivation.
Every endurance run, you’re by his side and he certainly doesn’t mind altering his pace for you. It gets him a little worked up to see you sweating and out of breath though, but he’ll keep that to himself for now.
KIYOOMI SAKUSA … you guessed it, showering together. Because he grew up around sweaty boys playing volleyball all day, Kiyoomi knows not everyone is as concerned about their personal hygiene as he is. In a country full of Neanderthals, he wears the crown. But when he comes home from practice, there is only one thing he wants to do. Shower with you.
There’s something so intimate about you taking care of him in such a vulnerable space. He’s much bigger than you are, his broad shoulders from years of spiking looming over yours. Warm steam mixed with eucalyptus leaves fills his senses as you hum, scrubbing his body of any dirt from the outside world.
Your soft hands wash the tension from his body, your nails scrape against his scalp making him feel loved. He’ll never admit it but he says it’s because he likes to be clean, It’s truly because you’re the one cleaning him.
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smuttyaf · 20 hours
You Can Be My Daddy
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𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰; 𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝.
wc; 13.9k | masterlist
gonna post this gem to deflect from my hiatus. sorryyyy!
tw: reverse harem threesome, degradation, and choking.
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You remember that day so clearly. The middle of June and how the breeze ran across your skin to the sweet juice of fruit gracing your lips. It was the name given to you one early afternoon when lying with your stepfather in the ruby field past the meadow of your home.
Red dye straining flesh before tongue peeked out to relish in the juices, such innocent actions changing the duration of your relationship from then on.
Inked hands and wet kisses exchanged around trees that left sprouting leaves to lie shadows amongst your bodies. Such a beautiful sight of the both of you enveloped in each other and tasting the bitter fruit on lucid tongues, it was a moment of pure pleasure where something new blossomed.
And now there’s bunny.
That day consisted of the usual sight of oak and large antique trophies found on either side of the private school walls. Plaid skirt with the Phillips Academy logo embroidered along your chest as you made your way to your class to the beat of your mary jane’s.
You listen attentively watching the brunette teacher paste himself across the room, his own thoughts and teachings expressed throughout the hour. Broad shoulders, wide frame, and chiseled features sculpturing the middle age man that’s been on your mind since meeting in the doorway.
It was only your luck that your conscious slipped and had you stumbling over the chalk left in your hand, pink panties being on display when leaning down to pick up the mineral and return it back to its respective place.
It’s was those actions that made you stay behind in class and speak to Mr. Styles. Conversation dwindling on doing well in your studies to the length of your skirt. Obviously, you played dumb, unsure that the slight alterations to the uniform were revealing, it was never an issue before but it was known now that it was.
Now it was your turn to corner him, tease him even more when acting coy to the games you play. His nails scratched amongst the wooden desk with bulge pressed snug amongst his trousers as he stumbled over your name.
“Please bunny, I want you to respect me as I respect you.”
Oh, how those words meant absolutely nothing… a few seconds after that his lips were on yours before you fell to your knees. Wet tongue swallowing his thick cock down your throat to the point your voice grew strained.
That moment was everything to you, having your way with the man of your dreams. So tall, so firm, and the swelling head between your lips tasted like heaven with the salty taste of him.
That afternoon it was set in stone your game at hand, how you attain whatever you want with a simple bat of your eye and how it’s even worse that you get away with it. Displaying the messy strokes of his seed painting your tongue to soon swallow it down and shine a brightly lit smile at the principal.
You were too good at this… having your way with seductive hips, plump ass, and gorgeous face to match. You’re a tease and take pride in it; smiling cheerily and pushing your breasts together just right to show your teacher the soft skin he wants to touch and squeeze.
And it was going good, actually it was going really well for a few weeks. Nickname written neatly across your paper, curve spine and different colour panties everyday. It was hot and exciting! Everything you could ever wish for, but obviously that could only last for so long.
A slip up of love notes to reservations over the relationship only made you decide to make it known to Mr. Styles that you had options, and if he doesn’t want to act accordingly you’ll rub it in his face the treatment he wants with someone else.
Leaving hickeys along Luca’s neck or catching his gaze on you two when he drops you off to class. Mr. Styles' sight on the adventurous hands wandering down your backside to the kiss placed on his cheek, you wanted him to feel bad for not choosing more alone time with you, for allowing his thoughts to eat him up and not trusting in you.
All you asked of was one thing and he couldn’t even do that, how irritating… how annoying… it pissed you off not being the center of his attention like all your other toys.
But now, oh… you’re nearly bursting at the seams.
Thinking you were having your way so easily with your taunting game, it was only right for karma to turn around and bite you in the ass because just as you thought you had one up on him, the annual Phillips Academy parent teacher interviews came up and sure enough both of your parents were attending.
You tried to figure out an excuse, tried to say you had a stomach ache or a killer migraine but obviously that didn’t work on your mother, so instead you sucked it up and tried your best to not sweat the inevitable situation, and sure enough it was haunting.
Brown skin met with white, and you wanted nothing more than to drop dead right then. Both holding eye contact and stiff grip that you had to find a way out of the exchange, something that won’t show you sweating.
Immediately you dismissed your presence with your mother, a weak mention of a drink to try just to ease your thoughts. You didn’t know how the hell you managed to find yourself in this situation, your stepfather and teacher in the same room and now talking to each other, this was perfect… just perfect.
Your mother sits the translucent cup down while placing a hand to her chest, her throat clears at the same time she shakes her head gently.
“That is quite sweet for the dinner,” She comments, sight looking over the glass bottle before bidding you a smile. “But you’ve always had a sweet tooth, haven’t you.”
Your lips tug at the end, a gentle and soft grin as you nod your head. Fingers lifting your own cup to your lips and swallowing the sugary grape tinged juice before your eyes flick towards Mr. Styles and Malik, both nodding to each other in unison. The sight makes your stomach turn.
“Excuse me dear, I need to go to the powder room.” Your sight following your mom as a happy expression still plasters itself across your face as you bow your head. You watch her decorative rings toss the plastic into the garbage before leaving out the door to be alone with your thoughts.
The hammering beats of your heart quake in your chest, pads of your fingers clenching into the warmth of the cup that leaves sweaty prints along the surface. A deep breath travels through your nose with lashes fluttering as your mind completely blanks.
What the fuck did you actually get yourself into? How did you end up here? You thought you had all your lies in place, that an instance like this would never happen but yet, here you are; bambi eye and plush lips scared from the outcome of all your deceitfulness.
Shaky hands left up the cup and bring it towards your mouth as you swallow back the remaining juice. Shoulders flex back concedingly, tongue swiping across your bottom lip before you throw your trash away and take another deep breath.
With whatever slither of confidence you have within it charges your walk towards the two men. Poised spine, alluring hips and doe eyes, you know it’s the sight they love, the sight they adore and maybe, just maybe, you won’t face any consequences to your actions.
The subtle tap of your repettos sound against the old floor boards before halting, your left hip popping to the side as your arms cross over each other on your chest. Bottom lip sucked between your teeth yet chin still tilted high despite the uneasiness flowing through.
Your view falls on the jet black strands falling across his forehead as his hazel eyes pierce through you. Lengthy lashes and rugged beard captivating your sight till you switch it towards the teacher; stubble cheeks and daunting green hues. Their aura radiates a connection unbeknownst to you, one that sends a chill down your spine.
“Speaking of the devil…”
The words come off as a teasing bite, accent thick and sight roaming over your frame as if plotting to have his way with you just like the many times he would tell you about over the phone, except this time it’s different, this time there’s a glimmer of deception.
Firm shoulders and board chests tower over your appearance as both their view latch onto your petite frame and doe eyes so oblivious and worried over the two men standing next to each other.
“Father...” Voice quiet and sincere as you look towards him. Fingers fitting against your arms as you try to keep your composure.
And you watch closely, the way his hand leaves his pocket and runs over his jaw, teeth kissing together as he shakes his head amused at your appearance. The fat flesh of your lips run over each other with eyes blinking between both bodies in amazement at the sight.
“Y/N…” Your step-father counters, head leaning to the side as he smirks down at you so coy and scared.
“Still being promiscuous, are we?”
Mouth runs dry with throat growing strain and fingers running clammy against the material of your blazer. The pounding in your ribs reaches your ears and sends nervous shockwaves throughout your brain.
Lashes flutter hesitantly between the two as you feel the creases between your toes begin to slither with sweat. Your teeth clench down on each other, nails scratching into polyester at the same time your lips fall apart.
He’s fucking with you, he has to be. He can’t possibly know what’s going on between you and your teacher, he absolutely can’t.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Thick droplet of spit eerily sliding down your esophagus, with ears ringing and jaw tight as you refrain from looking at the teacher.
That has Mr. Malik chuckle, deep and amused to the point that Mr. Styles joins along too. It has your eyes darting to him, heart causing painful shocks to run throughout your chest as the pads of your fingers begin to cause pain in your biceps.
This isn’t possible… are you even registering what truly is happening in the moment… are you in the Twilight Zone? You have to be, because the two men in your life are laughing together like old pals or something.
The taps of your mother’s heel rattles your spine, her heavy footsteps has your sight tearing away and looking towards her with an irritated smile, thankful she can at least save you.
Her perfume floods your nose as her own teeth shine in annoyance, her hand wraps around your shoulder as she brings you in dramatically to squeeze you into her body.
“My apologies dear, and Mr. Styles,” She smiles towards you before turning towards your stepfather. “Jessica managed to mix up the meeting with the Allen’s so we have to cut the day short unfortunately.”
A deep exhale leaves you as your grin turns to happiness. Thank god! This was perfect, literally saved at the right moment. Your feet flex in your shoes as you roll onto your toes, head swaying to the side to catch sight over your father who looks completely unfazed.
“We still have a couple more teachers to see, no?” Mr. Malik questions while giving your mother his full attention.
“Yes, but I really need to make it, I’m already ten minutes behind.”
“It’s okay love, you go and I’ll see the rest of them. Your viewings are always quite short.”
Your smile flattens, plucked brows pushing together as you try to comprehend if this is actually happening. It certainly can’t be real… you really have to be dreaming. Just when you think you’re about to get off scot free here is your father dangling his own satisfaction in front of your face.
Your throat grows strain, fingers curling in on each other while you fall to your heels. Your eyes roll obnoxiously as your head turns and catches sight on your history teacher. Flesh between his teeth and raised eyebrows, you can tell there’s a playful glint of happiness in his eyes, something you’ve never witnessed before.
“You’re a lifesaver! Thank you!” Cheerful voice rushes as she leans in and kisses both of his cheeks.
Now your heart is erratically beating to the point it’s the only thing that sounds through your ears as if white noise. Your mother rushes to hug you again before saying something that you don’t even comprehend because you’re completely fucked.
The strands of her hair trail away in breeze of blurry vision and slow breathing, nails digging into your cuticles as your gaze pans between the two men, your stepfather smirking charmingly and Mr. Styles with lip between his teeth.
You wish there was just a few more minutes for you to grasp everything thrown at hand. To collect your thoughts and lie accordingly but you don’t get that chance, not right now, not in this moment.
Eyes flick between brown loose curls to dark straight hair, from prickly bread to thick one, to piercing green eyes to alluring hazel hues. You’re ruined, absolutely ruined… and when looking between the two men does your mind really scramble.
There are only two choices you have; twirl around with tail between your legs or confront the issue at hand.
And because those are your only two options the sound of your heels tap against the floor as your vision fades from every single nerve swallowing you whole. Anxiety wasn’t even the word to describe how you’re feeling, and frankly you want it to evaporate immediately.
Without a second thought your feet are turning against the hardwood, arms falling to your side as lashes shelter your vision as you inhale deeply and place one foot in front of the other. Your chest surging with every beat of your heart as you try to think straight.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Bradford accent clouding your ears as your wrist is caught within his palm. The grip over you has your body twist around and look at your stepfather with fury in your gaze. You would rather die than remain standing here at this moment.
“We’re not done here.”
Fingers curl into each other as sight never breaks, your teeth clench down on each other with toes curling into your shoes. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
There’s really nothing you can do. You can’t turn away and hide, you can’t plaster a smile as if everything is okay, you can’t do anything but accept this for what it is.
So with that your posture relaxes. Shoulders slouching, jaw loosening, and deep breath escaping. For once you lost at your own game. You’re not in control anymore and only in this moment do you realize that you haven’t been as soon as these two met.
There’s a silent connection between them, from their eye contact to stance. Something unknown is brewing and it makes your stomach quiver. Never in a million years did you think this would happen, but it is, and you’re caught red handed.
“Mr. Styles was actually telling me about your most recent essay, a plus was it?” His attention turns towards the teacher who nods his head in agreement.
“Yes, it was written exceptionally well.” Mr. Styles continues while raising his hand to his chin and rubbing the skin there.
“I was so intrigued when he told me about it that we agreed to go to his classroom and look over your work.” Your eyes flick between the two men who look at each other with pride. “I’ve always loved your writing, so you won’t mind, now would you?”
You don’t even say anything as your father releases your wrist and smiles down at you happily. Of course he’s thrilled with whatever endeavor he has planned, if you were in his shoes you would be as well.
The two men walk past you in your dazed out state and continue to chat with each other as if best mates in the span of half an hour. You don’t even try and further understand this situation but instead tread slowly behind the two men as they walk down the long corridor before making their way up to the third floor and into your familiar classroom.
Because of the events taking place today everyone seems to be remaining on the first floor which just leaves the rest of the school eerily quiet to the point goosebumps prick your skin, especially when your the last one to step through the door.
Your hand hooks around the knob as you step backwards and close it. View looking over the two men as one goes through his desk and the other leans into the structured object.
“Come here dear.” Mr. Malik orders while gesturing towards you.
A tight limb smile spreads as you roll your eyes and lazily make your way towards him, heels sounding against the floorboards as you pass the rows of desk to the left of you and stand next to your father.
At the same time Mr. Styles rounds the desk with paper in hand, thumb peeling the three layered essay apart while he looks over the lengthy written sheet. His sight skimming down the page before he hums pleasantly.
“Marie Antoinette is very known to the point of being called famous, but yet it is not for any good deeds. She is most well known for her selfishness and self indulgence.” He reads before passing the papers to your father who nods his head while examining it.
“Seems like you and Marie have some things in common.” Mr. Malik comments while turning to look at you peering up at him.
Your jaw tenses before slight flicks towards Mr. Styles, his view already locked on you; and normally you would be happy that you have his attention, especially with the way it obviously looks over your frame, but right now, in this moment, it’s something you dislike.
“Wouldn’t you agree?” Your teacher continues playing off your father's words which only leaves you a mess of nerves.
You’re the one who’s supposed to have them on edge, have them on the tip of their toes. You’re the one who’s supposed to have them reeling with discomfort, not the other way around. Yet, here you are with sweat slithering in every crevice of your body in the position that you love to put them in.
“N—no.” Voice barely even heard as your lips curl into each other.
“No?” Mr. Malik reiterates only making you look back towards your father.
Your tongue peeks out your mouth to run over your bitten lip, deep breath escaping your throat as you let your eyes close.
It’s time to face the facts. You’re stuck in a room with two men who you’ve led on just for the fun of it. Here you are left standing between these two because having your way with them just does something to your mind, to your body, and spirit that you just have to toy with them. But now you’re here and surrounded by your own faults and deceitfulness, having nothing else to do but accept that you’ve lost.
“You’re really smart cherry, so just use that beautiful brain of yours.”
Eyes immediately flash open at the call of your nickname, nails releasing from their previous hold as your chest turns towards your father who smirks down at you. His hand placing your essay down on the desk while his own body follows suit and goes parallel to yours as he watches you fumble.
At the same time he corrects you, the rough pad of Mr. Styles finger is dragging up the revealing skin of your thighs, his warm breath fanning over the right side of your neck only putting you further in uneasiness.
“What is this?” You question as your teacher steps closer to the point you feel his erection against your backside.
“What you always wanted.” His voice panning over your neck so warm and sultry that your knees tremble.
Spit runs down your throat slowly, sight looking over the way your father's lips twitch into a smirk. Once again, his head shakes in utter disappointment.
“Speechless?” Mr. Malik says while leaning towards you to the point there’s little space left between you both.
“The first time she doesn’t have anything snarky to say.” Mr. Styles chuckles into your neck that has you absolutely feening.
Even though you’re scared shitless you can’t deny that the scene before you is remarkably hot. Both men squish you against themselves as they lure you in with their teasing movements. It has your adrenaline pumping. The fact your teacher has his thick cock nestled between your clothed cheeks while your father looks down at you so content with the situation at hand. You’re flushed and bothered, and quite frankly you’re excited for whatever is in store.
“Tell us bunny, why did you lie?”
“Yes, cherry, tell us why?”
Both nicknames run across your skin that leaves goosebumps in their wake. It’s nerve racking but it feels too good to not fall prey to their taunts.
They're both so handsome; tall to the point they tower over you, delicious cologne flooding your nose as rough hands feel over your body. You simply couldn’t resist them, not when they have you like this.
“I thought it was only me?”
“So did I… especially when it’s just us two at home… all alone…”
The mention of your life outside of school with the older man has your teacher grip your flesh even rougher, heavy huff escaping him showcasing itself clear that the comment made him jealous and you can’t help the way your heart skips a beat at the near thought of him being possessive over you.
Your father bites down on his bottom lip, his hand dragging along the desk to soon fit itself along your stomach and slither its way up your side and begin to fondle your breast. The charming glint in his eye is distinctive to the many times you two have fooled around, it’s your favorite feature that you’ve distinguished since the beginning of your relationship, and without even thinking a whimper slips out.
Immediately your fingers curl into your side as Mr. Styles continues to rub your hips roughly, his own waist rutting into you that your lashes flutter in pure satisfaction. This feels so good.
“I’m sorry.” Whisper trailing out so soft and quiet that you sound innocent and so sweet, like you didn’t drag them into your game; but the only difference now is that the two grown men sandwiched on either side of you are smarter than that.
Both of them laugh hauntingly, touch continuing to roam and grope to the point you're a moaning mess under their touch, especially when your father fits his other hand between your legs and feels you through your soiled panties.
A deep breath spills from your lips while both hands go to wrap along his wrist, eyes bulging and chest flexing towards his as Mr. Styles shoves you deeper when grinding against you. Thin fingers glide through your folds making you feel the dampness of your panties press against your heated skin.
“You hear that, she’s sorry.” Your stepfather breathes against your lips, so close and teasing that you shiver under the pressure.
“Oh, that’s so hard to believe.” Your teacher smiles against your skin that the air you ingest does little to calm your pinching nerves.
“Do you think that little apology is enough for us?” His hand gripping your breast even rougher as his fingers gently feel over your wet clothed hole. “After everything you put us through?”
Your head shakes slowly, eyes never breaking contact as you continue to let them feel over your body. He is right, after all the tricks you play that barely audible plea isn’t enough, especially with the way they touch and tease you it’s clear the apology that they’re looking for isn’t something that you can just say to squeeze yourself out of this situation.
“Having my job on the line…” Mr. Styles coos while pressing his lips into your thumping pulse.
“And my marriage…” Mr. Malik so close to your lips that you whimper at the near feel of him.
“So we think it’s only right for us to have our turn with you. The way we want.”
Warm breath falls over your lips so alluring and dominant that you can’t help yourself from surging forward and locking yours with his. The cool spearmint on his tongue travels through your lips and along yours as they wrap around each other.
It’s been months since you’ve gone without the delectable taste of him that it has you moaning immediately from the touch and the way he floats across your tastebuds. So sweet yet musky, so strong yet soft.
You missed him so much… the way he tastes, the way he feels, how he completely envelops every twitch that itches through your body. A high moan rakes through your throat, head swaying to the side as Mr. Styles begins to nip and suck at your neck, the slick feel of your skin growing hot and bruised only makes your ass back into the teacher further while your father continues to fondle you.
Plush lips slouch amongst yours with ease as the alluring taste of him is so delicious that your fingers curl even tighter around his wrist. Teasingly his mouth pulls away, teeth biting into flesh and tugging gently which only further reminds you of your need for him.
“Miss me?” Hazel eyes peeling open to watch your lips part, heavy breath drawing in as his index finger curves deeper into your hole. The restraint of your lace panties peeking into your flesh has you shivering.
“Yes.” You sigh with grip loosening and head cranning towards him.
The answer to his question has Mr. Styles nails sink deeper into your skin as they rake along your waist. Such heavy motions leaving scratches to the point it sends chills throughout that you can’t help but shudder at the feel.
The split ends of his curls rub against the temple of your forehead which causes your sight to turn and look towards him who doesn’t hesitate to lean forward. His lips sinking onto yours and enveloping the sweet taste of him. His saliva sweeps through your bloodstream tasting of honey and him, and just like that you're back to moaning underneath his touch.
Your tongue accepts the way he fills your mouth and fights for dominance. So rough and demanding as he rubs his muscle against yours in pure satisfaction. The two flavors of them mixing together and injesting themselves throughout your system was heaven and you simply just want more of it.
Your fathers hand prodes away at your hole shallowly, his own breath fanning across the other side of your neck as you continue to whimper against the man french kissing you.
It’s the combination of their grips gracing your skin and lips pressing love into exposed flesh that has you pull from the exchange out of breath. Heart pounding in your ear and nails pinching into the material of your step fathers blazer.
The feelings coursing through is something you never felt before; both men giving you the attention that you love so much, that you crave so much and adore… the attention that you truly deserve. It was intoxicating and better than anything you can imagine, it’s why your eyes have a screen of submission crossing over, and why you look towards your dad with your cheeks all heated and lips bruised.
“Can I sir?” Voice coming out in a wisp of uncertainty but desire. The sound being so pleasant that it has your father smile down at you.
“Can you what?” He reiterates, fingers leaving their position to run up your folds and play with your clit.
It makes you whine, head bobbing a bit as Mr. Styles lands heavy pecks into your neck. His hands now feeling across the ends of your skirt cup your cheeks and force you forward into your dad.
“Can I have you both… please?” Lashes blinking up at him as your lip sucks itself between your teeth.
Such words falling from your mouth has your father’s signature look tug across his features, his grip leaving your legs and fitting his fingers into your mouth. He watches closely the way they enter and how you don’t hesitate to immediately suck them.
Tongue twisting around skinny fingers tasting the muted taste of yourself as doe eyes stare up at him as he continues to fit them deeper and deeper into your throat. The pads of his digits collect the saliva draping along the service, heavy grip rubbing along your taste buds making you softly moan at the feel.
His version goes dark, eyes flickering as his sight drinks you in; plush lips and wet pussy just letting his fingers slide through your heavenly mouth, it makes him groan lowly, touch drawing away and running your spit across your lips, his touch tracing your cupid’s bow as your mouth parts erotically simply loving the attention.
“Cherry… my dear… you never had a choice.”
Those words have your skin burn even brighter, flesh still flexing against his fingers as he smiles hauntingly.
So this was their plan when left alone, lead you to the third floor where no one would be and let them have their way with you. This was hot, like extremely hot, nothing that you could’ve imagined before.
“Why don’t you get on your knees.” Mr. Styles breathes into your ear, his palms feeling over your ass before landing a soft smack that has your father chuckle so sinisterly that it makes your pussy throb.
Your head nods just at the same time your father pulls his fingers away, his body stepping back slightly as his hands fall to his belt only leading you to bend your knees. One hand balancing itself behind you on your teacher's thigh as the other holds onto your father's hip.
Jingling of metal sounds throughout the space before it's being met with slacks drawing down skin. Mr. Styles shuffles closer amongst the floor while your body positions itself better in front of them as if repenting for the sins about to happen.
Big round eyes dazzle in the soft light as you watch both of them reveal their erect cocks. Your father is lengthy and skinny compared to your teacher, all thick and girthy, it has you licking your lips with sight looking between the two completely captivated.
The left hand perched along Mr. Styles thigh creeps up his pelvic bone while the one situated on your father's hip roams amongst his skin to grip his dick. Fingers encasing around his length and tugging downwards gently as you don’t hesitate to lean forward and suck the head of his cock into your mouth.
It’s salty and sweet, just the way you like him which has you moaning immediately. Lashes batting up at him as your lips sink further letting spit coating him in every inch of your mouth descending further till he reaches the back of your throat. Eyes flick up at him as the swollen head of him tickles your uvula, the fingers wrapped around him slides down with ease as you draw back up his cock.
Leaning forward your lips to pierce together to let a heavy droplet of spit paint his cock, your fingers drawing up him to curl around the extra coat of lube to drag back down.
Humming pleasantly your head turns towards your teacher as the hand on his hip carries his cock towards your mouth. Tongue stretching out to run along the underside of him as you look up, his brown curls tossed behind his face as he begins to undo the buttons of his dress shirt.
Unknown ink being exposed along his flesh that has you grinning against his warm cock, mouth drawing from the base of him and humming pleasantly at how good he looks.
“You’re so handsome.” You comment before you run your tongue across the slit of his crown.
It makes Mr. Styles hiss immediately, his hands going to either side of your face with a smirk drawing across his lips as you tear away smiling at him.
“So pretty…” Mouth parting as you finally envelope him. Velvet walls sucking him in lovingly as your hand curls around the width of him.
Spit encases the erect flesh as he fills up your mouth. His grip over your jaw forces you to swallow him down just like the first time. Nose brushing along his groin just as he tags the back of your throat.
Your eyes roll at the feel of your airway closing around him, the hand wrapped around the base of his cock curls around the underside as you trail back up his cock. Saliva strung along the head of him to your tongue swirling around his crown before you’re moaning and pulling away.
Mr. Styles hands fall from your face as your sight looks over your step father who begins removing his blazer just as your mouth wraps around his dick. Tongue circling around his girth as your fingers glide up and down his lengthy cock while twisting it in opposite directions.
That’s how your knees end up bruised in the passing moments, lips moving between the two cocks in front of your face as the men before you begin undressing and treating you like the object that you are.
Swelling crowns diving deep till they touch the back of your throat, hands carding through your hair with each exchange urging you to take them further and further till you’re pulling away begging for air.
Tears breech your waterline as your chest burns in pain, your throat strains itself with each descent of their wet cocks abusing your throat. It aches but in the most beautiful way because the sight bestowed upon you is absolutely remarkable.
Such handsome grown men using you as their toy. Sexy tattooed skin, tall firm bodies and their gorgeous spit soaked erections leaving you drunk at the sight. Touch running across flesh as their lips part, electing moans as their sight never tears away from watching every movement you make.
Twisting wrist and red tongue sending pleasure to both as they observe how eager you are at this moment compared to before. How dainty and scared to now swallow them down so needy and submissive.
“Here, come here,” Your father rushes as your lips pull away from the underside of his cock. His grip is rough as he drags you up by your shoulders, palm pushing you into the desk as the other lands a deafening smack against your ass.
“Fuck!” Raspy voice crying out as you feel his fingers roughly shove your panties down your legs. Without waiting a second his fingers are drawing down your folds collecting your juices before thrusting into your dripping hole.
A moan carries out of your sore throat, nails curling into the gloss over the oak desk, as your eyes catch on the intricate detail of the butterfly tattoo plastered along Mr. Styles abdomen.
His hands carry your chin away from the table to press his lips against yours. Soft lingering peppermint tongue gracing yours as your father drags his fingers out to thrust back in.
His touch collects the juices you expel to curl into your pussy so beautifully that you can’t help but to break away from the kiss with a moan. Sight flickering open to catch Mr. Styles' green eyes watching the way your lips fall apart to sing such a beautiful tune.
His thumb leaves your chin to swipe along your bitten flesh, rough pad of his finger tugging at the skin before he’s leaning over and peppering soft kisses against your whimpering mouth.
“Take this off.” Your father orders interrupting the affection being displayed as his free hand tugs at your blazer.
Mouths part away from each other as you raise off your elbows, hands pulling at the ends of your school uniform as Mr. Styles helps with tugging it down your shoulders. The clear buttons of your button up are next as he begins undoing them to reveal your bra clad chest.
Your hands immediately go behind your back to unclasp it, your bouncy breast displaying itself with swollen nipples that your teacher can’t help but lean down and capture them between his lips. Warm mouth sucking you in so heavenly as your father slides his fingers in so gracefully that it was impossible for you to not contain yourself from every nerve consuming you.
“Please sir, please?” You call just as your dress shirt runs down your shoulder when letting your hands run through Mr. Styles curls.
Your father’s fingers thrust back in leisurely feeling your slick nectar encase themselves around every fold of his skin as your sweet wetness adds comfort as he continues to thrust into your plush walls.
Feet shuffle amongst the floor as Mr. Malik dots kisses down the wings of your spine, his fingers continuing to curl into your pussy as his lips trail down your back. His knees flexing as his other hand grips your backside roughly pulling your cheeks apart as he lets his face descend down your lower back to lie between your cheeks.
Wet muscle slithering along your asshole just as his fingers draw away to spread your other cheek apart to run his tongue down your pussy. A harmonious moan floats from your mouth at the adventurous pleasure floating between both holes.
A warm vibration floats along your skin at your father moaning from the taste of you. Tongue trailing out from his mouth to replace where his fingers once were. Strong yet tantalizing touch dipping into your pussy to taste your juices that has your toes curl at the feel.
Such sensual touch roaming all over your body has your heart pounding in your ear. From Mr. Styles sucking your nipples into his mouth to your father continuing to spread your ass even further to let his love run though, the feeling roaming throughout is absolutely unexplainable.
Your chest falls deeper into your teacher, fingers dragging out of his hair and down his neck with another moan escaping into the air.
Every object in the room bears witness to the sinful actions taking place. How grown men have their way with a girl who played them both in the first place, how her actions lead her to be bent over the desk ready for anything in store. How this crude behavior on the premises of the school should leave everybody in the room full with such disgrace however does the exact opposite.
It has your father groan against your pussy in pure arousal as his lips curl against your sweet ones as he draws up your slit to bury his tongue into your asshole. “Yes, fuck, yes.” Bitten flesh curling into your mouth trying to restrain yourself from drawing blood from your teacher's skin.
Mr. Malik's right hand peels away for you to spread your cheeks once more. His mouth pulling away just in time to land a thick saliva teardrop running down your second hole to lead down the slit of your pussy.
His breath floats up your back, his hand smacking your heated ass cheeks once more before taking himself into his hands. Without second thought the crown of his cock runs over the mess as his lips skim across the nape of your neck leaving a trail of goosebumps.
“You like this, huh?” Voice in your ear as if a second conscious while he continues to rub himself along you. “Like being our toy to play with… to use…”
Rough grip landing another demanding strike that jerks your body closer into the grown man still feeling along your breasts; and to add the pleasure does your father finally thrust into your pussy.
Every inch of him drags down your walls slowly to let you feel every inch of him, make you remember all you've been missing out on when someone else has been on your mind. He wants it ingrained in your mind everything you forgot about when not back home and under your covers.
“Tell me baby, tell me,” Teeth biting at your ear lobe just as his hips meet your backside. The feeling of his lengthy cock pressed tightly against your sweet spot leaves you shivering once again.
Mr. Styles pulls away from your swollen nipples, his lips running up your chest to consume every whimper falling from your lips.
Just as much as he wants to admire the beauty of your face completely drunk off pleasure he can’t help but feel jealousy surge through him. The way your lashes flutter to your nose twitching, it just leaves him with thoughts of him only being the one who should be making you feel like that.
It’s why one of his hands wraps around your throat to allow your gaze to connect while the other takes your wrist off the desk and brings it towards his cock, your fingers immediately wrapping around him as a whimper floats out of your mouth when your father thrusts back in.
“Such a dirty girl.” Mr. Styles says against your parted lips. His mouth swallowing every moan crawling out as your eyes shine and let your touch drag down his cock. “Like getting fucked by your step-dad, huh?” His grip tightening around your throat as your head bobs with each stroke pleasuring every part of you.
That’s the thing you loved about your father the most, the fact he fills you up so beautifully, so lean and lengthy that it tags your cervix each time that has you a panting mess begging for more. Your dress shirt is messily running down your arm, skirt hiked up with a screen of sweat roaming over your skin as you continue to bounce to each drum of the assault fucking you into oblivion.
“Mmm I missed him…” You sigh, lashes batting as your wrist loosely jerks your teacher off. “I missed him so much.” You mumble intoxicated with the way his cock drags down your walls enticingly.
The comment only makes Mr. Styles bite down on his lip, nostril flaring and eyes burning a different hue of green. His touch tenses against your skin as the look over your face combined with your breath hitching urges himself to draw away from you and force your head towards his cock.
Your father smirks, his hand continuing to spread your cheeks to watch where you both meet every time he thrusts back into you. Creamy discharge wrapping around him to glisten in the soft light and run over every protruding vein that displays his desire towards you, and now the scene before him with you proclaiming how much you miss him right in front of the man who has your attention while at this boarding school, his paste only increases.
“That’s my good girl, that’s my cherry.” His other hand running up your spine to hold the nape of your neck and control your movements as your mouth wraps around Mr. Styles cock.
Each stride into your pussy causes your mouth to move down his dick further as your grip continues to grope down the expanse.
Plump lips sucking him down as your father pinches your sweet spot each time he draws out to plunge back in. You’re so turned on with both men having their way that your pussy emits squelching sobs every time he rocks back in.
The oak desk jerks with every pound of his hips as he fucks you into the desk. Pen, name plate, and even the chair tucked into the table shuffling with each time you're being plowed into the table. The two bodies in the room relishing in the feeling of them using you after all the mind games you put them through, it’s completely thrilling to them, especially to you.
One cock sending undeniable pleasure while the other stretches your throat. You could die right now and be happy at the feeling of them spreading you apart and using you as their toy.
“Fuck… sir…” Mouth tearing away from your teacher's cock leaving a string of saliva from his head to connect to your lips.
Knees flex forward as your right foot subconsciously lifts up towards your calf as you feel your nerves pinch and tug up your spine as your pussy continues to accept every jab. The hand perched next to your stomach tears away from the table to sink between your pelvis to try and rub your clit.
“No, no, no,” Mr. Malik coos as his free hand captures your forearm and wraps it around your back halting your movements.
“Gonna cum my way,” He grunts with grip twisting your skin while he continues barreling down your walls. “Or not at all.”
“Sir,” You plead with fingers tightening around your teacher's cock as your head continues to jerk forward.
“C’mon cherry, come on my cock.” Mr. Malik demands, his hand slipping away from your neck to collect your hair in his grasp and turn your head around.
His sight watches your eyes barely remain open as your chest inhales heavily at the physical touch racing your heart erratically. His dominating touch peels your vision back as the other restricts you from doing anything further to your body that he doesn’t want.
“Do it baby, just the way I like.” He continues to egg on as his hips now sound throughout the room only making your spine curve further into the desk.
And Mr. Styles watches everything happen; the way your eyes roll, brows itch together as your voice elects the most beautiful moan just in time as your thighs begin to shake uncontrollably. His hands by your temple run through your hair seeking to comfort as gasps begin to travel between your lips.
“Mhmm,” Your father hums in encouragement as his paste never halts but continues as he fucks your through your orgasm. “That’s my cherry.” His grip releases along your wrist to drag down your back and hold your hip.
“That’s my good girl.” He groans as your plush walls continue to tick around him in the feverish aftermath of your climax. “Right?” Hand in your hair tugging your head gently as your eyes completely glossed over in lust nod up at him.
His lips tug into a smirk before his sight cuts towards Mr. Styles, tongue peeking out of his mouth before his free hand falls from your hip and collects himself as he pulls out. The feeling of him leaving you empty only has you crying out pathetically.
The two men switch places; this time your teacher is perching one of your knees up onto the desk as the other pushes your skirt even higher up your hips. Your father steps in front of you with a glistening cock and swollen balls that have you licking your lip at the sight.
“Oh my god.” You moan as you feel Mr. Styles replace where Mr. Malik just was. His thickness expands your walls just to apply even more pressure against your cervix as he continues to spread you out when nestling himself between your folds.
Your head turns with hands balancing you along the desk, view cascading down the muscular teacher holding your sides as he presses himself tightly against your dripping lips. Mouth parting open in pure arousal as draws away to thrust back in only making you feel like he’s stretching you out more then your father.
“Daddy,” You cry, nails curling into the wood as sight never breaks away from his hips drawing back and hair framing his face with stride. “You feel so good.”
Compliment trailing out without second thought as you whimper in complete enjoyment of him fucking you right after your dad just did. His cock fills you up so heavy and delicious that you’re shivering at the feel, mouth hanging open and brows relaxing as he strokes into you heavenly.
Mr. Malik teeth clench down amongst each other at the sight before him, how you’re so enthralled with the feeling consuming you that the teacher bestows that his hand goes behind your neck, grip tightening to try and turn your attention but however, you’re not budging.
“Yeah… you like this, don’t you bunny?” Teasing voice of your teacher floating into the heated atmosphere as his eyes never tear away from your bouncing breasts and submissive face.
“Yes, daddy… you feel so good,” You gush at the same time you let your hips retreat back into his only having the head of his cock tag your g-spot each time.
“That’s right,” He grunts with one hand leaving your hips and tugging at the collar of your dress shirt to drape it off your arms and leave your upper half completely nude.
“That’s my good bunny.”
That nickname so foreign to your step-father makes his grip even tighter as he finally directs your attention to look forward. Baby hairs collecting with sweat by your forehead as your mouth continues to expel harmonious moans at the feeling conveying throughout your body.
Mr. Malik's upper lip rubs against his nose as his head shakes disappointedly, his chin tilting for a moment before his head is leaning towards your ear.
“Look at you being the whore you are.” Such disrespectful words that should turn you off doing the complete opposite as you sigh pleasantly at the comment.
“Like getting fucked by two men? Like getting passed around like the dirty slut you are, huh?” His other hand going towards his cock as you continue to moan and whimper as your body jerks into his chest from each thrust.
“Every time I’ve asked you something you’ve been ignoring me… but not him.” His teeth kissing against each other as his grip continues to tighten. “Calling him your daddy before me, you’re so fucked up cherry.”
A high pitch moan escapes as Mr. Styles' paste increases, his waist clapping into your backside as your vision continues to bob between your fathers caramel skin and the chalkboard nailed to the wall.
“All that I do for you and this is how you repay me?” Voice filled with dissatisfaction as he raises up and brings his cock towards your mouth.
“Mm- I’m sorry,” You whine, eyes looking up at him sincere as your hand leaves the desk to curl around his dazzling cock.
“No, you’re not.” Mr. Malik comments while shaking his head once more while continuing to urge your head down. “Sluts like you are never sorry.”
The crown of his dick breaks through your lips and has you taste your climax as he forces you to take all of him. His hand once holding himself cards through your hair and collects the strands into a makeshift ponytail as you swallow him down.
“Yeah, do what you’re meant to do.” He grunts as your head bobs from the thrusts behind you that control your movements from inching further and further down him.
Mr. Malik was more than furious that he had to find out you were being devious and giving yourself away to men who weren’t him. From your failed previous attempt to the one fucking you on his desk he’s pissed off. He should never have to share you nor have to confront the issue that you’ve been ignoring his every demand unless being controlled to do so. You have him fighting to restrain himself from demanding more attention out of you as you lie spread out taking another man’s dick.
And it wasn’t helping that he was pleasuring you in ways he just was. Vibrating mouth and burning skin displaying itself each time Mr. Styles thrusts back into you and how your pussy emits the sweetest noise that he wants on repeat. He wants to tear you off of him, punish you the way he wants, but right now, the feeling of your throat gasping for air from being too drunk off the sensations combing through he’ll take what he can get until you finally return home.
“Holy shit!” You groan as your mouth pulls away to allow air to fill your lungs. Swollen lips falling apart as you both find the perfect rhythm of his cock filling you up just right as your hips meet his every time.
“That’s right, take it like a good girl.” Mr. Styles encourages as his hand twists around the cloth along your hips and pulls you closer to him only making his cock delve deeper into your walls.
“Yeah, a good girl who likes to get double dipped, right?” Your father’s teasing voice including himself as he watches your tongue escape your mouth to lick the slit along his head.
“Yes, fuck, yes.” You moan with one hand leaving the desk and curling around his cock to twist it down the expanse of him. “I like it… I like it so much.” Words coming out drowsy and needy as you look over his dick glistening in your fluid as your teacher continues to bury you into the table.
“Yeah, you love it don’t you?” Mr. Styles encourages as one hand leaves his hips to land a smack against your already bruised flesh that leaves you crying outl.
“Daddy,” You moan, eyes squeezing shut as you feel tingles begin to run up the bottom of your foot. Stomach fluttering against the now sweaty service as your pussy continues to accept every tormenting thrust.
“Dirty fucking slut.” Your father breathes out as your hand curls up his shaft with a tight grip as your head begins to sway. Goosebumps spreading along your body as your limbs begin to shake at the waves rippling through.
“I can’t.. daddy… sir…” Fumbling over your words as your mouth parts and hips still against your teacher. Your hand halting its movements as your body lies across the desk with no effort to balance yourself from your orgasm racing through.
“Tell daddy you love it, tell me bunny.” Mr. Styles calls as he never slows down. Aggressive thrusts continue to bruise your cervix with each jab unable to resist the pulsing feeling over your climax wrapping around him.
“Mmm my god, I love it,” You cry, your hand leaving your fathers cock to drag against the table as your heart thumps against your chest. “I love it so much.” Blabbering into the desk as your eyes flutter and mind goes completely blank, the only thing coherent is the dick sending sensation through every bone in your body.
“Look at her,” Mr. Malik comments, his fingers drawing through your hair as you moan into the desk with spit dripping from your lips so high off dick that you’re on a whole other planet. “Cock drunk, innit.” He chuckles mischievously, having fun at breaking you down.
“Yes… I’m so… in love… I love this so much,” Moaning the words out sloppily as your nails drag down the expanse of the glossy service trying to regain consciousness.
A drumming beat swells along your pelvic bone as tears prick your eyes from the feeling encasing itself all over you. Such heavy thickness spreading you out to leave your pussy a soiled mess with puffy lips and drench folds. It’s mind numbing how immersed you are with the arousal coursing through your body, how every limp lies weak and tired as you lose control of your muscles and lie squirming along the desk.
“You’re so good… such a good girl,” Your father coos as his fingers continue to card through your hair.
Chest continues heave erratically as Mr. Styles hips begin to roll into your body, his grip controlling your hips to relax as he pastes himself. Sweaty fingertips persuading movements as the two men watch over how consumed you are by such pleasure. How your body twitches against the desk and mouth humming every few seconds trying to grasp a single comprehensive nerve.
“Letting us use like this,” Mr. Styles adds with thrust dragging slowly down your walls. “You’re the best bunny.” As his face leans down to press kisses amongst the wings of your back.
Again, annoyance flares through your father. His eyes shift away from your wrecked expression to cut his eyes towards the teacher who pays no mind to him when he dots his love along your shoulder. Fingers escape your hair to run along your neck before he’s leaning forward in your ear.
“I can make you feel better cherry,” He mutters while enveloping the sweet smell of your perfume that he’s missed so much when nestle in this spot. “Haven’t you missed me?”
“Yes sir… please?” You moan without hesitation as the feel of his thick beard rubs against your skin, so prickly yet smooth that it eases the adrenaline coursing through.
The familiar chuckle running across your cheek only reminds you just how much you’ve missed how playful and commanding he is over you. How you’ve missed his lengthy cock touching you just right as he roughs you up just the way you like, oh how you missed him tremendously.
“Switch.” Mr. Malik states as he pulls away from your face. His sight watching closely as Mr. Styles lands one last kiss along the shoulder opposite of him before he draws out of your bruised pussy.
They round the desk once again; this time Mr. Malik positions you on your back with the ends of your skirt running across your stomach and erect nipples on display. It’s the view before him that is just another reminder to your father why he’s so in love with you and the games you play. How cherry red and swollen your pussy looks, all wide and exposed with your juices glistening in the light that he can’t help himself but to lean forward and suck your lips into his mouth.
Tongue dragging up and down your stretched hole as he hums pleasantly from the mixed taste of you on his tongue. “Sir…” You moan delightfully, eyes rolling erotically as your back flexes against the damp desk.
“Always treat me so good,” You gasp just as he runs his flesh over your clit and circles it around his taste buds making you quiver against the feel.
He groans against you, one hand leaving your hip to collect your fingers along the desk and intertwine them together. Reassuring touch displaying itself in the heated room that Mr. Styles can’t help but feel envious at the pleasure he now brings you. He takes himself into his own hand and shifts along to where your head lies across the desk, his grip tapping his dick along your cheek.
Without hesitation your mouth is opening yet barely giving the needed attention as your father continues to swirl your bundles of nerves along his tongue.
“C’mon bunny, you can do better than that.” Mr. Styles comments just as another moan escapes your mouth with head falling back from Mr. Malik sucking your pussy back into his mouth.
“But daddy, it feels so good.” You moan with sight tearing away from your fathers nose rubbing against you to look towards your teacher who flares up at the comment.
He collects his dick back in his hand to tug himself off as he leans down, other hand holding your locks to lift your head to the point you get an even better view of your dad lapping his tongue all over you.
“I bet I can eat you pussy better than that.” Mr. Styles whispers so alluring that it has your heart singing at the words. “I know I make you feel better.” He continues with stubble rubbing against the temple of your forehead only making your eyes roll once again.
Both men in your ear jealous of each other having their way with you was the last thing you expected especially since they were the one who came up with this plan. Yet, both of them are possessive of your attention and telling you how much better they can make you feel compared to the other, god, you can really die happy right now.
“Daddy always knows how to treat you right, always knows what to do.” He mutters as he continues to jerk off to the whimpers falling across his neck.
“Yes, yes you do.” Moaning along to his words as you watch your father lick back up your folds sloppily to swirl your clit along his tongue once more before pulling away and positioning himself over your swollen hole.
“That’s my bunny… my good girl.” Mr. Styles encourages as he feels your breath hitch amongst his skin. “Aren’t you daddy’s good girl, c’mon, tell me.”
“I’m daddy’s —Oh, fuck!” You cry out just as Mr. Malik pushes in, his cock easily descending down your wall as finds his paste and brings himself back to reminding you of what you missed out on.
The solid feel of him thumping against your walls so stretched and ruined from these two has your mouth hanging open. Sight still watches closely as his long cock drives into your drenched pussy while you have the best view of it happening as your teacher continues to prop your head up for you to watch.
“Come on love, get it out.” Mr. Malik smirks as his hand leaves yours to collect your bouncing breast. “Tell us how much you love being a dirty little slut.” He adds with other hand gripping your knee and pushing it towards your chest as he takes lengthy rough strides into your pussy.
“Love being stretched out, huh? Having me and your teacher share you. Such a dirty dirty girl.” He continues to gas as he bruises your sweet spot with little effort in such a short amount of time.
“Oh my god,” You moan with sight blurring towards your father and hand reaching out to grab Mr. Styles’ body.
You’re completely overstimulated and frankly every single time your step dad draws his hips to thrust back in you feel as if you want to explode. His head continuously rubs along your g-spot and leaves you a soaking mess of sweat and your sweet fluid. This feeling is so foreign, from two different cocks barreling down your walls to the third climax already making itself known, you might just pass out.
“This is so hot,” You whine as nails draw down your teacher's skin as you both continue to watch his cock disappear and have you jerking up the desk as a result of the new position. “Fuck this feels so good.” As your repetto heels dangle in the air as Mr. Malik’s lean body continues to plow into your tired pussy.
“Don’t stop, please.” You encourage as your gaze begins to trail away and sight become clouded from your eyelids drifting you away into the pleasure barreling down your spine.
Your father doesn’t object or even halt his alluring motions to tease you. He continues to fuck you just the way you like; fast and hard to point he’s leaving little space between your hips as he thrust back in not only loving the way you feel wrapped around him but also the look crossing over your face.
Heated cheeks, glossy eyes, and twitching nose as your mouth expels hesitant moans as if unable to control yourself from coming undone for the third time. Looking as if on another planet from the expression crossing over as if discovering a new found wonder. Your jaw goes slack, sight becoming drowsy and spit falling from your bottom lip as the grip you have along your teacher's chest tears away as one cards through your hair and the other goes to rub your clit only increasing the pleasure coursing through.
“Jesus… fuck… I can’t—” Words being cut off as a squeal rips through your throat as a wave of arousal squirts along your fathers abdomen.
The feeling so intense it has your thighs shake against his never ending thrusts as your movements never halt from the pads of your fingers continuing to circle along your bundle of nerves. “Mmm, sir… sir… sir.” Humming his name as your hand leaves your hair and presses against his jolting hips.
Your waist retreats into the desk at the overwhelming feeling crashing over you. How the plummeting assaults of his thrust made a mess all over your father and the school floors.
Mr. Malik lets his strides relax, his touch along your breasts feeling over your side as pulls out. The empty feeling of him leaving as well as the aftermath of your orgasm has you crying softly.
“Look so pretty, baby.” He comments before he’s leaning down again and slurping the remaining juices just projected.
“Holy shit.” You sigh as your hold travels to his hair tickling amongst your inner thigh.
Your step-father is doing everything in his power to spark all your memories together and Mr. Styles finds it obvious, and sure enough it has him fuming. It already pissed him off that you had a father figure, making him seem like he’s the only one. But, it wasn’t even that. It was the fact that he plays with you the way he wants, and the way he’s been imagining and dying to do ever since he felt you wrapped around him.
He gets to spend all this time with you and have your attention whenever needed but with him he has to fight and play petty games with his own student. He’s jealous, how can he not be? He finally had you just to discover there was someone else which only makes him having to prove himself even further by having mark his territory someway, somehow.
“Switch.” Mr. Styles demands letting his grip over your hair gently place you back on the table. Mr. Malik’s eyes cut towards the teacher before his lips are sucking your folds into his mouth once more. Flesh parting with a pop as he pulls away from his turn.
“Mmm… sir,” You whimper as his handsome face comes into view, his touch drawing up your stomach as you bat your eyes at him. “I missed you so much.”
“I know baby, I know.” He coos as he takes himself into his hand and examines the way your breasts shift to how you look completely ruined.
“I missed you too… how good you are to me, I missed you so much.” He reveals which only has Mr. Styles reeling. His eyes turn away from the sight before him as he collects himself to push into your pussy.
“Fuck,” Your view turning away from your father and towards the teacher slowly stroking himself in you.
“Mhmm… look at me while I fuck you bunny.” Teacher boasting concedingly as he gently nestles his hips alongside yours before pulling away and drawing back in steadily that it has you crying out.
“This feels so good,” You moan. One hand drawing up your body to rest along your fathers chest as the other goes towards your pussy and feels where you two both meet.
“Yeah, that’s what I like to hear.” He grunts as he begins to jerk his thrust roughly into you that you’re jolting up the desk and whining pathetically.
Mr. Malik lips twist into his mouth as he looks over you enjoying yourself as the teacher has his turn. He pays attention to your erect nipples and swaying head as your nails curve into his skin and drag down the expanse, you’re loving this experience as if on a whole new high that you want to ride on forever, and your father can’t help but moan lowly at the sight at how used you look.
Messy hair, sweat collecting around your temples as you spread your legs wide to continue to let them assault your pussy any way they want. You’re so eager, ready to please and deliver this perfect pussy on a platter to these two men just by persuading words and alluring touch. God, you turn him on more than you’ll ever know, cause as much as he hates sharing you, watching your face completely blissed out and screwed was sexy.
His free hand collects yours running across his chest and guides it towards his cock. Fingers immediately wrapping around him and jerking the lengthy cock in your palm as your other hand feels each time Mr. Styles presses himself snug against your pussy before drawing out with all his girth to slot himself back in roughly and repeat those devious motions.
“Oh. My. God.” Words falling out with each aggressive thrust as he never stops stretching you out.
“You’re pussy is so wet,” Mr. Styles grunts in pleasure, absolutely loving the way you feel around him with the added feeling over your fingers lingering alongside his wet cock whenever pulling out.
“It’s fucking amazing,” He moans before his hands are wrapping around your thighs to pull further into him.
Body drags amongst the heated service as he tightens his grip to make you feel every inch of him as he dips back into your slick walls, so bruised and tired as he continues to stretch you out. It burns in the most pleasurable way possible, the difference in cocks filling you up to the point you're intoxicated off such emotions coursing through.
Thick member coated in a mixture of fluid from all three bodies adding comfort to sore walls that aid you in feeling as if being underwater. The head of his cock pounds away at your cervix until he pulls out, letting you feel every veiny pulse of him thump against your tired walls to breech yourself along your wide hole before pushing back in again.
“Daddy… I love the way you make me feel.” You whimper as your hand tightens around your father as eyes look towards your teacher who leans forward.
His mouth parts to welcome your touch sloppily pressing against his when his hips strike into your pussy beautifully. The jolting of his waist only makes your lips bump each other messingly as he drinks in every sound you make.
“Daddy.” You whine pathetically as your neck no longer finds the strength to look over him fucking you but to fall against the clammy desk and catch sight between the two men captivated by your prescence.
“Bunny.” Mr. Styles grunts as his lips descend down your neck and goes over the hickeys scratching the service.
The frayed ends of his curls bob in your vision as your father's eyes detect every twitch combing over your frame. His feeling through your hair as he steps closer to you which only encourages your mouth to lean over to suckle the crown of his cock.
“Ah fuck, cherry.” Mr. Malik groans as his head leans back in distraught at how you drive him insane so easily.
Hearing both of your nicknames pass through their lips while having their touch roam all across your skin to fill you up repeatedly that it doesn’t surprise you at your climax making itself known in just a matter of seconds. The most exhilarating feeling sparks every vein in your body with shivers in adrenaline at your fourth climax overtaking you.
Sinking pleasure builds up in your abdomen once more that only leaves you to relieving yourself by letting your fingertips rub against your clit and have another wave of arousal trickle out of your pussy. A broken whine ripping from your throat as your eyes tear up by being so enthralled due to the feeling overcoming you.
“That’s it baby,” Mr. Styles breathes against your skin as his hips never stop their riveting motions. The feeling of you pulsing around erratically has him groaning at the feel. Tiny squirms blanketing him in pure warmth and wetness that his hips stutter when drawing back.
His love pulls away from your neck to look and watch the way you wrap around him all snug. Your pussy lips rippling against each movement of him into your exhausted heat still accepting every jab into your soiled box.
“Daddy…” You whine once again as your hand pulls your fathers cock away from your mouth to collect his balls and fit them in their place. The delicate feel of your lips sucking them into your mouth has Mr. Malik scratch your scalp lovingly.
“Jesus Christ.” He moans while letting his free hand enclose around his cock and jerk himself off.
Swollen glands glistening in the glow of the room as your lips obnoxiously slurp all around him and hum pleasantly while Mr. Styles still rocks into you. It has his eyes roll at the sight; seeing your mouth stuffed and put to work as your pussy lies spread out and abused on his desk. It’s the sight alone that has his hips twitching once more, with vision blurring as his neck cranes down just about ready to fall apart.
“Holy shit.” He sighs, as his grip against your thighs begin to leave bruises in their wake at the feeling of you wrapping around him is on a whole nother level. “You’re such a good girl, such a good fuckin girl.” He grunts as he can’t help his next thrusts from being messy and uncoordinated as his toes begin to curl.
The compliment is so reassuring that subconsciously you bat your lashes up in the position you're laid in, the connection between your step father and you as you suck his balls into your mouth so greedily like you were starving only made it right for him to cum at the sight.
The grip in your hair controls your head as he pulls you away from his sack and lets his seed paint itself across your cheek to dribble into the middle of your tongue. Yet, at the same time your teacher is emptying himself into your disheveled hole as he continues to fuck himself through his orgasm as your father taps away the remaining fluid he expels along the tip of your lips.
“Mhmm… that’s my cherry.” Mr. Malik hushes before he’s pulling away from his position over you. The hand that wrapped around his cock collecting the cum along your cheek and fitting it into your mouth just like the beginning of this escapade.
“My favorite girl.” He adds, as he watches you moan around his fingers and twirl your tongue around the digit.
Mr. Styles continues to thrust himself in sluggishly, the overwhelming feeling of his cum and your own juices overflowing in your pussy that with each draw out of the tired walls does traces of your combined fluids drip and run down your swollen lips.
“God, you’re going to be the death of me.” He breathes out before his hand is released from your thigh as he takes himself in his hand. Cock sliding out of your pussy to let the mixture ooze out of your warmth in a thick cream pie that has you moaning at the feel.
“Mhmm…” You hum, with sight looking between your father dragging his wet finger amongst your bruised lips to swipe your saliva amongst the flesh to your teacher who watches your sore pussy dazzle in the light.
“That was good, wasn’t it baby?” Mr. Malik questions while letting his touch trail across your skin to bring your focus back to him.
You immediately nod your head. Tongue escaping your mouth to run across your lips and offer an exhausted smile as your fingers shake nervously amongst your overused clit.
“It was amazing.” You breathe out as you feel your teachers come begin to seep along the folds of your cheeks as your father begins to sit you up in a better position.
“I’m glad… but you do need to hurry up and dress. Your mother is probably on her way back by now.” The mention of your older peer is enough to have your burning thighs closing amongst each other as your elbow fixes your posture on the desk as you lean forward, an overpitched whine tearing through your throat at the soggy feel of liquid running down your inner thigh to the way your pussy feels so used.
“W-what’s wrong?” Mr. Styles questions while stepping forward and taking your hip in his hand as Mr. Malik gives him cut eye at the affection while he rubs your back.
“She’s fine, just worked up. Isn’t that right sweetheart?” He remarks while leaning forward and pressing his lips against your sweaty temple. Your teacher's nose wrinkles at the sight, and wanting to help you in any way possible he leans over the desk where his discarded blazer lies and pulls his handkerchief out to collect the fluid still spilling out amongst his desk.
The cool silk material has you whimper slightly from the feel, eyes fluttering for a moment as a lopsided grin tugs at the end of your lips.
“Mmm thank you so much daddy.” You remark that has your step father pull away from your feverish skin to watch Mr. Styles collect the rest of his seed before he’s walking towards the garbage bin to throw out the material. It’s only right for your father to be possessive at such words falling in front of his face; does his grip over your chin only grow tighter when he breathes into your ear.
“When you get home you’re getting more than a punishment for this.” It has your eyebrows knot together but still doesn’t stop the dreamy look crossing over your face.
“Why? I thought this was part of your plan?” Sarcasm evident in your tone that makes him pull away and roughly turn your body towards his still looking as if he’ll like to destroy you.
“You think I like having your attention elsewhere?” He questions while his free hand grabs your forgotten dress shirt and wraps it along your shoulders. “Now hurry up and dress.”
Without objection you do, and like always your father is there to help you put yourself and him back together to keep the facade alive. Collar tucked high to conceal the bite marks roaming around, skirt being unrolled to cover the red smacks daunting along your skin, while you wipe under your eyes to remove any marks of distress from your promiscuous endeavors.
Just like before when you stood between them so scared of what they have in store in your refined pressed uniform, you manage to still hold that innocent appeal after everything that just happened. Mr. Styles watches closely. The way your father fixes the buttons along your chest before running his palms over the creases in your blazer, his eyes fixing you up and making you look perfect like he’s done this a million times before, and he can’t help but feel upset that he won’t get to experience that with you.
As if feeling his gaze your head turns and connects with your teacher. Smile tugging amongst your lips as he pretends to not watch the affection taking place as he continues to zip himself back up.
You knew that the threesome happening was too good to be true, and hell, you’re surprised you even lived through it after the constant back and forth of them spreading you apart and pushing you past your limits. Sure, it was intended as a punishment, and your father did make it known that it would be way worse when home, but you can’t help but feel sad that you only have a month left with Mr. Styles and didn’t want to leave it to just this.
“Father?” You say loud enough for the two men in the room to hear. He hums acknowledging you as his hands continue to fix your uniform.
“Don’t you think I’ll need a tutor for my summer classes?”
It makes both men's eyebrows perch on top of their foreheads. The teacher sucks in a surprise breath as your father kisses his teeth in frustration at your never ending games still taking place.
“You don’t need a tutor for that, your courses will be easy.”
“But sir… please.” You pout with eyes batting up at him which he only shakes his head at. Your vision rolls concededly before your head is shifting around and looking at the teacher who remains with his eye contact still on you. “Come here.” You gesture for him to make his way over, which he does, and to that you're happy about as you lean your head on his bicep.
“Please father… wouldn’t it be fun to do this again. I love having you both share me… it feels so good.” You continue pleading while your free hand goes to drag up his suited chest and slide up the nape of his neck. “And just imagine, in the abandoned maid quarters, how fun and exciting it’ll be!”
Mr. Malik watches the way your eyes beam with excitement and how your teeth shine at the endless possibilities that could happen this summer if giving the teacher the opportunity to privately tutor you from home. He knows it’ll make you happy, knows it probably top everything he’s ever done for you in the years that you’ve been sneaking around, but he’s unsure if that’s what he wants.
He likes you all to himself, no one else having you - despite this instance - but fuck, he can’t deny how hot it was to see you spread out and so fucked and used in a spam of an hour just between the two of them. He doesn’t want to admit that it turns him on, but it does. And maybe, just maybe, there might be a perfect alliance brewing from this day forward.
Hazel sight connects with green, and as he bows his head in a silent nod of gratitude of going along to his plan his head leans away from the sight of him and back to you, still needy and ready for anything in store that he smiles recklessly at the view.
“We’ll see.” He says, which only makes you pout and tear your hand away from his skin. Arms crossing over your chest as your eyes continue to bat up at him to get what you want like you always do. “Stop doing that. Now hurry to your dorm to fix your hair, we don’t need any questions, now do we?”
“No.” You huff before you're leaning off the teacher's arm and sliding off the desk. Mr. Malik makes space to let you pass him and begin to head towards the door to continue fixing up your appearance.
But, it would be unlike you to not be the tease you are, to not get what you want whenever asked. So as your hand turns the door knob and you twist around to look at the two men who spit roasted you in this room, you smirk at them before dropping your eye into a wink.
“Thank you so much for the fun this evening, I can’t wait to see what this summer will have in store for us.”
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intzue · 2 days
pspspps.. totally not golden groovy woops
ANYWAYS HII!! heard u were open for requests. may i request tammy + qiu with and an artist reader :00
requests of my favorite fandoms are my catnip good gof woa who could this be‽‽ my reqs and my ask box are like always open btw >◡<
extra note/s: I refer to step 1 Qiu as he/him. Uhhh take this as platonic or romantic, I'll add an indicator for romance (𐙚) ^^
more under the cut > o
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✧ At 10 years old, QIU's fascinated. How he discovers your interest and skill in arts varies but his reaction doesn't. He's impressed! Whether digital or traditional, Qiu would love to participate especially if you asked him yourself.
For this reason, he carries an extra pen and even those colored ones just in case you get bored or if you're suddenly struck by creativity when you two are playing :3
✧ The first time you show him one of your doodles you made during class, he's compelled to do the same whether or not you actually give him it. And ever since, you two've been exchanging these sketches during class. It's the cutest scene to walk into.
You're into drawing sceneries? Trust that he starts telling you and Tamarack about more "special things" in the forest and/or the town.
Like the sky? There's this clearing a lot further into the forest at your backyards. Stargaze, watch the clouds and the sunset together?
✧ It's also necessary for me to mention that unlike his notes, lazily pressed against eachother and constantly on the run, anything you give him goes to a safe space probably in between a books pages, under the the matress of his bed or inside a drawer/container.
"They broke into my backyard accidentally, 'cause they were on a crazy investigation about a paper airplane. Plus, they got here a day ago and they're already looking out for me. Normally, I'm the one doing that."
"Besides, they're pretty. And they make me pretty. Look! Look how they drew me!"
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✧ As for 10-year-old TAMARACK, she's curious. The things you draw, are they based on actual places? Actual people? Oh, you draw based on your imagination? Elaborate.
✧ At some point in the prologue, she says "All the forests in the world are different, and some places don't even have forests. I can show you good spots to find things since you're newer to this forest than me."
And I can't not think of her running up to you to give you all of what she gathered for you to draw like omfg
With all those leaves and tiny branches sticking out of her hair and sweater, she smiles brightly with her hands filled with her treasures. AUGH SHE MAKES ME SO SICK I LOVE HER
✧ Like Qiu, she has her own safe spot designated for only your drawings if you've given her any.
She shows off all of them. Especially if you've drawn her?? It'll be the only thing she talks about during literally any time for the rest of the month and the few months after.
"Out of all the friends I have here, you're the best one. We came to the same exact neighborhood, almost at the same time, and are he same age. You have fun outside and I do too."
"I think you're pretty. How you draw me is pretty! I've never met a kid who was just like me. That's important. That's serious."
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✧ Now, 14-year-old QIU's pretty much no different. They're even more impressed when they see just how much you've improved. Nonetheless, they treasure your old drawings just as much as they do they new.
They take the liberty of providing you with both a pen and paper to draw on when you're together, in case you don't bring your sketchbook (if you own one).
On those days where you two just sit in silence in their hideout, their gaze drifts to your side quietly a few times to watch your progress. After a while, they settle with sitting right next to you and watching the stroke of your pen against the paper as the scene forms with each hatch.
✧ As a teen, they've actually been a tad bit farther off the town when they feel like taking a ride on their bike. They've seen many sights and burn the route into their brain for them to tell you about. They'd even be happy as to bring you there themselves.
✧ If you ask them to be your muse, good god you'd need to tell them what to do.
It's almost a funny sight. Qiu, the kid who knew what to do their whole life asks you, "Should I pose? Where do I look? Ah- what's my good side?"
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𐙚 They can feel their breath hitch under your scrutiny. Suddenly, they're concious of every single thing about them. Where do their eyes go? Should they move their hands? Is their hair in the way?
They avert their gaze flusteredly, their head ever so slightly moving to the side when they do so.
And good god do their hands clutch the fabric of their pants when you tell them to look at you properly.
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✧ Same goes for TAMARACK at 14. She's as intrugued as ever to hear about your work. She admires (you)r style from then till now and has learned to appreciate the time gone into things as simple as this, whether or not you've made it with her in mind. BUT GOD IF YOU TELL HER IT IS, it's always sitting on her desk and she thinks constantly about what you've done for her.
✧ And while she doesn't exactly bring you a pen, she's more than glad to hand you hers when you need it.
✧ Unlike before, she'd now be at your side when you two hung out at her backyard. She'd be sitting across from you, practicing the cello. The hum of her instrument accompanied by the sound of nature and the scratch of your pen against paper gives her a sense of calmness.
This may also be when she realizes she's been your muse! Her fingers trace over where your pen has been and boy appreciate isn't even enough for her to describe how she felt. It was definitely happy, but that wasn't the word either.
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𐙚 Her heart pounds alarmingly as she admires your work. It's almost concerning to you that she sits silently with a blank expression as she held your sketchbook in her hands.
But that concern washes off you as soon as a warm smile curls the corners of her lips, tender adoration displayed all over her face.
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midnightdancingsol · 6 hours
sous les prudes, la pute!
aespa Giselle! x F.Reader
2649 words
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Fucking “new, renovated, fully featured” my fucking arse—
—swear to God, one day, you’ll finally just pull that crappy shower out of the wall and stick it up your goddamned landlord’s bloody—
Oh for fuck’s sake—
"Huh? What’s that now?”
“Why-why-why the fuck—why are you undressing, out here, in, in, in—in public?!”
"Well, excuse me, little Annie,” your roommate snarks, her perpetual smirk visible by her voice even though you can only see the backs of legs from behind your fingers as she steps past you, even pausing right in front of you to tuck her phone in her back pocket before resuming the other half of the ascent of her de-worn tank top past her other shoulder before pointedly lifting her toes into her doorway.
“I’m in my room, and I'll do whatever I like~”
Ugh, this girl—
Calm down—like it or not, if she actually fucks off, there’s no way your broke arse can afford to pay for a room this nice in a spot this close to campus, so just wait two more until you’re sure she’s completely gone, and then open your fingers—
“Damn it, Aeri! At least actually go in your room before you actually take your fucking clothes off!”
“Hm? Sure, I mean, I could, but, nah,” she blithely continues, as if the entire sleek expanse of her back, save for a few dangerously thin straps of black, isn’t in full view while she just idly rocks onto the leg in her doorway, said tank top in her hand that rests on her hip and the other pressing against the middle of the door and blocking your hand from pushing it closed.
"I mean, you’re not serious, are you~
“It’s not like you’ve never taken a gym class, so why are you acting like you’ve never seen a bra, you prude?”
—both hands now, and it still won’t budge—how—
How the fuck is she so strong?
“Like, I mean, we’re both girls, aren’t we—”
Maybe you can use the doorknob—it’s lower, so it’ll probably knock her off-balance—
“—so seriously, what's the big deal—”
There’s no time to worry about the soreness in your toe—Aeri’s grip is tight around your wrist—
“—about seeing m—”
—shit, shit, shit—
—and so even before you can attempt to cross your arms over your chest, Aeri’s already got you backed up against her doorframe.
She plants her foot up on the wood just to the outside of your knocking knees.
“Ah, well, well, we~ll—
“I'm getting a ‘naked’ lecture from someone who's using a jumper for a towel in the hallway?
"This is just rich, Yoonie,” she gloats, mischievous eyes eagerly raking all over your body all the while.
“S-s-s-s-shutup, Aeri! I just couldn’t find my towel—”
“Uh-huh, and you even picked a white one, like you didn’t know it’d get hella wet?” she continues with her faux coquettishness while she effortlessly follows your slippery wrist around until she finally pins it just above your head.
“Let me go, Aeri!”
"What’s the rush?” she chuckles, her face now close enough to let her breaths blow cool over your warm cheeks. “You're not going anywhere, not, just, yet, babe—come on, let's talk some more, just like you wanted…?
“Hmm, now hang on just a minute..."
Even though it’s ticklish, you’ve got no choice, not unless you want to risk letting go of your dangerously sloppily held-up cover to just unsuccessfully block her hand from lifting a lock of your hair up to her inquisitive sniffs.
"This is… my shampoo, isn't it, Yoonie?”
“What? It’s not!”
It can’t be—you got it from the upper left organiser in the bathroom, like the picture in the housemate chat said—that’s not Aeri’s; that’s—
Stifle the shiver when her lips form a little ‘o’ and blow a light breeze, just enough to unravel the hair from her finger and send it floating onto your cheek.
"Oh, this just keeps getting be~tter and better, don’t you think, Yoonie?”
“Hey, Aeri, come on—I’m sorry, I’ll pay you back, OK, but just—”
No shot—you’re too off balance to block her feet closing in around yours, to yank away your limp wrist that she slowly brings towards her grin—
"Pay me back?
"Oh, babe, you know I don't need money—”
—to push back on her thumb lightly rubbing on your white knuckles perched on top of your precariously balanced modesty—
"But, tell you what—how about you just, let me have a little peek over here?”
“Please? This isn’t funny anymore, Aeri…”
“But, Yoonie, babe,” she sighs onto the top of your wrist after bending down and kissing it, “I’m not joking at all—
“You’re just too pretty to ignore, especially now that you’re like this…”
Shit—her lower back is stupidly warm and smooth, and her hair’s a weird potpourri of cigarettes, cinnamon, and cider—
—oh fuck, oh fuck—
—and she’s closing in—
—you’re not fucking prepared for this at all—
“What, did you want me to kiss you after all?”
Aeri only lets out her annoyingly mellifluous giggle over your inexplicably ragged breaths, paying no heed to your limp punches on the side of her ribs.
“God, you’re such a fucking arsehole, Aeri!”
“I am, huh? Why?”
“Because you just are! You’re a fucking arsehole, that’s why!”
Aeri hums thoughtfully, then quietly presses her thumb into your palm above your head, opening you up just enough to inhale the heat of her sigh that she breathes over your parted lips.
“Then I shouldn’t kiss you, then?” she whispers, letting her lips briefly brush against yours this time—
“For real, Yoonie, just tell me if you don’t want it…”
—while she gently nudges you, chin to chin—
“Come on, use these pretty lips of yours…”
—until you’ve no choice but to face her, lip-on—
“Tell me that you really don’t want me to kiss them, and I won’t…”
“Don’t, Aeri…”
“What, babe? What shouldn’t I—”
Why the hell does it feel so wrong?
“Stop teasing me, plea—”
She’s a sensual, sharp taste that makes you flinch even when she gives you time to settle, that makes you bite down on her tongue as soon as she slips past your pliant teeth and sucks away what little air your little gasps manage to gather in your lungs; she’s a slow tease that presses confusing circles around your cheek, your neck, even as you finally, reluctantly, dither away...
“Not bad, not bad at all, for your first-ever makeout…”
“Shut up, dickhead…”
And just as easily as before, she fingers your nape, pulls you closer, settles you in against her parted teeth.
“So feisty, Yoonie~” she breathes while she traces your neck up to the shell of your ear in kitten licks, down to your shoulder blade with hooked, blunted fingertips.
“Come on, let’s get this off you…”
“Wait, Aeri…”
The soaked cotton squelches lewdly when it peels away from the top of your breasts, almost as much as her tiny suckles along the freshly revealed skin that keeps itself raised up to her lips.
“This is so embarrassing…”
"Mmm? Don’t lie, babe—I can see just how hard your nipples have gotten already.���
Shit, shit—hold yourself steady on her shoulder, on something, as she grabs and massages your breasts in loose, sweeping circles all over the cloth.
"So, how about it?
“I bet they're cute, and big, and brown, just like your pretty eyes, right now…”
“Just, shut up, you arse… It’s cold out here…”
"Oh, don't give me that look, Yoonie, babe—you're clearly enjoying this, too,” she purrs once she lands back against your lips to lap up the string of moans that escape you each time her fingers flick at your sensitive nubs, knead your tingling breasts…
“Promise, it’ll feel much better without this…”
Fuck, what is she…
“Of course you’re wearing granny panties, too, babe—such a shame, covering up a perky arse like this, isn’t it?
“Mmm-mmm, I bet it jiggles like mad, too, if I slap it, like, this—”
“Ohoho, you liked that, don’t you, Yoonie, babe?”
Oh, it’s so clearly over, the widening smirk on Aeri’s face says, and your body's just that inclined to agree, seeing as how Aeri gets to slowly tug your jumper all the way off with her teeth without any sort of resistance from your still stubbornly still arms that only stay over her shoulders, out of the way until your trembling, goosefleshed body glistens freely.
“S-stop staring already, you cunt…”
“Mhmm, babe,” Aeri says absentmindedly while her hand idly rubs up and down your side, “I just knew it—look at you, you’re so fucking hot, just want to eat you up…”
A kiss, a nip, a nip, a kiss—it’s just as well that Aeri’s got her lips occupied with your tits, because, God,  this possibly couldn’t get any fucking stranger, the way that your heart stutters for your lips but you just go ahead and tuck her hair back behind her ear, let yourself flicker back and between, savour with her each methodical suckle upon each inch of clear, of darkened flesh after which she then licks, breathes relief onto the tender hickeys she had just placed—
“Hey, Aeri, what the, where the fuck are you—”
“Tell me, who's this for, Yoonie?” she groans beneath your own as she continues to  rub two of her fingers down against your still-prickly flesh, press her thumb into your clothed clit. “You can tell me, don't be shy—maybe I've even fucked her already, who knows?”
“I’m on the fucking swim team, arsehole…!”
“Oh, is that why you're this wet?”
Her gaze holds you steady—you know, because it's surely not her lips keeping you upright while she coos—
“Jesus Christ, fuck…”
“Come on, come on…”
—takes her goddamn time flicking one by one, two by one—
“Come on, come on…”
—dragging two by one, one by one—
“Oh, fuck, oh Jesus…!”
God, you could just die right about now, with how pathetic you must look, shaking like a drunken koala in Aeri's strong arms, one leg in the air slung around her solid hip, the other still in the numbing depths of your orgasm listlessly toeing her heel…
Ugh, it’s her fucking laugh again, and it’s all dark and low this time while she watches you weakly follow the taste of you hovering just out of reach of your mouth, down into her mouth.
“Just keep surprising me, Yoonie, babe—do this often, taste yourself?” she teases as she slurps up the sweet strings on her fingers.
“Dick,” you let out, breath still not quite back, even with the rhythmic bounce of her nose against your itching skin..
“Coming right up, babe,”she retorts in barely stifled laughter as she straightens up and fingers the flyaways stuck to your sweaty forehead before she grabs your wrist and then drags your hand palm up to run down over her warm abs—
No fucking way.
There’s just no fucking way.
That’s, that's—
"Oh shi~t, babe, don't tell me—your first time holding a cock?"
"Hell no, Aeri!"
Aeri throws her hair back with a cool growl, and then loosens her grip on your wrist just enough to make sure your fingers would confirm what your eyes had just glanced upon, confirm just exactly where the warm bulge along her thigh actually ended.
"Well, first ‘real’ cock, obviously—no disrespect to your General—"
"You fucking went through my stuff?!"
“Next time, maybe don’t run the dishwasher at two a.m., hm?” she snarls into your temple, her breaths already hot, biting hisses even before the blunted snap of her waistband when it rolls over itself, the dull thud of her cockhead when it slaps against your forearm.
Fuck, it feels so, alive, every single inch of her, from slick slit to broad base, whenever it twitches, throbs at even the smallest of your errant fingers’ movements all the while that you feel her out, figure just how different it’ll feel between lube-soaked silicone and you-soaked skin, whether this gap that keeps coming up between your middle finger and thumb at the deep of each stroke would even really matter once she’s finished fucking around kissing your hair and finally gets around to fucking right through the last few inches of air above your trembling fist, right into your goddamned, fucking, fluttering cunt that’s all but ready to fucking suck her in, right fucking now, oh my fucking God, why the fuck—
“Right here? Are you sure, Yoonie?”
With a triumphant cackle, Aeri cradles the back of your head buried in your neck and then slams your bodies forward, fucks you just as deeply, as hungrily as you sink your teeth into her shoulder, giving you exactly those sharp thrusts that bore into your cunt until your pleas split wide open, shaky grinds while you tell her again to please stop—
“—right, that's right, gonna fuck you through it Yoonie—”
—and so she does exactly that, slides you right back down into that lazy angle and shocking slaps that renders incapable of thinking of little else other than just how much you’re craving the next thrust she’s going to drive deep into your cunt, all while she’s smiling with her face inches from yours—
“—look so cute when you’re drooling like that—”
—before she’s biting away the longest wait along your neck down to suckle on your raw tits, and even though they hurt, holy fucking shit, they feel better especially while you’re too busy off gasping and she’s busy groaning, you’re stupidly gripping and she’s grinding your sopping cunt down on obnoxiously burning air—
“—just say it, tell me what you want, know you want to say it—”
“—gonna cum again—”
“—come on, babe—should I keep fucking you—”
“—don’t—do that again, you arsehole, I’m almost—”
“—fucking you until I cum in your tight little cunt—”
—on obscenely good cock—
“—just say it, tell me what you want—”
“—Oh God—yes, please, I want it, I want it—”
“—want what—gotta tell me now or else I’m gonna—”
“—want cum, Aeri, need you, need you—”
Hook onto her neck while she hooks onto your waist, shut her annoying bruised lips telling you how pretty you look up, wring her twitching cock until you’re fucking sure there’s not a drop more of the deliciously warm cream all pooled up inside your properly churned belly.
"Fuck, you really are, are a fucking freak, aren’t you, Yoonie?”
“Shut up, and, let go, my fucking leg’s cramping, fuck…”
“Screams like that’s just asking to get our roommates walking in on us, if you ask me—
“I mean, personally, I wouldn’t mind—I could do worse than get caught with my trousers down, but you—”
The door to your flat explodes open.
“Aeri, you arsehole, get the fuck out here—your fucking package is blocking the hallway!”
“Sorry, Jimin, won’t happen again!”
“Yeah, right—stop fucking whoever that is and help me out here before the nosy aunties next door call the landlord again!”
Aeri just flashes you an impish, apologetic grin before she bends down to retrieve your clothes—
“Is Yoon there, too?” Jimin yells again over the sound of her jogging footsteps. “Could she help us out?
“Seriously, you bitch, what the fuck is that thing even supposed to be—”
“Oh, good, Yoonie, you’re done showering already—come on, quick, that damn thing just won’t budge—
“Aeri, Jesus Christ, how the fuck do you remember to put on a jumper but forget your—just, get your trousers first before you—ugh, gross!”
Do your best to shrug Aeri off as she just about collapses onto your jelly-legged arse itself collapsing up against the wall in breathless relief.
“That was close, huh?”
“Fuck you.”
“As soon as you help me put the bed together—”
“I said shut up—”
“—and if you want, we can leave the door open again—” “Jiminie! Wait for me!”
(?) Read the labels on your toys first, please.
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aventoru · 2 days
character : itoshi rin
warning(s) : childish behavior lmao, idiots in love ig, pretty rushed but like-
a/n : not really a repost from my old blog because i was shadow banned when i posted this=))
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The bell rings, signaling the end of your class and the start of lunchtime. You and your best friend walk to your locker to put away your textbooks before heading to the cafeteria. Most of the students are already getting their lunch and there was not a single soul in the hallway. Or so you both thought.
After placing the textbooks in your lockers and shutting the doors, you two happen to catch sight of none other than Itoshi Rin as you were heading to get lunch yourselves. Usually, during lunchtime, Rin would be practicing soccer on the field outside but he seems to be idly scrolling through his phone today. (Well, it’s not like that’s any of your business.)
Itoshi Rin, as far as you're concerned, is a soccer superstar with…a cold demeanor. To put it bluntly, he has no friends. You wish you were kidding when you say so, but it’s common knowledge amongst the student body at this point. Sure, he was popular and many people admire him for his talents, but it was so difficult to get him to even speak that others just gave up trying to befriend him in general.
That didn’t stop you from having a massive crush on him, though. He’s been your table mate for the past 2 years of high school and it’s hard not to take notice of his stupidly pretty face everyday. Sometimes, you envy RIn for not only having a perfect physique but also beauty as well. How do his bangs fall so naturally over his eyes? Why are his eyelashes so long? Why are his cheeks so puffy? You can't help but blush every time his features come into your field of vision.
Your friend, upon obtaining this precious piece of information, teases you every chance they get. And today is no exception.
Your friend suddenly stops you and mischievously wraps their arm around yours, pulling you in Rin’s direction. “Uhh…why are we heading towards him?” you pause in your tracks, turning to your friend in confusion. “I’m gonna help you confess your feelings to him!” your friend beams, eyes twinkling. “WHAT??” you whisper-shout, not wanting to catch Rin’s attention.
You pull your friend in the opposite direction, trying to stall the impending doom settling on you. But you were no match for their unearthed strength and will to get you to confess. After all, they've been your #1 shipper for as long as you could remember. Once you got close enough to him, you friend pushes you in Rin’s direction, causing you to collide directly with his body. His head shoots up at the sudden contact and he quickly catches you in his arms with his godly athlete reflexes.
In that moment, you don’t know what to feel. You are flustered that your crush was holding you in his arms yet mad at your friend for putting you in this situation. Rin surely isn't making it easier for you to think straight with his firm grip on your body. As a spontaneous decision, you’ve decided to deal with your friend first then explain the situation to Rin later in class. You quickly realize that if you don’t escape from Rin’s grasp and the awkward tension building up in the air, you actually might explode.
Unfortunately, when you turn your head back to shout at your friend, they’ve already rushed down the hallway, their echoes reverberating against the floor. “Thank me later!” is all that echoed from the hallway as your friend escapes your seething wrath. You try to remove yourself from Rin’s arms to chase after them only to be tugged back into his chest.
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s not your fault they played dirty” he chuckles and you can feel the deep vibrations through his toned chest. You smile politely and successfully back away this time. “Oh- right, I’m sorry,” you bow your head in apology. “I’m glad you’re okay but why did your friend do that...?” Rin hesitantly inquired. “Uhmm it’s nothing, just a harmless prank, that’s all,” you murmur quickly, hoping to gloss over the topic.
Rin already knows about your crush on him. It’s pretty obvious considering the way you stare at him in class everyday. You’re not a subtle as you think when your attention is on him instead of on the teacher. He knows you pretend to be stupid to get him to help you on those practice questions (and he plays along). He knows you’re the one who keeps leaving snacks and drinks on his desk with a cute little sticky note. Long story short, he knows everything. He just wants to see how far he can go before the dam bursts and you admit your feelings to him. Surprisingly for him, he doesn't have to go that far.
“It doesn’t seem like nothing, considering I'm the only person in this entire area? And what’s with the ‘thank me later'? Just tell me what’s wrong y/n,” Rin pretends to get mad at you as he stares at you coldly.
You make the mistake of glancing into his eyes and immediately fold under his intense gaze. You're pretty certain of the inevitable outcome of getting rejected so, there’s nothing for you to be afraid of at this point. “I-it’s because I have a crush on you and my friend was trying to tease me, sorry for disturbing you bye—” you cut yourself off and start backing up away from him. But before you can get too far, Rin tugs on your arm and you fall into his body again. Your face comes in direct contact with his built chest and now you’re really confused. Why is Rin pulling you against him every chance he gets?
A beat of silence passes as you wait for him to say something. “Thank god,” he sighs as he wraps his arms around you and practically encases you against his body. “Huh?” you mumble, your voice muffled by his shirt. You lift your face up to look at him, your chin coming in contact with his shoulder. Rin holds you in his grasp and looks down at you with absolute adoration in his eyes. “I like you too, silly,” he whispers. Your eyes widen in initial surprise but wrap your arms around him nonetheless. You think your heart is about to burst at how gentle he is with you. Your last straw comes in the form of the gentle kiss that he places on your head. Blood rushes up to your cheeks and you nuzzle your face into his chest out of sheepishness, to which he chuckles at in amusement. You two stay in each others arms for a long time.
You definitely have your friend to thank for.
“You know, you aren’t really slick when you stare at me in class right?” he teases you as you two walk to lunch together hand in hand.
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I cannot stop watching the first four minutes of Apology Tour because it’s so well-acted and animated (especially Bryan Pinkham, oh my god he was told Stolas was a cunt this episode and he delivered).
Stolas admittedly got petty when he brought up Striker and reminded Blitz that Blitz wasn’t there when he was being tortured and was almost murdered. But I think he knows Blitz was prioritizing his child and while it may hurt, as a father himself, he doesn’t actually hold it against Blitz for not being there.
What I think is actually cutting him up is that the guy he’s in a situationship with and in limerance with (meaning intense, obsessive crush), never showed up to see him at the hospital and kept making excuses to to not talk to him after he was tortured and almost murdered.
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Like, fuck man. That has to hurt. That has to feel like a stab to the gut. We know as the audience that Blitz is keeping himself at a distance because of his self-hatred and complicated feelings and guilt, but Stolas doesn’t.
And shoutout to @timkontheunsure for finding this:
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To be very quickly followed up by Blitz admitting he already knew Striker was trying to kill Stolas, even if he didn’t take it seriously (I take it at face value that Blitz didn’t think of Striker as a threat to Stolas. He took the assassination attempt itself seriously but had no reason to think Striker would attempt a second time and especially be successful. He seemed genuinely shocked that Stolas could be killed in Western Energy).
So, from Stolas’ POV: you’re have this intense, obsessive crush on your situationship. The other guy does not take it seriously that you were badly injured, never saw you in the hospital, is avoiding seeing you after you get out of hospital, sent you pictures of your torturer’s horse as memes, and then admitted that he already knew your torturer had plans to murder you while calling your a racist. Stolas probably believes Blitz does not care if he lives or dies. And while we as the audience agree that Stolas has racial blindness to work on, I’m sure the first time he’s ever had to think about race/class dynamics being when he’s being tortured is not giving him any motivation to check himself on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole topic throws him into a PTSD episode. This is especially heartbreaking because Stolas is making an effort to hide an injury he still has from Striker, most likely because he’s royalty and royalty have to appear strong at all times.
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Sometimes I wonder if Blitz knows if Stolas wasn’t a pacifist, he would have murdered him ten times over by now.
And Stolas’ little drunken speech at the end is so fucking sad. I think he’s being literal when he says he wants someone to care if he stays or goes, but also euphemistic. He wants someone to care if he leaves the morning after, but he wants someone to care if he’s fucking murdered or not.
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My sad birb, the bar cannot be this low.
And I think it’s going to be another thing that makes things very complicated and vitriolic between them. On Blitz’s end, you have the racism/classism and the power dynamic. On Stolas’ end, you have the knowledge that your situationship only wanted to see you for your access to the human world (there’s no way he didn’t figure that out after months of being left on read, which he mentions in S1E1) and probably wouldn’t have known if you passed at the hospital because he had no intention of seeing you. And Stolas deserves to have that hurt acknowledged. All the birb wanted was a “hey I’m glad you’re not dead here’s a little kiss on the forehead and a horse movie to keep you entertained.” That’s it. The bar is so low it’s six feet under Hell and it still wasn’t met.
And Stolas’s response was to get a little petty one time when they were already arguing? My ass would be using this to win every argument from now until Armageddon.
“Stolas did you do the dishes?”
“IDK Blitz. Did you come visit me in the hospital after Striker tried to gouge my eyes out?”
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linkspooky · 13 hours
What ending would you have liked for the League villains in BNHA?
Well, there's two answers to this question. What would be my ideal ending to the League of Villains requires major story structure changes. To the point where it almost becomes an entirely different story,v venturing into fanfiction territory.
Basically keeping the story as it is until My Villain Academia, there's no longer a clear and distinct line between Hero and Villain. Shigaraki is now the real deuteragonist of the story, and the story is split between Deku's journey and Shigaraki's.
The league are no longer just an insane fringe element that doesn't deserve to be listened to or have their wrongs redressed. Since they now have the MLA they have public support behind them, they like become actual rebels against hero society with even public support. Either the War Arc doesn't happen, or the villains win and society is effectively destroyed so that the heroes no longer have their tight grasp.
A bunch of kids die in the war, because they weren't relevant and it's a consequence for UA raising child soldiers. The remaining relevant kids are forced to cope with two realities, number one they were violent enforcers of a broken system, number two the villains are right in some ways. A moment of the kids going "Are we the bad guys?" However, they can't agree with destroying everything so they have to fight to rebuild. The kids have lost faith in the adults, break off from them entirely so the adults no longer hog all the screentime and try to attempt to solve the problem on their own. Also, Enji dies in the war arc because Hori didn't do anything satisfying with his character beyond that part, and Dabi is hit with feelings of: oh no killing my father didn't fix my problem.
Then you'd basically have to have the narrative find a compromise between Shigaraki's complete radicalism but lack of any motivation to rebuild, and Deku's desire to save others but lack of self-awareness about the evils of his society and how the system can't be fixed as it is. Like a war between the opposite forces of preservation and destruction and Deku and Shgiaraki having to eventually work together to build their world. Maybe Deku even manages to convince Shigaraki there is a future, and save him from statements like "I don't care what happens next." The League of Villains and the reduced Class 1A are like two parallel groups in the manga running in tandem, and also Deku's bonds with his friends are closer now and actually shown in story they become a tight knit group so both sides are trying to protect the people they love too.
Here was my realistic ending I was expecting when the war started. The kids fight their respective villainous foils and then manage to talk them down and solve things with words instead of violence. Then the villains and heroes team up in order to save Shigaraki from AFO, which is the first step of redemption of the league, and also the kids realizing that the league love each other. At the end of the fight Deku tells Shigaraki what he's always wanted to hear when he was Tenko, "You can be a hero, too." bookending the story with the words All Might told him. The villains either get rehabilitated because they helped take down AFO, or they run off to become vigilantes.
What we got was everyone being sent to hell instead and that sure is something.
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starlightazriel · 2 days
bad boy az # 7 (fem reader)
warnings: 18+ , smut, luciens nickname is lucci (im freshly gardened leave me alone), lucien????? (you know what emoji im thinking about), 16/18 age gap, angsty asf, self loathing, az being az, underage alcohol and drug abuse, loneliness, heartbreak, pining, fluff (YUP)
a/n: im sorry lucien doesn't have a fake eye i don't have time to backstory why a high schooler lost his eye lol thank you for all the support i love you. also credit to @leyannrae for the lickback cus i was scared to do it but was inspired by the comment
other parts can be found on my azriel masterlist
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The particular situation I found myself in, definitely wasnt what I would have expected when I left my house this morning. I wasnt exactly complaining though. Maggie had informed me earlier today that I needed to 'get outside' needed to 'explore some other fish in the sea' and it was 'the perfect opportunity to do whatever I want because my parents were out of town for the week'. She had also added that Azriel 'wasnt the only hot guy that existed on planet earth'. I recalled wanting to argue that he was the hottest guy on earth.
I knew she was just worried about me though, I hadn't left my room in weeks besides school, so I didnt protest. I agreed to the double date with Maggie, Shane, and Shanes right hand man Lucci, yes Lucci, and yes it was pronounced like Gucci. Which Maggie had informed me was short for Lucien, but no one called him that, apparently. Lucien was given his nickname at a young age after making varsity football as a freshman. She informed me that he was smart too, 'so we should get along perfectly'.
He was also... Another senior. Incredibly hot in a completely different way than Azriel. Darker than Azriel, russet colored eyes and slightly long shaggy red hair.
It had been two months since Azriel had left me there that day, stunned into silence. I had replayed it over and over again, trying to pick apart every single word that he had said to me. I had wanted to talk to him the first week, so very badly that it had ached in my bones. I had eventually given up, but it didnt stop me from being worried about him. He avoided me like the plague when he did show up for school. He wouldn't look at me when we passed each other in the hallways, but I noticed that he looked slightly thinner, I could tell his eyes were distant and that he probably was taking something. I wondered how his classes were going. He had blocked my number after the first couple days I had texted him, reminding him about certain things he had said that day, certain things that had eluded toward him having feelings for me. My number was still blocked, as far as I knew.
"You alright over there? What's going on up there?" Luciens voice reminds me where I was again, and my eyes flicker to his, he gestures to my forehead. I blink, realizing that I hadn't said anything in a while.
"I was just wondering if I actually have to call you Lucci. Because I don't think this is going to work out if I do," I play it off smoothly enough that a grin plasters his face and he laughs, leaning back into the seat of his car. We were in front of my house, and he was supposed to be dropping me off, since Shane and Maggie had sleepover plans.
"I like you y/n, you're funny," he's still smiling at me, and he looks at me for the first time tonight. Well he had looked at me a lot at the bowling alley, particularly every time I had gone up for my turn. I hadn't missed his intense, burning gaze. His eyes eventually land on my lips and suddenly, I'm nervous. "And the answer is no. You don't have to call me that. It's just a stupid nickname, don't let it make you underestimate me," his voice had dropped a little bit, huskier now. "You can call me whatever you want," he adds suggestively, he leans in and I don't move, my breathing becoming heavier as his scent fills my nostrils.
"Lucien it is then," I breath out, trying to remain calm, as he gets a little closer, my lips part as I brace myself for the kiss, holding my breath.
And then... Hes kissing me, his large hands are running over my body, feeling me, gently squeezing and rubbing. I feel his fingers slide beneath my skirt, between my legs, I don't tell him to stop, I don't grab his arm or get out of the car, instead I moan softly tilting my head back against the seat as his two fingers dipped into my wetness, gently stretching me. This was the rush I needed, the type of touch I had been craving for weeks. His lips press to my neck as he moves his fingers in and out deliciously, making me moan again. "You are so fucking wet and tight," he pants softly before he begins sucking on my neck, his teeth scraping at the skin. "Where have you been?" he groans against my neck and I arch my back slightly, gasping. It isn't long before Im undone, left panting and wondering if he's going to sneak inside or take me in the back of his car. But instead, he just kisses me, leans back, and smiles before sucking my release off of his fingers slowly. I realize that this is as far as he's going to take it, and I sigh softly.
"You know," I say, squinting my eyes a little at him, "Lucien and Lucifer sound really close," I say, earning a laugh from him, he tosses his head back before shaking his head.
"Go to bed kid, we got school tomorrow," his eyes twinkle and I can't help but smile back before I open the door of the car.
"Goodnight Lucien," he waves once more and only leaves once Im safely inside. Im left reeling, wondering how this year had ended up with me having relations with not one but two senior boys. Lucien was sweet, he was carefree and flirty... But he wasnt Azriel.
I swallow the lump in my throat, reaching up to touch the small hickey that Lucien had left on my neck.
I knew I shouldn't be, but I found myself wondering what Azriel was doing.
It had become routine for Azriel to look past y/n as if she was a ghost when he would pass by her in the hallways. He had said too much that day, exposed himself too much, that the only logical thing to do now was to push her out and pretend like she didnt exist so that she couldn't hurt him back.
That didnt mean he didnt still think about her, every waking moment. It didnt mean that the look on her face every time he had hurt her didnt haunt him. That the shit didn't keep him from eating, or keep him up tossing and turning, every single night. Blocking her had been the obvious solution to her texts that were analyzing the things he had said to her, responding to them anyway when he hadn't given her the chance to speak up at the time. It was too much. He just couldn't handle it. He had fought himself every day since from unblocking her and texting her.
He almost froze completely when he entered the hall that passed y/n's locker. He stopped a little farther down, leaning against the wall by the bathroom. His eyes locked on her and then the boy standing there, and his gut reeled as he saw Lucien of all people, standing in his old spot at her locker. Azriels jaw clenched tightly as he watched her laugh, actually laugh at whatever dumb fuckery he could have been saying. Lucien? Really? He knew him fairly well, they had been going to school together for years, they would graduate together this year, Azriel had sold him weed many times and he knew he was mostly harmless but him and y/n? No fucking way.
His teeth clench, jaw flexing tightly as he watches him try to brush her hair back and she swats him away, still laughing. Her hair falls anyway revealing a small purple hickey right on the side of her neck, before he can think about anything he's across the hallway standing before them.
"What are you doing?" his question is directed to her, tone sharp and demanding, the first words he's spoken to her in months. Her lips part in surprise, shock written all over her face. His eyes keep darting back and forth from her own to the hickey on her neck. A hickey he didnt leave there.
"Im talking to my friend," when she finally speaks, her tone is cool, but her eyes are still searching.
"Well now I want to talk," he responds, almost forgetting that Lucien was even there. Everything else always seemed to melt away when he was near her.
"You good Azriel?" Lucien looks between the two of them, assessing the situation. Azriel peels his eyes away from her, settling them on Lucien, his hazel eyes burning
"I will be when you leave," he says shortly and Luciens face scrunches slightly, his spine straightening as he begins to square up with him.
"Y/n? You okay?" Luciens eyes shift away from Azriels and then settle on her again.
"She's fine," Azriel growls, his fists clenching at his sides, it took everything in him not to completely deck the shit outta him.
"Let her answer," he growls back, his eyes scanning over Azriel.
"Im fine, Lucien, really. I'll catch up with you later," she says, giving him a small nod, he looks at her one last time, as if he would figure out what was going on between the two of them by the hard stare he gave her. He eventually just shakes his head a little, shrugs and gives Azriel one last look over before he walks away, shaking his head.
"What are you doing?" Azriel repeats once he's gone, his mouth is dry, stare so intense that her fingers were shaking as she stared back up at him. His eyes flick back down to the hickey. "Hes doesn't deserve to breath the same air as you y/n," Azriel growled quietly, he knew it was unreasonable, Lucien hadn't exactly done anything wrong, but he couldn't bare to see the two of them like that. He couldn't bare to see someone else making her smile. And to see she had a hickey? Rage burned inside him, but he remained calm, letting it show as he stared down at her. She only huffs, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance, the image makes Azriels heart soar.
"So let me get this straight Azriel," she stares up at him, her voice the tiniest bit shaky, he could tell she was trying her very best to keep her composure. "He doesn't deserve me, you don't deserve me. So what am I supposed to do then, Az? Fuck myself?" Azriel blanches at her words, jealousy gnawed deeply at his gut. They fucked? His nostrils flare. He feels like screaming, like slamming her up against the lockers so hard, he feels like covering that pathetic little hickey with five more of his own. He swallows every word he's about to say.
"Just don't be a fucking idiot y/n, okay?" his jaw flexes, his gaze burning through her, her lips are slightly parted as she looks up at him, his eyes drop, settling there. He recalls how good it feels to kiss her, to touch her, his body feels so hot, so fucking angry as he thinks about him fucking her, him kissing her, and touching her. Word vomit threatens to spill so Azriel turns on his heel, leaving her alone, and stunned to silence.
Azriel didnt know how he had found himself back here, throwing rocks at her window, looking up, silently begging for her to wake, to appear before him looking down, her face flushed, hair messy from sleep. He needed it. He needed her. He had been going out of his mind all day. His thoughts were absolutely tortured by the thought of her fucking someone else. It completely gnawed at his insides. He figured that was mostly why he was here, he was so fucking jealous he couldn't stay away. He couldn't fucking bare the thought of her starting something new with somebody else.
He had tried to distract himself, he had left school immediately to meet up with Rhys and Cass to skate, and get fucked up, obviously. He could tell they were worried about him, they had started prying, not without a bite back from Azriel but they had began prying. He knew they only did that when things got really bad. Azriel had left their place eventually, informing them he was going home which they didnt think was a good idea, he had been far too drunk to drive. He had ignored them and left anyway, and now... Found himself here.
She finally appears in front of her window, sliding it open easily, her lips part as she just stares down at him and they look at each other for what feels like forever. His breathing is slightly ragged, his fingers now balled up at his sides.
"My parents aren't home, you could have knocked," she says, peering down at him, his heart thundered against his chest, liquor running through his system.
"Let me up," is all he says, he was dying to get his hands on her. Dying to touch her skin.
"Again," she mumbles softly, squinting down at him. "You can use the door, my parents aren't home." He doesn't hesitate, but walks quickly to the front door, waiting for her to open it.
"What are you doing here Azriel?" her face is weary, but her tone is soft and he knows its probably because of the state of him, how fucking horrible he looked.
"I can't fucking take this shit anymore y/n," his voice is soft, tone matching hers as he stares at her, he was leaning against the front door now, his palms pressed against the wood as if to keep himself from lunging at her.
"I don't know what you mean," she says, but he knows she does know what he means. Her body language said so, the way she nervously shifted on her feet, the way she covered the small bruise on her neck with her hair. His anger flared silently, he kept it at bay.
"You're going to make me say it aren't you," he takes a small step closer to her, her breath hitches, he swallows the lump in his throat. She's quiet, waiting for him. "I need you y/n okay? Are you fucking happy now? I need you every fucking second of everyday. Ive been drowning these past two months without you. Absolutely drowning," a small gasp escapes her lips, she blinks, as if she was trying to decipher whether or not this was real life.
"Then why..." she trails off, failing at finding the right words. "Then why did you push me away?" she finally breaths out, watching him as his hands grip his hair, pulling gently as he looks up at the ceiling, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips. His arms fall at his sides again, another frustrated sigh leaving his lips. Why did she make this so hard? Why couldn't she just see everything?
"I can't fucking help it butterfingers," he breaths, his heart warms slightly at the nickname, recalling the first time they had met, the way she had fallen all over herself with nerves. "And deep down, I just know, that I don't fucking deserve you," he shakes his head, and he meant it, he knew he didnt. Everything he had done from the very beginning proved that.
"Stop saying that Azriel!" her voice raises slightly, frustration gleaming through her tone. "You don't get to determine that! You don't just get to decide what is and isn't good for me!" Her voice falters slightly, but she doesn't move, doesn't tear her eyes away from him.
"You don't realize that everything that I've done since the beginning... Every single mistake I made from the first day that I ever went to your house and fucked you. Without knowing you first, without really getting to know you... I took something from you that you'll never get back from me, I was so fucking selfish and you don't even realize it. When I fucked not one but two girls behind your back when I was fucked out of my mind but really all I wanted was you and I knew it but I was too afraid to admit what that truly meant," he was rambling, but he noticed her visible wince, pain flashing in her eyes, he knew she didn't know about the first girl, at the rave, there was no possible way she could have found out about that, but since everything was being laid out on the table, he figured it didn't matter anymore the truth was the truth. "The way I talked down to you before fucking you just because you cared enough to check on me when my dad died, I treated you like nothing but a slut when you are so much more than that. The way that Ive completely ignored you for months, pretending like nothing ever existed between us, not even checking on you one fucking time, y/n... And you don't even see how horrible I am, you just keep fucking letting me in. Over and over," He trails off again, his eyes sting slightly, he blinks. He was not a crier, and he wasnt about to start now.
"You deserved so much more y/n," his words are soft again, he swallows, his eyes not leaving hers. He doesn't care anymore. He doesn't care about being vulnerable, he isn't afraid of what she's going to say anymore. It didnt matter, nothing mattered except making sure she at least knew the truth, he was facing everything now, finally admitting every single thing outloud. "So when I push you away it's because I have never felt like this before y/n. I have never needed anyone in my entire life. And Im fucking terrified of that, and so Ive fucked up, over and over again and still... Still y/n you stand here in front of me, and you listen," his jaw flexes nervously, his eyes darting, blinking again trying to swallow every piece of emotion that burned inside of him. He waits, he waits for her to explode, to push him out, to finally realize just how awful he was, finally to realize how much better she truly deserved.
But she doesn't run from his words, she doesn't balk, she doesn't realize that he's right about himself... She advances towards him, standing in her tip toes she places her hands on both of cheeks, so tenderly and softly , he melts instantly, his face along with his whole body softening at her touch. It's so light, like a touch a mother gives to a child before sending them off to sleep, feather light, radiating love and warmth. No one had ever touched him like that. His breath hitches, his throat bobbing as he stares down at her, unable to peel his eyes away.
It was the only word to describe the feeling that her touch caused to stir up in him. The only time he ever felt remotely like that was when he was with Rhys and Cass. But this... It was different than even that. One of those things that ran so true and deep. His mind told him to run, do something dumb, fuck it up somehow, get away from the intimacy that felt like too much to handle. But he was frozen, his heart wouldn't let him move, he couldn't move.
"Azriel," she says softly, her eyes warm, forgiving, caring. "None of that matters," she whispers, he swallows again, his heart hammering against his chest. "Because I see you," and he knew that she did. All those walls that he tried to keep up, the masks he put on, the self destruct... She saw all of it, his walls had been crumbling since the day he met her. He could admit it now, to himself at least, while standing there with her, after completely pouring his heart out. He could finally admit that he loved her, he wished that he had the courage to say it, just another reason to feel unworthy. Such a coward still.
He can't speak without his voice cracking, so he leans in, waiting to see if she would pull away. She doesn't, her breath hitching quietly, she pulls him a little closer, her fingers still gently placed on his cheeks.
He knows she's about to kiss him, and he closes his eyes, waiting patiently, savoring the feeling of her skin against his. He needed this.
She kissed him, softly pressing. her lips to his. He hums softly, kissing her back in a way that he had never kissed anyone before. Gentle, loving, tender... His fingers slide up, gently weaving into her hair as he holds her in place, his other arm snacking around her slim waist.
She moans softly as he continues to kiss her, tongue gently exploring, getting reacquainted with that pouty little mouth that he has missed so much. He reaches down with both of his hands now, gently picking her up, not daring to pull away as they kiss passionately. She wraps her legs around his waist, gasping softly at the closeness of them now, their bodies pressed together for the first time in what felt like forever. Her arms had moved around his neck, her hands locking behind it to hold herself up.
Azriel carefully carries her to the guest room on the first floor of her house, he refused to break the contact, refused to put her down so they could safely get up the stairs. He sets her gently down on the bed, one of his hands cradling her head so it didnt hit the pillow. He swallowed, trying not to remember how rough he had been with her the last time they did this.
Maybe he didnt have the courage to tell her that he loved her, but he could show her... With the only way he knew how.
He undressed her slowly, carefully kissing each new piece of exposed skin until she was naked in front of him. He marvels for a moment, his breath getting caught in his throat. "Ive missed you so much," he admits softly, her cheeks are blazing, breath ragged as she lay there, gripping the sheets gently and he knew it was to stop herself from covering her body. He was looking at her in a way he never had before, savoring, appreciating, every dip and curve, every freckle or mole, any imperfection that to him, made her absolutely perfect.
He tasted her then, taking his time with each slow and rolling movement of his tongue and lips. Her pussy was dripping, body shaking, covered in goosebumps as she melted more and more under each lick of his tongue. He had never been like this with anyone before, he had never been so careful, so gentle and tender.
It was like he was trying to take every little bit of pain she ever felt away from her, like he was trying to take care of her, like he never had before. She whispered his name, her back arching deliciously, breasts peaked in the air. He only stops when she moans his name softly, her body going rigid as she releases before she goes limp, panting underneath him.
He slowly kisses back up her body, finding her lips again, she moans at the taste of herself, her fingers finding Azriels hair and tugging gently. "Can I..." he trails off, gently pulling his mouth off of hers, her arms fall by her head and she nods quickly, knowing exactly what he was asking for.
"Please," she whispers, watching as he undresses himself, revealing his tanned tattooed body to him. She bites her lip, heat rushes through him again, a small nervous breath escaping his lips.
He hesitantly reaches down with one of his hands, intwining their fingers together, she gasps softly at the intimacy, their eyes glued to one another. He gently guides himself to her opening, slowly pushing all of himself in, a moan escapes his lips, he had missed this so much.
And then, he made love to her, for the first time in his life, he made love. He poured every single thing that he felt for her into each rolling thrust of his body. Her soft moans felt like music to his ears, and they panted, their breaths falling insync, eyes never leaving each others. Their hands interlaced on either side of her face, noses bumping from time to time. He savored every last second of it.
They did it again and again. Making love into the early hours of the morning until sunlight peaked through the blinds of the guest room. He couldn't sleep, he had refused to sleep. He had refused to do anything besides draw the night out for as long as he could.
"I am sorry y/n, for everything," its the first thing he says to break the silence, they hadn't spoken in hours, just kissed and touched and made love.... Held each other.
"I forgive you," she says quietly. "I won't give up you know," she mumbles then, her eyes are closed, head on his chest like it had been the night she first told him that she loved him. He knew what she meant, and he believed her, he trusted that she wouldn't give up on him. Even if he continued to push her away. A few long moments of silence pass as he tries to gather the courage for what he wants to say.
"If you let me," he swallowed the lump in his throat, pushed down the nerves. "I'd like to... Start fresh," he struggled, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. "Do everything the right way this time."
She doesn't say a word though, she's already sleeping peacefully, blissfully in his arms.
a/n: IM SCREAMING ! my heart is on the floor. thoughts?!
also this hasn't been proof read yet cus i just wanted to post it so if you see any mistakes ill get to it eventually
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