#I COULD make my own pretzels but sonic....
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an-aura-about-you · 4 months ago
world hard and cold pretzel warm and soft.
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thatgayb1tchwhosimps4her · 2 years ago
As an autistic person, I can't stop thinking about autistic!van x autistic!reader and helping each other with struggles and all that.
What do you think?
Hi there, also as an autistic person I absolutely adore the concept of autistic!Van x autistic!reader, so I'm gonna write these out as head-cannons, since I have many thoughts on it.
Also I am gonna elaborate more on some of these in the Van x Reader fic I have lined up, so yeah, look out for that if you're interested.
Quick disclaimer: I've only been diagnosed recently (but have pretty much known I am for the last year, I just needed stuff filled out etc, so I could finally have a proper diagnosis), so I'm pretty new at understanding my autistic traits, and if they are to do with my autism or are just me in general, so this is gonna be based off my own experiences and what I've seen about autistic traits.
Also I may have accidently integrated dating head-cannons or general Van head-cannons, since I couldn't really tell the difference, so enjoy those as well if there are any.
@zhivaxo @kyleeservopoulos
🧡Autistic!Adult!Van Head-Cannons🧡
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Safe/Comfort Foods: PB and J's, Donuts, Cinnamon Rolls (any pastries really), Pretzels, Pop Tarts (doesn't really have a favourite flavour but absolutely hates the strawberry ones, although that could just be me deflecting), Chocolate Chip cookies, Twizzlers.
That sort of stuff.
When you went through a baking/cooking hyper-fixation (or bake/cook in general), you made sure all the recipes catered to both of your food preference's.
This includes the time you made huge batches of different types cookies, (chocolate chip, which Van loved the most, was the main favourite) and you now make them for her when she gets sad to cheer her up.
She also carries a pouch of sour gummy bears wherever she goes (as a grounding technic I guess), in case she gets anxious or overwhelmed when she's not at home (which I do and it works every time, in case people wanna do that and know how well that works).
Watches video tapes of her favourite shows/movies from the 90's to help comfort her when she goes non-verbal and when she occasionally has meltdowns over different things (usually things that upset or stress her out).
She loved horror movies pre-crash (she still does a bit, but prefers not to since she's already kind of lived through one), and would watch them religiously (Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Hellraiser, Evil Dead, The Shining, etc).
She also watched Scream 1 and 2 once everyone got rescued, to catch up in a way, but realised that horror movies didn't feel the same as before.
Definitely listens to vinyl records and cassette tapes of bands/singers she listened to pre-crash (I imagine her listening to ABBA, The Clash, Queen, Blondie, The Cure, Nirvana maybe, that sort of music), and that helped her cope after everyone was rescued and help her in general when she's under or overwhelmed.
I also think she'd be a bit of a secret Swiftie (only you and maybe a couple others knowing that she is), more of a Fearless, Speak Now and Folklore Swiftie compared to her other albums, but still doesn't mind them.
Plays retro games she grew up with/genuinely finds interesting (Pac-Man, Super Mario, Tetris, Sonic the Hedgehog etc) to reset her mindset when she's overwhelmed (also maybe as a little bit of a regression).
General Autistic Traits/Head-Cannons:
She hates the noises of fireworks and thunder/lightning (since they remind her of the crash and almost being turned into a human marshmallow, twice), so she has to wear noise-cancelling headphones during firework displays and storms, but loves lying in bed watching the actual sparks of them.
This girl is prone to bumps and scrapes, so an extensive, assorted collection of plasters/band-aids (whatever you call them) is necessary.
Animal ones, flower ones, food ones, cartoon ones, even plain white ones that she loves letting you doodle on.
You name it, she's got them.
She always used to make sure, before she opens the store and after she closes for the day, that the video tapes she has in her store are stacked right alphabetical and genre.
You even made signs saying "Please put back where you found them" that you put up around the tape displays, to help out with it so Van doesn't stress or overthink about it too much.
Sunday's in the store are usually very quite, so she dedicates that day for restocking whatever needs restocking (I don't really know how that stuff works, so imagine what you will), which tends to be stressful. So you always make sure you have her favourite snacks, drinks, music and movies (maybe even a cold case of beer if she needs it), are on hand at the end of the day, just in case she needs them at the end of the day to cool off.
As seen in the show (which I also do), she uses film/tv show quotes during conversations, and mixes them up when she gets upset or overwhelmed.
Definitely has a pack of sticky notes and several pens in her back pocket at all times as a communication system in case she goes non-verbal.
She even uses them to write small notes with love hearts on around the house, sometimes even in your bag, which she insists is necessary (for reasons she changes or adds on to each time you talk about it).
This took a lot longer then I thought it would, but I hope you enjoyed reading and I'll see you in the next one.
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bleadmaxille · 3 years ago
I’m Getting Suspicious of the New Character~
In case you want to get into the movie “Sonic the Hedgehog 2″ blind to some extent, I’ll put this ramble under a “Read More” since it includes a new clip from the movie!
Note: I am unsure of his name so I will keep referring to him as “the new character” for safety.
First off, when I saw that there would be another actor/character added into the human cast, I didn’t think too much of it- most of my brain thought they just needed someone to fill in the role of Rachel’s partner since she happens to get married in the movie.
.... but that small part of me thought 
“Actually wait, the Sonic Movie Team aren’t the type to ‘add things just because ‘why not’’ ” 
since I genuinely think the Sonic Cinematic Universe aka. SCU is quite meticulously made with careful planning and careful decisions, whether those details are explicit or blending into the background.
Thus, with that in mind, I decided to wait for more announcements/clips/trailers that could give more info, I couldn’t help but think there’s more to him than just “Rachel’s future husband.”
And then the official Sonic Movie Twitter account dropped new posters! They look neat! and side note: THEY GAVE DONUT LORD, PRETZEL LADY, AGENT STONE AND EVEN RACHEL THEIR OWN POSTERS?!?! RESPECT, SONIC MOVIE TEAM, YOU HAVE MY RESPECT just an fyi, I adore the human characters in the SCU so this made me happy!
and then I saw the new character get a poster of his own as well.
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My first reaction was 
“Oh neat! They didn’t leave him out~! Although personally I would have liked a liiitle bit of a clip in some tv spot or trailer for `Crazy Carl or Wade Whipple or~”
and then I stopped myself. Because I started thinking 
It FELT like a big deal to me (and it still does now!) because I originally thought he has a very minor role, similar to Crazy Carl, Wade Whipple, Rachel’s daughter Jojo (but don’t get me wrong, I am more than down for those minor characters to appear too). I believed so hard he was just needed to make the background more full- BUT NO NO NO, IM STARTING TO BELIEVE HE HAS A BIGGER PURPOSE CUZ THE SCU TEAM SEEM TO BE PRETTY PARTICULAR ABOUT DETAIL, NGL
But then that leads to the question
“If he DOES have a bigger role to fill, what IS that role?”
SO SO at this point, new character is officially in my sights due to my brain going hyperdrive over what he could add to the table. Unfortunately, his solo poster itself is not enough for me to get a feel of what his personality/motives could possibly be, so I decided to look out for more content
.... WHICH FORTUNATELY WASNT TOO LONG! Because as of the time I scrolled through the #sonic movie tag here on Tumblr (literally a bit before I started typing this ramble), I discovered that Donut Lord’s actor, aka. James Marsden, was interviewed and during said interview there was a revealed clip! I found it intriguing because I don’t think we got a Tom-centered or human-character centered clip from the movie that doesn’t include Robotnik or Agent Stone or even Sonic! Plus it ALSO happens to feature solely in the venue for Rachel’s wedding, which I think we only saw glimpses of in other and bigger trailers and teasers.
So in the clip, it takes place in (what I’m almost completely sure is) the venue for Rachel’s wedding. It starts off with the new character talking with Tom and telling Tom that “seriously bro, you got some work to do” with Rachel, meaning he is aware of Rachel’s distaste of Tom. And then Rachel and Maddie stand up and join their lovers’ sides, with Rachel telling Tom she is GLAD he is with them for the wedding (cough cough LIAR cough) and that she OFFERS TO “Bury the hatchet” with Tom, aka. become more friendly with each other (cough cough SOUNDS LIKE A LIE). Buuut then cue Rachel “hugging” Tom and then whispering to his ear that if he ruins her ending she “will end him.” AND TOM IS VISIBLY NOT OK WITH THAT.
What I wanna to mention here from this clip is that, while its solely based on my own judgment, the new character feels .... sketchy to me. I’m not entirely sure yet, to be honest, but he just feels ... off.
As in, “this guy’s gotta have some bigger role or hidden motives” type of off.
I could definitely be overthinking this, but my brain thinks he’s sounding “salty” or “tense” while talking to Tom, like he has something against him.
Admittedly, I don’t really have much to go off on XD so this ramble is simply me ranting over what is nothing but speculation at the moment.
So yes, I will have to wait and watch the movie to make any more judgements since we technically already got the “final” trailer for it (understandably because it is VERY near to the movie’s theatrical release.)
At the meantime, what do YOU guys think about him and what are your predictions? Will he just be a minor character filling in the background or have a bigger role to play? Maybe even offer a shock/surprise element? 
(Maybe even .... have a secret motive related to a notable group of people, like, lets say, G.U.N.?!)
BUT AGAIN, just speculation HAHAHAH alright take care and thanks for reading! IM SO EXCITED FOR THE MOVIE~
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thebigpalooka · 5 years ago
you’re not my dad (redemption arc)
I was gonna tack this onto @humanityinahandbag​‘s post but I’m not good with computers so I’m just posting this on its own, but to be clear, this is a follow-up to her amazing wonderful-awful half-drabble right here because I recognize my complicity in this crime.  However, when I offered to ruin her day, I was VERY CLEAR that when I lay my hand on something, everything turns out okay in the end.
So, for my own personal little version, read on.
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Funny how, in spite of it all, it never occurred to him to do anything but go up to his room.  How after everything he’d shouted, he obeyed without a word because if he opened his mouth again now -
“I can’t believe you’re making such a big deal out of this, you’re always telling me what to do all the time!”
“Yeah, well, that’s my job, dude!”
“No it’s not!”
“Uh, it kind of *is*, and you better make it *your* job to start listening.”
“You’re not -”
He squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to remember that part.  He’d never seen Tom look like that, didn’t know what it meant, exactly, only that it was bad. And Tom was an adult; he shouldn’t have been able to make him look that way, had wielded a power he didn’t even know he had, and it felt just as damaging as the last time he’d exploded.
He moved to sit on the bed, then on the floor, then finally ended up in the beanbag, curled almost into an actual ball.  He couldn’t visualize, in that moment, all those trips it had taken to bring his things up here from the woods, couldn’t see Maddie smoothing out the comforter they’d picked out, couldn’t see Tom balanced on the ladder as he tacked up christmas lights.  He only remembered that the bean bag was his, so he didn’t have to feel guilty there.  
He felt guilty anyway; it oozed up from the inside and pooled in his gut when he heard footsteps on the attic stairs.
When both of them topped the steps, he knew it was real, real bad.  He clenched his fists, and as they eased to sit down on the floor in front of him, he sat up straight, panic spilling his thoughts out into words as fast as they formed.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay?  I’m really sorry.  I don’t know why I said it, but it didn’t mean anything, so I’m sorry.  And we can forget about it, right?  I can follow the rules, and we don’t have to talk about it, okay?”
“I just don’t see why it has to be a big deal!”  He darted a look up at them before focusing on picking at a piece of duct tape he’d stuck over a tear in the bean bag.  “People say dumb things all the time, and I won’t do it again, so -”
“Bud, this is serious,” Tom interrupted again, a little more firmly.  
He squeezed his eyes shut.  “...I know, but - look, I’ll make it my job to start listening, just like you said, so - so -”
“Hey.”  A warm hand landed on his shoulder and his eyes flashed open, bright electric blue.  Terrified.  
Tom looked scared too.
“Honey, calm down.”  Maddie’s voice seemed close and distant all at once.  “Take a breath.  Slowly, okay?”  She smiled faintly.  “I know that’s kind of not your thing, but….”  They waited until he snorted an awkward breath and huffed it out again.  “There you go.”  
“Sonic, I’m not talking about what you said when you were mad.  I’m talking about what you said in the garage.”
His reeling thoughts locked up.  The garage?  The garage?  What had he said in the garage?  Then he remembered, and he felt hot and icy all over.
Are you gonna make…
Please just…
Don’t make me go, okay?
They waited a second before Tom spoke again.  “Is that….”  His voice was husky.  He cleared his throat.  “...is that something you’ve been thinking about?  About us send - sending you away?”  His voice cracked again and he winced.  Maybe all three of them did, hearing it out loud.
“No,” Sonic lied.  Didn’t know why.  “...I mean, sometimes, maybe.  I dunno.”  A shrug, like it was the most natural thing in the world.  It was, right?
Tom and Maddie exchanged a look.  God, god, god, they’d thought about it too.  He clenched his fists again, and they trembled with the strain of sitting still.  He could’ve been up and out the skylight and into the woods in a second flat.  Heck, he could grab a few things on the way out.
“How long have you been worrying about that?” Maddie asked.  Her voice was so gentle that he had to swallow back the lump in his throat before he did something embarrassing, like cry.  He shrugged.
“I’m - pft, I’m not worried about it.”  Another lie.  He smiled a smile that felt as tight as a strained rubber band.  “I’m just… I’m….”  He clunked his shoes together.  The words came out like a fast train.  “....I like it here and it’s really cool, and I’m really glad you guys let me live here, so I wanna be a good - you know.”  
But he didn’t know.
Tom ran a hand over his hair, letting out a long breath.  Maddie rubbed his arm and Sonic felt vaguely jealous.
“I’m sorry.”  A muscle tightened in Tom’s jaw.  “...I’m really sorry, buddy.”
Sonic stared.  “...For what?” he almost whispered. 
Here it comes.
“I sh….”  He stopped.  Maddie’s hand had paused on his arm; she moved it to stroke his shoulder.  He cleared his throat again and for a second, Sonic had the sudden and bizarre sensation like Tom was gonna cry, himself.  Until that moment, it had never occurred to him such a thing was even possible.  When he spoke again, his voice sounded almost normal, but the awareness remained.  “...I should’ve made sure you never had to worry about that.  I messed up.  And I hope you can forgive me.”
For once, he was speechless.  Tom shifted forward, settling a hand on each shoulder.  The touch made his chest tighten again.  “Sonic.  No matter what happens, no matter how mad somebody gets or what anybody says, nobody is ever - ever gonna send you away.”
“This is your home, sweetheart.”  Maddie squinted, reading his gaze to make sure he was listening.  “It’s our home.  All of us.”  She found one of his hands, resting limply against his knee, and squeezed it in her own.
“We may not understand all of it yet, exactly.  But we’re a family.”  Tom lifted his brows, paused to let the word fill up the silence.   “Ozzie and me and Maddie and you.”
He felt dizzy.  Lightheaded.  He felt like he was gonna puke.  He felt too embarrassed to go on living.  He felt like a stone statue and he felt like he was going to fly apart into a million pieces.  It felt like a gazillion pounds of lead had just poured out of his shoes.  Like his head was gonna pop off on a spring like a jack-in-the-box.
“...Y-yeah, I know that,” he lied once more, slowly this time.  “I know that.  We’re … we’re like a family.”
“We’re not like a family.  This is our family.”  Maddie swung his hand back and forth a little.  “Sometimes a family is - you know - a pretzel lady, a donut lord and a blue blur.  Right?”
“Makes sense to me.”  Tom studied him.  “...Make sense to you?”
The hand that wasn’t closed in Maddie’s was closed in Tom’s.  He didn’t remember when that had happened, but he was clasping it so tight that he could feel his knuckles straining against his glove.
“Yeah.  Of course.  Sure.”  It wasn’t a lie this time.  He still felt like crying, though.  He shifted away and they let him do it, releasing his hands. He tucked them around his legs again.  “That’s cool.  I’m - yeah.  I mean that’s awesome.  Of course we’re - we’re a family.  That’s - you guys are  - I mean, we’re the best family.”
“Good.  We think so too.  So that means we’re sticking together.  Even if we have arguments or something crazy happens.”
“Crazy?  In this family? Pfft.  Not likely.”  Tom grinned.  Sonic knew it was his benefit, and smiled back, or came the closest he could when his stomach was still turning flip-flops.  Maddie smiled too.
“We’re a team.  No matter what.”
“Yeah.  Okay.  Cool.”  He looked at his shoes.  “...Thanks, you guys.”  
There was an awkward pause.
Maddie understood before either of the boys did.  She let out a breath.  “Well.  I better go check on Ozzie - I bet he’s gonna want outside.  Then we can decide what we wanna make for dinner, okay?”
“Y-yeah, sure.  Sounds great.”  Sonic froze as she bent and kissed his forehead.  Made him feel warm and squirmy all over, but he was glad.  She brushed her fingers against his ear with a smile and then rose to retreat quickly down the stairs.  Even then, Sonic didn’t quite know if she’d understood how hard it was to talk in front of just one person, let alone two, but as Tom rose, looking faintly confused, and began to follow her, Sonic managed to work up enough nerve.  He jumped to his feet.
“H-hey, donut lord... about… about that other thing I said….”  
Tom stopped.  Sonic waited for him to say something, but he didn’t.  He swallowed.  “...I really am sorry.  I didn’t mean it.”
Tom nodded.  “It’s okay.  Everybody says things they don’t mean when they get mad,” he murmured.  
Sonic squirmed.  “Yeah, I know, but - I … I really...really didn’t mean it.  Um.”  He squeezed a pop out of one knuckle.  “It’s just that, if it wasn’t for you, I’d be puking up mushrooms full time by now and … a-and besides that, you’re pretty much the coolest person I know, and I have an extremely developed instinct for coolness, it’s kind of like a sixth sense, really-”
Tom’s face twisted with amusement and emotion at odds with one another.  “Sonic....”
Sonic shook his head, letting his hands talk in a bigger and bigger arc.  “A-and it doesn’t really matter what it is, because we know what it is, don’t we?  It’s just our thing, our cool guy thing, that’s all, but I just don’t wanna let you down.  Okay?  Look, all I’m saying is, you’re my favorite person.  And not in a weird way, it’s totally, totally cool -”
“Sonic.”  Tom dropped to one knee so that they were eye-to-eye.  His smile was humiliating.  And great.  “...I feel the same way.  I love you, bud.”
Strong arms drew him in and hugged him.  For a second, he was scared he’d blow up the whole house.  But that didn’t happen, and so instead, he shut his eyes tight and stretched his arms as far as they’d go and held on tight.  And he mumbled it back, whispered it into Tom’s shirt because he couldn’t say it any louder, but they were so close, it was perfectly, perfectly clear.
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humanityinahandbag · 5 years ago
sonic the hedgehog: the key to my heart
I have decided that giving him his room would not be the most emotional thing they could do as new parents.
Giving him a house key?
Solidifying that he has access to their home (because it’s his too) at any time he so chooses?
That - that would break me.
Maddie casually making sure he has everything for school, quickly saying, “before we forget, honey! Put these in your backpack, okay?”
“What are they.”
“House keys. You need your own just in case we’re not home before you.”
And he’d stare at the little group of keys in his hand. They’d attached them to one of those charm keychains. The kitschy kind you get at the mall. Tom had gone and picked them out. A smiling hedgehog, a rainbow donut, and a bedazzled pretzel. 
And all Sonic would be able to do was stare and stare and stare. 
When Maddie asks, “Sonic? You alright?” she does it as if she hadn’t been emotional the day before, hiding them in a drawer, preparing for how she’d hand them over. 
And Sonic, without words would walk forward a step or two and press his face into her stomach. 
She felt the sniffle and the way her shirt prickled with something wet. Wound her arms around him, mindful of the quills. “Aw, honey,” she’d say, dipping her head low enough to press her face into the fluff on top of his head. “S’okay.” 
They’d stay there long enough that he’d wind up being late for school. 
Neither of them cared. 
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alison-anonymous · 5 years ago
flawsome bandits pt. 1 ♡ sonic
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Flawsome First Meetings
Hello, my darlings and WELCOME to my second multi-part fanfic, Flawsome Bandits (a Sonic the Hedgehog Movie! x Reader). I have not yet finished the second chapter of this story yet, and I’m currently trying to prewrite these chapters so I can update them along the way, but I wanted to get the first one out to all of my patient darlings as soon as possible! Please let me know what you think, the love always encourages me to write more ;) Love you all, please enjoy!
Warnings: none
If you've ever had amnesia, you'd know that things seem very quick.
Little flashbacks of what you're guessing to be your backstory come back in little spurts that never last long enough and are gone too soon. They leave huge, gaping holes in your background information from what your favorite color is to who your parents were. Try your story on for size.
You were Y/n Wachowski. A sassy, quick-witted teenage girl with a love for speed and a sharp tongue. Parents? Unknown. Distant relatives? Undiscovered. Hometown? Who the fuck knows. You were sent to live with the Wachowski's as your permanent foster parents after you were discovered wandering around the woods by a couple of hikers. They said that they found you wearing a ripped and dirty jumpsuit with pastel colors that looked like it was ten times smaller than your size. When they had tried to confront you, it was almost as if you couldn't hear them, your mouth open and unspeaking. Eyes wandering, glossy and unseeing. 
You couldn't remember much about your past. Most of the time it was like looking at a blank sheet of paper, ready to get into the printer but it's out of ink. After being diagnosed with a concussion and severe amnesia, you were seen as unfit to take care of yourself, so that was how you ended up with the Wachowskis. But just because you were lucky enough to have loving and patient foster parents didn't mean that you had an answer to every question they asked. You had no idea what your favorite color was, what you liked to do in your free time, or even if you were a night owl. 
It was like you didn't even remember who you were. Like you had just been born, only you weren't a baby and were instead a teenager. It got incredibly lonely being a child with no memories, and the kids at school found you very creepy. But it was okay. Tom and Maddie made sure to give you as much love as was humanly possible, and when the bullying at school got to the point where they would follow you home, they switched you to homeschooling. 
It appeared that you not only had no existing memories of your past, but you also had barely any idea how things on earth worked. Whenever someone mentioned examinations, vaccines, bucket lists, and even governmental agencies, you had no clue what they were talking about. 
Not everyone was as patient as Tom and Maddie were, unfortunately. Most people would assume that you were kidding when you asked them what a protractor was or why people ride animals. It all seemed so strange and new to you, like Tarzan when he was visiting the human world and not the ape land he was familiar with. But out of it all, there was one thing that you became absolutely fascinated with. 
The faster, the better. You seemed to have an unchecked need for speed that tickled at your mind every time you got behind the wheel. Whenever Tom allowed it, you'd take the truck or his old squad motorcycle out for a spin in the abandoned corn fields where you could do as many tricks as you wanted without putting anyone else in danger. One of your favorites was driving backwards. 
It's during one of those days where our story finally begins. The Montana sun was high up in the sky, beating down its scorching rays onto the untouched pavement. A flock of birds fled for the telephone polls in an attempt to escape from the ever increasing sound of revving coming from the abandoned corn field near Crazy Carl's traps for the supposed "Blue Devil." In the midst of the dead and crusty corn stalks, there sat a young girl on a very old squad motorcycle. Her hair fluttered gently in the slight breeze running through the air, a pair of sunglasses perched delicately atop her nose in the absence of a helmet. Before her stood a makeshift riser composed of some old wooden slabs she had "borrowed" from an old tree house a little ways south. A smirk played across her lips as she kicked up the bike's kickstand and revved the engine. 
"Alright, Y/n, if you make this jump, you'll be the most famous girl in Green Hills…" Her words got lost in the wind as she took a deep breath and began to ride towards the jump, her speed increasing with every passing second. The distance began to decrease, her growing closer and closer until an abnormal electric blue blur zipped past her. Startled, she swerved, momentarily losing control of her bike as she slowed to a stop, planting her boots firmly on the ground. Chest heaving, she flipped her sunglasses up onto her forehead and slipped off of the bike, looking around the empty field to see if she hit anything. 
What was that? She wondered. 
Unbeknownst to her, a couple feet away from her, hidden deep within some dehydrated bushes was a royal blue hedgehog. He had been on his way back to his cave after taking a turtle for a little joy ride down the interstate when he spotted his favorite human on earth, Star Chaser. She was the most amazing girl he had ever seen, and lived with Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady. He would make it a priority to hang out with her every time she was out practicing her racing tricks, a dopey grin spreading on his face every time he saw her ecstatic smile. She just never knew he was there. 
More than anything, he wished that he could get to hang out with her just once. Just for one day, spent full of speeding down the empty country roads and flying over makeshift jumps and laughing about the funny faces they made from the wind hitting their skin. But he knew better. He had to stay hidden, just like Longclaw said. Never stop running, and always stay hidden… alone. 
There was something about her that just drew him to her, something familiar. He watched with caution as Star Chaser searched the field a bit more, her footfalls making satisfying crunching sounds on the long gone plants. Her beautiful e/c eyes searched the grounds before her for whatever had interrupted her practice. Finally, after she was satisfied with not having hit anything, she got back onto the cycle, flipped her sunglasses back on, and zipped away, leaving a trail of smoky exhaust in her wake.
The blue hedgehog zoomed back to his cave himself, dodging trees and bushes with expertise. The whole time he ran, he couldn't prevent his mind from wondering what life might be like if he were somehow able to live alongside the humans. If he could have a conversation with Star Chaser that didn't exist in his imagination, to maybe even discover why she seemed so familiar. What would life be like if he didn't have to hide? 
Just when things finally start getting familiar, the concept of moving decides to rear its ugly head in. Y/n had found out that her foster dad got a promotion, a job in another city with a higher ranking and a wider variety of donut holes to snack on. That meant that they were going to have to leave Green Hills. 
But, knowing her, she shoved the grief and frustration so far down inside her until it became nonexistent. Maddie had left on a trip to see her sister, leaving Y/n and Tom alone. They had had a freak power outage the night before, leaving Tom a bit on edge. His phone kept ringing off the hook as his coworker was just a bit dependent on him, and had no idea if he should just ignore the 911 phone calls or pick them up. 
“Remind me to drive by the library tomorrow,” Y/n set down her latest novel on the counter by the car keys. She watched as Tom stole a bit of frosting off of the cake and scrunched up her nose at the lack of sanitation. “I need to return this before we get fined.” 
Tom nodded just as his phone began ringing. He held up a finger to his daughter and leaned against the counter, lifting up the phone to his ear as he began to talk to his wife. Y/n turned to the fridge and was trying to decide whether or not she was hungry or just bored as she did her best to not listen to them talking about the move. Just as she was about to reach for the watermelon, a loud clattering noise came from outside. Tom and Y/n exchanged an alarmed glance and quickly shuffled over to the window, childishly trying to shove each other out of the way so they could get a good look. 
“Shit,” Y/n swore as she took in the knocked over trash bins sitting next to the garage.
“Watch your potty mouth,” Tom scolded, but a smile still stayed on his lips. “The racoons are back.” Y/n watched as he quickly turned towards one of the junk drawers and pulled out Maddie’s bear tranquilizer gun. She snorted. 
“You better not be using my tranquilizer gun,” she heard Maddie’s voice say over the speaker. “That’s for bears.”
“Good,” Tom grinned as he loaded up the machine. “Now I know it’ll work. Y/n, stay inside.” Y/n scoffed as he hung up the phone and opened up the back door. Yes, of course she was going to stay safely inside like a crappy sidekick and miss the potential action of scaring trash pandas half to death. Grabbing an extra flashlight, she raced out after her dad to see him pressed up against the side of the shed, holding the gun and flashlight near his face. He jumped once she saddled up next to him, putting her flashlight in front of her like her own makeshift gun.
“I thought I told you to stay inside,” He narrowed his brows. To his dismay, Y/n only shrugged.
“You did. I didn’t listen,” she grinned, making it obvious that he had no other choice than to let her stay. He sighed, but nevertheless nodded. On a quick countdown from three, the two burst into the shed, waving their flashlights around like mad men.
“Green Hills PD, put your paws up!” Tom hollered. Y/n slowly made her way out from behind him, flashing her light around the empty room until it finally came to a stop. Her eyes widened in shock and her jaw nearly dropped to the floor as she tried to make sense of what exactly she was looking at. An electric blue creature wearing white gloves and tennis shoes stood before them, holding what looked like a gold wedding ring between his forefinger and thumb. She couldn’t tell what was stranger: the fact that he existed or the fact that he seemed oddly familiar. The creature’s green eyes flashed from hers to her father’s before he let out a small, nervous chuckle. 
“Uhh, meow?” 
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And then, Tom screamed. His fear and the sudden introduction of the loud noise caused Y/n to scream, too, which finally led to the little blue creature screaming. But the longer Y/n stared at it, the more she began to experience a slight hint of deja vu. She couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that she had seen this thing before. 
“Wait,” she whispered, barely loud enough for her dad to hear, but the blue creature’s ears perked up. He turned his attention back to her and the second they locked eyes, the same sense of familiarity began coursing through his veins. After all of those days spent watching her from afar, how did he never notice the e/c eyes? Where had he seen them before?
Unfortunately, Tom just had to go and ruin the moment by pulling the trigger on the tranq gun. 
“Dad, no!” Y/n cried, but it was already too late as the dart sank into the blue creature’s thigh. They could only watch as the animal looked down at the needle in his leg and slowly looked back up with a hurt glare.
“Ow,” he whined, his eyes already beginning to lose their concentration. Y/n was about to take a step towards the creature, but Tom wrapped his hand around her arm to stop her. The creature’s eyes floated over Tom’s shirt, zeroing in on the words that littered the old fabric. “San… Fran…sisco?” He muttered. The ring he had been holding on to loosely slipped from his fingers, and began rolling across the floor. As its velocity increased, it began expanding, deying all laws of logic as a portal overlooking the given city appeared. Y/n and Tom’s jaws dropped to the floor as they watched the creature stumble, dropping his little bag through the portal and collapsing onto the ground. Y/n’s heart ached for the poor thing as she fought to get out of her father’s grasp in order to help him. 
Within seconds, the portal closed up, eliminating the slight wind that had appeared. “N-No…” The creature whimpered before finally passing out. A thick silence crossed over the three as Tom’s grip on Y/n’s arm loosened, both humans trying to figure out what the heck they just witnessed. 
“What the actual fuck?” Y/n breathed. 
“Yes. Let’s shoot the poor thing and then put him in a cage,” Y/n rolled her eyes sarcastically, watching as her father poked the blue creature resting inside of their dog’s old cage. She batted at his hand, and gave him a death glare, but he just sighed. 
“Come on, kid, what if he’s an alien?” Tom asked incredulously, turning back to the sleeping creature. He nudged its head with a metal spatula and sighed. 
“I don’t know…” Y/n sighed, resting her head on her knuckle. I mean, she had to admit he was kind of… cute. The nostalgia that he was causing was just an added complication. There was something about his entire being that seemed eerily familiar to her, but she couldn’t for the life of her figure out why. Tom slowly withdrew something that had fallen onto the padding; an electric blue quill. The two slowly leaned closer to inspect the object, noting the little blue bolts of electricity that whizzed across its surface. It absolutely fascinated Y/n, while Tom seemed a little more apprehensive. He turned away from the cage and set it down on the counter, running a hand over his face. 
“This is nuts,” he whispered. Y/n took the opportunity to get a little closer to the being, scanning his body with careful eyes. She debated reaching through the bars to touch him, but before she had a chance to, his eyes slowly popped open. Her eyes widened and she stayed perfectly still as he pushed himself up to a standing position and made his way to open the cage. Her breath catches in her throat as he finally looks up at her and gives her a small, sheepish smile, stumbling out onto the counter top. Even in the given circumstances, the only thing that the girl can think of is how absolutely adorable he is. 
...wait, what?
“Star Chaser?” Y/n quickly turned her attention back to the present and furrowed her brows in confusion. Who was Star Chaser? “Donut Lord?” The blue being slurred, holding on to the cage for support. Tom swiveled around at the sound and scoffed.
“So the Blue Devil can talk. You’re not here to abduct us are you?” 
“YOU abducted ME,” the Blue Devil replied defensively, pressing his hand against his chest. Y/n rolled her eyes and stepped between the two, looking the being in the eyes. 
“I am very sorry for that-”
“Why are you apologizing to it?!” Tom cried, running his hands through his hair incredulously. Y/n just rolled her eyes. 
“I told him to just leave you alone. But, if I may ask, who are you and why were you in our shed?” She finished. Tom facepalmed behind her while the Blue Devil did his best to concentrate his fatigue on the beautiful girl standing before him. Gosh, her eyes were pretty…
“I-I needed a safe place, and Donut Lord’s house was the only place I could think of, Star Chaser!” 
“Why does he keep calling me Donut Lord?” Tom asked warily, slowly reaching for the tranq gun. Y/n quickly shot him a glare and he let out an annoyed huff. Even though he was her foster father, they acted like siblings with good-hearted and frequent quarrels. 
“Because you talk to donuts,” the Blue Devil explained. “And then eat them when they get out of line.” Y/n snorted, trying her best to contain her laughter by pressing the back of her hand to her mouth. She didn’t notice the small smile that formed on the blue hedgehog’s face as Tom shrugged, nodding his head slightly. 
“Fair. Why is she Star Chaser?” The Blue Devil got a distant look on his face, a small, thoughtful smile still lingering on his lips.
“I’ve watched her race out in the fields. It’s amazing how fast she can go. Sometimes I wonder if she’s trying to chase the stars out of the sky…” A soft smile slowly formed on your lips at his words. No one had ever talked about you like that before. 
The distant look on his face was suddenly replaced by one with worry. His eyes began frantically glancing around the room, Y/n being able to practically see the alarms going off in his head. “Wait, where are my… Why am I still on earth? Oh no, I lost my rings!” 
“Rings?” Y/n furrowed her brows in confusion. Just then, a loud rumbling sound came from outside. It had such an impact that it shook the entire house, startling the chimes that Maddie had hung up above the sink. The three looked around in confusion.
“What’s happening? Is this your mothership?” Tom began panicking, walking briskly around the table towards the window. He jabbed an accusing finger at the nervous hedgehog. “I do NOT want my daughter getting probed.”
“Dad, stop,” Y/n sighed, following him towards the window. “You’re the one who abducted him. Can’t you be just a little bit sentimental?”
“Thanks,” the hedgehog muttered just loud enough for Y/n to hear. She stood next to her foster dad at the window and peered out the glass. A giant grey vehicle that had been passing stopped and began backing up towards their driveway.
“What the hell kind of make is that?” Y/n muttered. The Blue Devil was by their side in a second and was peering through the window too. Once he caught sight of the ginormous lab van, he let out a squeak and pulled the white curtains shut.
“They’re after me!”
“Who’s after you?” Y/n questioned in concern. She got pushed behind Tom as he stood protectively in front of her, eyeing the Blue Devil suspiciously.
“And what does that have to do with us?” 
“I don’t have time to explain, but you have to help me!” He pleaded. Y/n felt her heart sink for the creature, her instant gut feeling telling her that they had to help him. He was in danger, albeit he was apparently a runaway. Unfortunately, Tom had different ideas as he furiously shook his head.
“No, we don’t!”
“But Dad-”
“Y/n, enough,” Tom ended her protests sternly. He turned back to the blue hedgehog and furrowed his brows, wondering what reason he could possibly have that would need them to help him. “Why should we help you?”
“Well, my legs, which normally would be classified as legal weapons, feel like spaghetti. I need your help, please! It’s life or death.” The Blue Devil’s green eyes pleaded to Tom. Y/n slowly made her way out from behind her dad and glanced down at him. He knew exactly what to say in order to get Tom to help him, didn’t he? It was almost as if he had been there all of those times when Tom was wishing for someone to come to him in their time of need. His facade crumbled and he caved in almost instantly.
“Alright, fine. Y/n, take him up to the attic. I’ll take a look at what’s going on outside.” Tom ordered. Y/n nodded and motioned for the blue hedgehog to follow her. They quickly scampered towards the stairs, and as they began to walk quietly up the flights, Y/n noticed two things. One, Crazy Carl was right after all. The little “Blue Devil” was a lot larger than she had expected him to be, measuring up to be about half of her height. And two, the thing was having a horrific time walking. With a strangely racing heart, Y/n slowed down her pace and offered her hand to the being. He gave her a small smile and accepted it, wrapping his gloved hand around her own. 
“My actual name is Y/n, by the way,” she finally spoke in an attempt to break the hurried silence. “But I like Star Chaser better.” He smiled beside her, trying to figure out why the girl before him seemed so familiar.
“I just thought it suited you. My name’s Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog.”
“I knew you weren’t an alien,” Y/n said as she let go of his hand to pull down the ladder. She picked the hedgehog up and set him down gently inside the attic. His name kept ringing throughout her head on an endless loop, like it was supposed to bring back some big part of her life, but it always came back empty. She gave him a small smile and was about to head back down when he stopped her.
“Wait,” his dreamy green eyes were full of concern as he looked straight into Y/n’s. “Be careful.” 
Y/n appreciated how genuinely concerned he was for her safety. It was a beautiful gulp of fresh air amidst all of the others who thought she was crazy or weird. At least his sincerity made the fact that he had been basically stalking her and her family for a while now a little bit less creepy. Y/n gave him a reassuring smile and closed the attic door, racing all the way back down to the main floor where she skidded to a halt by the door. 
There was Tom, with some very strange looking man sporting a signature Man with the Bowler Hat mustache standing in the Y/n slowly approached her dad and watched as the man turned his attention towards her.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you had a daughter,” the man smiled creepily, sending shivers down her spine. She scrunched her nose as Tom wrapped his arm around her shoulder protectively.
“I have a name,” she raised her brows skeptically. “Y/n.” 
At the sound of her name, the man got a shocked look on his face, his eyes widening to the size of saucers as he stared intensely at her. Tom and Y/n exchanged confused glances before the man quickly snapped back into reality. 
“Y/n…” he repeated. “Interesting. Anyways, where was I? Oh, yes,” he suddenly propelled himself towards Tom, becoming very uncomfortably close to his face. Y/n slowly sank into her father’s arm in order to back away from the strange man. “I was spitting out formulas while you were still spitting up formula.”
“I was breastfed, actually,” Tom responded, mildly weirded out. Y/n’s face contorted in disgust. What the hell was this conversation?
“Nice,” he nodded. “Rub that in my orphan face.”
“Okay,” Y/n spoke up, finally having enough as she pushed the two apart. “Listen, I have no idea who you are and why you are here, but I think you should be leaving.”
“Ooh, fiesty one,” the man nodded, narrowing his eyebrows at you to the point that the folds on his forehead nearly overlapped one another. “Doctor Robotnik, I-”
A sudden thump sounded from the kitchen, startling the man enough to make him shut up. Tom and Y/n froze, running through every possible excuse in their minds as to what that could have been that wasn’t Sonic. Y/n turned to Robotnik and offered him the best sheepish smile she could muster.
“Um… Racoons?”
Robotnik gave her a fake smile and shouldered his way into the house. Y/n and Tom scrambled to follow him, praying to god that their little blue friend wasn’t sitting on the kitchen counter. Thankfully, once they reached the kitchen, they were greeted with a friendly racoon, shoveling handfuls of celebratory cake into its mouth. Y/n breathed a small sigh of relief through her mouth.
“See? Racoons.” Tom spoke defiantly, placing his hands on his hips. Y/n began to search the room quietly for any sign of Sonic while Robotnik was preparing to leave. They had almost gotten him out the door when he stopped and backtracked. In confusion, Y/n and Tom followed his gaze and their hearts stopped.
He slowly held up the lone electric blue quill for all to see.
“Looks like I was right,” a shit-eating grin formed on his face. “Note the lack of surprise.” He pointed to his monotone expression and Y/n could already tell that she fucking hated him. She slowly began to back away from him when a floating egg shaped orb harnessing a bright red laser became very interested in Tom. Y/n’s heart raced, back growing tense as she began to hesitantly back away until Robotnik gave her a warning glare. 
She wasn’t going anywhere.
“So, let’s try this again. Where. Is. It?”
“Look, man, leave her out of this. We have no idea what ‘it’ is,” Tom exclaimed, beginning to hold his hands up in surrender. Robonik simply shook his head and pushed some buttons on the gloves that he was wearing. 
“I hate liars. You have five seconds to tell me where it is. Five… Four…” He began to count down, Y/n only being able to watch in horror as the white orb came ever closer to her father, the menacing light flashing. Daring someone to challenge it. Tom stared, his facade crumbling with every second that was counted down, trying desperately to find a way out. Things were looking to death when a sudden electric blue blur shot out from behind the counter and stood in front of Y/n, hands outspread in protection.
“Wait!” Sonic cried. “Don’t hurt them!”
Y/n looked down at the little hedgehog in shock, and was startled when Robotnik let out the most girlish scream anyone had ever heard come from the pipes of a man. Then Tom punched him in the face. 
“Yes, go Dad!” Y/n whooped as the Doctor crumpled onto the floor, unconscious. Their victory was short lived, however, as the second she finished talking, she was dragged behind the counter by Sonic to avoid getting hit in the face by a laser beam. The three watched in horror as the Wachowski’s custom designed kitchen became destroyed by the angry red bots, shooting around with no instructions as their master was now taking a nap on the floor. Before Y/n even had the chance to ask what they should do, they noticed that Sonic was already missing. Looking frantically around the room, Tom motioned up to one of the kitchen cupboards, and sure enough, there was Sonic preparing to jump onto one of the bots that was probably scanning for their heat signatures or something equally significant. The two shook their heads rapidly, but Sonic simply gave them one of the most adorable sassy nods Y/n had ever seen. He leapt onto the robot, trying desperately to smack it as it spun around like a horse without a head.
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“This-was a… horrible idea!” Sonic screamed before he got flung off the robot, sailing through the air, and landing straight into Y/n’s arms. He offered her a sheepish smile, and Y/n rolled her eyes, a smile still playing across her lips. She set him down just in time to see her dad knock the bot out with a frying pan. It careened to a halt and collapsed onto the ground. 
“Alright,” Y/n nodded, kicking it once with the scuff of her shoe for good measure. “Shall we get out of here?”
“Yes, please.”
The three runaways were able to pull out of the driveway just as a bunch of other Men in Black vans were pulling up to the house. Tom sat behind the wheel while Sonic sported a shotgun, and Y/n crouched in the middle of the backseat with no seatbelt. Because this was living on the dark side, and on the dark side, we don’t wear seatbelts.
“Okay, so now that we aren’t running from scary doctors, what the hell is going on here?” Y/n asked, leaning forward on the console and resting her head in her hand as she turned to Sonic. He leaned his head back against the seat and sighed.
“Well, I just might have been the reason for that big power explosion… and now people after me. To make things worse, I lost my rings to a place that I’ve only ever seen on your dad’s skin tight T-shirt, and I have to make it to the Mushroom Planet or else I’m putting everyone here in danger.” He finally took in a deep gulp of air after pulling out that whole explanation in one breath. Y/n furrowed her brows in concern.
“Mushroom Planet?” Tom asked, his lips pressing into a firm line. 
“You must have lost them in San Francisco,” Y/n said. Suddenly, Tom jerked the wheel to the right and pulled off to the side of the road, unlocking the doors in the process.
“Alright, get out.” Y/n and Sonic stared at him in confusion.
“I’m sorry, what?” Sonic narrowed his eyes slightly. Tom leaned forwards and opened the passenger side door for him, running a hand down his face.
“Look, this is the worst time for me to be getting into trouble with the law and my daughter doesn’t really need a track record. So, you can go off and have good luck with finding your weird little Mushroom Planet. I’ll hopefully wake up in a hospital room soon with a successful colonoscopy and a happy, totally sane teenage daughter, so goodbye.”
“What? Dad!” Y/n started to object, her blood boiling in irritation at his insensitivity. Sonic shook his head and gave her a half-hearted smile as he slipped out of the car. 
“It’s okay, Y/n. Goodbye, I guess…” But instead of leaving, he just stood there. Staring. Y/n turns to stare at her father too to double the effect. 
“Why aren’t you leaving?” He groaned in frustration.
“How the hell is he supposed to know where San Francisco is?” Y/n laughs, and Tom sighs in defeat, knowing that she’s right. He gives her a half-assed glare, but as usual she was refusing to back down. Sonic doesn’t notice the small smile forming on his own lips, his appreciation for this strangely familiar girl increasing with every second he spent with her.
“It’s West. Straight shot.” Tom finally tells him. Sonic nods.
“Okay. West. Cool. Cool, I’m totally cool with saying goodbye right now,” he exaggerates, swirling his gloved hands around with the hurt clearly evident on his face. 
“I’m not,” Y/n grumbles, pressing her cheek against the rough leather of the driver’s seat. Before anyone could say another word, Sonic shot off in the given direction faster than the speed of sound. Y/n’s jaw drops open along with Tom’s as they look down at the spot where he once was. 
“H-holy shit,” Y/n stuttered. 
“D-did he just-” Tom didn’t even get to finish the sentence before Sonic came back, only this time soaking wet. He was sporting a nice fish on his head and a bunch of seaweed hanging on to his quills, which accented his sarcastic expression perfectly. Y/n tried to stifle her laughter by pouting and turning to her father as he rolled his eyes.
“So, as I crashed into the cold, dark Pacific,” Sonic began, sending a wink in Y/n’s direction. “I noticed a couple things. A, I have no idea where I’m going. B, salt water stings. And C, I shouldn’t even be on this planet right now but I am. Why? Because you shot me.” Sonic’s eyes narrowed.
“I know,” Tom sighed, turning back to the road.
“You shot me!”
“Okay, you don’t need to rub it in,” he sniffed, glancing at Y/n out of the corner of his eye. “She was there too…”
“She didn’t shoot me,” Sonic stood up for her. Y/n gave him a kind smile as he began listing off characteristics on his gloved fingers. “I’m wet, I’m cold, there’s a fish on my head, and clearly I’m not going to be able to do this on my own!” Once he finished, Y/n slowly reached out to him and pushed the fish off his head, watching as it flopped about helplessly on the ground.
“You do owe it to him,” she subtly pressed, leaning back once again in her seat. Tom stayed silent for a moment, staring firmly at the little blue hedgehog for what seemed like forever. Finally he caved and started the ignition once again.
“Fine. Get in.”
“Really?” Sonic and Y/n chimed in hopeful unison. “You’re going to help me?” He shook out his fur at such a high speed that once he finished, it poofed out like a dramaticized afro. Y/n giggled in her seat, not being able to handle how cute it was. Butterflies began to wander around in her stomach.
“I guess it is sort of my fault,” Tom hesitantly admitted. 
“Actually, it’s entirely your fault,” Y/n teased. He gave her a playful shove, but snorted nonetheless. Sonic quickly climbed into the car and slammed the door shut behind him.
“Road trip!” He cheered, looking excitedly around the car. Y/n cheered along with him while still trying to shake the eerily feeling of familiarity. Tom shook his head, squeezing the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.
“What the hell am I doing with my life?”
♡ a.a.
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randomfandomfamily · 5 years ago
Did somebody say “Sonic and Maddie bonding time”?
No? Well, you’re getting some anyways!
Mostly fluffy cuteness. With a side of angst, of course. (are you guys surprised? this is me we’re talking about.) It’s only a little angst, I promise. The angst is very brief. It’s mostly fluff. Like, ninety-five percent fluff.
“Hi, Pretzel Lady!”
Maddie smiled. “Hey, Sonic.” She glanced up from her video to see a familiar blue blur racing up the steps. “You just missed Tom. Crazy Carl needed help with something.”
Disappointment flashed briefly across Sonic’s face. Then he shrugged. “Ah, whatever. I can hang out with him later.” He noticed the mat she was sitting on and gasped. “Oh! You’re doing that weird thing you do every day.”
She raised an eyebrow. ”Yoga?”
“I’ve been meaning to ask-” Sonic interrupted himself. “Yeah, yoga, that’s the word. Anyway, where are your bones?”
Maddie laughed. “In my body? Where they’re supposed to be.”
Sonic put his hands on his hips. “No. Way. I’ve tried that yoga stuff before, you definitely can’t do that if you have bones, they don’t bend that way.”
Picking up her phone, Maddie clicked out of the video she was getting ready to work with. “Well, I’ve been at this a lot longer than you have. You’d need to start on something a little bit easier than what I do.”
“Easier? There are levels? What level are you on? Does Donut Lord do yoga? I feel like he doesn’t.” Sonic watched Maddie scroll through some videos. “His bones are not as bendy as yours.”
“There aren’t really levels, you just learn new positions as you go and challenge yourself every once in a while.” She held up the phone so he could pick one. “And no, Tom does not do yoga with me.”
Sonic glanced between Maddie and the phone. “I don’t know anything about this. Why are you holding the phone up to me?”
“Pick a video,” Maddie said. “Yoga will be a lot easier to learn when you have someone to help you.”
He looked surprised, but excited. “Really? You’re gonna teach me?”
“Sure am,” Maddie said, “I’ll be like your Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
Sonic’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “No, I don’t think so.” Before Maddie could ask, Sonic was sitting next to her on the map. “Okay! What’s first? Do we stretch? I feel like this is one of those things you should stretch for.”
Maddie leaned forward and touched her toes with her fingertips. “You’re not wrong. It is a good idea to stretch, especially if you’re not very experienced.” She pulled in her legs and pushed down gently on her knees. “Try this one. It’s like a butterfly.”
Sonic studied her movements carefully and copied her almost exactly. He couldn’t push his knees down as far as she could, obviously, but he seemed to enjoy moving them up and down so that his legs looked like flapping wings. “Oh, I get it! That’s the butterfly part!”
“Look at you go!” gave his shoulder a playful nudge. “You’ll be a master in no time.” Knowing he wouldn’t be able to focus for long, she went ahead and started the video. He hadn’t stretched all that much, really, but she’d be impressed if he just made it through the fifteen minute video. They could always do another cool down stretch afterwards.
It was a beginner’s video, so Maddie was prepared for the basics. Sonic, however, was absolutely delighted by the upward and downward-facing dog positions. “Dog? Like Ozzy!” He watched the lady in the video tilt her head back to look up at the sky. “I’ve never seen a dog do this before.”
Maddie considered for a moment. “You know, I’ve never really seen a dog do this either. It’s more like a seal if you ask me.”
“Awesome,” Sonic said, “This is officially the upward-facing seal position now.” They both laughed as they started to transition into downward facing dog. “Now this I’ve seen Ozzy do.” He shifted his hands underneath him. “I wonder if I could do a handstand.”
“Maybe we’ll try that later,” Maddie said. “We’re doing yoga right now, remember?”
Sonic shifted again and then held still. As still as it gets for Sonic, anyway. “Yoga. Got it.”
“You’re doing great,” she told him.
He grinned. “I know, right? This is way easier than whatever you were doing, Pretzel Lady.” They shifted into the next position as Sonic continued talking. “I used to sit on the rock over there, the one behind all the- well, actually, you probably can’t see it. But I used to try and copy you. Man, it hurt sometimes. You can do some really neat stuff.”
She ignored the part where he basically admitted to spying on her. “I’m glad you think so.”
“Why do you do it, anyway?” Sonic asked. “You could be doing so many other things! Like running or playing baseball, but you do this instead.” He glanced over at her. “It’s cool and everything, don’t get me wrong, but just- y’know. Why?”
Maddie gave him half a shrug. “I feel more at peace when I do it.”
“At peace?”
“Yeah, kinda like you with running, I guess.”
Sonic frowned. “Running doesn’t make me feel peaceful.”
“It doesn’t?” Maddie asked as they stood, stretching their arm up into the air. “Then why do you run everywhere?”
“Why do you walk everywhere?” Sonic responded. “It’s just how I get around. I mean, it’s fun, but I wouldn’t say it gives me peace or anything.”
Maddie reached over and stopped the video. “Okay, color me curious. What eases your mind after a tough day?”
Sonic paused, his arms still in the air from the yoga pose. “I like playing with nunchucks, I guess.” His arms fell to his side. “Well, no, that’s not very peaceful. Does ping-pong count? Ping-pong is fun.” He crossed his arms. “Wait, that seems wrong too.”
“No, hang on, I got this.” Sonic started pacing back and forth across the mat. “I definitely do things that put me at peace. Probably. I do, don’t I? What are you asking me for? Because I don’t know! Well, I don’t know either, moron. Oh, shut up. You shut up!”
“Sonic,” Maddie interrupted.
Still pacing, he looked up at her. “Huh?”
She wanted to ask why he had started talking to himself, but decided against it. “Why don’t we… why don’t you show me where you live, huh? Maybe that’ll help you think of something.”
He halted. “You wanna see my cave?”
“Sure,” Madde replied. “Lead the way.”
“Awesome!” Sonic darted into the woods before Maddie could so much as blink. She grabbed her phone and swiped the video away before putting it in her pocket. Sonic reappeared moments later. “Sorry. I forgot.”
Maddie rolled up the yoga mat. “No worries.” She stood. “Now. Lead the way, but a little slower this time.”
“You got it, Pretzel Lady.” Sonic started off again, much slower this time, leading Maddie into the woods. Every so often he’d dart off, but he’d always come back after a few seconds.
The cave ended up being a lot farther into woods than she thought it’d be. “You’re pretty far out here, aren’t you?”
“Had to be,” Sonic said. “Couldn’t let anyone figure out where I was.” He pointed out a small hole. She never would have noticed it if he wasn’t there. “There it is.” Ducking inside, he called, “Come on! I’ll give you the tour!”
Maddie struggled for a moment to get in, but the inside of the cave was a lot bigger than it seemed, so she was able to stand, kind of.
Sonic zipped about the cave, excitedly talking about everything. There was an old dryer in the corner that Sonic claimed was an in-home gym of some sort. The bean bag in the middle of the floor was surrounded by comic books, exclusively The Flash. She watched Sonic demonstrate his nunchuck skills, wincing as he whacked himself in the face.
She walked over to the ping-pong table and picked up a paddle. “Wanna play a round?”
“Yeah!” He picked up the ball and the other paddle. “Ready?”
“Hit me, SpaceHog.”
Sonic served the ball and immediately darted to her side of the table. He watched Maddie for a moment and said, “Wait, I’m doing this wrong.” He went back to his side just in time to hit the ball back to Maddie. “Sorry ‘bout that. Not used to playing with others.”
She laughed. “No worries.” They played back and forth for a while. “You’re pretty good at this.”
“I’ve had a lot of practice,” Sonic said. “When I wasn’t in town messing with Crazy Carl or watching movies with you and Donut Lord, I was down here doing… this.”
Maddie was still trying to adjust to the whole ‘spying on them’ thing, but it was becoming less and less surprising the longer she hung out with him. The poor thing had nothing else to do. “I’m gonna go ahead and assume you didn’t have any friends over.”
Sonic snorted. “Me? No. I’ve never had any friends here on Earth.” He didn’t seem saddened by the statement, it was just a fact. “But now I have you and Donut Lord! We’re friends, right?”
“Of course we are,” Maddie assured him. “What about the planet where you’re from? Have any friends there?”
“Kind of.” Sonic said. “I was just a kid, and I wasn’t exactly allowed outside much. There was one person, though. She looked out for me. Kinda like a parent.” He smiled to himself. “She was great.”
Maddie noticed the past tense. “She couldn’t come with you?”
“I wanted her to,” Sonic said, “But she wouldn’t. She stayed behind and… well, you know, I came here.”
“Do you know what happened to her?”
“Yeah.” He didn’t elaborate. He didn’t seem to want to.
Maddie almost missed the ball on the next pass. Sonic seemed to be picking up the pace a little. “Is she the one that told you that you needed to stay hidden?”
Sonic nodded. “She said someone would always want my powers. Which meant no one could know about my powers, which meant no one could know about me.”
“I don’t know,” Maddie said, “I mean, the people of Green Hills know about your powers and nobody wants to use them.”
“They don’t, but that psycho doctor sure did.” Sonic frowned. “A lot of people almost got really hurt because of that.”
“You got really hurt because of that,” Maddie pointed out. “Could have been avoided if someone had known you were out here. We could have helped you. The government never would have even known.”
Sonic waved his free hand flippantly. “Yeah, sure, I got hurt, but that’s not important. It was my own fault for causing the power outage that led them here. Because I couldn’t keep a lid on my own feelings.”
Maddie was having trouble understanding the reasoning behind all of this. “That’s what I’m saying, though. You wouldn’t have felt so alone if there was someone you could turn to. And if you hadn’t felt alone, you wouldn’t have caused the power outage, meaning the government wouldn’t have found you.”
“That’s…” Sonic looked distracted, but he was still hitting the ping-pong ball just fine, which was kind of surprising. Then again, he was used to a much faster game. “That doesn’t- no, what would have stopped the government from finding me would be going to the mushroom planet like I was supposed to.”
“You said you didn’t want to do that,” Maddie reminded him.
“I didn’t want to do that,” Sonic said, “And I’m glad I didn’t have to do that, but it’s what she told me to do.”
Maddie was barely keeping up with the game at this point. “But why would she tell you to go somewhere you didn’t want to go? Did she just assume no one would want to help you? She helped you, didn’t she? Why did she think no one else would?”
Sonic’s expression looked conflicted. “Because… I don’t- she was…”
Maddie hit the ball back to Sonic. “I’m just saying that maybe she was wrong to-”
“She was not wrong!” Sonic shouted. Maddie had to duck to miss the ball the Sonic that Sonic had just hit full force. He slammed the paddle down and put his hands on the table to steady himself. “She wasn’t wrong. Of course she wasn’t wrong.” He glared at the space between his hands. “She was never wrong. I was wrong. I’m always wrong. I never listen, I should have listened to her, why didn’t I- I should’ve just-”
Blue flickered dangerously around Sonic. Which would be worrying in an open area, but even more so here in the cave. “Hey,” Maddie tried, “Sonic, I’m-”
His head snapped up. “No,” he said angrily. “You just- you… no.”
“Sonic, I’m not saying this friend of yours wasn’t trying to protect you,” Maddie amended, “I’m just trying to explain-”
“Well, don’t!” Sonic exclaimed. “Don’t explain it to me! I don’t wanna know!”
Maddie felt bad for pushing, but she had to know, “Why not? She told you that you needed to be by yourself-”
“No,” Sonic interrupted.
“And that wasn’t true,” Madde finished.
Maddie knew Sonic was stubborn, but most of the time it was endearing. Now it was almost frustrating. “Why is it so hard to believe that she-”
Sonic hands curled into fists. “Because it means I spent ten years alone for nothing!”
The cave was completely silent. Maddie didn’t dare say anything else.
Sonic suddenly gasped and backed away from the table, the sparks of blue dissipating. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean- I…”
Maddie set down her paddle and walked to his side of the table. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed so hard.” She knelt beside him. “Why don’t we go back to the house, okay? We can do some more yoga. And Tom will probably be home soon.”
He looked up at her in surprise. “Really? But I just yelled at you.”
“Well, I kinda earned it.”
“No, you didn’t,” Sonic insisted, “I shouldn’t have yelled.”
They started towards the entrance of the cave. “And I shouldn’t have made you upset.”
“Yeah but-”
Maddie held up a hand. “You know what? Why don’t we agree to disagree on this one, huh? I’m sorry for making you mad, you’re sorry for shouting. We’ve both apologized and now we’re even. Okay?”
Sonic hesitated. “Okay.” They started their trek back home and Sonic asked, “Can I still try to do a handstand?”
“After yoga.”
“Okay, cool.” He was quiet for a moment. “I really am sorry.”
“I know,” Maddie said. But he would never be as sorry as she was. Everything he said was starting to set in, and she had several issues with it.
Had he really said ten years? Ten years of being alone? There was no way Sonic was more than fifteen, and she didn’t want to imagine a five year old wandering around by himself.
Earth was beautiful, but it could also be a terrible place. She hoped to God Sonic had stayed in the woods for most of his time on Earth, because there was so much, too much, that could have gone wrong.
And, of course, because she didn’t want to think about it, she couldn’t think of anything else all the way back to the house. Sonic unrolled the mat while Maddie found the video they had been using earlier. She’d tell Tom what had happened after Sonic went home for the night.
Except she didn’t want him to go back.
The thought hit her in a surprising moment of clarity while they followed along with the video.
She didn’t want Sonic to go back to that lonely cave in the middle of the woods with no one to talk to but himself, she wanted him to stay.
No, more than that. She needed him to stay. It wasn’t just that she couldn’t bear to think of how desperately lonely he was, and how that must be torture for such a sociable kid like him, but she also couldn’t imagine going a day without telling him not to run in the house.
It wasn’t enough that he visited every day. Sonic shouldn’t have to be alone for even a second, not after being alone for so long.
But it’s not like she had an immediate solution for that. Would Tom even… actually, yes, Tom probably would be okay with it. More than okay with it, really.
“Hey, Pretzel Lady?” She glanced down at Sonic, who was in a completely different position. “You okay? The chic in the video already moved on.”
Maddie moved into the next position. “I’m okay, Sonic. Just thinking.”
“About what?”
She smiled. “Nothing much. Just how awesome you’re gonna be when you do that handstand.”
He grinned. “Dude, it’s gonna be so awesome. I’m gonna show Donut Lord when he gets home! Can he do a handstand? I wanna see him do a handstand.” He suddenly stood upright, yoga pose forgotten. “Oh! I figured it out!”
“Figured what out?” Maddie asked.
Sonic resumed the pose, his grin growing a bit. “I figured out what makes me feel at peace.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
He beamed up at her. “You guys.”
Maddie had to fight the urge to pull Sonic into a hug. She was certain that if she did, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from crying tears of paternal happiness. “Tom and I put you at ease, huh?”
“Well, yeah.” Sonic glanced at the video to make sure they were still on the same position. “You know how long I’ve been running? Like, all my life. You guys make me feel like I don’t have to run anymore.” He paused. “I mean, I’ll still run, obviously, but only because I want to. Not because I have to.”
That did it. Maddie’s heart had officially melted.
Her and Tom were definitely having a discussion later.
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cgmayra · 5 years ago
Sonic Movie: Sonamy Prompt
Birthday week!!! So, for my birthday, I’m gonna spend this whole week writing prompts for you guys! Yay! Commissions are open still but not for long, prompts are open and we’re at 137! If you’ve already submitted 3 prompt requests please hold off to let others have a chance! Thank you!
I’ve had SOOOO many ideas for Amy Rose in this adaptation of Sonic, and now I can finally write another one! :Db
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After meeting Tails, Sonic is reluctant to leave Earth even if it’s only for a quick visit to meet the fighters who are striving for freedom and to prepare for the threat of the Master Emerald’s Chaos God.
It seems Eggman might have something to do with it, hoping to perhaps use it to return home for Christmas, but Sonic knows that’s not a good idea. Worriedly, he bids a hearty farewell to his adapted family and steps into the portal ring with Tails.
It’s there that he meets another Hedgehog, Amy gets easily flustered because, apparently, Tails warns she falls easily for people--but after so many heartbreaks, she’s gone a little extreme with her crush-happy tendencies.
However, Sonic--barely listening to Tails’s warning anyway--zips on over to her and excitedly remarks about all the parts of her that are hedgehog related, and naturally seems to be wooing her without realizing it. He plays the ‘cool new guy’ persona and she immediately falls for it, which surprises him because he’s used to acting cocky and confident but wasn’t expecting it to work this well... Tails scolds him but says he must live with the consequences, then proceeds to laugh behind his back at Sonic’s dense understanding of what has happened.
He grows shy after realizing Amy worries her strength will intimidate potential lovers, and thereby ruining her chances of love. She hints that she’s worried he’ll leave too, but he still doesn’t get that she likes him so much, so instead--he takes it as she thinks he won’t be her friend because of her powers. He admits he felt the same way, that because of his speed, no one would want to be with him without wanting to steal it. She thinks that’s him admitting feelings for her too and agrees to go back to Earth with him, thinking they’re going to get married.
She flirts and teases and swoons easily as he mistakes all this for her just trying to make a friend and feels he relates to that, even stating, “I’d love to be on a baseball team with you! You’d do great!” which confuses Tails because he thought Sonic wanted to have him on a baseball team... (they’re friendship is shaky at this point, but Tails’s admires him and soon learns that Sonic does want to be friends, even best friends. ^^)
When Eggman does get back to earth, also leading to Chaos finding his way to the planet, reigning down havoc and destruction, it’s up to Sonic’s new friends and a recently recruited Echidna (Knuckles was under the impression he needed Sonic’s speed but then sees the evil of his people and joins forces with him.) to save the day! Amy unleashes her Piko Piko Hammer fury and Sonic praises her, even starstruck by how powerful she really is. She blushes and loses her fear that her power will keep her from true love.
They, unfortunately, are defeated by Eggman’s cunning and machines. They flee into the forest where they meet an experimental ‘Sonic’ known as Shadow, who is protecting a little girl named Maria from the government. (President’s granddaughter in this version.) He hates the government and Sonic, who they tried to clone, and only wants to protect the little girl who freed him from his torturous experiments. Amy agrees to look after Maria if Shadow will convince the government to help stop Eggman before Chaos gets too powerful and all seven chaos emeralds.
Shadow and Sonic butt heads with each other but end up working well together (movie finale?) and Sonic turns Super for the first time... being an odd mix of Sonic, Shadow also can turn Super, and they use their combined power to defeat his ultimate form. 
After the fight (More my prompt lol, this is just an explaination), Sonic and his newfound friends play a baseball game together, but Sonic’s sweet encouragements for Amy make her miss 2 swings. Worried, he says ‘home run’ as in make one, but she thinks he’s offering to run her home and gets serious. She explodes the baseball... leaving everyone shocked and horrified as the little kids playing against them look shocked.
Tom and Maddie don’t like Sonic staying out so late but he says he’s only dropping Amy off. Tom is suspicious but Maddie pats his chest and tells him this is probably good for him.
Racing along, Amy begins to feel uneasy about how people reacted to the ball exploding on impact, and if he was scared of her now.
He admits it was a shock, but he’s not scared of her. “It’s hard to be scared of a cute pink hedgehog, right?”
He doesn’t realize his words have gripped her heart and as he sets her down to return to her home, she kisses him and tells him she agrees to being his girlfriend, then leaves.
He’s absolutely taken aback and feels violated as he cries and complains to Maddie, who uses reverse physiology to see his real feelings. “You know what? You’re right. I’ll call Tom, he’s working late tonight.” She picks up the phone and starts calling him.
“It’s not even that late...” Sonic complains, wondering what she’s doing.
Sonic, being dramatic, looks up from whining into his arms on the couch and flicks his ear to her, his eyes watching her.
“Tom,” He’s holding up a sign on a street to let kids coming home from school cross the road safely.
“Yes, I’d like to report a felony.” Maddie looks away from Sonic, trying to sound ‘official’ but also fake.
“...Maddie?” Tom tilts his head, while also waving with his fingers slightly to a little girl who passes him and waved to him first. “What’s this all about?”
“Sonic was attacked by a vicious girl.”
“Wait!” Sonic jumps on the couch, dashing over to her, “That’s not true!”
“But you said she just launched herself at you! You were violated, it was awful!” Maddie continues, as Tom just looks side to side with his eyes... trying to put two and two together while working.
“Y-yeah, but...” He steps back a moment, growing shy. “She’s not a criminal! She just... caught me by surprise!” he admitted.
“Oh... A misdemeanor then.” Maddie concluded, then turned back to Tom, “You saw her explode that baseball, what do you think she did to his lips! We’ll have to schedule him for a check up, he could be positive for..!” she suddenly stopped, her eyes growing wide and putting her hand over the phone. Curious, Sonic runs to compile boxes to stand on and leans his head to her own to hear her next words. She holds in a snort of laughter, then whispers, “Cuties.”
Sonic gasps, and Tom smiles.
A woman in her car is gesturing to Tom, wondering why he’s still blocking them from going when the kids have already crossed. Thinking she’s also waving at him like the little girl did, and having no awareness for what’s going on besides the phone call, he waves to her and continues to take the call.
“There’s only one thing to do, a restraining order!”
“No!” Sonic jumps onto her, clinging to her neck, “She’s so alone as it is! And C-C-Cuties have never been proven scientifically deadly!”
She spins herself, pretending to try and get him off as his feet dangle and swish around her. “Pretzel lady, please! She’s just a innocent girl! She didn’t mean any harm!”
“She’s clearly made her victim delusional!” Maddie sits down on the couch, “That’s it. We’ll have to lock him in his room so he can never see her again.”
“What!?” Sonic then argues that she may need him, what if she gets in trouble?
Maddie, per Tom’s instruction, hands the phone over to Sonic and Tom convinces him that he should pull Amy to the side and explain to her that that kinda behavior is uncalled for and she could be arrested under charges of assault next time.
“Tell her you know a cop.” He joked.
Sonic takes the advice and goes to see Amy again, however, he’s trying to act high and mighty, haughty towards her but she just continues to act like nothing is the matter. He’s deflated by her not reacting at all to his words, and even seems to be pretending she doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He pulls her aside, away from the crowd, but Amy gasps and realizes he just pulled her into the Olive Garden parking lot.
They get a table but he’s still trying to put the words together to explain to her the ‘grievous situation’ she could be in with the law and also how she shouldn’t do things like that again but the staff get the wrong idea and start setting ‘the mood’ by placing candles on the table.
Sonic’s words make Amy think he’s proposing, and she delightfully leans in as he leans in trying to whisper to her that they should keep a distance but he’s going about it all wrong.
“You see, heroes shouldn’t have love interests because there’s a-a-a lot of problems that can happen and-” he pauses in his tough boy hero act as he notices the scene and Amy coming in closer over the table. “Ah!” he sits back down and backs away, noticing the romantic setup and wondering how it all happened.
Amy sits back down, disappointed, but states, “I will only kiss the man who will be my husband~”
He thinks she’s being a rascal and playing with his feelings then, and states, folding his arms, “So you are just a flirt! Fooling with heroes hearts and all..”
She giggles, “I’ll fool with your heart forever and ever, Sonic. That’s all I ever want.”
From that time on, Sonic’s exasperated attempts to keep her away or at an arm’s distance is merely because he thinks she’s just teasing and messing with his emotions... However, she is as sincere as she can be~<3
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curse-of-the-dark-emerald · 5 years ago
Curse of the Dark Emerald, Chapter 7.
Welcome back! Enjoy! Let’s see what Robot Eggman and Stone will do next! And here is the CHAPTER  AND “MOMENT” YOU ALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!
“You saw that right, Agent Stone?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Not that you’re very observant as I am, but I assume you’re thinking what I’m thinking, right?”
“Yeah, from what the robot's memory chip recorded, Sonic has displayed tremendous strength and agility than ever before.”
The two men after Sonic's life had just finished reviewing the footage of the battle with Sonic and the robots, Robotnik paid attention to every tiny detail from start to finish. The video was captured from the perspective of a different robot that was observing from afar. The last scene shown before leaving was Sonic ripping its chest open. 
“What do you think has caused him to suddenly be better in fighting?” Stone timidly asks but his curiosity was too high to be afraid to ask his boss.
“That should be obvious,” Robotnik's metallic voice shudders with a cold malice, “That jewel he found last night.. must have a lot to do with it, and my theory is..”
Stone turned in his seat to hear, “What?”
“It’s his fear. I, who loathes all human emotions and lack of them myself; I understand how they work at least. When you took away some of his soul, something new and powerful was awakened in his psyche to cause that transformation.”
Stone's eyes widened in stunned fascination. “You know what, when we track Sonic down I was thinking, what if..”
“No no, let me say it.” Robotnik silences Stone with his fingers, “Because I want to first, we need to find him in that form and take that jewel back.”
“So we're on the same page!” Stone skips in his seat and grins. “When you do get that thing back, what’s the plan?”
Robotnik's red eyes clicked and flicker; “We will crush him and harness its power of course!”
Robotnik looks at the desk clock by Stone, it reads 4:38 pm. Dusk was an hour and a half away.
“We will set out to confront the Wachowski resident at sunset, if my theory is correct, the creature will put on a little show for me.”
Stone gulps a knot in his throat, he didn’t know if it was anticipation or the lingering guilt that was haunting him in the back of his mind.
Back at the house and sitting in the kitchen, Tom and Wade sat at the bar table, Tom helped himself to some coffee and Wade had his own glass of water. Sonic was upstairs taking a quick rest from the fight, in which earlier he was afraid to do so…
An hour before...
“I am exhausted, but are you sure?” Sonic was at the bottom of the attic staircase and hesitated to go to his room, still worried about more bots coming to attack,
“If any of those things show up we’ll take care of it; but we’ll wake you up if it’s too much.” Tom bent down to rub the young worried hedgehog on the ears,
 “You’ve dealt with a lot of hell and I’m more concerned about you than them, so please, get some sleep, Sonic.”
Wade looks into his partners eyes, both curiosity and his own worry mixed in his being. While Sonic slept in his room, Tom quietly told Wade the events that took place from the first hour of the night before at the dinner table, to where they sat now. He filled Wade in with everything he wanted to know. 
“So, from what you’ve explained something’s happening to the kid? Is he dying? Or sick maybe?”
Tom grinned and became a bit amused with his friends guess, 
“No, he’s not dying, I’ll probably have Mads take another look at him, but he’s...I don’t know how to explain it, but there’s definitely something going on with him that I don’t fully understand...yet.”
Wade gazes at the black Chaos Emerald on the table, now knowing what it was and its capabilities, he had a really bad feeling about it. 
“This emerald-thingy was causing all those strange lights in the other town huh? Makes me ask now, where are the other ones; he mentioned there’s more..”
“I don’t know that, either.” Tom gently grasps his coffee mug and let the liquid inside warm his hands, “They could be right under our noses, or scattered across the universe.” 
“And, the kid isn’t the type to be easily pissed off, right?” Wade glanced at the spot where Sonic's room was located upstairs. 
“Yeah, pretty much.”
A humming from the garage rumbled the door leading to it following the engine of Maddie’s car rolling in, she was now getting home.
Both men look at each other, “I’ll tell her everything, and what are you going to do in town?” Tom asks.
“Well, I know everyone else is probably wondering where I am.. and I should head back, but I don’t want to leave you guys alone; what if that crazy guy who’s after you shows up? I still haven’t forgotten what he did to the staff months ago.” Wade shrugs one shoulder at him.
“You have a good point. Stay if you want to. We just need to make sure Sonic is safe.” Tom nods in agreement.
Maddie enters through the door, still wearing her vet scrubs and immediately, sees her husband and Wade, in her brain she assumed something bad was going on and hastily drops her belongings down, 
“What did I miss? Is Sonic okay?”
“He’s upstairs,” Tom replies.
“Has he been up there since I left this morning?” Now, she was really worried.
“No, no. Me and him went out for some food, but..Maddie..” 
Tom didn’t know where to begin to explain what was going on first.
“That crazy government guy is back and he’s after Sonic and Tom again.” Wade finished it for his friend.
Maddie’s jaw drops.
“Oh my god.” She sighs loudly, “But how? I saw you two send him off in a portal!” She rubbed her forehead and could feel the oncoming headache in her skull.
“We don’t know, but that’s not it, he’s brought in a bunch of mechanical looking Sonics with him and they ambushed the diner today.” Wade added.
“Oh my god…” Maddie repeated herself and not only was she worried now but angry. She put the pieces together and understood now..that evil doctor was responsible for Sonic’s injuries.
Tom gets up and put his arm on her, “I know he can defend himself, but he’s not only injured, I’m worried about his mental well-being.”
Maddie nodded and looked down at the floor, “But what’ll we do? He’s gonna come ruining the house again, and I’ll clock his lights out if he does.” 
Wade bent his neck back and made a soft chuckle to himself. Yep that’s like Maddie. 
“Pretzel lady?”
All three adults turned to the voice by the kitchen entryway, and Sonic grinned at his motherly guardian, and in a blink of an eye he was hugging her legs.
“Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?” Maddie bent down and rubbed her hands on his back quills.
“Sorta. I tried to sleep, but I’m too nervous about Eggman.” Sonic fumbled his fingers and his glove was still ripped from the battle earlier. 
Tom looked at the kitchen clock, it read 5:40 pm, 30 minutes till the sun was leaving. 
“Hold still for me, will you Sonic? I just want to check you again.” 
Maddie saw the new scuffles and cuts on Sonic's arms and face, and he did as he was told. 
“Does this hurt here?” Maddie puts pressure on his fingers and forearm to check for any broken bones.
“No, I’m fine. Really.” Sonic shrugged and forced a smile, “It’s just a few scratches.”
“If you say so.” Maddie pats his head, and looks at Tom and Wade.
“So, what’s the plan?”
Tom looks at Wade quickly then back at his wife, “I really don’t know, egg-guy or whatever could be coming back anytime now and we should be on guard.”
“I’ll step up on that,” Sonic inserts a serious tone and points his thumb to his chest,
“Remember, it’s me he’s after and he can’t catch up to me no matter how fancy his robots are, but I need you all to know this…”
The three adults listened intently and Sonic jumps to grab the tainted Chaos Emerald, displaying it to them in his ripped up gloved hand;
“I have to fix this. No matter how you put it, I’m mostly to blame for making the Emerald turn into this and we have to restore its powers. When these become messed up, I was told by Longclaw bad things can happen.”
Tom was going to make a response but a loud bang on the front door interrupted the conversation.
Both Tom and Wade took their guns in hand, Tom made a silent signal to Maddie, and she understood what it meant: take cover.
The two adults and with Sonic right behind them inches closer to the door, readying for what could be outside. Maddie takes herself and Ozzy to a hiding place in silence. Ozzy could sense the tension from his owners and knew to be silent and on guard for Maddie as well. 
Another loud knock hits the door, Wade and Tom take each side, and Tom shouts,
“This is the Sheriff of Green Hill! Who is it!?”
No answer.
“It’s obviously a trap, you know that right?” Sonic throws his hands, warning them.
“Identify yourself! If you don’t we'll take precautions if you’re a threat!” Tom yells again, and glances at Wade.
“On count of three…”
Wade nods.
Sonic positions himself with one hand on the floor, ready to stop any oncoming attack and enemy awaiting…
“One, two…”
Tom grasps the door-knob.
Tom shoves the door open with he and Wade aiming to whatever could be outside, 
But nothing. They scan around for anything or anyone but see nothing in sight.
“I’m getting sick of this…”
Sonic, whose head was bowed down and eyes covered in shadow, runs ahead of the two and shouts, 
“You coward!! Come out and fight me already!!” 
The sun was halfway set on the horizon, and not far from it..the full moon was soon going to take its place…
“I’m sick and tired of playing these games, Egghead! I’ll kill you!”
Sonic stops himself and puts his hand on his mouth, shaken by the words that came out. 
Tom and Wade still kept guard but they too were now really worried about what Sonic could be capable of, but it wasn’t the time and place to dwell on it.
“Very well, Sonic!”
A voice, that voice...Sonic and Tom immediately recognized it; callous and mocking with a hint of amusement.
A few of the dark blue robots finally hover downwards to them, their arms and hands pose and reveal their weapons aimed at the three, their red eyes piercing them down. 
In the center of them all, a figure with another pair of red circular eyes glow in the darkness, a man with his hands tucked behind his back, snidely chuckling at them like a giddy child.
“Glad to see you’re alive and well.”
“So you finally show up, Eggman.” 
Sonic gives the most angry glare he could muster at the doctor, shaking his fist at him, “I don't want to prolong this any more than I have to. Let’s get it over with.”
Sonic runs in a blue flash straight at Robotnik, intending to punch his face..but the attempt became slack and Sonic’s expression turns confused; Robotnik was quick enough to catch this and stops his fist from reaching him and threw the teen back, Sonic yelled in surprise and falls on his back, stunned. He sits up,
“You’re...not Eggman...you’re a robot, too?!”
“Correct. I was created to take his place if something were to ever happen to him. And here I am.” Robot Eggman bowed with one arm outstretched,
“Now, there’s something I need from you, before you worry your little heart about attacking, first..”
Tom and Wade also yelped in surprise from behind Sonic, the two of them were pinned down by unsuspecting robots to the ground, they struggled to free themselves but the mechanical copies held a death grip on them. 
“Donut Lord!” 
“Sonic, don’t worry about us! For just this once, run and save yourself!” Tom begs.
                  Hearing that...something in Sonic's mind snaps…
Hide. You can’t save them. 
You’re only good at running and avoiding your problems…
You don’t need them...
The black Chaos Emerald Sonic dropped on the ground pulsates, a little red, glowing light from its center begins to show. The sun was now gone…
Tom and Wade stopped struggling and froze, Sonic's voice.., it was dark, guttural, and thunderous. The very sound of his voice alone seemed to make the air crack. Sonic never felt this much bitterness towards something and he didn’t have a sliver of care this time of how he looked and sounded like. He just wanted to rip into something..
They saw his eyes flash red at them, 
“I’m tired of running away, and listening to you, Tom.”
Wade gulps in stunned silence, his stomach dropped in a knot seeing Sonic's face so grim. 
“I’ll handle this myself, since you have such little faith in me.” Sonic spat with venom at his best friend.
The corners of Tom's eyes started to water with tears. He wasn’t hurt from what Sonic said, but was so scared for him…
“What’s happened to you, buddy?”
“Are you done talking?” Eggman asks in a bored tone while looking at his hand, waiting.
Sonic takes a few steps forward, his teeth revealing his small fangs, 
“Shut up. I’ll tear you to pieces..”
The full moon illuminated its cold light just behind the robotic doctor, the man was waiting for it..
“You just wait until I-“ Sonic stops in his tracks and lurches forward, his chest and heart throbbed in pain so hard it makes him fall to his knees.
“What’s the matter? Having some heartache over the fact you’re weak?”
Sonic could barely hear Eggman, he held himself up with his hands on the ground, his body was stopping him from moving any further and he grunted and tried to take deep breaths to calm his panic and hold back his pain.
“Urrghh! Agghh!”
“Sonic!?” Tom cries out and he knew he was helpless to do anything.
                               “Show me your true self, hedgehog..”
Sonic screams in pain and fear as his body once again begins to shift and morph. His gloves rip open to reveal the long sharp claws growing out, white fur pricks out of his wrists, his short fangs extend past his lips as his fur darkens to midnight blue, his shoes blossom out the metal spikes again and his quills become dipped in white tips..and finally with a tortured howl, the newly transformed Sonic sets his green slit eyes at his enemy…he groans angrily;
“What have you done to me, Eggman!!?”
“Don’t blame me, this is all in the good name of science.”
“I’m seeing everything on my end, Doctor.”
In a different area Agent Stone was watching on surveillance, “What now?”
Eggman didn’t reply to his assistant and and claps his metal hands together,
“I’m done here for now. I’ve collected all the information that I needed to see.”
The robots who held down Wade and Tom finally release them and fly off towards Eggman. The two with their guns in hand standby if they were to attack at any point. Sonic, still staring down his enemy, was livid, of course. 
“Now listen carefully, if I may call you “werehog”, you can find me at the same place you found your precious little diamond from last night, we can finally settle our conversation from there.”
Eggman turns and walks away, not before with a few final words, “Bring me the jewel and I may spare your friend’s lives and to make it a sweeter deal, I’ll cure you of your curse. Hahaha!”
He continuously laughs as he makes his leave and disappears into the darkness, the robots along with him.
Wade, who let out a breath he was holding clutched his chest, “Oh my gosh, I really thought I was gonna..”
He stops himself and runs back to the house, “Hey, Maddie! Are you okay in there?” 
Tom finally comes to Sonic's side, who was looking at the ground, angry...but most of all, frightened. 
“Tom…” Sonic's voice shakes with fear,
“Hey, it’s okay for now, he’s gone.”
Sonic looks at his hands, which tremble and shake, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. His claws gleamed in the moonlight. 
“What’s..what's happening to me? I don’t know what to do..”
Sonic looks into Tom’s greenish blue eyes,
“I’m scared…”
Tom put aside all his own fears, frustrations and concerns for himself, right now he knew Sonic needed the one thing to calm him down…
“It’s okay. Everything’s gonna be alright..” Tom gets to knee height and embraces Sonic into a firm hug.
Sonic’s chin cupped on top of his shoulder, his face and eyes cloaked in so much fear...till finally his tears fell and were released. Sonic returns the hug back and sobs onto Tom's uniform. His cries echoed into the empty night.
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ebachan · 5 years ago
Sonic movie 2 - A few ideas
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Hi, after watching the movie two times, I’ve come up with some ideas for Sequel! This time using the info from the actual movie and following from the end.
I’m going to be spoilerific here, so I'll include my ideas after the “Read more” tag and tag this post as spoilers ;-) If you are interested, you can read my previous version too :-)
Sorry, for the tag, but I really like you guys & girls & LBGT+ <3
@movie-robotnik-positivity @movie-sonic-positivity @dxrkblaze @aawesomepenguin @welcome-to-green-hills @sonicpositive
I’m aware, this isn’t good movie-script XD I think it may be too long, but I had to get this idea out <3 And it was fun to do <3
We see Sonic interact with GH’s residents like Carl or Wade. Perhaps stopping by Olive Garden to get a free bowl of spaghetti since everybody loves him. We get to see Tom on duty, and Sonic helps him (by making sure the Duck-Mom and her kids cross the street).
After the day job, they go home to eat dinner. Maddie greats them with Chilli Dogs Sonic loves so much. They are about to go eat when Ozzy bolts outside, barking. Before they can react, Tails runs into the house with Ozzy behind him.
Tail: “No, I taste bad! I swear!” (Tails ends up on the floor with Ozzy licking him)
Tom and Maddie watch in confused amusement, but Sonic trembles and yells, “No! I’m not going back!” and dashes into his room.
Tom gets Ozzy off Tails and asks for answers. Maddie watches a few steps away and gets to hold Ozzy.
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Tails introduce himself as Miles Prower and asks them about Sonic, and that Longclaw had sent him to find Blue Blur. Tom is suspicious given how Sonic reacted, but he and Maddie heard about Longclaw. Tom goes to Sonic’s room to talk with him and finds him curled up among balls.
Sonic ends up embarrassed and unwilling to talk, but starts talking more about his childhood trauma, and how Tails is from his home planet. He is scared Tails will take him home. Tom mentions Longclaw, and Sonic darts down.
Sonic: “Where is Longclaw? Where is she?!” he shouts while shaking with Tails. Soon, Sonic remembers his position and retreats behind Maddie like a kid. Tom joins them, and Tails, after being less dizzy, explains to them about Longclaw.
She ...
a) had raised Tails
b) was found by Tails
c) found Tails
(In either way, they turn into friends.)
Tails: “The Echidna Clan is plotting something. We’ve seen so many of them scouting the area.”
Sonic is frowning.
Tails: “You have to return with me.” Tails comes closer, and Sonic hides behind Maddie more.
Maddie: “Okay, how about this. It’s quite late, and this is all so sudden. We need time to think about this, right?”
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While Tails is a bit disappointed, he agrees. Sonic is glad he doesn’t need to do the decision.
a) They go to eat and are attacked by Echidnas, much like Sonic was attacked as a child. This paralyzes Sonic, who curls up and hides while the rest is powerless against the warriors. Tom gets a big punch, knocking him on the floor. Tails is also overpowered. Maddie hits one with a plate, breaking it. This Echidna punches her in the belly, knocking her unconscious. In the fray, enters Carl with his chainsaw. Echidnas’ Leader, Knuckles, calls for retreat and grabs Maddie, taking her with his fellow warriors through the portal.
b) They sit down while Maddie goes to the kitchen to get the Chilli Dogs. While there, she sees from the window a new portal and walking Echdidna, Knuckles. Thinking he is Tails’ friend (and not recognizing Echidna due to Sonic never describing them too well), she goes out inviting him inside. He knocks her down, and Ozzy starts barking. Tom follows his dog and sees how Knuckles is abducting her in panic (Knuckles was supposed to get Sonic undetected). Sonic could save her, but he is too scared to move.
Either way, Sonic, this time, tells more about his past and the attack. Tails explains those are the Echidnas, he was talking about. Tom can’t let his wife be in danger, so he wants to go to the other side of the ring (Insert Alice in Wonderland and/or Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass pun/Easter Egg).
Sonic is happy he won’t be alone and is ready to go (but he is still scared). Tom reminds him how he had beaten Dr. Robotnik, and that some mole can’t be a problem (Buckles the Mole from Ponic the Hedgehog fan comic). However, Tails first takes them to his island where Longclaw is.
(In the case of a)) Tom tells Carl to take care of their house and thank him. Also, in both cases, he calls Wade to tell him to take care of this town, and that he counts on him to keep it safe. Wade is almost tearing.
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Sonic’s world
Tail’s workshop is located on Mystic Ruins (from SA1), which is on a different island. Sonic is nervous to see his first mom. However, Longclaw is happy to see him, and she never blamed him for the first attack. After a bit of introduction, and Tom checking the place, they hear the story.
Echidnas are restless, and Longclaw is worried. They had attacked other islands, claiming them for themselves. They are using weird machines. 
Tom: “Machines? ... Like Eggs?”
Longclaw: “Yes.”
Tom/Sonic: “No good.”
(We may get some old-time Badniks :-D)
(Also, Longclaw may be dead for some time, and Tails searched for Sonic to also fulfill her last wish to see if he was okay. So, I'm not including her in the rest of the story ;-))
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With Maddie
We go to the Echidnas’ main island - the one where Sonic was raised by Longclaw. Knuckles is in front of their Tribe Leader (From SA1, but his name is too long XD, let’s call him TR). TR is disappointed in Knuckles, who failed to bring in Sonic, and thus he won’t get a tribal mask (it means he is a full-blood warrior). He is reminded of how great his father was, and he is sent to guard Maddie in the prison set in a cave/stone-wall.
Dr. Robonik appears and has some of his usual crazy talks, not minding Maddie. Since he knows, they will come for her.
Maddie wakes up, getting up, but the cell is not enough tall, so she sits.
Maddie: “Where am I? Who are you?”
Knuckles ignores her.
Maddie keeps talking, annoying the Echidna.
Knuckles: “Keep it quiet, female!” he shouts.
Maddie is annoyed but keeps her cool. “Or what, Mole?”
Knuckles get really annoyed. “I’m not a mole!”
Maddie: “Then who are you?” -she lists some animals, getting wrong ones-
Knuckles: “I’m an Echidna!”
Maddie: “Oh.”
Maddie keeps talking, trying to understand her situation, and Knuckles ends up telling a bit more (he can slip a few things, as he is a bit naive and inexperienced). He mentions the Doctor.
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Maddie: “Dr. Robotnik?”
Knuckles: “Ro-but-nik?”
Maddie describes him, and Knuckles nods. The warrior quickly gets angry once more, as he isn’t supposed to talk with her. She proceeds to convince him, how cruel and selfish this person is, and that he is only using them.
Knuckles can’t help but agrees with her, as he finds the doctor weird, but he can’t go against his tribe. Maddie then asks him for at least something to eat, and the kind Echidna listens.
She uses her pin to lockpick her prison, which works to her surprise.
Maddie: And they say action movies aren't educational.
She quickly runs away with Knuckles returning a few seconds later.
Knuckles: “I don’t know what you...” He looks around with big eyes unable to grasp the situation before yelling, “Oh crab!” He lets go of the plate, finding her footprints easily and following her.
He catches up to her quickly and jumps at her. However, he has no idea, she is Pretzel Lady, In the air, she grabs his wrist and throws him away. But that proves to be a bad idea, as Knuckles ends up over the edge, grabbing the edge and hanging down above deep pit.
Maddie is terrified and rushes to pull the Echidna up. No matter what, she can’t let somebody die because of her, and it wasn’t her intention. She tries to pull him up, but the ground under her stops being solid.
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Back to Tails.
Now everybody (I won’t count Longclaw here in case she really died) is on board of Tornado, heading for the Sonic’s Island. Tom is a bit squeezed inside, but doing fine, making a few planes jokes/puns to break the tension.
As they near the island, they are attacked by robots, recognizing Dr. Robotnik’s design (or not XD). In any case, they go for a crash landing and soon are found by Echidnas. 
Sonic manages to beat them, overcoming his trauma bit by bit. Then he follows the last robot who leads him into a jungle. Tom and Tails have no chance to follow him but still do so.
Tom asks about the ground being blocky, and Tails doesn’t get why it is weird.
To Sonic
He finds Dr. Robotnik and has a quick talk with him, repeating Tom’s Fun-gi joke, mentioning also his new haircut. Dr. Robotnik is furious. Echidnas attack from the bushes but can’t capture him. Dr. Robotnik then makes a holograph, showing Maddie inside the cell on the floor.
That stops Sonic, and he lets them tie him. He is then taken to the tribe.
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To Maddie
They are falling, and Maddie, out of instinct, holds Knuckles, protecting him with her own body, but they soon stop descending way too fast. She realizes they are floating, and Knuckles gets her to land safely. He is huffing on the ground, mentioning he hates heights. Before they can talk more, the ground under then vanishes, sending them into the underground complex.
There, Knuckles tries to climb back, but that proves to be risky, causing a small cave in. Maddie suggests they should find another way out and pulls out her phone (let’s say she put it in her pocket before getting kidnapped ;-)), using a flashlight.
Knuckles is spooked a bit first since they don’t have the technology, and so they are in awe in front of Dr. Robotnik, who presents himself as a superior being.
They talk a bit, and Knuckles asks why she tried to save him.
Maddie: “I just... can’t let somebody die in front of me. and I reacted without thinking.”
Knuckles is impressed since he never thought an enemy would help him. As they walk through the maze, they find old pictures left by even older Echidnas (or Bird/Owl’s people), and Knuckles figures out the story about Chaos Emeralds, who are a big legend passed down in his tribe. (At this time they can learn each other’s names)
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Back to Sonic and Dr. Robotnik
Dr. Robotnik talks about his plans, mocking Sonic, getting a lot of quills from him to power his better machines. Sonic is afraid Maddie would be in danger as Dr. Robotnik said she has a collar that would explode, and that she is hidden in a place he can’t find (but they know she is gone).
So, Sonic plays it safe as he has metallic rings around his wrists and ankles. The robots fly away, following instructions. The TL speaks too, ordering Sonic to listen to his every command. Sonic is cracking jokes as always, but he is getting nervous.
Soon, Tails and Tom make an entrance being captured. Dr. Robotnik is overjoyed, and Tom praises Dr. Robotnik’s new hair cut.
Tom: “Getting ready for a date?”
Dr. Robotnik has some snarky remarks when outside turns into hell, the robots attacking Echidnas.
Robotnik explains he has no use for them and goes away with his robots protecting him. Sonic tries to go after him, but once he moves too fast, the rings turn him into a ball, and he is unable to move.
Echidnas are trying to fight or help the injured. Tom assists them, yelling “Let’s save our problem for later!” Tails tries to do something with those rings, but Robotnik is long gone. Once the fight is over, they take time to talk.
Tails managed to take those rings off, and they are told Maddie is gone, running away from them. Sonic is scared, as this place isn't that safe for non-super-speed-hedgehogs. TL promises help in searching for Maddie. And Tails takes down the cuffs on Sonic’s limbs.
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Back to Maddie
Inside of the maze, they discover altar with a dusty gem floating above it. Knuckles is amazed, lost with words. They take a bit of the dust away, but Robotnik’s robots find them. Knuckles tries to protect Maddie but is hit. She pulls him to safety, and the robots take Master Emerald away.
Maddie gives a piggy-pack ride to (very embarrassed) Knuckles, following the robots to her best ability, finding the way out. Outside they witness Dr. Robotnik taking the gem further, but they have no chance to stop him.
She continues until they meet with the rest. After a quick briefing, they are all up-to-date, and Echidnas are willing to help them as that Gem is their lost treasure. Tails is analyzing the power-waves from the ME when the land shakes, revealing a huge water monster.
(Dr. Robotnik is in some hoover machine with the ME under it.)
Dr. Robotnik is controlling Perfect Chaos as this monster was trapped and is bound to the ME. From its body emerges a “bubble”, covering the island. Everything inside of it “freezes”. Tails opens a portal, and they head that way.
Maddie throws Knuckles to Tom, getting trapped in the bubble as her leg got stuck. They get away, but they are crushed by her loss. Tails tells them his machine had told him those trapped are still alive. So, they have a chance.
Sonic: “But how do we beat that monster?”
Knuckles proceeds to tell them about the other legend of smaller emeralds, that were scattered across 7 planets to keep them away from evil hands, and the ME was hidden on this very island.
The race to find those ChE starts, as only they can measure to ME. They visit the Mushroom Planet first, as Tails finds the signal.
This way the visit other planets from Sonic’s old map.
(I think this part can be speed-up a bit as we may not have enough time to fully visit all the worlds, but some hints of what has to come a.k.a Shadow or Silver are to be placed here.)
Once they have them, they return (using a plane) to find many islands were frozen. Sonic sees the monster and rushes to fight it. Knuckles is tasked to work with ChE to make a miracle or use their power. He tries, chanting the good old verses from SA1, but nothing is happening.
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Sonic meanwhile can’t keep up with Chaos, getting hit a lot, but P Chaos still can’t “freeze him”.
Sonic: “I’m a hot stuff/shot, Bubble Head!”
Sonic gets stuck inside of Chaos' body, and only his electricity is slowing down the freezing process. Dr. Robotnik gloats, dancing. Knuckles joins the fight, punching a chunk of the water out of Chaos’ body. Dr. Robotnik is surprised and yells/recreates the Skyscraper scene (I wasn't expecting that...).
Knuckles gets Sonic out of the water and gets himself stuck. Sonic is sad and angry, racing to get to Dr. Robotnik. Chaos prevents him from doing so. Tails gets closer and loses the ChE as he has to make quick dodging. The ChE falls toward Sonic, who wishes to be stronger to protect his friends, and the ChE reacts, turning him gold.
With this power, he makes a quick job of P Chaos, who is reduced to Chaos 0. Dr. Robotnik loses ME, which shatters. Dr. Robotnik then makes his escape as Sonic loses his Super Form.
They together get Knuckles, who is floating in the water and heads to the island. There they found everybody still frozen. They are losing hope when Chaos 0 appears and sucks the bubble back, returning everybody back. He is no longer aggressive as he was fried from Dr. Robotnik’s control.
Chaos 0 also gatherers the shards and makes ME whole again. The ChE are scattered once more, but only around this world. Everybody is happy and Tikal (yes, he is alive here) recognizes Chaos as an old Chao her grandma told her about (it was a story passed from many generations ago). This Chaos is old guardian who got locked inside of the ME to protect it.
Echidnas promises to keep peace and protect this place instead of ruling it since Sonic was the one who saved them. After a bit, they are ready to return home, but Knuckles bows in front of Maddie, and says, “I can’t return to my tribe until I fulfill my duty. Lady Maddie, you had saved my life more than once. Allow me to be your Guardian to repay my debt.”
She is reluctant, but she agrees, amused. So, they return and Wachowski’s house gains new inhabitants - Tails and Knuckles.
Oooof, this was so long XD But I hope this was better than my last draft. I think this one is less polished, as I had mostly idea for Maddie+Knuckles scenes and made Chaos’ one at the spot. I was also reluctant to have somebody die on the screen, so no death :-)
Hope you enjoyed :-)
PS. Sorry for the mistakes ^_^;
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tammyhybrid21 · 5 years ago
Are we allowed to spill spoilers from the Sonic Movie yet?! Because I have so many emotions about it! And I have a major theory/idea about what that energy that Sonic is creating/charging throughout even is!
And no folks, that is not just simple electricity.
Okay just in case I shall hide under the Read More. 
But first off, I LOVE this movie! It feels like all my dreams of Sonic on the Big Screen are finally real! And honestly, for all it’s predictability, I think that’s kind of the charm. We know what the plot will be, we know how this will go. It’s a Road Trip movie. So if you’ve seen any of those before you know... you know where this is going. But it works, it’s fun.
Second, the Human characters. And not just Eggman/Robotnik. I... surprisingly liked them. Tom and Maddie. Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady. I-- really unabashedly love them. Like, I genuinely get why they’re here and why they matter and it’s not like you need them sure, but they make sense, fit organically and honestly. I care for them. Also Donut Lord Tom punches Robotnik twice and it works, and there are just some of the best interactions between them and how antagonistic Robotnik is and I just unabashedly love them.
Also, no stealing Sonic’s light.
But Robotnik definitely steals the whole movie. If there’s an origin story for him already, I’m sorry but this movie surpasses it. Robotnik is by and large the most fun thing on the screen and absolutely every scene he’s in is the best hands down. Also, evil villain playlist! And the Badniks label along with another villain staple self destruct. Also, I’m sorry but his first reaction to seeing Sonic is PRICELESS. 
On that note, GIVE US MORE AGENT STONE SEGA! He’s hands down, one of the best people Robotnik’s bounced off in terms of Villainy aside back in SatAM with his nephew, and I want more. Also Stone comes with a side of no backstabbing which is always appreciated.
Then the star, the heart of the movie. Sonic! And yes, this is definitely his best presence in the modern age. Will likely never beat out SatAM Sonic in my heart in terms of the portrayal-- but that’s more a case of First Wins I think. But like-- this Sonic is literally a lonely baby who needs so much protection and there are THREE big scenes I really want to talk about in regards to his skill set, powers and abilities in this movie. So, let’s talk about that huh.
First off, let’s talk about the first time we really see Sonic’s abilities. And no, not as a Baby-baby. I mean the time we first see that electric effect. Yep, we’re here to talk about the Baseball field. First off, that game hits hard seeing Sonic that lonely, and the thrill that drops into sad rumination and then the running. 
Now here’s a little fun fact about that, you notice the way the energy is building and gathering, being drawn. Well here’s something else. ALL the way back in Sonic Adventure we got something fun from the Emeralds and their lore.
"The servers are the Seven Chaos. Chaos is power... Power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos. "
That’s RIGHT! Tikal’s prayer, the Chaos emeralds... and also-- Someone go look up a video of Shadow using his Chaos Blast. Because you’ll notice some... similarities.
Gather Energy 
Static Electricity around and through his fur and spines
Dramatic arch of body with a shout
Energy bursts out around with rippling electric waves and dissipates the further away it goes.
Yep! YEP! I think right there. We saw Sonic use his very own Chaos Blast! One supercharged by his emotions and honestly. That’s exactly how Chaos energy works! 
Secondly, as much as I want to talk about the bar fight scene-- that’s not the next time we see this energy charge. Nope! That’s right, next we’re talking about the Car Chase scene. Also-- I have... more than a few things about Sonic’s upset to say, but those can wait until later. So-- Sonic is working himself up and we get why, but then boom energy encasing him. And it’s emotional.
And then we see him launched and what happens next! SPIN DASH! Which tells me something I’ll be honest. It tells you a bit of how they’re doing that in the games. Also explains energy trails. 
Buuut that leads me kind of into the next things I want to talk about. And hey! It even includes a Robotnik scene. And that music. DAMN, Can I just take a moment to appreciate that for a moment. Because DAMN! GIMME! GIMME! 
This song! And the scene accompanying it are just! ICONIC! Like come on, Robotnik is so deliciously evil, and let’s lead in straight to what makes this so necessary. He’s studying Sonic’s spine there. SPINE! Spine not quill, and oh man! Robotnik dancing and the flow, perfectly timed. But the thing that sticks out the most...
Now... why does that sound familiar. Because of something Tails says when you rescue him. “They have Unlimited Power y’know” at the start of Sonic Adventure, and how he’s working to harness that power for his plane. Which also leads into the next scene directly, and the next use of Sonic’s power.
First off, the way Robotnik uses the spine. Very reminiscent of the early games and using the small animals to power his machinery, whiiich btw, I do believe those are chaos creatures considering how they interact with Chao, but that’s neither here nor there, but-- what’s the next big moment with Sonic’s power.
THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP! Which cheesy as hell, but this is a kid’s movie and again-- Let me spin you around to the first point. The biggest and oldest point. “Power Enriched by the heart!” The Chaos Emeralds literally run on power of friendship, if not being used for the negative energy! So you know!
Also-- as a final argument.
Robotnik speaks about detecting a pulse of energy similar to the original blast when tracking into Tom’s house. Now that could be speaking about Sonic himself-- but-- here’s a fun detail. The Warp Rings... are one of the only ways you can access the actual Chaos Dimension in the games, and thus can be imagined to run off it as well. And Sonic, who knows how long prior used one. Sooo if we imagine that’s what Robotnik was tracking there--
Sonic’s energy is the same as the Warp Rings, thus Chaos Energy.
I rest my case.
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surveys-at-your-service · 5 years ago
Survey #260
“better think twice; your train of thought will be altered.”
Have you ever taken a shower with anyone before? I believe Nicole and I did as kids sometimes? Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Always. Wear your goddamn seatbelt, folks. Do you prefer to spend your time indoors or outdoors? Generally indoors, but it does depend on what I can do outside as well as the weather. How many people have you kissed? Three or four. I really can't remember if *I* ever kissed Girt. Do you just feel awkward when you dance? YIKES YUP, even when I was a dancer. Has the person you have feelings for ever told you that you’re attractive? Yes. Can you get over people easily? MOTHER OF FUCK, NO. Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? No. Do you like to have long hair or short hair? SHORT. Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep? Ugggghhhh, yes. Especially cuddling while falling sleep in the rain is everything. Have you ever worn a pair of scrubs? Many times. Anything in your room that you’re hiding from your parents or someone else? Well, to a degree. I have artwork in here that I'm just self-conscious of others seeing, but I wouldn't DIE if my mom found them. They're not even really "hidden," just covered. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Strawberry. Do you like hot-dogs? I wish I didn't. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? A fuckin hot leather, spiked choker with chains draped across it. It's just a bit tight on me now. Worst injury you’ve ever had? I skinned the shit out of my knees on the road as a kid, wound up with cuts near the bones. It was not, NOOOOOT pretty and took literally years for the scars to totally vanish. What song do you want played at your funeral? Probably "Life is Beautiful" by Sixx AM. How many keys are on your key chain? What do they go to? Just the one to the house. Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? Not in the traditional sense. Before surgery, they obviously had to be sure via a urine sample, but otherwise, no. Would you rather live in a mansion or a small cozy home? Whew, the latter, easily. If you were offered to smoke some weed right now, would you accept? Nah. Do you get your eyebrows waxed, or do you pluck them? Neither, really. I just don't care; mine aren't awful, and it's too time-consuming and "required" too frequently for me to bother. They're just eyebrows. Do you and your last ex hate each other? Not at all. Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? Well yeah, we're best friends. Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? I was literally a madly in love teenager, you can guess. How do you handle people who are overly enthusiastic all the time? "I don’t 'handle' them, they’re actually pretty cool to be around. I appreciate having that kind of energy around me because I don’t generate a whole lot of it myself and I want it to rub off." <<<< Exactly this. Do people say you look like a certain celebrity? Nah. Who do you think you look like? No one I know of. Ever loved someone who didn’t love you back? hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGALS;KDJFA;LKJEW Ever done karaoke? Did you like it? Nooooo sir. Ever seen a pregnant woman smoking/drinking? Yep. It was an occasion where I had to practice serious self-discipline to keep my mouth shut. :x What was the last piece of candy you ate? Miss Tobey brought me a Reese's yesterday morning so that. Nice breakfast lmao. Do you curse a lot? A real fucking lot. It's not intentional, it's just so ingrained in me as normal diction after being at Jason's so much when his mother is the definition of an Italian New Yorker and thus her son has a mouth too lmao. Personally, I don't believe in "profanity" in the traditional sense so it doesn't bother me in the way of "oh I'm saying too many bad words," I just know my dictionary is wider than "fuck" and "shit" oof. If you could be a Disney character for a day, who would you be? Probably like Kiara. Be a hot princess lion with a hot lion boyfriend and chill lion parents WOW am I a furry yet. Are you wearing anything of any sentimental value? Describe? Yeah, my friendship ring with Sara, a bracelet from her as well, and an ovarian cancer bracelet for my mom. Then tattoos, if you consider myself as "wearing" them. To you, what is especially distracting? The sound of TV when you're trying to sleep. What are some things that are important in your life right now? My mom's health, my mental health, job searching to at least get ideas for when transportation is easier, keeping the house clean, keeping up with Sara's health. When was the last time you did some major cleaning? A couple weeks back when I detail cleaned out both my shelves. Who challenges you the most? In what way?  My psychiatrist, but not in a bad way. He pushes me to keep improving with things. What was the last opportunity that you passed up, and why? I should know this, but I don't. Have you ever contemplated cheating on anyone? Oh no, I couldn't live with the guilt. Who do you know that gives very sound advice? Sara is great at that. What do you think makes a person weak? The will to drag someone down just because you're feeling that way. What makes a person strong? The determination to not give up. Who do you go to when you need comfort? Mom more than anyone. Where is your favorite place to get fries? BOJANGLE'S. You cannot live to your fullest potential until you've received the seasoned blessing of Bojangle's fries. What is the most recent article of clothing you’ve purchased? I think underwear. Have you ever made your own pie from scratch? No. Are there any waterfalls nearby? Definitely no big ones. Hell, maybe even no natural ones. There are lots of dams, but I don't think they count. What are your earliest memories of going to see a doctor? My first time getting my blood drawn and consciously understanding what was about to happen. Freaked the FUCK out, bolted from the room, and clinged like a monkey to a column while sobbing. It literally took multiple adults to get me off of it, and I was very little. And then when I actually got poked, apparently I just said, "... That's it?" Oh, little me, you'd take needles for hours later on in life in the name of art lol. What is your favorite condiment? Maybe ketchup. Do you know anyone who has been to rehab? Well, all the mental hospitals I've been to included addicts seeking recovery, and I befriended a few. For people more in my personal life, I think so. Would you consider yourself to be a picky eater? I am ridiculously picky. Have you ever slept in a car overnight? I'm quite sure no, not a full night. Has someone close to you died of murder? No, thankfully. Does your school offer driver’s ed? My high school did, which is where I took it. Have you ever done volunteering work abroad? No. Do you have a shower stall or a bath tub? A tub. Why do you do these surveys? I'm bored most of the time with absolutely nothing better to do. Sometimes it helps me contemplate some things about myself. Do you like shopping? Eh, depends on what I'm shopping for. What’s a show you wish that was still on air? MM IS COMIN BACK, FUCKERS. Do you like hip hop? Nooo. Do you like pretzels? I do, especially soft ones. You want your next pet to be what? It's probably going to be a tarantula. I'm not being sarcastic lmao. It just depends on if I can convince my mom. Do you like coconut scents? Sure. Would you spend 20 dollars on a candle? Hell no. What is a dessert that you DON’T like? Pie. And one that you love? mmmmmmmmMMMMMMMM ice cream. Would you rather be a vampire or a mermaid? Vampire, ig. Being a mermaid genuinely sounds boring. Where the fuck's the WiFi. Are you happy with your physical features? Bitch no. When you doodle, what are you usually doodling? Meerkats. Do you eat salads? Not enough, but I like them w/ regular lettuce and I'm open to different dressings. Favorite thing to do on your phone? Play Pokemon if I'm actually in a spot to get fckn balls. What magazines do you like? I don't read any. What is your favorite thing about Christmas? The feeling of really being a family. Do you prefer white or black electronics? Black. Firm pillow or soft pillow? S O F T Who was the last person you rode in a car with? Mom. Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? Thank fuck no. Are there any people you don’t like for your significant other/crush to talk to? I’m single and don't have like... an "active" crush ig? What was the last alcoholic beverage you drank? I had a bombin' sangria for my birthday @ Olive Garden. Has one of your boyfriend’s best friends ever tried to get with you? Again, single, but for previous ones, no anyway. Are you 100% over the last person you kissed? No. Have any of your friends ever overdosed? I think so, but none died, thankfully. The last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Ummmm probably something for school. How many friends on Facebook do you have? 118. What age is the oldest you would date at the moment? It'd take me seriously liking someone to go slightly beyond 30. Do you want to be single? I don't know. I don't really know if I'm "fit" to be in a relationship right now, like I know I gotta figure shit out, but I think it's natural to want that companionship some days. Are you good at hiding your feelings? Well, I guess it depends on the emotion, but honestly, I don't think so, in most cases. Who did you last share a bed with? Sara. Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? Not in an ambulance, no. What are you listening to right now? An '80s-ish/synthwave cover of "Disturbia" by Rihanna. I've been on a total binge of this kinda stuff lately. Ever been on a golf cart? Ye. Do you have trust issues? Yep. Do you own something from Hot Topic? I think most of my shirts are from there. Have you ever slapped someone in the face? No. Do you have a little sister? Damn, not so little anymore. Turned 22 a few days ago. Have you ever been to New York? The state, yes. City, no. Do you actually read privacy policies when signing up for new things? Nope. Did you have a lot of birthday parties when you were younger? If so, did you invite everyone in the class? I mean, define "a lot?" I did once every year... and no. I was selective. Have you ever participated in one of those “guess how many jelly beans, mints, etc. are in this jar!” contest? If so, have you ever won? PTSD is fuckin weird. I have, and I get anxious and uncomfortable just seeing them. The very last time I hung out w/ Jason was at his brother's wife's baby shower, and something like that was there. Shitty fuckin day. Can you juggle? No. Do you live on an avenue, road, drive or something else? Road. What are your school colors? N/A Have you ever taken a picture with Santa when you were little? Yeah, I think my sisters and I did that every year? What is the population of the city you live in? Google says around 5.5k. Do you like Nerds candy? Yeah man. What’s your favourite flavour of soda, pop or whatever else you call it? Blue raspberry. What level of brightness do you usually keep your phone at? It's on about 70% during the day, and I lower it to about 20% when I'm about to go to bed. Have you ever attended a religious or private school? My previous school was a private & religious college. Do you have any pets and are they cuddly? My cat is STUPID cuddly. Absolute attention hog. My snake seems to enjoy attention, though I wouldn't define snakes as "cuddly;" their brains don't know what affection really is, which I think is mandatory in that definition. She does love to lie against me on the bed, though, when I take her out to let her wander. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? All three of my jobs have sucked, but considering I lasted in a deli not even two hours, probs that. How many cars does your household own? One. Are there any cracks or scuffs on your phone? No. This shit is literally a Tracphone yet is incredible man, I've dropped it a good few times and it's a great phone. What’s your favourite meat? Out of most forms, probably pork, which I really wish wasn't true. I adore pigs. Or maybe chicken. Which I still feel bad about. Do you need glasses to read or drive or need them all the time? I always need them. Is the internet fast where you live? It's fine. What is your favourite meal of the day and why? Breakfast has the best options and makes me look forward to the morning lmao. Do you like long surveys or short surveys better? Ha ha, obviously long, seeing as I compile shorts ones into these larger ones. I do it because I feel individually posting with EVERY one I pick out would get annoying. Have you ever been to a cocktail bar? No. What’s the best amusement park you’ve ever visited? Disney World. Do you keep the cabinets in your kitchen and bathroom organized? More so in the kitchen. Have you ever had a romantic fling? No. Are you a very forgetful person? To a frightening point. Are your parents married or divorced? They're divorced. Do you believe in Heaven? Not the Christian one, but I do lean towards there being some peaceful existence after death. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? That's obviously the best part. Do you read blogs? No. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? I pretty much have before? Worn guy's pants and unisex or men's shirts before, I'm sure. Ever been involved with the police? No. What's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap? Idk, I'm just very used to Suave. Their body wash smells amazing. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? HELL NO. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl it. Favorite restaurant? Olive Garden is GOOD SHIT. Have you watched Tiger King yet? Christ, no, and I sure am tired of seeing it everywhere online. Do you try to do something significant and meaningful every day? It's quite clear I don't, even though I really, really want to. What is your favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni. What was the name of the first pet that you loved? Chance. What color hair did your first crush have? Brown. Does anyone know who your first crush was? yeah. Who was your first celebrity crush? Whew, Jesse McCartney, lads. Have you ever had to use an epi pen? No, thankfully. What color was your first phone? Navy, I think. Do you know anyone with Down’s syndrome? Not anyone personally. How much do you weigh (only answer if comfortable)? I'm not comfortable. Have you ever been overweight? I have been since 2016. What color is your Christmas tree? Green. What color Christmas tree do you want to have in your house someday? UGGGGHHHHHHH give me a black one with fake snow on it. Omg. What color house did you grow up in? Uhhhh... I think it was white? I should know this. Have you ever been baptized? If so, how and where? Yes, when I was a baby at the Catholic church I grew up going to. What type of wedding do you want? Give it a gothic vibe ok. Are you taller or shorter or the same height as your mom? We're the same height. What is your heritage? German, Irish, and Polish. Are you excited for the upcoming summer season? Ugh, no. Not at all. At. All. Do you like crackers with your soup? No. Which ex of yours means the most to you? Depending on which way you mean, Jason or Sara. What is something that never fails to make you feel accomplished? Do a decent amount of cleaning. How do you feel about nudity, in person? Uh???? What exactly do you mean by "in person"???? I guess it depends on who, the situation, and location??? Have you taken prescription medications that didn't belong to you? Pain medicine, yes. Do wooded areas freak you out in the evening or night? I mean, to a reasonable degree, I guess. Obviously being in the wild in the dark is dangerous. Have you ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle? No. Do you iron any of your clothes? No. Can you sleep in an unmade bed? Yeah. Did the house you grew up in have a big yard? It was p good. What has been the most difficult class you’ve ever taken? Probably Latin. What was the last website you were on, before this one? I was on Facebook. Is your hometown famous for anything? No. What are some things a house would need to have for you to purchase it? I'm personally very serious about a dishwasher and laundry room. Other than that I'm... kinda blanking? Like I'm not that picky as for what the house HASSSSSS to have, besides those. Well, two bathrooms would be great. What was the last thing you heated up in your microwave? A pancake+sausage on a stick thing for breakfast. When was the last time your internet stopped working? It was having a temper yesterday. Did you ever watch Phil of the Future? Not very much, and never really by choice. Nicole would watch it sometimes though. Were you born somewhere other than a hospital? No. What was the last flavor of ice cream you had? Vanilla. Do you have an online game that you play often? None at the very moment because my personal gaming laptop has been kaput for well over a month now. Maybe close to even two. Is there a trash can near you? No. Have you ever shared sleeping accommodations with someone of the opposite sex without anything steamy happening? No. Is there a fan going in the room you’re in? Yeah, beside me.
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retroas · 5 years ago
. . .
Watched the movie. I find it strange that Tails came to human world looking for, presumably, Sonic.
My guess that time in his world flows differently from Earth, and the mushroom place Eggman landed in is a part of the Mobian world Tails hails from. His world is being overthrown by Eggman empire at this point and he gathered info on Sonic from Eggmans insane ramblings and Tails looks for the powerful being that can rival Eggman.
Why else little genius fox be looking for him? He is not some sort of guardian and Sonic was not a part of any legendary prophecies before Knux. This will also fit in plot of early games, giving Sonic reason to come to the Mobian world and return to Earth later to his family (cmon, Donut Lord and pretzel Lady will be heartbroken of he leaves) giving him opportunity to come and go as he pleases. He doesn't pop into existence, he has a reason to be there. Location of Angel Island is still a bit of an issue, as Adventures points it to be located in human world. Unless Knux can move his Island between dimension, I can't see movie gang finding mid-ground between "one-world" canon and "Mobius and Earth are different planets" canons.
Pretty sure there won't be Shadow in the sequel. They are making valid story to earlier games that had almost no contexts besides main premise.
My guess sequel will be about sonic 2 events, maybe with Sonic CD events mixed in. Metal Sonic is awesome and needs more recognition as a scary creepy killer robot.
My best guess that Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic Adventure DX will have their own film, because logically, it introduces a new character, and then a big story exploring his clan. Maybe some reference to Knuckles Chaotix. Also, Sonic would have a big taste of reality of Chaos final form wrecking havoc in the city.
And then we have the glorious Edgylord the Movie. They won't use Shadow the Hedgehog as source, but rather go with SA2 and Heroes for Shadows story, ignoring the existence of his game other than for gags, because gun violence and branching story. GuNs ArE oKaY iF yOu ArE a RoBoT tHo.
I honestly could've gone with more games, but that the shortest way I could see them going to Shadow while being close-ish to canon. I really want to see Shadow but I have a feeling that human world adventures won't last past his arc, making every Mobian and Eggman(because Sonic won't let him terrorise human world) being stuck on Mobius. There has to be a reason why humans other than Robotnik are no longer part of the story...
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ah-maa-zing · 6 years ago
The Longbow Hunters (Arrow 7.02)
I’d like to start off this review by stating the freaking obvious: I love Felicity Smoak. 
I mean, I’ve always loved her, even when the writing has failed her, and even when I haven’t loved her choices or her actions. But when she’s written with the kind of agency she deserves, the determination, the drive and the steely-eyed focus as she has been in ‘The Longbow Hunters’, well, nothing could be better. 
Two episodes in, and I’m really enjoying Beth and her team’s style. The show is as dark as ever, but there’s an intensity - particularly in the prison scenes - that feels like the characters’ actions have real stakes that won’t randomly disappear into the ether because “reasons”. Many (most?) of the complaints about 6B were that characters were contorted, pretzel-like, into unrecognisable caricatures of themselves - previously decent characters turning into assholes overnight. And yes, while in some cases it may feel like a bit of a stretch to develop a speedy redemption, I can certainly appreciate the new writing team’s attempts to course correct as quickly as humanly possible. 
One of the things that appears to be gone for good is “Team Arrow”, in whatever iteration it has taken over the years. Which makes sense, given that the Arrow part of the equation is off the grid for now. Still, it’s somewhat unsettling as a viewer (especially seeing it from Felicity’s perspective) to come into a new status quo where there are new rules and restrictions, and where Felicity no longer has free rein over information and intelligence gathering, which has typically been her domain. Even if she weren’t already desperate for personal reasons, I’d expect her to be feeling pretty unempowered by the whole set-up. 
Curtis doesn’t seem to be having that same problem, and if I can just get on my soap box for a second (I really hope I don’t spend the entire season complaining about him) - what exactly is his role on the show anymore? There are already, in my view, far too many ‘regular’ characters at the moment and it does at times feel a little crowded. But of all of these characters, for me Curtis is the one that seems to have no unique utility at all. There are better vigilantes than him, and there are better hackers than him. So far all I see as his purpose is continuously whinging about how hard his life is (when he’s the one who’s suffered the least), and for other characters to crack “grab your balls” jokes (which, while funny, aren’t exactly essential). Like I say, I hope I don’t keep repeating myself on this point as the season goes on, so if Curtis could just take a job in a neighbouring city or disappear into a hole or whatever, that’d be grand (sadly I think the opposite is probably going to be the case). 
Anyway...I really enjoyed the conflict between Felicity and Diggle, which feels both warranted but also really sad. I said last week that all the characters barring Oliver, Felicity and William have found a way to move forward with their lives over the last five months, and none more so than John, who has a new sense of order and purpose within ARGUS. Setting aside that brief insanity of last season, this has always been his MO -- finding a place for himself within an established structure, be that the Army or Team Arrow or ARGUS, and do his job really, really well. 
All that to say that I do understand where he’s coming from on the Diaz front. He’s got the ARGUS Deputy Director on his back, which again is a realistic situation (a black ops organisation as regimented as ARGUS would never allow the Director’s husband to run amok with its resources), and he feels the need to maintain order and colour within the lines, if you will, so that he and his family don’t face the blowback. I get it. 
That said, I’m still incredibly disappointed in him, which I think is partly the point and is definitely a great source of angst. His explanation to Felicity about not wanting to sacrifice his family makes sense, but at the same time, Felicity and Oliver are (or were) also his family, and her point about the last six years actually meaning something to her is such a gut-wrenching moment. I think this is the point that Felicity realises she’s all alone in this. It’s not that John doesn’t love Oliver or that the others won’t help (though “whatever you need” seems to have its limitations), but the way she sees it - Oliver just doesn’t matter as much to them as to her. So he went to prison to sacrifice himself for them - so what? None of them are willing to go the extra mile to save him like he would them. As for John, when he was in prison, and Lyla went to Oliver for help in breaking him out, he didn’t even hesitate. Against all odds he went in and broke his brother out, and while that might not be possible in this case, Felicity must still feel the sting at the lack of reciprocity from John. 
Which is why I enjoyed her being at odds with John on this, even if they came to an understanding by the end of it, and which is also why I loved her move at the end of the episode. Going to Samanda Watson, not to break Oliver out but to fulfil the terms of his imprisonment, is such a baller move, and I am really looking forward to them working together. 
I’m excited about Felicity’s arc in the upcoming episodes, especially while Oliver’s in prison and she’s essentially on her own. If the trajectory continues the way it has been, I think we’re in for a ride. 
Speaking of prison, Oliver is finding his footing a little bit now, though how long that lasts remains to be seen. This storyline continues to excite me because it is so unlike anything we’ve seen before and the possibilities are endless. Oliver ‘found another way’ this time (I’m glad he didn’t kill Yorke. I know he’s an asshole but I kind of liked him), but will he be able to do so again? At a certain point, the net will tighten and there won’t be any more loopholes to find. And that’ll be an interesting place for Oliver to be. 
I still think Stan the Fan is a Diaz plant; he’s too shifty by half. But I am temporarily enjoying the dynamic between him and Oliver, esp. because it gives Oliver a chance to roll his eyes and be the straight man to someone else’s banter - a role that Oliver has always excelled at. I loved that he fashioned a makeshift slingshot from a broken pencil (of course he did), and it reminded me of him making a bow and arrows out of curtain rods in ‘Corto Maltese’. Oh Oliver, you are such a McGyver. 
Like Felicity, Oliver’s entire focus now is getting Diaz off the board in order to protect his family. The fact that they are on parallel paths towards the same goal frames their individual storylines incredibly well, and makes anything else in between almost superfluous. 
I don’t know quite what to make of the Dinah Double Act™, and I’m not sure I entirely buy both of their seemingly easy acceptance of each other. Why Dinah feels the need to protect Laurel from Diaz is beyond me - surely they would be using her as bait if anything? - especially since, from what I can tell, Diaz doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to hunt her down. Still, I can buy that Laurel feels something towards Quentin and his death at Diaz’s hands, and I can live with that fuelling her motivation to live the way Quentin would want her to. I also think that this episode allows all of the women who appear in it to maintain their own agency and motivations, however complex (or unearned), and that can only be a good thing. It’s no surprise, given this episode was written and directed by women, but it does feel a long time coming. 
I do think that the fight against Silencer was pretty effective - man, that is an interesting power. In fact, all of the Longbow Hunters seem to be pretty formidable in their own right. Kodiak, the guy with the shield, broke John’s assault rifle IN. HALF. Goddamn, it’s about time we had some menacing villains. The Longbow Hunters present a significant threat to no-longer-Team-Arrow, and it doesn’t pass me by that the only way Silencer was defeated was by Laurel and Dinah sonic-crying her together. Methinks no-longer-Team-Arrow may need to re-form again in some way soon enough. 
I’m sure I’ve only scratched the surface here on many of these plot points, but there is so much going on (in a way that it all seems to hold together) that it’s fascinating to see how it will all come together. Especially given the apparently bleak future our characters have in store for them. 
To which -- Future William. I find it hard to believe that Oliver and Felicity would just abandon William, unless “leave” is a euphemism for something more sinister, which it appears might be the case. Otherwise, why would Felicity install a tracker in the hozen (called it!) and set the coordinates to Lian Yu? Furthermore, did she set those coordinates in 2018 when she gave him the hozen the first time? Did she want him to go to Lian Yu in some interim time before the 20 years? What on earth did she expect him to find there? And why was Oliver’s bow buried in a box? Who buried it? What did that note say? Why did Roy burn it up? Why are they heading back to Star City? Why did Roy and Thea break up (or what happened that he ran to Lian Yu to forget about it?)? SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. Isn’t that exciting? So many things we have yet to learn, so many mysteries, big and small. I’ve missed this. 
I continue to enjoy Future William and Old Man Roy’s dynamic; William is such a passive-aggressive asshole and it’s hilarious. I find it interesting also that he states he doesn’t even know how to use a bow and arrow, but he is a tech genius. Guess we know which parent he takes after. One question I have is whether the future we are seeing is ‘fixed’ or immutable, or whether whatever has happened in the interim 20 years can be undone or redone in a way. I still wonder whether William is the “new Green Arrow”, back to correct whatever went wrong in the intervening years that caused Oliver and Felicity to disappear from his life. The framing shot of him holding the bow hints towards that, but given that he claims he doesn’t know how to use it suggests that either he’s trained by Roy in upcoming episodes, or the wielder of the bow is someone else. Intrigue. Also intriguing is the question of when in time William is abandoned by his parents; if we expect to see young William in the present-day timeline (as I hope we will), then when exactly is it that their paths diverge? Time will tell. 
“My wife taught me a thing or two” - HIS. WIFE. TAUGHT. HIM. A. THING. OR. TWO. Ask me when the day will come when I stop reacting like a crazy person to every mention of Felicity as his wife and Oliver as her husband. Answer: NEVER. THAT DAY WILL NEVER COME. Bless.
“What’s an Overwatch?” made me laugh. Especially since Oliver doesn’t bother answering. 
“My wife and son were attacked. I’d do anything to protect them.” - a) I love the intensity of the way he says that, and b) isn’t it great that he then uses Yorke’s love for his wife and son against him? 
Speaking of, Oliver stabbing himself and pinning it on Yorke is THE most Oliver thing he’s ever done. LMAO. I definitely laughed at him overplaying the “you stabbed me! HE STABBED ME!!!” dramatic writhing. Even Brick looked amused. 
“There’s only one Green Arrow, and he’s in prison” - you tell ‘em, Felicity. 
The dialogue feels a lot tighter this season, and as I’ve mentioned before, characters’ motivations make much more sense. Long may it all continue. 
Okay, but I really do enjoy snarky Laurel. I’d rather that than a fully redeemed member of Team Arrow. I think she plays better as a (semi-)villain.
I miss Felicity’s pink hair. Sob. 
Diaz’s flamethrower gun was cool, but John giving him a well-deserved beatdown was cooler. 
All this ARGUS focus makes me miss Lyla. Bring her back, show. 
Nice thrown in mention about William being gay. 
Also, does Old Man Roy just wear his Arsenal suit all day and night? Doesn’t that get...itchy? And smelly? And uncomfortable? And unnecessary? Oh Roy! 
Felicity is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more forgiving than I would have been. I’d have told everyone to fuck off and firebombed the place as I walked out (not so much on that last part, but ya know). 
I’m glad the show knows that Quentin wasn’t really Laurel’s father, even if they can’t seem to make that distinction in interviews. 
Honestly, Beth is just about the best thing that could have happened to this show right now. Imagine this team two years ago?!
Felicity and Oliver are each other’s ride or die, and I cannot wait for their reunion. 
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hyprolincu1986-blog · 6 years ago
These stains usually don't work well on hardwoods but can be used for slight darkening on close grained hardwoods, such as maple. The lightening stains are pigmented oil stains. Pigmented oil stains are applied by wiping and are removed after the desired color is achieved. Well, while Mombi was gone to the crooked Sorcerer's, the boy made this pumpkin headed man to amuse himself, and also with the hope of frightening the Witch with it when she returned. But Mombi was not scared, and she sprinkled the Pumpkinhead with her Magic Powder of Life, to see if the Powder would work. Ozma was watching, and saw the Pumpkinhead come to life; so that night she took the pepper box containing the Powder and ran away with it and with Jack, in search of adventures.. It can be $50/month if that all you can manage. Set up the transfers to occur automatically. You won get a chance to spend that money. Ei auta mikn, spurgun on pakko liimautua kainaloosi kuin kuumemittari. Jos olet hiljaa, olet paska jtk, jos avaat suusi hn oksentaa siihen. Pahimmassa tapauksessa kuski heitt sinut ulos.. Thanks for the great post! I similar to you, 5 around 210 pounds and would like to get down to 175 myself. I have a few questions, if you don mind. If all you doing is controlling your portion size, then what is the difference for you between "weight loss mode" and "maintenance mode?" How many meals do you eat per day? Did you restrict any food groups such as carbs, fat, etc? Do you count calories or carbs, or neither? If so, how many calories/carbs do you strive for each day? Do you exercise very much or is it safe to say you lost most of the weight with very little to no exercise? Congrats again and thanks for any tips you can give me!. TIPS. AT A FAST FOOD JOINT, one Twitter user posted, while another wrote: like Sonic, but I love this letter. It gives me so much hope to see workers supporting 목포출장마사지 each other with bold actions like this. I work there and dude there's not much compared to Disney World. The mickey pretzels, popcorn, and dole whips are vegan. If you want a quick service meal it's harder to find. Its history dates back to the 1600s, when it was originally a 112.1875 carat diamond. In 1668, it was purchased by King 목포출장마사지 Louis XIV, of France. It is believed to have been originally found in the Kollur mine in Golconda, India. People are reacting not just to characters, but to cards. I certain that a good portion of the hate generated toward Jace and Gideon is due to [[Jace the Mindsculptor]] and [[Gideon Ally of Zendikar]], two cards that are miserable to play against. I legit curious to see what [[Teferi, Hero of Dominaria]] does to perception of Teferi the character. Spoiler alert: this calf is being forcibly held on someone lap. I worked on a ranch for decades and have seen tens of thousands of calves. It is beyond absurd to think that a calf would "want" to sit on someone lap. Lips and cheeks, RMS makes a tinted lip balm product which is super easy for makeup novices, just a fingertip blot and blend will do it, no tools needed. Even straight guys could apply this stuff. They have a range of colors but the shade "promise" might look naturalish on her. The Neanderthal may represent the ideal warrior. Strong, focused, logical. Maybe they become silent generals, but without language they may be limited. I probably pretentious and bougie but I the type would rather spend more and get less product for a nicer product. The first 3 rows down are basically neutrals that most people own including myself (I need to remind myself that I don need exact dupes bc I can often blend similar shades together), I have a few similar shadows to the last 2 rows anyway, and I would sooner get something like the Lime Crime 10th Birthday Palette for bright rainbow colors. At first I enjoyed seeing the range of colors, but in my time I collected enough colorful ones to really justify picking up another.
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strombolienthusiast · 7 years ago
Smash Ultimate Preds/Wishlist
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Geno (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars)- I’ve never played SMRPG but he’s a neato character that deserves a comeback. 
Want- 50% 
Likelihood of getting in- 70ish%
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Xenoblade Rep (Xenoblade Chronicles Series)- Feels like Xenoblade 2 is too new for them to have thought about putting any more reps in. 
want- 0% (sorry not sorry, never played the games) 
Likelihood of getting in- 20%, maybe an assist trophy?
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Shadow The H(edge)hog (Sonic the Hedgehog Series)- It’s pretty much a given at this point that’s he gonna be a sonic echo at this point, I’d be willing to bet money on it. 
Want- 70%
Likelihood of getting in- 90%
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Shantae (Shantae Series)- Shantae has been on Nintendo consoles since she debuted and it would frankly be a shame if she didn’t make it in as at least an assist trophy but given that that’s all shovel knight got that’s probably her only shot at being in the game.
Want- 85%
Likelihood of getting in- 35%
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Skull Kid (Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask)- I mean... I guess?
Want- 12%
Likelihood- 50% chance
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Another fucking Fire Emblem rep (Fire Emblem Series)- You know Sakurai’s gotta do it to us.
Want- -5%
Likelihood- 1000%
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Sora (Kingdom Hearts Series)- Kingdom hearts as a concept, much like the German language, has always been fascinating to me. Also like the German language, it seems quite terrifying and gives me a strange craving for pretzels.
Want- 18%
Likelihood- About as likely as getting more info on the FF7 remake sometime within the next year
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Isabelle (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)- Much like Shadow, this is the only other character on this list I’d be willing to put money on being included as a playable character, almost certainly aiming to be a villager echo.
Want- 60%
Likelihood- 90%
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Rayman (Rayman series)- Given how popular he is and with the recent success of the combined effort project “Mario X Rabbids: Kingdom Battle”, Ubisoft may be looking to play nicely with him.
Want- 70%
Likelihood- 65%
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Earthworm Jim (Earthworm Jim series)- An oldie but a goodie, Jim is my personal pick for who I’d add to the game if I could only bring in 1 more character.
Want- 100%
Likelihood- roughly the same as me crying myself to sleep because I know he’ll never make it (15%)
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Additional Bounty Hunter(s) (Metroid Prime Series)- With the recent announcements of both Ridley and Dark Samus appearing as playable characters, Metroid hype is bigger than ever and I’m certainly no exception. Given the secret ending of Prime 3, I’d imagine Sylux (2nd from the right) would be the most likely candidate out of any other hunter that’s appeared in the series from either Hunters or Prime 3.
Want- 100%
Likelihood- 10%
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Raiden (Metal Gear Solid Series)- Normally I wouldn’t think that such a character has a chance of making it, but given that Konami has not only given us Snake back but has also thrown in both Simon AND Richter Belmont, so they’re being unusually generous. Maybe they’re hiding something else from us..
Want- 50%
Likelihood- 40%
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Heihachi (Tekken Series)- Ryu’s introduction in smash 4 has shown us that Nintendo is certainly interested in adding other fighting game reps into Smash, and given that there was a Heihachi outfit for miis in Smash 4, I’d argue he’s the next most likely 3rd party fighting game rep.
Want- 20%
Likelihood- 55%
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Ken (Street Fighter series)- I’d certainly maybe expect Ken to make an appearance as Ryu’s echo fighter. Given that Capcom was alright with letting Nintendo keep Ryu in the game, Ken is certainly not out of the question.
Want- 50%
Likelihood- 40%
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Lloyd Irving (Tales Of Symphonia)- As with Heihachi, Lloyd had a mii costume in Smash 4 which gives many Tales fans hope that their series might finally be represented in an official way.
Want- 45%
Likelihood- 45%
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Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)- In a similar vein to Lloyd, Yuri is probably the second most likely Tales character to appear. With a remastered version of Vesperia on it’s way to the Switch, it wouldn’t be out of the question to have Yuri make a guest appearance.
Want- 30% 
Likelihood- 25%
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Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Series)- A highly requested fighter, many speculate if she gets in it would likely be as a Diddy echo, although I feel she’d be much better as her own character. That being said, with the recent announcement of King K. Rool and Dixie nowhere to be found, her odds aren’t looking spectacular.
Want- 60%
Likelihood- 25%
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Incineroar (Pokemon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra moon)- Pokemon is almost certainly getting a new representative, and while there are certainly plenty of options from gen 7, I’d argue that the fire cat wrestler probably has the best chance of the lot, maybe tied with Decidueye.
Want- 70%
Likelihood- 70%
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Banjo and Kazooie (Banjo Kazooie Series)- Arguably the current front runner for fan favorite character yet to be announced, I’m honestly not sure about these guys in terms of what their odds are.
Want- 70%
Likelihood- 50%
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Isaac (Golden Sun Series)- Another fan favorite hopeful for assist trophy turned fighter. I know next to nothing about this guy.
want- 20%
Likelihood- 50%
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Jeanne (Bayonetta Series)- This would be an obvious choice for an echo fighter, but given that Bayo already has a skin based on Jeanne I’m not counting on it. (Plus let’s be real who actually wants another Bayonetta in this game) Granted, giving that Rodin is the assist trophy that’s been revealed to us, who knows?
Want- 40%
Likelihood- 25%
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