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No way me and three of my classmates just spend 2 hours on ONE chemistry question, this better be the right answer or I'm going to lose my fucking mind.
This question is going to be on the test and I am SO grateful my teacher gave us the question in advance so we don't have to waste time while making the test but still jesus
#Not to mention this one question is worth an entire point on my grade#Just a few more months and I'll never have chemistry again#I CANNOT WAIT THAT LONG THIS SUBJECT WILL BE MY DEATH#chemistry#school
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The Price Of Mercy, And The Weight Of Guilt: Caitlyn Kiramman
How Do We Get Here:
Twenty-three year old Caitlyn Kiramman stands in the dark ruins of a Zaunite cannery. In the last few days, she has been beaten, shot at, blown up, abducted nude from her childhood home, and terrorized. Jinx, the person responsible, stands across from Caitlyn at gunpoint:
Jinx moves Caitlyn fires Vi shouts to stop and Caitlyn does, ordering Jinx to drop the gun Caitlyn raises the gun when Jinx doesn't comply and Vi begs- "Wait! She's my sister" Caitlyn keeping the gun on Jinx responds- "Vi, she's too far gone" Jinx lowers the gun. Caitlyn looks to Vi who begs- "no no no" Caitlyn still doesn't shoot. Jinx takes advantage of her indecision and attacks, seizing the weapon and brutally knocking Caitlyn unconscious.
And when Caitlyn is back on her feet, what is the cost of her mercy?
The death of her mother
The deaths of two other councilors
The maiming of two more (one paralyzed from the waist down)
The destruction of the council chamber
The memorial attack- You and I know Jinx wasn't involved but I stand by what I've always said, there's no way they don't think Jinx played some role after what she did
The unavoidable Piltovan response for what Jinx did coming down on Zaun
And we also must consider the crimes Jinx had committed up to that point that Caitlyn as someone who wanted to protect people would be considering as well:
She knows Jinx played a part in Silco's Shimmer operations
She survives Jinx's theft of the stone in which six enforcers were killed by Jinx using a fake childs voice, lighting a building on fire and blowing it up
She survives Jinx's attack on the bridge in which the admittedly corrupt Markus and several Enforcers were killed
Jinx infiltrates Caitlyn's childhood home and takes her while she is naked in her bathroom. She dresses her in her Enforcer clothes and takes her to Zaun. Recent sources from the Artbook seem to confirm she was held for a whole day. And there is some evidence to suggest Jinx tortured her although that is much more speculative
In The Aftermath:
It is with that in mind we can begin to discuss the subject of Caitlyn's guilt and how it impacts her story in season two. Now obviously, the immense trauma of all of those events I listed has a massive impact on Caitlyn, and we have to keep some things in mind regarding all of that:
She is an adult yes, but she is still quite young. Only twenty-three when all of that down and still only twenty-four by the end of the show She essentially has zero time to process/grieve/recover. There is clearly some degree of a time skip between the beginning of S2 E1 and the end, as statues had to be built, and we see progression in Salo and Shoola's healing in particular. But it really doesn't seem like very long. And it's hardly like she was resting. She is providing testimony on what she saw and went through, and taking over the leadership of her family. Despite the astounding felonious stupidity needed to arrive at such an idea, no. Caitlyn's wealth and privilege growing up did not somehow give her an emotional resilience to pain and death. In fact it makes it harder for her in this moment because she had never experienced such things. You cannot be used to a pain you have never felt. This is not complicated. Caitlyn's faith and belief in the system she always believed in has been completely destroyed:
That Caitlyn truly believed the Enforcers were a force for good before all of this is not debatable by anyone discussing this show in good faith. There is plenty of proof supporting this that I don't feel the need to go and pull right now. For any of you "she should have known" folks- Nope. She'd quite literally never been to the Undercity. And we see how the Enforcers behave when Topside repeatedly. No masks, smiling, waving, happy and cheerful. Caitlyn quite literally had lessons from the Sheriff herself on shooting, who spoke to her about protecting their people. We see her belief being chipped away little by little during her meeting Vi and Ekko both. They both make allegations against the Enforcers and logically and reasonably Caitlyn would have no reason to believe but after some resistance she is quiet and listens, processing. This all culminates on the bridge. Markus, who has not been nice to Caitlyn but is still the leader of The Enforcers confronts her and Ekko. She puts her trust in Markus, telling him they have prove and insisting Ekko show him. And then it all comes violently apart as Markus shoots Ekko, and the enforcers with him do nothing when he prepares to shoot Caitlyn.
SUMMARY: In a very short amount of time Caitlyn has her entire reality violently ripped away by the destruction of 4 fundamental parts of her foundation:
Security- Jinx violating the sanctity and safety of her childhood home by taking her at her most vulnerable
Stability- Her mother is violently taken from her leaving a massive hole emotionally and in society that she is expected to fill
Innocence- She is exposed to a tremendous amount of violence she is completely unprepared for
Faith- the system of law and order she dedicated herself to and believes in is ripped away from her and almost kills her
And she has no time to deal with any of it before the violence continues. No time to heal, to grieve, to rest. Ambessa orchestrates the attack on the memorial and we are off to the races. But first, we need to discuss my entire point with this, the impact of Caitlyn's guilt.
Obviously, Caitlyn does blame Jinx. I'm not going to bother with examples because they are beyond obvious. She also hates and is legitimately terrified of Jinx as well which is beyond expected given all that has happened. But I think what is even more damaging for Caitlyn is that she blames herself. We see this reflected in many ways:
1. The last lines of "I can't hear it now" as I pointed out yesterday:
"I watched the door close for good Cause I couldn't keep it open"
Like I and several others have pointed out, these songs take us into the minds of the characters with their words and tell us important parts of the story (HINT HINT to all of you who complain about missing detail then proudly proclaim how you skip the songs)
This song takes us into Caitlyn's mind in the aftermath of her mother's death. All of the lyrics speak to her characterization in an important way but this topic look at those last two lines. This is essentially her goodbye to her mother, and she doesn't swear revenge. She doesn't proclaim her love. She blames herself.
She had to say goodbye to her mother, because she failed to keep her safe when she could have...
2. Talking with her dad
This one is much more obvious of course. But we get this very sad scene of Caitlyn talking with her father in S2 E1 after the intro song.
Caitlyn is sitting on a couch reading letters of condolence when her father sits next to her, clearly disheveled and not doing well. They are sitting quietly for a bit before Caitlyn tells her father "I had the shot", staring at the floor with glassy tear filled eyes. Her father doesn't say anything in response, just closes his eyes and accepts. Then when he gives her the Kiramman key, she says "I don't deserve it".
3. Talking with Vi
Her conversation with Tobias leads directly into this one. She and Vi share a touching embrace and Vi apologizes to Caitlyn, admitting Powder is gone and insisting if Jayce will fix the gauntlets Vi can take care of this herself with no one else being hurt. But Caitlyn refuses:
"No... No more rogue missions. No more reckless plans. My mother was right. My arrogance led me to take on more than I could handle, and she paid the price".
Again very plain and to the point. With all that has happened and all the factors that played into this situation, she is holding herself responsible.
She failed her mother...
She could have stopped Jinx and didn't...
She doesn't deserve the legacy of her family...
Her mother died because of Caitlyn's arrogance...
SUMMARY: So again sorry to sound like a broken record but I feel like I'm rambling a bit so this helps me to!
Caitlyn has lost her entire foundation for how she views the world in a rapid and extremely violent manner
Her arrogance lead to her mothers death and even given the chance to stop it she still failed her (she believes)
She doesn't deserve the role of leading House Kiramman but has no choice (she believes)
Not related to this (at this point) but its worth mentioning for consideration into her emotional state. Obviously, her relationship with Vi and by extension Vi being Jinx's sister DRAMATICALLY complicates Caitlyn's feeling in all of this
Losing Herself:
** Note it should be obvious moving forward Caitlyn would consider "If I'd stopped Jinx there wouldn't be a memorial because my mom wouldn't be dead" type of scenarios. You get the point. So I'm not gonna mention that kind of thing every time just new stuff**
So we know the memorial attack was orchestrated by Ambessa to exacerbate the conflict between the cities, in hopes of weaponizing Hex-Tech. But specifically we are looking for how this continues to show Caitlyn's guilt is impacting her.
In the aftermath of the attack, Caitlyn is understandable extremely angry and upset. She and Vi are talking and Vi tells her "You have to find a way to call off the invasion" regarding the Council's plan to send a full Enforcer invasion into Zaun to hunt Jinx. Caitlyn angrily says she has no idea how and she has no idea how to fill the hole left by her mother. She and Vi talk and comfort one another, and Caitlyn forms the idea for the small task force, with Vi agreeing to put on the badge to be with her and assist.
Caitlyn partially blames herself for this entire mess to begin with
She doesn't feel she deserves to lead her family. To be who her mother was. because she failed her.
The woman she loves tells her SHE has to figure this out. And in Vi's defense she is not blaming or trying to make things harder for Caitlyn. Caitlyn has the status and the family name and all and is realistically their best chance at finding another way. Let's take a look at some other lyrics from I can't hear it now-
"Just tell me how to keep breathing while pretending I'm not drowning"
So Caitlyn turns to what was left behind by her mother. She discovers The Grey. And rather than a massive invasion of heavily armed Enforcers who won't care a lick for Zaunite lives, Caitlyn proposes her plan. A small, targeted team of people, hunting specific targets that are a danger to Zaun and Piltover alike. Using something that will prevent as much bloodshed as possible.
Because it isn't that it DOESN"T matter that she is shoving down her trauma trying to be what's expected of her, that using The Grey in this way is a perversion of her mother's work for Zaun, or that the woman she loves is wearing the badge of her parents killers to stay by her side. Its that it CAN'T matter.
Caitlyn had the shot
Caitlyn failed her mother
Caitlyn has to fix this
**SIDE NOTE BEFORE WE CONTINUE: No. Caitlyn did not make Vi become an Enforcer and I have zero clue where some of you are getting that. What I mean when I say it can't matter to Caitlyn in this state is that I think it's something that when she has had time to heal, and reflect, and just be for a bit, it will be something she wishes she hadn't done. She loves Vi deeply, and asking her to put on that badge and hunt her little sister isn't something Caitlyn would ever do under normal circumstances. And as a steadfast Vi fan, hear me now:
Anyway back to Caitlyn-
Losing Herself- HELLFIRE:
We know what happens from here. Caitlyn gives in more and more to her darker angels in the name of their mission. In the name of justice and making things right to protect people she becomes more violent and angry, to the point that Vi is so afraid of how she is changing we see their first kiss. Once again all we need to do for clarity here is to look into the lyrics that take us into Caitlyn's head:
"Can I do the right thing for the wrong reason? Is it bad that I'm making friends with my demons" (Hellfire)
It almost feels silly analyzing this because it is quite plain. But the amount of people just straight up making things up about Caitlyn's mindset during this time make it worth discussion.
The Strike Team's Objectives:
Dismantle Shimmer: Horrifying drug that turns addicts into monsters if it doesn't kill them first
Neutralize agents still loyal to Silco: Chem-Barons. Dangerous drug lords ripping Zaun apart for their own gain
Find Jinx: We have recapped her crimes enough. You get it.
Clearly these are all good things on their own, and resolving these threats to safety helps Zaun and Piltover. But Caitlyn and her team aren't riding in on white horses to save the day. Caitlyn is losing herself more and more to all of this mounting trauma that is slowly overwhelming her. But she can't stop. She has to fix this.
She had the shot...
Her arrogance killed her mother...
She doesn't deserve to lead her family...
If she'd stopped Jinx there wouldn't have been an attack so even the fact that they are down here at all is Caitlyn's fault as well...
This is her fault...
Caitlyn's Downfall:
And of course this all comes to a head when Caitlyn and Vi finally confront Jinx and Sevika. I have broken this fight down and everything that transpires more times than I can count so I'll spare you all that again. But continuing to tackle this thing through Caitlyn's guilt we can talk about this.
Take everything we have already considered. All of her guilt over mother, her feeling of not deserving her legacy, her guilt over Vi's involvement, and twist that all up with the grief, and trauma, and pain and rage, and fear she has been totally unable to heal from. That absolute shitstorm is rampaging through her entire being. And she is face to face with the living embodiment of all of it.
She is one rifle shot away from justice for everything she hates Jinx for, and blames herself for. A chance to slay her monster. A chance to make things right. And that is all she can see.
She can't see that little girl whose life she is risking
She can't see the woman she loves begging her to stop and standing her way. She even fires striking Vi's gauntlet once and fires again
And then as we all know. That resolution Caitlyn so desperately needs in her mind is taken from her. Vi was completely correct to stop Caitlyn but in her complete emotional and mental overload that just cannot get through to to her. And it all comes down to a moment that, when we consider the guilt of Caitlyn Kiramman, I sincerely doubt she will ever truly forgive herself for
The Commander:
Looking for specific instances for analysis, we really don't get a lot of moments where she is truly lost as "The Commander" to apply to this topic. There is one I will mention very briefly.
When Caitlyn is speaking with Maddie in bed, Maddie does the same sort of baiting we see Ambessa do. Telling Caitlyn she could call it all of, she has the power and so on. It's an ongoing conversation but there is one line particularly I want to mention:
"Not without Jinx"
Now this could certainly just be her continued obsession with Jinx. But if we take everything else into account it doesn't feel that way. She seems tired, and full of regret. If you will indulge a bit of speculation, I go back to the lyrics from Hamilton I quoted frequently in my early days on here when I wrote about Caitlyn's story:
"There are moments when your in so deep, it feels easier to just swim down"
I believe Caitlyn is full of regret, and guilt, and self-hatred for all that has happened. Her betrayal of Vi, her becoming someone she never wanted, all of it. But it has to be worth it. Because she has nothing else left. If she gives up, if she doesn't get Jinx, then at the end of the day it was truly all for nothing. And we get some proof of that when she speaks with Jinx later.
"I've hated you.. hated myself. I just don't have the energy for it any longer"
Caitlyn's journey is influenced by so many things. And I feel like I ended up just sort of digging into her arc as I have done many times again to a point. But I hope you get something out of this. I certainly did by writing it as I always do, because I love this story. I wanted to try and dig into the part of her that is being driven by that self-doubt, and guilt, all born from a truly spectacular act of mercy. Caitlyn would have been well within her rights to obliterate Jinx then and there, and instead spares her. Changing her life forever in ways good and bad alike.
Thank you and take care!
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asking here when it comes to deciding was exactly what soundwave will be; if he was a harpy would you go with the pjo disign for him or the tradishonal version from mytholigy; and if you chose a siren would you go ithe the ones in the sea or the bird ladys that actuly sing the songs that loer in sailers? exuce my bad spell in i was rushing
I cannot even tell you the number of times I’ve tried responding to this ask,, tumblr keeps forgetting my drafts and it’s killing me to death,, 😭💀✨

SoOo, I may be a liiitle indecisive, how about we squish a couple of concepts together why don’t we? 👏✨
Fundamentally,, I consider Soundwave to be a bird siren with just, a couple more feathers, XD,, like if I saw him chilling on a rock, my initial reaction would be “LOOK AT THAT BIRD!?” as opposed to “LOOK AT THAT FISH!?” 🫵🤨

Background wise Soundwave likes to chill next to the water because it’s easier to blame strange trills and noises on ocean echos or waves to passerby’s, then it is to get the kingdom guard off his back if they had found out about his abilities 📻🥷
I’ve never considered Soundwave to be a knight as he was created long after the initial knights fall, and only gained his Siren-like abilities due to a pledge he vowed to simply the belief of their existence,, [mostly to protect his cassettes <33] He unintentionally lost his sight to Primus in exchange for these cybernetic abilities because of this vow, u-u✨

Speaking of “Cybernetic Advancements” 👏òuo,, Soundwaves siren abilities are [mostly] used in self defense so what’ll happen [more often than not,, *evil snicker*] is that he’ll wait for his subject to wander into his territory, and create a frequency that matches their EM field rate and make subtle shifts that the target feels and reacts to,,
Making them stressed / anxious,, meaning that if they don’t leave immediately, then they’re usually just scared enough to run away screaming if he pops out at them 😤✨
And, why the tfp Soundwave design? 👀?
UHhm,, aesthetics?? Just look at him! Those big metal bits on the tfp design are literally begging to be some funky wings and feathers 👏😂
#tf cursed knights au#transformers#tfp soundwave#tfp laserbeak [if you squint hard enough >;] ✨]#I was so exited to get this ask#you’ve got no idea 😭#I was right in the middle of these wips and got the notif-#my immediate reaction was -#*Megatron esc laughter* yeES#with the eyes going in two different directions and everything TuŤ#let’s hope to PRIMUS that this post does not delete itself again 😭#🤞⚔️✨
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I wonder how funny it would be seeing Zhongli x Reader x Neuvillette and how their territorial instincts would come out randomly and they would almost fight each other to the death before they stop themselves and they're like wait im sharing my lover with them. I cannot attack them or else lover = sad
Honestly, I don’t really imagine them fighting because they are so well mannered and all, but there is definitely some tensions in there but let’s see that. Content warnings: none.���⠀Thanks for the request, hope you’ll enjoy !⠀⠀ ︵ ⠀⠀ ̼



⠀‣ Zhongli, Neuvillette
These two are from different lands with jobs they are dedicated to, and therefore they can’t travel much, which is convenient because this means they don’t see each other and can fully enjoy your presence alone. However, this also means that you need to travel between nations and leave one of them to see the other. It’s a pity, but they understand, and they also don’t want you to worry since this relationship is already strainful.
You don’t notice it because you’re mortal, but there’s a sort of competition between the two, they can smell the scent of the other on you and despite being well composed, it kind of awake something within them, the need to remove that scent from you and replace it with their. They’ll get more clingier than usual, like asking if they can hold your hand whether it’s in outdoor or indoor, or giving hugs when you’re already close to them and make them last a bit longer than it should.
Sometimes, you’re able to get them in the same room with a bit of forcing with Neuvillette to go outside, and convincing Zhongli to go see him. They’ll keep throwing side-eyes at each other’s while staying still in their chair, and when you try to discuss with them, one won’t take part of the conversation if he sees the other is already in it, unless you ask a question to him directly—yes, it’s very awkward. They think they’re subtle but they really ain’t, anyone walking by can feel the tension, especially you.
“This tea is wonderful!” You exclaimed as the hot drink fills your throat with multiple flavors, going to the tea shop was a good idea that you thought since everyone could enjoy it and it gave you a subject of conversation to talk about. You gave a look to the two persons to your left and right as a hope for a response from them, knowing they always had interesting things to say even when it’s about drink. “I agree, this tea shop uses an old traditional technique, the process demands lots of patience and care but the result is worth it.” You nodded and smiled to Zhongli’s explanation, then you looked at the other direction. “And what about you, Neuvillette?” “Oh. Yes, it is a wonderful taste indeed.” He nodded while looking at his tea. “…”
You don’t expect them to like each other, but at least hope they could act normally without this feeling of distance. Not only that but there are times were they would throw implicit critical comments about each other’s, “You’re going to spend time with the usurpe- I mean, Mr Zhongli?” It gets tiring, this doesn’t feel like a relationship which makes you disappointed, and they can feel it.
They’ll realise how unwise they acted and will try to make efforts for you, even if it takes a long time, trying to restrict their natural instincts. Eventually, they’ll act more casual when the three of you are together, and when they put their differences aside they find common traits and linking they have which makes you think that in another life they would have been really good friends. Say bye to the awkward silence and hi to the long never ending conversations between the two on Liyue water.

‘𝓣𝐇𝐄 𝓔𝐍𝐃 Please don’t copy/translate and don’t reblog with yand3r3 tags, also if you’re a yand3r3 blog/reblog account, or you’ll be blocked. Besides that, likes/reblogs/comments are appreciated.
Would Neuvillette even know that Zhongli is an archon TT?
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i. When Darkness Spoke
Pairing: General Marcus Acacius x Fem!Reader Words: 2893 Warning: None. Chapter Summary: Death was too easy for him and you would fight the gods themselves if they didn't grant you a chance to make him suffer as you have. A/N: There's a slight change in the last act of Gladiator 2. This will be a slow burn so buckle in. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think! Cheers to a New Year everyone.
Next Part // Series Masterlist
“The best revenge is to become unlike the one who did the injury. I have made myself unlike your father. He spoke of dreams, I speak of truth. And the only truth in my Rome is the law of the strongest.” Macrinus stalks closer to Lucilla, his eyes never faltering once as he speaks with a quiet anger, a simmering rage that was finally reaching its zenith now that he had everything he ever desired within reach. She looks at him with unshed tears, her spirit recognizing the proximity of her end as understanding dawns on her, as she unintentionally accepts her fate, and that of her land.
The sun rays beating through the small window within the wall cast more shadows across the room, silhouettes of threats that have long chased her but never quite reached her. Until now. She can do nothing except study her adversary as he eats with ease, silently mocking his power and her fall.
“I was owned by an emperor. Now I control an empire. Where else but in Rome can a man do that?” The declaration is strange, and Lucilla maintains her gaze on the man in front of her, the man who she should have known hated her for decades but was too distracted by the vision of her son to notice. He reaches for his tunic and tugs it down, and only when Lucilla views the brand on the dark skin does she truly understand, and begin to accept, the inescapable fate she was intertwined in.
“Do you recognize your father’s mark on me?” She says nothing, not because she does not know what to say, but because she knows there is no reason to part with words of pleading and apologies. Men like him did not care for empty promises and begging sentiments, men like him merely wanted what they set their hearts on: immense power.
“If there is anything you need…in these last hours, we will provide.” Macrinus nearly smiles at her, but he does not think it necessary to uphold the facade any longer, and he proudly fixes his riches on his way towards the iron bars of the cell. He turns around one last time, wanting to fill his eyes of the revenge he has reached following years of patience, waiting, and opportunity.
“Your death will clear my path to the throne. Tomorrow, there will be games, and at them, I will prevail.” He bows down, and she watches in despair as the iron gate closes shut, leaving her in the warm cell with nothing but the sun to keep her company.
If only she waited, if only she did not act with haste as Acacius recommended. Was the life of her son more valuable than the whole of Rome? Was it worth more than her loving husband, the man that did everything in his power to keep her safe for all those years?
The answers did not matter, not now, not when she would breathe her last when the sun rises again. She wipes the tears away, knowing that she was to blame for everything that has transpired. What she would give to have one last chance at making amends.
“It is an offense to speak so possessively of a land that will eternally control her subjects while lacking the voice to utter her own name.” A soft voice breaks through the hopeless air of the room, and Lucilla turns around quickly in confusion, wondering how and when the owner of the comment entered the cell. Her eyes are glossy, and as she studies the shadows lurking in the corner of the room, she cannot help but attempt to place the woman accompanying her now.
“I know your face.” She breathes as she approaches the figure slowly, and only when she is close enough that they cannot be seen by the guards do you finally make yourself known. As you step out of the shadows, you glance to the barred door to ensure you are not to be interrupted. Satisfied with the silence of the dungeons, you circle around Lucilla and seat yourself in front of her, waiting for her to approach you once more before breaking the silence.
“Only a man can hold such vanity, and in doing so, constructs the very scaffold of his downfall.” You shrug your shoulders when recognition crosses Lucilla’s features, ignoring her inquiries in hopes of illustrating to her that time was of the essence, and was certainly not on her side.
Either of yours.
“You are Leta’s serva. How- how were you allowed here?” You shake your head at the inquiry, patting the seat beside you in an attempt to soothe her worries, mind racing with the thought of finally having what you prayed for ever since you learned of the truth.
“How fortunate for you, domina, that Macrinus’ self-righteousness holds the key to your future.” Your smile is hopeful, and only then does the daughter of the previous Emperor understand the gravity of her situation, and the sheer good fortune of your presence. You look between her eyes and breathe in slowly, reaching for her hand and clasping it tightly to offer her a sense of relief.
“If I were to tell you I could grant you your heart’s desire, right this moment. What would you say?” You do not break her gaze, wanting her to see the truth of your question, and the ease with which you can grant her the one hope you are positive she will answer with.
“I would tell you that I am…weary. Death has finally caught up to me and I care not for your faux care. Why are you here?” She slips her hand away from you, standing and walking towards the opposite wall, beneath the cold air unlit by the planet setting in the horizon.
“What do you want most in the world, mistress?” You ask again, strutting towards her until there is barely any space between the two of you. She has her back to you, and you suspect it is not out of distrust but hopelessness.
“Peace.” The one word is breathed in sadness, and you shake your head at her response, stepping away from her and disagreeing until she allows her attention to drag towards you again.
“No, you misunderstand. Your Roman status wants peace. Would does Lucilla, daughter of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, want? What is Lucilla’s deepest desire?” You slip a grape between your lips, circling back towards her as a wolf would when he toys with a helpless doe. She narrows her eyes at you, watching as you infect her with excitement, until only one answer storms your mind.
“I- I cannot have what I want.” She struggles to say, and you smile then, knowing you have her right where you want.
“I disagree.”
“My life ends here. What does it matter what my heart wishes to have?” Her voice rises and you soothe her with your hands, grabbing her shoulders and forcing her to memorize your features until she is no longer distracted by her reality.
“Humor me, domina.” The honorific triggers a stream of fresh tears, and you hum in kindness, drying her rosy cheeks until she can reevaluate her mind’s thoughts.
“Acacius. I want Acacius.” The name sends a shiver of disgust and victory down your spine, and you mask your gladness with confusion, not wanting her to see through the cloak of lies you have chosen to wear for decades around her.
“How strange! I would have thought you would ask for Maximus?”
“Maximus was never mine.” The answer is swift, and you raise an eyebrow at her choice in words, wondering how such a sentiment is true when you have born a child from the gladiator.
“And Acacius was?”
“His love, yes.” The prospect of being at the receiving end of that man’s affections sets your heart on fire, and you repeat her words to ground yourself, afraid you would give up the charade then and there before you can reach your true wish.
“His love…”
“Then ask.” The command is whispered, and your eyes lock on hers, encouraging her to reach the conclusion of what you are asking her to do, what you are willing her to understand about your true nature.
“Give me Acacius.” She reaches out to your hands then, and your lips turn up as you reciprocate her affections and clothe her with a sense of peace.
“And what would you give me in return?” You hold her hands and bring them to your lap, wanting her to be as close to you as possible so she has no doubt of what you are capable of.
“No, that is not your truth.” You refuse her desperation, wanting her to be more specific for the sake of your future, and his.
“A life for a life, mistress. A life for a life, as the fates decide.” You elaborate on your question, and watch as understanding dawns on her. Her attempts of pulling her hands away are crushed down when you kneel at her feet and push your own hands into her lap, giving her the power she craves even when she is so close to her demise.
“The gods require a soul in return. But unlike the gods, I offer you a choice.” The glimmer of hope you have given her seconds ago is replaced with suspicion, and she furrows her eyebrows at you, dreading the answer to the question she is yet to ask.
“A choice?” Her voice is barely louder than a whisper, but you school your features until she sees nothing but tenderness, a sense of peace she has only ever imagined in her dreams.
“Yes, a choice. Your choice of the future.” The curiosity that washes over her makes your heart race with ambition and you nod at her, waiting for her consenting words before you can reveal her choices.
“Tell me.”
“What are you willing to surrender? Your son’s life, your own, or mine and truth.” You speak slowly, wanting her to truly think over the solution you are presenting to her on a silver platter. When she frowns deeper, you soothe her worries with an embrace, pulling her with a patiently urgent command.
“Choose wisely, domina.”
“What do you mean ‘yours in truth’?” Before she can finish her question, you are shaking in denial, reminding her that she is not allowed to ask for anything more.
“You know I cannot answer. It is as I said.” You prompt her with a look, pursing your lips as she comes to understand why she cannot ask for you to elaborate, or better yet, why you are unwilling to detail her choices and the consequences to follow.
“He gave up his life for Lucius’...and I finally guarantee his safety.” She speaks more to herself than you, and you nod comfortingly, watching as her guarded walls fall brick by brick until nothing but the spirit of a brokenhearted woman lingers.
“Make your choice.” You urge further, tightening the hold you have on her hands until she looks into your eyes once more.
“I do not understand, your life is not mine to wager. Why would you ever give up your own life for my happiness?” You had not expected her to ask such a concern, and for a brief moment, you feel for the woman, knowing that her life was filled with nothing but sorrow and worry.
But so was yours.
“It is as I said.” Your reply is unwavering, tone nearly softening were it not for the memories of your own burden.
“There will be consequences for each?” Her voice is growing steadier with each question, and her hands begin to feel cold in yours, as if her body was slowly preparing to accept the second chance it so craved.
“Undoubtedly.” You affirm, spirit nearly jumping with ecstasy as you feel her coming to a decision. When she remains quiet however, you taunt her with a vision, knowing she is too weak to turn down such knowledge.
“If you wish, I can tell you of your future when the sun rises.” Her brow furrows at your remark, uncertainty clouding her expression as she glances away before returning her focus on you once more.
“An arrow will pierce your heart as your son battles to save you. But he will not be defeated following your death. On the contrary, he will take the throne and become the Emperor of Rome.” Your words carry an ominous weight, but you applaud her for not flinching at hearing of her death. Her hold loosens, as if touching you burns her hands, but she does not pull away, asking the ultimate question to be certain of her desires.
“And if I choose your life for Acacius’?” Her voice trembles with barely contained anguish at bringing her husband back from the dead, only to lose him again.
“Whoever you pick will be fairly traded, that I can promise you. You need only speak the name.” Your tone is sharp but honest, and you watch as her lips quiver at finally finding the peace she so craved, not for her, but for those she held most dear in her heart.
“Speak the name, mistress.” You know you have her, and you press further, voice commanding and piercing her tempest of thoughts.
“I choose you.” You almost sigh in relief at the words, but you remain steadfast in your spirit, knowing that vengeance is now not too far from your reach. As a testament to her decision, you give her a moment of respite, not to make her feel safe, but to feel your chest jump with pride at the knowledge that she will understand and weep of your offering in the near future.
“Your husband will rise before the sun, and his resurrection will prevent your death. He will be reconciled with Lucius, and you will restore Rome to her former glory.” You nod in appreciation, smiling at the desperate consolation that tightens its embrace around her.
“And what of Lucius?” She asks, excited at the prospect of having both her son and her husband.
“He will become Emperor, still.” She is relieved at your words, only for worry to etch itself on her expression when she gazes upon you and sees you as more than a mere servant.
“And…what of you?” A flicker of regret colors her words, but you shake your head, standing to your height and warning her not to worry of your service.
“I am not your concern, mistress.” You reply curtly, bowing your head as you make your way towards the corner of the room from where you appeared.
“But-” She protects, her hand reaching for yours once more. You allow her to touch you, but when she attempts to grow closer, you pull your skin away and refuse her worry again.
There was a time for such sentiments.
And it has long passed.
“Had I been, my name would not have been uttered by your lips.” Your tone leaves no room for argument, and you will her to see that you are not afraid of the choice she made.
“Nulla rosa sine spinis, domina.” You breathe softer, more wistful, and notice the single tear she sheds. You hope it is not for you but for herself. You pray it is not for you, but for her own heartbreak, the one that would be shared by those around her.
“The next time you grace me with your presence, Lucilla, it will be with the fruits of your desires firmly held in your grasp. I offer you one law: do not breathe a word of this to a living soul. Do you understand me?”
“Yes.” She nods, wiping the tear slipping down her cheek as she steps away from you.
“Bene, I urge you to rest. You shall need it for tomorrow’s affairs.” Offering her one last bow, you blow a kiss her way and evaporate into thin air, watching from your urn of water as she rises from the pillows she has slept on and study the air of the cell around her. You see her wonder whether she has dreamt it all, and you solemnly stare at the reflection gazing at you, no longer caring for how hateful it shines as it returns your attention. You swipe your hands across the water, walking away from the altar in search for the comforting light of the sun.
“Flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo.” You breathe in the jasmine scent of the flowers all around the room, watching the afternoon crowds as they come and go, completely oblivious to the events that are soon to unfold.
“You will pay, you will all pay for what you have done.” The anger you have kept so long in your heart threatens to make itself known in the form of a rainstorm, but you silence your mind, forcing yourself to forget the young girl’s laughter, the one you were sure to hear again when Lucilla’s desires bear fruit,
“And I shall begin with you, Acacius.” A thin smile curls at your lips, and you pause in thought, returning to the altar with haste in preparation for the ritual to come.
“I promise to make a game of your life.”
Translations: -Nulla rosa sine spinis. // There is no rose without thorns. -Flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo. // If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell.
#marcus acacius#marcus acacius/reader#marcus acacius x reader#general marcus acacius#gladiator 2#gladiator#gladiator ii#pedro pascal#marcus acacius slow burn
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The Curse of Bloodlines (Epilogue 😔)
Request: For the annon who sends me this request every day. You know who you are and you have my respect fellow gremlin.
Pairing: Thranduil x Reader
AN: I never wanted to write this. But alas for those who cannot live without a happy ending go thrive. Please no more requests for this AU after this.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue |
"Atyo!" You peel Celegorm's hands off Thranduil's throat. At once your uncles are at the task of taking him to another room as you follow them. Not daring to look back at him. Too scared that you might not be able to leave if you do.
Perhaps it was the fear of finding the same disdained look you had witnessed in Arda. The fear of being subjected to it had left your eyes anywhere but, Thranduil.
So you focus all your attention on your father, who almost escapes the grasp of 4 of his brothers, including Uncle Maedhros, who towered over the majority in Valinor.
"Ata, not now," your voice cuts through the din, surprisingly firm despite the tremor in your heart. Your father's face contorted in a snarl, but something in your voice, perhaps the raw emotion, caused him to pause.
"Let me go!" he roared, his voice thick with fury. "I won't be mocked by that… that…" he trailed off, his tongue failing him to find an insult that wouldn't ignite another confrontation.
You shake your head and lead him out. "Let's leave. Grandfather is waiting."
You clenched your jaw, the weight of the situation pressing down on you. This meeting, the one you'd dreaded since your days in the Halls of Mandos, had been a disaster. And the worst part? It was just the beginning.
Meeting your father was something you had wished for forever. An unfulfilled yearning you grew up with. The same yearning Legolas grew up with. Absence of a bond that made the entirety of an existence.
Settling in his arms was a comfort unknown to you in life. Death had been kinder in many ways.
The agony of right and wrong seared on both you and your father. Ignorance of the bond that is most priced above any other. Blood that had cost you the love of your husband and the chance to watch your son grow.
But things that once shredded your heart into pieces now were distant worries. The sting of betrayal and the ache of lost years paled in comparison to the warmth of your father's embrace. His tearful apologies, whispered promises of redemption, were a balm to your wounded soul.
You met then, your uncles, your grandfather, your great-grandfather, An entire clan doomed in the halls of death. And so the task of stitching back together the House of Finwe began.
From uncountable days spent sharing stories by the pillar of your Grandfather, Feanor's firey pillar, to bringing along the souls of your troubled cousins Aegnor and Maeglin. Finweans started healing.
And you became the princess of Noldor. A title that came with a hefty price.
Legolas' friendship with Finrod wasn't a surprise. Both, you realized, carried the weight of a love lost to time – a grief you could never fully understand or soothe.
Legolas, however, found solace elsewhere. Celebrimbor, with his gentle spirit, became his closest confidante. He regaled Amrod and Amras with tales of Middle-earth, earning their playful grumbles about being called "grandfathers." Feanor, a name whispered in legends, became a complex figure he learned about through stories and perhaps, even fleeting glimpses of him to and from the forge.
Your interactions with Legolas were tentative at first. You were a stranger to him, a face from stories whispered in hushed tones. He longed to know the woman who carried him.
Awkward silences hung heavy in the air, punctuated by whispered stories of his life in Greenwood. He spoke of Thranduil with respect, but a flicker of sadness lingered in his eyes. He spoke of a man named Estel, a human who had become a dear friend, a story that filled you with bittersweet joy.
Then came the inevitable – a meeting with Master Gimli. Their shared tales of their unlikely friendship brought laughter to the once desolate House of Feanor.
Finally, after much coaxing, you managed to convince Legolas to attend Oropher's feast. You knew a march to invite the entire Noldorian royal family was a tad excessive, even by his standards.
Noldor marching was almost always was a perilous idea.
"Apply this twice a day," you mutter, handing him the small vial. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, you allowed yourself to meet his gaze. "For the bruises," you clarified, pointing to the dark marks of your father's grip on his throat.
A flicker of surprise crossed his face, then settled into a mask of stoicism. His eyes, those same eyes that once held the warmth of a thousand sunrises, seemed distant, etched with the weight of untold ages. They held an emotion you couldn't quite define - a far cry from the hatred that burned in them during your last moments together.
His hand brushed against yours as he reached for the vial, sending a jolt through you. The grief that had settled between you, heavy and suffocating, felt like a tangible presence in the air.
"I apologize for my father," you began, your voice barely a whisper. "He is…"
"Troubled," he finished the sentence, his voice surprisingly gentle. "As are we all."
A heavy silence descended upon you once more. He spoke, breaking the quietude, his voice laced with a weary resignation. "I do not know what penance I shall bear to ever right the wrongs I have committed. I have searched for ages, scouring the world, but I cannot find a path back to the past I crave."
"I do not know what repentance I shall bear to ever right the wrongs I have committed," he continued, his voice barely above a murmur. "This yearning for what we once had consumes me, yet I detest it, for I do not believe I am worthy of it." His voice cracked, and for a moment, the once proud king you knew of was now stripped bare, revealing an elf consumed by regret.
The air around you seemed to crackle with unspoken apologies and unspoken yearning. You gathered your courage, forcing the words from your lips. "I do not know much of right or wrong," you began, your voice surprisingly steady. "Neither do I understand the intricacies of penance or forgiveness. Yet, from all I have learned in this strange realm, one thing resonates."
He averted his gaze, his back turned to you, his broad shoulders slumped in defeat. All the air seemed to have been sucked from the room, leaving a hollow ache in your chest.
Your mind raced, searching for the right words. "No act is set in stone. No grievance can hold its power over the relentless march of time. My kin, they wronged many, yet even they found a measure of peace." You thought of your uncles, of your father, finally released from the burdens of their choices.
"They were able to return to the light of Aman because they allowed themselves to seek forgiveness," you continued. "Beyond mine or Legolas', it is your own that you require the most." You reached out then, your fingers brushing against his cheek.
"We have all the time in the world." You leaned in, your lips brushing against his in a whisper of a kiss. A flawed marriage, a flawed separation, and a flawed reunion, yet, nothing had managed to make it any less sweeter.
#the hobbit#the silmarillion#tolkien elves#noldor#thranduil x reader#Feanorian reader#celegorm#angst#middle earth#thranduil x wife#thranduil#Istg I will not write this ever again
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Ghoap x Female Reader
Content Warnings: Female reader is Italian and speaks Italian. Swearing. Cursing. Insults thrown around. Reader talks about their wealthy family ties. Philosophy talk about death and what it means to accept death. Car accident in somewhat graphic detail I guess?
Note: If you want more of this type of thing, let me know, and I'll whip up a part two in a heart beat.
Note 2: Camion is Italian for 'truck'. At least, I think it is. But please correct me if that is incorrect.
You were still unconscious from the car accident, you weren’t the one who caused this forsaken mess, and yet you were the one who suffered the consequences of somebody else’s actions. Doctors said you suffered greatly, but then again anyone who was railed by a camion would have.
The term ‘suffered greatly’ is absolutely vague and at this point? It felt almost deliberate. Who knew when you would wake up? Let alone wake up at all? The nerves bundled up inside the both of them. Unsure why they had insisted it was safe enough for you to go there alone.
As the rain hammered down upon the asphalt road. As the camion came beside you inside the car that was small enough to be crumpled with too much ease. You didn’t see it coming. Not that you would have now, would you? It wasn’t like you could predict the future and considering the past is set in stone. It wouldn’t do any good trying to change what already happened.
“I will not be subjected to your lack of taste. Nor do I expect you suffer from my own tastes.” You told them months ago about Italian opera and how much you enjoyed it. “Either way. What you need. You shall have. No strings attached and no favours required.”
You are far too ‘selfless’ sometimes. According to them. But you loved them for what they did for themselves rather than what they did for you. What good is assistance if they can’t hope to help themselves.
“Hey, I will not have you speak negatively about yourself or wishing death upon yourself either. Neither helps you and nor will it help you heal either. Just because can doesn’t always mean that you should. You told me that once and I think it should be said to you too.” You gently scolded them once.
You showed them your AGM-1 carbine, your Italian Bullpup Carbine, once, “Its nice. I quite like it.” You said to Ghost one afternoon. “Its one my favourites. Along with the Barrett M8A1 I use.”
Soap hasn’t stopped pacing around the hospital waiting room. He was sure you would be dead before the two of them got to start dating you. Couldn’t have that now can they? But much like life itself.
Moments like these aren’t fair. Ever. You told them life shouldn’t be taken for granted. Cherish the time you have now and mourn the people you eventually leave behind. You knew this more than most people. You studied it in subjects like Forensics Anthropology, Forensics Pathology, Thantology, and Archaeology.
“Death cannot be cheated, nor can it hope to be delayed. To think you can do just that is beyond naïve. Hopefully idealistic in the act of thinking humans could ever dream of immortality.” You told them once.
“Unless you are like my lineage, I doubt your family is going to have their own homegrown cemetery attached to their own churchyard. ‘Can’t have the ‘common folk’ get anywhere near our dead or something like that.” You added in.
When you do wake because death had decided it wasn’t quite your time to leave the earth just yet. Denying you passage to death’s cold embrace. How long would it take for you to get used to your new arm you wonder.
Ghost still remembers hearing about your favourite flower being ‘Lilly of the Valley’. Shocking him because they were light coloured flowers and the total opposite of your aesthetic. You said it was because of the fact life gave them such light colours to such delicate things. It was your mother's favourite for a while, along with flowers like sweet pea.
You didn’t like them until she passed, and thereafter? Loved them completely. Roses were fine. You weren’t going to turn away from them completely. But the sentimental value from the light pink lilies were far more than any dark red roses could offer. It was like comparing a sunrise to a sunset. Both were beautiful, one had a taint of sadness captured in it that you found absolutely charming.
“I find them prettier than I did when I was younger. Perhaps it was because my mother valued them so much? I can only guess that was the reason I took a liking to them.” You told him looking back at him from looking out the window. The rain hadn’t stopped pouring down from the look of things.
You continued speaking after a brief pause, “Though I do remember bringing her red and white snapdragons on Mother’s Day one year. I didn’t think it would affect her so much, until she said she had chosen them for her wedding bouquet. Her mother-in-law hated it, said it clashed with the ‘atmosphere’ and yet she decided to go with it.”
“You should have seen her, inside of white, she wore a midnight blue with silver embroidered stars along the fringes of the veil and the dress’s long train. Like she was walking straight from the depths of the sky. I said it was like the moon was loaning her its stars in the attempt to woo her into staying with him instead. In her refusal he gifted them in remembrance.”
You didn’t speak about your family’s ludicrously magnanimous volume of worldly goods, nor did you want to. Why would you?
How do you put in plain words to someone that it was reaped by taking care of the dead? You know you didn’t have anything to be embarrassed of. But in what way does someone go about telling loved ones their family’s legacy lies inside the act taking caring of the dead or the ones about to die?
Even though it was your mother’s side who dabbled in such things and not your father’s. Your father’s side were the more pompous kind of rich, lavish, extravagant and excessive with their wealth. It was your mother’s side that was more grounded, more in touch with reality. Creating the overture combination of a rich girl with the heart of someone who knew of suffering.
Though parts of your furniture does seem odd. Like the Marc Held for Prisunic Moulded Fiberglass Bed, c. 1966. You had decided to place a waterbed mattress to it, just because you wanted to make it feel older.
The black silk sheets and crimson silk pillowcases were the things inside your bedroom. These things? They made it feel more 70's. You liked that era, you also loved the 60's and 80's. Which despite the gothic shades, tones and colours. It was like you were trying to hold onto a piece of your mother.
They didn't know how to cope when they first heard you were in a car collision with a camion, you weren't going too fast. You weren't intoxicated. You weren't high. You were just driving back home after a rough case, and fate decided it was time to throw you curveball. A fucking curveball no one saw coming.
Soap slept in your bed that night, inhaling your scent from the silk sheets and clutching your whale shark plush. The heavy blanket draped over him. The fur blanket made from real deer fur. You told him it was made from the first deer you hunted with your grandfather months before he passed.
You had killed it yourself. You remarked it was your grandfather’s way of making sure you respected the animal you slaughtered. Use every part otherwise its murder and not hunting. A beautiful blanket which has lasted longer than most things you bought. In colour it’s a deep, rich brown, almost auburn in the right lighting. Soft to the touch. Eerie to think it once was a creature roaming the forests freely.
When you woke and Ghost had been in the chair beside you the whole time? “What……what time is it?” you asked like you had rolled out of bed.
“Two in the morning. You’ve been asleep for seven days and eight nights.” Ghost answered calmly. Knowing the doctor told him to keep the excitement to a minimum.
“I don’t know why, but I jumped, panicked a little, thinking I had to wake up for work.” You mumbled, you are still completely out of it from the amount of morphine inside you.
#Muggy's Ideas#muggy's ideas#ghoap x reader#ghoap x you#ghoap x y/n#ghoap x female reader#ghoap x fem reader#ghoap x f!reader#cod x reader#cod x you#cod x y/n#cod x female reader#cod x fem reader#cod x f!reader#cod fanfic#cod fic#cod fanfiction#simon ghost riley#john soap mactavish#soap mactavish#ghost riley
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while i totally get the motivation behind believing that mary's feelings for john be completely manufactured (and i think it's an interesting angle), i…. also think it's kind of crazy that it's based solely on a cupid's few lines of dialogue and none of the other cupid motivated meet-cutes are treated with the same malice of heavenly intervention. also like. while i get making mary's feelings manufactured, isn't it kind of fucked john's feelings are manufactured?
like maybe the reason he got so bad after she died is because his feelings for her were intensified, but the concept pushed forward by the fandom is that john's feelings were Real(tm) but mary's are 100% fake. there's also very little evidence john was a bad father prior to her death (i know people point to the dark side of the moon but thats only indicative of johnmary relationship troubles, not necessarily john being a bad father)
like. i dont actually think all of her feelings for john were manufactured, every time she talks about john she seems to sincerely believe in his goodness, and if the cupid caused them to fall in love, why would it be affecting her opinion on him (season 14) when it was shown to not affect her opinion on their relationship when they were together (her and him having fights for one).
now i'm not defending john winchester's actions i just find it strange people are willing to jump to "oh mary was forced into the relationship and didn't love john at all" but no one ever suggests that about john, when he's included in the cupid's line of "they couldn't stand each other" and afaik john was a decent guy before mary died.
hi anon! it's nice to get asks for sure but i am not a mary expert!! i do love her dearly but please take everything i say as something i will happily give way about to a real mary understander.
but tbh yeah it really does seem like mary loved john.
in 12.02, she says:
MARY: Stuff I'd forgotten about. Funny stuff your dad did. He was a great father.
in 14.05, she says:
MARY: Bobby's not open like your dad. SAM: Wait. Like my dad? MARY: Okay. At least he's not like your dad was when I knew him.
these are things she says long after the cupid's effects would need to be taking place. but of course these are all things we can do readings about! and i'm certainly a sucker for lesbian mary!
but given all of this and, i am inclined to think that the cupid's effect was more about breaking down the initial dislike of each other but that mary and john did end up in a semi-functional and pretty loving (i.e average) relationship? which is not to say that heaven interfering in their lives isn't incredibly fucked up and violating! just that, i think often times, people find things to like and love about each other... and regardless of heaven, it's clear something mary specifically wanted was a life and a family outside of hunting - which john clearly provided!
and i agree that it would be weird to think the cupid only changed mary's feelings and not john's. but i really cannot emphasize enough that i would not consider myself an expert in this!
the one thing i will say is in dark side of the moon, john does seem to have developed his pattern for leaving (with an unclear timeline) as relationship problem solving (and maybe a little bit punishment) before mary died. which, to me, is not the sign of a super great or decent father...
MARY: Hello? … No, John. … We’re not having this conversation again.… Think about what? … You’ve two boys at home. DEAN: I remember this. Mom and Dad were fighting and then he moved out for a couple days.
(but that is maybe the subject i'm most sensitive about in all the world)
#pine yaps#5.16#12.02#14.05#john and mary#im so boring all my takes about the actual mechanics of the supernatural in the show are mehhhh#and my opinions of all the interpersonal dynamics are like [WALL OF TEXT]#i like the mundane on the supernatural show and yet i dont like AUs much lmao
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Silver Swords & Dragonfire
It's been fifteen years since the Battle of Baldur's Gate and the fall of the Absolute. Lae'zel joined forces with Orpheus and has been plotting Vlaakith's downfall. They will travel to the githyanki city of Tu'narath in the Astral Sea and they will slay a lich. But Lae'zel's story does not end there. She will have her red dragon. She will have what she is owed.
She will ascend.
This piece was originally written for @bg3womenswrongs, which will be available for free in March 2025. I highly recommend checking it out -- the art and the written work is an incredible tribute to the ladies of Baldur's Gate 3, who get far from their due. Let them be a little evil, as a treat. Enjoy <3
Rating: M Characters: Lae'zel, Ascended Astarion, God Gale, Orpheus, Tav, Vlaakith Word Count: 1,960 Content: Canon-typical violence, regicide, everyone being sort of terrible (but also kickass), post-canon
AO3 Link
The atmosphere around Créche K’liir is cold. Full of silver-white moonlight and crisp as night sky in midwinter. There’s always warmth to be found in the inner chambers of the asteroid, but the starsong beckons the githyanki to the surface to search for what is lost. To answer a call.
As Lae’zel steps foot onto the extraterrestrial surface of Tu'narath, The City of Death, she feels that way again. It’s been fifteen years since the Battle of Baldur’s Gate, fifteen years since she walked on the shores of the Astral Sea.
The nebulae whisper of history immemorial. A promise of eternity. Her birthright.
Vlaakith’s tomb.
Castle Susurrus towers high overhead, dark spires shrouded in fog, unchanged for millenia. Sharp, blackened edges cut across a sky otherwise filled with the gentle light of creation. Lae’zel stands with a stance straight as the silver sword she holds in one hand, fingers wrapped round the hilt with the care of a protective lover. Dark blood runs rivulets down the shining metal of the blade.
A drop shivers at the point and falls, floating lightly in midair before it descends to splash against the rock.
Lae’zel’s other hand is slick with gore of a different sort. There, she grips one tentacled mandible of a ghaik head, its eyes vacant and lifeless, its mind whispering no more. The purple flesh has gone gray and dull with unlife, the black blood long since crusted over.
A moment, not long past, rises in her mind’s eye.
The illithid to whom this head belonged stands at a war table, discussing strategy. It is a position her foolhardy younger self would never have occupied, but she is no longer young, nor blindly devoted to a queen on a stolen throne. The rightful heir, Orpheus, walks a circle around the table, reviewing their plans.
“A clever assault,” he says. “Albeit more subject to the whims of istek than I’d prefer.”
“We agree, my liege,” Lae’zel says with a deferential nod. “But my allies, while flighty, are nevertheless bound by their oaths to me.”
Orpheus searches his First Commander’s face and finds her truthful. “As you say. The plan is set, then.”
Lae’zel waits until the prince leaves the room before she dares look to their sole ghaik ally. On cue, they wince and close their eyes, putting two fingers to their temple.
“It pains you?” she asks.
After a moment, the illithid drops their fingers and glances her direction. In her mind, she hears them respond, “It does. Every day, I lose more of myself. That is why you must end me before it is too late. I will make a fine offering.”
Lae’zel leans heavily onto the table, hands balled into tight fists. When she looks to her friend, it is with bitter sorrow in her eyes. “I cannot,” she whispers.
The companion she once called Tav replies, “You will. You must.” They put a hand over hers. “It has always been your destiny.”
What good, this heart of stone, for it to be shattered? Good enough to take up the shards and shred Vlaakith’s regime. A new monarch will rise.
And so she stands with a sword in one hand and her dear friend’s skull in the other, waiting for the allies who promised their aid. Every guard that met their end on her blade lies slaughtered at her feet. At last, a portal glows violet and two men step through. The first gleams with the silvered skin and brilliant eyes of a newly-minted god. Lae’zel stops herself from curling her lip.
The second is all angular features and oppressive finery, peering down his nose at her with ruby eyes as he wipes blood from his hands with a handkerchief. Lae’zel stops herself from sneering a second time.
The God of Ambition and the Vampire Ascendent make powerful allies and unbearable conversationalists. Strange, that she once thought of their weaker forms as friends. That moment is past. That was a time before life went hard and unforgiving for them all.
“I’ve cleared the entry hall for you,” Lord Ancunín says, voice distant and disinterested. “Do keep in touch if you manage to stay alive. We’ll have much to discuss about the future of our respective realms.”
As if she would share her eternal glory over the immortal plane with this coward-turned-little-lord of Baldur’s Gate. Her sights are much higher.
Lae’zel nods nonetheless.
The god once called Gale of Waterdeep gives her a condescending bow. “May you achieve the outcome you seek,” he says, words echoing. “And recall who blessed you on this day of your rebirth.”
Astarion tosses his stained handkerchief to the ground with a scoff. “Years ago, I promised you a favor in return for your assistance in helping me become…” He inhales deeply through his nose and gestures down the length of his body. “... this. That favor has been called in. Do not darken my door again unless you bear gifts. Enjoy your own… ascendence.”
Lae’zel tightens her grip on the tentacle and waves her sword in Gale’s direction, jerking her head toward the palace.
“Your favor remains unfulfilled, my friend with a foot in the divine,” she says. If he notes the underscore of disdain in her tone, he doesn’t acknowledge it.
With a wave of his hand, he opens a second portal. For a moment, his expression goes almost sad. “Arrogance makes enemies of us all,” he says. “For both our sakes, may we never meet again.”
“My thanks for honoring your bargain,” she replies, tucking her chin and glaring. “Now go. This victory is mine.”
He laughs, bitterly. “Vlaakith gha'g shkath zai.”
Then he is gone.
In the distance above, red dragons lock claws and battle in midair. One bears Orpheus as a rider, his war cry lost to the stars. The atmosphere around Lae’zel is calm. Quiet.
She tears her eyes from her prince and enters the portal left for her, never looking back.
True to his word, the Ascendent left the hall decorated with corpses, their blood going tacky beneath her boots as she strides toward a barred door many times her height. Black obsidian, chipped and carved over years to depict githyanki knights crushing their ghaik tormentors underfoot. In the center, a vermillion dragon roars, mouth open wide.
Lae’zel pauses and reaches out, marveling at the smooth glass beneath her fingertips. A scene older than she can comprehend. A promise, ready to be fulfilled.
She hoists the illithid head into the dragon’s mouth and lets the ancient magic take hold. Once, in the days of Orpheus’ mother, the gith earned their knighthood by offering a ghaik’s head. A final test of mettle. Through all Vlaakith’s misbegotten lifetimes, the lich queen could never unravel it completely.
The dragon’s eyes glow, the skull withers and becomes dust, and blessed strength flows through Lae’zel’s veins. She puts her hands to the massive bar keeping her from her quarry and throws it aside as if it weighs nothing more than a harpy feather.
As the door swings open wide, she locks eyes with a usurper, a thief, a charlatan.
Vlaakith stands from her throne, her sharpened crown rising high over her brow and her expression filled with hate.
“Impossible,” the false queen hisses.
Liquid gold flows beneath Lae’zel’s yellow-green skin, lighting her up from the inside out. She broadens her stance, wrapping both hands around her sword and holding it steady at her shoulder.
“The only impossibility here is that you live longer than I will it,” Lae’zel calls. “Die as you lived – wicked and alone. Mha stil'na forjun inyeri.”
Her once-queen hisses and enters a battle stance, her movement rusted over with time and disuse. Far from the gith she rules so stringently, her deathless form has become hollow, weak. It takes no time at all to get a blade to her throat.
Vlaakith’s mouth twists with hate as she glares into Lae’zel’s unwavering eyes, the flesh of her palm cut to the bone as she holds the silver sword by the blade.
“Your suffering will be unending,” Vlaakith snarls. “I shall keep you shivering on the edge of death for an eternity, your body and spirit broken, your tongue a shredded ruin behind your shattered teeth.”
When the lich begins an incantation, Lae’zel lashes quick as lightning and forces two fingers into the queen’s mouth all the way to her gullet, pinning her tongue and causing her to gag and cough, the spell lost. Lae’zel gives a miniscule shake of her head.
“None of your witchery,” Lae’zel whispers. “You will fight as githyanki are intended, or you will not fight at all.”
A resounding crash fills the space as a hulking form crushes its way through the stone wall. A dragon with glittering scarlet scales towers taller than any Lae’zel has ever seen, its throat glowing from within with deadly fire. Its teeth are opal daggers, a shining threat. Below Lae’zel, Vlaakith is brought to her knees, frantically gripping the warrior’s forearms and biting down on the fingers holding her tongue. Lae’zel does not yield.
In the ancient language of dragons, the one she was never taught until she taught herself, Lae’zel says, “Stay your claws, King of Flame, and you will be beholden to Vlaakith’s madness no longer.”
It is a long, tense moment, during which the dragon’s golden eyes search between the blessed newcomer and his longtime queen. At last, he inclines his head and waits. Strength is a ruler he knows.
An unholy, garbled wail rises from the lich’s throat as Lae’zel’s attention returns to her.
“Perish without honor, hshar'lak,” Lae’zel says.
Githyanki silver sings as Lae’zel withdraws her hand and ends it at last. The head of Vlaakith, Last of Her Name, rolls across the finely tiled floor, her face forever in torment, soul long destroyed. Lae’zel drags the tip of her blade behind her, letting it shriek across the stone until she can kneel and pluck the crown of twisted black glass from the rapidly disintegrating skull.
The room fills with the sound of claws scraping and victory cries. Her prince calls an ancient victory cry, his cohort responding in kind.
Lae’zel does not turn, not even when she senses Orpheus near.
“Well done, Baht D’Orpheus,” he says. “We are free. Your victory will be forever written in the stars.”
“Yes,” Lae’zel whispers, her face upturned to the millions-strong starlight filtering through the red-stained windows above the dark throne. “It shall be.”
In one swift movement, she whirls, blade flashing, and runs Orpheus through with her silver. She holds his eye as his expression turns from surprise to betrayal to fury, hands scrabbling uselessly at the sword he himself bestowed upon her. She does not look away.
Profound silence fills the air.
“I will not ask for forgiveness,” Lae’zel says softly, pushing the blade still deeper. “But you will understand that there is no force on this plane or any other that will ever bend my knee again.”
She withdraws her blade, a line of lifeblood painting a slash across the tile. Orpheus, once the Prince of the Comet, falls to the floor with a gurgle.
Lae’zel raises her head to the gathered warriors and their mounts, her face defiant, victorious. When one soldier makes to stand against her, Vlaakith’s former steed produces a burst of flame in their direction.
She sheathes her blade and lifts the bloodied crown over her head. When she lowers it to her brow, a drop of blood courses down her temple and she hears the myriad echoes of the githyanki. All who ever were, and all who will ever be. She moves to the dais and lowers herself to the throne, looking out over the beginnings of her kingdom.
All kneel before Queen Lae’zel, First of Her Name.
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To hell and back
This post is very difficult to make for me. This is not about BTS, or about fandom, but about mental health, and my personal story. I never really opened up about it anywhere except in a few facebook groups. But today is the day I decided to speak about my story.
It is surely more for me than for you.
Very few people in my friends and family can really understand what I have been going through, because it is a topic so complex that even I have trouble understanding it sometimes.
Well, firstly, I am schizophrenic. At least according to science. If you asked me though, it would be a different answer.
The truth is, I became spiritual again when I was 25, not long after discovering BTS. I took on a meditation practice and grew my consciousness very quickly.
Someday, I had an idea on how I would be able to help the collective, and I thought about becoming clairaudient (hearing the other side). So, I "hear voices". I followed my intuition on how to achieve this, and after some time it actually worked, I could hear.
So this ability to hear was totally consented on my part, I wanted this from the start.
But yeah, according to science, when you can hear anything, they put a schizophrenic label on you. I think it's mostly that they are in over their head with this kind of subject, and they simply don't understand everything enough to really be able to help anyone, except with medication.
Unfortunately, the universe is bigger and more nuanced than a label, so I never really got help from psychiatrists. I had to navigate through this on my own.
Everything was going fine at first, I was learning how to use this ability, and things were going well.
But someday, everything went to shit.
I won't go into that much details, I'll spare you, because it is pretty horrific. But long story short, I made a trip to "hell". Literally.
Of course, I myself do not believe in the christian hell. I've studied spirituality enough to understand it is not that literal, and there are many realms with different purposes.
But there are some dimensions that are close enough of what we would imagine hell to be like. And I have gone there.
I spent 2 weeks in 2 dimensions at once. In my physical body, but also in this dark dimension.
It's not really important to believe in this, or to argue whether it was real or not, because the thing is, my experience, impressions, feelings, all of it, were real to me. It felt real. It felt tangible. The mechanics does not matter, what matters is that I experienced it, and the trauma from it was real.
It was the most horrific, the darkest, the most twisted, so terrible that words cannot even give it justice. It is an experience that I felt somehow was a glitch in the matrix. Like we should not be able to experience something like this, it should not be allowed.
But it was. And no matter how much I cried for help, prayed all the gods, begged, no one came to save me. I could not sleep, did not eat, and barely functioned during those 2 weeks.
I felt left there, abandoned, alone, helpless, in total despair and horror, and with a pain that was so profound that I thought it would kill me. I was patiently waiting for death to take me, in how much my heart was broken into a million pieces.
I got annihilated entirely by the end. No emotions, no thoughts, no personality, no beliefs, nothing that made me me, was left.
I was gone, an empty shell. I had been entirely destroyed. A metaphorical death.
But something was left. A tiny flicker.
It was the light of my consciousness, my divine spark.
I understood then that even the worst darkness that exist would not be able to destroy my light, and that I was eternal.
So all of my fears vanished. I began clinging to that light and use a strength I didn't even know I posessed to crawl back from the pit of my own hell.
I had PTSD for years after this experience. And it was not truly over. I was still plagued by many interferences, trickster energies, evil things.
But over time, I healed, and brought back the pieces of myself that were scattered, and my psyche, even with PTSD, began to mend.
But now I had to learn how to play "the game". How to not get tricked, how to keep my internal balance despite being surrounded by nothing but darkness.
Some day the darkness put so much pressure on my being that I thought of ending my life. And that's not really like me, because I'm really pro-life.
But it's like I've been through some fucking intense internal military-like training, with no rest, with no pause, and no mercy. Ever.
It pushed me to my limits.
So of course I transformed. I became stronger mentally, I learned discernement, I took my power back, literally my entire being was totally refined.
I mastered "the game" of darkness, outsmarted them, mended every breach of my psyche, moved past all my fears, and my mind became as cutting and sharp as a knife. It took me years, but I learned the lesson. And I can say that darkness was my greatest teacher. The wisdom I gained, there is really no price for it. In the end I saved myself.
Today, I am good. I work very hard to keep my internal balance, to remain optimistic, to keep spreading love around me.
If you saw me you wouldn't tell I have any particularity lol
But to say this whole process has been hard is a understatement. It is SO FUCKING HARD like it's so hard and complex and layered that's it's really a bit ridiculous?
Sometimes I feel like I'm in a very bad movie, so I guess the universe and my higher self really have a weird sense of humour. But I laugh it off too because it's better than crying about it.
I know we are never alone, and that everything supports us, but the illusion that we are is really strong sometimes. Almost no one would be able to understand my experience, without having lived it, so I feel like I'm bearing this cross on my own.
But you know, all of this really puts things into perspective. The fact I have been in a place such as this, survived, and came back, makes every other little problems in life feel truly trivial.
I don't know what your faith is, it is not really important. What I learned in my studies is that most people who actually go to those places had things to learn, it's never "some punishement". It's clearly not because I deserved it.
But I did my share of learning indeed. Today I feel like I am a better version of myself thanks to this experience.
I believe it was for my highest benefit, because I can't reconcile senseless pain and hurt in my mind with a loving god. I know things aren't random.
It all began because I wanted to help. So in sharing my story, I want you to share a message of hope.
The deepest pain, the darkest fear, nothing that is abyssal and scary and any emotion you might feel, none of it will actually hurt you. You cannot be hurt. You cannot be destroyed by anything, ever. We just think that some emotions will kill us, so we avoid to feel them. We fear, so we flee.
If you actually embrace your fears, it won't kill you. It will liberate you. Nothing else will happen.
You know why we come to earth to have crazy experiences and we don't mind the trauma and the pain that come with it? Because our souls know that we are not taking any real risk in the first place.
Your light is deeper than the deepest fear, largest than the most painful hurt, and you are safe at all time, even if it doesn't feel like it.
So please, rest easy, don't take life so seriously, it's all going to be ok. We will all wake up from this dream someday and go back to love, and it will only be a memory, a blip in our eternity.
We are safe & loved.
I think I needed to get all this out of my chest.
(Please don't feel the need to psychoanalyze me or feed me religious doctrines, I had years to process and really understand the mechanics of everything that happened to me so far, but obviously I didn't want to turn this post into a million words so many aspects are left out.)
Thank you for reading my post and take care💜
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Story Summary: After Kanan's death, Ezra enlists Chopper’s help in recording a special message for Sabine.
. . . Yeah, I think so. Wait. How do I look? Do I have any marks on me? I should use the refresher, I think -
Hilarious, Chop. I know for a fact that Hera installed you with those new ZXL-90 batteries. The ones that store a charge through kinetic movement, right? I bet you can keep complaining for the rest of our lives without needing a recharge since you love running that motor mouth of yours.
Okay, yeah. I am. I don't really know what to say here. So much has happened - and there's so much more to come.
Kanan would know what to say. What to do. He wouldn't be scared - well, no, he would be. But he wouldn't let it get the better of him.
'It's not being above the fear, kid. It's about not letting it be in the pilot's seat.'
. . . I miss him so much, Chopper. It hasn't been long since . . . well. Do you miss him, too?
That must be nice. I can't even remember the last conversation we had.
Oh, that's . . . that's really sweet of you, Chopper. I'll have to take you up on that offer some day. But I think Hera needs you more than I do. Especially in the days to come.
It's not important at the moment. Are you recording?
Okay. Here goes -
(deep breath)
Hey, Sabine. If you're seeing this, then my plan worked and . . . well, I'm probably not there anymore. I might be dead, in fact.
Edit that out. Actually, stop recording for a moment.
Just stop, please. I need to gather my notes.
(indistinct muttering)
How do I say this . . . how.
'Hey, Sabine. Sorry for disappearing on you and, by the way, I have a small favor to ask: can you protect Lothal while I'm gone? And maybe can you come find me, even though I don't know where I'm going?' Sure, yeah. She'll be super fine about all of that, Ezra. No big deal.
(more unintelligible muttering)
I can't say that. No way. It's too much. This was a mistake; I don't want to do any of this!
Everyone's looking to me now, Chopper. Everyone. Because Kanan's gone. I still had so much to learn from him - look at me, I'm not ready for this! I've been living in this safe little bubble with everyone from the Ghost and now that bubble is gone! Governor Pryce killed Kanan and now I'm all that's left.
(heavy breathing)
He changed things with his - his passing. Kanan did. I don't know how, but the Force is telling me, whispering to me that the time is coming soon. Lothal's fate rests with me now, I can feel it and I - and I don't feel worthy of it. I cannot bear it. It's too heavy.
(bitter laughter)
The boy savior. Do you know how long I have dreamed of freeing my home from the Empire? And now that moment has come and I'm too scared. I've never felt more like some just dumb street-rat than at this precise moment. Kanan picked the wrong kid to train - OW!
Ow - what are you - ouch, that hurts!
Stop that! Chopper!
Alright, alright! I'll stop.
I think you enjoyed that a little.
(snorts) I figured.
. . . I'm a mess, aren't I.
Yeah. Oh, if Kanan could see me now.
Okay. Okay. I need to do this. Let me read my notes again, so I can get this right -
I'll get it wrong, Chopper, I have so much to say to Sabine. I have to get it right. For her.
No. Absolutely not. I have the notes for a reason, Chop. How am I supposed to convey to her - my best friend, my partner, my - my -
Look, she's - she's everything to me. Like how Hera was to Kanan, do you understand? I can't imagine my life without her. These past five years have passed so quickly, but every day spent by Sabine's side it was - it was magical. Five years is - what? - around 1800 days, if you're counting it in regular standard time. Most of those days were spent with her and everyone else on the Ghost. Best days of my life.
I'm not even a full adult yet in terms of physical years but . . . I guess you could call that period of time my 'good old days'. Heh.
The Force is this cosmic phenomenon that I can tap into, mysterious and unknowable, but her? As a Jedi I shouldn't be saying this, but I believe in her more than I do the Force. She's the only one I can trust with . . . everything.
. . . To say good-bye, I guess. And hello. If that makes sense.
Sabine, given her personal history, will be hurt the most from my absence. I know that for sure. I want her to know that - that I tried. I really did, to find any other way. But this is how it has to be.
A message like this is real. She can see me. Hear me. I'd write a letter too, but I don't think there's enough paper on hand to fully encapsulate how I feel about her.
So, I have to do this instead. Make a message, just for her. I do not want her wondering . . . about us. Where she stands with me.
Open secret that I had a huge crush on her when I first came aboard. She ignored that, thankfully.
You didn't know? I thought everyone -
Oh, ha, very funny. You pretend to be heartless, but I know you care. Hera wouldn't let you hang around after so long if you didn't.
Anyway, I thought I had it successfully buried after so long. There were bigger problems than some teenage crush, right? The Empire breathing down our necks, trying to outrun the Inquisitors, then Malachor, Mandalore, and then back to Lothal . . . I thought I had outgrown it.
(bitter-sweet smile)
But it turns out that it was still growing inside me. Went from a crush to something more. I love her. Nothing could shake it, not even what was revealed on Mandalore. I just wanted to be with her, through whatever the galaxy threw at us.
I love her, Chopper. I love Sabine Wren. She's in my veins, pumping through my arteries, giving me life. Giving me strength.
. . . You stopped recording, right? I don't want any of this in the message.
Yeah, right.
Kanan and I talked a little about Jedi attachments a while back. I know how he and Hera handled it. I had hoped - no, I still hope that someday, me and Sabine will be able to give it a try.
If she'd have me, that is. Sometimes I catch her looking at me, smiling, and I think I get a sense of something . . . I don't know how to describe it, something deeper - and then she makes some glib remark or insult and it's gone again. I might just be delusional, though. Too many hits on my head through the years of combat against the Imps.
Oh, really? And how do I look? What's my expression like, I wonder.
. . . Yeah, that sounds about right. Looking at her - with these feelings I'm so desperate to hide, it's so hard sometimes. If I had to describe it - it's like trying to count a flock of birds against the sun.
Can't do it, right? It's too bright.
(quietly) Too bright. She's too bright to look at for so long. But I want to try anyway, like the sap I am. I guess I'm hoping that the image of her will be burned into my eyes. If my plan works, the chances of survivability are extremely low, you know.
I'd like her to be the last thing I see when I close my eyes for the last time, if the worst happens. Some people want stars, or forests, or a blue sky for a last image. Not me.
I just want her.
I love everything about her. Equally. Good, bad, ugly - or whatever she thinks is ugly about her. I certainly don't think there is. It's all Sabine, after all. And I love Sabine. So how could it any of it be bad?
The war won't stop because Thrawn is out of the picture. And it will be harder without me. And it guts me to think that I can't be by her side after this is all said and finished.
She has to do it. I have faith in Sabine that she will get it done. I'm counting on her, and I know she will not let me down.
I . . . all I can say is that I'm sorry. And I love you.
The only way out from all the grief and misery to come is to just get through it. She's the strongest person I know.
The only way out is through.
. . . And I know you've been recording all this time despite me saying to stop. So, we'll end this here. I'll just have Hera delete this memory file later after I do the real message.
Maybe I want to tell her myself when I see her again.
Or maybe I don't want her to be burdened with any of this. She has enough on her plate because of me.
I'll have to lie. Sorry, Sabine. If it really is the end . . . I don't want her to be hung up on me. There needs to be a chance to live her life. Even without me. Especially without me.
(smiles sadly)
But the lie will hurt less, I think. Just this one time. To protect her.
Anyway, thanks for the help Chopper. Sorry for the sudden shut-down, I'll make it up to you later -
_ _ _ _ _
The comm-tower's interior was deathly silent.
Sabine sat in her chair, staring at Chopper in shock. Her hands were shaking, badly.
"Why - why did you show me this?" she asked, feeling sick.
The astromech replayed a part of the conversation - Ezra, from long ago, struggling to leave her a good-bye message.
"The only way out is through."
The shaking stopped. Her hands, cold and clammy, balled into fists.
"I tried that. For three years," she hissed. "And he still won't leave me. He's still in my veins, making everything hurt."
The astromech just played Ezra's voice again.
"The only way out is through."
She stood up abruptly. "Get out," she snarled. "I don't want to hear this anymore."
Chopper let out a sigh, swiveling around to head for the comm-tower's turbolift to exit. But then he paused at the doorway and started playing another voice - only this time, it was Hera's.
"Hey, Sabine. I know I'm the last person you want to hear after everything that happened - but I found this voice file on Chop's back-up memory banks. Thought you might want to hear it."
Sabine bowed her head, feeling the guilt, anger, and shame weigh down on her shoulders like an invisible weight.
"I know you feel alone right now. I know that you feel like you've lost faith with everything you cared about - and it's because of me, partially. And Ahsoka. And the New Republic."
There was a strange sound emitting from her now. A sob, a scream, she wasn't sure - it was half-strangled in her throat, close to becoming a deathly wail.
"Just know this," Hera continued. "Someone still believes in you. If you lose faith in everything else, don't lose faith in him."
There was a pause. Then -
"And don't lose faith in yourself. Ezra never would. And . . . and happy birthday, Sabine."
Chopper left. The moment the turbo-lift doors closed, she crumpled to the ground, arms folding across her stomach; it felt like everything vital within her was threatening to spill out.
"It didn't hurt less, idiot," she said through gritted teeth. "You lied. You lied!"
After so long, incredibly, Sabine found her fire. Her will to go on.
And it was because she was pissed at Ezra Bridger.
"I'll find you," she whispered, shaking, rising in the gloom of the comm-tower's dark interior. Outside, the Lothal sun was rising on a new day.
Sabine stumbled outside to the railing, feeling the rays of sunlight hit her face. She felt energized, alive, in a way that had long been absent from her life for a long, long while.
Somewhere, a flock of birds were flying against the sun, making for their nesting grounds. Were there birds, wherever he was? Was he still trying to count them?
It didn't matter, she thought. When Sabine found him again - and she would - she would make sure that he saw her for real.
#sabezra#sabine wren#ezra bridger#c1 10p#chopper#hera syndulla#ezrabine#sabezra fanfiction#stars wars#star wars rebels#ahsoka#ahsoka show#natasha liu bordizzo#eman esfandi
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On February 8th 1587 Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded at Fotheringay Castle.
The Queen was heard to repeat 'Into thy Hands O Lord, do I commit my Spirit' many times as she went to her death.
Pierre de Bourdeille, seigneur de Brantome was a member of the French nobility who accompanied Mary during her internment. He provides us with a sympathetic account of Mary's execution that begins with the arrival of a delegation from Queen Elizabeth announcing that the former Queen of the Scots is to be executed the next day:
"On February 7, 1587, the representatives of the English Queen, reached the Castle of Fotheringay, where the Queen of Scotland was confined at that time, between two and three o'clock in the afternoon. In the presence of her jailer, Paulet, they read their commission regarding the execution of the prisoner, and said that they would proceed with their task the next morning between seven and eight o'clock. The jailer was then ordered to have everything in readiness.
Without betraying any astonishment, the Queen thanked them for their good news, saying that nothing could be more welcome to her, since she longed for an end to her miseries, and had been prepared for death ever since she had been sent as a prisoner to England. However, she begged the envoys to give her a little time in which to make herself ready, make her will, and place her affairs in order. It was within their power and discretion to grant these requests. The Count of Shrewsbury replied rudely:
'No, no, Madam you must die, you must die! Be ready between seven and eight in the morning. It cannot be delayed a moment beyond that time.' " It was that sudden, very little time for Mary to prepare, a brutal way to spend the last few hours on this earth........Mary spent the rest of the day and the early hours of the next morning writing farewell letters to friends and relatives, saying goodbye to her ladies-in-waiting, and praying.
At 2 am on Wednesday 8 February 1587, Mary Queen of Scots picked up her pen for the last time. Her execution on the block at Fotheringhay Castle was a mere six hours away when she wrote this letter. It is addressed to Henri III of France, brother of her first husband. The letter was written in French, the following is a translation and is a fascinating insight into the mind of our Queen hours before her murder. Mary had only learnt her fate a few hours earlier.
Note, even though she had been forced to abdicate, and had been a prisoner of her cousin for 19 years, she still called herself, Queen of Scotland.
Queen of Scotland
8 Feb. 1587
Sire, my brother-in-law, having by God's will, for my sins I think, thrown myself into the power of the Queen my cousin, at whose hands I have suffered much for almost twenty years, I have finally been condemned to death by her and her Estates. I have asked for my papers, which they have taken away, in order that I might make my will, but I have been unable to recover anything of use to me, or even get leave either to make my will freely or to have my body conveyed after my death, as I would wish, to your kingdom where I had the honour to be queen, your sister and old ally.
Tonight, after dinner, I have been advised of my sentence: I am to be executed like a criminal at eight in the morning. I have not had time to give you a full account of everything that has happened, but if you will listen to my doctor and my other unfortunate servants, you will learn the truth, and how, thanks be to God, I scorn death and vow that I meet it innocent of any crime, even if I were their subject. The Catholic faith and the assertion of my God-given right to the English crown are the two issues on which I am condemned, and yet I am not allowed to say that it is for the Catholic religion that I die, but for fear of interference with theirs. The proof of this is that they have taken away my chaplain, and although he is in the building, I have not been able to get permission for him to come and hear my confession and give me the Last Sacrament, while they have been most insistent that I receive the consolation and instruction of their minister, brought here for that purpose. The bearer of this letter and his companions, most of them your subjects, will testify to my conduct at my last hour. It remains for me to beg Your Most Christian Majesty, my brother-in-law and old ally, who have always protested your love for me, to give proof now of your goodness on all these points: firstly by charity, in paying my unfortunate servants the wages due them - this is a burden on my conscience that only you can relieve further, by having prayers offered to God for a queen who has borne the title Most Christian, and who dies a Catholic, stripped of all her possessions. As for my son, I commend him to you in so far as he deserves, for I cannot answer for him. I have taken the liberty of sending you two precious stones, talismans against illness, trusting that you will enjoy good health and a long and happy life. Accept them from your loving sister-in-law, who, as she dies, bears witness of her warm feeling for you. Again I commend my servants to you. Give instructions, if it please you, that for my soul's sake part of what you owe me should be paid, and that for the sake of Jesus Christ, to whom I shall pray for you tomorrow as I die, I be left enough to found a memorial mass and give the customary alms.
This Wednesday, two hours after midnight.
Your very loving and most true sister, Mary R
To the most Christian king, my brother-in-law and old ally.
We rejoin de Bourdeille's account as Mary enters the room designated for her execution and is denied access to her priest:
"The scaffold had been erected in the middle of a large room. It measured twelve feet along each side and two feet in height, and was covered by a coarse cloth of linen.
The Queen entered the room full of grace and majesty, just as if she were coming to a ball. There was no change on her features as she entered.
Drawing up before the scaffold, she summoned her major-domo (steward) and said to him:
'Please help me mount this. This is the last request I shall make of you.'
Then she repeated to him all that she had said to him in her room about what he should tell her son. Standing on the scaffold, she asked for her almoner, (chaplain) begging the officers present to allow him to come. But this was refused point-blank. The Count of Kent told her that he pitied her greatly to see her thus the victim of the superstition of past ages, advising her to carry the cross of Christ in her heart rather than in her hand. To this she replied that it would be difficult to hold a thing so lovely in her hand and not feel it thrill the heart, and that what became every Christian in the hour of death was to bear with him the true Symbol of Redemption."
Standing on the scaffold, Mary angrily rejects her captors' offer of a Protestant minister to give her comfort. She kneels while she begs that Queen Elizabeth spare her ladies-in-waiting and prays for the conversion of the Isle of Britain and Scotland to the Catholic Church:
"When this was over, she summoned her women to help her remove her black veil, her head-dress, and other ornaments. When the executioner attempted to do this, she cried out:
'Nay, my good man, touch me not!'
But she could not prevent him from touching her, for when her dress was lowered as far as her waist; the scoundrel caught her roughly by the arm and pulled off her doublet. Her skirt was cut so low that her neck and throat, whiter than alabaster, were revealed. She concealed these as well as she could, saying that she was not used to disrobing in public, especially before so large an assemblage. There were about four or five hundred people present.
The executioner fell to his knees before her and implored her forgiveness. The Queen told him that she willingly forgave him and alI who were responsible for her death, as freely as she hoped her sins would be forgiven by God. Turning to the woman to whom she, had given her handkerchief, she asked for it.
She wore a golden crucifix, made out of the wood of the true cross, with a picture of Our Lord on it. She was about to give this to one of her women, but the executioner forbade it, even though Her Majesty had promised that the woman would give him thrice its value in money.
After kissing her women once more, she bade them go, with her blessing, as she made the sign of the cross over them. One of them was unable to keep from crying, so that the Queen had to impose silence upon her by saying she had promised that nothing of the kind would interfere with the business in hand. They were to stand back quietly, pray to God for her soul, and bear truthful testimony that she had died in the bosom of the Holy Catholic religion.
One of the women then tied the handkerchief over her eyes. The Queen quickly, and with great courage, knelt dawn, showing no signs of faltering. So great was her bravery that all present were moved, and there were few among them that could refrain from tears. In their hearts they condemned themselves far the injustice that was being done.
The executioner, or rather the minister of Satan, strove to kill not only her body but also her soul, and kept interrupting her prayers. The Queen repeated in Latin the Psalm beginning In te, Damine, speravi; nan canfundar in aeternum. When she was through she laid her head on the block, and as she repeated the prayer, the executioner struck her a great blow upon the neck, which was not, however, entirely severed. Then he struck twice more, since it was obvious that he wished to make the victim's martyrdom all the more severe. It was not so much the suffering, but the cause, that made the martyr.
The executioner then picked up the severed head and, showing it to those present, cried out: 'God save Queen Elizabeth! May all the enemies of the true Evangel thus perish!'
Saying this, he stripped off the dead Queen's head-dress, in order to show her hair, which was now white, and which she had been afraid to show to everyone when she was still alive, or to have properly dressed, as she did when her hair was fair and light.
It was not old age that had turned it white, for she was only thirty-five when this took place, and scarcely forty when she met her death, but the troubles, misfortunes, and sorrows which she had suffered, especially in her prison."
The account of Pierre de Bourdeille was originally published in 1665 and republished many times thereafter.
There are many different illustrations of Mary's execution......
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Whenceforth art thou, Hell?
Nona the Ninth appears to confirm Abigail Pent's suspicion that the River has been deliberately broken or sealed, per the comments of Varun and Alecto:
The Captain’s voice was like old teeth. “He left them too long—you left them too long, my salt thing.” ... Afterward Alecto went down to the ship and stood before John, purposing to travel through the River, and was grieved to find it yet dead.
However, a common thread of discussion I see in theorycrafting goes that if John has closed whatever gates may lead beyond the River, then his actions here are somehow for the sake of sustaining necromancy as an institution - as if, at the eleventh hour, we'll learn that all magic has somehow been fueled by burning through God's giant Philosopher's Stone all along. I cannot accept this interpretation. To me, it raises an infinite regression: how could John possibly have used necromancy in order to invent necromancy?
Moreover, this kind of plot twist disregards the internal logic and deflates the significance of TLT's social critique. The Tower doesn't need to be a secret hydroelectric dam in the River for converting human damnation into worldly power, because the engine of suffering has been in the real world the entire time, and it's just called colonialism. The price to be paid for working necromancy is a price to be paid overtly and in this life, either by the coin of explicit necrocapital or by the coin of grief.
If the path to a hypothetical River Beyond has been closed, I think it's for a much more banal psychological reason: John is a mission-oriented avenger who refuses to accept any check on the reach of his judgement.
“There can be no forgiveness for those who walked away,” he said. “Just as there can be no forgiveness for me—even though I rip the very fingers from my hands … throw them into the jaws of the monsters who hunt me … as I run from them across the universe, end to end. Something will satisfy them eventually, but nothing satisfies me. Nothing.” He drew his gaze away from her—his black-and-white, chthonic stare—and looked out over the dunes. He said, “But that’s the grace of it, Harrow. If I’m God, I can start over. The flood, you know? You can wash things clean. That’s all the end of Earth was … making things clean. It gets dirty again, you clean it again. Like those old power-washing ads. Spray and walk away, right? Sometimes I think the only reason I haven’t done it already is that I can’t bear the idea that I wouldn’t be able to touch them—that they’d still be out there…"
People regularly overlook the psychological significance of John's long reach in the context of understanding his behavior. Death and physical distance are no escape from a sufficiently powerful necromancer, because his enemies can be summoned out of the River - which bridges locations across unimaginable gulfs of space - and subjected to further torments in person.
(this is another reason I don't believe that John's expansionist project is being carried out in order to hunt down and slaughter the resettled generational descendants of the trillionaires; based on what we've read, John simply shouldn't need to settle for such a pointless blood feud, let alone carry out his revenge-by-proxy in the physical world. however it came to be that the dead are trapped within the River, everyone who lives is certain to enter his kingdom of death eventually, to sit and wait for him to sieve them from the waters.)
From here, it also makes sense on John's part to arrange for a specific place for the interment of problematic souls. He has to be able to keep some people pinned in place in the palm of his grave-dirt hand - otherwise he leaves a potential attack surface for anyone to try to summon the dead as their witnesses and ask for incriminating information about the King Undying. John certainly admits to deliberately leaving many souls on ice in proportion to their moral desert, for which Harrow accuses him of malfeasance:
"We’ll get them all back … some of them, anyway … or at least, the ones I want to bring back. Anyone I feel didn’t do it. Anyone I feel had no part in it. Anyone I can look at the face of and forgive. And my loved ones … The ones I left, I’ll bring back." ... "I want to know how many of the Resurrection are left, and how many you began with, and what the discrepancies are. I want to know where you put them. They didn’t go into the River. I want to know why she was angry … and why you were terrified."
Alecto The Ninth is set to invoke the harrowing of hell, but I still think we have to be very careful not to overstate these mythological allusions or buy into John's mystique here. The Locked Tomb is a setting with an intensely organic and visceral metaphysics, where the embodiments of the divine - Alecto and John, John's hands and gestures, the human soul itself - are "merely" congregations of smaller powers. "God is a dream, Harrow, and you all dream me together" - the secular minutiae of life and magic are divine only where we remember they're worth deifying!
As John's godhood was once demystified to expose him as an oversized Lyctor, if I want to understand the nature of Hell and the Tower in advance of Alecto, I think I have to let go of my assumption that the answers to all of these questions isn't hidden in plain sight, that there must be a dizzying twist. Let's assume a man did it, and not a god; and ask, how would any man go about trapping ten billion souls or damming the River?
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Chapter Six: Heavenly Stars
Can be read as a standalone: Personal Hell Series (pt.7)
Pairing: (Hazbin Hotel) Lucifer Morningstar x demon overlord!Reader
Summary: You wanted to be alone, to hatefully survive in the hole you found yourself in but when answers come knowing at your door, will you listen to their call even when it goes against everything you have established for yourself in this home?
Warnings: 4864 words, mentions of blood, gore, injury, metal health subjects, drowning, death, and emotional angst.
A/N: Apologies for the wait my Lucifer darlings! But *rubs hands together* we gain answers now.
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
The grandfather clock ticking away down the hall is the only sound found within the home besides your paint strokes against the canvas. You are multicoloured, covered in paint from head to tone in various shades and hues as you step back and observe the piece you had been working on.
How long have I been here for? You think to yourself, muscles sore as you stand and move to get a new cup of water for your paint brushes. Since your time in the Gardens and you haven’t been able to sleep since, you cringe while catching a glimpse of your reflection in a window. The usual ringing in your head was all long gone from your past days without rest now your body feeling more energized than ever as you kept yourself busy with old hobbies in this newfound time.
The sink whines open, a few droplets drip once you close the tap and find your way back to the balcony, overlooking hell's outer rings. That once cure you had found eons ago had come to fruition, now a vast scape of rolling hills and mature trees breathed with life as you felt jealousy stir within your bones, outlining another tree to your composition. Only accompanied by seemingly endless amounts of time, you felt more and more lost in this old and empty house. As if being sat with your old self that stared you down through each object left for dead in this place. It was equally comforting, being near death’s door again, that old self, but that cold loneliness haunted you more than the screams that plagued the back of your mind.
Just know that when you wish to dream- you will find me here… waiting. Shaking your head of these thoughts you pack up your supplies and go to the kitchen in search of sustenance. A bowl of pristine red apples glowed in your face, begging for attention, for you to take a bite as you stuck your head into the cabinets and finished out the supplies to make a fresh loaf of bread.
In between paintings and trying your hand with an old shotgun to hunt for food, you would be found harvesting the overgrown crops of your greenhouse. It felt connecting, taking the time to watch your harvest grow, you had forgotten the wait, the patience of it all in recent times, just observing before going in for the grab. You had started journaling once more, keeping track of your sanity, allowing yourself the possible freedom of finally letting it all go….
You wipe the sweat from your forehead, setting the bread to rest on the windowsill as you look out towards Heaven and its sun-like quality in the red sky. You still do not feel tired, the wood of the structure groans, begging for you to rest like a casket but you clutch at the walls, silent tears falling but you cannot escape. You are forced awake, you cannot dare to dream of a life outside of this, finding yourself wearing the same clothes, his jacket resting against your body, a ghost of a hug that has your heart aching no more than your desire to finally burn that bridge for good.
His voice haunts you. You can imagine his comforting words, his touch, the ghost of his breath falling upon your neck as your hands trail the various seams and buttons along the coat. You do not realise yourself to be smiling through these tears. You do not know yourself to be in the right or wrong- just horridly conflicted with past and present, vice and virtue. Morality calls to not be in vain, you grip your hair, immortality is a silent scream much to your own, crying out for you to be more. I just can’t seem to find a place to start…
After an awkward call to heaven, Lucifer leaves the hotel with a seedling of hope that has yet to be watered. A few guards bow to him as he passes down the mirrored maze of hallways and never ending staircases towards your office where he throws himself to the floor. His breathing is ragged, he watches possible futures flicker through his eyes. Blood and tears mix between songs as he brings his knees up to his chin.
Throwing off his hat, he listens as the gold of his crown scrapes against the hardwood floors before the snake slithers its way over to him, wrapping its way around his throat, he reaches upwards to it, begging for it to release as his body directs him towards the shattered crown before him. He shakes his head, boots scraping against the floors as voices yell out from behind the closed doors.
In a few hours, Charlie will be in Heaven, in another few days, your general will still not be there, The King thinks to himself as he cries, forcing himself to stand and lean against your desk as his hands grasp over the various maps and journals. The snake slowly lessens its grip as he takes in deep breaths, trembling fingers drifting over your handwriting.
He feels pathetic, smaller than he knows himself to appear. His mind keeps flickering to those last few moments with you, holding your hand, voicing his love for you to only watch you disappear and be set with the ghosts of you in these rooms and down these halls. He swears to hear your feet are running up to him with grand news or a mere correction to the weather report but nevertheless he ears strain to remember you voicing his name once again- to know that you call out to him. Yet he fails to dream any further as he sips cold tea and places signature after signature on the various reports left unfilled.
A tapping at the window has you falling off the couch as your hands feel under the coffee table for your shotgun. Bringing the handle up to your chest, you stalk your way around the archway and make haste towards your front door. Looking through the peep-hole, not a single soul is present- your shoulders only tense as you raise the barrel and twist the door handle. Rushing outside as you check every corner only to hear a squawk, eyes darting downwards to see a Raven dancing its way from being stepped on by your black boots.
“Shit,” you whisper to yourself, the bird flies up, resting on the barrel as it presents a wax-sealed envelope with your name written in glitter. Shaking your head, the raven transitions itself onto your shoulder as you take the letter from its beak and drop your gun on the coffee table once more, knocking over a stale cup of coffee as it stains the recent newspaper you snuck out to steal from the nearest village.
The bird chirps in your ear, presenting its neck for a scratch as its wings flutter happily to your physical praise. Filling a bowl with water, you tip your shoulder down to the counter and watch as the raven dips itself inside and takes a drip. Ripping open the letter using a claw, your fingers trace over the Princesses signature, resembling much of the same qualities of her father. A common pattern of letters that you forged oh so many times in Hell's past.
Your eyes drift over the shaken handwriting as concern etches its way into each wrinkle upon your face. The paper is stained with tears and a droplet of golden blood that has you seeing red- motherfuckers, you spit out, flipping to the next side that houses a simple request. “...I don’t know where else to go, but I need to be away from everyone, could I come stay with you?”
Obvious wear of the page signifies that this sentence had been scrapped and rewritten a multitude of times as you hum out in thought. You saw echoes of yourself in her words and actions, taking the chance to run for a moment, to find freedom from all the decisions that wear a person down overtime. The raven’s eyes pearce through your own that have started to shimmer a yellow hue in the moonlight. You rip a page from one of your journals, listing a simple yes with a request that the bird be the only one who shows her the way here.
You open the kitchen window, watching as the bird flies up, becoming a mere black speck in the bloodied sky as you lean against the counter, observing your home and omitting a sigh, looking down to your hands. With a singular clap you listen as each scattered object finds its place upon shelves or in the sink beside you. Shoes walk their way towards the closet as your shotgun polishes itself back into its display. Small golden specks flicker and fall towards the floor, lost without a trace alongside the dust between the floorboards, the magic you used now settled as your blood becomes warm- happy that you made use of it.
You can only roll your shoulder, the jacket appearing to dwarf over your frame as you shimmy it off, resting it against the back of the couch as you make your way upstairs, fighting mentally to come up with a nice outfit to greet the Princess with- Charlie with, your brain corrects you. Hands fly to button up a new shirt as you iron your pants and choose a clean pair of workboots and gloves. You bring up a bottle of wine from the cellar, eyeing the date with a laugh, gods I really am ancient. You think to yourself, this bottle was practically double Charlie's age and you could only reminisce of the sentences Husk would string together at the mere mention of such a luxury bottle of liquor.
Popping off the lid, you lean your head back on the white jacket, an arm falling onto your shoulder as you swirl your glass, watching as the liquid falls from the walls, clashing back into itself. You can imagine these waves roaring, clashing and becoming one in the end- a pointless battle in the grand scheme of things to only be interrupted by the ringing of a doorbell as a distressed blonde collapses into your arms, their black mascara staining your fresh white gloves as you cradle their head.
Charlie's glossy red eyes peer into your own as you still, at a loss for words. You had never seen Charlie so down, so utterly miserable as you squeezed the girl that bit harder and picked her up. Flicking your hand for the door to be closed behind you both and led her towards your living space. She looks up as you place her on the couch, conjuring a fresh plate of tea as you extend your hand, offering physical support as she latches on, nails digging into your palm as she sobs out, tears and snot choking her next words as you lean in to hear better.
“I-I was so excited and then… it all goes to shit. I should have listened to everyone, to you, my dad… my mother…” You open your mouth, about to comment before she continues, eyeing up your glass of wine. “I understand the pain my father went through, now more than ever.”
“Charlie…” you breathe out in concern as you pull the hair from her tear stained cheeks, offering her your handkerchief as she dabs her eyes, looking up towards your vaulted ceilings. “I should have never gone to heaven, held these ‘loft dreams,’” she quotes in her fingers, dropping your hand as she exhales frustration, going to grip her hair, head falling between her knees. “I wanted so much then and now I feel the consequences. Vaggie is not the person I knew her to be- she's an angel and to even think that I admired heaven when these are the tricks they pull!”
“No! It's not fair, and now that motherfucker Adam!”
“Language,“ you state as Charlie flips you the finger, “okay dad/mom,” she states back, picking up her head and showcasing an eye roll as you pull her closer to you, resting her head under your own as you breeze past the title. “I remember Adam,” you state as Charlie looks up at you curiously, “did he declare to come and kill you first too?”
“Actually-” you start to say while scanning through your memories.
“You’re joking,” Charlie deadpans just as you shrug your shoulders. The Princesses face falls again soon after as she picks at her nail polish, “I am just as bad as the cruelest list of overlords in hell-”
“No you are not!’ you stand, anger filling your voice as shadows soon emerge from the floorboards before you gain a hold of yourself witnessing the terror starting to rise in Charlie's eyes as you drop to your knees and apologise. “You are not cruel Charlie, you are kind as you are strong. Any overlord in hell… misses those feats,” you state, wrapping her fathers jacket around her frame and pressing a cup of tea into her hands.
“Now I know better than anyone that all these thoughts lead to nothing but more self wallowing,” you say, taking a sip of your drink before leaning against the arm of the couch opposite of Charlie as she raises an eyebrow.
“Isn’t that why you are here?” Charlie questions, sneaking a sip of your wine with a small smile starting to form, knowing she caught you there. “Well as I have stated before, you are better than me in many ways,” you retort, shifting the fabric of your shirt to position itself on your elbows as you lean down to pick up a tea cup.
Charlie laughs out softly, a ping of pride emanates from your chest in managing to cheer her up slightly yet both of your positive reactions soon fall as you summon forth your spear, horns growing out of the top of your head and through your healing hair with the information she presents you. “But that is all besides the point, I need people to fight this battle with me, I need you and I have already made deals-”
“YOU DID WHAT?!” you coldly ask, head tilting, your eyes now slits as you demand answers from the princess. Rank falling from any traditions you held, even with her fathers coat on, you stand at nothing but their utmost safety, even when it comes with disrespect to their pride filled backgrounds. “I made a deal with… well more like through Alastor. He said that I could only accept when I was sleeping so I got him to put me to sleep before coming over to you,” her words come out in waterfalls, spewing at a gallon a minute while you stab a hole into your floors as she continues her story. “A-and I was put in this space with water and a guy who looked a lot like my dad, but he wore these white clothes and called himself the Creator out of all things- I mean I have seen god and god is not him I shall have you know, anyways I-”
“Woah, woah, woah, WAIT!” You comment, racking your brain as horror coats your features, your spear clashing against the floor as you place your hands on her cheeks, moving her eyes to your own as you ensure the seriousness of your next question, “You have met THE god?”
“He was there for my birth and well… the day of your death. I was too young to remember anymore, you would have to ask dad but…” Charlie conines to ramble, you fade out of reality, feeling your socks becoming yet, clouds flickering in Hell's skies before you drop your hands from her face and grip your head with stress. Becoming out of breath, Charlie soon slows her speech as you pick up on what she has to say once more, “...so I made the deal and now I owe him my dreams till Adam is dead.” She finishes as you grip the back of the couch, eyes starting past her head and into the kitchen window where heaven sits gleaming mockingly in your face.
“I think it's time for you to catch some rest, I will be there with you in a moment… there's a few words I wish to share with your dealmaker,” you state with vice as Charlie swallows, nodding her head a few times just as the raven flies in through the still opened window, staring between the two of you before making your way upstairs and showing her to your guest room. Charlie clicks her hands together, suitcase flying its way into the room and on her bed as she yawns out, “thank you for letting me stay here,” she says in a small voice while looking down at her feet.
“Thank you for coming to me when things like this happen,” you reply, pulling her in for one last hug just before you exit your room, once hearing the door close, you exhale a soft breath, a hand of your own trails from your waist, upwards you chest and rests upon your neck- grazing over the golden scar. You step towards your room, hands moving over your journals as you recount each conversation, preparing yourself to enter the dreamworld once again.
You walk towards your washroom and run a bathtub, knowing you would be unable to sleep in normal ways. Your breath hitches as the tap squeals shut, the bird now taps rapidly against the glass window above your head, beckoning to be let in just as you undress, submerging toes to shoulders in water. You watch the water ripple to intake your form, your hands begin to float in the water as you gradually sink your back deeping into the warm waters.
Snapping your fingers, bubbles fill the tub, flying off towards the window, gleaming in Heaven's light, creating the only natural rainbows to be found in hell. Water now just up to your chin, you take in one last small breath before submerging your head. Your body unconsciously kicks, trying to force more air into your system but you stay, your feet twitch, your lungs scream and just as your nails ding into your skin and a droplet of pain enters your system- you are transported to the otherside.
Your body is wrapped in fine cloth garments, silver patterns are sewn into the fabric in waving lines as you stand at the foot of a bed that houses a sleeping Charlie. You start to move to the side of the bed, raising your hand, just hovering over to tuck her in just as a hand is placed on your shoulder. You stand back upright in an instant, hand dropping and becoming covered in your robes once more as you face forward. Staring off into the horizon as sunlight fades and blues arise from the sea, coating the sky.
Greetings, the deity calls to you, you feel the warmth of their breath on your skin as it crawls into your ear, making a home in your senses as you become senseless to their powers taking over your form just as the last. Why have you come to the Creator on this fine evening? A smile starts to form across their features, their rosy cheeks taking over your eyes as they expand to hold every pointed tooth in your eyes.
Why speak, why even think if you already know the answer? You strike back, a hand of theirs now drifting from your shoulder down to your back as they lead you away from Charlie, your feet moving on their own as they spread the very water before you and towards a tea set primed for the occasion. A singular snake following in your robes, teeth latching on to a sleeve as it becomes lost under the waters. You feel its tug but cannot look back as you take your seat beside the deity, their hand now on your knee as they pat it thrice in contemplation.
Where is the fun, immoral one when another can already speak for me? You roll your eyes in response as the snake now catches the corner of your eye. Its white scales disappear in your garments but hiss towards the man beside you, warning of what you have yet to discover. A question for a question, both never to be answered, you say, gaining control of your head the longer you sit in the waters. The deity still faces forwards, watching Charlie breath, your heart slows realizing the water had been rising but you kept on breathing.
A choking sound can be heard, you feel yourself thrashing in the bathtub just as Charlie emits a silent scream in her dreams. Stop this, you state, the snake now slithering to rest its head in your hand as your knees begin to shake, you have to stand but their hand still rests on your knee. Their eyes flicker to gold coins, a scoff coming up from the back of their throat. It does not serve you well to beg, dearest, they tut out towards you just as your body shakes in anger.
You will stop this cruelty this instant, she is young, unknowing in many of the wicked ways we have lived through. You speak, starting to stand, pushing up against the currents as fish swim around our eyes, finns swatting in your face. And just how would you know what I have lived through? They deity questions.
How do you know yourself to be the Creator when Creation itself happened to make you? You question back, their head tips over to you, neck cracking as the night had finally come, the once rosy pinks and orange waters now rich blues mistaken to be black and soulless. Bubbles rise when they laugh, they create waves as Charlie uses these air pockets to breathe. Her arms reach out to you even when she is unable to open her eyes. Her fingers flex and bend in search of comfort and you become distracted. The snake bites into your skin as you hiss out in pain, droplets of gold now rising towards the unseen surface, it glimmers in contrast to the depths of the ocean.
The snake bites you again, more droplets emerge as they rise above your head and they sliver away with them. Looking upwards, you watch as the snake curls into itself before bursting into the brightest light yet, the supposed god cowers in the display. You take a deep breath in at the sight of the patterns that your blood has created in the darkness you once emerged from. Constellations shown from earth's surface come into view, Orion’s sword and shield fall from the sky and into your hands as you slam the two together. The deity flies backwards from the impulse as you sprint before extending your legs, jumping and crashing into their awaiting fists as the water parts, Charlie falling behind you as she chokes up water.
Her eyes open, she screams out in warning as the brother rushes up to you, clouds now battle axes as each connection of blades groans on impact. Your muscles ache, your lungs filled with frustration as you fight. Blood drips from their teeth, your smirk seeing their pain as Charlie stands back in horror seeing you so far removed from yourself. She thinks back to the tales her father told her, the depictions of the townsfolk when their version of self emerged in protection of her mother, her father, and now… her.
Charlie ducks as an axe swings over her head, she watches as your back dips, the blade caressing your chin just as you kick his knee, making him tumble for balance as you place a cut to his arm and later to his chest. Gold pours out in vats as you cry out, cutting through fabric and skin down to bone. Exposing the dead-skin that laid underneath yet you paid no mind to it, even when an emptied hand came to hold your chin as your blade rests under their own.
You are stunning like this dearest, a true waking dream, their last word echoing as the sky crashes down upon you, sun rises and drying any trace as the ground begins to crack- a desert forming in response to your aching bones as they lay before you, barely able to move. Charlie views the grey skin you had unleashed to the sky, it is a mere replica of the ground she now walks upon, removed of any prior life as fish flap around helplessly at her feet.
You continuously speak about creations, fate, and now dreams. What are you, for the only object I see now is failure before me. Their eyes close, basking in the light rays just before golden eyes sparkle on their own. They do not show any greed, and promise for truth yet their lips move on their behalf, “I am the spirit of dreams, a heavy branch from the father himself. I twist fate in the most gorgeous of affairs, I bend time on a whim just as I destroy. I can revoke happiness, I can tempt death, I can so I do… until now, until you…”
Your blade still holds strong against their throat, itching to make the same cursed line to match your own, their hand still rests upon your face, that once comforting feeling now a hollowed caress as they hum out peacefully in thought of their next words. “I have called myself the Creator so as to not confuse you with the many renditions you were before this. We have had a long relationship, a changing one two, you were once my greatest friend, a confidant and even lover…”
A sickness plagues your mind, you don’t recognise the plethora of visions that coat your memory, not feel as your blade shatters against the ground as Charlie moves to hug you, pleading for your return as you stare lifelessly off into the horizon.
You wake in a distant memory. You find yourself in similar robes as you walk along the cosmos, galaxies are your furnishing as they are your being, you drift between them with grace as the stars twinkle and black holes bend to make way for your presence. A hand emerges from the darkened veil of space, a white glove pulls you through and into a home lost to time as a grandfather clock ticks in the background, the hands left unchanging yet it sounds just the same. Teeth smile into your neck, their hands on your waist as you drift between one another and you awake once more.
“NO…” you state, coming back to cruel realities as you hold Charlie's head, comforting the girl by unknotting her hair with your claws as you yourself need to be grounded in some semblance of the current life you live. “Your greatest dream was to always have more time, dearest and I could never deny you of anything in my power. I paused the clocks as long as I could before father came knocking at my door and when the earth went to dream again, I didn't have you to join me. In this all, I had yet to discover my hatred for my brother truly, it was only when I saw you with that ‘King of Hell…’” he speaks the table to such spite as his wounds begin to heal and he stands to full height, hands extended towards you as Charlie blocks their touch with her body. “...I grew that hatred, that jealousy and revoked his dreams. I pleaded for your return and even when I received it… Lucifer always found a way to claw you back into hell, he gave you that extra time when I was unable to...”
“You twist your words…” you say, shaking your head in disbelief as the Spirit of Dreams smile fades to that of a smaller one as their hands drop. “Only when I must, but now I see that there is no longer a need for me to do so,” they say as their eyes drift over Charlie's blonde hair.
Your eyes begin to feel drowsy as you emit a yawn, feeling exhausted for the first time in weeks and cannot help but feel giddy at the feeling. You watched relaxed as his robes drift off like clouds in the sky once more as a sunset rises from behind you all, an array of reds reminding you of Hell. They chuckle out lightly, their eyes flickering knowingly to your current state as they speak in mere whispers, your eyes fluttering closed. “You are due to wake up any moment now dearest.”
He nods once towards Charlie, her eyes soon closing once again as she lets out a peaceful sigh, resting on your shoulder. “I am sorry for not dreaming enough for the two of us…” You shake your head at this, starting to fall slowly back into the tub as their voice softly shuts closed their domain.
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
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I don’t know who types up the ask answers on this blog but to whoever’s reading this: how do you all feel about being alive and sentient? What keeps you going, what purpose propels you through this chaotic void? What do you think (or hope) waits for you after your inevitable end? What do you think constitutes a life well lived?
I'm going to answer this in the most wayward and stupidly overlong manner possible, because the previous ask had me thinking about puppets, and I was already mid-way through writing up a book recommendation that's semi-relevant to your questions.
Everyone (but especially people who've enjoyed The Silt Verses and all the folks on Tumblr who loved Piranesi by Susanna Clarke) ought to seek out Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban.
Riddley Walker is a wild and woolly story set in post-apocalyptic Kent, where human society has (d)evolved into a Bronze Age collective of hunter-gatherer settlements. Dogs, apparently blaming us for our crimes against the world, have become our predators, hunting us through the trees. Labourers kill themselves unearthing ancient machinery that they cannot possibly understand.
A travelling crowd of thugs led by a Pry Mincer collect taxes and attempt to impose themselves upon those around them with a puppet-show - the closest possible approximation of a TV show - that tells a mangled story of the world's destruction, featuring a Prometheus-esque hero called Eusa who is tempted by the Clevver One into creating the atomic bomb.
Riddley himself, a twelve-year-old folk hero in-the-making surrounded by strange portents, ends up sowing the seeds of rebellion and change by becoming a conduit for the anti-tutelary anarchic madness (one apparently buried in our collective unconscious) of Punch 'n' Judy.
It's a book in love with twisted reinterpretation, the subjectivity of interpretation, buried or forbidden truths coming back to light (the opening quote is a curious allegory about reinvention and cyclical change from the extra-canonical Gospel of Thomas, which is a good joke and mission statement on a couple levels at once) and human beings somehow stumbling into forms of wisdom or insight through clumsy and nonsensical attempts to make sense of a world that is simply beyond them.
It rocks.
The book starts like this:
On my naming day when I come 12 I gone front spear and kilt a wyld boar he parbly the las wyld pig on the Bundel Downs any how there hadnt ben none for a long time befor him nor I aint looking to see none agen. He dint make the groun shake nor nothing like that when he come on to my spear he wernt all that big plus he lookit poorly. He done the reqwyrt he ternt and stood and clattert his teef and made his rush and there we wer then. Him on 1 end of the spear kicking his life out and me on the other end watching him dy. I said, 'Your tern now my tern later.'
Riddley's devolved language - a trick which has been nicked/homaged by many other works, most notably Cloud Atlas and Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome - is a masterwork choice which may seem offputting or overwhelming at first, but which has its own brutal poetry and cadence to it, and ultimately which makes us slow down as readers and unpick the wit, puns, double-meanings and playful themes buried in line after line.
(Even those first five sentences get us thinking about cyclical change, ritual and myth in opposition to the dissatisfactions of reality, and 'tern' to paradoxically indicate a rebellious change in direction but also an obedient acceptance of inevitable death.)
In one of my favourite passages in literature and a statement of thought that means a lot to me, Riddley has been smoking post-coital weed with Lorna, a 'tel-woman', who unexpectedly declares her belief in a kind of irrational, monstrous Logos that lives in us, wears us like clothes, and drives us onwards for its own purpose:
'You know Riddley theres some thing in us it dont have no name.' I said, 'What thing is that?' She said, 'Its some kynd of thing it aint us but yet its in us. Its lookin out thru our eye hoals...it aint you nor it dont even know your name. Its in us lorn and loan and shelterin how it can.' 'Tremmering it is and feart. It puts us on like we put on our cloes. Some times we dont fit. Some times it cant fynd the arm hoals and it tears us a part. I dont think I took all that much noatis of it when I ben yung. Now Im old I noatise it mor. It dont realy like to put me on no mor. Every morning I can feal how its tiret of me and readying to throw me a way. Iwl tel you some thing Riddley and keap this in memberment. What ever it is we dont come naturel to it.' I said, 'Lorna I dont know what you mean.' She said, 'We aint a naturel part of it. We dint begin when it begun we dint begin where it begun. It ben here befor us nor I dont know what we are to it. May be weare jus only sickness and a feaver to it or boyls on the arse of it I dont know. Now lissen what Im going to tel you Riddley. It thinks us but it dont think like us. It dont think the way we think. Plus like I said befor its afeart.' I said, 'Whats it afeart of?' She said, 'Its afeart of being beartht.'
While Hoban is, I think, deeply humanistic to his bones and even something of a wayward optimist, the notion of human beings as helpless and ignorant vessels, individual carriers - puppets, if you like - for an unknowable and awful inhuman power-in-potentia and life-drive that lacks a true shape or intent beyond its own continued survival (even when that means destroying us or visiting us with agonising atrophy in the process) conjures up the pessimism of Thomas Ligotti, another big influence on our work and a dude who was really into his marionettes-as-metaphor.
Let's go to him now for his opinion on the thing that lives beneath our skin. Thomas?
Through the prophylactic of self-deception, we keep hidden what we do not want to let into our heads, as if we will betray to ourselves a secret too terrible to know… …(that the universe is) a play with no plot and no players that were anything more than portions of a master drive of purposeless self-mutilation. Everything tears away at everything else forever. Nothing knows of its embroilment in a festival of massacres… Nothing can know what is going on.
Curiously, both Ligotti and Riddley Walker have appeared in the music of dark folk band Current 93, whose track In The Heart Of The Wood And What I Found There directly homages the novel and ends with the repeated words,
"All shall be well," she said But not for me
These words, in turn, hearken back to Kafka's* famous reported conversation with Max Brod:
'We are,' he said, 'nihilistic thoughts, suicidal thoughts that rise in God's head.' This reminded me of the worldview of the gnostic: God as an evil demiurge, the world as his original sin. 'Oh no', he said, 'our world is only a bad, fretful whim of God, a bad day.' 'So was there - outside of this world that we know - hope?' He smiled: 'Oh, hope - there is plenty. Infinite hope, just not for us."
So, we walk on.
We carry this thing that's riding on our backs, endlessly bonded to it, feeling its weight more and more with every passing day, unable to turn to look at it. Buried truths come briefly to life, and are hidden from us again. Perhaps they weren't truths at all. We couldn't stand to look the truth directly in the eyes in any case.
If there is hope, it's for the thing that looks out from our eyeholes, which thinks us but cannot think like us. We'll never get to where we're going, and the thing will never be born. There's no hope for it. Perhaps we don't want it to win anyway. It's nothing, and the key to everything.
The Jesus from the Gospel of Thomas says:
'When you see your own likeness, you rejoice. But when you see the visions that formed you and existed before you, which do not perish and which do not become visible - how much then will you be able to bear?'
Kafka, writing to his father, begins by expressing the inexpressibility of his own divine terror:
You asked me why I am afraid of you. I did not know how to answer - partly because of my fear, partly because an explanation would require more than I could make coherent in speech…even in writing, the magnitude of the causes exceeds my memory and my understanding.
Kafka concludes that while he cannot ever truly explain himself, and that the accusations in his letter are neat subjectivities that fail to account for the messiness of reality, perhaps 'something that in my opinion so closely resembles the truth…might comfort us both a little and make it easier for us to live and die.'**
It doesn't bring comfort to Kafka, whose diarised remarks both before and after the 1919 letter make it clear that he views his relationship with the things (people) that birthed him as an endless entrapment that prevents him from attaining any kind of self-actualisation or even comfort, since he cannot escape their influence or remember a time before them:
I was defeated by Father as a small boy and have been prevented since by pride from leaving the battleground, despite enduring defeat over and over again.
It's as if I wasn't fully born yet...as if I was dissolubly bound to these repulsive things (my parents).*** The bond is still attached to my feet, preventing them from walking, from escaping the original formless mush. That's how it is sometimes.
Samuel Beckett returns again and again (aptly) to this pursuit of a state of true humanity and final understanding that is at once fled and unrecoverable, yet to be born, never to be born, never-existed, endlessly to be pursued, pointless to pursue. From the astonishing end sequence of The Unnameable:
alone alone, the others are gone, they have been stilled, their voices stilled, their listening stilled, one by one, at each new-com- ing, another will come, I won’t be the last. I’ll be with the others. I’ll be as gone, in the silence, it won’t be I, it’s not I, I’m not there yet. I’ll go there now. I’ll try and go there now, no use trying, I wait for my turn, my turn to go there, my turn to talk there, my turn to listen there, my turn to wait there for my turn to go, to be as gone, it’s unending, it will be unending, gone where,where do you go from there, you must go somewhere else, wait somewhere else, for your turn to go again
I’m not the first, I won’t be the first, it will best me in the end, it has bested better than me, it will tell me what to do, in order to rise, move, act like a body endowed with despair, that’s how I reason, that’s how I hear myself reasoning, all lies, it’s not me they’re calling, not me they’re talking about, it’s not yet my turn, it’s someone else’s turn, that’s why I can’t stir, that’s why I don’t feel a body on me, I’m not suffering enough yet, it’s not yet my turn, not suffering enough to be able to stir, to have a body, complete with head, to be able to understand, to have eyes to light the way
From Thomas' Jesus:
When you make the two one, and you make the inside as the outside and the outside as the inside and the above as the below, and if male and female become a single unity which lacks 'masculine' and 'feminine' action, when you grow eyes where eyes should be and hands where hands should be and feet where feet should stand and the true image in its proper place, then shall you enter heaven.
Tom's Jesus makes a particularly Gnostic habit of both insisting that the hidden will be revealed and demonstrating the impossibility of attaining a state where the hidden ever can be revealed. Contrary to C.S. Lewis, we will never have faces with which to gaze upon the lost divine and the mysteries that shaped us, and crucially, as Christ puts it, we would not be able to bear the sight of ourselves if we did.
We will never become the thing that's riding on our backs.
Jesus again:
The disciples ask Jesus, 'Tell us how our end shall be.' Jesus says, 'Have you found the beginning yet, you who ask after the end? For at the place where the beginning is, there shall be the end.'
The Unnameable:
I’ll recognise it, in the end I’ll recognise it, the story of the silence that he never left, that I should never have left, that I may never find again, that I may find again, then it will be he, it will be I, it will be the place, the silence, the end, the beginning, the beginning again, how can I say it, that’s all words, they’re all I have, and not many of them, the words fail, the voice fails, so be it
The final passage of The Unnameable, which often is hilariously shorn and misinterpreted as an inspirational quote about how if you don't succeed, try again:
all words, there’s nothing else, you must go on, that’s all I know, they’re going to stop, I know that well, I can feel it, they’re going to abandon me, it will be the silence, for a moment, a good few moments, or it will be mine, the lasting one, that didn’t last, that still lasts, it will be I, you must go on, I can't go on, you must go on. I’ll go on, you must say words, as long as there are any, until they find me, until they say me, strange pain, strange sin, you must go on, perhaps it’s done already, perhaps they have said me already, perhaps they have carried me to the threshold of my story, before the door that opens on my story, that would surprise me, if it opens, it will be I, it will be the silence, where I am, I don’t know. I’ll never know, in the silence you don’t know, you must go on, I can’t go on. I’ll go on. †
We bear this thing that's riding on our backs. We'll never get to where we're going, and the thing will never be born. If it was born, it'd be too terrible for us to bear. There's nothing riding on our backs.
It will never speak us into being.
We keep on calling out into the silence, we keep trying to explain or understand the thing that's riding on our backs, searching for a way to birth it before we die. Our words about the thing are crucial, and they're meaningless, and they're all we have, and they're nothing at all. We cannot name it and we cannot express it, but we cannot stop trying, and we will keep turning back to our words about the thing, obsessing over them, tearing them to pieces, putting them back together.
I'm fumbling at something I can't think or say, but fumbling is all we're capable of. There could be beauty and meaning and comfort in the fumbling, but it's also vain, and foolish, and pointless, and we're lying to ourselves about the beauty and the meaning and the comfort, and we're indulging ourselves pointlessly by going on and on about the pointlessness of it. Nothing can know what's going on. We will never get close enough to understand without being destroyed.
Thomas' Jesus again, warning those who seek to reveal what's hidden:
He who is near me is near the fire.
Riddley Walker, reflecting on the Punch puppet's inexplicable desire to cook and eat his own child:
Whyis Punch crookit? Why wil he al ways kill the baby if he can? Parbly I wont ever know its jus on me to think on it.
If you got to the end of this, congratulations: but the above is honestly the most appropriate patchwork of what I believe, what propels me, what I feel.
As for what comes after life, I think it's fairly straightforwardly a nothingness we are tragically incapable of fully knowing or accepting - it's Beckett's unimaginable and unattainable silence, a silence that his characters' voices keep on shattering even as they cry out for it.
*I can't remember if Kafka makes prominent reference to Czech puppets in his work, which is interesting in its own right given the thematic relevance (the protagonist in The Hunger Artist is perhaps a kind of self-directing puppet show?).
However, Gustav Meyrink - who some unsourced Google quotes suggest was pals with Czech puppeteer Richard Teschner - did write a strange little story, The Man On The Bottle, about an audience watching a 'marionette show' who are too wrapped up in performances and masks to interpret the reality that they're actually watching a human being suffocate to death.
**Thomas Ligotti: "Something had happened. They did not know what it was, but they did know it as that which should not be.
Something would have to be done if they were to live with that which should not be.
This would not (be enough); it would only be the best they could do."
***Beckett's Malone Dies actually kicks off with a related sentiment:" I am in my mother’s room. It’s I who live there now. I don’t know how I got there...In any case I have her room. I sleep in her bed. I piss and shit in her pot. I have taken her place. I must resemble her more and more."
† I don't necessarily align myself in humour with Ligotti on a lot of this stuff but I imagine he would recognise both Beckett's writing and Kafka's frustrations re explaining the causes of his hatred for his father as sublimation: finding artistic and philosophical ways of sketching the inexpressible horror and uncertainty of our existence in order to reckon with it at a remove without destroying ourselves. A higher form of self-deception, but self-deception nevertheless.
‡Muna's more of an anarcho-nihilist, I think.
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prompt: mindreading
pairing: crystal/niko (heavily implied, but can be read as one-sided pining if that's your jam), ficlet, 700~ words, T
"Wait, you want me to read your mind? You're not scared of someone taking a peek into that brain of yours?"
Maybe it's because of her own peculiar experiences with... not exactly unwanted, but genuinely huge mistakes of wanted guests in her head. But Crystal cannot fathom the idea to voluntarily make anyone privy to your thoughts, on a whim. She's done it enough for other people, sure; usually under the disguise of a case and protected by the motives, but she still had a preference of simply talking to people, hoping for the best that they would disclose the necessary information. Her budding empathy clashes somewhat with her psychic powers. There was a time she vaguely remembers, where she wouldn't bat an eye at using them for her advantage, even if it meant stepping on a few heads. Well. Not anymore.
It made something in her chest feel noble; a sensation she was not used to.
With great power comes great responsibility, et cetera, right?
Nevertheless, the casual allowance of Niko to make herself comfy in her brain, with no specific time slot seems intimate down to a T. Something you would allow under very specific circumstances, preferably after thorough discussion with the subject. A life or death situation, perhaps. It would be reserved for the closest bunch of people, unless your poor judgement decided to omit the jarring red flags and said, you know what, my scarlet matches your ruby.
There are choices you cannot go back from, as she is painfully aware.
In her lap, Niko brushes two fingers along Crystal's knuckles, from where she is cradling her palm. It feels strangely precious, encased in the softness of the other girl's hand. Crystal's gaze glides over to the intricate rings matching the long, beautiful pastel nails, decorated with small pearls and tiny ribbons. The touch brings dual sensations: there are the pads, soft like a cat's and similar to it, the sharper points of the nails leave blunt dents on the top of her palm. She belately realises, I wouldn't mind if you pressed harder. Make me feel it.
Crystal's gaze snaps back upwards, guiltily. She almost regrets it. The way Nico's face twists into a shy smile, Crystal feels the touch spark through her hand and race towards the chest like a livewire, a pulsing need. "I have nothing to hide from you."
"That's not true. Everyone has secrets they want to keep," she protests weakly.
"I promise to keep it G-rated," Niko laughs, and Crystal is lightheaded from it, glad she is already sitting down, because hey, did she just—
"Crystal. You need to see the bird."
Before she can cut it short, Niko lifts the hand she so generously cradled up to her forehead— in a mimicry of the main guy from— uh, was it the X-Men movies? Like she believed touching the temples while mindreading was essential to the process. Crystal's powerless against the flutter of her eyelashes when she's trying to focus and relax at once, the slightest of frowns gracing her forehead.
Her fingers are being gripped harder, determined. She wants to keep her there.
Crystal debates on whether it would work anyway, because how could she think about some stupid bird, when Niko is right there? An open, well-loved paperback, ready to fill you with strange images of her own design.
She gets hit with a memory like a pop-up ad, but without the surge of overwhelm and annoyance, the part where she's prying open inside smoother than anticipated.
The sight comes with a filter of pure admiration and some childlike wonder. The edges of the vision are swimming in bright, peak summer hues, teal sky and rich green bushes with pinkish yellow sparkling in the heat. Niko must have watched the scene from a sidewalk, and she had to be pretty close to see so clearly. The crow inside the memory drops a walnut from its beak right before a car drives over it, cracking open the hard shell, and the bird dives precisely half a second later, catching the remains of the nut in mid-air. Show off, Crystal snickers to herself. Surprisingly, she finds a familiar, amused chuckle reverbating around her temple. It's strange enough that Crystal gets thrown out of the vision far too quickly. She pushes the need to stay, down.
Niko cracks open one eye, apparently much too excited to keep going. "Did you see that? Did you see?"
"Uh. Yeah. I did." It's a tiny shock, to come out of the vision. "That was..."
Unexpected. Amazing. If I saw the world through your eyes, I wouldn't think it's genuine shit all the time.
#wlw pining my utter beloved#niko sasaki#crystal palace#palasaki#twirls my hair and giggles#crystiko#dead boy detectives#ficlet#dbda#dbda fic#snippet#dead boy detective agency#marcela writes#inspired as always by the Loveliest Bunch of People from the DGD server chat 💕
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