eternal-forever · 4 months
*abt shifting, loa, and everything*
(Firstly, Hi if you don’t know me I’m Jonah I have success with manifestation, the void state, and shifting awareness)
So you know how if you ever make artwork or literally make anything, you might not like it that much? Or maybe think it could be better?
Yk why u might think that?
Because it’s yours.
Like if your best friend made the exact same thing, you would think that it’s so good!
So when it comes to shifting awareness, most people don’t REALLY believe that theirs.
Therefore, they start thinking that it’s wonderful, so good, greatest thing ever, etc.
Putting it on a pedestal.
I KNOW you’ve seen a bunch of times “don’t put shifting on a pedestal!”
And you know you shouldn’t.
But like.
It’s always been yours.
The you that’s wherever you are and doing whatever your doing. Is the SAME self that is in your dr.
Now. You MAY be thinking
“I speak a different language in that real that i don’t know in this real. that’s not exactly me” or something like that.
Um ok? So what if you know different things?
You do realize that all you are is your 4d. Right?
You know about the law of assumption. If you assume it to be true in your 4d, your 3d will reflect it.
You have to realize all you are and all you will ever be is your 4d.
(Might sound a little intimidating but it’s true.)
Some of you might think you know this, but do you believe it?
Ok I’ll leave you with that for now ☺️
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daniwib · 2 months
When I started writing fanfic back in the dark ages (2020) I would never have guessed that one day I’d be holding bound copies of my own writing. My writing. In actual physical book form.
Bound by not one but two amazingly talented people who liked my silly little stories so much they bound them for themselves. Not only that, but they also then bound a second copy and sent it to me (not a small feat, we live in completely different countries and they took nearly 3 months to get here).  
I am stunned. Awed. Amazed. Humbled. So very grateful. They are sitting next to my keyboard and I keep stroking them like they’re cats. They are so pretty! Each is so perfectly suited for the plot of the fic too. A hunter’s journal for the SPN/911 crossover and colour changing scales for the Merman Buck fic? I could never have imagined such perfection or had the skill to do this myself.
Thank you, my wonderful fandom friends. You have given me a truly unique gift that I treasure. And that my family is fighting over about who gets to read which first! If you’re curious about the fics. Mind the tags: Trust me, Darlin’ Cherish
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memoryerror404 · 3 months
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Error: “Who could be so lucky? Who comes to a lake for water and sees the reflection of moon.” -Rumi
March 2024
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i love my girlfriend so much
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floridafreak · 3 months
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mycatismyfriend · 29 days
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Just some more of the Angel inspired places I got to visit in Los Angeles (29.08.2024) 2/2
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warishicre8 · 7 months
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I totally forgot to screenshot that I got SSR in first try. And SR twice...how?
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bella-the-fella · 9 months
What's up?
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moonyintherain · 28 days
queer pride is so heartwarming
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eternal-forever · 20 days
Things I love about shifting and manifesting
(A list of affirmations of things I’ve done that you can do too)
I love controlling the future
I love helping my family get through health problems
I love choosing my appearance
I love not worrying as much because this is just another one of my lives
I love choosing which life I want to live today
I love having a long list of things I’ve manifested
I love controlling what is in my life
I love that when I get obsessed with a show/movie I can go and live it
I love getting the clothes I want for free
I love how everything works out in my favor
I love that when I want to listen to a song on Spotify it plays first try (I don’t have premium. who needs it when your a master manifester)
I love getting the foods I crave without asking
I love always being successful
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daniwib · 1 month
Ok I know all parents are biased but I think I might have the sweetest son ever? I've been really sick and forgot to post a chapter on Monday night as scheduled. Felt terrible about it when I remembered the next day and when kiddo got home from school he offered to post it for me if I told him what to do (picture my voice croaking hoarsely from the bed while he sits with my laptop on a chair nearby). I asked him to make a note apologising for me and also so they know it wasn't me in case of posting errors etc. Woke today to some comments mentioning his note that had me scratching my head so went and read it myself and nearly melted. I adore him. Here is what he wrote:
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(for context, he is 14, holy shit actually he's 15 next month wth, and just hit 6'3". Yes, my baby is TALLER than Oliver Stark. Kiddo is still in his weedy era though) He is going to have something special when he gets home today.
And yes, he cooked his own dinner last night, it was actually toasted sandwiches not toast but close enough!
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creamxxbrulee · 4 months
pov: it’s saturday night and the love of your life is cooking for you and it smells amazing 🥰🥺
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chipmunkweirdo · 1 year
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Beautiful art piece gift from my friend @fishfinz
Alvin 2.0 loves making friends with other Alvins!
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mystiqueschild · 9 months
Uhhh…guys I think the silly fella known as Jason dean just put a bomb in my mailbox 🤩
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hikelesbian · 6 months
my flight home was April 1 and my gf was like “something came up, I can’t come over today.” Which was okay with me. So I get home and lug all my crap into my room and there she is, sitting in my bed smiling and saying “April fools” 🥺
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writinglionqueen · 19 days
@jazzy-tzw Istg I’m gonna marry my boyfriend. 😤 he literally will help me wash my hair coz I can’t take a full on shower atm. 😭 he’s been so helpful as I try to rest and all.
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