rayactive-factory · 3 months
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theminecraftbee · 11 months
hermitcraft vault hunters thoughts:
joe's interpretive... dance? cosplay?... of the bad chat gpt xisuma had made intro is VERY worth watching.
100 days to collect all the artifacts... oh boy i hope the promised "artifacts are faster" update is in update 12. so they don't. die.
iskall, to etho: "as long as we greed". etho, nodding back. me, flashing to runs that will probably give us all heart attacks.
the start of this server has SUCH chaotic day one of a new minecraft server energy. they all run off and punch trees. iskall immediately yells at them for punching trees. it's beautiful.
xisuma: "only two monoliths! we're gonna ace this." as all the hermits. just mine blocks for their bases.
iskall has such strong "trying to herd kids through a museum" vibes its SO funny.
etho, loudly: "LOOT AND SCOOT everybody." and now everyone else has picked up on repeating "loot and scoot. loot and scoot."
"hey i found a spawner everyone should i break thaOH MY GOD THOSE GUYS JUMPED OUT."
no one knows what they're doing. this is fantastic.
"These vaults are AMAZING, Iskall :D" awwwwww
that being said iskall is failing entirely to explain this to the crowd. gather all the artifacts in 100 days. sure.
"i know there are 13 minutes left but i'm getting so concerned i'll never find the exit" oh no. they're brand new. they have fresh vault hunter smell.
"are there coordinates in here?" "no." "WHAT."\
etho finding an omega room with iskall and also being the only one to kill a champion. this checks out.
NO ONE CAN OPEN THE MONOLITH CRATES. i unfortunately relate,
joe takes fireball. naturally. so excited for joe the fireball wizard! also now so so so excited to see what builds everyone else will make. as everyone settles into playstyles. so much to make of that, i think.
in conclusion: still so hyped,
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arialerendeair · 4 months
Dreamling Week Approaches
Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnn!
The prompts for Dreamling Week have officially been posted on the @mr-sadman blog, so make sure to check that post out!
If any of you remember last year, I did a massive reblog blitz of any and all Dreamling content I had in my Dreamling tag and reblogged it all across the entire week!
I’m planning to do another of those - but even bigger this year!
Here’s a list of content I’m planning to reblog:
Dreamling Week content from last year
My Dreamling tag
The tumblr Dreamling tag
Dreamling Big Bang Fics ( @the-centennial-husbands-bigbang for future runs of the bang!)
All of @gabessquishytum’s ficlets! (Yes, ALL, I am ballsy and determined)
All of @softest-punk's works
AND, new this year -
That's right - one thing I got a lot of requests for last year was for folks to send me things - SO! I have created a handy dandy form for you to do so! I will be accepting any and all submissions up until June 2nd, when Dreamling Week starts!
Submissions have only 2 requirements!
It must be a Tumblr post. No other links will be accepted.
Limit yourself in terms of submissions.  (If you have 6 fics - do not send me 6 links, please make a masterpost featuring all of them.  If you would like to create a specific universe masterpost for one series - and another for your standalones?  Go for it!  If you want to create one for your art and one for your fics?  Go for it!)
Masterpost Example!
Last but not least!
While I am absolutely thrilled to turn my blog into Dreamling Hell (affectionate) during the first week of June, I would love, more than anything else, to see other blogs join me in doing so, since there is so much Dreamling content out there that I know I haven't seen!! I have lovingly teased @seiya-starsniper into doing something similar, and I hope some of you decide to do reblog sprees (at whatever scale you are comfortable with) as well!
Let's flood the #Dreamling Week and #Dreamling Week 2024 tags with as much content as possible and get ourselves back on the Top Ships of the Week again!
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As You Command Masterlist
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Status: Ongoing
Pairing: Dragon king! Bakugou x Fem Reader
Summary: Since you were children, Prince Bakugou has taken a special interest in making your life as hellish as possible. As his future advisor, it's your job to grin and bear it, no matter how much you wish you could teach him a lesson. When the chance for you to leave the kingdom presents itself and the Prince stops it, you're sure it's just another one of his poorly planned pranks that will end badly for the both of you. But could there be more to his actions than you realize?
Genre: childhood friends to lovers, slow burn, romance
Series Warnings: (I will add specific warnings to each chapter) this series will contain smut, cursing, violence, kidnapping, character death, drinking, and may mention dark themes (non-con/dub-con)
Based off this blurb
Series Playlist on Spotify
Schedule: on hiatus
Chapter 1: here
Chapter 2: here
Extra Blurb 1: TBD
Chapter 3: TBD
-(updated May 18th, 2023)
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
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mythicalea · 5 months
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I love how Lupita is wearing his Jacket 🫠🫠
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gia-d · 8 months
Who wants some fun facts about our upcoming, multi-chapter LU fic, Shadowed!
It's a murder mystery/psychological horror
It will have an MCD tag (permanent? Temporary? Faked their death? Who knows! 😉)
Main POV will come from Wind and Shadow
This is technically a 'Link meets the Chain' fic (but which Link?)
Vidow is central to the plot
Wind being able to see Ghosts is central to the plot
There will be illustrations
Anything you'd like to add to this @not-freyja ?
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honeyjars-sims · 3 months
3.12 When the Party's Over
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Not long after he finished his applications, Johnny was surprised to find he was invited to interview at Rainy Day Entertainment.
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He had a successful interview with their hiring manager, and from there, was scheduled to meet with the company's CEO, Damien Major, for his final interview.
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Johnny was a little intimated at first but quickly turned on the charm. Damien was surprisingly grounded for someone running such a successful company.
It turned out his early childhood was similar to Johnny's--raised by a single mother who struggled to make ends meet. They chatted about their favorite video games and SimTube channels. It seemed more like a conversation between two old friends than an interview. Johnny was inspired seeing how Damien achieved so much despite having a rough start to life.
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Damien offered Johnny a position on the spot, which he happily accepted. Being a Production Assistant wasn’t exactly his dream job, but it was a big company with a lot of room for growth.
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At the very least, it made his dads happy. Johnny hoped they would stay that way.
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Previous | Beginning of story | Beginning of chapter | Next
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picnokinesis · 3 months
Wait, whats happening why are we winning? Are Jo, Jodie and Sascha coming back?
Ahh so Big Finish have announced a Thirteenth Doctor boxset!! If you don't know what Big Finish is, they're an audio drama production company who make a TON of extended canon Doctor Who audios that are officially licenced by the BBC. A lot of the Eighth Doctor content is Big Finish audio dramas (as well as the Eighth Doctor Adventures, which are the books - those are a parallel extended canon to the BF audios though, and technically you could consider neither of them canon, since they're not actually In The Show. Because we love Doctor Who canon being endlessly confused hahah). However, they have to wait a certain amount of time after an 'era' of the show in order to get the rights to make content with particular characters. This is why, when Thirteen's era was airing, they were pumping out so many Tenth doctor audios...like SO many. But also NINTH DOCTOR audios, with Eccleston!! Because he decided to work with them to create some more Nine stories, which was FANTASTIC!
But ANYWAY - before today, it had already been announced that we were getting 1) a Fugitive Doctor boxset - so, essentially, a bunch of new audio stories ft the Fugitive Doctor, and also 2) a Dhawan!Master boxset, with stories focused on him! So we were all already excited about those, but also wondering if Jodie was going to end up doing any, especially seeing as she seemed so keen to do things like that. And so what happened TODAY is that Big Finish just announced this new Thirteen boxset, which will have TWELVE new stories, not just with Thirteen, but also with Yaz!! Which is REALLY AWESOME! And all three of these boxsets are due to release in 2025, but you can already pre-order them if you're interested! They are a little pricey, but I can tell you....Big Finish are fantastic, they put out some really top quality stuff, which some incredible stories that they just can't do on the show. I cannot express how excited I am for this. I also had about five different people message me today about this announcement, which was very amusing to me hahaha
But yeah so tl;dr - 12 new thirteen stories, PLUS we already knew that we were getting the dhawan master and jo martin audio sets too, and they're all releasing some time next year!
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Don't say anything! Let it sink in. Okay! Now,
*Paul Matthews voice*
Are you Tinlightened????
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aclrenaline · 15 days
ohhhhhh i just had such a good idea for the theme of addy's site...
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fireladybuckley · 19 days
One day you're young, and the next, you are over-the-moon excited about having an upright freezer that's tall with SHELVES.
its me, i'm over-the-moon. IT HAS SHELVES!!
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you know that? i am so excited about october and pujo. i am excited to go pujo shopping, i can't wait to lie in bed at 5 in the morning listening to mahalaya, i am excited to watch my neighbourhood light up in strings of yellow lights, i am excited to go pandal hopping with friends and family, i am so eager to eat all the hearty bengali meals on all the five days, i am excited to wear sarees and jhumkas, i am excited for nabami night outs, i am excited for dhunuchi naach and even for bishorjon. though bishorjon will bring me all the melancholy, yet i am so excited. i can barely contain my excitement.
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misslisamiray · 1 month
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I'm so excited - this con is in the city where I live! I've been *kind of* hoping for an announcement like this for a while since I've seen the VAs announced for a lot of other cons run by the same company as this one, and now IT'S HAPPENING.
The reason I say *kind of* hoping for is that well, it is expensive to go to cons. And it was looking iffy at best that I would be able to go to Rhode Island Comic Con this year.
But I was telling my mom about this and she said she'll make sure I'm able to go. 😭 So folks, I repeat, THIS IS HAPPENING. I'll still need to figure out how to cover things like autographs/photos... but I've got a little over two months for that and will cross that bridge when I come to it.
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inde-extras · 3 months
I'm so excited to make H.A.R.M I'm so excited to make H.A.R.M I'm so excited to make H.A.R.M I'm so excited to make H.A.R.M I'm so excited to make H.A.R.M I'm so excited to make H.A.R.M I'm so excited to make H.A.R.M I'm so excited to make H.A.R.M I'm so excited to make H.A.R.M I'm so excited to make H.A.R.M I'm so excited to make H.A.R.M
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emeraldxphoenix · 9 months
plotted starter for @acertainfemininemystique
Time loses all meaning out in the deep emerald dark. All around him thrums with the greenness of life, while he sits, and sits, and sits, timelines clenched in stiff fists, not-time slipping by slower than the dripping of thick honey. Lifetimes pass before he finds the courage to even think about moving, ages crawl by while he hones his powers to enable him to do so. Each and every eternity-second is bright, and alive, and sharp. The burden he chose, and would choose again in spite of everything.
When Loki finally learns to escape the solitude of his gilded cage, he doesn’t tell his friends ( – friends, a strange word after so long; the syllables taste like longing, like loneliness – ) how long it’s been, and after a while they stop asking. All of them learn to be grateful for what they have, and tread carefully in case it doesn’t last.
The god doesn’t work for the TVA anymore, doesn’t work for anyone really – unless you count the entirety of the multiverse. He never guides, never interferes, never nudges people or things to the places he wants them to be: they are truly free to make their own choices. And yet, he looks frequently, teasing the thread of individual stories out to follow them from start to finish – as the God of Stories rightfully should.
He’s doing just that – following a variant of himself and the treasure he carries concealed within layers of fabric – when the thread frays off into nothingness. Loki blinks once, twice. It’s not a death, not like the ones he’s used to seeing, but nor is it anything else identifiable. For want of better words, there is simply… absence. Inexplicable, yawning emptiness where a person should have been. Lips purse together. 
Seior floods outwards, cautious, to brush over the writhing mass of timelines, then beyond into the darkness. He doesn’t expect to find anything. He almost doesn’t believe it when he does find something. Brow furrows. With a simple thought, the god shuts his eyes and reopens them to find himself in an unfamiliar kitchen. Sleek countertops run along the length of the walls and cover an island in the middle of the room, clean but scattered with the detritus of a house well lived in; mugs, plates, spice racks, fruit bowls. He licks his lips. Apparently this place is more than just a flicker on his radar, it’s a home.
Slipper-clad feet tread silently across the threshold and into the adjoining room, horned circlet diminishing with a flick of his wrist until it disappears altogether. The carpet in here is plush, luxurious and soft under his feet, and incredibly inviting to someone who lives most of his life in a dilapidated stone citadel. Shelves line the walls in this room, filled to bursting with well-worn books that, on closer inspection, appear to be a collection of the god’s favourite works. Odd. Gaze moves onward to the deep green sofa, skimming over the bowl of dried fruits resting on one arm and coming to rest on the (rather showy) display case beside it. There, carefully and lovingly displayed beside Sakaarian jewels and Torfian sculptures, sits the golden locket that once belonged to Frigga of Asgard. The very treasure Loki had been tracking earlier. What the Hel?
Somewhere, in the timeless depths of the god’s mind, the beginnings of a realisation stir.
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