go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
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[ID: A gif of the Master (played by John Simm) and the tenth Doctor (played by David Tennant) from Doctor Who season 3 episode 11 “Utopia.” In the gif, the Master is standing in the TARDIS and says “Use my name.” The Doctor is standing outside the TARDIS and responds “Master.” /End ID]
growling and scratching at the walls rn btw
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ferryfoam · 4 months
Hello !! Today I bring you a silly Quodo doodle
It is a bit based on that one episode in which Quark sits on Odo's desk while talking to him but I imagine this to be in a different context to that.. maybe it is just a thing Quark does sometimes :- >
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Now ! Recently I watched s3e8 , s3e9 , s3e10 , s3e11 and s3e12
For episodes 8-10 I do not have much to say really ... they were not super interesting, and e10 was very uncomfortable to watch (is it really Star Trek if they don't have an episode where all the characters make out) I felt the only reason the episode existed was for fan service (and I suppose a little to set up Odo's liking of Kira, although I feel they could have done this differently... also I will say although I love Quodo very much I think Odo and Kira are really sweet together so I am glad they have chosen to go in this direction! I am more of a platonic Quodo enjoyer anyway if that makes sense) anyways . I deeply dislike Vedek Bareil so I eagerly anticipate whenever he and Kira break up ... I did enjoy e9 as Gul Dukat is a very interesting character to me and I was glad to see more about him! I liked the vague fatherly bonding he had with Sisko, although they dislike each other I think their political friendship of sorts could have some interesting development as the series progresses!
For episodes 11 and 12 however !! They were far more enjoyable, and I think some of the best written episodes of the show so far. I really enjoyed them! It was funny that the year they went back to happened to be 2024 and I liked the very 90s interpretation of the future- although I do not live in America so I cannot comment on exactly how accurate it was, I do feel that on some levels some of the issues they brought up are very much prevalent in society
Anyways it's always fun to see Star Trek characters in modern era - I loved Sisko and Bashir's characterisations here, especially during the hostage situation. It was kind of a unique point of view to see the protagonists being the ones holding the hostages, very refreshing perspective I think !
That is all from me ! Goodbye for now !
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aaaarsonist · 10 months
Hi What were the Most Heartbreaking moments for you not counting Rot ofc
Hi! Let's see (btw I'm also not counting 3Below, I didn't connect with it at all and didn't feel a thing lol)
Draal's death, definitely. Draal's one of my favorite characters, I fell totally in love with him and I was crushed by this. The whole scene of Jim going to touch his face when he finds him, and then Angor asking why's protecting a human and I just– UGHHH I JUST WATCHED THAT EPISODE AGAIN AND I'M SENSITIVE.
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"What am I, Blinky?" "When I gaze upon you, do you know what I see? I see a champion. A friend. A son. A magnificent son" I don't know if it counts as "heartbreaking " bUT IT MAKES ME CRY SO MUCH I CAN'T, I'M EVEN CRYING JUST FOR WRITING IT. This episode and the one before are heartbreaking for me. Jim sacrificing his humanity to destroy Morgana and Gunmar, changing not just his appearance, but everything he does in his day to day. We saw how excited he was when he came back from the Darklands, going to school, even seeing Steve and doing homework, and now not only can he no longer do all that, but he can't go out in the sun, can't eat human food, has to get used to a new body, with new strength and needs, can't experience life as he used to. It's a fucking lot for a sixteen year old. Also the scene in the bathroom itself, as I saw someone mention here, seems to imply so much a suicide, with his family trying to knock down the door to stop him from making a mistake, I just- I just can't. (Also this edit destroys me).
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The first time I watched Aaarrrgghh!!! turn into stone I couldn't believe it, and then when Jim decides to go into the Darklands alone and everyone is calling for him and he says "I can't lose anymore of you". Pain.
The whole situation with Barbara when she distances from Jim because she knows he's lying breaks my heart, because even though Toby's a big support for Jim,and now he has more people with him, his mom is the number one person in his life. And I can feel him hurt for being so far away from him.
Troll Jim going berserk and becoming human again. Okay, this is more angry heartbreak than sad heartbreak because I love Troll Jim (I love his design so much omfg). I hate it because of the same reason S3E11 pains me. He relearned how to live for what, a few months, and the he had to change back against his will? I fucking hate it. Also, yeah, it's painful because of Claire's reaction (well, Jim's almost death at the end od Trollhunters It's also heartbreaking, but I miraculously didn't cry).
Merlin's death. Not for him (actually, fuck him) but because of Douxie's reaction. We see throughout the series how Douxie's done everything to help him, please him, make him proud. We know he's his savior, and probably the most important person in his life.
I'm sure I'm forgetting several, but these are the scenes that come to mind the most. Also, I wanted to talk a little more about the last one, but I need to refresh Wizards first lol
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queenjulia11 · 5 months
Okay for context I am very aromantic and usually can’t tell when people are dating unless it’s made very explicit.
I didn’t interpret Sherman’s note to Lark in the S3E11 appendix as romantic? I’ve seen a few people now theorizing about how they might have been a thing in the past, and talking about how this invite confirms that.
Am I just totally missing something? Lark and Sherman have only ever been stated as being friends, and Lark was a total hermit back on Midst apart from the occasional babysitting job. I can totally see a romantic interpretation of that note but I wasn’t thinking about it at all until other people mentioned it.
(also part of me is hoping Sherman and Hieronymus get back together so that very well could be a factor lol)
EDIT: Okay so I somehow COMPLETELY forgot that it in fact WAS explicitly mentioned that Lark and Sherman fucked no idea what happened with my brain there please disregard lmao
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flammenkobold · 6 months
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small thing i noticed only during my latest titans rewatch and in S3E11 dick goes to wayne enterprises to use bruce's computer there and notices the picture of them together at some gala or the other. thats right next to the keyboard. and now i am having even more feelings about them.
i really love how their relationship is portrayed in this show, how complicated it is and fraught and delicate and still so full of mutual love and care that its painful. and its so good to not only being told that but being shown it through a lot of these small things as well.
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bdbdhdjdhdh · 2 years
My Hero PSLE: S3E11 "Bestowed upon thee a sacred wish"
"*sets the gay kid on fire* HA! LGBBQ!"
-Someone who no longer exists for obvious reasons
"Ok, I wanna introduce you to my team and reveal their life stories like the Disney villain I am before I kill you, so I bet ya'll already know Tempest, the Corvi with the broken horns. Then there's Al-Luhai, the Chronicle that Six killed. Wait, have you met him already?"
Wa lao eh please lah, just kill us already, still need to do what, explanation of entire team's life stories first, haiya.
But hang on a minute now, who's Six?
"Uh. Looks like ya'll are confused. But Six is just like right there,"
*points to Thunder Hands*
Huh. So he does have an actual name. I mean, Six is ok, I guess.
"Yeah, so Six killed Al-Luhai, the Chronicle who tried to take that coward Keeper's Deadly Sin. I presume Six already revealed his entire life story to ya'll cos he just likes to talk that much. Anyway I dunno a lot about Al-Luhai, other than then the fact that he used to be a student at the Corvi university or something, and snuck in despite not being a Corvi, planning to steal their magic, but thrn was found out and got expelled. Damn what is wrong with the Corvi sia, anyway he never really told anyone much about what his life story was, only that he experimented a lot and his experiments could be considered rather...unethical,"
"Ok ok fine, I'll skip the rest, but I'm not gonna be killing ya'll, I'll need the help of an Exuvia in taking down one, after all,"
Then Juqla was like: "Oh yeah the other Exuvias hey Xiao Ming maybe they'll know something about you!"
And now Kiefer dun understand. "Huh? He's an Exuvia, right?"
"Oh yeah he is, but it's sorta complicated eh,"
"AYAAYYAYA WHATEVER! Why I am even wasting time talking eith ya'll anyway! Time to start the sacred ritual!"
"The Sinful Ritual," -e. dad jokes by Six.
So Kiefer went to go lay out the entire seven Deadly Sins on a table for everyone to see.
Then Grandmaster suddenly remembered something.
"And before you even think of it, that guy there,I've already set Lahk-Raiu locks on ya'll!"
"Oh..ok...nvm..." Hehe Grandmaster just like "aiya fine".
So Kiefer then tore a hole in the middle of the table, and sat in it, then chanting some weird af incantations.
definitely not cat on keyboard right now!
Ok but the ritual actually worked. After he said all that shit, the skies start to change and the Deadly Sins started glowing.
Then a hole formed in the sky and the Seven Deadly Sins shot up into the sky, going PEWPEWPEW up into it.
Then it started raining pretty heavily like got tornado coming liao.
Then a ray of sunshine appeared through the dark clouds. Then a golden eastern dragon emerged from the ray of sunshine.
Eh, that's probably what "Bestowed upon thee a sacred wish" means, collect all seven Deadly Sins, recite some forbidden incantation, and the dragon god will grant you a wish! Yay!
Oh but now, Kiefer and Tempest and the rest really like to ding zui liao leh.
First Kiefer loaded a gun and shot into the dragon's eye. It hit him multiple times and his eye was bleeding a lot from that. He might even go blind if dragons' body anatomy follow humans (must have hit a blood vessel or something* lmao.
"What our deepest desires, oh great Lord of the Heavens," Kiefer said in the cool anime protagonist form when the anime protagonist is about to go and fight the ultimate last boss, "IS FOR YOUR DEMISE!"
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
28 and gastina for the Drabble <3
"I have a surprise for you"
So for some context, this is an alternate version of what happened in S3E11
"The library is amazing, you should see it," Gastón said as they walked down the riverbank. He had come back on Thursday for the Open and they had spent that afternoon surrounded by everyone else. As it had been a school night, she had been unable to stay the night over at his.
Now it was Friday, and he had picked her straight from school, driven her to her Mom's house so she could change, and now they were here.
"It sounds amazing." she said running her other hand on his arm.
"Yeah," Gastón said and averted his eyes from her for a moment.
This wasn't the first time he had done it when he talked to her about Oxford. The other time she had though she had imagined it, but now she definitely had. "Is everything alright?"
"There is something I need to talk to you about." he led her sit down on a bench that was on the sidewalk, "I was supposed to do this yesterday, but since you didn't come with me after the open..."
"I had school the next day," she smiled at him, "You know very well that if I would have come, neither of us would have gotten that much sleep."
"You can blame that on the fact that I missed out."
"Anyway, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" she said trying to rewire her brain before she got too distracted.
"Yes, that," Gastón said taking deep breath, "I lied, yesterday."
"About what?" Nina tried to wrack her brain what he had said yesterday that could have been a lie...
"I am not leaving in two days," he clarified.
"You mean you are leaving now?"
"No, I am not leaving now, or tomorrow or day after that. I am not leaving."
"At all? But why?" She didn't understand.
"I'm not going to lie to you. I was dreadfully at Oxford. Sure the school was grand and classes well taught and my roommates were nice, but it just wasn't for me. It has been very clear while I have been here for maybe 36 hours, I am already happier than I have been in months. I don't need to stop and calculate the time difference before calling to Matteo because I just realized that I thought something I wanted to say to him. I don't need to write down months worth of Mom and Dad's schedule to figure out when I can reach them. I don't need to wake up every morning just to realize that I can't have you I'm my arms that day. I know I should have told you, but I probably didn't because I was still coming to terms with the fact, that Oxford was not what I wanted, myself."
"So... So you are staying here?"
"Yes, I'll start in the same university that Matteo goes to next week. All the transfer paperwork and stuff have been done." He squeezed her hand and Nina noticed that she had been staring into space for a while now. "Hey, you okay? You are happy that I am staying, right?"
She snapped back into reality and jumped to his neck. "Of course I am. Juts, I thought there was something wrong with you, but I never asked since I though I was being selfies and just imagining since I wanted you to come back."
"I see you told her," Isla was sitting in the living room with her computer when Gastón opened the door for Nina.
"They knew alredy?" Nina asked him as they entered the foyer.
"Well I had to inform them that I'd be back to crash here," he laughed. Telling his parents about giving up Oxford had actually been the hardest part of all of this. He didn't want to disappoint or let them down since they had been so adamant about the fact that he would go there since they could provide him the best education possible. They wanted to give him the changes they never got. "That was definitely the scariest thing. I could have easily been disowned."
"Don't you ever speak about something like that," his mother came to hug him as they entered the living room. "Only thing we in the end want is you to be happy."
"And everything that makes me happy is right here," he said snaking his arm around Nina's waist, pulling her closer to him. He was sure that he was not going to be able to keep his hands off her now, when he had been forced to for months.
"Nina, are you staying overnight?" his mother asked her. He tightened his arm around her, just to make sure she wouldn't say no...
"Of course I will."
"You two get to sort dinner out for yourself then. Marco is in an overnight conference and I'll have to work late. I have two clients that I need to see, and there is a bidding war over a Manor-house a little bit more up north that I need to supervise. But I truth that you two adults can handle it." She gave Gastón a kiss on the cheek before heading out of the door, "It is good to have you back darling."
"Now the only thing left is to tell Matteo," Gastón said as they settled down on the couch after his mother had left.
"He doesn't know either?" Nina said as she leaned her head on his chest.
"Yeah. No one knows," he didn't really even know why he had kept this all such a secret. Maybe it had been because he had been a bit afraid of letting everyone down, since Oxford was -ln paper- such a good chance. "I was in denial about so long. Others can find out through word of mouth or something. But I wanna tell Matteo personally."
"I am sure Matteo will be so happy that he'll shout it from the rooftops."
"You mean you won't?" he asked her teasingly running his hand on her right ear.
"No, I am so happy, that maybe I don't wanna tell anyone. Maybe I wanna keep you all to myself," Nina said in a little flirtier tone. She was terrible at flirting but he didn't mind. She slid her arms around his neck pulling herself closer to him. "Once they know, you are going to be in high demand. You'll have to join the team again, especially since we lost Ramiro."
"I know but I am actually looking forward to that." he smiled at her, "But don't worry, I'll have so much time for you that you'll get sick of me."
"I was just joking."
"I know." he pulled her on his lap and kissed her hungrily.
"I can't believe that you are staying!" Matteo said excitedly as he, Gastón and Nina were towards Roller. "Plus I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!"
"Well sorry about that." Gastón rolled his eyes at him. "If it makes you feel better. You are the fourth person who I never told. No one else knows, but I guess the need to, since I understand you need more skaters for the team."
"I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR ALL OF YOU!" Matteo shouted as they entered Roller. Luna, Simon, Pedro, Nico, Delfi, Jazmin, Jim and Yam were sitting on the tables, probably discussing the video. "they all looked up as three of them."
"Gastón, shouldn't you be at the airport right now?"
And that's it! Got that actual Prompt there as well. This doesn't feel like my best work, writing-wise but I have thought about this so long. This is how it all should ahve gone down and he should have stayed
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small-gremlin-thing · 3 years
Once again since this is both shows, feel free to only pay attention to the episode you’ve seen! Also this will again be short because I don’t wanna make a huge post.
To start off, SASHA’S REDESIGN IS SO GOOD! I found the new dynamic between her and Anne interesting as well, the way that she doesn’t want to take control out of fear of slipping back into toxicity is such an interesting choice but I thought it was definitely a good one. I also found it neat how much Wartwood has changed since Anne has been gone, and I really can’t wait to see more of this new rebellion. And piñata parties, seeing King Asshat get beat with a stick always makes my day better.
The Owl House:
This episode really said “you get lore and Lilith” and I ATE IT UP. Lilith being a humongous history nerd and just acting the way she does (/pos) was absolutely phenomenal because I am also those things. Not to mention seeing Eda’s parents was a nice refresher, we always love to see the Clawthorne family. I also loved the lore aspect (duh) because we finally got confirmation that Phillip is Belos! I had been following this theory for a while now and seeing it get confirmed was super exciting, and I would’ve screamed if I didn’t watch the episode in the middle of the night. I would love to see more of The Collector as well, they seem extremely interesting!
Overall I can’t wait to get more lore out of both of these shows, and I’m absolutely pumped for what is yet to come!
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backslashdelta · 3 years
Glee Soundtrack Rating Project Results: Series
Overall Results
Mean song rating: 6.542 Mean episode rating: 6.536 Mean season rating (by songs): 6.527 Mean season rating (by episodes): 6.525
Range of mean song ratings: 2.23-9.36 Range of mean episode ratings: 4.49-8.26 Range of mean season ratings (by songs): 2.23-9.36 Range of mean season ratings (by episodes): 4.49-8.26
Mean number of songs per episode: 5.8 Mean number of songs per season: 117
Range of number of songs per episode: 2-11 Range of number of songs per season: 71-137
Season Results
The mean and standard deviation for each season can be calculated by using the episode ratings for that season, or by using the song ratings for that season.
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[ID: Two horizontal bar charts titled Mean Season Rating (by episode) and Mean Season Rating (by song), illustrating the mean rating of each season calculated according to episode rating and song rating, respectively. According to the episode ratings, S3 has a mean rating of 6.65, S2 has a mean rating of 6.63, S5 has a mean rating of 6.59, S4 has a mean rating of 6.47, S1 has a mean rating of 6.44, S6  has a mean rating of 6.37. According to the song ratings, S3 has a mean rating of 6.69, S5 has a mean rating of 6.61, S2 has a mean rating of 6.58, S4 has a mean rating of 6.5, S6 has a mean rating of 6.39, S1 has a mean rating of 6.39.]
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[ID: Two horizontal bar charts titled Season Standard Deviation (by episode) and Season Standard Deviation (by song), illustrating the standard deviation of each season calculated according to episode rating and song rating, respectively. According to the episode ratings, S1 has a standard deviation of 0.87, S6 has a standard deviation of 0.69, S5 has a standard deviation of 0.68, S2 has a standard deviation of 0.67, S3 has a standard deviation of 0.61, S4 has a standard deviation of 0.56. According to the song ratings, S2 has a standard deviation of 1.32, S1 has a standard deviation of 1.3, S3 has a standard deviation of 1.16, S5 has a standard deviation of 1.14, S6 has a standard deviation of 1.07,  S4 has a standard deviation of 1.01.]
Episode Results
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[ID: Two horizontal bar charts titled Top Six Episodes and Bottom Six Episodes, illustrating the mean rating of the top six highest and lowest rated episodes, respectively. For the top six episodes: S2E18 - Born This Way has a mean rating of 8.26, S5E03 - The Quarterback has a mean rating of 8.16, S1E06 - Vitamin D has a mean rating of 8.13, S1E13 - Sectionals has a mean rating of 7.99, S4E04 - The Break-Up has a mean rating of 7.75, S2E06 - Never Been Kissed has a mean rating of 7.7. For the bottom six episodes: S1E08 - Mash-Up has a mean rating of 4.49, S3E12 - The Spanish Teacher has a mean rating of 4.97, S5E08 - Previously Unaired Christmas has a mean rating of 5.06, S6E04 - The Hurt Locker, Part One has a mean rating of 5.11, S1E10 - Ballad has a mean rating of 5.31, S4E19 - Sweet Dreams has a mean rating of 5.42.]
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[ID: Two horizontal bar charts titled Top Six Least Controversial Episodes (episodes with small SDs) and Top Six Most Controversial Episodes (episodes with large SDs), illustrating the six least and most controversial episodes according to standard deviation, respectively. For the six least controversial episodes: S1E04 - Preggers has an sd of 0.13, S1E06 - Vitamin D has an sd of 0.21, S1E09 - Wheels has an sd of 0.28, S1E19 - Dream On has an sd of 0.33, S6E08 - A Wedding has an sd of 0.34, S4E19 - Sweet Dreams has an sd of 0.4. For the six most controversial episodes: S1E03 - Acafellas has an sd of 2.53, S2E08 - Furt has an sd of 2.03, S5E05 - The End of Twerk has an sd of 2.01, S3E06 - Mash Off has an sd of 1.83, S5E07 - Puppet Master has an sd of 1.77, S2E09 - Special Education has an sd of 1.73.]
Song Results
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[ID: Two horizontal bar charts titled Top Six Songs and Bottom Six Songs, illustrating the mean rating of the top six highest and lowest rated songs, respectively. For the top six songs: S3E06 - Rumour Has It/Someone Like You has a mean rating of 9.36, S2E09 - Valerie has a mean rating of 9.21, S3E11 - Smooth Criminal has a mean rating of 9.17, S3E14 - Cough Syrup has a mean rating of 9.17, S2E04 - River Deep, Mountain High has a mean rating of 9.11, S1E18 - Rose's Turn has a mean rating of 9.06. For the bottom six songs: S1E08 - Thong Song has a mean rating of 2.23, S5E05 - Blurred Lines has a mean rating of 2.66, S1E03 - I Wanna Sex You Up has a mean rating of 2.92, S3E12 - A Little Less Conversation has a mean rating of 2.94, S2E16 - Jesus Is My Friend has a mean rating of 3.03, S5E07 - The Fox has a mean rating of 3.23.]
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[ID: Two horizontal bar charts titled Top Six Least Controversial Songs (songs with small SDs) and Top Six Most Controversial Songs (songs with large SDs), illustrating the six least and most controversial songs according to standard deviation, respectively. For the six least controversial songs: S3E06 - Rumour Has It/Someone Like You has an sd of 1.02, S2E09 - Valerie has an sd of 1.03, S2E04 - River Deep, Mountain High has an sd of 1.15, S2E18 - Born This Way has an sd of 1.31, S1E20 - Bad Romance has an sd of 1.36, S3E11 - Smooth Criminal has aan sd of 1.37. For the six most controversial songs: S2E14 - My Headband has an sd of 2.83, S2E16 - Only Child has an sd of 2.81, S3E07 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun has an sd of 2.73, S5E08 - The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late) has an sd of 2.73, S2E21 - My Man has an sd of 2.69, S5E07 - The Fox has an sd of 2.67.]
[More detailed song results under the cut]
About the Project | Results Masterpost
Full Episode Ranking
Season/Episode - Episode Title: mean (sd) [range] number of songs
1. S2E18 - Born This Way: 8.26 (0.88) [6.75-8.89] n=5
2. S5E03 - The Quarterback: 8.16 (0.81) [6.95-8.89] n=6
3. S1E06 - Vitamin D: 8.13 (0.21) [7.98-8.28] n=2
4. S1E13 - Sectionals: 7.99 (0.78) [7.04-8.82] n=4
5. S4E04 - The Break-Up: 7.75 (0.78) [6.59-8.62] n=6
6. S2E06 - Never Been Kissed: 7.7 (1.28) [5.82-8.63] n=4
7. S3E17 - Dance With Somebody: 7.54 (0.8) [5.96-8.53] n=7
8. S3E21 - Nationals: 7.53 (0.87) [6.37-8.99] n=7
9. S2E11 - The Sue Sylvester Shuffle: 7.51 (0.95) [6.66-8.58] n=4
10. S1E22 - Journey to Regionals: 7.48 (0.89) [6.2-8.54] n=6
11. S2E21 - Funeral: 7.48 (0.56) [7.04-8.46] n=5
12. S5E15 - Bash: 7.35 (0.48) [6.79-8.11] n=6
13. S4E13 - Diva: 7.34 (0.58) [6.32-7.93] n=7
14. S1E09 - Wheels: 7.29 (0.28) [6.97-7.47] n=3
15. S3E11 - Michael: 7.28 (1.01) [5.59-9.17] n=10
16. S6E03 - Jagged Little Tapestry: 7.27 (0.61) [6.49-7.86] n=5
17. S3E15 - Big Brother: 7.19 (0.75) [6.27-7.98] n=5
18. S3E14 - On My Way: 7.17 (1.11) [6.15-9.17] n=6
19. S3E08 - Hold on to Sixteen: 7.15 (1.01) [5.43-8.42] n=7
20. S6E02 - Homecoming: 7.13 (0.98) [5.34-8.03] n=6
21. S1E18 - Laryngitis: 7.1 (1.41) [5.36-9.06] n=6
22. S2E09 - Special Education: 7.05 (1.73) [4.2-9.21] n=6
23. S4E07 - Dynamic Duets: 7.05 (0.89) [5.49-7.74] n=5
24. S5E12 - 100: 7.05 (1.04) [5.42-8.15] n=6
25. S6E13 - Dreams Come True: 7.05 (1.26) [5.55-8.72] n=6
26. S5E01 - Love, Love, Love: 7.04 (0.79) [6.17-8.22] n=8
27. S1E15 - The Power of Madonna: 7.02 (1.2) [5.24-8.9] n=8
28. S2E04 - Duets: 7.02 (1.68) [3.77-9.11] n=7
29. S3E02 - I Am Unicorn: 7 (1.48) [5.29-7.93] n=3
30. S5E04 - A Katy or a Gaga: 6.96 (0.91) [5.93-8.13] n=4
31. S1E07 - Throwdown: 6.94 (0.96) [5.34-7.61] n=5
32. S4E14 - I Do: 6.94 (0.76) [5.59-7.41] n=5
33. S3E06 - Mash Off: 6.89 (1.83) [4.81-9.36] n=5
34. S5E13 - New Directions: 6.89 (0.53) [6.16-7.6] n=6
35. S6E08 - A Wedding: 6.89 (0.34) [6.59-7.37] n=4
36. S1E19 - Dream On: 6.88 (0.33) [6.5-7.2] n=4
37. S2E20 - Prom Queen: 6.88 (0.9) [5.41-7.69] n=6
38. S3E16 - Saturday Night Glee-ver: 6.87 (0.49) [5.98-7.62] n=8
39. S2E05 - Rocky Horror Glee Show: 6.85 (0.89) [5.28-8.06] n=8
40. S4E21 - Wonder-ful: 6.85 (0.64) [5.87-7.68] n=7
41. S3E01 - The Purple Piano Project: 6.81 (1.46) [4.08-8.26] n=6
42. S4E05 - The Role You Were Born to Play: 6.81 (0.95) [5.59-7.86] n=5
43. S6E11 - We Built This Glee Club: 6.81 (0.97) [5.37-8.28] n=6
44. S6E12 - 2009: 6.81 (0.95) [5.72-8.15] n=5
45. S3E22 - Goodbye: 6.79 (0.58) [5.79-7.56] n=6
46. S5E09 - Frenemies: 6.78 (0.78) [5.58-8.04] n=7
47. S5E20 - The Untitled Rachel Berry Project: 6.77 (1.12) [5.09-8.01] n=7
48. S4E06 - Glease: 6.75 (1) [5.66-7.96] n=6
49. S3E05 - The First Time: 6.74 (0.77) [5.83-7.66] n=5
50. S4E17 - Guilty Pleasures: 6.74 (0.66) [5.73-7.52] n=7
51. S5E14 - New New York: 6.74 (0.83) [5.68-7.65] n=6
52. S2E02 - Britney/Brittany: 6.7 (0.74) [5.66-7.81] n=6
53. S5E10 - Trio: 6.7 (1.11) [4.54-8.22] n=7
54. S3E03 - Asian F: 6.69 (0.67) [5.79-7.31] n=6
55. S5E02 - Tina In the Sky with Diamonds: 6.68 (0.88) [5.62-7.8] n=7
56. S4E15 - Girls (and Boys) on Film: 6.66 (1.18) [5.19-8.51] n=8
57. S5E11 - City of Angels: 6.64 (1.16) [4.99-8.06] n=6
58. S5E16 - Tested: 6.64 (1.02) [5.63-8.01] n=4
59. S4E12 - Naked: 6.63 (0.57) [6.07-7.3] n=6
60. S5E19 - Old Dog, New Tricks: 6.62 (0.47) [6.18-7.32] n=5
61. S3E18 - Choke: 6.59 (1.71) [4.69-9.01] n=7
62. S5E06 - Movin' Out: 6.59 (0.92) [5.19-7.68] n=7
63. S2E03 - Grilled Cheesus: 6.57 (1.29) [4.71-8.81] n=7
64. S2E16 - Original Song: 6.52 (1.68) [3.03-8.49] n=11
65. S2E17 - A Night of Neglect: 6.52 (0.56) [5.97-7.29] n=4
66. S4E09 - Swan Song: 6.52 (1.38) [5.23-8.7] n=6
67. S2E19 - Rumours: 6.49 (1.25) [4.01-7.95] n=7
68. S1E14 - Hell-O: 6.47 (0.48) [5.62-7.1] n=6
69. S1E12 - Mattress: 6.43 (0.88) [5.89-7.45] n=3
70. S4E16 - Feud: 6.4 (0.6) [5.69-7.38] n=6
71. S6E07 - Transitioning: 6.4 (1.31) [4.15-7.97] n=6
72. S2E12 - Silly Love Songs: 6.38 (1.31) [4.44-7.9] n=6
73. S3E10 - Yes/No: 6.38 (0.75) [5.15-7.38] n=6
74. S4E01 - The New Rachel: 6.38 (1.42) [3.68-7.81] n=7
75. S1E05 - The Rhodes Not Taken: 6.35 (1.37) [4.5-8.11] n=5
76. S1E20 - Theatricality: 6.34 (1.39) [5.48-8.81] n=5
77. S2E14 - Blame It On the Alcohol: 6.32 (1.48) [4.47-7.84] n=5
78. S1E16 - Home: 6.3 (0.86) [5.53-7.61] n=5
79. S4E03 - Makeover: 6.28 (1.01) [5.4-7.72] n=4
80. S3E13 - Heart: 6.27 (1.45) [4.19-8.44] n=9
81. S4E02 - Britney 2.0: 6.21 (0.67) [5.12-7.05] n=8
82. S3E09 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas: 6.2 (0.95) [4.85-7.69] n=9
83. S6E05 - The Hurt Locker, Part Two: 6.19 (0.64) [5.35-6.93] n=5
84. S3E07 - I Kissed a Girl: 6.16 (1.07) [4.73-7.38] n=6
85. S3E20 - Props: 6.15 (0.57) [5.31-6.56] n=4
86. S4E22 - All or Nothing: 6.15 (0.57) [5.2-6.9] n=7
87. S4E10 - Glee, Actually: 6.14 (0.74) [5.39-7.46] n=6
88. S3E19 - Prom-asaurus: 6.13 (0.79) [4.82-6.71] n=5
89. S2E15 - Sexy: 6.11 (1.43) [4.38-7.79] n=5
90. S4E08 - Thanksgiving: 6.11 (1.51) [3.26-7.62] n=6
91. S6E06 - What the World Needs Now: 6.09 (0.5) [5.33-6.77] n=8
92. S1E11 - Hairography: 6.07 (0.91) [4.89-7.49] n=6
93. S2E22 - New York: 6.06 (1.09) [4.64-7.76] n=9
94. S5E17 - Opening Night: 6.01 (1.07) [4.74-7.5] n=5
95. S1E01 - Pilot: 5.99 (1.09) [4.65-8.2] n=10
96. S2E08 - Furt: 5.98 (2.03) [3.46-7.74] n=4
97. S6E09 - Child Star: 5.98 (0.86) [5-7.21] n=6
98. S5E18 - The Back-Up Plan: 5.95 (0.91) [5.04-7.07] n=5
99. S2E01 - Audition: 5.94 (1.05) [4.45-7.31] n=7
100. S1E02 - Showmance: 5.93 (0.74) [5.34-6.93] n=4
101. S1E21 - Funk: 5.92 (1.25) [4.04-7.4] n=6
102. S2E07 - The Substitute: 5.92 (1.18) [4.3-7.43] n=5
103. S3E04 - Pot o' Gold: 5.82 (1.52) [4.31-7.78] n=5
104. S4E11 - Sadie Hawkins: 5.82 (1.47) [3.41-7.31] n=6
105. S2E10 - A Very Glee Christmas: 5.8 (1.47) [4.63-8.97] n=7
106. S2E13 - Comeback: 5.8 (1.13) [4.64-7.58] n=6
107. S1E17 - Bad Reputation: 5.77 (1.32) [4.21-7.3] n=5
108. S1E03 - Acafellas: 5.72 (2.53) [2.92-7.83] n=3
109. S4E20 - Lights Out: 5.72 (0.68) [4.85-6.48] n=6
110. S4E18 - Shooting Star: 5.7 (0.52) [5.3-6.3] n=3
111. S1E04 - Preggers: 5.68 (0.13) [5.58-5.77] n=2
112. S5E07 - Puppet Master: 5.64 (1.77) [3.23-7.19] n=5
113. S6E01 - Loser Like Me: 5.6 (0.85) [4.78-6.67] n=5
114. S5E05 - The End of Twerk: 5.59 (2.01) [2.66-7.77] n=5
115. S6E10 - The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester: 5.51 (1.53) [3.49-7.35] n=5
116. S4E19 - Sweet Dreams: 5.42 (0.4) [4.75-5.78] n=5
117. S1E10 - Ballad: 5.31 (1.38) [3.97-7.24] n=6
118. S6E04 - The Hurt Locker, Part One: 5.11 (0.71) [4.49-5.84] n=4
119. S5E08 - Previously Unaired Christmas: 5.06 (0.73) [3.7-5.75] n=7
120. S3E12 - The Spanish Teacher: 4.97 (1.33) [2.94-6.61] n=5
121. S1E08 - Mash-Up: 4.49 (1.64) [2.23-6.78] n=5
Full Song Ranking
Season/Episode - Song Name: mean (sd), median [range] number of votes
1. S3E06 - Rumour Has It/Someone Like You: 9.36 (1.02), 10 [5-10] n=146
2. S2E09 - Valerie: 9.21 (1.03), 10 [4-10] n=150
3. S3E11 - Smooth Criminal: 9.17 (1.37), 10 [2-10] n=148
4. S3E14 - Cough Syrup: 9.17 (1.46), 10 [1-10] n=150
5. S2E04 - River Deep, Mountain High: 9.11 (1.15), 10 [5-10] n=147
6. S1E18 - Rose's Turn: 9.06 (1.47), 10 [3-10] n=151
7. S3E18 - Not the Boy Next Door: 9.01 (1.46), 10 [1-10] n=146
8. S3E21 - Paradise By the Dashboard Light: 8.99 (1.49), 10 [4-10] n=145
9. S2E10 - Baby, It's Cold Outside: 8.97 (1.8), 10 [1-10] n=147
10. S1E15 - 4 Minutes: 8.9 (1.54), 10 [2-10] n=146
11. S5E03 - If I Die Young: 8.89 (1.65), 10 [1-10] n=140
12. S2E18 - Somewhere Only We Know: 8.89 (1.74), 10 [1-10] n=150
13. S5E03 - Seasons of Love: 8.88 (1.54), 10 [1-10] n=138
14. S2E18 - Born This Way: 8.86 (1.31), 9 [3-10] n=148
15. S1E13 - And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going: 8.82 (1.61), 10 [4-10] n=138
16. S1E20 - Bad Romance: 8.81 (1.36), 9 [2-10] n=153
17. S2E03 - I Want to Hold Your Hand: 8.81 (1.61), 9 [1-10] n=145
18. S6E13 - I Lived: 8.72 (1.56), 9 [2-10] n=130
19. S4E09 - Being Alive: 8.7 (1.77), 9.5 [2-10] n=130
20. S2E06 - Teenage Dream: 8.63 (2.08), 10 [1-10] n=151
21. S4E04 - The Scientist: 8.62 (1.77), 9 [1-10] n=148
22. S2E11 - Thriller/Heads Will Roll: 8.58 (1.63), 9 [2-10] n=145
23. S1E22 - Bohemian Rhapsody: 8.54 (1.88), 9 [1-10] n=150
24. S3E17 - How Will I Know: 8.53 (1.67), 9 [3-10] n=128
25. S3E18 - Shake It Out: 8.53 (1.73), 9 [1-10] n=138
26. S4E15 - Come What May: 8.51 (1.95), 9 [1-10] n=138
27. S2E16 - Blackbird: 8.49 (1.66), 9 [3-10] n=148
28. S2E18 - I Feel Pretty/Unpretty: 8.47 (1.7), 9 [3-10] n=145
29. S2E21 - Back to Black: 8.46 (1.5), 9 [3-10] n=137
30. S3E13 - Love Shack: 8.44 (1.62), 9 [3-10] n=140
31. S2E09 - Dog Days Are Over: 8.44 (1.44), 9 [3-10] n=141
32. S5E03 - Make You Feel My Love: 8.43 (2.04), 9 [1-10] n=131
33. S3E08 - Survivor/I Will Survive: 8.42 (1.47), 8 [3-10] n=136
34. S5E03 - I'll Stand By You: 8.4 (1.65), 9 [1-10] n=120
35. S1E13 - Don't Rain on My Parade: 8.39 (1.7), 9 [2-10] n=150
36. S2E06 - Start Me Up/Livin' on a Prayer: 8.38 (1.69), 9 [1-10] n=143
37. S1E22 - Don't Stop Believing (Regionals): 8.32 (1.65), 9 [2-10] n=142
38. S2E18 - As If We Never Said Goodbye: 8.32 (2.13), 9 [1-10] n=135
39. S4E04 - Don't Speak: 8.3 (1.6), 8 [2-10] n=139
40. S6E11 - Take Me to Church: 8.28 (1.69), 9 [1-10] n=125
41. S1E06 - It's My Life/Confessions Part II: 8.28 (1.44), 8 [4-10] n=149
42. S3E01 - It's Not Unusual: 8.26 (1.76), 8 [1-10] n=141
43. S5E10 - Gloria: 8.22 (1.67), 9 [1-10] n=125
44. S2E16 - Misery: 8.22 (1.75), 8 [1-10] n=137
45. S5E01 - Got to Get You Into My Life: 8.22 (1.75), 8 [2-10] n=129
46. S1E01 - Don't Stop Believing (Pilot): 8.2 (1.69), 8.5 [3-10] n=152
47. S1E15 - Like a Prayer: 8.18 (1.64), 9 [3-10] n=139
48. S6E12 - Don't Stop Believing (Pilot/2009): 8.15 (2.01), 9 [1-10] n=115
49. S5E12 - Valerie: 8.15 (1.75), 9 [2-10] n=129
50. S5E04 - Marry the Night: 8.13 (1.74), 8 [1-10] n=123
51. S5E15 - I'm Still Here: 8.11 (1.87), 9 [2-10] n=114
52. S3E21 - Edge of Glory: 8.11 (1.71), 8 [2-10] n=132
53. S1E05 - Somebody to Love: 8.11 (1.59), 8 [2-10] n=150
54. S5E01 - All You Need Is Love: 8.11 (2.13), 9 [1-10] n=134
55. S5E11 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For: 8.06 (1.81), 8 [2-10] n=110
56. S2E05 - Time Warp: 8.06 (1.7), 8 [1-10] n=137
57. S4E04 - Mine: 8.05 (1.95), 9 [2-10] n=127
58. S5E09 - I Believe in a Thing Called Love: 8.04 (1.88), 8 [1-10] n=113
59. S2E11 - Bills, Bills, Bills: 8.03 (1.65), 8 [3-10] n=139
60. S6E02 - Home: 8.03 (1.77), 8 [1-10] n=110
61. S5E16 - Love Is a Battlefield: 8.01 (1.6), 8 [4-10] n=123
62. S5E20 - American Boy: 8.01 (2.05), 8 [1-10] n=133
63. S5E20 - Pompeii: 7.98 (1.69), 8 [2-10] n=128
64. S1E06 - Halo/Walking On Sunshine: 7.98 (1.65), 8 [3-10] n=151
65. S3E15 - Somebody That I Used to Know: 7.98 (1.84), 8 [1-10] n=143
66. S1E18 - The Boy Is Mine: 7.98 (1.65), 8 [3-10] n=139
67. S3E17 - So Emotional: 7.98 (1.88), 8 [1-10] n=125
68. S6E07 - Somebody Loves You: 7.97 (1.88), 8 [1-10] n=116
69. S2E06 - Stop! In the Name of Love/Free Your Mind: 7.96 (1.71), 8 [1-10] n=138
70. S4E06 - Beauty School Dropout: 7.96 (1.87), 8 [1-10] n=134
71. S2E19 - Songbird: 7.95 (2.14), 8 [1-10] n=127
72. S3E11 - Bad: 7.95 (1.66), 8 [3-10] n=140
73. S4E13 - Don't Stop Me Now: 7.93 (1.87), 8 [1-10] n=136
74. S3E02 - Something's Coming: 7.93 (1.95), 9 [2-10] n=127
75. S4E13 - Girl On Fire: 7.92 (1.94), 8 [1-10] n=138
76. S2E04 - Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy: 7.91 (2.01), 8 [1-10] n=136
77. S2E12 - Silly Love Songs: 7.9 (2.09), 8 [1-10] n=140
78. S4E04 - Teenage Dream (Acoustic): 7.9 (2.55), 9 [1-10] n=150
79. S2E04 - Le Jazz Hot: 7.9 (2.04), 8 [1-10] n=138
80. S4E05 - Hopelessly Devoted to You: 7.86 (2.24), 8 [1-10] n=137
81. S6E13 - Daydream Believer: 7.86 (1.87), 8 [1-10] n=120
82. S6E03 - Hand in My Pocket/I Feel the Earth Move: 7.86 (2.1), 8 [1-10] n=119
83. S3E08 - ABC: 7.85 (1.71), 8 [1-10] n=142
84. S2E14 - Don't You Want Me: 7.84 (2.12), 8 [1-10] n=135
85. S3E17 - It's Not Right But It's Okay: 7.84 (2.33), 8 [1-10] n=141
86. S6E02 - Tightrope: 7.83 (1.91), 8 [1-10] n=121
87. S1E03 - Bust Your Windows: 7.83 (1.98), 8 [2-10] n=149
88. S2E02 - Me Against the Music: 7.81 (1.93), 8 [2-10] n=128
89. S4E01 - It's Time: 7.81 (1.8), 8 [1-10] n=130
90. S5E02 - Hey Jude: 7.8 (1.97), 8 [1-10] n=129
91. S2E15 - Landslide: 7.79 (2.24), 8 [1-10] n=137
92. S3E02 - I'm the Greatest Star: 7.78 (1.88), 8 [1-10] n=130
93. S3E04 - Candyman: 7.78 (1.7), 8 [1-10] n=129
94. S5E05 - If I Were a Boy: 7.77 (2.19), 8 [1-10] n=135
95. S3E08 - We Are Young: 7.77 (1.97), 8 [2-10] n=141
96. S2E22 - For Good: 7.76 (2.04), 8 [1-10] n=122
97. S6E13 - This Time: 7.76 (1.97), 8 [1-10] n=111
98. S2E05 - Sweet Transvestite: 7.75 (1.89), 8 [1-10] n=136
99. S3E13 - I Will Always Love You: 7.75 (1.91), 8 [1-10] n=124
100. S2E08 - Marry You: 7.74 (1.71), 8 [3-10] n=145
101. S3E01 - You Can't Stop the Beat: 7.74 (1.69), 8 [1-10] n=137
102. S5E12 - Toxic: 7.74 (2.09), 8 [2-10] n=125
103. S6E03 - It's Too Late: 7.74 (1.9), 8 [2-10] n=105
104. S3E15 - Fighter: 7.74 (2.22), 8 [1-10] n=136
105. S4E07 - Some Nights: 7.74 (1.71), 8 [3-10] n=126
106. S1E22 - Any Way You Want It/Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin': 7.74 (1.93), 8 [1-10] n=133
107. S4E03 - Everybody Wants to Rule the World: 7.72 (1.81), 8 [2-10] n=129
108. S2E16 - Raise Your Glass: 7.72 (1.95), 8 [1-10] n=149
109. S5E12 - Defying Gravity: 7.71 (1.81), 8 [1-10] n=133
110. S1E13 - My Life Would Suck Without You: 7.7 (1.88), 8 [1-10] n=142
111. S3E09 - Let It Snow: 7.69 (2.2), 8 [1-10] n=132
112. S2E20 - Rolling in the Deep: 7.69 (2.01), 8 [1-10] n=140
113. S4E21 - Superstition: 7.68 (1.77), 8 [2-10] n=117
114. S5E06 - Just the Way You Are: 7.68 (1.9), 8 [1-10] n=110
115. S2E16 - Loser Like Me: 7.68 (2.18), 8 [1-10] n=142
116. S4E09 - Don't Dream It's Over: 7.66 (1.88), 8 [2-10] n=107
117. S3E05 - America: 7.66 (1.6), 8 [1-10] n=139
118. S3E17 - I Have Nothing: 7.66 (2.18), 8 [1-10] n=135
119. S3E21 - It's All Coming Back to Me Now: 7.66 (2.06), 8 [1-10] n=126
120. S5E14 - Rockstar: 7.65 (1.92), 8 [1-10] n=111
121. S1E18 - Jessie's Girl: 7.65 (1.78), 8 [2-10] n=144
122. S4E13 - Nutbush City Limits: 7.63 (2.12), 8 [2-10] n=131
123. S3E11 - Never Can Say Goodbye: 7.63 (1.87), 8 [2-10] n=123
124. S3E16 - Disco Inferno: 7.62 (2.14), 8 [1-10] n=129
125. S3E06 - Hit Me with Your Best Shot/One Way or Another: 7.62 (1.57), 8 [1-10] n=141
126. S4E08 - Home/Homeward Bound: 7.62 (2.15), 8 [1-10] n=112
127. S1E07 - Keep Holding On: 7.61 (1.47), 8 [2-10] n=145
128. S1E16 - Beautiful: 7.61 (1.81), 8 [1-10] n=128
129. S3E21 - Tongue Tied: 7.61 (2.14), 8 [1-10] n=130
130. S4E01 - Chasing Pavements: 7.61 (1.75), 8 [2-10] n=132
131. S2E12 - When I Get You Alone: 7.6 (2.06), 8 [1-10] n=130
132. S5E13 - Don't Stop Believin' (Season Five): 7.6 (2.13), 8 [1-10] n=125
133. S5E20 - All of Me: 7.6 (2.15), 8 [1-10] n=122
134. S3E11 - Human Nature: 7.6 (2.13), 8 [1-10] n=121
135. S1E07 - Hate On Me: 7.58 (1.83), 8 [2-10] n=132
136. S2E13 - Take Me or Leave Me: 7.58 (2.14), 8 [1-10] n=127
137. S5E14 - You Make Me Feel So Young: 7.58 (1.8), 8 [1-10] n=116
138. S3E17 - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me): 7.57 (1.92), 8 [1-10] n=138
139. S5E15 - Colorblind: 7.57 (1.96), 8 [2-10] n=105
140. S4E06 - There Are Worse Things I Could Do: 7.57 (2.05), 8 [1-10] n=120
141. S2E20 - Dancing Queen: 7.56 (1.73), 8 [1-10] n=144
142. S3E22 - You Get What You Give: 7.56 (1.87), 8 [2-10] n=106
143. S6E02 - Take On Me: 7.55 (1.6), 8 [2-10] n=120
144. S2E20 - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You: 7.54 (2.18), 8 [1-10] n=136
145. S3E11 - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin': 7.52 (2.14), 8 [1-10] n=129
146. S4E17 - Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now): 7.52 (2.36), 8 [1-10] n=122
147. S2E16 - Hell to the No: 7.5 (2.05), 8 [1-10] n=141
148. S5E17 - Pumpin Blood: 7.5 (1.65), 8 [1-10] n=115
149. S5E11 - More Than a Feeling: 7.5 (1.97), 8 [1-10] n=103
150. S1E11 - True Colors: 7.49 (1.74), 8 [2-10] n=147
151. S2E08 - Just the Way You Are: 7.49 (1.62), 8 [1-10] n=137
152. S6E03 - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/Head Over Feet: 7.48 (2.06), 8 [1-10] n=106
153. S5E15 - No One Is Alone: 7.47 (1.9), 8 [2-10] n=114
154. S1E09 - Defying Gravity: 7.47 (1.98), 8 [1-10] n=149
155. S5E02 - Here Comes the Sun: 7.46 (1.78), 8 [2-10] n=125
156. S4E10 - White Christmas: 7.46 (2.32), 8 [1-10] n=127
157. S3E15 - Rio/Hungry Like the Wolf: 7.45 (2.27), 8 [1-10] n=131
158. S4E13 - Hung Up: 7.45 (1.83), 8 [1-10] n=114
159. S1E12 - Jump: 7.45 (1.57), 7 [2-10] n=141
160. S1E09 - Proud Mary: 7.44 (1.74), 8 [4-10] n=135
161. S4E17 - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go: 7.44 (1.98), 8 [1-10] n=131
162. S4E15 - Shout: 7.43 (1.79), 7 [1-10] n=120
163. S3E14 - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You): 7.43 (1.91), 8 [1-10] n=137
164. S5E02 - Let It Be: 7.43 (1.88), 8 [1-10] n=119
165. S2E07 - Singing In the Rain/Umbrella: 7.43 (2.03), 8 [2-10] n=145
166. S1E07 - Ride Wit Me: 7.43 (2.05), 8 [1-10] n=131
167. S5E06 - Piano Man: 7.43 (2.15), 8 [1-10] n=124
168. S4E15 - Footloose: 7.42 (1.65), 7 [3-10] n=118
169. S4E14 - Just Can't Get Enough: 7.41 (2), 8 [1-10] n=123
170. S1E21 - Another One Bites the Dust: 7.4 (1.98), 8 [1-10] n=130
171. S2E14 - Blame It (On the Alcohol): 7.39 (2.02), 8 [1-10] n=142
172. S4E01 - New York State of Mind: 7.39 (1.91), 8 [1-10] n=133
173. S2E19 - Go Your Own Way: 7.39 (1.89), 8 [1-10] n=123
174. S4E16 - Cold Hearted: 7.38 (2.13), 8 [1-10] n=115
175. S3E10 - Summer Nights: 7.38 (1.77), 7 [2-10] n=136
176. S5E03 - Fire and Rain: 7.38 (2.08), 8 [1-10] n=105
177. S3E07 - Perfect: 7.38 (1.99), 7 [1-10] n=136
178. S6E08 - At Last: 7.37 (1.91), 8 [1-10] n=110
179. S4E06 - You're the One That I Want: 7.37 (1.67), 7 [3-10] n=130
180. S3E11 - Black or White: 7.37 (1.82), 8 [1-10] n=136
181. S4E05 - Everybody Talks: 7.36 (1.9), 8 [1-10] n=129
182. S4E07 - Holding Out for a Hero: 7.36 (1.76), 8 [1-10] n=125
183. S6E07 - I Know Where I've Been: 7.36 (2.33), 8 [1-10] n=100
184. S3E18 - Cell Block Tango: 7.36 (1.88), 8 [1-10] n=135
185. S6E10 - Rise: 7.35 (2.1), 8 [1-10] n=99
186. S4E07 - My Dark Side: 7.35 (2.11), 7 [1-10] n=119
187. S2E21 - Some People: 7.35 (2), 7 [1-10] n=115
188. S3E09 - All I Want for Christmas Is You: 7.35 (2.3), 8 [1-10] n=118
189. S5E06 - Movin' Out (Anthony's Song): 7.34 (2.02), 8 [1-10] n=119
190. S3E05 - Uptown Girl: 7.33 (2.23), 8 [1-10] n=144
191. S2E05 - Science Fiction Double Feature: 7.32 (1.92), 7 [2-10] n=133
192. S5E19 - Take Me Home Tonight: 7.32 (1.74), 7 [2-10] n=103
193. S3E03 - Spotlight: 7.31 (2.08), 7 [3-10] n=105
194. S4E07 - Heroes: 7.31 (2.18), 8 [1-10] n=109
195. S4E11 - No Scrubs: 7.31 (1.85), 7 [2-10] n=123
196. S2E01 - Empire State of Mind: 7.31 (1.65), 8 [3-10] n=147
197. S6E12 - Popular: 7.3 (1.95), 8 [1-10] n=115
198. S4E14 - Getting Married Today: 7.3 (2.01), 7 [1-10] n=125
199. S4E12 - This Is the New Year: 7.3 (1.97), 8 [2-10] n=113
200. S5E01 - Help!: 7.3 (2.03), 8 [1-10] n=133
201. S1E17 - Total Eclipse of the Heart: 7.3 (1.77), 7.5 [1-10] n=144
202. S3E07 - Constant Craving: 7.29 (2.04), 8 [1-10] n=123
203. S2E17 - Ain't No Way: 7.29 (2.34), 8 [1-10] n=105
204. S2E21 - Pure Imagination: 7.28 (1.92), 7 [2-10] n=131
205. S2E21 - Try a Little Tenderness: 7.27 (2.1), 7.5 [1-10] n=110
206. S5E09 - Don't Rain On My Parade: 7.27 (2.24), 7 [1-10] n=133
207. S2E03 - Losing My Religion: 7.26 (1.92), 7 [1-10] n=133
208. S3E06 - I Can't Go for That/You Make My Dreams Come True: 7.26 (1.97), 8 [1-10] n=131
209. S3E08 - Man in the Mirror: 7.26 (2.01), 8 [1-10] n=140
210. S3E16 - If I Can't Have You: 7.25 (2.09), 8 [1-10] n=124
211. S3E17 - My Love Is Your Love: 7.25 (1.9), 7 [2-10] n=113
212. S3E03 - It's All Over: 7.25 (2.24), 8 [1-10] n=105
213. S5E15 - Not While I'm Around: 7.25 (2.08), 7 [1-10] n=118
214. S1E10 - Lean On Me: 7.24 (1.83), 7 [2-10] n=132
215. S4E14 - Anything Could Happen: 7.23 (1.76), 7 [2-10] n=113
216. S2E04 - Sing!: 7.23 (1.89), 7 [1-10] n=135
217. S1E15 - Like a Virgin: 7.22 (1.98), 7 [2-10] n=141
218. S6E09 - I Want to Break Free: 7.21 (1.83), 7 [1-10] n=112
219. S3E21 - We Are the Champions: 7.21 (2.14), 7 [1-10] n=136
220. S3E11 - I Want You Back: 7.21 (2.18), 7 [1-10] n=123
221. S6E02 - Mustang Sally: 7.21 (1.92), 7 [1-10] n=106
222. S2E15 - Animal: 7.2 (2.11), 8 [1-10] n=137
223. S1E21 - Give Up the Funk: 7.2 (1.92), 7 [2-10] n=138
224. S4E12 - Love Song: 7.2 (1.82), 7 [3-10] n=119
225. S1E19 - Dream On: 7.2 (2.13), 7 [1-10] n=128
226. S5E07 - Into the Groove: 7.19 (1.97), 7 [2-10] n=93
227. S5E13 - Be Okay: 7.19 (1.94), 7 [1-10] n=94
228. S3E14 - Glad You Came: 7.18 (2.01), 7 [2-10] n=136
229. S4E14 - We've Got Tonite: 7.18 (1.85), 7 [2-10] n=122
230. S4E21 - Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours: 7.18 (1.67), 7 [1-10] n=124
231. S1E05 - Maybe This Time: 7.17 (1.96), 8 [2-10] n=132
232. S2E02 - I'm a Slave 4 U: 7.17 (1.98), 7 [1-10] n=138
233. S4E05 - Blow Me (One Last Kiss): 7.17 (2.17), 8 [1-10] n=120
234. S5E10 - Hold On: 7.17 (1.84), 7 [2-10] n=90
235. S6E11 - Chandelier: 7.16 (2.13), 8 [1-10] n=124
236. S5E13 - I Am Changing: 7.16 (2.01), 7 [2-10] n=102
237. S4E13 - Bring Him Home: 7.15 (2.22), 7.5 [1-10] n=124
238. S2E22 - My Cup: 7.14 (2.5), 7 [1-10] n=139
239. S4E15 - Old Time Rock & Roll/Danger Zone: 7.11 (2.07), 7 [1-10] n=118
240. S4E11 - Locked Out of Heaven: 7.11 (2.05), 7.5 [1-10] n=110
241. S1E19 - Dream a Little Dream: 7.1 (1.9), 7 [2-10] n=115
242. S1E01 - Rehab: 7.1 (1.7), 7 [3-10] n=141
243. S1E14 - Gives You Hell: 7.1 (1.83), 7 [1-10] n=146
244. S3E01 - Anything Goes/Anything You Can Do: 7.09 (2.13), 7 [1-10] n=127
245. S1E22 - Faithfully: 7.07 (2.03), 7 [1-10] n=128
246. S4E21 - You Are the Sunshine of My Life: 7.07 (1.75), 7 [2-10] n=114
247. S5E07 - Nasty/Rhythm Nation: 7.07 (2.09), 7 [2-10] n=100
248. S5E01 - A Hard Day's Night: 7.07 (1.82), 7 [1-10] n=118
249. S3E01 - We Got the Beat: 7.07 (1.69), 7 [2-10] n=137
250. S5E18 - Doo Wop (That Thing): 7.07 (2.09), 7 [2-10] n=107
251. S3E22 - I'll Remember: 7.06 (1.97), 7 [1-10] n=114
252. S4E17 - Mamma Mia: 7.06 (1.6), 7 [3-10] n=127
253. S1E15 - Express Yourself: 7.05 (1.85), 7 [2-10] n=128
254. S4E02 - Womanizer: 7.05 (1.83), 7 [1-10] n=128
255. S5E04 - Wide Awake: 7.05 (2.12), 7 [2-10] n=110
256. S4E04 - Barely Breathing: 7.05 (2.16), 7 [1-10] n=118
257. S6E11 - Listen to Your Heart: 7.05 (2.24), 7 [1-10] n=101
258. S5E10 - Don't You (Forget About Me): 7.05 (1.73), 7 [1-10] n=108
259. S4E21 - Higher Ground: 7.04 (2.1), 7 [1-10] n=93
260. S1E13 - You Can't Always Get What You Want: 7.04 (1.74), 7 [1-10] n=131
261. S2E21 - My Man: 7.04 (2.69), 7 [1-10] n=113
262. S5E12 - Keep Holding On: 7.03 (1.98), 7 [2-10] n=115
263. S4E21 - For Once in My Life: 7.02 (1.99), 7 [2-10] n=94
264. S2E09 - Hey, Soul Sister: 7.02 (2.24), 7 [1-10] n=143
265. S4E02 - 3: 7.02 (2.14), 7 [1-10] n=121
266. S1E22 - To Sir, With Love: 7.01 (2.21), 7 [1-10] n=126
267. S3E16 - You Should Be Dancing: 7.01 (2.32), 7 [1-10] n=126
268. S2E22 - I Love New York/New York, New York: 7.01 (1.89), 7 [1-10] n=136
269. S1E15 - Vogue: 7.01 (1.85), 7 [1-10] n=141
270. S3E03 - Run the World (Girls): 7 (2.03), 7 [1-10] n=143
271. S3E08 - Control: 7 (2.13), 7 [1-10] n=127
272. S3E16 - More Than a Woman: 6.99 (2.26), 7 [1-10] n=123
273. S4E08 - Come See About Me: 6.99 (2), 7 [1-10] n=111
274. S5E14 - Best Day of My Life: 6.99 (1.76), 7 [1-10] n=109
275. S1E17 - Run Joey Run: 6.99 (2.33), 7 [1-10] n=145
276. S3E04 - Last Friday Night: 6.97 (2.01), 7 [1-10] n=141
277. S1E09 - Dancing With Myself: 6.97 (1.82), 7 [1-10] n=135
278. S4E13 - Diva: 6.96 (2.18), 7 [1-10] n=130
279. S5E03 - No Surrender: 6.95 (2.35), 7 [1-10] n=103
280. S6E05 - It Must Have Been Love: 6.93 (1.98), 7 [1-10] n=108
281. S1E02 - I Say a Little Prayer: 6.93 (2.07), 7 [1-10] n=148
282. S5E11 - America: 6.92 (1.97), 7 [1-10] n=95
283. S3E14 - Here's to Us: 6.91 (2.17), 7 [1-10] n=125
284. S5E15 - You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman: 6.91 (1.95), 7 [2-10] n=102
285. S5E09 - Breakaway: 6.91 (2.01), 7 [1-10] n=90
286. S3E11 - Scream: 6.91 (2.2), 7 [1-10] n=118
287. S3E10 - We Found Love: 6.9 (1.77), 7 [2-10] n=134
288. S3E13 - Stereo Hearts: 6.9 (1.85), 7 [1-10] n=133
289. S4E22 - Hall of Fame: 6.9 (1.99), 7 [1-10] n=112
290. S3E22 - In My Life: 6.89 (1.94), 7 [2-10] n=106
291. S1E15 - Borderline/Open Your Heart: 6.88 (1.9), 7 [1-10] n=121
292. S3E13 - L-O-V-E: 6.88 (1.92), 7 [1-10] n=119
293. S2E05 - Damn It, Janet: 6.88 (1.9), 7 [2-10] n=133
294. S4E12 - Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself): 6.88 (2.24), 7 [1-10] n=107
295. S2E05 - Whatever Happened to Saturday Night?: 6.88 (1.9), 7 [1-10] n=128
296. S3E03 - Cool: 6.87 (1.84), 7 [1-10] n=110
297. S5E09 - Brave: 6.85 (2.12), 7 [1-10] n=111
298. S2E04 - Lucky: 6.84 (2.09), 7 [1-10] n=136
299. S2E12 - P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing): 6.83 (1.88), 7 [1-10] n=127
300. S2E14 - Tik Tok: 6.83 (1.99), 7 [2-10] n=139
301. S3E16 - Boogie Shoes: 6.83 (2.2), 7 [1-10] n=118
302. S5E11 - Mr. Roboto/Counting Stars: 6.83 (2.14), 7 [1-10] n=105
303. S6E02 - Problem: 6.83 (2.01), 7 [1-10] n=110
304. S3E16 - Stayin' Alive: 6.83 (2.06), 7 [1-10] n=127
305. S1E18 - Lady Is a Tramp: 6.83 (1.78), 7 [2-10] n=126
306. S4E17 - Wannabe: 6.82 (1.93), 7 [1-10] n=121
307. S3E22 - Roots Before Branches: 6.81 (2.46), 7 [1-10] n=124
308. S5E10 - The Happening: 6.79 (1.98), 7 [2-10] n=97
309. S5E15 - Broadway Baby: 6.79 (2.13), 7 [1-10] n=116
310. S6E08 - I'm So Excited: 6.79 (1.62), 7 [2-10] n=106
311. S6E08 - Our Day Will Come: 6.79 (1.88), 7 [1-10] n=103
312. S1E01 - Respect: 6.78 (1.5), 7 [3-10] n=148
313. S1E08 - Sweet Caroline: 6.78 (1.54), 7 [3-10] n=138
314. S1E10 - I'll Stand By You: 6.78 (1.94), 7 [1-10] n=141
315. S5E19 - Lucky Star: 6.78 (2.24), 7 [1-10] n=100
316. S6E06 - What the World Needs Now: 6.77 (1.7), 7 [1-10] n=96
317. S2E02 - Stronger: 6.77 (1.87), 7 [2-10] n=120
318. S5E10 - Jumpin' Jumpin': 6.77 (2.14), 7 [1-10] n=98
319. S2E11 - She's Not There: 6.76 (2.1), 7 [1-10] n=114
320. S6E03 - You Learn/You've Got a Friend: 6.76 (2.11), 7 [1-10] n=96
321. S2E03 - One of Us: 6.76 (2.14), 7 [1-10] n=119
322. S3E05 - A Boy Like That/I Have a Love: 6.76 (1.96), 7 [1-10] n=119
323. S2E20 - Isn't She Lovely: 6.76 (1.84), 7 [2-10] n=131
324. S2E19 - I Don't Want to Know: 6.75 (2.18), 7 [1-10] n=106
325. S3E21 - Pinball Wizard: 6.75 (1.85), 7 [1-10] n=123
326. S2E18 - I've Gotta Be Me: 6.75 (2.03), 7 [1-10] n=110
327. S5E16 - I Want to Know What Love Is: 6.74 (2.01), 7 [1-10] n=94
328. S2E19 - Don't Stop: 6.74 (2.05), 7 [1-10] n=109
329. S1E07 - You Keep Me Hanging On: 6.73 (1.78), 7 [1-10] n=133
330. S5E13 - Loser Like Me: 6.73 (2.24), 7 [1-10] n=124
331. S1E19 - I Dreamed a Dream: 6.72 (2.16), 7 [1-10] n=119
332. S1E16 - A House Is Not a Home: 6.72 (2.18), 7 [1-10] n=121
333. S4E16 - Bye Bye Bye/I Want It That Way: 6.71 (1.94), 7 [1-10] n=136
334. S2E09 - (I've Had) The Time of My Life: 6.71 (1.76), 7 [1-10] n=138
335. S5E04 - Applause: 6.71 (1.91), 7 [1-10] n=120
336. S3E19 - Big Girls Don't Cry: 6.71 (1.95), 7 [2-10] n=130
337. S2E09 - Don't Cry for Me Argentina: 6.7 (1.97), 7 [1-10] n=135
338. S6E10 - Rather Be: 6.68 (1.94), 7 [1-10] n=102
339. S6E12 - I Kissed a Girl: 6.67 (2.06), 7 [1-10] n=103
340. S6E01 - Suddenly Seymour: 6.67 (2.37), 7 [1-10] n=127
341. S2E16 - Trouty Mouth: 6.67 (2.63), 7 [1-10] n=141
342. S2E11 - Need You Now: 6.66 (1.96), 7 [1-10] n=114
343. S5E14 - Downtown: 6.65 (1.93), 7 [1-10] n=102
344. S2E01 - Listen: 6.65 (2.35), 7 [1-10] n=116
345. S3E13 - Cherish/Cherish: 6.65 (2.01), 7 [1-10] n=113
346. S3E01 - Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead: 6.64 (2), 7 [1-10] n=135
347. S5E01 - I Saw Her Standing There: 6.64 (1.85), 7 [1-10] n=104
348. S6E11 - Come Sail Away: 6.64 (2.12), 7 [1-10] n=98
349. S5E09 - Every Breath You Take: 6.64 (2.08), 7 [1-10] n=109
350. S6E05 - All Out of Love: 6.64 (2.11), 7 [1-10] n=103
351. S6E13 - Someday We'll Be Together: 6.64 (2.02), 7 [1-10] n=86
352. S3E22 - Glory Days: 6.64 (1.8), 7 [2-10] n=105
353. S2E16 - Get It Right: 6.63 (2.39), 7 [1-10] n=134
354. S1E14 - Highway to Hell: 6.63 (2.08), 7 [1-10] n=128
355. S3E19 - Take My Breath Away: 6.63 (2.12), 7 [1-10] n=117
356. S6E06 - Alfie: 6.63 (2.3), 7 [1-10] n=102
357. S5E18 - Story of My Life: 6.63 (2.16), 7 [1-10] n=126
358. S5E19 - Memory: 6.63 (1.93), 7 [2-10] n=99
359. S5E05 - On Our Way: 6.62 (2.11), 7 [1-10] n=87
360. S4E15 - Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend/Material Girl: 6.62 (2.1), 7 [1-10] n=125
361. S3E12 - La Isla Bonita: 6.61 (1.97), 7 [1-10] n=123
362. S1E14 - Hello, Goodbye: 6.6 (1.91), 7 [1-10] n=116
363. S6E07 - Time After Time: 6.6 (1.77), 7 [1-10] n=105
364. S5E20 - Shakin' My Head: 6.6 (1.98), 7 [1-10] n=94
365. S6E08 - Hey Ya!: 6.59 (1.91), 7 [1-10] n=113
366. S2E07 - Forget You: 6.59 (1.92), 7 [1-10] n=144
367. S4E04 - Give Your Heart a Break: 6.59 (2.15), 7 [1-10] n=124
368. S5E17 - Lovefool: 6.57 (1.88), 7 [1-10] n=106
369. S3E20 - Flashdance...What a Feeling: 6.56 (2.12), 7 [1-10] n=107
370. S3E15 - I'm Still Standing: 6.54 (2.03), 7 [1-10] n=138
371. S2E17 - Turning Tables: 6.53 (2.28), 7 [1-10] n=120
372. S2E03 - Only the Good Die Young: 6.53 (2.03), 7 [2-10] n=122
373. S1E11 - Imagine: 6.52 (2.02), 7 [1-10] n=136
374. S4E08 - Live While We're Young: 6.52 (2.24), 7 [1-10] n=121
375. S4E22 - All or Nothing: 6.51 (1.85), 7 [1-10] n=115
376. S1E14 - Hello, I Love You: 6.51 (1.93), 7 [1-10] n=126
377. S3E19 - Love You Like a Love Song: 6.5 (2.12), 7 [1-10] n=121
378. S1E19 - Safety Dance: 6.5 (2.1), 7 [1-10] n=128
379. S4E10 - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas: 6.5 (2.28), 7 [1-10] n=108
380. S4E16 - How to Be a Heartbreaker: 6.5 (2.03), 7 [1-10] n=120
381. S5E13 - Just Give Me a Reason: 6.5 (2.03), 7 [1-10] n=112
382. S4E22 - Clarity: 6.5 (1.85), 7 [2-10] n=105
383. S6E03 - So Far Away: 6.49 (2.09), 7 [1-10] n=93
384. S2E13 - Somebody to Love: 6.49 (2.38), 7 [1-10] n=124
385. S2E02 - Toxic: 6.49 (2.24), 7 [1-10] n=140
386. S4E20 - We Will Rock You: 6.48 (2.02), 7 [1-10] n=114
387. S6E09 - Cool Kids: 6.48 (2.09), 7 [1-10] n=114
388. S6E06 - Wishin' And Hoping: 6.48 (1.91), 7 [1-10] n=106
389. S5E02 - Get Back: 6.48 (1.83), 7 [2-10] n=100
390. S2E05 - There's a Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place): 6.48 (1.98), 6 [2-10] n=124
391. S3E09 - My Favorite Things: 6.47 (2.14), 7 [1-10] n=127
392. S2E01 - Telephone: 6.47 (1.95), 7 [1-10] n=141
393. S2E22 - Light Up the World: 6.47 (2.34), 7 [1-10] n=120
394. S4E11 - Tell Him: 6.46 (2.02), 7 [1-10] n=108
395. S4E02 - Hold It Against Me: 6.46 (2.04), 7 [1-10] n=111
396. S3E16 - Night Fever: 6.46 (2.26), 7 [1-10] n=127
397. S2E01 - Billionaire: 6.45 (1.93), 6 [1-10] n=146
398. S3E20 - Because You Loved Me: 6.45 (2.09), 6 [1-10] n=94
399. S5E01 - Yesterday: 6.43 (2.16), 7 [1-10] n=118
400. S4E20 - Longest Time: 6.43 (1.93), 7 [1-10] n=108
401. S2E19 - Never Going Back Again: 6.42 (2.2), 7 [1-10] n=99
402. S6E09 - Uptown Funk: 6.42 (2.09), 7 [1-10] n=111
403. S3E10 - Without You: 6.42 (2.1), 6 [1-10] n=112
404. S1E03 - Mercy: 6.41 (1.85), 6.5 [1-10] n=116
405. S5E06 - You May Be Right: 6.41 (1.92), 6 [1-10] n=93
406. S5E05 - Wrecking Ball: 6.4 (1.92), 6 [2-10] n=124
407. S4E17 - Copacabana: 6.4 (2.08), 7 [1-10] n=123
408. S4E09 - All That Jazz: 6.39 (2.04), 7 [1-10] n=115
409. S5E10 - Barracuda: 6.38 (2.12), 6 [1-10] n=100
410. S3E21 - Starships: 6.37 (1.97), 7 [1-10] n=126
411. S5E01 - You've Got to Hide Your Love Away: 6.36 (2), 6 [1-10] n=114
412. S1E14 - Hello: 6.36 (2.07), 6 [2-10] n=112
413. S2E20 - Jar of Hearts: 6.36 (2.16), 7 [1-10] n=129
414. S5E07 - You're My Best Friend: 6.35 (2.37), 6.5 [1-10] n=96
415. S2E04 - Don't Go Breaking My Heart: 6.35 (1.98), 6 [1-10] n=130
416. S3E07 - I Kissed a Girl: 6.35 (2.37), 7 [1-10] n=143
417. S2E03 - Bridge Over Troubled Water: 6.35 (2.23), 7 [1-10] n=112
418. S6E11 - We Built This City: 6.35 (1.93), 7 [1-10] n=98
419. S4E02 - Boys/Boyfriend: 6.35 (1.99), 6 [1-10] n=113
420. S6E01 - Sing: 6.34 (1.92), 6 [1-10] n=96
421. S3E08 - Buenos Aires: 6.33 (2.27), 7 [1-10] n=117
422. S1E11 - Papa Don't Preach: 6.33 (2.07), 6 [1-10] n=134
423. S4E13 - Make No Mistake (She's Mine): 6.32 (1.93), 6 [2-10] n=111
424. S2E17 - I Follow Rivers: 6.3 (2.45), 7 [1-10] n=111
425. S4E18 - Say: 6.3 (2.14), 6 [1-10] n=88
426. S2E02 - Baby One More Time: 6.29 (1.94), 6 [1-10] n=133
427. S5E06 - My Life: 6.28 (2.05), 6 [1-10] n=98
428. S3E10 - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face: 6.27 (2), 6 [2-10] n=116
429. S3E15 - Up Up Up: 6.27 (1.68), 6 [1-10] n=109
430. S3E20 - Mean: 6.26 (2.13), 6 [1-10] n=122
431. S6E05 - Father Figure: 6.26 (2.15), 6 [1-10] n=92
432. S3E09 - Christmas Wrapping: 6.25 (2.3), 7 [1-10] n=116
433. S4E22 - Wings: 6.24 (1.85), 7 [1-10] n=96
434. S5E02 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band: 6.24 (2.09), 6 [1-10] n=101
435. S4E12 - Torn: 6.23 (2.1), 6 [1-10] n=108
436. S5E12 - Raise Your Glass: 6.23 (2.3), 6 [1-10] n=123
437. S4E17 - My Prerogative: 6.22 (2.22), 6 [1-10] n=110
438. S4E02 - Crazy/U Drive Me Crazy: 6.21 (2.03), 7 [1-10] n=107
439. S4E06 - Greased Lightning: 6.21 (2.07), 7 [1-10] n=126
440. S6E12 - Pony: 6.2 (2.13), 6 [1-10] n=99
441. S1E22 - Over the Rainbow: 6.2 (1.98), 6 [1-10] n=130
442. S5E16 - Addicted to Love: 6.2 (1.71), 6 [2-10] n=91
443. S5E19 - I Melt with You: 6.19 (1.96), 6 [1-10] n=88
444. S3E10 - Moves Like Jagger/Jumpin' Jack Flash: 6.18 (2.11), 7 [1-10] n=133
445. S3E09 - Do They Know It's Christmas?: 6.18 (2.43), 6.5 [1-10] n=122
446. S6E07 - You Give Love a Bad Name: 6.18 (1.95), 6 [1-10] n=89
447. S5E09 - My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It): 6.18 (1.75), 6 [1-10] n=95
448. S4E08 - Whistle: 6.18 (2.5), 6 [1-10] n=129
449. S3E14 - Fly/I Believe I Can Fly: 6.18 (2.37), 6 [1-10] n=135
450. S5E19 - Werewolves of London: 6.18 (1.99), 6 [1-10] n=96
451. S5E01 - Drive My Car: 6.17 (1.97), 6 [1-10] n=109
452. S2E05 - Touch a Touch a Touch a Touch Me: 6.17 (2.41), 6 [1-10] n=138
453. S4E01 - Americano/Dance Again: 6.17 (2.16), 6 [1-10] n=117
454. S3E09 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas: 6.17 (2.48), 7 [1-10] n=127
455. S5E13 - Party All the Time: 6.16 (2.1), 6 [1-10] n=102
456. S3E14 - Stand: 6.15 (2.06), 6 [1-10] n=107
457. S4E03 - The Way You Look Tonight/You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile: 6.15 (1.8), 6 [2-10] n=115
458. S2E19 - Dreams: 6.15 (1.99), 6 [1-10] n=103
459. S3E05 - One Hand, One Heart: 6.14 (2.24), 6 [1-10] n=123
460. S4E08 - Let's Have a Kiki/Turkey Lurkey Time: 6.12 (2.59), 7 [1-10] n=142
461. S2E15 - Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah): 6.12 (2.28), 6 [1-10] n=119
462. S6E07 - All About That Bass: 6.11 (2.06), 6 [1-10] n=115
463. S5E20 - Girls on Film: 6.1 (1.96), 6 [1-10] n=106
464. S4E01 - Call Me Maybe: 6.1 (2.17), 6 [1-10] n=133
465. S4E16 - The Bitch Is Back/Dress You Up: 6.08 (2), 6 [1-10] n=106
466. S6E06 - Promises, Promises: 6.08 (1.84), 6 [1-10] n=86
467. S2E13 - Sing: 6.08 (2.16), 6 [1-10] n=113
468. S4E21 - Uptight (Everything's Alright): 6.08 (1.94), 6 [1-10] n=89
469. S4E12 - Centerfold/Hot in Herre: 6.07 (2.12), 6 [1-10] n=114
470. S4E12 - A Thousand Years: 6.07 (2.11), 6 [1-10] n=115
471. S1E02 - Take a Bow: 6.07 (2.1), 6 [1-10] n=132
472. S4E05 - Born to Hand Jive: 6.06 (2.02), 6 [1-10] n=112
473. S5E20 - Glitter in the Air: 6.05 (2.34), 6 [1-10] n=85
474. S1E05 - Last Name: 6.03 (2), 6 [1-10] n=117
475. S6E06 - Arthur's Theme: 6.02 (1.87), 6 [1-10] n=94
476. S4E16 - Closer: 6.02 (2.03), 6 [1-10] n=96
477. S2E10 - Last Christmas: 6.02 (2.23), 6 [1-10] n=130
478. S1E20 - Shout It Out Loud: 6.01 (2), 6 [1-10] n=106
479. S3E07 - Jolene: 6 (2.23), 6 [1-10] n=134
480. S4E10 - Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah: 6 (2.35), 6 [1-10] n=111
481. S4E20 - At the Ballet: 6 (2.32), 6 [1-10] n=130
482. S4E22 - I Love It: 5.99 (1.91), 6 [1-10] n=110
483. S3E16 - How Deep Is Your Love: 5.98 (2.18), 6 [1-10] n=117
484. S3E09 - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town: 5.98 (2.15), 6 [1-10] n=113
485. S2E12 - Fat Bottomed Girls: 5.98 (2.2), 6 [1-10] n=135
486. S1E12 - Smile (Charlie Chaplin): 5.97 (1.97), 6 [1-10] n=110
487. S2E17 - All By Myself: 5.97 (2.32), 6 [1-10] n=108
488. S3E17 - Saving All My Love For You: 5.96 (1.93), 6 [1-10] n=109
489. S3E19 - What Makes You Beautiful: 5.96 (2.06), 6 [1-10] n=126
490. S1E01 - Mr. Cellophane: 5.94 (1.93), 6 [1-10] n=150
491. S5E18 - Wake Me Up: 5.94 (2.27), 6 [1-10] n=99
492. S3E03 - Out Here On My Own: 5.93 (2.04), 5 [1-10] n=90
493. S5E04 - Roar: 5.93 (2.31), 6 [1-10] n=104
494. S5E17 - I'm the Greatest Star: 5.92 (2.25), 6 [1-10] n=105
495. S4E01 - Never Say Never: 5.92 (2.04), 6 [1-10] n=101
496. S3E13 - Let Me Love You: 5.92 (2.06), 6 [1-10] n=97
497. S1E01 - On My Own: 5.91 (1.8), 6 [1-10] n=137
498. S3E11 - I Just Can't Stop Loving You: 5.91 (2.04), 6 [1-10] n=99
499. S1E05 - Alone: 5.91 (2.02), 6 [1-10] n=108
500. S5E14 - People: 5.9 (2.2), 5 [1-10] n=93
501. S1E12 - Smile (Lily Allen): 5.89 (2.14), 6 [1-10] n=122
502. S4E03 - Celebrity Skin: 5.87 (2.38), 6 [1-10] n=105
503. S4E21 - I Wish: 5.87 (1.81), 6 [1-10] n=82
504. S1E21 - Loser: 5.86 (2.13), 6 [1-10] n=114
505. S2E22 - Pretending: 5.86 (2.46), 6 [1-10] n=111
506. S1E16 - Home: 5.85 (2.21), 6 [1-10] n=101
507. S2E07 - Make 'Em Laugh: 5.85 (2.05), 6 [1-10] n=124
508. S6E04 - Thousand Miles: 5.84 (2.15), 6 [1-10] n=107
509. S5E06 - Honesty: 5.83 (1.94), 5 [1-10] n=89
510. S6E06 - They Long to Be Close to You: 5.83 (1.92), 6 [1-10] n=89
511. S3E18 - Cry: 5.83 (2.28), 6 [1-10] n=100
512. S3E05 - Tonight: 5.83 (2.11), 6 [1-10] n=111
513. S2E06 - One Love (People Get Ready): 5.82 (1.84), 6 [1-10] n=106
514. S1E20 - Poker Face: 5.81 (2.37), 6 [1-10] n=140
515. S2E16 - Big Ass Heart: 5.81 (2.4), 6 [1-10] n=129
516. S1E01 - Can't Fight This Feeling: 5.8 (1.96), 6 [1-10] n=134
517. S6E13 - The Winner Takes It All: 5.8 (2.17), 6 [1-10] n=104
518. S4E10 - Jingle Bell Rock: 5.8 (2.18), 6 [1-10] n=108
519. S3E03 - Fix You: 5.79 (2.45), 6 [1-10] n=128
520. S3E22 - Forever Young: 5.79 (2.14), 6 [1-10] n=108
521. S4E19 - Next to Me: 5.78 (1.86), 6 [1-10] n=93
522. S4E02 - Oops!...I Did It Again: 5.78 (2.26), 6 [1-10] n=123
523. S1E16 - One Less Bell to Answer/A House Is Not a Home: 5.77 (2.38), 6 [1-10] n=113
524. S1E04 - Taking Chances: 5.77 (2.21), 6 [1-10] n=121
525. S6E05 - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record): 5.76 (2.22), 6 [1-10] n=105
526. S5E08 - Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane): 5.75 (2.57), 6 [1-10] n=97
527. S5E02 - Something: 5.73 (2.12), 6 [1-10] n=90
528. S4E17 - Creep: 5.73 (2.29), 6 [1-10] n=114
529. S4E06 - Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee (Reprise): 5.72 (1.98), 6 [1-10] n=112
530. S6E12 - I'm His Child: 5.72 (2), 5 [1-10] n=75
531. S1E18 - One: 5.72 (2.01), 6 [1-10] n=103
532. S4E22 - To Love You More: 5.71 (2.01), 5 [1-10] n=86
533. S4E16 - I Still Believe/Super Bass: 5.69 (2.42), 6 [1-10] n=130
534. S4E09 - O Holy Night: 5.69 (2.6), 5 [1-10] n=110
535. S5E08 - Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree: 5.68 (2.39), 6 [1-10] n=92
536. S4E10 - Feliz Navidad: 5.68 (2.34), 6 [1-10] n=119
537. S5E14 - Don't Sleep in the Subway: 5.68 (1.87), 5 [1-10] n=96
538. S1E21 - Good Vibrations: 5.68 (2.1), 6 [1-10] n=111
539. S2E02 - The Only Exception: 5.66 (2.32), 6 [1-10] n=127
540. S4E06 - Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee: 5.66 (2.08), 6 [1-10] n=118
541. S4E02 - Everytime: 5.66 (1.91), 5.5 [1-10] n=94
542. S4E11 - I Don't Know How to Love Him: 5.66 (2), 5 [1-10] n=102
543. S1E15 - Burning Up: 5.64 (1.98), 6 [1-10] n=96
544. S1E11 - Don't Make Me Over: 5.63 (2.32), 5 [1-10] n=101
545. S4E19 - Outcast: 5.63 (1.81), 6 [1-10] n=89
546. S5E16 - Let's Wait Awhile: 5.63 (1.82), 5 [1-10] n=91
547. S5E02 - Revolution: 5.62 (1.92), 6 [1-10] n=87
548. S1E14 - Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love: 5.62 (2.4), 5 [1-10] n=100
549. S6E06 - Baby It's You: 5.62 (1.72), 5 [1-10] n=81
550. S1E20 - Beth: 5.6 (2.28), 6 [1-10] n=124
551. S2E03 - I Look to You: 5.6 (2.29), 5 [1-10] n=109
552. S4E05 - Juke Box Hero: 5.59 (2.04), 6 [1-10] n=116
553. S4E14 - You're All I Need to Get By: 5.59 (1.83), 5 [2-10] n=83
554. S3E11 - Ben: 5.59 (2.38), 6 [1-10] n=129
555. S6E04 - Bitch: 5.59 (2.36), 6 [1-10] n=102
556. S1E04 - Tonight: 5.58 (1.78), 6 [1-10] n=118
557. S5E09 - Whenever I Call You Friend: 5.58 (1.8), 5 [1-10] n=76
558. S5E11 - I Love LA: 5.56 (1.8), 5 [1-9] n=91
559. S2E12 - Firework: 5.55 (2.22), 6 [1-10] n=128
560. S6E13 - Teach Your Children: 5.55 (2.02), 5 [1-10] n=86
561. S3E18 - The Music of the Night: 5.54 (2.23), 5 [1-10] n=109
562. S1E11 - Hair/Crazy In Love: 5.54 (1.99), 6 [1-10] n=126
563. S3E04 - Take Care of Yourself: 5.54 (2.37), 5 [1-10] n=95
564. S1E16 - Fire: 5.53 (1.96), 5 [1-10] n=103
565. S2E22 - As Long as You're There: 5.52 (2.58), 5 [1-10] n=88
566. S6E09 - Break Free: 5.52 (2.12), 5 [1-10] n=96
567. S4E15 - In Your Eyes: 5.51 (1.66), 5 [2-10] n=90
568. S4E18 - More Than Words: 5.51 (2.08), 5 [1-10] n=94
569. S4E19 - Don't Stop Believin' (Rachel): 5.5 (2.44), 6 [1-10] n=128
570. S4E07 - Superman: 5.49 (2.03), 5 [1-10] n=100
571. S4E15 - Unchained Melody: 5.49 (1.86), 5 [1-10] n=92
572. S1E20 - Funny Girl: 5.48 (1.93), 5 [1-10] n=109
573. S2E10 - We Need a Little Christmas: 5.46 (2.3), 5 [1-10] n=108
574. S4E09 - Being Good Isn't Good Enough: 5.46 (2.19), 5 [1-10] n=92
575. S1E01 - I Kissed a Girl: 5.46 (1.98), 5 [2-10] n=147
576. S2E10 - The Most Wonderful Day of the Year: 5.45 (2.15), 5 [1-10] n=108
577. S5E08 - Love Child: 5.44 (2.62), 6 [1-10] n=97
578. S4E19 - You Have More Friends Than You Know: 5.43 (1.95), 5 [1-10] n=103
579. S3E08 - Red Solo Cup: 5.43 (2.38), 6 [1-10] n=136
580. S5E12 - Happy: 5.42 (2.14), 5 [1-10] n=102
581. S2E07 - Nowadays/Hot Honey rag: 5.42 (2.06), 5 [1-10] n=107
582. S2E01 - What I Did for Love: 5.41 (2.26), 5 [1-10] n=104
583. S2E20 - Friday: 5.41 (2.28), 6 [1-10] n=123
584. S4E03 - A Change Would Do You Good: 5.4 (1.93), 5 [1-10] n=100
585. S4E10 - The First Noel: 5.39 (2.28), 5 [1-10] n=99
586. S3E06 - You and I/You and I: 5.39 (2.1), 5 [1-10] n=107
587. S1E02 - Gold Digger: 5.39 (2.42), 6 [1-10] n=141
588. S6E11 - Mickey: 5.37 (2.09), 5 [1-10] n=93
589. S1E18 - Pink Houses: 5.36 (2.29), 6 [1-10] n=129
590. S4E20 - Everybody Hurts: 5.36 (1.84), 5 [1-10] n=107
591. S3E13 - Home: 5.35 (1.82), 5 [1-10] n=91
592. S6E05 - My Sharona: 5.35 (2.19), 6 [1-10] n=103
593. S1E21 - It's a Man's Man's Man's World: 5.34 (2.44), 6 [1-10] n=129
594. S1E07 - No Air: 5.34 (2.26), 5 [1-10] n=132
595. S6E02 - Viva Voce: 5.34 (2.1), 5 [1-10] n=74
596. S1E02 - Push It: 5.34 (2.46), 6 [1-10] n=149
597. S5E17 - Who Are You Now: 5.33 (2.31), 5 [1-10] n=84
598. S6E06 - I'll Never Fall in Love Again: 5.33 (1.93), 5 [1-10] n=83
599. S6E01 - Uninvited: 5.31 (2.37), 5 [1-10] n=96
600. S3E20 - I Won't Give Up: 5.31 (2.17), 5 [1-10] n=93
601. S2E22 - Yeah!: 5.31 (1.94), 5 [1-10] n=94
602. S2E16 - Candles: 5.3 (2.55), 6 [1-10] n=139
603. S4E18 - Your Song: 5.3 (2.06), 5 [1-10] n=103
604. S3E02 - Somewhere: 5.29 (2.1), 5 [1-10] n=99
605. S2E05 - Planet, Schmanet, Janet: 5.28 (2.02), 5 [1-10] n=101
606. S3E12 - Don't Wanna Lose You: 5.27 (2.17), 5 [1-10] n=89
607. S3E12 - Bamboleo/Hero: 5.25 (2.09), 5 [1-10] n=108
608. S6E09 - Friday I'm in Love: 5.24 (2.15), 5 [1-10] n=98
609. S1E15 - What It Feels Like for a Girl: 5.24 (2.21), 5 [1-10] n=121
610. S3E07 - I'm the Only One: 5.23 (2.11), 5 [1-10] n=100
611. S4E09 - Something Stupid: 5.23 (2.22), 5 [1-10] n=109
612. S4E20 - You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin': 5.23 (1.5), 5 [1-10] n=88
613. S1E17 - U Can't Touch This: 5.22 (2.2), 6 [1-10] n=125
614. S1E01 - Sit Down You're Rockin the Boat: 5.21 (2), 5 [1-10] n=145
615. S2E08 - Sway: 5.21 (2.05), 5 [1-10] n=118
616. S4E22 - Rainbow Connection: 5.2 (2.07), 5 [1-10] n=85
617. S2E10 - Welcome Christmas: 5.19 (2.33), 5 [1-10] n=103
618. S5E06 - An Innocent Man: 5.19 (2.23), 5 [1-10] n=91
619. S4E15 - You're All the World to Me: 5.19 (1.48), 5 [1-10] n=81
620. S2E13 - Baby: 5.18 (2.21), 5 [1-10] n=119
621. S5E08 - Mary's Little Boy Child: 5.16 (2.64), 5 [1-10] n=92
622. S1E17 - Physical: 5.16 (2.26), 5 [1-10] n=128
623. S6E10 - The Final Countdown: 5.15 (2.14), 5 [1-10] n=99
624. S3E10 - Wedding Bell Blues (Bill): 5.15 (2.08), 5 [1-10] n=94
625. S3E18 - School's Out: 5.15 (2.03), 5 [1-10] n=116
626. S5E08 - Away in a Manger: 5.14 (2.47), 5 [1-10] n=87
627. S4E02 - Gimme More: 5.12 (2.48), 5 [1-10] n=103
628. S1E10 - Don't Stand So Close to Me/Young Girl: 5.09 (2.42), 5 [1-10] n=131
629. S5E20 - No Time At All: 5.09 (1.96), 5 [1-9] n=81
630. S5E18 - The Rose: 5.07 (2.03), 5 [1-10] n=86
631. S2E14 - My Headband: 5.05 (2.83), 5 [1-10] n=126
632. S2E15 - Afternoon Delight: 5.05 (2.36), 5 [1-10] n=128
633. S5E18 - Piece of My Heart: 5.04 (1.97), 5 [1-9] n=85
634. S6E09 - Lose My Breath: 5 (2.1), 5 [1-10] n=83
635. S5E11 - Vacation: 4.99 (1.84), 5 [1-10] n=76
636. S1E08 - I Could Have Danced All Night: 4.97 (1.81), 5 [1-9] n=124
637. S4E11 - I Only Have Eyes for You: 4.96 (2.03), 5 [1-10] n=85
638. S6E01 - Dance the Night Away: 4.92 (1.84), 5 [1-10] n=78
639. S2E10 - Merry Christmas, Darling: 4.9 (2.1), 5 [1-10] n=102
640. S6E10 - Far From Over: 4.89 (2.08), 5 [1-10] n=76
641. S1E11 - Bootylicious: 4.89 (2.11), 5 [1-10] n=118
642. S1E01 - You're the One That I Want (ver. 1): 4.89 (1.9), 5 [1-10] n=135
643. S3E09 - River: 4.88 (2.39), 5 [1-10] n=116
644. S2E22 - Still Got Tonight: 4.87 (2.19), 5 [1-10] n=93
645. S3E09 - Blue Christmas: 4.85 (2.38), 5 [1-10] n=116
646. S4E20 - Little Girls: 4.85 (1.98), 5 [1-10] n=102
647. S2E13 - I Know What Boys Like: 4.85 (2.41), 5 [1-10] n=120
648. S2E01 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn: 4.84 (1.72), 5 [1-9] n=96
649. S3E19 - Dinosaur: 4.82 (2.46), 5 [1-10] n=129
650. S3E06 - Hot for Teacher: 4.81 (2.57), 5 [1-10] n=134
651. S3E12 - Sexy and I Know It: 4.78 (2.4), 5 [1-10] n=125
652. S6E01 - Let It Go: 4.78 (2.32), 5 [1-10] n=120
653. S4E19 - Fight for Your Right (to Party): 4.75 (2.12), 5 [1-10] n=111
654. S5E17 - NYC: 4.74 (2.1), 5 [1-9] n=78
655. S3E07 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: 4.73 (2.73), 4 [1-10] n=132
656. S2E03 - Papa, Can You Hear Me?: 4.71 (2.26), 5 [1-10] n=119
657. S3E18 - The Rain in Spain: 4.69 (2.34), 5 [1-10] n=132
658. S2E16 - Only Child: 4.68 (2.81), 5 [1-10] n=121
659. S1E01 - Leaving On a Jet Plane: 4.65 (1.98), 5 [1-10] n=121
660. S2E22 - Bella Notte: 4.64 (2.06), 5 [1-10] n=109
661. S2E13 - This Little Light of Mine: 4.64 (2.22), 5 [1-10] n=96
662. S2E10 - You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch: 4.63 (2.32), 5 [1-10] n=117
663. S5E10 - Danny's Song: 4.54 (1.82), 5 [1-9] n=79
664. S5E08 - O Christmas Tree: 4.52 (2.19), 5 [1-10] n=81
665. S6E04 - Whip It: 4.51 (2.3), 5 [1-10] n=103
666. S1E05 - Cabaret: 4.5 (1.94), 5 [1-10] n=105
667. S3E04 - Waiting for a Girl Like You: 4.5 (2.17), 5 [1-10] n=92
668. S5E05 - You Are Woman, I Am Man: 4.5 (2.23), 5 [1-10] n=98
669. S6E04 - Rock Lobster: 4.49 (2.2), 5 [1-10] n=101
670. S2E14 - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer: 4.47 (2.23), 5 [1-10] n=122
671. S2E01 - Getting to Know You: 4.45 (1.82), 5 [1-10] n=94
672. S2E12 - My Funny Valentine: 4.44 (1.88), 5 [1-9] n=104
673. S1E10 - Endless Love: 4.44 (1.96), 4 [1-9] n=107
674. S2E15 - Kiss: 4.38 (2.32), 5 [1-10] n=103
675. S3E13 - You're the Top: 4.36 (2), 5 [1-10] n=96
676. S5E07 - Cheek to Cheek: 4.33 (1.76), 5 [1-8] n=85
677. S1E10 - Crush: 4.32 (2.3), 5 [1-10] n=108
678. S3E04 - Bein' Green: 4.31 (2.25), 4 [1-10] n=127
679. S1E08 - Bust A Move: 4.31 (2.41), 4 [1-10] n=132
680. S2E07 - Conjunction Junction: 4.3 (2.27), 5 [1-10] n=103
681. S1E17 - Ice Ice Baby: 4.21 (2.59), 4 [1-10] n=131
682. S2E09 - The Living Years: 4.2 (2), 5 [1-9] n=96
683. S3E13 - Chapel of Love: 4.19 (2.04), 5 [1-10] n=80
684. S1E08 - What A Girl Wants: 4.16 (1.79), 5 [1-8] n=104
685. S6E07 - Same Love: 4.15 (2.31), 5 [1-10] n=97
686. S3E01 - Big Spender: 4.08 (2.66), 4 [1-10] n=105
687. S1E21 - Tell Me Something Good: 4.04 (2.16), 4.5 [1-8] n=106
688. S2E19 - Nice to Meet You, Have I Slept with You?: 4.01 (2.17), 5 [1-10] n=86
689. S1E10 - (You're Having My Baby): 3.97 (2.26), 4 [1-10] n=135
690. S2E04 - With You I'm Born Again: 3.77 (2.52), 3 [1-10] n=109
691. S5E08 - The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late): 3.7 (2.73), 3 [1-10] n=118
692. S4E01 - Sister Christian: 3.68 (1.98), 4 [1-8] n=79
693. S6E10 - The Trolley Song: 3.49 (1.93), 4 [1-8] n=87
694. S2E08 - Ohio: 3.46 (2.05), 3 [1-10] n=113
695. S4E11 - Baby Got Back: 3.41 (2.63), 2 [1-10] n=116
696. S4E08 - Gangnam Style: 3.26 (2.28), 3 [1-10] n=140
697. S5E07 - The Fox: 3.23 (2.67), 2 [1-10] n=125
698. S2E16 - Jesus Is My Friend: 3.03 (2.08), 2 [1-10] n=106
699. S3E12 - A Little Less Conversation: 2.94 (2.2), 2 [1-9] n=109
700. S1E03 - I Wanna Sex You Up: 2.92 (2.01), 3 [1-9] n=131
701. S5E05 - Blurred Lines: 2.66 (2.38), 2 [1-10] n=131
702. S1E08 - Thong Song: 2.23 (1.85), 1 [1-10] n=138
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musikat18 · 2 years
Top 3 Legends episodes?
*screams* I cannot believe I have to do this now that the show is over I,,,,,,,,,,,,am going to Pass Away
Phone Home (S3E4)
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I'm a Ray Palmer stan first and a human being second so of COURSE this is my favorite episode! For one, Season 3 is my favorite on the whole, so it absolutely had to have ONE episode at least represented. I also LOVE Ray & Zari's friendship, and this episode kind of serves as the foundation for it. Plus, the E.T. homage is just a lot of fun.
2. Here I Go Again (S3E11)
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Number one! Zari is my favorite character so of course I love one of her most iconic episodes. Number two! ABBA costumes. Number three! I just think I Really Love when a character who is closed off and untrusting comes to realize they have a new family and that they care about them a lot more than they thought. I cry at the end, every time. Even though everything is fine. I Cry.
3. Knocked Down, Knocked Up (S7E13)
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Yes I AM only including this episode because it was the only one where I got to have my specialest boy Booster Gold. CW Executives there will be blood.
(Sleepover Party!)
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he0524 · 3 years
All I am saying is that it goes both ways, its important to focus on your parterns needs as well.. So, yes a little shame in the pillow princess game
Okay so I disagree. What if your partner's need is only to bring pleasure to you? Gotta remember that not everyone, every couple, throuple or multiple has or have the same needs or wants. For some, only giving might just be what they want.
We've never really seen Carina receive - yes, the scene in S3E11 on the hotel bed exists, but in almost all other scenes, they're talking about Maya's pleasure. So maybe, I choose to believe that Carina doesn't like to receive, and that Maya is a bit of a pillow princess :) But that's only *my* thoughts.
Sure I'll have scenes where Maya gets a little more assertive, or Carina receives, but as you'd have noticed, I focus more on Maya's pleasure and their sexventures :)
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qwertyfingers · 4 years
hi it's watch order anon again i sent the time travel ep ask before you answered the tng watch order one (after i saw your post about it taking a while) and i was actually thanking you for recommending spn eps to me (because i'm also the spn watch order anon) and talking about spn time travel episodes (which i am going to look up you don't have to rec any to me if you don't want to). thank you VERY much however for the tng time travel rec list i'm adding them to... the list
IMPORTNANT DISCLAIMER: S5E4 The End is theeeeee iconic Supernatural time travel/au ep but do NOT be led astray you HAVE to watch this one with context. do the full deancas lazarus rising to the end speedrun you will NOT regret it I PROMISE
S6E15 The French Mistake THEEEEEEEEE episode of all time amongst thee show of all time. they KILL eric kripke ONSCREEN
S3E11 Mystery Spot - LITERALLY a timeloop fanfic. EXTREMELY good. fave pre-Cas episode for me.
S5E8 Changing Channels - brings back mystery spots MOTW and makes him even more powerful. iconic behaviour, great episode.
S6E17 My Heart Will Go On is fun hijinks-y but admittedly has very little on-screen time travel. Balthazar is in it though and I like him
S6E18 Frontierland - Dean and Sam send themselves back in time AND it’s a cowboy episode. VERY star trek
S13E16 Scoobynatural - IT COUNTS I THINK. Semi-related, S8E8 Hunteri Heroici involves a guy who make cartoons come to life with his mind. It’s a very fun and very pretty episode and Cas and Dean r gay, well worth watching <3
S4E17 It’s A Terrible Life - Zachariah traps Sam and Dean in alternate reality where Dean is a (heavily implied out queer) businessman of some sort and wears fruity suits. Sam is there I guess. One of its finest Gay Homophobia episodes and genuinely very fun to watch.
S11E14 The Vessel - Dean wears a fruity little sailor outfit and Casifer (Lucifer who is possessing Castiel and the Winchesters don’t know yet - it’s a whole story arc) fists Sam’s soul just for funsies. The ONLY reason Casifer couldn’t get on that boat is because if Cas saw Dean’s fruity sailor outfit for more than a minute he would have lost his MIND and Lucifer woulda had to leave his vessel sharpish.
S8E11 LARP and the Real Girl - I think the title speaks for itself really, I think this counts! Charlie Bradbury (Felicia Day’s character) is in it and she’s cool and gay and Dean wears chainmail <3
S7E12 Time After Time I can’t remember that much about this ep but Dean does wear a very good 40s suit including a shoulder holster <3
I really want to tell you to watch the Belphegor episodes (S15E1-S15E3) but none of it would actually make sense I’m just obsessed with them bringing a messy gay bitch demon into Jack’s body literally top 10 Supernatural Gay Homophobia Moments in my onion.
S8E12 As Time Goes By - Sam and Dean’s grandfather jumps forward in time to find them, and introduces them to the history of the Men Of Letters, whose house they will steal in the next episode
S4E3 In The Beginning - This and the next episode are only ranked so low because I don’t care about Mary and John drama. HOWEVER. Zachariah sends Dean back in time to meet his mum before she married John and Zachariah very possibly fucked her. There are a LOT of memes about this now.
S5E13 The Song Remains The Same - Anna tries to stop Sam from being born. This entire concept is VERY funny to me. As is Sam and Dean showing up on the doorstep of their mum and dad, who do not have children yet, telling them their real names and saying ‘it’s a family name’ when John points out that Mary has relatives with the same name. Comedic genius I don’t care about the rest of the episode but from what I remember it’s pretty good.
S14E13 Lebanon - this episode is bad because it tries to redemption arc John BUT. it gave us  [spoilers] 1) lesbian steve jobs ted talk sam 2) Dean trying to placate alt-Cas who never got to know him by doing the ‘Cas....’ and gentle touch thing and alt-Cas just going ham and obliterating his ass 3) Dean choosing to go back to their world (with Cas <3) over staying in this universe with his Dad because he’s not worth it <3
There are several flashback eps to Dean and Sam’s childhoods, but as you can imagine these are all pretty sad and not the kind of thing you wanna watch For Funsies. The wiki has a list of those here.
The longest alt-universe arc is the Apocalypse World - a world where the Angels and Demons successfully orchestrated their plan to cause the apocalypse and are steadily wiping out the last of the human population. This isn’t overall a “fun” arc, but is v interesting and pique your attention if you like time travel and AU content. The wiki lists all the episodes here.
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A Very Trekful 10 Days: Day 5
I am behiiiiind on this. But it's alright! I'll catch up! At least I have always been watching some Star Trek every day.
Star Trek: Picard S2 Countdown - 6 days (5 days, posting this past midnight again >.>)
Q Rewatch - Star Trek: The Next Generation S4E20 “Qpid”
Main takeaway from my Qpid rewatch: I just started laughing when I saw Vash because I thought about Rogue Elements and I was just like "Rios has slept with her" (something from Rogue Elements I did not see coming at all honestly). Also, I like watching only the Q episodes because now I'm following the show(s) from Q's POV.
Star Trek: The Next Generation S6E6 "True Q" / Star Trek: The Next Generation S6E15 "Tapestry"
2024 - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, S3E11&12 "Past Tense Parts 1 & 2"
Accidental Rewatch - Star Trek: Voyager, S5E18 "Course: Oblivion"
Main takeaway from my accidental rewatch of Course: Oblivion that has nothing to do with Picard S2: I accidentally put this episode on somehow when trying to put on Dark Frontier. But I was doing homework at the time and thought "huh, I don't remember the Borg Queen being in this episode" when I saw what episode it was (but not the title) but I just let it go. Anyway, good episode. Nothing to do with Picard S2
Borg Queen Rewatch - Star Trek: Voyager, S5E15&16 “Dark Frontier Parts 1 & 2”
Main takeaway from my Dark Frontier rewatch: It will be interesting seeing the Borg Queen kind of helpless in S2, at some point at least. She always has this ability to (try to) control people but in Picard S2 she's going to be chained up and strapped to/plugged into the engine for (I'm assuming) time travel and of course she'll still try to use her manipulative abilities (on Agnes, it seems?) but it will be different than she's been in these episodes and the movie.
Picard S1 Rewatch - Star Trek: Picard, S1E5 "Stardust City Rag"
Main takeaways from my Stardust City Rag rewatch (past midnight, unfortunately): I always love this episode. So many fun moments, many fun references, Rios trying to be flamboyant and his drink having two umbrellas. The way he rolls his R when he says "Rios" when introducing himself in "The name's Rios" almost expected a "The name's Rios. Cristóbal Rios." That outfit and his words, "salutations" (has someone been reading Charlotte's Web?) and "foofaraw" and his standing too close to vup.
PicardPositivity Day 25 - Enoch & Behind the Scenes
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thatgirlonstage · 6 years
Podcast Challenge 18/4/18
There is a lot today because I stayed home sick from work and I started getting a headache whenever my eyes were open for too long so I ended up just lying on my bed binging podcasts. Mostly Bright Sessions. I want to catch up with Bright Sessions since that actually seems like, in reach lol unlike MBMBAM. Underneath the cut because there is a LOT (although I chipped away at that monster too)
Bolded means I listened to an episode today. Strikethrough means I’m all caught up and waiting for the next episode :)
The Adventure Zone | Alice Isn’t Dead | The Bright Sessions | Can I Pet Your Dog? | Ear Hustle | The Flop House | The McElroy Brothers Will Be in Trolls 2| My Brother, My Brother, and Me | Sawbones | Shmanners | The Thrilling Adventure Hour | Welcome to Night Vale | Within the Wires | Wonderful!
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother, and Me
Episode: 128: Y Tu Hermano Tambien
Time: 1hr 3 min, 140% of goal
Petition to replace statues of racists with bronze statues of Travis McElroy reclining like Cleopatra
Episode: 129: Krumping Across America
Time: 48 min, 107% of goal
That first question about the Craiglist girlfriend, the one who wanted to have sex with a virgin man, that was just... that was so much, man, you can’t start with that, there’s nowhere to go from there.
Episode: 130: Holy Terror
Time: 49 min, 109% of goal
My ex boyfriend actually did have some kind of olfactory issue - it wasn’t that he couldn’t smell ANYTHING, I don’t think, I’m pretty sure his nose was just like extremely desensitized. The only time it had any kind of consequence was when another friend of ours accidentally forgot some boxed restaurant leftovers in his car and he didn’t notice for like two weeks until someone else got in the car and noticed the stench.
Podcast: The Flop House
Episode: #31 - Swing Vote
Time: 59 min, 131% of goal
That Mystery Team thing actually sounds like a fun concept, although why did they say “they have to solve a murder” like that’s not a thing that Nancy Drew/The Hardy Boys ever did like there wasn’t a ton of guts and gore but there were very much dead people in those stories
Episode: Movie Minute #20 - Pool Cleaning
Time: 3 min, 7% of goal
You know I meant to watch Benjamin Button and just never got around to it
Podcast: Shmanners
Episode: Travel: Boats and Planes
Time: 49 min, 109% of goal
I have been on too many planes I find nothing magical about it anymore. I’m sorry, Travis, I appreciate your optimism and the joy you find in life but I’ve flown a minimum of once every six months since I was three months old and I really can’t summon up awe for it anymore.
I really thought they weren’t going to talk about going through security and I was ready to riot because I could do an entire forty-minute episode of my own just ranting about the IDIOTS I’ve encountered who have no idea how to go through security and take like five years figuring it out
Episode: Travel: Trains and Automobiles
Time: 47 min, 104% of goal
Shmanners: drivers ed edition
“There’s no c [in Shmanners]” but there SHOULD BE THOUGH Lemony Snicket taught me this in The Wide Window when I was seven the prefix is “schm” and it honestly really bothers me that they got this wrong
Podcast: The Bright Sessions
Episode: S3E4: Patient #13-A-3 (Chloe)
Time: 25 min, 56% of goal
We finally meet Frank! His voice is not what I was expecting - I think I imagined him sounding older? - but I like it! And Saaaaaaaam I was wondering why Chloe ran out of the room like that
Episode: S3E5: Sam, September 13th
Time: 26 min, 58% of goal
Sam lists all of the questions I want to know the answers to. Also I really enjoy that we get Sam and Joan more as equals and friends now, I really like this dynamic between them.
Episode: S3E6: Caleb, 9/16
Time: 4 min, 9% of goal
That was TOOTH ROTTING I love it
Episode: S3E7: Friday, 9/23/16
Time: 24 min, 53% of goal
So we can agree that the entire AM should be burnt to the ground except Officer Decker, yes? Yes.
Ooooooh new character, “Rose”
There should definitely be a Danny Phantom crossover where we fuse the AM and the GIW. I do really appreciate that we get to SEE the “evil scary government agent that does experiments on people” from the perspective of some of the people who work there who AREN’T mad scientists, see how they justify it and willingly blind themselves to the moral issues
Shoutout to Sarah for being the real MVP
Episode: S3E8: friday, studio time w/ the gang
Time: 23 min, 51% of goal
Me this entire episode: PROTECT THEM
Hmm so they’ve brought up the Intrusion episode twice, I thought it was like a non-canonical crossover thing but it seem like maybe they’re actually making a thing of it?
Episode: S3E9: Damien, September
Time: 20 min, 44% of goal
Mark yelling at Damien was WILDLY cathartic
Episode: S3E10: September 24th, 2016
Time: 37 min, 82% of goal
Also lol @ Caleb just trying to handle his sex life while everything else is turning into a Bournian government conspiracy around him
Episode: S3E11: Frank
Time: 38 min, 84% of goal
That was... a lot. I sort of guessed at most of it but it was... a lot.
Episode: S3E12: September 30th, 2016
Time: 10 min, 22% of goal
I suppose I ought to feel a little bad for Damien, but I REALLY don’t. Careful what you fucking wish for, you hypocritical douchebag
Episode: S3E13: Patient #13-A-3 (Chloe)
Time: 22 min, 49% of goal
Mark is such a sweet innocent bean and any attempt to make the AM morally grey is belied by the fact that they, without any cause, kidnapped him, locked him in a basement, and experimented on him for years
Episode: S3E14: sunday, after my session
Time: 5 min, 11% of goal
“You’re the struggling artist and I’m the wealthy old lady patron.” Chloe still isn’t my favorite character but I LOVE her and Sam’s friendship so much
Episode: S3E15: Patient #11-A-7 (Caleb)
Time: 26 min, 58% of goal
Caleb: Okay can we stop talking about my sex life and CONCENTRATE ON THE EVIL GOVERNMENT AGENCY THAT KIDNAPS PEOPLE
What is going to happen to him though because I do NOT like where this foreshadowing is going
Episode: S3E16: Patient #14-A-8 (Rose)
Time: 30 min, 67% of goal
Rose is super cute! Also, oh man, Mark, I just want to give Mark a hug, man.
Episode: S3E17: Telephone 2
Time: 22 min, 49% of goal
Oh yes hearing Wadsworth get her comeuppance by having Adam confront her was AWESOME
Episode: S3E18: Safe House Part I
Time: 24 min, 53% of goal
“I beat you once in 1998″ peak sibling right there
Frank WHY
Episode: S3E19: Safe House Part II
Time: 55 min, 122% of goal
Caleb, oh honey, oh, no
I just want all of them to be safe and okay GOD. I mean, Damien can die in a hole, but I don’t want Caleb to have KILLED him, he can die in a hole of natural causes. Chloe is not my favorite character but oh hell yes her last bit in this episode was EVERYTHING to me
Total Listening: 11hr 49 min, 1576% of goal
Ahahahaha like I said, literally all I did today was zone out and listen to podcasts
Ah well, no one on this website has a right to judge me for binging anything
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vivalamerlin · 7 years
I posted weeks ago about doing a rewatch because I literally have not watched this show since it ended and I am feeling Nostalgic™. If anyone wants to join me you are welcome to, I’m going to start on December 20th and using the tag ”vivalarewatch” ! I don’t have a specific time because life, but I’ll let you know probably the day of.
For anyone who wants to join me, my rewatch is going to be a little different. I’m not trying to marathon the whole show, that would be crazy stress inducing and I only have two weeks, so here’s my plan: I’m going to watch two episodes from each season each day, and livestream/liveblog them. If there are any episodes you think I definitely need to rewatch then let me know! 
This is the tentative plan:
Dec. 20: S1E5 - “Lancelot” and S1E9 - “Excalibur”
Dec. 21: S2E7 - “The Witchfinder” and S2E9 - “Lady of the Lake”
Dec. 22: S3E4 - “Gwaine” and S3E11 - “The Sorcerer’s Shadow”
Dec. 23: S4E3 - “The Wicked Day” and S4E11 - “The Hunter’s Heart”
Dec. 24: S5E5 - “The Disir” and S5E9 - “With All My Heart”
(these episodes were picked purely based on title and what I can kind of remember of each episode, there’s no specific reason for them)
I’m so looking forward to rewatching some episodes, I love this show and this fandom so much and wow okay please join me! You’re obviously welcome to watch all the other episodes too, I just think it would be fun to watch these ones together! 
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S3E11 ‘And the Beast from the Sea’ Notes
Aaaaand the theme of today’s post is ‘internal conflict’!
I am officially at the ‘ALL HAIL’ stage with Armitage’s acting here.
'Save yourself.  Kill them all.’ … I used to cheer AGAINST at that line.  *sigh*
Okay, this is VERY ODD– I’m not for Will and Molly.  I don’t feel Hetero Graham there.  Will seems awkward and out-of-his-element there.  But, upon seeing Dolarhyde’s film, I feel primally protective of Molly and the kid.
😮  Oh no, not the dogs!  What happened to the dogs??
*warm and fuzzy feelings*  Will makes the dogs’ food himself…
That is one levelheaded, analytical kid.
*cracking up at Molly’s parenting techniques (cough attempts cough) here*
F*cking Hannibal Lecter has a f*cking skylight *grumbles incoherently about how that is a terrible idea, even if Alana’s subject to his leverage*
'They’re not my family.'  Just say it, Hannibal-- 'They’ve got to go!’
Sooo… am I cheering for Dolarhyde?  Against Dolarhyde?  *general confusion*
Wow.  Molly is really, genuinely good at this.  Point Molly.
Ahh, distressed, protective Will.  Not sure if I like that or not.
Once again, Francis/Reba is sweet, creepy, and sort of heartbreaking at the same time.  I give up.
*cracks myself up with exceedingly stupid joke*  Team Surviving Science  *cracks up more*
As usual, image does more to me than it ought…
… Will is suddenly a very light sleeper?
On first-name-only basis with ex-nemesis-lover-obsession in front of wife.  That doesn’t seem a stellar idea.
Once again, photogenic hospital room.
'How’s my wife?'  I half expected Will to say 'You don’t get to invoke that word.’
'Don’t you crave change, Will?'  Why, Dr. Lecter, I do believe that’s a loaded question!
@oftempestsandteacups @avidreadr2004 @tirlaeyn​ @hannigram-hell​ @electrarhodes​ @the-winnowing-wind​ @sofancydancy​ @hanfangrahamk​
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