sanstropfremir · 2 years
Wait while we're talking about Hybe's business philosophy, something that has has been bothering me for ages is that period of time where hybe would acquire a company with fairly successful groups and then? those groups would disband? like i was only a casual nu'est enjoyer and am by no means a fan of gfriend but i've been struggling to find a reason. nu est was probably some sort of internal disagreement bc they at least had a final album, but it seems like gfriend were dropped like a hot potato. idk. firmly believe society is better bc of it tho! it just nags at me a lot and i was curious if you had any thoughts on it.
oh gfriend got canned bc they had a nazi scandal, so that one was deserved, but nu'est got nuked without warning like a month before their ten year anniversary + album. from the verbiage used by the guys when they've talked about it, it appears like hybe essentially didn't offer them a contract renewal as a group. the two guys who stayed with the company have extant commitments (minhyun i believe is on an acting contract/had some acting gigs lined up and baekho does a huge chunk of songwriting and producing and would probably lose all his copyrights if he left), but the other three had nothing to keep them there without the group. obvs we're probably not going to know actually what happened but the general consensus is that the members and perhaps even pledis staff got blindsided by the decision, because the guys were talking about their anniversary and looking forward to the future with the group at their winter concerts (if they had known they were disbanding on the anniversary we would have also known bc they're all criers) and there straight up was a bus ad campaign that ran in seoul until AFTER they had already disbanded? which why on EARTH would a company pay for a whole ass ad campaign if the group was about to die? there's also a theory that their last album was just meant to be a tenth anniversary cb with galaxy as the actual title track, bc it's much more in line with a tt from them, and again was meant to be the anniversary song bside. the guys are pretty close (mcing/going each other's fanmeetings, ren's guested on aron's podcast at least twice) and they fought like HELL to stay together as a group for the last ten years (they're literally the group that pioneered the survival show flop revival) so them disbanding was extremely out of left field. as for why hybe would have incentive to not renew them? nu'est have a fair amount of domestic popularity and a very stable and loyal fanbase BUT not a very large intl one and not one that was actively growing. they were quite large in japan as well, but they never hit big with a western audience and as we know, that's the only audience hybe cares about. plus, as ten year veteran idols and staples of the industry they would have likely had a lot of negotiating power during contract discussions. hybe probably knew that they wouldn't be able to beat them in line with their company vision if they stayed together so the easiest solution was to just disband them.
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cherryeol04 · 2 years
Action! | Ch. 24
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Genre: Humor, Romance, Slice of life?, Crackheadedness
Pairings: BaekRen, MinRon
Work Count: 2.7K
Summary:  From the moment he was casted, Ren wasn't sure if he had what it would take to be a pop idol. Losing faith in himself, he was going to give up the future he had always wanted, but one person stood by his side and renewed his faith. After a hot debut and rapid growth of stardom, Ren started to notice that maybe this person, his close friend, was something more. But how could a straight man even remotely think of a homosexual relationship?
Warnings: Homophobia, some smut (chapters will be marked)
A/N: I wrote this series back in 2012 and used OCs and over the top writing style for arguments. Whoops. Lmao it’s pretty decent though, so I hope you enjoy!
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Ren’s POV
I know I’m being a burden on these people, and I hate it. My hyungs are so nice though, accepting me into their dorm, feeding me. I never meant to be gone for so long, but I just can’t go back. Baekho would be there and he’s probably so happy with Uee noona. Which I’m happy for him, I just wish he didn’t have to rub it in my face like he had.
That’s what hurt the most.
Days turned into weeks and every day I got a call either from Minhyun, JR, or Aron, all begging me to come back. But never from Baekho. The piercing pain I felt at the end of each day as I laid down to sleep, knowing that once again, the call was never going to come, I honestly thought I would die each and every time. I sleep horribly, I feel horrible, and I must look horrible. I suppose that’s why the other’s forced me up, dressed and literally dragged me from the home.  Why couldn’t I just stay and mope around some more?
Adrian-hyung was no fun.
Staring up at the large planetarium, I was in awe. I never knew one even existed, yet alone resided in South Korea. This was going to be interesting to say the least. It was certainly something I haven’t gone to before. Looking back, I stared at the others who were sharing my same awe.
“It’s bigger than I thought.” Kai said and laughed softly.
“Everything’s bigger than you think.” Chiko muttered with a pout. “Just like our last dinner you ordered fed all of us and the staff.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault!” he protested with a shake of his head.
“Alright children.” Adrian spoke, wrangling in his dongsaes. “Let’s go.” Walking into the building, we were greeted by such eerie silence that panic grew inside me. I looked around carefully, even over my shoulders. It was something straight out of a horror film. I liked horror and all that, but not when I had to be a part of it.
“Where is everyone?” I asked, noticing just how empty it was inside.
“I have no clue.” Adrian said and frowned. “In fact, all I got this morning was this letter telling us to be here. It was signed ‘A Friend’.” He explained and pulled the letter from his pocket. JaeMin took the letter and read it over briefly before sighing.
“It’s probably like some sort of hidden camera variety show.”  JaeMin said.
“Then why am I here?” I asked as I stared at them.  They all looked at me as if they just realized I was there. I don’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Probably bad considering the fact that they just realized I wasn’t even a part of their group, yet I was brought anyway and no one even mentioned that I shouldn’t go in.
“Uh….” They were all at a loss for words. I don’t blame them, I felt the same way.
“Hey look.” We turned and watched as Kouji moved over to a welcome table a picked up an envelope titled ‘For Ren’. “I think this really isn’t for us.” He said.
“Apparently.” Adrian said as he walked over, took the envelope and opened it. Pulling out the thick card, he read it over. “For all the pain he caused, for all the days you’ve been a way, there will be many more to make up for them.” He read. “Within this building, there are three special locations you need to visit. Each will give you a clue to where you need to go next until you’ve reached your final destination. Your first clue ‘He has to be from another planet.’ Mission start!” he read before snorting.
“Oh boy, they need new writers.” Kai said with a smirk.
“So this is all…for me?” I asked, confused. Why would they do this? From the sounds of the letter, it seems that my friends are trying to cheer me up and get me to go back home. But I don’t want to. Not if Baekho is going to be there and continues to act like he does. A part of me is actually hoping though, that this is Baekho’s way of asking for forgiveness; that this whole thing was orchestrated by him. But I don’t want to get my hopes up. I doubt it is.
“Looks like it.” Adrian said and smiled. It was a knowing smile and I had to wonder if he had a hand in all this.
“Oh a quest! Sounds like fun! Let us help?” Chiko asked.
“No, we can’t help.” Adrian said. “This is for Ren, let him do it.” He said and nodded.
“Aw poo.” Chiko pouted cutely and we laughed. He was a maknae for a reason after all.
I sighed. Alright, looks like I’m on my own for this. No worries though, I’ve done many variety shows like this. I can solve this and figure out what’s going on too. “Okay, the first clue is ‘He has to be from another planet’. Who would be from another planet?” I asked myself. There was JR, but he wasn’t crazy. There was Aron, but he wasn’t that crazy. It certainly isn’t Baekho and if this was done by him, he wouldn’t be the first clue, so then…Minhyun? Realization slowly came to me. Minhyun was a bit out there, even when he was trying to be straight and narrow. He was silly really. So it’s Minhyun I’m looking for but how do I find him?
‘Okay Ren think. Whenever we tease Minhyun we say he’s an alien. And I know we’ve even said which planet he was from, so which planet? Which planet was it?’ Even though there wasn’t a time limit, I felt extreme pressure. We always joked about Minhyun being from the planet...?
‘Jupiter! That’s right, it’s the largest planet in our solar system, next to the sun of course. Because Minhyun is so tall, we tease him he came from the largest planet in the solar system because they made their aliens tall there.’ Alright, alright, so now I knew where to go. I looked around the lobby for a moment before finding the blaring map kiosk. Making my way over, I searched for any room or floor that had anything to do with Jupiter.
“Let’s see.” I said, running my fingers through the different rooms and after a while I finally found it. “Third floor!” I announced happily. Alright! I did it!
“Good then go.” Adrian said and shooed me off towards the elevators. With a grin I stepped in and pressed the ‘3’ button and the doors slid shut. I was nervous and excited at the time. I loved playing games, but what awaited me at the end is what was nerve-racking.
When the doors opened, I stepped out and looked around. Images were hung all through the small hall, all of the planet Jupiter. Most included facts and information about it. Turning to my right, I started down, looking for Minhyun. The other was my clue, the person I was supposed to find, and with him being so damn tall, it shouldn’t be too hard to find him.
The hall opened up into this large room and right in the middle of it stood a large statue of the planet Jupiter and standing in front of it was a smiling Minhyun. I walked over to him, grinning and he pounced, wrapping me up in his arms, squeezing me.
“Minki!” he said happily and I was sure I heard tears in his voice. “I’ve missed you so much.” He said. When he let go of me, we pulled back and I stared at him. My heart broke seeing my best friend crying like that. I hated knowing I was the one who was making him cry like that.
“Minnie.” I said and hugged him again, rubbing his back. “I’ve missed you too.” I told him and pulled back. “After this is done, maybe we can hang out?” I asked.
“Of course!” Minhyun said happily. “We have so much to catch up on!” he told me before handing me the card. “Have fun alright? I’ll see you at the end!” he said.
I nodded and watched him walk off before sighing. It was so good to see my friend once again. I hadn’t meant to cause them so much pain by leaving. Maybe soon things could go back to slightly normal and I could return home.
Looking at the card, I turned it over and read the back. “He speaks alien better than our language.” I laughed at that simple clue. It was easy to know who it was referring to. Aron still had trouble speaking our language, even after being here for so many years. And I knew he was from the planet Mars because Mars was the ‘real’ planet that had aliens speaking weird tongues coming from.  Finding the map on the floor, I searched until I found which floor Mars was on.
Getting back on the elevator, I headed up to the fourth floor. One would think this building would be ordered according to positions of the planets in the solar system, but apparently it wasn’t. When the doors opened, I stepped out and was greeted instantly by Aron, who drew me into a bear hug. I laughed and returned it, glad to see the other.
“Damn Minki.” He whispered as he pulled back and looked me over. “Still sexy as ever, don’t change.” He said. I blushed hotly at his comment and smacked him lightly.
“Stop it!” I said and smiled at him.
“Never.” He said before handing over the card. “I hope you come home soon, it’s not the same without you. We’re not the same without you.” He said.
“Maybe…one day soon.” I said, a little unsure.  He nodded and hugged me once more before turning and walking off to go join Minhyun, wherever he was. Sighing, I flipped the card over and read the next clue.  “When he’s at his best, his passion shines brightly like this star.” I frowned. Well it was either JR or Baekho and though I was hoping I would see Baekho next, I was pretty sure it wasn’t him. In fact, I was almost sure he wasn’t a part of this. He had Uee noona, why would he need to be here? Even if it was his entire fault.
So then it was JR and it was the sun that was the brightest star in the solar system, the one that burned the most. So after finding the map and locating the Sun room, I headed up to the ninth floor. When the doors opened, I wasn’t ambushed like last time. Instead, I actually had to wander around a bit. It wasn’t a large room like Jupiter.  Everything known about the sun was very little. I was going to give up, not sure if I would ever find JR. After walking around the corner of the hall into a smaller room, I found him standing next to the window.
“JR.” I called as I walked over to him. He turned to me and a grin spread across his face. He waited until I was close enough before hugging me.
“Minki. I’ve missed you.” He said. I almost cried at that. All my friends had missed me and I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t think I was honestly that important to them. But I was and that made me feel so loved inside. So maybe I didn’t need Baekho. Sure, having the other love me would have been wonderful, but I had friends that loved me just the same, that should be enough for me. And well…it was going to be enough for me. After this, I am going home!
“I missed you too.” I said and smiled at him as I pulled back. “Can I have the card please?” I asked.
“Sure.” He said and handed it to me. But he didn’t let go. Instead, he held tight and stared into my eyes. “Minki, Nu’est is not the same without you. We can’t go on. Please…come back. We need you more than you’ll never know.” He said. It was the leader talking, trying to keep all his members together, but at the same time I knew it was my friend talking, wanting us to be back together and whole once more.
“I know.” I said and nodded. “Very soon…I’ll be back home.” I told him. He nodded and released the card, and with a pat on my shoulder, left me alone too. Smiling to myself, I flipped the card and read it, my breath leaving me.
“He didn’t know what he had until it ran away. He didn’t know what he needed until it was told to him. Now he needs his Minki back and in his life. Under the planet signifying love, you’ll find him.” I had to take a few breaths. Baekho…was he really here? Did he really need me? I wasn’t sure, and I knew I should have been more cautious. I had been hurt once, I didn’t need it again. But damn it if I couldn’t help it. After finding the map to find out what floor Venus was on, I bypassed the elevator and took the stairs.
Taking them two by two, I ran up to the eleventh floor, which thankfully wasn’t that far up from the sun. Slamming opening the door, I looked around frantically, searching. I ran through the whole hall and room, but I didn’t see him. Baekho wasn’t there. My heart broke once more and I felt like crying and I almost did.
All this, for nothing.
I was heading for the elevator when I heard soft music coming from a closed door. It was a room I hadn’t checked before.
Moving to the door, I pushed it open and stepped in. Romantic music was playing and hearts lit up all around the walls of different colors. And in the middle of the room hung the planet Venus and underneath it was…
“Baekho.” I whispered.
“Minki.” He said and smiled at me. “I’ve missed you.” He said. My heart was suddenly healed and bursting with joy. I’ve never felt this happy in my life, not even when I was picked to become a trainee. I ran to him and threw my arms around him. I was a bit worried he would be caught off guard and we would go tumbling down, but we didn’t. He caught me and held me tight in his arms, his face pressing against my neck.
“I’m so sorry Minki.” He whispered. “I was such a dumb idiot. I should have realized sooner just how important you are to me.” The tears fell from my eyes this time. I couldn’t hold them back. I was just so damn happy.
“It’s okay. I forgive you.” I knew I shouldn’t have forgiven him so easily, but I couldn’t stop myself. Here was, in front of me, holding me again. He had planned this whole thing, just for me. How could I not forgive him? He pulled back and stared down at me, grinning.
“I’m glad you do. I was a fool and I’m sorry.” He apologized once more. “Minki, I love you.” The squeal left me before I could contain myself. Those words were ones I have longed to hear for so long now. And he said them. Baekho finally said them!
“You fool!” I said and tapped the side of his head lightly. “I love you too.” The arms tightened around me, pulling me closer. Soft lips pressed against mine. This was our first kiss and it was magical! I stood there, clinging to him, pressing to him, returning his kiss with such passion, never wanting it to end. And though I heard the cheers of the others who were watching us, I could have cared less. The world faded away from around us and all that was left was Baekho and I and the kiss we were sharing.
This is how it should have been all along. And though I wished this would have happened months ago, I was glad it happened now. I knew our future was bright. I was coming home and going to be Baekho’s boyfriend.
Nu’est was back!
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nishihiroto · 3 years
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NU’EST : AGAIN (2022)
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kibumon · 4 years
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So, uhm, marry me?
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littlecafe · 3 years
ohh for sure pledis is still a trash company but even they decided to do bus routes and ads for their 10th year. i really do hope that something does come out of this and more information is revealed, esp if kfans are starting to say stuff now. it just pains me that it might not change anything, unless maybe they speak up themselves.
have you seen the state of the albums fans are getting too?? theyre getting ones that are missing cds or photocards, and there have been many with ripped pages in the middle (which happen to all be aron's pages) its clear this is probably due to the lack of quality control during manufacturing, especially if this album is as rushed as it seems. they most likely skipped a whole part of product checking to get them out faster.
ahh i didnt even think about that ;;; i hope theyre able to find a good contract because thats the least they deserve. i find it so difficult to wish them well and hope for their future because OF COURSE im going to support them, but the feeling of injustice just overshadows it and it just hurts. yea i think their staff team got dissolved, their performance director posted a goodbye to the practice rooms. its so sad that a whole team of people lost their job too
yup lmao like even pledis had stuff planned so that's why i can't blame them as much for all the terrible stuff going down because seems like their staff (the ones working on nu'est stuff ofc) was also caught up in this mess and didn't know what was happening either
with kfans making more noise about it now i really hope we get some answers but i won't get my hopes up for it since it's scary for anyone closely involved to speak out against a big corporation like that and honestly, maybe they don't even know why this happened either but at this point i'd be happy to accept a "i didn't expect this to be the last album" or anything along those lines just for closure that we were not just crazily assuming things this whole time (even though i think it's pretty much a fact now with that album behinds video though it wasn't a straight forward statement from anyone)
what??? noooo i had no idea that albums were arriving damaged?!!! everything about this album is so low quality, poorly managed, and rushed from the design portion to now even the manufacturing causing damaged and defected albums? they really did not pay attention at all omg
also a minor thing but i'm very peeved that the cd itself for this album is in a paper envelope...it looks so thin on video but since i don't have it on me i don't know if it is actually easily torn paper quality or not but like are you poor or something???? it's a hard cover book style album which usually wouldn't come with separate cd like that because there is always a place for the cd to be held, even worse because this entire album has zero design so the envelope is just plain white with the same 1234567890 logo that they've slapped on literally everything
the quality is severely lacking...while looking for the torn albums i see a lot of fans complaining about how much empty space the photobook has like blank pages or just really tiny pictures for no reason with the rest of the page just being white??? like i understand you're (whoever worked on this album) trying to pass this on as "minimalism" but absolutely no aesthetic eye, my sis filmed her unboxing it for me and she pointed it out right away bc it just looked so bad and done with no intention
and also my judgement might be skewed here since i've mainly only bought day6 albums which relatively cheap for some reason lol but this nu'est album seemed to be on the more expensive side of the price scale right? the effort is not justifying that price
letting someone go without prior notice is really shitty and on top of that they did this to them while kinda letting them believe that nu'est would continue so the members probably weren't thinking to look into other companies or contracts at all...absolutely no protection or care for their artists whatsoever
yes me too!! i really hope they manage to negotiate good contracts and we get to hear from the ones that left soon, whether it's a signing with another company or just their plans about what they're going to pursue or if they're just going to rest a while, just anything! it's also getting closer to their enlistment time which really spooks me because it's really hard to get over that 2 year hurdle without a group with a sturdy fanbase or a good company to come back to, they have a very short amount of time to cement themselves and their brand as a soloist before that time which is hard
of course i will also support all the members in whatever endeavors they choose to go on, but going from group to solo is a hard transition (speaking solely if they stay in music as a singer) and i know many loves will also continue to support all members but with almost every boy group to soloist transition, the numbers do not lie and they tend to fall off for solo activities (everyone has their own biases and also not everyone will have the monetary means to physically support like that so it's normal for this to happen...), but it's so much worse if it was a decision forced onto you rather than one you've made yourself so i worry for them right now...the way this was handled is really unfair, they seriously gave them no time at all ugh
that's so terrible :((( dismissing their whole team too...instead of getting better, this situation truly just gets worse and worse the more you hear about it, i truly feel for the staff who work hard by nu'est side...none of them deserved this, everyone involved in this mess is so unfortunate and i wish them all the best going forward
sometimes i'm not even sure if i'm making any sense in these answers to you, like this hurts my heart and my head like if this was something the members wanted it would be sad but easier to accept but it ended like this
#i follow zero fans on twt like i really don't use it for kpop interactions at all so i never know anything omg#really sad post but to brighten it up i got one thing of every member with my album so i'm happy for that!!#ok but i thought the stores in korea would let u pick what poster u want bc my local kpop stores let us do that#even with pre-order benefits they've let me pick which member or which ones i wanted#but over there (at least the store my sister went to) didn't they just pulled a random one sjhfdjsfsf pls but it's fine#if i could pick i wanted minhyun's bc he's my bias and mainly just in case i end up not getting any of his inclusions#i don't actually love his poster tbh like the picture is ok and it's also in black and white which is....ok....#obviously group poster is good too i love group things i like having all the members so that would be a good option too#but i got baekho's poster and i'm honestly so happy bc out of all the posters i actually do like his the best hahaha#and then inside it was jr's bookmark message ren and aron's photocards and minhyun's postcard#so i got one thing from each member!!! so happy!!! but i wish the bookmarks had their face on it...#i love the handwritten message but i really just want their face on everything lol like what can go wrong pls just do it#ok but what's really funny is i was skimming ktown4u's unboxing to look at the posters in case i could pick#but they pulled a group photocard and i watched someone else and they also had a group photocard#so bc i didn't look carefully at that ugly album desc for inclusions i thought u got 1 group photocard and 1 member one#so i was really excited to get the group photocard but obviously it did not work that way i'm crying asjhkfsdf#that was just too funny moral of the story is look at the album preview if u actually want to know what's inside the album unlike me LOL#anyways can't wait to actually have the album here in my hands but it will be a long time before that but that white cover#i will never be able to like it this album is not minimalistic it's rushed and poorly designed and i will always be angry about it#no bc i wrote these tags to be happier but why am i still ending it on a bad note#let's talk about the baekho poster again bc omg he looks so good on it i really love that set of pictures#im not sure where i'm going to put it yet but it's so nice#question
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r3ndom · 8 years
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Things to like about JR
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starryallnight · 4 years
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drive (teaser 2)
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ddonghyun · 4 years
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the untamed (2019)
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guksuu · 4 years
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the nocturne ☽ 5.11
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incorrectnu-est · 5 years
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merry Christmas!
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cherryeol04 · 2 years
Action! | Ch. 19
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Genre: Humor, Romance, Slice of life?, Crackheadedness
Pairings: BaekRen, MinRon
Work Count: 1.9K
Summary:  From the moment he was casted, Ren wasn't sure if he had what it would take to be a pop idol. Losing faith in himself, he was going to give up the future he had always wanted, but one person stood by his side and renewed his faith. After a hot debut and rapid growth of stardom, Ren started to notice that maybe this person, his close friend, was something more. But how could a straight man even remotely think of a homosexual relationship?
Warnings: Homophobia, some smut (chapters will be marked)
A/N: I wrote this series back in 2012 and used OCs and over the top writing style for arguments. Whoops. Lmao it’s pretty decent though, so I hope you enjoy!
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Aron’s POV
“How’s Ren doing?” I asked, staring to my right at Minhyun. I was so nervous, so I thought I would bring up a safe topic. This was my first date since I left the states and my first date ever with another guy. I never thought Minhyun would be so receptive and actually accept it. After what happened with JR, even though the other did finally apologize, I was sure Minhyun was going to refrain from opening his heart to another.
Though, I don’t think he has really opened his heart to me, still at least I know he’s willing to go out with me and maybe again if I asked.
“He’s…doing?” Minhyun asked as he poked at his food. Turning to me, he sighed. “I don’t know what to do. He’s my best friend and he was there for me when all the issues with JR happened.” He said softly. “I feel bad that I don’t know how to help him.” I frowned a bit and nodded, taking a bit of my own dish.
“Well, I mean you are there for him. “ I said. I’ve noticed Minhyun was always around Ren, especially when the other seemed a bit more down and depressed than normal. It was just like that when Minhyun needed Ren for ‘JR Fiasco’ as I liked to call it.
“I am. Still.” He said and looked away, shaking his head. “Baekho is an idiot. He doesn’t see what this show is doing. How we have an even bigger rift now in our group. Ren really likes him.” Minhyun said and shook his head. “He even cried one night while practicing Yeoboseyo. It’s so heartbreaking.” He said softly.
Reaching out, I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and rubbed it. “He’ll get through it. Ren’s strong. “I said. I wasn’t sure though. I knew very little about Baekho and Ren’s friendship. I just knew they had been together since our trainee days.  A friendship like that, going through all we have gone through, is very strong. To suddenly be torn like it is…I’m not sure if Ren will get through it, or if he does that his sanity will still be intact.
“You’re right.” Minhyun said and smiled at me. “Ren’s strong, he can do this.” He said and nodded. “So, let’s switch topics okay? Let’s talk about something happy.”  I could tell I chose the wrong topic. Damn it! I thought it was safe. Now what to do we talk about? Well, what do I know about Minhyun?
This is bad.
“So, why did you ask me out?” The question threw me off guard. I don’t know how long I stared at him, but it was long enough for him to get upset over it and push me lightly.
“Huh, what?” I asked.
“Are you stupid?” Minhyun asked and I smiled, laughing lightly. It made him laugh too and suddenly, I felt at ease. At least enough to go back to eating.
“Sometimes I am.” I answered him as I thought on his question. “Honestly?” I asked.
“Well I prefer you be honest with me. That’s how relationships are built, you know? On trust.” I wanted to smack him. He had such a smart mouth sometimes. It only made me love him more.
“I like you.” I told him. Glancing at him from the corner of my eye, I watched his reaction. It was Minhyun’s turn to just stare now. After some time passed and he was still staring, I sighed. “What?”
“Nothing! I just…” he paused. “Why me?” he finally asked. “Why not Ren? He’s cute and sweet. Why not someone else?”
“Well god Minnie, if you don’t want me to like you then I’ll go find someone else.” I said and started to get up.
“No wait!” Minhyun said and grabbed my arm. Looking back at him, I smiled some and sat back down. “That’s not what I meant. I’m just surprised.” He said and looked away.
“Why is that?” I asked him. I want to know why liking him would be such a surprise. It’s not that hard to look at Minhyun and just love him.
“Well, I mean…after…” he trailed off and sighed.
“Stop it.” I told him coldly. He looked up at me with a shocked expression. “We’re putting that in the past Minnie. He’s already asked for forgiveness and I understand if you never can forgive him, but let’s put this behind us.” I told him. “JR isn’t into men, so of course he’s not going to find you appealing like that. But that doesn’t mean anything.”
“How can you say that?” Minhyun asked.
“Because I’m your hyung and I can. Minnie, you’re smart, handsome and talented. You have so much going for you. You’re an attractive person if you would just believe in yourself.” I said.
“I did believe in myself, up until what happened.” Minhyun said and sighed. “And tall. You forgot tall.” He added and I snorted. Always bringing that up, the little brat.
“Yes and tall.” I said and smiled. “So I like you. I’ve always thought of asking you out, but you know. I wasn’t sure.”
“So what? You thought you would wait until my heart was ripped to pieces before riding gallantly to pick them up?”  I stared at him, mouth open slightly. He read too many fantasy books. But the way he said it, it was almost hurtful. It sounded like I was trying to be the rebound guy. I’ve had my fair share of being the rebound guy and I hated it.
“No Minnie.” I said. “That’s not why I waited. I didn’t know if you were like that.” I said carefully. “But then what happened occurred and information was thrown out there. I don’t want you to think that I’m just asking you out to play the ‘hero’.” I said and sighed, picking at my food. “I do like you, Minnie and even though I hate JR and what he did, I’m glad it did happen in a way. If not, I don’t think I would have ever asked you out.”
Minhyun was watching me, his gaze so intense it felt like it was burning into my soul. “Then I’m glad it happened too.” He said with a small blush. I grinned and nudged him slightly, making him giggle. I hadn’t heard Minhyun giggle in a long time. And it wasn’t the girly giggle girls do. It was a manly giggle…though I don’t know how someone could manage that. But Minhyun did. I didn’t see him as some girly gay. He wasn’t. He was still a man, acted like one all the time. But there were just some things that he did that were so fucking cute!
“I’m glad then.” I said. Reaching over, I picked up some of his food and held it out to him. “Saw ‘Ah’.” I told him. Minhyun stared at the food before opening his mouth obediently and took the bit of food, eating it happily. Moving, he returned the favor and held out food for me to take. Opening my mouth, I took the offered food and chewed on it happily. For some reason the food tasted even better now that I was being fed.
This was a wonderful date. Even if it did start off rocky. Now I knew what to talk about and what to stay away from. And the best part was, even when we got home, the date didn’t have to end. We shared the same room! Damn, how did I get so lucky?
“Where have you two been?” JR asked as we walked into our dorm, laughing lightly.
“Out.” Minhyun answered, staring at him.
“Out where?” he pressed.
“We were on a date JR.” I said. The look that crossed his face had me bracing myself. But the other didn’t say anything. He simply turned and went back to watching TV. Shaking my head, he led Minhyun to our room and stopped him at the door.
“Gosh, I had a really great time tonight.” I said, rubbing the back of my head lightly. He laughed and smacked my arm.
“Idiot.” He said.
“Gee Minhyun, would it be alright if I came in?” Minhyun rolled his eyes and opened the door, walking in. I walked in after him and followed him to his bed. Taking Minhyun’s arm, I stopped him.
“Aron, enough with the games. I had-” I cut him off as I kissed him. After all, what was a date without the first kiss? He was still and I knew I crossed the line. Pulling back, I looked away in shame.
“Sorry.”  Silence fell between us and I sighed. Yup, I fucked this up. “Yeah I’m just going to go.” I said and started for the door. I felt his hand grab my arm and I stopped, looking back at him.
“Don’t go.” He whispered, staring at me. “I had a great time tonight Aron. Thank you.” He said. He closed the distance between us and kissed me. It was short and sweet and I was in heaven. Minhyun pulled back and my hand reached up to touch my lips. They were tingling.
“Hey, any time.” I said and laughed softly. “Are you busy this weekend?”
“Hyung.” Minhyun said. “You know what my schedule is, idiot. Of course I’m not busy.” He teased me and smacked my arm. Damn, he must be taking lessons from Ren. That’s just what we needed, two violent boys in our group.
“Well then, I’ll pick you up at six.” I said and grinned.
“I’ll be waiting.” Minhyun said. Nodding, I kissed his cheek before stepping back.
“I’m going to shower. So unless you want to come, you should let go of my arm.” I said. The flush that spread over the other’s face had me wanting to kiss him again. Minnie was just too adorable. If this relationship works out well, I might have issues with keeping my hands off of him.
“Sorry. Have fun showering.” He said. Nodding, I left our room and headed for the shower. I didn’t get far down the hall when Ren’s door opened and he stepped out. I stopped, staring at the red eyes and puffy face.
“Ren, what happened?” I asked. Our maknae moved and wrapped his arms around me, crying into my chest. “Ren.” I said as I held him, rubbing his back. “What’s wrong?”  The blond lifted his head and stared at me, fresh tears still falling.
“He told her…he told her he liked her and asked her out hyung.” He sobbed. “He asked me what a good place to take her to was.” I frowned, knowing what Ren was talking about. If only Baekho wasn’t such a clueless idiot, that he could see what he was doing to Ren. Maybe he did know and just didn’t want to admit it. Or he was doing it on purpose? No, Baekho was an idiot, but he wasn’t mean like that.  He couldn’t be. Maybe he was just that damn clueless.
“It’s alright Ren; it’s going to be alright.” I told him, rubbing his back. I led the other back to my room and passed him off to Minhyun. I wanted to be there for Ren, but I wasn’t that good with dealing with upset people. I nearly fucked up the last time I tried to be the shoulder for Minhyun to cry on. Minhyun and Ren were the best at comforting people.
Leaving the mess with Minnie, I went to take and shower and think. This was really destroying Ren and Baekho had no idea. What the hell could be done though? An intervention? Yeah, and intervention! He was supposed to be back this weekend. That’s what will do, and maybe get this shit sorted out. I just hope Ren can last that long.
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