#Hyrule will be in danger
commanderwindy · 2 months
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Quick little doodle. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE GAME!!
I cant wait to throw rocks at everything and everyone
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weepingtalecowboy · 9 days
Shadow is a fucking menace of massive destruction
Fanfic prompt: The chain is telling eachother about their adventures and at some point they got to the point of dark or shadow links
And while everyone is considering their shadow or dark links the most dangerous
Four just one ups them all because shadow is a menace to society and genuinely insane
Like “my shadow link destroyed all of Hyrule in like a day or two ,a week at most he kidnapped my Zelda and forced me to remove a sword that was sealing one of my villains and essentially made me fight three villains at once him included and that isn’t even the worst of it”
The chain *thinking* : “how are you still alive with such a monstrosity running rampant”
Four continuing without noticing anyone being disturbed: “ he stole even more maidens from their shrines and burned down almost every single village and town he was also scaring the novice soldiers and possessed my dad while THE ARMY WAS TURNED against me because he impersonated me and racked up a high enough destruction count for my immediate execution not forgetting the fact that most of them were already under mind control”
The chain : “how did you kill somebody like him”
Four: “I gaslit him because he luckily had one weakness I could exploit pretending to be evil and all that stuff so when I killed him
he didn’t get the message and was still terrorizing me but now he was upset and not just sadistic so he tied me to a stake and set it on fire”
The chain *internally* : “WTF WTF WTF WTF how is he not dead”
Four still talking: “I somehow miraculously got saved and the only reason why I won was because he destroyed his one weak point and thereby helped me defeat the other villain and both died but he still didn’t accept that so he came back to life AGAIN (ignoring to tell that it was me who brought him back)
Four : “we decided to give up on fighting and now he stays with us because he is the most difficult to kill creature in the whole entire world and that way me and Zelda can keep an eye on him”
The chain: “man and we thought our darks were bad yours sounds like a nightmare”
Four realizing something: “I forgot to tell you about his massive bombs ,his dragons and his hammer strong enough to give me a concussion from several feet again”
The chain: “THERE IS MORE…!!,!?!.!.!!.?!
Warriors * hesitant* : “Cia probably still could be worse right…?”
Four : “maybe but he also was always in my personal space and I couldn’t tell him to get the fuck away from me because I had to befriend him pretty sure the only reason he isn’t the second coming of Cia is because he wasn’t interested in a sexual relationship”
The chain: “how is your dark side capable of one upping over four of our most vile and evil enemies without even trying”
Four : “pretty sure it’s the purple hair … that is a clear sign of evil”
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lace4forest · 4 months
In the new LU chapter, we cannot see the very front of the Temple, but we do see these pillars and the weird thing on top of them as we normally enter dungeons-
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HM, Some of those pillars don't look Identical, but we can always say artist interpretation!
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This is from Zelda 1
OH! Also-
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Screaming Owl?
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Same Pillars.
I think we are in Hyrule's time, and this is one of his dungeons.
We are in danger.
Art by Jojo, go check them out!
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liccy · 4 months
For the WIP ask game, curious about artblockrr or bigbro 👀
Let's do bigbro!
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This was more a self gratification draw. It's niche, but I didn't want to stop drawing more baby!FaeRule. Someone commented how they wanted to give the sprite new clothes, and I thought... who's the best to dress up little fairies? Wars! Plus, you can totally get Loz1's original outfit as a fairy costume in the game! (At least in Definitive Edition). It was perfect.... except I completely forgot what I wanted to do on the bottom half, and it just stayed buried in my files. But never forgotten in my heart.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Whumptober Day 4: Shock, “I see the danger, it’s written there in your eyes”
We had to get to the bloody ones eventually—
This was originally going to be standalone, but one thing led to another and I think there’s going to be another part at some point. I couldn’t make it longer and I’m very stuck on the idea hehe
Warnings: blood & injury, specifically a stab wound, and just general battle violence and injuries
Read it on ao3
“Ugh, wizzrobes again?” Legend grumbled as he slid under a bolt of electricity. “We just fought some of these clowns yesterday! Did the Shadow just give up on originality?”
“Less complaining, more fighting!” Warriors shouted at him from nearby, and Legend rolled his eyes.
“Less criticism and more fighting!” Hyrule called back with a mischievous look, and Legend almost laughed, though it turned into a yelp when he dodged another bolt of magic.
Wizzrobes were such a pain.
Especially Wild’s.
Warriors shouted at him again, but this time it was a warning, and Legend deftly jumped away from a blast of ice that would have frozen him solid. He nodded a thanks at the captain, and went back to trying to defeat the wizzrobes, which was nearly impossible with how crazily they moved.
Legend dodged a fireball, and quickly turned and shot a blast of ice at the offending monster. It shrieked, and disappeared into a puff of smoke, and Legend swapped out his ice rod for a fire rod, and did the same to another.
The different rods seemed to work well, and along with the others all fighting together, soon there was only one wizzrobe left. It was in a color Legend hadn’t seen before though, and he looked at it suspiciously.
“Yours come in purple now?” he called behind him towards where he knew Wild was sniping.
“I’ve never seen one like that before!” Wild called back, voice uncertain. “I don’t know what it—”
As he spoke, the wizzrobe grinned, letting out a deranged cackle as it shot a huge burst of magic into the sky. Purple lights flashed, and a glowing ball fell from them, dropping down into the clearing and exploding into blinding light before anyone could do a thing.
Legend yelped and covered his face with his shield, but the magic still knocked him off his feet and onto the ground. It shook into his limbs and up to his face, his vision going white and spotty. It didn’t... hurt, exactly, but something about it felt all mixed up inside of him, jolting through his body and limbs, and he felt rather discombobulated.
The sensation abruptly faded, and he felt arms tugging at him. Legend gingerly opened his eyes, almost surprised he could see at all, and looked up, meeting Hyrule’s worried gaze. The traveler was looking down at him with wide eyes, and Legend blinked a few times to get the last few spots of white out of his vision.
“Are you okay?” Hyrule asked, looking him over worriedly, “you were closest to that beam, it felt like an explosion went off.”
“Fine, fine,” Legend coughed, then gingerly pulled himself up to a sitting position. “Think it was just... magic. I don’t even think it did anything to me.”
“Nothing?” Hyrule asked suspiciously, and Legend shook his head.
“No. Is everyone else okay? Where’d that wizzrobe go?”
“I haven’t checked yet, but since you’re fine I would guess they’ll be—”
An arrow slammed into the ground right between Legend’s feet.
He jumped, and in one swift movement was on his feet with his shield out, back to back with Hyrule as he looked for the enemy who’d shot. He scanned the field as he looked for where his sword had gone to, then he froze, and stared at who had fired the arrow.
Wild stood across the clearing, his bow drawn with an arrow nocked in Legend’s direction. His brows were lowered as he stared at the veteran, stance unusually firm, and something about the way he held himself just screamed danger.
Legend flicked his eyes around, and felt his breath leave him as he saw Warriors and Sky both staring at him as well, swords drawn and angled towards him in a threatening gesture. Time stood on Legend’s other side, claymore raised as he stared silently at the veteran, and Legend’s heart skipped a beat.
He and Hyrule were surrounded. By their own teammates.
No, Legend realized with a dawning horror, sunlight glinting proudly off Time and Warriors’ armor, no not my teammates.
“Captain? What’s going on?” Twilight asked nearby, Wind and Four looking equally confused next to him.
“Traitor to the crown,” Warriors said in a low voice, eyes never blinking.
“You kidnapped the princess,” Wild added in a growl.
“We have our orders,” Sky said in a smooth voice, and raised the Master Sword accusingly. “Dead or alive.”
Legend couldn’t breathe.
“Don’t be crazy!” Wind said in disbelief, looking at Time and Warriors with a shocked expression. “Legend didn’t do anything! What’s wrong with you guys?!”
“The wizzrobe,” Four said with a sharp inhale. “That attack must have done something to make them think he’s the enemy.”
“Time, please, you know Legend, he hasn’t done anything wrong,” Twilight said gently, inching towards him. But Time stopped him with a firm glare, his sword never lowering. The knights all took a step closer to Legend, and he felt Hyrule stiffen at his back.
“Legend, you need to run,” Hyrule whispered. “Now.”
Legend couldn’t move.
Suddenly he was eleven again, staring at a wanted poster with his face on it, wondering why the reward was so high. He was eleven, screamed at by the townsfolk, and surrounded by guards just for trying to walk into the village to buy food on his quest. He was eleven, chased down by brainwashed knights and forced to fight them, some of them people he knew, his uncle’s friends, raise his uncle’s sword against them and hurt them—
“Legend RUN!”
He snapped back into himself just in time to avoid a thrust from Warriors, and Hyrule grabbed his wrist when he merely stared at the weapon that had almost killed him, pulling him away.
“Come back you traitor!” Warriors shouted, and Legend blinked, able only to watch in numb shock as Four and Twilight leapt to defend him, Hyrule still dragging him away.
Sky leapt forward, then cried out as the Master Sword fell from his grip, sparking as she was about to be used against one of her own. Wind took the opportunity to tackle him, and Legend watched blankly as the sailor wrestled Sky’s pouch away from him so he couldn’t grab any more weapons.
“Don’t hurt them!” Wind cried out, still struggling with Sky, “they’re not themselves!”
“Keep them away from Legend!” Twilight shouted as he crossed swords with Warriors, the captain swinging his blade with fierce strokes.
Hyrule nodded, and blocked a slew of arrows from plunging into Legend’s chest, then yanked him behind his back as he avoided a huge swing from Time.
“You’ve betrayed us all!” Time spat, and Hyrule crossed blades with him, nearly driven to his knees by the force of it. “You’re nothing but a false hero, poisoning the land with your lies!”
The words were like a knife, and Legend could only watch in blank shock, stunned as Hyrule struggled against Time, as Twilight and Warriors still fought against each other, Wind nearly getting punched in the face by Sky while Four tried desperately to get close enough to Wild to stop him from sniping them all down—
“Legend! Snap out of it!” Hyrule shouted as he somehow managed not to be lopped in two by another of Time’s swings. “You’re going to get killed, wake up!”
He wasn’t sure if it was the phrase or the desperation in Hyrule’s voice, but Legend finally snapped into action, firmly shaking himself. You can freak out later when half of your team isn’t trying to kill you!
Legend dove for his gilded sword, but hissed at the warning spark he felt as he grabbed it. Sometimes he forgot his blade was another version of the Master Sword, upgraded and changed, but at times like these it was impossible.
I’m not going to hurt them, I’m only defending myself, he begged as it got hotter, still stubbornly holding on even as his hands began to burn. Please, you know I’m not!
The hilt scorched his hands, and Legend was forced to shove it into its sheathe, grabbing in his pouch for a backup sword. Before he could though, something swung towards him, and he only barely got his shield up in time to block it.
The strike threw him to the ground for the second time today, and Legend nearly had the breath knocked out of him. His eyes widened as Wild raised a claymore of some kind to strike him with, and he just barely managed to roll out of the way of another hit.
“Champion I don’t want to have to hurt you,” he gritted out, but Wild didn’t reply.
His face was eerily closed-off as he tried to hit him, strikes almost clinically precise. Legend had to dodge all over the place, and he still got a shallow cut on his arm. Not to mention his hands were smarting from trying to use the gilded sword, and every time a hit rang out against his shield, he had to bite his lip to keep from crying out.
Wild swung again, and Legend gritted his teeth and used his backup sword to shove the champion backwards, then grabbed for his ice rod again. His aching fingers closed around it, but then he felt his entire body freeze in place, yellow shining in his vision.
He couldn’t move. He couldn’t defend himself. He couldn’t do anything, and he suddenly realized that Wild must have used the stasis rune on his slate on him.
No, no no no no no—
Before he could panic too much, the magic broke, and Legend stumbled, thrown off-balance. He looked around in surprise, then saw Four standing next to him, having frozen Wild’s feet to the ground with Legend’s own dropped ice rod.
He could only stare at him for a second, and startled as Four yanked him behind his shield, blocking the arrows Wild was shooting at them again.
“Should have gotten his arms too,” he cursed, then turned towards Legend. “Vet, they’re all after you, you need to go find that wizzrobe and beat it. That should break the magic, I think it’s our best bet. We can keep them all busy while you go.”
“But— you’re outnumbered,” Legend said a bit hysterically, his panic over the whole situation starting to come back, “not in numbers but skill, have you ever seen Sky and the captain duel? Not to mention the old man, he could probably take on all of you at once—”
Four put a hand on his arm, and gave him a small smile as he raised his sword.
“I can get us some more help. But you need to go.”
Legend swallowed, but he knew Four was right, and gave him a nod as he grabbed his ice rod and bolted in the direction he’d last seen the wizzrobe.
He suddenly felt like he was eleven again.
He caught sight of Hyrule as he ran, the traveler using his magic to stay away from Time’s deadly swings. He had blood on his leg, but his face was as determined as ever, and he firmly blocked Time from following when the older hero saw Legend running away.
“Coward!” he heard shouted behind him, but Legend kept running despite the sting it left in his chest.
He bolted past Twilight, who had an arrow in his arm and multiple other injuries, but was continuing to fight anyway, blocking Warriors’ strikes with a grieved look, almost like he’d been forced to do this before. Wind was still wrestling with Sky, fists flying as the Skyloftian tried desperately to get his weapons back, but Wind was determined to keep him down.
Every instinct of Legend’s was screaming at him to turn around and fight, help his friends, his brothers, he had so many items that could help them— but he forced himself to continue, ignoring a pained cry when he heard it.
Legend was smart enough to realize the only way they would all get out of this alive would be if he broke the curse. They couldn’t stand against some of the best fighters of their group forever— it was only a matter of time before someone was seriously hurt.
But no matter how many times he told himself that, it still felt like he was abandoning them.
This is the only way to help right now. You’re not leaving them, you’re doing what needs to be done.
If you stayed here, you would only make their job more difficult.
Legend searched desperately through the trees for a flash of purple, hoping desperately the wizzrobe was still in the area.
He had no way of knowing if he was looking in the right spot or not. For all he knew, the wizzrobe was long gone, but he kept looking, even as the clashing of swords still rang in his ears, and a scream that sounded a bit like Four echoed nearby.
Legend bit down on his lip so hard he tasted blood, and ignored the stinging that had started up in his eyes as he searched.
The others were back there somewhere, fighting against their brothers, risking their lives, all for him, to keep him safe, and he’d frozen and barely helped them and now he couldn’t even find the stupid wizzrobe.
“Come on! Come out and fight me!” he screamed, voice breaking a little. “Are you afraid? Because you better be!”
A giggle flitted through the trees, and Legend shot a blast of ice out, the laughter only growing.
Purple weaved through the foliage, and Legend shot another blast out, obviously missing due to the giggle he overheard. He knew his emotions were making him sloppy, and Legend forced himself to steady his hand. He breathed out, lowering his weapon and acting as if he was unaware of where the wizzrobe was.
Come on, take the bait...
A giggle erupted in his face, and Legend thrust out his ice rod, making the wizzrobe scream as it was launched backwards. It fell to the ground, stuck solidly in a chunk of ice, and Legend pulled out his fire rod, prepared to burn it to a crisp.
Then something hit him in the side, and he went flying, crying out as he fell to the grass.
His side ached where he’d been hit, and before he could move, what felt like a foot stepped down on his chest, pressing against his doubtlessly bruised ribs and stopping him from getting up. Legend opened his eyes and saw Warriors staring silently down at him, sword raised to pierce him through.
Somehow he’d gotten past the others.
“Wars— Warriors don’t,” Legend choked out, struggling to catch his breath. “Link, please I’m not your enemy!”
“You’re a traitor,” Warriors said in a cold voice, still not blinking. He had blood running down his face from a cut over his eye, but his face showed no sign of pain. “My orders are clear.”
“Captain wake up!” Legend shouted, terror rising in his throat. “You’re not yourself, you’d never hurt any of us, snap out of it!”
Warriors didn’t react in the slightest, and raised his sword.
Legend felt a burst of panic, and he shot his arm out, feeling desperately for where he’d dropped his fire rod. If he could just kill the wizzrobe, Warriors would wake up, the spell would break—
Warriors’ sword went down as Legend’s fingers closed around his rod, and he shot a desperate plume of flame towards the dazed wizzrobe.
The fire hit it right as Warriors’ sword buried itself in his middle, and Legend’s scream mixed with the wizzrobe’s, hot agony slicing into his chest. The sword was pulled out again only seconds later, but then Warriors stumbled back, the weapon dropping from his hands.
Legend barely noticed, trying not to scream again as the sword fell to the ground beside him, already feeling blood start to dampen his tunic.
Okay, okay okay easy, you’ve been stabbed before, no big deal. Just because Warriors was who did it doesn’t change a thing, put pressure on it, you need to put pressure—
His chest burned and Legend couldn’t hold back a cry, taking thick breaths through his nose.
Goddesses please, not like this, he’ll never forgive himself.
“L-Legend?” Warriors said dizzily, shaking his head as he tried to clear it. He put a hand to his forehead, and blinked several times, wiping blood from his face with a confused look. “Vet, what...”
Then his eyes focused, and he noticed the stab wound in his chest.
Warriors dropped to his knees beside him, and Legend couldn’t help but jerk away from him, nearly shrieking as the captain immediately pressed his hands to his middle, trying to stem the flow.
“Legend don’t move, what happened how did this...”
Warriors trailed off as his gaze landed on his bloodied sword, and every bit of color drained from his face as he recognized it as his own.
“Legend?” he said shakily, and Legend swallowed, unable to stop himself from meeting his eyes.
A sword was abruptly pressed to Warriors’ neck, and Legend watched dizzily as Twilight forced the captain back, the look in his eyes equally furious and horrified. Warriors jerked like he wanted to go back to Legend, but he raised his arms in surrender, and moved back as Hyrule dropped to his side. More of the Links rushed into the clearing around Legend, but Warriors only had eyes for him, confusion and horror shining bright.
Hyrule’s hands pressed against his middle, and Legend sucked in another trembling breath.
“It— it’s gone,” he stuttered, and felt something warm slip past his lips. Oh that’s not good. “Wizzrobe— he’s not— not g-gonna—”
“Don’t talk Legend, you’ll be fine,” Hyrule said firmly, and Legend wasn’t sure if he imagined the tremble in his voice or not. “Just stay awake, okay? I’m gonna fix you up.”
Hyrule moved a careful hand around his chest, feeling at the injury, and Legend tensed, hissing through his teeth. Someone’s hand touched his head, and he flinched, choking as something moved in his middle.
The cold he’d been trying to ignore was growing closer now, nipping at his extremities, trying to suck him down. Legend firmly ignored the feeling, despite how easy it would be to sink into it, and focused on Hyrule’s face, blearily realizing there was blood on his shoulder. He wondered who had done that to him.
The pressure on his chest abruptly increased, and Legend couldn’t muffle his scream, so many sensations hitting him that his brain couldn’t even process it.
Then something began to trickle through his middle, something that warmed the cold that had been falling over him. Warmth blossomed in his chest, different from the hot blood that had been trickling across it, and Legend exhaled, relaxing slightly as Hyrule’s magic wove through him.
Once he could focus enough to realize Hyrule was still healing him, he reached down and grabbed his wrist, giving him a look.
“I’m good, don’t overextend yourself,” he said a little shakily, and he cut Hyrule off when he went to argue. “You already used a lot of magic, I saw you.”
“You lost a lot of blood,” Hyrule retorted.
“Well I’m not the only one who’s going to need healing,” Legend said more quietly, and Hyrule stopped, the glow fading from his hands.
Twilight appeared in his vision then, arrow still jutting from his arm, and he scanned Legend’s bloodstained middle in silence. Then he met Legend’s gaze, looking much older then he normally did.
“You definitely got the wizzrobe?” he asked seriously, and Legend nodded, his eyes suddenly heavy with exhaustion.
“It’s dead. The spell broke the moment I got it,” he said in a quiet voice. “They won’t... they’re safe.”
Oh gods I hope they are.
Twilight exhaled, and nodded, putting a hand on Legend’s arm.
“Okay. Try and get some rest, Veteran. We’ll handle things.”
“Take the literal arrow out of your arm first,” he muttered back, and a faint smile pulled at Twilight’s lips.
“We’re working on fixing everyone up. Rest. We can... we’ll figure all of this out later,” Twilight said quietly, glancing behind him at something. Legend followed his gaze, and saw Warriors sitting on a log, staring silently at the blood on his hands.
The others who’d been affected by the wizzrobe were nearby, and Sky looked like he was trying to talk to the captain, but Legend looked away as Hyrule began to bandage his middle.
Legend closed his eyes, and tried not to listen to any of the voices that still rang around his head, or focus on the horrified look of Warriors’ that was still seared into his mind.
He didn’t want to think about it. Any of it.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Wind felt miserable.
Not that he hadn't felt worse, of course. Because he totally had. Getting almost killed by Ganondorf? Way worse.
But still. He felt pretty bad.
His head was pounding. His nose was all stuffed up. His throat was scratchy, and his stomach churned uncomfortably. It wasn't the end of the world, really. It just... sucked.
Wind shifted uncomfortably in the bed. He could see dull light shining through the window, an indication that the others would likely be getting up. He wasn't keen on being the last one up (not that it was possibly - Sky would likely sleep another hour at least, if allowed); the last thing he wanted was for the rest of the group to think he couldn't handle a simple cold.
Sniffling, Wind slowly sat up, wincing as he swallowed against his worsening sore throat. He remembered when he got sick on his first journey. He remembered how isolating it was, all of a sudden, not having anyone to take care of him. He remembered learning that he had to rely on himself.
He knew he didn't necessarily have that same issue here. But everyone else had been babying him enough. He didn't need to give them an excuse.
But he felt miserable.
Wind jumped, startled, looking up to see Hyrule hovering over him. His friend had a strangely wary look to him, eyebrow raised.
"Yeah?" Wind winced at how bad his voice sounded.
Hyrule's eyebrows drew downward and together, concentration written on his face as he leaned forward to put a hand to the teenager's forehead. Wind immediately reeled back, swatting him away.
"I'll be fine," Wind insisted. He felt bad for rebuffing the traveler, but stubbornness and pride overruled. He was a Hero of Hyrule just like the rest of them, he didn't need special treatment for a cold.
"It's dangerous to assume so when you can sleep somewhere safe," Hyrule noted, letting his hand fall to his side. "Get some more rest."
"I'm okay!"
"It's way too freaking early for people to be yelling," Legend snapped as he stormed over. Wind shriveled back a hair, knowing how irritable the veteran hero could be this early in the morning, but then he puffed out his chest in defiance.
"Yeah, well, Traveler's babying me when I don't need it," Wind argued.
"You sound like a goose blowing through a bugle," Legend immediately fired back, crossing his arms. "We're not leaving yet anyway."
Wind was outnumbered and he knew it. It didn't help that his own mind and heart were at war, desperate for some comfort when he felt so poorly but also trying to save face.
The door opened as Wild reentered the room, having likely woken up ages ago. He paused when he saw the trio, tilting his head to the side. "What's up?"
"Our sailor is sick," Hyrule reported.
"Oh. Want some tea?"
Wind wilted into the bed. Tea sounded great, actually. But what sounded even better was his grandmother's soup, his pillow fluffed, the sound of the ocean lulling him back to sleep, and his family's warm presence. The fight was quickly draining out of him. He just wanted to stop feeling awful.
He tried one last time, though the sound of defeat was already in his tone. "I'll be okay, guys."
Legend hummed. "Wonder what the captain of the old man would think of that."
Wind stiffened. "Don't you dare!"
The veteran laughed. "Then lay back down, you congested goose."
Huffing, Wind irritably tucked his feet back under the blanket and glared at the trio as he laid down once more. Legend smirked in smug satisfaction, while Wild gave a gentler smile, leaving to presumably make tea. Hyrule watched him the longest, expression gentle, before nodding to himself and plopping on his own bed, fiddling with his bag.
Wind wasn't sure when he had fallen back asleep. All he knew was when he woke it was to someone brushing hair out of his face, it was to the smell of peppermint, the gentle murmurs of several voices, the pitter patter of rain on the roof, the soft glow of candlelight. He peeled one eye open blearily and saw Time sitting beside his bed, gaze elsewhere while his fingers mindlessly twirled a lock of Wind's hair. Someone was talking to him, it seemed. A cup of tea was on the nightstand, nice and warm as steam curled lazily from its contents.
One last, tiny, stubborn voice protested the scenario, eager to prove himself. He ignored it. He felt miserable, and he wanted comfort. Wind let Time continue to card through his hair for a little while longer. Then he'd sit up and drink the tea Wild had made.
Then he'd let his newfound family take care of him, just like he always did back home.
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atlas7seo · 3 months
So I know the cycle in Legend of Zelda is explained in Skyward Sword. But like not as much as I'd want. Like how long does it take for a new incarnation to be born after the previous one dies. Are there incarnations of the hero or Zelda who just never know because there's no danger? Or are they only born if Ganon/some evil is coming?
I'm wondering because how long would it take a new hero to be born if Link died in the original Calamity in BOTW. Like would the Calamity had ended sooner if Link died? Cause it would allow a hero to be born earlier? I don't know, I just think it's very interesting.
(Random rambles in tags ig)
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grooviestsadpapaya · 2 years
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Pls don’t let this flop it took so long hhhhh but it’s fine
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caramel-catss · 6 months
alright but what if i did a hero's shade but it's legend teaching hyrule
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ifwebefriends · 1 year
Me playing through the Age of Calamity DLC: I’m lowkey starting to ship Master Kohga and Sooga is that weird 😥
*looks up “Master Kohga” on tumblr*
*the first thing that comes up is Kohga x Sooga ship art*
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belladonnakimdracula · 9 months
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Tauro can’t wait to examine all of Tallon IV’s Chozo Ruins but Samus is annoyed considering she had to save his dumbass 15 times already & they’re barely at the Main Plaza.
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
Ok so before I go to bed cuz I wanna distract myself from the pain heres a ramble
I like to consider that Hyrule is pretty timid and shy around people he doesn’t know in LU. He just prefers to keep to himself and to have things quiet and private. However when he gets to know people more and he’s more comfortable with them, that’s when his true personality comes out. He’s sassy and witty and teases a lot, he’s like a completely different person when he’s around people he’s comfortable with. The true introvert experience
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the-knife-consumer · 6 months
Forgot just how upsetting gloomed korok forest is
#idk. just this one sanctuary that was different from the rest in that all of these spirits only link and a few others#can see are offering you help and safety. care uniquely for you. a bed for YOU. YOUR sword. kept safe for 100 years for YOU.#thrown together shops just for YOU because nobody else goes here or even knows it exists.#and then you return and the people who cared so much about you dont even speak to you anymore#they cant speak. they just stand there#idk korok forest made me feel the most like i fucked up somehow#rito village was bad but still livable. if things got any worse then they would have to abandon home until it settled#but no one was in immediate life threatening danger#gerudo was really REALLY bad and people were in danger. just all crammed inside a bunker. no going into town because your#home doesnt belong to you anymore#and then the zora were ... idk felt the least pressing even though it definitely should be bc like. they breathe water.#if the water is gross theyll die. but idk something about how it was executed felt less terrible#maybe they outwardly expressed more hope? idk. same with the gorons didnt feel like there was a pressing threat#but korok forest is fucking AWFUL. god#idk. nobody in hyrule talks about it because they dont know there are people there. nobody else can see them so nobody knows#somethings wrong. with no lead into it finding korok forest the way it is just feels soooo much worse.#idk. on my first playthru i kind thought i fucked up and shouldve gotten there sooner.#it just feels like no matter what youre too late and its your fault
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hey look botwxdescendants content from a fic i wrote that i havent updated in like a year 🙀
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aka prince(nerd) Harry and knight reader because i can
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scopophobia-polaris · 7 months
Before i go quiet again I can't wait for yall to see "Link" because it always makes me giggle that they had black pupils in the prolouge instead of their white..indicating that were already turning into a monster but just hadn't noticed transforming yet
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lukasspookas · 1 year
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drew some characters that have been my discord profile picture or minecraft avatar before lol
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