#Hyrule and Twi too
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sunfloweraro · 1 month ago
Relaxing in Kakariko
While waiting for Wild to finish speaking with Impa, the group take a moment to relax. Twi has some ideas on how to help Bunny calm down.
Tags: @thatonecrazysidekick @tiredgaytheatrekid
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Warriors settled back, his legs dangling, feet hovering just above the water, the toes of his leather boots sending gentle ripples through the still water. He leaned back on his hands, eyes slipping shut, and were it not for the fact that Twilight knew Warriors, he would have guessed the man had switched off entirely. But his ears twitched with every sound, his shoulders tense. He was overthinking things again, while still on high alert.
And he wanted Twilight to relax.
“Stop thinkin��� so ‘ard,” Twilight chastised him, flicking him over the shoulder and causing Warriors to flinch. “I can feel meself getting’ a headache jus’ watchin’ ye.”
Warriors shot him a sour look, and so Twilight kicked up water all over his pants. “Hey!”
“Ye need tuh learn tuh relax, my friend,” Twilight said. “Take a few deep breaths and let yer mind switch off fer a bit. I promise I’ll listen out fer the both of us.”
Warriors scoffed, but Twilight had a feeling it was only for show, if the way a soft smile tried to lift Warriors’ lips told him anything. “Alright. I will try, I suppose.”
“Ye bet ye will. Breathe in with me.” And when Twilight made an exaggerated breath in, Warriors followed. Together, they took several deep breaths, Twilight watching as Warriors’ shoulders lowered, the tension bleeding out from them. “Good. Now lie back and rest, will ye? Yer one o’ the worst of us when it comes tuh sleeping.”
Warriors made a show of grumbling, but he settled back against the hard wood of the boardwalk, resting his hands over his stomach and finally letting himself relax. His eyes slipped shut, that soft smile still gracing his lips. His hair encircled his head on the dark wood like a golden halo.
“Tha’s better,” Twilight said, squeezing Warriors’ arm and earning a huff of laughter. With a grin, Twilight leaned back on his hands once more, leg resting against Warriors’ side, ears sharp for any sign of danger as promised.
Soon enough, he heard the soft footfalls of folks approaching. Cracking open an eye, Twilight smiled when he saw it was only the rest of their group, bar his Cub. “Evenin’” he greeted. “The inn too good fer y’all?”
Hyrule picked his way over Warriors, settling down on Twilight’s other side cross-legged, setting Bunny in his lap. “The cook wasn’t prepared for a group of eight hungry Heroes and their rabbit. She’s shooed us all away for the moment.”
Twilight laughed at that. They rarely stayed at inns, but the horror on every cook’s face never ceased to make him laugh. They always repaid the cooks with praise and tips to apologise for the extra work, and each of them walked away happy. As he settled, he turned his attention down to their newest member. “How’s ‘e doin’?”
Hyrule slumped slightly, running a hand over Bunny’s back and receiving no response. “He’s been despondent since the fight. I don’t think he’s sleeping much, either. He just doesn’t seem to relax. I’m worried…”
Twilight understood what that was like, to be so high-strung after a terrible fight and consequential injury. He understood how traumatising the experience was, how difficult it became to continue on afterwards, when it felt as if you were trapped in your terror. Instinctively, he raised a hand to his left shoulder, felt the phantom pain there from the beginning of his journey, scarcely a few years ago now. “Mind if I try somethin’? I’ll be gentle with ‘im,” he promised when Hyrule looked hesitant to part ways with Bunny.
After a beat, Hyrule acquiesced, lifting Bunny into his arms and holding him close for a moment, before passing him over to Twilight. Bunny was warm in his hands, a comforting weight he had been missing all day, when Hyrule had been reluctant to let him go since the fight. “Hey there, li’l one. I know ye’ve been through the wringer lately. I’ve got somethin’ tuh help ye relax some.” He set Bunny down in his lap, the rabbit facing him. Once Bunny had shifted and gotten comfortable, Twilight set his hands over the rabbit’s head, slow and careful so Bunny wouldn’t panic. Even in the gentle touch, he could feel how terribly Bunny was shaking, just how badly the fight was still affecting him. His heart ached for the poor creature, and the life they had chosen for him by tearing him away from his home. But Twilight reminded himself that if they had set him free again, Bunny likely would have run off into the wilderness once more, and this time, he wouldn’t have them to find him.
“Aw, ye poor thing,” he murmured, his face softening. He cradled Bunny’s tiny head in his hands, setting his thumbs over Bunny’s forehead. There, he began slow strokes, from the space just above Bunny’s little nose, up between his eyes, and to the back of his head, then back down to start again. With his other fingers, he began to massage behind Bunny’s ears. It was a trick Rusl would always do for him when he awoke from a nightmare, in his Hylian and his wolf form. In both forms, he would relax under the gentle pressure and drift off swiftly.
It had the same effect on Bunny. The little pink rabbit’s eyes began to droop, his body stilling as his muscles relaxed. With a smile, Twilight continued, warmth blooming within his chest as Bunny settled under his guidance and comfort, and eventually drifted off.
“Wow,” Hyrule said, leaning closer. “You must have a magic touch.”
Twilight shrugged. “It’s a thing with animals; helps ‘em relax.”
Hyrule hummed. After a beat, he shifted closer, leaning into Twilight’s side. “Thank you. For helping him, I mean. I was beside myself with worry…”
“Of course,” Twilight said, removing one hand from Bunny to settle over Hyrule’s shoulders, drawing him in closer. “He’s family, now. That means we look out fer ‘im. Just as we look out fer each other. Get some rest, Traveller, you look a right mess too.”
Hyrule huffed a laugh, but Twilight wasn’t exaggerating. His concern for Bunny had been keeping him up, and it took no more encouragement for Hyrule to lean heavily against him, a deep sigh escaping him.
Twilight sat as he was until Wild came back, two sleeping bodies resting against him and a third against his leg, and a pleasant, tingling warmth pressing against his heart.
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mizaruwu · 2 months ago
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Everyone is messing around in the dungeon I love it
(Panel redraw from Linked Universe Central Room pt.4)
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iffondrels-library · 1 year ago
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I LOVE giving these heroes big honkin ears. What's that? They're for hearing the gods? Nah I gonna make em scrunkly. Just absolutely ripped to shit like feral cats. They react the same way, too. Observe.
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gurlgallade · 7 months ago
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Updates on the talksprites. Four has three new friends! Still only two arms between them all, though.
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lu-polls · 6 months ago
[Poll suggested by: Anonymous]
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skyward-floored · 11 months ago
fic idea for lu where all of the Links dead bio parents are chilling up in the sacred realm or wherever and they all get together and watch all of their sons meet and goof off and are basically just the unseen cheering section
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rewrittenwrongs · 3 months ago
New Wind headcanon: he can hear background music
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fever-project · 9 months ago
The Girls are Fighting
Used @/zarvasace LU prompt generator, have a fanfic. Warriors and Four get to hang out in a cave. And by hang out I mean they are absolute maniacs to each other because they are very tired. Characters can act however I want them to if I claim sleep deprivation. 1,500 words, might put it on ao3 later.
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▼ The traveler had warned them that monsters would constantly crawl out of the woodworks in his time, the only places safe from them being towns and the castle. But the Links thought themselves prepared for that, and set camp in a forest nearby the town of Rauru. If they did get attacked and overwhelmed, that would be their destination on their escape route.
Warriors was not able to go onto that escape route.
It happened in the dead of night. They had all scattered like rats in the chaos. Most converging onto the escape route. Two huddled up in a dark, narrow cave. It started to rain when they were running for their lives, then it started to pour.
Warriors was trapped in a cave with Four. Definitely not his first choice, but it wasn’t the worst thing to happen. Wars couldn’t recall the last time-or anytime for that matter-the two were alone with each other. Sure they interacted quite a bit, and were friendly with each other, but they never had a full on conversation between just the two of them. Maybe a few words, a couple of sentences, but Warriors would definitely enjoy the chance to talk to the resident blacksmith a bit more. Especially since Four seemed to be very encouraging of him.
Wars chugged down a healing elixir Wild had given him a while back, healing most of his wounds. The two heroes had no major injuries, but plenty of annoying, minor ones. Wars even had cobwebs in his hair. Many, many cobwebs. He really wanted to get out of this time as soon as possible.
He looked over at the smaller Link, who was completely cobweb free. Wars was far too tired to hide his scowl upon seeing that. Then the two made eye contact and Wars wished he didn’t have a face.
“Sucks to be tall, huh?” Four sneered, voice a bit hoarse.
“Shut your face-” Wars’ mind churned and sputtered, trying to come up with a good insult despite his current lack of sleep and fading adrenaline, “-you…tiny, tiny man.”
“Okay. Will do.”
Wars tightly gripped his scarf, trying not to fume at the fact that this man had simply brushed off his clever comeback. Well, he was awake enough to be aware that what he said wasn’t very clever, but it still hurt.
Warriors just fumbled with his hair and clothes, trying to make himself more presentable. It was a good way to calm and center himself. He glanced over at Four from time to time, who had happily fallen asleep while sitting. Wars envied him.
So, being the petty person he was, combined with his fatigued mind, Wars bundled up all the spiderwebs that was previously in his hair, stood up, walked over to Four, and smushed the sticky bundle right into his hair. Wars quickly walked back over to his previous spot, sitting back down and he watch Four groggily wake up. He quickly realized what had been done as he grabbed the side of his head, feeling the webbing getting stuck onto his hand. Wars giggled at his initial confusion, and further more at the angry face the little one sported.
“Looks like someone’s jealous my hair is perfect,” Four had spat and he attempted to untangle the webs from his hair.
“Perfect? Please, your haircut is atrocious.”
“‘yOuR hAiRcUt Is AtRoCiOuS!’ It’s practical, especially compared to yours. I bet you aren’t even a realblond!”
Wars gasped loudly, hand placed over his heart dramatically, “How dare you? Are you asking for a fight, is that what you want, you want these hands?”
“Hmm, better idea-“ Four whipped out a yellow, definitely magic cane, “-get flipped moron.”
“What do you-ACK!” Wars was hit with a ball of light from the cane, and was now suddenly upside down. Wars struggled to reorient himself, struggling more than he would like to admit, “You, you little-UGH!” Four struck him again, only once he had managed to sit back up. The smug face that tiny, tiny man had made Wars furious. Yeah, he probably deserved it, but he wasn’t going to yield to this coward any time soon.
“You think you’re so cool with your freaky weapon, don’t you huh? Don’t you?”
“Not as cool as you, captain.”
“Oh, har har,” Wars honestly barely registered what Four just said, but that didn’t matter. He was in a battle right now and he was going to win it. “Get ready for my counterattack!” He swiftly put on his gauntlets and pulled out his 8-bit raft, that was suspiciously no longer 8-bit in this time, because it was actually just Hyrule’s raft that he permanently borrowed.
“Is-is that the traveler’s raft?” Four asked, befuddled, “Did you steal his raft?”
“How about you steal yourself for this!” Wars swung the raft at Four, who scurried away just in time. It made a loud bang against the cave wall, leaving a dent in it.
“Why does his raft have so much force?!”
“It’s not actually a raft, good sir!” Wars cackled as he swung again, the raft having a wonderful meeting with Four’s shield.
“Ack! Is-this can’t be metal!”
“Can’t be or can’t comprehend?”
“That makes no sense!”
“You don’t make sense!”
“No you!”
“No you!”
The two glared at each other for a while, unmoving. Then Four started to snicker, then dissolved into laughter.
“Why-hah-why are you-“ Wars burst into laughter as well. He had no idea why or at what was so funny, but he was laughing. He pulled back on the rope tied to the raft, releasing Four as Wars sat down next to him.
They sat and laid there, laughing for no apparent reason. Wars slowly moved to lay down with his friend, trying to stop giggling to himself. And the laughter eventually died down, only a free scattered giggles shared between them, before a period of blissful silence. Warriors listened to the roar of the rain outside of the cave, how it hit the leaves on the trees, how it flooded the grass below. He could hear the faint skittering of a rather large bug behind them. Hopefully they wouldn’t have to deal with that any time soon.
Four started to giggle again, Wars trying his best not to join in.
“What’s so funny, smithy?” Wars asked.
“Heh, steal yourself, good one,” Four answered with a wide smile, giggling. Wars gave into his urge to laugh, running his hand through his hair, then covering his face.
“D-dude, I said that ages ago!”
“I don’t think you know how time works.”
“No you!”
“nO yOu!”
“Oh don’t you get all sarcastic with me!”
“I was sarcastic earlier!”
“I didn’t notice it earlier!”
“I didn’t notice your pun earlier, so take that!”
“I didn’t notice your face!” Wars attempted to smack Four’s face, but ended up hitting the cold, painful cave ground. He swore and clutched his hand, turning away from Four and onto his side. He didn’t know Four could cackle so loudly.
“You-you definitely didn’t notice that!”
“Oh, shut up!” Wars turned over to face Four and tackled him. They scuffled for a while, before collapsing in a huff. Wars tried to keep himself awake, one of them had to be on lookout after all, but his eyelids were growing heavier and heavier. He could feel the rhythmic breathing of Four, who was sprawled on top of him, already sleeping peacefully. Despite how hard Warriors fought, the spindly arms of sleep had him in its clutches, and he could not escape. Sleep came like a graceful monster.
The sounds of shouting launched Warriors upright and awake. It also launched Four right off of him.
“Wha happin?” Wars slurred out, looking around with unfocused eyes. It took him a second to notice Four glaring at him from his lap.
“Oh, hey smithy.”
“Hey captain,” Four said with a sigh, “Hey traveler, hey rancher.” Wars turned to where he was looking, and there they were, Hyrule and Twilight, Hyrule holding up his raft and Twilight holding up Wars’ gauntlets.
“I stole your raft by the way.”
“But why?” Hyrule asked.
“Bludg-“ Wars yawned, “-bludgeoning device.” Wars laid back down, closing his eyes, still tired and now at peace since there was no immediate danger. Then, a few moments later, he suddenly was flipped over.
“Get up cap, you can sleep in an actual bed later.” Four twirled around his magic cane, before flipping Wars over yet again.
“…give me the raft traveler.”
“Don’t give him the raft,” Twi told him.
“No no, give him the raft, it’ll wake him up,” Four sneered.
“Prepare yourself fool!” Unfortunately, Warriors was the fool here, because the raft was far too heavy for him without his gauntlets. He could not move. He could only accept the fact of the situation as Four laughed right in face. Wars arms were free enough to use another weapon, however.
Twilight couldn’t help but question when Wars had stolen his spinner.
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somer-writes · 1 year ago
Please lore dump about your fic. Please 🥺
YES FUCK!!!! ok so i really want to talk about ordon-hyrule!!
so we know there are 4 light spirits, 3 of which are named after the goddesses (lanayru, eldin, faron) and a fourth which is ordona. SO i think this could mean that ordon was (a) not commonly subscribed to the hylian faith and (b) independent from hyrule. hylians specifically have pointed ears to hear the goddess but ordon is exclusively populated by humans (which we do see both in hyrule proper).
therefore h/c is that ordon was brought into hyrule within the current dynasty of the royal family (likely preceding king harkinian since rusl lives in ordon but we know that he's from hyrule originally.
the current dynasty has overseen civil wars (since at least time's birth per the manga) and imperialism (hyrule absorbing ordon, death mt, and the zora domain)
Fun Facts!!
-> ordon is both the province/territory and the name of Ordon Village. for political logistics the crown declared ordon village (the closest to the border) the capital.
-> ordon has no centralized government and is instead a series of scattered farming villages with local mayors who convene cyclically from village to village. ordonian fashion is commonplace but the style of knot used to tie the sash is a good tip off on which village an ordonian comes from
-> ordonians are largely spiritual. no central power, no central religion. most of them don't worship hylia as a goddess but instead treat her as a regional deity of hyrule. they instead offer prayers/offerings to river/forest/etc spirits
-> ordon and hyrule share a common tongue (with some dialect/accent inconsistencies) but ordon's written language came long after hyrule's. ordon has a largely oral tradition (folk tales are extremely important to passing down their history). ordon's common alphabet has a few quirks. ch/sh are written using the same symbol, rather than a 'w' they use 'vv', 'll' is common in place of a y or ie.
-> ordon is not difficult to get to but the easiest way is the long way. ordonians don't typically venture into hyrule but their crops/wool are so valuable that merchants come to the province for them. ordonians usually trade for stock rather than purchase. it's likely sera spent some time in hyrule or set up the shop as a savvy way to attract merchants
-> hylians look down on ordonians as being "simple folk" mostly for their accents and how simple ordonian dress seems (although sash tying is something most hylians can't do properly)
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linked-end · 1 month ago
heads up le twi is CHANGING
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ra-archives · 1 year ago
I was at a debate competition yesterday, so here's some art of the chain based on that. This is a debate au now ig?
Lu-tober day 15+16
No prompt
Debate AU lmao
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Anyway highlights from the trip + bonus info
Had to get up at like 3:45 am, had to be their at 4:45 and then hours of drive time it was some bullshit no one was happy also it was cold as fuck
Wild and Hyrule being in Congress bc they're speech kids and need a debate even is so me tho. I crashed and burned cause I had not a single thing prepared lmao
Turned Legend and Four into a PF duo cause they gave me the same vibe as a pair of people on my team, also I think it'd be funny
I won first place with my Oratory! Wasn't actually expecting that, but I got straight 1's through all my rounds, was very confused at first but hey I slay :D
Last comic bit of Wild winning is basically a recreation of that moment expect there was more exited running and fistbumps as I returned to the audience
Probably never gonna touch this idea again but I find it amusing for now. Maybe one or two bored doodles during rounds.
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sunfloweraro · 1 month ago
Prompt: Platonic Relationships (AKA Aromantic Awareness Week!)
Valentine’s Day is rough for Hyrule. Twilight checks in and learns something about himself, to both their delight.
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“Yer… what?”
“I’m aromantic,” Hyrule said. When Twilight still didn’t seem to understand, the nerves bustling in his chest grew tenfold. Hyrule began to ramble. “It just means—for me at least—I don’t experience any romantic attraction. You guys are always talking about your loves back home, and since today is Valentines Day, I wanted to tell you—oh, I’m sorry. It’s weird, I shouldn’t have said anything—“
“No, no!” Twilight was quick to backtrack, as if he hadn’t intended to make Hyrule uncomfortable. “Sorry, I was jus’… thinkin’ on what ye said.”
“Right…” Hyrule didn’t know what more to say. He had blurted the words when Twilight had checked in on him, after he had walked out on their Valentine’s Day conversation about romance, feeling left out.
“So… ye don’t like anyone romantically?” Twilight asked. “Ye never ‘ave?”
“Not once.”
“And that… that’s a thing ye can do?”
Hyrule paused. Desperate hope lay within Twilight’s eyes, so far from what he had expected. “Rancher?”
“Do ye think maybe… I could be like ye?”
A smile broke out on Hyrule’s face, and he couldn’t help but laugh. “Sorry, sorry. I just—really? You feel the same?”
“I never realised it was an option,” Twilight admitted, his face pink.
“It is! But I thought… You always spoke of Ilia.”
Twilight laughed awkwardly. Looked away, scratching his cheek. “Yeah… I needed someone tuh ‘gush’ about. It’s not hard—she’s me best friend, jus’.. not in the way the others wan’ her tuh be.”
“That’s okay!” Hyrule hated that Twilight felt he had to pretend to be someone he wasn’t. He felt immensely grateful Twilight had followed him tonight. “So, you’re like me, then?”
“I think I am,” Twilight agreed, slow and soft. Uncertain. Then, his face brightened. “I am!”
“That’s great!”
“Can ye… can ye tell me more? About being aromantic?”
“Of course I can. And Rancher? I’m happy for you.”
Twilight’s face softened. “Me too.”
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summertimemusician · 1 year ago
*downs coffee like a shot* Before we go back to our regularly scheduled Linktober/Linktober Shadow (because I don't leave things unfinished if I can help it), I gotta get the idea of Revenant First out of my system and y'all get to suffer with me until it eventually ceases being an idea and it turns into an actual story. For some reason we talk a lot about First already being alive or already a ghost by the time the Chain meets him, but I don't think I've ever heard someone talk about him actually coming back to life and so y'all get to suffer with my insane ramblings like I'm an 1800's psychic ward patient who believes themselves to be a witch.
Can be x Reader or not idk just an idea that won't leave my mind.
Might expand on this later so Part out of I/?
Revenant First, who died for his people and in the name of his Goddess. All alone on the surface, fighting, fighting, fighting, always fighting. Just to make the land a little safer before the next hero arrives, just to contain the Imprisoned for a little while longer with likely nothing than a ordinary, common sword to his name and a slowly rusting armor.
Always giving so so so much for his people, always doing his best to protect them, though they scorned him, loathed him, didn't believe or support him, rejected him.
With a spirit so strong and lovely that a Goddess fell for him, hated herself for having to manipulate and put him through such horrid experiences just to save the many, just to turn the diamond of his soul into an unbreakable lonsdaleite blade agaisnt a mad deity.
Someone whose will would be enough to keep him going, just one more fight right? Just one more kill right? Forward, forward, ever onward, it doesn't matter if the flesh decays, if the blood drips drips drips until he is dry of it, if the liver doesn't process nutrients, if the lungs don't draw air, if the nerves feel nothing but the cold cold numbness of the winter of his final years, if the heart doesn't beat. If the armor rusts or the sword breaks. He must keep going, he must keep fighting.
To keep them safe he must have faith, faith that he can keep going, to grasp onto that one.single.thread of purpose until the day that fiery, indomitable, determined will finally burns out. Even if his Goddess may have forsaken him knowingly or unknowingly, even if his people have rejected him to the point he isn't even human anymore, even though they reviled him, even if that rejection should by all intents and purposes chained his spirit to the land or ground the jewel of his unbreakable soul into dust, he still loves them, still adores them, still wants to protect them.
No matter how long he must keep going for it. He wishes to see those he holds dear happy, though they cursed and imprisoned him once.
The Chain getting dropped into a completely empty, desolated and undeniably dead version of Sky's Hyrule, only to find the only living thing besides monster is a single man, with rusted gold armor and an old sword, a faded tunic of green with a long, crimson scarf like a bloody banner. With hair and eyes like theirs, undeniably a Link. But so very frigid, so very silent they almost didn't notice him, that they can't help but wonder just how many years he has spent there, eroding away, ruined but still kind, kind, so very gentle. A shadow of his former self, yes, but still himself, still so so so good, doing all he can until Sky's Era comes and maybe, just maybe, he can finally rest.
Or maybe not, after all, someone has to keep the land safe until the Hero after Sky comes around, no?
Just Revenant First in general.
Or maybe we give him the House in Fata Morgana treatment, the House in Fata Hylia Au if you will- *collapses from sleep deprivation*
#linked universe headcanons#lu first#lu fic idea#Revenant First#lu first x reader#maybe? it's mostly just an idea lol#might expand on this later lol#Also knows as what happens when Summer is sleep deprived while doing essays takes a break by listening to The House in Fata Morgana OST#and suddenly gets First in the brain lol#still have way too much First Hero on the brain that man deserves the world but at the same time I want to put him into Situations lol#Feral Revenant First being protective of the Chain my beloved#Sky being so confused because Fi at the same time recognizes the man and has just started lowkey crying and screaming in chimes#Twi Wind Hyrule and Time not knowing wether to be morbidly intrigued or horrified because he registers as both dead and alive to them#Meanwhile First is just chilling#doing his own thing and probably bonding with Wild over 'Being Dead but Got Better'#Probably doesn't even register he shouldn't be moving anymore after taking a stab to the heart or something lol#if we want to make an X Reader kind of thing then it's literally his love for Reader which also allows him to keep going#alongside sheer force of will and determination#Michel and Giselle vibes ya know? lol#Wait would that make Hylia Morgana? Or could it be Demise or something? Eh#I dunno might expand on that later/write out that Au later on as a self indulgent thing#Anyway for now ya'll get this until I am finally not swamped with literature/language essays and fistfighting sleep deprivation#Summer Writes#Summer Writes Linked Universe Headcanons#Summer's Sleep Deprived Headcanons
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layraket · 2 months ago
i was about to write "hugging hyrule" but then i remembered that if we were in the same room we wouldn't dare to try hugging each other at all because we're the most touch-starved mfs ever but will first fist-fight a bear before ever daring to get closer
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hyliagirl42-art · 2 years ago
Oh, if you're looking for questions about your dreamverse au, then how about some headcanons for Twilight? He's always been my favorite Link and I'd love to see what you're doing with him in your AU! (you're dreamverse twi has an awesome design btw!)
Thank you!! :D twilight princess has been my favorite game since i was really little so i have plenty on this guy
Ok so the main thing i want people to know about twilight right off the bat is that he uses his pelt cape thing to transform into a wolf, not the crystal used in game! I figure that would be hard to use on his own without midnas help. But with his cloak (which he got from midna), he can pull the hood up and become a wolf, then i guess use his paws to nudge it off if he wants to be human again
Other things to know about him...hes bisexual, he did have feelings for midna at one point but they never dated. Midna has too strong of lesbian vibes, shes dating queen zelda. Twi is dating shad, ive been obsessed with that ship lately
That being said this au wont be focusing much on romantic relationships, i dont know whether I'll be showing much of the other characters from individual games (i want to!! But i have to decide first if going to other hyrules in the first place would fit in the plot)
Of the links in the chain, twilight is not one of the links who quickly figures out that everyone is dreaming :) hes oblivious
(Wink wink thats the main premise right there. Its a dream!!)
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lu-polls · 5 months ago
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