#Hypnosis Live Hypnosis Live Review
youryanderedaddy · 7 months
tw: abuse of power, manipulation, mention of hypnosis, (technically) cheating
I'm thinking of a scummy therapist.
You go to him, because your life is a total mess. You had a massive fight with your boyfriend. Your boss cut your salary, and you had to change ofices. Your mother got sick and bedridden, forcing all the financial burden of the household on you. Even your best friend, the one you knew since highschool, started pulling away from you, responding less and less to your long paragraphs of endless ranting.
So you decide to put aside your pride for once, and seek help. Perhaps you should have done some more research - should have asked around or looked up reviews online, but one way or another you end up in Carl's office. The first thing you notice is his eyes. They're warm and kind, drawing you in. You feel like they're calling out to you, making you melt into a puddle of spilled secrets and hushed confessions. Then his hair - silver and slicked to the side, you almost want to reach in and touch it. He must be in his late 40s, but it's obvious that the man takes care of himself.
He welcomes you with a simple smile and a warm cup of tea every single time. He actually listens to you - unlike your partner or your friends who simply wait for you to finish so they can have their own turn to speak. He humms in agreement or shakes his head, letting out soft little mumbles along to your stories. He understands you. He assures you that it's not your fault. None of this is your fault - you're just a victim of circumstance. A victim of your terrible, selfish friends who don't even care about you, so maybe it's time to cut them off, no? And your boyfriend, does he really love you? After all, he's never really there for you when you need him the most. He's not the one wiping off the tears from your wet, puffy cheeks. He's not the one who embraces you warmly once you break down, letting go completely. He's not the one you call when you're drunk and alone - and he's not the one who picks you up at an ungodly hour.
You feel better, you really think you do. But your therapist seems to disagree, and you trust him. You know he only wants the best for you - he's your friend, so when he proposes a new type of treatment, hypnosis, you leave yourself in his capable hands. You let him guide you into a soft slumber, eyelids becoming heavier and heavier until you fall under a complete trance. You get shivers all over your skin, followed by soft touches - someone is stroking your cheeks, your wrists, the very tips of your fingers. Your skin feels hot and fiverish, you're not sure if you're sweating or if you're drowning in a sea of overwhelming - yet never strong enough, new emotions.
But then you wake up - and you're met with a familiar face you've grown to love. Somehow recently you can't stop thinking about Carl. You see him everywhere - on the street, on the way to your office, sometimes in your dreams, or between the hushed whispers in the dark of your shared bedroom. He makes you feel safer. When he's around, you can finally breathe freely. You can finally let go. And when he caresses your cheek gently and takes your hand in his, saying just how proud he is of his favourite patient - even though you still have a long, long way to go, you trust him. You can't imagine living without him now - but that's alright, because he assures you that he'd always be by your side, even if you never heal properly. Even if you stay broken - just for him.
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twstfanblog · 5 months
*~*BROTHEL AU FunFacts*~* pt.1
Both Jamil and Leona are on the run. Their respective families are searching for them.
Cheka knows where his uncle is and has been to the brothel.
Kalim actually does trade with Sam who handles the commission orders of the brothel. So...Those meetings are gonna happen.
Vil has broken a customer's finger before.
Jamil has not slept with a single one of his clients. He spends whatever scheduled time spreading incense in his room or reading until he breaks them out of the hypnosis.
Azul keeps booking sessions with Jamil trying to figure out why he feels off during their sessions. Also he is deeply attracted to Jamil.
Yuu routinely scams customers who think she's an Entertainer. Crewel tells her to STOP, but doesn't actually do anything to make her not do it.
Yuu has half convinced Ace and Deuce to get in on her scam since some of the kitchen staff think they're attractive enough to be Entertainers.
Ace and Deuce work in the kitchen as food runners. They have a rivalry/mild flirtationship brewing. They have broken so many plates of food.
Trey is head of the kitchen in all but name. Any new kitchen staff is brought to him for review.
Jade and Floyd visit the brothel and instantly separate to bother their respective crushes.
The Tweels normally leave the brothel once Trey has finally kicked Jade out of the kitchen.
Each Entertainer has a hidden knife on them. Used to stab or threaten unruly clients
There are other Entertainers in the brothel (NPCs) who stayed with their children. The children are kept in a private wing during operation hours.
The brothel children love to follow Malleus around when he wanders looking for Yuu. He gives candy to the ones brave enough to actually walk up to him.
Ruggie's never been inside the brothel, he literally just hangs out on the back fence to a garden and that's how he and Leona met. Leona thought he was trying to sneak in.
If Crewel is too sick to work he lets everyone in the brothel take a day off.
Yes, sessions are canceled, no you don't get a refund.
Deuce started working at the brothel to get free education. His goal was to learn to read and write to gain better job opportunities to better support his mom and grandma. He sends part of his paycheck home to them.
Trey is in a similar situation. Only his employment gets his family access to high-quality ingredients and education for his younger siblings.
Literally, no one knows who Yuu's dad is except Crewel. The Entertainers all gossip in the bath about who Yuu's dad could be.
Vil has been trying for years to find out what Rook does for a living. Sadly he only gets like 20 minutes of brain power before Rook starts his 24-hour fuck fest.
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misscammiedawn · 4 months
Plurality Weekend
Hey all. This post is for anyone discovering my blog for the first time this weekend. My name is Cammie Dawn and I write a lot about DID and Hypnokink. Both of these things will be quite relevant this weekend.
I'm attending The Plurality Positivity World Conference (info in link) this weekend after our therapist sent us to last year's event and it went well. Unrelated to the event, I'm also a panelist for a talk on hypnokink and plurality tomorrow (Saturday 5/18 at 1pm-3pm CST - info in link)
Networking at the PPWC for my Media, Myself and I essays (one kind person has already reached out to us about them which makes me glow with pride and grateful to know my stuff is getting out there) and providing my links to the panel tomorrow, I imagine I may get a few first time visitors to my blog. I thought I'd do a quick "resources and links" post.
For Media Essays:
Recontextualized Memory and Unprocessed Trauma in Umineko - A visual novel about generational trauma goes over how a young woman goes over and over the events of a tragedy in her childhood and how adult knowledge will recontextualize our adult recollections.
Derealization in Night in the Woods and Metal gear Solid 2 - Describing the sensation of derealization where the brain stops connecting associations between the self and the things one perceives in their surroundings. One example displaying how this impacts a person living with DPDR and the other showing an example of a game attempting to make a player share the experience with the player character.
DID and the healing process in Mr. Robot - A run down of the experiences of discovery, exploration, rejection and healing within DID as displayed in each season of Mr. Robot, along with a disappointed rundown of why the final episode fumbled the ball.
Bruce Banner and the roles of his alters - A breakdown of the formation of The Incredible Hulk’s DID and what roles his many alters play.
Romantic relationships with systems - A look at the marriage between Bruce Banner and Betty Talbot-Ross Banner in Hulk comics and a frank discussion between Betty and one of Bruce’s alters about how relationships function in a system.
Personality Play in Penlight - A review of one of the routes for a hypnokink visual novel called Penlight in which the protagonist hypnotizes a woman to have an alter personality, along with some descriptions of how dangerous play like that works in real life and what the consequences could be.
For Hypnokink Resources (more in our Hypnokink Writings tag):
Hypnosis and Dissociative Disorders - A Rebuttal to a recent claim at a hypnosis convention that we shouldn't practice with those who dissociate as part of a mental illness.
Ethical Personality Play - A discussion about the real psychological damage that can and will happen if you play with personality play in hypnokink without setting safeties and grounding as part of your play.
Unreality and Hypnosis - A small note about how derealization symptoms mingle with hypnokink and why grounding and ensuring "reality remains in the scene" is important.
Anyway. Thank you all. For those who follow me normally, I appreciate you indulging the link spam.
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femmephantasm · 10 months
Welcome to Morgana's Wizard Review, where I analyze fictional characters of the wizardly, sorcerous, witchy and magic nature and see how hard they fuck. Today our canidate will be that frost moanrch of the Ooo, Simon Petrivok AKA the Ice King,evil thwarter of finna nd jake, pricness stealer and a lainpilled babygirl.
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The Ice King is often shown as scatter-brained and his plans are often not well-thought out, he captures princesses that do not even like him to sate his loneliness. Despite this he does have rare insightful moments and later in the series begins to understand his role in things.
The Ice King is somewhat of a "man-child" at a glance, despite his mild helplessness in some situations, he has been shown to be talented on the drums with implications he knows how to play multiple instruments. Despite his sick ass golden hat causing him to lose many memories, he has still acquired some magical artifacts such as the demonic wishing eye and ghost pouch. In addition to this he is a scholar of fridjitzu, branching out from his seemingly innate magical prowess.
We see the ice king at the height of his power very early on in the series, his arc is not about an ascension in power but one of vulnerability. The crown is shown to keep his body from deteriorating in old age and could even be considered strong physically as well as magically in certain scenarios. He only seems to get weaker in the form of being metaphorically de-fanged, the only true strike to his power being digestion from a literal god.
Ice King is what we call a Specialist, a tried and true cryomancer, and he is very potent in this art, having the ability to extend his senses throughout his realm and even influencing the animals that dwell in ice and snow. It seems this icy expertise extends to other frozen arts that he has picked up as well such as the aforementioned fridjitzu. Though he has a focus on ice magic, he is no one-trick pony, and seems to have a knack for charms and illusions as well as the ability to detect spirits using his "Wizard Eyes". It is also shown that he has immunity to extreme heat conditions and hypnosis. So in spite of his hard lean toward ice and snow, his tertiary spells and abilities are quite powerful rather than being a typical mage's sidearm or obscure tool.
Ice King is a classic wizardly recluse, he has such trouble in romance he needs to kidnap girls to even talk to them, and his closest friends he met because they were beating him up for said kidnapping. He is often surrounded only by minions that do not speak the same language as him and he lives in a tall, far-away mountain, a natural wizard's tower. Despite this start he does begin to warm up to people, only to return to his reclusive ways once he is completely free of the crown's magic. In spite of his isolation and reputation, he is not sagely or hermetic, he is not this way by choice but simply an evil fucking loser, and we respect him for that. It seems not only his magic is innate.
This is one quality Ice King lacks, he is not airbrushed-on-the-side-of-a-van material. His coolest and most confident is in the opening of the show. Despite how cool and powerful his crown is it sometimes looks like a paper crown a child might make from construction paper, and his baggy tunic and garish and plain. His plots often require him to stoop to schoolyard trickery and forced marriage not for political reasons, but out of simple loneliness, the ice king lacks grandeur, he wears bandaids on his penis wenis. He is only cool because hes an epic wizard that plays the drums.
And the total score for the Ice King this wizard review is...
The Ice King is an alright wizard, his magic is strong and he is a potent and authoritative figure, but he is the pure definition of "it gets lonely at the top", this man's conquests are unsuccessful if they do not involve prostrating himself, reconciling, atoning. Being a powerful mage is somehow at odds with him being a fulfilled individual. He is at the limits of his power when we first see him, his only room to grow is to embrace being a lame ass old man, the antithesis of the lich (as in the occupation, I do not know what comparison I can make to the titular necromantic archmage of Ooo who usurps Simon as the baddest mana-slinging motherfucker in all the realm) who seeks to become sick as fuck and avoid being old at all costs. I honor this pursuit and am glad to see him happy eating oatmeal in his shitty house, but alas in wizarddom he allows himself to be easily outclassed to gain this inner peace.
Did you enjoy this episode of MORGANA'S WIZARD REVIEW?? Give it a nice comment or like, and maybe send me an ask for a request to review one of your favorite wizards (or witches or mages or sorcerers or warlocks or spellblades or whathaveyou) other characters I plan on covering in future episodes include;
Patchouli Knowledge from the Touhou Project series
Jafar from Kingdom Hearts and the Disney TV Programme "Aladin"
Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White
Gerald of Rivia from the Witcher VideoGame-Book-Netflixs
Flemmeth that milf from the dragon ages
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sophieinwonderland · 5 months
Sophie, could you just list some links to sources that prove tulpa’s are valid (endogenic sources appreciated as well)/neu
To start, there's this post here that I recently shared that features the opinions psychologists and anthropologists studying tulpamancy right now. These include Samuel Veissiere, Michael Lifshitz and Tanya Luhrmann.
Varieties of tulpa experiences by Veissiere gives a larger overview of the practice and gives a possible explanation in that tulpas might be created through a form of self-hypnosis. This one also, unlike the previous interview, has the benefit of being a peer-reviewed academic paper, published by the very reputable Oxford University Press.
This report about tulpamancy also features Dr. Richard Loewenstein, an expert in dissociative disorders, stating that tulpamancy wouldn't be a mental disorder due to it not causing distress or impairment:
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Going in a different direction, Tanya Luhrmann's Absorption Hypothesis describes Vineyard Evangelicals using similar techniques to create an autonomous God in their mind.
This proves that this practice and the underlying psychology aren't something exclusive to tulpamancers.
For more general plurality, I'll refer again to the World Health Organization's ICD-11's boundaries with normality:
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And to the quotes from Transgender Mental Health by Dr. Eric Yarbrough and published by the American Psychiatric Association:
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For more, you can see the Guardian System's fantastic document here:
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taybatwo2 · 3 months
Monster High IDW Comics Review: Part 4 of ?: Monster High Pride 2024 Issue (“I Put a Spell on You”) Valentine’s Hiss-tory
I’ve already covered the IDW’s Free Comic Book Day issue, and the first comic in the Pride Issue (“Summer Fangout”) in previous installments.
The moment I’ve been waiting for!! The Spelltine comic!!! *fanfare fanfare*
Well….almost….I wanted to actually cover Valentine’s (and Spelldon’s very limited) background first.
Check out the Hiss-tory of Valentine under the cut (cause it’s long).
Valentine was the main antagonist in: G1 Monster High’s CGI 2012 “Why do Ghoul’s Fall in Love” movie/“tv special.”
These campy movies are so entertaining.
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Valentine is a 1602 year old vampire (his SDCC Diary confirmed him to be an emotional vampire instead of the blood drinking kind, but he still got those pointy toofers).
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He preyed on ghoul’s love for him (putting their broken hearts on display in his basement room at his mom’s house). That’s at least 14 ghouls right there. All things considered, that’s like only 1 ghoul every 114 years. I think he would be starving if that’s all he’s been snacking on.
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Back in Transylvania’s sepia toned (Victorian….? Edwardian….?) time period, Valentine started attending the local spooky school for monsters. He goes to the trouble of putting on a fake southern accent to charm the European ghouls (I’m guessing, he doesn’t say why in the movie). But out of all the ghouls fawning over him, he zeros in on Draculaura.
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He meets her during a class mock-witch trial (witches will keep popping up in this guy’s story). After his flowery speech he spends just ONE week showering Draculaura with gifts, poems, creating a holiday for Draculaura’s birthday (naming it after himself of course).
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Alas, Draculaura was the only ghoul to get away from him. A misunderstanding with a local Normie mob had her flee from Transylvania and inadvertently saved her trophy-sized heart.
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Oh, but he still craves her heart as a trophy because it is “the biggest heart.” The Edwardian period was 1901-1910 (so that would be 111-121 years ago from 2012) or it was a Victorian period: 1837-1901 (137-111). That’s a long time to be hung up on a ghoul, even for a vampire.
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He comes back into her life after Toralei gets his information (somehow…maybe he was easy to find on a dating app/social media) and imitates Draculaura’s voice to get him to transfer to Monster High. He looks to be living with his mother (specifically his mother’s basement) at the time.
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He shows up, and Toralei briefs him on her plan to ruin Draculaura’s Sweet 1600 and break up Clawd and Draculaura.
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He has some second thoughts when he sees Clawd (“he sure is big”), but heart-trophy wins out over being mauled by Clawd.
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He takes a day to try and “fill her heart all the way with love” before snatching it.
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But he can’t seem to woo Draculaura and even worse (in his eyes) she picks Clawd over him. He takes this really well by hypnotizing her (I love the unique vampire powers).
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His spell/hypnosis gives him three days to win her heart before she becomes heartless and he loses out on the ultimate big game challenge for himself.
Soooo, he states he mostly wants it for his trophy case, but he has to sustain himself off of it too…does he just like rip it out? Magically drain her essence? Does he do halfsies with the trophy case and getting himself a snack? It’s not (Mr) super clear. 
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But he still can’t seem to win her heart all the way, and after he relents on both of them going to her birthday bash in the catacombs his plan fails. His spell over her breaks because of her love for her friends and real love for Clawd.
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And Valentine and his co-conspirator Toralei (I miss her deviousness so much) fall into the random Pit of Everlasting Body Order (well…semi-everlasting body stank as we will come to find out).
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ANNND he loses his powers (all his trophied hearts are also set free).
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This was the last look of this sad, stinky vampire boi, until the 2014 graphic novel:
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“I Only Have Eye for You” (a comic that was partially used to drum up attention for the SDCC Manny and Iris 2-pack). 
He is the accidental antagonist of whole comic (a series of 6 short comics all leading up to the Fraidy Hawkins dance). And thankfully he does not have the little cloud familiars anymore.
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He steals Iris’ candy gummy worms at the movies to try and make Manny look more “valiant and get her more.” It backfires after Manny gets sticky shoes/embarrassed at the theater. But Iris still asks him out after they talk it out.
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2. He gave Gil (to give Lagoona) the biggest shell he can find (from a “scary sea witch” -what’s with this guy and witches). It backfired and made Lagoona continually sing in rhyme and gave her a beautiful dress (I think it’s a reference to what Ariel’s voice did for Ursula/Venessa in Disney’s the Little Mermaid). 
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3. He turned up the “cute-ness” factor on Ghoulia’s computer/lab equipment to make Heath cuter (….it was a very weird comic), but it turned Heath into a giant fluffy love monster and fried Ghoulia equipment. Apparently Abbey was still into it and asked Heath out (I loved his extra chest-hair fluff in the last panel). 
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4. He tried smoothing stuff out with Cleo’s daddy about Deuce and Cleo’s relationship (this guy IS NOT as smooth as he thinks he is). And Cleo’s dad cuts off her funds.
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5. He gave Invisi Billy and Scarah “extra electrified” furry love friends, but it caused them to switch bodies (…G1 had some very odd plot lines…). But it’s okay, they switched back. 
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6. He tried paying/getting Clawd the flowers, dinner for two reservations, his tux, limo rental to bring them to the dance, the dance tickets, Draculaura’s gift, and canceled Clawd’s reservations. But! He forgot to send Clawd the message. Whoops. Guy must be loaded to try and pay for all that. 
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Draculaura and all her ghoul friends seem pretty aggressive towards him and want him to leave (understandably so) when he shows up.
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(Sorry for the cropped quality - I had to cheat to fit this one in here because I ran out of space for pictures). (With Clawdeen and Lagoona being the most protective of Draculaura, Cleo threatening to unleash her wrath on him, and Frankie being the mediator between them all). They all calm down after they see he was trying to help and all of their stories ended up being alright.  Draculaura, Lagoona, and Frankie tell him what makes true friends. While Deuce and Heath tell him he needs to check in before helping someone. 
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Valentine says he’s learned his lesson. Clawd was also pretty pissed off at Valentine, but the comic ends with Clawd dancing with Draculaura (which must have cooled him down). 
(An interesting tid-bit Valentine mentions: his “mom was right-I should stick to my strengths, like ruining love.” Well…What a gut punch.)
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His next appearance was the following year: 2015’s SDCC exclusive dolls (with Whisp). They came with diaries that explain A LOT (I miss diaries so much!! I’ll keep bringing it up every review, I don’t care!). And the events happen before the graphic novel’s (apparently?).
His diary is chock full of goodies (all of the diaries are - read them on the MH wiki if you can or here on tumblr: monsterhighdiaries posted all the diary entries in chronological order). 
We find out his first name is Kieran (“little dark one”)
Diary Speed Run/Highlights: 
May 1st:
His mom wouldn’t let him into the house and made him sleep above the garage due to his stink. He thinks it’s just as well because he got to do some serious self reflection. 
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His charm powers/powers in general were super weakened by no longer having stolen love power them (the guy had weird cloud familiars, hypnosis, could manifest things from thin air -chocolates, hearts, boomboxes- he could shoot bats out of his hands, he could light candles with magic too).
(So far, he was out of commission for about 3 months since the movie). 
An old lady with no sense of smell: “Mrs. Gremlin,” runs an unwanted creature shelter and needs some help taking care of all the exotic creatures, and says he would be a good candidate.
He starts feeling more energized and she tells him that emotional vampires are “idiots” because stolen love is just empty calories compared to the much more sustaining, freely given love. (So maybe they kinda just soak it up from their environment and don’t use their fangs at all. They’re just for looking cool).
May 3rd:
He is thinking back to how he stole love and it had never made him feel right, just angry and frustrated (he hid it VERY well in the movie - that little fucker looked like he was having a great time terrorizing others in that movie). 
He wants to try being his true self.
July 1st:
He says he’s been working at the shop for a year so MY TIMELINE IS WRONG. 
So now, he started/got out of his room five months after Feb 14 (WDGFiL), then he made his first diary entry (May 1st) 10 months later as a look back after starting the job. 
He no longer stinks (~17 months after falling into the body order pit, I guess Toralei got over the stank faster due to shedding and excessive cat-self cleaning). 
His mom doesn’t know a Mrs. Goblin and the building he was working in looks to be abandoned for years. She left a note telling him to continue bettering himself or she’s going to make him clean more flying monkey cages. She’s like his fairy gob-mother. 
July 2nd:
Apparently the WHOLE graphic novel (“I have my Eye on You) takes place in one day (but it clearly doesn’t…..?). 
Maybe another year passed by…or he had been working on helping them and this was the day of the Fraidy Hawkins (but Sadie Hawkins dances usually happen in November….and classes should have been out for July). 
So either school years are longer in MH, and the dance still happened in November (4 months after his July 1st entry, 21 months after the movie) and he is writing about it 8 months after to make it July 2nd….? 
Maybe it goes WDGFiL on/around Feb 14th, his first day of working for Mrs. Goblin was in the July of the same year. His first diary entry was in May of year 2, his 1 year anniversary of working at Mrs. Goblins was in July, and the Fraidy Hawkins Dance from Only Eye for You happened in November of the same year, then onto the third year he makes his next entry for July 3rd, in August he has his last diary entry, and that September is the Pride comic…?
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Ignoring that….
I’m assuming they forced the July entries to coincide with the SDCC release…? 
He thinks that Draculaura and her friends will never really trust him, and he understands it might take time. 
He had bumped into Spelldon while sneaking around and gave him his number (THIS IS LITERALLY ALL WE KNEW OF SPELLDON. That and Casta Fierce is his sister)!
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July 7th:
He walks on the beach to get out of his funk and comes across Whisp’s lantern and accidentally summons her (in her diary she says it’s her first summon, looks like he almost fainted and his clothes had seen better days). 
July 10th:
Both Whisp and Valentine bond over what they did wrong at Monster High.
He is not specific enough when wishing to “go back to MH and fix things.” He poofs into the past dressed as a repairman and is nearly thrown back into the body odor pit before wishing to be brought back. 
July 12th:
He thinks over his past mistakes and knows that it’s going to take a lot of work to make him a better monster and repair all his mistakes.
August 1st:
His final wish is to always be friends with Whisp (so now she has an iCoffin to stay in touch. It always has full bars and they both have each other’s numbers to stay in touch). 
His mom thinks he is talking to himself down in his room (a call back to the movie).
His information in the back of the diary was greatly welcomed:
His parents were confirmed to be emotional vampires (I had headcanoned that maybe he some incubus/succubus ancestry mixed with vampire, but that is probably a bit too much for MH).
He likes formalwear. 
He is open to now having a pet (just not flying monkeys….a very witchy pet…hmmmmm….??) 
His favorite subject if biteology, he now wants to be a vet and he dislikes Phys. Dead due to all the sweating and casual outfits.
He likes the color maroon and devils food cake. 
The comic takes place after this, so I’m going to guess at least one month after August (lots of American High Schools start in September). 
Phew! I love deep dives like this, but I have been putting off my review of the Spelltine Pride Comic short for long enough! Onto covering it in the next post!!
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literary-illuminati · 11 months
Book Review 58 – The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin
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I originally put a hold on this at the library back in the spring, so by the time I actually got my hands on it I’d entirely forgotten why I’d asked for it specifically. Still, in general I’d been meaning to read more Le Guin (and more classic sci fi/stuff written in previous generations, generally), so it isn’t too mysterious. It’s definitely a meaty read as far as cultural artifacts go, but I must admit that as a reading experience it left me a bit cold.
The story takes place in the distant and futuristic year of 2003, in a Portland that’s rather worse for the wear – overpopulation, widespread and crippling malnutrition even in American cities, a war in the Middle East threatening to spiral out into nuclear Armageddon, climate change has led to mass resettlement away from the coasts, and also its always raining. Into this comes Gregory Orr, a man whose dreams can retroactively change reality. Horrified by this, he almost overdoses on stimulants to avoid sleep – and is basically given court-ordered ‘voluntary’ therapy. Dr. William Haber, after taking a bit to believe him, starts using the magic of hynpotherapy and also Orr being kind of a pushover to trigger, manipulate, and direct his magic dreams and start trying to retroactively fix the world. Because it turns out hypnosis-induced dreams have a lot in common with asshole genies, side effects include a pandemic killing the majority of humanity, an alien invasion, everyone having identically coloured grey skin, and eventually the execution of anyone discovered to have a inheritable medical condition for eugenics reasons. Eventually Haber believes he’s discovered a way to induce the same dreams in himself, and when he tries just kind of breaks reality and himself at the seams. Before he does, he finally cures Orr of the dreams, and amid the ruins he gets a girlfriend (who had in other versions of reality been his lawyer and then dead and then his girlfriend) and settles down to a good life working with his hands.
The overall feel of the book is, like, Seeing Like A State as Twilight Zone episode. There’s a distaste for capital-P Progress – for top-down utopias, technocratic utilitarianism, psychiatry and eugenics and public health initiatives, tolerance through the erasure of differences, bureaucratic work, lives without strife and struggle, and just generally measuring the marigolds – that absolutely pervades the work. It is good and virtuous, the book seems to (or outright does) say, to help people you know and directly around you, and in the face of an apocalypse you do whatever you can. But otherwise, in the course of normal life, thinking you can really improve the world is the height of hubris, and thinking you have any duty to is just disguised megomania – anti-overpopulation efforts lead naturally to democidal plagues, trying to cure cancer to brutal eugenics regimes. The good life is a grounded one, where you have a job where you work with your hands and do something constructive, and don’t mess around with dangerous dreams – the only alternative is playing a cruel god over the masses.
The aesthetic and political revulsion towards 20th century modernism is of a piece with what else I’ve read of Le Guin, but the sort of conservative, struggle-idolizing quietism it puts forward as the positive alternative kind of took me by surprise.
Speaking of overpopulation – as an artifact of anxieties about the future and science, the book is just fascinating. Written in 1970, it really does take it as almost a given that in thirty years overpopulation would be an acute crisis. The numbers actually aren’t far off – a global population of 7 billion is mentioned – but this is taken to mean a world where childhood malnutrition is a fact of life for the average American in the Pacific Northwest, and there’s so much demand for grain-as-foodstuff that a psychiatrist can’t afford brandy. Hypnosis is also treated with a level of seriousness and gravitas that these days its only shown in self-conscious pulp and fetish porn. On the other hand, the fact that a book written in 1970 is talking about ‘the greenhouse effect’ and how climate change is going to cause ruinous natural disasters is, well, deeply depressing.
Completely tangential from everything else – so the only female character in the book is Heather Lelache, a lawyer Orr goes to for help and then a couple reality iterations later starts falling in love with. Or properly speaking after he accidentally dreams her out of existing in the process of abolishing racism, he dreams her back and it’s functionally an entirely different and much meeker and milder person (like, she gets POV chapters, the change in internal monologue is striking) and also goes from ‘lawyer’ to ‘legal secretary’, and he continues falling in love with and marries her. This is never really called out or commented upon but it did strike me enough that I wanted to bring it up as interesting.
Anyway, don’t regret reading this, but probably the Le Guin I’ve gotten the least out of, overall.
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aidoriimu · 6 months
✧ fandom lists ✧
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— The main ones are those I interact with, while the other are stuff that I have simply known about because of being on the internet for a long time. I often like watching reviews and critiques so just because I put that fandom doesn't mean I've kept up with it nor associate myself as a fan.
Simply if someone came up to me about the show, I wouldn't mind listening to them!
•–––––––––––––––––––– •
☆:: MAIN
Ensemble Stars
Genshin Impact
Dear Vocalist
Twisted Wonderland (haven't caught up in a while)
— getting into
Shiguang Dailiren (Link Click)
The Eminence in Shadow
Apothecary Diaries
Sousou no Frieren
Honkai Star Rail
Black Butler
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Hypnosis Mic
Paradox Live
Project Sekai
Oshi no Ko
Actors: Song Connection
Ascendance of a Bookworm
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
HAMEFURA (My next life as a Villainess)
Spy x Family
Jujutsu Kaisen
Chainsaw Man
Moriarty the Patriot
Tokyo Revengers
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Assassination Classroom
Diabolik Lovers
Hazbin Hotel
Miraculous Ladybug
and more that I forgot?
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raccoon-crown · 1 month
DREAM LAND AU: Surge the Lighting General
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So, Kitsuna- I mean, Frost had like a really hard time getting used to being in Jambastion, Hypnoss (Starline in this universe) may have erased a good chunk of memories every few days till the point the kid only remembered how he was left behind and him being his savior (it took... Several days, not like the Fennec could complain much) but even without memories the little ice cub was having trouble getting used to being a new specimen and being one of the very little living beings (not captive) around the place.
Not to mention the cold feeling that always went through him. This caused that his new pupil glueing to him most of the time (making harder for said Platypus to do reviews on his quite unethical experiments and insane researching) so he decided to speed his project and went on a trip to the search for another misfortune soul for his experiments.
It took a time but one night when he managed to leave the Fennec in an inn, there was a terrible thunderstorm that alerted the whole town. Said night one little teen stayed up in the hight of a tower Right before a lighting strikes her.
After being electrified and suffering from a huge fall, she somehow survived enough for Hypnoss to find her and administrate the stardusk minutes before the inevitable happened.
When she woke up, there was a blue shade looking at her only for it to disappear once she made eye contact. Looking around she discovered, to her surprise and displeasure, that he was sound and safe (minus a strong pain around her body) in some inn room.
The Platypus came to her and both by a little of discreet hypnosis and some food, he managed to make her said what was she doing in that tower in an emergency like that.
"I don't have anything left" she said "what else could I have done"
Hypnoss pretended to be compressive while his inner thoughts celebrated her new prospect's misfortune.
"Oh, you haven't lost anything little thing, actually you have just got a lot more than what you used to have"
It took a few days to make her trust him (a little manipulation, some hypnosis in her sleep...), and also the Fennec involuntary help to win her over, but he managed to bring those two back to Jambastion. And there it only took a little time to snatch some old memories so she could focus on the right track.
Plus, she being there to take care of the other kid was also a refreshing bonus (he didn't know that Trauma could be such useful bonding excuse).
That way, Jambastion finally got it's second General.
Surge the General of Lightning
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WILD KRATTS. Season 3 Review!!!!!!!!!!
One sentence review (1 being the worst-10 being a masterpiece) Hope you enjoy :)
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Hermit Crab Shell Exchange: WHY did Gormond call Chris "Green Pea" instead of "Green Grape"? However this episode have so many great moments to count. 9/10
When Fish Fly: I love the use of the "take a walk in my shoes" trope, it would have been cool if they stuck with the team switching roles until the very end but besides that this episode is iconic. See, finding creatures is like a piece of cake/10
Slider the Otter: How did Slider live that long? Cute episode but not the most memorable (sorry if you like this episode) 6/10
Mosquitoe Dragon: WHY Ya Hitting yourself?! Also not a bad invention by Zach completely backfired though. 7/10
Search for the Florida Panther: Wholesome in every which way, I loved the scene where Martin makes Chris go out and search for food, the live action part is also one of my favorites. 9/10
Osprey: I'm probably a bit bias but this episode is Amazing, fricking Jimmy loosing stuff is hilarious and not only do they make an episode of an animal that's the Mascot of my favorite football team ( though it goes by the nickname) they realeased it the year they won the superbowl and to make it even more amazing...Green and Blue are the team colors!!! 10/10 ( GO HAWKS 💙💚) ahem...anyways.
Bandito the Black Footed Ferret: Getting a bit of name dejavu and Martin not learning his lesson from the Googly Eye: The Night Guru episode tsk tsk tsk, good episode though. 8/10
Where the Bison Roam: The talking Bison are cursed, and they switched who was Lewis and who was Clark midway through the episode, a little rough around the edges but it's still good 8/10
Crocogator Contest: Very informative still remember the difference between an Alligator and a Crocodile because of this episode also poor Jimmy. 7/10
The Amazing Creature Race: Team Fastfeet all the way babbbbbyyyyyy!!! Though we were cheated out of a Chrizelle moment, oh well 6/10.
Prarie Who: Just a fun episode, but what in the creature world was Koki doing? Also all those crash landings would have killed them except for Jimmy. 9 Yips/10
Mystery on the Prarie: I've been impaled the episode, poor Jimmy, Bush Chris needs to return and where is Moo after this episode? (Spoilers Moo wasn't full grown in the Christmas special) 8/10
Chameleons on Target: Bruh why was Aviva blaming the Kratt Brothers for that whole ring chip thing? The way they hid was funny. 7/10
Opossum in my Pocket: Gormond commits attempted murder on the Kratt Brothers. 8/10
Fossa Palooza: Best mothers day episode EVER, we saw Mama Kratt and their old neighborhood? 10/10
Mini Madagascar: 0_0 why they make the mouse lemur scary though. 7/10
Aye Aye: I love the pirate theme and why do Jimmy be lazy (I get it its a personality trait of his but still) but I mean Aviva could have done it also Aghhh. 7/10
Lemur Legs: Best episode opening in my opinion, they should have named one of the lemurs Zaboo instead of Bob but it was still funny. That sarcastic clap the WK crew did was also great 10/10
Under the Frozen Pond: Child endangerment and the WK team not playing fair at Hockey because they were loosing (but they were there first soooo) 7/10
Lemur Skink Fight: Tried a Tameron fruit before, it wasn't that great, unlike this episode, Also this was one of Donita's worse ideas she should stick to clothing. 8/10
Golden Bamboo Lemur: The dress looked better without the lemur, Why doesn't Donita utilize the hypnosis technology more often and I can't believe the Kratt Bros almost forgot Koki and Jimmy, Not cool man. 7/10
Tenric Treasure Hunt: Obi-Wan Kratt is big sad for loosing his Brother to the River. 8/10
Praying Mantis: I love this episode! Props to the animators for changing the "What if" animation to fit the live action bit, but what was up with that toy Monkey, still gives me the hebijibbies. 10/10
Capture the Fishmoblie: Technically not cheating if Aviva just handed it to them. 7/10
Back in Creature Time: THEY NEED TO MAKE A SEQUEL!!! Zach wanting to make the Kratt Brothers extinct is very dark I love it, also by changing where Great Grand daddy Gormond landed, potentially be a risk to whether or not Gormond would still exist? Also MARTIN WHY YOU SMUGGLING A TASMANIAN TIGER?!?! STOP. 10/10
Great season but I feel like after this season the writing changed...
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lake-archive · 2 months
A Date Based On Lies
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AO3 Link - A Shared Love Between Our Posse Masterlist
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Gentaro Yumeno, Ann Wolff (OC)
Pairing: Genann (Gentaro/Ann)
Summary: Gentaro invites Ann on dates more frequently. However, even then he just cannot be honest with them.
Words: 1,075
It had been one of those days, one of their several dates. Or ‘dates’ rather. It was still a game, nothing but playing pretend. All because of Gentaro’s request some time ago, pretending to be a couple on certain days. Today he had requested such an outing, claiming that he had been stuck yet again. Or rather it was the fifth day in a row. He himself was amazed that he got away with it so often, that Ann had agreed to it without asking him any questions. ‘It’s to help your novel progress. I’ll do my best to be of full support!’ Their words, not his. But anything for a creative pursuit it seemed. Oh how simple minded this person is, how oblivious they tend to present themself. It must be a blessing to be so oblivious. That or they played along with his little game. Though it was also debatable. After all, what would they have to gain from it?
Regardless, in the end Gentaro knew that he was just starting to abuse their mindset as well as their deal. He shouldn't ask for it so often yet here he was, testing one date idea after the other. At a public aquarium, karaoke, several poetry reading events or something as simple as people watching. Anything to capture the feeling of a date, a young couple bonding with each experience. And yet, that was a lie he let them believe. 
In truth this had been long past the ‘research’ stage, recently more so than ever. Yet he just had to phrase it as a lie. His mouth just couldn't stop lying sometimes, thus framing it as ‘pretend’. Though why had he been doing that? And he didn't have the audacity to apologize either. Nor clear this up in any way.
Not even when this day had come to an end. The pair had visited Shibuya Scramble Square, spending their time with all sorts of activities. From going through shops to just discovering what the building had to offer. It was like an adventure, almost, and Ann really ran around curiously. That was until the end of the day, when the sun had already hidden itself and the night sky presented itself in its full glory. He had suggested taking the sight in and they agreed happily which had resulted in the pair visiting the platform Shibuya Sky.
“Woha! This is pretty high!” They said with amazement, their eyes probably wide and taking in as much as possible before turning around with a wide grin. “Hey, Gentaro, look look!”
Upon seeing their lips curl up and their eyes sparkling with excitement it was hard to deny them their request. He caught himself chuckling, endeared by their expression, one of the few things he couldn’t help himself. They felt so lively at this moment. So he stepped closer, right next to them to take in the view. Essentially he was looking at a sea of lights, the mere streets covered up in all sorts of colors. It was so bright despite the darkness surrounding it. One may as well ignore it altogether and see it as a mere background. “It is as fascinating as the reviews said…” He thought out loud, only noticing upon their response that he had done so.
“Right? Makes you feel pretty small, doesn’t it?” They brought up, their tone still as carefree as possible. He wasn’t sure… Was this an act or was this genuine? In fact, he was curious… Were they just keeping up with the act of a lover or was there a sincerity behind it? Sure, they had said the following to him before: “After all, assuming a role makes moments like these rather shallow.” But even then he has not been so certain for one reason or another. Or was that just his nervousness talking? 
Actually… He wasn’t so sure. There were a few advances he had always been tempted to make yet when the setting was one like this one it was a little difficult all of a sudden. Ironic, given that he had made bold advances towards them before. Like snatching a kiss or tricking them right onto his lap. He had even gone so far as to hold one of their hands before. So why not now, when they were actually going on a date, pretending or not?
“Gentaro? Is something wrong?”
Their voice woke him up from his thoughts, turning to them and seeing them look at him curiously while looking up. “Ah– No, it’s nothing. I just… Got lost in this view.” But that was a lie… Even now he was lying.
“Haha, I get it. I would love to look at this all night long as well.” Ann responded with a chuckle before turning their sight back to the window, right onto the view of the light sea Shibuya had turned into. “It’s easy to get distracted by it.”
“In a way…” He agreed, though the words were chosen at random. Alone with them like this… It was a little nerve–wracking, he had to admit. And yet he pretended to be just as they had said it, distracted. So distracted that he moved one of his hands a little bit to the side, right next to theirs and having his fingertips move over the skin of their hand. He glanced to the side, if ever so slightly, seeing them squeal for a second. The reaction was amusing, as it always was. So, pretending to be aloof right now he merely grabbed their hand all of a sudden. He could see them from the mere side profile, fumbling around for a moment. They said nothing yet debated if they should, judging that they looked between Gentaro and the mere view in front of them. Yet in the end they remained silent, deciding to follow suit and intertwining their fingers together as they latched onto his very hand as well.
“Y… Yeah…” He heard them say, not even sure themself what to say anymore. That moment… As abrupt as it may have been, it was not something he would complain about.
And yet, it had spawned from a mere lie. One of his several lies. Another lie… All but a lie. And yet… Someday he will turn this lie into a truth. No, he will tell them the truth.
One day he will no longer use tricks like these… That’s a promise.
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kulturegroupie · 2 years
My “Lucifer Rising” review
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When I bought the Lucifer Rising album, I already had in mind what to expect: I sort of imagined it as being similar to the soundtrack of a horror movie. Though, nothing could prepare me for what was to come once I put my headphones on and hit the “play” button.
The first track is a complete mind-shatterer. Jimmy plays the violin bow for a total of 20 minutes and 33 seconds, repeating the same sound over and over to create a hypnotising pattern, a disturbing one, which invades your very soul. Ritual chants and eerie melodies populate the song like visitors from a foreign village passing by, always backed by the same violin bow pattern, which slowly becomes tormenting as the minutes pass by.
Track 2, Incubus, is experimental like much of the album. Once again, the listener is thrown into psychedelic realms dominated by Jimmy’s guitar hypnosis, previously experimented on Led Zeppelin records and live performances.
Damask and Unharmonics are the two “lighter” tracks, slightly reminiscent of the Yardbirds song White Summer, filled with eastern influences and again, extremely psychedelic. The guitar sings a melody which can be interpreted either as joyful or distressing, depending on your mood.
Then Damask - Ambient comes on with its Indian charm and the image of a chilly, moody morning and its lavander painted sky penetrate your mind.
By the album’s end, the violin bow pattern heard before comes to visit you again in a Percussive Return of the main track, seducing you, entrancing you once more and taking you to the end of the journey with a bittersweet taste in your mouth.
My first Lucifer Rising listening experience was an intense, highly emotional journey. Its contents were dark, breathtaking, distressing, I sat with my fists clenched and an anxious stare throughout the whole thing.
It was psychedelic and progressive rock taken to the extreme, Jimmy’s deep interest in the occult there, uncovered, for all eyes to see - or should I say - all ears to listen.
I highly recommend immersing yourself into this piece of well-crafted art, which not only represents a lesser-known Page in Jimmy’s stellar career, but a wonderful musical diary lost in time and ready to be found again. As for me, I think that it might have become my new favourite piece of music.
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misscammiedawn · 2 years
50 Days of HypnoKink - Day 46: Hypno-Erotica
Sooo here's my ROM profile because I write sometimes!
We have SO many talented people in our community of whom I adore and enjoy the works of.
I could type a bunch about why and such, but I just wanna talk about people and not get bogged down on me. This is for community love!
My favorites are:
Jukebox - Acknowledging first that he is a member of my Family, Jukebox is the greatest author in our community with an endless well of ideas and has been updating weekly for well over a decade at this point. Daja is doing a series of reviews for his work, check them out. Recommended story: The Kind of Girl I Could Love. Jukebox has heard me say this before but I discovered how much my asexuality meant to me through reading this story. I was acting as an allosexual, as much as I can, and I cried when I read this. It's the story of a woman who has tried kink and keeps finding partners who push her boundaries, including a Girl(tm) robot sex doll. The story has a new Girl(tm) sent in helping our protagonist enjoy bondage and hypnosis without the threat of sex. It makes me so happy. Jukebox's Patreon - Jukebox's ROM - @jukeboxemcsa Tumblr
Skaetlett - Skaet teaches a number of courses on writing MC fictions for both the hypnokink concircuit ands their local kink groups. They have a style for mean business ladies, high protocol submissive training, degradation and impact scenes. They aren't always my flavor and I tend to skip over their sex scenes but that alone is proof of how good they are. I am compelled by their stories, their characters and their drive. The back of my tablet has a pair of stickers representing their stories. Recommended story: Bouquet Bound. Story of a young enby who is purchased by an impossibly rich transgender woman and taught to be a lovely, loyal idiot. I came for the gentle romance and fantasy of living the high life and I stayed for the heart-wrenching drama. Skaet draws deep from the well of their soul and it spills beautifully to the page. Also, Skaet, if you read this, I was tempted to recommend Nani The Fuck and you owe me for not doing so. Skaet's ROM - Skaet's Subscribestar - @skaetlett Tumblr
Nath - For transparency Nath is a metamour. Though Nath has some fantasy stories with a really well thought out magical setting and incredible characters, I've always appreciated her for her grounded stories about a hypnoDom and her circle of clients, family and friends. She knows how to make things hot via the way that power is exchanged, how hypnosis makes a person feel and captures all of the subtle shifts that are hard to pin down with words. Recommended story: The Octavia Series. A series about a hypnoDom who works within a kink community and has attracted an incredible web of people she trusts. There are great moments on the ethics of consent, prejudice and ignorance within kink spaces and how poly lifestyles bring personality types together that have a harder time meshing than others. I feel waves of joy and compersion along with tantalizing heat from her writing. She's amazing. Nath's ROM - @writtenbynath Tumblr
Modren: Modren is a friend but I knew them after I read her stories. They have a mixture of aesthetic, character and world-building and a love of suited ladies that just speaks to me. They're a wonderful person and I am happy to call her friend. Recommended Story: Whiteout. A superhero story that divides its chapters two ways. Between the superhero life of a super team where our perspective character encountered a brainwashing villain and discovered their hypnokink and her alter-ego exploring kink spaces and meeting a powerful and seductive hypno Top who may or may not be the villain she ran into. Mixing adventure, curiosity/exploration of kink and character driven romance. One of the best stories out there. Modren's ROM - Modren's Patreon - @modren83 Tumblr
Sammynona: I often joke Sammy is an honorary lesbian because he primarily writes f/f and has a way of pulling an audience in to sapphic longing. The sex is a bit more than I can handle and some stories aren't my cup of tea, but when they hit they hit hard. Recommended story: Theatre Slut. How could I not? Sammy and I talk a lot and this story was born from him and I discussing life in movie theatres. I used to run a theatre and Sammy has a history with them too. I showed a video of me projecting a spiral on the big screen. This story isn't really based on me, more inspired by things I did and a video I shared, but I have a lot of love for it. Sammynona's ROM - Sammynona Patreon - @sammynona Tumblr
FracturedPuppet: Another member of my Family and wow, half of the people on this list are dating people that I'm dating. Sometimes I think the entire hypnocommunity are connected if you follow the threads. Puppet does a lot of work with drone stuff and is a published author in her own right. Her big strength is world building and she's remarkably good at it. Recommended story: Snatch & Grab. Loosely based on reality and a fond and happy memory. I've linked it a bunch of times in this challenge. FracturedPuppet's ROM - @redcap3 Tumblr There are many more that could be highlighted. Kallie's Subroutine for instance is an incredible story that was the first time I saw a transgender protagonist, mostly because EMSCA is a bit outdated and still get debates on "political" characters on the attached MCForum. I got hit with that myself once and it broke my heart. It's why I prefer ROM. I may not get many eyes or as much feedback as I'd like on that platform, but I feel safe and seen there. I'll take a safe audience over a broad one any day <3 --- Day 45: Swords FULL SCHEDULE MASTER POST Day 47: Hypnotic Experiments
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professorcupcake89 · 1 year
I am Tim, I operate BDSM101.ICU. I am a Dom, and have been so for over a decade and a half. I won't even try to pretend that I know everything, but I know enough that educating people newly on their BDSM journey is well within my capabilities. Educating would make me an educator, and as such, I have adapted and adopted a Kink educator code of conduct listed below.
The Kink Education Code of Conduct (KECC) establishes a code of conduct for kink educators and producers. It provides practical guidance for navigating many of the ethical dilemmas we face and creates a framework for clear communication between educators and producers.
The KECC is a roadmap for reasonable human beings, not a precise legal code. You should interpret it using good judgment and good faith, seeking always to adhere to the spirit of the code.
This is the educator version of the KECC. This code has been altered to reflect my personal work, such as removing student portions as I do not currently work with classes and students.
I consistently practice excellent consent in private and in public. Excellent consent is:
Verbal or written when I am teaching or playing in public. Verbal, written, or covered by a pre-existing relationship or negotiation when in private.
Fully informed, where all parties understand what is agreed to.
Expressed with explicit or enthusiastic agreement.
Consistent and continuous.
Not coerced, not forced, and free of manipulation.
I teach within my area of expertise:
I only teach material I thoroughly understand and am capable of teaching correctly.
If I teach techniques that are contrary to commonly accepted best practices, I clearly communicate that and explain my reasons for doing so.
When teaching any topic in the domain of a particular profession—for example physical fitness, stretching and warmup, anatomy, nerves, blood play, breath play, hypnosis, trauma response, mental health, legal issues, or any kind of medical play—I explicitly explain whether:
I have relevant professional qualifications, or
I have reviewed the material I am teaching with a qualified professional, or
I am teaching my own opinion.
I respect each person’s right to choose their own risk profile:
I do not pressure anyone to perform techniques outside their risk profile.
I make it clear that students are welcome to audit any techniques they are not comfortable performing.
If I teach high-risk techniques or activities, I clearly communicate the risks involved and I encourage my students to negotiate in class before engaging in any hands-on practice.
I respect each venue’s policies about high-risk activities.
I treat everyone in a respectful manner and make them feel welcome:
In both my personal and professional lives, I do not discriminate against someone because of that person's race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, sexuality, and pregnancy status), national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. I also do not retaliate against anyone because they have submitted a complaint about discrimination.
I do not intentionally do anything that creates a hostile environment for any group of people.
I apologize when something I do creates a hostile environment for any group of people.
I use correct pronouns for each person. I ask people what pronouns they use when I am not sure.
Except when teaching gender-specific topics, I present material in a gender-neutral fashion rather than assuming specific gender roles.
Whenever possible, I teach techniques that are applicable to all genders, body types, and physical abilities.
I hold myself accountable for my actions and enable the community to help hold me accountable:
I acknowledge that I am flawed and will not always succeed at applying this code of conduct to my behaviors and actions.
I respectfully and proactively seek feedback from the people I play with, the people I teach, my peers, community leaders, and others.
I acknowledge my inevitable mistakes and am receptive to others telling me when I have fallen short.
When I make a mistake I do my best to apologize, make things right, learn from the experience, and make changes to ensure the same mistakes don’t happen again.
I engage openly and honestly when addressing any reported consent issues, including participating in an accountability process with anyone who reports that I violated their consent or injured them.
I follow this code of conduct and the accountability processes of producers and organizations I work with.
I post this Code of Conduct wherever I have an online presence and explicitly state that I have voluntarily committed to following it.
I have at least one accountability contact and make their contact information available wherever I have an online presence, as well as in my class handouts. *
I do not use any kind of non-disclosure agreement or threat of legal action to prevent my partners from discussing their experiences with me.
I am a professional:
I represent myself honestly, giving complete answers to all questions during the booking process.
I provide complete and accurate information about my experience and qualifications.
I am clear and up-front about my expectations regarding logistics and compensation.
I show up on time and prepared.
I understand my conduct reflects on the venues that hire me and behave in a professional and responsible fashion while working.
I proactively provide producers with complete and accurate information about:
Any consent incidents I have caused or been accused of
Any injuries I have caused or been accused of
Any accountability processes I have been the focus of When disclosing information to producers or in public, I am careful to protect the privacy of anyone I may have harmed.
I respect other people’s right to freely discuss their experiences with me:
I never pressure anyone to keep quiet about their experience with me, nor do I ask my partners to refrain from discussing their experiences with me or others.
I do not retaliate against anyone for sharing their concerns about me with others, either directly or via third parties.
I respect everyone’s right to hold private discussions about educators and venues:
I do not ask anyone to share private information with me, nor will I look at information that should not have been shared with me.
I do not harass, challenge, or question anyone who shares information about me in a private forum.
* I am working on fulfilling this one, and will be actively shared once I do have someone I feel is capable of fulfilling the accountability point of contact for me.
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dazzasarchives · 8 months
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Fantastic Four Vol 1 Issue 2.
So in the last post I went over the start of the Marvel 616 universe with the debut of Marvels first family. The Fantastic Four. Well this is their second outing in the world of heroism, and my second outing in the world of reviewing these. So here's my flamin hot takes from this issue. Man the Human Torch would have loved that last phrase. Anyway let's start.
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So this issue starts with what we the readers are to believe are the Fantastic Four commiting several crimes around the world. Well turns out that it isn't them, it's an alien race known as the Skrulls, you may have heard of the Skrulls from the MCU movie Captain Marvel, and the show Secret Invasion. Though I do find it interesting that they did aliens right in the second issue.
Well our Fantastic team is rightfully blamed for the crimes, though they escape the United States military. They then set about a way of stopping the Skrull invasion of earth. How do they do this you may ask. Well they discover the Skrulls ship, disguised as a Water Tower. They then travel to the Skrull flagship, and then convince them that they shouldn't invade earth because of the awful creatures that live there. If you think they mean humans they definitely don't, they use clippings of monsters from other Marvel Comics. Which the Skrull leader believes and they just leave earth, and the Fantastic Four convince the Skrull leader to leave them behind as like a sacrifice.
Then they return to earth and convince the United States military, and also police that aliens that can shape shift have been doing this, granted at least now they have some evidence with the water tower spaceship. Never thought that would be a sentence I'd write. They then go and defeat the Skrulls and Mister Fantastic uses Hypnosis on them to have the Skrulls turn into cows, and basically live their lives as cows until the end of time. It is the wackiest ending so far, but I feel like wackier is still to come.
Alright on to my favorite part, talking about the main characters of this issue. Again I'll be starting with the heroes. So that means first up is Mister Fantastic.
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I don't mind Mister Fantastic in this issue. It's just I still can't comprehend that he is the smartest man in the world. So far his ideas are something I would have thought up as super cool on the playground and would've most likely had the ideas rejected. Anyway he's at the same stage that I had him last issue, no true change yet for the leader of the Fantastic Four.
Next up is the leading lady of the group The Invisible Girl.
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Again Sue Storm also doesn't change for me. She still hasn't done a whole lot for the team yet. She's either been a damsel in distress or kind of just there because she has to be. I think the best part about her this issue is when she just turns invisible and slips past to Army guards. Again another character that hasn't changed for me but I would really like to see her get better.
Next up is the Hot Head himself The Human Torch.
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Honestly for this issue Johnny is a lot more likeable. I mean he's hot headed and does his own thing, but I like him more so this issue than the last. He's still not my favorite member but I'd prefer him over the last two members.
Next is the final member of the Fantastic Four, The Thing.
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Definitely my favorite character this issue once again. I just can't help but to feel bad for this guy. First he transforms back to his original human form only briefly before being reverted back into the Thing. Also Sue is still a bit scared of him, which I'm like come on, you've been around him several times so you should at least be ok with his appearance. Anyway Thing is by far my top favorite of the Fantastic Four.
Now for our Antagonists, the shape shifting Skrulls.
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I really don't mind the Skrulls, it's a fun concept having your heroes essentially fight themselves. Though I really find the ending all too funny to take seriously. These four Skrulls turn into cows and live that way basically forever. It's just so, anticlimactic.
Anyway that's my take on the second issue of the Fantastic Four. I can't wait to get into the third one, hopefully by then our team will have some super suits, until next time.
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I do not own the images in this post they are a product of Marvel Comics.
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Also if you wanna catch up and look at the previous issue follow this link:
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Sleeping Beauty Spring: "Britannica's Fairy Tales from Around the World: Sleeping Beauty" (1990 animated short)
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Britannica's Fairy Tales from Around the World (sometimes shortened to Britannica's Tales Around the World) is a direct-to-video animated series produced in the early '90s by Encyclopedia Brittanica, Inc. Its aim was to teach children about the different cultural variations of fairy tales. Each installment paired an adaptation of a popular European fairy tale with two other shorts based on similar tales from other countries. Sleeping Beauty was paired with retellings of The Petrified Palace from Bangladesh and Sun, Moon, and Talia from Italy. Because I've chosen only to review Sleeping Beauty adaptations based on Perrault and the Grimms' versions, and because each short can be viewed separately on YouTube, I'll only review the 12-minute short based on Perrault's tale.
This Sleeping Beauty stands out from others because it is indeed based on Perrault; so far, it's the only adaptation I've seen to follow Perrault and continue the story after Sleeping Beauty and the Prince are married. Accordingly, the more familiar first half of the story is covered quickly. It opens at the baby Princess's christening, where seven good fairies – beautiful ladies, each with a different color for her gown and skin – each bestow their gifts. Of course the feast is interrupted by the Evil Fairy, a purple-skinned, red-winged creature who bears a resemblance to Demona from Gargoyles. But the lilac-clad Queen of the Fairies softens her curse from death to sleep and adds that the entire court will sleep with her. Sixteen years later, the Princess is frolicking through the castle with friends, when a new room magically appears inside a tower – in it, of course, is a spinning wheel, and the curse comes to pass. Then, a hundred years later, the Prince is traveling with his mother and rides forth alone to explore the briars surrounding the castle. It doesn't take him long to discover Sleeping Beauty and break the spell.
At this point, the narrator tells us that most people think the Prince and Sleeping Beauty lived happily ever after, but the truth is different. After their marriage, nine years pass, during which the Prince becomes king and Sleeping Beauty gives birth to two children, Dawn and Day. Then, as in Perrault's tale, the young King is forced to go to war, leaving his wife, children, and elderly mother behind. But the rest of the story plays out differently than Perrault's second half. In this version, the King's mother isn't an ogress who tries to eat her grandchildren and daughter-in-law. Instead, the Evil Fairy comes back, now more feral and animalistic than she was a century earlier. With a magic potion, she transforms the King's mother into a "bugaboo" – a large beetle-like insect – and assumes her likeness. Then she gives the potion to a servant, ordering him to transform Sleeping Beauty, Dawn, and Day into bugaboos too. But he hides them instead, transforming two cats and a rat in their place. Before long, however, the Fairy discovers the trick, and she boils a cauldron of bugaboo potion, then tries to hypnotize Beauty and the children to make them step into it. But just in time, the King comes home from the war, and he battles the Fairy long enough for Beauty to snap out of her hypnosis; she then saves her husband by overturning the cauldron, so that it falls on the Fairy, crushing her to death. The rat, the cats, and the King's mother are restored to their true forms, and at last everyone does live happily ever after.
This isn't the highest quality animated short – that I'll admit. The animation has a strange glossy look, and the characters tend to have large, slightly creepy mouths and to stare directly at the viewers in an unnerving way. But the narration and voice acting are generally fine, apart from a few flat line deliveries, and the music, drawn from Tchaikovsky's ballet score, is effective. And I do enjoy finally seeing a Sleeping Beauty adaptation that includes Perrault's second half of the story, even if it is considerably altered.
This isn't an essential Sleeping Beauty by any means, but it's worth seeing at least once.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @thealmightyemprex, @faintingheroine, @reds-revenge, @comma-after-dearest, @paexgo-rosa, @themousefromfantasyland, @the-blue-fairie
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