misterparadigm · 11 months
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To round out our main cast of kids for the Mallory Bash pitch bible, we've got fan favorite, Ava Baker!
Ava started as a cartoonified doodle of someone I went to college with, who really did have this big, playful personality. It didn't take long before Ava was a fan favorite in the web comic, and so when I developed the Dreaming Tree story, I knew she was going to have to be a major part of it--that her mysterious appearances needed to pay off.
Ava is at the core of the story, being the knot at the center of the threads of both the past and present which Mallory is on a warpath to unravel. Ava knows a lot--just how much isn't clear, but she's the cryptic trickster Mal has to negotiate with in order to take each step forward.
I've redacted just a few bits to avoid public spoilers.
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aerdnafortini · 1 year
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am--f · 1 year
Hollis Frampton, "A Stipulation of Terms From Maternal Hopi" (1973/75)
1. [] = The radiance.
2. ]D[]Y[ = Containers to be opened in total darkness.
3. ]PS[]L[ = A drug used by women to dilate the iris of the eye.
4. ]H[]H[]L[ = Epithet of the star ]S[]S[]N[*, used while succulents are in bloom. 
5. ]PT[]Y] = Last light seen by one dying in the fifth duodecad of life.
6. ]XN[ = Heliotrope.
7. ]TL[]D[ = Rotating phosphenes of 6 or 8 arms.
8. ]BN[]T[ = Shadow cast by light of lesser density upon light of greater.
9. ]V[]TR[ = The pineal body; time.
10. ]XR[ = The sensation of sadness at having slept through a shower of meteors.
11. ]MR[][ = The luster of resin from the shrub ]R[]R[, which fascinates male babies.
12. ]NX[]KT[ = The light that congeals about vaguely imagined objects.
13. ]DR[]KL[ = Phosphorescence of one's father, exposed after death.
14. ]SM[]N[ = Fireworks in celebration of afirstborn daughter.
15. ]GN[]T[]N[ = Translucence of human flesh. 
16. ]TM[]X[]T[ = Delight at sensing that one is about to awaken.
17. ]TS[]H[ = Shadow cast by the comet ]XT[ uponthe surface of the sun.
18. ]R[]D[ = An afterimage. **
19. ]D[]DR[ = A white supernova reported by alien traveller.
20. ]K[]SK[ = A cloud; mons Veneris.
21. ][]Z[]S[= Ceremonial lenses, made ofice brought down from the high mountains.
22. ]KD[]X[ = Winter moonlight, refracted by a glass vessel filled with the beverage ]NK[]T[.
23. ]P[]M[]R[ = Changes in daylight initiated by the arrival of a beloved person unrelated to one.
24. ]G[]S[ = Gridded lightning seen by those born blind.
25. ]W[]N[]T[ = An otherwise unexplained fire in a dwelling inhabited only by women.
26. ]G[]GN[ = The sensation of desiring to see the color of one's own urine.
27. ]M[]K[ = Snowblindness.
28. ]H[]R[ = Unexpected delight atseeing something formerly displeasing.
29. ]H[]ST[ = The arc of a rainbow defective in a single hue.
30. ]L[]L[]X[=The fovea of the retina; amnesia.
31. ][]R[ = The sensation of satisfaction at having outstared a baby.
32. ]ST[ = Improvised couplets honoring St. Elmo's Fire.
33. ]V[]D[ = The sensation of indifference to transparency.
34. ]Z[]TS[ = Either ofthe colors brought to mind by the fragrance of plucked ]TR[ ferns.
35. ]X[]H[ = Royal expedition in search of a display of Aurora Borealis.
36. ]T[]K[]N[=Changes in day light that frighten dogs.
37. ]Y[]X[ = The optic chiasmus (Colloq.); abysmal; testicles.
38. ]N[][]T[ = The twenty-four heartbeats before the firstheartbeat ofsunrise.
39. ]F[]X[= A memory of the color violet, reported by those blinded in early infancy.
40. ]T[]Y[]Y[ = The sensation of being scrutinized by a reptile.
41. ]B[]NM[ = Mute.***
42. ]N[]T[]N[ =The sound of air in a cave; areverie lasting less than a lunar month; long dark hair.
43. ]S[]TY[ = The light that moves against the wind.
44. ]B[][ = Changes in one's shadow, after one's lover has departed in anger.
45. ]N[]GR[ = The fish Anableps, that sees in two worlds.
46. ]RZ[]R[ = The sensation of longing for an eclipse of the Moon.
47. ]H[]F[ = Stropharia cubensis.
48. ]S[]LR[ = Familiar objects within the vitreous humor.
49. ]W[]X[][ = A copper mirror that reflects only one's own face.
50. ]MN[]X[ = Temporary visions consequent upon trephining.
51. ]G[][]KR[ = Cataract.
52. ]RNpW[ = Hypnagogues incorporating unfamiliar birds.
53. ]M[]D[ = A dream of seeing through one eye only.
*Probably Fomalhaut (alpha Piscis Australis). **Also used as a classifier of seeds. ***Standing epithet of ancestral deities.
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kimsonvalon · 1 year
Écouter / acheter: Hypnagogue de Current 93
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kushstronaut · 17 days
HYPNAGOGUE 2222 from DJ Zoloft
DJ Zoloft's new mixtape out now on bandcamp and soon streaming
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sinceileftyoublog · 11 months
The Church Live Show Review: 11/1, Evanston SPACE
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I'll admit it: Thought I admire both their underrated back catalog and new concept album The Hypnogogue (Communicating Vessels), having never seen The Church, I was wary of Steve Kilbey's ability to weave AI-inspired futuristic concepts into the shimmery wistfulness of the band's old songs. Maybe this was the result of having spent so much time recently trying to place myself in the mind of another overly ambitious rock icon. And perhaps my thoughts were unfair considering The Hypnogogue is a cohesive-sounding front-to-back album, stellar independent of its story. But a part of me was nonetheless skeptical of the juxtaposition of heady slow burns with dream pop classics.
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Well, immediately after finishing the building "Ascendence", Ian Haug and Ashley Naylor's siren-like guitars leading the way, Kilbey declared that the Australian band was "playing better than ever before," 26 gigs in a row be damned. Indeed, they were so fine-tuned--his perfectly yearning vocals on "Destination", touring drummer Nicholas Meredith's disco beat breakdown on "Metropolis"--that by the time he introduced the concept of The Hypnogogue on ballad "No Other You", you were too, well, hypnotized, by the stadium sounds emanating from a small stage, to take in the plot. Kilbey contextualized The Hypnagogue's songs within the album's universe whenever he introduced them, but he did so non-linearly, as if each song was its own vignette. "Flickering Lights" sees the narrator hearing a nostalgic song in a cab, represented live by Jeffrey Cain's washy synths and Haug and Naylor's chiming guitars. "Antarctica", meanwhile, is named after the motherland of the main character, and the band's Pink Floyd-like, deliberate, effects-heavy prog funk conjured the feeling of being so cold you can't think straight. "Albert Ross"'s namesake in the fictional world is a disappeared guitar tech, and what better way to pay tribute to the lost soul than for Kilbey to thank the band's road crew, especially because they had to bring a mandolin just for that song?
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Of course, The Church's hits were highlights, from "Hotel Womb" and "Fly", both enveloped by voluminous synths, to a lounge-like version of "Under the Milky Way" and stomping "Grind". But I was blown away by many of their deep cuts. During a mid-concert mini acoustic set, they nailed "Old Coast Road", a gorgeously jangly highlight from 2014's Further/Deeper. Meredith's motorik drumming both propelled and offered a welcome contrast to the otherwise beatific "C'est La Vie". Kilbey's dry, spoken delivery on "Second Bridge" recalled the depth of Jarvis Cocker. And "Tantalized", sans the theatrical horns of its studio version, was a tried and true monochromatic banger, clattering drums and scratchy, early 80's-The Edge-like guitars splitting eardrums in a venue over four times smaller than the theaters The Church were playing earlier in the year.
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Ask any casual music fan about The Church, and they'll think of the band who made "Under the Milky Way". It is a great song; the moment the synthetic guitar solo meant to sound like bagpipes comes in, is one of the greatest in 80's rock. I posit, though, that their best song is "Reptile", whose revolving Marty Willson-Piper riff is the earworm of all earworms. This lineup, along with appropriate green and orange strobe lighting, stuck the landing, the dual guitar interplay shining in a matchup of stop-start stabs behind Kilbey's whispered sneer of a vocal turn. It was the emotional climax of the show, prepping you for the all-out closing cacophony jam of "You Took", and one that reminded you that a band in their fifth decade sounds like they could share a stage with some of today's best post-punk bands, even if their sound is meant to evoke noises of the past.
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musicmakesyousmart · 3 years
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Hypnagogue - Sinusoidal Entities
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official-maverick · 3 years
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good morning and happy pride! i do a few of these every year so i went ahead and did one right now! these are canon but feel free to headcanon whatever when they appear in landmark x]
hypnagogue (he/him) - polyamorous/gay elasmo (he/him) - bisexual henry (he/she/it) - bigender ganeshii (xey/xem) - genderqueer agatha (she/her) - lesbian simmer (she/her) - trans
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“You and the night, you and the mountain You and tomorrow, you and the tomorrow: Stay away: stay away: stay away: What we want we cannot have And wanting all the more I slept on words and lines and texts Of useless want, staring at the time And finally lost you finally finally lost you finally As the moon swept down and wept.”
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sandmoonyelse · 5 years
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...from my depths,
I have seen a story emerge from a cloud of wings...
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misterparadigm · 11 months
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If you've seen a lot of Mallory stuff, but aren't that familiar with the story, Mal's pitch bible character page boils it down pretty well.
There's a lot more to it, of course, but this is a solid (heavily) truncated overview.
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fandomstuckportal · 4 years
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((OOC: late night landmark fives
hypna is @official-maverick‘s))
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pixelworship · 2 years
Morning, computer
Blev väckt av katt som bet mig i armen. Dags för frukost, alltså. Hade lyckats sova 8+ timmar, så det var lugnt. Runt 15 grader varmt i huset, så jag behövde inte elda, utan drog på en panna kaffe direkt, och satte mig ner för att se om det hänt något under natten. Fortfarande krig i fjärran land, fortfarande ingen förlossningsavledning i Kiruna, fortfarande en massa tjat om den där ledaren i…
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View On WordPress
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moderata-crisi · 3 years
behind my walls are my cats. and behing my cats is a peacock singing to me of my death and yours. i said to her 'in the silence of an eye, i shall smile and arise, and see someone i used to know sleeping"; in her room, in her bed, in her body i was in paradise. i am awake in the sound of roses and a young girl's voice. we are drowning in the approaching shadows. i am dreaming and cannot hold it. i have seen.
dear christ: the silence and the loss; we are born and fall. dear christ, you too are broken and lost and hanging like a roman standard over us all.
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duplicitywrites · 4 years
first line tag game
rules: list the first line of your last 10 stories**. see if there are any patterns, choose your favourite opening line, and then tag 20 of your favourite authors!
tagged by @being-luminous, thank you very much!
**’m doing ten because i’m lazy. this is in order starting with my most recently posted!
1. difficulties | one-shot, first person POV
Do I consider myself a difficult person to get along with?
2. untitled | bridgerton AU | unposted
Harry had never been one to adhere to proprietary.
3. break and burn and end | immortals AU | unposted
Harry Potter has died.
4. you'll be in my heart | valentine’s day fic
"Thanks for meeting on such short notice." 
5. on the hotline | assassin / crack AU
"Call it!"
6. by the devil's law | mafia AU
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
7. empty hearts make the most noise | fairytale AU (?)
There was a place in the darkest forest where only the tormented and the desperate dared to journey to.
8. darling, i might be a villain | supervillain / crack AU
The good people of Grimmauld Street could tell you a great many things about Tom Marvolo Riddle.
9. sugar, sugar | one-shot, modern AU
Harry hears grumbled curses as he enters Tom’s office.
10. evermore | AU, dream sequences
The Weasleys had asked him to stay for a few more days. 
a wonderful eclectic mix of things that mostly confirms i’m very dramatic. i think out of all of these, i like number 8 (The good people of Grimmauld Street could tell you a great many things about Tom Marvolo Riddle.) the best because it just has a fun vibe!
-me trying to remember who writes and who doesn’t-
tagging (if you want!): @itsevanffs @goldenzingy46butwriteblr @sonder-writes @alfiisha @hypnagogue @joeys-piano @audair @galaxiesundone @jazz-keeps-the-sadzz-away @feyriddle @thong-tom @neurowriter14 @vogueriddle OR IF YOU JUST WANNA HAVE FUN AND DO IT, GO FOR IT
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joeys-piano · 3 years
WIP Line Tag
Tagged by @tomarryherewewhoaagain (thanks for the addition so here's my *struggles to think of something that rhymes with addition*)
Rules: Write the latest line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line.
From a tomarry twoshot WIP, where hypothetically is it a crime to secure a vacation day for your fiancé?
And just before she goes with nothing more than a pop, there are two knocks on the front door — both short and rather soft. So that if Tom and Harry were still asleep, at least one of them would wake up and for the one stirred awake, he’ll motivate his loved one.
Tagging (if you want): @nightyelfy , @somuchanemoia, @feu-eau, @imaginarydragonling , @duplicitywrites, @neurowriter14, @hypnagogue, and anyone else who'll like to do this. I seriously need to follow more writers because I struggled to think of people.
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