#Hwang Sun Hee
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prbni · 1 year ago
"Shipped the actors but not the characters"
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I actually shipped the characters in this case as well
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mangodelorean · 2 years ago
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Favourite shots: Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 [2023]
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naksushadows · 1 year ago
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 "It's a story about fighting. But it's about romance too."
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사 랑 하 고 싶 지 만
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그 대 는 아 무 것 도
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원 하 지 않 았 어
~ I w a n t e d t o l o v e y o u , b u t y o u d i d n ' t w a n t a n y t h i n g
~ 90s K-drama actors and Korean landscapes
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kahixxi · 2 years ago
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My fav psychological manhwa:
Distant Sky (Yoon In Wan, Kim Sun Hee)
Bastard (Carnby Kim, Hwang Young Chan)
Trapped (Haemuri)
Chasing Tails (Bashi)
The Horizon (Jeong Ji Hoon)
Flawed Almighty (Carnby Kim, RH Song)
If AI Ruled the World (Pogo, Hoopa)
My Student Can't Be a Psychopath (Pluto)
Surviving Romance (Yone Lee)
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korelist · 11 months ago
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,6 Benim puanım: 8
Drama: She Was Pretty (literal title)
Hangul: 그녀는 예뻤다
Director: Jung Dae-Yoon
Writer: Jo Sung-Hee
Date: 2015
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Hwang Jung-Eum, Park Seo-Joon, Koh Joon-Hee, Choi Si-Won, Shin Hye-Sun, Shin Dong-Mi
2015 MBC Drama Awards - December 30, 2015
Best Actress (mini series) (Hwang Jung-Eum)
Excellent Actor (mini series) (Park Seo-Joon)
Best Supporting Actress (mini series) (Hwang Suk-Jung)
Ten Star Award (Park Seo-Joon/Hwang Jung-Eum)
Best Netizen Award (Park Seo-Joon/Hwang Jung-Eum)
Best Actor or Actress Selected by Directors (Hwang Jung-Eum)
Best Screenplay (Jo Sung-Hee)
Best Child Actor (Yang Han-Yol)
Park Seo-Joon için başlayıp, Choi Si-Won için devam edilecek eğlenceli bir dizi!! Kill Me Heal Me izleyen her kdrama hayranı bana katılacaktır ki; KMHM’de Oh Ri On ve Oh Ri Jin rolünde kardeşleri oynayan Hwang Jung-Eum ve Park Seo-Joon bu dizide çift oldukları duyurulunca oldukça izleyici çektiler.
Kim Hye-Jin (Hwang Jung-Eum) varlıklı bir ailenin popüler ve güzel kızıdır. Okulda şişman gözlüklü zorbalığa uğrayan Ji Sung-Joon(Park Seo-Joon) ile arkadaş olurlar. Aynı zamanda komşudurlar. Yıllarca en yakın arkadaş olan bu ikili Ji Sung-Joon’un Amerikaya taşınması ile bölünür. Aradan geçen yıllar Hye-Jin’e hiç güzel davranmamıştır. Babasından aldığı genler okul sonrasında iyice ortaya çıkınca kıvırcık saçlı, kırmızı yanaklı çilli bir kadına dönüşmüştür. Dizide “çirkin” olarak anlatılsa da bence oldukça sevimli bir tipi vardı. Tabi Kore standartlarına uymayan bu görünümü nedeni ile beğenilmiyordu.
Amerika’da büyüyen Sung-Joon ise zayıflamış, yakışıklı ve başarılı bir genç adama dönüşmüştür. The Most isimli dergide editörlük yapmaktadır. Şirket Kore’deki şubeye çekidüzen vermesi için onu memleketine gönderir. Memleketine dönerken de yakın arkadaşına mail atıp, ülkesine döneceğini görüşmek istediğini yazar. Burada bir tık madem iletişim kurabiliyordunuz bunca yıl niye hiç iletişim kurmadınız diye sorasım gelse de susuyorum.
Efendim bu iki eski arkadaş buluşmak için havuz başına giderler. Kızımız paspal ve “çirkin” hali ile dururken, şişman olmasın beklediği arkadaşı bütün endamı ile yanından geçip gider. Onu tanımaz. Kızımızın bütün özgüveni, hayat enerjisi vakum ile çekilince de düşünür taşınır “ev arkadaşım ve en yakın arkadaşım olan Min Ha-Ri(Koh Joon-Hee) benden daha güzel dur buluşmaya o gitsin” diye dahiyane bir fikir bulur. Evlerden ırak bu fikir klişesini yüzümüze çarptıktan sonra şimdiki en yakın arkadaşını ikna edip eskiden en yakın arkadaşına gönderir. Bu noktada klişeler çığ gibi büyümeye başlıyor. Hye-Jin The Most dergisinde işe giriyor. Sung-Joon The Most dergisine editör müdür olarak geliyor. Hye-Jin diye Ha-Ri’den garip bulsa da hoşlanmaya kendini zorluyor. Gibi gibi böyle ne gerek vardı diyeceğiniz tatta ilerliyor. Hye-Jin iş yerindeki ilk gününde çalışma arkadaşı Kim Shin-Hyuk(Choi Si-Won) ile tanışıyor. Shin-Hyuk son derece renkli, eğlenceli, dolambaçları olmayan dümdüz bir insan. Ona hemen bayılıyorsunuz. Çorapları ve ayakkabıları nedeni ile ilk günden son bölüme kadar Hye-Jin’e Jackson lakabını takıp, öyle sesleniyor. En sevdiğim detaylardan biriydi bu. Aynı zamanda bize inanılmaz bir ikinci adam krizi de yaşattı, onu da atlamayalım.
Min Ha-Ri aslında çok tatlı bir karakterdi. Son derece lüks, şık, net bir karakter olan Ha-Ri kimseye hiçbir mekanda arkadaşını ezdirmeyen, her zaman onun yanında olan bir karakterdi. Sanki küçükken zorbalara karşı Sung-Joon’un yanında olan Hye-Jin büyüyünce bu davranışı için Ha-Ri ile ödüllendirilmiş gibi düşünebilirsiniz. Ama gel gör ki, senarist bu karaktere çok cömert davrandığını düşünmüş olacak ki neden ben bunu da aynı adama aşık etmiyorum demiş. Kimselere tam anlamı ile güvenmeyen, çıktığı hiçbir erkeği “erkek arkadaşım” olarak görmeyen, kısa süreli ilişkiler inanı Ha-Ri; Sung-Joon’dan etkilenmesin mi!!!
Ve yetişkin Ji Sung-Joon; küçüklüğündeki o çalışkan kitap kurdu, kibar, düşünceli, nazik çocuktan eser kalmamış. Kaba, sert, düşüncesiz, herkese tepeden bakan bir patrona dönüşmüş. Gerçek Hye-Jin’e de etmediğini bırakmıyordu. Şimdi eğri oturup doğru konuşalım. 2013-14-15 yıllarında çıkan dizilerin hepsinde başroldeki erkek kadını itin götüne sokup sokup çıkardıktan sonra karakter gelişimi olmaksızın köpek gibi peşinden koşuyor şeklinde ilerliyor. Bu dizide bundan süper nasiplenmiş. Kızımız ilk aşkı diye sanki o ne yaparsa yapsın kabul edip sineye çekmek zorundaydı. Keşke birazcık olsa “sen kim köpeksin” tadında bir çıkma yaşansaydı. Bu dönemin dizilerindeki karakter gelişimleri tam bir facia ne yazık ki.
Dizide bu 3lünün arasındaki aşk dışında The Most dergisinin satışlarını arttırmak, dergi sahibinin yeğeninin ekipten kim olduğunu bulmak, çok ünlü yazar Ten’in kim olduğunu bulup dergiye röportaj vermesini sağlamak, ekibin genel ikili ilişkileri, dergi yöneticisi çılgın yaşlı kadının halleri, çirkinlik güzellik algıları gibi gibi konular işleniyordu. Kızımızın çilli ve pasaklı olması nedeni ile çirkin atfedildiği bu nadide senaryo da bir noktadan sonra saçlarını düzleştirip makyaj yapıyordu. Bence kesinlikle paspal hali daha güzeldi. Canım Kim Shin-Hyuk’da benimle öyle düşünüyordu. Jackson kendine ne yaptın diye tepki verdi.
The Most ekibi eğlenceli bir ekipti. Aynı zamanda baya yetenekli bir ekipten oluşuyordu. An Se-Ha, Shin Dong-Mi, Shin Hye-Sun gibi isimler vardı. Hwang Jung-Eum hala aynıydı. Kill Me, Heal Me’den beri hiç değişmemiş gibi geldi bana. Bu rol biraz daha ona gitmişti ama hala beraber oynadığı insanlarla yan yana koyulacak kadar başarılı bir oyuncu değildi.
Dizideki zorlama yerlere gelecek olursak, kesinlikle karakter gelişimleri yok diyebilirim. Sung-Joon belli bir noktadan sonra yanlış kişiye Hye-Jin dediğini fark ediyor, jet hızı ile değişiyordu. Ne fark eder, sen yıllar içinde pislik bir insan olmuşsun, kendi arkadaşına tanımıyorum diye it gibi davranmışsın. Yok ben anlamlandırmadım. Bana oturmadı. Yaşadığımız ikinci adam krizi ise boğazımızda kaldı valla. 1.adam Park Seo-Joon olunca… ister istemez ikinci adamı tutamadık. Oda başka şekilde mutlu olsun istedik, canı gönülden…
Ha-Ri’yi dizinin kötü karakteri yapmalarından da hiç hoşlanmadım. Bana sorarsanız Hye-Jin ile aralarındaki puzzle sahneleri tamamen çekim hatasıydı. Küçüklüğünden beri Sung-Joon’un verdiği puzzle parçasını saklayan Hye-Jin, gerçek olduğunu onunla kanıtladı. Ama bu kanıtı ilk Ha-Ri puzzle ‘ı izinsiz alarak kullandı. Yani puzzle’ın yerine nasıl döndüğünü hiç bilmiyoruz. Eline puzzle parçası olan her kadın ben oyum diyebilicek gibiydi.
Dizideki karakteristik aksaklıklar az da olsa sevimliydi. Hye-Jin’in strese girince dişlerini birbirine vurması, Sung-Joon’un bir şeye konsantre olduğunda başka hiçbir şeyi fark edememesi gibi… bütün beğenmediklerimi arka arkaya sayınca sanki kötü bir hava yarattım gibi oldu. Öyle değil, 2015 dizisi olmasına rağmen son derece keyifli kaliteli bir diziydi. Oyunculara denilecek hiçbir söz yoktu. Genel eleştirim tamamen senaryoya. Ve son olarak da Kim Shin-Hyuk rol için biçilmiş kaftandı. Dizinin seviyesini yükselttiğini söylersem birçok insan bana katılacaktır. Karakterini ayrı oyuncuyu ayrı beğendim. Kore standartlarına ters düşen sakalları, ofis ciddiyetinden uzak eğlenceli kişiliğiyle, aşkını ifade etmesiyle… her şeyi ile on numaraydı. Sırf ona düşüp izleyebilirsiniz.
Choi Siwon - Only you
Park Seo-Joon - A Long Journey
Raven Melus
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k-star-holic · 2 years ago
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'Dollsing4men' Kim Jun-ho, meeting with his life .. Tak Jae-hun "I have to break up with Kim Ji-min"
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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wonryllis · 1 year ago
────𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗄𝖽𝗋𝖺𝗆𝖺 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝖺 𝗇𝗎𝗍𝗌𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗅.
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𓋜 hyung line as hot characters ㅤ. .ㅤ𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑡ㅤㅤ𓍼ㅤㅤ𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑛 & fluff suggestive+ ࣪  ㅤ˖ ㅤ𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑ㅤㅤ৲ lowercase intended ㅤ. ⠀𓈃 ๋ ㅤ𝐍𝐄𝐖 峠
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( yeonie.notes ) these are the only song kang characters i know quite a bit about so i wasn't able to include the maknae line srry. 585wc. gn!centered.
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꒰⠀hee⠀⠀⎯⎯ ⠀⠀seung.⠀꒱⠀⠀ 🖇️ 𝄒⠀⠀ ﹙𝑣𝑖𝑒.﹚ as hwang sun-oh from love alarm . . . falls first and falls harder. the good guy turned toxic because he loves you too much. borderline obsessed with you sometimes. quite literally needs to have you in his sight for him to be calm. loves ringing your love alarm everytime he comes close to you but absolutely hates it when other guys ring it too. waits for you during lunch break to walk to the cafeteria together. loves watching you do the simplest things. pulls you to the blind spots around the premises every other day to make out and do other unholy things. in his world there is only you he can't and will not see any one else, boys and girls alike. rich guy takes the bus with you and for you only. does everything to show people you're his. baby, ring my alarm please?
꒰⠀jong⠀⠀⎯⎯ ⠀⠀seong.⠀꒱⠀⠀ 🖇️ 𝄒⠀⠀ ﹙𝑣𝑖𝑒.﹚ as lee chae-rok from navillera . . . the mysterious and distant guy who was actually a sugar coated sweet pie in disguise. helps you with everything he can. tells you if there's ever a problem then you just need to give him a call and he'll be there. always looks in the eyes even when he turns red everytime, he just finds you so beautiful, his love. consoles you by making you forget everything around but him. pauses his ballet practice whenever you show up and disappears with you into one of the rooms to take a break. all disheveled, panting and sweating as you cling together. loves how you show up to his competitions to cheer him on. always tries to make you smile. it hurts his heart to see you hurt. you're my lucky charm.
꒰⠀jae⠀⠀⎯⎯ ⠀⠀yun.⠀꒱⠀⠀ 🖇️ 𝄒⠀⠀ ﹙𝑣𝑖𝑒.﹚ as park jae-eon from nevertheless . . . the major red flag turn green flag guy. loves sneaking up on you to steal kisses anywhere and everywhere. aware of how his body effects you and uses it to his full advantage, again touching you anywhere and everywhere in front of anyone and everyone. shows up unannounced to your unit just because he misses you or he's in the mood to ruin you. always i mean always kisses your lips to get or give a taste of any thing y'all have in your mouth. walks you to all your classes and pins you to wall at least once on the way. actually really cares about you but you're so hot he's too horny all the time to show it. overall my boy corrupted you to the core in every way possible. do you want to go see butterflies?
꒰⠀sung⠀⠀⎯⎯ ⠀⠀hoon.⠀꒱⠀ ⠀🖇️ 𝄒⠀⠀ ﹙𝑣𝑖𝑒.﹚ as jung gu-won from my demon . . . the sexy incubus like demon who can't believe he fell so hard for a human. lives for the way you drool over his visuals. needs to hold you for every second of his life. boy doesn't give a fuck about anyone that's not you. uses his demon abilities to take you to scenic restricted areas like the top of a prohibited building to show you the stars or drive the car insanely fast to get somewhere he can touch you freely. there's this unspoken dynamic of a predator and his prey, especially when he's rearranging your guts. will get you anything you want through his powers. drives you everywhere you're his princess, you don't need to do anything. never fails to give you a goodbye kiss. you're my fate that i cannot defy.
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seoinquk · 1 year ago
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You have worth to me. And I have worth to you.
Ryu Seung Ryong as Jang Ju Won & Kwak Sun Young as Hwang Ji Hee MOVING 무빙 (2023) dir. Park In Je
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trendingdrama · 1 year ago
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[EP11] MOVING / 무빙 (2023) dir. Park In Je
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kkachizip · 25 days ago
[번역/TRANSLATION] 임을 위한 행진곡—March for the Beloved
민중가요 [Minjung-Gayo] (South Korean protest music)
Literally translating to "people song", or, "song of the people", Minjung-Gayo refers to a kind of song that is sung by the people during protests. First beginning in the 70s and 80s with songs that had its roots in protesting Japanese colonial powers being used to protest the governments of military dictators such as Park Jeong-hee 박정희 and Jeon Doo-Hwan 전두환, Minjung-Gayo has grown to encompass not only the classics but also more recent pop songs such as Girl's Generation 소녀시대's "Into the New World 다시 만난 세계".
In this post, I introduce a classic Minjung-Gayo titled 임을 위한 행진곡 [Im-eul Wihan Haengjingok], or, March for the Beloved.
사랑도 명예도 이름도 남김 없이 한평생 나가자던 뜨거운 맹세 The passionate oath that we swore, that we would go forward our whole lives without leaving behind love, honor, or a name 동지는 간데없고 깃발만 나부껴 Our comrades are gone, and only a flag flutters 새 날이 올 때까지 흔들리지 말자 Let us not be shaken until a new day comes 세월은 흘러가도 산천은 안다 Even if the times pass, the mountains and streams will know 깨어나서 외치는 뜨거운 함성 We come to consciousness and roar a passionate cry 앞서서 나가니 산 자여 따르라 We march forward; may the living follow us 앞서서 나가니 산 자여 따르라 We march forward; may the living follow us
March for the Beloved was originally composed in 1981 for the 영혼결혼식 Yeonghon-Gyeolhonsik, or soul wedding, for activist 윤상원 Yoon Sang-won, martyred during the Gwangju Democracy Movement of 1980, and labor activist 박기순 Park Gi-sun, killed while contributing to the education of laborers. The soul wedding was a traditional act intended to unite unmarried dead and placate them (or, more accurately, give closure to surviving family). The two were married posthumously, although they knew each other while teaching night classes for laborers.
While the author of the original poem 백기완 Baek Ki-wan wrote it, novelist 황석영 Hwang Seok-yeong edited the lines and composed the music to insert it into a musical. The finished song was revealed in February 1982 during the soul wedding and was quickly distributed, settling in as a protest song representing the Gwangju Demicratic Movement.
In 1998, the original author of the poem that became March for the Beloved refused to claim copyright of the song, stating, "I do not have ownership nor copyright of this song. It's because the song has become that of all the people who wish for a new day on this land." It is with his wishes in mind that I translate and redistribute this song, hoping that it will inspire hope in at least one person who reads the lyrics.
In these turbulent times, we find ourselves being made to bear witness to history. The choice is ours; do we stand still and preserve ourselves, or do we go out and demonstrate our desire for democracy? I ask now that the international community does not turn its eyes away from the scene of struggle for democracy that is taking place in Korea.
한국 민중가요, Wikipedia
임을 위한 행진곡, Wikipedia
영혼결혼식, Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Culture
I use the term "Gwangju Democratic Movement" as opposed to the official English name for the incident, "Gwangju Uprising", in order to reflect the renaming of the incident in Korean.
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chansslvr · 10 months ago
linked lines-hwang hyunjin x male reader
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a hwang hyunjin fanfiction
linked lines
genre; angst
©_chansslvr do not copy, translate or change any of my work
warnings: mentions of bl00d, beating the reader up, angst, divorced parents, abuse, swears (i think im not too sure lol)
m/n lived in a world where everybody had soulmates. they could communicate by drawing/writing on their body. most people found their soulmates, but m/n wasn't keen at all. in fact, he promised himself that he would never meet his soulmate, he would only drag them down.
m/n hated his life at this point. he was depressed, and if he said he wasn't he'd be lying. even though it was pretty severe, he was still popular. people did notice how he was usually upset or quiet, but nobody commented on it. he was popular due to his looks. did he like the attention? sometimes. and those 'sometimes' were very very rare. he was pretty, and everybody knew it.
m/n was currently in maths, and he hated the subject. hell, he hated school. what was the point? it wasn't gonna get him anywhere anyway. m/n furrowed his brows as his teacher kept on talking about algebra. how the hell did letters have anything to do with numbers? he looked down at his book, to be met with a few answers he copied from the person next to him.
with a sigh, m/n grabbed his pen. after a few seconds of hesitation, and thinking of the detention he was 100% going to get, he began doodling on his arm. it was small, nothing too special. it had loads of lines, like he was sketching. except it was on his arm. m/n continued doodling until he got bored. he sighed again and looked back at his book, deciding to focus on his work.
towards the end half of the lesson, m/n felt a tingling sensation on his arm. he pulled his sleeve up ever so slightly to see the words 'you're a good artist!' with a small smiley face. m/n furrowed his brows and picked up his pen, quickly writing down 'no i'm not.' he watched again as the tingling sensation came back. now the words 'don't think so badly of yourself' proudly presented themselves on his wrist.
m/n frowned and put his pen down, resting his elbow on the table and letting his head lean on his palm. before he knew it, the lesson ended. with a slight groan, m/n stood up and packed away his belongings before abruptly leaving the classroom, ignoring the yells from the teacher saying stuff like, "i didn't tell you to pack up!" and scoldings, along with the murmurs and whispers from the class.
it was now saturday, which m/n dreaded. tomorrow, he had a taekwondo competition tomorrow, which he was not excited for. he heard rumours that a group called 'stray kids' were going to perform. he shrugged it off, and sat at his desk. he put on his headphones to ignore the yelling coming from downstairs as his father yelled at his new 'girlfriend.'
his parents had gotten divorced when m/n was around ten, he remembered the day as if it was yesterday.
"i'm sick of this, minjun! we have been married for fourteen years and you're deciding to cheat on me now?!" m/n's mother yelled at m/n's father. m/n watched from behind the wall, tears streaming down his cheeks. his parents had gotten into fights, but they were never this bad.
"for the last time sun hee, i was not cheating!" m/n's father screamed back. the day was perfectly fine before m/n's father had brought someone home from work. m/n saw it too. he watched as his father made out with some young, ugly woman. 'doesn't papa only do that with mama?' m/n asked himself as he watched from the sofa, as his father was now unbuttoning the lady's blouse.
then, they went upstairs. m/n furrowed his eyebrows, before shrugging and turning back to the tv. after a few hours, m/n heard the front door open. m/n's mother entered, she looked tired as usual. she entered the living room after taking off her heels and replacing them with slippers."ah, m/n. has papa fed you yet?" m/n looked up at his mother and shook his head. m/n heard his mother sigh, probably from fatigue, and gently kissed m/n's temple. the gentle, loving gesture being cut by a loud moan. m/n's mother pulled away from his son's forehead and looked at the stairs.
"one second, mama will be back, okay?" m/n's mother ruffled m/n's hair and went upstairs. m/n looked at the stairs for a few seconds before looking back at the tv. all of a sudden, m/n heard his mother scream. it was more of a gasp, but the kid was nine, his imagination wild, what did you expect? m/n went upstairs, and watched from behind the door as m/n's mother stood, frozen in shock, horror, disgust and anger as she saw her husband sleeping with another lady.
"what the hell?!" m/n's father yelled in english, looking up to see his wife. he sat up and glared at her.
that's how they were in the situation now. after a few minutes of loud yelling, and the lady getting up, dressing herself and leaving, m/n's mother now grabbed a suitcase and began packing her belongings. "yah, sun hee! what are you doing?!" m/n's father yelled, standing up and watching as his, now, ex wife packing to leave. "i'm leaving. forget you and your cheating ass!" m/n's mother cursed as she opened the closet, grabbing all of her clothing. after what seemed like hours, m/n's mother left the bedroom, then noticed her son. she put the suitcase down so it stood up and kneeled so she was on the same eye level as her son.
she gently caressed m/n's wet cheek, dripping with salty tears full of upset and horror. "m/n, mama will be back okay?" she pulled m/n into a hug, but all m/n could do was stand there in shock. "mama, where are you going?" m/n managed to say, his eyes wide and lips trembling. "mama's gonna take a break from papa. be a good boy for mama, yeah?" m/n's heart broke as he realised his mother was leaving. for good.
"why are you leaving me, mama?" m/n asked, his little face now scrunched up in upset. "mama isn't leaving you. she's gonna be back when she can, alright? don't cry my baby." she brought m/n's head to her chest, caressing his scalp gently. all while this was happening, m/n's father glared daggers into his son. he was the problem, and he knew it. but he still blamed it on his good for nothing son. after a few minutes of m/n's whimpering, his mother pulled back, smiling slightly, her eyes red from crying too much. she kissed m/n's forehead and stood up, dusting off her skirt and leaving. m/n ran downstairs, he couldn't let his mother leave him. no way. his heart got shattered into millions of pieces as his mother walked out, not even looking back once.
then, m/n just grew up. he was hit, by his father, but also hit with the emotional trauma and depression he had got gifted. now and again, m/n's father got a new side hoe, m/n was so grateful for those times. then, he wasn't hit. instead, it was the women who got his pain.
m/n shivered as the memory bubbled back up from the deep dark depths of his mind. he looked down at his arm, still seeing the writing from earlier. he scrubbed his arm with a wet tissue before giving up and starting on his long pile of homework. after completing three assignments, one being of art and the other two science (more specifically chemistry and biology), he felt the tingling sensation on his arm. he looked down and saw a few sentences. m/n's brows furrowed as he read through them. it clearly read 'hey, yk we are soulmates and all, right? i was wondering why you never write. like, the only time i hear from you is when your doodling all over our arms, and then writing random letters.'
m/n groaned and picked up a pen before clearly writing 'i don't want a soulmate. i don't want you, and you shouldn't want me either, okay? i'm not interested, alright? and also, why don't you get it? if im not writing, it's pretty clear i want nothing to do with you. leave me alone and don't write to me.' m/n could feel his heart wrenching when he wrote that. he didn't mean to word it so harshly, he just didn't want to make his soulmate feel depressed because of his pity story. he rubbed his eyes, tears now threatening to fall. he played his song louder to drown out the yelling from his father and starting his english essay.
*hyunjin pov*
hyunjin felt his heart breaking as he read the words his soulmate wrote. he was in the practise room, he was sitting in the corner, leaning on the wall. the other members were drinking, more like gulping, down water. hyunjin, however, thought that this was the perfect opportunity to communicate with his soulmate. seungmin eventually noticed hyunjin's heart broken expression and sat down next to him and glanced at his arm.
*sorry i don't rlly know what to write here- but it's basically all the members finding out that hyunjin's soulmate was a 'bitch'*
m/n sighed as he pulled off his shirt to change. it was now sunday, which meant he had a huge taekwondo competition. he was in the changing room, and was getting changed. his coach was trying to hype up m/n with shoulder pats and words of advice. basic stuff like, "you're my best student kid, you can do it." and "i have faith in you."
after changing, and being introduced to one of his many opponents, the competition began. m/n was quite a thin boy, due to the basic lack of nutrition his father provided, but still managed to beat the other, much bigger and muscular, guy. m/n put his pain and trauma into every punch and kick. it wasn't like anybody was rooting for him. why was he even doing this in the first place? all these questions bombarded m/n's mind and before he knew it, the second round was over. with a few pants for breath, m/n bowed to his opponent before his coach came into the ring and patted m/n's back with a proud grin.
"m/n, i knew you could do it!" m/n looked up to his coach and smiled slightly. for once, he seemed slightly proud of himself. he was brought to a bench to recharge for his last and final opponent, he was pretty big so m/n had to work pretty hard to win. there was a short break and stray kids came up on stage. m/n raised a brow as he began drinking his water. so the rumours were true. stray kids began to perform venom and maniac. through the performance, m/n was sat next to his coach, who was telling m/n how proud he was, and stuff like that.
m/n's coach was the only type of father figure he had, and his coach understood m/n's situation and had loads of sympathy for the boy. m/n's coach was nice, friendly, the middle aged father figure everybody needed once and a while. m/n could remember those nights where he couldn't handle it anymore, and whose arms did he run into? his coach. m/n knew his coach since he was five, where his mother and father brought him to a taekwondo class. his mother said it was needed in case m/n was in a risky situation, but never expected m/n to get a brown belt when he was nine. his father, however, couldn't give a shit.
m/n rested his head against his coach's shoulder. "hey, who organised the whole performance thing?" m/n asked curiously as he watched stray kids perform maniac. "oh, one of the directors, i believe." m/n's coach replied, watching the performance too. "ah, okay." m/n nodded slightly, sitting up and drinking some of his water.
after the performance, stray kids sat back down in their seats, the next and final match beginning. the members had to admit, that the h/c boy was pretty good. especially if he took down all those bigger guys he had to go against. after a few minutes of throwing punches and kicks at each other, m/n's opponent finally fell to the mat. m/n looked up, panting, and looked at his coach who was grinning so hard his jaw probably ached.
"l/n m/n has won the competition." the presenters announced through the black speakers located around the hall/stadium. m/n's coach practically burst into tears as he watched m/n's arm get raised by the referee (im not rlly sure, i don't do taekwondo, please correct me if i'm wrong). after m/n's win was announced, m/n's coach quickly ran up to m/n and hugged him tightly. "m/n! you did it! i knew you could!" m/n could hardly hear his coach as the crowd erupted into screaming. m/n smiled slightly, just slightly and was brought off the mat. he was given his bottle of water and a few minutes later, had to go back up to receive his award by the idols.
chan gave m/n his medal with a smile and congratulating him. m/n muttered a small 'thank you' as he received the award. when m/n reached his arm out to be handed his medal, all the members then saw the writing that had also been on hyunjin's arm. hyunjin's smile just faded and the same thing happened with the rest of the members as they were now slightly glaring at m/n. after he received the award, m/n's coach approached m/n and brought him back to the changing rooms, now pulling him into a sort of side hug.
now m/n was by himself in the changing rooms. he pulled his shirt off of his shoulders and shook his head, trying to get some of the sweat out of his hair. he was about to change, but he was suddenly pushed to the lockers, the lockers banging loudly against each other. m/n's breath hitched as he looked up at the guy who he thought was going to kill him. to his surprise, it was the guy who gave him the award.
"shit." he curses and began struggling against chan's grip. "what the hell? get off of me." he tried to push chan off, but his grip tightened. all of a sudden, m/n felt blood coming out of his mouth, and leaking from his nose. it took him a few seconds to realise he just got punched in the face by one of the other members. 'fuck, i'm going to die today. twice.' m/n thought as he realised he was probably going to get beaten up here, then get beaten to a pulp at home by his father, who was most likely already beginning his drinking cycle.
he tried to kick the two members off but only got met with a punch to the stomach. m/n shook his head and began to feel lightheaded. he was used to it, though. his body just got used to the beatings, but some places weren't quite prepared. as soon as he felt another punch in the shoulder, he knew he was gonna faint or die. whichever came first.
before he knew it, his head just lunged forward as he lost consciousness. chan immediately let go of the boy, his body going limp and falling to the ground, unfortunately for m/n, head first. "chan, what the fuck did you do?!" minho whisper yelled as he looked at the now bleeding boy. "i didn't punch him! it was changbin and jeongin!" minho turned to the two boys who just stared at the unconscious boy laying on the, what seemed to be, concrete floor. "fuck, we're going to prison." felix said and shook his head before trying to grab the boy. seungmin nodded slightly and helped felix, now laying the boy on his back so he was facing the ceiling.
well, if he was alive anyway. chan, along with the rest of the members leaned in ever so slightly to see the boy's injuries. han flinched and took a few steps back. to say they were bad, would be an underestimation. m/n now had a bleeding nose, blood literally oozing out of his mouth, a bruise on his temple and a cut on his forehead. "shit." chan whispered. "someone check his pulse." felix suggested and changbin quickly brought two fingers to the boy's left upper side of his neck. "he's alive. i think." seungmin rolled his eyes and put his hand on the boy's now bruised chest. "yeah, he's alive."
word count; 2803
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raider5 · 1 year ago
Six Crimson Cranes (K-Drama Edition Fancast)
Princess Shiori/Lina - Shin Ye Eun
Raikama/ The Nameless Queen - Kim Hye Soo
Emperor Hanriyu - Choi Won Young
Kiki (Voice) - Kim Hye Yoon
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The 6 Princes:
Andahai- Lee Joon Gi
Benkai- Lee Jae Wook
Reiji- Hwang In Youp
Wandei- Ahn Hyo Seop
Yotan- Chae Jong Hyeop
Hasho- Rowoon
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Castle Bushian:
Bushi'an Takkan- Nam Joo Hyuk
Megari- Park So Yi
Zairena- Lee Sung Kyung
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The Dragons of Ai'long
Seryu- Song Kang
Nazayun- Lee Geung Young
Lady Solzaya- Kim Hee Sun
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Ancestors of K-beauty - 8090s edition
The 5 beauty trend queens :
- of the 80s :
Oh Hyun-kyung - the fact that shes the most prolific Miss Korea winner - 1989 - says it all. Plus that lip commercial? Iconic. The MiKos were the beauty trendsetters of the 80s and the industry literally set the "Jin" as the standard of make up the next few years.
Hwang Shin-hye - homegirl ain't called Computer Beauty for nothing! The only person who actually embodied both the 80s and 90s at the same time. She had naturally arched eyebrows and those heart shaped lips that later became a thing.
Lee Ji-yeon - the originator of the innocent concept and image in the pop music industry, which is the entire k-beauty aesthetic now. Give her the credit. See through bangs, no makeup makeup, thick straight eyebrows, skincare, thin lips.
Kim Wan-sun - when people talk about a 80s diva, they mean her.
Jang Yoon-jeong - Miss Universe contestant in 1988 and a big part of the 80s look - plump lips and cheeks, an obnoxious curl in the forehead, big hair, red lipstick, purple eyeshadow...
Honourable mentions : Lee Mi-yeon for being the absolute innocent cutiepieeee
1990s :
Lee Young-ae : Her 1992 Mamonde Lip commercial literally turned the beauty world upside down. She was the embodiment of the strong, city, career woman that was the image women wanted to be , in those few seconds. Dark red lipstick, short shoulder length hair, pant suit, iconic. Literally influenced the industry for the next 7 years or so.
Kim Hye-soo : She embodied the "career woman" image since the beginning and always had a more mature persona, and especially her dark and matte eye looks as well as her super arched eyebrows were to die for.
Kim Hee-sun : Trendy hairstyle queen - she got the strand highlights, the low ponytail, the hairband and so many other big trends out there. Plus her lips were always dark and we love it.
Ha Soo-bin : the k-manhwa aesthetic in one human, was super popular despite the strong career unnie image being prevalent. It was her shocking popularity that the above trend faded and more natural, innocent makeup following Soobin's appearance became the aesthetic.
Lee Seung-yeon : Miss Korea second runner up, had a pretty illustrious career plus super iconic Smokey eye look. Alao popularised perma curls and headbands after her role in "Cinderella"
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arenaofimagination · 7 months ago
Hwang Hee-chan: So What
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Hee-chan point view
S/n looked troubled as she sat on the bench in the park, her gaze fixed on some distant point beyond the horizon. I could sense her worries weighing heavily on her mind, her shoulders slumped with the burden of whatever troubles were troubling her. As her friend, it pained me to see her in such a state. I couldn't bear to see her consumed by worries, unable to enjoy the beauty of the present moment.
With a determined stride, I approached her, a warm smile plastered on my face despite the concern gnawing at my heart. "Hey there, S/n," I greeted her, hoping to bring a glimmer of light into her darkened world.
S/n turned to look at me, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and relief at seeing me. "Oh, hey Hee-chan," she responded, attempting to muster a smile but failing to conceal the storm raging within her.
I settled down beside her, not needing words to understand the turmoil she was going through. Instead, I let the gentle rustling of the leaves and the soothing melody of birdsong fill the space between us, offering a moment of tranquillity amidst the chaos of her thoughts.
After a moment of silence, I finally spoke, my voice gentle yet firm. "S/n, I can see that something is troubling you. You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders alone. Remember, it's okay to let go and embrace the present moment."
S/n let out a heavy sigh, her gaze drifting back to the horizon. "I know, Hee-chan, but it's easier said than done. There are just so many things going on in my life right now, and I can't help but worry about what the future holds."
I reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, offering her the support she needed. "I understand, S/n. But dwelling on the uncertainties of tomorrow will only rob you of the joy of today. Life is too short to be spent worrying about what might happen. Sometimes, we just have to trust that everything will work out in the end."
S/n nodded slowly, her expression softening as my words began to sink in. "You're right, Hee-chan. I've been so caught up in my worries that I've forgotten to appreciate the beauty of the present moment."
I smiled, relieved to see a hint of light returning to her eyes. "Exactly! So why don't we take a break from all the worries and just enjoy the simple pleasures of life? How about we go for a walk and soak in the beauty of nature?"
S/n hesitated for a moment, her mind still wrestling with doubts and fears. But then, with a determined nod, she rose to her feet, ready to embrace the moment with renewed vigor. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Hee-chan. Thank you for reminding me to appreciate the here and now."
Together, we strolled through the park, hand in hand, leaving behind the weight of worries and embracing the simple joys of friendship and nature. With each step, S/n's spirits lifted, her laughter ringing out like music to my ears.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the world, I couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these, moments where worries faded away, and all that mattered was the beauty of the present moment. And as I looked at S/n's smiling face beside me, I knew that no matter what tomorrow brought, as long as we had each other, we could face it with courage and grace.
The setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink as S/n and I continued our leisurely stroll through the park. The worries that had once burdened her seemed to dissipate with each step, replaced by a newfound sense of peace and contentment. I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that I had played a small part in lifting her spirits.
As we walked, we shared stories and laughter, reveling in the simple pleasure of each other's company. The park was alive with the sounds of nature, providing the perfect backdrop for our impromptu escape from the stresses of everyday life.
Eventually, we found ourselves at a secluded spot by a tranquil pond, surrounded by lush greenery and the gentle rustling of leaves. S/n let out a contented sigh as she settled down on the grass, her eyes sparkling with newfound clarity.
"This is perfect," she remarked, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "Thank you, Hee-chan, for reminding me to appreciate the beauty of the present moment."
I returned her smile, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. "Anytime, S/n. You know I'm always here for you."
We sat in comfortable silence for a while, basking in the serenity of our surroundings. The worries that had once loomed large in S/n's mind now seemed like distant memories, replaced by a sense of peace and gratitude for the here and now.
As the sky darkened and the stars began to twinkle overhead, we reluctantly rose to our feet, knowing that our time in the park was drawing to a close. But as we made our way home, I couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that lingered within me.
No matter what challenges lay ahead, I knew that if we had each other, we could weather any storm. And as we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways, I felt a renewed sense of optimism for the future, knowing that together, we could conquer whatever obstacles life through our way.
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everythingbap · 2 months ago
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📲 r_seop Instagram update:
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