#Hwang Jung-Eum
thedramanotes · 2 years
The Great Misunderstanding Trope From Ye Olde K-dramas
Hello. So, I wanted to chat some more about this well known trope in Korean dramas from the 2000s and early 2010s.
Or if you ever picked up a romance novel from the eighties or nineties, this was one of the major tropes used there too.
I'm talking about the Great Misunderstanding trope.
Not that it ever went out of fashion exactly, but in the late 2000s, early 2010s, this had quite a resurgence and was used in pretty much every dramatic romance drama.
A drama that really exemplifies how dramatic this trope could get was secret from 2013, which had Ji Sung and Hwang Jung-eum.
There was a LOT of misunderstandings in that drama.
Now, typical of this trope is that the hero would be drawn towards the heroine despite believing the absolute worst of her. And the heroine would be in a situation where she can't clear up his misunderstanding for one reason or the other. Maybe she doesn't know that he believes the worst of her, or she's trying to protect somebody.
Maybe she's even trying to protect him.
And the hero's behavior gets really egregious, because on the one hand, he is terribly drawn to her almost helplessly. But on the other hand, he believes she is a really horrible human being. He's constantly experiencing inner turmoil because of her, and this crisis of feelings and beliefs makes him lash out at the heroine.
Since he believes the worst of her, his behavior towards her is the worst, and this is a key point of this trope.
The hero is constantly horrible to the heroine at this juncture of their relationship. While the heroine is either helpless to resist or hit back, or unwilling to hurt the hero in return.
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Maybe because she's just a genuinely good person and she just has a high tolerance for pain, like Hwang Jung-eum in Secret or she is protecting him, like Han Ga-in in Moon Embracing the Sun, when she comes back into the life of the king and the king believes that she is an imposter sent to like mess with his head because she looks so much like his first love and throws her in the prison for three days where she doesn't even get like a drop of water.
And while she is barely alive, he's just going about his life feeling disturbed that the situation happened, but not really thinking about her condition. And of course then her character goes through several other trials, which he could have put a stop to and would have put a stop to if he knew that she was indeed his first love and not an imposter.
But, of course that would completely skip over this period where the heroine suffers at the hands of his enemies and he just lets it happen. But because of this period of suffering, the hero later on feels abject remorse towards the heroine. He is utterly guilt ridden because she had to suffer so much because of him.
And added to that aspect is the fact that she never hit back at him. She was never horrible to him in return. This heroine is usually extremely Gandhian in her approach to the hero, turning the other cheek and all that. She is virtue herself.
And once the hero realizes that about the heroine and he grovels at her feet and the she gets a moment to be like, "I don't hold anything against you, but I may need two years abroad to rethink life and to come back more deserving of you."
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That's a whole other trope, but the point is that she gets a moment to sort of get the upper hand in the relationship. Now, this is an interesting aspect of this trope, this upper hand. The relationship dynamic between the hero and the heroine is such that the hero usually occupies a higher position in society.
He is richer, more powerful, maybe he's a celebrity. Either ways. He's in a different, entirely different strata than the heroine. And the heroine is really weak. Maybe she has been emotionally devastated by something that has happened in her life. She's definitely financially in a weaker position and probably also socially from a different class.
This huge class gap is one of the major reasons that this trope exists, and we'll come back to that in a second. The heroine starts the journey in this really weak position, but at the end of the story, the heroine is barely the hero's equal, and the way she becomes his "equal" is by getting the moral upper hand.
And the upper hand doesn't really put her in a higher position than him. It's not like for the rest of their life, they're going to have arguments and she'll bring up what he had done before and he'll be like, yes, you win every argument ever. No, that's not what the story is going for.
The story is making very sure we understand that the gap between them at the start of the story is so huge that the hero finally understanding the heroine's true virtues and how good she is, and that she had never done those awful things he believed of her and that she had suffered in silence while he tortured her - all of those things and the hero's guilt barely brings the hero up to be kind of his equal, at least equal enough that now they can have a relationship.
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The heroine comes up in the world, hero doesn't go down at all. He loses only one thing, and that is the right to look down on the heroine, and that is an important aspect of the Great misunderstanding because as you might have noticed till now, I have been specifically telling you about how the hero is the one doing the misunderstanding, the heroine is the one being misunderstood. This particular trope usually flows in this fixed direction. The genders are pretty much fixed.
Occasionally they try to flip it, but the dynamic immediately becomes weaker and the story isn't as interesting.
I'm sure the dramas of decades before this period also had the great misunderstanding used liberally, but it was used to an excessive amount during that period, the late 2000s, early 2010s.
And the reason for that was that the class difference was still quite huge. And women still had fewer opportunities. They were coming up, but they were not quite there yet. And you have to understand, Korean dramas were primarily written for middle aged women who were housewives and/or working. And for most of them, their economic strata was kind of fixed.
There wasn't really a lot of opportunity to come up in the world in the decade after that. Even though the real world wealth gap hasn't exactly decreased, but you must have noticed that dramas no longer tell the stories of really poor women and really rich men. They tell the stories of really rich men and women who are middle to upper class, but don't feel inferior to these rich men.
Their upbringings, even though there is definitely a difference in wealth, no longer makes the two feel like they are from different worlds in terms of the education they got, the exposure they have in the world.
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So, from the heroine's perspective, the gap between the two of them doesn't seem so impossible to bridge anymore these days, but back then it was HUGE. The heroine wouldn't look at the hero and think, hey, that's a guy I want to date. The hero would look at the hero and be like, I am drawn to her, but I cannot date her.
We saw examples of this in, let's say in Secret Garden where Hyun Bin was drawn to Ha Ji-won's character. He pursued her, but not for a relationship. He just pursued her heedlessly, but then anytime she reciprocated, he would be the one to point out how much of a gap there is between the two of them and how they could never be a permanent thing.
He was willing to offer her the position of his mistress, but not his girlfriend.
Another Hyun Bin drama is, my name is Kim Sam-soon, where you also had elements of the great misunderstanding, but it was essentially that class divide that made Hyun Bin's character again look down on Kim Sun-ah. Who was poor, clumsy, supposedly overweight and definitely from a different world class-wise than Hyun Bin's character.
So the class divide really is ultimately the reason why the great misunderstanding trope existed.
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But you didn't always need the great misunderstanding trope to exist in a story to talk about class. Like I just said my name is Kim Sam-soon and Secret Garden both did that really well.They actually faced the question of class divide and how two people from two different strata would overcome that.
Those stories were directly challenging the idea of the class divide.
The stories that employed the great misunderstanding didn't really want to directly talk about the class divide. They wanted to solve that problem, the problem of the woman being from a weaker section of society, and also just having like a weaker position within the relationship with the hero without really underlining what the problem was.
So why was the trope so popular at the time? Because the class divide existed in reality and the drama watching audiences wanted more stories about it. And this was a morality play where the virtuous heroine has to go through this traumatic trial by fire to prove herself.
But once she has proven herself, the hero can never doubt her again.
The hero would now forever be so grateful that she has forgiven him for his big mistake in not knowing how wonderful she is, that he will never abuse her, he will never mistrust her, he will never doubt her.
Once their love is affirmed in this way, she emerges, virtuous, victorious, and having secured the love of this man.
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And if you haven't figured it out yet, the great misunderstanding trope ultimately is not about the hero being a jerk to the heroine. It's about the heroine going through a hero's journey. To finally land up in a place where she is powerful enough to be the hero's equal morally. This is a female empowerment fantasy.
This was all we wanted. We wanted the hero to acknowledge the heroine's goodness and never doubt her. And of course, we as the audience absolutely love this. We loved that the heroine was sort of the personification of goodness. She may be clumsy, she may be silly at times. She may make poor decisions. She may make us extremely frustrated because she refuses to tell the hero the truth, whatever the truth may be.
But ultimately, we absolutely love the fact that the hero, once he figured out how wrong he was, how terribly he had treated her, and how much he owes her, once that moment struck, that's when the real payoff would happen. And of course then we had dramas like Secret where they would use the great misunderstanding to create some of the steamiest moments between the hero and the heroine.
Seriously, Ji Sung and Hwang Jung-eum had the most messed up dynamic in that story, and yet it's like seared in my brain. That was crack.
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Now, something else to keep in mind is that the great misunderstanding has been used in modern day romances quite liberally as well. But this - what is used these days - is the great misunderstanding lite.
Like, you have Our Beloved Summer where the hero doesn't actually know why the heroine had broken up with him and sort of misunderstands her intentions, and then years later finally figures out why she was forced to break up with him at that point.
Or you have Love Is For suckers, where the heroine realizes that the hero has feelings for her, but she's still feeling conflicted. And she also knows that another woman deeply loves the hero and she doesn't want to come between them. So, she lets the hero misunderstand her, which creates a chasm between the two of them.
So you do have these instances of misunderstanding. It's not that dramatic because there really is no great payoff. There is no groveling hero. There is no guilt. There is no internal misery. There is no irresistible attraction that is constantly pulling the hero and hero in together. And they are just dying inside because they can't be together.
It's not that dramatic anymore. It's simpler.
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Which on the one hand is a good thing. It's a good thing, but it also makes for less memorable stories.
I was trying really hard to think of more instances where the misunderstanding lite trope has been used in dramas recently, and I know there have been tons.
I just don't remember because, it was not that interesting. I just think, if you have to use that trope, it's maybe worth it to go full fledged, like modernize it, make the woman less of a dish rag or flip genders, but really commit to the trope. Don't just use it as this one throwaway thing that happens for two episodes.
That is a waste of a trope that could genuinely create a lot of heat and trauma, but also, I'm sure in the hands of good writers create moments where the hero and heroine could really talk about their differences - whether it's moral, ethical, political, religious, economic, or a clash of egos - actually get into the depths of why the two of them felt so torn asunder despite being attracted to each other.
I am sure we can modernize it and still keep the drama aspect of it.
It doesn't have to be this morality tale that requires the woman to be a saint. So that she could just barely be equal to the spoiled rich hero.
This essay was originally published as a video on The Drama Note YouTube Channel.
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korelist · 7 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,6 Benim puanım: 8
Drama: She Was Pretty (literal title)
Hangul: 그녀는 예뻤다
Director: Jung Dae-Yoon
Writer: Jo Sung-Hee
Date: 2015
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Hwang Jung-Eum, Park Seo-Joon, Koh Joon-Hee, Choi Si-Won, Shin Hye-Sun, Shin Dong-Mi
2015 MBC Drama Awards - December 30, 2015
Best Actress (mini series) (Hwang Jung-Eum)
Excellent Actor (mini series) (Park Seo-Joon)
Best Supporting Actress (mini series) (Hwang Suk-Jung)
Ten Star Award (Park Seo-Joon/Hwang Jung-Eum)
Best Netizen Award (Park Seo-Joon/Hwang Jung-Eum)
Best Actor or Actress Selected by Directors (Hwang Jung-Eum)
Best Screenplay (Jo Sung-Hee)
Best Child Actor (Yang Han-Yol)
Park Seo-Joon için başlayıp, Choi Si-Won için devam edilecek eğlenceli bir dizi!! Kill Me Heal Me izleyen her kdrama hayranı bana katılacaktır ki; KMHM’de Oh Ri On ve Oh Ri Jin rolünde kardeşleri oynayan Hwang Jung-Eum ve Park Seo-Joon bu dizide çift oldukları duyurulunca oldukça izleyici çektiler.
Kim Hye-Jin (Hwang Jung-Eum) varlıklı bir ailenin popüler ve güzel kızıdır. Okulda şişman gözlüklü zorbalığa uğrayan Ji Sung-Joon(Park Seo-Joon) ile arkadaş olurlar. Aynı zamanda komşudurlar. Yıllarca en yakın arkadaş olan bu ikili Ji Sung-Joon’un Amerikaya taşınması ile bölünür. Aradan geçen yıllar Hye-Jin’e hiç güzel davranmamıştır. Babasından aldığı genler okul sonrasında iyice ortaya çıkınca kıvırcık saçlı, kırmızı yanaklı çilli bir kadına dönüşmüştür. Dizide “çirkin” olarak anlatılsa da bence oldukça sevimli bir tipi vardı. Tabi Kore standartlarına uymayan bu görünümü nedeni ile beğenilmiyordu.
Amerika’da büyüyen Sung-Joon ise zayıflamış, yakışıklı ve başarılı bir genç adama dönüşmüştür. The Most isimli dergide editörlük yapmaktadır. Şirket Kore’deki şubeye çekidüzen vermesi için onu memleketine gönderir. Memleketine dönerken de yakın arkadaşına mail atıp, ülkesine döneceğini görüşmek istediğini yazar. Burada bir tık madem iletişim kurabiliyordunuz bunca yıl niye hiç iletişim kurmadınız diye sorasım gelse de susuyorum.
Efendim bu iki eski arkadaş buluşmak için havuz başına giderler. Kızımız paspal ve “çirkin” hali ile dururken, şişman olmasın beklediği arkadaşı bütün endamı ile yanından geçip gider. Onu tanımaz. Kızımızın bütün özgüveni, hayat enerjisi vakum ile çekilince de düşünür taşınır “ev arkadaşım ve en yakın arkadaşım olan Min Ha-Ri(Koh Joon-Hee) benden daha güzel dur buluşmaya o gitsin” diye dahiyane bir fikir bulur. Evlerden ırak bu fikir klişesini yüzümüze çarptıktan sonra şimdiki en yakın arkadaşını ikna edip eskiden en yakın arkadaşına gönderir. Bu noktada klişeler çığ gibi büyümeye başlıyor. Hye-Jin The Most dergisinde işe giriyor. Sung-Joon The Most dergisine editör müdür olarak geliyor. Hye-Jin diye Ha-Ri’den garip bulsa da hoşlanmaya kendini zorluyor. Gibi gibi böyle ne gerek vardı diyeceğiniz tatta ilerliyor. Hye-Jin iş yerindeki ilk gününde çalışma arkadaşı Kim Shin-Hyuk(Choi Si-Won) ile tanışıyor. Shin-Hyuk son derece renkli, eğlenceli, dolambaçları olmayan dümdüz bir insan. Ona hemen bayılıyorsunuz. Çorapları ve ayakkabıları nedeni ile ilk günden son bölüme kadar Hye-Jin’e Jackson lakabını takıp, öyle sesleniyor. En sevdiğim detaylardan biriydi bu. Aynı zamanda bize inanılmaz bir ikinci adam krizi de yaşattı, onu da atlamayalım.
Min Ha-Ri aslında çok tatlı bir karakterdi. Son derece lüks, şık, net bir karakter olan Ha-Ri kimseye hiçbir mekanda arkadaşını ezdirmeyen, her zaman onun yanında olan bir karakterdi. Sanki küçükken zorbalara karşı Sung-Joon’un yanında olan Hye-Jin büyüyünce bu davranışı için Ha-Ri ile ödüllendirilmiş gibi düşünebilirsiniz. Ama gel gör ki, senarist bu karaktere çok cömert davrandığını düşünmüş olacak ki neden ben bunu da aynı adama aşık etmiyorum demiş. Kimselere tam anlamı ile güvenmeyen, çıktığı hiçbir erkeği “erkek arkadaşım” olarak görmeyen, kısa süreli ilişkiler inanı Ha-Ri; Sung-Joon’dan etkilenmesin mi!!!
Ve yetişkin Ji Sung-Joon; küçüklüğündeki o çalışkan kitap kurdu, kibar, düşünceli, nazik çocuktan eser kalmamış. Kaba, sert, düşüncesiz, herkese tepeden bakan bir patrona dönüşmüş. Gerçek Hye-Jin’e de etmediğini bırakmıyordu. Şimdi eğri oturup doğru konuşalım. 2013-14-15 yıllarında çıkan dizilerin hepsinde başroldeki erkek kadını itin götüne sokup sokup çıkardıktan sonra karakter gelişimi olmaksızın köpek gibi peşinden koşuyor şeklinde ilerliyor. Bu dizide bundan süper nasiplenmiş. Kızımız ilk aşkı diye sanki o ne yaparsa yapsın kabul edip sineye çekmek zorundaydı. Keşke birazcık olsa “sen kim köpeksin” tadında bir çıkma yaşansaydı. Bu dönemin dizilerindeki karakter gelişimleri tam bir facia ne yazık ki.
Dizide bu 3lünün arasındaki aşk dışında The Most dergisinin satışlarını arttırmak, dergi sahibinin yeğeninin ekipten kim olduğunu bulmak, çok ünlü yazar Ten’in kim olduğunu bulup dergiye röportaj vermesini sağlamak, ekibin genel ikili ilişkileri, dergi yöneticisi çılgın yaşlı kadının halleri, çirkinlik güzellik algıları gibi gibi konular işleniyordu. Kızımızın çilli ve pasaklı olması nedeni ile çirkin atfedildiği bu nadide senaryo da bir noktadan sonra saçlarını düzleştirip makyaj yapıyordu. Bence kesinlikle paspal hali daha güzeldi. Canım Kim Shin-Hyuk’da benimle öyle düşünüyordu. Jackson kendine ne yaptın diye tepki verdi.
The Most ekibi eğlenceli bir ekipti. Aynı zamanda baya yetenekli bir ekipten oluşuyordu. An Se-Ha, Shin Dong-Mi, Shin Hye-Sun gibi isimler vardı. Hwang Jung-Eum hala aynıydı. Kill Me, Heal Me’den beri hiç değişmemiş gibi geldi bana. Bu rol biraz daha ona gitmişti ama hala beraber oynadığı insanlarla yan yana koyulacak kadar başarılı bir oyuncu değildi.
Dizideki zorlama yerlere gelecek olursak, kesinlikle karakter gelişimleri yok diyebilirim. Sung-Joon belli bir noktadan sonra yanlış kişiye Hye-Jin dediğini fark ediyor, jet hızı ile değişiyordu. Ne fark eder, sen yıllar içinde pislik bir insan olmuşsun, kendi arkadaşına tanımıyorum diye it gibi davranmışsın. Yok ben anlamlandırmadım. Bana oturmadı. Yaşadığımız ikinci adam krizi ise boğazımızda kaldı valla. 1.adam Park Seo-Joon olunca… ister istemez ikinci adamı tutamadık. Oda başka şekilde mutlu olsun istedik, canı gönülden…
Ha-Ri’yi dizinin kötü karakteri yapmalarından da hiç hoşlanmadım. Bana sorarsanız Hye-Jin ile aralarındaki puzzle sahneleri tamamen çekim hatasıydı. Küçüklüğünden beri Sung-Joon’un verdiği puzzle parçasını saklayan Hye-Jin, gerçek olduğunu onunla kanıtladı. Ama bu kanıtı ilk Ha-Ri puzzle ‘ı izinsiz alarak kullandı. Yani puzzle’ın yerine nasıl döndüğünü hiç bilmiyoruz. Eline puzzle parçası olan her kadın ben oyum diyebilicek gibiydi.
Dizideki karakteristik aksaklıklar az da olsa sevimliydi. Hye-Jin’in strese girince dişlerini birbirine vurması, Sung-Joon’un bir şeye konsantre olduğunda başka hiçbir şeyi fark edememesi gibi… bütün beğenmediklerimi arka arkaya sayınca sanki kötü bir hava yarattım gibi oldu. Öyle değil, 2015 dizisi olmasına rağmen son derece keyifli kaliteli bir diziydi. Oyunculara denilecek hiçbir söz yoktu. Genel eleştirim tamamen senaryoya. Ve son olarak da Kim Shin-Hyuk rol için biçilmiş kaftandı. Dizinin seviyesini yükselttiğini söylersem birçok insan bana katılacaktır. Karakterini ayrı oyuncuyu ayrı beğendim. Kore standartlarına ters düşen sakalları, ofis ciddiyetinden uzak eğlenceli kişiliğiyle, aşkını ifade etmesiyle… her şeyi ile on numaraydı. Sırf ona düşüp izleyebilirsiniz.
Choi Siwon - Only you
Park Seo-Joon - A Long Journey
Raven Melus
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k-star-holic · 11 months
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Lee Young-don and Reconjugation ⁇ Hwang Jung-eum, two sons face to face.
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ppeonppeonhan · 1 year
Korean GLs I'd Watch...
Let's try to manifest a world where some of the biggest Korean actresses were cast in major full-length GL kdramas.
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Esom (Because This Is My First Life) and Lee Da-hee (Search: WWW) play partners and besties, who both fall for their respective suspects for a crime spree against the patriarchy. (Think: Evening the pay gap at a major company; exposing scandals of sexist politicians; and chemically castrating sex offenders). Esom's love interest is Park Eun-bin (Extraordinary Attorney Woo), and Da-hee's love interest is Seo Yea-ji (It's Okay to Not Be Okay). It's a romantic crime thriller.
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Seol In-ah (Business Proposal) plays a new-money rich girl who hires a former old-money rich girl, played by Yoo In-na (Touch Your Heart), to be her personal assistant out of pity, but pretends she doesn't know her backstory. And Yoo helps Seol navigate rich society. Their conflict is that Seol's family bankrupted Yoo's family, and is getting the life Yoo was supposed to have, including the fiancee, the job, and the house. It's a sweet romantic comedy.
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Kim Ji-won (Fight My Way) starts a job at a family law firm and works hard to get one of the partners, played by Son Ye-jin (Crash Landing on You), to be her mentor, but only because she wants her job. She starts off as a frenemie before Ye-Jin's hard edges rub off, and Ji-won develops a crush. Their obstacles are that Ye-Jin is married and in the closet, and Ji-won might be too ambitious to let go of her goals. It's a slow-burn romantic legal drama.
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Park Shin-hye (Heirs & Pinocchio) plays a cold fashion house designer who hires an unlikely candidate to be her muse, played by Moon Ga-young (True Beauty). And what starts off as a toxic relationship blooms into a supportive one. Park Bo-young (Strong Girl Bong-soon) plays her head of design, who befriends Ga-young's bestie-turned-manager, played by Kim Seul-gi (Oh My Ghostess). They're the softer side couple. It's a romantic workplace dramedy.
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Seo Hyun-jin (Why Her?) and Gong Hyo-jin (When the Camellia Blooms) were friends in college, but they had a falling out after a misunderstanding about a guy. They have a tense reunion as adults when Hyo-jin is setting up her nuptials at the wedding hall Hyun-jin manages. It's a slowburn romantic drama.
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Shin Min-a (Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha) plays the wife of a very powerful and abusive man and Hwang Jung-eum (She Was Pretty) plays the maid who is secretly in love with her and helps her escape. They go to Jung-eum's hometown where everyone assumes she's bringing her girlfriend home for the first time, because she didn't have the heart to tell them she got dumped after running away to be with her. Min-a decides to pretend to be the woman to pay her back, and they fall in love. The conflict being when Jung-eum's ex, played by Park Min-young (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim), returns to get her back.
💜 Your move Kdrama world! 💜
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dangermousie · 7 months
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Bwahah this is amazing!!!!
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junkobato · 1 year
Upcoming Kdrama September 2023 🧡
8/9: a time called you with Ahn Hyo Seop, Jeon Yeo Been, Kang Hoon. 12 episodes; fantasy, mystery, romance. Trailer
9/9: arthdal chronicles: the sword of Aramoon with Jang Dong Geun, Lee Joon Gi, Shin Se Kyung. 12 episodes; historical, fantasy, romance. Trailer
13/9: the day of the kidnapping with Yoon Kye Sang, Park Sung Hoon. 12 episodes; thriller, mystery, comedy. Trailer
15/9: the escape of the 7 with Uhm Ki Joon, Hwang Jung Eum, Lee Joon, Lee Yoo Bi. 17 episodes; mystery, thriller. Trailer
22/9: song of bandits with Kim Nam Gil, Seo Hyun, Lee Hyun Wook. 9 episodes; historical, romance, action. Trailer
25/9: twinkling watermelon with Choi Hyun Wook, Ryeoun, Seol In Ah. 16 episodes; fantasy, romance, youth. Trailer
27/9: the worst of evil with Ji Chang Wook, Wi Ha Joon, Im Se Mi. 12 episodes; action, thriller, crime. Trailer
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Summer is over 🥲
At least we have new shows to watch!
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kdram-chjh · 8 months
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Kdrama: She Was Pretty (2015)
K-Drama | Sung-Joon & Hye-Jin | She Was Pretty #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #youtube #kdrama
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/uPhrtOQOvQo
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jangman-wol · 2 years
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● watched in 2022 ●
Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)
We all need someone who will listen.
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aboutdoramas · 2 years
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#kdramawomensweek - Day 6: Funny Girl Woman
✦ Hwang Jung Eum
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kyl0 · 6 months
With all the weird shit that happened previously in this show (scooby-doo masks, crazy wigs that nobody questions, THE ISLAND, realistically impossible surgeries, etc) I shouldn't have been so surprised about the fake leg.
What a crazy start of the season.
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drramaesthetic · 1 year
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korelist · 8 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 8,3 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: Kill Me, Heal Me
Hangul: 킬미, 힐미
Director: Kim Jin-Man
Writer: Jin Soo-Wan
Date: 2015
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Ji Sung, Hwang Jung-Eum, Park Seo-Joon, Kim Yoo-Ri, Oh Min-Suk, Ko Chang-Seok, Choi Won-Young
2015 (8th) Korea Drama Awards - October 9, 2015
Best OST Award
2015 MBC Drama Awards - December 30, 2015
Grand Prize (Ji Sung)
Best Drama Award
Best Actor (mini series) (Ji Sung)
Best Actress (mini series) (Hwang Jung-Eum)
Excellent Actor (mini series) (Park Seo-Joon)
Ten Star Award (Park Seo-Joon/Hwang Jung-Eum/Ji Sung)
Best Netizen Award (Park Seo-Joon/Hwang Jung-Eum)
Best Couple Award (Ji Sung/Park Seo-Joon)
Best Actor or Actress Selected by Directors (Hwang Jung-Eum)
Dissosiyatif Kimlik Bozukluğu üzerine şahane bir dizi yapılmış. 2015 yılı için ekstra başarılı bir senaryo, bulunmaz bir oyunculuk diyebilirim. Zenginliği nesilden nesille geçen bir aileye torun kontenjanından katılan Cha Do-Hyun(Ji Sung) şirketin başına geçmek için Amerika’daki eğitimini tamamlayıp ülkesine döner. Ailesinden bile sakladığı hastalığını yalnızca asistanı ve doktoru bilmektedir. Kimlik bozukluğu olan karakterimiz kendi içinde bir sürü karakteri barındırmaktadır. Diğer yandan ise ülkesine yeni döndüğü için ailesine kendini kanıtlamak zorundadır. Bulunduğu mevki sebebiyle hastalığını kontrol altında tutması gerekir. Kendi doktorunun da tavsiyesi ile eve yatılı bir doktor almaya karar verir. Evde onu kontrol altında tutacak, şirkette de asistanı gibi rol yapacaktır. Bir şekilde ikna olup oyuna dahil olan yeni mezun doktorumuz Oh Ri-Jin(Hwang Jung-Eum) daha ilk günden Cha Do-Hyun ‘un alt karakterleri ile tanışır.
Bu noktada Cha Do-Hyun’un alt karakterlerden bahsetmek lazım. İlk kendini gösteren alt benlik Shin Se-Gi’dir. Mahallenin bıçkın delikanlısı, asi gencidir. Kural tanımaz, sert ve acımazsızdır. Aslında kızımız Do-Hyun’dan önce Se-Gi ile tanışıyor. Bu noktada diziye çok ufak da olsa fantastik durum katılmış diyebilirim. Kimliği Shin Se-Gi’ye dönüştüğü zaman boynunda bir dövme beliriyor. Aslında bu öyle abartılı fantastik bir şey değil, hatta belki de orada sadece o karakter öyle hissettiği için “varmış” gibi görünüyordu. Yani sihirli bir durumdan çok başka bir kişiliğe geçerken izleyiciye de o değişimi yaşatmak için yapılmış bir detay gibiydi.
Bir diğer kişilik Ferry Park mahallenin ayyaşı, neşelisi denilebilir. Hobi olarak patlayıcı ‘oyuncaklar’ üretiyor. 40lı yaşlarında olduğu düşünülüyor. En büyük hayali kendi isminin olduğu bir tekne sahibi olmak. Anlaşması kolay bir kişilik. Ahn Yo Sub ve Ahn Yo Na; 17 yaşında ikizler. Yo-Sub intihara meyilli depresif bir erkekken, Yo-Na ise tam tersi inanılmaz neşeli, ayran gönüllü genç bir kız. Aynı zamanda Oh Ri-Jin’in erkek kardeşi Oh Ri-On(Park Seo-Joon)’a aşık… Oh Ri-On(Park Seo-Joon) işsizmiş gibi görünen bir yazar. Omega takma adıyla kurgu romanları yazıyor ve yayınlanan bütün eserleri çok büyük bir hayran kitlesine sahip. Burada dizideki isim seçimlerine özellikle bayıldım. Kardeşlerin birinin adı Orijin diğerinin adı ise Orion gibi telaffuz ediliyor. Çok tatlı bir detay olmuş.
Bütün alt benlikleri tek tek anlatmak istemiyorum bunlar göze çarpanlardı diyebilirim. Baktığınız zaman kişilik bozukluğu üzerine bir hikaye anlatılıyormuş gibi görünse de aslında senaryo çok daha fazlasını barındırıyor. Çok daha fazlasını irdeliyor. Çocuk ihmali ve istismarı, travmalar gibi ince buz üzerinde yürüyen konular gündemde.�� O yüzden dizinin türüne romantik komedi demek biraz haksızlık olur. Bu kadar ciddi ve travmatik konular etrafında dönerken bile izleyiciye kahkaha attırmayı başarıyor olması ise ayrıca ayakta alkışlanması gereken bir noktaydı. Düşündüğünüz gibi trajediden trajediye koşup sizi helak etmiyor. Yaşanmış bütün o travmaları ve trajedileri sarıp sarmalayıp içine mizah katmışlar.
Beğenmediğim şeyler olmadı mı? Oldu. Öncelikle en birinci kadın başrolü hiç beğenemedim. Abartılı, yapay bir oyunculuk sergiliyordu. Ona rağmen dizi çok iyiydi inanın. Keşke kadın oyuncu Han Ji-Min oynasaydı diye çok çok içimden geçirdim. Hwang Jung-Eum mimiksiz değil de fazla mimikli bir oyuncu, bence. İkinci beğenmediğim şey ise Hwang Jung-Eum’un karakteri Oh Ri-Jin’di maalesef 😊. Yani; henüz 1 yıllık doktor olarak her şeyi çözmesi ve kendi profesör hocasının 11 yıldır iyileştiremediği hastayı tedavi etmesi biraz manasızdı. Bir hastalık üzerine hikaye kurgulanıyor ise en azından biraz olsun çalışılmış üzerine düşünülmüş temellere dayanmasını beklerdim.
Beğenilmeyenleri konuşup çözdüysek sıra beğenilenlerde… Ji Sung !!! sen neymişsin… tek kelime ile anlatılamayacak bir şahanelik. İnanılmaz bir performans. 7 farklı karaktere bürünebilme kabiliyeti ve karakterler arası geçişlerde dahi izleyiciye hangi karakter olduğunu söylemeden anlatabilme yeteneği. Ne diyeyim bilmiyorum. Her karakterin, şivesi yaşı cinsiyeti farklı farklı olmasına rağmen, konuşmadan bakışlarıyla bile hangi karakter olduğunu anlayabiliyordunuz. Tek kişilik dev bir kadro gibiydi adeta. Buna rağmen yanına bir de oyunculuk anlamında benim takdir edip inanılmaz beğendiğim diğer bir aktörü koymasınlar mı; Park Seo-Joon. O da bence, her dizide başka karaktere bürünme konusunda bir dahi.
Bu dizinin erkek oyuncuları için farklı tercih yapılmış olsaydı, tutmasının imkanı yoktu, net. Bu yorumumu en güzel destekleyen şey ise 2015 yılı en iyi çift ödülünü Ji Sung ve Park Seo Joon ‘un canlandırdıkları Ahn Yo Na ve Oh Ri On karakterleriyle almış olmalarıdır. Ödül töreninde o kadar sevimliydiler ki açıp izlemelisiniz. Dizinin finalinde kapanış öncesi 4.duvarı yıkıp kameraya veda ettikleri bir sahne var. Orada Ji Sung’un kullandığı bütün aksan ve şiveleri ile veda etmesi ve o kısacık vedada bile pürüzsüz geçişler yapması aklımda kalan sahnelerden biriydi.
Sonuç olarak; diziyi kesin izleyin.
Lilly Mandover, Nashow - Auditory Hallucination
Raven Melus
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k-star-holic · 11 months
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'What's wrong with Divorce?' Stars, Divorce-related 'After Kahaani'
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fansof-heo · 1 year
Incarnation Of Money Episode 7 and 8: The real case of the fountain pen has been replaced under command of Prosecutor Ji's Team 👀
Heo Sung-tae as a member of the National Forensic Team 💖 (by the way, I didn't watch Episode 8. I just sneaked upon it 👀🤭)
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cy-blade · 1 year
Me before: "The Escape of the Seven"...hmm, what's that about? Oh, Hwang Jung Eum?! Oh, I love her! *decides to watch it*
Me after: 🤨...😧...😡 what the?!?
this show is wild. rich people are wild.
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dangermousie · 7 months
Aaaa, I got to my favorite scene!!!
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When he sees her banging her head on the wall over and over and puts his hand in between the wall and her aaaaaaa
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And she just keeps going, almost mindless with grief, and so he pulls her to himself even as she struggles...
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But she ends up sobbing in his arms as he holds her
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And by holds her I mean clutches her for dear life.
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They don't make them like this any more!
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