#Hurry to Ieyasu's Side!
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#Sengoku Musou#Samurai Warriors#Sengoku Musou 1#Samurai Warriors 1#.Pachi-Slot: Sengoku Musou#Pachi-Slot: Sengoku Musou: Moushouden#Hurry to Ieyasu's Side!#Tokugawa#Hattori Hanzo#Hattori Hanzou#Hattori Hanzō#Tomohiro Taniyama#Katsuyuki Harada#Atsushi Umebori#music musou#tune warriors
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Chapter 33 - Slot B: A very very long slow burn finally pays off…
Mitsunari x OC; Nobunaga x Mai
Previous Chapter
Logline - In order to protect a political alliance, Katusko and Mitsunari must pretend an engagement. But this “all business” arrangement is threatened by a coup against Nobunaga… and by feelings.
M rated Chapter, Minors DNI
From the Military Notes of Ishida Mitsunari…
Theory, tactics, strategies… Lord Shingen is correct. They are nothing without personal conviction. This is indeed a battle, not with an enemy, but with myself. For if I am not able to say something now, I may never have another chance.
Perhaps Okatsu will still leave, but I cannot let her go without telling her how I feel. Or…
… showing her.
“Katsuko, hurry!” Toshiie screamed as if he needed to be heard over the storm… even though he was right next to me.
Willing myself to move, I stepped toward the wormhole.
And then…
I felt a tug on my hand, as Mitsunari spun me back to him. He placed his palm on my cheek, and just looked at me as if I was the most important person in the universe. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. But it was clear he wanted to say something, and so I put my hand on his heart, hoping to calm him. Hoping to calm myself. Then he visibly took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling under my hand. Instead of speaking, he pulled me close, and kissed me with an intensity I wouldn’t have thought him capable of.
Just as his smile could always quiet the negative voices in my head, his kiss brought the world into focus. The world that was Mitsunari. His lips, his hands, his body. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling like I could climb inside his skin, as he clung to me just as desperately.
The world that was Mitsunari.
The world where there was an “us.”
When the kiss ended, he continued to hold me, breathing me. “I love you, Katsuko. Please, someday, find your way back here. To me. When I’m with you – I feel like I’m more than what I thought I was … and that’s you. I want to be more for you.”
“You never needed to be more. You’ve always been more than what you thought.” I understood what he meant though, because when I was with him, I felt like I was more too. And I loved him. Of course, I loved him. I’d been wrong to pretend otherwise. “I love you too.”
In the movies when the girl or the boy realizes they’re in love, there’s always a running montage – often through a big city – as they desperately try to return to the side of the love of their life. I didn’t need a running montage - I was already at Mitsunari’s side. I would be crazy to leave it with no guarantee of return.
“Katsuko!” Toshiie’s voice was getting increasingly desperate.
I looked over my shoulder, to where the others were waiting for me. “I’m sorry. I can’t go back. I was never happy there. This is my place.” In this time. In these arms.
Whatever protest he was about to make, stopped before the words left his mouth. I could see that Toshiie remembered what it had been like, in that last year, the year I chased death. In any case, with the wormhole rapidly approaching, we didn’t have time to argue. “Of course, you would choose the most inaccessible place for me to visit, Doofus.” He hugged me. “I’ll have to keep track of the wormholes, I guess – or you could bring your warlord to visit me. Sometimes.”
Sasuke lightly punched my shoulder. “I understand, Okatsu. This is my place now too, and eventually I will come back to stay.” Then he whispered in my ear, “See if you can get Ieyasu’s autograph for me.”
Lord Shingen bowed to Mitsunari and I. “Angel, if I couldn’t tempt you, then at least I can console myself that it’s due to true love. Good luck to you both.”
“Be well, sir.” I did hope that he would soon be as healthy as the other timeline’s Shingen.
“Thank you, Lord Shingen. For everything.” Mitsunari performed a low and respectful bow.
“You’re welcome, but do not think I will go easy on you if we ever face each other in battle.” Then he winked, before he turned and followed Sasuke and my brother into the wormhole.
All three vanished in the fog.
Mitsunari held me as we watched them disappear, and I would be lying if I didn’t admit that it hurt to see my brother fade away in front of my eyes, especially so soon after finding him again. But this was my choice and at least this time I knew he was alive and well.
The fog lifted as fast as it arrived, but the rain continued, an unrelenting downpour with an Autumn chill to it. I turned to Mitsunari to ask where he wanted to go next and found myself tucked into his embrace again.
He looked down at me as he held me firmly against him, our soaking clothes providing less of a barrier than usual. “Okatsu, all I can think of at this moment is how much I want to kiss you again. May I?”
“You didn’t ask me last time.” Not that I had minded. Being grabbed and kissed into breathlessness hadn’t been on my bucket list, but clearly that had been an oversight on my part.
“There was not time. Lord Shingen said-”
“Lord Shingen gave you advice on love?” I had to laugh and wished that I had been able to overhear that discussion. “I figured the two of you were discussing battle tactics.”
“In a sense, we were.” He brushed a finger across my lips. “You did not say if I can kiss you.”
“Oh. Well. Yes. Of course, you c-”
That was all I got out before his mouth claimed mine, smoothly brushing my lips with his, once, twice, and then when mine naturally parted, his tongue tentatively edged my lower lip. There was a brief hesitation, until I encouraged him, tapping his tongue with mine, then he moaned, and threw away all uncertainly. Maybe there was more passion than skill, but I wasn’t going to complain (I could barely think). Whatever had been holding him back before had shattered, and his unchecked desire was a whirlwind all its own. He swept me along, and I could no longer determine which was him and which was me.
And then…
Mitsunari jumped back instantly. “I’m sorry. Are you hurt? What did I do wrong?”
“Not you.” I glared over my shoulder at Moonlight, who had expressed her displeasure at getting wet by nipping at my shoulder and propelling me right into Mitsunari’s teeth. “Her. She hates water.”
Forgiving creature that he is, Mitsunari gently patted her nose. “She may be correct that it is time for us to be on our way.” He wiped his face with his wet sleeve.
“I suppose you’re right.”
We dove into each other for another kiss.
I imagined that Moonlight, if her thoughts could be translated into a human tongue, would seriously be voicing her displeasure… in every obscenity she knew (and living in a stable, she probably knew quite a few choice words).
Eventually, though, the downpour proved to be too much to ignore, and we made our way, travelling the vast distance of … oh it was at least two kilometers … to a small village near the shrine, and stopped at an Inn. The building itself was small, but it looked well-kept and clean, and I thought I spotted a path to an Onsen …
Huh… I was pretty sure that in the future there would be a nice resort hotel built right around this spot. Toshiie and I had once had dinner there, after one of the few times I had dragged him out snowboarding. If I remembered correctly, the rooms had a beautiful view of the mountains. If this time’s version of the hotel was similarly situated, it would be the perfect place to wait out the storm.
Well. It was storming.
We would be waiting.
If we were to find interesting ways to pass that time, well, who could blame us?
Besides, after the events of the past couple days, we were clearly too tired to travel through a storm. It would be better to take a day and a night to rest before setting off on the journey to Azuchi.
After handing over the reins of our horses to a boy who was barely six years old, we entered the Inn as the Innkeeper rushed out of a back hallway to greet us. Hopefully, he would give us a room at this early hour of the day.
The Innkeeper squinted at me. “Kaya?”
Holy cats. Is that…?
“Okitane?” Aki’s old apprentice had gained a bit of weight over the past seven years, but otherwise he hadn’t changed. “I thought you and Niwa went to work in Heimji.”
Behind me, I felt Mitsunari sigh in impatience. I guess he really wanted to get into a room, and … nap.
“No. We were going to but, the earrings you gave us turned out to be worth enough money to purchase this Inn. It seemed silly to travel all the way across the country when the perfect place was right here.” He indicated a corridor off behind him. “She’s in the kitchen – do you want to visit with her?”
There was another sigh behind me. I knew Mitsunari wouldn’t stop me from visiting an old friend, but I saw no need to torture him. Oh…who was I kidding. I wanted to get my hands on him as soon as possible.
“I would love to catch up with her, but my husband and I got caught in the rain. We’d really like to get dry and warm.” Mitsunari startled at the field promotion to ‘husband’, but it was easier than having to explain the whole story. “Later today, when she’s got a free moment?”
Or tomorrow. Tomorrow would be good too.
“You two do look soaked.” Okitane indicated a walkway to the back. “All of the rooms are empty – the one furthest from here has the best view.” He lowered his voice to a confidential whisper. “And you will enjoy the most privacy.”
Huh. Guess he was not fooled.
“Thank you, Okitane.” I managed a quick bow before Mitsunari took my hand and led me away.
I couldn’t help but laugh as he pulled me across the courtyard. Simply looking at him and holding his hand was enough to send joy bubbling through me.
“Oh. I am truly sorry.” Mitsunari apologized to the pillar he had just bounced off.
“Oooh. Are you ok?” Now would be a Murphy’s Law time for him to get a concussion. I could almost picture birdies circling his head.
“I am fine. Why did you ask?” He took my moment of concern as an opportunity to kiss me again. And now I was the one seeing a circle of birdies. Holding rose petals and-
We did make it inside the room before any clothing came off. We even managed to get the door shut.
“I’ve wanted to do this for such a long time.” Mitsunari kissed under my ear, and I felt the heat of his lips travel all the way to…
A long time? How long? An old worry stopped that heat before it could build further. Was this connected to that so called love potion?
He noticed my hesitation and stopped. “Okatsu, did I do something wrong?”
“It’s nothing you did, really. But what if this is because of the love potion? I mean, I’m sure it wasn’t really a love potion, but even so it could have put the idea in your mind. They call it the placebo-” I halted when he lightly put his finger to his lips. “Effect.”
Gently, he untangled my still damp hair. “Since the day before the day Shohime gave us that tea.”
Oh. Well. That’s ok then. Carry on.
“How would you like me to touch you?” He trailed his fingers over my face. “Like this? Or… is this better?” His other hand stroked my side, eventually coming to rest at my hip. Under his touch, warmth bloomed and radiated through my whole body.
“You know what? It’s all good.” I wanted his hands everywhere. If I could have walked him through a nuclear reactor in order for him to grow a couple more hands, I would have done it. “Just touch me.”
He worked to untangle my obi tie (unfortunately making it more tangled). “While that is exciting to know, how will I be able to learn if you don’t tell me?”
“You’ve always been an adaptive learner… I have every confidence that not only will you figure it out, but our study of each other might become my favorite class ever.” Granted, ‘favorite class ever’ was an extremely low bar.
“I will work very hard to make certain of it.” He gave my obi tie another yank, but I had lost patience with waiting.
Sorry Mai.
I grabbed my dagger and sliced it open. The obi fell to the floor with a wet plop and once loosened, my kimono slipped off one shoulder.
Reverently, Mitsunari cupped his hand over my shoulder, fingers tentatively travelling along my arm. He followed that with tiny kisses everywhere he’d just touched. It was such a light stroke, almost as if he was drawing feathers across my skin, but so effective that I realized I was trembling. “You are cold?”
Half a question, half a statement. “No, I’m not.” I thought about that. “Ok, yes, actually I am cold too, but that wasn’t why I shivered.”
“Why then?” He continued brushing his fingers along my arm.
“Because it felt good.” So good that I wondered how I would possibly survive him touching me in other places. I might be the first recorded case of spontaneous human combustion.
He smiled then, and it was like having the sun come out to dry and warm me. “I’m glad.” He reached for me again, helping me to peel the rest of my wet clothing off. “This… is a complicated equation.”
Have you ever experienced a day where half of it is a complete blur and the other half stands out in sharp reality?
I know that Mitsunari and I managed to get our wet clothes off. I know that we stirred up the coals in the firepit to help ward off the Autumn chill. But I don’t remember how any of these things happened. What I remember was the look on his face when I finally got my wet clothes off. I remember that Mitsunari’s sandals somehow fell into the fire and we didn’t notice until they had completely burned up because we were too busy kissing.
Somehow we managed to get from the firepit to the futon – I think that Mitsunari had simply boosted me into his arms and carried me, while my arms were locked around his neck and my legs were around his waist – but that trek across the room is now a blurred memory of sensations – the feeling of his tight abs between my thighs and his erection pressing against my butt, the slide of his chest across my nipples.
I do remember how we got into bed because Mitsunari tripped on it, sending us both tumbling onto the futon mattress.
“I am sorry! Did I hurt you?” He immediately rolled off me and I felt the loss of contact through to my bones.
“No, I’m fine. Get back here.” Er. Hadn’t meant to be so dominant. “Um. Please.”
“I want to do this slowly. I want to have every moment of this captured in my memory.” He took my hand and kissed each fingertip. “Lord Shingen said I must worship you. That is what I intend to do.”
He turned my hand over and kissed my palm, finishing the kiss with a swish of his tongue that left me shaking with need.
“While I imagine that Lord Shingen is very skilled,” (the other Katsuko didn’t act like she had any complaints), “you don’t need to do what he would do. Or what he told you to do.” And then, because I could already feel him pulling back, I hurried on. “I want what Mitsunari wants.”
“Everything. I want everything.” He drew me into his arms and buried his face in my neck. “I want you so much that you cloud my thoughts.”
I tugged him closer, so close that the only thing between us was a slight sheen of sweat. “I want everything too.”
“Where do you like to be touched?” He pressed his lips to my throat. “Here. I know here.” He kissed me harder, nipping and sucking, and I moaned and arched off the mattress. “That is good too?” It was part question, part awed realization.
“Stop thinking.” I plastered myself against him and kissed him hard. He couldn’t stop and second guess himself if I kept his mouth occupied.
“Yes. I will stop thinking,” he managed to say before he gave himself over to the embrace.
We lay on our sides, face to face, body to body – naked kiss, gliding across each other as what I guess had been an anxiety pause was restored to the need that had propelled us into this room, into each other.
Touch, that was all that I wanted. He could ask where or how but my answer would be the same. Yes, there. That’s good. Now. More. I hooked my leg over his hip and inched myself closer still.
Just the sensation of him slick and trembling against me – or was that me, was I the one shaking? – was enough. The being. The sharing. He was right – we were right, together we were more than I thought I could ever be.
And so, though I may not have been physically close when he thrust into me, I was emotionally ready to feel his fullness inside, to feel that complete. Part of me wanted to hold onto that moment, to freeze it in time forever.
His mouth captured mine in a long kiss as he continued to move within me. I slipped my hand between my legs, touching myself to catch up, and then my genius lover followed the trail, his hand covering mine, learning by example, where and how I liked to be touched.
I arched against him, as he continued to pump into me, holding him as he climaxed with a groan… then relaxed. His sweat-tinged hair tickled the top of my arm, and I reflexively began combing it back into place. Somewhere from deep inside my consciousness whispered mine.
“You did not… also?” It was a few moments later when he regained speech. “Lord Shingen said-”
I silenced him with a kiss. We did not need to add Lord Shingen’s thoughts and opinions to this moment. “That was how I wanted it… I … many women… are not as quick to warm up as men. But I wanted that closeness. I wanted to…” I couldn’t find the exact way to explain that I’d wanted to give myself over to him. “That… it was for you.”
“Thank you, Lady—Thank you Katsuko.” He returned his hand to between my thighs. “If I am understanding correctly…”
That light touch was just a whisper against me, but even the hint of friction stirred the coals inside me. I’d been close before, it didn’t take much for that throbbing feeling to return and my need to build. “Yes?”
“A man is like an arrow – all that is needed is to focus… draw… aim, and let go?” He added a little flick for emphasis, and my quick gasp probably told him he’d found his target.
Military terms? Now? “Uh. Sure.” He had gathered more confidence, as this brilliant, adaptive learner pressed harder now, his explorations having told him that… oh yes… tiny circles was…. Yup…. that’s good.
“Whereas women are like flint lock muskets. They need a spark and a long… slow… burn.” He brought his other hand into the equation, inserting two fingers inside me. He’d mapped that path before, and now, he easily found again a place that made me take in a quick sharp gasping breath.
I closed my eyes and rode that sensation, wanting to enjoy it, hold it to me, as long as possible.
Mitsunari might not be able to walk and read at the same time, but his hand-eye coordination was… just fine. “Until finally,” he continued, his voice lowered to a whisper, “one is able to pull…”
I was wide open to him, hanging off the edge of rational thought.
“…the trigger.” He raked his fingers across me, then as I began to spiral, he continued pressing his thumb down while I exploded against him.
Thank goodness Okitane put us in the furthest room.
While I was still trying to remember how to breath, Mitsunari pulled me on top as he rolled to his back to cuddle me against his chest (mostly… I did have to casually free my arm, which was caught under him at a weird angle).
“It was your hair.” His whispered non-sequitur pulled me out of a post-coital daze. I felt a slight tug and saw that Mitsunari had grabbed a lock of my hair and was coiling it around his fingers. “That first night… you couldn’t sleep. That you let me… trusted me to touch you. I wanted more.”
Aw. That’s sweet. I booped his nose – no particular reason why, I just felt like booping his nose… and anyway, he was still talking. “No. It was before that, but I didn’t realize. Or understand what it meant. When you were injured.” He placed his palm on my face. “We fit. I didn’t examine my thought then. But even back then… I knew we fit.”
“I felt something then too.” I hadn’t examined it either, letting it skitter across my nerves into my subconscious. “Yeah. We fit.”
His hand drifted down my cheek, as he gently lifted my face to his. A tiny kiss, briefest brush across my mouth. “I can’t imagine ever tiring of kissing you.”
All thoughts of napping fled the room. Soft kisses built into longer kisses, that merged into one long open mouth exploration of tongues, lips, until we finally only broke away to breathe. The room spun around us. He’d literally kissed me until I was breathlessly hyperventilating.
Then his hands were everywhere, re-awakening nerve endings that didn’t want to rest after all – not when his mouth was on my breast and his tongue fluttered against me. The whole world shrunk to that point, that sensation of his mouth sucking my breasts. He gave each one careful, even attention, as if he was studying them with his lips and tongue, and even with tiny nips of his teeth.
He shifted me until I straddled his hips, and again I felt his hardness pressing against my butt. With a smile that was half-curious, half-wicked (where had he learned how to be wicked? Did I do that? Go me!), he said, “This… the book made it seem like this was something that you would enjoy. Yes?”
“You… stole Mozumi’s pillow book?” My gasp was equally the shock of his thievery as it was the sensation of being lifted directly onto his shaft.
“No.” He thrust upward. “I read it. Every. Single. Page.”
Oh, bless his eidetic memory!
@lorei-writes @bestbryn @katriniac @lyds323 @briars7
#TBTMND#a mitsunari night's dream#throwback thursday#ikemen sengoku#fanfic#ikesen mitsunari#mitsunari ishida#oc: katsuko#katsuverse
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I Will Take You Tonight (Part 2)
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support Cybird by buying their stories. Expect grammatical errors. Not 100% accurate. Spoilers under the cut.
The warlords returned to the dressing room.
Yukimura: “There’s no time to waste. We need to hurry and go help her.”
Shingen: “Acting without a plan is not a wise choice. This is not the time to act willy-nilly.”
Nobunaga: “You guys, write this first.”
Nobunaga showed everyone the notice the staff had just given him.
Kennyo: “What’s the point of writing it if we don’t know who the enemy is?”
Kicho: “Don’t tell me you’ll use the TV station?”
Everyone: “!”
Nobunaga: “That’s right. I already talked with the staff earlier.”
Nobunaga: “We’ll use the tv to declare war on those who have kidnapped Mai and save her as a phantom thief while watching for their move.”
Mitsuhide: “The tv station is willing to cooperate as long as they can capture exciting footage of the renowned phantom thieves.”
Sasuke: “If that’s the case, let’s write a warning letter first.”
And so each person let their pen run across the paper as they wrote their warnings.
Yoshimoto: “I think that’s enough for all of us.”
Sasuke: “Seventeen warning letters are overwhelming. I think some of them even contain threats.”
Ranmaru: “Some of them are a little scary because they’re worried about Lady Mai.”
Kenshin: “Staff, take this.”
The staff member who received the letters from Kenshin proceeded to respond. Shortly after, they received a response from the culprit.
Staff: “I received an email.”
Mitsunari: “I will keep this woman as my treasure. He’s provoking us.”
Kenshin: “I’m gonna kill him right now.”
Kicho: “You have every right to be angry, but you need to calm down. We have a lot of work to do.”
Kicho: “Sasuke, you’re a ninja, right?”
Sasuke: “Yeah. I know how to do a reverse tracing.”
Sasuke: “Excuse me, staff.”
Sasuke started doing something with the laptop.
Yukimura: “Wow. I have no idea what you’re doing.”
Sasuke: “Thanks. Oh, it’s done.”
He adjusted the laptop so everyone could see the map on the screen.
Sasuke: "I traced the email successfully. I've identified the source and where it was sent."
Keiji: "Let's go there right away."
Mitsuhide: "No, wait. The culprits have sent us a provoking message. They may be a well-prepared group."
Nobunaga: "Yeah. We'll split up into teams from here."
Nobunaga: "Sapphire will secure a route to sneak into the building, Ruby will eliminate the guards, while diamond will secure Mai."
Ieyasu: “What if Sapphire and Ruby find Mai first?”
Kicho: “After infiltrating it, it’d be best for each individual to make their own judgment and proceed with the rescue.”
Kicho: “How about we call your plan “A” and “B” for Diamond’s plan?”
Mitsunari: “That sounds good.”
Nobunaga: “Ours is plan A. Our priority is to protect her.”
The building that Sasuke identified turned out to be an exclusive luxury hotel.
Hideyoshi: “So far, so good.”
Ieyasu: “This lounge was open to non-members as well.”
Mitsunari: “Lord Hideyoshi, Lord Ieyasu.”
Shingen: “We’ve got some information.”
Mitsunari and Shingen, who were out gathering information, returned.
Hideyoshi: “You’re fast.”
Mitsunari: “I got the room number used by the person who runs this hotel.”
Nobunaga: “Our mission here is also complete.”
Nobunaga joined the four of them, and at that moment, he received a message.
Nobunaga: “It’s from Yoshimoto. He went in from the back, disguised as a contractor.”
Nobunaga: “He said he successfully infiltrated. We’re going to join him.”
Ieyasu: “Did you get what we were looking for?”
Nobunaga: “I told you the mission is complete.”
He smiled and tossed the membership cards for six people onto the desk.
Hideyoshi: “As expected of Lord Nobunaga! With this, we can infiltrate even beyond the lobby.”
Nobunaga: “Yeah, from the lobby and beyond.”
Nobunaga: “I sent Yoshimoto there because I believe there’s a route that can’t be accessed from the guest side.”
Shingen: “I don’t see this going down easily.”
The five used their membership cards to sneak inside the hotel.
Afterward, they received a message from Yoshimoto and met in a deserted hallway.
Yoshimoto: “As I thought, there’s a floor that is inaccessible to both guests and employees.”
Shingen: “I heard that the hotel manager’s private floor is on the top floor, the 33rd floor.”
Shingen: “Where is the floor that we can’t enter?”
Yoshimoto: “This building is actually 34 stories high.”
Mitsunari: “Then the owner’s actual residence is on the 34th floor.”
Yoshimoto: “Probably. But the elevator only goes up to the 33rd floor.”
Ieyasu: “Is there a staircase?
Yoshimoto: “It looks like someone tampered with the elevator.”
Yoshimoto: “You can only get to the 34th floor by inserting a key that only some of the staff have.”
Yoshimoto: “But there are surveillance cameras.”
Yoshimoto: “We need to do something about it, or the alarm will go off immediately.”
Yoshimoto: “Even if we reach the 34th floor, there’ll be a commotion right away.”
Mitsunari: “If we have that much information, then we can split up and solve the problem.”
Shingen: “Yoshimoto and I will get the key.”
Nobunaga: “We’ll handle the surveillance cameras.”
Nodding to each other, Nobunaga and the others split into two groups.
A few minutes later一
Nobunaga: “Looks like you got the key.”
Shingen: “Of course. Looks like you took care of the surveillance cameras.”
Mitsunari: “We tampered with them to make the recorded footage loop.”
Ieyasu: “We can now infiltrate the top floor.”
Hideyoshi: “Let’s hurry and get there.”
And so the five of them boarded the elevator.
Meanwhile, the warlords of Team Ruby were waiting on the roof.
Masamune checked his phone as he received a message.
Masamune: “Sapphire has secured the route to infiltrate the floor owned by the kidnapper.”
Keiji: “As expected of Lord Nobunaga.”
Kanetsugu: “And where is it?”
Masamune: “The top floor, but apparently, there are a lot of security guards there.”
Yukimura: “I see. So we just need to take care of them.”
Masamune: “Exactly.”
Then Ranmaru and Sasuke returned. Both were looking for other ways to infiltrate the hotel.
Ranmaru: “I found a way through the vent, but it was pretty narrow. I think I’m the only one who could fit in there.”
Sasuke: “The route from it is connected to the top floor.”
Keiji: “Why don’t we see if we can enter through the window?”
Kanetsugu: “We’ll attract attention if we go in a large group. Yukimura and I will use the wire gun and check it.”
Masamune: “I’m counting on you.”
Kanetsugu and Yukimura deftly used the wire guns, suspending themselves from the rooftop and maneuvering along the windows.
Sasuke: “Yukimura, Kanetsugu. Are you guys all right?”
Sasuke and the others watched them from the rooftop and called out to them.
Kanetsugu: “It’s windy, but no problem.”
Yukimura: “There’s a room with no lights on. Let’s try entering from there.”
The two nodded at each other and placed their feet on the window’s ledge.
Then, Yukimura lightly tapped on the glass and shook his head.
Sasuke: “It’s probably coated with a special coating.”
Ranmaru: “I’ll try to break in through the vent.”
Keiji: “We’ll just have to find a window somewhere to break in.”
As they investigated, Yukimura and the others finally found a window that could be broken.
Kanetsugu: “If we break it, people will immediately rush to it. Sasuke, the thing.”
Sasuke: “Got it. We’ll use this glass cutter to cut it.”
Kanetsugu disconnected the glass, making sure not to drop it.
At that moment, Masamune's cell phone rang, and he received a call from Ranmaru.
Masamune: "Yeah, okay."
Masamune: "According to Ranmaru, there are thirty guards."
Sasuke: "That's five guards each."
Keiji: "I'll take ten."
Masamune: "You think I'll back down?"
While they argued, Kanetsugu and Yukimura managed to sneak into the restroom.
Yukimura: "Hey, you guys come down too."
Keiji: "Coming!"
Masamune and the others also used wire guns from the rooftop to get down to the restroom.
The five men exited the restroom and moved to a nearby warehouse.
Ranmaru: "Sorry to keep you waiting!"
Peeking out of the vent, Ranmaru landed on his feet and quickly pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket, revealing a floor plan.
Ranmaru: "There are 30 guards. And then here..."
Ranmaru: "There's one room that's heavily guarded."
Keiji: "That's where Mai would be."
Sasuke: "We should go there as soon as possible."
Yukimura: "She's waiting for us."
Masamune: "Yeah, I won't let anyone hurt her."
Kanetsugu: "We'll get her back ourselves."
Ranmaru: "Yeah, let's go!"
Meanwhile, the warlords of Team Diamond一
Motonari: "I hope you're ready for me to steal you away."
Motonari turned towards the camera and dramatically flipped his cape.
Kicho: "You're not doing a good job flipping the cape. Let's start over."
Motonari: ".........."
Staff 1: "E-Excuse me! You were still cool!"
The staff hurriedly followed up on Motonari's moody air.
Motonari: "I'll do it again. Hey, start rolling the camera!"
Staff 1: "O-Okay!"
Kennyo: "This is not the time for this."
Kenshin: "End this farce immediately."
The warlords of Team Diamond were filming a scene in which a phantom thief announced himself at the request of the TV station.
Mitsuhide: "There's no need to rush. The preparations are complete."
Mitsuhide checked his phone and smirked.
Mitsuhide: "Alright, staff, let's proceed."
Kicho: "Is everything ready?"
Mitsuhide: "Yeah. Let's get this show started."
Mitsuhide and the others boldly entered the hotel in their phantom thief costumes, making a grand entrance.
Guest 1: “What’s with those guys?
Guest 2: “Cameras are rolling. Maybe they’re filming something. It’s nice.”
Some people were suspicious, while others were admiring.
Kenshin: “Make way for us, please.”
Motonari: “This is getting interesting.”
Kicho: “Why don’t you look a little more like a thief?”
Kennyo: “We’re attracting too much attention. This will make the enemies wary of us.”
Mitsuhide: “That’s the concept of this team.”
Kenshin: “Yeah. If we make a flashy frontal breakthrough as part of the filming, the security’s attention will turn to us.”
Motonari: “If Sapphire and Ruby are already inside, it could serve as a diversionary tactic.”
Hotel staff: “Sir, you’re bothering the guests.”
Hearing the commotion, the hotel staff stood in the way of Mitsuhide and the others.
Kennyo: “Sorry, but we’re in a hurry.”
Kenshin: “I’m the one who will rescue Mai.”
Hotel staff: “Our hotel is for members only. If you don’t have a membership card一”
Motonari: “You mean this thing?”
Motonari handed the membership cards for each member to the hotel staff, grinning.
Kicho: “You work fast.”
Mitsuhide: “The plan is going well. Let’s continue.”
Mitsuhide and the others, having infiltrated the hotel’s interior, used their smartphones to check the status of the other teams.
Motonari: “Is Sapphire heading to the top floor using the elevator?”
Kennyo: "Ruby is entering through the window and dealing with the security guards, yes?"
Kicho: "We still have two unfinished tasks."
Kicho: "To secure an escape route and to get the key to the room where Mai is."
Mitsuhide: "I arranged an escape route through the window and asked the tv station for a helicopter."
Motonari: "I've got a hang glider, too, so that's not a problem."
Kicho: "I'll get the keys. I just wish I had a floor plan of the inside of this hotel."
Kennyo: "Then I'll get the floor plan."
Kenshin: "I'll create a diversion."
Motonari: "Then I'll also create a diversion. It's better to keep the enemy's attention divided as much as possible."
Mitsuhide: "Alright, everyone. I'll gather some information. Contact me if anything comes up."
The warlords of Team Diamond left to do their part.
(Where am I?)
Mai: "----!"
I woke up and found myself in a room full of artwork and jewelry.
(Someone attacked me back at the TV station.)
Man: "Did you wake up?"
Mai: "Who the hell are you?"
A man dressed in expensive clothes was looking down at me.
I also noticed several men guarding the room.
Mai: "Why did you...?"
Man: "I'm a collector with a lot of money and time on my hands."
Man: "I only kidnapped you because I happen to like you. And to add you to my collection."
Mai: "I refuse! Please let me go!"
Man: "I like that competitive spirit. It's getting harder and harder for me to let you go."
(W-What should I do?)
I looked around to see if there was any place I could escape to, but一
(There are too many guards. There's no way out.)
(I'm sure everyone will come to help me.)
(There's no way they will lose to these people.)
When Nobunaga and the others took the elevator to the top floor, they found Masamune and the others fighting with the security guards.
Masamune: "Too late. Oops."
Masamune intercepted the guard who attacked him and chuckled.
Nobunaga: "You guys are going all out."
Keiji: "Nah, the security guys just keep coming one after the other."
Ieyasu: "Well, I'm sure they already expected us to come."
Hideyoshi: "We'll help you too."
Nobunaga and the others were about to join the battle when一
Mitsuhide: "Well, well, well. I didn't realize we were all stuck together."
Motonari: "We've reduced their numbers during the diversion."
Kenshin: "I don't care how many people are there. I'll get rid of anyone who gets in my way."
Guard: "I won't let you go!"
Ranmaru: "Back off! I won't show any mercy."
Ranmaru swiftly kicked the gun-wielding man's hand and quickly brought him down.
Kanetsugu: "There's one secure door at the end of this hallway."
Kennyo: "That's where we'll find Mai."
Yukimura: "I guess we'll just have to kick them all out!"
Three enemies leaped at Yukimura together, but he jumped back.
Mitsunari: "Even if we could get through here, can we safely escape with this number of guards?"
Kicho: "That's not a problem. We've secured several escape routes."
Keiji: "Then all we have to do is break through here!"
Yoshimoto: "But still, they're pretty tough. I can't believe we're having such a hard time together."
Sasuke: "I think they have special training."
Kicho: "They must be bodyguards for important people."
Sasuke: "They're probably not ordinary individuals, especially considering they are armed."
Shingen: "Just like them, we're not ordinary either."
Shingen, with a fearless smile, knocked the man, targeting them from the shadows of the hallway.
Yoshimoto: "That's true. I feel sorry for them."
Kenshin: "There's no room for pity."
Nobunaga: "Yeah."
Kanetsugu: "I'm gonna make them regret messing with our treasure."
Mitsuhide: "Guns of this era are quite interesting."
Guard: "Guh!"
Mitsuhide knocked down the man holding the pistol and took the gun from him.
Mitsuhide: “How does it feel to be on the receiving end? You’re prepared to face retribution, right?”
Nobunaga: “You guys! If this continues, there’s no way out of this. Each of you will do your best to get Mai back.”
(The commotion is getting louder and louder.)
There had been a lot of noise behind the door since a while ago.
(Could it be?)
(Maybe everyone came to help!)
Hoping this, the culprit, frustrated, shouted.
After looking around for a while, the culprit also left the room.
(I might be able to escape now.)
Just when I was thinking that一
???: “Mai!”
I heard his voice calling me.
Previous Part
➟ Kenshin, Mitsuhide, Motonari, Kennyo
➟ Keiji, Ranmaru, Masamune
➟ Kanetsugu, Sasuke, Yukimura
➟ Ieyasu, Shingen, Hideyoshi
➟ Nobunaga, Yoshimoto, Mitsunari
➟ Kicho
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Lately as I have been mindlessly listening to a hundred and a half “I was reincarnated/transmigrated into a book I read/otome game I played” I can’t help but imagine such a story with SLBP as the game in question.
Misc thoughts: Most of these stories have to do with changing one’s fate / avoiding some disaster or doom or fav character’s death and that would be so hard with SLBP from a which is actually one of the reasons why I think it would make a great story. The sort of inevitability of war and its influence is so deeply woven in and it’s not like there are “oh so and so attacked from x river as spring turned to summer in this year” details that could be used. To me such a big theme is just finding moments of meaningful happiness with the important people in your life, and I really like that as a story over a lot of these ‘save the world’ ‘win the war’ ‘overthrow a tyrant’ clear win/lose goals. How would that influence this kind of transmigration story? What would someone who woke up in SLBP have as a goal?
I think it would be interesting because even with knowledge of the supposed inner workings and secrets of characters, and some knowledge of future events, if the protagonist woke up as chef - it’s not like she would have money and influence to act on it. It’d be an interesting challenge, IMO.
Or embracing the more stereotypical storylines you could go:
The semi-serious route of just ‘try to stay alive during warring states era’ which involves NOT being a poison tester perhaps.
The ‘go romance favorite side character (Toramatsu? Tired single dad Kanetsugu? Kansuke?) who didn’t get route’
‘Play matchmaker and find people similar to who nameless chef becomes over course of route because there’s only one of her and you and want all biases to have SOME happiness in their lives’ (protag reincarnated as Umeko? As nameless retainer/vassal?)
Protag realizes they’re in the game only after little brother has left to become a poison tester, and hurries after to get the game back on track (perhaps not knowing which ‘route’ they’re on until they catch up) and then has to you know, not die despite now being extra suspicious
Get unexpectedly attached to a character who wasn’t one of your favorites by virtue of actually experiencing things (eg—Inuchiyo)
Try to find a way to gain enough power and influence that they might be able to actually change things - go try and find Iga and train as an assassin to take out the lords they liked less? Uses the extreme cliche of somehow remembers enough detail about a modern invention or process to develop it (I remember salt being a brief produce plot point in Shingen/Kenshin’s route) but would still have to get around heroine’s agency or lack thereof and availability of resources to enact said inventions.
You could also scrap the idea of protag wakes up as chef and instead have it be like—protag wakes up as one of the lords or named vassals and that solves the influence problem but ups the likelihood of dying in battle or being named a spy problem.
If I were to write it, would probably be the usual slapstick. Go the route of protag waking up as chef, try and keep chef dad alive, leverage childhood friend status to preemptively bribe/lure Inuchiyo over to Kai’s side, maneuver to end up on Yukimura/Saizo prologue path since Kai has the highest concentration of favorites, trying to get Shingen/Kenshin into an alliance (or relationship) trying to develop a business plan for a sweets business (focused on Nobunaga and Ieyasu’s favorites) with maybe Francesco as an investor to try and gain enough mercantile influence for future negotiations.
It would require too much research to rally do well but such is life 😂
#hello fandom friends I miss you all dearly and hope you are well#a wild lee pops in from the abyss to ramble
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First Day pt. 2
This is an Ikemen Sengoku coffee shop AU. Approx 1400 words. Nobunaga, the owner of Azuchi Cafe, hires a girl to work in his coffee shop alongside his other oddball employees.
Pastry Chef and little rain cloud: Ieyasu Tokugawa
Head Chef and irredeemable flirt: Masamune Date
Dining Room Manager and rule-master: Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Barista and most popular kid in your class: Ranmaru Mori
Barista and coffee disaster: Mitsunari Ishida
Accountant and walking bad-boy vibe: Mitsuhide Akechi
Grouchy customer with sexy-rich-class attitude: Kenshin Uesugi
Walking nerd-encyclopedia and corporate flunkie: Sasuke Sarutobi
I have never written a coffee shop AU and I have no idea what I'm doing. Yet I keep doing it. Seriously. I can't get this out of my brain right now.
First Day pt. 1
Nobunaga found it hard to concentrate with the girl there. His eyes kept seeking her out. His thoughts drifting to her when he was supposed to be focused on re-orders, contracts, budgeting . . . He glanced up from his laptop to see Ranmaru standing entirely too close to her. The barista was showing her how to operate the espresso machine, his chin resting lightly on her shoulder.
He might have said something, but the door swung open just then and in walked their most troublesome customer. Useugi.
Kenshin took in the cafe with a displeased glare. His good looks were offset by the miasma of violence and suppressed emotion that hung in the air everywhere he went. Despite his angelic features, heterochromatic eyes, and gorgeous platinum locks, he intimidated nearly everyone in his path. Everyone but Nobunaga and his cafe crew, which was why he kept returning to this insignificant coffee shop when he could have gone anywhere.
His personal assistant hurried in after him and quickly moved to one of the tables, pulling out a chair for his boss. “Sir?”
Uesugi sat with a slight grimace. “That took you .5 seconds longer than last time. Perhaps I should replace you, Sarutobi.”
“Of course sir.” Sasuke Sarutobi’s expression of mild amusement didn’t shift in the slightest. He gave his boss a slight bow and headed for the counter. “One half-caf medium with exactly one pump raspberry and one pump chocolate, oat milk, extra foam, caramel drizzle and curls. And a shot of espresso on the side.”
Mitsunari doesn’t even blink. “Is that all, sir?”
Kenshin doesn’t turn, but a slight smirk turns his lips up at the corners. “Order for the entire office, Sarutobi. My treat.”
It takes several minutes to deliver the complex coffee orders. Everyone’s favorite everything, to exacting specifications. A light sweat breaks out of Mitsunari’s forehead, but he keeps smiling.
Ranmaru isn’t so sanguine. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Two and three-quarters pumps of peppermint? Half white chocolate drizzle and what?”
The girl laughs. “I didn’t know you could put so much in your coffee.” She begins to prep the first order, moving a little slowly as she tries to remember where each product is and how to work the machines.
Nobunaga tenses, ready for Kenshin’s inevitable outburst. Any delay would send him into a violent rant with threats of lawsuits and putting you out of business and blah blah blah.
Uesugi turns around with clear intent but when his eyes fall on the girl, they widen. “You . . . hired a woman? In a coffee shop?”
The girl gives him an over-the-shoulder smile. “Sorry about the wait for your drink, sir. I hope I got it right.” She puts the finishing touches on top of the foam and walks the cup over to Kenshin’s table.
His eyes get wider the closer she comes. “You -” He seems to be at a complete loss for words.
Sarutobi looks concerned. His gaze floats between the girl and his boss for a moment, unsure if he should intervene.
“Get out of my sight,” Kenshin mutters, but the demand is half-hearted. “Women are such a distraction. Completely unnecessary in business.” He throws an irritated glance at Nobunaga. “Did my competition tell you to bring this - this girl here today?”
Sasuke slips around to the girl’s side and pulls her out of the danger zone. “Sorry about the boss. He’s a little unstable. Stress. Childhood trauma. The usual.” He blinks awkwardly as if both eyes were trying to wink at the same time.
“Of course not,” Nobunaga grins. Something about Kenshin’s intensity always made him want to needle the man. “But then, if they had, why would I tell you?” His carnelian eyes narrowed. “Maybe I’m your competition.”
“I could put your little coffee shop out of business,” Kenshin growled.
“Try it and see what happens.” Nobunaga was standing now, his voice low and menacing.
Ieyasu poked his head out of the kitchen and frowned. “Is Nobunaga fighting with customers again?”
“Yep.” Ranmaru grinned.
Masamune peered out, grinning widely. “Somebody get the lass a mop. This is going to get ugly.”
The girl pulled away from Sasuke and pushed between the two angry businessmen. “Excuse me, but could you both sit down? I’m very sorry if I caused you any discomfort, sir.” She looked at Kenshin, met his cold stare head on. “You might think a woman doesn’t belong in business, but flats don’t pay for themselves.”
“Great. Will someone grab the first aid kit,” Ieyasu muttered.
Masamune chuckled. “The lass has got balls of steel.”
Mitsunari was poking around for a first aid kit for Ieyasu, but he looked up at Masamune’s comment. “Does she? I didn’t see her carrying any kind of ball.”
Ranmaru giggled. “Should I explain it to you?”
“Don’t you dare.” Ieyasu cut the pink haired barista off.
Kenshin sat heavily, the tension suddenly emptying from him. “Your boss needs to teach you how to speak politely to customers.” Then he turned away from her and began to drink his coffee.
Sarutobi sagged for a moment in relief. “You must be a half-elf paladin,” he told the girl as she stepped past him.
“I don’t know what that is.” She shrugged and gave him a lopsided grin. “I’m actually putting myself through school to be a fashion designer.”
“Ah, creative, beautiful, and brave.” Sasuke blushed, realizing he’d said that aloud.
“Hey, don’t flirt with her, you corporate flunky. She’s our new hire.” Ranmaru grabbed her arm and pulled her back behind the counter.
“That’s right lad. Take your to-go order and go.” Masamune frowned.
Ieyasu elbowed him. “Not that I care, but if she’d been assigned to help me with the pastries, she wouldn’t be out here where nerdy customers could attempt awkward pick-up lines.”
“I apologize,” Sasuke said stiffly.
The girl smiled. “Don’t worry about it! You’ll have to come back sometime and tell me what a half-elf paladin is.”
Her inviting expression only made the glowers of her co-workers more obvious.
Sarutobi made a dignified exit, leaving with the drink orders for his office.
Hideyoshi took the opportunity to take the girl aside. “I appreciate what you did there, but you shouldn’t be throwing yourself into danger. Are you ok? Do you need a break? How about you sit down and we’ll get you a tea.”
“I’m really alright,” she told him. “I mean, it was a little scary but he wouldn’t have actually hit me.” Her eyes widened. “Right?”
“You are clearly new to this city if you haven’t heard the Kenshin horror stories.” Hideyoshi sighed. “Just, from now on let one of us handle it. It’s barely your first day so stick to the easy stuff.” He led her to the breakroom and sat her down on a tatty old sofa.
The break room was a sacred space for the cafe employees. A spot to grab a drink or a bite to eat out of the customer’s prying eyes. Nobunaga kept it comfortable, with an old couch and a couple of overstuffed chairs. A set of shelves held antique tea sets and some paperback books. There was a tv on the opposite wall and some potted plants in the windowsill on the far wall.
Ieyasu brought her tea and a strawberry pastry. He sat down, wearing an expression of pure annoyance. “So what. Are you suicidal?”
“What? No!” The girl looked at the tea and then back up at the annoyed blonde. “I just don’t like it when people fight. Someone might get hurt. And it would be especially bad if I caused it.”
“So just an idiot then.” Ieyasu sighed. “I don’t know what I expected. Nobunaga doesn’t hire normal people.”
“You realize that includes you, right?” She giggled.
Ieyasu looked away. “Whatever.”
The girl quietly sipped her tea. That lasted until she took a bite of the sweet, crumbly strawberry pastry. “Oh . . . this is . . . this is really good!”
“You don’t have to sound surprised,” Ieyasu huffed. Despite his tone, he wore a slight smile. He turned his head a fraction to look at her.
“It’s just, strawberries are my absolute favorite and this is - you blended the flavors perfectly. Not too sweet, and the fruit is the first and last thing on my tongue.” She finished eating it with a happy sigh. “I feel like I could eat a whole pan of these.”
Ieyasu busied himself with picking up the tray. “Then you’d get a tummy ache and I’d have to waste my time making you ginger tea.”
She laughed. “You know, I think under all that grouchiness you must be a really nice guy. I can tell by how you bake. You couldn’t make such sweet things if you were really that sour.”
For a heartbeat, Ieyasu was struck speechless. His mouth opened and closed as crimson crept across his cheeks. “You just proved you're an idiot,” he finally managed, sounding more breathless than annoyed. He hurried out of the room.
#ikemen sengoku#ikesen nobunaga#ikesen mitsunari#ikesen ieyasu#ikesen masamune#ikesen ranmaru#ikesen kenshin#ikesen sasuke#coffee shop au#fanfiction#fanfic#otome guys#otome#fluff
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Hi Pseu! Your goodbye-sling post makes me sad, but onto bigger things for you! I'd love to read some smut with Ieyasu (Ikesen) please, but please no negative scenario! E.g. being anxious is fine, but no hate fucking or using each other etc.. Other than that, whatever you want to write! Sorry for being anon, but smut kinda makes me shy...
I wrote this in my notes document, but I’ll say it again here: thank you for being so clear about the mood you were looking for! IkeSen Ieyasu makes me feel so COZY, this will be fun. Thank you for your kind words, and no worry about using anon— that’s why I always have it on when requests are open! It can be hard for me to feel like I’m getting Ieyasu right, but I tried here to keep some of his shy prickliness while showing how much he cares for and values her. And definitely tried to keep the mood gentle and loving between them. I hope you see and enjoy this! 💛🧡
(Requests are closed, readers, but there are a lot to be filled in May and likely June, too! Feel free to follow along or just check in and enjoy as many as you like. A masterlist will go up when they are all completed.)
“It wasn’t a bad idea,” she insists.
Ieyasu gives her a look. They are both soaked, and even though he gave her his coat, she looks like she jumped in every lake in the province on the way back to his manor, instead of only kicking up splashes as they ran.
“It w-wasn’t,” she says again, giving him a look right back. Her teeth chatter more than she does, for once.
“Just put on something dry,” he tells her, nodding his head toward the chest where his sleeping robes are kept. “Before you get sick and blame me for it.”
“I wouldn’t,” she pouts, but she goes. “It was my idea,” she mutters as she unties and untucks her obi.
“You can hang your things to dry,” he says, turning his back on her changing. “Use the stand.” He takes his own kimono down to free the polished kiri wood for her, and focuses on folding it, then on poking at the coals in the brazier some thoughtful servant started for them. All this, and he keeps his back to her while she peels off her layers and the dull thud of drips falling onto the tatami of his room slow and then cease.
Quietly, she says “Thank you,” and tugs on the back of his own wet clothes. “Aren’t you going to put on something dry, too?”
He had honestly forgotten and the realization makes his face hot. “Obviously,” he says shortly. “Sit. Stay here, out of my way.”
She thanks him again. Ieyasu can hear her sigh when she puts her hands by the warmth, and he tucks the sound into his heart while he redresses. His skin is clammy from the rain and he knows it will make a mess of his hair. He’s still chilly, too, so she’s probably freezing, no wonder her teeth were chattering.
He feels the way her being in his room pulls him toward her, but he goes to another chest first and pulls out a haori. It’s light, but it will do. She warms up quickly enough.
He settles it over her shoulders and the smile she gives him is so sweet he looks away because he can’t stand it. Then he feels a physical pull toward her— her hand this time, gently tugging him down. He goes with a huff, but he goes.
“Share it with me,” she says, holding the haori off her shoulder. “You look cold, too.”
“And how did that happen,” he mutters, but he scoots closer, takes the haori and drapes it over himself, and says nothing about how much he enjoys the give of her thigh next to his. “Next time we wait.”
“Next time we wait,” she agrees. And then they are quiet for while, warming up in the safety of a (mostly) dry room and the nearness of each other.
Her hand slips into his. She’s warmer now but he’s not convinced she’s better yet. The coals have worked their magic on him, though. He’s fine.
Perhaps it’s exhaustion (from that senseless run through the rain) talking, but he thinks the best thing to do right now is bring her closer.
“Come here,” he whispers.
She goes still the way she does when she’s trying to be subtle about deciphering his meaning. Sometimes he appreciates it and sometimes it even makes him smile, but now he just wants her to hurry up, he’s worried about her.
“Did your ears freeze?!” he asks, his own feeling very hot. “In my lap!”
She turns and puts a leg over him to snuggle close, and he is pretty sure she is grinning. His hands drift to her bottom—strictly to hold her in place— and find it makes a nice pillow for his hands to rest near the heat. Her arms go loosely around his neck, one hand up in his damp hair, the other scratching his shoulder.
“Comfortable?” He asks. She better be.
“Very,” she murmurs. “Thanks again for warming me up.”
Her position is warming him up, and she probably has no idea. She’s always warm between her legs and now the inside of each of her thighs are sleepy-comfortable against him. And he knows she’s right there. This could just be snuggling, he’ll indulge her (and, possibly, himself), but she is right there.
Kindly, because apparently she knows no other way to be, she asks “Are you cold? You’re shivering?”
Her breath on his neck makes him jerk his shoulder up like it will protect him. Like it will do anything about the fact that she is right there.
“Why would I be cold?” he asks pointedly. “You’re right here.”
She makes a thoughtful little hum and sits herself more fully onto his lap. The hum changes to recognition and he thinks, for just a moment, of slipping out from under her and going to some other room, any other room, than tolerate her teasing about having found him out.
“Ieyasu,” she says softly. Into his ear this time, not onto the vulnerable skin of his neck. Her whisper makes him a different kind of vulnerable, one that isn’t so afraid. His hands tighten on the curve of her, just aside from where she has pressed their bodies together. “Are you... too hot?” she asks.
“I don’t know,” he shoots back, always emboldened by the way she doesn’t tease meanly. He likes the way she stokes up heat between the two of them when they are alone. This feels safe and good. And she is right there. He can feel her weight against his hardness, experimental and tempting. “Either way, are you going to take responsibility here for all the rain and the running and the freezing me half to death?”
She giggles and he feels very warm in his chest and belly. Ieyasu knows she can probably feel his smile against her cheek but he’ll have to live with that.
“I didn’t make the rain,” she points out. “But I did make you run, which made you cold. I can take responsibility for that.”
“Hurry up, then,” Ieyasu challenges. He dares to squeeze his hands and her startled sound makes him feel tall for some stupid reason.
She does not hurry. She never does as he tells her.
They kiss each other so long his lips feel like a separate part of his body, but they are as unwilling to part from her as the rest of him. Both her hands are in his hair now, and sometimes her fingertips drag down along his scalp and make him groan into her mouth. It’s safe there in the dimness of the quiet, warming room, so he lets it happen. When they are alone he can be this free.
His hands keep full with her, moving with her, and eventually he begins to pull her closer each time her hips move back. They’ve done this before; a comfortable game that lovers play, back and forth. Back and forth. She is still right there, warmer against him now, and sometimes moaning needy sounds right into his ear at precisely the volume that makes him want to throw caution to the wind and try to flip her onto her back on the floor so he can cover her body with his own.
But he stays. He does not hurry much, either.
He does mutter “Hurry up, then,” when one of her hands trails down to his neck, then his chest. Her laughter is so warm he buries his face in the curve of her neck and tries not to let his damnable blush go to his ears. He has the bright idea to kiss her skin and when her hand stills near his belly and trembles because of it, he bites her gently and says “Responsibility,” and then relishes the way her legs tighten on either side of his own.
Her hand goes between them then, and slips untremblingly into the part of his robe. Ieyasu thinks he can hear the way he slaps into her palm, he can definitely feel it, desperate and wanting, but she leaves him no time to be mortified because her fingers curling around him obliterate everything but the sensation of touch. She is all warmed up now, soft and comforting. When she strokes him for the first time, her hand feels as giving around him as she does in his hands.
He hates himself for it, but he groans. He squeezes her again, harder this time, and then walks one of his hands down her backside and under her leg. All her shifting (and, he would possibly admit if pressed, all his grabbing) has lifted the robe she wears-- his robe, on her body-- so high on her lips her legs are naked around him. It is easy to find what he wants, and easy to tease her.
“Thought you dried off,” he huffs. It does not sound half so seductive as he meant it to, but her gasp is gratifying.
“Still a little cold,” she whispers, and she grips his hair with one hand just as she strokes him again with the other. “Could you help me with that, Ieyasu?”
“Needy,” he murmurs. He’s not trying to talk about himself, but she does some turn with her palm and he only just manages not to yelp.
They touch each other more slowly than usual, really in no hurry now that their hands are involved. He’s wished before to have a whole day and night just to touch her and this may be the closest he ever gets. It’s not so bad.
When she moans his name as he strokes gently with his middle finger, that’s not bad at all. He gives her a break and uses the time she spends recovering to move his arm around the front of her so it’s easier to touch her. He uses his thumb for the second touch, more sure of his movement, and traces her wetness with the soft sort of contact that makes her shake. He presses a kiss to her jaw and murmurs “Where’s your mouth, woman,” just in time for her to find him and whine onto his lips.
They make a sort of fire between themselves, the kind of heat you need to get through winter storms, not summer ones. But he does not mind. He likes the way she clings and touches and breathes out sounds, honest about her pleasure. He likes that more than he can say even if he were better about saying things.
She leaves him to put her hand on his wrist, and she pulls him away. He’s about to give her a piece of his mind about it when she says “Please,” and then he’s all mixed up and undone for her by the pleading. He knows she knows it. “That’s not fair,” he grumbles, but he allows her to lead his hand behind him, and allows her to press his chest so he leans back and lets the hand take his weight.
“Don’t you dare ask me to move the other one,” he says, squeezing her for what must be the tenth time. She shakes her head, smiling, and takes him in hand again. This time she holds him still as she adjusts the angle of her hips and rubs herself against him, slippery and unrestrained, guided gently by his hand still cupped behind her.
Her slide down onto him takes the breath out of them both, and he wonders how his heart can pump so fast when there is no air in his chest to cushion the movement. A muscle in her leg jumps against him and he makes his hand on the floor a fist to keep himself from grabbing her.
“Are you okay?” he asks quietly. She nods and squeezes the handful of hair she has, low on the back of his head. It’s a pleasurable tug, just the way he likes it. Not too hard. Only there, with him, knowing him. He doesn’t know how to tell her how nice this is, how much he likes being with her and the way they understand each other like this.
He does know how to say “Kiss me,” so he says it. Her other arm goes back around his neck and his chin is briefly nudged up by her breasts-- that’s not so bad, either-- before she ducks down to whisper something sweet against his mouth and does as he says.
Sometimes she does as he tells her.
He rewards her by rocking his hips up to hers. His reward is her stuttered gasp and the way her arms tighten around him. They do not rush themselves, not even now... slowly coming together with the sound of rain so far away is heaven on earth, and it is as pleasantly warm as heaven must be, Ieyasu thinks.
There is no need to slam up into her or hold her so tightly she cannot move against him, because he wants her to move against him, and he wants her to be free to move as she likes. Even her little fidgets are accompanied by sighs he wants to keep somewhere safe. Like the back of his mouth.
So they move together, in a way that builds gently, slowly, and beautifully. And every time he brings his body up to meet her, she is right there.
#ikesen fanfiction#ikemen sengoku fanfiction#ikesen fanfic#Ikesen Ieyasu#completely gaga for tokugawa#pseu slings
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...i would like to request a part 2 of the Kennyo×Reader×Y!Nobunaga plz only if you want to I understand if you cant/dont want to I just loved it so much 😣💘❤
All For Her - Yandere!Nobunaga X Reader X Kennyo PT 2
Not gonna lie to you, it was so hard to pick an ending for this. I enjoyed writing the conclusion to this work that I'm sad to see it end. Don't worry, I have many Yandere works I'm still working on!
Because you requested for a second part, I decided to make this a bit of a more hurt/comfort type since I wanted to give you some happiness in this work.
TW: Yandere, Self-Poisoning, Hurt/comfort
"How would you like to rule the world by my side?"
Those words…
Those words were your death sentence.
"Your death will surely be my greatest victory," Nobunaga cried, swinging his sword at the monk. "The people would find it heroic how I rescued my bride from the Ikko Ikki's leader―"
"You defiled her!" Kennyo roared, unsheathing his staff. He blocked the rampant parries of the Devil King. "And you think that's love."
"This will be the last time you hold her, Kennyo."
He roared, howling at the pain of the sword. Kennyo fell to the ground, the stab to his shoulder numbing all of his senses as the blade cuts deep into his flesh.
"Perhaps YN would cast you away if I scar your face once again… Oh… How adorable she'd look to you in horror with the new scars I give you," Nobunaga teased, his menacing tone only edging his sword. "Or, I should kill you right here, and your head should be my bride's present…"
"Not so fast, Nobunaga."
A uniform of dark blue came to view, and two twin shining katanas.
"Masamune… Should I consider this a betrayal or a duel?"
"Consider this your loss," Masamune confidently chided.
"Why... Why do you defend a demon One Eyed Dragon?!"
Masamune struggles against Nobunaga's sword, pushing him away and giving distance between them. "Abbot... I'm not defending you. I'm doing this for her," He said, smiling at the man who won his Kitten's heart. "I'll let her be happy with you. Anything, just anything away from the Oda. Now go."
"You'll be in my prayers, Date."
Kennyo hung onto Ranmaru, the swishing of swords and cries of confusion dying down as Ranmaru escorts him away from the battlefield.
Masamune heaves out, taking a large blow to his chest as the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven holds a sword to his neck.
"How would you like to lose the other eye for treason, Date Masamune?"
"Apologies Lord Nobunaga."
"You owe me one, Masamune."
Ieyasu and Mitsunari raised their swords at Nobunaga, blocking the oncoming attack from reaching Masamune's neck.
"Oi, Date Dragon, don't fall just yet…" Keiji said, holding onto Masamune, with Kojuro trying to stop the bleeding from Masamune's armour.
"I won't Keiji… Not until I see her happy…" He said, passing out from the fight.
"Kennyo!" You were frightened by the red stains on his kimono as Ranmaru brought him in from the battlefield. Before you confronted Kennyo, Sasuke bowed to you, joining up with his group.
"YN, I'm glad we meet again but I must go on with Kenshin's plan."
You bowed to both Sasuke and Ranmaru, appreciating their help.
You tried to wrap and dress his wound as quickly as you could, salvaging any amount of salve you could. Kennyo winced in pain, enduring it for now.
After dressing his wound, you couldn't stop shaking. He was weak at the moment, barely opening his eyes. You could feel his hand reach out to yours, and you brought it to your cheek.
"YN… I'm sorry I couldn't protect you…" He said, trembling under the thought of the battle.
"He… He did this to you…" You whispered, frightened of the thought of Nobunaga and the terror he brought on to the battlefield.
Kennyo tapped your palm once again, bringing you to listen to him. "The Date Dragon saved me, YN… For that I am grateful…" He coughed, pressing his hand down on his chest. You quickly cleaned up any saliva that seeped out, begging him to take rest.
Enough was enough, you thought.
You couldn’t afford anyone else to be hurt.
Be it your friends in the Oda; Masamune, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu…
Or be it your friends you met through Kennyo; Kenshin, Ranmaru, Yukimura…
You couldn't.
Not for your selfish reasons.
Once Kennyo had passed out, you kissed his temple, whispering your affections and apologies.
"My love… I'm sorry… Live for me, won't you?"
You ordered one of the guards to carry you on horseback as swiftly as the horse could to the battlefield. You clutched the napkin carefully, your eyes searching for the warlords.
Without hesitation, you jumped off the horse, running up to where Ieyasu and Mitsunari were holding off Nobunaga.
Ripping off your hood, you revealed yourself to the warlords. "NOBUNAGA! I CALL TRUCE!"
Nobunaga saw your face, and he blocked off his allies, reaching out to you.
"She said, she called for truce," Kenshin said, standing next to you and guarding you.
Once all the troops had returned, you allied yourself with the Uesugi-Takeda warlords as the warlords of the Oda alliance reluctantly sided with their commander.
Nobunaga spoke first, "Now, my Princess, did you call truce to willingly return to me?"
You firmly replied, casting away your anxious subconscious at the sound of his voice, "I'd be a fool."
"Instead," You spoke again. "Let the Uesugi-Takeda leave. Let me stay with them, in exchange for the Oda claiming this land and the resources here."
They did not word it, but Kenshin and Shingen stood by you with no rebuttals. Your heart stilled at their silent agreement and support.
Shingen added on, "Consider the Princess collateral for your war, Nobunaga. With her, the alliance has reason to believe you won't be a threat to us."
Nobunaga was unimpressed, reaching for his katana. "What half-assed words… There is no benefit to the Oda in this arrangement."
The other warlords of the Oda were dumbfounded. Hideyoshi spoke up, "My lord! This is considerably generous-"
"Do not cross me."
You shivered, remembering the cold tone of that voice. No, this was not the time to give in. You threatened the warlords, revealing the needle closer to your skin. "Let me go, or you will have nothing to live for, Oda Nobunaga."
Those manipulative eyes quickly looked in horror as you pricked yourself, the poison quickly drawing into your system.
"YN!" Sasuke cried out. Yoshimoto quickly caught you, but you stopped Yoshimoto from touching the wound.
"Suffer as I did, Nobunaga."
The Devil of the Sixth Heaven, in front of his vassals, fell to his knees.
"Ieyasu!" He roared. "Heal her!"
The Tokugawa lord did not budge an inch.
Ieyasu curtly responded. "Call off the war, then I'll do it."
"Too little too late, Nobunaga," Masamune said, sheathing his katana. "Your allies will abandon you if you go on with this war."
"Lord Nobunaga, no, Nobunaga," Hideyoshi claimed. "Return the admirable lord I served, not one who falls so easily."
Kenshin chipped in, "I will retreat my troops as well, Oda. You're not a worthy opponent now, so fight me once you've gained your honour."
The Uesugi-Takeda warlords stood behind you, as Yoshimoto clutched your poisoned body.
"Foolish girl, you knew this would finish him," Yoshimoto whispered, trying to discretely draw out the poison.
"It's done. The Oda will retreat."
The moment Nobunaga said those words, Ieyasu rushed to your side, immediately drawing out the poison from your blood. "Honestly, you're such an idiot after all this time," He scolded, a tear or two slipping down his cheek.
"And not one of you has changed," You said. "Ieyasu, everyone, thank you…"
All you saw was your dearest friends crying out for you as the world turned black.
Days later, you woke up in your room at Kenshin's place. Nothing but seeing Kennyo entered your mind, as you raced to his room.
"YN?" He was well and up in his futon, being visited by the Uesugi-Takeda group.
You jumped into his arms, finally being able to feel his warmth.
"I heard what you did, my dear…" He said, sitting you on his lap. "Thank you."
You shook your head, "It was for you, for everything you'd granted to me. My freedom, my livelihood… and love," You said, looking up to your lover. "For that, Kennyo, may I marry you and can we stay together until our time ends?"
Kennyo himself was shocked, not expecting such words from you. He turned red, and unexpectedly the warlords still didn't leave the room.
"C'mon old friend! Your lovely lady proposed to you!" Shingen cheered on.
Sasuke and Yoshimoto nodded. "What a wholesome ending," Yoshimoto added on.
"Gosh, why do I have to witness th-"
Yukimura was quickly silenced by his lord and his best friend. Kenshin simply smiled, drinking his sake in response.
Kennyo hugged you, his tears soaking your kimono. "My love… I will. I will live for you and stay with you until our time ends."
"You swear on it?"
"Of course, it’s all for you."
"LN Kenta! Are you listening?!"
The boy slumped his head to the desk, reiterating the history lesson, "-And the leader Ikko Ikki was rumoured to have escaped the battlefield with Lady LN YN but no proof has ever been found except for a bear made by Lady LN left in Kennyo's temple…"
"Right!" The history teacher exclaimed. "Next test will be about Oda Nobunaga's married life, including the tale of Lady LN and all relating battles…"
Kenta shuffled out of the classroom, slinging his jacket over his shoulders and then and there, he saw his lover Mai waiting for him.
"You could've eaten on your own…"
She smiled at her boyfriend, leaning on his shoulder. "Well, food's better when you're around people you love!"
Unbeknownst to the couple's eyes, a stalking figure of the captain of the baseball team watched them, his gaze envious at LN Kenta.
"Oi! Oda-senpai!"
"Oda Nozaki! Hurry up!"
The dark haired boy shifted away from his hiding spot, putting on his cheerful façade in front of his kouhai and friends. "Guys! I'm here…"
"Sheesh… Took you long enough…"
"I bet Oda-senpai was staring at the Drama Club's tailor again… Katakura Mai-san right?"
Nozaki shushed his teasing kouhai, shoving their caps straight on. "Hey, don't waste your time on gossip. We've got a war to train for."
"It's just a friendly match Nozaki!"
As the group went ahead, Nozaki trailed behind, taking one more glance at his beloved Mai.
It's alright, my little fireball. This rivalry between me and Kenta…
It's all for you.
#yandere ikemen sengoku#ikemen sengoku#yandere nobunaga#ikesen kennyo#ikesen kichou#ikesen nobunaga#ikemen sengoku kennyo#kennyo x reader
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Nobunaga - A father's prayer
As the sun slowly hid itself behind the mountains, the warm colors of the sky streched themselves over the vast plain, embracing it as if to lull everything into sleep before the come of the nightthime.
Despite the heavenly scenario, the piercing sound of shouts, fire guns and the metallic clashing of swords echoed through the broad field making the earth tremble. The rapid and rhythmic sound of a horse's hooves against the ground came to a stop right in front of the Oda camp's entrance. A man dismounted from the saddle and hurried himself towards the commander's tent. After announcing himself he entered the enclosed space and lowered his head. "I bring news from Azuchi, my Lord" said the man. "The princess went into labor just a few hours ago. The doctors predict it will end towards the firsts lights of the morning."
Nobunaga's head snapped up from the map he was studying, emotion visible in his ruby eyes. "Very well then, we'll wrap this up as soon as possible" a genuine smile appearing on his face.
Back to the castle, the princess loud screams could be heard from almost all over the citadel. Bright red blood was staining the futon and Ieyasu and the other maids had been working hard for almost three hours now. Outside the moon had already made its entrance in the night sky where countless of stars were sparkling and watching over the castle.
Another hour passed and in the meantime, Nobunaga had succesfully suppressed the rebellion in one of his domains, not too far from where he longed to be the most, at his lover's side. "Hideyoshi, I'm leaving the rest to you. I have important matters to attend to" he said referring to the amber coloured eyes standing behind him, as he stood tall on his horse. "As you wish, my Lord. And good luck on the journey" Hideyoshi added.
The moon had almost completed his journey through the night sky and Nobunaga could now finally see the castle and its pointed roof, illuminated by the first rays of that sunrise in spring. The cold air was in contrast to the Devil King's flaming cheeks. In that immense valley, the horse wasn't the only thing that was racing; his mind, too, was eagerly exploring the scenarios of what was to come for him, his beloved, and his country. From simple questions such as "Will they have their mother's eyes?" his thoughts started shaping into thick, dark clouds that brought darkness to his mind. "What if something happened? What if some complications were to ruin everything?". The thought of the princess' death made its way through the layers of his heart and settled in its deepest part, though the idea never showed itself explicitly, as if it didn't dare take a form out of fear.
Heart hammering underneath his steel armor and horse racing at full speed, he finally reached the gates of the castle where he found Mitsunari and Masamune waiting for him. "Lord Nobunaga! You finally arrived!" Exclaimed the gray haired man with a big smile. "Everything ended just some minutes ago. Go and check for yourself." said the other warlord.
Nobunaga hurriedly dismounted his horse and ran towards the tenshu. As he got closer to his and his lover's shared chambers he could hear faint whines coming from inside. The two lord's calm expressions eased his wild immagination just for a couple instants, but he couldn't be sure about his lover's well being until he had witnessed it with his own two eyes and hands.
As he threw open the doors of the room, he found himself before the most beautiful and moving scene he had ever witnessed in his life. Aureate rays from the balcony shone into the quiet room, making the golden furniture softly glow, creating an ethereal atmosphere. In a disheveled yet breathtaking state, there was the princess laying in her bedding with a small bundle placed at her side.
After a few moments of stunned immobility, Nobunaga made a few steps and gave into his weak knees, taking the two bodies in his strong yet ever so slightly shaking arms.
"W-welcome...back..." said the exhausted woman, somehow managing a small smile.
"Shh my love, please rest. You've done far more than-". A little hand reached for Nobunaga's and closed itself around his finger, stopping the man in the middle of his sentence. As he glanced down, he finally saw a pair of two big carnelian eyes staring right into his.
Time stopped. The father and his child, blood of the same blood, staring into each other eyes for the first time ever. For one of them it was the first sight they had ever seen, for the other it was the most beautiful one.
Eyes glistening with genuine love, Nobunaga touched his head to the baby's, pressed a kiss to his temple, then laughed a heartwarming chuckle.
In those few instants, the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven stopped being someone whose hands were stained with countless people's blood, and became just a normal man. A man who was reborn out of joy. A father who held his child for the first time ever.
And so, with such overwhelming feelings in his heart, he raised his gaze towards his land, as he held its future and its heart in both of his arms, and casted for the first time in his life, a prayer for eternal happiness.
Truly, from the bottom of his heart.
requested by @yukina-otome
#ok this took a long time#i even forgot about this because it was at the bottom of my drafts fhjdjd#but it came out very well if you ask me#im very proud :)))#my writing#oda nobunaga#ikesen scenarios#ikesen imagines#ikesen headcanons#ikesen one shots#ikemen sengoku#ikesen fanfic
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If you were dared to do the, "My boyfriend does my make up" challenge, how do you think Ieyasu would do your make up?
In the hypothetical case we were in present time and I weren't allergic to it, this is what I'd picture him doing to my face:
Ieyasu makes your makeup, AU
He kneads your face after literally dragged you the back room to make you sit down in front of the vanity, whilst he curses the one responsible for this chaos.
It wasn't every day he was challenged at work, yet today it was exceptional as his boss dared to bring it up one of his "magnificent" ideas to life just to get himself out of boredom.
God, how much he enjoyed those moments as he could show off how smart and skilled he was. But now the "fool" was out of his mind.
How could him, do your gf/wife/s/o make up challenger, degrade him so low.
Now he was stuck with your bare face staring at him instead of the mirror giving him space to put his thoughts in order.
Finally, he slammed his hands against the vanity in frustration as he couldn't understand why he didn't rebut.
"That damned fool! If he's that bored, then why don't he get a new girl this week. It ain't new if he-"
You kicked his leg frowning as all he does is whine like a five years old.
"hush! He's married if you forgot about it. Are you suggesting he fools around? Is that what you would do if you were bored?" Your monotonous tone contrasting with your stern features.
His bratty being the sour child he is can't help but talk back mostly so you can feel what he's feeling as he doesn't know how to express it in words, "it's his wife's place to keep him entertained so he doesn't go around making a fool of himself with this ridiculous games."
"So wear makeup is ridiculous?" You said seeking into his eyes for the answer as his lips wouldn't come clean with a clean one ever.
"Uh? Wait, are you turning it around me now?" He said, apparently, offended yet confused as how could it be what he was thinking.
"You consider making up a game, so when I do it to assist to one of your ludicrous meetings I look like a clown. Is that what you mean?" Now you aren't sure if you said that to test him or rile him up, but for sure his engine just turned on and he ain't gonna leave without a fight.
"I never said that! I mean, you need to look presentable when you're gonna walk in as my date. Or I might be the one being ridiculed by the likes of you" he said sullenly, half glaring, half pouting.
You held back a laugh as it was hilarious to see his reaction, but finally you have him where you want to. Willing to give his everything even if he doesn't know what to do.
"Then it's your turn to not make a fool of yourself. It ain't rocket science-" he cut you off by instinct.
"I was good on sciences, chemistry and-"
"Not now, boi. What I mean, all you need is guidance and who better than you to know which colour tone looks better on me than yourself. Aren't you the one who picks up my outfit every time we are shopping"
"You have horrible taste" he states as matter of fact, yet murmuring softly "those racy clothes aren't to show off to those filthy perverts"
You barely caught the word "racy" yet you decided to keep him in the mood. "Then show me who is Tokugawa Ieyasu, let them hear your name as the winner of this silly challenger. Make me look pretty"
His eyes widened, not at your motivational speech, but as how could he make you look prettier if you're the light of his dark world, his muse, the one who keep him on his toes bearing with his swift whims every day. He wish he could just kiss you and make you understand, but he remembered what you all have only an hour to make wonders and become the winner.
"That pretty mouth of yours is gonna pay the price for daring me in such fashion. Now face the mirror, I don't want more distractions" he said bluntly, yet you could see warm in his eyes as you switched to face the mirror, handing him the products he needs to apply.
"A simpleton as yourself doesn't need that much, it isn't like you're gonna get any better if I do" he said as he applied the moisture watching how your skin's texture changed, wishing to pinch your cheeks at that very moment till make you squeak.
"Thank your for your honest words, boy. Now this one" you took the base which you tend to use every day, yet he took the one next to it.
"hey, that's a bit darker... This"
"Shhh I'm the artist here. You look way paler with that one." He applied some on your face drawing random patterns as he saw on the tutorial showing on the big screen for everyone to see.
You gazed at him as you saw him transform your simple self into a radiant lady.
Wondering if he ever did apply makeup on other women before, you felt something sting your heart as that thought crossed your mind.
He outdid himself, proud of his masterpiece as he called your make-up.
The last round were applying individual eyelashes before add the last touch.
He made you turn around to do that, but he couldn't concentrate himself as he couldn't believe his eyes, you looked incredible beautiful, plus the temptation of taking off the lipstick off your lips was too much to bear with.
"stop squirming. Keep your eyes closed" he said sternly, yet his hand trembled when he brought the eyelash close to your eyelid sticking it way too far.
"How could I not? You're putting them into my eyes. I have my eyes closed yet you aim there again and again. My poor eyes must be red by now" you whined, eyes stinging, burning and pouting.
"fine! Look like a child! You don't need them anyways" voice filled with regret as causing you pain wasn't part of his plan. He just applied mascara at your already curly eyelashes softly avoiding to touch the root of them as he saw how red they were.
On the screen the women put some primer to end it and he tried to imitate her. But this time he made sure your eyes are completely closed and he even cover them.
He let out a huge sigh as the big bell ringed telling the whole participants it was over.
His body slumped down next to your feet, leaning against your legs, his silky hair now to your reach.
You brushed it as you two waited for the judge to come.
"You know, you might have been a good make up artist if you were the head of the Research department. I didn't think that colour fits me better"
"You are a fool. Also the redness of your face ain't easy to hid with that one, but with this it looks like natural blush. How d-"
"Tokugawa Ieyasu" a rough and strong voice resonated around you two stoping the all too familiar exchange.
"Is this your fiance?" He said unamused yet the corner of his lips curled up forming a mischievous grin.
"My date for the night" Ieyasu said standing up, grinning as he usually does at work, but you could see the annoyance in his eyes as he looked back between his boss and yourself.
"Yes, tomorrow I'll date with his cousin" you said grinning throwing back his words to him, just for the pleasure of get him all worked up.
Which worked as he growled lowly, menacing if you could say, yet that fake grin of his plastered on his face like a tattoo.
"Yes, so as to let this wench go back to her work street. Let's get over with it, can we?" He said as cheerful as he could but the exchange didn't pass unnoticed by his boss, as he's been watching his employees this whole time and oddly she's the one he brings to every meeting since last year started.
You just grinned, waiting patiently for this game to be over so you can leave his ass crying at the entrance of your shared flat the whole night.
His boss looked at you, then at your eyes and noticed he didn't apply the eyelashes on you, making him wonder what caused it.
"I see eyelashes weren't used on this one" he stated looking back on Ieyasu.
You were going to explain why but your boyfriend was faster than you.
"They weren't needed as she has enough eyelashes as it is. More would have look like spiders stuck on her eyes. A natural look is better on her" he doesn't even know what he said or why. But he couldn't blame you for it, if someone was responsible for it, it was him, you were out of reach.
"Um, I see. We will announce the winner later. Join the others in the meeting room. Food is being served there" he said as he walked away to the next couple.
You jumped up on your feet hearing the word food, but were stopped for him, holding your wrist, making you spin around to face him.
"No yet" he pulled you closer, bringing his lips close to your ears, whispering huskily. "Don't you dare to talk with my idiot cousin. Or I'll-"
You couldn't help but grin brightly as a blush adorned your whole face till you ears, but knowing where his thread was going you pecked his cheek. "Does that make me your official girlfriend?"
He backed off you, staring at your crimson face with one of his own, gauging before his tongue could form words again. "Whatever you say. I'm starving, let's hurry before they all strawberries are gone"
Just like that he dragged you all the way to the meeting room, his hand in yours entwining your fingers almost as if to making sure you weren't gonna leave his side, heads turned your way, but all you cared was the man in front of you as happiness was draw on your face the whole day.
~The End~
Just went with the flow, I didn't edit so if there is any mistake I apologise. Just hope you all enjoy it, also I did it in a rush as I didn't want to lost motivation or the track of what I wanted to say XD
Happy weekend pals! It feels good be back with random talks.
#Tokugawa Ieyasu#slbp#voltageinc#slbp ieyasu#brat boy#sulky boi#Ieyasu au#ask#ask away#random hc#Ieyasu hc#my boyfriend does my makeup#Ieyasu as the boyfriend#you as his S/O#guess who is the boss
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Hi! If you’re still taking HC requests, could you do one with Kenshin + any of the other guys where the MC became blind after an accident in the Sengoku era?;; how would they go about comforting her and helping her adapt and the whatnots
Hello thanks for the request @monanju I’ve been so busy with work and bad headaches but finally did it! Love me some angst writing to mix into my fluffy pancake headcanon batter >v<.
Warning: semi-graphic, depression, dark themes
Kenshin: When MC found out Kenshin’s troops were in need of medical assistance, she figured to go along with the support group with medical supplies. However, right before they reached the site, they were bombarded with arrows, while the horse reared, MC flung off and hit her head on a rock on the ground. One of Kenshin’s men scooped her up and hurried to Kenshin’s base. Thankfully, the troops met up with the opposing force who shot the arrows and took them down. However, when Kenshin returned and heard the news that MC got knocked unconscious, his panic and anger set in. He immediately demanded to be taken to her and sat by her side, holding her hand and not breaking from his intense gaze. When MC finally started to move and wake up he gasped in joy, but that gasp turned into horror real quick when MC started to hyperventilate, saying “Why is it so dark in here? Kenshin? I can’t see!”. For once, he started to tremble. He held her tight and tried reassuring her, but internally he was freaking out. He threatened the medics to do all they could, but unfortunately she was to remain permanently blind. He vowed from then on to protect her and be by her side holding her hand whenever he could. Whenever he couldn’t only his trusted vassals like Sasuke would escort her to wherever she needed to go. Would bring her the bunnies to pet to soothe her. Developed a code knock for eachother to reassure her that he was still there and around. Had to be convinced to go to the town but when he saw MC get excited to hear music being played by performers, her smile convinced him everything was going to be okay.
Hideyoshi: He thought it was okay to take you to a meeting at a political leader’s house, but it was actually a trap filled with gunpowder explosion. Thankfully you guys were out of the building, but the debris from the explosion flew right into MC’s eyes. After the extreme pain and Ieyasu washing out her eyes as Hideyoshi was holding MC’s hands and hyperventilating along with her, the damage caused her to be permanently blind. It broke his heart, feeling like it was all his fault MC was now blind. Even though MC was grieving, she still wrapped her arms around him and told him that it’s not his fault and that they’ll find a way. This motivates Hidemama to be the ultimate caretaker, always being her escort everywhere, arm out for her to grab (a necessity but also sweet and romantic). Whenever she breaks down and cries due to stress and frustration, feeling useless and incapable, he KNOWS and will be there in an instant to wipe her tears away and list all the things she can still do and enjoy. Reassures her that she could never be a burden to him and he will try whatever he can to put a smile on her face.
Masamune: An assassin planned to kill MC at a festival for revenge against the Oda. Using a crying child as a lure to bring MC out and away from the crowd, he took out two daggers to slash her eyes before killing her. When Masamune realized where MC went, he rushed over right away and saw the daggers come down. Thankfully he was able to slice the assassin in time to save her life, but not her eyes. After scooping her up and rushing her to Ieyasu to patch her up, checking her pulse in a scared frenzy throughout the whole ordeal, they knew that MC would never be able to see again. He would force her to stay in bed during recovery from the gashes, feeding her meals and supervising Shogetsu cuddle time. Would feel pained that MC won’t be able to live as freely as she should, but would try to accommodate as much as possible. Makes sure to leave railings and markers with different shapes to indicate different areas so MC wouldn’t be as lost. Reminds her of all the other senses she can take in, helping her hear the rustling of the leaves and the feel of cherry blossom petals with their flowery smell instead of brooding over not being able to see them. Instead of writing love letters and leaving them for MC to read like before, he’d announce that he would just have to read the letters to her, embarrassing her to no end. Tries to make things lighthearted, saying “I’m halfway there to be twinning you.”, bonding over eye issues. Reassures her that she’s still the cutest kitten in the land and is stronger than anybody he knows when she feels like she’s a burden or that he doesn’t want to be with her anymore. Wants her to be as happy and free as possible and will help her every step of the way.
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How about headcanons of the warlords with a superstitions MC? Like opening a umbrella indoors or break a mirror 13 years of bad luck. See a penny pick it up and crossing your fingers for something good to happen. Oda Forces please. Thank you!
so i had to google some superstition things and i picked a few (not sure if some of these count but i hope [and like most of them tie with luck?? i mean ig makes Sense]) so here ya go:
nobunaga is known more or less for being ruthless. such is a fact you learnt since history class back in school.
it was another assassination attempt (it’s become a part of the monthly, if not weekly, experience for you), and as any other time, nobunaga deflected it easily. the ronin, upon seeing he couldn’t so much as land a hit on his target, set his eyes on you.
he lunged, the tip of the sword aiming for your head. nobunaga quickly caught it, pushing the blade off with his own. and in that process, accidentally shattering a mirror behind you.
soon after all that, the ronin was taken away to the dungeons, and nobunaga’s gone to hugging you protectively in his tenshu. a frown was etched on your brows, he noticed. his grip grew tighter.
“why does your expression look troubled, fireball?” he asks, leaning into you slightly. you sigh in return, “you broke a mirror.”
now, he was confused. you never expressed a fondness to said mirror, and while yes, you’re sometimes upset when items are broken, you get over them quickly.
“and why does it bother you so?”
you turn around, your face facing his. “there’s a belief that if you break a mirror, you’ll be cursed with bad luck for years.” seeing his expression turn into slight confusion, you explained further, “it’s said that a piece of your soul is held in a mirror, and if you break it—”
before you could finish, you were suddenly falling on the floor, with nobunaga under you as a cushion. a smirk was the first thing that caught your eye.
he finds it rather amusing, you were less mulling about the near death experience and more of a supernatural belief.
“even if that were to happen, my lucky charm will surely ward them off.”
a battle was coming near. and as any other time, you came as support. it wasn’t as dramatic or dangerous as previous ones, you’d be there for hideyoshi (no matter how much he insists otherwise).
you kept yourself at camp, tending to the injured. during the afternoons where hideyoshi wasn’t fighting along side his lord, he’d be by yours.
a messenger came, and you couldn’t help but tense up. by instinct, you crossed your fingers and hoped for good luck. surely, it was, and you could slump your shoulders in relief.
hideyoshi noticed this small tendency, even before you started dating. the way your lips pursed slightly as your fingers crossed, a slightly pleading look in your eyes. and he’s always just a bit confused.
“why do you always. . .do that?”
you look at him confusedly, not sure what he’s reffering to, “do what?”
he mimics your fingers just moments before, and you emit a small ‘ohh’.
“well, i guess it’s a bit of a prayer? there’s a belief that if you cross your fingers, good luck will be granted.”
oh, so it’s a bit of a religious thing, he thought, and understood. he starts to pick up each time you were a bit worried and wished for a bit of good luck by doing it, and would comfort you either in the moment, or afterwards.
actually—he starts picking it up too after a while.
in camp, or a warlord council meeting, he’ll unconsciously cross his fingers.
and, in the event he proposes to you. . .he’ll definitely do it too ♥
since sengoku japanese was a bit different than modern japanese, mitsuhide had taught you language as well.
it was a test, one that can be classified about 5th grade elementary level? around that. you’d done pretty great, it was mostly on writing the letters that tripped you up, but you were faring well.
and, as per mitsuhide’s own method, he had you do a spoken part afterwards. again, you breezed through well enough.
“well then,” he stacked the papers to an orderly pile, “let’s do a bonus question, for ‘extra points’ if you will.”
you started sweating, cause mitsuhide can absolutely be a devil and ruin your score by asking one out of left field. but to your relief, it was just,, counting, apparently.
“one, two, three, five, six, eight, ten—”
“little mouse,” he cut you off, “it seems some numbers escaped from those.”
oops. you forgot, and reflex took over, skipping over the numbers four, seven, and nine. and although the other pronounciations were used more often (yon, nana,) you still avoided them.
“oh, uhm, right—!” and so you redid your countings with those pronounciations.
he did ask you well, more of tease but it led to the same explanation about it afterwards. you just huffed— “well, it’s said that it brings bad luck you know!”
“oh, and what is it little mouse?”
he asks in a more teasing manner, but he didn’t expect you to actually answer seriously. “well, the pronounciation for four, seven and nine are homonyms for ‘death’ and ‘suffering’, for four and seven respectively. and nine’s said to be a homonym for ‘hostage’, i think?”
he’s amused—you’re as silly as ever. and he wouldn’t have it any other way. in fact, new teasing material!
summer rolled around soon, and holy hell is it hot out there. while you spent most of your days inside, sometimes you have to go to the market too, y’know? and so to help through with the heat, you ordered two paper umbrellas that a fellow friend who worked in the castle had a business of. it was a delivery order, so you told her to drop it off at masamune’s manor.
and it came around when the sun began to set. you admired the fabric used while masamune looked in the background.
“‘ey lass, how about we test it?”
upon his suggestion, you just chuckled a bit uneasily. you believed that opening an umbrella indoors would cause bad luck—and also the fact that masamune could absolutely wreak havoc with just that.
“eh, it’s fine.” you waved it off, setting the thing on the table, “we can use it in the day when the sun’s ou—”
before you could finish your sentence, masamune reached for the umbrella ordered for him, and opened it quick.
“—! masamune—!” you yelled out, watching as he sways the thing around like a child would with a toy.
after a tiresome chase, you managed to have him put the umbrella down and gave him a stern talking, with slight anxiety in your eyes.
“lass, since when did you become hideyoshi? it’s nothin’ big.” he says with a wide grin.
“it brings bad luck you know!”
at your argument, his interest peaked with an arch of his eyebrows, “oh, does it now?”
his tone was more of teasing, excitement also, but you just huffed and nodded, “yeah! it’s said that if you open an umbrella indoors, it’ll bring bad luck.”
he accepts your belief without so much as a question why, but it definitely becomes another source for chaos and teasing from him.
you’ve always been fond of cats. given the chance, you would absolutely stop and pet one on the way to somewhere. even so, you held the belief that black cats brought bad luck. due to those two clashing factors, you’d just sigh at your (future) misfortune but still stop to pet it.
such is the case when you find a stray black cat in the garden.
ieyasu was with you when you first spot it, and heard your small ‘aww’, one not in response to its cuteness, but more of. . .disappointment, he supposed.
still, you went and pet it, with your lover trailing behind and watching you silently. he reveled in the sight of his dearest playing with a cat in such a loving manner.
and soon, you had to go back as the sun was setting to ieyasu’s manor. while settling for the night, you couldn’t help but slip something, “it’s a bit of a shame we ran into that cat.”
“what do you mean?”
“oh yeah!” you realized that such superstitions most likely didn’t exist, so you explained, “there’s a belief that if you come across a black cat, you’ll be cursed with bad luck.”
“. . .and you believe it?” / “yeah,,?”
he went silent for a moment, then all he did was chuckle, pulling you closer in his arms, “you silly girl.”
it was hard enough to get mitsunari to commit ‘actually fulfilling your Needs’. it was already enough to snap him out of his reading trance, more so telling him gently that even though he he’s “not hungry”, his body needs to eat.
and even then, it’s easy to see that he doesn’t have the,, best eating manners. his movement’s always hurried. as if he could absolutely not spend another second eating, just to get back to reading. and such, it’s most definitely lackluster.
he doesn’t notice it, but you do.
so when one day, when he leaves his meal with his chopsticks facing up, you flipped. you pulled mitsunari before he got into his reading trance, and practically lectured him like how hideyoshi would.
meanwhile, mitsunari’s very confused. he already forgot how he put his chopsticks when he left it. he looked back to his bowl, it was facing up, with the tips dug into the rice.
“forgive me, but i don’t think i understand?”
you pursed your lips and tried to explain it to him. “well, putting your chopsticks up is very rude cause it’s used in funerals—”
despite it being a small thing you believed in, mitsunari listened in as close as possible. it’s like his trance, but verbally.
the moment you finish, he’s slightly berating himself in his mind. seeing the small hesitancy in his eyes, you quickly reassure him it’s fine, it’s just something you deeply believe in and he didn’t know, all the likes.
he nods, he doesn’t comment anything about it. instead, he keeps it in mind each time he eats. he always sets his chopsticks down properly, and in fact, learns and executes a few table manners! hideyoshi is slightly relieved, but masamune won’t stop lecturing him to ‘savor the flavor’.
in your days off with ranmaru, the two of you spend it mostly by going in town and, more often than not, snacking on some sweets at a teahouse (and by some, it’s enough to drain your earns for the week).
because of this, hideyoshi told you two to basically go and take a walk, y’know, commit Health(^TM). and by your own suggestion, you ventured to the outskirts of azuchi forest during the breezy noon.
while just looking around, you noticed a glint in the dirt. brushing it away with your fingers, you call ranmaru over, “hey, i found something!”
he came with hopped steps, leaning to you. you pull up a small gold coin, probably lost from a traveler. he gasps like a sweet child, “treasure! but should we take it? does it count as stealing?”
you thought about it, and shrugged, “it’s a pretty small amount to lose,” you stood up, brushing your kimono, “besides, do you know that picking pennies up can bring you good luck?”
(”what’s a penny?” / “oh, uh—a synonym for coin, is all.”)
ranmaru’s eyes fill with stars of child-like wonder, “really?”
you smiled innocently, his infectious bright mood spreading over to you, “yep. there’s a saying from my,, hometown that goes, ‘find a penny, pick it up and all day long, you’ll have good luck’!”
it plays out more like two kids telling each other what kind of supernatural ‘fact’ they found out yesterday and sharing it with a friend, because you two were practically that.
his eyes glowed brighter, “wow! then you must be lucky, eheh!”
and after that, each time he sees a stray coin on the ground, he’ll pick it up. and in the case of having company, he’ll tell them what you said with a smile etched on his face.
#ikemen sengoku#cyikemen#ikesen#ikesen nobunaga#ikesen hideyoshi#ikesen mitsuhide#ikesen masamune#ikesen ieyasu#ikesen mitsunari#ikesen ranmaru#ikesen oda forces#*writing#i thought at first that this was specifically geared to **bad** luck and so i spent like half the time writing that#but then i realized#and so due to not wanting to seem like an unCreative Writer i rewrote some#aha fuck
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Unspoken Thoughts
Ieyasu x MC
Warnings: none it’s all fluffy
Your fellow crackhead decided to write a fanfic 😗✌️ bare with me, I haven’t writen anything creative in a while. Only writing I did was some dumbass essays for schools. I was on a call with my best friend at 3am- because that’s obviously a good idea- and she was all like “bro why don’t you write fanfics for your otome fandom, you love writing” and I was all like “holy shit, you’re right!”
Probably won’t do this again but fuck it we in here.
I slid the door to my room open and entered. I was finally free- I never thought that the war council would end! I looked around the room and noticed how quiet and empty it was. I’ve become so used to hearing a “‘welcome home’” from MC I’ve almost forgotten what if felt like to have this room to myself.
Even though she isn’t here yet, I still find myself imagining her clumsily getting up and rushing to my arms. I can still see her goofy grin as she looks up at me, her beautiful flush cheeks, her eyes that told me I was the world to her, her soft lips just inches away- god, I missed her!
I wanted to feel her warmth in my arms once more, I wanted her to sit on my lap, to tell me about her day, to kiss those soft lips, to caress her smooth cheeks, and to tell her she meant the world to me! Obviously, I couldn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that! but I didn’t have to anymore. She has been good at knowing how I truly felt. Although, sometimes it could get annoying. It’s like she can see right through me, it’s like all my deepest feelings are displayed for her and her alone.
I really wasn’t in my right mind today- I haven’t seen her for only a day and it’s already driving me crazy! I knew that she was just caught up with work and will be back soon, but I couldn’t get the thoughts of her out of my mind. My beautiful, but strange MC, always occupying my thoughts. Damn it! I needed to get back to work. I needed to focus! I sat down at my desk and took out some ink and paper, I noticed an unfamiliar box next to my desk with a note placed on top.
“‘Don’t skip your meals okay? My nose is still stuffy from all the spice, so you better finish it all! -MC’”
Only an idiot would cook something that would make her this uncomfortable, and only an idiot would waste time on something like this! but- she’s my idiot. Damn it, I didn’t have time for these distractions right now!
I hurried to finish all the food she made for me. Oh- It was delicious... Of course, it was, she made it for me. Anything she does is perfect. From her sewing to her laugh, everything! I wanted so badly to be by her side. As these overwhelming thoughts took over I found myself picking up my quill and starting to doodle pictures of her. Her face still clear in my mind, not like it would ever leave. I’ve memorized every inch of her and did my best to print it down on my paper.
About an hour went by and I’ve finished the drawing. I think it turned out pretty good. I especially like the expression in her eyes~ Yes, I think I’ve captured her well. As I admired my work I heard the door slide open.
“Ieyasu, I’m home!” I heard, the voice I’ve longed to hear, the person I’ve been craving to see- She’s finally here!
“You’re late.” I plainly stated, quickly putting the drawing away and trying to hide all these racing thoughts going through my mind. I can’t believe I would miss anyone as much as I’ve missed her.
“Sorry, Sorry, I’ve had a lot of orders to get done today. Oh! You ate the food I made. Was it good?”
“It was fine.” As if she would have to ask. It’s all gone isn’t it? Can’t she figure it out herself?
“Good! I’m glad you liked it!” I spoke too soon. Her face beamed, her smile radiating. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Hoping she would understand what I wanted, I held out my arms towards her.
Not surprising, she understood immediately. She rushed towards and plopped down on my lap. God, she was so precious! I gave her a squeeze and she let out the cutest giggle.
“Did you miss me or something?” She turned so she was facing me and wrapped her arms around my neck.
“Yes.” I let out. Shit- I didn’t mean to say that! Her eyes widened, but before she could look at me I buried my face in the crook of her neck. I don’t want her to see my expression right now! I felt my face heat up and my mind whirling.
She tensed for a second due to my hair tickling her neck, but she quickly relaxed and held me close once more. She giggled as she stroked my hair lovingly. Hmm... I loved the feeling of her fingers going through my hair. I loved the feeling of being in her arms.
“I’ve missed you too!”
“mmm” really? She missed me too? Was her mind also consumed by thoughts of us together?
“Umm, Ieyasu?” She stopped her strokes and turned her head to the drawing I’ve made under my desk. She let go of me and went to retrieve the, not very well hidden, paper. “What’s this?” She asked looking puzzled at the sheet of paper that had that drawing of her on it. To me it was a fine piece of art, but- to her she made a face at it like she’d seen a disfigured ghost-
“Can’t you tell? It’s you.”
“O-of course it is... Did you draw this?”
“No Mc, wasabi broke into my room and drew a picture of you.”
“Haha, right. Well, wasabi is a real artist in that case.” She looked at the drawing for a few more seconds before breaking with laughter. She then hugged the paper to her chest.
“What’s so funny?” I turned away baffled.
“Hehe, you drew a picture of me! You’re so cute!” She smiled at me. That smile was the most precious thing I had. Even if she was laughing at me- and even if she was crazy enough to call me cute- I’d do anything to keep my Mc happy. If only there was a way to freeze time just so I can admire her for a little longer.
“Cute? Who are you calling cute?”
“Who do you think?”
“Hmm no, I think you’re the cute one here.” I smiled at her. I couldn’t contain my happiness. When she looked this happy it was so hard to resist! I pulled her towards me again, my arms snaking around her waist from behind. I placed my head against her shoulder again and embraced her tight.
“Why did you paint it though?” Mc asked. She put the paper down and placed her hands on mine.
“No reason.” I just missed you.
“You drew me for no reason, hmm?”
“That’s right.” No- you wouldn’t leave my mind all day!
“Then, can I keep it?”
“Do whatever you want” I’m glad it made her happy.
She laughed as if she already knew my true thoughts. There wasn’t anything I could hide from her anymore. I guess I don’t mind though, I don’t mind being so completely vulnerable to her touch. I don’t mind my thoughts always being consumed by my memories of her. If only I was able to tell her all I’m thinking, but she didn’t mind since she was able to already understand all of my unspoken thoughts.
Thank you @nuttytani for the suggestions and proof reading! It helped a lot.
Thank you @xarexraven for proofreading I’m glad you liked it!
And another tag for my lovely @choi-jiyu
#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#otome game#cybird#ikesen fanfic#ikesen ieyasu#ieyasu x mc#tokugawa ieyasu#ieyasu tokugawa#damn i did that all at 5am#kinda feels good to write again#maybe ill stick w crack content tho-
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Homecoming pt.1 (Nobunaga x MC)
Several people have asked for a sequel to Preparations for War and have pretty much begged for fluff. And I started out with fluff...I SWEAR I DID. And then...then Hideyoshi had to go and be dumb and, well, here we are.
Don’t worry, kids...nobody dies. I can’t do that to any of my best boys. And part 2 will be all the fluff you can stand. It should be in your hands tomorrow.
Title: Homecoming (part 1) Pairing: Nobunaga x MC Rating: T/M (talk of violence and surgery) Word Count: ~4,000
Description: After three months, our heroes return from battle, but not in the best of ways. Angst with a dash of H/C and some horny Nobunaga for good measure.
WARNINGS: Angst. Lots and lots and loooooooots of angst. More angst than the first part. Major character injury with talk of death (but no death!). Vivid descriptions of medical procedures. Blood. Lots of blood.
The page placed the neatly-folded letter in my hand with a bow and offered a sad smile before disappearing from sight. My sewing fell into my lap, forgotten, as I cradled the single sheet of paper in shaking fingers. Before I consciously registered that it was actually in my hands, a single, round spot of wetness marred the otherwise pristine surface.
Three months they’d been gone. Three long, lonely months I’d haunted the halls of Azuchi castle, waiting at Ieyasu’s side for our family to return.
I opened the letter carefully so as not to tear the paper and smoothed it out against my chest. There, in Nobunaga’s beautiful handwriting was yet another heartbreaking update.
My love,
The tide of battle has finally turned and we may yet persevere. Our men are weary of battle, beaten down and exhausted. Longing for home. Perhaps if I’d thought to bring my lucky charm with me, this battle would have long-since ended and without the casualties.
My hands are stained with blood, yet I long to hold you again. My nights are lonely without you in my arms. I will return as soon as I am able. I love you.
I carefully refolded the letter and tucked it into my kimono as tears rolled down my face. I missed him desperately. I wanted him home with me. I wanted him to know the beautiful things that waited here for him. So many times I’d started to tell him in letters but in the end I’d burned them all. I wouldn’t do that to him; give him something else to worry about. No, I’d wait to give him the good news when he returned so that I could enjoy his reaction.
I wiped at my face with my sleeve and turned my attention back to my sewing. There was nothing else left to do but wait. And wait. And wait some more.
Another week passed with silence from the battlefield. I sewed, I cleaned, I cooked…I found any number of ways to distract myself from the fact that nearly everyone I loved was at risk. I couldn’t shake the sense of dread when I thought about all of them out there, struggling to make peace out of blood.
With all of my work for the day completed, I sat in the garden enjoying the warmth of the sun on my face. With my eyes closed and my face tilted toward the sky, it was easy to imagine my men coming home, the steady, rhythmic stomp-and-clank of marching warriors rattling the ground beneath them. I pictured Nobunaga’s face, streaked with dirt and smiling that infuriating, devilish smile of his. I imagined his arms sliding around my waist as he pulled me to him. My hand dropped to my belly, rounded enough now that I had to be careful how I dressed and how I sat in order to hide the evidence from the house staff. Only Ieyasu knew, and I wanted it to stay that way until Nobunaga returned.
“Lady Mai,” one of the castle pages called my name, pulling me from my beautiful daydreams and back into that harsh, lonely reality. He bowed when I turned to face him. “Lord Ieyasu has called for you.”
“I’m on my way,” I replied with a smile. He bowed again and disappeared. Once I was certain I was alone, I struggled to my feet, fixed my clothes, and exited the garden.
I found Ieyasu in the audience hall discussing trade arrangements with a new ally. The conversation seemed to be going well, if not a little awkward thanks to my contrarian friend, and when I attempted to back out of the room and leave them to it, Ieyasu lifted his hand and waved me over. The look on his face was almost one of relief when I obliged.
“I apologize for the interruption. A page said you were looking for me.”
“Yes,” he answered as I stepped onto the dais and he offered his hand to help me sit, for which I was grateful. At roughly the half-way mark of this pregnancy, my balance wasn’t exactly great. I tucked my legs beneath me and arranged my kimono to keep my growing belly hidden, and when I cast a glance at our guest, he gasped audibly.
“Lord Hiro, this is Princess Mai, Lady of the Oda.”
“My Lady,” he replied, dropping into a deep formal bow with his head against the floor, “rumors of your beauty abound, but they do not do you justice.”
“Careful, Lord Hiro,” Ieyasu admonished. “Remember that she is the wife of Lord Nobunaga, the man to whom you’ve recently sworn your loyalty.”
“I-I-I’m sorry,” Lord Hiro stammered, trying harder to push his face into the floor, “I meant no harm, I swear!”
“Please rise, Lord Hiro,” I cut in. “No offense was taken, I promise. I assure you, a lady always likes to hear compliments.” I turned to Ieyasu with a scowl. “Now play nice, Ieyasu.” He narrowed his eyes at me and shook his head, so I smiled as sweetly as I could and turned my attention back to our guest. “Tell me, Lord Hiro, what are your hopes for this alliance?”
The man slowly rose from the floor to recompose himself, but I noticed his hands shaking as he folded them into his lap.
“I am new to my position,” he admitted, and out of the corner of my eye I noticed the change in Ieyasu’s expression. This was news even to him. “Our land is small, largely unnoticed by the Shogunate in Kyoto. We are hard workers, my Lady, I promise you. But…”
He trailed off, as if he were afraid to speak.
“Please, Lord Hiro, continue.”
He took a deep, shaky breath and nodded. “My people were mistreated by our former Lord. He wanted the Shogun to notice him, so he would take our crops and our crafts for his tributes and leave us with barely enough to survive.” His voice trembled on the last word. It broke my heart to hear. “When he died, he left no heir. So the Shogun’s people came and assessed our home before the infighting could begin. Because my family is one of the oldest in our land, I was given this charge.”
“That is quite the honor,” Ieyasu said, his voice cold and impassive. I elbowed him in the side when Hiro looked away. He grunted.
“It is,” I answered, turning my attention back to our guest. “I understand that being in charge of something so large can be terrifying,” I told him. “Look at the two of us—Ieyasu and I have kept Azuchi Castle going for months now while Lord Nobunaga is away. Like you, we are here to care for our people. So please, tell us what you need.”
“I…I wanted to open up trade with Azuchi,” Hiro answered. His shoulders straightened and the lines of worry left his face. “We do not have much right now, but with time and a little assistance, I know my people can be a valuable asset to Lord Nobunaga.” Excitement glimmered in his eyes when he spoke next. “We have skilled craftsman—woodworkers, blacksmiths, weavers…so we can pay in trade. But we need food. Our people are starving.”
“Then food you shall have,” Ieyasu answered, his tone much softer than before. The statement brought tears to Hiro’s eyes. “Speak with Daichi on your way out and he will arrange for the deliveries.”
The man fell into a tearful, formal bow, his forehead once again on the floor at our feet. “Thank you, Lord Tokugawa! Thank you so much! And thank you, Lady Mai! Your kindness has healed my heart.”
“You are very welcome, Lord Hiro. Now please, return to your people and help them prosper.”
Once Hiro was out of earshot, Ieyasu sighed and shook his head.
“Did you have to do that in front of him?” he asked.
“He wasn’t looking,” I answered with a sweet smile. “Besides, you totally deserved it.”
“I did not!”
“Yeah, you did.” I laughed when Ieyasu turned his face away to hide his own smile. “So why did you want to see me?”
“They’re coming home today,” he said and produced a letter from his kimono. Everything around me went fuzzy as his words registered in my head. I took the letter and scanned it, Nobunaga’s writing surprisingly sloppy as if he were in a hurry. It was true; Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Ranmaru, and Mitsunari were on the way home. Masamune and Mitsuhide were staying behind to clean up the mess.
“Really? This is real?” I asked, disbelieving as I waved the paper between us.
Ieyasu rolled his eyes at me. “Of course it is. That was delivered last night. They’ve secured peace along the southern border. However, there’s one more thing.” He held up another letter, though he didn’t let me have it. “Hideyoshi has been injured.”
My breath seized in my lungs and tears sprang to my eyes. “I-is he…”
“He’s alive,” Ieyasu confirmed. “I’m not supposed to tell you this, but he did something stupid and you need to be aware of it.”
My gut roiled and inside my belly, my unborn baby began to squirm. If Hideyoshi managed to get hurt, that meant…
“He covered Nobunaga, didn’t he?” I asked.
Ieyasu nodded. “He took an arrow through the left side of his chest. After the fighting ended, they’d returned to camp. An assassin, acting alone from what I understand, made an attempt on Nobunaga’s life.” My breath escaped in a stuttering cry before I could cover my mouth with my hand. Nausea bubbled up my throat behind it. “Apparently Hideyoshi’s armor was damaged during combat and when he leapt in front of Nobunaga to stop the assassin, the arrow pierced it.”
“No…oh, no. Tell me he’s going to be okay.”
“I won’t know for certain until they arrive. One of the field medics cut the arrow off and bandaged it, but they were afraid to remove it because they don’t know what it might have hit. Nobunaga is bringing him home himself.”
Tears ran freely down my face. While I was thankful that Nobunaga was okay, the idea that Hideyoshi willingly put himself in harm’s way and was actually harmed scared the daylights out of me. My chest ached and what little breakfast I’d managed to eat threatened to come back. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I didn’t want to believe it.
“Mai? Are you still there?” Ieyasu asked, waving his hands in front of my face. My attention snapped back to him.
“I said I need you with me for this,” he repeated. “You’ve handled arrow wounds before and Hideyoshi trusts you.” He glanced down at my belly then back at my face. “Do you think you can do it?”
“Yes,” I answered without hesitation.
“Then let’s get ready. They’ll be here soon.”
I’d just finished sterilizing our equipment when the doors burst open and in stormed Nobunaga with a flourish. He was covered from head to toe in dirt and blood, and the lines of worry etched into his face broke my heart. His gaze found me and a mixture of relief and fear flooded his features. I didn’t have time to dwell on it, though, as only a breath later Ranmaru and Mitsunari shuffled in carrying an equally muddy and bloody Hideyoshi, though the majority of the blood on him appeared to be his own.
“Careful now,” Ieyasu instructed as he helped them place Hideyoshi on the prepared table. He was conscious though I had no idea how, and groaning in pain. “Drink this,” Ieyasu ordered, tipping a cup up to Hideyoshi’s lips. Our friend swallowed, though not without great effort, then I began to wipe away the grime from his face.
His skin was pale and waxy from the blood loss, his eyes sunken and yellowed. His breath came in tiny, wet gasps. He looked…he looked like he was dying.
“Hang in there, ‘yoshi,” I whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek. “We’ve got you. You’re gonna make it.” His hazy eyes locked onto mine for a second and recognition flared in his gaze. Then his eyes fell closed as if the effort of recognizing me had sapped all of his energy.
Ieyasu unwound the blood-soaked bandage while I set about removing as much of his armor as I could reach. With each tug, Hideyoshi groaned in pain. Ieyasu cut his chestplate between the ribs of metal, careful not to disturb the stump of the arrow sticking out of it. The sight and its imagined pain brought about a series of dry heaves in me.
I’ll make him new armor myself, I thought to remove my mind from the wet work in front of me.
“Stick with me, Mai,” Ieyasu murmured. I nodded and pulled the last of the ties free, focusing my attention on my hand and not the possibly fatal wound of my dear friend. Hideyoshi’s eyes rolled in his head and he cried out when Ieyasu lifted him enough for me to pull away the plates of armor surrounding his body. His clothing underneath was soaked through with blood and we could see then just how deep the arrow had gone. Ieyasu wrapped the arrow in cloth and placed my hands around it while he cut away the rest of Hideyoshi’s clothing.
“At least it missed his heart,” I said, my own voice wobbling. “It’s also high enough that it shouldn’t have hit his lung either.”
“You’re right,” Ieyasu replied. “But it’s going to bleed a lot.”
“I know.” This was bad. So bad…
“Here.” He handed me a strip of worn leather. “Double it over and stick it in his mouth.” He glanced over his shoulder at Nobunaga. “I need you to hold him down. This is going to hurt like hell.”
I moved around, lifting Hideyoshi’s head and placing it in my lap while Nobunaga took my place at his other side. He’d stripped off the majority of his armor from the waist up but he, too, was still covered in layers of dirt and blood. Mitsunari squeezed in between Ieyasu and me, then he and Nobunaga placed their hands on Hideyoshi’s shoulders and pinned them to the table. Ranmaru appeared beside Nobunaga, placing his full weight on Hideyoshi’s thighs to further pin him in place.
“Hold still, stupid monkey,” Nobunaga snarled. “You have to live through this so I can kill you myself. Idiot.” I worked the leather into Hideyoshi’s mouth and held it down against the sides of his face, pinioning him against my legs so he couldn’t struggle—not that he had much strength left to fight with anyway.
“Listen to me, Hideyoshi,” Ieyasu said. “This is going to hurt. I have to get the arrow out. Don’t fight or I might kill you.”
The gleaming blade sank into Hideyoshi’s chest, widening the hole. His body tensed and would have bowed upward if not for the six extra hands holding him down. I pulled the strap tighter and felt him bite down on it, muffling his scream. A moment later I heard the thunk of the barbed arrowhead hitting the wooden bowl at Ieyasu’s side. The pressure on the strap eased and I dropped it, leaning over and placing my hands over the wound to push down. Hideyoshi groaned, though this new pain was probably nothing compared to what he’d just felt. Blood bubbled up through my fingers and I could feel the rapid fluttering of his heartbeat under my hands.
“Hurry, Ieyasu…we’re going to lose him!” I cried, and a moment later he swept my hands to the side and poured sake directly into the wound. Hideyoshi cried out again, his voice weaker still. The clear liquid mixed with the blood, turning it a sickly pink color that ran over his chest and down his sides, soaking into the remnants of his clothing. Ieyasu flooded the wound a second time then quickly stuffed the hole with an herb-filled cloth. It immediately turned red, but it was gone from sight a moment later, hidden behind the layers of bandages. I took the long bandages and wrapped them around Hideyoshi’s shoulder while Ieyasu and Nobunaga held him up, then took the rags and warm water we’d prepared and carefully washed his face, neck, arms, and chest while Ieyasu removed the remainder of his armor. Nobunaga rose and herded the others out while we continued to work.
Then all of a sudden, the excitement was over. Weakness filled my limbs, and for a moment I wanted nothing more than to lie down beside Hideyoshi and sleep. It was over. Hideyoshi was no longer screaming. Mitsunari was no longer whimpering, Nobunaga no longer cursing. There was no more blood except what was soaked into my clothes and staining my hands. It was just…quiet.
Hideyoshi’s breathing slowed and when I pressed my palm to his chest, I felt his heartbeat. It was still too fast for my liking, but it was at least steady now that the worst of the trauma was over. I continued to hold his head in my lap, brushing his matted hair back from his forehead, and prayed to anyone who would listen for his recovery.
Ieyasu checked his bandages and, seeing nothing immediately alarming, replaced the wrappings and leveled out another dose of medicine.
“He’s going to be alright, Mai,” Ieyasu said beside me. “He’ll stay here with me for now. I’ll change the bandages and keep giving him medicine to keep the infection away.” He laid a hand on my shoulder. “Someone else needs your attention more.”
My heart stuttered. I’d daydreamed a thousand ways to welcome Nobunaga home…and none of them included emergency surgery on his right-hand man. Every single one of my plans had been foiled and Ieyasu was right…I needed to find him.
Carefully, I worked my way out from under Hideyoshi’s head, bending to kiss his forehead one more time before rising and leaving through the open door.
I found Nobunaga at the end of the hallway, leaning against the wall. His head was tilted upward, his eyes closed. His hands were balled into fists at his sides and he struggled to breathe. He looked so broken…
Though even dirty and bloodstained, he was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my life. The sight of him took my breath away and made my heart ache.
“Nobunaga,” I called as I moved to his side. My voice seemed to startle him. “Welcome h—”
Before I could finish my statement I was in his arms, his mouth crushed against mine. He held me so tight I couldn’t breathe and he kissed me with such ferocity that I feared he might devour me whole. My back was against the wall in the next instant, his big body pressed against mine top to bottom. I kissed him back with equal hunger, threading my hands through his dirty hair and pulling him even closer. Every bit of the stress and strain of these last three months melted away under that kiss.
When he released me, we were both breathing hard. His forehead touched mine and we remained like that for a long time, just enjoying the fact that we were together again. That we were still alive.
“I love you, Mai,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I love you too,” I answered. “Now come on. Ieyasu will take good care of Hideyoshi. He’s going to be okay. But you…you’re about to fall over. We both need a bath and we have a lot of catching up to do.”
Nobunaga snickered and his arms tightened around me. “That we do, my love.”
He released me only to drape one arm around my shoulders and lead me away. I leaned into his side, enjoying his warmth and the feel of him beside me. While we walked, I told him of our earlier meeting with Lord Hiro and filled him in on the petty ramblings and gossip of the townspeople—all the things that had filled my days. Everything except…one thing.
The maids were well ahead of us in that they’d already prepared a bath for Nobunaga—probably Ranmaru’s doing if I had to guess—and vacated the area for us. The room was warm and quiet, and smelled of spicy incense. I slid the door closed behind us, and as it clacked against the frame, Nobunaga sighed. The weight of every action over the last three months sat heavy on top of the sound and when I turned I found an unusual expression on his face.
“What?” I asked. His lips quirked up in a lopsided grin.
“There is something different about you,” he replied. “Three months is quite a long time, but…”
“But what?” I turned away to prepare the cloths and his arms closed around me from behind, pulling my back flush with his chest. He caught my earlobe between his teeth and tugged gently, causing a ripple of pleasure to tickle down my back.
“But…I can always tell when my wife is hiding something from me.”
I pulled out of his arms as a near-hysterical giggle clawed its way out of my throat and his gaze darkened. He crossed his arms over his chest, assuming the angry dad pose.
“Now I know you’re hiding something from me.”
“Maybe,” I answered noncommittally. “But that’s for later. We need to get you clean first. Now strip.”
Nobunaga chuckled, letting the conversation go, and unwound the ties holding on his clothes. I knelt at the foot of the stool where he sat and began the slow process of removing three months’ worth of dirt and grime from my husband’s body. The clean water turned a murky brown as it rolled over his skin, and as I began to scrub, various cuts and bruises appeared. Each one was like a tiny knife to my heart, yet served to remind me that he was still here in my arms and very much alive.
“All done,” I said as the last cup of now-clean water rolled down his back. “You soak while I go find you something to eat.”
“You could join me,” he said, pulling me to him and kissing me gently. “We’ve been apart so long and I don’t want to wait any longer to hold you.”
“If I get in that tub with you, we’ll never get back out,” I answered, trying hard to ignore the feel of his big hands sliding over my sides and down my back.
“I see no problem with this.”
“Well I do. The water will go cold and then where will we be?”
“Making love in a tub of cold water,” he answered with a laugh, then kissed my forehead and let me go.
“You’re impossible.”
“Perhaps. I’ll be quick.”
I left him to finish his bath and went to the kitchen in search of food. It was late and the majority of the house staff had already turned in for the night. To my surprise, though, I found Ranmaru had already beaten me to the punch.
“Lady Siobhan!” he chirped when he spotted me, abandoning his task and running up to hug me. “You were so amazing today! And I was so afraid! Lord Hideyoshi…is he…”
“He’s going to be okay,” I confirmed and his shoulders sagged with relief. “Ieyasu is with him and will bring him back just to kill him again if he dies.”
“That’s…scary, but reassuring. I think.”
“What are you doing in here so late?”
“I, well, I thought Lord Nobunaga might be hungry. None of us have had a real meal in months and after all the excitement…” The pretty young man dropped his head, his long eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks.
“You and I had the same thought,” I told him, which brought a smile back to his face. “That’s why I’m here.”
“Oh good!” He grabbed my hand and towed me around to show me what he was working on.
TBC in Part 2
#ikesen#ikemen sengoku#ikesen nobunaga#ikemen sengoku nobunaga#ikesen fanfic#ikesen fanfiction#ikemen sengoku fanfic#ikemen sengoku fanfiction#angst#lots of angst#angsty angst#hurt/comfort#h/c#why do i do this to myself?
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Birthday Love
anonymous asked:
Heck yay! So can I plz plz plz request an ikesen nobu's fic(*I think it's obvious😝 🙈🙈*). What if it's MC's birthday and he finds out about it like less than 1 week about it and is struggling to gift her something? With the present situation it's pretty much difficult to celebrate one's birthday 😥.. Well if not how about some tickle fight?.. Oops😅 I got too carried away! Plz stay safe! 🤗🤗💕
A/N: This ended up coming out as fluff instead of smut, so hopefully it’s what you wanted. I hope you enjoy it, lovely!
Ikemen Sengoku
Nobunaga x mC
The sun’s warm rays on her face felt amazing. A stray breeze blew through, and she turned her face in an effort to catch it. Humming happily to herself, she hung the bedding out to dry before practically skipping back to the castle. Smiling and waving at the maids as they passed her by, she could barely contain the bubbling excitement in her chest. Nobunaga had been away for two weeks now in the neighboring daimyo discussing a potential trading partnership. While she was proud of him for his direct involvement in anything that could hinder the peaceful and prosperous nature of his city, she could admit that the selfish part of her wished he would have just sent Hideyoshi and Mitsunari in his stead. Still, they often said absence made the heart grow fonder, and she knew in her case that it was true. For the past two days, her absent minded nature had been ridiculed by Ieyasu, and teased by Mitsuhide. She couldn’t help it, however. Her mind kept drifting away to picture Nobunaga arriving home, proud and breathtakingly handsome on his favorite steed with that sexy smirk on his face when he greeted her. It was enough to make her swoon right here in the hallway. Instead, the daydreaming just caused her to run into a strolling Masamune.She let out a shrill yelp, and stumbled back.
“Woah, lass. Didn’t mean to startle you. Are you ok?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Sorry about that. My head was in the clouds again,” she said, blushing fiercely.
Masamune gave her a knowing look with his piercing blue eye. “Ah, excited for a certain warlord’s return? If you’re too lonely to wait, you could always come to mine and-”
“Masamune!” she interrupted hotly. “I’ll wait for Nobunaga to return, thank you very much.”
He let out a laugh, and held his hands up in defeat.
“Just suggesting it, lass. Just suggesting. I’m sure he’s hurrying back. Especially since he’ll arrive on your birthday. I’ll whip you up something special to eat while I’m here.”
She beamed up at him. Since returning back to his own city, she only got to sample Masamune’s delicious cooking when he paid them a visit. He always made sure to make her favorite foods. She clasped her hands together in excitement.
“Anything you cook will be more than perfect, Masamune. Don’t go out of your way on my account.”
“Nonsense,” he teased before bending over in a mock bow. “Anything for the beautiful princess of Azuchi.”
“It seems you didn’t wait long for me to be away before you made a move,” A deep voice exclaimed from behind.
Turning around, _______ felt her heart leap into her throat. Standing there was her beautiful Nobunaga. Before it even registered, she was sprinting to his arms. She launched herself at him, and he grunted at the impact of her weight in his arms. Still, he caught her up and swung her around, chuckling softly. When he set her back down, she buried her face in his chest. He smelled of sweat, and dust from his journey, but she couldn’t have been happier. She finally untangled herself from his arms as Masamune made his way over to clap Nobunaga heartedly on the shoulder.
“Nobunaga! You’re back early! I trust your business went well?”
“Naturally. Although if I had known _______ would be subject to you, I would have brought her with me.” Nobunaga tucked her possessively under his arm, glaring as he stared at his friend. Masamune wasn’t phased, however.
“And make me miss out on her lovely company? No, thanks. Besides, I have a few sweet surprises for the lass’ birthday I think she’d like.”
_______ felt Nobunaga’s arm stiffen around her shoulder. She glanced up at his face. His forehead was wrinkled, and his frown disrupted the smooth skin of his brow.
“Nobunaga, are you ok?” she asked in concern. “You must be tired from the journey. Why don’t you go rest?” Nobunaga shook his head no, a strange look in his carnelian eyes.
“I have to go into town. I will be returning late so sleep in your chambers tonight,” he said before dropping an absent minded kiss on her forehead. Nodding at Masamune, he turned around and made his way rapidly back where he came from, his kimono swishing around his legs. Standing there with Masamune, _______ felt a mixture of feelings. Embarrassment that he left her here after being away for so long, concern at the worry she saw on his face, even a little anger. She missed him for so long, and he just got home and left? Masamune cleared his throat awkwardly as she felt her face begin to grow red. It was common knowledge (and the center of many jokes) that whenever Nobunaga came back from a long journey, he immediately would take her to his chambers to make up for lost time.
“I’m sure it’s nothing, lass. He probably just forgot about something important.”
She forced a smile out, and made some asinine excuse to leave. She knew he wasn’t buying it, but she didn’t care.Was he that jealous of her speaking to Masamune? She mentally shook her head, and decided to just go back about her day. If he didn’t want to see her, well then she didn’t want to see him either, though the prickling behind her eyes said otherwise.
The rest of the day passed by quickly, and before she knew it, it was time for dinner. Normally, she was happy to dine in the main hall with everyone else, but the word has spread about Nobunaga’s return and his abrupt departure. She didn’t think she could sit there and take the sympathetic stares or forced smiles from anyone pitying her and wondering why they weren’t at least dining together. So instead, she snuck into the kitchen and made herself a tray before quickly returning to her room. After eating, she bathed, laid out her bedding, and even changed into her sleeping kimono all without hearing any footsteps past her door. Nobunaga still hadn’t come back. She let out a huff, as she laid down to try and get some rest. The night grew longer, but she couldn’t find sleep. She sat up with a sigh, and decided to take a scroll through the gardens. Gathering up a thicker kimono to put over her nightclothes, she slid on her sandals. As she opened her door, she could just make out the shadow of someone disappearing through the door of Nobunaga’s room, followed by the soft swish of the closing door.
“Nobunaga?” she whispered. He hadn’t heard her, so she made her way down to his room. Her heart was pounding, and her hands were growing slick with sweat. She hesitated before calling his name gently again. What if he turned her away? She tried to tell herself not to be so silly, but after his brusque way of dealing with her this morning and the order not to come to his chambers, she wasn’t sure. It felt like ages before he answered her.
“Is that you, my fireball?” a weary voice called from the other side. She heard him shuffle around on the other side of the door. “Well come in then.”
She slid the paper door open slowly, and tentatively stepped inside. His room was illuminated by his lanterns, and the moon shining through his open door. Sitting at his desk, was a very worn out Nobunaga. The bags under his eyes looked like bruises, and even his kimono seemed to wilt with exhaustion. He shot her a tired smile as she made her way over to him.
“I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” he asked. She shook her head as she sat down by his feet.
“I, I couldn’t sleep. But what about you? You look dead on your feet.” She toyed with her hem, still a little unsure of where she stood.
“I’ll be fine. But you should be getting to bed. I’ll see you out.” Nobunaga rose and strood past her, but she shot her hand out, and caught his sleeve.
“Nobunaga, wait. What is going on with you today? Where did you go? Were you that jealous of Masamune talking to me earlier? He was just teasing like he usually does.”
Nobunaga sighed before pulling her up to her feet, and grasping her close to his chest.
“Nobunaga?” She asked, a little startled.
He sighed again before letting her go. “Forgive me. I, I had forgotten about your birthday. My mind has been occupied with thoughts on how to aid our city, when it should be occupied with thoughts of you. I left to go find you a present. I saw some fabric a city over, and thought you may like it.So I rode back, and convinced the store owner to allow me to purchase the material for you despite the late hour.”
“Oh Nobunaga, you didn’t have to do that. I would have just been happy with you being home. No wonder you’re so tired.”She ran her hands up and down his arms in a soothing motion, trying to let him know she wasn’t too upset.
He chuckled. “At least see the fabric before you go deciding for yourself.” Going back to his desk, he brought her a bolt of the prettiest fabric she had ever seen. Bright gold, it seemed to glitter in the light. It had shots of sky blue and pink, overlaid with bright purple flowers. She gasped when he handed it to her, and stroked it almost reverently. Already her head was running with ideas of what she could make with it. A kimono and a matching obi? Maybe a yukata for the summer months? Maybe she could even try her hand at making some lingerie to show Nobunaga? The possibilities were endless. She set the fabric down gently before throwing her arms around his neck, and pulling him down for a kiss.
“Oh Nobunaga, I love it! It’s beautiful! How did they come up with this pattern? Can we go back someday,and see what else they have?”
Nobunaga laughed at her rambling, and she felt her face flush with embarrassment. “Sorry. I got carried away.”
He reached his large hand out, and stroked the top of her head, messing up her hair slightly. “Don’t apologize. Besides, isn’t it the job of a boyfriend to listen to his girlfriend’s interests? I’ll buy the entire store if it puts a smile on your face.”
Even now, it still gave her a heart a small thrill to hear him call himself her boyfriend. And combined with that lazy smirk of his? Ugh, she didn’t think her heart could take it. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he leant back to get a good look at her.
“ Just a few bolts will suffice,” she said with a laugh. She loved that Nobunaga loved to pamper her, but she had to keep him in line lest he go too far.
“Still, I owe you my deepest apologies. This isn’t enough to make up for my lack of attention. Tell me what you want. Name it, and it shall be yours.”
She pretended to think hard, even though she bore no anger towards him. How could she when she saw how hard he worked to provide a prosperous and fair life not only for his people, but for her too?
“Anything? Hmm… I know! Let me lay your head on my lap, and stroke your hair.”
Nobunaga did a bit of a double take, and frowned hard at her. This was hardly what he meant, and she could see the hesitation and confusion in his eyes. She stopped him before he could question her choice.
“It’s my birthday, is it not? And you owe me a favor. And I want to stroke the hair of the great Oda Nobunaga.”
He smiled softly at her, knowing exactly what she was playing at. With a resigned grimace, he nodded.
“Very well. Whatever my princess wants, she shall have.”
Smiling in victory, she grabbed his hand and practically dragged him over to his futon, the thick plush padding carpeting her knees as she crawled across it. Tugging a reluctant Nobunaga to her lap, she held back her chuckle at the sweet sigh of contentment that escaped him as she combed her fingers through his hair. Unable to resist the urge, she slowly moved her fingertips down behind his ears before tickling him lightly. Nobunaga gave a slight jump before shifting his position in order to glare up at her. “And just what do you think you are doing?”
She rounded her eyes in mock innocence.
“What’s wrong? I’m just helping my dearest love relax. It’s not my fault that he’s so ticklish.”
Nobunaga let out a snort of disbelief before settling back down on her lap, and closing his eyes.
“Give me a few hours, and I’ll show you what it is to be ticklish.”
She laughed at him before resuming her strokes. Staring down at him with the love brimming in her heart, she was more than happy for him to make good on his threat.
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An Old Request from FB
-"I want ice cream."
-Another of her weird food craving--no, it's something that didn't exist in this era yet.
-"You can't get it?" There's a slight shake in her voice. Damn, she's about to cry.
-He is speechless. This is the first time he couldn't get the thing that he want. Or precisely, the thing that she wanted.
-"Well, if you can wait for another 3 months for the wormho--"
-He jumped to the change in her tone.
-"If you told me to wait for 3 months, then it's not impossible for me to cut your *BEEP* until you couldn't make anymore child with me, right..? Hmmm?"
-He gulped when her hand caress his hair, and TUG on it so hard "..Right? Yes or no..? O-DA-NO-BU-NA-GA..?"
-"..." He could only shake his head.
-Her grin changed into a pure smile in instant. "Yay..! I love you honey bunny~~ muah~!!" She kissed him before walking away happily.
-His right hand man who have been frozen the whole time startled when his colors came back to his body. "Y-Yes?"
-"..Call for the ninja of Kasugayama. I need his help."
-The same day, that night, MC is more than happy to eat the ice cream that were made naturally. A.k.a, the mix of ice + milk + strawberry + salt on ice method.
-He entered the war council with a pale face.
-For the first time in Sengoku History, he is LATE to the meeting. His hair is a mess, a part of his clothes were shredded-- not to mention Masamune guffawed to his upper cloth that were worn upside down, and Mitsuhide who have been covering his mouth from laughing.
-"Another rough day, Hideyoshi?"
-"Huh- wha-? Y-yes. Yes, Nobunaga-sama." He pat his cheeks for him to snap from his sleepiness.
-"..Let me brew the tea Mitsunari."
-Ieyasu sighed. "You are making the tea EXACTLY like him, Hideyoshi-san. It's overflowing."
-"Huh? Oh.. yeah."
-"Alright, pfft- let's resume the discussion." Mitsuhide snorted and Hideyoshi couldn't respond with a glare at all like he used to.
-They about to resume the meeting when the shoji door were slammed open by MC, revealing an angry expression pasted on her face.
-"Where did you go..? How dare you to escape like that..??" She roared as she stomped towards her husband, grabbing him by the collar. "M-MC, love..! Calm down..! We are having a discussion right no-"
-"TO HELL WITH THAT." She turned to Nobunaga, glaring at him.
-He shrug. "Go on."
-"N-Nobunaga-sama..!" He was dragged away. "No..! No..! MC..! Mmmf..! Nnnn..!" He were kissed deeply to the point all the warlords froze in surprise, except blushing Mitsunari and Ieyasu.
-He smiled. Ah, what a beautiful day today, Seems like he will finally get to be all affectionate with her because a lot of things changed ever since she's pregnant.
-"Hey, Kitten."
-He smirked as she tug on his sleeves cutely.
-"I want a chu chu~" She pouted her lips, purring on his chest.
-"Hmm? You want a kiss?"
-She nod eagerly. "Uhuh. Kiss >3<..!"
-Yes, finally, a kiss..!
-But the moment he came closer....
-Kiss? Nope. Not today.
-MC is in a mood swing phase right now, and almost everyday he is smacked by her constant changes in mood from being too intimate, too sensitive, and too angry.
-Majority swings? Anger all the way.
-She can suddenly say to him "..Gosh. I HATE YOUR FACE." in a grim voice. And also..
-"Hyaa..! I'm so sorry Honey..! Oh my god..! I'm so, so, sorry..!" She sniffed, rubbing his burning cheek.
-"Ah I'm okay--"
-Another smack.
-Ieyasu has a war council that day, and has to go out of town to get the herbs supply from one of their suppliers near the port.
-MC were told to stay at the castle, because she is in her trimester period; which hard for her to move around.
-She was bored, and decided to clean his working table of which he had left in a hurry this morning.
-There were a lot of scrolls, papers, books, documents, and an unfinished mix of herbs. Okay, she can do this, she can arrange it slowly, she thought to herself positively--determined in helping her busy husband.
-So she started. Papers, done. Documents and few books, done. This thing goes here, and the scroll goes there. And oop..! Have to be careful with that herbs and
-What is that sound?
-Oh no..! Oh no..! Please, please, anything but the thing that she wanted to avoid the most, the..
-"..The herbs. THE HERBS." Oh great, just great..! She huffed. "Okay, take a deeeep breath. I can do this..!"
-She tried to bend down. Nope.
-She tried the other side to bend down. Nooope.
-"UGH OAO!!"
-She force herself to bend down, "Uwah OAO!" She literally roll on the floor like those of turtle that lie upside down. "Hngg OAO! Huff- huff- HNGGGG OAO!!!"
-She is stuck.
-That evening, Ieyasu had arrived home earlier than expected; he just couldn't help it but to worry about his wife.
-He find her in the room, still lying on her back, crying while cupping her face. Why? She couldn't move for few hours, and it took another few hours to calm her down from self-blame and assurance.
-"I'm sorry I make it worseeeee I'm sorry for being rounddd I'm sorry I'm like a turtleeeee UGHHHHH QAQQQQQ!!!"
-"Shh.. there, there.. you are not round, your belly are. You are not a turtle and you didn't make it worse."
-"Yes, yes, I love you too."
-Ever since then Ieyasu will excuse himself early from any war council, and his vassals will replace him in getting new herbal supplies.
-She huffed.
-She sit down. And up. And down.
-And look down again. "..Nope."
-She take a deep breath. "Okay, okay. One more time."
-She look down. Again.
-"Oh God..!"
-She can't see it. She couldn't. She can't see her own legs so she can wear her slipper but she. just. CAN'T..!
-"Do I have a choice? NNNNOOOOO~~~! HA. HA. HA." She laugh to herself. With full of anger and frustration obviously.
-"Fufufufu." A soft giggle took her attention and she frown to the source. "If you have time to do that, help me with this bloody getas..!"
-Mitsunari smiled at his wife, helping her with her geta. "It's twins after all, that's why you can't see it."
-"....Oh wow I didn't know." She rolled her eyes. "Hmf..!"
-MC is in her pouty mood again. It will always be cute in his eyes. "I love you, MC."
-"Of course you do." She pouts. "I just can't wait to pop them out so I can roll whenever I want to agh OAO!"
-"Ohh.. that's bad."
-"Why? It is heavy and-"
-"I'm planning to make more with you."
-"W-wh-wh-wh- O/////O-"
-"It would be nice to have a lot of princesses running around. Don't you think so, MC?" He kissed his wife's cheek and poke on it before walking back into the room with the most innocent smile ever.
-"...This cheeky angel =////=.."
-He was only teasing her a little.
-Juuuuust a little.
-Only just teasing like this :
-"Hey Little Mouse. You are so-"
-She snapped.
-"Little? LITTLE? ME? LITTLE?? Look at me, Mitsuhide, look..!" She pointed at her belly. "THIS. IS. NOT. BIG. I'm a walking- walkin-" She sniffed. "WATERMEROONNN UGHHH QAQQQQ~~!!!"
-He is never this confused his whole life and it just happened. Why did she suddenly burst into tears like that? And what is a 'watermeron' anyway--
-He moved his eyes to her belly. Oh. OH. Watermelon. She speak gibberish from all the crying.
-"Now, now, calm down, my wi-"
-"UGHHH I'M FAAAATTTT!!!" She whined.
-"You are not fat, you are pregnant." He smiled.
-She paused. "Oh." She sniffed. "Yeah."
-Well, that stopped her from cryi-
-"Honey, I want to eat anchovies with ice cream."
-He froze. Ice cream what now?
-She sniffed again. "You can't get it for me..???"
-And at the end of the day, Mitsuhide is exhausted, more than EVER.
-She toss and turned. To the left, and to the right.
-At times she can kick Kenshin in order to get the best position, and the next day he would attend war council with panda eyes.
-"Another rough night?" Shingen grinned, followed by a chuckle.
-While Yukimura blushed (since he doesn't get it), "H-huh? But if it is r-rough isn't it supposed to be- um- refre-shed... uh- *POOOOF*"
-Sasuke: Don't torture your own mind, Yukimura.
-His ninja turned back to his Lord, "She needs a long, soft pillow for her stomach. That is why." He adjusts his glasses. "In order for you to get a good sleep, that's the ONLY solution. However.. the pillow must be sew by the husband. Which is you, Kenshin-sama."
-Kenshin raised his eyebrows curiously to him; was he making fun of him, or was he serious?
-"So if I sew this pillow you mentioned.. She will get a good sleep?"
-He nods. But on the inside he was trembling to hide his amusement.
-Therefore that night, there goes. Sewing a large pillow for MC while she slept.
-So sweet. Uhuh. Sasuke just convince God of War to sew and it's another addition to his vines collection.
-"MC~~~" He beamed, lifting up the bag of mitarashi dango to show it to his wife.
-"Ah, Anata..! Welcome home..! My, isn't that..!"
-"Yes, your favorite..! You've been craving for it, right? Here..!"
-But before he could give it to his wife, her face scrunched in disgust. "Uhm- N-no." She suddenly said.
-"Eh? But aren't you-"
-"Mmmf..!" She cupped her mouth. "It- it smells awful- I- mmf..!"
-"But this is your--"
-That night, she had a crying fit of her, troubling him, and her, for being difficult, which Shingen would only laugh to her cuteness and assures that it will be alright, and he will be the one to eat it all (Avoiding Yukimura's glare from behind him at that) and then when Kenshin enters the hall with a fresh umeboshi in his hand, MC be like
-"..That smells.. HEAVENLY."
-Now it's her husband's turn to cry.
-Despite being a bad sleeper, he noticed whenever she toss and turn in her sleep.
-MC immediately woke up, and ran out from the room to vomit.
-It woke him up as well, because even though she said that she was fine, but the sound of her vomits is not.
-"Hey, you alright?"
-"I'm fine- mmf..!" She vomitted again.
-It has been like this for every of her pregnancy. He will stay with her until she's done, and there were times where she was so weak to go back to the room, both of them had fallen asleep outside. Or in the toilet itself, back in the future. Yukimura has gotten used to it ever since from her very first pregnancy.
-He would always rub her back, assuring she will be alright, and it's fine whenever she had caused him to wake up in the middle of the night, or even rushing back to her place when the maid reported that she has been vomiting badly again.
-He might be shy to admit it, but he is just a very sweet husband.
-"I- I'm also responsible for- you know- making you like this, well- y-yeah."
-Adorable to the TOP.
-Her face twisted in an obvious painful expression, of which it took her husband's attention in instant.
-"What's wrong, MC?"
-"M-My.." She pursed her lips, suddenly all embarrassed when Kenshin, Shingen and Yukimura turned to look her way. "N-Nothing. I guess I will return to the bedchamber, I don't feel good."
-Before Sasuke could reach for his wife, she immediately said "I will be fine. J-just continue the council without me, okay?"
-He could only stare when she walk away, feeling guilty for not being able to help her at this moment--it's hard without a modern doctor, as this is not the first time she had suddenly feel pain, and him not knowing where it came from.
-"Go. Sasuke."
-"Kenshin-sama..? But-"
-"It's an order."
-"Yeah, Sasuke, I will brief it to you later, don't mind about it." Yukimura added, and Shingen nodded to him as well.
-"Thank you. Pardon me." He bowed and leave through the ceiling.
-She startled and turned around, "A-Anata..? The council-""It's alright, you are more important right now." He's about to hug her when she took a step back. "N-No..!"
-"No..?""I mean- now it's not the right time..! The pain is still there..!""Pain? What do you mean..? Here, I may not be able to help much but-"
-"Hyaa..!" She let out a moan when he hugged her, making him tense. "..M-MC..?"
-"Mou..! This is why I told you that you can't do this because.." Her cheeks flushed red, as she slowly lift up her chin to her husband, with teary eyes even. "My breasts.. it feels sore and- f-f-.." She cupped her face, "..'Full' >////<!"
-His glasses bend into half due to immense cuteness.
#ikemen sengoku#pregnancy#pregnant mc#ikemen sengoku nobunaga#ikemen sengoku hideyoshi#ikemen sengoku masamune#ikemen sengoku ieyasu#ikemen sengoku mitsunari#ikemen sengoku mitsuhide#ikemen sengoku kenshin#ikemen sengoku shingen#ikemen sengoku yukimura#ikemen sengoku sasuke
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Hello!! Congrats on getting 600 followers!! Here's my request!
Possessive Kiss, IkeSen Mitsuhide, Spicy
Will send more later!
Mitsuhide caught glimpses of you through the day. Walking beside Hideyoshi, his arms full of the fabric you bought at market. Having tea with Mitsunari and Ieyasu, heads together as you looked at some scroll. Running after Masamune and Shogetsu for stealing your hair ribbon.
He tried to find an opportunity to run into you, but his timing was always off. You were hurrying someplace, or he was. Mitsuhide told himself it didn’t bother him. How close you were with the other warlords. How little he saw of you sometimes. But the bittersweet ache in his chest said otherwise.
No matter how he tried not to think of you, you kept returning to his mind. He was almost surprised when, finally, his path crossed yours outside his thoughts. “Little mouse.” The words are out before he can think better of them.
You stop and turn to face him, a smile curling the edges of your mouth. The nickname makes you feel warm inside, even as it annoys you. “I’m not little, or a mouse.”
Mitsuhide’s razor sharp grin answers you. His eyes drink in the sight of you, brushed red by the sunset. “If that is true, one wonders why you squeak.”
“I don’t-” you start to argue, but your words turn into a high pitched squeal as the kitsune warlord pulls you close.
“Of course you don’t,” he laughed. His warm breath brushed across your neck, sending a little shiver through you.
You hope he didn’t notice. “Let go of me, Mitsuhide. I’m supposed to serve wine for Nobunaga tonight. He’s meeting some diplomats and -”
Interrupted again.
Mitsuhide nips your earlobe. “Mmm. Very important.”
The words purr through you, low and dark and hungry. You suddenly find yourself reluctant to move from this spot. The damn kitsune knows it too. You can tell by the way he slides a hand up your side, cupping your breast through the thin fabric of your summer clothes.
He kisses down the edge of your jaw in a line to your collarbone. He tugs your kimono out of the way of his greedy lips. Mitsuhide knows he should let you go. Nobunaga is expecting you. Hidemama is probably there as well . . . but he doesn’t want to. His body moves almost of its own accord, guiding you back against a stone wall.
“W-what are you - Mitsuhide! You’re going to mess up m-my hair . . .” You try to protest but the words get lost in a moan as he nips the skin above your breast bone. He’s going to mess up a lot more than your hair, but you can’t find it in yourself to care.
His tongue traces a line of fire from the bite mark to the side of your neck. You feel his lips close around the sensitive skin there. Sharp little teeth cause a bright spark of pain that melts into heat as he laps and suckles you.
You feel your legs shake, a desperate heat building in the center of you. All you can think about is Mitsuhide and the things you want him to do to you. The things you want to do to him.
Mitsuhide slides his hand under your clothes, fingers drawing a line of incandescence down your belly. He knows if he lets himself continue, he won’t be able to stop. And he has to stop. But he’ll make sure you think of him the rest of this night. And that any who see you will know that you are spoken for.
He pulls back and kisses the little love-mark on your neck. It is red and raised already, and will darken in the next hour. He blows across it lightly, sending another shiver down your spine.
“Y-you stopped . . .” your voice is hoarse and breathy. You try to control it.
“Aren’t you on your way to serve wine at Nobunaga’s meeting?” Mitsuhide’s wide grin lights up his golden eyes. He straightens your clothes, fingertips hovering over the love-bite.
Your hand flies to it, wincing. “Mitsu! Did you - is this -”
His smug laughter is the only answer he’ll give to that question. He turns to leave, looking at you over his shoulder. “Come see me after the feast. I’ll make you dessert.”
The way his tongue slides over his lip leaves his meaning clear.
Mitsuhide can’t help the smile on his face as he walks back to his manor. Your ragged breath and the flush in your cheeks reassures him that you are his. And he knows he’ll be seeing you later. No matter where you spend your day, the nights are his alone.
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