#Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell
fanartka · 2 years
Why does this man look so perfect in every universe?
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sasa-chan · 2 years
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Day 01
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
Bonjour Factual! Hope your day- whatever time it is when you're reading this- is going well so far! I Really liked the new art of the gang during the warmer times of year- like others have said, the smile you gave Grimace, while funny and cute, also perfectly portrays just how happy he is to feel included and helpful!
And speaking of Grimace, I agree with your thoughts from my last ask ( thanks for answering as always, by the way ). Although it would be awesome for him to mega evolve, Gigantamax, or dinamax- story wise I can't really think of a way for all the necessary pieces to fall together, unless you do an ark where Grimace is tragically captured by a human for a time, and exposed to the necessary conditions to change unwillingly- perhaps as an experiment of sort? Though you are correct that he would have to be descended from certain Gengar populations to even have the genes- though perhaps that's the reason he's sought out to begin with? Just an idea.
As for my main ask today- I actually have one pertaining to your Mario AU, if you don't mind! Just out of curiosity, have you ever considered giving the giant eel-like Mawrays a place in your world?
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They've been popping up a lot lately in Mario media- and I was wondering what you thought of the frightening creatures? And if they appeared in your AU, would they be an entire species of deep sea dwelling terrors? Or a single, legendary sea monster, like the one seen in the movie? And if they are present, have the bros ever had a harrowing encounter with one? What would they do to survive!?
Oh, and on the topic of giant sea monsters- I do have a secondary, unrelated question- what are your thoughts on the Godzilla franchise? I've been getting back into it lately and was wondering if you've ever found any interest in it? Do you have any favorite movies or monsters from the series? Or is it not a series that interests you? Just wondering!
(and I'll admit, I've found that binging Godzilla movies is always fun when I'm feeling down! Hope you're feeling okay today!)
(Grimace in warmer times post)
Hello!! :DD My day is going a bit rocky, but its still a lot better than I was expecting it'd go. So that's nice! <XDD And thank you! I'm glad you liked that drawing!! :)))
As for your last ask, I've done a lot of thinking since then. :0 And while dynamaxing and/or gigantimaxing still seems a little far fetched for my team.. thanks to this asker, I found the key to making him mega evolve! Enchantment seeds! :DD In one of the mystery dungeon games, if a Pokémon used an Enchantment seed they'd mega evolve for a short time! No need for trainers, key stones or Gengarite! :DD
I have a HUGE comic in mind about how Grimace finds the Enchantment seed, why he eats it, and how it effects him afterwards leading up to his mega evolution. The only problem is that this comic is ENORMOUS. So I'm kiiind'a on the fence about making it.. <XD..
Now! As for your Mario question. First of all that thing is terrifying- so I think it'd fit right into my Mario universe! <XDD Its easy to imagine that giant eel being a species as opposed to just one. Although one eel could have found a goldmine of super food and slowly grew to be giant. Yoshi style XDD I think that would all fit pretty well! I cant imagine Mario or Luigi would encounter the big one though. I picture it living wayyy out in the depths of the sea. They might hear haunting stories about it consuming passing ships though.. 👀
Now the Godzilla franchise.. if I'm being honest, I don't actually know much about it <:0 I know of Godzilla, King Kong(??) a huge moth, Mothra was it? A uhh... gold..? 3 headed dragon..? And I could have sworn there was a second Godzilla but bigger and all black in there somewhere-
My general opinion is that I liked the first...? Movie when it was just Godzilla. This huge hulking creature that emerged from the ocean. No one knows what it wants, what it is, or how to defeat it. Humans vs Godzilla. That type of movie was/is the most entertaining to me <XDD
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balioc · 9 months
So yeah. I don't like Halloween. Reasons include:
It is extremely popular in my cohort, or at least in the circles where I dwell (both online and offline). Oftentimes, it feels like people are trying to make it quasi-mandatory to Love Halloween, in the way that Loving Christmas is quasi-mandatory for many normies. I am contrary and curmudgeonly enough to bristle at this.
I am a theater LARPer, which means I spend a lot of time acquiring and wearing costumes. Costuming for LARPs is great, because it provides a sense of immersion in, and involvement with, a narrative setting; it is a tool for changing reality around you, a little bit, and making it into a story that matters to you. The downsides of LARP costuming are things like "it's expensive" and "it's hard" and "if you're of a certain temperament, there's stress involved in thinking about whether your costume is good enough and whether other people are judging you." Halloween costuming, as far as I can tell, is all downside. It's expensive and/or hard and maybe people will judge you and maybe you care about that, but the costume doesn't plug into any greater anything, it's just a dressed-up you surrounded by people dressed up in unrelated ways.
I don't enjoy trick-or-treating, because I don't enjoy contact with strangers. But more importantly, I have trouble appreciating trick-or-treating, because the notional spirit of the practice is "give us candy because we're threatening you." Which sucks! Wassailing, at least, is "give us food/drink because this is the season of giving and good cheer," and thus gets abstract beauty points even if I would hate it.
And the actual important thing:
...sigh. I have a whole rant about, uh, let's call it "the fakey phony aesthetic of darkness." The thing where people talk about how very much they love monsters and freaks and chaos and abnormality and deviance, but in fact they're incredibly narrow-minded and judgmental and intolerant, it's just that they like the idea of being a spooky outsider (and they hate the idea of being a clean-cut normative insider, even though they are ruthless about enforcing their norms).
The thing where you don't want Beast to turn into a prince, you like him as a hulking furry with tusks and claws, but at the same time you insist that he's just a perfectly inoffensive misunderstood darling who isn't the slightest bit controlling or dangerous or actually-frightening.
Halloween, as it is currently practiced, feels like an encapsulation and a celebration of that thing. It is a scary festival that has ruthlessly had every last bit of genuine terror wrung out of it. At its roots, it's a holiday about warding off evil spirits, but...we aren't actually afraid of evil spirits, these days, and we've kept the empty forms rather than either the old meaning or the old psychology. It should be a holiday about facing down the dark, but nothing about it allows for any facing-down of anything, and the norms of the holiday make it impossible to think that anyone would actually want to do that. I am disgusted.
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unhinged-summer-fun · 2 years
my chernabog romance
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Happy Danktober 1st! Today's prompts are Breathplay, Gargoyle, and National Coffee Day! (It legit is national coffee day, drink up babes)
Chernabog x F!Reader (22+ Only)
Summary: Sometimes it's difficult dating one of Satan's most trusted lieutenants. Somehow you make it work.
Warnings: If you're put off by relationships where one of the people beings involved can't communicate by means of language, this is one of those. Methods of consent are there but removed from context for HUMOR purposes not kink purposes. This is utter monsterfuckery.
Word Count: 1,457
A/N: Y'all idk. Proceed at your own risk. This is absolutely the tone I'm setting for the next month. Happy halloween, it's fuckin bats.
[full danktober list here]
"You fucking gargoyle! What have you done?!" you shrieked.
The hulking, winged monster in the corner stayed quiet as he glowered, more put off by the name you called him than your outrage. You stormed up to him with the damning tatters of fabric in your hands, presenting them to him in an accusatory manner.
"This is the fifth time. Five times you've done this to my bras. Five!"
His glower shifted to indignant confusion. Your rage only multiplied.
"THIS WEEK!" your voice reached a shrill pitch, and the dark spirits which lived (well, dwelled) ever-present in the corners of your apartment slunk away into the drywall to avoid your wrath. With the room just a shade brighter, your boyfriend seemed to grow alarmed, defensive but almost hurt.
He made a confused grunt, a grating noise only some cellos could recreate. Those soulless black eyes that didn't glint so much as flash with the fires of hell, widened, almost pleading, if a monster like him could even plead.
You sighed and held your head. "Don't look at me like that, fuck."
You sank down onto the couch and hung your head, running your thumbs over the shredded remains of the last in-tact bra you had in your wardrobe. Another sigh, weary and resigned, left your lips, and a gray clawed hand wrapped around your shoulder, one razor-sharp talon plucking at the edge of your sweater and unraveling the threads just a little.
He hummed, a sinister noise that shook your bones like earthquakes.
He was trying to apologize through foreplay.
"No, I don't think so, mister." You shrugged off his hand and turned away, pouting.
The noise he made next was aghast, joined by a single flap of a wing in protest to your refusal.
"No, you know the rules. You know th--" The hand returned to your shoulder and you shrugged it off again. "Stop that."
Now the chernabog was truly confused. He could always apologize through orgasmic methods before. Those deep, furrowed lines that filled the role of eyebrows grew deeper and furrowed-er. You ignored him.
He wasn't having that. The clawed hand wrapped around your throat, fingers too large to hold all of it at once. His pinky trailed under the collar of your sweater and he tilted your head up easily with his infernal strength. You glared.
It wasn't a look he was used to. He snarled at you, demanding you answer for your behavior.
Another snarl, brimstone heat forced from behind his teeth.
"You cannot give me that look and expect me to bow to every whim of yours, babe."
A 'brow' lifted, a look he learned from you that you were regretting ever teaching him to do.
"Quit it. No pussy for misbehaving monsters."
He released you and stalked off, before taking flight and landing in the steel rafters of the industrial loft you cohabited. He took a page from your book, perching and facing away from you with his tail even tucked up under him.
You threw your hands up and stomped over to the kitchen. "Fine then. Pout. Would you like some coffee?"
The question slipped out on reflex in the way it always did when you started up the coffee maker. You were hospitable, but you really needed a task to do with your hands right now. He was pissing you off. That was the last fucking bra...
He didn't answer.
The dark spirits were curiously returning to their corners, watching you with soulless eyes from faceless heads. You ignored them, making two cups. His cup was significantly bigger by virtue of him being significantly bigger. You thought you saw one of his pointed ears twitch when you opened a bottle of lamb's blood to use as his coffee creamer, but he stayed resolutely in the rafters.
You sighed again, feeling anxious. "I'm going to leave your cup over here..." You set it on the unholy stone altar he'd demanded of you upon moving in. You didn't have the heart (literally, after last Valentine's Day) to tell him it was a fireplace.
Fwoosh. Thump. Click click.
"What are you doing?" you asked, when he wrapped his arms around your waist. You held onto them, tracing the massive bones in his wrist. He was cool, like marble or granite. You loved the feeling of being trapped here within his grasp, like he'd been carved from stone just to hold you. He didn't say anything, but you felt his head rest on top of yours, making you look up. He quietly spun you around.
He looked bashful, if a heinous beast could ever be. You were starting to second-guess his inability to beg.
"Of course I forgive you, I just... I liked that bra."
A snort, matching the heat of a train emerging from a tunnel.
"I know, I know, I've told you a billion times I hate bras. But this one was at least kinda comfortable."
Another snort. Doubt.
"I don't hate the physical actual bra, I hate the concept of bras."
He had no irises or eyes, but he was rolling them nonetheless.
You put a hand on his chest, over the place where your heart now beat inside him. "I know you want to solve all my problems for me, you want to kill all my enemies until none but worshipers and the fearful remain, and I like that. It's sweet of you. Bras are just kind of... essential enemies?"
That cello-noise again, genuine confusion. It strung out a little higher, and those not-brows lifted as one.
"No! Not you. You're not an essential enemy. You're just evil. I love that about you, I promise. I would never want you to change." You took his face in your hands, ignoring the slight burn that came. Oh no, you'd embarrassed him. You tried to explain. "Sometimes you just have to let me deal with my own enemies in my own way. Bras are like that. It's my eternal torture to bear. And I don't mind it."
He sighed (another affect he'd learned from you) and unhinged his jaw to envelop your face in his mouth. Peering into the back of his throat, you could still see the bloody mess of your heart, beating even though he'd swallowed it months ago.
"I love you too," you said, your voice echoing like whispers in a mausoleum.
He pulled back and embraced you in a way that made your ribs ache, before letting you go and accepting his coffering (coffee offering, he didn't think it was funny but you did) and devouring it instantly, almost eating the mug again like last time. He sent a hellish wind to carry it to the sink, gently resting it beside the others you'd yet to wash.
It was a far cry from the broken porcelain of when you first joined households.
He looked to the ground, the way foolish mortals looked to the heavens for answers. A waking nightmare pushed into your mind, the vision of a bottomless black pit and spectral fog of misty malice rising eternal from the abyssal void.
"No, I don't think your mother would understand, but she's an amazing woman, I could be wrong. Do void-mists wear bras?"
He shrugged, and stroked a possessive hand over your head, pulling you closer. The sound of your heart in the cage of his chest filled you with regret.
"I'm sorry I called you a gargoyle. You're more to me than that."
A soft grunt most men would have pissed themselves at hearing told you that you were forgiven. The hand on your head moved back around to where it had been before, around your throat.
You smiled, and he leered. He was sweet to ask.
"Okay, okay, you can choke me this time." He crooned a soft and haunting moan that shook the bricks of the apartment, and you felt his dick stiffen at the offer to defile your body once more. "But no--" you put your hands on his fingers to get him to release you enough to speak. "Hold on. Hold on. Don't kill me this time, babe. I have to work Tuesday and the resurrection spell makes me feel all woozy. Don't kill me this time. Save it for the weekend."
The promise of getting to kill you lit a literal fire in his eyes. You felt your stomach fill with butterflies. Those eyes raked over your body as he lifted you from the ground by your neck.
"Okay, big guy. You can rip my clothes off this time."
He did end up killing you on accident again, but he also killed your boss later, so you really didn't have to worry about the wooziness after all.
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msclaritea · 1 year
Hello, Itaanon here. In my italian Disneyplus account, serching his name, I see 4 titles as well, but different. Multiverse of madness, Doctor Strange 1, making of doctor strange, and a cartoon "hulk where the monsters dwell". Mha... I dunno! :/
Well, something is going on with DisneyPlus. It makes no sense that a billion dollar company would have so many glitches on their streaming site. And the removal of a James Cameron-connected project makes no sense.
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fridayyy-13th · 6 months
Would you prefer to be a werewolf or vampire?
oh, gosh, good question! i'm not really sure. i'm gonna consider the most common interpretations of both monsters, otherwise i'll just go down a path of "how inhuman am i in the werewolf state? what alternative methods of finding blood would i be okay with doing?" and i'd never actually answer the question lmao. so werewolf is complete loss of control and full wolf-man transformation on the night of the full moon, vampire is night-dwelling creature who preys on humans for their blood and is immortal unless killed.
jeez that's still really difficult...but i think i'll go with werewolf. i'd be able to live a more "normal" life, i suppose? while immortality and being nocturnal sound cool, especially since i'm a night owl and i never have any free time ever, living forever sounds terribly lonely and also i like being able to feel the sun on my skin. there's plenty of forested areas where i live, i could just drive out to an abandoned spot in the woods once a month and just. go wild. hunt some deer. hope i don't get spotted on any trail cameras. idk lol.
though being a werewolf is lonely in its own ways, too, i feel like. that sort of "i have to hide a part of my very being to survive," which uh. closeted queer moment right there, so...nothing i'm not used to. except yknow instead of "i'm trans and aroacespec" it's "i turn into an uncontrollable hulking beast one night every month." i don't think i have to elaborate on this there's enough "lycanthropy as an allegory for being trans" posts floating around on here, surely.
but yeah that's my answer; i'd rather be a werewolf.
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nagawei · 10 months
"THE IMMORTAL ANGUISH OF HEAVEN: THE TALE OF HONGYU"// Oc Lore snippet thats just for fun!!♡♡
She has never felt such fury. Or, maybe she has, in a twisted and pleasant way. She may have always harbored this fury from moments long past.
It is hot, hotter than molten rock and bright blue flames. It burns in a spindel of heavy emotions and stifling feelings of pain, white hot and scarring. Its power burns her heart and chars her organs like a roasted chestnut. In her mind she knows this is not good, not healthy and most definitely not moral or just.
But in her heart, her soul, she desires with every inch of her being to sink her hot fury into everyone around her. She wishes to make a monster out of herself, one of magma and volcanic ash, and use her monstrous claws to snatch a man from his home, a mother from her babe. She wishes to destroy a family in her hands and when they scream, when she can see and hear the terror and anguish she has brought about their home, she wishes to devour. She wishes to devour them like a serpent, to shred their flesh with her furious teeth and let their blood turn into her fuel.
Her fury has consumed her, she knows this and she bathes in it. Her fury is hot and stifling in its temperament, and yet she still desires to know how far it can go. She wants to know, to understand.
Her mind is in jumbles and her body is heavy and tired with anger. She can't see, she can't move, yet she knows she is here. In a strange way, in a moment she can't entirely feel or realize, she cries out.
Her mind is made up and in the back of her head, deep in her being, she hears it. The rattle of bones and the shiver of a bubbling shadow cross her mind. She can see.
She sees in hues of starch gray and red, for the dead come in no other color.
In agonizing tremors and horrifying contortions of flesh, muscles pulling over bone and blood sloshing freely, her body knit itself together with the force of a thousand curses. Her fingers were all but bones and tendons when she flung a single digit out. Her hands built like claws and sharp like the steel of anchors pointed towards the dark mouth of the sky. Her great form built itself like the beginnings of a tornado, strong and vicious with a promise of death.
"Kill them!" Her great and deadly voice wailed. Her cries were guttural and unnatural, like the cries of a cougar in hunt, and left her with the roar of shaking bones in her mind.
The continuous clatter of skeletal beings just beneath her skin makes her rise up from her depths. She hears whispers of promised powers, sacred oaths and other divinities of the Realms. She is too angry to pinpoint these stories but the clatter and scratching of bone grates against her mind like the very thoughts and hushed voices are carved into her reformed skull. Her hulking form gathers, the heat of something behind her morphing into itchy chills. Like life was sucked from the atmosphere, she emerges, mighty and grand from where she dwells.
Volcano of death! Temple of torture! Anguish! Anguish! Fury to use! Power to have! Use it! Use it! Voices and shrieks that are so vile, their sound whisps like the wind. They call, scream, claw and beg to be heard, to sway her mind and heart. She growls in utter disdain.
“SIlence, all of you!”
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st-guliks-fnord · 1 year
Actually my favorite Marvel movie is ‘Doctor Strange and The Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell’
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pof203 · 1 year
Halloween Movie Playlist 2023
Here is my movie playlist for this year's 13 Days of Halloween, two movies each day. I think there are a few new ones this year.
Letter Meaning:
F=Family: These films are family friendly and everyone can watch them, including the kids, and are watched in the daytime.
M=Mature: These films are for a mature audience and are not for kids. It's best to watch them at night when they have gone to bed.
B=Both: These films are both family friendly and mature. They can be watched at any time of the day. If kids are watching, be sure they have adult supervision or permission.
Hocus Pocus (F) & Planet Terror (M)
Hocus Pocus 2 (F) & Cruella (B)
Tower of Terror (F) & The Craft (M)
Coraline (B) & The Craft Legacy (M)
Practical Magic (B) & The Hollow (the one with Nick Carter) (M)
Double Double Toil and Trouble (F) & Sleepy Hollow (M)
The Corpse Bride (F) & Snow White A Tale of Terror (M)
The Haunted Mansion (F) & Wish Upon (M)
Haunted Mansion (remake) (F) & Hansel and Gretel Get Baked (M)
Song of the Sea (F) & Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (M)
Hulk: Where The Monster Dwell (F) & Cowboy Bebop: Knowing on Heaven's Door (M)
The Worst Witch (F) & The Rocky Horror Picture Show (M)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (F) & Trick r' Treat (M)
Now, here's my playlist for Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
Salma's Big Wish (F), Coco (F) & La Muertos (M)
The Halloween Tree (F), Book of Life (F) & La Llorona (2022) (M)
Well, that's it. I hope you'll all have a Happy Halloween, a Soulful Samhaim, and Feliz Dia de los Muertos.
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fanartka · 2 years
Stephen, captured in a trap. In every universe 😅😂😂
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"Hulk. Where monsters dwell"
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sasa-chan · 11 months
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Day 24
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Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell
Year Released: 2016
Run Time: 1hr 15m
Director: Mitch Schauer
Rating: PG
Genres: Animation, Action, Fantasy
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Halloween is Grinch Night (It's Grinch Night)
Year Released: 1977
Run Time: 25m
Director: Gerard Baldwin
Rating: Not Rated
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Family
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Thriller Night (Shrek: Thriller Night)
Year Released: 2011
Run Time: 6m
Director: Sean Bishop, Gary Trousdale
Rating: TV-Y7
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Short
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It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
Year Released: 1966
Run Time: 25m
Director: Bill Melendez
Rating: TV-G
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Family
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Mickey's Tale of Two Witches
Year Released: 2021
Run Time: 47m
Director: Jeff Gordon
Rating: TV-Y
Genres: Action, Adventure, Animation
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starculler · 1 year
maybe i'm reviving my werewolf!Aizawa AU, maybe not, but i sure did write a nearly 500-word snippet for it.
Shouta remembered the bite.
He remembered the fear, a cold solid weight in his chest stuck somewhere behind his rabbit-fast heart. The way the already dark night had narrowed to the hulking clump of shadows stalking slowly closer, as untouched by the weak, thin moonlight overhead as it was by his quirk. How its eyes – golden, gleaming, hungry – had followed his every trembling step backward until chilled, empty air had turned to smooth bark.
He remembered how the world had hung still, an eternity condensed to a second where he and the beast had only stared at each other. There had been no breeze, no stirring creatures, not even the sounds of traffic just past the tree line.
There had been him. A student one week shy of graduation. A stupid kid whose phone had broken after an earlier fight and no other way to contact the hero he’d been interning under. An amateur who’d frozen at the first sign of a danger he hadn’t known to prepare for.
And there had been a beast. Nearly as big as he was tall and made bigger still by its muscular bulk and fur.  A snarling, stinking creature black as the night and whose thick, overgrown fangs had torn Shouta’s capture weapon to shreds before the fear had sunk in enough to paralyze him. A monster who’d prowled closer, closer, closer until he could feel its every rancid breath on his face.
He remembered praying it would leave. Pleading silently for it to sate its curiosity and be on its way. But Shouta’s luck had been piddling at the best of times. That night had not been the best of times.
Shouta remembered the bite. Couldn’t forget it when he carried the scar of it on his arm every day since, wide and raised and ragged where delayed survival instincts kicked in and he’d done his damnedest to tear his arm free.
He never managed to remember, though, what came after. How he’d gotten away. Where he’d gone. Who he’d met that night, and whether they’d been kind or foolish to tend to a mauled teenager’s arm. And, most importantly, what had happened to the creature.
There was no point dwelling, he knew. Not then, when all evidence of what had happened to him minus his injury had seemingly vanished by morning, and not now some 12 years after the fact.
He sighed and rubbed at the scar through his sleeve for the third time in the last hour, and hoped the dull, throbbing ache building beneath the skin subsided by the time he took his place in front of his homeroom class. That bunch of troublemakers demanded his full attention if he wanted to get through the day’s lesson plan.
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movie-titlecards · 4 years
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Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell (2016)
My rating: 4/10
Basically a really bad episode of Real Ghostbusters, but with bland, uncharismatic superheroes and cheap, overly dark animation. Seriously, the screen is like 95% black most of the time. This whole thing just reeks of potential squandered in the name of a cash grab.
Also, much as I love Liam O'Brien, his voice is kind of an odd fit for Doctor Strange.
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lesserknownhusbands · 6 years
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