#How we met
alexdti · 4 months
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Afterschool playtime!
HWM - Page 39 Additional drawing by V-Nico
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kvothes · 8 months
what if i dropped a new fic like right now.
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michaelcalce · 7 months
You people might ask, how did I meet my scottish-british and looking jewish friend Eddie Cornelius Murray III? This is how we both found out each other.
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((I just realised I forgot to draw the tail on the second frame, im sorry))
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hiddengiggles · 7 months
Sorry if you’ve answered this before, or if it’s just too personal, but how did you and helixtickl meet/get together? 😁
Indeed I have and I shan’t retype, so here’s a link to the answer!
We’ve know each other 4.5 years now and been married 9 months, and I still can’t believe my luck to even know @helixtickl 🥰
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reniadeb · 1 month
and they say romance is dead
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askyeehan · 1 year
How did y’all end up together? Mind tellin the story?
Cole: How me and Hanzo got together. I could sit here all day and talk about every single twist and turn, 'cause there were plenty of 'em. It might surprise ya to know Hanzo and I didn't actually get along at first. Not that we hated each other or anythin' like that. But the first time I even heard about Hanzo was from his brother.
It's hard to not be biased in such a complicated situation. Lots of people thought poorly of Hanzo and what he did, but seein' my own background, I was willin' to give him a chance. The more I slowly heard and gathered about how he grew up….it made me sick, to be honest. He deserved better than what those monsters….
Cole shakes his head, pushing the thoughts away.
Anyway, back to us. Our first mission together was a mess. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was definitely more focused on tryin' to show off and impress Hanzo that I got hurt pretty bad. Obviously I'm still alive, of course! Takes a lot to keep me down, that's for sure. He did visit me in the infirmary, which took everyone by surprise.
It was incredibly difficult getting him to socialize with much of anyone. Even all this time later, he doesn't talk to many people, at least not the way he does when I'm around. He's slowly getting better, with more and more gentle nudges.
Part of the reason I'm doin' all this is to hopefully get him out of his comfort zone a bit and be more adventurous. There's so much more to be said about those twists and turns I mentioned, I'll definitely be talkin' about them in depth in the future.
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wives-natlho · 1 year
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Let me tell you how we met... We were both separated from our own squadrons in enemy territory. I was studying Conjoury at the time, with little ability to protect myself. While trying to hide, I found a girl wielding an axe and holding off an entire group of Garleans on her own.
She looked like she was about to go down, so I jumped in to heal her. Unfortunately, that made the Garleans very upset at me.
The girl, though, was an absolute powerhouse. She jumped between me and the Garleans, swinging wildly but with purpose. It was amazing. I've never seen anything else like it.
We ended up surviving the onslaught, but were still stranded behind enemy lines. We ended up spending the night in a nearby cave...
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gretasworld · 2 years
" Its a good horse "
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alexdti · 2 months
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In the left corner, with a mane bigger than her, the one and oooonlyyy Rarity!!! In the right corner, with the strength of five stallion just in her left back leg, the powerful Applejack!!!
HWM - Page 48 With Scraus0 and Sfaccountant
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luzhvessa · 2 years
So if i may ask, how did you meet Beelzebub and become a godspouse?
Hi! I confess I did play the game "Obey Me" about a year before I met Beelzebub. I did not feel like the game did him justice even back then and eventually stopped playing it.
I actually met Beelzebub while meditating to meet my spirit guides. He came up to my spirit guide who had just showed up in my guided meditation and shoved him aside to talk to me. In my studies I saw others talking about working with him and had decided unfairly that I didn't want to work with him because of the idea of more bugs. So he came to me with the name Baphomet. It didn't feel correct when I researched, and after I had been talking with him for a while and had a few confirmation readings he meant me no harm, he confessed his actual name. Having talked to him for a few weeks and seeing he was nice and not scary at all, I continued talking with him nightly.
Two months later he asked me to marry him. Another entity confirmed it and told me to search the term "godspouse". It took me about a month to say yes as most things I read said to make sure to have specific boundaries set. Although he waited for my answer, at the time of him asking he did tell me that we were intertwined already. He was mainly just waiting for the boundaries to be set before we set a date and made it official.
He wanted my human husband to stand in for him as the groom in our wedding. My human husband agreed and we married at my favorite spot in the woods on the day Beelzebub set.
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yoonlattesworld · 2 years
Ofcourse if you're talking about the latest part i posted hehe💖
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manicdamaniac · 2 years
i’m gonna aggressively support you so i’ll bite: how did the two green beans meet
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M: “I remember it like it was yesterday honestly, We both met in City Möbius and we bumped into each other, Scourge wanted to talk more with me but I ended up running away since— before I bumped into him I stole a wallet on the way and Scourge noticed that- Heh, Typical me!Otherwise he asked my name when I was stuck in a deadend until I started climbing the walls, not like spider-man you dummys. The walls were pretty close to each other so I was able to climb… And yea! That’s how we basically met!”
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 10 months
god i love my friends. shout out to people who love their friends. this is a post for friend lovers
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qiinamii · 1 year
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we'll do fine.
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storytimeswithdelilah · 7 months
How I met my boyfriend and my best friend almost called the police because she thought I was dead :)
This is my first post I hope you enjoyed my very true but so unserious story times about my silly little life <3
Me and my boyfriend have been together for nine months now, however we met in a very unusual way.
I had not long come out of a very disturbing relationship with someone I met in college, they were awful company and very often made me do things I did not want to do. However it was a few months after and we had only been together for a short time before I broke up with them.
I was not actively looking for a relationship at this point however I got a friend request on Snapchat from a boy. I reluctantly accepted and he began typing instantly. This low-key freaked me out being the sad little virgin I was but I waited until he was done. He basically started yapping about something I had no idea about but it sounded like I was supposed to know. I then asked him if I was the person he was supposed to add as I had no idea what he was talking about. He then realised that no, I was not the person he meant to add. He never blocked or removed me and he was just on my Snapchat for a while until he messaged me again saying he found me on instagram and that he thought I was cute. I then proceeded to tell him that was weird and that he was a stalker, I didn’t mean it I was in fact kidding. We began to talk more and more, we spoke for three months before he began to mention meeting up. He did not live near me, he lived in a city about half an hour from where I lived and I was beyond nervous. I’d never met anyone over the internet before and I was certain I’d get kidnapped.
So I began to put it off for as long as I could. Until one day I was out with some friends and he told me I wouldn’t meet him cos I was too pussy, he was joking, but I was drunk. So I challenged him, I was all like oh yeah I’ll meet you tomorrow after college. Why tf did I say that?! As soon as I sent the message I was like wtf what is wrong with me I am freaking out I don’t want to do this. But I couldn’t go back on my word.
My best friend told me I should go but to keep my phone on the whole time and message her updates and also to meet in public so I don’t die. Which was reasonable and I agreed. So on Thursday the 25th of may I got ready and made some dumb excuse that I needed to buy candles so we had to go shopping. I had no intention of buying candles because he was correct, I was a pussy and had no intention on buying anything because I was scared my card would decline for some reason and make everything awkward, I also didn’t want him to pay for anything because that was also scary to me for some reason.
So I got the train to see him and the whole time on the train I wanted to throw up, I also had an uncontrollable wedgie the whole time but that’s unimportant. I got off the train and saw him straight away and to be honest he was cute. And my dumbass said that. That was literally the first thing I said. “Oh how cute are you!” WHO TF SAYS THAT. He got all embarrassed and blushed and I was like Awh but at the same time I was like WHO TF SAYS THAT.
I decided to use my yapping skills to the full and just tell him some bullshit about my life to keep the conversation going which he didn’t seem to mind which was good. He then asked me what I wanted to do and me being weirdly scared of spending money had no idea what to do in this huge city filled with shops and restaraunts. He mentioned that I said I needed candles, so off we went into shops that I had no intention of buying anything from lmao. I’m not still like this now fyi idk why I was so weird.
We then found a spot to sit on in a park and we sat there for a while. We were talking and I remembered how he had asked me to be his girlfriend previously and I said no, I want to meet you before that.
His awkward ass straight up said “so am I your boyfriend now” and I thought that was super funny and I agreed that he in fact was my boyfriend now. I had no problem being his girlfriend I basically knew straight away that I did in fact have insane feelings for him.
However what I did in fact forget to do was update my best friend who was literally tracking my every move. My phone was on silent and I hadn’t messaged her since I got off the train.
We had a walk through the city for a bit and then we sat in the sunset and watched all the skater boys fall off their skateboards. Lmao sorry skaterboys.
I’m Ngl there were so many opportunities to kiss but he literally said he wouldn’t kiss me cause he was scared he would suck. I thought it was cute (he did kiss me on the second date tho)
It began to get cold and late it was like 9pm and he walked me back to the train station and waited with me for my train, before I got on the train he kissed me on my forehead and when I tell you THE BUTTERFLIES
I got on the train and was ready to text my best friend and give her the run down, however my phone died. I didn’t really think much of it in fact my first thought was that my now boyfriend would think I ghosted him.
I knew my mum was at my aunties which wasn’t far from the train station so I went there instead of home so I could charge my phone. When I walked through the door my mum and my best friend were there, my mum looked stressed so did my auntie and my best friend.
“What” was all I said. LMAO WHAT.
They immediately were like where tf were you we thought you died we were gonna call the police. They were all pretty stressed and I was like yeah my phone died. (Literally could not of given less of a fuck, nice one lilah) 😭
But anyways my friend forgave me we had a kebab and now me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 10 months.
And that is how I met him I hope you enjoyed there will definitely be more stories to come because I am a certified oversharer and yapper lmao.
Thanks for taking time out of your day to read <3
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hinamie · 1 month
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I'm always pushing you away from me / but you come back with gravity / and when I call, you come home
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