#How to repair sperm DNA damage naturally
yashodaivfcentre · 2 years
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sumathihospital · 8 months
Navigating Fertility: Essential Nutrition for Your Journey to Parenthood with Insights from Top IVF Centers
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Embarking on the path to parenthood involves more than medical procedures; it’s about creating the optimal environment for a healthy pregnancy. In this blog post, we delve into the crucial role of nutrition in fertility, offering valuable insights from the experts at Sumathi Hospital. Discover how mindful eating can significantly impact the fertility journey.
Understanding the Link Between Nutrition and Fertility:
The link between diet and fertility has gained increasing attention in scientific research, highlighting the impact of nutritional choices on reproductive health. A well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet plays a crucial role in supporting fertility for both men and women.
Folate (Vitamin B9):
Folate is essential for DNA synthesis and repair, making it a critical nutrient for cell division and the development of the neural tube in early pregnancy.
In women, a deficiency in folate has been associated with an increased risk of neural tube defects and miscarriages. It’s often recommended for women of childbearing age to ensure they have adequate folate intake, both through diet and supplements.
Food rich in Folate: Leafy green vegetables, legumes, fortified cereals, and citrus fruits.
Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, selenium, and beta-carotene, help combat oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals.
Oxidative stress has been linked to infertility in both men and women, as it can damage sperm, eggs, and reproductive organs.
Foods rich in antioxidants include fruits (berries, citrus fruits), vegetables (spinach, broccoli, carrots), nuts, and seeds.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), are crucial for reproductive health.
They play a role in regulating hormones, promoting blood flow, and supporting the development of the fetal brain and nervous system.
Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines), flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts.
Iron is essential for maintaining optimal blood hemoglobin levels. In women, iron deficiency anemia can lead to irregular menstrual cycles and fertility issues.
Good sources of iron include lean meats, poultry, fish, legumes, and iron-fortified cereals.
Zinc is crucial for both male and female reproductive systems. In men, it plays a role in sperm production and motility.
In women, zinc is involved in egg maturation and may impact the implantation of the fertilized egg.
Dietary sources of zinc include meat, dairy, nuts, and whole grains.
Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is important for hormonal balance and may play a role in fertility.
Some studies suggest that a deficiency in vitamin D may be associated with fertility issues.
Natural sources of vitamin D include fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified dairy products.
Balanced Diet and Body Weight:
Maintaining a healthy body weight through a balanced diet is crucial for reproductive health. Both underweight and overweight conditions can negatively impact fertility.
Excessive exercise and inadequate caloric intake can disrupt menstrual cycles and ovulation.
If you’re exploring the connection between diet and fertility and are in search of reliable IVF services, finding the best infertility center and fertility center near you is essential. A well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet is known to play a crucial role in supporting reproductive health for both men and women. To optimize your chances of success, consider consulting with a reputable IVF center that can provide expert guidance and world-class IVF services.
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wisdomrays · 4 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 276
Throughout history, humanity has been in search of eternal life; explorations into the deep galaxy and bio-medical projects in modern science are in one way dedicated to finding a new direction for this perpetual search. Doctor Luqman, the legendary figure of Eastern literature, was gifted with unique wisdom, which led him on a search for immortality. It is not certain whether this legendary Luqman is the same as the Luqman found in the Qur’an, but what they both share is the exceptional wisdom they were given “to be grateful to God” (31:12). One thing certain is that search for immortality and the idea of an afterlife has existed through the history of humanity. Belief in the Hereafter is the only reality that satisfies this inherent feeling. Bediuzzaman explains the benefits of believing in the Hereafter as follows:
It is only with the thought of Paradise that children, who form a great deal of humanity, can endure all the deaths around them, which appear to them to be grievous and frightening, and strengthen the morale of their weak and delicate beings. . . . It is only through the life of the hereafter that the elderly, who form another considerable part of humanity, can endure the proximity of the grave, and be consoled at the thought that their lives, to which they are firmly attached, will soon be extinguished and their fine world will come to an end. . . . It is only the thought of Hell-fire that checks the turbulent emotions of youths, the most vigorous element in the life of society, and their violent excesses, restraining them from aggression, oppression, and destruction, and ensuring that the life of society continues tranquilly. (The Ninth Ray, First Point)
If a society is deprived from the above benefits of belief in the Hereafter, people will try to find other ways to satisfy this search for immortality, as in the example of ancient Egypt. The fear of death and the desire for immortality are symbolized by the ancient Egyptian practice of mummification. The word “mummification” is derived from the Latin word mumia, meaning black bitumen. Bituminous materials were used extensively in the preservation of the body from the twenty-sixth dynasty of the Pharaohs onwards.
The ancient Egyptians believed that the body of a person was to live in the afterlife, therefore, mummification was developed; the total process took seventy days. Due to the expense of the materials involved in mummification, the pharaohs of Egypt, members of the nobility, and officials were the only people to be mummified, and they were usually buried in elaborate tombs. For religious reasons, some animals, such as baboons, cats, birds, and crocodiles were also mummified.
Mummies were placed in tombs that were designed to help the deceased live in the afterworld. The tombs were filled with all the necessities of life, such as food, tools, and treasures to ensure that the soul would return to the body, enabling the mummy to live happily.
The mummification process was used by many societies in an effort to cheat death and to achieve immortality. Modern society is no different from these ancient societies with respect to the desire to reach immortality. The only difference is the modern technology that is used to achieve immortality. Cryonics, a modern mummification technique, is a term that stems from cryogenic, the more general term given to the branch of physics that deals with extremely low temperatures. Cryonics is the practice of freezing the body of a recently deceased person to preserve it for possible resuscitation in the future. The body, which is in a state of “cryonic suspension,” is cooled to the point where molecular physical decay completely ceases. When a cure for the disease that caused the death has been found, the person may be revived and restored to good health later on.
This is not a new idea. In early 1967, a California psychology professor named James H. Bedford decided to try it. When he died of cancer, he was frozen in liquid nitrogen at 321 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. After Bedford, over a period of a few years, several dozen people were frozen in liquid nitrogen. After a while, the relatives stopped the flow of money to the cemetery crypt in Chatsworth, California. By 1987, the frozen bodies, one of those being the body of Bedford, kept in liquid nitrogen had dropped to only three in the United States, due to financial reasons. By 1994, the number of frozen bodies once again had risen, climbing to about a dozen. Another two dozen had chosen the cheaper alternative of having only their heads frozen after death. They believed that future technology would be able to provide a new body by using their DNA. Cryonics organizations have been growing rapidly, with several hundred people now being legally signed up to be frozen after death.
The type of death is very important for cryonics. Real death and legal death are not the same things. When it is no longer feasible to restore the blood circulation (i.e. restart the heart), legal death occurs. Real death occurs after the cells have irreversibly deteriorated in the minutes and hours that follow. Due to the fact that so much cellular information is lost after real death, cryonics begins after legal death has been declared.
After legal death, the body is hooked to a heart-lung machine to supply oxygen to the still living tissues. At the same time the blood is drained and some chemicals are circulated to minimize the damage caused by freezing. To protect the body, all chemical reactions are stopped by hindering translational molecular motion. This motion is stopped at 130 degrees below zero Celsius, that is “glass transition” temperature. The human body is cooled to the temperature of liquid nitrogen, -196 degrees Celsius (-320 degree Fahrenheit). The bodies are then placed in a vacuum-insulated flask, head down, so that in the event of a problem it would be the feet that would thaw first. While to date no human being in cryonic suspension has been revived, it has been proven that the bones, the skin, some tissues, the red and white blood cells, the bone marrow, human embryos, and sperm survive under deep freezing and thawing.
Some special techniques are used to reduce the damage caused by freezing. Using a procedure called vitrification, a mixture of cryoprotectant (antifreeze) compounds replaces more than 60% of the water inside the cells to prevent the tissue from freezing during cooling; the tissue becomes rigid like glass, with no ice crystal damage. On the other hand, high concentrations of cryoprotectant are toxic to cell metabolism. It is hoped that this problem will be solved and reversed in the future by nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is the technology that has been developed in order to work with atoms and molecules in the future. By using this technology, the damage in the cells caused by freezing will be able to be repaired. In addition to nanotechnology, therapeutic cloning developments and stem cell research discoveries will be important in making cryonics successful. Taking into account the speed of the development of these technologies, some experts have estimated that it will take 20-100 years before humans can be successfully thawed out.
Such a process requires a great deal of money; it is not cheap to freeze oneself for future life. Prices range between a fee of $28,000 to $120,000 annually. By freezing merely the head, this price can be reduced by half.
Be it the ancient mummification methods, be it the latest expensive techniques, all these point to the unchanging human nature. Cryonics try to reach immortality in “this life”; however, this is an impossibility with today’s technology and is merely speculative with future technology. But there is a way that is possible now, and does not require great expenditure or mind-boggling technology. Bediuzzaman, in his book, The Rays, explains how we can achieve such immortality:
For example, human beings have an intense desire for immortality. Only One Who has disposal over the whole universe as though it was a palace can answer this wish; only One Who can close the door of this world and open that of the hereafter, like closing the door of one room and opening that of another can do so. Humans have thousands of desires, both negative and positive, which like the desire for immortality spread throughout the world and stretch to eternity. It is only the Single One, Who through the mystery of unity holds the whole universe in His grasp, Who, by answering these desires of human beings, can cure the two gaping wounds of impotence and want.
In other words, the ability to find immortality is something that has always been with us; it resides within us. The ancient Egyptians and modern science both spent large sums of money and much time trying to attain immortality; if only they were aware that every human has the same chance. All we need to do is to just look within ourselves
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paleorecipecookbook · 6 years
9 Surprising Health Benefits of Vitamin D
Often nicknamed the “sunshine vitamin,” you’d be surprised just how many people are deficient in vitamin D. It’s estimated that around 1 billion people worldwide have low levels, with about 41 percent of those living in the U.S. (1)
While this might not seem like a big deal, not getting enough vitamin D can create a ton of problems, and might require more time in the sun than you think.
Also, you’re potentially missing out on huge benefits if you neglect your vitamin D levels. Before we get into those benefits, let’s take a look at how vitamin D works.
What Is Vitamin D?
Despite its name, “vitamin” D is actually a hormone – and a powerful one at that. You can find vitamin D receptors in almost every cell and tissue in the human body, where it is responsible for regulating up to 200 genes. (2)
The reason you may have heard vitamin D referred to as the “sunshine vitamin” is because vitamin D is synthesized from cholesterol when your skin is exposed to sunlight.
Vitamin D2 vs. D3
There are two types of vitamin D: D3, or cholecalciferol, and D2, or ergocalciferol.
D3 is the natural form of vitamin D that is produced by your body when your skin is exposed to sunlight. It is the most biologically active form of vitamin D, meaning that it has superior absorption and is the type preferred by your body (3). D3 is also found in wild fatty fish like salmon and sardines.
D2, on the other hand, is produced by irradiating the yeast sterol ergosterol, as well as in sun-exposed mushrooms. This is the type you’re most likely seeing added to your fortified non-dairy milks and other packaged products. Humans do not produce vitamin D2, and research shows it is less readily absorbed than D3. (4)
9 Health Benefits of Vitamin D
The benefits of vitamin D are nearly endless, considering that it is involved in so many important biological functions. From cancer prevention to DNA repair, this gift from the sun might be your answer to a number of pesky symptoms.
Read on to discover the surprising benefits of vitamin D, as well as how to get enough of it.
1. Fights Cancer
Getting some daily sunshine could play a huge role in preventing and fighting cancer. Multiple studies show that vitamin D decreases cell proliferation and has potent anti-inflammatory effects – important factors in the development of cancers.
Several studies also show links between low vitamin D levels and the onset of cancer, with one revealing that participants with high vitamin D levels were half as likely to be diagnosed with colon cancer as those with low levels. (5)
2. Boosts Immunity
Vitamin D plays a critical role in keeping your immune system running strong and preventing viral and bacterial infections. One study showed that children given a daily vitamin D supplement of 1,200 IU had a 40 percent lower rate of influenza compared with those given a placebo. Another study showed vitamin D deficiency was associated with a three-fold risk of pregnant women developing bacterial vaginosis. (6)
3. Lowers Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Not only is getting enough vitamin D essential for maintaining heart health, but a lack of it can create serious heart issues. Research shows that vitamin D deficiency is linked to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, heart failure, and ischemic heart disease. Luckily, spending some time in the sunshine can help the walls of your blood vessels expand and contract easily, reducing your risk of heart problems. (7)
4. Helps Prevent Autoimmune Diseases
For many years, most people assumed autoimmune diseases were due to bad genes or bad luck. New research shows the opposite, especially where vitamin D is concerned. One study found that participants with the highest vitamin D concentrations had a 62 percent lower risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS) compared to those with the lowest concentrations. Another study found that children given vitamin D supplements as infants had a 90 percent lower risk of developing type 1 diabetes compared to children who were not given supplements. (8)
5. Fights Infections
Vitamin D also helps prevent a wide range of infections by improving your body’s ability to block out harmful bacteria and by bolstering the immune system. Research shows it to be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, psoriasis, eczema, chest infections, wound infections, influenza, urinary tract infections, and even eye infections. (9)
6. Repairs DNA
The ability of our DNA to repair itself is crucial for aging well and reducing the chances of developing diseases like cancer. Vitamin D helps prevents oxidative damage (which is damage done to DNA by things like environmental pollution, a bad diet, and stress) by aiding in repair.
In addition, it also regulates cell cycles so that they don’t proliferate and become cancerous. (10)
7. Improves Bone Health
Adequate vitamin D is necessary for your body to be able to absorb calcium from your digestive tract. Even supplementing with just 800 IU per day (less than the recommended dosage) can reduce hip and nonspinal fractures by about 20 percent. On the flip side, studies show that low vitamin D concentrations are associated with an increased risk of fractures and falls in older adults. (11)
8. Improves Fertility
Before you look to expensive fertility treatments when trying to conceive, make sure your vitamin D levels are optimized. Studies show that vitamin D plays a large role in fertility, increasing levels of progesterone and estrogen in women while improving semen quality and sperm count in men. In addition, studies confirm that sperm has a vitamin D receptor, which shows the importance of the vitamin when it comes to healthy sperm. (12)
9. Improves Muscle Strength
Interestingly, vitamin D also helps increase muscle strength. Of course, while it won’t grow your muscles for you, it can improve neuromuscular function and stability. This is good news for the elderly, as adequate vitamin D is correlated with less falls and fractures. (13)
Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency
Two of the most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are chronic fatigue and widespread aches and pain throughout your muscles and joints. However, there are a few other symptoms, including:
Frequent infections and catching colds often
Back pain
Slow or impaired wound healing
Bone loss
Hair loss
Less than 30 ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter) is considered a deficiency, although some experts advise aiming for at least 50 ng/ml. If you have any doubts, be sure to get tested.
How to Get Adequate Vitamin D
According to the Vitamin D Council, 15 minutes of direct sun exposure from noon to 3 p.m. is enough for a fair-skinned person during the summer to produce 10,000 to 25,000 units. However, during the winter in northern latitudes such as Boston, you might need one to two hours of exposure at noon to synthesize enough vitamin D.
In general, the recommendations are to stay out for half the amount of time it would take you to burn, which might be longer if you have a darker skin tone. If you’re extra curious as to how much vitamin D you’re producing based on your skin tone and geography, an app called DMinder can also help you track it.
Supplements and Foods for Vitamin D
Another option is to supplement with 3,000 to 5,000 IU per day of raw D3. Alongside this, you can also consume foods high in vitamin D, which include:
Wild-caught fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel)
Cod liver oil
Pasture-raised eggs
Wild mushrooms
Combining daily sun exposure with these vitamin D-rich foods will ensure you’re getting all the benefits of this amazing vitamin. Again, if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, be sure to get your levels tested. After that, look forward to your daily mini-vacation of sunshine, knowing you’re doing your body good.
The post 9 Surprising Health Benefits of Vitamin D appeared first on PaleoPlan.
Source: https://ift.tt/10qRbxJ
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kevindalby · 3 years
UT Austin Professor Kevin Dalby Answers: What Are “Faulty Genes” Anyway?
Originally published on freeyork.org
Inheriting a faulty version or a “variant” of specific genes can significantly increase your risk of developing certain cancers. As a cancer researcher at UT Austin, Kevin Dalby explains that these types of genes can’t repair damaged cells.
The damaged or “bad” cells can build up and eventually form a tumor in your body. But, what are faulty genes?
Kevin Dalby explains what they are and how CRISPR technology can potentially fix them.
How Genes Can Cause Cancer
Just about every cell in a human body includes a control center known as the nucleus. Inside each of those are 23 chromosome pairs in which genes are located. The genes have coded messages telling cells how they should behave.
Each of us has roughly 25,000 genes in our body controlling how we develop and grow. Over our lifetimes, things can go wrong in our genes, which allows cancers to develop. These changes in genes are referred to as mutations or faults.
Faulty genes are the cause of most types of cancers. Typically speaking, they occur as people age. Defective genes can develop randomly as cells divide due to exposure to carcinogens such as sunlight or cigarette smoke.
These faulty genes develop over a person’s lifetime, and luck won’t be passed onto offspring.
Some Faulty Genes are Inherited
That being said, some faulty genes can be passed on from one generation to the next. These inherited defective genes can increase one’s risk of developing certain cancers.
The faulty genes, in this case, are in the genes that are present in either the woman’s egg or the man’s sperm cell when conception occurs. They are then copied into all cells in the offspring’s body and passed on continuously from one generation to the next.
Just because you inherit faulty genes doesn’t mean you will develop cancer. It just puts you at increased risk of creating certain types of cancer. Luckily, only about 5% to 10% of all diagnosed cancers can be linked to faulty genes that are inherited.
How CRISPR Can Help
CRISPR is a technology that was first unveiled back in 2012. Before its discovery and creation, editing genes in animals and plants was possible but cost excessive money and took years to occur.
CRISPR technology makes editing genes much quicker and less expensive. It works by finding a specific piece of a cell’s DNA and altering it. As Dr. Kevin Dalby, UT Austin professor, explains, CRISPR can also be used to turn off particular genes without changing the sequence in any way.
Technology has the immense potential to transform medicine completely. CRISPR could help treat certain diseases such as cancer and completely prevent them as it relates to faulty genes.
By identifying faulty genes and altering them before they can cause a problem, CRISPR could help prevent cancers before they ever develop – no matter whether the defective gene developed over a lifetime or was inherited at conception.
About Kevin Dalby
Dr. Kevin Dalby is chemical biology and medicinal chemistry professor who is currently working on cancer drug discovery. At the College of Pharmacy at The University of Texas, he examines the mechanisms of nature and cancer to develop new treatments and teach and motivate students to conduct research. Dalby is optimistic about the future of cancer treatments.
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hannahkingviscom · 5 years
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By putting all my highlighted quotes together enables me to pick and choose what statements are going to be best for sparking ideas and act as a visual aid when illustrating. The quotes that I have highlighted all make me feel that cells play a really important and crucial role to life itself, so is a really good section to be illustrating from “A short history of everything” as cells can be described as “the building blocks to life”.
I have put in bold that quotes that I think help create a picture in my head for what could be used as a cover. I really like the idea of visualising the cell as an actual country (as stated in the quotes bellow) or creating a solar system within a cell or made of a number of cells. This idea will help link multiple contents of the book and portray more of a message to the audience.
“You have 140,000 trillion cells in your body and are ready to spring forth as a human being”
“You have no secrets from your cells”
“Genetic code - the instruction manual for your body - so it knows how to do not only it’s own job but every other job in the body too”
“Every cell in nature is a thing of wonder”
“Yeast cells”
“Complex interactions”
“Your cells are a country of 10,000 trillion citizens, each devoted in some intensively specific way to your overall well-being”
“They let you feel pleasure and form thoughts”
“When you eat, they extract the nutrients, distribute the energy, and carry off the wastes”
“They keep your hair growing, your ears waxed, your brain quietly purring…jump to your defence the instant you are threatened…unhesitatingly die for you”
“Let us take a moment now to regard them with then wonder and appreciation they deserve”
“200,00o different types of protein”
“nitric oxide is a formidable toxin…control the flow of blood and the energy levels of cells, attacking cancers”
“Some few hundred different types of cell…vary enormously in size and shape, from nerve cells whose filaments can stretch to over a metre to tiny, disc-shaped red blood cells to the rod-shaped photocells that help to give us vision”
“A human cells is about 20 microns wide”
“Your skin cells are all dead”
“Brain cells last as long as you do.You are issued with a hundred billion at birth..you lose five hundred of them an hour”
“Leeuwenhoek…reported finding ‘animalcules’…’little animals’…they were protozoa…there were 8,280,000 of these tiny beings in a single drop of water”
“Others began to peer into microscopes with such keenness that they sometimes found things that weren’t in fact there…’tiny preformed men’ in sperm cells…little beings ‘homunculi’ and for some time many believed that all humans - indeed, all creatures - were simply vastly inflated versions of tiny but complete precursor beings”
“Nucleus from the latin nucula, meaning little nit or kernel”
“All living matter is cellular”
“cell theory”
“a complex chemical refinery”
“a vast teeming metropolis”
“There is no up or down in the cell”
“There is activity everywhere and a ceaseless thrum of electrical energy. You may not feel terribly electrical, but you are.”
“They have an outer casing or membrane, a nucleus wherein resides the necessary genetic information to keep you going, and a busy space between the two called the cytoplasm”
“Fatty material known as a lipid…’a light grade of machine oil’“
“Water becomes a kind of heavy - duty gel and a lipid is like iron”
“If you could visit a cell you wouldn’t like it. Blown up to a scale were about the size if peas, a cell itself would be a sphere roughly half a mile across, and supported by a complex framework of griders called the cytoskeleton. Within it, millions upon millions of objects - some the size of basket balls, others size of cars - would whiz about like bullets. There wouldn’t be a place you could stand without being pummelled and ripped thousands of times every second from every direction”
“Inside of a cell is a hazardous place. Each strand of DNA is on average attacked or damaged once every 8.4 seconds”
“Some types of protein exist for less than half an hour”
“The molecular world must necessarily remain entirely beyond the powers of our imagination”
“Performing up to a thousand tasks a second”
“A cell is just millions of objects - lysosomes, endosomes, ribosomes, ligands, peroxisomes, proteins of every size and shape - bumping into millions of energy from nutrients, assembling structures, getting rid of waste, warding off intruders, sending and receiving messages, making repairs.”
“Adenosine triphosphate or ATP…molecules are essentially little battery packs”
“If not told to live - if not given some kind of active instruction from another cell - cells automatically kill themselves”
“cancer cells are really just confused cells”
“cells communicate directly with their neighbours”
“It all just happens”
“perfect harmony right across the organism”
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2whatcom-blog · 5 years
Captain America vs. Thanos Who's on the Facet of Science
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Within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the place the Avengers battle on the large display screen, the mathematics appears fairly easy. Captain America equals good, Thanos equals unhealthy. Captain America equals proper, Thanos equals fallacious. Cap was designed by science, the Mad Titan makes use of magic to revamp the galaxy. Or does he? If we take a look at these two characters, the alternatives they make, how they got here to be and what they do, who's actually on the facet of science? To reply this query, we should enter the realm of gene enhancing the place we meet one thing that feels like one thing out of 1950s B film: CRISPR! A Nature Information article printed in 2015 even carried the B-movie title "CRISPR, The Disruptor." However whereas CRISPR has a sci-fi, cosmic-sounding ring to it, it's really derived from the interior workings of essentially the most historical life right here on earth: micro organism. A puzzle about sequencing patterns within the genome of bacterium Escherichia coli that started in 1987, deepened additional in 1995 when it was found that different microbes confirmed the identical sample of "clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats." That lengthy stretch of phrases birthed the acronym "CRISPR." So, the puzzling sequence had a reputation, however what did it do and why was it there? In 2007, meals scientists at Danisco observed that CRISPR represented DNA from viruses that assault micro organism. Similarly to your immune system sustaining a "hit list" of pathogens to assault, CRISPR represents an historical a part of the bacterial immune response that enables instantaneous recognition and concentrating on throughout a viral invasion. All of this could be neat and helpful however CRISPR would not be so "avenging" if all it may do was assist acknowledge an invader. It wants to have the ability to assault invaders too. That is the place CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins, all the time discovered close to the CRISPR sequences within the DNA, make a grand entrance. Scientists realized in 2012 that CRISPR could possibly be used within the best organic assault mission ever: gene enhancing. Cas proteins go in and chop up the DNA of viral attackers, thus destroying the virus and stopping it from replicating. Cas9 is essentially the most generally used enzyme and comes from Streptococcus pyogenes--the bacterium notorious for providing you with strep throat. DNA strands are then repaired if it is a gene deletion, or a brand new sequence (that may be both useful or damaging to the organism) may be inserted to change the host genome. More moderen discoveries like CRISPR-Cas3 are much more highly effective. Cas3 would not chop up the DNA however quite erases enormous stretches of it. If exact management of the erasure boundaries may be enabled, this holds much more energy and promise for gene enhancing. Utilizing these procedures in an embryonic (egg or sperm) cell permits the "edits" to be a part of the genetic code that goes to the following era as "inherited characteristics". So long as you already know the fitting sequence--a information RNA--to give the Cas9, you are able to do a cut-and-paste job into any genome. That is each thrilling and terrifying. In 2019 a mind-boggling document 13,200 modifications has been made to DNA of a single human cell utilizing CRISPR. This potential energy of CRISPR stimulated one of many principally hotly debated biomedical ethics problems with all time. There have been requires a moratorium on the usage of CRISPR for enhancing the human germ line--those cells like sperm and egg cells that cross genetic data to the following era. A number of teams ignored the calls, pressed forward, and used human embryos as take a look at beds to find out how nicely the method would possibly work. It did work, however there have been some points. Focusing on errors related to the information RNA gave "off-target repeats". Which means, it wasn't practically as exact as wanted for routine use in people and suggesting that it could be untimely to provide the method a scientific utility. Regardless of that, on November 28, 2018 researcher He Jiankui, from the Southern College of Science and Expertise in Guangdong, China, revealed that, in contravention of world moral protocols and regulatory oversight, he had carried out ex-vivo gene enhancing on two human embryos. The controversy rages on in our actuality, however within the fictional world of the Marvel Universe there isn't a controversy about utilizing gene enhancing to remodel the frail Steve Rogers into the superhuman super-soldier Captain America. Myostatin gene deletion for tremendous energy? Examine. APOE for cover in opposition to dementia? Examine. BDNF enhancement for reminiscence? Examine. IGF2R for calculating vital conundrums throughout fight? Examine and examine. Most folk haven't got an issue with such organic tinkering if it helps with illness or enhances people to battle for what's proper alongside the Avengers. CRISPR, although, is a way that cuts each methods and may be each good and unhealthy. Right here the unhealthy is how Thanos would possibly use gene enhancing to realize his finish objective of deleting half the lifetime of the universe. CRISPR methodology can be utilized to create and activate a "gene drive" mechanism that may have affect over a complete species inside a given inhabitants. Within the case of a gene drive, modifications may embrace intentionally "infecting" a inhabitants with defective genes mutated to be dysfunctional and pathological. Positively feels like a part of Thanos' job description! Spreading a genetic mutation in a complete inhabitants of organisms normally takes a very long time as a result of a mutation on considered one of a pair of chromosomes is inherited by solely half of the offspring. However a gene drive utilizing CRISPR produces a focused mutation that's then copied to each associate chromosome in each era. The mutation spreads extraordinarily quickly by a complete inhabitants. Whereas it isn't as quick as "the snap" Thanos used with the Infinity Gauntlet in Avengers: Infinity Struggle to instantly kill half the life within the galaxy, it is nonetheless extremely quick in organic phrases. In our actuality, inside a single season a gene drive could possibly be used to brush by and destroy a complete mosquito inhabitants carrying malaria or West Nile virus. This is able to represent an amazing advance for infectious illness management. Molecular biologists are involved with off-target propensities of the information RNA. The hazard is that the information RNA itself will most likely mutate whereas passing by successive generations. This can result in concentrating on different areas of the genome, which might then subsequently race by the inhabitants with unexpected penalties. However it could additionally disrupt predator-prey interactions that will be compromised by wiping out a complete inhabitants and will result in widespread collapse of complete ecosystems. Which brings us to the character of science. Scientific discoveries aren't good or unhealthy in the way in which we are able to consider characters within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Discoveries do not care about your intentions. As soon as data is acquired it may be utilized in many ways in which have been by no means supposed and even imagined by the discoverer. Knowledge to associate with data takes time to accumulate and we are sometimes too impatient to attend. Developed ecosystems reside in an natural steadiness. This steadiness is sustained by interactions throughout all species and all life throughout the ecosystem. If we contemplate the universe depicted by Marvel as a macro ecosystem, Thanos's makes an attempt to wipe out half of all life would consequence not in higher dwelling for the survivors (as he appears to suppose) however in a whole collapse of the dwelling world. Eliminating half of all organisms would destroy the net of relationships that connects all species. Equally, there are issues in our present actuality we could not learn about as implications of our choices, but we take them anyway and so can unwittingly convey on the downfall of our personal and associated ecosystems after we begin utilizing issues like gene drives. The late, nice Stan Lee mentioned "With great power must also come great responsibility." He was speaking about Spider-Man's origin story, however this phrase ought to resonate with us all on daily basis with each resolution we take. Scientific advances assist each the genetic engineering wanted to supply Captain America and the means to allow the cataclysmic and nefarious plan of Thanos. It could be okay to plunge forward with a dangerous galaxy-saving plan within the just-released film Avengers: Endgame, however in actual life gene enhancing we aren't taking part in video games. As a substitute of simply doing what may be performed as a result of we expect it is proper, we have to pause, replicate and train the accountability that's commensurate with our ever-increasing energy. Read the full article
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howellrichard · 5 years
14 Reasons Sugar is Toxic
In the 1970s, scientists were beginning to recognize the detrimental effects of sugar on the body. Fearing it would hurt their industry, executives of sugar companies paid off scientists and quickly squashed these findings. 
Soon, fat became the villain with more of it being taken out of food and replaced with sugar to maintain a decent taste. But, as illnesses and diseases became more prevalent, even without fat, it became obvious to many that these sugary substitutes were truly the instigator behind these. 
A Note on Sugar
When talking about sugar, it’s important to note that this refers to added sugars, not those naturally found in vegetables and fruits. This could include dextrose, sucrose, treacle, high fructose corn syrup, and several others. Often, these are hiding out in packaged foods, candy, lunch meats, and cured meats.
Immune Suppression
The first toxic effects on the body from eating sugar is immune suppression. Up to five hours after ingesting it, neutrophils, or white blood cells that defend the body, are still found to be lazy and not as responsive as they should be. This means that eating sugary substances throughout the day could lead to constantly suppressing neutrophils. 
In doing so, individuals are more susceptible to colds, flu, and immune type diseases, as well as an increased risk of cancer. While this may not occur with the occasional consumption of sweets, those who regularly consume sugary foods and drinks will be greatly impacted.
Fatty Liver Disease
Because the liver has a hard time processing fructose, which is found in most processed foods today, overconsumption of it can lead to fatty liver disease. This is non-alcoholic and non-drug induced liver damage that provides a toxic build-up over time. While many overseas countries use sucrose, which is not as devastating to the liver the U.S. still primarily uses fructose leading to catastrophic effects.
Accelerated Aging
Though more and more research is being done on this topic, many people don’t realize that excess sugar consumption can actually lead to accelerated aging. Eating too much can create a free radical reaction in the body that damages proteins and produces the compound AGEs, advanced glycation end products. 
The bloodstream becomes sticky affecting how proteins are folded and their ability to work well. These proteins are vital in delivering vitamins and nutrients to tissues in the body. Without them, the body cannot heal or repair as quickly and aging will occur faster because of damaged tissues and DNA.
Impaired Memory
Similarly, AGEs that are created through eating too many sugary substances can also create memory dysfunction. These AGEs end up in the brain which leads to inflammation and an inability of neurons to fire and communicate with each other. Because of this link, some are starting to call dementia “Type 3 Diabetes.”
Oral Inflammation
Everyone has heard that eating too much sugar can cause caries or cavities in the teeth, but few understand the lasting impact of this. Consuming sugary foods feeds the wrong bacteria in the mouth, producing acids and chemicals that affect the tooth enamel and create a cavity. Additionally, inflammation of the gums can occur, making collagen weaker and one more susceptible to losing teeth. 
Without teeth, individuals are unable to get proper nutrition. Chewing is the first step in the breakdown and absorption of food leading to vitamins and minerals. Without these, the body is unable to heal and repair, generate energy, boost the immune system, and protect itself from the environment.
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies
While it may seem odd, sugar can actually deplete the body of important vitamins and minerals. Essentially, it is an empty calorie, providing no nutritional value, but requiring B-vitamins and minerals like chromium, magnesium, zinc, and selenium to break it down and acquire energy. Over time, this can deplete the stores of these nutrients and leave an individual malnourished.
Increased Risk of Cancer
As mentioned, too much sugar consumption can suppress the immune system, leaving the body exposed to illness, disease, and even cancer. Cancer is the second-highest cause of death in the U.S. and many people are making it even harder to combat with their diet. Not only will it feed cancer cells, but it makes them stronger and provides a better capacity to grow.
Type 2 Diabetes
Though many don’t want to admit it, sugar is a causative agent of type 2 diabetes and it really is a disease of choice. Those who have it have the ability to put it into remission, but they must be willing to change their diet and stick with these changes long term.
Cardiovascular Disease
Another leading cause of death in the U.S. is cardiovascular disease. Again, with the overconsumption of sugars in the diet, AGEs are created leading to an inflammatory response in blood vessels and damage to the vascular endothelial lining. This can then lead to an increased chance of heart disease and atherosclerotic plaque formation.
Increased blood pressure and triglycerides, or fat in the bloodstream, can also occur. The body converts sugar into triglycerides and stores these as fat, eventually leading to fatty liver and weight gain.
While many are told by dermatologists that acne has nothing to do with diet, one of the most popular treatment plans for it is a vitamin A cream. Not only could this mean that an individual has a vitamin A deficiency, but it suggests there is something going on internally that is expressing itself externally.
Sugar causes an inflammatory process which can manifest as inflammatory acne. Additionally, it can really affect hormone levels. Men who switched to a low sugar diet saw a drop in estrogen by 25%, while too much in women is known to accelerate androgen production.
Behavior Problems
When given high levels of sugar, especially in children, an obvious decline in behavior is seen. Unfortunately, many school cafeterias are pumping students full of processed foods and then are frustrated when they don’t behave in a certain way. This leads to children being diagnosed with ADHD and placed on medication like Ritalin and Adderall, which affect the same receptors in the brain as cocaine.
However, improvement in behavior issues is as simple as changing the diet. One study found that students who were given nutritious food at lunch improved their academic performance by 17-18%. 
Candidiasis or yeast overgrowth can also occur with too much sugar consumption. While candida Albicans is a yeast naturally found in the body, it can quickly become problematic with diet. Too much sugar can cause it to grow in excess, taking vitamins and minerals from ingested food, the liver, and GI tract. 
As fermentation occurs, alcohol is produced in a condition known as Auto Brewery Syndrome. The byproduct of this condition is acetaldehyde which can lead to slow cognitive function and damage to the brain and liver.
Fertility Issues
Across the U.S. epidemic rates of infertility are occurring in both men and women which some are also tracing back to the rise of sugar consumption. In women, it is contributing to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or diabetes of the ovaries, while men are seeing their hormones affected and sperm mobility reduced. Though many are opting for fertility treatments and surgeries, it may be more beneficial to look at changing the diet before taking such drastic measures.
What is Food?
While this may seem like a silly question, it is one worth pondering as it relates to our diet. Food is supposed to provide nutrients which then help to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life – all of which sugar does not. So stop putting yourself at risk of these 14 detrimental effects and take steps to better your body and your health by making changes and improving your diet.
The post 14 Reasons Sugar is Toxic appeared first on Gluten-Free Society.
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jerrytackettca · 6 years
Genetic Editing of Animals Has Horrible Side Effects
Would you eat a burger made from a cow with lab-altered DNA? How about a potato or a piece of salmon that was similarly tweaked? Gene-editing technologies are here, and they're already being used to alter the food supply.
For instance, gene-edited crops, in which DNA is tweaked or snipped out at a precise location, include soybeans with altered fatty acid profiles, potatoes that take longer to turn brown and potatoes that remain fresher longer and do not produce carcinogens when fried.
Genetically engineered (GE) salmon, dubbed “frankenfish,” which are engineered to grow about twice as fast as typical farm-raised salmon, not only exist but are already being sold and eaten in Canada, to the tune of 5 tons in 2017 alone (none of which was labeled as such).1
The next step that biotech companies are racing to bring to the not-so-proverbial table is gene-edited farm animals. Unlike GE foods, which may have genes from other species inserted, gene editing involves altering an organism's DNA. Like GE foods, however, gene-edited foods come with unknown risks to the animals and the people who eat them.
Gene Editing Led to Enlarged Tongues, Extra Vertebrae and Other Side Effects
While scientists have made great strides in mapping out genomes of entire organisms, much remains unknown about the purpose of individual genes and how they interact with one another. As such, making tweaks to genes, even those intended to be precise, often lead to surprising and unintended consequences.
In the case of livestock, researchers have used CRISPR-Cas9 and other gene-editing technologies to create cows that can tolerate warmer temperatures (so they can be raised in the tropics), goats with longer cashmere wool and rabbits and pigs with bigger, leaner muscles. Serious side effects resulted, however, including enlarged tongues in the rabbits.2,3
Among pigs that were altered by deleting the myostatin (MSTN) gene, which limits muscle growth, the larger muscles came along with an extra vertebra in 20 percent of the gene-edited animals.
“This result provides us a new insight to better understand MSTN’s function in both skeletal and muscle formation and development in the future studies,” the researchers noted, adding, “This phenomenon has never been reported in other MSTN-mutant animals."4 And therein lies the problem.
Genetic tweaking is not an exact science, and often researchers don’t know the extent of a gene’s functions until something like an extra vertebra reveals itself. Lisa Moses, an animal bioethicist at Harvard Medical School’s Center for Bioethics, told The Wall Street Journal:5
"Humans have a very long history of messing around in nature with all kinds of unintended consequences … It's really hubris of us to assume that we know what we're doing and that we can predict what kinds of bad things can happen."
Gene Editing Is Being Used to Alter Physical Traits, Puberty and Diseases in Animals
Along with altering DNA to create meatier or more temperature-tolerant animals, researchers have snipped out a section of pig DNA intended to prevent Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) — a common and often fatal ailment among CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) pigs.6 Such edits are permanent and passed down to other generations.
In another project, this one funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, researchers have added the SRY gene to cattle, which results in female cows that turn into males, complete with larger muscles, a penis and testicles, but no ability to make sperm.7 Male (or male-like) cattle are more valuable to the beef industry because they get bigger, faster, allowing companies to make greater profits in less time.
Other biotech companies have taken to targeting genes intended to ease animal suffering, which they believe may soften regulators and consumers who are wary of the technology. "It's a better story to tell," Tammy Lee, CEO of Recombinetics, told the New York Post.8
The company has snipped out the genes responsible for growing horns in dairy cows, for instance, which means they wouldn't be subjected to the inhumane ways the horns are currently removed (with no pain relief).
Currently, cows born with the hornless trait are being raised at the University of California, Davis, with plans to eventually test their milk for any oddities. The company is also working on editing genes so pigs don't go through puberty. This would make castrating pigs — an inhumane procedure currently done (also without painkillers) to prevent meat from gaining an unpleasant odor — unnecessary.9
Recombinetics and other biotech companies don't want gene-edited foods to come with any warnings or additional regulations, which could hamper the technology's progress and acceptance by farmers. Once this occurs, though, it's likely that gene-editing will be used less for humanity's sake and more to create larger profits, such as via gene-editing to increase litter size.10
What Are the Consequences of Eating Gene-Edited Foods?
Foods produced via gene-editing are not subject to regulation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) — although an advisory board recommended gene-edited foods could not be labeled organic — or other regulatory agencies.11
In fact, in March 2018, the USDA released a statement noting that it would not regulate CRISPR-edited crops, noting, "With this approach, USDA seeks to allow innovation when there is no risk present."12
Gene editing, with its loose regulation, accessibility and quick results, has been called the next "food revolution,"13 at least for plant foods, but it's unclear whether the same will hold true for animals. In the U.S., it's been proposed that gene-edited foods do not need to be labeled, either, but the European Union ruled that they should be regulated the same as genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Jaydee Hanson, an analyst at advocacy group the Center for Food Safety, told National Geographic that this may be closer to reality. "This is the new kind of genetic engineering, whether you call it transgenic [GMO] or not. It should be adequately regulated. We're not saying it should be stopped — we should know what has been done."14
As for what the health effects of eating gene-edited foods may be, no one knows. In an interview with GM Watch, Michael Antoniou, a London-based molecular geneticist, explained that significant changes could occur due to genetic editing, in both agricultural and medical contexts, necessitating long-term safety and toxicity studies. He explained:15
"Many of the genome editing-induced off-target mutations, as well as those induced by the tissue culture, will no doubt be benign in terms of effects on gene function. However, many will not be benign and their effects can carry through to the final marketed product, whether it be plant or animal …
Thus not only is it necessary to conduct whole genome sequencing to identify all off-target mutations from CRISPR-based genome editing, but it is also essential to ascertain the effects of these unintended changes on global patterns of gene function.
… In addition, it is important to acknowledge that the targeted intended change in a given gene may also have unintended effects. For example, the total disruption or modification of an enzyme function can lead to unexpected or unpredictable biochemical side-reactions that can markedly alter the composition of an organism, such as a food crop.
The compositional alterations in food products produced with genome editing techniques will not be fully revealed by the molecular profiling methods due to the current inherent limitations of these techniques. So it is still necessary to conduct long-term toxicity studies in established animal model systems. In the absence of these analyses, to claim that genome editing is precise and predictable is based on faith rather than science."
Gene Editing May Not Be as Precise as It Seems
Researchers at the U.K.'s Wellcome Sanger Institute systematically studied mutations from CRISPR-Cas9 in mouse and human cells, focusing on the gene-editing target site. Large genetic rearrangements were observed, including DNA deletions and insertions, that were spotted near the target site.
They were far enough away, however, that standard tests looking for CRISPR-related DNA damage would miss them. The DNA deletions could end up activating genes that should stay "off," such as cancer-causing genes, as well as silencing those that should be "on."16
CRISPR-Cas9 also leads to the activation of the p53 gene, which works to either repair the DNA break or kill off the CRISPR-edited cell.17 CRISPR actually has a low efficacy rate for this reason, and CRISPR-edited cells that survive are able to do so because of a dysfunctional p53.
The problem is that p53 dysfunction is also linked to cancer (including close to half of ovarian and colorectal cancers and a sizable portion of lung, pancreatic, stomach, breast and liver cancers as well).18
In one recent study, researchers were able to boost average insertion or deletion efficiency to greater than 80 percent, but that was because of a dysfunctional p53 gene,19 which would mean the cells could be predisposed to cancer. The fact remains that while these new technologies are fascinating with enormous potential to change the world, they're highly experimental and the stakes are high.
In 2018, He Jiankui, a Chinese scientist, claimed to have created the world's first gene-edited babies. Although the claims haven't been vetted, Jiankui says he modified the DNA of human embryos during in vitro fertilization by disabling a gene called CCR5, which could potentially make the babies resistant to infection with HIV.20
Americans Don't Want Frankenfish — Why Would They Want 'Frankenmeat'?
In the U.S., negative public opinion has been instrumental in keeping GE fish off store shelves. In 2013, a New York Times poll revealed that 75 percent of respondents would not eat GE fish and 93 percent said such foods should be labeled as such.21
The argument for gene-edited foods has been that they’re somehow more natural than GE foods, as they don’t have foreign genes inserted, only tweaks to already existing DNA. But is a meat from a mutant pig with extra muscle and vertebrae really the same as meat from a wild pig?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed to classify animals with edited or engineered DNA as drugs, prompting backlash from the biotech industry,22 but the fact remains that we're dealing with a whole new world when it comes to food from gene-edited animals — and consumers deserve to know what they're eating.
Only then can you make an informed decision about whether or not to consume gene-edited or GE foods. Without a label, however, if such foods come to the market they'll blend right into the food chain with unknown consequences, just as has been done with GMOs in the past.
Further, since the genetic alterations are permanent and capable of being passed on to new generations, the technology has lasting ramifications for the environment and the natural world should the altered traits enter surrounding ecosystems. While such advancements in technology will undoubtedly be explored, it should be done with an abundance of caution and full disclosure to consumers.
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/03/12/genetic-editing-of-animals-has-side-effects.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/genetic-editing-of-animals-has-horrible-side-effects
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paullassiterca · 6 years
Genetic Editing of Animals Has Horrible Side Effects
Would you eat a burger made from a cow with lab-altered DNA? How about a potato or a piece of salmon that was similarly tweaked? Gene-editing technologies are here, and they’re already being used to alter the food supply.
For instance, gene-edited crops, in which DNA is tweaked or snipped out at a precise location, include soybeans with altered fatty acid profiles, potatoes that take longer to turn brown and potatoes that remain fresher longer and do not produce carcinogens when fried.
Genetically engineered (GE) salmon, dubbed “frankenfish,” which are engineered to grow about twice as fast as typical farm-raised salmon, not only exist but are already being sold and eaten in Canada, to the tune of 5 tons in 2017 alone (none of which was labeled as such).1
The next step that biotech companies are racing to bring to the not-so-proverbial table is gene-edited farm animals. Unlike GE foods, which may have genes from other species inserted, gene editing involves altering an organism’s DNA. Like GE foods, however, gene-edited foods come with unknown risks to the animals and the people who eat them.
Gene Editing Led to Enlarged Tongues, Extra Vertebrae and Other Side Effects
While scientists have made great strides in mapping out genomes of entire organisms, much remains unknown about the purpose of individual genes and how they interact with one another. As such, making tweaks to genes, even those intended to be precise, often lead to surprising and unintended consequences.
In the case of livestock, researchers have used CRISPR-Cas9 and other gene-editing technologies to create cows that can tolerate warmer temperatures (so they can be raised in the tropics), goats with longer cashmere wool and rabbits and pigs with bigger, leaner muscles. Serious side effects resulted, however, including enlarged tongues in the rabbits.2,3
Among pigs that were altered by deleting the myostatin (MSTN) gene, which limits muscle growth, the larger muscles came along with an extra vertebra in 20 percent of the gene-edited animals.
“This result provides us a new insight to better understand MSTN’s function in both skeletal and muscle formation and development in the future studies,” the researchers noted, adding, “This phenomenon has never been reported in other MSTN-mutant animals.“4 And therein lies the problem.
Genetic tweaking is not an exact science, and often researchers don’t know the extent of a gene’s functions until something like an extra vertebra reveals itself. Lisa Moses, an animal bioethicist at Harvard Medical School’s Center for Bioethics, told The Wall Street Journal:5
"Humans have a very long history of messing around in nature with all kinds of unintended consequences … It’s really hubris of us to assume that we know what we’re doing and that we can predict what kinds of bad things can happen.”
Gene Editing Is Being Used to Alter Physical Traits, Puberty and Diseases in Animals
Along with altering DNA to create meatier or more temperature-tolerant animals, researchers have snipped out a section of pig DNA intended to prevent Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) — a common and often fatal ailment among CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) pigs.6 Such edits are permanent and passed down to other generations.
In another project, this one funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, researchers have added the SRY gene to cattle, which results in female cows that turn into males, complete with larger muscles, a penis and testicles, but no ability to make sperm.7 Male (or male-like) cattle are more valuable to the beef industry because they get bigger, faster, allowing companies to make greater profits in less time.
Other biotech companies have taken to targeting genes intended to ease animal suffering, which they believe may soften regulators and consumers who are wary of the technology. “It’s a better story to tell,” Tammy Lee, CEO of Recombinetics, told the New York Post.8
The company has snipped out the genes responsible for growing horns in dairy cows, for instance, which means they wouldn’t be subjected to the inhumane ways the horns are currently removed (with no pain relief).
Currently, cows born with the hornless trait are being raised at the University of California, Davis, with plans to eventually test their milk for any oddities. The company is also working on editing genes so pigs don’t go through puberty. This would make castrating pigs — an inhumane procedure currently done (also without painkillers) to prevent meat from gaining an unpleasant odor — unnecessary.9
Recombinetics and other biotech companies don’t want gene-edited foods to come with any warnings or additional regulations, which could hamper the technology’s progress and acceptance by farmers. Once this occurs, though, it’s likely that gene-editing will be used less for humanity’s sake and more to create larger profits, such as via gene-editing to increase litter size.10
What Are the Consequences of Eating Gene-Edited Foods?
Foods produced via gene-editing are not subject to regulation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) — although an advisory board recommended gene-edited foods could not be labeled organic — or other regulatory agencies.11
In fact, in March 2018, the USDA released a statement noting that it would not regulate CRISPR-edited crops, noting, “With this approach, USDA seeks to allow innovation when there is no risk present.”12
Gene editing, with its loose regulation, accessibility and quick results, has been called the next “food revolution,”13 at least for plant foods, but it’s unclear whether the same will hold true for animals. In the U.S., it’s been proposed that gene-edited foods do not need to be labeled, either, but the European Union ruled that they should be regulated the same as genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Jaydee Hanson, an analyst at advocacy group the Center for Food Safety, told National Geographic that this may be closer to reality. “This is the new kind of genetic engineering, whether you call it transgenic [GMO] or not. It should be adequately regulated. We’re not saying it should be stopped — we should know what has been done.”14
As for what the health effects of eating gene-edited foods may be, no one knows. In an interview with GM Watch, Michael Antoniou, a London-based molecular geneticist, explained that significant changes could occur due to genetic editing, in both agricultural and medical contexts, necessitating long-term safety and toxicity studies. He explained:15
“Many of the genome editing-induced off-target mutations, as well as those induced by the tissue culture, will no doubt be benign in terms of effects on gene function. However, many will not be benign and their effects can carry through to the final marketed product, whether it be plant or animal …
Thus not only is it necessary to conduct whole genome sequencing to identify all off-target mutations from CRISPR-based genome editing, but it is also essential to ascertain the effects of these unintended changes on global patterns of gene function.
… In addition, it is important to acknowledge that the targeted intended change in a given gene may also have unintended effects. For example, the total disruption or modification of an enzyme function can lead to unexpected or unpredictable biochemical side-reactions that can markedly alter the composition of an organism, such as a food crop.
The compositional alterations in food products produced with genome editing techniques will not be fully revealed by the molecular profiling methods due to the current inherent limitations of these techniques. So it is still necessary to conduct long-term toxicity studies in established animal model systems. In the absence of these analyses, to claim that genome editing is precise and predictable is based on faith rather than science.”
Gene Editing May Not Be as Precise as It Seems
Researchers at the U.K.’s Wellcome Sanger Institute systematically studied mutations from CRISPR-Cas9 in mouse and human cells, focusing on the gene-editing target site. Large genetic rearrangements were observed, including DNA deletions and insertions, that were spotted near the target site.
They were far enough away, however, that standard tests looking for CRISPR-related DNA damage would miss them. The DNA deletions could end up activating genes that should stay “off,” such as cancer-causing genes, as well as silencing those that should be “on.”16
CRISPR-Cas9 also leads to the activation of the p53 gene, which works to either repair the DNA break or kill off the CRISPR-edited cell.17 CRISPR actually has a low efficacy rate for this reason, and CRISPR-edited cells that survive are able to do so because of a dysfunctional p53.
The problem is that p53 dysfunction is also linked to cancer (including close to half of ovarian and colorectal cancers and a sizable portion of lung, pancreatic, stomach, breast and liver cancers as well).18
In one recent study, researchers were able to boost average insertion or deletion efficiency to greater than 80 percent, but that was because of a dysfunctional p53 gene,19 which would mean the cells could be predisposed to cancer. The fact remains that while these new technologies are fascinating with enormous potential to change the world, they’re highly experimental and the stakes are high.
In 2018, He Jiankui, a Chinese scientist, claimed to have created the world’s first gene-edited babies. Although the claims haven’t been vetted, Jiankui says he modified the DNA of human embryos during in vitro fertilization by disabling a gene called CCR5, which could potentially make the babies resistant to infection with HIV.20
Americans Don’t Want Frankenfish — Why Would They Want ‘Frankenmeat’?
In the U.S., negative public opinion has been instrumental in keeping GE fish off store shelves. In 2013, a New York Times poll revealed that 75 percent of respondents would not eat GE fish and 93 percent said such foods should be labeled as such.21
The argument for gene-edited foods has been that they’re somehow more natural than GE foods, as they don’t have foreign genes inserted, only tweaks to already existing DNA. But is a meat from a mutant pig with extra muscle and vertebrae really the same as meat from a wild pig?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed to classify animals with edited or engineered DNA as drugs, prompting backlash from the biotech industry,22 but the fact remains that we’re dealing with a whole new world when it comes to food from gene-edited animals — and consumers deserve to know what they’re eating.
Only then can you make an informed decision about whether or not to consume gene-edited or GE foods. Without a label, however, if such foods come to the market they’ll blend right into the food chain with unknown consequences, just as has been done with GMOs in the past.
Further, since the genetic alterations are permanent and capable of being passed on to new generations, the technology has lasting ramifications for the environment and the natural world should the altered traits enter surrounding ecosystems. While such advancements in technology will undoubtedly be explored, it should be done with an abundance of caution and full disclosure to consumers.
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/03/12/genetic-editing-of-animals-has-side-effects.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/183396986291
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urvashiela-blog · 6 years
What Causes Male Infertility?
Generation (or making a baby) is a basic and common experience for generally couples. In any case, for a few couples it is exceptionally hard to imagine.
A man's fertility for the most part depends on the amount and nature of his sperm. On the off chance that the quantity of sperm a man discharges is low or if the sperm are of a low quality, it will be troublesome, and once in a while incomprehensible, for him to cause a pregnancy.
Male infertility is analyzed when, in the wake of testing the two accomplices, conceptive issues have been found in the male.
Male infertility is generally caused by issues that influence either sperm creation or sperm transport. Through restorative testing, the specialist might have the capacity to discover the reason for the issue.
Around 66% of fruitless men have an issue with making sperm in the testicles. Either low quantities of sperm are made or potentially the sperm that are made don't work appropriately.
Sperm transport issues are found in around one in each five fruitless men, including men who have had a vasectomy yet now wish to have more youngsters. Blockages (regularly alluded to as hindrances) in the tubes driving sperm far from the testicles to the penis can cause a total absence of sperm in the discharged semen.
Different less regular reasons for infertility include: sexual issues that influence whether semen can enter the woman's vagina for treatment to happen (one out of 100 fruitless couples); low levels of hormones made in the pituitary organ that follow up on the testicles (one out of 100 barren men); and sperm antibodies (found in one of every 16 fruitless men). In most men sperm antibodies won't influence the shot of a pregnancy however in a few men sperm antibodies diminish fertility.
On your way through fertility mind, it's anything but difficult to overlook that men are a large portion of the condition - half of infertility cases are male variables. This is awful on the grounds that testing for male infertility is a basic, minimal effort, and non-intrusive method. All the more essentially, most causes can be effectively treated.
To take out the pressure and time of the exploration procedure, we made a straightforward 10 stage explainer about male infertility causes and treatment alternatives for couples endeavoring to get pregnant.
Infertility treatment is characterized as the powerlessness to imagine a tyke inside one year of unprotected sex. What's not constantly refreshing is that in half of the cases, men assume a critical part in the couple's infertility. Another method for taking a gander at this is 7% of men experience the ill effects of infertility. Ailment, damage, age, interminable medical issues, way of life decisions, and different variables can add to male infertility.
Sperm are made from primordial germ cells in the testicles. Joined with nutritive liquid from the prostate organ, around 300 million sperm shape the discharge. On the female side, ladies ovulate once every month, sending an egg down into the uterus. Sex whenever inside the five days before ovulation may prompt a pregnancy. Sex at different occasions, even the day directly after ovulation, won't prompt origination. After origination, the mix of the sperm and egg prompts embryogenesis (the main phases of new life).
Male factor infertility adds to the couples infertility in around half of the cases.
A couple of causes are:
– Varicocele (broadened veins in the gonads)
– Undescended gonad
– Disease in the gonad or prostate
– Chemotherapy for growth
– Anabolic Steroids
– Hereditary Variations from the norm
An expected 20-35% of men are "analyzed" with unexplained infertility. Implying that all the symptomatic tests look typical for them and their mate, in any case, they are as yet unfit to imagine without knowing why.
Headways in diagnosing male infertility has been extremely constrained in the course of the most recent quite a few years. Indeed, the last real progression was the revelation of DNA fracture as a biomarker for understanding IVF cycle disappointments, which was found in 1980. Episona trusts that the revelation of the relationship between unusual sperm DNA methylation and male infertility will alter how we analyze men's conceptive wellbeing.
The objective of fertility treatment is origination, pregnancy, and the introduction of your tyke. in the event that careful methodologies, for example, varicocele repair, don't right the infertility, more forceful systems are typically the subsequent stage. In these cases, sperm are regularly gathered from the discharge and acquainted with the egg through intrauterine insemination(IUI) where sperm are infused into the uterus, in-vitro techniques (IVF), or infused straightforwardly into the egg (IVF-ICSI). Achievement rates and expenses change for every procedure, except regularly IVF and IVF-ICSI are more effective, factually, than IUI yet cost around 10X to such an extent.
A little level of male infertility is caused by hormonal issues. The hypothalamus-pituitary endocrine framework manages the chain of hormonal occasions that empowers testicles to create and viably disperse sperm. A few things can turn out badly with the hypothalamus-pituitary endocrine framework:
The cerebrum can neglect to discharge gonadotrophic-discharging hormone (GnRH) appropriately. GnRH empowers the hormonal pathway that causes testosterone blend and sperm creation. An interruption in
GnRH discharge prompts an absence of testosterone and a suspension in sperm creation. The pituitary can neglect to create enough lutenizing hormone (LH) and follicle invigorating hormone
(FSH) to fortify the testicles and testosterone/sperm creation. LH and FSH are intermediates in the hormonal pathway in charge of testosterone and sperm creation.
The testicles' Leydig cells may not create testosterone in light of LH incitement.
A male may create different hormones and substance mixes which meddle with the accompanying is a rundown of hormonal issue which can upset male infertility:
Lifted prolactin- - a hormone related with nursing moms, is found in 10 to 40 percent of barren guys. Mellow height of prolactin levels delivers no side effects, however more prominent rises of the hormone diminishes sperm creation, decreases drive and may cause weakness. This condition reacts well to the medication Parlodel (bromocriptine).
Low thyroid hormone levels- - can cause poor semen quality, poor testicular capacity and may bother drive. May be caused by an eating regimen high in iodine. Lessening iodine admission or starting thyroid hormone substitution treatment can raise sperm check. This condition is found in just 1 percent of fruitless men.
Dr. Sunil Eshwar
Dr. Sunil Eshwar is an eminent Obstetrician and Gynecological Specialist with over a time of involvement in the field. Conceived and taught in south Bangalore, Dr. Eshwar moved on from Bangalore Therapeutic School in 2000. He did his post graduation in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the lofty Jawahar Organization of Medicinal Instruction and Research,(JIPMER) Puducherry. Holding an ordeal of 17 years, his subject matters incorporates treatment like Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) and In Vitro Fertilization(IVF). Dr. Sunil Eshwar is at present proceeding with his training at Apollo Fertility, Bengaluru.
Apollo Fertility
Apollo Fertility offers end to end administrations beginning from analysis to treatment lastly origination. Treatment of each couple is disregarded by a group of specialists taking a shot at individualized treatment to give the best outcomes. Administrations given by this middle are Infertility Treatment Laparoscopy, Dysmenorrhea Treatment, High-Hazard Pregnancy Care, Ultrasound Output, Cesarean Segment (C Area), Gynecologist/Obstetrician, Fetal Pharmaceutical, HSG and Ovulation Enlistment.
sperm count
causes of male infertility
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sherristockman · 6 years
Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist Reveals the Hidden Dangers of Electric Fields Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola In the featured video, Xiren, host of Know How Things Work, interviews Oram Miller, building biology environmental consultant, electromagnetic radiation specialist in Los Angeles, and director of learning and development for the Institute for Building Biology and Ecology (IBE, http://www.hbelc.org). Many of Miller’s clients have electromagnetic sensitivities, but some simply want to have as healthy an environment as possible. In some cases, he’ll assess electromagnetic field (EMF) levels in a home before the client purchases the home or moves into an office space. In addition to writing about the health hazards of EMF on his website, https://ift.tt/2Ix4wRw, Miller also lectures on this topic, and has been interviewed a number of times. He also co-written a book called “Breathing Walls,”1 which details design protocols to avoid and eliminate mold and chemical outgassing in new and remodeled homes. One key focus of this EMF interview, which is typically overlooked, is the importance of measuring electric fields and not just magnetic fields. Electric fields are sort of the “unknown EMF,” Miller says, but can have just as detrimental an effect on your health as other more well-known EMFs on everybody’s minds today. Factors That Affect the Health of Your Home As mentioned in this interview, a wide array of factors affect the health of your home — and you. This includes factors that affect indoor air quality, such as mold, chemical outgassing, radon, asbestos, lead, natural gas, carbon monoxide and more. Then there’s the EMF sources: AC electric fields at 60 Hz (the “E” component of EMF) from house wiring and corded appliances (especially ungrounded ones; cords that have only two prongs rather than three) AC Magnetic fields at 60 Hz (the “M” component of EMF) from power lines, wiring errors on house wiring, current on grounding paths, and from motors and transformers (“point sources”) Radio frequencies (RF) from cellphones, smart meters, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in just about everything these days “Dirty electricity” from transient voltage spikes from 2 to 100 KHz Wiring errors, found in up to one-third of homes in the US, along with current on grounding paths such as incoming metal water service supply pipes and TV cables, are common sources of magnetic fields. IBE recommends a knowledgeable electrician and plumber to remediate and correct these problems. Likewise, unshielded plastic-jacketed (Romex) wiring is a common source of another type of EMF, called electric fields, which are an unknown source of EMFs in all homes. Unfortunately, many in the EMF community don’t know that electric fields hide within their homes and often don’t look for them when measuring EMFs, Miller says. Yet, electric fields have long been one of the most disease causing types of EMFs in homes over the decades (with wireless devices now fast catching up and dirty electricity also being widely present). Electric and magnetic fields must be measured separately. Some of the EMF meters in use over the years have not been sensitive enough, measuring only extremely high electric fields that are far above what IBE considers dangerous. New combination EMF meters, fortunately, are now far more sensitive than older models when measuring electric and radio frequency fields. When it comes to choosing a new home, three primary EMF sources that will cause Miller to tell a client to not purchase the home are:2 overhead or underground powerlines with excessively high magnetic fields (because shielding is not effective), a cell phone tower in close proximity, and/or ungrounded nonmetallic Romex circuits, which cause high electric fields and prevent the grounding of computers and appliances. Most other sources of EMFs can be mitigated, including EMFs from wiring errors, electric currents on grounding paths, and RFs from indoor and most outdoor wireless sources. Health Effects of EMF Exposure While skepticism still prevails, there’s extensive — and growing — research showing EMFs are harmful to human health. “There are considerable [biological] changes that occur,” Miller says. For example, research has shown EMFs:3 Create excess oxidative stress EMFs activate voltage gated calcium channels located in the outer membrane of your cells.4,5,6,7,8 Once activated, the VGCCs open up, allowing an abnormal influx of calcium ions into the cell. The excess calcium triggers a chemical cascade that results in the creation of peroxynitrites, extremely potent oxidant stressors believed to be a root cause for many of today’s chronic diseases. Inside your body, peroxynitrites modify tyrosine molecules in proteins to create a new substance, nitrotyrosine and nitration of structural protein.9 Changes from nitration are visible in human biopsy of atherosclerosis, myocardial ischemia, inflammatory bowel disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and septic lung disease.10 Open the blood-brain barrier, allowing toxins to enter your brain Fragment DNA Studies have shown EMFs cause DNA fragmentation. Significant oxidative stress from peroxynitrites may also result in single-strand breaks of DNA.11 Damage mitochondria, and impair proton flow and ATP production The enzyme ATP synthase — which passes currents of protons through a water channel, similar to current passing through a wire — generates energy in the form ATP from ADP, using this flow of protons. Magnetic fields can change the transparency of the water channel to protons, thereby reducing the current. As a result, you get less ATP, which can have system-wide consequences, from promoting chronic disease and infertility to lowering intelligence. Alter cellular function due to excessive charge In a previous interview, Alasdair Philips, founder of Powerwatch,12 explained how EMF exposure alters cellular function by way of excessive charges. Essentially, the cell functions as a gel, held together by electric charge. When the charge becomes excessive due to a massive influx of electrons, the function of the cell is disrupted. Raise the risk for abnormal cell growth and cancer, including leukemia and cancer of the brain, acoustic nerve, salivary gland, eyes, testes, thyroid and breast As early as 2011, the evidence was strong enough for the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization, to declare cellphones a Group 2B “possible carcinogen.”13 Since then, a number of studies have found support for EMF having carcinogenic potential, including two recent government-funded studies.14,15,16 Has neurological effects Studies dating back to the 1950s and ‘60s show the nervous system is the organ most sensitive to EMFs. Some of these studies show massive changes in the structure of neurons, including cell death and synaptic dysfunction. Consequences of chronic EMF exposure to the brain include anxiety, depression, autism and Alzheimer’s disease, which Martin Pall, Ph.D., details in a 2016 paper.17 Contributes to reproductive problems in both sexes For example, prenatal exposure to magnetic fields can nearly triple a pregnant woman’s risk of miscarriage. Several other studies have come to similar conclusions.19,20,21,22,23 In men, studies show EMF radiation from cellphones and laptops reduces sperm motility and viability,24,25 and increases sperm DNA fragmentation.26 Alters your microbiome, turning what might otherwise be beneficial microbes pathogenic. This too can have far-ranging health effects, since we now know your microbiome plays an important role in health. Why Some People Develop Symptoms and Others Don’t Researchers agree that nearly all people exposed to EMFs are in fact biologically affected by them. However, only one-third develop symptoms. The difference between these individuals and the two-thirds that do not develop symptoms is that asymptomatic individuals still have the capacity to repair the cellular damage that is being incurred. That doesn’t mean you’ll remain asymptomatic forever, though. Once the accumulated damage reaches a certain level, symptoms will begin to develop. Common warning signs and symptoms include ringing in the ears, dizziness, heart palpitations, headaches, insomnia, foggy thinking and chronic fatigue. Over time, the cellular and mitochondrial damage being generated can set the stage and contribute to any number of health problems, including cancer. However, it’s important to remember that the primary hazard of EMFs, including cellphone radiation, is not cancer but, rather, systemic cellular and mitochondrial damage, which threatens health in general and can contribute to any number of health problems and chronic diseases. Protecting Yourself From Excessive EMF Is Important for Optimal Health There’s no doubt in my mind that EMF exposure is a significant health hazard that needs to be addressed — especially if you’re already struggling with chronic health issues, as your recovery will be severely hampered if your body is constantly assaulted by these unnatural fields. As stressed by Miller in this interview, be particularly mindful of electric fields, as these often get overlooked, as well as the many wireless devices you keep close to your body all day long. The good news is there are a number of ways to reduce unnecessary exposure to EMFs — be they electric fields, magnetic fields, RF and/or dirty electricity — and many are quite inexpensive or free. One of the best prevention strategies I've found so far is to reduce exposure to voltage transients that are on your electric wires typically in the 2 to 100 KHz range (commonly referred to as “dirty electricity”), while also reducing exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) electric field frequencies in the 60 Hz range. Both are especially important to do during sleep, as this is a most important time for your brain. During deep sleep, your brain's glymphatic system is activated, allowing it to detoxify and eliminate accumulated waste products, including amyloid-beta proteins, which are a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, 60 Hz AC electric fields from the hot (live) wire of plastic-jacketed circuits found in walls and floors extend 6 to 8 feet into a room, as well as from plastic power cords that you plug in. These electric fields encompass your entire body when you sleep, even when you shut lights off, as most beds are near a wall. They are not, however, as much of a problem for most healthy people in the daytime, except when you are near lamps or use ungrounded computers. Electric fields come from voltage, not current, and pass right through sheetrock and plastic insulation. It is important to know that electric fields at 60 Hz from house wiring and plastic cords are always present, even in homes with little or no dirty electricity. Electric fields are not reduced by plugging in dirty electricity filters but rather by turning off breakers, using metal-clad circuits in walls, and by rewiring lamp cords with shielded cable, such as MuCord. Electric fields from house wiring and plastic cords within 6 to 8 feet of your bed prevent the release of melatonin from your pineal gland at night when you sleep. Melatonin prevents hormone-dependent tumors, infections, insomnia, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. It also promotes detoxification of the liver and lymphatic system, helping to avoid multiple chemical sensitivities. Improvements in these conditions are reported by clients of building biologists who reduce AC electric fields in sleeping areas as part of their routine EMF evaluations. Avoiding AC electric fields at night allows the body to spend more time in deep, restorative stage four sleep every ninety minutes during our sleep cycles. This results in more restful sleep and more energy in the daytime. In most areas, the only way to accomplish this is by turning off the electricity around your bed by flipping the circuit breaker(s) that run to and through your bedroom. Miller advises this is best done in conjunction with a trained building biologist (https://ift.tt/2LeZKd9). Electricians can then install a cut-off switch so you can shut these circuits off remotely from your bedroom. Remedial Strategies to Lower EMF Exposure Below are several suggestions, many by Oram Miller himself, that will help reduce your EMF exposure. You can also find guidance and solutions for mitigating electric and magnetic fields at the end of Miller’s “Healthy Wiring Practices”27 document. There, he also discusses specific workarounds for various devices, including cellphones, MacBooks, Roku and Apple TV. Nighttime remediation Flip off breakers (or a remote switch) at night to circuits in and around your bedroom to reduce 60 Hz AC electric fields. If you have metal-clad wiring and can keep your breakers on at night, use manual or remote plug-in switches at outlets to kill power to plastic lamp cords within 6-8 feet of the bed, or rewire lamps with MuCord from LessEMF.com. Almost all dirty electricity in the bedroom will automatically be eliminated when you sleep if you flip off breakers to reduce 60 Hz AC electric fields, because dirty electricity rides on the voltage, which will be switched off. If you have metal-clad wiring, voltage will stay on. In that case, use filters to remove voltage transients from your electricity and use meters to confirm that they are in a safe range. Keep filters more away from the bed, as they emit a localized magnetic field of about 2 to 3 feet. Use a battery-powered alarm clock, ideally one without any light. I use a talking clock for the visually impaired.28 Consider moving your baby’s bed into your room, or keep doors open between your bedrooms, instead of using a wireless baby monitor. Alternatively, use a hard-wired monitor. If you must use Wi-Fi, shut it off when not in use, especially at night when you are sleeping. For more extensive RF shielding, you can consider painting your bedroom walls and ceiling (and floor, if necessary) with special shielding paint, which will block RF from inside, as well as outside sources, such as cell towers, smart meters, radio/TV towers and neighbors’ Wi-Fi routers and cordless telephones in an apartment or condo building. Windows can be covered with metal window screen or transparent film. Line your curtains with RF-shielding fabric. For your bed, consider a shielding bed canopy. Daytime strategies to reduce unnecessary EMF exposure To reduce an important type of EMF exposure during the daytime, consider using Stetzer filters to decrease the level of dirty electricity or electromagnetic interference being generated. You can also take these with you to work or when you travel. This may be the single best strategy to reduce the damage from EMF exposure coming from voltage transients since it appears that most of them are generated by the frequencies that the filters remove. Avoid daytime 60 Hz electric fields when using your computer by making sure it has a three-pronged, grounded plug rather than a two-pronged, ungrounded plug. Disconnect the two-pronged adapter on your Apple MacBook transformer and connect a grounded AC power cord. If your PC laptop has a power cord with a two-pronged plug, connect a USB Ground Cord from LessEMF.com to a USB port on your computer and a properly grounded outlet. You can order shielded AC power cords for any PC computer tower or iMac from Safe Living Technologies (slt.co) or Electrahealth.com. You can connect to the internet with iPhones and iPads while in airplane mode using a Lightning to Ethernet adapter and putting the device in airplane mode. You will need a Cat-6 or 7 shielded, grounded Ethernet cable as well as an Ethernet grounding adapter kit from Electrahealth.com to avoid electric fields. Metal lamps emit high electric fields because the metal, especially in floor lamps, amplifies electric fields. Reduce this by rewiring with shielded MuCord from LessEMF.com. Keep unshielded power cords away from your legs and feet at your home (and office) computer to avoid electric fields while you work. Transformers plugged into surge protectors under your desk emit high magnetic fields. Move them more than 2 to 3 feet away from your feet. Connect your desktop computer to the internet via a wired Ethernet connection. Then, just as importantly, be sure to put your desktop in airplane mode. Also avoid wireless keyboards, trackballs, mice, game systems, printers and portable house phones. Opt for the wired versions and disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth whenever possible. Ideally, work toward hardwiring your house so you can eliminate Wi-Fi altogether. Remember to always manually shut off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on your router and computer when you do so. That does not happen automatically when you plug in an Ethernet cable. It’s important to realize that if you have a Wi-Fi router, you essentially have a cellphone tower inside your home. Even more importantly, remember that the device right in front of you that communicates with the router also sends out harmful RF signals, right into your body. Most people forget about this because radio signals are invisible. You cannot see or smell them like you can cigarette smoke, and they are silent. Ideally, you’d eliminate your Wi-Fi and simply use a wired connection to get on the internet. If you absolutely must have a router, you can place it inside a shielded pouch or wire mesh box and then move it as far away from where you sit as possible. Never have the router in a bedroom or within 15 to 20 feet of one. You can find shielded pouches and mesh boxes online, or make your own using Swiss Shield fabric. If you have a newer, thinner laptop without any Ethernet ports, various adapters will allow you to connect to the internet with a wired Ethernet connection from any Thunderbolt, USB or USB-C port. This is also true for the Lightning port on iPhones and iPads. Keep electric field EMFs low when you do this (see above). When looking for a corded telephone for your landline or VoIP connection, be careful not to purchase a hybrid corded/cordless model. They have a corded handset but contain a wireless transmitter inside that is always on. Look for the designation “DECT 6.0” on the box and phone, as well as a cordless extension inside the box. Even if you never use the extension, the base unit continues to silently transmit a radio frequency signal 24/7, especially when sitting on your bedside table, desk or kitchen counter. Switch to corded landline telephones and use them when at home. Call forward your cellphone to your landline number when home and put your cellphone in airplane mode. Avoid carrying your cellphone on your body unless in airplane mode and never sleep with it in your bedroom unless it is in airplane mode. Even in airplane mode some cellphones can emit signals, which is why I put my phone in a Faraday bag.29 When using your cellphone, use the speaker phone and hold the phone at least 3 feet away from you. Use an air tube earphone for privacy. Seek to radically decrease your time on the cellphone. I typically use my cellphone less than 30 minutes a month, and mostly when traveling. Instead, use VoIP software phones when traveling that you can use while connected to the internet via a wired connection or, better yet, use a landline telephone. General household remediation If you still use a microwave oven, consider replacing it with a steam convection oven, which will heat your food as quickly and far more safely. Measure magnetic fields near electronics and digital clocks at the front of stoves and dishwashers. Stand clear of these (below 1 mG). Avoid induction cooktop units altogether, as they emit very high magnetic fields far into your kitchen. Avoid using “smart” appliances and thermostats that depend on wireless signaling. This would include all new “smart” TVs. They are called smart because they emit a Wi-Fi signal, and unlike your computer, you cannot shut the Wi-Fi signal off on some models when you connect to a wired Ethernet cable (you can with Sony smart TVs). Consider using a large computer monitor as your TV instead, as they don’t emit Wi-Fi. Also, avoid “smart speakers,” which continuously emit RF signals into the room. Avoid electric beds and chairs. If you do use them, plug them into a power strip and flip that off when sleeping or sitting in them. Avoid high electric fields from ungrounded wires and metal frames. Also avoid magnetic fields from transformers that may be right under your body, and Wi-Fi in the foot of some beds. Switch these off in all cases when sleeping. Replace CFL bulbs with incandescent bulbs, as CFLs produce dirty electricity. Ideally remove all fluorescent lights from your house. Not only do they emit unhealthy light but, more importantly, they will actually transfer current to your body just being close to the bulbs. Many LEDs are cleaner than CFLs, but incandescent bulbs are best, including new halogen incandescent bulbs. Dimmer switches are another source of dirty electricity, so consider installing regular on/off switches rather than dimmer switches. Central lighting control systems (Crestron, Lutron) tend to have cleaner dimming modules. Request hardwired, not wireless, keypads when using central control systems, especially near beds. Refuse smart meters as long as you can or, when you cannot opt out, add a shield to an existing smart meter, some of which have been shown to reduce radiation by 98 to 99 percent.30
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emmagreen1220-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Biology Dictionary
New Post has been published on https://biologydictionary.net/embryonic-stem-cell/
Embryonic Stem Cell
Embryonic Stem Cell Definition
An embryonic stem cell is a cell derived from the early stages of an embryo which is capable of differentiating into any type of body cell. Embryonic stem cells are capable of differentiating into any cell type because in the embryo that is what they are used for. As the embryo grows and divides, cells which are generalized must become more and more specific as they divide. This eventually creates the different organs, tissues, and systems of an organism.
After the sperm reaches an egg (oocyte), fertilization occurs and the DNA from the two cells merge into a single nucleus, in a single cell. This is the zygote, and is technically an embryonic stem cell because as it divides it will differentiate into all of the cells of the body. This cell, and the first few divisions of this cell, are totipotent. This means that they have the ability to become an entire organism. Identical twins, for example, develop from the same zygote which accidentally separates when it begins to divide.
In medicine and research, scientist use pluripotent embryonic stem cells. These cells do not have the ability to become an entire organism. Rather, they are directed by signals from the early embryo which tell them which cell type to differentiate into. Scientists prefer these cells for many reasons. First, they can be stored and maintained more easily. Totipotent cells have a tendency to differentiate quickly, and immediately try to become an organism. Pluripotent cells are waiting for a signal to divide, and can be maintained for longer periods. Further, because pluripotent cells are simply waiting for the proper signals to tell them which cell type to become, they can easily be integrated into medical applications in which new tissue must be grown.
There are also other types of stem cells, not to be confused with an embryonic stem cell. Embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos. There are also adult stem cells, umbilical cord stem cells, and fetal stem cells. Not only are these stem cells sometimes more ethically challenging, they are only multipotent, meaning they can only become a small range of cell types.
Embryonic Stem Cells in Medicine
The use of embryonic stem cells is a very new form of medicine. For decades, the cause of many degenerative diseases and physical injuries has been understood. Tissue damage is the root cause of many of these ailments, and scientist have long been searching for a method of growing tissues which do not easily repair themselves. Because an embryonic stem cell is pluripotent, and can become almost any cell in the body, these cells have long been studied for their possible use in medicine.
Since the late 1950’s scientists have been trying to test various methods of growing tissue with an embryonic stem cell. The first clinical trials were in the late 1960’s, but not much progress has been made. President Bush put a moratorium on using Federal funds for stem cell research, which was finally lifted by the Obama Administration in 2009. European countries have also faced an uphill battle in funding stem cell research. However, with advances in the science came new discoveries which allowed for more ethical harvesting of an embryonic stem cell. The first treatments with medicinal stem cells were in 2010.
Medically, the embryonic stem cell is limited in its current uses, though many novel applications are in the works. Current treatments focus on the replacement of damaged tissue from injury or disease. Of these, the first treatment approved by the FDA to undergo trials was replacing damaged tissue in spinal injuries. Because nerve cells rarely regenerate, an embryonic stem cell can be used to replace the damage nerve and restore function. In someone with a spinal injury, this means being able to walk again. For a blind person, this might mean being able to see again. While the treatment is still new and success is limited, it has shown some positive results.
Still other medical advances are made with the embryonic stem cell, although these don’t come as direct medical treatments but rather as the knowledge that stem cells give us. As an embryonic stem cell differentiates into its target tissue, scientists can study the chemicals and methods it uses to do so. Scientists can also alter the genome of these cells, and study the effects different mutations have on a cell’s functioning. Between these two paths of discovery, scientists have assembled much information about how and why cells differentiate and divide. Using these tools, scientists are closing in on methods which would allow them to turn regular cell back into a pluripotent stem cell. This process could not only fix injuries and ailments, but could potentially reverse aging and prevent death.
On a less dramatic and grand scale, these methods are also being used to cure common diseases, such as diabetes. By learning how embryonic stem cells become pancreas cells and secrete insulin, scientists are learning the methods of converting other tissues to insulin-secreting tissues. This could help cure diabetes, often caused by the destruction of insulin producing cells. If these were replaced with stem cells, or other cells were induced to become pancreas cells, the disease could be cured. Other diseases, like cystic fibrosis, fragile x syndrome, and other genetic disorders are studied in embryonic stem cells. Not only can many cells be created, but they can be differentiated into different cell types. In this way, a scientist can build a picture of the disease from snapshots of each cell type, and understand exactly how the disease is affecting a person.
How are Embryonic Stem Cells Collected?
While there was once a concern that embryonic stem cells were being harvested without consent from unknowing women, the vast majority are now ethically harvested an in vitro fertilization clinics. In these clinics, in order to get a successful pregnancy, many eggs must be fertilized. Only one is implanted, and with the woman’s consent the rest can be used to harvest embryonic stem cells. To do this, scientists extract some embryonic stem cells from an embryo when it is only a small ball of cells. This can be seen in the image below.
A harvested embryonic stem cell is placed in a petri dish with nutrients and is allowed to divide. Without any signals from the embryo, the cells remain pluripotent. They continue dividing, fill one dish, and they are transferred to many more dishes and continue to grow. After 6 months of this, they are considered a successful pluripotent embryonic stem cell line. They can then be used to study disease, be used in treatments, or be manipulated genetically to provide models for how cells work.
To test that these cells are indeed pluripotent stem cells, they are injected into mice with depressed immune systems. The mice must have depressed immune systems, or their bodies would naturally reject the human tissue. Once implanted into the mouse, successful pluripotent cells will form a small tumor called a teratoma. This small tumor has different tissue types, and proves that the cell line is still pluripotent and can differentiate into different cell types.
Other Stem Cells
There are a number of other types of stem cells, besides embryonic stem cells. These cells come from different sources and can be used for different purposes. Often, they are only multipotent, and can transform into only a narrow range of cell types. One example is umbilical cord blood stem cells, which have been used in medical treatments to treat various blood diseases and suppressed immune systems. The stem cells in the blood of the umbilical cord can differentiate into almost any type of blood or immune cell, making them multipotent. However, this limits their use in other areas of medicine.
There are also adult stem cells, which survive in various organs throughout the body. These cells are also multipotent, and can only differentiate into the kinds of tissue in which they are found. A common use of adult stem cells is the bone marrow transplant. In this procedure a healthy donor must have their marrow extracted from their bones. The marrow is a blood-like substance on the inside of large bones which creates blood cells and immune cells. Cancer patients, having undergone radiation and chemotherapy, lose most of their immune cells and become immunocompromised. Often a bone marrow transplant is needed to replace these tissues. The new stem cells begin producing new immune cells, which help the patient recover and fight off infection and disease.
1. What is the difference between pluripotent and multipotent stem cells? A. There is no difference B. Pluripotent cells can become a wider variety of cell types C. Multipotent cells can become a wider variety of cell types
Answer to Question #1
B is correct. Pluripotent embryonic stem cells are one step below totipotent stem cells. These pluripotent cells can become almost any cell type in the body, except the cells needed to support a developing embryo. Multipotent cells are already differentiated to a specific degree, and are restricted to creating only a few types of cells.
2. At a certain stage, embryonic stem cells are totipotent. Why don’t scientists use these stem cells? A. These cells have the potential to become an entire organism B. The pluripotent stem cells can become more cell types C. Totipotent cells cannot survive in the lab
Answer to Question #2
A is correct. Because totipotent cells have the potential to become an entire organism, they will actively work to do so. That means that whether they are in the lab or in the womb, they will try to direct the development of an organism. They do this by releasing hormones and chemicals which cause the cells to divide and differentiate. Pluripotent cells can be suspended in a generalized state, which makes them better candidates for study and medical procedures.
3. Which of the following ailments cannot potentially be treated with stem cells? A. Brain injury B. Diabetes C. Cancer
Answer to Question #3
C is correct. While the side-effects from treating cancer are treated with stem cells (see above on bone marrow transplants), treating the actual cancer is done with radiation and chemotherapy. These treatments also kill the rapidly dividing stem cells in a person’s body, which is why they must be replaced.
Canadian Cancer Society. (2018, March 11). Stem cell transplant. Retrieved from Cancer.ca: http://www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/diagnosis-and-treatment/stem-cell-transplant/?region=on
Lodish, H., Berk, A., Kaiser, C. A., Krieger, M., Scott, M. P., Bretscher, A., . . . Matsudaira, P. (2008). Molecular Cell Biology (6th ed.). New York: W.H. Freeman and Company.
National Institutes of Health. (2018, March 11). Stem Cell Basics III. Retrieved from Stemcells.nih.gov: https://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/3.htm
Widmaier, E. P., Raff, H., & Strang, K. T. (2008). Vander’s Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function (11th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
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lovestructionworld · 7 years
“Soul Food” LFM #30 July 12, 2016
This morning I felt an unction from the Holy Spirit to resend this Eblast. There are many new people set up to receive LFM who haven't see it since I originally sent 2 years ago. This message is critical to thriving in your walk with Holy Spirit.
“Soul Food”
The Soul's Birth
Ask yourself how much you know about your soul? If you are a Christian, I'm sure you have heard the soul mentioned umpteen times in umpteen sermons over your cognizant lifetime. But have you really given time to thinking and having knowledge about your soul.
A man's foundation isn't flesh and bones or a brain. It isn't red blood or white blood cells. It isn't even DNA or chromosomes. His base, that everything else is built off of, is his soul.
I believe the soul is the first thing a person receives at conception of sperm and egg. Maybe sperm and egg touch for the first millisecond and an Angel nearby sees the event about to unfold and with direction from God, the Angel blows the heavenly soul into the natural event. Or maybe God does it himself. Only He knows.
Ultimately, this event is why we Christians abhor abortion so much. We know sperm, egg and soul are human in that millisecond. Without the soul in the mix, sperm and egg are just a blob of future zombie or animal.
The Sensitivity of the Soul
The soul must be taken care of. When people are children, their souls are more vulnerable, because the soul can be wounded and traumatized. It is the job of a parent to protect the souls of their children from soul wounding and trauma.
My son Ethan was failing "every" class at 15 years old and had been diagnosed with severe ADHD. He was within a week of being treated with drugs. He was choking on the basketball court and was worst player on the "B" team even though his brother and I knew he had talent. When he would take a test in school, he would begin shaking. I did a deliverance session with him on the way back from a basketball game in which he had played 60 seconds and made 4 turnovers in that one minute. He was desperate. Within an hour the Holy Spirit revealed an incident on a playground that happened to him, when he was 11 years old. During this incident he was labeled a "loser" from all the kids within his class for the rest of the year. "SOUL WOUND!". His mother and I had no idea that this had happened. It was devastating to him and Ethan began trying not to "lose" in life. The tight rope walker doesn't look at the rope or ground, right. If he does, he falls.
During his healing Ethan saw a vision in which Jesus looked him in the eyes and simply said "Ethan, You are a winner". I had Ethan screaming these words while driving down the highway, "I'm a winner, because Jesus says so". Every time he would say those words, it drove healing deeper into his once wounded soul.
Ethan began winning right after his healing. Teachers immediately noticed a difference and were asking me, "So what's up with the change in Ethan?". Just last week Ethan graduated from H.S. and in his second to last semester at his College Preparatory H.S., he made straight A's. He was the Captain of his H.S. Basketball team and was invited to several college tryouts. And he was the equivalent to his H.S. Class President having last week passed the traditional torch to the next Senior taking his position. Oh, and he never needed the ADHD drugs either. Can you imagine what this did for Me and his mother? As I write this, I've had to wipe away tears from my eyes. Jesus, I glorify your name right now, right here in this Eblast for what you did for my son, Ethan.
A souls wounding and trauma can have many origins...Parent, siblings, relatives, friends, enemies. A parent can yell at their child one single time, and that child will have a wound in their soul that needs to be healed. I knew someone who "had" an issue with a fear of confrontation. It's origin was from his father yelling at him one time in his living room while they were rebuilding a wall and painting. This single event drove years of misery. The Holy Spirit healed him and it has especially changed his financial life.
Obviously, molestation by an uncle will bring trauma, but trauma can come from seemingly small instances that can so easily go unnoticed.
Should a parent be quick to apologize to their children when they fail or hurt them. Oh yeah! Apology can immediately repair the damage done to the soul. Without apology, healing hopefully becomes a supernatural event of the future.
I have five children who have all had me fail them from time to time. When I bring them close to me, look them in the eyes and apologize for my wrongdoing, I will immediately ask for forgiveness and then hug them when they extend the forgiveness. They all, every time, will take a deep breath and exhale without them knowing that I notice. That deep breath and exhale is a move of the Spirit from my apology, healing their soul.
Healing of the Soul
As we get older and begin interacting as adults, others will easily notice the ones with many soul wounds. Our soul wounds tend to stick out like sore thumbs. Have you ever noticed someone talking too much or giving away too much information in a conversation? This has a trauma origin. I actually had this very thing happen to me in a conversation with a new acquaintance today. What about the person who won't interact at church or only feels comfortable sitting in the back away from people. Something is driving that issue.
Our spouses get to see our soul wounds behind the closed front door worse than anyone else. Spouses get the full brunt of our woundedness. Have you ever heard it said, "Hurt people, hurt people". No truer a statement made than this one.
When some ones soul hasn't had any healing, others will notice the habitual bad behavior. But the one with the bad behavior and soul issue will be almost oblivious to it most of the time and will think everyone else has the issues.
Universal Woundedness
An angry person has a soul issue. An obsessed person has a soul issue. Convicts have soul issues. Thieves just have soul issues. This is so simple.
I personally don't believe in "addiction". I believe in "strongholds" of which the Bible mentions in 2nd Corinthians 10:4. But those with any type of strongholds have soul wounding and soul issues.
All social issues have origins within soul wounding. Massive soul wounding, trauma and neglect set up bigger, stronger demonic forces known as principalities. This is why politicians, whether Democrats or Republicans, can't repair our country. Massive social issues takes regeneration of massive numbers of souls. Only our omnipresent, omnipotent all-knowing, supernatural, Holy Spirit can repair and regenerate a nation owned by spiritual principalities. Arrogance resides in the hearts and souls of religious men who think political positioning can take on such a magnanimous problem.
The Deep
The soul can't be touched. Scientist microscopically gaze deeper and deeper into human beings cell structure to find the smallest particle. But they'll never look into the soul. The soul is God's own special territory. "He restoreth my soul", by the Great Physician and ultimate Scientist in heaven takes on new and deeper meaning.
I can teach and coach someone about his or her soul, but they really won't "get it" without revelation from God...when he speaks into their spirit and soul. And usually that revelation only comes when they are in great pain and need the Savior to go deeper than salvation...deeper than physical healing. The pain has driven a set up of their Baptism of Spirit...their need for a Savior to heal their soul...a deeper future. Makes me happy to think about. I even pray this revelation over you now if you don't already have it.
Matter of fact, revelation from God can be blocked by a wounded soul. This is a blind spot. God sends his messengers in many forms...a "coincidental" pull to a certain scripture...a true friend...a dream from God...a counselor...to overcome a wounded soul with revelation. But then the messenger is sometimes ignored and active denial takes over. Now the soul is in much more graver, dangerous territory. A believer gets stuck or stunted in his spiritual growth here and might lose his marriage.. For the unbeliever...well the fleshless and boneless soul is what spends eternity in hell. "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Matthew 16:26
Most people don't even recognize their soul. They don't know it can be wounded or worse yet "believe" that it can be wounded or even believe that there is such a thing as the soul.
The Soul and War
The devil's goal is to destroy society by so wounding the souls of men. Wars break out because of leaders with wounded souls. Show me a man who desires payback, war and domination and I'll simply show you a wounded soul. Think of Hitler, who was regularly rejected by his father and made to feel weak, because he was an artist. Think of Saddam Hussein, who grew up without a father and lost his 13 year old older brother to cancer and had to run away, because of an abusive stepfather. Joseph Stalin, who historians say may have murdered more people than Hitler, had smallpox early as a child, which left him permanently scarred. His drunken and abusive father scarred him worse.
Pull back into marriage. Show me two people fighting, separated or divorced and I'll show you two people who are simply wounded in their souls. Bad people? No. Wounded? Yes! Absolutely!
When I read the Gospels accounts of Jesus' miraculous healing, they seam so easy for Him. Boom...healed. Boom...healed again. Boom...another person healed.
There are many great things about the soul, but one really cool one is that as quickly as Jesus healed people of their physical ailments boom...boom...boom, the Holy Spirit can heal the soul as quickly in the same way, today.
I may have mentioned before, in another Lovestruction for Men, ministering to a woman who had been suicidal for 17 years and had attempted twice per her own admission (I don't share stories without permission). Within 20 minutes, the Holy Spirit, as quickly as Jesus healed in the Gospels, revealed and touched her wound to where she had no more issue. She was almost instantaneously free from compulsion to shoot herself in the head, purposely overdose or jump off of a bridge. Do you understand the value of this???? I spent several years around this wonderful person pre and post healing. The transformation was spectacular.
Her tearful response, without help from me, when the healing came, was, "I just felt a weight of darkness lift off of my shoulders". That demonic darkness took up residence on her shoulders from her wounded soul. Wow!! What else do I not know about the invisible realm around me. Holy Spirit, you are so awesome!!!
The Deep-Remix
When someone seeks the Holy Spirit with his soul, something deeper is in the works. I once heard someone say that "God isn't hurt with His children's sin. Jesus has taken care of a believers sin with His blood. God is hurt when a man has no hunger of soul for Him". (Thanks Dave DeLoach).
God desires love. "Love The Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength." He wants to show up around soul hunger and soul passion for Him. He dwells in the soul. You reach Him when your hunger gets into this level of "deep" where He is and resides. "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?" Psalms 42:1-2 What an incredible scripture.
One last thing. Simply, tend to your soul like it is a garden. Plant in it with stronger and stronger faith, scripture and study of the Word. Fertilize it with good spiritual nutrients like deep worship and prayer. Weed it of wounding and sin through healing and repentance. And water it with the flow of the Spirit all for a good harvest of Soul Food.
Love Intended,
Brian Burke
Founder/Lovestruction for Men
To receive Lovestruction for Men Eblasts email your request to [email protected] .
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ligadosnatelinha · 7 years
Astaxanthin! The Incredible Carotenoid 6000x Stronger than Vitamin C
astaxanthin - Homemade medicine Astaxanthin! The Incredible Carotenoid 6000x Stronger than Vitamin C
In nature, it is usually found in the highest concentrations in the muscles of Pacific salmon and is believed to be what gives the fish the amazing physical strength to swim up the river for hundreds of miles. A Powerful Natural Antioxidant Astaxanthin benefits are astounding. It is often referred to as the ‘king of the carotenoids’. Research reveals that it is 10 to 100 times more potent than beta-carotene and lycopene. Unlike other known carotenoids and carotenoids, it does not convert to vitamin A (retinol) once it enters the human body.  It is a powerful antioxidant that has been touted as a stress reliever, anti-inflammatory, and immune system booster. Unlike other antioxidants such as vitamin E, C, D, beta-carotene, and selenium, it does not become a pro-oxidant in the body. Primary Natural Sources The primary natural sources of the carotenoid are Haematococcus pluvialis aquatic algae. In its natural environment, Haematococcus pluvialis aquatic algae produce high concentrations of the substance when under stress and exposed to sunlight.  Fish, such as salmon, obtain the carotenoid into their systems when they ingest it in high quantities as a food source. Shrimp, lobster, some crabs and other shellfish do not look very red until they are cooked. This is because the carotenoid binds to the protein in the shell. When cooked, the carotenoid is freed and can readily turn pink, orange, or red when it absorbs the light. Once cooked, the telltale reddish hue of the carotenoid is readily revealed. The following list shows the marine life that contains the highest levels of the unique carotenoid. Salmonids Plankton Krill Arctic shrimp Phaffia yeast Haematococcus pluvialis Eliminates Free Radicals Astaxanthin is a powerhouse when it comes to eliminating free radicals. It also outperforms a variety of other substances with strong antioxidants properties. 6,000 times stronger than vitamin C. 550 times stronger than vitamin E 800 times stronger than CoQ10 500 times stronger than catechins 9 Health Benefits of Astaxanthin 1. Anti-Aging Aging makes your skin vulnerable to oxidation. However, astaxanthin is an antioxidant that effectively protects your skin from oxidation.  This process helps keep the cells in the body such as your skin cells looking younger and more vibrant. It is believed by researchers that the substance repairs the DNA and the protein in your cells to re-energize them and prevent many of the common visual signs of aging. It ultimately increases the moisture levels in the skin and rejuvenates its elasticity. The appearance of age spots, wrinkles, and freckles improve dramatically.  The skin’s moisture levels, elasticity, and smoothness also become more noticeable after using the carotenoid supplement. The natural carotenoid also appears to inhibit the damage caused by UV-A light by reducing the secretion of IL-6. This is extremely promising when it comes to protecting your skin from the aging effects of the sun. The effects of the sun are well known to cause wrinkled and sagging skin, especially after prolonged exposure. 2. Energy Boost Salmon swim for hundreds of miles fighting the fast, strong current. The sheer strength and endurance of the fish seem limitless because of the carotenoid buildup in their muscular bodies. Exercise produces free radicals in the body which make you tired after a workout. However, if your body has the ability to reduce the free radicals quickly then you will not become as tired. It prevents the free radical levels from rising in the body so it effectively helps your body combat exhaustion and provides a beneficial energy boost just like it does in salmon. 3. Heart Health The human heart is a muscle and muscles have been shown to benefit from astaxanthin. It may also help lower harmful cholesterol levels. High blood pressure sufferers may experience lower blood pressure, improved elastin levels, and thicker arterial walls. Research has shown it has the capability of reducing C Reactive Protein (CRP) by as much as 20 percent when taking daily as a supplement. Elevated CRP in the bloodstream is a strong indicator of heart disease.  Research remains underway to discover the extent of the heart benefits that taking the daily supplement may render. 4. Joint Pain A powerful anti-inflammatory, it may reduce the inflammation in joints from injury, aging, and arthritis. It works by blocking COX 2 enzymes. The pharmaceutical prescription drug Celebrex works in the same way. It also works by reducing the serum levels of nitric oxide, prostaglandin E2,  TNF-alpha 9 (tumor necrosis factor alpha), and interleukin 1B. Research continues to discover its overall benefits when it comes to reducing joint pain caused by inflammation. 5. Fatigue There is no doubt that it battles fatigue in marine life such as salmon. It has the same effect when taken as a supplement for humans. Most users experience a boost of energy which is beneficial in fighting bouts of chronic fatigue. 6. Eye Health Research indicates that astaxanthin helps diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, eye strain, and fatigue, according to studies done by the National Eye Institute.  The carotenoid has the ability to cross the eye barrier and reach the retina. 7. Male Fertility Sperm motility and mobility appear to be greatly improved after taking carotenoid.  During a study done by researchers at the Ghent University Hospital’s Department of Medical and Urology Andrology in Gent Belgium found an improvement in male fertility when the supplement was used. 8. Cancer In a study done by State Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine and Molecular Pharmacology in Hong Kong, China, researchers found that the antioxidant properties of astaxanthin helped reduce the growth of cancerous cells in breast cancer sufferers. 9. Brain Improvement Astaxanthin is a fat-soluble nutrient that readily passes through the blood-brain barrier. It appears to improve the cognitive abilities of elderly people. It also may reduce the symptoms of ADHD and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. How to Take the Supplement It takes approximately one day for the supplement to build up in your bloodstream. Normally, it takes up to 12 to 29 hours for the carotene to reach its maximum concentration. Once it peaks, it starts to decline in about six hours. Ideally, you should take the supplement at least once per day to help it build up in your bloodstream to an acceptable and beneficial rate. When first taking the supplement, it is suggested that you take a 4 or 6 mg per day. However, if you suffer from joint issues, pain, or you are an athlete training heavily then it is suggested that you can take 12 mg per day. Ideally, you should take the carotenoid with food because it is a fat-soluble enzyme so the body more readily absorbs it if it is taken with food that contains fat. Natural Sources The best natural source of Astaxanthin is the Pacific salmon. Unfortunately, just to receive a 4 mg dose of the supplement, you would have to eat a high volume of Pacific salmon on daily basis. Taking a simple supplement on daily basis is your best bet to receive an adequate daily dosage. Supplements typically come in 2 mg to 12 mg capsules. They are typically made of algae. Cultivation Although Astaxanthin is available naturally in many wild sources, it is difficult for supplement manufacturers to obtain a sufficient amount of the carotenoid from the wild. Most manufacturers cultivate the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis. The hygienically cultivated microalgae are then harvested. Two Primary Uses and Forms Today, astaxanthin has two primary types and uses. There is a synthetic form of the carotenoid and the natural form. The synthetic form is used primarily in animal feed. It is an additive that gives the food its telltale coloration. It is used in aquaculture as a food additive for food pellets that are fed to farm-raised salmon.  The synthetic form is made from petrochemical sources and not used in supplements for humans.  Nowadays, farm-raised salmon that are fed the synthetic additive must be labeled as ‘color added’ fish. It is believed that the synthetic additive has no real health benefits. It is only a substance used to color the meat of the fish and make it more visually appealing to consumers. The natural form is gathered from farm-raised microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis for use in human supplements. Precautions: Astaxanthin has been found to lower blood pressure in some susceptible individuals. If you are taking medication for high blood pressure or you suffer from heart disease then you should consult with your physician to determine if you should take the supplement. Some people also experience skin pigmentation changes, breast enlargement in men, lowered libido, hormonal changes, blood chest changes, hair growth, and lower calcium levels in the blood. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding then you should consult with your physician before starting any supplements. Astaxanthin benefits are truly extraordinary. If you are looking for a supplement to add to your daily dietary plan then this might be a wonderful healthy option. Similar content: astaxanthin: 20 WAYS TO REDUCE TARTAR AND PLAQUE AT HOME THIS IS HOW HEADACHES REVEAL WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR HEALTH (AND HOW TO CURE IT NATURALLY) WHAT KILLED THIS MAN … MANY OF US DRINK EVERY DAY!
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thrivous · 7 years
The most interesting human enhancement story that emerged last week is certainly the news (still officially unconfirmed) that scientists led by Shoukhrat Mitalipov of Oregon Health and Science University have demonstrated they can efficiently improve the DNA of human embryos, as reported by the prestigious MIT Technology Review.
According to the report, Mitalipov’s team used the CRISPR gene editing technique to safely and efficiently correct defective genes that cause inherited diseases. This isn’t the first experiment of this nature, but the scientists managed to overcome previous roadblocks by injecting CRISPR into the eggs at the same time they were fertilized with sperm.
It appears that CRISPR could soon permit creating designer babies. See Pulse 22 for a review of the recently published book "A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution," co-authored by Jennifer Doudna, one of the inventors of CRISPR.
Other news items show how, over billions of years, evolution has engineered compounds that we can now use for therapy and enhancement: Green tea and lutein can counter age-related ailments including cognitive decline, nanoparticles loaded with component of common spice turmeric can kill cancer cells, and spider silk can repair damaged nerves.
Advances in understanding DNA organization in cells. Scientists at the Salk Institute and the University of California, San Diego, have obtained high-resolution images  of the 3D structure of human chromatin - the combination of DNA and proteins - in the nucleus of living human cells. The study, published in Science, suggests that chromatin’s packing density determines which areas of the genome are active and which are suppressed. According to the researchers, the findings suggest that controlling access to chromatin could be a useful approach to preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases such as cancer.
Faulty DNA “spell checking” could cause cancer. Researchers at the Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, have identified important processes that create mutations that cause cancer by studying the genomes of more than 1,000 tumors. The research work, published in Cell, suggests that many mutations in human cancers are caused by errors made by a repair mechanism or “DNA spellchecker” rather than the actual damage to DNA caused by the environment. However, some environmental factors such as sunlight and alcohol seem to increase errors.
Lab-created mini-brains permit studying how the brain works. Scientists at Yale University have grown brain organoids - three-dimensional regions of the brain - in the lab to study how the brain develops. Published in Cell Stem Cell, the study shows how the scientists coaxed early stage stem cells to create and fuse two types of organoids from different brain regions to show how the developing brain maintains proper balance of excitatory and inhibitory neurons.
Brain stem cells control the aging process and could be used to slow it down. Researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine have found that stem cells in the brain's hypothalamus govern how fast aging occurs in the body. The study, published in Nature, shows that the number of hypothalamic neural stem cells naturally declines over time. This decline accelerates aging, but it’s not irreversible: By replenishing these stem cells or the molecules they produce, it could be possible to slow and even reverse various aspects of aging throughout the body. According to the scientists, the finding, made in lab mice, could lead to new strategies for warding off age-related diseases and extending lifespan.
Exosuit helps stroke victims to walk normally. A research team led by bioengineers at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering have developed a lightweight, soft, wearable ankle-assisting exosuit that can assist stroke patients to walk normally, opening new approaches to rehabilitation. The research results, published in Science Translational Medicine, show that soft wearable robots can have significant positive impact on gait functions in patients post-stroke.
Originally published at thrivous.com on August 01, 2017 at 09:45AM.
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