#How to make pulao
rozinasrecipe · 4 months
Recipe Ingredients 3 small size potatoes 1 carrot 1 capsicum 2 medium size onion 3-4 tbsp oil Fry all the vegetable 3-4 tbsp oil 6 piece green cardamom Cinnamon stick 1 black cardamom Fry Onion Add 1 kg chicken Fry it until golden brown 2 bay leaves 2 tbsp ginger garlic paste Fry it for 3-4 minutes 1 cube of chicken stock 1/2 tsp black pepper powder 1 tsp red chili powder 1 tsp corriender powder 1/2 cup beaten yogurt Fry it until oil separated Add vegetables Cover it and cook it for 2-3 minutes 4 and 1/2 cup water 3 cup washed rice Cook it on high flame until big bubble comes Then stir it and cook it on medium flame until water become dry then put a tawa under it and cook it for 20-25 minutes.
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spicyvegrecipes · 5 months
Vegetable Pulao Recipe | How to make veg Pulao
Vegetable Pulao Recipe Vegetable pulao, also known as veg pulao, is a popular Indian rice dish made with rice and a mix of assorted vegetables. If you are looking for simple, one-pot comfort food that’s easy to make and tasty, then You can also make this. This is loaded with lots of vegetables, and the best part is you can add any vegetables you want to make this Pulao. This Vegetable Pulao…
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danielwallis789 · 1 year
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Searching for some tempting delicious recipes for this weekend then have a look at "4 Hour Baguette" recipe. Quichentell has got a variety of veg and a non-veg recipe worth trying.For more delicious recipes visit the website.
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Weekend Special: How To Make Chickpea Pulao For Dinner Parties At Home
Weekend Special: How To Make Chickpea Pulao For Dinner Parties At Home
Weekend and indulgence go hand in hand. In fact, the weekend seems incomplete without some sinful indulgences, keeping all the diet thoughts at bay. But let’s agree, after a long and hectic week, we just don’t feel like spending long hours in the kitchen. Instead, we look for options that are not only easy to make but also taste delicious. And if you are like us, then you surely scroll through…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Tomato Pulao Recipe : टमाटर पुलाव का चटपटा जायका, एक बार इस रेसिपी से जरूर बनाकर देखें
Tomato Pulao Recipe : टमाटर पुलाव का चटपटा जायका, एक बार इस रेसिपी से जरूर बनाकर देखें
दक्षिण भारतीय रेसिपीज के तड़के में सरसों, करी पत्ते और चना दाल शामिल हैं। यह तड़का न केवल स्वाद को बढ़ाता है बल्कि इस डिश में एक खास महक भी आती है। आइए, जानते हैं कैसे बनाएं टमाटर पुलाव Source link
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najia-cooks · 8 months
Hey Najia! I love this blog so much! I have a question. I find cooking pretty difficult sometimes. I'm chronically ill and also the kitchen stresses me out a bit because I'm very scatterbrained and there's knives and fire and stuff. I also fuck things up in the kitchen pretty easy. Are there any recipes on here you find particularly easy to make? That you'd recommend for when you just cannot be arsed? Hope you're having a wonderful day, I know it's your birthday 😄🎉
Thank you!
I can understand your stress—cooking can involve things that are objectively dangerous and also time-sensitive. I'd recommend:
Try recipes where you don't have to come into direct contact with the blades you use. Some Indian dals, for example, cook lentils in a sauce made from blended onion, tomato, and garlic; you could process them using a food processor or blender. A lot of things (fresh salsa, guacamole, a duqqa of garlic, chilies, and spices that you can throw in to cook with some lentils) can be prepared in a mortar and pestle, too.
I've never used one, but a vegetable chopper might help in a similar way that a food processor would, by reducing the amount of knifework that you have to do. There are a lot of recipes where a chopped onion is the only knifework required.
Also try recipes that are cooked in the oven, and not on the stovetop. Something that gets thrown into the oven on low heat to cook (like a casserole or fukharat dish) takes longer, but is more hands-off, than something that's cooked on the stove.
Do all of your prep work first. Read through the recipe and see what chopping, blending &c. needs to be done, prep each ingredient, and put it in its own little bowl. This includes anything in the ingredients list that says "1 onion, diced" or similar: do that right off the bat. If the recipe says "meanwhile" or asks you to do prep for anything while anything else is cooking, you might choose to disregard that and do all the prep first, depending on how long the cook time is and how much attention it needs (e.g., soup on a low simmer for half an hour can pretty much be left alone; anything in a frying pan cannot). This way you won't be rushing to chop anything quickly while worrying that something else is going to overcook.
Look for vegetables, like broccoli / cauliflower / romanesco and green beans, that can be broken up with your hands rather than chopped. Rip up cilantro and parsley rather than chopping them.
Admittedly "simple" is not the guiding principle of this blog, but here are some recipes that I think could be easily adapted:
Fukharat l3des: just one onion to chop. Cooked on low heat in the oven.
Fried tofu sandwich: just mixing sauces and spices. You can skip coating the tofu in cornstarch and frying it. Instead try freezing the whole block, thawing it, cutting into two or four pieces, and then marinating it in a plastic bag with your sauce overnight. Then bake the tofu for 15-20 minutes, turning once, at 350 °F (180 °C).
Roasted celery and potato soup: requires only very rough chopping; the cooking methods are baking and simmering. The fried tempering could be skipped by just adding those ingredients into the simmer earlier.
Carrot salad or chickpea salad or tapenade: you could throw all of the ingredients in a food processor.
Moroccan lentils: just an onion and tomato to grate or process.
Kashmiri lal chaman: the only thing you need to cut is tofu; the gravy is just water and spices. You could bake the tofu instead of frying it.
Black bean burgers: no chopping or frying if you omit the onion and carrot and elect to bake the finished patties.
'Chicken' and olive tajine: the marinade is blended or pounded, and there is no other prepwork to do other than chopping one onion. Everything can be simmered on low heat until cooked, so it's pretty hands-off.
Chana pulao: mostly rice, chickpeas, and spices. Some aromatic prep, but you could crush instead of chopping those.
Romanesco quiche: no knifework at all if you omit the aromatics and break aprt the romanesco with your hands.
Spanish garlic mushrooms: just crush garlic instead of slicing and buy pre-sliced mushrooms. There is frying, though.
Eggplant cooked salad: the eggplant is broiled and then spooned out. No knifework required if you use tomato puree.
Butternut squash soup: just roasting and simmering. No knifework required if you omit the aromatics and buy pre-cubed squash.
Dishes with a base of lentils, chickpeas, beans, rice, and/or noodles are great because there's no knifework that needs to be done to prepare the beans &c. themselves.
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 6 months
ATSV As Things My Friends Said On Our School Trip
Miguel: listen here motherfucker I don’t need to be on my period to be a bad person
The Spot: oh would you look at that - it’s time to go batshit crazy! :D
Hobie: 🎶 I just crapped my pants, thought it was a fart… it was diarrhoea 🥰 🎶
Jess: if you’re trying to make Mayday feel better this is not how you do it.
Pavitr: (trying his best to shuffle) CALIFORNIA 🌴 GIRLS 👧 WE’RE UNFORGETTABLE 💋 DAISY DUKES 🩳 BIKINIS 👙 ON TOP
1610!Miles: (watching him with Gwen from a distance) …who’s gonna tell him
Gwen: I think he’ll figure it out in 3… 2…
Pavitr: (falls into pool)
Pavitr: nuh uh
Hobie: fym nuh uh??
Pavitr: EAT PLUS 4S MOTHERFUCKER (slams card on table)
Peter B.: And what do we say when we hurt someone’s feelings?
Mayday: (raises her hand) FUCK THE PATRIARCHY
Peter B.: Mayday NO
Hobie: Mayday YES!
Gwen: FEEL THE WRATH OF THE TEENAGE GIRL ANGST (sprays water at everyone through a hose)
Hobie: I’m having a midlife crisis, people!
Gwen: …midlife? You only plan to live until you’re 36?
Hobie: honestly if I live that long that’s quite an accomplishment
Margo: do you have games on your phone
Miguel: no
Margo: then SHOVE OVER and let me download my dress up game or I WILL burn this place to the ground.
Miguel: wh-
Margo: LISTEN HERE BUDDY. Super Stylist is the one thing keeping me sane, okay? Okay. Give me your phone. This is not a request.
42!Miles: oh look! It’s the less cool version of me
Gwen: what if-
1610!Miles: Look. I love you with all my heart and I always will, okay? YES I would love you if you were a goose. Yes I would love you if you were a poisonous caterpillar. Yes I would love you if you were a tree trunk. You don’t have to keep asking.
1610!Miles: now go to sleep PLEASE it’s 3am and you’re a demon in the morning until you have coffee. I’m not sure I’ll have the energy to hold you back from socking people when they wish you good morning
(Nikita is my spidersona and Maitreyi is @hobiebrownismygod ‘s)
Pavitr: currymuncher
Nikita: Basic ass bitch ‘oh plain dal chaaval mera pyaar’
Nikita: oh yOU DID NOT JUST-
Maitreyi: everyone shut up right now or no gulab jamun
Maitreyi: that’s what I thought.
Maitreyi: …useless bowls of veg biriyani
Pavitr & Nikita: IT’S FUCKING PULAO-
( @hobiebrownismygod the moment this conversation happened I immediately thought of the 3 idiots 😁)
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leeahqueen · 7 months
The echoes wave (2\2)
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Ayla: This way! Commandant!
At the other end of the coastal promenade of the Esplanade in Constareye, Ayla, Sophia and Teddy waved to me.
Skk: Is it really something to be excited about?
While I was still climbing the stairs, Ayla and the others had already reached the observation deck at the end of the corridor.
After parting with Lucia and Liv on the beach, I met Ayla and Sophia in the city of Constareye, as well as Teddy from the engineering force that Ayla had just called.
Probably because Constareye is now co-managed by the Art Association, Ayla's original vitality appears to be even more abundant in this city.
But this was only a brief glimpse into a passionate time.
Ayla: Of course! After all, this is a rare opportunity to see the sea--
After saying that, Ayla made a rather exaggerated gesture and pulled herself to the viewing platform at the end of the corridor.
Beyond the observation deck on this corridor is the beach that where I left Liv and Lucia.
Nowadays, this beach has been decorated with so many colorful decorations, and among the silhouettes of people, there is actually a bit of urban prosperity.
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In the middle of the beach, directly in front of the water corridor leading to the stage in the sea, Liv and Lucia ware waving to them, and there were many structures standing beside them.
Skk: What on earth is this...
Ayla showed a sly smile.
Ayla: Commandant doesn't want to miss it either, right?
Skk: That's true.
Teddy: Really... you unbelievably passionate about this.
Sophia: Do you mean Miss Ayla?
Teddy: Yes... you don't feel tired at all? Then it seems that you are very suitable to come to the engineering force to suffer...
Ayla: Did you hear that?
Sophia: Miss Ayla's event planning skills are indeed outstanding, and she can also meet business needs at the same time.
Teddy: Hah alright, let's go...
Ayla: That's right, Liv and the others should have just finished decorating.
Skk: So Ayla planned all these things?
Ayla: Yes... and no.
Ayla: I'm just the person in charge! This sentiment is shared by everyone.
Sophia: Of course, this intention must also include wanting to design a frame...
Ayla: Okay, okay! Let's go, Commandant!
Ayla: Oh, right!
Ayla suddenly said to me slightly seriously.
Ayla: Don't forget that frame design draft.
Skk: You mean...
Teddy: Hah... Okay! Let's go...
Just like that, I was pushed by Ayla from behind, and led by Sophia and Teddy, I returned to the beach where I started.
Nowadays, the beach has been decorated with various colorful latte art, and there is also a "commercial street" with many small items and souvenirs.
Sure enough, in addition to Liv and Lucia, Strike Hawk, Dark Aries and other members of the team also came to Constareye.
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Chrome: Evening, Commandant.
Kamui: Good Evening!
As he said this, Kamui suddenly appeared from the side of the beach stage like a surprise, holding a lot of victory fruits that were obviously obtained from the claw machine.
Skk: What's the result?
Kamui: I've been wanting for a long time, so I had to grab this one.
Kamui: Just now, some mechanical body told me that this result has broken the highest record in history, and this should be given to the Commandant!
Chrome: Ahem... We've only just arrived.
Chrome: I caught up with the last two space shuttles, and I remembered there was also the Egret team...
Skk: It is indeed a very rare rest period--
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Pulao: Commandant!
Skk: Is Pulao here too?
Pulao: Of course! I have agreed to open a commercial street with Sophia and Changyu!
Skk: Right here?
Sophia: No, no! This is just a trial run! At best it can only be regarded as a branch of a commercial street!
Sophia: How can you make money on such a small scale?
---A dull explosion suddenly sounded above the head---
???: Hey, 21, aren't you a little early?
???: There's something wrong with Noctis's gunpowder ratio...
???: Impossible! Absolutely impossible!
???: Has Noctis lost his brain? Shouldn't fireworks be set off at night?
It's a bit noisy, but that's okay.
At least on this season, you can still see smiles and satisfaction on everyone's face.
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Liv: Commandant, you are back.
Lucia: Commandant...
Skk: Thank you for your hard work. Liv. Lucia.
Liv: We... just want to try our best to make this time as relaxing and enjoyable as possible.
Lucia: The bright seaside, the warm evening breeze... this is what the seaside should be like.
Lucia: It would be great if I could leave such a relaxing memory in the Commandant's memory.
Skk: I feel it already, Lucia.
Skk: What's next?
Liv: Of course, it is up to Commandant to decide.
Skk: Eh?
Liv: On days when there are no tasks or work, I hope that the Commandant can completely relax and enjoy this relaxation.
Liv: This is our wish.
Liv: And no matter where you are, Commandant, we will be here waiting for you.
The sun is still so warm, shining on this city like a treasure that seems to have been forgotten by disaster and time, on the beach, on Liv, Lucia, myself, and those familiar friends.
When the time comes that truly belongs to me, I don't know how to use it.
So where to go...
[Maybe I can go to that beach suitable for diving and look for it.]
[It's not a bad idea to just stay and relax like this.]
[The art park that Ayla led the way through just now?]
Just follow my own footsteps, there's still plenty of time to rest.
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Day Six
Happy Sunday! (if you live where I do lol) thanks to all 22 of you are hanging out with me and doing these! they're a lot of fun to think of and I'm glad you're all having a good time answering them!
~soft edition~
whats your go-to comfort movie?
what's your favorite comfort food?
what do you like to do to cheer yourself up?
say three nice things about your appearance
say three nice things about your personality
say three nice things about your intelligence
what brings you peace?
what is a great personal, handmade gift that someone could make you?
what reminds you of home? (it could be your physcial house, but it could also be the feeling of home)
tag someone who makes you smile :)
whats your go-to comfort movie? I think most movies I grew up watching so mostly bollywood like 3 idiots, Taare Zameen par, udaan, andaz apna apna, yjhd, znmd etc
what's your favorite comfort food? Forms of rice. Rice with dal and ghee, curd rice, pulao, masale bhat and taak, fried rice etc
what do you like to do to cheer yourself up? Sleep lol. Or listen to music, draw something, eat something sweet, talk to my friends etc.
say three nice things about your appearance
I love that I am tall
I love my eyes
I love my hair
say three nice things about your personality
I am caring
I am kind
I am creative
say three nice things about your intelligence
I was always smart
I am curious and I love learning new things
I am good at organising a particular concept and visualising it.
what brings you peace? When I am doing what I love. Or my loved ones.
what is a great personal, handmade gift that someone could make you? Honestly it doesn't matter. If someone puts that much effort of making something handmade idc whatever it is I am keeping it forever.
what reminds you of home? (it could be your physcial house, but it could also be the feeling of home) Food lol. I'll most prolly be moving out soon idek how am I gonna live without the homecooked food lol
tag someone who makes you smile :) Honestly all of my moots and friends on here. It isn't possible to tag everyone but I am so grateful for each and everyone
I loved all the questions, hope you're doing well.
Have a nice day/night~
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007 FEST 2023 / Food Day
The well-traveled MI6 Squad's favorite meals are all warm, comforting rice dishes, and every one of them has learned to recreate the recipe at home.
Gareth M:
Kedgeree. The man thinks he's leading MI6 into the future, but he's actually as traditional as they come.
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Eve Moneypenny:
Paella. It's all those holidays in Marbella and Malaga!
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Bill Tanner:
Biryani. Oh did you think Tanner bland? He makes a mean spicy mutton biryani.
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James Bond:
Kabuli Pulao. His friend Majeed's wife taught him how to make it in Kabul.
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Hokkien fried rice. From her training days in Hong Kong comes a stir fry that incorporates one of the most British food elements: a gravy!
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Sushi rice. His trusty Instapot has it ready for him in the evening, and he tops it with raw fish so he can share dindin with his kitties.
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Jollof. His West African ancestors are proud Felix knows exactly how to serve it.
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(this post was heavily delayed because tumblr somehow reverted my draft to nearly nothing so I had to start from scratch)
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
What's your favorite food you ate with your Muslim neighbors?
I'm genuinely curious
I CANT PICK OMGGGG THATS UNFAIR😭😭😭 But heres my top favs:
Literally any spinach dish she makes: palak paneer (spinach and cottage cheese), palak gosht (spinach and meat), aloo palak (potatoes and spinach). She ALWAYS keeps a batch of spinach frozen at home so that she can make it for me like 3 times a month.
Omg omg I love rice dishes but the way she makes pulao (or pilaf, basically rice made in mutton/lamb/meat stock with meats AND sometimes with cashews and raisins and carrots AND EVERYTHING GOOD)
When I was young, she'd make me these shaami kebab sandwiches while I'd play with her sons, aka my bffs and also my brothers. These sandwiches are just like- a core childhood memory.
AND ON SUNDAYS, they always make halwa puri (just Google it) and its so good with potato and chickpea curries😭😭😭😭
For healthy sweets, the uncle would give me this homemade Greek yogurt with sugar mixed in it, and yall it hit the spot everytime😭😭
Yall gonna judge me for this but idc, but any dish she makes that has bone marrow in it- immeadiate winner. But dw, I don't suck the bone until the marrow hits the back of my throat- no, no. They have special utensils just to retrieve that marrow.
Okay but the neighbours sons were so mean to little ole me😭😭 they'd make me do those gol gappa competitions until my stomach was literally cramping but omg was the pain worth it? YES, THE ABSOLUTE BURST OF FLAVOURSSS
Another core childhood memory of mine is me sitting in their kitchen, watching the aunty make food while she gave me a bowl of lentils and rice, a little pickle on the side. She's rolling out the rotis, I'm sitting beside her and watching her sons play wrestle mania in the lounge and she didn't allow me to wrestle with them because she doesn't want me to get hurt🥺🥺🥺🥺
If I ever win any awards in my life, my neighbours for sure would be mentioned in my speech AND also be invited to come with me to the red carpet. They've given me so many precious memories and good lessons, idk how I'll live without them ever🥺🥺🥺
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greypetrel · 11 months
🙤 Enjoyable Things 🙧Rules: List five things you enjoy and pass it along!
Tagged by @shivunin and @demandthedoodles, thank you very much!! (I am an indecisive ass so limiting myself to five is... a struggle) (also am I the only one that started singing Favourite Things from Sound of Music...?)
Food. I know it will sound stereotypical as an Italian, but eating something I like gives me so much joy. I love eating and quite like cooking, even if I'm lazy. I am a vegetarian with a lactose intolerance, so I end up eating vegan most often, and I'm currently having lots of fun in trying indian recipes which are naturally vegan (or easily so substituting ghee/butter with oil)! This Baingan Bharta recipe by cooking with Manali is something that always gives me so much joy, paired with some jeera pulao!
The sea/going swimming. I don't live close to the sea unfortunately, but I spent quite a lot of time in my youth. I can dive (used to reach 10m with no oxygen back then, now I'm terribly out of shape) and I LOVE snorkeling and seeing the fishes, and when I'll be rich I'll go diving in a cage to see some sharks from up close. All marine life gives me so much joy (the jellyfishes are so pretty! From a distance).
Medieval and Contemporary History. In case you were wondering, I love history and knowing more about it, but I'm very selective when it comes to remember it. The Middle Ages and the first half of the XX century (up until the Moon landing) are my favourite periods. Oh and also Ancient Greece. LOVE Ancient Greece (with all its flaws). I love love LOVE museums. And strolling around Medieval buildings is just!!! AAAAH! The older the better, I LOVE gothic cathedrals, and those old castles! And Oooooh I'm not the biggest graveyard fan but Irish graveyards? I'd be there sketching every day, I visited some when I was there and they were so peaceful. I love trying to read the inscriptions, and they lack the baroque kitsch that I never like. (Ireland is another thing that gives me joy, I wasn't there for enough but every time it was just... Bring me back please)
Sketchbooks. I am a art supplies hoarder, but sketchbooks are the one thing I like the most. I don't go outside without one in my purse, the fact that you have a book to be filled with what you want is just HHHHHHHHHHH so nice, it gives me so much joy. I tend to be a perfectionist, but I'm slowly trying to get rid of it and just... Do it for sketches, who cares if they're ugly.
I love to glimpse of personality in art. For both books and paintings, sculptures, movies, comics... I just love when you look at some form of art and realise the little quirks, what the author didn't like to do, or what they just love. Tolkien going on for two pages to list plants in the Ithilien because he just loved greeneries. Pushkin being overly enthusiastic about feet (Pushkin was the biggest feet fetishist... And you can't hate it for it because the way he uses words...! AAAW.). Michelangelo that was perfect but couldn't bother to paint or sculpt women because he never saw a pair of boobs in his life. It's not highlighting mistakes, it's just... I think it makes authors human, and that much closer to us. What I don't miss about the academic field is this aura of sacrality about classic authors that's... Boring. I just love to spot these little things and remind myself that big ass authors/painter/artists were just humans like you and me, with all their flaws and all the things they didn't really know how to do... but did anyway. You don't need to be perfect if MICHELANGELO can allow mistakes, no?
One more: anything Tolkien. There's just something so soothing about his writing and the way he shapes stories. I know the Silmarillion is heavy but... Consider reading his shorter books. Tree and Leaf is something that always moves me to tears, and please please do yourself a favour and read his children literature. "Roverandom" is a tale he invented for his son Christopher, to soothe him when he lost his favourite toy at the beach. He invented the story of that toy, a dog, to explain to the child that oh no don't worry your toy dog, Rover, was actually a real dog turned into a toy by a wizard, he didn't get lost, he just got home! He loved you very much but he had to return a real dog you see! You helped him find his way back!
... sorry I had to include another, hope you don't mind. :P
And HELLO new followers I'm Arja and when they distributed synthetical abilities I was trying to pet a doggo.
(also doggos gives me so much joy. If the day is grey and a doggo by the street sniffs my hand and lick me or let me pet them, the day is instantly saved.)
Tagging: @salsedine @coloricioso @heniareth @melisusthewee @rowanisawriter @zenstrike @eowyn7023 (hi!) @rosella-writes @scribbledquillz @herearedragons @idolsgf
And YOU!
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hand-picked-star · 1 month
(These are the snippet I wanted to see in IPKKND. After every rewatch, I just close my eyes and these imaginary scenes flash through my mind like they are actual scene. I am trying to articulate them here for my future recap. so that I can read them later and also hoping that some day an AI app will come where I can input these scripts and a scene will produce from the app😁😁)
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His Everything
(bolna kya sikh liya ab hume hi chup kara dete hain,khushi musing in her head, Arnav smiling at his wife's antics searched his pockets for something and brought out a small red jewellary box)
Arnav: ye hain tumari sagun,meri taraf se.(surprising khushi, a smile started to form in her lips) common open it.
Arnav: it is your gift from me (surprising khushi, a smile started to form in her lips) common open it.
(khushi opening a Jewellary box revealing a pair of dainty gold bangle inside it.simple yet so elegant.she took them in her hand and looked at Arnav)
Arnav: iske andhar khuch likha hain,see.
Arnav: there's something written inside,see.
(khushi being perplexed looking inside the band of the bangles. there written the line 'you are my everything' in simple artistic way..khushi got very emotional.the number of time she heard 'you meant nothing to me' from him.now in her bedroom,at the day of her sagun day with that very person,holding a bangle that would be her favourite that she would never take off and seeing the writings inside it, acted like a balm to a sore she didn't realize she had.On the other hand Arnav couldn't stand the emotional air any longer,he knew it would be very cheesy, but he wanted to give her someting memorable and without any further thinking went with the flow, but at this moment thinking he should have think more.he started to talk)
Arnav: itna bhi bura nehi hain jo tum isko dekhke ro do. (he took the bangles and proceed to slid them slowly in her wrist.then he took both of her hand around his waist and bring her closer making her to look up at his eyes)
Arnav: it's not that bad that you'll start crying.(he took them from her hand and proceed to slid them slowly in hers.then he took both of her hand around his waist and bring her closer making her to look up at his eyes)
Khushi: (reining her emotion and smiling through her tears) bohot accha hain.
khushi : (reining her emotion and smiling through her tears) it's very beautiful.
Arnav: ese hi ek bangle tum pehle bhi pehenti thi na? bohot din se tumari hat main nehi dekha. kya hua uska?
Arnav: a bangle like that you used to wear everyday before, you haven't wore it for long time.what happened to it?
khushi: (being surprised) upko kese pata?
khushi: (being surprised) how do you know?
Arnav: mujhe tumari har baat ki khabar rehti hain,khushi kumari gupta.
Arnav: i keep tab on everything about you, khushi kumari gupta
khushi: woh apko yaad hain ekbar humne apke office main lavanya ji ke nam pe bohot saree paude laye the?woh sab humne woh churiya bech ke kiya tha,woh meri amma ki thi.
khushi: did you remember one time I brought lots of plant in your office on behalf of lavanya ji? I brought them by selling the bangles.
Arnav:(frowning and feeling an anger forming out of irritation at the selflessness of this girl) Apni churiya bech ke?(pause) pagal ho kya tum?
Arnav: (frowning and feeling an anger forming out of irritation at the selflessness of this girl) by selling your bangles? (pause) are you mad?
Khushi : (smiling and proceed to fix his tie,pouting her lips slightly) apko toh sab pata hain na hamari bare main,par ap kya e jante hain ke apke liye hum kuch bhi kar sakte hain? hume lagta tha ke lavanya ji aur ap ek dushre se pyaar (a slight catch in her voice) karte thein aur hamare bajayse apka rista thut geya,isliye humne....(she trails off)
Khushi : (smiling and proceed to fix his tie,pouting her lips slightly) you know everything about me, huh? but do you know that I can do anything for you? I thought that you and lavanya ji loved each other (a slight catch in her voice) and because of me you two broke up. That's why I..... (she trails off)
(but Arnav was having a heart numbing realization with flashbacks of a morning in a terrace with him in a white shirt and her in a blue salwar kamiz, when she was minute away from jumping from the edge of the roof.he never gave any serious thought to this incidence,always brush aside as her childish ploys to compell him to reveal the truth of their marriage. but for the first time since that happened he was seeing the whole picture)
Arnav: (whispering) tum usdin chad pe? tum sach main kud ne wali thi? how dare you khushi?tum abhi iss (pause) bakht mujhe promise karo ke (pause) tum (pause) phir se esa karne ke baremain (pause) kabhi sochogi bhi nahi.(getting agitated by the minutes but he was whispering all of these) promise me dammit.tum esa soch bhi kese sakte ho?(still whispering)
Arnav: That day on terrace? you were serious about jumping? how dare you khushi? you right now (pause) promise me that (pause) you will never ever (pause) think about doing such thing again (getting agitated by the minutes but he was whispering all of this) promise me damn it. how can you even think about doing it? (still whispering)
khushi:( fully understand his turmoil at this moment which she wouldn't have before as she didn't know the past, place her hands on both side of his face, barely concealing her own tear, nodding her head feverantly)shhhh, hum wada karta hain.
khushi:(now fully understand his turmoil, place her hands on both side of his face, barely concealing her own tear, nodding her head feverantly)shhhh, i promise.
(Arnav drew her close to him hugging her tightly to himself, thinking how close he was to lose his everything, almost walking in the road of his late mother)
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cleansingreflections · 11 months
Version 1.29 "Cinder Burns"
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I wanted to compile all info about this version in a post and i might do this with every version so i dont forget anything :3
New Floating Record Chapter: "Cinder Burns"
2. New uniframe "Noan: Arca": - 10% Physical + 90% Lightning - Weapon: Expulsion Blade - Signature: Prometheus
3. New weapon "Expulsion Blade": - 4* Hope of the village: DMG of Basic Attacks increase by 15%; - 5* High Frequency Particle Sword: Increases Signal Orb DMG by 20%; - 6* Prometheus: Increases ATK by 10%. Using Exceed Deduction and Sublimation Strike restores 10 Energy. Doubles Dodge Gauge recovery rate.
4. New coatings: - Dreamweaver: SFX coating for Pulao: Dragontoll, 168 RC; - Red Blossom: Weapon coating for Dragon Axe, 28 RC; - Homecoming: coating for Noan: Arca, 68 RC, 49 Blueprints after patch 1.30. - This version's battle pass weapon coating will be for Camu: Crocotta's Greatsword.
Returning coatings: - Street Rebellion: SFX coating for Luna: Laurel, 168 RC.
5. New memory set "Shelley": - 2-Piece Set: Increases Lightning DMG by 10%. - 4-Piece Set: Gain Super Armor during 3-pings and Exceed Deduction. When performing a 3-ping, DMG received during Exceed Deduction and Sublimation Strike is nullified and Dodge Gauge proportional to the amount of HP lost will be consumed instead. This effect will not occur if there is insufficient Dodge Gauge remaining. - 6-Piece Set: Doubles the base DMG multiplier for Exceed Deduction and Sublimation Strike.
6. Events: - Inner world - Operation uniframe - Immunopolis - Limit Break
7. Uniframe skills: - Qu: Pavo - Noan: Arca
8. Character leap: - Watanabe: Astral
9. Miscellaneous: - Simulated Siege: Added 2 categories of skills, Linked tactics and Solo tactics. After choosing a category, players will obtain one fixed skill and then get to choose 3 more between 6 skills related to the category they picked. Linked tactics favors character swapping, while Solo tactics favors QTEs; - Stronghold: chapters 16, 17 and 18 added; - The maximum amount of skill points that can be kept in inventory has been raised; - More enemies coming in Data simulation; - Voucher store will have a timer to show how much time is left before the next shop refresh; - The skill UI is modified for a better formatting, making it easier to read; - The Ascension tutorial can now be directly accessed from the Ascension interface; - A shortcut that allows you to quickly add artworks to the list of your custom loading screens has been added to the Codex.
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choropilled · 9 months
ive mentioned before that neither cy or zarah know how to cook. now despite this and regardless of american background i will say this. They can manage Some things. zarahs better at baking things ans cy can manage to cook a little if someone helps her.
all this being said i dont care what i have to do to make it make sense but given the opportunity to have pakistani food they both WILL make it if they have to. zarah is Capable of making decent ras malai. cypress has made biryani before but burnt it. things like nihari, pulao etc are a bit on the harder side but she can make a decent singaporean rice.
also she eats mayo with a spoon but thats only tangentially related
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