#How to Use Protein Powder for Weight Gain?
rsg-energya · 3 months
Protein Powder for Weight Gain
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Here find, how Energya Fortifood is the best Protein Powder for Weight Gain Male. Best Weight Gain Powder for Female. Protein Powder for Weight Gain Under 1,000. Best Protein Powder for Weight Gain in India.
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sac-bestsupplements · 5 months
Showdown: High Protein Pills vs Protein Powder Shakes - Which one will work best for you? Maximize Your Gains! 🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♀️
Discover the best Protein Pills supplements + FAQ & Tricks:: https://super-achiever.com/best-protein-pills
#proteinpills #proteinpowder #wheyprotein
Welcome back, Achiever Fam! Today, we're tackling the great debate in the world of fitness and nutrition: High Protein Pills vs. Protein Powder Shakes!
If you've ever found yourself staring at the vast array of protein supplements, wondering which one to pick, this video is crafted just for you! 💪🔍 We'll dive into every aspect, comparing protein pills and protein powders side by side. From the ease of carrying them around to the nitty-gritty of their nutritional content, we've got all the info you'll need to make the most informed decision for your health and workout regimen. What You'll Discover in This Video: - Convenience Comparison: Understand the practical differences between protein pills and shakes. Can the convenience of pills outweigh the traditional shake? 🎒🥤 - Taste Test: We discuss what matters most to our taste buds. Is the blandness of pills better or worse than the flavor variety of powders? 🍫🚫 Nutritional Breakdown: The real meat of the matter – we break down the protein content, assessing which form gives you more bang for your buck. 💰💪
- Volume Versus Value: Discover the truth behind the quantity of protein you're actually getting and whether it's worth the swap from powder to pills. 📊 - Quality and Extras: We take a closer look at additional ingredients in protein powders that pills might lack. Are you missing out, or dodging unnecessary extras? 🌿💊 - And the moment you've all been waiting for: We will crown the champion in the ultimate face-off between protein pills and protein powder shakes. Who will take the throne as the go-to protein source for the fitness-conscious? 👑 Engage With Us: We want to hear from you! Are you a devout pill-taker or a shake-maker? Share your experiences, preferences, and any questions in the comments below!
📢💬 Don't forget: Hit that LIKE button, SHARE this video with your fitness-focused friends, and most importantly, SUBSCRIBE to Super Achievers Club for more in-depth analyses, health tips, and fitness truths that you won't find anywhere else! 🔔🌟 Coming Up Next: Brace yourselves for more enlightening comparisons in the fitness supplement world. What secrets do other popular supplements hold? Stay tuned to find out! 🎬👀
Remember: Your health and fitness journey is unique. Use this information to empower your choices and tailor your supplement intake to what suits YOU best. Stay strong and informed, Achiever Fam! See you in the next video! 💪🌟
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soft-dolll · 4 months
💗Nutritional ways to help gain weight💗
These tips are definitely for the feedees who may not be into unhealthy weight or death feederism! Please do not take this as bashing any sort of denomination of feederism, this is simply here to educate someone who wants to take a different approach to gaining weight❤️
Also, I am not a health professional, this is simply research I’ve done on my own time. Sources will be below👇
Fill up on protein!
Having a large amount of protein and not doing a lot of physical activity can help promote weight gain! This happens because the protein that wasn’t used for physical activity gets turned into glucose, which turns into fat
While gaining it is always important to eat lots (of course), but especially when you are eating less calorie dense food!
Sumo wrestlers eat plenty of nutritious foods, but their secret is to of course is to fill up on it all!
Indulge in weight gain shakes!
Using bulking powders in your weight gain shakes is a definite way to pack on those calories! Like protein powder, it can either cause muscle gain or fat gain depending on how you use it. Not doing much physical activity can cause weight gain if you’re using bulking/weight gain shakes!
Typically, you’d probably add a dairy product like ice cream, or heavy cream to your shakes, which is completely fine to do! But do keep in mind that there are lots of cholesterol in high fat dairy products, which may or may not be what you want on your journey. A good alternative would be coconut cream, and coconut milk, as they are high in calories, and low in both trans fats, and cholesterol!
Another tip is to use your weight gain powder in things like smoothies, or even baking!
Fats are definitely an important part in weight gain, and there are many nutritious ways to get fats in you! For example, nuts, oils (such as avocado oil, and olive oil, fatty fish, high fat yogurt, avocados, and eggs! Another thing you can use is animal fats such as duck fat which isn’t very high in trans fats and cholesterol!
I hope this was somewhat helpful to some of you guys!!
I apologize that the links were kind of posted weird, it’s my first time really doing something like this, so I’m not super used to or good at the format.
Again, please do not take this as me shaming any sort of denomination of this fetish, you do you <3
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theroidgutarchive · 10 months
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Joan Pradells promoting his protein powder for Black Friday. Definitely showing off how much weight you can gain using it!
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The full vid from his Insta-story…
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saltysaltdog · 3 months
It's super funny how trans-coded Sam and Max are in the telltale games. Max is the more obvious one since there's men, women, and max symbols on the toilets in the bathrooms, but Sam as his own that are more subtle but stronger in my opinion.
In no particular order:
He has a stated fear of public bathrooms, in hit and run he goes behind a screen to put on a bungee jumping harness and helmet, he had a voice coach and a therapist, he describes his family reunions as awkward, says he feels jealous of other men's stronger jaw bones, he scolds Max for asking if Bosco was transformed into a girl cow, he's apparently incredibly sweaty with a strong smell, and his clones were described as "Zaftig" which is another way of saying voluptuous or womanly, which Sam didn't like. Also went to stewardess school???
Anyways. To me, this indicates that Sam is taking testosterone, as that causes excess sweating and new smells as second puberty occurs. But I don't think he's very consistent with it, he doesn't get the same results from exercise and his diet as Max does, and while it could just be max is max (and supposedly uses protein powder) low testosterone can cause weight gain and reduce muscle.
Not to mention, the neighbourhood they live in is supposedly 3 to 1 ratio of men to women, which is just meta commentary on their lack of introducing female characters. But including featherly as a rooster who can lay eggs, this indicates, if not new York itself, then their neighbourhood is known for having a lot of ftm transitions, which is funny to me. They accidentally coded the entire neighbourhood as transmasc. Though, considering most the neighbourhood is robots, this shouldn't be too surprising.
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resowrites · 1 year
Growing Pains - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry does his best to reassure his pregnant wife about her changing body…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, language, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, some talk of body image issues, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 1320
A/N: My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Growing Pains - oneshot.
"Are these scales broken?" Her voice echoed from the bathroom, causing Henry to look up from the book he was reading.
"No, why?"
"It says I've gained three pounds!"
"… So?"
"What do you mean 'so?'" He blinked, unsure of the correct response.
"Well… you're pregnant. Surely you expected to start gaining a bit of weight?" Her mouth dropped open.
"Three pounds is hardly a 'bit' of weight, I'm not even out of the first trimester!" She harrumphed and began stepping on and off the scale.
"Careful, you'll break them."
"Why, cos now I've gotten so fat?!" She snapped.
"Okay, this is obviously gunna be a long one," Henry muttered as he temporarily closed his book.
"What was that?"
"Nothing! Ollie, I don't know what you expect me to say, just try turning them on and off again." She began fiddling with the underside of the scales, though a much deeper frown appeared on her face.
"Now it says 'error,' oh God, am I so big I've busted them?"
"No, now come to bed."
"What happened to the manual scales you had?"
"I dunno, all we've got is the kitchen scales--"
"And how am I expected to use them?!"
"Well, I suppose you could always weigh yourself bit by bit and then add up the numbers?" He could see her nostrils flare. "Or I could fill the bath to the brim and measure the volume of water spilled--"
"Carry on matey and I will drown you in that bloody bathtub!"
"See? You don't want my ideas you just want to mean. Well, I'll bid you goodnight, madam." Henry then turned over to go to sleep.
"Oh no you don't!" She ripped back the bed covers.
"You know those scales probably are broken, you must have burned a good two hundred calories just this last half an hour having a go at me--"
"Oh shut up!"
"Why?! All I've done is try and help you!"
"No, you haven't, you've just been a little turd as per usual."
"Well then stop being ridiculous and come to bed, you look fine."
"Just fine?!" He sighed.
"Ravishing, exquisite, magnificent… now come to bed." She stepped off the scales a final time and turned to look at Henry pleadingly.
"Darling, I need you to be honest."
"Uh oh…"
"Is my arse the size of Japan?" He struggled not to laugh.
"… Which part?" She huffed and threw a toilet roll at Henry. "Oh come on, you were begging for that! If you're that concerned about your arse, come over here and let me get a good look at it…"
"I think not, pervert. God, I can't believe I've put on so much weight, at this rate I'll have a backside a hundred miles wide by the end of my pregnancy!"
"That's about the size of Osaka isn't it?"
"Henry, this is not a joke!"
"Well, are you sure you weren't three pounds heavier beforehand?"
"Calm down, I was only trying to help! You look beautiful Ollie, always have, always will." But she wasn't listening.
"Perhaps the weight's gone to my chest, do my boobs look bigger?"
"How would I know? You won't rest them on my face for me to be able to tell." That time she threw a towel at him. "Will you please stop chucking the contents of our bathroom at me?!"
"No, I will not. Now answer me, do my boobs look bigger?"
"I dunno, stand to the side--"
"Well, what a bloody surprise! Anyway, you don't want reassurance you just want someone to be mad at. It's not my fault you're pregnant!"
"Oh no, then whose fault is it? Our Amazon driver?"
"Oh that reminds me, did my protein powder come today--"
"Alright, alright. And if you're looking for tampons to throw they're on the second shelf in the bathroom cabinet." She then got so mad she slammed the bathroom door, causing Henry to giggle. "Do you want me to bring in your pillow so you can be comfier?"
"Fuck off."
"Suit yourself. I wouldn't sleep in the bath though, it'll make your snoring echo." She unexpectedly opened the door.
"You're right, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overreact. Come here…" She held out her arms for a hug and he darted out of bed, eager to oblige. But without warning, she shoved Henry into the bathroom and locked the door.
"What… what are you doing? Ollie?! Let me out!"
"No, I don't think I will. Goodnight Henry, if you get cold wrap yourself in the shower curtain--"
"Wait! I'm sorry okay?!"
"No, you're not, you were rude and unsupportive of your pregnant wife--"
"Yes, and I'm sorry--"
"Don't interrupt! You have to learn Henry, and if that means you spend the night in the bathroom, then so be it."
"Well at least let me say goodnight to the baby!"
"Nope, they're annoyed with you too."
"How can you tell?"
"Cos I've got heartburn--"
"Then let me out and I'll bring you up a cup of tea and Rennies--"
"Nope, not good enough." He wracked his brains.
"Alright then, how about a foot rub?" She considered it for a moment. Henry seized his chance. "And you don't look bigger to me, but even if you did it wouldn't matter. I'd love you if you weighed a thousand pounds--"
"Are you trying to tell me I look ginormous?!" He swallowed hard.
"No! Just that I don't care what happens either way. I love you, darling - big arse or small." Henry could practically feel her anger radiating toward him. She then became eerily quiet and he half expected an axe to crash through the bathroom door. "Ollie? Is everything okay? Can you open the door? I'm not sure I locked all the knives away in the kitchen…" But what Henry heard in response sounded like whimpering. She was crying. His heart lept into his throat. "Ollie, let me out, please. Ollie? Oh, darling… I'm sorry, okay? There's no need to get upset, I was just joking! You know I never know what to say, I'm a man, alright? Stupidity is second nature to us… Ollie? Just open the door so I can see you're alright." Reluctantly she agreed and the look on her face made Henry's stomach drop. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "Now, you listen to me. You're growing a human life. It's messy, difficult, and yes, your body's going to change. But it's the last thing I want you to worry about--"
"But what if you won't find me attractive anymore!" She wailed.
"Don't be daft--"
"Henry, stop acting like we're a regular couple. You could have anyone--"
"Stop right there. I chose you to be my wife for a reason. And no, it wasn't just the sex," she rolled her eyes. "Now, you and your lovely arse are going to get into this bed so it can be appreciated in all its glory--" she quickly dashed to the wardrobe, removing something Henry could only get a glimpse of. When he saw what she put on, he burst out laughing. "I didn't know they were remaking Little House on the Prairie!" She threw an alarm clock at Henry though he managed to catch it one-handed.
"Stop it! You said I was attractive no matter what!"
"Yeah, but there's a limit! Did my mum loan you that?" He pointed up and down at the long, cotton nightie.
"No, she did not! And if you don't mind, I'm already feeling self-conscious!"
"Well, there's no need to wear a potato sack! Hang on, I think I've got some long johns I can put on…" She threw up her hands in defeat and swiftly removed the nightdress. Henry let out a low whistle. "Much better! Come here, you…" She giggled as he chased her into bed.
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They say it’s really how much you eat, not what you eat. So you eat less. You stop snacking. You count calories. You cut your meals in half. You try fasting.
They say it’s more about diet than exercise. So you cut out pop, quit fast food, eat more fruits and veggies, try this super health food that tastes like dirt. You avoid sweets and processed food as best you can.
They say it’s the alcohol. So even though you don’t drink much, you drink even less.
They say focus on protein. So you buy protein powders, protein bars, protein drinks. You eat eggs and salmon almost daily.
They say increase your water intake. So even though you’re hydrated enough, you drink more. More liquids but avoid the high calories. Try this new zero calorie drink and zero calorie sweetener.
They say oh but you still need to exercise more. So you walk more, bike more. Build up your stamina to go to the gym daily. Buy a fitness watch to closely track your every movement. Run so much you injure your knees.
They say but change up your routine or your body will get used to it. So you spend money on classes for yoga and Pilates, you try different equipment at the gym. You buy hula hoops and weights and restrictive bands to use at home. You look up different exercises to try and do them in the bathroom at work.
They say it’s okay to have some setbacks, just hop back on the wagon! So you do. Every time.
They say it’s your birth control. So you switch to a different kind.
They say it’s your hormone disorder, so you spend money on different supplements and specific diet books. You research your PCOS and endo, start a blog, talk to your physical therapist and doctors, just looking for *something* that will work.
They say talk to your doctor if it’s not working. But the doctor says just keep doing what you’re doing, or spend more money on these useless things.
They say pay attention to your mental health! The scale is just a number! So you try not to weigh yourself as often, or measure instead. You spend money on therapy and worry about getting an eating disorder.
They say plateaus and muscle weight gain are normal. So you keep going even though you don’t think anything is changing. Even when it’s been over a year. And. Nothing. Has. Changed.
They say keep going! But I’m tired.
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thelazyhermits · 9 months
Recently, I came up with a super cute TWST idea, and since it's Christmas-related, I decided to make a post about it for today. I'll put everything under the cut.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!! 😊💕💕
Okay, so in the past, I've stated that I don't think Christmas is an actual holiday in TW since there's never any indication of it being a holiday, so as far as my TWST series is concerned, it's only a holiday in Yuu's world.
Despite Christmas not being a thing in TW, Yuu still decided to get presents for her friends cause she had always wanted to celebrate the holiday with friends, so even if she couldn't do anything else related to the holday, she wanted to at least give her friends gifts.
Originally, I had planned on that being the extent of what Yuu did for Christmas, but then, a new idea hit me, which is why this post came about.
This new idea involves the Ramshackle Ghosts wanting to do something special for Yuu/Grim during the winter break, and they do this by making use of all the Christmas-related info they've gained from Yuu who was more than happy to tell them all about the holiday from her world.
After learning about Christmas and seeing how much Yuu really wants to celebrate it, the Ramshackle Ghosts decide that they'll throw a Christmas party for her and Grim during the winter break since they think that'll be a great way to make this break more enjoyable for Yuu/Grim who don't have anywhere to go during the break like the majority of the student body.
However, there's only so much the ghosts can do on their own. That's why they reach out to Sam before winter break begins cause he's told them in the past to get in contact with him if Yuu ever needs anything but is unwilling to ask since she's not the type to depend on adults, even when she really should.
Upon learning about Christmas and their plans to throw a party for Yuu/Grim from Ramshackle Ghosts, Sam immediately agrees to lend a hand since he wants Yuu to have something to enjoy during the upcoming winter break.
Plus, this is the perfect way to give gifts to Yuu since she won't be able to refuse them if they're given in the spirit of this holiday, which is an ideal arrangement to Sam who would really like to be able to dote on her a little, although he mostly just wants to ensure she has everything that he thinks she needs to live comfortably since he doesn't like how she always seems to be making sacrifices on her part in order to take care of Grim.
But Sam also does want to just spoil her since he's become rather fond of his favorite employee. So he'll get her practical stuff he knows she needs around the dorm as well as things he knows she'd be happy to receive like books, cute cat-related items, cooking supplies she normally can’t afford, etc.
Because he knows he's not the only one who feels this way, Sam also contacts the NRC faculty cause he knows Crewel would immediately take advantage of this opportunity to give Yuu clothes cause Crewel hates how the majority of Yuu's wardrobe consists of used clothes she's gotten from her friends lol 😂
Being a girl dad, Trein would also feel compelled to contribute to this cause but he'd probably focus on practical gifts useful for school, although he might add in at least one thing that's cat-related, saying it's a gift from Lucius haha
Meanwhile, Vargas is eagerly buying her some weights, sweatpants, protein powder, and anything else he thinks will be helpful to her building her muscles lol 😂
When Crowley hears about what the others are doing, he feels obligated to do something for Yuu too, especially when the other adults are all having a group discussion about it and giving him some not so subtle looks lol
In the end, I think Crowley would just provide extra food, like what he gave them in canon plus more, claiming that he's providing a crucial part of the party, especially considering how much Grim can eat haha
Thanks to the adults, the Ramshackle Ghosts are able to get everything they'll need for a Christmas party: a tree, presents, decorations, food, etc.
What's even better, the Ramshackle Ghosts are able to make it a complete surprise for Yuu/Grim thanks to Book 4 events since that keeps Yuu/Grim out of the dorm for several days since dealing with Jamil took a few days and then Yuu/Grim spent another couple of days at Scarabia after Jamil's OB due to her ending up with a fever since Jamil didn't want her to leave until she fully recovered.
So, when Yuu/Grim finally return to Ramshackle, they're beyond surprised to find its interior completely decked out with Christmas-esque decorations, and they're especially astonished by the large amount of presents underneath the Christmas tree.
Yuu is even more shocked when she finds out from the Ramshackle Ghosts that the NRC adults helped make this all happen since she's so unaccustomed to adults treating her so nicely/going out of their way for her sake. This kind of thing would've never happened back in her world.
While she doesn't think Sam and the others are like Mumei and the other adults from her past, Yuu still has a hard time trusting adults, even though she does like Sam and the others. (In the case of Crowley, it just depends on the day lol 😂)
That's why Yuu can't stop herself from wondering if there's a catch since why else would these adults do all this when there's nothing in it for them?
However, once Yuu hears about all the planning the Ramshackle Ghosts had been doing with the NRC adults, mostly Sam/Crewel, during the weeks leading up to the start of winter break, she realizes there truly aren't any ulterior motives here. They really just wanted to do something nice for her and Grim.
Once she comes to that realization, Yuu gets pretty emotional but thankfully manages to keep herself from actually crying. She's just so touched that there are people that would actually go to such lengths for her sake.
Fortunately, Grim provides a much needed distraction when he demands that they start opening presents cause, of course, that's what he'd focus on since the food provided by Crowley is in the fridge since the Ramshackle Ghosts thought it'd be better to leave it to Yuu to decide when to get all that out for the party they wanna have.
Since, by this point, I'd say it's either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, Yuu agrees to opening presents since she's also excited about opening her first ever Christmas presents.
Yuu and Grim have a great time opening presents since they love all the presents they were given, although Grim does complain about all the practical gifts and the muscle-building ones he got.
(Much to Grim's delight, pretty much everyone gave him a can of tuna since it's well-known how much he loves the stuff lol)
One of the presents Yuu especially got excited about was the Christmas sweater Crewel made for her, which she was amazed by how authentic it looked considering the only kind of reference he would've had is whatever he heard from the Ramshackle Ghosts.
Yuu immediately puts on the sweater and the fuzzy cat socks she got from Trein, which she will definitely be wearing for the rest of the day.
Yuu also loved the books and sewing/knitting supplies she got from the Ramshackle Ghosts who know her tastes well thanks to living with her the last few months.
After they finish opening presents, Grim starts complaining about being hungry, so Yuu decides to get to work on getting the food provided by Crowley ready.
It's during this time that Floyd calls Yuu, asking her if she and Grim want to come over to the Mostro Lounge to eat lunch with him, Jade, and Azul since it's boring when it's just the three of them eating together.
This leads to Yuu inviting the Octatro over to join the Ramshackle Christmas party since she figures the more people, the better, and she wants to enjoy the party the Ramshackle Ghosts prepared but also spend time with her friends if they're available.
Unsurprisingly, Floyd is all for going to a party since that sounds way more fun than what they've got going on at the Mostro Lounge, and once he tells Jade about it, Jade agrees since it sounds fun and because this is another opportunity to learn more about Yuu's world.
Azul doesn't trust the twins to behave themselves, so he also comes. Plus, he's also curious about what a Christmas party is like.
After that call ends, Yuu decides to also send an invitation to Kalim and Jamil, and of course, Kalim is all too happy to come since he'd never turn down a party invitation.
Since Kalim is coming, that means Jamil has to as well, but since he's curious about this otherworldly holiday, he doesn't mind attending, although he's definitely not pleased about seeing the Octatrio once they all get to Ramshackle lol
Since the Octatrio and the Scarabia duo all bring food since they wanted to contribute to the party, there ends up being quite the feast which Grim is naturally very happy about.
Kalim and Floyd get a big kick out of the Christmas decorations and excitedly check out every nook and cranny of the dorm that's decorated.
Meanwhile, the other three are much more calm as they observe everything that's so foreign to them.
In the end, they all find themselves liking the Christmas decor, but Kalim is definitely the biggest fan of it - to the point he wants to start hosting Christmas parties from now on and make it a holiday in the Scalding Sands, much to Jamil's exasperation.
Aside from enjoying the decorations and food, I like the idea of everyone playing games for entertainment and also maybe exchanging stories about what's commonly done in their hometowns during this time of year.
All in all, Yuu has a great first ever Christmas since she's able to spend it with her friends and have all this fun with them - fun that she would've never experienced back in her world.
It's a memory she'll treasure for the rest of her life.
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ackee · 3 months
i wanted to make a vid that was titled something like "how to gain weight when you have adhd" but i looked at my old protein powder etc orders from 2020 and the stuff i use has Doubled in price since then. so im not shooting myself in the foot im sorry everyone.
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tomboyfriends · 9 months
hey, do you have any advice for women trying to build muscle? I'm specifically looking to build some muscle in my chest.
Ok, so I'm going to be completely honest with you and tell you that I am less than one year into seriously weight training. I am by no means an expert nor am I a health professional. With that in mind, I'll tell you what I know. :) You are free to message me as well if there's anything more you would like to know. It's impossible to cover everything in one post but I will do my best to be helpful. There is quite frankly SO MUCH to learn about growing muscle, but it is doable. If you have a curious and open mind and love to research then those are amazing assets to have because there are always ways to refine your technique and improve diet and rest. These might seem pretty basic so maybe you already know a lot of this (I don't know your experience level so I'm gonna talk as if speaking to a total newbie) but I'll cover what I think is important. Eat lots of protein. Shoot for 0.7-0.8g of protein per pound of lean body mass. If you are already pretty lean you can use your normal weight but if you are obese then you should try to figure out how much of your weight is fat and calculate your lean body mass from there. Protein powders such as whey protein and pea protein are very helpful and can be more affordable than other sources. Some people will say 1g of protein per pound of body weight but honestly it may be a bit overkill. Try to eat your protein not all in one sitting otherwise your body will convert a bunch of it into energy instead of muscle. Have some of your daily protein with each meal instead, you can break it into snacks as well. Train hard, REST HARDER. If you don't rest your body will not be able to create more muscle. Get at least 8 hours nightly, more is probably better. After working out, do not exercise the same muscles you trained for a minimum of 48 hours. Use this time to exercise different muscle groups, or rest. Technique/form >>> lifting heavy. Form is important for safety and to also ensure you are stimulating the targeted muscles instead of inadvertently using other parts of the body to get the work done. Control the eccentric (lengthening the muscle) phase of an exercise by performing it slowly for 1-3 seconds. Concentric (shortening/contracting the muscle) phases can be done explosively and quickly but you must always be in control of the weight and not use momentum to move the weight around. Rest 1-3 minutes (some people say minimum 2 minutes, you can also rest longer if needed) between sets to make both your muscles AND nervous system enough time to recover. STOP THE WORKOUT IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PAIN/NAUSEA/LIGHTHEADEDNESS/FEELING FAINT/ANYTHING ELSE YOU'RE CONCERNED ABOUT. Some discomfort is okay, but as soon as you feel pain in your muscles or joints or anything else that is serious you have to stop or you may seriously harm yourself. It is important to be in contact with your primary healthcare provider and adapt your workouts to your own specific health needs. BE PATIENT. Women can expect to gain about one pound of muscle per month through weight training. You should not weight train solely for muscle gain, but also for the health benefits in improved cardiovascular health, improved mental health, increased energy and strength, better sleeping habits, and good diet (lots of proteins and veggies). Record the types of exercises you do, how many sets and reps you did, and how much weight you used for those sets and reps. Weight training is built upon the concept of progressive overload, which means increasing training volume (weights * sets * reps) over time, by increasing one (or more) of those variables (so upping the weight, sets, and/or reps). In order to utilize progressive overload effectively, you MUST record your progress so that you are not guessing how much you lifted the last session and end up potentially stunting your progress. When you're putting in this much time and effort you do not want to wing it and waste a workout session. --
Now, you want to build chest muscle. I personally work more on leg and arm muscles but I do work out my entire body. I'm saying this to convey that I am not the most experienced. However, this is what I know. You should try to get around 10 sets of chest exercises weekly to stimulate muscle growth (standard across the board for muscular hypertrophy in any muscle group). You can do more (I do bc I have a lot of free time) but don't burn yourself out, because consistency is arguably the most important factor when it comes to muscle growth. You have to commit for several months and then years. 10 sets of 5-8 reps (repetitions) weekly should cause muscular hypertrophy (muscle growth). You can do all ten sets in one session, or break it down into two sessions where you do five sets each. It all depends on your personal schedule. Start light in order to get accustomed to whichever chest exercises you choose first, and then lift the heaviest you can without breaking form/cheating the rep. It is completely possible to work out your chest muscles without doing bench presses. HOWEVER, in the event that you do bench presses, here are some safety tips. NEVER use clips to secure weights on either side of the barbell when you are performing bench presses without a spotter, otherwise you may become stuck when failing a bench press and will be unable to free yourself because the weights are unable to slide off onto the floor, lightening the bar. Bench pressing without a QUALIFIED spotter (not some gym rando you don't know) is not ideal, however it can be hard to get a spotter so that's why I'm giving you this tip in case you decide to solo bench press anyway. Personally I almost never bench press and opt to use the machines which are much safer to use solo. Personally I use pec/chest fly machines and chest press machines to work out my chest, along with shoulder presses to stimulate part of the upper chest (but of course those are mostly for my shoulders). On youtube there are a bunch of demonstration videos (including by women) so you can look at those if you need more guidance than the instructional stickers on the sides of exercise machines. Remember to get good stretches of the chest muscles under tension on chest fly machines (cable machines are good too) bc that stimulates the muscles a bunch and results in good growth. Incline chest presses are good too. You can use pushups to stimulate muscle growth in the chest, HOWEVER it is not possible to utilize progressive overload using calisthenics (exercises with (little to) no external weights/objects) unless you like... idfk wear a backpack with weight on it or something. So you can use this to grow chest muscle initially, however your growth would end up plateauing after a certain point. If you have any more questions just let me know, again I'm not a pro but I'm glad to help in any way I can. There is so much more I could have added but I hope this post has helped you at least even a little bit. Edit: This ask refused to publish a few times because of how damn long my post was lmao
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shesbackagain · 5 months
Omg !! Thank you thank you thank you!! For answering! You are such an Angel!😭🩷🩷! When I ask most girls, they don’t reply 😭! So thank you so much!
I have an okay butt! But only due to genetics too🥲(thank you family 🫶🏾) ! But lately, it’s been looking a little less firm. So I’ve been working out since august of last year! And finally! I’m seeing some progress! Barely you know. It’s taken me on such a roller coaster of emotions and self doubt if I should even go to the gym 😭 but thank goodness I did not give up! I’ve been waking up at 5 am to go!! Changing my eating habits, and eating less processed foods/ incorporating a bit of protein! And it’s finally paying off 😭!
So! When I stumbled upon your blog and absolutely wow! You are beyond inspiring! You are so pretty!😭🩷. (Please I’m not a creep, I swear they’re compliments 😭) like your cake is so firm and perky, and lifted! And the shape is just wow! Like my mouth dropped when I saw your pictures! You are so so beautiful! ✨.
My upper body isn’t the best either 😅🥲. But i prioritize it just because I have too😭. But I’ll incorporate more of the hip abduction/adduction, and hyperextension!! I usually avoid those because I’m so shy to use the machines 😭😂. Like I usually grab my weights and bar and go into a little corner of a room! But I’ll give them a try!💪🏼.
Same here I don’t have a fixed workout plan either! And you are absolutely so right about not seeing how far we’ve come with seeing what our body can endure. Or do workouts that used to be difficult at the beginning, but know they’ve become easier🩷 Like it just made sense to me, that I’ve been working out since august of 2023! And barely this month is where I have felt at my happiest and lightest emotionally. My body can finally keep up 😭. My body is looking different and I love how I’m changing physically 🥹.
But thank you so much for answering my ask! It means so much to me! I’m so sorry I’m like spilling my emotions here 😅. It just means a lot. And you are absolutely so nice and sweet and you look good!😁🩷
By any chance,(sorry to bother 🥲) would you mind sharing what your protein intake? 🩷 is it mostly through foods, or are you also taking a specific protein powder? 😯
No worries! I'm happy to help in any way I can 🤗
Congrats on those 8 months going to the gym!!!!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉 You should be proud of yourself for sticking with it 😊😊😊 I'm a newbie too, I've started going to the gym on September 23' 💪
I know it's hard to keep going because I felt so anxious and dumb and out of place at the beginning of this journey 🫣 so I'm happy for you and myself haha creating a habit is difficult!!!!!! 😤
I'm glad you are finally seeing progress and it's a big part of staying motivated to keep working out and eat more home cooked meals and all the healthy stuff we try to do even if we don't succeed all the time 😂
Thank you for the compliments I appreciate them 💖
Today I did some upper body workout and ugh 😩 it's always like 'am I doing enough?' because I don't feel that strong haha my goal is to do pull ups one day 🙌🙌🙌🙌
You should try those exercises, I know I'm shy too and sometimes I don't want to be in front of everyone but I suck it up and do it and to be honest I've been saying to myself that I'll try squats on the Smith machine for ages and I haven't had the courage to do it yet just to not make a fool of myself 🫣🥲 so I get it
About the protein intake I couldn't tell because the only thing I do is to be more mindful of what I eat and I try to eat a good amount of protein with every meal. But yes, I use protein powder too, sometimes I have a protein shake with some fruit or baked oats with the protein powder or with yogurt but mostly when I think that I haven't eaten that much protein or if I have had workout that day. What I've been told is that if you're trying to gain muscle you should eat around 2 grams per kilo of protein depending on your weight 🤓
(I take myprotein whey powder)
Thank you for sharing your gym story with me ☺️
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yummcook · 2 days
Supangle: Turkish chocolate dessert
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Supangle is a different dessert that has Turkish origin and its excellent taste and color will add a lot of beauty to your party table. It is quick and easy to prepare and is a suitable option after a meal or as an evening meal.
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Most of the desserts are made from dairy products, such as saffron pudding, the recipe of which you can find on this site, and make sure to use fresh and healthy ingredients. This dessert has many fans in Turkey and milk is used in it. You can also prepare this dessert at home and in this article we have prepared the easiest recipe for you.
Necessary ingredients to prepare Supangle: Turkish chocolate dessert
Milk is one of the main ingredients of Supangle, and if you use high-fat and high-quality milk, you will give this dessert a more delicious taste.Milk2 CupsHouseHalf a cupCorn starchHalf a cupSugarHalf a cupCocoa2 SpoonsEgg yolk1Butter25 GramsChocolate50 GramsVanilla5 Drops
How to prepare Supangle: Turkish chocolate dessert
Step 1
Heat the milk in a suitable container and first add corn starch and sugar along with cocoa powder and mix until the corn starch dissolves in it.
Step 2
Add the egg yolk and vanilla to the ingredients and stir until it thickens a little and add the chocolate to the ingredients until it melts. If you like the taste of the dessert bitter, you can use dark chocolate, or if you want it to be sweet, use sweet chocolate.
Step 3
At this stage, add butter and cream to the ingredients and mix together, remove from heat until the temperature decreases, pour into suitable molds and put in the refrigerator for two hours.
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Benefits of Supangle: Turkish chocolate dessert
High protein and calcium
Improve bone growth
Energy supply of the body
Improve brain function
Disadvantages of Supangle: Turkish chocolate dessert
High fat
Increased blood sugar
Weight gain
Digestive problems
Supangle is a very tasty dessert that is loved by all ages and is a nutritious food for children. You can not use cocoa and chocolate in it and make it white or decorate it in two colors in glass molds. The human body needs sugar during the day and night, and using these delicious foods can supply the body’s blood sugar and give you plenty of energy. Make this delicious dessert and share your thoughts with us.
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degenrcy · 1 year
only i can hurt you (chapter 2)
same warnings as last one but with more highlight on the ed part of the relationship! 
you two were out grocery shopping for the league with a whopping budget of barely 120 dollars. it was getting hot out, summer not just rolling but suddenly jumping you from around the corner with multiple day long heat waves predicted for the next 2 weeks. this meant no one wants to smoke drugs in a non-air-conditioned in an already heated car. this meant dabi and shigaraki weren't making much on their deals. this meant 120 dollars for groceries. for a house full of adults.
minus you two of course. "it's perfect tomu, we don't have enough for all of us so me and you can just... not eat for a little. nothing we can't handle, right tomu?" you clung to his skeletal form, instinctually running your hands up and down the length and wrapping your fingers around different parts of his arm. it was self-soothing yet a burdening reminder you two were only centimeters apart when it came to gaps and circumfrences of limbs and calories and weight and food and disgust and fat and-
"don't call me that in public. good idea i guess," he sighed, then motioned to the shelves of the current aisle you were in. "but look. we buy two packs for 12 dollars and we can get another THREE for free. i can be set for like, 2 weeks more if we invest in this."
you scowled, tugging him away into a different aisle. shigaraki was addicted to every diet soda out there, making it his mission to try every flavor before he dies as if he has 3 months left to live. full sugar soda was his vice when you two first met, cliche mountain dew drinking gamer with fast food bags inside more fast food bags inside grocery store plastic bags- he was disgusting. his teeth were nothing short of rotting and yellowed. but he was skinny. unintentionally omad-ing a burger and fries with a bunch of soda to wash it down after going days with either snacks and energy drinks or nothing at all when he was grinding out gameplays. you had grown up trying every sort of diet and eating all types of food but god has cursed women for eternity and blessed shigaraki tomura and every other male you've known with statistic-breaking metabolisms and simple cravings.
the only thing that ever worked for you was him. someone else's force. him forcing you to not eat by keeping you in his room for days. forcing you to purge those fries you got because can you imagine how much fat is actually in there? they don't weigh your food out, and look, all the fries are different sizes. the calories aren't gonna be accurate, you know that. it was fun to eat, but now all that salt is gonna make you look fat. actually, be fat. you're fat. go to the fucking bathroom and get that disgusting shit out of your stomach before you get fatter. by making you feel so horrible about yourself, you couldn't even stomach the thought of eating anything with sustenance.
you tossed a couple boxes of gauze and this really good disinfectant cream you two use, a lot, in the cart. sometimes he cuts you- one for every extra piece of food over your limit, every pound gained or not lost within acceptance, for even suggesting eating. how else would you have learned without him? without shigaraki's love and dedication to you, you'd be lost. and fat.
you tossed in some of toga's requested items- this new organic ramen cup rip off that was 2 dollars more expensive than being normal. a new pack of razors- but in an artistic way. toga likes to make art pieces with razors. and blood. who's blood? no one asked. everyone knew. some fruit went in the cart that everyone could enjoy. a lot of sale-priced store brand microwavable foods followed. cucumbers and pickles were the only vegetables you and shigaraki could handle. salad was to expensive. the biggest budget-denter was all of jin's mass amounts of protein. chicken, turkey, protein bars, protein powder, protein drinks, shit you guys didn't have money for anyways. you could only buy a nice pack of chicken for him. some tofu for dinner and broth.
"he can buy the rest with his gym-guy money. we don't owe him." you tugged on shigaraki's hoodie again, and he jerked his shoulder away from you. you gripped his forearm, and he frowned. haha, shigaraki, you can't hurt women in public.
by the time you guys got home, everyone was there.
"when the fuck did we all get days off, huh?" shigaraki yelled as he entered the house with two packs of strawberry flavored diet coke. he won that argument, judging by the three shakily stacked up in your arms. dabi got up from his permanent spot on the couch and the smoke around him twisted and curled until it reached the open door. they dapped eachother up, as boys do, dabi handing off the blunt without missing a beat to your boyfriend and showing him something on that god-forsaken beat up iphone 7. you couldn't really tell what was going on, didn't care much, just focused on bringing in the last few bags. you heard some expressions of disbelief, some anger, some laughing.
"i gotta kill her." dabi was saying as you put the final bag down, taking a few moments to catch your breath. you felt like you were gonna pass out.
"shit, i'd kill mine too if she did that." they were both leaning against the wall now, you could tell they were trying to inconspicuously get to the couch to knock out.
"shiiiiit," dabi ashed the blunt on the floor, then pointed to shigaraki with it. "you'd kill yours for breathing too fat."
there was an awkward moment of silence for you, followed by the two guys laughing their asses off and shigaraki not disagreeing.
"hey," you panted. "can you help clean out the cabinents?"
they looked at your hunched over form, hands on your knees, panting like a dog. and laughed at you. dabi slapping his thighs while he died of laughter and shigaraki stomping his boots against the floor, also laughing, also driving the ash further into the grains of the wood.
"gotta kill you now, y/n. out of breath over one set of stairs." he shook his head, giving one last hit to the blunt before letting dabi finish it. "fat bitch. clean this place up yourself." he spat, pulling off his hoodie after carefully peeling it away from his arms. your eyes started to well with tears, stinging. you pulled off your own hoodie, setting it on the couch and getting to work. you had thirty minutes left till your fast was over, it was enough time to clean out the old food from the kitchen and organize all the new stuff. enough time to get some wet paper and clean the floors. (what's a swiffer?) enough time to think about how hungry you were while staring in the fridge absentmindedly. fat bitch. enough time to chug a glass of tap water and physically shake your head free of food thoughts. dog.
you held the warm mug of soup in your hands, always cold and shaking. now recently added, veins sticking out more. it made you want to slice up your hands and fingers. you sighed, swirling the soup around with your spoon. you wish you could put bread in the soup, or maybe have a bowls worth and not just a cup. it wasn't on the plan shig had you on though, and it probably would never be. you gave up bread months ago, along with things like cereal and any soda at all. however sugar was always the hardest part, going strong for a month or two then ultimately binging on a whole candy bar one of the roommates gave you.
shigaraki comforted you that day, holding you in his arms. "i know it sucks you ate all that candy. you've been doing good so far, and i'm disappointed, but it could be worse. just make sure you're back on track tomorrow like you have been." he kissed the top of your head. "they never offer me candy or their food, you know."
"...what?" you lifted your head to look at him, clutching onto him tighter.
"yeah," he nodded. you felt like a little kid listening to his story. "i think it's because you're almost bmi 19, finally, but don't look any different from when you first were starting to lose weight. i mean, look at me babe. would you ever offer someone like me something so depraving as chocolate?"
your lip trembled.
"they know what i am. they can already tell i don't need it, that i won't take it from them. you know why?"
"cuz' your so skinny." you sniffled, trying to hide in his sleeve. he nodded again.
"and they all know you're the fat girl that they can buy a hershey bar for. that they can share their food with and you'll finish it for them. is that what you want?"
"...nooo!" you cried out, tears dripping down your cheeks. he kissed them, pink and hot from the shame of being his fat girlfriend.
"good... fix it then."
you were now barely bmi 17, and your boyfriend was nearing 15. you cried every time you thought about it, which was everyday. every gash on your arm for all the binges and regret and disgust and hatred and anger and all those gross feelings you got about being alive were imprinted on you forever now. you wanted thin forever, you wanted to be beautiful for your boyfriend forever, even if it wasn't gonna be shigaraki. you saw how amazing jin treats his women before his next episode, toga's insanely strong adoration for the same person she's been on about for years- yet her ability to do it for her current partner anyways. how dabi sleazes up girls at parties to be his customers and in his bed by the morning. even some of shigaraki's cut-off family seems nicer than what he's ever told you. they speak fancy and dress nice, they're rich. they pay the rent here for shigaraki and his 'friends', he was a rich boy living the poor life.
"you have money shigaraki, we could buy a new car or fix the fucking washer if you just called your stupid fucking uncle!" you were arguing again, not really remembering what really started it. the missed car payment might've been it, but no one really cared about paying off a car you guys bought for like 5k- oh, then wanting a new one, you were caught up now. "we could maybe have a kitchen, with, you know, real food!"
he scoffed.
"always thinking about food," he rolled his eyes. "even if i did get more money from them, i'm sure you'd waste all my gas money on driving to food spots. spend all the water in the washer washing away the grease and food stains from your clothes. your clothes, which go up in size," he got closer to you, back against the wall. "if i called my stupid-" his fist collided with the wall, actually breaking through it. it crumbled and fell in small pieces on your shoulder and to the floor, you flinched but didn't dare to scream. "-fucking uncle. for more money. you'd just spend it on filling up the kitchen, with real food. is that what you're telling me?"
he was in your face, seething. eyebrows pinched tightly, looking into your sunken eyes. you shrugged. he smacked you.
"you don't eat shit unless i tell you to." he grabbed your jaw, forcing you straight, then smacked you again. with similar force that he gave the wall apparently, knocking you to his feet and oh shit you were actually seeing stars. his boot pressed between your shoulders, holding you on the floor. "lay here while i make jin his retarded fucking pre-workout. if you get up, i'll kill you."
you sobbed as quietly as you could into your arms, phone buzzing in your pocket. the fast was over. you had 2 hours to eat. start with something light, maybe a cup of soup. some fruit for fiber, or something. uh, maybe tomu will make you some of his good tofu... takes too long though, it'll be 7 by then, and you don't eat past 7. you lay there. even after tomu walked by you, even after he came back to tell you to get up, even when he kicked you.
you felt small as he picked you up, grumbling and cursing, setting you down into his bed. he rubbed your head, down your spine, over your hip bones. he pushed you flat on the bed, running his fingers up over your flattened stomach and feeling up your ribs. he kissed your collarbones, each side, then your forehead. "just a few more." he whispered to you as you whined. few more pounds, okay. few more hours, okay. whatever tomura wanted, you would gladly do. you love hurting yourself, but he does all the work for you. you loved losing the weight, loved the perfect scars, loved the feelings that weren't complete distain so it surely meant they were good-feelings.
you loved tomura.
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channiebelly · 11 months
ahhhh you got me when i see the minchan… i’m here to request a seokmin and mingyu where they both start bulking to get shredded but get too distracted with how good the other looks bigger and instead focus on making each other big as opposed to losing the weight like intended
gosh, a plump gym bro is the way to my heart. i hope you enjoy! and thank you for the request.
ship: mingyu/seokmin
wordcount: .7k
seokmin and mingyu's new years resolution was to get ripped. they were both already quite toned, the beginnings of biceps and abs already there, but they wanted to get undeniably shredded.
"I think we should do bulking and shredding," Mingyu says on the second of January. "It's where you start by lifting weights and gaining muscle, but also eating a lot. And then after a month or so, you cut down how much you eat so when you lose the weight, you're just left with the muscles."
"Oh," Seokmin says. "That actually sounds quite easy. And I love to eat, so I'm in."
They start immediately. Mingyu stocks up on healthy things like protein powder and vegetables so they have energy to burn at the gym, but also buys fattening things like ice cream and cakes and chocolates.
"If we're going to put on weight, we're going to do it in a fun way," he says.
The diet is successful, and Mingyu and Seokmin enjoy eating as much as they want without any shame. When they go to bed packed full and bloated, they say that it's more energy to use at the gym the next day. And they like that they can do this together. Going to the gym, cooking and eating together gives them more time to spend as a couple.
Their gym goals go well too. Both of them gain muscle in their arms, shoulders and legs, and the amount of weight they are able to lift gets higher and higher.
After just one month, Seokmin can see the added definition in Mingyu's arms. And he can also see the little pot belly that Mingyu has developed. Mingyu has an affinity for wearing tight tank tops, so it's always on display. Seokmin thinks it's so sexy.
Seokmin, on the other hand, is softer. He's also gained muscle, but he's also gained a soft layer of fat on top of it. Mingyu cuddles him a lot more these days; he wonders if it's connected.
Seokmin likes seeing Mingyu eat so well. He always looks so happy after a meal and the way he strokes his fully belly makes Seokmin crazy.
So, naturally, Seokmin decides to help him out.
He makes him heavy milkshakes for dessert every night, not mentioning that he's making them with heavy cream instead of regular milk. And when he serves Mingyu a plate of food, he piles it higher than usual, knowing that Mingyu will eat it all.
They both pack on the pounds quickly, Seokmin not realising that Mingyu is doing the exact same thing to him. He brings home baking from work almost every day for Seokmin to eat, and insists on Seokmin going to a local burger place after almost every gym session.
After another month of this, Mingyu brings up the idea of cutting.
"Do you think we should start cutting now?" he asks as they wash their faces in the bathroom sink before bed.
"It's going to be hard, after getting used to eating so much," Seokmin says.
"It will be." Mingyu sighs. "I like eating like this."
"Me too," Seokmin says. "And you look really good already." He reaches out his hands to trail along the distended slope of Mingyu's belly, which almost looks like a small beach ball now. He admires Mingyu, who's big in multiple ways. Big arms, big chest, big belly. Mingyu shivers under his touch.
"You look amazing too," Mingyu says. He takes one of Seokmin's developing love handles in his hand and shakes it, watching as his belly shakes as well.
Seokmin steps closer so their bellies are pressed against each other. "What if we stay like this then? We're both happy, and we look hot."
"We can get bigger." Mingyu's eyes raking over Seokmin. "I'm liking these," he says while taking on of Seokmin's developing moobs into his hand, brushing his thumb over the nipple. "Wanna see them grow."
Fuck. Seokmin is so turned on.
"I'm in."
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spitefulreturn2 · 2 months
Personal tips
My experience is just going to be different from others because I actually have been coming down from a highway. I’ve gone from like obese class too to just overweight, I swear to God I’m literally hovering above average. But there are some things that made a huge difference for me, especially with binging behavior. • liquid calories must be extremely restricted, I’ve become very dependent on caffeine so I allowed to have 0 cal caffeine like G fuel, or coffee under very specific conditions where I had counted for the amount of sugar and milk, or I substituted sweet sweetener and cream with a scoop of protein powder. DO NOT MIX HOT DRINKS AND PROTEIN POWDER IT WILL COOK IT. But this meant I could have my caffeine, it could taste good, and I was actually able to excuse the calories. One scoop of protein powder is 180 cal, with a lot of nutrients I actually need. • I had to hold my word, if I said that I was going to have a fasting day, then it was going to be a fasting day, and I couldn’t just change my mind halfway through. what if this was any other substance then food and I couldn’t go a single day without it? It suddenly wouldn’t be OK or as excusable.
• I had to be consistent about weighing myself on the scale, and I wanted to know accurate numbers, so I would weigh myself when I got up in the morning after my first pee, but before I consumed anything. I would do this every morning, and at the end of the week take the average. It helped me get used to the fact that my weight would definitely fluctuate through the week, even if I was doing everything right, it also helped keep me on track to remember that a single night of binging could lead to weight stall or gain.
• 👏🏻safe 👏🏻 foods!!!!!! Seafood honestly look different for everyone, but for me, they had to follow a specific parameters. One of my favorite safe foods is a frozen salmon fillet. I can buy a pack at the beginning of the week, and there’s no reason why I should be all out before the week is over. I know how many calories are in each portion, and if I’m unsure, then I can just wait on a food scale. I know that it has vitamins I need, fats that I need to absorb my vitamins, and protein that I need. I can’t possibly his junk food, and I happen to be a big fan of raw fish so that means I don’t have to count for cooking oils in calories. I also became a huge fan of soup, because the liquid will make my stomach feel full, but usually calories are under 50. Eggs were also great for me, as long as it was just egg and not tons of cheese and cream added in. • DANGER FOOD AWARENESS! There were definitely also foods that were very dangerous for me, because they would directly lead to a binge or leave me feeling hungry than I was before I started eating. For me? That was a lot of baked goods. I’m just one of those people where I can’t have one cookie. I have to have all of them. A PB&J makes me hungrier, peanut butter in general is actual crack for me. Gotta avoid it.
• I avoid diet talk with others IRL because they end up accusing me of concern farming, of RED behaviors, or just lying. I’ve had people actually tell me I must be lying about my weight loss, and at the beginning essentially say “HA yeah sure ok”. Demoralizing for no damn reason, and concern when I’m literally not dying or even sick. I feel better than I ever have. • Use your hair and nails to tell you where your nutrition is! Breaking and crumbling nails means you’re deficient, take a fish oil pill and a multivitamin because some vitamins NEED FAT to be absorbed by your body.
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nourishandthrive · 3 months
How to Plan a Week of Healthy Meals
Planning a week of healthy meals can save you time, reduce stress, and ensure you’re nourishing your body with balanced, nutritious foods. Follow these steps to create a meal plan that works for you and your lifestyle.
Step 1: Set Your Goals
Identify Your Nutritional Needs: Consider your dietary preferences, any food allergies, and your health goals (e.g., weight loss, muscle gain, maintaining energy levels).
Balance Your Plate: Aim for a mix of lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Step 2: Create a Meal Plan Template
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks: Plan for all meals and snacks to avoid impulsive eating.
Use a Planner or App: Use a weekly planner or a meal planning app to organize your meals. This helps visualize your plan and make adjustments as needed.
Step 3: Choose Your Recipes
Select Simple Recipes: Choose recipes that are easy to prepare and fit into your schedule.
Incorporate Variety: Ensure you have a mix of flavors and cuisines to keep your meals interesting.
Batch Cooking and Leftovers: Plan for batch cooking or leftovers to save time on busy days.
Step 4: Make a Shopping List
List All Ingredients: Write down all the ingredients you’ll need for the week’s meals.
Check Your Pantry: Cross-check with what you already have to avoid buying duplicates.
Organize by Section: Group your list by sections (produce, dairy, grains, etc.) to make grocery shopping more efficient.
Step 5: Prep Ahead
Batch Cook Staples: Prepare grains, proteins, and vegetables in bulk to mix and match throughout the week.
Chop and Store: Pre-chop veggies and store them in airtight containers to save time during meal preparation.
Use Freezer-Friendly Meals: Prepare and freeze meals for days when you need something quick.
Sample Weekly Meal Plan
Breakfast: Greek yogurt with berries and granola
Lunch: Quinoa salad with chickpeas, cucumber, and feta
Dinner: Baked salmon with roasted sweet potatoes and asparagus
Snack: Apple slices with almond butter
Breakfast: Smoothie with spinach, banana, and protein powder
Lunch: Turkey and avocado wrap with a side of carrots
Dinner: Chicken stir-fry with brown rice and mixed vegetables
Snack: Hummus with whole-grain crackers
Breakfast: Overnight oats with chia seeds and blueberries
Lunch: Lentil soup with a side salad
Dinner: Veggie-loaded spaghetti with whole-wheat pasta
Snack: Greek yogurt with honey and walnuts
Breakfast: Whole-grain toast with avocado and a poached egg
Lunch: Grilled chicken Caesar salad
Dinner: Shrimp tacos with a mango salsa and a side of black beans
Snack: Mixed nuts and dried fruit
Breakfast: Smoothie bowl with mixed fruits and coconut flakes
Lunch: Buddha bowl with quinoa, roasted veggies, and tahini dressing
Dinner: Homemade pizza with a cauliflower crust and assorted toppings
Snack: Celery sticks with peanut butter
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes
Lunch: Caprese sandwich on whole-grain bread
Dinner: Beef and broccoli stir-fry with jasmine rice
Snack: Fresh fruit salad
Breakfast: Protein pancakes with a side of berries
Lunch: Tuna salad with mixed greens and a lemon vinaigrette
Dinner: Stuffed bell peppers with ground turkey and quinoa
Snack: Dark chocolate and strawberries
Tips for Successful Meal Planning
Be Flexible: Life happens, and plans can change. Be prepared to adjust your meal plan as needed.
Stay Hydrated: Remember to plan your water intake throughout the day.
Listen to Your Body: Adjust portion sizes and ingredients based on your hunger and nutritional needs.
By planning your meals in advance, you can ensure a balanced diet, save time, and reduce the stress of daily meal decisions. Happy planning!
Share your meal planning tips and favorite recipes in the comments below! Let's support each other in creating healthy and delicious meals every week.
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