#How to Sell home Fast in Fresno
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jimmorrisonreal · 10 months ago
Horse Latitudes
The barn is burning The race-track is over Farmers run out w/ buckets of water The horse flesh is burning They’re kicking the stalls (panic in a horse’s eye That can spread & fill an entire sky.)
The clouds flow by & tell a story
about the lightning bolt & the mast on the steeple
Some people have a hard time describing sailors to the undernourished.
The decks are starving Time to throw the cargo over
Now down & the high-sailing fluttering of smiles on the air w/its cool night time disturbance
Tropic corridor Tropic Treasure
What got us this far to this mild equator
Now we need something & someone new when all else fails we can whip the horse’s eyes & make them cry & sleep ~~~
France is 1st, Nogales round-up Cross over the border- land of eternal adolescence quality of despair unmatched anywhere on the perimeter Message from the outskirts calling us home This is the private space of a new order. We need saviors To help us survive the journey. Now who will come Now hear this We have started the crossing Who knows? it may end badly
The actors are assembled; immediately they become enchanted I, for one, am in ecstasy enthralled. Can I convince you to smile?
No wise men now. Each on his own grab your daughter & run ~~~
“Oh God, she cried I never knew what it meant to be real I thought all this was a joke, I never let the horror, or the sweetness & the dignity penetrate my brain”
“Let me up to see the window. Dark Riders pass in the sunset coming home from raiding parties. The taverns will be full of laughter, wine, & later dancing, later dangerous knife throws.
Antonio will be there & that *****, Blue Lady playing cards w/silver decks & smiling at the night, & full glasses held aloft & spilled to the moon. I’m sad, so full of sadness” ~~~
She’s selling news in the market Time in the hall The girls of the factory Rolling cigars They haven’t invented musak yet So I read to them From The BOOK OF DAYS a horror story from the Gothic age a gruesome romance From the LA Plague.
I have a vision of America Seen from the air 28,000 ft. & going fast
A one-armed man in a Texas parking labyrinth A burnt tree like a giant primeval bird in an empty lot in Fresno Miles & miles of hotel corridors & elevators, filled w/ citizens
Motel Money ****** Madness Change the mood from glad to sadness
play the ghost song baby ~~~
a young woman, bound silently, on a hostpital table, obviously pregnant, is gutted & rifled of her empire
objects of oblivion ~~~
Drugs *** drunkenness battle return to the water-world Sea-belly Mother of man Monstrous sleep-waking gentle swarming atomic world Anomic in social life
how can we hate or love or judge in the sea-swarm world of atoms All one, one All How can we play or not play How can we put one foot before us or revolutionize or write ~~~
Does the house burn? So be it. The World, a film which men devise. Smoke drifts thru these chambers Murders occur in a bedroom. Mummers chant, birds hush & coo. Will this do? Take Two. ~~~
each day is a drive thru history
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fogliogroup-blog · 6 years ago
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We buy houses in ANY CONDITION in CA. There are no commissions or fees and no obligation whatsoever. Start below by giving us a bit of information about your property or call (559) 206-2033
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fastcashcloserca · 2 years ago
Business Name: Matt Buys Houses
Street Address 1: 2525 Alluvial Ave
Street Address 2: Suite 161
City: Clovis
State: California (CA)
Zip Code: 93611
Country: United States
Business Phone: (559) 206-4327
Website: https://www.fastcashcloser.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fastcashcloser
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fresnocashbuyer
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/mattbuyshousesfresno
Business Description: How many times have you said “I need to sell my Fresno home fast”? If you have. . you are in the right place. We buy houses just like yours. There are lots of situations where we can help and have already helped others in the area, including… avoiding foreclosure, divorce, relocating, inherited an unwanted property, own a vacant house, upside down in your mortgage, behind on payments, owe liens, downsized and can’t sell your house, needs repairs you can’t pay for, fire damaged, bad rental tenants, and more.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=13268518949076618246
Business Hours: Sunday 8am-8pm Monday 8am-8pm Tuesday 8am-8pm Wednesday 8am-8pm Thursday 8am-8pm Friday 8am-8pm Saturday 8am-8pm
Services: Sell Your House, We Buy Houses
Keywords: Sell Your House, We Buy Houses
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Service Areas:
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sweaterkittensahoy · 5 years ago
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The story of Britton Bean started with finding her photo on the Humane Society website. It was April. We weren’t supposed to get a dog until July. 
But. Those ears. 
And she met all the requirements we had for a dog: Small (apartment management requires dogs under 20 pounds); female (to hopefully make it easier to become friends with the bestie’s dog; a rescue. 
So, I posted this tweet, then frantically texted @whatsmyappeal​, who was at work. Basically trying to talk myself out of going and meeting this dog. Because I knew. I just <em>knew</em>.
I mean. Those <em>ears</em>.
Here’s the thing about adopting a dog in PDX: If you adopt through the Humane Society, you have to move fast. Dogs and cats get adopted fantastically quickly in PDX. On average, dogs who pass behavioral tests and physical exams can be put up for adoption on Tuesday and gone by Wednesday. PDX is such a busy place for the Humane Society, that they take in a LOT of animals from neighboring states. It’s called the Second Chance Program. Animals from neighboring states who pass health and behavioral tests are sent to PDX so that shelters near-capacity can keep space open for animals that need more specialized care or simply more animals in general. 
We’ll circle back to this in a second.
So, here’s this adorable, scared little girl up for adoption, and I’m trying desperately not to run out and grab her. We’re traveling in June and July; which is why we decided to wait until late July to even consider adoption. I had been looking at listings just to get a sense of how often small dogs came into the shelter. This was not the moment to adopt. 
But. I knew she was ours. I just knew it. 
I ended up calling the husband and laying out a plan. We’ll go and meet her. He gets final say in if we take her home. If she doesn’t feel like a good fit to him, we’ll wait. It’s important that we both want this dog. 
We go. We fill out paperwork. We wait an hour. We go into the meeting room, and here she comes. She’s scared and nervy. Incredibly quiet. We find out she’s had a very, very exhausting week. 
On Monday, she’d been found on the streets of Fresno. 
On Tuesday, they’d put her on a truck to bring her to PDX.
On Wednesday, she’d been spayed. 
And it was now Thursday, and we were meeting her.
Sean and I took a few minutes to discuss pros and cons: We couldn’t get a real sense of her overall personality at the moment because she was clearly terrified and exhausted. But we’ve always planned to adopt a rescue, so we’re well aware of issues we may have to overcome. What we had seen was promising. She was sweet and curious, if a bit shaky. 
We took her home. On the drive there, we changed her name from Butterfly (named by the shelter) to Britton Bean. ‘Bean’ because she’s small and ‘Britton’ after my great-grandparents. They’d always been dog lovers and no one in the family had used the name elsewhere, and I think they’d have been delighted to find out our pup had their name. 
We got her home, and put her inside, and she sniffed around for a couple of minutes, then spotted the couch and LEAPED onto it, rolling around and digging at it in clear excitement. 
That answered our first question: She knew what a couch was. She probably hadn’t always been a stray. 
A couple of hours later, we had answers to other questions: She knew how to walk on a leash. She liked belly rubs. I had no doubt that before she’d been found in Fresno, she’d been somebody’s pet. 
For the next two weeks, she basically slept. Can’t say I blame her.
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When she wasn’t sleeping, she was on watch. A few days after we got her, we took her for a car ride. She climbed right into Sean’s lap in the driver’s seat and stared out the window. She knew what a sweater was and liked to wear them. She knew to flop over to get her harness put on. 
When they’d found her in Fresno, she’d clearly recently had puppies. But she was found alone, and the guess was that the puppies had been weaned, and she had been dumped. Frenso’s got a bad habit of that. 
It didn’t make sense to me. She was two years old. If they’d only been using her for breeding, it seemed unlikely she’d be so good on a lease or want lap sits or know how to ride in a car. And while she was a bit skinny when we got her, she only had to put on a pound and a half to get back up to a good weight. Strays who have puppies tend to need to recover a lot more than that when they’re picked up by rescues. And if they’re lifelong strays, they don’t know how to walk on a leash or what lap sits are. 
Looking at our girl and knowing what I knew of backyard breeders, I did some research, and I came to a conclusion. Our deer-headed, big-eared, long-bodied baby was a Chiweenie. 
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A Chiweenie is a “designer breed,” which is the nice way of saying someone got it into their head they had to further cute-ify dogs to their exact liking, and so they took a Dachshund and a Chihuahua and had them make babies. Now, where I come from, we’d call that a mutt, and there’d be an ad in the paper for free puppies. But since someone did it on purpose and gave it a cutesy nickname, puppies can cost up to $500 each. The fact that Bean was found on the streets with clear signs she’d had puppies but wasn’t skeletal? I’m pretty sure someone bred her specifically to sell her pups, and then dumped her when the pups were weaned. 
But prior to that? I think she was someone’s beloved dog. Like I said, she knew what a couch was. She could walk on a leash. She was housebroken. She knew how to signal to go out. She knew what sweaters were and how to ride in the car. 
I have a whole backstory of guesses of how she ended up at the Humane Society to come home with us, but I’ll skip that. Because what’s important isn’t where she was, it’s where she is, and that’s with us.
She is not without her challenges. She barks at nearly everything. She has separation anxiety (RIP living room blinds). We’re working on it. She crates well, thankfully, so we can keep her safe if we need to leave her alone, but we also have a dogsitter and try to take her with us on errands whenever possible. 
What’s good is that while these things are issues, they’re improving. The barking is toning down in a lot of places, and her separation anxiety is getting less prominent. I work from home now, so when I leave the house, she seems to think I’ll never return. If Sean leaves for work, she’s fine. If he comes home after work, then leaves again, she gets a bit moody but does all right overall. 
Even better is that the things we’re working on are changing. First, it was getting her to stop barking at every little thing. Now, it’s focusing on getting her to ignore other dogs walking by and getting her to stop threatening people dropping off mail and packages. But there’s a new twist: She barks for attention now. If we’re not giving her enough attention by her standards, she’ll come right up and bark at us. It is very, <em>very</em> annoying. But it’s also a good sign. She’s getting more comfortable, so she’s pushing boundaries to see what we do. 
We do what we always do: We work with her, then praise her when she acts appropriately. She had to go one-on-one for training, but she did great. She loved it. The trainer thinks that she’ll never be super buddy-buddy with other dogs in general, but it’s a real possibility she’ll learn to ignore dogs on walks and maybe even be able to make a friend or two over time. We’re seeing her ability to ignore other dogs already, and that’s damn good for less than a year’s work. 
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She hates the cold, so we got her a warming stone for her couch nest, and the heating pad lives on her bed in front of the entertainment center. Her sweater collection grows almost every week, and she has three pairs of pajamas so far. She’s figured out that being out in the cold with the sun out is perfectly fine for a walk, but we’re still working on her accepting being out in the rain. She absolutely loathes the rain, but she’s a PNW girl now, so she has to deal. We don’t make her stay out longer than she needs to go to the bathroom if she doesn’t want to, and she has a little, fake grass patch on the porch so she can pee there in the middle of the night. 
She’s clever as hell. You put a hunting dog and a rat-catcher in the same body, it’ll happen. It’s led to pooping in the house in the middle of the night because she’s discovered if she doesn’t shake off before she does it, we don’t wake up to see if she needs out. 
She’s sweet as can be and loves treats. She also loves people once she’s gotten used to them, though she’ll still decide she needs to bark for five minutes when they visit. We took her to someone else’s house for Thanksgiving, and while she was overwhelmed at times, she mellowed during the night and was playing with her toy by the end of things. 
She gets a Puppacino once a week and knows when it’s happening. Her tiny claws are stabby knives of death, but we can’t trim them super often because her quicks are so long. She plays with her toys for about ten minutes at a time, and if she really wants your attention, she’ll get in your lap, stand on her hind legs, and lick your nose. 
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She is a very good girl, and will likely live well into her teens. Right now, she’s curled on my lap to warm up her feet because we went for a walk. In a couple of hours, she’ll wake up and shake off and move back to the couch or come in and stare at me until I turn on the heating pad on her bed. If she doesn’t get her pill pocket at four, she’ll come and lick my nose.
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Need to Sell your House? You’re at the right place. We Buy Your home for Cash Reedley, Fresno, Sanger, or anywhere in the Central Valley. We do not charge any real estate commissions or fees. Selling a house does not need to be stressful. We are here to make sure that you’ll have the fastest and easiest way to sell your home. Know more
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We Buy Houses Reedley CA - Centralvalleyrealestatebuyer.com If you are looking for real estate agent to Sell Your House in Reedley, CA  then no need to worry about we are here, we buy houses in Reedley, CA. It will be a simple, quick and easy process as we will close as soon as possible without charging any registration fee, commission or any other hidden charge.
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localizee · 2 years ago
We buy houses just like yours. There are lots of situations where we can help and have already helped others in the area, including… avoiding foreclosure
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thehomesellingzineus-blog · 6 years ago
Simple Steps That You Should Follow to Sell Your House Quick
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Selling your house can go both ways, it can either go smoothly which is good, or it would take a rough turn for the worst. Selling your own home can seriously get turn into a nasty process, which is why in this article, we will try to give you some amazing advice and tips on how you should be able to get your house sold in a faster way possible. For more information about Matt Buys Houses company follow the link.
The first thing that you should find out as a home owner who is currently selling their house the fastest way possible is to find the most accurate estimate of your house market value. Many home owners would just usually trust their real estate agent when it comes to assessing their house real estate value, which is not only lazy but relatively ignorant on their side as well. And it is mainly due to the fact that most real estate agents would like to exploit a hefty amount of cash for themselves, and if they are given the chance to do so, they would not hesitate. To accurately know the estimation of your home real estate market value, you can ideally use some home valuation websites which you will be able to find on the internet. After acquiring your house market value accurate estimation, it is then time for you to set your house price to certain amount that you are relatively sure about. And since you would like to get your house sold in a quicker fashion, it is significantly best that you set your house price lower than your house market value. Visit the official site for more information about selling a home fast in probate in Fresno CA.
A very good tip to start your quest to sell your house quickly is that you should get rid of all of your things out of your house. And the main reason as to why you should declutter your house is so that your potential buyer that would visit your house that is for sale would be able to visualize their stuff in every empty room of the house you are selling. And if ever you find yourself having more belongings and have no place to store them, then it is literally best that you rent out a storage unit at this moment as well. Take a look at the information about selling a house at http://money.cnn.com/2015/12/24/news/economy/selling-home-housing-market/.
It is ideally best that you hire a cleaning company that would assist you and do all the cleaning job necessary on the house you are planning to sell as well as getting rid of some foul odor that you got accustomed with so that you can sell your house quickly. Another amazing tip that you can use so that you house can be sold quicker is to create a more presentable with comfortable vibes on every room via installing higher wattage light bulbs. And lastly, do not forget to mow your lawn as well as rake all of the leaves present on your yard before showing your home to potential buyers.
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pinerdirectory · 2 years ago
Carlsbad strawberry company
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This can easily become an annual tradition, as one of the rites of spring, along with a visit to the nearby Flower Fields.Īnd if strawberry picking isn’t really your thing, there is also a sunflower maze, apple cannons where you can shoot apples at targets, a “Bounceland” with multiple jump houses and slides and an assortment of food and drink options. Known as a Carlsbad tradition for 20 years, the fields closest to Cannon are marked “U-Pick,” where guests may pick their own strawberries for $10 a bucket. The west coast Carlsbad climate is ideal for growing strawberries, that’s why California is the number one distributer of strawberries across the nation. The strawberry harvest comes and goes quite fast – usually takes place between January and July. It is one of the oldest in San Diego County––they have been growing strawberries here for over half a century. But we do look forward to the opportunity to discuss the details in court.If you are looking for a fun and popular springtime activity in Carlsbad, give strawberry picking a try! Located in coastal Carlsbad, the third generation Carlsbad Strawberry Company is a family-run “U-pick” farm. With respect to the lawsuit, we, unfortunately, cannot address the specific issues in the case because it is under litigation. While it is unclear how or where the contamination may have occurred along the supply chain, this is a terrible situation. "Our hearts go out to everyone who was affected by the May 2022 Hepatitis A contamination associated with fresh organic strawberries. They declined an interview but sent the following statement: KPBS reached out to FreshKampo and Meridian Fine Foods. Marler also said lawsuits aimed at holding companies accountable are the most effective way to prevent future outbreaks. Marler echoed the advice about knowing where your food comes from, and said there was something people could do to avoid getting sick: "The good thing is that (Hepatitis A is) the only food-borne illness that is vaccine-preventable." "It's really important that people should educate and know where their produce and fruit and vegetables come from and how they’re grown," she said. She also said having families come and pick berries themselves served two purposes: fun and education. "We adhere to really strict policies in how they’re grown and especially use clean, fresh water," Ukegawa said. She said her family farm has been growing strawberries for decades and takes pride in how they’re grown. Robyn Ukegawa is the manager of the Carlsbad Strawberry Company. KPBS also spoke with a local strawberry grower about food safety. Though many are hesitant to eat strawberries during this outbreak, Marler said it was only linked to the brands tied to the farm in Mexico. "The problem is that it’s contaminated with a human fecal virus, which isn't that pleasant to think about, that can cause extreme illness," he said. And even food that is cooked can spread the potentially deadly virus. Once food is contaminated, it’s difficult to kill the virus. Liver failure can cause death or, in the best scenario, may well cause you to have a liver transplant," he said, warning that it only takes a small amount of the virus on the food to make people sick. "Hospitalization means that they’re sick enough that they’re being monitored for liver failure. When KPBS talked to Marler, he said 20 people had been hospitalized after eating those two brands of strawberries, and he expected the case count to rise in the United States and Canada. Marler has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Arthur family and others against the Mexican grower and the Fresno-based distributor, Meridian Fine Foods, which owns the brand. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration are investigating the multistate outbreak and have linked it to a grower in Mexico that sells the strawberries under the names FreshKampo and H-E-B Organics. "So even people who are out of the hospital and are home now aren’t completely out of the woods." He said there was also a risk of relapse. If somebody's hospitalized it may take them months to recover." said Marler, who specializes in food-related illnesses. in the best case scenario, it usually takes somebody about a month to recover. David Arthur is out of the hospital now, but is still suffering the effects of the illness.
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losangelesleftygayvoters · 6 years ago
Ballot Measures
General Election November 6, 2018
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State Measure 1: YES
The most California Measure ever. Essentially, YES on Prop. 1 means affordable housing for veterans, working families, seniors, people with disabilities, and Californians experiencing homelessness from California’s severe housing crisis. And interestingly, Prop. 1 doesn’t raise taxes, it authorizes the state to borrow $4 billion by selling bonds for housing programs. The argument is that the housing shortage stemming from the influx of millions to California requires bigger solutions. Sure. But again, veterans, Habitat for Humanity, Congress of CA Seniors, Coalition to End Domestic Violence, and BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES agree. In fact, the only person (singular) publicly opposed to this measure is a dude named Gary B. Wesley who vowed forty years ago that he’d oppose every measure brought to the people forever no matter what. Good for you, Gary, you’re a man of your word.
State Measure 2: YES
A “yes” on 2 authorizes money from the Mental Health Services Act to be spent on housing for homeless people with mental health issues. The main arguments against the measure are that money spent on housing, even if for homeless people suffering from mental illness, is spent on housing and NOT on mental health; and that the measure would, by necessity, soak up funds from organizations and actions intended to deal with mental health directly. But, by percentage, the population in California suffering most rampantly from mental health issues is the homeless, and studies, experts, and common sense all support the idea that to treat mental illness effectively, you need to be able to find the patients. So money spent on housing the mentally ill is essentially the most basic element of their treatment. The secondary argument is that housing will suck up funds for other mental illness programs, which is correct. The LA Times says the percentage of money the housing measure would actually suck up is small, but they don’t provide a hard figure. Vote your conscience here (as everywhere), but our conscience is saying the argument for outweighs this argument against. And again, endorsements out the wazoo, including from experts and organizations for the treatment of mental illness.
State Measure 3: YES
We’re gonna build some dams and water infrastructure. Great! We’re for that. We hope there will be water to store and move around, so we like the idea of making it easier and better to do so. And also, this bill is a little weird. It’s endorsed by Feinstein and a gang of environmental groups, but it’s opposed by the Sierra Club and a few others. Endorsed by the Fresno and Bakersfield papers, rebuked by LA Times (and nearly every other paper) for not spending the money where it should be spent, it’s one of those bills that doesn’t totally fix the problem of water (but it’s California, it’s been this way since Mulholland…). The rhetoric is so bonkers and thick and hard to process. Ultimately, for us it came down to the fact that it’s one of only two propositions to be endorsed by both parties.
State Measure 4: YES
This measure authorizes $1.5 billion in bonds, to be repaid from state’s General Fund, to fund grants for construction, expansion, renovation, and equipping of qualifying children’s hospitals. Fiscal Impact: Increased state costs to repay bonds averaging about $80 million annually over the next thirty-five years. This designates 72 percent of funds to qualifying private nonprofit hospitals providing comprehensive services to high volumes of children eligible for governmental programs and children with special health needs eligible for the California Children’s Services program, 18 percent of funds to University of California general acute care children’s hospitals, and 10 percent of funds to public and private nonprofit hospitals providing services to children eligible for the California Children’s Services program. Build children’s hospitals, team.
State Measure 5: NO
This is an impossibly confusing measure. It allows individuals over fifty-five to move from their current house to a new location, transferring their tax subsidies. This means that individuals that have lived in a house for thirty years, or a house in an area that has greatly increased in value, can sell their current home and move to another location under most likely a smaller tax. This sounds, yes, like a great thing! But, it turns out it disproportionately affects the poor and benefits individuals in a strong financial place, especially current homeowners. This does not fair well for those trying to enter the market. Currently, eligible homebuyers can transfer a tax assessment if their new home is of equal or lesser value. Also, individuals can do this only once in their lifetime. If the measure passes, it allows the wealthy to get out of paying taxes on moving in a way that is currently only allowed for certain individuals who need it. Nice try, 5, we’re wise to your shenanigans.
State Measure 6: NO
State Measure 6 is a bill that’s been pushed hard by Republican lawmakers and has the strong support of Paul Ryan, Devin Nunes, and that cadre of derpy dudes who want you to build your own roads because taxes are somewhat . . . who knows, immoral, we guess? Here’s how this came to be: in 2017, Jerry Brown and the state legislature passed gas taxes that are scheduled to generate $52.4 billion over the next ten years. And then a few months ago, we all voted on and passed Proposition 69, which dedicated all of that gas tax money to transportation infrastructure: roads and bridges and stuff. Measure 6 wants to basically undo all that AND require any new gas tax to have voter approval. Look, gas taxes aren’t percentage based on income, so they do disproportionately affect lower-income families. That legitimately does suck. And so, yes, Measure 6 does try to alleviate some of the cost of living to a lot of California’s working class by repealing taxes. Arguably, we agree with that. However, passing Measure 6 would cancel up to $5 billion in existing projects where we fix roads and bridges, and those infrastructure projects have yet to be funded at the federal level. There are an estimated 680,000 construction jobs that would be wiped out with the passage of Measure 6. And, we’ve voted on this before. A couple of times. This is an effort to undo what the majority has already agreed to in the past. Nope.
State Measure 7: YES
First and foremost, this isn’t a measure that will change Daylight Savings Time right now. It’s a measure that lets California lawmakers actually decide if they want to take that up IN THE FUTURE. They are currently unable to ever really discuss Daylight Savings Time because of the way the original vote went in 1949. Voting yes here means that the state is allowed to discuss it and possibly repeal it in the future. The idea of tweaking or abolishing Daylight Savings Time (or in some cases making it the only option) is up for discussion in a lot of places, and if changes elsewhere start happening, California would currently be unable to change with them. But, actually, it’s probably something we do want to consider. Yes, every time this comes up, critics say “but kids shouldn’t go to school when it’s dark out!” Fine, sure, but… get this. The time change is really bad for all of us! Rep. Kansen Chu (D-25), Rep. Lorena Gonzalez (D-80), and Sion Roy, a cardiologist, wrote this in the state voter information guide: “University medical studies in 2012 found that the risk of heart attacks increases by 10% in the two days following a time change. In 2016, further research revealed that stroke risks increase 8% when we change our clocks. For cancer patients the stroke risk increases 25% and for people over age 65 stroke risk goes up 20%. All because we disrupt sleep patterns.” So basically, a “yes” vote here will let us actually discuss a future in which we save time, hassle, daylight, and lives.
State Measure 8: NO
This is just about punishing non-union dialysis clinics. It would have a serious impact on patients and make it much more difficult for dialysis patients to receive care. There’s a lot of problems with it. We looked into it, and it just screws patients who want their kidneys to work better. Medical groups are ROUNDLY like, “please, no.” We’re with them.
State Measure 10: YES
This is a bill that hands the issue of rent control back to a more local level, rather than having a single mandated state policy. In 1995, California passed the Costa-Hawkins Act, which basically said that the state of California sets the limits on rent increases for homes occupied after 1995. There’s been some economic changes at very different rates in different parts of California since then. So Measure 10 repeals Costa-Hawkins and lets local governments decide for themselves how to regulate rent control. Measure 10 does not actually create new policy, it just says that new policy can be created at a local level, rather than a state level, which turns out to counterintuitively benefit a lot of marginalized groups. The measure has language that entitles landlords to fair-market-value rent—they just can’t jack up the price so high that it completely screws the tenants. You can imagine how peeps in the “survival of the fittest” crowd (and banks who’ve learned how to profit from foreclosure in the current system) feel about that. It’s a weird bill because it doesn’t actually give too much guidance to how to go forward, and even the Democratic gubernatorial candidate (Newsom) is against the measure, because while he does think there should be more affordable housing in California, completely repealing Costa-Hawkins feels a little fast and loose. That said, nursing organizations, teachers unions, and labor and Democratic organizations throughout the state are trying very hard to keep people in affordable housing. And this measure does provide a sense of relief to that. So, we say yes!
State Measure 11: YES
We spent a long time trying to figure this out. And basically the status quo is that when EMTs are on break, they are uninterrupted (though, like not always, sometimes they’re called to do things when not working). So, voting no preserves that. A yes vote means that going forward, EMTs will have to remain “on call” when they’re on break, but they will be paid for any of the time they end up working. They sort of already are, but it’s meant to streamline some labor laws. We sort of wanted to say you can vote for either thing, but a yes vote on Measure 11 also adds funding for additional training and mental health services for EMTs. After looking at a number of the different arguments in favor and opposed, we say vote for yourselves or ask your EMT friends (ours seemed ambivalent). But we think mental health services for ANY profession is good, so we vote yes.
State Measure 12: YES
Requires cage-free quarters for egg-laying chickens and other animals being raised for food. I mean, we’re all for not being assholes to chickens, so this seems to make sense. Yes, this is super problematic on a lot of levels and cage-free is WAY less cage-free than like “chicken in the wild”—and PETA is against this because they want us to stop eating animals altogether, but for now, getting chickens SOME kind of autonomy and making it slightly less cruel feels like a step toward getting us where we go.
City Amendment B: YES
Much like the Daylight Savings bill, this is another of those “let us at least let the people look into this” bills. It’s hard to know what would happen if it passes, but essentially the city would like to talk about what it would mean to establish a public bank. These exist in other countries like Brazil and Germany and here in the States in North Dakota (which was the only one seemingly untouched by the 2008 crisis). And the theory is that since the city spent $170 million last year in banking fees and $1.1 billion in interest, an LA-owned bank could possibly mitigate those costs. It’s a bold, progressive move and could have implications for the whole country. In the interest of allowing our elected officials to do their job, we say: “Sure! Talk about it!”
City—Municipal Charter Amendment E: YES
You already voted on this in a previous election, but then the state changed primaries from June to March, so they have to ask us to vote again. So we’re voting about voting—twice! This thing essentially aligns city election dates with state election dates. We know barely anyone gets out to vote as it is, so alignment is obviously a good idea, although it means less “I Voted” sticker posts on Instagram. :( This time the city included language that makes it unnecessary to put this back on the ballot if election dates change again. So here we go again, vote yes.
LAUSD Charter Amendment EE: YES
Right now the school district primary elections are on a different day than the rest of the state primary elections. Voting yes would amend the city charter to align Los Angeles Unified School District primary elections with the state primary elections in March of even-numbered years. So, yes.
County Measure W: YES
A “yes” on this measure will create a parcel tax* to pay for cleaning up the toxic runoff that accumulates as rainwater flows over city streets and other paved surfaces and ultimately ends up in the ocean. As it turns out, LA is pretty filthy—so filthy that we get fined for how dirty our storm water runoff is. So, the county would like to spend more money to build infrastructure to capture and clean up the toxins in storm water, plus ensure that water gets absorbed into the ground (rather than wastefully running off into the ocean or elsewhere). So the choice is to either to establish this tax to invest in projects for cleaner, more reliable water, or to spend billions in fines that drain police, fire, and other important budgets.
*From the LA Times: “The measure imposes a tax on property owners of 2½ cents per square foot of impermeable surface—meaning ground that is paved over or otherwise doesn’t let water pass through. That comes to about $83 a year for the average single-family homeowner.”
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fogliogroup-blog · 6 years ago
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We buy houses in ANY CONDITION in CA. There are no commissions or fees and no obligation whatsoever. Start below by giving us a bit of information about your property or call (559) 206-2033
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mensusaonlinestore1 · 3 years ago
Selling home could be a time some and complex process. And you could face lot of hip cops initially. The problems will face while you want to sell your home initially are like –
ü  Since you don’t have any experience selling your home, you will be unknown to the system. While you decided to sell your home because of reasons like – either you changed your city because you changed your job or you set up your business in another city or something like this , you will be facing because lack of experience. You may even don’t know how to sell your home in this city. In US different states may have different bureaucratic procedure to sell homes.
ü  The next thing you will do calling people to see your home which you want to sell. Here you could face lot of issues. Like – you could face price issues etc. You will do crag listing, listing in house selling portals and so on. Then people will contact with you and thus people will set up appointment with you to see your home and to talk to you. Since, you don’t have prior experience how deal with them you may end up saying uncomfortable words to them or something else. Sometimes, it have seen that they could easily spot the disputes in your home and got points to do some bargaining with you like – decrease the price because toilet is not good and repair required and so on. Some may show some other kind of disputes for a price favor.
ü  There could be problems with your payment. Sometimes, your buyer could issues check and there could be problem with accepting payments or transferring funds or accepting checks (Because checks takes time to get cleared) or so on.
Keeping all these in mind, Rapido House buyers will always be there to sell my house quick for cash. They will help you from top to bottom from start to end. They will help you from start to bottom the following way –
1st step, when you decided to sell your home, you will call us. Once you call us, we will set up an appointment with you and discuss how we take your property. We will visit your property and complete appointment by checking whole your property from investment point of view.
2nd step, If you are serious, if you really looking to Sell My House Fast in Sacramento or anywhere else and with us we will start the price negotiations in 2nd step. Once you agree with the prices we just hand over the cash and release you.
Then, one can say it is so simple, so time saving and honestly so easy.
Please note that we are not kind of broker not we are doing something like this. We are real estate Investment Company who continues to search real estate establishments to fund.
We buy houses in Stockton , Alameda , Contra Costa , El Dorado , Fresno , Kern , Los Angeles , Marin , Merced , Monterey , Napa , Orange , Placer , Riverside ,  Santa Barbara , Santa Clara , Santa Cruz  , San Bernardino , San Diego , San Francisco , San Joaquin , San Luis , Obispo , San Mateo , Solano, Sonoma , Stanislaus , Tulare , Ventura  , Yolo , Yuba  county and sell my house in Sacramento and so on.
To know more about our services, just call us or email us what you think is best for you.  You could email me here at [email protected] or call us at (510) 288 4921
We look forward to work with you.
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localizee · 2 years ago
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nidhithenerd · 5 years ago
Find Agent To Sell My House Fast Dallas
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Buying or selling a house or property is certainly not a child play.There are many things that need to be considered.If you want to sell your house at the best market rate then it best to hire the services of the experienced agent. Realtors know all the important aspects of the market so you can hire the services to get the best price of your house. Dallas companies that buy houses for cash
Your time is precious so don't waste your time in searching of good house buyer; simply hire the services of the professionals they do work for you.It is wise decision to hire the Realtors because they have lots of experience in the selling and purchasing of the house and they know very well how to sell a house at the best prices. Many Realtors gives the advertisements in magazine, newspaper and websites that we buy houses Fresno, so you can easily find best Realtors with search.Below points helps you to understand why it is necessary to hire the services of professional for selling house.
-Education and experience: It is very complex task to sell and buy the house in the Fresno.While selling and buying the property you have to follow some steps and rules that are necessary for every buyer and seller.A professional Realtor knows very well how to complete the all process in the perfect way.By hiring the professional services you are getting freedom from the lots of problems.
-Knowledge: A good Realtor know well how to sell the house at the highest market rate.They know well how to convince the buyer to sell house at the best price.
Market knowledge: A professional Realtor have the good market knowledge because they are regularly in the touch of the market so they know very well at what can get you from selling your property.
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-Professional Network: Realtors have set up the network with the other professionals those are in this industry. All these relations or networking helps you to find out the best buyer for your house.Most of these peoples are professionals like loan officers, appraisers, roofers, home inspectors, termite inspectors so you can easily trust on them.
-Negotiation Skills: Your Realtor helps you to make the final deal with the buyer.When it comes to negotiations then Realtor guides you how to take the right decision for yourself.
-Paperwork: Paperwork is most important and necessary process while buying and selling property.A realtor helps to remove the burden of the paperwork as well as help you to understand what it is that you're signing.
 When it comes to hire the realtor that you have to consider so many things because some advertisement as we buy houses Fresno are not trustable.To sell the house is not easy process and you can't do it itself so it is best to hire the service of the realtors.Find out the best so that you can enjoy the procedure of selling your house.
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