#How to Increase Male Libido
vitacures1 · 3 months
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gear1shop · 1 year
How to Increase Female Libido Instantly – This Herbal Drink has the Right Answer for You!
It’s your desire to have sex or desire to go for the sexual activity is called as the libido. It’s a very vital aspect of life as this controls our sexual health and sexual life. Sex drive is something that is very important for both men and women. Our body is designed in that manner and that’s the reason why we need to get involved in sexual activity. Men use to have high libido where women can have low level of libido, as they lack high level of androgen and testosterone. However, libido is also important for them and they need to maintain it.
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How to Increase Female Libido Instantly
Take it just at any age
Women can have high desire for sex during the age of 30 to 40. And this can be carried till they reach the age of 55 or so. Some women lack the sex drive badly. They don’t want to have sex and that can really affect their relationship with their partners. If you are also suffering from the same problem, then the time has come to know how to increase female libido instantly.
Brings other health benefits as well
It’s a kind herbal drink or herbal juice that is announced online which can be very helpful for those women who want to enhance their libido quickly and safely. It’s an herbal supplement so this is a very pure natural product. Intake of this herbal juice is very safe. This is probably one of the best libido boosting supplements for females that you can find now online. It’s safe on the use and can bring several other health benefits apart from enhancing your libido.
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bloop-bl00p · 2 months
When you forget there’s sin in Seven Deadly Sins
[I guess this could be treated as part two of my rant about Hell’s ruling class.]
The Seven Sins are the embodiment of their vice, in a modern setting, they will probably be seeking to indulge in harmful activities themselves since they are immortal and can’t face consequences and influence others into falling into dangerous lifestyles. I can even see a scenario when each of them tries to make propaganda through the internet with platforms like Instagram or TikTok, like Beelzebub promoting Bezzle Juice except that it’s purposely made to be extremely addictive and one shot of it gets you hooked forever.
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We’re gonna start with Lucifer, the only angel of the Seven. He’s a dreamer quirky cutie patootie with dePwezIOn that just wanted to give humanity Fwee Wil🥺.
What were Lucifer’s plans/dreams for humankind in the first place? He was dismissed as a troublemaker, okay…? What portrayed him as such? He’s a socially awkward silly guy but honestly, that’s all there is to his character. But I won’t get too deep with these questions maybe we’ll get more answers in Hazbin. However, what I can ask is…
How did Lucifer manage to find himself so close to The Garden of Eden? If I’m making something important I ain’t letting the petulant kid get close to it because… you know he might ruin it.
Elder or not Lucifer is still a Seraphim, did he not know that giving Free Will to humans would mess up everything? Even if HE didn't know what about the others? Were the angels even aware of Evil as a whole? If yes, why didn't they warn Lucifer before giving him access to Eden? Like “Hey dude the glowing red Tree in the middle of the Garden is bad news don’t let the mortals near it.” was it that hard?
Can someone explain to me how is this the embodiment of Pride? I personally don't see anything prideful in his attitude at all. Pride is the belief that you don’t need God in your spiritual journey, in a worst-case scenario, you think yourself above him. In the Bible, Lucifer was too Proud to bow before mankind and tried to overthrow God which led to his banishment. But since Viv totally changed the story and forgot to add the Pride elements, there’s nothing justifying Lucifer’s title as Pride incarnate.
TW: Mention of sexual assault/rape and a brief mention of other sexual practices.
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Following with Asmodeus, why is he like this? Don't get me wrong, I can understand why he isn't a fan of rape as a whole, rape is rarely, dare I say never, about sexual craving, it’s about control. Val doesn't rape Angel Dust, and his employees because he feels needy, he assaults them because he knows that’ll break them psychologically and physically which makes them vulnerable to manipulation. Sexual assault as a whole is never about lust.
It makes sense if we drop out of the fact that Lust isn’t just physical but religiously speaking just an intense craving for something, like power or control. Viv took the easy way and reduced it to a physical craving so Asmodeus could be anti-rape I can’t blame her for that, it’s her ✨interpretation.✨
So Asmodeus is Pro Concent and it kinda makes sense. Since he’s the Prince of Lust, he technically should have influence over the culture in the Lust Ring and other species like Succubus should at least be weirded out by innuendo of non-consensual sex.
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Well, shit.
“OooOoooOOH But Tiz is Not Rape!”
Compare the succubus’ abilities to aphrodisiacs and it all makes sense. Increasing someone’s libido without their consent alone is sexual misconduct proceeding to have sex with them later is rape. And it’s not the only instance of succubus assaulting people.
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[Context: Ep3 S1, Verosika’s crew basically made condescending comments on how Moxie was cute and how they wanted to kiss him despite his discomfort and the fact that he mentioned being married. They still eventually kissed him by force and it was treated as a joke. “I care about male victims.” Sure we believe you.]
So Asmodeus is a hypocrite for giving succubus and incubus a way to get to Earth while knowing they are raping as many humans as possible.
“D3mOn @re BAAAAAAD Pweple So |t makse sense.☝️🤓”
I know, I wouldn’t complain that much if Asmodeus wasn’t painted as this cutie patootie lovely doe who is so in love with his lovely cute good boy partner.
Talking about partners, why does the Prince, no… why does LUST INCARNATE have ONE partner? The dude’s sex drive should be higher than the Olympus Mons and you’re telling me he doesn’t have a harem at disposition and he’s FAITHFUL?!! No free relationship, no hookups, no polyamorous relationship, and no mention of orgies he organizes to test the efficiency of his toys! Hell, we’re talking about Lust shouldn’t he be more inclined to have exhibitionist behavior (In recent episodes Lust’s citizens were desensitized about voyeurism so showing a bit of skin shouldn't be a problem)? Or, I don’t know, the ability to change his appearance and sex to appeal to a larger audience. Maybe the smoke secreted by his fire can serve as an aphrodisiac he only uses to put his partners in the mood (With their consent if she’s so attached to that idea.)
Viv, with two shows whose humor is mostly based on sex you certainly lack representations in terms of positive sexual activities, every time sex is mentioned in both of her projects it’s either a joke or diabolized. I’ve seen teens on Wattpad and AO3 writing foul smut with sexual practice so taboo it’ll make you gasp out loud! Take an example! (This was obliviously a joke but seriously, smut’s writers scare me with their tags.)
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This leads us to Beelzebub, she’s supposed to be…. an animal tamer? She did not give off this vibe at all, she’s a party girl at best, stop saying things on Twitter Viv, and show it in your shows!
Is there a reason for her to be so nice? What do you mean you don’t want Bliztø to lose himself in alcohol and sex, you’re all about overindulgence. If anything she should actively invite people who are mentally distressed as they’ll be more willing to drink excessively in a “forget my life’s issues” type of way. This could also explain why so many people in her parties are minorities, Hellhounds and Imps are treated like shit by Hell’s society so being invited to one of Queen Bee’s parties will be a great honor and a way for them to forget how difficult their life is.
“E3RmS Actoualli, Bee ite the Viiiibe! S0 ze kant let Peple b3 s@d or ze will be sad too. ☝️🤓”
Ah… okay, still don't explain why she can’t be a bitch about it. Since she “eats the vibe” and feels for her people she could be affected by Blizt's destructive behavior and be absolutely furious someone is ruining her parties for her! Then she could have gotten to Loona and been like “Look your dad doesn't have the vibe I’m looking for so get him out unless you wanna learn what happen to party pooper.” implying that she will most likely kill him (or eat him) and that this isn't the first time she offed someone for that. But I guess we can make another EMBODIMENT OF SINS a decent girl, it’s Viv ✨interpretation.✨
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Going forward with Mammon, Viv humanized the Sins mentioned up there, so you would think Mammon would also get the humanization treatment?
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“T3re Is NOO g0od s|de to GrEed!!!!! 😡”
What’s Greed, it’s a selfish desire for more than what you already have (money, fame, etc...) The mention of selfishness doesn’t give Greed a positive connotation but you forgot…. This is Viv ✨interpretation✨ she reduced Lust to craving sexual intimacy just so she could make Asmodeus Pro Concent. Beelzebub doesn't need food she eats the Viiiiibe so she can’t let people self-destruct! Here she’ll politely ask you to go away because she caaaaaares. And Lucifer isn’t Prideful at all.
She removed part of the definition of each Sins so she could make them good people and you’re telling me that she couldn't do the same for Mammon?!
“But H0w can ze posibli m@ke Greed Pozitif?”
If you remove the selfish aspect, Greed is wanting something more. There’s nothing wrong with that, like wanting more recognition, and more money when you’re poor. Mammon could have been this guy who worked himself at the top and his money could have been the fruit of his hard work.
So why, of all the Sins that got turned down was Greed the only one who got the “I’m pure Evil” treatment?
The Seven Deadly Sins aren't supposed to be decent beings. They represent the worst of what humanity can do and they are embodied by equally bad entities. With a setup as shitty as the Hellaverse, where there are little to no rules, slavery, classism, and drugs available everywhere I was expecting them to be a tad bit vicious, purposely making the life of everyone worse for their benefit. Mammon could have been the reason for this capitalist society as it’s the perfect environment to develop other sins and his. Yet, Beelzebub is friendly to the Hellhounds while letting them be treated like lesser than how we treat dogs. There’s even rehabs in Hell, Verosika and Barbie were in the same one.
Asmodeus will sue you if you rape someone unless you’re a succubus. Ironically he said that he’s against love potions when that’s literally what the succubus do with their abilities, get you in the mood without you knowing.
Lucifer is the number one silly guy and he even has an attraction parc for others to have fun.
I know it’s Viv ✨ interpretation✨ but you have to make it make sense. You can’t have demons this high-ranked being nice portray them as good people in the narrative when they are responsible for Hell being so unfair to the lower class.
As for the other sins…
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Traditionally speaking Wrath isn't just unjustified violence but hatred and a desire for revenge. I think that’s one of the main reasons Satan and Lucifer are treated as the same person as Lucifer is both prideful, hates God, and seeks revenge. I don't see how Viv’s Satan could be vengeful as they were no war with Heaven to begin with.
Envy isn’t wanting something that someone else has (it’s jealousy), it’s hating someone because they have something that you don’t. Which often results in trying to make the life of this person worse but that’s another thing. I didn't see anything about Sloth and judging by the Sloth Ring, Beelphagor is going to be medical-themed, we know he makes drugs and has a brand of anti-depressant named “Happy Pills.” (Nothing to do with the circus aesthetic she was going for.)
I don’t know if Viv really has a good grasp of what these Sin are traditionally as she claims but we have to see in future episodes. My guess is no.
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alphajocklover · 4 months
Hey ! Recently, I've heard about a guy in my college, a young jock fresh from high school, that honestly acts very weirdly.
Apparently, his friends all went to local universities, while he moved all the way out to the capital, apparently in a bid to get some "elite" education. But that's not really weird, isn't it.
No, the weird thing starts at how he already acts like he's the king of uni, belittling everyone, including those like me who have been here for quite a few years, acting and even stating that he is the "alpha" of our department - as if such an outdated and so obviously false way of classifying people was even remotely correct. But then, he just goes around stating that he needs some "betas". Now, while I can imagine what they must be, those "yes-men" you see in movies accompanying the bully, I can't even begin to see how he wants to bring that to real life ! Especially since he's not in high school anymore !
Well, whatever. The real thing that creeps me out is how he seems to hang out near me weirdly often... Should that be cause for concern ?
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I’ve only just seen your message. Hopefully there's still enough time for me to warn you. What you’ve met isn’t human. Not exactly. He’s… more.
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Most teenage boys go through puberty with drastic changes. They shoot up, gain a bit of hair and possibly some muscle. Their voice deepens, and of course they get some… urges. It’s all very natural. But some teenage boys undergo a… startling transformation. They don’t just shoot up, they tower. They don’t gain a bit of hair, they grow bushes of it. Some shave it so that they can better show off their muscles, but most don’t. Muscle isn’t just possible for them, it’s inevitable. They’re bodies become beefy and hard, even without exercise, though most still become obsessed with lifting weights and getting even bigger. But what sets these boys, or rather these men, apart from the rest most are their urges. They don’t just feel the need to cum like most guys. They get the urge to dominate. The urge to show their power. The urge to fuck.
These men are what’s known as Alphas. And no, that’s not just some arbitrary classification. This isn’t some guy calling himself an alpha male because he’s an insecure Andrew Tate obsessed bitch. What you are dealing with is a real fucking Alpha. Once they were normal people like you or me, but something… awakened in them at some point. Usually during puberty, as I showed before, but it’s not impossible to have an Alpha discover his true self later in life. These men, if they can be called mere men, are bigger, stronger, more dominant than the average man. Much more dominant. So much so that the world seems to… bend to their will. I don’t know how they do it. Maybe they have some sort of special pheromones, or magic powers. But what I do know is when they want something, it just happens. If they want to be good at something, they just are. If they want to win at something, they just do. If they want the world, it’s served up to them on a silver platter with a protein shake.
And if they want you to be their Beta, you will be their Beta.
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I’m not kidding. They can just.. change people. You’ve probably already seen some symptoms, in you and your friends. A sudden interest in fitness, in sports, in ‘bro culture.’ A strange growth spurt, the kind that really shouldn’t happen after puberty. An increased libido, a simpler vocabulary. And most of all, a great admiration for your Alpha. Not just admiration, a deep love. A need to do what he says, be what he says. Once those feelings start it’ll be too late to save you. Soon you’ll be nothing more than his Beta. Everything about you will revolve around what they want.
It’s not the worst fate in the world. Most people think that if a horny Alpha could do whatever they want to you, you’d end up a brainless sex doll. But more often than not what they really want is a bro. Or, more accurately, they want bros. Alphas are so competitive that they rarely are able to spend extended periods of time together. It’s like having two leaders of a pack. Eventually they end up locking horns. So they find, or rather make, Beta bros for them to hang out with. Big, but not as big as their Alpha. Sexy, but not hot enough to take any pussy away from the Alpha. Cool but not cool enough to take any attention away from the Alpha. There are some differences based on what the Alpha wants. Some Betas are stoners, some are jocks, some are surfers and some are skaters. It all depends on the Alphas personal aesthetic and taste. But Betas are all muscular, horny, hung, and completely subservient to their Alphas.
If you’re lucky, you can get out. Move somewhere far away, and forget about all of this. If you’re lucky the Alpha won’t care enough to go after you. You can keep your identity and sense of self intact.
But if you’re not lucky? If you’re too far under his influence? If your Alpha has taken a liking to you and won’t let you go? Well…
… be grateful you’re his Beta bro and not his Beta bitch.
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**3 post in 2 days! I feel like I’m on fire! Guess I’m just very motivated to write recently. Anyways I hope you guys liked this one! Hope mentioning Andrew Tate wasn’t too political. I hate to let irl politics ruin my online fun. Enjoy!**
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ccuunnttbbooyyss · 11 months
The Resort (Part 1)
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It has come to our attention that an unfortunate accident at one of our chemical treatment plans has occurred on the [REDACTED]st of [REDACTED] 2023, resulting in the contamination of the water supply in the above mentioned areas for a period of approximately 3 hours and 10 minutes.
A statement has been issued to water providers by The Company™️ and a number of anti-transformative chemicals have been released to counteract the imbalance.
However, the damage has been done and we wish to report on it as such.
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As you may know, some of the affected water infiltrated the [REDACTED] Beach Resort where it unwittingly transformed multiple male patrons into what is colloquially referred to as "Cuntboys". IE- Men with a fully functional vagina, uterus, ovaries, etc. Others not as diligently exposed to the chemicals did not experience full "Cuntboy-ification" as it has been deemed.
This transformation is reported to have first occurred with a sudden and dramatic increase in the size of the lower extremities, glutes, lower back muscles and an initial reduction in penis and testicle size.
This reportedly occurred throughout the premises, including the pool's filtration system, the resort's water system (showers, baths, commercial water taps), and available on-tap drinking water.
The following changes consisted of what we are dubbing a "hyper-fertile cycle" where the excess chemical exposure was processed into a mixture of testosterone, dopamine and oxytocin. This resulted in a dramatically increased libido.
Fortunately the spread of the affected was contained within the resort and secondary exposure (either through sexual fluids or otherwise) was rendered ineffectual as the transformative chemicals were able to penetrate the skin barrier in less than 0.2 microseconds). This resulted in numerous impregnations or otherwise sexual encounters in and around the location, of which have been documented.
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We encourage all those affected either through direct exposure or through coupling and secondary exposure to report to one of our branches to undergo a full physical exam and analysis.
We also encourage all currently, or presumed to be, pregnant to not terminate the pregnancy as we wish to ascertain valuable research data on the growth of the foetus within this timeframe.
We hope to reveal more information to the public as it becomes known.
The Company.
You smirk as the commercial comes to an end, the broadcaster for the local news station thanking The Company for their transparency regarding the situation and continuing with more news on the recent baby boom caused through the accident.
You couldn't pay attention for long though, not as the hot little cuntboy you picked up from the resort was busy swallowing every inch of your enhanced cock down his throat.
You fisted his hair, shoving him down to push his nose in your pubes, loving how his throat spasmed around your dick and the gurgling sound that came out of his tight throat.
"You hear that baby, they wanna give you a checkup."
A soft whimper comes out as the only response. He looks up at you, tear-filled baby blues staring into yours. He's been working your cock for hours, thoroughly content with kneeling between your spread thighs and swallowing every enhanced load you can give.
"Yeah I know you're pregnant. They just wanna make sure you can give me a while lot more."
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A more pleased sound comes out as he resumes his enthusiastic sucking. You're sure that's his fifth load in as many hours.
You sigh as the hot cum shoots up your rock hard dick. You might as well put off that appointment till tomorrow...
Story in collaboration with @maleagetransformation , Part 2 over on his account!
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piddlekit · 2 months
been reading about testosterone side effects (pee smell changes and increased libido) and thinking about how i'll be more like a real bunny boy when i start taking T... (nsft/k!nk, sexualizing my own transition, some sort of petpl@y but for me this is more of a furry thing, reader is owner/partner, abdl adjacent, pee, diapers)
do you know what happens when a male rabbit kit turns into an ornery, horny teenager? gosh, they grow up so fast. in no time at all, that perfectly-behaved little ball of fluff and innocence starts pissing all over your rug to claim your house as his. sure, those hormones make his piss stink, as well as every fabric surface in your home that he can reach, but remember: it's his instinct to mark, and he can't help it. even worse, you can probably guess what else comes with all those new hormones overwhelming his little body. see, there's a reason for the term "fuck like rabbits"… he'll chase you around the room tirelessly for a chance to hump your leg. if he gets in a rhythm and you manage to pull yourself away, he may continue to desperately thrust his hips in the air right where you left him. it's pitiful, really. but again, he can’t help himself. as his owner, you’ll just have to manage these new changes the best you can.
so, now that you know what happens to bunnies like me when their testosterone kicks in, how will you handle your little pet? will you put me in diapers after my very first shot -- "just to be safe" -- so I don't ruin your carpets with my smelly boy piss? what would you do if you realized that instead of being ashamed to wear diapers, i actually seemed to be enjoying them? what a sight i would be, my eyes fluttering shut as my tdick-to-be grows hard inside my soft, thick padding. you might notice me chewing at my lip or even whimpering as i wet. how would you feel if i favored humping my pissy pampers on the floor instead of begging to ride your thigh like you expected? the first time you found me grinding desperately against the carpet, would you wait until i finished before changing me? would you think to yourself that i should be sexually satisfied for a while, after the big show i’d just put on for you, only for me to thrust into your hand moments later as you try to wipe down my sensitive, needy bunny dick? i just can’t wait to be a pissy, horny bunny boy for you <3
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eatmangoesnekkid · 9 months
A Venusian Temple Arts Channeling Most problems related to the female (or male) body are due to a lack of circulation in that area where the ailment is occurring. Also, a lack of circulation will negatively impact your bag and coins. Said differently: in this system, unless you were born into "old money," you must own that the condition of your body is directly related to your quality of life. Circulation is related to your heart, blood, sensuality, sex, passion, deep feeling, creativity, and overall life force energy. And there is no coincidence that there is a large amount of shame and mysticism around the female body and its resourceful capacity for epic circulation i.e. creation and regeneration--not only for ourselves but for the cells of our loved ones and for the collective cells of our village/community. How beautiful, right?! This is what I was channeling in my first book when I wrote "A sensually activated woman is a wealthy natural resource for any community. Pleasure is power." If you are desiring to strengthen your skills as a lover Goddess which is your flow state capacity to create.... anything including tactile abundance like money and better health, without exhausting yourself, the circulatory system has to become your favorite system of the body. It has to be your friend, your loved one. Because the prime quality of a lover is that she knows how to inspire and stimulate circulation or flow states in others as well--a type of muse consciousness. It could be with her compassion, heart, use of language, use of hands, breasts projections, face/mouth/quality of conversation, dance, beauty, singing, etc. Artists, men, women, children, and animals are attracted to muse consciousness in different ways. Improving your circulation helps to not only open your heart (releasing current and ancestral heartache/heartbreak) , but also increases your lubrication and libido, repairs your skin into a suppleness, and keeps your systems healthier. You will not only look better, but you will feel better in a more authentic way. When you smile, it will be truthful and emanate from deep within. Keep your feet and belly warm during winter month. Once your circulation improves, the blockages start to move and issues start to repair. It is the heat and warmth from your energy FLOWING that creates new body narratives. A lover knows the beauty of stimulating good circulation in self and in another. Anytime there is pain or stagnancy in the body, it is an indication of lack of FLOW--meaning--a need for lover energy! A lover has to strengthen her connection to her hands as well. Hand-heart connection is all lover energy. Also the constant necessity of self-massage and self-touch is important for the body of a lover. Also, the skill and service of having your well-placed, prayed-over loving hands massaging the pain points or blockages of another is just as important. A lover also has to be able to relax and fully receive touch by another, whether a professional massage therapist or your lover. Other considerations: Drink water with a pinch of celtic sea salt/green juice. Keep ginger oil or powdered ginger in your apothecary. Use ginger paste (ginger powder/oil mixed with warm water) rubbed into pain or troubled sight or energetic stagnation including bald spots plus reducing sugar intake including *too much* fruit sugar and starchy carbs and dense meats -which slows down your blood flow while increasing some combination of movement, deep breathing, hot+cold water therapy, sauna/spa, sunbathing, walking, and the like are acts incorporated in a life of a lover and those who we care for. Train your mind to focus and stay calm--to be able to drop into deep presence and feel. Do to one thing at time like wash dishes without stopping to do anything else. Presence, an unscattered mind, is a high-skill and quality of a lover. Recalibrating the mindset and belief systems you've been holding onto for 20 years into more lighthearted, open-hearted frequencies are critical.
*I used "she/her" but lover energy is available to any gender in any shape or texture. *
-India Ame'ye, Author
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fipindustries · 3 months
HRT and sex talk! feel free to ignore if that is not your jam
for whatever reason my hormones are not being as effective as they used to, which means that a lot of my male characteristics are coming back. chief amongst them is my male libido.
i wrote extensively about this phenomena in the past but i want to take a chance to kvetch about it yet again.
the pros is that masturbating feels like it hits... stronger. there is a certain feral high to male horniness. orgasms feel more like he final period, the last word. once you cum the matter is decidedly settled. it has a faster and higher peak. porn, drawn porn, feels more tittilating, fapping is easier. the whole process is more streamlined and hits more clearly and focused. also boners dont hurt as much any more.
that is about it for the pros. they are nice and i have been taking advantage of them now that i have the chance.
now come the cons.
male libido fucking sucks. it fucking sucks dick and balls and i fucking hate it, holy fucking shit.
ive likened to having an adiction in the past and the comparission holds stronger than ever. now your day is circumscribed by masturbation time and by how much time until next masturbation. it is a constant buzz in between your legs and the back of your head. any moment of boredom or inactivity is a moment that could be dedicated to that. to make matters worse, my dick is on a fucking hair trigger. is like im on a semi permanent half chub. i used to be able to enjoy and appreciate porn in a very intellectual way. it was tittillating for sure, it fulfilled a prurient interest, but mainly i enjoyed the artistry of it, i enjoyed the concept presented. now seeing porn online is like getting a poke from a really annoying mosquito that makes me want to scratch the subsequent itch.
and the real kick in the nuts here is that masturbating is now grosser. i cum more, it smells worse, it gets all sticky, i feel sweatier and slimier afterwards, and the dick feels all swollen and sore. the result of all this is that now im much more aware of my penis in a way that i really rather not be. when i go outside i cant help but feel that is really noticeable, more than usual. im terrified that there might be stains or that people might be able to smell something or whatever.
is just a fucking hassle, i dont want my mind to be 10% on sex at all times, i dont want to feel all sticky and smelly, i dont want to even be aware my dick exists most of the time. this truly was one of the hidden blessings of HRT i hadnt anticipated way back when i first started transitioning. i cant believe i lived like this for 25 years, i really dont understand how i did it. i cannot understand how men deal with this all the time, what are you guys doing? are you ok? you need help??? how can you live like this????.
honestly it doesnt feel like dysphoria, i dont feel gross in a metaphisical sense or like this challenges my identity or my conception of self or like it invalidates my gender or like it makes me dissociate from my body. is just a stupid pain in the ass, is like being with constant allergies and your nose was perpetually runny and you were oozing snot and slightly teary eyed and had to be constantly blowing your nose. it just sucks.
im going to talk to my doctor about increasing my dosis and probably get a fucking orchiectomy, yeah masturbation and orgasms dont feel as good but at least i can live my life like a functional human and focus on the things that really matter
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wishmaster · 7 months
I'm a gay man in my late twenties. I miss being closer to my older brother, but it was hard being around him with the way he belittles women, gay men, and trans people. I just wish he had a vagina and attraction to men, so that he could be more empathetic to others
New Girl
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I bet he's racist as hell too, so lets have some fun. The changes start as he's using the restrooom. His body shrinks, years of building muscle quickly vanishes, his hips widen and his ass becomes a perfect heart shaped, long black hair cascades down his back past his shoulders, he gets a look in the mirror as his masculine face gives way to feminine features, his lips plump up, perfect dick sucking lips. Then suddenly his pecs enlarge and become sensitive as they strain his tight tee shirt which quickly morphs into a full tight leather outfit, his tits and ass now on full display,, the final blow came when his tick cock quickly vanished and a new ultra sensitive and fully wet pussy emerged in him/her. But more than that suddenly he knew a lot of Spanish as his pale white skin darkened to a caramel color.
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But not all the changes were limited to your new sister in fact thanks to your wish your entire family became Latino, which included you, suddenly you caught a glimpse of the new you in a mirror.
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Fuck you think noticing how hot you've become your new massive cock strained your new leather shorts, thankfully you don't wear underwear so you weren't restricted. You couldn't wait to find a hot stud to impale your new monster in as you feel you have become more sexually dominant. You see your sister exit the bathroom.
Aye Mamacita, you say as she shakes her ass.
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She grabs her coat and soon you guys are heading out, both of you looking for a sexy stud to bring home and rock their world with you new sexy Latino charms and libido. You remember your sister showing you how to blow and satisfy guys when she learned you were gay, You loved your new big sister and know this will only bring you closer. You remember her saying she loved you were gay because she had a friend now to cruise the clubs with. Seems both of you had an increase in your sexual desires under the change and you loved it. A part of your old brother remained deep in the back of her mind, he'd be trapped in his new much better life, the alpha male screaming to get his old life but that wish would never be granted.
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thejockout · 7 months
Commission Update
Current files in the works for customers, and which will then be (probably) released publicly:
Embrace Your Submission - a fairly soft, affirming file in which the nature of a submissive is explained to the listener, and their positive feelings towards submission + their optimism that they will be able to find a dominant are encouraged, as well as a passivity/compliance. No dumbing is inherently in the file, but it is dumbing compatible, and suitable for all gender expressions.
Bodybuilding Arousal Loop - my first loop, and one to be listened to while edging. Designed so that you'll be scrolling through your smutty Tumblr feed or just watching porn with muscular men in it, and this conditioning of "muscle = sex" will loop and feed into itself to encourage YOU to lift and become your own "muscle = sex". So the loop becomes "Muscle = sex = need more muscle = sex = muscle...". Feedback loops are hot, and super mindfucky when you think about how long you've already been conditioning yourself like this just through masturbation. This will assume a male listener and use male pronouns and JOI, as well as gendered praise.
Brute 2.0 - this one has no set title yet, but a very clear outline from the client. It's going to be a sequel to the original Brute file adding the elements of male hormone production, muuuch increased libido and sensitivity, and a sort of spongey-mind to masculinity where any other brutes/alphas/whatever will rub off on you quite easily and you'll begin to emulate their traits. No dumbing, but a decrease in inhibition/generally making the listener shameless, so certainly dumbing compatible. Assumes a male listener and will use male pronouns. Think of it as a more mindset/attitude/countenance focused Brute file versus the first, which was more muscle-focused. The two will work together.
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sugarprincessbitch · 2 years
Yandere Ramsay Bolton x Half-Sister! Reader pt. 2
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When the Bolton's took over the north and Ramsay reclaimed it's throne as his, the tensions between your house and the stark survivors grew each passing day.
Everything inside winterfell was a mess, terror reign between it's walls, her brother ruled there like a tyrant and nowadays it was a common occurrence to found at least one dead man, woman or children.
In a way, the imminent attack of the starks got Ramsay occupied and he didn't have the time to visit as frequent as before, a relief for you.
Since Claude was born, rumors started to arise about the father of the child.
Claude's similarities in appearance with Ramsay increase each passing day as he grew up, but the habitants of the castle were to afraid with the possible fury of the childs father if a word of it reaches his ears.
Since the announce of your pregnancy, you were relegated to your chambers in which the majority it you passed it trap in there, sewing and reading being your only activities to pass the time.
When you had Claude, some of your liberties where given back, but with the exception of not going outside by your own, Ramsay was breathing behind your neck these days.
You thought that now that you gave what Ramsay wanted, a male heir, he would stop tormenting you.
But it appears to be that the sight of you pregnant increased his libido, and one night he told you that he wouldn't stop until you gave him more children.
Since Claude was born, Ramsay began to visit you in your chambers at night again, because of the maester warning your brother about letting you repose some moons before trying again, he didn't pressure you to give him a second child.
Ramsay took many prisoners, being one of them Theon greyjoy or what Ramsay likes to call him, reek.
You didn't heard a lot of the young man, but clearly you can tell how Ramsay's wicked games change him.
Theon and the little girl Jane pool, that Ramsay took as his sexual plaything apart from Myranda- That woman scared you, if looks could kill, you surely will be dead by now- were the only ones to show you kindness.
When Jon snow attacked the castle, everything became pure caos.
You couldn't get to see what was happening beside from what was in display for you to see through the tiny window of your room.
Ramsay entered at your rooms agitated and with blood on his upper body. Without losing time he grabbed you by the hand and forcefully drag you out to the courtyard.
"Ramsay please wait! Claude, i have to get Claude!" He didn't listen to you, looking around like a mad man he didn't heard you so you repeat it again.
"Stop fucking blabbering! You are going to get on the fucking horse and get away from here" the desperate screams of your baby where rumbling on the castle walls, this time you push him harder and got away from his strong grip.
"YOU BI-" someone stumble Ramsay to the floor making he unable to finish the insult. The men's of Jon snow were pressing him to the ground while he start to force with the men and throwing empty threats to the air.
The stark bastard and his sister- if I remember correctly she was the first daughter, sansa- were waiting for us in the courtyard, for mi horror Claude was with them, in the arms of one of the maids.
I felt my knees going weaker and my heart thumping harder, scared of what they might do to my son. They first question Ramsay, he didn't change his agressive demeanour against them, even when the life of his son was at game.
Jon proceed to look at me and ask me to decide my fate, because Ramsay had his decided, the atrocities he did were unforgivable.
If I pledge loyalty to them, they would give back to me the lands of the Bolton and it's right, if I don't.... My body will lay with my brother in the morrow.
That day Ramsay was sentence to death, kill by his own dogs, the ones that he brag about their loyalty to him.
In the morning you started your way to your family castle, along with your son and the men left behind from that horrendous battle.
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darkmaga-retard · 4 days
Story at-a-glance
Low testosterone affects up to 38.7% of men over 45, causing symptoms like low libido, fatigue and weight gain. It's linked to increased risks of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease
Obesity and diabetes are closely connected to lower testosterone levels, creating a cycle that's hard to break. Excess fat tissue interferes with testosterone production through various mechanisms
Low testosterone levels (below 213 ng/dL) are associated with higher all-cause mortality risk. Balanced hormone levels, including luteinizing hormone and estradiol, are crucial for overall health
Andropause, or male menopause, involves a gradual decline in testosterone levels starting around age 40. This affects cardiovascular health, body composition and increases risks of heart problems
Natural strategies to boost testosterone include KAATSU training, regular sun exposure and avoiding endocrine-disrupting chemicals
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little-doe-mellily · 11 days
‼️18+ content ahead‼️
Hi ... ☺️
I'm kinda new to actually posting something on 𝕥𝕦𝕞𝕓𝕝𝕣, sooo ... please be kind with criticism. 。^‿^。
Plus, english is not my mothertongue ... so please, be gentle with errors in grammar or general writing errors. (∩_∩)
➳❥ Anti-Cosmo x Anti-Wanda
➳❥ Summary: Anti-Fairies are mostly bound to their counterpart's decisions in their eternal lives. Therefore, the majority of marriages in Anti-Fairy-World are arranged and for continuation of the Anti-Fairy race, heat cycles plague both males and females. When Cosmo and Wanda have Poof, Anti-Cosmo realizes that it won't take long until his rut hits full force ...
➳❥ Warnings: 18+ content ahead; don't like don't read ☺️
Dusting off his dark blue shirt, he coughed up some of the leftover smoke that snuck into his lungs, when his newest evil scheme had been thwarted and the machine he'd built with the help of the Pixies exploded. Glaring at one of the many windows of his towering castle, he could see the silhouette of Jorgen von Strangle disappear through a sparkly portal, after throwing his counterparts' godkid through the glittery mass of clouds - oh, how he despised them, all of them. Clawing at the black marble window sill, he growled at his reflection in the window, snarling at the disheveled appearance glaring back at him. Raking his claws through the loose strands, the High Count huffed a sharp breath, baring his fangs in a pained expression.
The Head Pixie finished polishing his already cracked glasses, sneaking a curious glance at the leader of the Anti-Fairy race, "Control your anger. They are gone, no sense in throwing a tantrum, AC," the Pixie muttered, putting the white cloth he used to clean his glasses with away, stowing it in the breast pocket of his grey suit. Completely out of his usual rational character, he was about to put a comforting hand on the Count's shoulder, which he shrugged off almost immediatly.
Exhaling audibly, Anti-Cosmo nearly groaned, "It's not anger - it's arousal. Our counterparts had a baby ... my instinct is kicking in, libido is rising - I'll have to breed my wife soon." The Anti-Fairy fought a whimper, when his usually cold blood started boiling, rushing to lower regions. He had to kick the remaining Pixies and fellow Anti-Fairies out of the castle, his control was fading. Beads of sweat started forming on his forehead, while his hips were about to hump the air that started to feel thick around him. "G-get out. Leave! All of you ... fucking LEAVE!" Never hearing their already feared leader swear, the Anti-Fairies raised their blackened wands, leaving nothing but a dark cloud of fairy dust.
While Fairies had the privilige to mate with their significant other - the one they truly loved - Anti-Fairies where bound to their counterpart's desicion and had no choice but to accept their fate. Rarely, true love was involved as Anti-Fairies never believed in the concept of 'love' - hence the opposite of Cupid spread hate instead of love. Therefore, Anti-Fairies had to endure mating cycles once they were spoken for, securing the continuation of their race. Left without a choice, once their mating instincts kick in, Anti-Fairies felt the desire to breed and be bred - the copulation could take hours, due to the males' increased sperm production and the rising estrogen levels of the females.
His poor wife must already be raking herself in their shared bedroom, waiting for him to ravish her. The thought of fucking her into their shared mattress alone caused him to become incredibly horny; filling her with his cum until it leaked out of her little pussy, putting his offspring into her womb - by everything that's unholy, he needed her!
His dear, loving, gorgeous Anti-Wanda, probably dripping with need and waiting to be bred by her darling husband. "You really are desperate for it, aren't you?" the Head Pixie's monotone voice broke the silence. Groaning, the High Count noticed a tremble running through his body, exhaling another shivering breath. "G-go, please. I-I need my darling ..."
H.P. took this as his clue to leave, throwing his fellow Pixies a single nod and tapping a series of keys on his magical phone. Disappearing in a grey cloud made of pixels, he left the never pleading Anti-Fairy alone to seek his wife.
Clawing at the tight collar of his shirt, he made his way towards the master bedroom, ripping open the first two or three buttons, which clattered to the ground in several directions. Hurrying through the nearly empty halls, he tried hiding his leaking erection by pulling his shirt down to cover his tented black trousers. Servants and maids were curiously glancing his way, when their master rushed past them, not even floating. Pushing open the double-doors that led to their bedroom, he rushed into the room, magically closing and locking them.
"Honey?" the sweet voice of his darling wife rang out behind him. She sat in the middle of their queen sized bed, breathing heavily, her cheeks blushing in a dark blue color. His muscles strained, teeth bared, his eyes turned red. Anti-Wanda sat upon the rich wine-red covers, dressed in a short black laced nightgown, legs spread for him to crawl between. Not being able to take anymore of it, he pounced on his wife like an animal, sinking his fangs into her sweet smelling neck, piercing her soft skin and tasting the copery blood that awaited him beneath. A pleasurable gasp left her lungs, hugging him to her body.
She pulled on his shirt, crumpling it up in between her fingers. Attempting to sit up, Anti-Wanda fumbled around with the frustrating task of opening all of his buttons. Her husband cut her off, ripping his shirt with his own claws, letting the rest magically disappear through a simple snap. Admiring his wife's naked body, he dived in between her breasts, nipping and licking at them, causing his dear to moan slightly. Slipping his arms under her plump thighs, he gripped them and pulled her up, inhaling deeply; groaning at the mouth watering sweet smell of her pussy - he was such a lucky man.
Immediatly diving into the dephts of her hot cavern, his tongue raked deeply through her insides. The sensual feeling caused Anti-Wanda's eyes to turn into a feral red color, rolling back into her head as blood rushed into her ears. Her tail wrapped around his right thigh, seeking to entangle with his own. The room filled with the slurping sounds of her feasting husband, whose tongue painted her insides with his saliva. His tongue was longer, due to his vampire-genes, wiggling itself through her insides as he drew patterns that drove his wife crazy.
His rumbling groans vibrated through her pussy, increasing the heated sensitation; she wiggled her hips, grinding them against her husbands face in the hope of getting more friction. Extracting his tongue, he drew the wet muscle over her sensitive clit in circular motions, clamping his mouth shut and giving the bundle of nerves some thorough sucks.
His wife's moaning sounds increased in volume, while she gripped at the many pillows behind her. "Sw-sweety ... it's-it's to muuuch~ AAAH-mmnnnpfh, ah- ha~ ..." Knowing his sweet was about to finish, he put more effort into his actions, looking at her through half lidded eyes. Arching her back, she gripped his hair, screaming, "Fuck, fuck, FUCK! Oooh~ ... hun." She looked precious, simply marvelous; disheveled but glowing at the same time.
Grinning suggestively at her, Anti-Cosmo climbed over her, aligning himself at her entrance, rubbing his tip against her glistening folds and smoothly sinking into her tight walls. He tried, he promised himself he'd be gentle with her, but ... looking at her, with her lips forming a pleasured 'o', and that sinful whine leaving her lungs - he couldn't contain this rut. Immediatly setting a steady pace, he grabbed her hips, gripping her flesh, while her ankles locked behind his back. "H-harder, Cozzie~" she begged, gripping his shoulders. Releasing a cracked chuckle, he breathed, "Your wish is my command, darling~" A small whine left her lungs, as he rolled the 'r'-sound with his tongue, his purr causing her to tighten around him.
Pulling out almost completely, he left the tip resting inside his wife's snug 'prison' and rammed all of himself into her in long, thorough strokes, burying his cock balls-deep in her velvety cavern. With each rough stroke, she emitted little screams, which caused the grip on the little fat of her waist to tighten, leaving scratches - proof of their love. "Ah~ darling, I'm going to pump you full with my love, leaving you drrripping for days," he purred, to which she reacted with a drawn out groan, toes curling behind his back. "M-more, honey. Pleeaaase~ ..."
Not denying his darling wife anything, his pace increased further, pounding her into the mattress with reckless abandon. Hugging her to his chest, Anti-Cosmo swallowed her moans, plunging his tongue into her mouth, enacting a sensual dance and coiling his muscle around her's. "Anti-Cozzie is so deep inside me," she thought, forcing her husband to swallow another loud moan. Caressing her trembling walls with his weeping cock, he felt his climax approaching as he snapped his hips even faster. Anti-Wanda felt her husband hitting her cervix, his cock twitching inside her, "Hu-hun, please ... c-cum inside! Breed me, fucking breed me. Put a baby in meee~ Give me your seed! Fuck a baby into me ... ah~."
Her muscles started contracting, her pussy pulsed, causing Anti-Cosmo to start growling as he lowered his face towards her neck and licked the puncture wounds that he marked his wife with. Squelching sounds filled his sensitive ears, which caused them to wiggle slightly, his tail wagging happily. Latching onto the spot, he sucked the darkened skin, releasing a dominant growl as he started cumming.
Pumping his release into her womb, he continued rocking into her as she screamed in pleasure, creaming him with her juices. Her toes curled, nerv endings tingling. "Y-yes, fill me up, baby. More, more. Give me all of your love~" she yelled. Tears fought their way into her eyes as stars clouded her vision, eyes rolling back. A shiver ran through her whole body, a tingling sensitation filling her pussy to the brim. "Anti-Cozzie's load is filling meee~"
Panting heavily, he pulled out of her, causing his wife to breathe a reluctant whine; he rested his head between her b-cup breasts. "No worries, my sweet crumpet. This was only the beginning. By the end of the night, you will carry my spawn and over the coming months I will be by your side as my seed grow inside your belly," her husband declared, deliciously rolling the 'r'-sound with his british accent. Unable to properly answer, his wife could only nod, signifying that he had truly fucked her stupid.
As promised, Anti-Cosmo bred her at least three or four more times - honestly, she lost count after the third orgasm. The next morning, walking was nearly impossible for her, so she resorted to floating towards the kitchen and prepare her hard-working husband a marvelous breakfast. Though she looked presentable in her royal black nightgown and dark purple morning robe, the maids threw her knowing glances, grinning and giggling at her disheveled appearance. Dark blue locks randomly stuck out at the sides of her head, a satisfied grin plastered on her face.
The High Countess bent down and dug through the kitchen cabinets, searching for a pan to cook pancakes with. Grabbing some eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder and other ingredients, she started heating up the stove. While the pancakes cooked in the pan, she turned on the coffee machine and cut an apple into neat slices. Her husband didn't like to eat strawberries or anything like it, due to them leaving a sour taste in his mouth, so she picked a banana and decorated the pancakes. Instead of syrup, Anti-Wanda put some jam on the side and decorated the silver breakfast-tray with dark colored roses.
With a loving smile decorating her face, she took the tray and flew back to their shared bedroom. Her husband was still snoring softly, as she reentered the room, putting the tray down on his nightstand. As much as she hated to be the one to wake him, he had duties to fullfil - ruling an entire race wasn't an easy task to be born into. The clock on her nightstand showed that it was already 9.46 a.m., way to late to get up, for her husband's caliber. She crawled onto the covers, lowering herself onto the hips of his splayed out body and started peppering his face with lofty kisses. "Good morning, sweety," she trilled.
With a tired smile, his lips met hers in a sensual kiss, enclosing his hands around her cheeks, his fingertips stroking her temples and running through tender hair. "Good morning, darling. How are you up this early? Didn't I tire you out last night?" he chuckled, letting one hand wander to her waist, also stroking there to soothe the little pain she probably suffered, due to the scratches he left. His nostrils wiggled as he inhaled the bitter smell of coffee, glancing at his nightstand and grinning at the tray that stood there.
"Of course, I'm still a little exhausted, but that's no excuse for letting my poor husband starve, after he worked so hard on pleasuring me," Anti-Wanda giggled, raking her fingers through her husband's hair. "C'mon, Anti-Faries are waitin' to be ruled and Fairies to be bested, my sweet genius," she hummed, placing a light kiss on his forehead, before she jumped up and made her way towards the wardrobe, looking for an outfit.
While she picked out several dresses, holding them in front of her appearance in the mirror, her husband's still drowsy voice interrupted her, "Darling ... have I ever told you that I love you so very, very much?" Giggling, Anti-Wanda threw the dress she decided to wear today onto the covers and bent over the edge of the bed, "Of course you do ... every day, since we met and fell in love, ya dummy." Standing up straight, she let the straps of her nightgown slide down her body, leaving her in nothing but black panties. The High Countess grabbed the bra that somehow landed next to her bedside last night and put it on, all while her husband admired his wife's beauty.
Smirking, she chastised him, "Eat your breakfast, or you'll have to work being hungry all day long." Clicking the hooks of the bra into place, she let out a sigh of success and went to put on the dress she chose. "Oh, darling~ Can I not enjoy being the luckiest Fay in the universe for a few more minutes?" he sighed, love-struck.
"Careful, hun. If you enjoy it to much, I won't even have to finish dressing up and you will be late anyway," his wife chuckled, throwing him a suggestive glance, while fighting with the gown. "Wouldn't that be just grrrand, my love~?" he purred. She had to silently admit that her pussy longed for his love and that she had started clenching seconds ago, but she couldn't hold him off any longer - her needs would have to wait for the next pleasurable night ... or a little quickie on his work desk, whatever came first.
"Now, eat your breakfast. I put a lot of effort into it!" his wife ordered. Damn, he loved it when she was so ... dominating. With a content grin, he tasted the bitter coffee, moaning a little as the bitterness spread on his taste buds.
However, neither the High Count, nor his darling wife noticed the lanky figure that stayed hidden in the dark rose bushes outside. The figure that had kept an eye on the Countess since they split in highschool ...
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alphajocklover · 3 months
What happens if a girl uses instajock?
What if a girl uses InstaJock? That's a fairly simple question that, like many things with InstaJock, has a fairly complicated answer. See, InstaJock wasn’t built for girls. I’m not sure if it's because whatever the developers use to turn people into jocks isn’t strange enough to change someone's gender, or if they’re just not into female to male transformations, or whatever, but I know it doesn’t work on girls. But… girls can still get invited to the app, and what does happen is fairly intriguing. When a girl gets an invite to InstaJock they'll have an intense urge to set up an account on the app, just like guys do. But when they set up their account they aren’t transformed. They become… carriers. I know what makes it sound like the app is some kind of disease or something, and well that metaphor isn’t entirely inaccurate, I use it here mainly because there's no other way to explain it. A woman can get infected by InstaJock, but they won’t get transformed themselves. It’s the men in their life that have to worry. When a girl uses InstaJock and becomes a carrier, nothing about her will change. There are some small symptoms, like an increase in libido and the memories of the app itself growing fuzzy, but besides that it's virtually undetectable. Until they touch a guy. Now, when I say touch, I don’t mean any kind of touch. People passing on the street have no reason to fear carriers. When they touch a guy it has to be an… intimate touch. A kiss, a grope, even a long enough hug. The first guy they touch intimately has the Instajock ‘infection’ passed onto them. They become a total and complete jock, just as dumb and buff as anyone who had actually used the app. Although it's a little more specific than that. They don’t just become a jock, they become the carrier's dream jock. The kind of jock that's perfect to sweep them off their feet and then almost immediately have intense, mind breaking sex with them. Then, once the girl is spent, the new jock goes on their phone and finds the app, waiting there for them like it was always there. Their account already set up, they post a picture of them and their babe of a girlfriend, and go back for round two. The carrier, after any number of intense rounds of fucking, comes out from under the influence of InstaJock, no longer ‘infectious’, a little confused, but very happy to have a studly jock boyfriend. 
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So, in short, InstaJock doesn’t change girls, but it changes the first guy the girl gets intimate with. I always assumed that InstaJock changed people through the light of their phones or something, but the more I learn about it the more I’m convinced it's something else. I just can’t tell what. What I can say is that if you happen to be straight (which, lets face it, you’re here, you’re not straight), bisexual, pansexual or whatever, be careful about who you hook up with. You’d be surprised how much one hook up can change your life.
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intersex-questions · 11 months
A beautician is following me for laser hair removal (I am 16 years old and I started about a year ago). My beautician’s boss once checked my hair situation, and she was surprised I still had so many. So you told me I might have PCOS. Then I got scared because I didn’t know anything about it, and I talked to my mom about it. She told me that in fact, especially before, I was "a monkey", although, while I felt uncomfortable with my hair, I never realized I had so much out of the ordinary. We’ll go deeper to see if the beautician was right, but in the meantime, I wanted to talk to someone about it, see if you know anything about PCOS, like how it affects menstruation or anything else.
Having a notable amount of body hair that's above the "norm" is called hirsutism, which is a symptom of hyperandrogenism, and both of those are symptoms of PCOS.
PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome. Despite the name, you do not have to actually have ovarian cysts to have it, although it's likely.
Three main signs of PCOS are:
Hyperandrogenism (which can manifest things such as "excess" body hair, deeper voice, facial hair, clitoromegaly, acne, hair loss in certain areas such as the head--although, everyone's body processes androgens ("male" sex hormones) differently, so not everyone will present with as strong signs of androgenization, even if they have a high level of androgens in their body)
Irregular periods. This can mean a variety of things. Periods can be far longer than other's, such as over a week. They might happen less often in a year, happening in a time frame over than ~28 days for each. Some people might have much lighter periods than most people or even shorter periods, only a few days. Some people might have large blood clots or extreme pain. Endometriosis can occur with PCOS, which often causes extremely painful periods. Pain is not necessary for irregular periods, though. This can also affect your ovulation cycle as well as your fertility.
Polycystic ovaries. Ovaries can become enlarged or inflamed and have multiple fluid filled sacs that often cause pain (although they might not).
Hyperandrogenism, hirsutism, and PCOS often go hand in hand. It can be hard to tell if someone has hyperandrogenism or PCOS, in some cases, especially since hyperandrogenism is a symptom of PCOS and cysts aren't necessary to be diagnosed with it. Some people might have hyperandrogenism for no "real" reason, whereas for others it is believed their hyperandrogenism and PCOS have a medical link. There are definitely cases where these variations in bodies aren't inherently indistinguishable from the other. A medical diagnosis is often useful because it allows for treatment if the patient desires it.
So, to be clear, based on what you describe, it's incredibly likely you have hirsutism, in which cause you may have hyperandrogenism (which, in turn, is a symptom of PCOS).
It's completely okay to be scared. Unknown things are scary, as is learning new things about our body. PCOS may sound like a scary syndrome, but it is incredibly common. Many women and people live with it. Many intersex people view it as an inherently intersex variation, as do they with hyperandrogenism and hirsutism.
While it's important to note that there are gatekeepers who do not, and these people are frowned upon by the vast majority of the intersex community and are often perisex (non-intersex) people.
Some other effects hyperandrogenism/PCOS might have include:
Oily skin
Predisposition to being fat
Smaller breasts
Insulin resistance
Increased libido
Increased muscle mass
Visible Adam's apple
More ambiguous genitalia (ties in with clitoromegaly)
If you have any other questions, feel free to send them! You are not alone. I wish you much luck on your intersex journey. And this is just some unwarranted advice, but do your best to be confident in yourself and your body. Don't let people try to influence you to do things to it or change it, especially with permanent procedures, unless it's something you've truly examined that you want, and not because others have pressured you, told you it's necessary when it isn't, or because you've been overall socially pressured to.
And I relate to that monkey comment, lol. My mom has always called me her little monkey because I've always been super hairy (although in my case, I've always taken great pride in being called that). It's part of why I chose a Pokémon based on a monkey for my new icon!
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musclesaber · 1 year
Chest Cologne Chapter 2: The Sizemologist
[Story Gallery] [First Part] [Last Part]
After locking down his date with Patrick, Jacob turns to his old friend Sam for some help in the size department.
The next day, Jacob finished work and immediately headed to Sam’s shop. He parked his car and walked into the tiny store. The store is completely empty when Jacob entered and saw no one. On the inside, the shelves were cluttered with various drawers of herbs and spices. There were bottles and boxes that had things like “Back Pain Relief” or “Quick Energy Boost” written on them. Jacob continued walking around the store until he saw his old friend.
“Jacob!” The tall man practically ran over to Jacob to give him a hug.
 “Sammy! How’ve you been?” Jacob hugged Sam back and looked at him.
 “I’ve been great! I’m running the store all by myself now since my parents retired. I used to just run the business side of things, but now I do everything from the supply to the taxes to the stocking to the other stuff,” said Sam as he winked at Jacob.
 “Yeah, about that other stuff,” Jacob released their embrace. “I remember in college you gave Max that one thing to help him out with his boyfriend’s problem in the bedroom. Could you do something like that for me?” Sam looked at Jacob puzzled.
 “You knew about that?” asked Sam.
 “Of course I did. We all did. Max was always complaining about how his boyfriend AJ could never perform well in the bedroom. After winter break, he said you gave him something that solved his problem. Then I remember every time Max had seen AJ the day before, he was walking funny.” Sam laughed remembering what he had given Max.
 “HAHAHA! I had forgotten about that. Yes, I did help Max out a bit. Here, let’s go to the back where we can discuss the other side of the store.” Sam turned around and lead Jacob through a door into another room. This room was significantly smaller, but it was packed to the brim with books as well as drawers and cabinets.
 “What is all of this?” asked Jacob.
 “So Max came to me knowing my parents ran a store that helped people out with problems with their body through nontraditional medicine. We tend to work with people who are having chronic pains, deficient energy, depression, all kinds of stuff. But Max knew we would sometimes help with fertility. So I showed him what I had in stock to help with his boyfriend’s tiny dick and from what I hear, it worked like a charm. AJ’s cock grew from a measly 3 inches to 10 inches.”
 “Wait, you grew his cock?” asked Jacob. “How is that even possible?”
 “Alchemy my good man. With a little bit of magic sprinkled in for good measure.” Sam grabbed a book off of the shelf and started turning through the pages. “My father has a small bit of sorcery in his blood line. We can’t shoot fire balls or create portals with our magic wands, but we can infuse our magics into our items.” Sam stopped on a page and turned it so Jacob could see.
 ‘Eggplant Elixir: Drink this potion to enhance a male’s genitalia. Sizes may vary based on original size. Do not take any more than the recommended dosage from your sizemologist.
Side effects may include: Increased libido, an addiction to masturbation, surprise boners, an increase in body hair, and a loss in taste.’
             “Sam, what’s a sizemologist?” asked Jacob as he took the book and read more.
 “It’s what I am. I help people out with their size problems. Whether it’s too much or lack thereof. The ladder being more popular,” said Sam as he walked behind the counter in the room. “So old friend, what can I do for you?”
 “I need help with this date I’m going on later today. The guy I’m seeing is a total hunk and built like a brick house. Absolutely huge,” said Jacob as he swooned over Patrick.
 “That’s why we were such good friends in college. We were both huge size queens,” said Sam with a smile. “So what do you want to do? Make him bigger? Make yourself bigger? God forbid make him smaller?”
 “Make me bigger please. I was looking through his Insta and all of the guys he’s dated are walking walls of muscle.”
 “Well you’re no slouch in that department. You’ve certainly packed on more size since college,” said Sam pointing out the way Jacob’s shirt clung to his body.
 “Thanks Sam, but I’m talking bodybuilder big.”
 “Oh…That’s not you, my friend. I think I can help.” Sam swiveled around and started rummaging through drawers of and shelves of bottles and boxes. “Ooo here it is! Size Spice! Made to grow men huge without them even knowing! Just sprinkle it into their food and BOOM they’ll be giants in a minute.” Sam puts down a tiny little dime bag of white powder.
 “Um Sam, I don’t want to tell you how to do your job, but that looks exactly like a bump of coke,” said Jacob as he eyeballed the product.
 “It’s not cocaine. Calm down. Everything here is FDA approved. Mostly. But definitely not illegal substances.”
 “Then it’s perfect! I’ll take it!”
 “Great! That’ll be $500,” said Sam with a flat tone.
 “$500!?!?! Isn’t there some friends and family discount that I could be a part of?”
 “You are. The normal price is $1,000.”
 “$1,000?!?! Why is this stuff so expensive?!?!”
 “It’s a popular item. Most people love the idea of getting huge with just a sprinkle of salt. And if I’m being completely honest, a large container of these got shipped out of here by mistake and it’s not the easiest product to make.”
 “Shipped out? I thought you were just a local store?”
 “I normally am, but sometimes if I’m strapped for cash, I’ll sell my goods grocery stores if there have been things sitting on the shelves for a long time. I however got a shipment of international spices miss labeled and sent off these instead. Hence why it’s in a small baggy so I don’t confuse myself.” Jacob groaned as Sam told his story.
 “That’s too steep for me. I can’t pay that much. Do you have anything in the realm of maybe 100 bucks?” Sam put the bag away and turned back around to continue rifling through cabinets.
 “Hmm the date is tonight, right?”
 “Yeah. A cute Valentine’s Day date.”
 “Well, I have some stuff here that effects overall size, but it takes 12 hours to start seeing results,” said Sam turning around with a box of herbs.
 “The dates in an hour. What else you got?” Sam turned back around and opened up more drawers.
 “If you’re not gonna pay top dollar, I don’t have anything in that price range that will be fast acting and can affect the entire body,” said Sam as he turned back to Jacob.
 “What about on specific body part? Could I just grow that?”
 “Depends, which body part?” Jacob pondered for a moment. He looked down at himself. Looking over all of his muscles.
 “I think I’ll go with pecs.” They were by far the smallest muscle group on Jacob. Little to no definition in them and one of the things that Jacob consistently saw in all of the pictures Ryan had taken with his past lovers.
 “Let me see what I got.” Sam turned back around and started tearing through cabinets and drawers again. “Ah ha! I think I found something for you!” He turned back around holding a little perfume bottle. “Chest cologne. It will enhance your chest after spraying it anywhere on yourself.”
 “That sounds great! How much?”
 “For you? $80. And I’ll even throw something special into the mix that make men go wild when they smell it.” Sam pulled out a few vials along with an eye dropper and abeaker. “So, some quick things to know about this. Chest cologne is not meant to be worn often. The effects are not permanent if taken correctly. Your chest will slowly get smaller after the article of clothing that has been sprayed on it has been removed. DO NOT PUT ON YOUR SKIN! It is very hard to wash off and the effects of the spray could be long lasting.”
 “What’s so bad about having permanently bigger pecs?” asked Jacob.
 “The problem isn’t permanently bigger pecs. The problem is permanently growing pecs. The effects of the spray will stack on itself if you inhale it for a long period of time.” Sam kept mixing up liquids and shook them as he talked.
 “What if I spray it and then I am taking off my shirt soon after spraying it?”
 “No need to worry. You’ll grow until the effects have gotten out of your system. It’s just when you’re constantly smelling it on your body, it will never know it’s no longer supposed to grow, and it should shrink back down.”
 “How long will it take to shrink back down?”
 “Depends. Could be a few hours, days, weeks. It all depends on your body and how big you get your pecs.” Sam took a small drop out of the beaker he had and dropped it into the cologne bottle. “And you’re all set. Any more questions you have for me?”
 “Will my date be affected by the smell?”
 “Normally on a cologne, everyone in your immediate vicinity would smell it. However, with my magic in place, unless he puts his head up against your shirt and deeply inhales, he won’t be affected by the chest growth. But the libido enhancer, that I made so that anyone within a 10-foot radius will smell that on you.” Sam handed Jacob the bottle and Jacob handed him back some cash.
 “Thanks man, you’re a life saver. I owe you big time!” said Jacob as he began to make his way out of the store.
 “Of course man. No problem at all. If anything feels off about, you’ve got my number. And maybe after this date, we can catch up over coffee?” asked Sam as he followed Jacob to the door.
 “I’d love to. It was great to see you Sam. Wish me luck,” said Jacob as he walked out the door.
 “Good luck,” said Sam with a smile. As Jacob left, another customer walked in through the door. “Hi sir, how can I help you?” asked Sam.
 “Yeah, I bought this smoothie from a store the other day and it made my…um…uh…penis grow huge. And every time I get excited, I grow too big again. I heard that this was the place that could help out with those kinds of problems” Sam was listening to the man tell his story when his eyes shot open.
 “One moment sir!” Sam dashed out the door to see Jacob walking away. “Jacob! Don’t use more than one spray!”
 “Don’t use more than one spray! You might grow too big!”
 “Umm sir, I think I’ve got a problem in here. Oh fuck. Not again.” The customer inside started to moan as the bulge in his pants started getting much more pronounce.
 “Fuck. I’ll text you later!” Sam ran back inside to deal with the man with the growing boner. Jacob looked back and saw Sam walk back in. He just shrugged his shoulders and kept on walking.
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