#How to Create an Online Course
How to create an online course
People love online courses especially if they can go at their own pace and do it wherever they want, whether it be at home or a coffee shop. Some people want to create a course because they are the subject matter expert for that piece of information. It’s not just about how to create a course but what to do with it once you create it. In this course I offer the following: How to create a PDF…
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anbuselvi1 · 2 years
15 Best Online Course Platforms For 2023 (Comparison)
15 Best Online Course Platforms For 2023 (Comparison)
Thinkific – Best online course platform overall. Extremely popular and boasts a significant feature set. 100% focused on online courses. Affordable + free plan available. Podia – Best all-in-one platform. Sell courses, and more. Includes affiliate marketing, email marketing, customer messaging, etc. Great for beginners. Affordable + free plan available. LearnWorlds – Powerful course platform…
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hella1975 · 1 year
hiiii haha. hello. exceptionally awkward introduction bc idrk how to start something like this so let's just jump right in. im taking a break from this account for a bit. i know i said i wanted taob out before halloween and currently im fine sticking with that deadline, but if i decide i need longer away then i will take longer away. every time ive reassured people that id never abandon a fic and updates will always come eventually i never once considered that my writing and ability to feel safe and comfortable on this site would be actively taken from me, so im not even going to apologise. i dont want this either and more importantly i dont fucking deserve it. i dont know what it is in the past year, if ive hit a certain amount of followers or 'popularity' that's made it so the natural ratio of positive to negative interactions must in turn go up, but there's been a serious uptick in weird asks for me. the annoying part is that a very small amount of them are actually objectively mean and hateful, the rest are just weird and invasive from people who seemingly dont realise that's what they're being. ive reached a point where i dont care if the intentions are good. it's not my job as a 20 year old tumblr user of all things to defend the morality of someone who couldnt even bother to come off anon. unfortunately, after blocking only one or two anons, the weird asks have decreased substantially, which says all you need to know about the fascinating and exhilarating lives led by these people, but ive also gone on to turn anon asks off entirely. this is something i actively fought against doing and had to be pushed into by my mutuals (who have been the coolest people on planet earth during this entire thing). turning off anon was a big deal to me even if it sounds silly. i felt betrayed and like id been backed into a corner because it was so vehmently something i DIDNT WANT that to feel like i had to do it anyway for my own mental health??? that sucks. so even though ive 'fixed' the problem, im still kind of reeling and uncomfortable every time i come on tumblr. i hope it's just something i need time to ease because i'll truly be devastated if this becomes 'ruined' for me. tumblr exists as the only place in the world where i am honestly every facet of myself without shame or hesitation; losing that would be insanely harmful to me. and to the people who cant appeal to the actual human behind the post, let me put that in words you can understand: we wouldn't get any more writing 😦😦😦 riots and fires and sirens, i know. so yeah. to anyone who has sent me an anon ask and you're now wondering if you were part of the problem, im firmly of the belief that you'll know if you are. when i say 'weird asks' i dont mean 'you sent me a para about your personal life just to vent or ask for advice' or 'you sent me a really deep emotional compliment about the impact me and/or my writing has had on you' - i love asks like that, so much that i put off taking a break and turning off anon solely for the joy they bring me. im sorry that it might feel like you're being punished too bc of the actions of what in reality is a HANDFUL of weird people, but this is what i feel like i have to do to feel safe and not go insane every time i log in. love you guys, hopefully ill see you soon x
#seriously another shout out to my mutuals#id particularly like to say thank you to boom who's always right there for me no matter what's happening or how insane im being#and also everyone in our little discord that wound up having to make a whole new channel for venting#bc i was there so often like 'today's weird ask isssss.... telling me about my cupsize!! rip them to shreds!!!'#hannah and theo especially being there and pushing me to finally turn off anon. war is truly over#and of course rori bc the shamelessness u show when hating on my anon asks has been genuinely really cathartic#sometimes u really do just need a rottweiler mutual to tell random people online to kill themselves 😭#okay weird oscar acceptance speechcore gratitude over. i do just rlly love my mutuals#like i went three years not telling anyone about the worse side of internet popularity for fear of looking spoiled and ungrateful#so for the first time to open up about it and be met with outrage on my behalf and people saying in fact it's MORE fucked up#than i initially realised bc ive grown desensitised to it is. yeah cathartic i guess#they are singlehandedly reassuring me of the good this cursed app still holds#so everyone thank them and send them flowers NOW#okay im done i think. see you guys soon. i truly do want to come back asap bc like i said i NEVER EVEN WANTED TO FUCKING LEAVE#SOME ASSHOLES JUST HAD TO PUT GRENADES ON WHAT I ASSUMED WERE VERY UNIVERSAL AND OBVIOUS BOUNDARIES#if you're reading this like 'ohhh fuck i defo sent something invasive lately. i thought it was a joke/we were friends'#then 1) we arent friends if you're on anon. it immediately creates a power imbalance where you know me and any necessary context#but i have no idea who you are or how much you know about me. that's already a fucked dynamic#and 2) I HOPE YOU FEEL BAD. LIKE GENUINELY I HOPE YOU FEEL AWFUL AND HAVE A GOOD LONG LOOK AT YOURSELF#okay i think that's all. ta-ra lads??? how tf do u end something like this#ive queued this to reblog a couple more times throughout the day
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toytulini · 1 year
god this stupid fucking intracommunity infighting bullshit never ends and im so god damn tired. stop it. and if youre fucking discoursing this stupid shit you should have to add a fucking disclaimer to your fucking posts at least im tired of having to search yalls blogs when smth slightly off about your wording that i cant explain has me like hmmmmm and then i end up right and i really dont want to be
#toy txt post#INNOCUOUSLY WORDED POSTS THAT YOU AT FIRST AGREE WITH AND THEN YOU SEE THE PATTERN#WITH YOUR HORRIBLE BRAIN OH SO PRIMED FOR THESE STUPID FUCKING DISCOURSE HINTS FROM THE FUCKING YEARS OF#UNAVOIDABLE ACECOURSE. ARE YOU ACTUALLY CALLING OUT TRANSMISOGYNY OR DO YOU BELIEVE#THAT TRANSMASCS DISCUSSING TRANSANDROPHOBIA AND CREATING THEIR OWN TERM TO DESCRIBE IT IS 'TRANSMISOGYNY' AND#YOU CONSIDER DISCUSSING THE EXISTENCE OF TRANSANDROPHOBIA TO BE TRANSMISOGYNY? BC THAT IS A DIFFERENT THING.#YOU ARE MISUSING THE WORDS TO ENTRENCH YOUR STUPID FUCKING DISCOURSE#YOU ARE EXACTLY LIKE ALL THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS IN 2016 WHO MADE INNOCUOUS POSTS COMPLAINING ABOUT HOMOPHOBIA AND CISHETS#THAT AT FIRST YOU READ LIKE YEAH HOMOPHOBIA SUCKS AND THEN YOU RECOGNIZE THE URL. OR YOU SEE THE COMMENTS. AND YOU REALIZE#OH WHEN THIS PERSON SAYS HOMPHOBIA. THEY MEAN A-SPECS EXISTING AND COINING TERMINOLOGY FOR OURSELVES. WHEN THEY SAY CISHETS THEY MEAN#A-SPECS. BUT BC OF HOW INNOCUOUSLY WORDED THE POST IS YOU CANT CALL THEM ON IT WITHOUT LOOKING INSANE. ALSO. THE MOST RECENT EXAMPLE OF#THIS I SAW. THE PERSON WAS ALSO A FUCKING APHOBE. LMAO. BC OF COURSE THEY WERE. FUCKING OF COURSE#GOD. FUCKING. IM SO TIRED OF THIS. IM TURNING REBLOGS OFF ON THIS POST. I AM NOT GOING TO ENGAGE WITH ANYONE ON THIS TOPIC#to be clear. not every post. not saying every post. but enough times now ive seen posts where like. i already knew context 4the situation#and the person was absolutely just trying to hide behind their marginalized identity. or like the op was innocuous but their mutual#replied showing their true colors in the notes so Now. everytime i see one of these posts im like yeah. that is a fair point#I will agree that when transfem ppl online do anything ppl slightly dont like the response is often disproportionate in a way that is like.#hmm some transmisogyny at play here for sure. however. now i cant fucking trust you ppl making the fucking POSTS. and im so TIRED#conservatives are like making trans genocide like one of their main fucking platform points for 2024 and youre trying to drive more fucking#wedges in the community rn? really???? REALLY?#im so tired im so fucking tired. im turning reblogs off. do not contact me about thos post. check the context of posts ig bc ppl will#just fucking say anything#also god. i forgot about cl0set k3ys being an aphobe lmaooo#even if theyve apologized im just blocking based on that 2017 post alone god that was rancid. why did yoh say that. shut up forever. bye#im about to just start fucking blocking every user i see without bothering so search#like just every user regardless of vibes or content. just going to be me and my mutuals in here and all the posts they reblogged from#everyone i have blocked
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loverboydotcom · 11 months
writing inspo when the point of inspo is so intricately specific is weird because its like you want to write something like that but also Not like that because then that would just be writing That story. like los angeles by ling ma is so inspirational to me but "i live with my 100 ex boyfriends" is such a not universal experience so i just have this abstract inspo that's like i want to write something with the same energy as living with 100 ex boyfriends but also not the same energy because the energy of living with 100 ex boyfriends would just be a story about living with 100 ex boyfriends. take a shot every time i said
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atlantic-riona · 2 years
newspapers and academic journals will be like "no one reads our work anymore, people don't read past the title, they get all their news and information from thirty second videos on tiktok :((" my brother in Christ, you are the one putting paywalls in front of your articles and making it next to impossible to browse through anything you have created
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earndollarsonlion · 3 months
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beingmash · 8 months
What is Digital Marketing? A Comprehensive Guide For Beginner 2024
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Digital marketing, also known as online marketing, involves promoting and selling products or services using digital channels. 
Think of it as the modern version of marketing, where instead of billboards and television ads, you use websites, social networks, search engines, and other online tools to reach your target audience. 
Marketers can use any marketing that uses electronic devices to convey promotional messages and measure their impact throughout the customer journey. 
In practice, digital marketing typically refers to online marketing campaigns that appear on a computer, phone, tablet, or another device. 
It can take many forms, including online videos, display ads, search engine marketing, paid social ads, and social media posts. 
Digital marketing is often compared to “traditional marketing,” such as magazine ads, billboards, and direct mail. Interestingly, television is often grouped with traditional marketing. 
Did you know that more than three-quarters of Americans connect to the Internet daily? Not only that, but 43% go online more than once a day and 26% are online “almost constantly.” These figures are even higher among mobile Internet users.
 89% of Americans connect to the Internet at least daily and 31% do so almost constantly. 
As a marketer, it is important to take advantage of the digital world with an online advertising presence, building a brand and providing a great customer experience that also attracts more leads and more, with a digital strategy. 
A digital marketing strategy allows you to leverage different digital channels, such as social media, pay-per-click, search engine optimization, and email marketing, to connect with existing customers and individuals interested in your products or services. 
As a result, you can build a brand, provide a great customer experience, attract potential customers, and more. Basically, if a marketing campaign involves digital communication, it is digital marketing.
Inbound Marketing VS Digital Marketing
Digital marketing and inbound marketing are easily confused, and for good reason. 
Digital marketing uses many of the same tools as inbound marketing: email and online content, to name a few. 
Both exist to capture the attention of potential customers throughout the buyer’s journey and convert them into customers. 
However, the two approaches take different views on the relationship between tool and goal.
Digital marketing considers how individual tools or digital channels can convert leads. 
A brand’s digital marketing strategy can use multiple platforms or focus all its efforts on a single platform. 
For example, a company may primarily create content for social media platforms and email marketing campaigns, ignoring other avenues of digital marketing.
On the other hand, inbound marketing is a holistic concept. 
First, consider the objective, then analyze the available tools to determine which ones will effectively reach your target customers, and then at what stage of the sales funnel it should occur. 
As an example, let’s say you want to increase website traffic to generate more leads and leads. You can focus on search engine optimization when developing your content marketing strategy, which will result in more optimized content, including blogs, landing pages, and more.
The most important thing to remember about digital marketing and inbound marketing is that, as a marketer, you don’t have to choose between the two. 
In fact, they work better together. Inbound marketing provides structure and purpose for effective digital marketing to digital marketing efforts, ensuring that each digital marketing channel works toward a goal.
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Why is Digital Marketing Important?
Any type of marketing can help your business thrive. However, digital marketing has become increasingly important because of how accessible digital channels are. 
In fact, in March 2022 alone there were 5 billion internet users worldwide.
From social media to text messaging, there are many ways you can use digital marketing tactics to communicate with your target audience. 
Additionally, digital marketing has minimal upfront costs, making it a cost-effective marketing technique for small businesses.
Digital marketing isn’t just a trend; it’s the lifeblood of modern businesses. Here’s why it holds such immense importance:
1. Reach a Global Audience: Compared to traditional marketing, digital marketing transcends geographical boundaries, allowing you to connect with potential customers worldwide. This opens up vast opportunities for growth and expansion.
2. Target Your Ideal Customers: Unlike scattershot traditional methods, digital marketing empowers you to laser-focus your efforts on specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This ensures your message resonates with the right people, maximizing your return on investment (ROI).
3. Build Brand Awareness and Loyalty: Through engaging content, social media interaction, and targeted campaigns, digital marketing fosters brand awareness and loyalty. You can cultivate relationships with your audience, building trust and establishing yourself as an industry authority.
4. Measure and Analyze Performance: Unlike traditional marketing’s guesswork, digital marketing provides concrete data on campaign performance. Track website traffic, engagement metrics, conversion rates, and more to refine your strategies for continuous improvement.
5. Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to expensive traditional methods, digital marketing offers a broader range of budget-friendly options. You can tailor your strategy to fit your resources, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes.
6. Adaptability and Flexibility: The digital landscape is constantly evolving, but digital marketing allows you to adapt quickly. You can experiment with new trends, test different approaches, and pivot your strategies based on real-time data to stay ahead of the curve.
7. Personalization and Customer Engagement: Digital marketing enables personalized communication with your audience. Tailored messages, interactive content, and real-time interactions foster deeper engagement, leading to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.
8. Competitive Advantage: In today’s digital world, having a strong online presence is essential. By embracing digital marketing, you stay competitive, attract new customers, and retain existing ones, giving you an edge over offline-focused competitors.
Remember: Indeed, digital marketing isn’t a magic bullet or a once-and-done solution. It’s a dynamic journey requiring unwavering commitment and continuous refinement. However, the rewards are substantial. Through consistent improvement, analysis of results, and adaptation to evolving trends, you can unlock its full potential and transform your business goals into reality.
B2B VS B2C Digital Marketing
While both B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) digital marketing aim to attract and convert customers, the approaches differ significantly due to the distinct nature of their target audiences. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences:
Target Audience:
B2B: Focuses on businesses or organizations, targeting decision-makers within those entities. It’s a rational, logical audience driven by ROI and long-term benefits.
B2C: Targets individual consumers, appealing to their emotions, desires, and immediate needs.
Decision-Making Process:
B2B: Involves multiple stakeholders with research, approvals, and budget considerations. The process can be lengthy and complex.
B2C: Decisions are often individual-based and quicker, driven by personal preferences and immediate needs.
Marketing Channels:
B2B: Often utilizes professional networks like LinkedIn, industry publications, webinars, and email marketing. Content tends to be informative, data-driven, and focused on ROI.
B2C: Leverages a wider range of channels like social media (Facebook, Instagram), influencer marketing, emotional storytelling, and user-generated content.
Content Strategy:
B2B: Focuses on educational content, case studies, white papers, and thought leadership pieces that showcase expertise and address industry challenges.
B2C: Creates engaging, emotionally-driven content like videos, infographics, user testimonials, and social media posts that resonate with individual desires.
Metrics and Measurement:
B2B: Tracks metrics like lead generation, website traffic, and qualified leads, often with a longer sales cycle in mind.
B2C: Focuses on immediate conversions, sales figures, and customer lifetime value.
Tailoring is key: Understand your specific B2B or B2C audience and their unique needs to develop an effective marketing strategy.
Combine channels: Integrate different channels for a holistic approach, reaching your target audience at various stages of their buying journey.
Data is your friend: Track key metrics and analyze results to continuously optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.
Digital marketing strategies work for both B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) companies, but best practices differ significantly between the two.
Below is a more detailed analysis of how digital marketing is used in B2B and B2C marketing strategies.
B2B clients tend to have longer decision-making processes and thus longer sales funnels. Relationship-building strategies work better for these clients, whereas B2C customers tend to respond better to short-term offers and messages.
B2B transactions are usually based on logic and evidence, which is what skilled B2B digital marketers present. B2C content is more likely to be emotionally based, focusing on making the customer feel good about a purchase.
B2B decisions tend to need more than 1 person’s input. The marketing materials that best drive these decisions tend to be shareable and downloadable. B2C customers, on the other hand, favor one-on-one connections with a brand.
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. A B2C company offering an expensive product, such as a car or computer, might offer more informative and serious content.
Therefore, your digital marketing strategy should always be geared towards your own customer base, whether you are B2B or B2C.
Take a look at your current audience to create knowledgeable and targeted online marketing campaigns. 
This ensures that your marketing efforts are effective and you can capture the attention of potential customers.
Types of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is the broad term for any marketing efforts that use digital channels to reach and connect with customers. 
This can include various activities, from creating and sharing content online to running ads on social media and search engines. 
There are as many specializations within digital marketing as there are ways of interacting using digital media. 
Here are a few key examples of types of digital marketing tactics.
Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is technically a marketing tool rather than a form of marketing in itself. 
The Balance defines it as “the art and science of making web pages attractive to search engines.”
The “art and science” part of SEO is the most important. SEO is a science because it requires you to research and weigh different contributing factors to achieve the highest possible ranking on a search engine results page (SERP).
Today, the most important things to consider when optimizing a web page for search engines include:
Quality of content
Level of user engagement
Number and quality of inbound links
In addition to the above, you need to optimize technical SEO, that is, all the back-end components of your site. 
This includes URL structure, loading times, and broken links. Improving your technical SEO can help search engines better navigate and crawl your site.
Strategic use of these factors makes search engine optimization a science, but the unpredictability it involves makes it an art.
Ultimately, the goal is to rank on the first page of a search engine results page. 
This ensures that those searching for a specific query related to your brand can easily find your products or services. 
Although there are many search engines, digital marketers often focus on Google because it is a global leader in the search engine market.
In SEO, there is no quantifiable rubric or consistent rule for high search engine rankings.
Google and other search engines change their algorithms almost constantly, so it’s impossible to make exact predictions. 
What you can do is monitor your page performance closely and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Content Marketing
Content marketing is a marketing strategy used to attract, engage, and retain an audience by creating and sharing relevant articles, videos, podcasts, and other media.
This approach establishes expertise, promotes brand awareness, and keeps your business top of mind when it’s time to buy what you sell.
But this is different from traditional advertising. Instead of attracting prospects with potential value from a product or service, it offers value for free in the form of written materials, such as:
Blog posts
Video or audio transcripts
Content marketing is important, and there are plenty of statistics to prove it:
85% of consumers expect companies to produce entertaining and helpful content experiences
63% of companies that have at least 5,000 employees produce content daily
93% of marketers believe that their company values content as an important asset
As effective as content marketing is, it can be tricky. Content marketing writers need to be able to rank high in search engine results while engaging the people who will read the material, share it, and further interact with the brand.
When content is relevant, it can build strong relationships throughout the pipeline.
To create effective, highly relevant, and engaging content, it is important to identify your audience. 
Who are you ultimately trying to reach with your content marketing efforts? Once you have a better understanding of your audience, you can determine the type of content you create. 
You can use many content formats in your content marketing, including videos, blog posts, printable worksheets, and more.
No matter what content you create, it’s a good idea to follow content marketing best practices. 
This means creating content that is grammatically correct, error-free, easy to understand, relevant, and interesting. Your content should also direct readers to the next stage of the pipeline, whether that’s a free consultation with a sales representative or a sign-up page.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is all about driving traffic and increasing brand awareness by engaging people in online discussions. 
You can use social media marketing to showcase your brand, products, services, culture, and much more. 
As billions of people spend their time interacting on social media platforms, it may be worth focusing on social media marketing.
The most popular digital platforms for social media marketing are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, followed closely by LinkedIn and YouTube. 
Ultimately, the social media platforms you use for your business depend on your goals and your audience. 
For example, if you want to find new prospects for your FinTech startup, targeting your audience on LinkedIn is a good idea since professionals in the sector are active on the platform. 
On the other hand, running social media ads on Instagram can be better for your brand if you run a B2C focused on younger consumers.
Because social media marketing involves active audience participation, it has become a popular way to attract attention. 
It’s the most popular content medium among B2C digital marketers (96%), and it’s also gaining ground in the B2B sphere. 
According to the Content Marketing Institute, 61% of B2B content marketers increased their use of social media this year.
Social media marketing offers built-in engagement metrics, which are extremely useful in helping you understand how well you are reaching your audience. 
You decide what types of interactions matter most to you, whether it’s the number of shares, comments, or total clicks to your website.
Direct purchasing may not even be a goal of your social media marketing strategy. 
Many brands use social media marketing to start a dialogue with audiences rather than encouraging them to spend money immediately. 
This is especially common among brands that target older audiences or offer products and services that aren’t suitable for impulse purchases.
It all depends on your business’s social media marketing goals.
To create an effective social media marketing strategy, it is essential to follow best practices. Here are some of the most important social media marketing best practices:
Craft high-quality and engaging content
Reply to comments and questions in a professional manner
Create a social media posting schedule
Post at the right time
Hire social media managers to support your marketing efforts
Know your audience and which social media channels they’re most active on
Pay-Per-Click Marketing
Pay-per-click, or PPC, is a form of digital marketing in which you pay a fee every time someone clicks on your digital ads. 
So instead of paying a fixed amount to constantly serve targeted ads across online marketing channels, you only pay for the ads that individuals interact with. 
How and when people see your ad is a little more complicated.
One of the most common types of PPC is search engine advertising, and since Google is the most popular search engine, many businesses use Google Ads for this purpose. 
When a slot is available on a search engine results page, also known as the SERP, the engine fills that slot with what is essentially an instant auction. 
An algorithm prioritizes each available ad based on a number of factors, including:
Ad Quality
Keyword relevance
Landing page quality
Bid Amount
PPC ads are then placed at the top of search engine results pages based on the above factors whenever someone searches for a specific query.
Every PPC campaign has one or more target actions that viewers are expected to take after clicking on an ad. 
These actions are called conversions and can be transactional or non-transactional. 
Making a purchase is a conversion, just like signing up for a newsletter or making a call to your home office.
Whatever you choose as your target conversions, you can track them through your chosen digital marketing channels to see how your campaign is performing.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a digital marketing tactic that allows someone to make money by promoting another person’s business. 
You can be either the developer or the company working with the developer, but the process is the same in both cases.
It operates on a revenue-sharing model. If you are an affiliate, you receive a commission every time someone buys the item you are promoting. 
If you are the merchant, you pay the affiliate for each sale they help you make.
Some affiliate marketers choose to review a single company’s products, perhaps on a blog or other third-party site. Others have relationships with multiple merchants.
Whether you want to become an affiliate or find one, the first step is to make a connection with the other party. 
You can use digital channels designed to connect affiliates with retailers, or you can start or join a program for a single retailer.
If you are a retailer and choose to work directly with affiliates, there are many things you can do to make your program attractive to potential promoters. 
You will need to provide these affiliates with the tools they need to succeed. This includes incentives for great results as well as marketing tools and pre-made materials.
Influencer Marketing
Like affiliate marketing, influencer marketing relies on working with an influencer (a person with a large following, such as a celebrity, industry expert, or content creator) in exchange for exposure. 
In many cases, these influencers will endorse your products or services to their followers across multiple social networks.
Influencer marketing works well for B2B and B2C businesses that want to reach new audiences. 
However, it is important to partner with reputable influencers since they essentially represent your brand. A bad influencer can damage consumer trust in your business.
Marketing Automation
Marketing automation uses software to power digital marketing campaigns, improving advertising effectiveness and relevance. 
As a result, you can focus on creating the strategy behind your digital marketing efforts instead of tedious and time-consuming processes.
While marketing automation may seem like a luxury tool your business can live without, it can significantly improve engagement between you and your audience.
According to the statistics:
91% of US consumers find personalization either “very” or “somewhat” appealing
82% of consumers would like the brands they engage with to understand them better
78% of companies believe in the value of real-time personalization, yet 60% struggle with it
Marketing automation allows businesses to meet personalization expectations. It allows brands to:
Collect and analyze consumer information
Design targeted marketing campaigns
Send and post digital marketing messages at the right times to the right audiences
Many marketing automation tools use prospects’ engagement (or lack of engagement) with a particular message to determine when and how to contact them next. 
This level of real-time personalization means you can effectively create an individualized marketing strategy for each customer without additional time investment.
Email Marketing
The concept of email marketing is simple: you send a promotional message and hope your prospect clicks on it. 
However, the execution is much more complex. First, you need to make sure your emails are searchable.
This means having a membership list that does the following:
Individualizes the content, both in the body and in the subject line
States clearly what kind of emails the subscriber will get
An email signature that offers a clear unsubscribe option
Integrates both transactional and promotional emails
You want your prospects to see your campaign as a valued service, not just a promotional tool.
Email marketing is a proven and effective technique on its own: 89% of professionals surveyed named it their most effective lead generator.
It can be even better if you integrate other digital marketing techniques such as marketing automation, which allows you to segment and schedule your emails so that they meet your customers’ needs more effectively.
If you are considering email marketing, here are some tips that can help you create great email marketing campaigns:
Segment your audience to send relevant campaigns to the right people
Ensure emails look good on mobile devices
Create a campaign schedule
Run A/B tests
Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy that allows you to interact with your target audience on their mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. 
This can be done through SMS and MMS messages, social media notifications, mobile app alerts, etc.
It is crucial to ensure that all content is optimized for mobile devices. According to the Pew Research Center, 85% of Americans own a smartphone. 
So your marketing efforts can go a long way when creating content for desktop and mobile screens.
Snapchat Marketing
All You Know about Snapchat marketing is the process of using Snapchat to promote your brand or business. 
Snapchat is a social media platform that is popular with young people, so it can be a great way to reach this demographic. Snapchat marketing can be used to achieve a variety of goals, such as:
Increasing brand awareness
Driving website traffic
Generating leads
Boosting sales
Why use Snapchat marketing?
There are several reasons why you might want to consider using Snapchat marketing:
Reach a young audience: Snapchat is especially popular with Gen Z and Millennials. If your target audience falls into one of these demographics, Snapchat could be a great way to reach them.
Create engaging content: Snapchat’s features, like filters, lenses, and stickers, can be used to create fun and engaging content that will resonate with young people.
Drive results: Snapchat marketing can be used to achieve a variety of marketing goals, such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, and generating leads.
How to get started with Snapchat marketing
If you’re interested in getting started with Snapchat marketing, here are a few steps you can take:
Create a Snapchat account: If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to create a Snapchat account for your business.
Optimize your profile: Make sure your profile is complete and includes all of the relevant information about your business, such as your website URL and contact information.
Create engaging content: Use Snapchat’s features to create fun and engaging content that will resonate with your target audience.
Run ads: You can also run ads on Snapchat to reach a wider audience.
Track your results: It’s important to track your results so you can see what’s working and what’s not.
Here are some additional tips for Snapchat marketing:
Use geofilters: Geofilters are location-based filters that can be used to promote your business to people in a specific location.
Run contests and giveaways: Contests and giveaways are a great way to generate excitement and engagement around your brand.
Collaborate with influencers: Partnering with influencers can help you reach a wider audience and build trust with potential customers.
Use Snapchat insights: Snapchat insights can provide you with valuable data about your audience and how they are interacting with your content.
Spotify Marketing
All You Know about Spotify’s marketing strategy is widely admired for its effectiveness and innovation. Here are some key aspects:
Target audience: While appealing to a broad spectrum, Spotify focuses heavily on younger demographics like Gen Z and Millennials.
Key strategies:
Freemium model: Offering a free ad-supported tier alongside premium subscriptions attracts users and converts some to paying customers.
Personalization: Spotify excels at using user data to create personalized recommendations, playlists, and experiences, fostering deeper engagement.
Data-driven approach: They leverage user data to inform platform features, marketing campaigns, and content partnerships.
Social media presence: They actively engage on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, creating shareable content and interacting with users.
Collaborations and partnerships: Spotify partners with artists, brands, and influencers for exclusive content, events, and experiences.
Content marketing: They create engaging editorial content like podcasts, interviews, and playlists to attract and retain users.
Emotional storytelling: They use emotional storytelling in their ads and marketing materials to connect with users on a deeper level.
Focus on user experience: Spotify prioritizes a seamless and enjoyable user experience, which fosters loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing.
Examples of successful campaigns:
Wrapped: The personalized year-end listening summary has become a cultural phenomenon, generating immense user engagement and social sharing.
Blend: This feature allows users to create a shared playlist with friends, fostering social connection and platform usage.
EQUAL: This initiative promotes gender equality in the music industry, aligning with its target audience’s values and attracting positive attention.
Recent trends:
Focus on podcasts: Spotify is investing heavily in podcasts, acquiring studios and exclusive content deals, to diversify its offerings and attract new users.
Livestreaming: They are exploring live audio experiences, partnering with artists for concerts and events, further engaging their audience.
Social commerce: Integrating e-commerce features within the platform, allowing users to purchase merchandise directly from artists.
TikTok Marketing
All You Know about TikTok marketing is the process of using TikTok to promote your brand or business. TikTok is a social media platform that is popular with young people, so it can be a great way to reach this demographic. 
The TikTok marketing can be used to achieve a variety of goals, such as:
Increasing brand awareness
Driving website traffic
Generating leads
Boosting sales
Why use TikTok marketing?
There are several reasons why you might want to consider using TikTok marketing:
Reach a young audience: TikTok is especially popular with Gen Z and Millennials. If your target audience falls into one of these demographics, TikTok could be a great way to reach them.
Create engaging content: TikTok’s features, like filters, lenses, and stickers, can be used to create fun and engaging content that will resonate with young people.
Drive results: TikTok marketing can be used to achieve a variety of marketing goals, such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, and generating leads.
How to get started with TikTok marketing
If you’re interested in getting started with TikTok marketing, here are a few steps you can take:
Create a TikTok account: If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to create a TikTok account for your business.
Optimize your profile: Make sure your profile is complete and includes all of the relevant information about your business, such as your website URL and contact information.
Create engaging content: Use TikTok’s features to create fun and engaging content that will resonate with your target audience.
Run ads: You can also run ads on TikTok to reach a wider audience.
Track your results: It’s important to track your results so you can see what’s working and what’s not.
Here are some additional tips for TikTok marketing:
Use geofilters: Geofilters are location-based filters that can be used to promote your business to people in a specific location.
Run contests and giveaways: Contests and giveaways are a great way to generate excitement and engagement around your brand.
Collaborate with influencers: Partnering with influencers can help you reach a wider audience and build trust with potential customers.
Use TikTok insights: TikTok insights can provide you with valuable data about your audience and how they are interacting with your content.
By following these tips, you can create a successful TikTok marketing campaign that will help you reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals.
Here are some examples of brands that are using TikTok marketing successfully:
Taco Bell: Taco Bell has used TikTok to create fun and engaging content that resonates with its target audience. For example, the brand has created TikTok filters, lenses, and stories that feature its popular menu items.
Red Bull: Red Bull has used TikTok to sponsor events and create content that is relevant to its target audience of young adults. For example, the brand has sponsored extreme sports events and created TikTok stories that feature athletes performing stunts.
Kylie Cosmetics: Kylie Jenner’s makeup line, Kylie Cosmetics, has used TikTok to promote its products and connect with its customers. For example, the brand has used TikTok filters and lenses to allow customers to try on its products virtually.
The best type of digital marketing for your business will depend on a number of factors, such as your target audience, your budget, and your overall marketing goals. 
It is often a good idea to use a combination of different digital marketing tactics to reach your target audience and achieve your goals.
The Benefits of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing has largely become important because it reaches such a wide audience. 
However, it also offers a number of other benefits that can boost your marketing efforts. These are just some of the benefits of digital marketing.
Wide Geographical Coverage
When you post an ad online, people can see it from anywhere (provided you haven’t geo-restricted your ad). 
This makes it easier to expand your business’s market reach and connect with a wider audience across different digital channels.
Cost Efficiency
Digital marketing not only reaches a wider audience than traditional marketing but is also less expensive. 
Overhead costs for newspaper ads, TV spots, and other traditional marketing opportunities can be high. 
They also give you less control over whether your target audiences will see these posts in the first place.
With digital marketing, you can create a single piece of content that attracts visitors to your blog as long as it is active. 
You can create an email marketing campaign that sends messages to targeted customer lists on a schedule, and it’s easy to change that schedule or the content as needed.
When you add it all up, digital marketing gives you a lot more flexibility and customer contact for your ad spend.
Quantifiable Results
To know if your marketing strategy is working, you need to know how many customers it attracts and how much revenue it ultimately generates. But how can you achieve this with a non-digital marketing strategy?
There is still the traditional option of asking each customer: “How did you find us?” »
Unfortunately, this doesn’t work in all sectors. Many businesses don’t have the ability to have one-on-one conversations with their customers, and surveys don’t always yield comprehensive results.
With digital marketing, tracking results is simple. Digital marketing software and platforms automatically track the number of desired conversions you’re getting, whether that’s email open rates, visits to your homepage, or direct purchases.
Easier Personalization
Digital marketing allows you to collect customer data in a way that offline marketing cannot. Data collected digitally tends to be much more precise and specific.
Imagine that you offer financial services and you want to send special offers to Internet users who have viewed your products. 
You know that you will get better results if you target the offer to the person’s interests, so you decide to prepare 2 campaigns. 
One is for young families who have considered your life insurance products and the other is for millennial entrepreneurs who have considered your retirement plans.
With digital marketing, all this information is already at your fingertips.
More Connection With Customers
Digital marketing allows you to communicate with your customers in real-time. More importantly, it allows them to communicate with you.
Think about your social media strategy. It’s great when your target audience sees your latest post, but it’s even better when they comment or share it. 
This means more buzz around your product or service, as well as increased visibility every time someone joins the conversation.
Interactivity also benefits your customers. Their level of engagement increases as they become active participants in your brand story. 
This sense of belonging can create a strong sense of brand loyalty.
Easy and Convenient Conversions
Undeniably, digital marketing unlocks a universe of customer data compared to traditional methods. What’s more, this data is often highly precise and granular, allowing for laser-focused campaigns that tap into individual interests.
Consider your example of offering financial services. Imagine the immense power of knowing what products website visitors have viewed. Therefore, you can craft hyper-targeted campaigns precisely like you mentioned:
One campaign, geared towards young families who have explored life insurance, could seamlessly highlight the benefits of securing their loved ones’ futures.
Another campaign, aimed at millennial entrepreneurs considering retirement plans, could effectively emphasize the importance of early planning for a comfortable future.
With digital marketing, this level of granularity is readily available, empowering you to deliver highly relevant messages that convert at a significantly higher rate.
However, always remember to be mindful and respectful of data privacy regulations. Obtain explicit consent before using customer data for marketing purposes.
How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy?
For many small businesses and beginner digital marketers, getting started with digital marketing can be difficult. 
However, you can create an effective digital marketing strategy to increase brand awareness, engagement, and sales using the following steps as a starting point.
Creating a successful digital marketing strategy requires careful planning and execution. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:
1. Define your goals and target audience:
Goals: What do you want to achieve with your digital marketing efforts? Increase brand awareness, generate leads, boost sales, or improve customer engagement? Set clear, SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) to track your progress.
Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach? Develop detailed buyer personas that represent your ideal customers, including their demographics, interests, needs, and pain points. This helps tailor your message and communication channels effectively.
2. Analyze your current landscape:
Evaluate existing digital presence: Audit your website, social media channels, email marketing, and any other existing digital assets. Identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
Research competitors: Analyze your competitors’ digital marketing strategies to understand their tactics, strengths, and weaknesses. Learn from their successes and identify opportunities to differentiate yourself.
3. Choose your digital channels:
Owned media: These are channels you control, like your website, social media profiles, and email list. Focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.
Paid media: Invest in advertising platforms like Google Ads, social media ads, or display advertising to reach a wider audience or target specific demographics.
Earned media: Generate organic reach through public relations, influencer marketing, and content marketing that encourages others to share your message.
4. Develop a content strategy:
Content types: Create a mix of informative, engaging, and valuable content formats like blog posts, videos, infographics, social media updates, and email newsletters.
Content calendar: Plan your content, ensuring consistent publishing and addressing your audience’s needs throughout the buyer’s journey.
5. Track and analyze results:
Monitor key metrics: Use analytics tools to track website traffic, engagement metrics, lead generation, and conversions.
Identify what’s working and what’s not: Regularly analyze your data to understand what content resonates with your audience and make adjustments to your strategy as needed.
Additional Tips:
Stay up-to-date: The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving. Stay informed about new trends and adapt your strategy accordingly.
Be transparent and authentic: Build trust with your audience by being transparent about your brand and values.
Be consistent: Building a successful online presence takes time and effort. Implement your strategy consistently and keep providing valuable content to your audience.
Importance of Digital Marketing
In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business, regardless of size or industry. This is where digital marketing comes in. It refers to any Importance of Digital Marketing activity that uses electronic devices or the internet to promote products, services, or brands.
The importance of Digital Marketing holds immense importance in today’s world, and its value keeps growing with the increasing dependence on the internet. Here’s why it’s crucial for businesses:
Reach and Visibility:
Global Audience: Reach a vast audience across the world, surpassing geographical limitations.
Targeted Approach: Pinpoint your ideal customers based on demographics, interests, and online behavior.
Increased Brand Awareness: Build brand recognition and establish your presence in the digital space.
While traditional marketing has served businesses well for decades, the digital landscape has now become the dominant force, demanding a shift in strategy. In this environment, digital marketing emerges as not just an option, but a necessity for businesses of all sizes. Let’s delve into the reasons why:
Reaching New Heights: Expanding Your Audience
Transcending Borders: Unlike physical limitations, digital marketing empowers you to connect with a global audience, opening doors to previously unthinkable customer bases.
Laser-Sharp Targeting: Gone are the days of scattershot advertising. Digital tools allow you to pinpoint your ideal customers with laser precision, based on demographics, interests, and online behavior. This targeted approach ensures your message resonates with the right people, maximizing impact.
Brand Awareness on Steroids: Building brand recognition in the digital age is easier than ever. Engaging content, strategic social media presence, and targeted advertising propel your brand into the spotlight, fostering recognition and establishing your authority within your industry.
Beyond Awareness: Building Deep Connections
Two-Way Street to Engagement: Digital marketing isn’t a one-way monologue. It’s a two-way conversation where you can directly interact with your audience, building trust and fostering loyalty. Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in discussions to create a genuine connection with your customers.
Pulse of Your Audience: Valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors are readily available through real-time feedback on your campaigns. This data-driven approach allows you to constantly adapt and improve your strategies, ensuring they remain relevant and resonate with your target audience.
Community: The Power of Belonging: Foster a thriving community around your brand by creating engaging online spaces. This sense of belonging encourages brand advocacy and word-of-mouth marketing, propelling your brand further into the digital stratosphere.
Numbers Tell the Story: Measuring Success
Data-Driven Decisions: Gone are the days of guesswork. Digital marketing provides comprehensive data on every aspect of your campaigns, allowing you to track performance with precision. Understand what’s working, and what needs improvement, and optimize your strategies for maximum impact.
ROI in the Spotlight: Clearly demonstrate the value of your marketing efforts to stakeholders by showcasing the quantifiable results achieved. Increased website traffic, improved conversion rates, and boosted brand awareness paint a clear picture of digital marketing’s effectiveness.
Investment that Scales: Unlike traditional marketing with potentially high upfront costs, digital marketing offers flexibility and scalability. Start small with targeted campaigns and gradually scale your efforts as your business grows, ensuring budget-conscious optimization.
More Than Meets the Eye: Additional Advantages
Personalization Power: Deliver tailored messages and experiences to individual customers, creating a sense of connection and relevance that resonates deeply.
Mobile-First Mindset: Reach customers where they spend most of their time – on their smartphones. Optimize your website and marketing efforts for mobile experiences to stay ahead of the curve.
Competitive Edge in the Digital Arena: The digital landscape is your new battleground. Embrace the power of digital marketing to stay ahead of competitors and conquer your market share.
In conclusion, digital marketing is more than just a marketing strategy; it’s a bridge to success. By leveraging its multifaceted power, you can connect with your target audience, build meaningful relationships, and ultimately achieve your business goals. Are you ready to embark on your digital marketing journey?
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lectful · 8 months
How to Build the Perfect MOOC Website
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Lectful will help you in every step of creating your learning site so that you can share your MOOCs (online courses). The course contents usually include videos, audios, articles, exams, exercises, a certified online exam, and more. Your online learning endeavors will be greatly enhanced with customizable themes, interactive features, and an intuitive user interface. Lectful makes it easy to create a MOOC website by offering creative and excellent guidance at every step. If you want to learn how to build a MOOC website with us, visit our website.
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sophsweet · 8 months
Designing a Process to Share to Start From Scratch
After much thought and soundboarding my ideas with a friend, I have devised a route to share a step-by-step process for a particular audience – of which I am part – to Earn While We Learn. This is step 3 of my experience journal written in November 2023. Please subscribe or keep following my blog for where I go next, which will be shared on 26th January 2024. This means starting from scratch,…
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blogtey45 · 10 months
5 Reasons to Create the Book Before the Course | SummitPressPublishers
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mardally · 1 year
How to Create and Host Courses on Udemy
Udemy is an online learning platform targeted at professional adults and students. It provides a space for experts of any kind to create courses which can be offered to the public, either at no charge or for a tuition fee. Udemy boasts a vast selection of courses in a wide variety of subjects, from business and tech to arts and personal development, The courses are available on-demand, allowing…
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The one weird monopoly trick that gave us Walmart and Amazon and killed Main Street
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I'm coming to BURNING MAN! On TUESDAY (Aug 27) at 1PM, I'm giving a talk called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE!" at PALENQUE NORTE (7&E). On WEDNESDAY (Aug 28) at NOON, I'm doing a "Talking Caterpillar" Q&A at LIMINAL LABS (830&C).
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Walmart didn't just happen. The rise of Walmart – and Amazon, its online successor – was the result of a specific policy choice, the decision by the Reagan administration not to enforce a key antitrust law. Walmart may have been founded by Sam Walton, but its success (and the demise of the American Main Street) are down to Reaganomics.
The law that Reagan neutered? The Robinson-Patman Act, a very boring-sounding law that makes it illegal for powerful companies (like Walmart) to demand preferential pricing from their suppliers (farmers, packaged goods makers, meat producers, etc). The idea here is straightforward. A company like Walmart is a powerful buyer (a "monopsonist" – compare with "monopolist," a powerful seller). That means that they can demand deep discounts from suppliers. Smaller stores – the mom and pop store on your Main Street – don't have the clout to demand those discounts. Worse, because those buyers are weak, the sellers – packaged goods companies, agribusiness cartels, Big Meat – can actually charge them more to make up for the losses they're taking in selling below cost to Walmart.
Reagan ordered his antitrust cops to stop enforcing Robinson-Patman, which was a huge giveaway to big business. Of course, that's not how Reagan framed it: He called Robinson-Patman a declaration of "war on low prices," because it prevented big companies from using their buying power to squeeze huge discounts. Reagan's court sorcerers/economists asserted that if Walmart could get goods at lower prices, they would sell goods at lower prices.
Which was true…up to a point. Because preferential discounting (offering better discounts to bigger customers) creates a structural advantage over smaller businesses, it meant that big box stores would eventually eliminate virtually all of their smaller competitors. That's exactly what happened: downtowns withered, suburban big boxes grew. Spending that would have formerly stayed in the community was whisked away to corporate headquarters. These corporate HQs were inevitably located in "onshore-offshore" tax haven states, meaning they were barely taxed at the state level. That left plenty of money in these big companies' coffers to spend on funny accountants who'd help them avoid federal taxes, too. That's another structural advantage the big box stores had over the mom-and-pops: not only did they get their inventory at below-cost discounts, they didn't have to pay tax on the profits, either.
MBA programs actually teach this as a strategy to pursue: they usually refer to Amazon's "flywheel" where lower prices bring in more customers which allows them to demand even lower prices:
You might have heard about rural and inner-city "food deserts," where all the independent grocery stores have shuttered, leaving behind nothing but dollar stores? These are the direct product of the decision not to enforce Robinson-Patman. Dollar stores target working class neighborhoods with functional, beloved local grocers. They open multiple dollar stores nearby (nearly all the dollar stores you see are owned by one of two conglomerates, no matter what the sign over the door says). They price goods below cost and pay for high levels of staffing, draining business off the community grocery store until it collapses. Then, all the dollar stores except one close and the remaining store fires most of its staff (working at a dollar store is incredibly dangerous, thanks to low staffing levels that make them easy targets for armed robbers). Then, they jack up prices, selling goods in "cheater" sizes that are smaller than the normal retail packaging, and which are only made available to large dollar store conglomerates:
Writing in The American Prospect, Max M Miller and Bryce Tuttle1 – a current and a former staffer for FTC Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya – write about the long shadow cast by Reagan's decision to put Robinson-Patman in mothballs:
They tell the story of Robinson-Patman's origins in 1936, when A&P was using preferential discounts to destroy the independent grocery sector and endanger the American food system. A&P didn't just demand preferential discounts from its suppliers; it also charged them a fortune to be displayed on its shelves, an early version of Amazon's $38b/year payola system:
They point out that Robinson-Patman didn't really need to be enacted; America already had an antitrust law that banned this conduct: section 2 of the the Clayton Act, which was passed in 1914. But for decades, the US courts refused to interpret the Clayton Act according to its plain meaning, with judges tying themselves in knots to insist that the law couldn't possibly mean what it said. Robinson-Patman was one of a series of antitrust laws that Congress passed in a bid to explain in words so small even federal judges could understand them that the purpose of American antitrust law was to keep corporations weak:
Both the Clayton Act and Robinson-Patman reject the argument that it's OK to let monopolies form and come to dominate critical sectors of the American economy based on the theoretical possibility that this will lead to lower prices. They reject this idea first as a legal matter. We don't let giant corporations victimize small businesses and their suppliers just because that might help someone else.
Beyond this, there's the realpolitik of monopoly. Yes, companies could pass lower costs on to customers, but will they? Look at Amazon: the company takes $0.45-$0.51 out of every dollar that its sellers earn, and requires them to offer their lowest price on Amazon. No one has a 45-51% margin, so every seller jacks up their prices on Amazon, but you don't notice it, because Amazon forces them to jack up prices everywhere else:
The Robinson-Patman Act did important work, and its absence led to many of the horribles we're living through today. This week on his Peoples & Things podcast, Lee Vinsel talked with Benjamin Waterhouse about his new book, One Day I’ll Work for Myself: The Dream and Delusion That Conquered America:
Towards the end of the discussion, Vinsel and Waterhouse turn to Robinson-Patman, its author, Wright Patman, and the politics of small business in America. They point out – correctly – that Wright Patman was something of a creep, a "Dixiecrat" (southern Democrat) who was either an ideological segregationist or someone who didn't mind supporting segregation irrespective of his beliefs.
That's a valid critique of Wright Patman, but it's got little bearing on the substance and history of the law that bears his name, the Robinson-Patman Act. Vinsel and Waterhouse get into that as well, and while they made some good points that I wholeheartedly agreed with, I fiercely disagree with the conclusion they drew from these points.
Vinsel and Waterhouse point out (again, correctly) that small businesses have a long history of supporting reactionary causes and attacking workers' rights – associations of small businesses, small women-owned business, and small minority-owned businesses were all in on opposition to minimum wages and other key labor causes.
But while this is all true, that doesn't make Robinson-Patman a reactionary law, or bad for workers. The point of protecting small businesses from the predatory practices of large firms is to maintain an American economy where business can't trump workers or government. Large companies are literally ungovernable: they have gigantic war-chests they can spend lobbying governments and corrupting the political process, and concentrated sectors find it comparatively easy to come together to decide on a single lobbying position and then make it reality.
As Vinsel and Waterhouse discuss, US big business has traditionally hated small business. They recount a notorious and telling anaecdote about the editor of the Chamber of Commerce magazine asking his boss if he could include coverage of small businesses, given the many small business owners who belonged to the Chamber, only to be told, "Over my dead body." Why did – why does – big business hate small business so much? Because small businesses wreck the game. If they are included in hearings, notices of inquiry, or just given a vote on what the Chamber of Commerce will lobby for with their membership dollars, they will ask for things that break with the big business lobbying consensus.
That's why we should like small business. Not because small business owners are incapable of being petty tyrants, but because whatever else, they will be petty. They won't be able to hire million-dollar-a-month union-busting law-firms, they won't be able to bribe Congress to pass favorable laws, they can't capture their regulators with juicy offers of sweet jobs after their government service ends.
Vinsel and Waterhouse point out that many large firms emerged during the era in which Robinson-Patman was in force, but that misunderstands the purpose of Robinson-Patman: it wasn't designed to prevent any large businesses from emerging. There are some capital-intensive sectors (say, chip fabrication) where the minimum size for doing anything is pretty damned big.
As Miller and Tuttle write:
The goal of RPA was not to create a permanent Jeffersonian agrarian republic of exclusively small businesses. It was to preserve a diverse economy of big and small businesses. Congress recognized that the needs of communities and people—whether in their role as consumers, business owners, or workers—are varied and diverse. A handful of large chains would never be able to meet all those needs in every community, especially if they are granted pricing power.
The fight against monopoly is only secondarily a fight between small businesses and giant ones. It's foundationally a fight about whether corporations should have so much power that they are too big to fail, too big to jail, and too big to care.
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Community voting for SXSW is live! If you wanna hear RIDA QADRI and me talk about how GIG WORKERS can DISENSHITTIFY their jobs with INTEROPERABILITY, VOTE FOR THIS ONE!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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ranjith11 · 1 year
What To Expect Now | SummitPressPublishers
After publishing with Summit Press, what will happen next? When will you receive royalty payments, what kind of additional support will you get? Watch this video, what to expect now by SummitPressPublishers, and get to know more about it.
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nanaslutt · 11 months
so i just read like… ALL your gojo stuff.
now imagine… gojo not being able to hold back and wanting to breed you after you both try those aphrodisiac chocolates… ahem…
i am absolutely terrified of getting pregnant yet have the words most insufferable breeding kink, we exist
Contains: fem reader, aphrodisiacs, masturbation, no prep, spanking, rough sex, unprotected sex, breeding kink, multiple orgasms, SOOO much dirty talk, praise, so much cum.., whiped!gojo, established relationship
Gojo was talking soooo much shit when you sent him a link to some aphrodisiac chocolates you saw online. He would not stop dismissing that they didn’t actually work; saying none of that shit that advertised any kind of enhancement in sexual arousal ever did.
So of course you had to order the chocolates and really test it for yourselves, making a challenge out of it.
If the chocolates truly had an effect, gojo would do whatever you wanted, and if they didn’t? vice versa. Gojo was game, of course; because he didn’t think anything would happen.
“Bleh- they taste like shit too,” Satoru grimaced, chasing the horrible flavor with a strawberry soda.
“That’s probably because there’s something in them satoru…like the aphrodisiac…,” you shook you head, swallowing the bitter chocolate.
“Orrrr; crazy thought; it’s just some cheap chocolate marketed as aphrodisiacs to make a ton of money off of people like us.” he drawled, throwing his hands up in the air and waving them around when he spoke.
“I really thought you out of all people would find this kind of thing fun satoru.” you said, trying to push his buttons a bit.
“We’ll of course, chocolate and sex? I’m all over that,” he said making you laugh, “but me and suguru tried something like this for fun back in our student days, it was some kind of pill though,” his face twisted in discomfort as he spoke, “just ended up making us super sick tho, yaga got pissed, heh” he laughed, remembering the memory.
“Knowing you two it was probably some cheap boner pill you got in a sketchy bag at the convenience store.. so that might explain it.” you snorted,
He rubbed his big hand over the back of his neck, “yeah, there was like 5 other pills in the bag with it now that I think about it..” he said quietly, making you hunch over in a laugh.
The two of you went about your evening like normal, watching some comedy movie that was on and cuddling together on the sofa. When it ended you went off to change into something more comfortable as you started off to finished the laundry.
You haven’t felt anything extremely out of the ordinary yet; remembering that the package said it might take long for women to feel the affects; but gojo on the other hand was feeling mildly uncomfortable.
His face and neck were feeling warm, throughout the entire movie his big hand was placed on your upper thigh, like always. What was unusual though, was how his skin tingled when he placed it on yours, palms sweating more than usual; he just chalked it up to all the junk he had been eating throughout the day, probably upsetting his body.
When you moved back into the kitchen and started on the dishes the two of you had created in the sink, Gojo couldn’t help but hyper focus on the fat off your ass peeking out of your night shorts.
The way you moved your hips as some r&b music played quietly from the tv. He watched your muscles and tendons move together when you twisted your body around, watching your ankles cross; one behind the other; getting comfortable from where you stood.
Satoru was feeling hot all over now, a large hand coming down to grope himself over his pants when you bent over to put the dishes into the washer, poking out your clothed mound towards him, the fabric of your shorts squeezing your curves just right.
His jaw dropped slightly, breathing heavier as he got off on watching you do such a mundane task like the dishes.
You inserted the pod into the dishwasher, completely oblivious to satoru’s shenanigans as you stood up straight. You noticed when washing your hands that you were starting to feel a warmth washing over your body, and a sort of warm coil tightening in your tummy.
The lightbulb went off in your head when you realized it was probably the work of the chocolates. You quickly shut off the water, towel is hand as you whipped your head behind you to tell gojo what was happening to you; and to inform him that you were going to win this challenge.
Your motions were stopped short as you bumped straight into gojos chest, “Oh! Didn’t realize you were-“ Your words getting cut off when gojo grabbed the bottom of your face, bringing your lips to his, and kissing you hungrily.
Gojo used his other had to slide his arm around your body, pressing you hard into him, letting you feel his erection against your tummy.
He pushed his tongue into your mouth, swallowing your words that tried to excape, “Sa-mm- Satoru-“ you got out between kisses. Gojo shoved his knee between your legs, putting delicious pressure on your cunt as he kissed you like it was his last day on earth.
You had to grip his hair and pull his face off of you to speak, this didn’t really phase him as he targeted your neck instead, biting and sucking on the skin there, “Fuck- s-satoru slow down-“ you moaned when he sucked on a particularly sensitive spot.
“Cant, need you-“ he spoke in between his rushed love bites on your neck, moving his big hands to hold your hips as he made you rock your cunt back and forth along this thigh.
Your head was spinning a mild a minute, still trying to wrap your head around the current situation. You expected this to happen; being on the side of ‘pro aphrodisiacs and all; you just didn’t expect it to happen so soon, and for it to have such a strong effect on someone like Satoru.
“S-shit- those chocolates have you m-more worked up than me,” you tried to laugh, voice cut short by a moan when his knee nudged your clit at a particularly mouthwatering angle.
“Need to be inside you,” he ignored you, groaning against your pulse point, hot breath tickling your neck when he spoke.
Gojo was breathing so heavily, his cock feeling like it was about to rip a hole in his pants at how hard he was. “Take em off, now-“ he whimpered, referring to your bottoms as he started pulling them down your legs, panties following suit.
You helped him, gripping his hair and keeping his lips pressed against your neck while you kicked off your shorts off from around your ankles . His hands dropped down to remove his own sweats, too impatient to fully take them off as he pulled them down just enough for his cock to spring out, jerking himself off with one hand rapidly between you; hand holding your hip with his other.
“Let me put it in, please, need to be inside you now-“ he groaned, finally pulling back from your neck; and he looked absolutely wrecked.
This whole situation was giving you whiplash, but you felt bad for him. Satoru’s hands were shaking, face flushed completely crimson, and he was sweating and panting like he just ran a marathon.
He continued stroking his cock, eyes flirting between your pussy and your pretty lips while he waited for them to move, voicing your consent.
His cock was dripping so much pre it looked like he already came. Hard cock still dripping steadily onto his hand and fingers, making his strokes emit loud ‘plp’ sounds into the air.
“Yes, please, give it to me toru,” you spoke, making him let out a moan of satisfaction. You wrapped your arms around his neck when he lifted you suddenly, burring your hands in his hair and face in his neck as he slid his dick into you with zero prep, all at once.
You were greatful the aphrodisiac was in affect, making you so much wetter than normal, and in turn, making the stretch a whole less painful then it would’ve been without it.
You whined at how his massive clock split you in half effortlessly, “Sorry baby- m’ sorry-“ he apologized with a groan against your bruised neck; whatever consciousness he still had left being aware that that might’ve hurt you.
“Shit it’s o-okay toru, just give it to me- fuck-“ You tipped your head back, jaw dropping and releasing a loud whine, giving him more access to mark up your neck while he fucked into you like a mad man; legs dangling over his arms as he held you in his strong grasp, hoisting you up and down on his cock like you weighed nothing to him.
“Holy fuckkk” he whined, vibrations going through your skin, “Need to fill you up, need to fuck you full of my cum s-shit-“ Gojo was working himself up with his words, already on the brink of his orgasm only a couple thrusts in.
He was truly using you like a cocksleve as he fucked into you at an inhumane pace, heavy balls slapping against your ass, strings of your combined wetness connecting to your ass each time he thrusted inside.
He sucked harder against your skin as he felt his first high rapidly approach him. His eyes repeatedly rolling back in his skull at the rhythmic pulsing of your pussy around him.
“Shitshitshit- gonna c-cum, need you to take it all f’me” his deep voice reverberated through you, all you could do is cry and moan our strings of his name and “yesyesyes” while he fucked his first load of the night into you.
“T-take it f-fucking take it yessss” Gojo felt like he was on cloud nine, he had never felt anything like this before. Of course he loved cumming inside you when you had sex but this was different. Every neuron in his brain was telling him to fuck load after load into you; to get you pregnant.
Gojo didn’t actually want kids right now, and you were on the pill so the possibility of him actually knocking you up was low- but not if his aphrodisiac brain had anything to say about it; he would make sure to fucking try.
Ignoring the overstimulation he felt as he humped his cum into you with heavy thrusts, quickly picking up his speed again when he finished spurting the warm ropes of cum into you, making you squeal at his quick recovery.
“Pussy feels so fucking good, so fucking wet sh-itttt” he groaned, dick twitching and abs clenching as he fucked himself through the aftershocks of his orgasm, sending him straight twords another one.
“T-toru o-oh my god-“ you wimpered, body flopping around limply at the intense pleasure. His cock was drilling straight into your sweet spot and making you dizzy. You tried not to pass out as he manhandled your body, gripping you roughly and marking up your skin everywhere his insatiable lips could reach.
“Gonna knock you up baby- g-gunna give you my babies- get you fucking pregnant, yeah? you want that?” you cut off his filthy mouth by using the grip you had on his head to press his mouth against yours.
“Yesyesyes, give me your babies toru- gonna make you a daddy-“ he groaned into your mouth at your mutual need for him to fill you up.
Gojo felt drunk hearing the nickname bounce around inside his head. Gojo never thought he had a daddy kink, but in this scenario? The nickname had him feeling like he was about to come again already.
By this point, the aphrodisiac was affecting you just as much as it was him, everywhere his body touched yours felt like your skin was on fire. You tried not to lose your sanity as he was pushing your towards your first orgasm without so much as even grazing your clit.
He set you down on the ground and in one swift movement spun you around so you were facing the counter. Satoru used his massive had to grab hold of his cock, slipping it back into your drenched walls.
You both groaned in unison at the sensation. Gojo gave you both a couple seconds to relish in the feeling, pressing his balls hard against your ass before he picked up his same ruthless pace as before.
“Good fucking girl- gonna look so fucking pretty with ur belly all round with my baby shiiit” he groaned when he felt your cunt clench around him at the idea.
He brought his massive palm down feeling your cunt squeeze him, leaving a heavy spank against your ass and gripping the fat between his fingers.
“Pussy tryna fuckin’ milk me down here” he laughed, biting his lip when he watched your hand come down to rub your clit in quick circles, “Yeaahhh fucking touch your pussy for me baby, make urself cum all over my dick while i fill you up.” he instructed, clenching his jaw.
“Shit- g-give it to me daddy- cum inside me-” you mindlessly babbled, there you go again with that fucking nickname that had his balls tightening.
You feet the coil wind itself up quicker than normal at your enhanced sexual arousal from the chocolate and the now added stimulation of touching your neglected clit.
“Come with me baby, gotta feel you cum around me- please” he begged, leaving another loud slap against your ass before pulling you back on his dick roughly by your hips.
“S -shit it’s coming it’s coming i’m- fuckfuck- ngghhh” your warned, voice cutting out as you started to come around his girth while he fucked you through it.
“yeeeeeess baby- fuuuuck- milk my fucking cock fuck-“ he watched intently as your little hole clenched around him, his first load spurting out around his cock with the pressure of your orgasm, making the white ring around the base of his dick get even messier.
“I’m coming again baby- take it for me- need you to take it all, gotta make sure it t-takes” he whined, getting you pregnant still on the forfront of his brain.
Your legs would’ve collapsed on the floor if he wasn’t holding up a majority of your weight by your hips. Your nails slid against the marble as his cock rammed against your cervix, making you dizzy, broken moans getting forced out of your mouth at the feeling of getting repeatedly impaled on his cock.
You tried to gain a little bit of brainpower back to help gojo through his orgasm just like he did for you, “y-e-sss toru’ cum inside me please- i’ll take it all- be a good girl for you-“ your voice squeaked out, words getting louder at the end with how rough his thrusts were,
He leaned over your back, pressing his sweaty chest onto you while he wrapped you in a tight bear hug, not ceasing his ruthless hips, “Need you t-to kiss me baby- go-nna be instense” he whimpered against your shoulder, waiting for you to turn your head twords him to give him access to your mouth.
When you did he wasted no time in pressing his lips to yours. The two of you swallowed each others moans as his pitch got higher and higher; his tight grip was sure to leave dark bruises on your body as he held onto you for dear life at his impending orgasm.
When the coil finally snapped, he shook violently against you, hips stilling against your ass, pressing his hips as deep as he could into you while hot ropes of cum filled you up even more than his last load, making more cum spill out around him at how full you already were.
His breath was hitching into your mouth, lips doing their best to kiss you back as his jaw kept falling open as the waves of his high washed over him.
He whined and dropped his head against your shoulder when he started to come down. Gojo panted heavily against your skin, twitching in the aftershocks of his high.
“D-don’t move please” he requested, fucking his softening cock into you a couple more times to make sure his cum was as deep inside you as it could go.
“Fuck toru- feel so full right now..” you wined into the marble, wincing in overstimulation at his final few weak thrusts.
After a couple seconds he finally pulled out his cock, gulping hard as he watched his cum start to dribble out of you; making you whine at the slightly uncomfortable feeling.
He used a couple fingers to spread your pussy lips; admiring his work for a second before he used to fingers to scoop his cum back up, stuffing his thick digits back inside of you, “Gotta get that plug of yours to keep it all in,” he said, biting his lip at how soft you felt around his fingers.
“Or you could let me cockwarm you,” you giggled, turning your head back to look at him while he looked enthralled with your cunt.
“God I love you, smartest fucking girl I know.” he praised.
You fell into a fit of giggles when he scooped you up in his arms, peppering kisses onto your face while he headed twords your shared bedroom.
You wrapped your legs tightly around his waist while he walked, keeping them snug even when he dropped the two of you on the mattress together. Gojo’s large frame laying on top of you as he reached his hand down between you to slide his semi-hard cock back into your oversensitive walls, making you hiss at the feeling, “Sorry baby- almost in,” he promised, kissing your cheeks while he fully bottomed out.
He rolled his eyes at how warm and soft you felt around his dick, sucking soft hickeys into the crook of your neck while you pet his damp hair.
“I’ll clean you up in a second my love, promise, you just feel too good right now.” he let out a short laugh against you.
“‘S okay toru, makes me feel good too.” you tipped your head forward and pressed kisses onto the top of his scalp.
“We gotta be careful with those chocolates,” he laughed, “Might acctually knock you up one day if we keep eatin those,”
“That doesn’t sound half bad,” you confessed, squeezing your legs harder around his hips.
“Dangerous words to say right now pretty girl,” he warned, smirking into your skin,
“Oh right, guess you won the bet,” he remembered, “Whacha want ur big strong boyfriend to do for you?” he asked teasingly,
“Cum inside me again, right now,” you requested after a beat, emphasizing your need by squeezing your pussy walls around him, making him inhale a sharp breath between his teeth.
“Fuck… you serious?” he smirked, lifting his head to look at you.
“Don’t keep me waiting, give me my prize toru,” you pouted your bottom lip at him, making his brain short circuit as he felt his cock twitch back to life.
You ended up taking a plan B the next morning… just in case…
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autolenaphilia · 4 months
I don’t care about accusations of ”pedophilia.” I will not give a fuck, I won't investigate your claims, I will just ignore it.
For one thing the accusation of pedophilia is often entirely meaningless. This is because pedophile/pedo etc are words that carry the taint of child rape, of calling up the disgust such an act naturally produces, but are accusations that don’t require such an act or a victim of it. If you call someone a “child rapist” that has weight, but you also have to back it up with a victim this person supposedly raped for the accusation to actually be meaningful. But words like “pedophile” carries no such demands, it literally just means “someone who has an attraction to children.” It doesn’t require an actual victim. It’s an accusation about how someone feels in their head and can thus be liberally applied. Someone criticizes your asinine submarine idea to rescue some children in a cave? Call them a pedo. And even words that once had a more specific meaning, such as “grooming” can be stretched beyond all meaning to mean whatever it wants to. Someone talked to under-18 people about sex and gender in a way you don’t want to? Call them a groomer.
In a culture of pedohysteria, pedojacketing is easy. And it’s especially easy to weaponize it against queer people, the idea that queerness spreads through queers recruiting children by molesting them is one of the oldest queerphobic narrativeness out there. I’m using “queer” here because this is a narrative used both against gay and trans people. But in the present transphobic/transmisogynistic backlash it’s most often used against trans people, especially transfems, as transmasc people are more often infantilized.
But on a more deeper level “pedophilia” is the wrong framing of the real problem of child sex abuse. It’s literally a medical term, a diagnosis. It makes child sex abuse a problem of some sick individuals with a diseased attraction.
This is of course a bad and antifeminist understanding of what rape and sexual violence is. It’s an inevitable and natural expression of power. The widespread rape of women is caused by the patriarchy, of men having power over women. And the misogynist oppression of women with sexual violence naturally extends to young girls. But all children are disempowered in our society. Adults have power over them in the patriarchal family, in the capitalist school system and other institutions of our society. Sexual violence against children flows from the power adults institutionally and systemically have over them. The vast majority of sexual violence towards children comes from the family and schools, not the “stranger danger” of creepy weirdoes hiding in bushes.
This is the reality that the framing of sexual violence as the result of sick individuals with a diseased attraction obscures. And it inevitably calls for a reactionary carceral and psychiatric response, justifying the police, prisons and psychiatric institutions. That’s why “what will we then do with the pedophiles?” is such a popular clichéd response to prison and police abolitionism. This very framing of the problem calls for a carceral response. If the problem of child sex abuse is sick individuals instead of the system, if we constantly root out and punish individuals we will eventually solve the problem.
In reality carceral responses actually make the problem of sexual violence much worse. The police, prisons and involuntary psychiatric hospitals are violent expressions of power and thus create the conditions for rape.
Pedohysteria is constantly used to justify the expansion of state power. Here in European Union we have had a legislative push to ban end-to-end encryption and make all online communication accessible to law enforcement, total online surveillance. And the reasoning is because otherwise pedophiles can use e2e communication to secretly send child porn to each other without the police being able to do anything, which is of course true, that does and will happen, but doesn’t justify killing all online privacy. This “chat control” act is literally called “regulation to prevent and combat child sexual abuse.”
The pedohysteria also justifies vigilantism, which tumblr callout culture is part of and is also a deeply reactionary and even fascist phenomenon. Vigilantism rests on the idea that what the police do is right, but they are not doing it well enough, because they are too reigned in by liberal ideas such as laws and regulations and the courts. So random people should take on the role of police to punish “criminals”, like pedophiles. And this goes through tumblr callout culture. A subtext running through pedojacketing callouts of transfems is the idea that transmisogyny does not exist and does not lead to transfems being disproportionately punished, but instead transfems are using their minority status to get away with sex crimes.
This standard conservative rhetoric about how liberals often literally let minorities get away with murder justifies their reactionary vigilantism. Of course in reality, transfems are far less likely to commit sexual abuse of children than other groups of people, because we are systematically excluded from the very institutions where such abuse happens, such as parenthood/the family or schools, because of the transmisogynist stereotype that we are all perverted child rapists. And the callouts of transfems as sex predators are in themselves abusive and protect actual abusers, just like how police and prisons are.
So no, I will continue to not give a fuck if you call someone a pedophile.
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