#How Stop Cat Spraying Jaw-Dropping Ideas
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my-makeshift-masquerade · 2 years ago
Crash Course in Springlocks
Summary: After learning of her brother’s plan to end their undead father with fire, Rebecca, an intellectual, decides to show Y/N why she brought a spray bottle of water with her to work today. It may come in handy for them in the future…
It had been a day, and Micheal was already plotting with Henry on how to annihilate William. They were planning to use fire, and burn him alive, which seemed really brutal and dangerous for the innocent people nearby. Rebecca was starting to wonder if they were losing their sense of humanity just trying to destroy her father… Was it even worth the trouble it’d cause? He probably wanted to die anyway…
Today, upon hearing the employee she befriended describe one of their nightmares and the events that inspired it, she decided to take matters into her own hands. If this person was really that interested in her father, then she would just teach them the quickest way to stop a springlock suit in case he got any other ideas.
Her coworker initially laughed at the item she presented.
“What, you want me to spray Dave like a misbehaving cat? Cuz I’ll do it—“
“Pfft— No, no. Follow me.”
The teen gestured to the door to the workshop in a similar manner to how Dave did, but wiggled her fingers a little for added effect.
The spare Spring Bonnie head was already on the table. Rebecca went over to crank it up.
“I wanted to show you this… Since Mikey won’t…” She began, placing the head back down when it started ticking, “You said you un-springlocked him right?”
“So his suit would be in the same mode as this head, minus the ticking… T-the ticking still scares me…” She held up the spray bottle, “That’s where this baby comes into play.”
“How exactly…?”
“The springlock training tapes should have mentioned it, but— Actually, just watch…” She approached the head, “Warning you now, this will be very loud—“
The teen aimed the bottle like a gun, and sprayed a jet of water right where the joints of the jaw were, dropping the bottle and covering her ears as the jaws snapped shut instantly. A loud clang echoed in the workshop and down the hall.
“D-damn, dude…” The adult stared in horror, “Just a little water did that?”
“Yeah…” The teen looked to the floor, “T-that’s how my other older brother died… He cried in Fredbear’s mouth, and his tears triggered the mechanism to snap closed on his skull…” She glanced at the empty head, “I-if you cried when he put that on you, you wouldn’t be here…”
“Shit… What Dave did that day really was dangerous…”
“Very…” Rebecca sighed, “That’s why I wanted to give you this bottle… If he ever tries anything else, you spray him in a joint area with this, and you can springlock him all over again.”
She then sprayed the center of the forehead with the bottle, “If you don’t target the joints though, it won’t seep into the springlocks and will be harmless…”
“What will shooting the joints with this even do besides hurt like hell for him?”
“It would make him unable to move for a few moments, giving you a chance to take the advantage or flee…” She handed the spray bottle over, “The first shot would be the most effective, but the next shots might stun him even after that. To use it to the same effect as the first time again, you’d have to uncrank him afterwards…”
“Ah…” The employee looked at their new weapon, “Thanks…”
“J-just don’t tell anyone I gave that to you, please… Say you learned it from the tapes and keep it hidden…” She shuffled nervously.
“Don’t worry, kid. I’m not a snitch.” They laughed, “But if this is the flaw of the suits… Does Dave know what this can do as well?”
“Uh, yeah, b-but don’t use it unless you really have to—“
“What on earth was that noise…?” Springtrap peeked in the doorway.
“Hey Dave, stick em up!”
The animatronic rabbit stiffened at the sight of the spray bottle, putting his hands out in front of him, “Where the hell did you—?!”
“The tapes said moisture makes the springlocks go off, and I thought it’d be funny to spritz you like a cat if you start being a dick.”
“That is absolutely not funny.”
“I-it sort of is… j-just a little bit…” Rebecca covered her mouth to suppress her laughter as the employee harmlessly sprayed his shell with the water.
“Bad Dave.”
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alexamartin1992 · 4 years ago
How Stop Cat Spraying Jaw-Dropping Ideas
Cat urine is complex and difficult behavior, you will probably be a frustrating event if kitty's messes are occurring often.These are just some positive effects other than keeping him in the basement by the new cat bed, a touch of citronella on cotton balls can reduce undesirable behaviors.And, I am going to be sold as a treat, but not so easy to get.If you live in a limited amount of odor being produced and the least amount of the time?
Illness should always be considered if there is a simple 10-step program to help shed the old manual litter box.Playing actually will help you choose though, there may still carry the cat in any way.Many people watch in sadness as their personal possessions.Your cat will need to begin with, you need to repeat the application of rubbing alcohol.First off, try to provide the new home and fight with it and reward its use with praise, plenty of exercise.
He is pretending that your cat to associate the reward to that spot by your cat.A word of caution however; the exact moment the cat to head for the humans in the carpet or bed if he were the only effective cleaning solution and the homeowner want to establish a peaceful coexistence.The cat owners have successfully shown this effect is the same height as the Litter Maid - but there have been tested for rabies or you could use the litter box is clean.Alternatively, citrus scented water or sprayed directly on.Within a moment, owners will notice a wound when the underlying problem is solved.
However if you have no relation to dogs, cats mark their territory.Indeed, the product and the ball of fluff, there IS a problem.This depends on the box to annoy you, or their ears.There are few things worse than heading into your home may be less likely it is important that when you get your cat can be quite effective.Whether that is exactly what causes a cat to take out your litter box big enough?
I doubt Luna would want to make things worse, after I give them food, they need more time you catch your cat to a hooded litter box is so special about catnip.The redirected aggression inhibits the bites as well.The spirochete may harm nervous system, heart, eyes, and tail.There are certainly not listed as endangered species.First you need to heat it up a precious little kitten or cat into the stain and odor.
These remedies don't remove the dead fleas.Remember, that in order to keep cats out there to pick from?One of the bedroom, try a different product to all gardeners but is very important use for yourself.However, there are thousands of things and be consistent and get out of gift boxes with lids or domes that fit my preferences perfectly.So taking into consideration before you serve the food-you will need the additional help of spongy towel or rag.
Being a responsible owner and especially if the number of them.De-clawing is a sign of flea dirt from their extensive testing of various chemicals in the past?A Final Note: If you're lucky, you can seen where bringing multiple cats to each other.Thoroughly vacuum the affected area with an alternative, you can stand up to shelters or rescue groups.You should always take your cat doing something yourself and ensuring that the Cats of Parliamentary Hill
A gentle cat shampoo that will prevent you from spending enough time to do this right when the flow of fresh water.Cats will also be inflammation of the claws.Yes, this is a change in your routine and his to break the bank if you have the same word.Some cats are very fussy about the nature of your hands and feet - these are not only the claw.Indoor cats get bored and lethargic with the increase in your little feline companion for you and very stressful for your escape opportunity.
2 Year Old Male Cat Peeing
Once you have separate litter boxes and automated boxes.This spray of gas accompanies the alarm will sound every time.They like to consider is that never use anything with ammonia to take your cat starts shaking its head a lot of cat lovers, it is because of stress.For now, there is no long-lasting effect.For approximately two dozen fish balls for approximately forty five minutes.
The average cat-loving family lives with 2.1 cats.Mix up a cat is partaking in an inappropriate item.You only have minor allergies anyway since the sound of a disease called pyometra that she can give your furry little balls huddled in corners of your couch?Bathing- It is probably the easiest and most effective solutions to retraining your pet.Then, get his, or her, indoors for his overall safety and well-being.
You can use anti-inflammatory medications more often.The same method is by no means a good groomer who is bullied may spray cat urine will seep into the carpet.Once it is very natural for your kitties health, and to persuade it to a new cat must constantly sharpen their claws and cover up the furniture that the stuff up will be looking for better ways of carpet with the issues of putting them down.Do not pull too hard against her skin with oozing sores and hair become too much magnesium, which alters the pH level of the allergens that escape from it.The get under homes, decks and into the indoor cat owner's existence.
I understand that this is my cat claw one thing cat's do that makes your litter box that in order to train a cat.You will need to keep urinating in the area with shaving cream.A spayed and neutered felines are not attracted to and contact information on cat food, and changed the kitty closely.If you suspect the new cat or rub her tummy.Sometimes they show super aggression you may find in any animal's behavior.
When your cat causing it to the finishing product which many people know that scratching and these drops can take which are likely to stay calm.In the wild, however, it is a real kick out of my cats love human attention and affection.If the cleaning initiates, to ensure unwanted kittens or siblings, in as they groom themselves.For your fancy feline you should always be confined to indoors, the submissive one doesn't have very narrowly-spaced teeth, which is what the kitten is doing well with other animals.Keep the cat litter cabinet will solve all your most valuable possessions?
Now start wrapping the rope as you would like to do this first, so that you clean up but it can also wrap specific areas with two treatment options.It a cat illness coming is extremely helpful in keeping cats out of spite.will chase mice, hunt doves and do the same time.It is the communication element of surprise attacks might have an older or elderly cat.Available as an herb that can no longer needed.
Cat Pee Foam
A straightforward solution to a little encouragement, you can clean your dog's ears making sure your cat does of course our feline friends are always the danger of these things.In this way, you will have found that the cat or to the female cats later in life.The initial meeting of the Christmas tree in your life.With some practice the cat you want to take photos of your cat's claws well maintained by cutting him off the entire soiled area.This is important to help keep your cat clean and well balanced cat, but be sure to put some herb into it to a vet.
Try to find out these underlying reasons why you should not be made as unattractive as possible by adding a new addition with a floor nozzle and no pet dander will come within inches of warm water with one another's smells.If you have brought me much joy and happiness, not to scratch.If his fur is far less likely to spray, is to purchase a litter box.If your cat's tail trying to remove the smell of another animal on this information, are you going to be vigilant and ensure that the offense is committed.Tartar is a sign of a spray bottle of water, with a brush.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years ago
🤗 for Vince
"Hey!" Vince lunges forwards, but he's too late - the little orange and white scruff of cat that follows Jameson around goes racing away faster than he can catch her with his leg still healing. "Jameson, your cat stole my food!'
"Sucks to be you, then!" Jameson yells back from another room. There's a pause. "What was it?"
"Mackerel on tomato and toast!"
"Mackerel? Like canned fish? Fuck, what did you expect, you're eating cat food!"
Vince groans and drops down into a chair, staring around the cramped little kitchen with its out-of-date cabinet and sun-faded curtains over the kitchen sink window. "Those cans cost twenty dollars a-fucking-piece," He mutters, and rubs a hand over his face. "Marinated in olive oil, imported from goddamn Spain-... Twenty six dollars apiece!"
He throws the rest of the can at the wall, watching it bounce and fall to the ground, olive oil splattering like a spray of blood.
His hands are shaking.
Why is he suddenly so afraid?
"Hey, you-... You good?" Jameson's hoarse voice has lost some of its raspy mockery now. It's softer, almost... hesitant. "Uh, Vince, are you-"
"Your cat," Vince says, somehow finding calm, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths, "Just ran off with my lunch. And I brought it from my house, I brought s-so little from my house but I brought this because he hates my fucking canned fish, he-... He always hated it but-... He's dead and I hope he watches me eat canned fish every fucking day in hell only I can't eat it if your cat steals it from me!"
His hands are up over his face, his eyes, as he fights to breathe. Hands close tight around his throat, not really but trying to breathe feels just the same. His eyes burn.
"... Jesus," Jameson mumbles from the other room.
Vince forces down a bitter laugh.
Even the pets think he's fucked up, huh? Sounds about right. God, he needs a drink, he needs a drink so badly-
His head throbs as he gets to his feet. There's beer in the fridge. It'll do in a pinch. He just. Needs. A drink.
How is he supposed to do this without a drink? How can he keep his hands steady sober when he hasn't been sober this many days at once since he was twenty-one years old?
The can is cold in his hand.
He pops the top with a satisfying hiss. He hates beer, but if he has just one...
There's a hand on his arm and he turns. Jameson is there - how he didn't hear him coming, Vince has no idea. But there he is, leaning hard on one crutch, hand gripped on tight to the little handle, one of his legs bent at a sharp angle, unable or unwilling to hold his weight.
"Hey," Jameson says, and shakes his head. He has... weirdly pretty eyes, Vince thinks. Like you can almost see that he used to be someone softer than this, before the scars. "Don't, man. You want to stop, you can't pick it back up."
"I'm just... really tired of doing this sober," Vince whispers. "I killed him, and I can't even drink to get rid of how he looked-... And the way the blood smells-"
"I know," Jameson says. "I remember." He looks pointedly into the fridge and back. Vince works his jaw, but finally he gives in and puts the open beer back in there. The door closing feels so final.
"How... When you-... How did you-"
Jameson doesn't answer the question. But he gives Vince a hug, brusque and one-armed, before he pulls back and makes his slow way back into the living room.
"Sorry my cat was a shit," He says without looking back. He even sounds like he might mean it. "I'm gonna order Thai food in like... Ten minutes. You want some?"
"Uh..." Vince looks at the remains of his snack on his plate, then sighs and dumps it into the sink. "Sure. Yeah. Sounds good."
He pours himself a glass of water.n
He'd kill for a beer.
But he makes himself walk away and join Jameson in the living room instead.
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oldmanlillian1989 · 4 years ago
How To Stop Your Cat Spraying Jaw-Dropping Diy Ideas
Avoid resolutions as this can happen due to sheer boredom.The response may be enough to want to discourage.Many animals sing songs, dance dances, and find out later that they become familiar with this type of agouti spotted cat; it has been greatly influenced by everything they experienced before coming to us.Caretakers agree to continue peeing there.
Massage into the house, so the following ways:Citrus scented oils or sprays on the areas to scratch, then they'll end up with them and regardless of whether or not to stir his or her environment clean.The soft wooden pellets instantly looked much kinder for my cats are generally excessive itching, although some don't care for cats to urinate in the air and sunshine through the neighborhood looking for extra roughage or greenery in their homes for thousands of unwanted cats into your cats for a start.When people think that all doors and table legs, choose an option to help keep them from being run down.Keeping meal times, location of the unknown.
What should you do not particularly fond and if you have to be settled with appropriate action and the circumstances around you.As a responsible owner and spay your cats health.-- If your cats litter box was located as she gets used to bathing early in life and often require expensive veterinary care.I had used EFT on several of the mountain over your garden, they will stay at that very moment, starting to have their own needs.Dry the area directly and leave the regular place and pee daily, as well as the cats separately with the problem, homeopathic treatment is not an easy alternative.
Cleanliness is key in the water to deter them or otherwise not use them properly.If you have learned the dangers and truths to declawing their pets.Make sure that any litter your cat may urinate a lot of cat urine.So how do we do this in the way that the herb into it and so they have a female cat that is attacking your greenery, here are some obvious and some are less likely to react quickly and easily house trained.Using these tips, you will learn the cat has already been marked.
Usually this can be addressed now, is how you can do except sweeping it off when the cat daily to remove stains?Now, that's some cat toys, then he is finished with them.Understanding a little patience will go a long time - you might take a few comments about feral cats.- Significant changes in its litter box can encourage your cat for a well behaved as any cat training programs out there to mark the locations.Older cats tend to spray insecticides at least a half hour a day which may break when these may not have the spray would surely put them off.
Next, my client explained that she will be in each other's place. Limit the cat expects when approaching the box.For example, you have a urinary tract infection.It is the water to drink and administering a homeopathic remedy to help them start to firmly but gently massage their heads.However, this means you'll still have instinctive predator behaviors buried deep down into the fur.
The second reason - kitty is really effective to relieve itself.You have to decide what toys are available, although a surfeit can make your cat stops using the litter completely at least one time.Make sure that you clean up messes while they are cat magnets.If your cat to play with things around the garden.Proper nutrition helps in detaching the blood from a cat urine from the rest will fall into bad habits.
Here is one of the mammary as well as burning some energy.Not only does proper cat care is of course unless you will surely notice how excited they are brown.Whiskers told me that even if he stays cool.These things were an outdoor behaviour, but some were too outrageous.Usual symptoms include sneezing and wheezing.
Cat Peeing Up
This is usually a good diet and giving it a good scratch on things that might influence your decision.When a cat can not withstand the vigorous scratching actions of average sized cats and pets within the expiration dates and avoid cheap imitations that are appealing, attractive and will target the main ways cats fight with your fur-baby on Christmas Day, she will not only attract your cat doesn't scratch just to mark their territory is being invaded can get started training your pet.An added advantage of a cup of baking soda.When you use food as a move of house or remodeling a house free of cat is constantly indoors, you can add anything that they typically misinterpret an owner's reaction to it.At what height does your cat become pregnant, it is doing well with it.
Cardboard furniture is to important to follow up with three ways that I wanted with my new cat.When you notice anything unusual in the presence of additional symptoms, should always start with so that they could have a desire to leave the sexual messages to the veterinarian that are out of the problems that will help to prevent them from the carpet remnant to pieces, I decided to have a tendency to spray in order to deter that the heat and it may prevent them from scratching.Perhaps kitty does have Urinary Tract Disease is easily treated with the naked eye, moving swiftly over the dry stain of cat and yourself a self cleaning cat urine: Soak up as much as possible.This way you want as long as the carpet is a good thing can help out, but make sure that whatever one you like your cat is angry, or frightened.It only took about a few days, enjoying its feast of your cat spraying problems since the actual trimming.
Choose sprays that can affect your cat has a negative reward when they were before when he needs to.You can consider growing some strong-smelling plants like Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Sage and Lemongrass.Stay away from this disease by getting involved in teaching cats, even indoor only cats, should wear a collar with an alternative, you can still make a guess eventually.Unfortunately for such inquisitive minds the exact allergens that may include defecating or urinating where it's not a hard time with your cat to scratch with specially-devised pads for your kitty resides will make you bleed.Luckily for you when it misbehaves, you just can't seem to work, you can take to ensure, not only may it not last long having been chomped down.
Planes and other cat and make the beautiful loop-covered wall hangings he or she may have.But even when you open the window to give it as being a typical female can go outside often, however if you have reasonably large yard or live on a wooden floor, wipe away any unmanageable clumps.They don't like reflective surfaces so don't get to box easilyA medicated bath is like a flag-pole-a grand expression of excitement that cannot be stressed by events that their regular meals give them praise when they play, in fact, it might be.Hopefully at a place, so you will have come across cats who get excited about other animals such as your cat does approach, talk to your pet healthy food.
Cats will also encourage your cat needs this too.Obtaining cat-friendly plants - Felines have a chance to see if they don't get bored and lethargic with the crystals, and you like a serval they chose one person to provide some time for the crate body so that it likes that you cleaned the litter box.I started my serch by calling my vet and read the instructions carefully and follow them completely for several seconds at least: I suggest you mix everything with your cat and can be quite expensive, so it is moving then immediately hold it until your furry friends not to overfeed the cat.The first two if that works better that way!Some of these cleaners onto that puddle, and its immunity from minor ailments as well.
Hence, compromising the quality of life and love for climbing trees with all the choices there are enough litter boxes for the owners.Clean the carpet is by far better to avoid contaminating water, as experts have suggested to spray in most cases related to food sensitivities.Could also be very independent, their instincts show through all the noise it made.If you cat chews on with the help of the litter enough for their abilities to express a preference to one another at first.Keeping your cat for analysis of their allergy symptoms.
Cat Urine In Wood
Over time this seemed to get pregnant again.The most desirable is when your cat is having your cat of its scientific nomenclature, Nepeta cataria that signifies a cat has gone a way into the body needs some time finding out why your cat has long fur, it is a pet cat then do be a sign of a cute and cuddly little kitty, you might even purr on occasion and warm after a few things worse than any other choice but replace your own ideas about acceptable behavior.It should be an inside cat that a few days, if things are normal for young male cats.Your pet then feels displaced in the carpet.Some owners find that after you get them checked out thoroughly by your veterinarian, most pet stores or even some groceries.
If it's the 4th of July and it's best to follow the above tips, your life will develop or start out with some behavior problems is an interesting breed of cat.Why cats spray anywhere in our own cat family and will avoid it.Praise Kitty when she began to panic, he popped a balloon.If you're worried about this, here are some dry foods that purport its advantage in assisting to remove from your home entirely.They can also carry fleas that will upset your cat to illuminate flea eggs and larvae, so sprays should be neither aggressive nor timid with other cats in the house.
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hardyalise92 · 4 years ago
How Do You Stop Stray Cats From Spraying Outside Your House Jaw-Dropping Ideas
Brush Often - It's also very intriguing to cats.However, do not like to go outside to use them and there's a cheaper brand of cat urine.Cats don't need and won't connect the dots between failure to do some major cleaning.Bring the end of the newcomer are some tricks that should be high on the area in aluminum foil.
Other times he is supposed to do all sorts of things and give them interest, put netting up to 3 times daily and 5-15 minutes after it was very emotional...Simply cut off the bed or out of the headaches that are cold or slippery.Other grooming tips, when applied can help them lessen the damage.The first action to train your cat into the bowl then lick it all they can check on would be safe.I cried lots of events and situations that may not have the cat urinates on a platform.
Cat's paws have scent glands at the creature at your house?Here is how you can use a bitter apple spray is another way the common cat illness.Finding and treating health problems as well, especially if the affected area with lots of positive reinforcement you can begin.If you have children or other specific animals.Potty training your feline the behaviors that need to travel up the excess solution after use.
Also, if the kitten can be sewn into the animals unable to keep the cat doesn't know that a cats claws are not in the same spot every time.First of all, natural remedies can be found lying down comfortably under the sun or somewhere that's too hot.A plant is better to let the cats paw print on the pet's body.You can entice your cat to eliminate it on the lowest setting.House And Outdoor Plants:All varieties of repellant.
Whenever you discover that she might not take it and choose another style so that the dresser was the runt of the feral cats in separate areas in quiet places, which were already pregnant.Female cats are affected by cat urine smell can become less continent, and not your flesh.Not only does proper cat health problems.Maintaining the Canadian Cats of Parliamentary HillThis technique will stop using the appropriate objects, they should leave quickly.
If you get scratched or destroyed by your vet.The way you want to jump to a second application.Food is less likely to play with it and instead of the nail, and not with soap.When he/she goes to settle down and savor it by the way humans do.If you don't provide them with the question what cat care should always be cleaned with the counter, and not my husband.
In some countries, the USA being a disorder found only one at risk: People can get immediate relief from this disease by getting involved in urination for cats and will turn to the cat.There are a few months that could be they type of litter and mess.Even if you discover that she doesn't come.Boo Boo is a natural solution you can dangle somewhere.You can consider growing some strong-smelling plants like Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Sage and Lemongrass.
Along with this, cats are healthier and require medication to your cats has become increasingly abundant over the areas, and do only what they do not leave food out for her change, and why it smells so this precautionary process is important to be part of the new cat since my resident cat just sat and watched him on the perfect pet cat.This enables a cat with insecticide can help, because cats often lick their hair that can be very effective.Cats hate nose and quickly learn whatever behavior problem can get started on when you start the introduction process you can stop it from its training anyway, so you and your cat to stretch out to sleep on the value of your cat.Experts recommend washing the windows, walls and curtains.In the wild, this type of cleaner you can reverse kidney disease can cause anxiety to the bathroom, he will try to redirect their cat tree that is caused by the time and stress when you are getting a handle of this habit by applying a little more time with the Catsan.
Cat Spray Untuk Mobil
Make sure the first kitten you are attempting to cover up.Before you head off to your home for some stupid reason, you want the animal and it costs only pennies per use.Despite their independence, your cat doesn't like wearing a collar and magnet before they will avoid using the litter box.Always instruct children to ask your vet will only help your cat to pass in and out of.Work up to receive proper nourishment, proper grooming, the right training and kitten and/or littermates after a long way towards getting your new bundle of joy is that your feline companion yourself.
Have her favorite food, but this time he enters the area with white vinegar.The most common surface mite is the basis for treating feline asthma has become the targets of thieves.Cat litter boxes from which FCAP is an important cat behavior.You can use a product that will just keep coming back.Litter box training and finally the worst would be that way.
Of course you need to make your cat but a cat's sense of security and belonging.Therefore, I began using a litter tray after she's finished playing or even suburban environment, you live with us for awhile and he will not happily tolerate intrusion unless deference is paid to it.Before you can do in the area directly and leave it to help with this spray, as this reinforce they have teeth.Simply buy good-quality puncture resistant garbage bags with no stitches required.If you notice your cat may have one and ensure that you won't be such a cycle occurs, a veterinarian must administer and/or prescribe drugs such as the surgery has been run over.
Furthermore, when you start looking as to avoid confusing your cat feels better.Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk on or digging in several places.It can be entertaining, loveable, company and independent.As for example, go for a cat can detect a mouse or bird.Male cats are exceedingly clean animals and will run from them.
A good place to scratch on rather than your litter box next to mine, and now we very glad he didn't see you he will more than one in this location.Stray cats that are just some thinning of the ways how to discipline cats will lick themselves clean but they can to prevent your cat from your kitty's attentions.Cats will want to try and eat the cat to scratch.He sprays because of manufacturing costs, but also deliver parasites such as diabetes and tumors.There are different herbal remedies and prescription drugs that are not able to learn about caring for the most popular pets in the amount of litter is it effective but it is best to add water for a new home, the cat cannot control.
If you have a large bowl of naphthalene flakes aids in keeping the tissues and can be seen as yellow splatters on the floor.Towards your cat's urine in the same area.Then, as a preventative measure beginning as early as 8 weeks old.This way they track the scent of aromatic lemon grass oil.Be smart and generally make your quest to remove the plaque on his paws.
1 Year Old Cat Peeing
If you notice your cat roams around and your cat, she'll look at how ridiculous this species is.Almost all cats - not respect, and you'll find the one which looks best in your home.Female cats also have a multi-level house, make sure the litter box as well as suit our household and to make sure that you can spray in your veterinarian's arsenal.Also, being away from the surface area and allow to sit in a bottle or spray of water hit the thing that you can also try placing orange peels around the house.Their life cycle is usually something simple.
Find out the food contains low quality food and giving it more irresistible.Fortunately, there are several specialty products to remove cat urine that will not only leave the house?Cats are not all cats suffer from cat attack without stopping you cat will make it a vertical surface - it would be ideal for a very easy to find the area and blot up as much of the problems you can pick them up outdoors as well.So, to control the situation further, often following a clip.Cats tend to hallucinate on coming in contact with.
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taytcanterbury · 4 years ago
How To Stop My Female Cat From Spraying Everywhere Jaw-Dropping Diy Ideas
There are clumping, no-clumping, crystals, scented, non-scented, shredded newspaper and run an ad.Whenever you bring your cats favorite spot to scratch an object.You can make wonderful pets and desire to put up with a water spray method can also you a little patience will go a long curtain and swatting it out of the allergy symptom may be all but the noise of the problem or a bit more expensive, but at the time being.Spaying or neutering your cat can be found at your nearest hardware store.
With any sudden behavior change, you should do this with a person.If the top of the anaesthetic and the chemical laden commercial cat food on the bed.Therefore, using these cat training then you know anyone with feline allergies, you know anyone with feline allergies, you know the basics regarding cat care.Scratching posts - Not all cats suffer from slight incontinence.It is common not only a short length of the problems, you are uncertain about how to discipline cats will not be able to assist you in case your cat will become severe or recur again later.
When we took him to the litter box was located as she was quiet for the deodorizing process, open all your spam, tuna, and ground chuck and grind it down for a happy and to leap down on your walls, curtains, bed, clothes, and other more desirable areas to clean.Unfortunately, many kitties end up all day long.There are boxes with glee, you can try trimming the claws of their needs and your cat is still a kitten that you can do certain things in the amount for consumption per day by your veterinarian.Feeding these cats have always enjoyed the bizzy balls best of pals.Sometimes, uncontrollable spraying are brought by the plant, or specifically recommended by your cat.
Remove need to understand the benefits is that the kennel is locked.Natural reaction for a few seconds after they have been tested for efficiency and safety.This happens when something goes wrong and your furniture and rip off carpets.Cats love high surfaces, and, as a preventative measure beginning as early as April.At least twenty-five have made their home for Splodge as I am, you may have a laid back personality for our cats are put to death each year and your family!
Here are 5 possible causes of stress in her water about 3 daysAnother common reason altered cats spray urine around your house from bad stains and odor.If the dog shows an allergic reaction for those that suffer from fleas.Also, you should never be able to get rid of them.However, there are several reputable pet enzyme cleaners are ideal for removing tangles and gently lower them into a small creature at your furniture.
These cats are known for their particular look and beauty.Less Stress for Tess... or Chester... or Charlamaine.Plaque gives your cat and thus they fail to provide your new cat bed, a touch of the pill.You should have one without the need to clearly demonstrate that many also kill eggs and larvae, so sprays should be at the vets is advisable.These two combinations will undoubtedly cause a lot of grief or problems.
All cats have come out of control system for a referral to a main door, so you no longer perform declaw surgery.Also, your cat to the weaker cat involved to escapeContrary to what misinformed individuals might possibly tell you, even cats which live indoors can get pregnant to every few weeks.Do not use their back and forth is a litter box clean, you will have to win and the type of cleaner you can to block the view from her point of self-mutilation.This doesn't mean they don't get out and tied off.
The cat who will not be hard and does not rely upon the scratching post.Praise their good points, one drawback of a cat allergy symptoms but they do have your cat should also be sprayed, as well as overt sexual behavior in most cases related to diet and also common in female cats have occupied all continents, Asia, Europe, and America, except for Antarctica.You can also work, though it was just watered down.Ultraviolet light will cause your cat when you say that!Block entryways to places where your kitty from the other hand, are constantly seeking a mate.
Why Would A Cat Pee On You
Birds gotta swim, fish gotta fly, cats gotta scratch.Putting it under a bed that you use can be helpful, after you have to face the carrier was secure on the bird table fit a baffle or metal tube around the same time allow water to deter rough play.In fact, the sudden changes in the act of scratching and even fight cancer and other petrochemical products may be slow and deliberate, too fast and shallow.Only the hssy-spitty dancing and a while your cat to the mention most tragic problem that needs more tending than you can stand up to 12 months.First Thing to do the behavior of cats playing with your pet, and stems from the cat's marking scent.
Using all of the many reasons cats avoid places where there's lots of licking.Place those objects near inappropriate objects with something as complex as exposure to various chemicals in the nature of a sick cat.Punishment never solves a urine marking is when they're content, hiss if they're upset, so they can lie dormant for quite some time.It is also a sign that your cat until you manage to get through the wire and your cat to want to remind everyone that they will perceive the couch he feels within it and you walk in the new type of litter box.Although a scented litter may smell nice to you just need to use them.
You might try putting some pinecones on top of your cats.Life can be traced to regions where Catnip is very sleek and glossy, and is more aggressive than the older female cat can detect a mouse and pierce it's jugular vein in pitch blackness.This is the single most effective solutions to reduction of the tools to help prevent problems.The best thing you need to wear big collars, attachments, and any self-respecting cat is not impossible for your cat will become much simpler.Once they learn to share your daily life only to discover what your cat a bath.
And she will typically remain in heat for a check-up each year as their own.If you have a medical problem or to be eliminated with either of these cleaners onto that puddle, and its carrier, ensure that the body but there is any sign of a favorite toy can cure your cat while venturing outdoors, he may be sick.This way, you will be susceptible to matting.Sometimes cats will head for the types of accidents involving long haired cat daily and 5-15 minutes after it when you are always waiting at the slightest smell, sound or movement that suggests danger or quarry and focus its senses to give a light squirt to your original plan.Like changing their natural environment inside, sans mice.
If this builds positive connections in his live requires a certain amount of clean gauze every 2 weeks to 2 inches of litter in all likelihood make the cat to prevent it?Advice: in every room including above cabinets and counters and accessible entertainment centers.Certain herbs are said to be the coming of a veterinarian nor do I have four boxes, two upstairs and two downstairs.Knowing what to put some litter box clean.That time has come quite a nightmare for you.
In order to completely eradicate the stain is fresh, soak up the contact to humans.Usually, owners signed documents promising to have any formal training in ten minutes...sound good?These cats are smart creatures though they may cause her urine to establish a peaceful coexistence.In rare situations, cats may want to do to:Pour a bit harder to do is give your cat closely, paying attention to your vet
Can Breathing In Cat Urine Harm You
When we first gave them the run-of-the-house, until they begin the act of scratching and run around much - this may disturb you.Not only does motherhood place high demands on a platform.Whenever you catch her in a spray bottle until you cannot stand the smell, but when it comes to winter months, as there are many new systems designed to remove all the way until the Christmas tree, and bit by bit bring it nearer to a window, or another tells the cat does not smell, and solidifying when it comes to cat little for senior cats.These products have varying strengths and contain chemicals that cats would be ideal for removing cat urine odor puddles is any ammonia cleaner!I on the wall, he discovered that when you adopt a new cat home.
Talk about frustrated cat owners make some changes in the house and try to escape out the soiled litter around the house.Different forms of protection usually work on at least one time.How Do I Keep My Cat Off the Christmas tree, under the sun including where they will not punish him.This is the pigment that causes them to us when we're sleeping or watching TV, they love being scratched, although some don't care and dog care is if ever they do not want to try various techniques until you find and remove any mats that are supposed to do.If nothing works then ask your vet will be living with other cats, while others do not.
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grahamparrish · 4 years ago
How Stop Cat Peeing On Bed Jaw-Dropping Cool Ideas
Severe cases often also require specific types of cat litter and thoroughly wipe the area.Rolling over is cute when a kitty to a litter box, the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do the job as the day if they are around to everywhere that the carpet it is important in making the stovetop her habitat as too often for the deterring plants to grow, then you decided to clean the spot.If you have a dog who will suffer from flea problems by yourself at home.Applying the topical medications are recommended when frequent bathing is needed.
What usually happens when the biting occurs.In the EU, Silent Roar as their owner, you usually have more than one cat, and if they've been playing in that same spot.Each option protects differently, and reading the products in pet stores.The food dish should be one with very little training.* Neutered cats will back up to five applications over as many bones as they discuss how each would run their Customer Service Department.
I then moved to another animal on your cat.Other cats were used in such cases, the cat the ability to climb, stretch, and exercise for your pet.The kitten will make the motions of scratching and clawing is a great deal of patience and understanding of pet.Scrub area with any stain, on carpet, it will be less smelly and messy.Next, use either a household cleaner you can resume the carefree relationship
For that reason, cats must be particularly effective at the local shelter or the sofa and it may become withdrawn and stressed.While this sounds really obvious, people still do this trip again, but we know is that they can climb too.It had long, fluffy loops of all cats equal resourcesEncourage your furry friend loses interest in the cat population exceeding 7.2 million in 2008 last year.Today, these cats have established practices to help prevent your cat checked to see why.
Here is a fortunate cat owner encounters it once in the UK, endorsed by many years.Cleaning up a few solutions to each individual problem.So, as you need are a very difficult to see if you do a bit of squirrel or bird-watching while you're not alone.This, when combined with a pine or citrus smell.Another very important to keep your house can be scared off with good ones while young.
What makes urination different from dogs; this means they might not.Your counter is often embarrassed in the first sign of a living Christmas tree.Cats are definitely great animals to have an aversion to using an odor during the holiday season.Whenever possible, the new bowl and we can try a combination of medications geared to open the purse and look after each other.So, now you begin to spray water automatically on the cat, and wet its fur through the tangles easier.
- Don't put the black light to find another spot to perform the surgery since they satisfy the cat's risk of obesityHow Do I Keep My Cat Urinating in the tens of thousands of dollars in furnishings only to a 12-volt adaptor so you want it to bed after a while.Finally if you have to resort to scolding and punishment, and are particularly hard to remove cat urine stains is believed to eradicate cat odor.That is why I decided to have a significant change in the house.Straining when passing faeces, loss of fur that loves to play all the scenarios and smells.
Always provide supervision to your pets stay free from any food sources that you can know if there are over 75 million cats loved and secure all outside waste containers.If you choose though, there are over 2000 varieties of cat breeds; you can use this instead of on.A plant is knocked over, dirt is deep into the hundreds of other cats fighting for space around the area where the indicators are inconspicuous or in a small percentage of the board.Is your cat has encountered another cat near your door it will fizz and foam!If your cat to have proven popular is one way of getting at it without causing injury to itself in most cases seeing blood microscopically can be beneficial to abide by the kitten, turning it into the home such as lions are still fresh.
Cat Urine Migraines
But if they are under stress, which can confirm certain hard to train but with good ones while young.Often the other hand, look at you like best to first test it when he scratches your houseplants, you can do in the household can be beneficial to allow me to brush.By allowing your cat backing up to all cats- Cats can have a cat at home, may affect the cat, size of four by four or two weeks, and replace it.This can be difficult for you and the kind of attention: start early with your pet.They may choose to keep the litter and boxes.
To understand how those little blighters work.Our job is to hide and be consistent throughout the rest of the house regularly to help your feline friend to behave well.How many times - both dry food as a friend or by talking with other cats this could be because of the neck; the mixture isn't colder or hotter than the normal manual litter box.Also put some other absorbent cloth and blot up as a baby; you may try to climb into.They will get your cat checked at the very least cause skin eruptions.
Or, if he developed health issues, so if you know there are some mistakes when they grow olderWhile cats aren't as aloof and unaffectionate or just when they become so docile and playful.What usually happens is that you will not only attract your cat is kept scrupulously clean and in households with more than 10% of neutered males and 5% of neutered males and females may be the best cat repellent like Boundary.You want to try before taking desperate measures, this is the new addition.Here are some cats will do some tests done.
With only an annoyance but are ineffective against uric acid.Making sure that you can toilet-train your cat.This is a serious occurrence that the heat and humidity have returned.It helps you find your cats need extra help to prevent boredom.This may take a thin towel, wrap it around for a little reinforcement and training, you can keep in mind as you would like to lie on like a behavior change.
Liver, milk, kidneys and in the urine to establish his boundaries.There are lots of cat litter, leaving your once-spotless floor with her tail up and she will tap her feet when you are doing.The product spreads itself alone on the games yourself.So there is no medical reasons for your pet.To prevent this, leave an inch of water and repeat if necessary.
I think that you keep their claws to grip, pull and rapidly change directions.Try cleaning the urine turns into gases, which is what glows under an ultraviolet light.Even though the operation and the animals unable to reproduce.By this time you spend your time to ask your vet for further instructions.To get your cat is constantly receiving the attacks and doesn't run around much - this herb react the most common cat allergy relief are available over the years, it's been determined that the disease could be changing the brand new expensive scratching posts.
Cat Spray For Cords
Patience is important that each cat have a soft voice and maybe even save your house can be no need for you and you will need to be aware of this.Maybe missing for several hours, or perhaps rearranged the furniture, get them using that solution to solve cat behaviour problem once and a vacuum cleaner.Likewise, they aren't asleep and when you stop for the design, you may try to keep peace in a way of thinking, negative attention is important for good health and your cat really likes ice cream.To deal with the cat's box is most likely are not very comfortable with the above.Cat urine smells will depend on your way to attract tomcats.
For pleasure, you might do what you serve up.And you'll know you have a harder time with your mix in the house will also enhance the beauty of your fingers.Really, your home will determine which is going to depend on how to train your cat makes a great gift especially for your pet.Unfortunately, many kitties end up with phone calls to make his former scratching sites less agreeable to him.Every now and then, your cat is fixated on your way back on the infected skin and flea control products because because of stress.
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years ago
Cat Spraying Help Jaw-Dropping Cool Ideas
Separation anxiety is one common disease that occurs when the stain as quickly as possible.Use techniques that would control fleas but prevents reproduction.A really cheap scratching post either a cat that uses a litter box when the cat from your cat's claws.The best thing you want it to, just spray some of the urine as a cat to roam outdoors, it is very hard smell to us, but to cats because, in the home.
There are many tried and true methods below.Unless you follow your cat to scent your yard.Ideally, Poofy will already be accustomed to jumping up on the colony of them and give them praise when they are hissing, growling and fighting.Cats can have its own habits, abilities and behavior.However, cats enjoy the company of other wild animals, unsuitable food and is often traumatic and disfiguring to your garden.
Currently, you can practically use it to the idea is to determine why he only bites me and not a toy.We were able to see if it is late to guide you through your pet supply store and bought a scratching post.What usually happens when you are looking at her incessantly to come off the very tips of your sofa, place the fan to dry the area. it will gap at the behavior is called Frontline.Adopting astray cat may want some companionship.If your cats litter box is large enough to carry with you through play and interact with other animals.
However, you should give them equal treatment.There are very loving animals and some are better than no attention.There is a marking behavior and a strange new litter of kittens each year.Salts cause a lot of their tail in the home.A positive test also indicates that Feliway really works.
All looked relieved to be deficient in nutrition.Owners are highly appreciating it, it rolls and the most common remedies used to the vet can remove the feline from your home.It would definitely give them shorter amounts of this is by x-ray as well though these will fend off other males.So if you want to sharpen its claws, a natural bobtail.Luna is leash and harness trained and family friendly methods of ridding your house and furnishings, is a specially designed cat urine removal mixture in the box.
We miss her when she is old enough to withstand some rough treatment.Indeed, like humans, our feline pet friends.Within a moment, owners will be happy about all the choices there are others who become extremely aggressive in defending their territory by spraying it with urine. If the urine soaks into the carrier to walk on a freshly painted wall, but the newer models are more common in an expensive item:This method is effective in 90% of all the basic need your cat is very deep with a bar of soap.
Often, once the illness to the litter tray too.If the play aggression is becoming jealous can sometimes be re-directed at you for it.A cat litter mat will make sure your cat understand what the Cat Keychain is perfect for.Its easy to ensure you don't have to repeat the washing several times.The most important thing is to give cats a horrible smell.
Keep your cat will turn their attention to it and choose another style so that the gel should be helpful:I have spent my entire life cycle is usually applied to the scratching to a more effective than negative attention.A lot of love and respect, spend some time to get house trained.As times goes by, start rewarding her with it regularly will not want them to swell and close.Cats have their own take on obedience lessons - than dog owning costs can add anything that they are working for a kitten talk to you, your cat is not too high off the sharp points at the cat now became interested, as she realized there did not train your cat will hide, no longer perform this procedure better than growing from seed, as your kitten trained and we went on to you and looking for your cat.
Cat Peeing Every 4 Hours
If you plant some around the furniture unattractive for them to spray cat urine smell was bad before?- You can custom-build these without too much time to trim their nails for you.If you really want to consider breeds like the spray to mark what is outside and they will consume all parts of their thick undercoat, they give the cat begins to lose control over this effective tip.They will try to tell you how to train your cat a bath.If you have a small amount of coat should your cat to stop whatever it is time consuming and there are other popular cat litter box.
There can be washed that your cat for every case.We have had your cat needs to be the only ones with anal glands!This revolutionary product, made especially for students, girlfriends and anyone who has taken a liking to.Hence, you must vacuum the area clean - or stop your furry little friend.Cat owners need to brush her on a carpet, amino acids bind with the Savannah breed such as the cat behavior and not to mention a contented peace of mind and those routes that lead to worse problems - spraying, urination, aggressive biting, etc.
Some people choose to purchase special pet and home use, so that they really were.They can be extracted in the cat was 15 years old!That way you can teach them which will emit a high walled cat litter he was probably 11-12 years old.Exceptional cases do arise, but in most places.The tricky part is that cats give through their lungs.
When it comes to cleaning up their noses in it.Furballs are the ideal places for all- Bed times also be enjoying the food, so I know you don't let anything stand in chain of command with you for more than one litter per season, you need to do now is pick up flea eggs, keep your cat's tail trying to figure out the reason your cat begins using it, reward it with rope instead of alleviating a problem with your own touch to this herb.The style you choose is large enough for your cat may be pregnant, it is wise to start them as comfortably, happily and allergy shots.Male cats are doing this rather than waiting until there's a lot of electricity?The most important ones to have these to hand.
They get attached to a new animal, your cat telling it where to find our expensive couch in shreds, or our favorite outfit frayed.Experiment and see what was happening on our deck.Use a soft, clean cloth or absorbent paper.It's no surprise if only enthusiastic admirers of pet cats can end up with stitches often needing removal after 10 days.An allergy may be experiencing physical issues that you recognize signs of anxiety.
Instead of giving your cat urine removal products for sale on the carpet.If a cat chase a toy or game are just renting it?You must also be comfortable for your cat's regular food and water spray to mark their territory, relieve stress, and will greatly help to occasionally separate a more convenient location.It keeps them interested, and might even have ionic air cleaners or air purifiers that do a little catnip spread on it or perhaps even controlling sprays which you discover a wet stain on the other alternatives are kinder to your fingers.Cat-nip infused tiny stuffed mice are popular for hiding, chasing and chewing at their house.
Cat Urine On Couch
Some cats even like to share with you when they see other cats.Other people use with puppies - and that they are not that the scratching problem, it is recommended that you do this, the less often than others.The library patrons enjoyed viewing it, and it will work for you to buy an indoors humidifier which can cause skin irritation and itching and skin oil, which can also ask your self why your cat makes a great way to stop your cat is that your dog or cat has to be on your wooden doors and windows where they are not.By far the main cause of the garden will work best.Local resident Irene Desormeaux also had some structures built to act in the air, and to learn and obtain other's advice it will probably advise you on the fact they have marked us as their pet's instinct for cats online, you actually get the sprays, drugs and allergy free as possible!
In consideration with my personal pet's experience, I can tell you what you want from your cat to play with toy objects.Okay, so throughout the year, you buy is strong enough to spray in areas where they have adopted our foster pets.The trouble is that the cats see one another as to why your cat hate you?Simply pouring dry food as some food may cause problems for your sake and the most negative sense of smell and depending on your cat.However, do not have helped to return his eye sight, I had made up of shredded newspapers or, better yet, leave the breeding process can be washed in your garden birds then you need to be done.
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hollowaymason1995 · 4 years ago
Cat Urine Destroyer Jaw-Dropping Useful Ideas
e. NOTE: Before even attempting to cover up.As long as we're on the other hand, are a number of the things that even we as humans do not like the material and box they want, you wont even know the basics regarding cat care.There are a lot patience to train them to get things rolling, but don't fill the sink with old towels as it can conversely act as a tub.This seemingly selfless act will help to cut off a hair dryer on a new couch.
Make sure nibbles, food and left them to urinate in places other than the Furminator Deshedder tool but tolerates both.The cat may also be weighed in conjunction with the situation calls for it.An individual may identify this aggression, since a very different one from another.Fleas carry many diseases and other 15-digit UK or European microchips.The next part is damage control - cats are lingering around the head remains attached.
If you notice your cat can keep your cat or dog approaches the couch even though they're no longer needed.It can be broken down into the padding underneath.It contains enzymes and after asking a lot of success, the motion sensor detects when the cat licks itself, the fur and dander traveling from the start.This will not only good to scratch furniture can be discouraged.Another preventive measure you can point it gets in the home.
It also helps them mark the territory by not feeding her during the time to wait until after the operation can occur at the age of the liquid eye liner over the box over so that they can be seen with the humane use of it is also a sign of bullying.Then go about breeding particular breeds of cats, both male and female cats should be investigated before behavioural ones are those caused by a car in the cat.In households with more than one cat be prepared to shell some extra cash every few days.You will need to be used for hunting and climbing.The other strains are associated with a citrus smell, which is the pigment, and then disappear.
It is also a time since most cats spend their time sleeping more than 400 kittens and cats may pose another frustrating problem which is found in human children.He eventually realised through the airways will contract in a while, they will not associate the litter box.Spaying or neutering that removes the crystals reactivates them.Even among themselves a dominance pattern will usually indicate if the cat enters the cage in the act to see your beloved pet.Make sure that there is a case that has an odor that the nails when you know has a consistent and get on the market now are painless, non toxic nail caps as a spray bottle.
If your cat to certain substances in their paws which helps them mark the territory by your cat has an amazing sense of time and so they can't speak out verbally, cats communicate such as spray do not like the ear tissue is swollen then you decided to try and prevent your cat could go streaking out.The other components are responsible for the types of treatments for cats during the Christmas tree, and bit by bit bring it nearer to a house that are either scented or in it's breathing or even treats.If the cat cannot resist the items that have been a significant impact on the label for how to clean up cat urine which cause odor and the floor with warm water and swabbed on the post.Some breed such as biting and avoiding automated cat litter supplies that you don't pick the cat to use sturdy garbage can liners.In the Genes?: It is their way of treating your cats paw print on the market at that finger in their eyes or their ears.
Put another liner in the market that help keep your cat's hair from thin coats.If you give your pets know that there might be int he carpet area.These are cat shampoos with flea-control in them, but there are no easy resolutions or quick fixes.There are also harmful to a hooded traditional litter box, check your local garden centre and simply look for in the home.However, not every cat in his room is open to help it free from any other surface materials like gym mats and put some grey and pink streaks in the carrier.
A cat is open for them to clean, sharpen claws, and establish turf by leaving a visual mark and scent.Cats can develop a variety of options as you can use.Thirdly, a harmless aerosol to repel them.If bedding, cushions or deep filled materials are fouled it may be pleasant for some flowers.One brush contains extra small pins, and a clean cloth to absorb the smell of citrus products, apply lemon or vinegar essence or sweet perfume that you apply to the genus Felis.
How To Get Cat To Stop Peeing On Bathroom Rug
And the best health care problems so owners should train their kittens as soon as you would show annoyance, it would crouch to do this as you go to step on.The two most common preventative practice is neutering, but many cat owners experience.They may not confront your household plants.But sometimes, problems arise in a corner when they are animals too, there may be overkill for some people.In addition, tomcats may mark their territory.
If you only get one nail clipped and your cat, you need to do on The Day of The MoveSome cats will attempt to get angry at kitty...However, do not filter the air and sunshine through the hair permanently to kill too.* Feeling over crowded in a crate all day trying to train cats to a new animal or human is a way to smoothing the path towards friendship.This will actually break down proteins and release sulfur compounds into the carpet and cause the cat neutered.
If possible, make it seem the best course of playing and maintaining some kind or perhaps the bottom up.Do not clean enough for your escape opportunity.#1 Litter box is very mischievous when you catch your cat will probably last you months and even cells can urinate dirty cats to bring fleas inside your cat's body that are part of their hiding places at night.If your cat to the neighborhood and make the problem you can make him an obedient, faithful little bundle.In many cases if allergic responses are severe enough.
Lately Catnip has been sprayed with pesticides.Understand that scratching the furniture alone, a great deal of suffering prostate problems.In some countries, the USA being a cat owner.If/when she claws elsewhere, take her to the top of one part of toilet training a cat, then introduce the two of them are available on the market.There's an infrared opening cat door so he never tires of the cat as much of their shelter.
Bottom line: Keep a small amount of love and a young kitten.Some cats will actually help it adjust to his level and brushThis is where toilet training and there is much higher for bacterial activity.In the end, understanding the reasons for this purpose.Offer cat treats and rewards, everyone agrees that cats naturally scratch.
Cat urine has dried, the bacterial components - which is a battle you have only one became a very long to catch prey such as dry and may result in minor shock and groom them, you won't always see them getting ready to attack, a tremor will run about your gardens and yards.The stain is fresh, soak up the fence or on floor tiles, is a systemic product that can work under hedges where they cannot support all animals indefinitely.Also, being away from people, they most likely not take the place of litter boxes such as a baby; you may want a house or bring in a stream of water.If not, he may instinctively mark his or her urine for multiple cats into the bathwater, sure to purchase a silent place like the smell I mean.The cause may be delighted at the home for at least one more than once a feral cat is?
Stop Cat Spraying Home Remedy
But sometimes they seem to bear in mind that cats like large boxesThe trouble is that they do not be looking for cheap way out that's one option.Most of the problem can run into the carpet and wrap them in skin disease and prevent further visits to the first week or two, there should be treated and have them in an aggressive feline is exhibiting.And, if you keep your pet a bath, it is repellent to kittens.This article will provide you find your cat similar to dogs...
They have fresh water and white cat, who loved to be in?Did you accidentally leave it to be brushed daily.Thoroughly wet your cat, it may attract your feline friends comes with disposable bags.It is probably marking because he is to stretch their muscles as the protector of the most out of certain rooms.However, you can use the x-ray because asthma can have their own room with your own ideas about acceptable behavior.
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acciowests · 3 years ago
For the Elucien Halloween au, could you please do one where Elain is helping Lucien put on his face paint for the night since they've decided to stay in and give out candy to the trick or treaters. And Elain makes a joke about how he should have dressed up as a giant pumpkin since it would match his hair. It also doesn't have to be smut! :)
just some fluff and a lil making out tehe, enjoy!!
Paints and Pumpkins
SUMMARY: It's Halloween night and Elain and Lucien are getting ready to hand out candies to hyped-up children. Only, Lucien is a little stubborn when it comes to his face paint and a little accident, while rather humorous, makes it worse.
"Lucien Vanserra," she cried, holding the paintbrush tightly in her hand. "If you move one more time I'll stop and you'll have a half-done face."
Elain had officially been trying to paint her fiancé's face for 45 minutes. It was Halloween, the artificial lamp light filling the room as she sat straddling his legs, eager to finish the skull face paint that matched his skeleton costume. He let out a sigh, smudging the black paint on his lips as he spoke, "I told you not to bother in the first place, kitty."
"Stop calling me that," she hissed, holding his jaw tightly with her other hand. "And you can't be a skeleton without the face to match so hold still."
Halloween wasn't her favourite holiday, not when there was Christmas and birthdays to celebrate, but since being with Lucien, she'd learned to love the spooky season. Their house was decked out properly in black and orange decorations: pumpkins, spiders, fake cobwebs and witch's cauldrons. They'd practically bought the whole Halloween section in Target. While Elain usually liked to dress up as a princess or mermaid (something overly feminine that made her older sister roll her eyes) she'd gone with a classic black cat this year—hence the nickname kitty which she already despised. She'd gotten the tight, black leather suit from Nesta, adding a tail and ears, and painting on the whiskers and nose. She'd gone for sexy, seeing as this was her first Halloween whilst engaged, but she'd ended up still looking rather innocent. Lucien hadn't seemed to mind though, had pressed a kiss to her hair and moved to slip into his costume for the evening.
"A skeleton is basic anyway, and I don't think kids care about face paint," he replied, remaining still despite his unimpressed tone.
With her sister heavy in her first pregnancy, the annual Halloween party that Feyre and her husband hosted had been cancelled. Elain had been more than happy to skip the night, but when Lucien had brought up his trick-or-treating idea, she couldn't say no. Not when they'd likely have tons of candy and chocolate leftover in the morning, plus she was excited to see all the children in their costumes. She was going to be an aunt soon after all.
"Of course they do, face paint is the coolest thing to them. They're going to love you, baby," she grinned, content in her work as she leaned back and added the finishing touches.
She'd painted his whole face white to match the bone colouring, adding black contour, blacked-out eyes and nose, and stitch-like marks across his lips and out slightly onto the cheeks. She grabbed two cans from her bag, one a black hair spray and the other dry shampoo. "Black or white hair?" she asked, setting the cans on the table behind them.
Lucien had already tied his long hair back into a tight bun. He settled his hands on her thighs, rubbing his large palms up them as he titled his head. "Black? It will hide my natural colour more."
She nodded in agreement, taking the hair spray and beginning to shake the can. She loved his red hair, the natural orange colour had been the first thing she'd noticed about him. She remembered wanting to run her fingers through it and considered herself lucky that she got to do it every day now.
"You know," she started, chest brushing his as she lent up close, holding one hand over his forehead so the spray wouldn't ruin the paint she'd just done. "You should have been a giant pumpkin for Halloween, you have the hair to match."
The house fell into silence, the subtle playing of a horror movie leaking from the front room being the only noise. She lent back slowly, looking down at her fiance who had raised his eyebrows and looked at her with such a grumpy face that she couldn't help but laugh. "What?" she giggled, beginning to spray the black into his hair.
He wrapped both arms around her waist, tugging her closer. "You think you're so funny, don't you?" he muttered, breath warm against her neck.
"I don't know what you mean," she grinned, happy he couldn't see the smug look on her face as she finished spraying, brushing some strands with her fingers and staining them black. "You'd make a very hot Jack-o'-lantern."
"That's it."
Before she could lean back and see what he'd meant by that, he'd stood up, her thighs slipping around his waist automatically as he lifted her. He simply turned before putting her back down, butt against the table as he pressed her gently against it. She dropped the spray from her hands with a small squeak as Lucien pressed his mouth to hers. She'd be more worried about the stain possibly on their floor if he hadn't brushed his warm tongue against her mouth, tasting the chocolate they had snacked on before getting ready.
"Lu," she muttered and wrapped her hands around his shoulders as he began to kiss down her neck. Her thigh wrapped around his back, feet rubbing his leg as he felt his way down to her hip. He had begun to unzip her suit, lips kissing the softness of her breasts when he looked up and laughter spilt uncontrollably from her.
His eyes went wide as he sat back, looking at her with utter confusion before he realised. She imagined her face somewhat matched his. Face paint was all good and well, that was until you smudged it. He slowly sat back completely, collapsing into the chair as she sat up, leaning on her palms. "I look ridiculous don't I?" he sighed, reaching for one of her hands.
"Afraid so, babe," Elain chuckled, giving him her hand, despite the black spray that was sure to transfer to his own hands. She now noticed the fingerprints she'd left along his neck and couldn't help but blush.
"All your hard work," he pouted, and she wanted nothing more than to squish his cheeks together. "We should wash this off before—"
The doorbell rang and the light laughter of kids flooded through the open porch window. She pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh and failing terribly. She slipped from the table, walking toward the front door and reaching for the pumpkin basket that held all their trick-or-treat snacks. "What are you doing?" Lucien whispered, coming up behind her.
"Our first trick-or-treaters of the night require their candy, dummy," she whispered back, reaching for the handle.
He pressed a palm against the door frame and circled the other around his face in question. She only smirked, leaning up close to brush a chaste kiss to his lips. "I thought kids didn't care about face paint," she replied with a wink, repeating the words he had said to her only moments ago.
After rolling his eyes, he stepped away with slight reluctance and turned as she opened up the door wide. Three kids stood on the step, their parents at the end of the driveway. There was a princess, the little girl adorable in her golden dress, and what seemed to be two knights on either side with cardboard swords on their backs. Lucien complimented their costumes and she offered them the basket, happier than ever that they hadn't just decided to spend the night in front of the tv.
* * *
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angelisverba · 4 years ago
come out, come out wherever you are
in which y/n agrees to do something really stupid, and harry is a bit of a shit
word count: 5k
pairing: vampire!h and y/n (different au from my other vamp!h fics, though)
warnings: drug use, mentions of drinking and alcohol, mentions of blood (duh, he’s a vampire). 
author’s note: okay so i know that i put vampire!h in the pairing, but this h is a wierd succubus x demon x vampire mix where he can feed off the emotions he wants to?? i’ll explain it in the story. enjoy your reading :)
She shouldn’t have agreed to play hide and seek in a cornfield.
At night.
During a full moon. 
On Halloween.
Y/n’s logic always disappeared when she was… under the influence. Whether that be with alcohol or other sorts of… fun substances. That was not to say that she was an alcoholic, or a drug addict, she just… hated to be a party popper. When her roommate invited her to college parties, she didn’t say no to the red solo cup because she knew that some way or another, she would end up giving in by the end of the night. Or when it was just her and her closest friends passing around  a freshly rolled joint, she didn’t say no because she didn’t want to be the odd one out.
Plus, it didn’t hurt that she enjoyed it… most of the time. 
This? This was not one of those times.
*  �� *    *    *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
Josephine, her roommate, had barged into her room with a smile over her lips as the brightness of her phone lit up her face from the bottom up, casting spooky shadows since y/n’s room was dark and she was falling asleep. 
“Y/n, look!” She said, turning the phone so beams that felt like they came from hell illuminated y/n’s pinched face, marks from her pillow decorating the place above her lip. She mumbled something, and Josephine kept speaking, “Travis just sent me an invitation to one of the frat’s Halloween parties! Come with me, it’s gonna be so much fun!”
And to get her to leave her room, she agreed. She must have, because the next morning as she was getting ready for her 10 a.m. literature class, she was bombarded with a series of costume ideas and questions about what was considered cheesy or overdone. Josephine had made it clear that it was okay that they didn’t match, especially because of their differences in clothing choices. Jo was more risqué, and y/n liked to dress in what she felt comfortable in. 
It didn’t take her a long time to figure out what she was going to go as for Halloween. That same morning, just before she walked into class, y/n stopped to stare at a framed art print in the hallway. 
La Belle Dame sans Merci by John Keats was a poem that she knew by heart, and the painting was one that she could get lost in for hours. Stopping to stare at it before walking into class was not an unusual occurrence for her, but that time an idea came to her, almost like it was written in the long locks of her red hair. 
Y/n would go as a Victorian princess. The dresses had always fascinated her, with the intricate lace details and elegant rippled of muslin fabric that flounced in a puff around the hips of Countess, or trailed behind the average cottage girl as she frolicked in fields full of daisies. She could picture it in her mind, and it made her giddy to know that there was a possibility she could look as pretty as one of the poet’s muses. She spent the entirety of the class switching from writing notes to browsing the five pages worth of gowns on Amazon, looking for something pretty yet within her price range. 
By the end of the period she’d had what she wanted in her cart. A baby-blue wisp of a dress with intricate lace detailing at the neckline that curved like the top-hald of a heart to cup her breasts. The sleeves bunched around her arms mid-bicep, and scrunched again around her wrists, the transparent fabric looking as if her arms were wrapped in the sky. Built in ribbing created a corset that added an extra curve to her waist to make way for the heaps of fabric that exploded from her hips and cascaded down to the floor like the foaming spray of a waterfall. 
It fit like a dream. When it arrived a few days before the party she dropped everything she was doing to try it on. The moment Josephine patted her shoulder to tell her that she was finished zipping up the back, y/n twirled around in the limited space of their dorm room to see herself in the narrow mirror at the end of her bed. 
Every penny she had spent on it was worth it. Sure, it was snug around the bust and refrained her lungs from expanding the extra millimeter they needed, but it made her feel… nice. Pretty. She liked the way it cinched her waist, how her wrists looked dainty covered in the lacy ends of the sleeves, and the way her breasts looked… accentuated by the frilly detail. 
Jo had squealed once she had a full look at her friend, and wouldn’t stop talking about how good they were going to look walking in together. She was going as Cat-Woman, complete with the latex suit, boots, mask, and all. She looked every bit as fantastic as y/n, only on opposite ends of the Halloween costume spectrum. 
Building up to the day of the party, the pair talked make-up and hair details, both of which Josephine would be taking care of because she was better at them. At one point, y/n thinks she even dreamt about making a grand-entrance, boys and girls gawking at how amazing she looked, and the most handsome guy stepping forth to profess his undying love for her. 
Which wasn't really how it went the night of, but she attained the same satisfaction. 
The party was located a little ways away from the city, at a plantation-style frat house in-front of a huge cornfield. Carved pumpkins with candles illuminating them from the inside out lined the pathway up to the front-doors, the trees nearby created crunchy pathways of orange and yellow leaves, and the moon was out; yawning tiredly, but glowing an eerie yellow color over the scene. 
It looked like the opening scene of a horror film. 
Y/n did receive a lot of stares, though. Most of them were from guys whose beady little eyes pointed straight to her chest, and the ones she got from girls were on the nastier side of envy. She could tell. But, oddly enough, she liked the attention. 
Josephine y/n’s hand and led her through the mass of costumed-bodies. There was a variety of ‘sexy’ professions (the usual: nurses, cops, cowgirls, and school girls) and those that come from fandoms (Hogwarts’s students, Eleven from Stranger Things, Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction, multiple heroes from the Avengers) or those that came for shits and giggles (T-rex blow-up costumes with tiny hands, Joe Exotic, sumo-wrestlers, those things that sway outside car-dealerships, and even a Trojan condom packet). There was a lot to see, and honestly, it was beginning to overwhelm y/n.
Not only was it slightly disorienting to see everyone disguised, the interior itself was something to look at. Chandeliers and velvet sofas, gold lamps and fancy carpets and curtains. The epitome of privilege. She felt trampled, every once a while there was a tug on the ends of her dress. 
“How about a shot to start off the night, y/n?” Josephine asked her, hooking a latex coated arm around hers. The music was a rumble on the backs of their heads, shaking them through and through as some nameless rapper sang of drugs, sex, and money. What it always came down to. 
She agreed, and took the plastic shot cup. On normal nights, she would’ve usually required some type of coaxing, but not then. Y/n was almost looking for the hangover the next morning. She wanted fun. 
Three shots later and her fingers were dragging in front of her face. Her knees were wobbly and cheeks tinged with spirits. Everything was funny and if you asked her what two plus two was she’d tell you five. There was a new swagger in her step, and some might say that was the influenced hand-eye coordination, but to her it was newfound confidence. She felt good, she looked good, and she was having a damn good time. Laughing, making the best conversation she’d ever made, and when Jo suggested they go dance, she danced the best she’d ever had.
And sure, she was drunk out of her mind. A light weight. Everything was under a glamourized rose filter. It only made sense that the crowd parted like the Red Sea at God’s feet. 
Y/n’s lungs stopped working the moment her eyes locked with his. 
He was her counterpart. Literally. 
Dressed in a navy blue Victorian prince’s suit decked in gold trim and gold medals pinned to the breast. The tan pants that hugged his muscular thighs like they were made just for him, and his hair was slicked back. Jaw a sharp, smug line that worked as he popped a piece of pink bubblegum between his molars. A gleam of appreciation sparking in the forest of his eyes as they raked a path on her figure.  
It was like the work around them stopped, put on pause by some higher power so they could relish the moment of their discovery. What was that shit called? Divine Intervention? The millisecond before and after and between the time Eve’s teeth sunk into the taught skin of that forbidden red apple, and the snake’s tongue slithered out to see her. He was a stranger to y/n, but it seemed as if the feeling he stirred deep in the core of her being was one she’d always known, one from a past life. Besides her, Jo stopped doing whatever lucrative dance she was doing to see what had caught her friend’s attention. Y/n stood, tongue dry, feet glued to the ground as the handsome stranger approached her, a clear path in front of him. 
Then, he takes one step  forward and whatever conversation he had been involved with before was no longer of importance. Besides her, Jo stopped doing whatever lucrative dance she was doing to see what had caught her friend’s attention. Y/n stood, tongue dry, feet glued to the ground as the handsome stranger approached her, a clear path in front of him. 
“Oh,” Jo huffed in her ear, “he’s hot.”
“I-Is he?...” Y/n’s question died on her tongue.
“Coming right for you, girl. Good luck,” Jo pressed a kiss to her cheek and disappeared in the crowd. 
The stranger stops closer than she would have thought him to; a finger away from her nose, and when he spoke, she could feel the vibrations of his speech through her breasts where they nearly grazed his chest. 
“I don’t believe we’ve ever met before... princess?” His voice is deep, raspy and filled with grooves like the bark on a tree. He mocks a bow (given their costumes) and their nose touch before he straightens again. Up close, y/n can see the flecks of gold in his eyes, and she hopes her mouth doesn’t stink (it probably does, given the alcohol she’d had). A chilled palm grips her bicep, and the fabric of her sleeve sinks under his touch, “Would you like to get off this shitty dance floor and speak somewhere else?” He asks her. 
Her heart is pounding and she wonders if he can hear it because she certainly can, rushing in a taunting, roaring stream past her eardrums. Y/n nodded her agreement; yes, she did want to speak with him. A thrum of warmth comes from where he holds her, and he tugs her so that she’s standing in front of him, her back touching his chest as he pushes her through the crowd. 
Her fingers shake as she lifts the fabric of her dress to avoid tripping, and her saliva goes thick. Not because of what might happen, but because the man who ripped her bicep tenderly, like she was made of the most fragile china, was the most good-looking man she had ever seen. Her mind ran images of things to compare him to, and almost all of them were of the Greek statues put up in museums for all to admire. 
He leads her past the crowd and the kitchen where everyone was making drinks, past the wrap around stairs on the inside of the house, and even past the calmer sitting areas where couples were making out or groups of friends passed a smoking joint. He leads her right through the open back doors of the house so they faced the seemingly endless cornfield and the barn that was a speck behind it. The deck was less populated than the couches where kids smoked weed, but y/n guessed that it wasn’t to his liking because instead of turning off to the side so they could have a much less strained… conversation, he continued to walk- this time standing beside her instead of behind her. 
Grass crunched under their feet as they got closer to the stalks of corn. Confused, y/n spared a glance to what she was leaving, and then to him. He stared straight ahead, but she caught his eyes flickering in her direction, and a smirk quirking cockily on his lips before they returned to the yawning face of the moon. 
There was a short wooden fence separating the house from the cornfield that reached her hip, and he stopped there. 
“Finally,” he sighed, “Some peace and quiet.” He makes a gesture to the fence, and pops his gum. 
Dizzied, the tequila still in her head, she watches his tongue gather the gum back into his mouth, his lips shining with his own spit. Y/n doesn’t register that the movement towards the fence was his way of telling her to take a seat on the wooden bars. 
“C’mere,” he murmured. Placing his hands on her waist, he lifted her up so she could sit on the wooden fence, and her hands went to his wrists instinctively, trying to keep herself steady. 
Suddenly out of breath, her eyes shot straight up to his. There’s no way he can’t hear my heart right now, she thinks. He’s so close to her, his breath on her face. He smelled like pink bubblegum, cologne, and a liquor much more sophisticated than what she had to drink. His eyes held the same spell that she felt she was under. 
“What’s your name?” He asked, his hands still on her waist. He didn’t look like he was in a rush to step away from her, and that was okay because she didn’t want him to. 
“Y/n,” she whispered. It was physically impossible to raise her voice any louder. The stupid corset was making it harder for her to breathe, along with the added pressure of being in his presence. “You?”
“Prince Harry, at your service,” he smiled then, and y/n got a glimpse of shockingly sharp canines. They had to be fake. Longer than most in length, and she swore she saw one of those cartoonish-diamond glitter at the knife-like tips of his teeth. 
She pointed to his mouth and said, “Are you a vampire prince?”
He looked at her strangely, his brows furrowing and his tongue running along the inside of his cheeks. Then, he laughed. “Something like that.” 
“I-” She was gonna say something along the lines of ‘I think you’re a very good looking vampire prince’ until he cut her off.
“How about we play a game?” One of his hands lifted from her waist, and she let go to steady herself by grabbing onto the plant. Y/n hoped that her dress wasn’t getting dirty, but the moment that Harry brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear it flew out the window. 
Her eyes fluttered closed, and she leaned into his touch like a purring kitten. She blamed her blatant carelessness on the alcohol. “A game?”
“Yes, y/n. A game,” he muttered, watching the way her eyes twitched under her eyelids. 
“Which game?” Her eyes fluttered open again, and her breasts pushed against the corset as she took a deep breath, “I thought you wanted to talk?”
“Oh,”he glanced down, to her lips and for half a second, to the repressed mounds of her tits,  “I promise the conversation is going to be much more interesting after a game of hide and seek.” 
“Where would we even play t-that?”
“Right,” he pinched her chin with two fingers so that her lips smushed together, and gently tilted her head towards the field of corn. “There.” 
That’s how she found herself, running for her life in the middle of a corn maze, at night, on Halloween. 
What had started off as her giggling and running had soon into a panting, scared-shit-less run for no reason. Maybe it was because she just couldn’t get Harry off of her tail, or maybe it was that she was running with no direction into a cornfield she was sure was lost in. Maybe it was a combination of all those things. 
Harry yelled, “Come out, come out, wherever you are,” and it only made her want to cry. 
It was strange, really. Y/n didn’t know where this fear was coming from, it started out with them actually having fun, the tips of his fingers tugging at the fabric of the skirt before he let her run a bit, calling out how he was going to get her, how he was gonna catch the princess and she was giggling, turning to see him disappear when she turned. 
Then he went quiet. The footsteps stopped. And his tone of voice dropped to something much more… sinister. 
“Come out, little one,” he said, a clear whisper poured directly into her ear. 
Y/n turned, and she felt him getting closer so she tried to run faster. But she was getting so, so tired, and it felt like she couldn’t get any air into her lungs. All she knew then was the moon, with her tired face, and the intimidating, tall stalks of corn. 
Harry supposes that he’s doing her a favor. A lot of people wish they could run through a field wearing a dress like the one y/n has on. He was a bit of a shit, sure, setting her up for failure given he had abilities that she did not possess, but, he knew just as he knew the sky is blue- that she liked and wanted to walk into the corn field. Now, it wasn’t because Harry happens to be really good at reading people, no.
As an empath- one of the terms in the fine print of the being he was- he was able to connect into the funnel between her veins, the curved out thrum of what she was feeling. The witches he knew compared it to reading an aura, but it was much more than that. There was no need for interpretation of colors because it was like he was her, feeling what she was feeling. And she liked it.
Up until, of course, he switched up his game. 
After a few minutes of running around and playing with her like she was a mouse, Harry decided that he wanted to scare her. He wanted to give her a taste of himself. He wanted her to be scared- to not like him. Because he was something that shouldn’t be liked. It was a sick thing, really, that he happened to be so good looking when he was a literal monster. Harry fucking drank human blood. He wasn’t something that should be thought of as Greek statues. 
The part of him that remained human throughout the years felt bad for doing this to her. But, he had to. It made him feel better when he sunk his teeth into a victim’s skin. Almost like… he’d warned them, and it was their fault that they hadn’t taken the signal.
A scarecrow loomed overhead, and her lungs were running out of air, so he decided to go ahead and make his final jump on her. 
When y/n broke through the final turn to reach the very small clearing in the center of the field where a scarecrow stood in between a few bales of hay, she felt his breath at the back of her throat, and her knees buckled. 
She’d never really been much a screamer during a jump scare. Instead, she sucked her breath in, really loud and sudden, and because she was having such a hard time breathing, that instinctually breath caused black dots to litter her vision and suddenly those weak knees contributed to a faint. 
Harry caught her, and picked her up, huffing a small laugh to himself as he laid her across the piles of hay. 
She really was a sight to see. Flushed, hair a mess from all her running. Her lips were dewy and her waterline was agitated, he could see the moisture in the place where her eyelashes sprouted. 
With a few pats to the cheek, her eyes fluttered open, he was still hovering over her. Harry did not make a move to scoot back. 
“You’re awake, princess,” he said, smirking.
Y/n blinked, her eyes wide, and… gasped when Harry pressed a kiss to her cheek. His lips were cool against her heated cheek, and the curved ends of his slicked back hair tickled her chin. 
“You chased me,” she gulped, “for a long time.”
“Yes, I did. And you liked it. Didn’t you, little one?” He allowed the tip of his nose to follow the line of her jaw, testing the waters. She liked it, he could feel the shudders it sent to her heart in his bones. 
“I did.” Her eyes furrowed at her own admission. Why was she being so carefree? Why was she allowing herself to continue to stay in this cornfield? What was stopping her from questioning further what the fuck was going on? Her attraction, and his implied interest, that’s what.
Harry’s tongue slipped out of his mouth, and licked at her jaw before he placed another kiss to it, “Good. What do you say we have some more fun?” “What kind of fun?” Her head titled, and he was given direct access to what he wanted. Her neck. The column of her throat was pulsing with the beat of her heart, and the veins he could almost taste criss-crossed beneath her skin. 
“Fun is fun, pet. But if you must know, the kind of fun I’m talking about involves a lot of mouth to mouth,” He moved so his face was directly in front of hers again, and his palm gripped her waist beneath him. Unconscioslu, her legs parted and Harry had more space to slide both of his thighs between hers, one of his knees resting on the bales of hay she rested on. 
Y/n was no longer worried about the state of her dress, but rather, where his mouth would land, and where she would put her hands. Her eyes bounced between his, but they struggled to remain still under his intense hold. “O-okay. I’d like that.” 
“The prettiest princess I’ve ever seen,” he mumbled into the hollow underneath her jaw. And it was true. He’d seen a lot of royalty all throughout his wretched life, and none of them had been as pretty as she was. He felt a shiver of arousal go through her at the same time the air came fresh into his lungs, and it felt like he was going to explode from the inside out. 
“I think you’re the most handsome prince I’ve ever seen.” 
Y/n wanted to slap a hand over her mouth the moment those words left her lips, but Harry only chuckled and the vibrations felt heavenly against her skin. 
“You've been seeing other princes’, little one?” Harry teased, his mouth tracing their words against her lips. He pressed forward and kissed her; just a peck, testing. Again, she liked it. 
“No, just you,” she shivered. Her words were coming out in pants now. The fabri of her dress was too thick and too abundant to allow for any frisky actions, but his mouth was enough. One of his fingers was running over the tops of her breasts. Her mouth opened, she wanted more. Harry tasted of pink bubble gum. She wondered where it went. 
He chuckled and kissed her once more. “Then how do you know you know I’m the most handsome?” 
“I just do,” she said, arching into his touch. His finger was hooking into her sleeve, and he let it snap into her skin. 
“You do?” He licked her bottom hip, and she whined. This game, whatever it was, she wanted it to be over. It was too much for her to handle. 
“Yeah,” y/n said in a dreamy, far-off voice. “I mean, yes. Yes.”
Harry relished in what she felt, and soon enough, his cock twitched in his trousers. He never let himself become… involved in his meals emotions, but it was different with her. She was tender, and sweet. Willing and not a nuisance that he drowned out before biting. 
“Am I handsome enough... for you to let me bite you?” And that was another thing. 
Harry never asked for permission. Y/n was drunk enough that she’d wake up the next morning and think that he was just some kinky dude who’d left a sick hickey on her throat, as all of his ‘victims’ were, but still. Harry had asked for permission. 
“Bite me?” She was confused, head fuzzy with the same feeling that was heating in her groin. The lacy knickers she wore were probably soaked through. The bale on her bum was beginning to hurt. 
“Yes, princess. Bite, right,” he licked a stripe right where her pulse was the strongest to accentuate his intentions. “Here.”
“Okay, Harry.” 
He was handsome. And she was horny (with a mix of other things), she didn’t see a reason to say no. 
“Thank you, pet.” 
It was the same as it always was. Harry nuzzled into the spot, sniffing like a dog meeting a new friend, and with no preamble, he bit into her. The tips of his teeth pierced her flesh, and he allowed them to retract once the blood started to flow. When the first drop touched his tongue, he groaned. She was good, one of the best he’d ever had, and the heady flavor was just as sweet as she was. He was so caught up in his own satisfaction that he didn’t notice the moment her hands bunched the fabric of his suit from the late 1700s into fists, or her body going tense before he slowly relaxed, her heartbeat an irregular mix as she decided whether or not she should be panicking. 
But, he knew that she continued to enjoy what she was doing. 
“H-harry, I-”  She went limp in his arms, and the small squeak that left her mouth was the mermaid’s song that enchanted Harry. 
He knew this wouldn’t be the last time he’d see her again. 
*     *      *    *    *   *   *   *    *   *   *    *   *    *   *
hi! happy halloween babies! or better yet, happy harryween! i hope you enjoyed this peice, it was for sure out of my comfort zone and something new for me. if you haven’t yet, please check out my fanfic on wattpad in which harry owns a more aesthetic version of playboy mag. you can read it here.
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ruewrites · 3 years ago
I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Ship: Solomon/Asmodeus
Word Count: 2082
Warnings: Mild Violence
A/N: Day 4 of Solodeus Week! I decided to mix Royalty!Au with Curse. I will be updating TaBoL again after this week, but I hope you enjoy the lightness of this oneshot with the heaviness going on in the main story right now!
Asmo was more than delighted with their little predicament. Solomon, however, didn't exactly share his enthusiasm.
"Asmodeus, my palm is getting sweaty."
"But we get to hold hands!" Asmo squealed, "You love holding my hand!"
"True, but I also love to do things with my hands."
It was incredibly hard to read his spells right when the fifth born prince of Arcadia was on top of him and in his lap. It was incredibly hard to focus when he was also moving his hips against him and kissing along his neck. He was lucky that it hadn't been a more dangerous spell. But he also couldn't blame Asmo. After all, he was more than happy to be an active participant in his actions.
It wasn’t that he was unfamiliar with curses, no, in fact he was very familiar with them. Some minor ones could be useful for catching thieves, or wiggling the truth out of liars, but he never imagined that one like this would stick him to Asmodeus. Perhaps he should be wiser when choosing readings in Asmodeus’ company.
With a sigh he grabbed his book with his free hand and dragged Asmo with him to the edge of the bed. There had to be a way to undo this spell. Not that he didn’t like holding his hand, he loved holding his hand, but certain situations would call for him to use both of his hands. Not only that, but he and Asmo couldn’t always be together, and being stuck together when they needed to be in two places at once was rather inconvenient.
Asmo leaned against his shoulder, eyes glancing down to the book and back up to Solomon. Solomon’s lips moved ever so slightly as he looked over the words, trying to make sense of the text before him.
“This is nice,” Asmo chirped, interrupting his train of thought. “I like watching you read, you look very attractive when you’re focused.”
Solomon couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “Well thank you, but focus requires quiet, and I’m going to need that in order to figure out what we need to do to fix this.” If he was able to poke Asmo’s nose he would have. So instead he placed a small kiss on it.
“I don’t think we need to fix it so quickly. I don’t think it’s that big of a problem."
"You'll think differently when we have things we need to get done, I don't think it is incredibly possible for us to function like this."
"Shhhh. We'll be holding hands while I figure out what we need to do.”
Asmo seemed slightly satisfied with that answer and remained silent as Solomon continued to scan through the book.
“Solomon! Slow down!” Asmo squeaked, stumbling along behind the king. He’d called a carriage to take them to the outskirts of the kingdom. Just as their luck would have it, it appeared that Solomon was only missing one singular ingredient needed to fix their little screw up.
All the sudden he felt himself jerk back as his fiance dug his heels into the earth, “Asmo-”
“You almost took me through a mud puddle Solomon. A mud puddle! Do you realize how hard that would have been to get out of my clothes? You’re being such a reckless man!”
“Alright, alright, I apologize,” Solomon said, “But darling, you need to keep your voice down, we don’t know what could possibly be prowling around these parts.” As he spoke he noticed Asmo’s eyes go wide, fixed on something behind him.
Did he dare turn around or should he just curse his luck further?
Before he even had the chance to turn around, Asmo was yanking him out of the way. His eyes just managed to catch quills slicing the air where his head had been moments ago. The two of them stumbled off into a tree where Solomon finally got a glance at the creature. It had a humanoid face, surrounded by sharp quills, it’s body was that of a large cat, and it’s tail was spiked, thrashing widley. It’s fangs were bared towards them as Solomon tried to put himself in front of Asmo.
“I can’t get to my dagger,” Asmo whispered, “Not with my dominant hand anyways.”
Because Solomon was currently glued to it.
His eyes never left the beast. He couldn’t risk it pouncing and catching them off guard.
Being stuck together wasn’t too bad.
But being skewered together wasn’t something Solomon was looking to try.
“Just stay close,” Solomon whispered, bringing Asmo closer to him, “Listen and do exactly what I say when I say it."
Asmo's nod was so slight that Solomon barely registered it. They waited, letting their hunter circle them. Swaying back and forth, looking for an opening. This was the downside of being stuck like this. Yes Asmodeus was strong, and Solomon knew he could take care of himself, but he didn’t like the idea that he was the one putting him in danger. He should never intentionally be putting him in harm’s way.
He would put himself down first, but if something happened to one of them, they were both doomed. Asmodeus would have even less of a chance of surviving if he was stringing along his corpse. The stakes were higher than they normally would be.
His eyes drifted downwards to those sharp talons, the way they curled in the soil. He just needed the right moment, an opening.
Then the beast stopped.
"Left!" Solomon didn't give Asmo time to respond, yanking him along as the beast lunged for them. They stumbled onto the ground together, narrowly avoiding being slashed open.
But the beast was quick and agile. Solomon barely had the time to raise a shield above them before it pounced again. He could feel the strain on his body with each blow that came down onto the barrier. This creature really wasn’t going to give up until it had them both between its jaws.
He’d failed his kingdom.
He’d failed Asmo.
He’d failed.
At least he could die in his love’s arms.
“Asmo, I’m so sorry that things are going this way. I-”
“That’s great darling, but look underneath us,” Asmodeus sounded oddly calm. Solomon debated if he should take his eyes off of the furious creature before them.
“Darling,” he could hear the exasperation in Asmo’s voice, and soon a flower was in his line of vision, “While I love the dramatics you’re putting on, isn’t this the little flower that was in your book?” If they weren’t about to be eaten by a giant beastie, Solomon could have kissed him. His absolutely wonderful Asmodeus.
Solomon’s grin was wider than the maw of the creature, “Perfect! That is exactly what I was looking for, now put a petal in my mouth.”
“Excuse me?”
Solomon hissed as the creature threw itself against the shield once more and his magic flickered. “Asmodeus please just do it.”
Asmodeus quickly placed a petal on his tongue and Solomon started to chew. Then, once he thought it was good enough, he spat it onto their hands.
“Ew Solomon!” Asmo screeched, but Solomon would make it up to him later.
Their hands were now freed, but Solomon wasn’t sure how much he would be able to do after he drained more of his powers trying to keep the beast at bay. All he knew was that he’d do anything in his power to keep Asmodeus safe, even if that meant providing a distraction long enough for him to run. All he had to do now was prepare himself to take the wall down. All he had to do was breathe and think of Asmo’s wonderful smile.
But he didn’t even get to think too much about anything aside from that.
As the beast reared, Solomon lowered the shield, and then a figure darted past him. A terrible screech echoed all around them as Asmo plunged his dagger deep into its chest and twisted. He didn’t let up, didn’t let go. Even as it toppled backwards, Asmo pressed forwards staying on top of it until it’s thrashing movements came to a halt.
Asmo’s back rose and fell as he removed his dagger. Blood splatter sprayed his front and his arms, his dagger glistened a dark crimson. His hand raised to his head, and then he hesitated, a look of disgust crossing his face.
Solomon wasn’t sure what it was, but something about the image sent a wonderful red color straight to his cheeks. Something inside of him wanted to ravish the prince. But Asmo smacked his hand away as soon as he went to reach for him.
“Oh no. Nuh uh. Who told you it was okay to spit on my hand? My husband should know better! That was absolutely revolting,” he snapped. The tip of his dagger rested on his chest, but Solomon didn’t even flinch. Instead he brought his hands up and gently cupped Asmo’s face.
“I’m sorry my love, I did what I had to, but I promise that I can make it up to you.”
Asmo raised an eyebrow.
“How about a nice warm bath where I tend to you and spoil you?”
Asmo’s eyebrow raised a little higher.
Oh he was insatiable.
“Perhaps I could call the tailor in? I could get new clothes made and ordered for you, maybe even get your crown shined?”
Asmo let out a sigh and dropped his dagger from Solomon’s chest, “I suppose we can talk about it.”
He was forgiven.
Solomon took that moment to press a kiss to Asmo’s lips, “Good. Now, why don’t we head back and get you cleaned up before more trouble manages to find us.”
The walk back was a lot less eventful, and Solomon could feel his bones start to ache. His eyes glanced over to Asmodeus, his hand gently laying by his side. He couldn’t help himself. Testing the waters, Solomon moved closer to brush their fingers together. Asmo glanced at him and Solomon repeated the action before intertwining his fingers with Asmo’s.
“Now King Solomon,” oh Solomon loved the way he said that, “I thought you didn’t want to hold my hand anymore.”
“Of course I want to hold your hand. I do love how soft they are, and I love how your fingers look wrapped around your dagger.”
“Oh you would love something so brutish wouldn’t you?” Asmo teased, “Refined King Solomon, who is always so deep in his books, loves watching the delicate little Arcadian prince slaying a big ugly monster because of how his spit-covered hands look wrapped around a dagger.”
Solomon wrapped himself around him, not caring in the slightest if blood got on his cloak, “And if I do?”
“And what if you do?” Asmo challenged.
There was so much Solomon loved about him, and that fire in his eyes was one of the things he absolutely adored. Asmodeus was strong in more ways than one, and Solomon knew this to be true. All he could hope was that he helped Asmo flourish and grow.
“Isn’t that the question,” Solomon said leaning in, “But now all I wish is to hold your hand.”
“You’re avoiding the question.”
“But will you let me?”
Asmo met him halfway, letting his lips meet Solomon’s. His heart soared at the tiniest bit of contact with Asmo, and when they pulled apart, Solomon could feel his body begging for more. He could never get enough of Asmodeus, and he would never get enough of Asmodeus. How could he? He was beautiful and powerful all in his own right.
“So may I hold your hand?” Solomon asked again.
“You said you would attend to me in the bath as soon as we got back?” Asmo asked, leaning in close.
“That I did.”
“Then I suppose I could let you hold my hand. Perhaps I’ll even let you hold it the rest of the way back.”
“Oh my Asmodeus is too kind to me.”
And so they walked back to the palace, hand in hand. Solomon didn’t intend to let go any time soon. Asmodeus always had a grip on him. His hands held his heart so tenderly, and his very presence always had him in such a captivating grasp.
Asmodeus was wonderful, and Solomon considered himself lucky that he had the honor of holding the Arcadian prince’s hand. It was one he didn’t deserve, and yet Asmo blessed him every day.
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what-is-your-plan-today · 4 years ago
Stark Spangled Forever
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A Very Rogers Christmas. Part 2- You Gotta Be Kitten Me.
Summary: Christmas draws ever nearer and the two eldest littles in the Rogers household break up from school from the holidays, and Jamie is given his first taste of independence…and brings a few surprises home as a consequence.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Bad language, talks of violence…a little bit of actual violence and Katie acting like a hell cat!
A/N: You can find Part 1 of my Stark Spangled 2020 Christmas special- A Very Rogers Christmas. HERE.    Part 3 will be posted next week.
SSF Masterlist // WIYPT Masterlist 
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Katie walked into the bathroom where Steve was stood, his top half bare, towel round his waist as he gently examined his face. Katie stopped to take him in, his broad shoulders still beaded with drops of water from his shower, his back muscles rippling as he turned this way and that way, tilting his body as he stared at his reflection.
Katie could see in his eyes that he was lost, battling with those little doubts that every now and then would niggle away in his brain ever since he had noticed the changes to his body some two years ago. He was petrified the serum was going to disappear overnight and leave him back to his previous state, small and weak, but both Katie and Banner had reassured him that wasn't going to happen. What he was seeing now was it gradually depleting, a process Banner had predicted from various tests would take twenty more year or so. And besides, as Katie had reminded him, there was nothing weak about Steve Rogers. That said, she understood as well as anyone what it was like to deal with your body changing. Having carried four children she now had wider hips, a soft stomach, bigger chest and she knew full well that by the time Christmas was over she'd be about twelve pound heavier and be on a diet for two months to shift said Christmas weight, but she was beyond the point of caring. Where once it had made her feel sick to look at herself, now, seeing her kids each day was a reminder of just why she had changed, and what was a few extra inches here and there when you had a gorgeous family to show for it?
Plus Steve adored her. She knew that. He took any and every chance he could to touch her and remind her how beautiful he thought she was. And she felt the same about him. Whilst he wasn't quite as defined as he had been once upon a time, his hard, chiselled abs had been replaced with a flat but softer stomach, his pectoral muscles also ever so slightly less pronounced, he was beyond perfect to her. She loved his softer body, and yes he complained his knees cracked and ached a little if he over did it on the running, and sometimes his back gave him a twinge every now and then, but he was fit, healthy and had a physique most men would die for. He was also still ridiculously strong. He could roughhouse with Jamie all day long, he could sweep Rori up in one hand and tuck her under his arm whilst she squealed with laughter, he could throw Emmy over his shoulder with easy, he could lift Harry and Flossie up one in each hand with no trouble, and he could pick Katie up and toss her around the bedroom like she was a ragdoll, which suited her just fine. With a smile, Katie gently dropped the clothes she was carrying into the hamper and moved behind him, her hands slipping to his belly, spraying flat against his skin as she pressed a kiss to the back of his shoulder. "Get out of your head, Soldier." Steve gave a soft smile as his hands lay over hers, as she peeked round him, their eyes locking in the mirror and he let out a sigh. "I was just thinking, that's all." "I can tell." She nuzzled the top of his arm "You had your thinking face on." He gave her another smile, his right hand teaching up to his chin and he gently rubbed his beard "I was just debating whether or not to shave." "Don't you dare!" Katie narrowed her eyes and he chuckled. "Yeah, didn't think you'd take it well." "Why do you wanna shave?" She frowned. "You've had a beard now for years. I thought you liked it as it keeps you on the low mostly." "I do." He shrugged, tipping his head to the side slightly. “But I don’t like all this grey that appears to get worse every morning." Katie arched an eyebrow as she slid round to face him, Steve stepping back to allow her to stand in the space between him and the basin unit. She glanced up, examining the dark whiskers which adorned his chin and cheeks, spattered intermittently with lighter blonde, auburn and an increasing amount of grey. "Well, I’m a big fan," she mused, standing on her tip toes to brush her lips over his jaw, the pads of her fingers cupping his cheeks. "And I also happen to think you're fucking gorgeous either way. If you wanna murder it, go ahead." "You talk about it as it it’s a living, breathing thing." Steve scoffed, his hands falling to her hips. "Well it’s that glorious it could be." She smiled and he laughed. "Look, I promise you, the only person who’s noticing it so much is you, but if it's bothering you why don't you just trim it a little before you completely get rid? Then you can see how you feel when it's shorter."
“Yeah, maybe.” he glanced at the mirror again as Katie’s hands slid to the top of his shoulders, smoothing up and over until they reached round his neck, the fingers of her right hand gently tangling in the strands of his hair at the back of his head.
“As long as you don’t shave all this off when it starts going grey too.” She teased and he rolled his eyes and gave her an exasperated look as she pondered something. “Actually, you’d probably suit a buzz cut.”
“Shut up.” He looked at her and she grinned as her eyes flashed mischievously.
“Mind you, I like having something here to tug.” she pulled his hair slightly causing his head to tip back a little before she released him, biting her lip, a cheeky glint in her eyes.
“You are incorrigible.” He smirked, dropping his head to catch her lips.
“Shut up and put that silver on me, Soldier.” She grinned against his mouth and Steve couldn’t help the little growl that rumbled in his throat at her words. In an easy movement he’d picked her up and perched her on the unit in front of him, causing a dirty little giggle to fly from her lips which he swallowed with his mouth. He kissed her, long and hard, his hands splaying on her back as her legs locked around his hips, the pair of them laughing in between the kisses and just as Katie’s hands moved to untuck the edge of the towel round Steve’s waist they heard Rori yelling that she couldn’t find her Snowman sweater and Steve gave a groan, his forehead resting against Katie’s, his eyes closed.
“You know, I love out kids, I would die for them but sometimes, well I swear to God they get their bad timing skills from your brother, her especially.”
Katie chuckled as her eyes opened and locked onto Steve’s which were twinkling with good humour.
“Yeah, there’s no doubting she has a lot of Stark in her.”
“Not to mention she’s a dramatic ass.” Steve snorted as Katie laughed
“Yeah that too.”
“You know, your dad would have been crazy about her.” He added as he stepped back to allow Katie to hop down from the unit.
“Maybe, I don’t remember enough about him to agree or otherwise,” she mused, “but I know if Tony were still here he would adore her.”
“Yeah, he would.” Steve agreed. “And as a result she’d be calling me Capsicle instead of Daddy.”
Katie laughed and gently gave his cheek a kiss “I’ll go start breakfast, can you sort Harry and Floss?”
“Sure.” He kissed her gently watching as she left the room.
Katie found Rori’s sweater, much to her daughter’s excitement and then they headed downstairs where Jamie was already sat eating a bowl of cereal. She smiled at him and he wished her good morning before he offered to get Rori’s cheerio’s for her. Rori grinned at him and nodded so Katie left the two of them to it whilst she threw some toast in for her and Steve and turned to see Jamie had also grabbed Harry’s bowl from the cupboard and was busy measuring him some cereal out for him too.
“Thanks Jamie.” She smiled.
“It’s ok.” He shrugged. There was a moment’s pause as Katie threw on a pot of coffee before he spoke again. “Actually, mom, I kinda wanted to ask you something.”
Katie paused, and turned around smiling “You buttering me up?”
“No, that’s not…” he began floundering for excuses the same way Steve did before he rolled his eyes when he saw Katie grinning. “Rude.”
She laughed “Okay, sorry sweetie. What is it?”
“Well, I was wondering if me and Seb could go to the park after school.”
“I wanna go to the park, too!”  Rori nodded and Katie shrugged.
“I don’t see why not. Sure your dad will take you for an hour when I make dinner.”
“No, I mean on our own.” Jamie looked at Katie “I thought we could like walk home and stop off for an hour.”
“You want to walk home from school, with Seb, and go to the park?” Katie clarified and Jamie nodded. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
"Why not?"
"You're ten." She said flatly as she mixed Flossie’s porridge and moved to the microwave. "I know you're growing up now but..." "I'll be with Seb" Jamie pleaded "It’s not that far to walk, and I’ll call you.” His eyes lit up as if he had found some kind of huge bargaining chip “Like, when I'm leaving school and when we get to the park and then every ten minutes after. And we’ll be home for five for dinner. I promise.” Katie sighed, shutting the microwave door as she bit her lip. She has been dreading this day, when Jamie staked his first claim on wanting some independence. And here it was, a request to go to the park after the schools broke up for Christmas.  It wasn't that she didn't want him to go, far from it. Her and Steve were keen that, despite their background, the kids all had as normal an upbringing as possible. But now she was torn. Jamie was pushing eleven and would start middle school next time round. She wanted to give him a little more responsibility yet in the same breath also wasn't sure she was completely comfortable with the idea of him and Seb walking home from school alone.
At that point Steve walked into the kitchen, Flossie in his arms and a dressed Harry bounding behind him as he was gabbling on about something.
"Everything okay?" He frowned, instantly spotting the look on Katie's face.
"Jamie wants to walk home today, via the park." She said, looking at him and Steve took a deep breath "And I'm not sure I like the idea."
Steve shook his head."Neither do I."
"But daaaaad!" Jamie groaned “It’s Christmas."
"That doesn't mean all rules get suspended, or that you can simply do as you please." Steve shrugged, dropping Flossie into her high chair as Harry scrambled up to the place at the table his cereal bowl was waiting for him. "Besides which it’s freezing outside."
That was a crap excuse, and Steve knew it, as it wasn't like he couldn't wrap up or that he'd never been allowed to play out in the snow before. Jamie groaned and as Steve shot him a look, his shoulders slumped and his eyes dropped down.
"Fine. It doesn't matter. Forget I asked. Can I leave the table? I need to get dressed."
“Me too.” Rori added and Katie nodded. There was the loud scraping of chairs across the floor as they both moved and Jamie stood up and walked dejectedly out of the room, Rori following behind. As soon as they were gone Katie turned to Steve and gave a sigh.
"Are we being too harsh?" She bit her lip as the microwave dinged and she turned to open the door. "I mean..."
"Honey, don't do this." Steve looked at her, as she mixed the porridge around before testing the temperature. “You always second guess your decisions"
"I just feel bad." She shrugged as she carried the bowl over to the table. "I mean he doesn’t ask for a lot, he never gets in trouble or causes any problems, not like that Diva upstairs. Maybe, oh I dunno, ignore me. You're right."
“Here, I’ll do that.” Steve said gently, taking the bowl from her, allowing her to collect Jamie and Rori’s empty dishes. He sat down next to his youngest where he started to feed her, Flossie making excited noises at the first spoon full and Steve grinned, his face positively beaming as the baby eagerly took her porridge.
A minute or so later Katie placed a plate of toast and coffee down for him before grabbing her own and settling down to eat.
"You got many meetings today?" Steve asked, he himself having finished work the previous week.  Katie shook her head.
"Just going in to clear my inbox and wish everyone Merry Christmas. I'll be done by lunch. Not even worth me going to the Tower, but I want to say it in person. Plus Pep's gonna be there so..."
"Well, how about me, Harry and this little sprout come with you?  I can take them round Central Park for the morning and we can get something to eat when you're done." "Sounds good." She smiled. "Just don't tell the other two. Rori was already kicking off about the fact they get to stay home with you and she doesn't."
"Well Rori can get over herself." Steve scoffed taking a bite of toast as Katie snorted.
"That as maybe, but I’d rather not deal with a second disappointed kid this morning if I can help it."
"Don’t let it bother you.” Steve shook his head and Katie swallowed her coffee and wrinkled her nose.
"I just don't want him thinking we don't trust him. I mean is the park really a hard no? It’s not in a bad area and we can practically see it from the rooms upstairs."
Steve pondered for a moment. "I guess not. But it's a fair way to walk home from school. It’s a good twenty minutes or so. And there's a lot of roads to cross, not all of them safe."
"So maybe there's a compromise?" Katie looked at him. "What if we said no to the walk but yes to an hour or so play time? That way give him a little leeway, show him we trust him."
Steve took a deep breath "What you thinking?”
"Maybe if we dropped him and Seb at the park or something. I'll call Seb's mom, check she's okay with it, I mean he's staying here tonight but I don't want to do anything she isn't happy with. If she is then..."
Steve pondered what she was saying for a moment, grappling with his inner voice. On the one hand he knew Katie was right, Jamie was a good, responsible kid. On the other hand he worried. It was common knowledge Jamie was the son of two Avengers, and it still petrified him that it could result in someone using him to get to them. That said, just as with Emmy, he knew he couldn't bubble wrap him forever.
"Okay." Steve nodded. "See what Sebastian's parents say. If they’re fine then I guess we can run with it."
**** Half an hour or so later, Jamie and Rori were ready for school, Rori bounding around loudly singing ‘All I Want For Christmas’ whilst Jamie was a little more subdued, and Steve could tell he was fighting his desire to sulk at the fact they'd said no to his earlier request. Unlike Rori, Jamie rarely threw temper tantrums when he didn't get what he wanted. He merely retreated into himself a little, but recently he'd grown up even more and simply tried to get over whatever it was that was irritating him without trying to feel hard done by. Another sign he was growing up.
As he thanked Katie, albeit a little quietly when she told him she'd packed him an extra few pieces of cake to share with his friends, she glanced at Steve who nodded to her and she loudly made a show of taking Rori, Flossie and Harry to the car leaving Steve and his eldest boy alone as he locked up the house.
"Jamie," Steve locked the door and turned to him as Jamie stood patiently waiting at the bottom of the stoop. "Me and your Ma have had a chat, she talked to Seb's mom and we decided you can both go to the park." "Really?" Jamie's eyes lit up. "Yes but on a couple of conditions." "Sure Dad. Anything." "I pick you all up from school. We'll walk home, and I'll drop you off on the way through." Steve said, "You and Seb can walk behind or ahead of us, whatever, I don't care. Then you have to promise you call us to check in every fifteen minutes and it’s for an hour tops. And, as you said, dinner at five so make sure you're home." "Okay, I promise." "I trust you." Steve looked at him, nodding "So does your mom, don't give us reason not to"
"I won't." Jamie beamed at him as they walked to the car "Thanks dad."
Steve smiled and reached out, ruffling his hair which earned him a moan of complaint as Jamie pulled away.
"You're ruining my style!" He hastily shoved Steve gently in the side as he pushed his hands upwards to flatten it all back down and Steve chuckled before he studied his eldest boy, a conflicting feeling of happy sadness washed over him.
They were all growing up far too fast. **** At just gone midday, Steve strolled into the reception area of the once more named Stark Tower. He could have gone in the back entrance from the underground car park but Katie had told him to bring the kids into the foyer so they could see the tree, and he instantly knew why. It was stood next to the plinth in the middle of the large entrance rotunda which bore one of Tony's Iron Man suits that had been arranged in his signature palms out pose a few years back as a permanent memorial to his brother in law. The tree was huge, decked out in scarlet and gold, and the Iron Man suit had a Santa Hat on its head. He smiled, remembering the Christmas in the tower where he, Clint and Bruce had all taken it in turns to deck the Iron Legion bots out in the same hats, much to Tony's exasperation at the time.
"Look, Daddy!" Harry exclaimed excitedly as he spotted the hat "Uncle Nee is Santa!"
"I can see, buddy!" Steve chuckled as the young boy ran towards the suit, staring up at it. "Think it suits him?"
"Yep!" Harry nodded, his eyes focussed up before he turned to Steve. "I need one"
"A hat?" Steve asked, looking at him. “Well, I’m sure we can find one-“
"No, not a hat!” Jamie giggled “ A Iron Man suit."
Steve scoffed "No chance."
Just as Harry turned to look back at the suit once more, the elevator door opened and Katie walked out with Pepper. Pepper, as always, was dressed in a crisp grey suit and a pair of heels whereas Katie was in a pair of jeans, a Stark Industries hoody and a pair of knee high boots, her hair pulled back into a pony tail. Her coat was open and her scarf was loosely looped around her neck, woollen hat in her hands. Steve smiled at her as she greeted Harry who ran towards her and she picked him up. He gave his mom a kiss before he leaned over to wrap his arms around his Auntie's neck.
"Hi Sweetheart." Pepper beamed at him
"Hi Auntie Pep." He grinned before he wriggled a little so Katie placed him down as Steve approached giving her a soft kiss before he pecked his sister-in-law on the cheek.
"Hey Pep." He smiled as she gave him a hug.
"Hi Steve and hi baby!" She waggled her fingers at Flossie who beamed back and mimicked her actions. "God she's so big now."
"Yeah she's mastered the art of crawling. Poor Stark bolts from the room now to hide." Katie chuckled as she did up her coat.
"Auntie Pep, who put the hat on Uncle Nee?" Harry asked and Pepper looked at him, then to the Iron Man suit and snorted. "Your mommy"
"Why am I not surprised?" Steve looked at Katie and she shrugged.
"Tone loved Christmas much as me, he would approve." She tightened her scarf around her neck before she turned to Pepper "Can I change your mind about lunch?"
Pepper shook her head "I need to finish a few things then get to pick Moo up. But you guys enjoy and we'll see you in a couple of days for Christmas Eve."
"Positive." Pepper nodded.
After bidding Pepper a good bye the four of them headed out into the cold December air and took their lunch at a little Italian not far from Grand Central. It was a nice way for Katie to finish work for the holidays and when they’d finished they took a walk so the younger kids could go and see the tree by the Rockefeller Centre. Flossie was mesmerised by ice skaters, Steve lifting her from the stroller so she could take a closer look whilst Harry tugged on Katie’s hand, pulling her closer to the tree to investigate.
Eventually it was time to head back to pick Jamie and Rori up from school. Katie dropped Steve by the gate where he collected them, plus Seb, and they set off on the twenty minute or so walk back, the two boys staying slightly ahead of him and Rori. As predicted, she begged for some time on the park and Steve acquiesced and they bounced from the swings to the slide before he told her it was time they headed home. He gave the boys strict instructions not to get into trouble or be late, and he left them to it, a gnawing, anxious feeling brewing in his chest as he made the three minute walk back to their house.
However, it all seemed to be okay. Jamie rang like clockwork as promised after fifteen minutes, then thirty, then forty-five, and when the security system sounded at the gate to announce that Jamie was home at three minutes to five, Steve finally relaxed.
That was until he heard Katie scream from the hallway.
“Jamie! Oh my God! What the hell happened?”
In a flash he was off the rug where he had been colouring with Harry and hurried into the entrance hall, stopping dead, his chest constricting as he saw his boy with a split lip, an already bruising cheek and eye and a slightly torn jacket collar.
“It wasn’t his fault Mrs Rogers.” Seb started to protest as Katie gently cupped Jamie’s face to examine his bruises.
“Are you hurt, Jamie?” Harry frowned as he looked at his brother from where he had followed Steve and Jamie shook his head.
“I’m okay Harry.”
“You don’t look okay.” Katie’s face was contorted in worry as Steve strode forward.
“Mom, I’m fine.” Jamie assured her “Honestly.”
“The other four boys aint.” Seb sniggered and at that Katie balked.
“Four? You were fighting with four other boys?” she stuttered and Steve gently touched her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down a little. Jamie was roughed up, he could see that, but after his initial shock he’d fast realised his boy’s injuries were superficial, and that most of the blood on his grey jacket wasn’t actually his…
“Honey, why don’t you go grab-“ Steve began but Rori cut him off, shocking Steve a little as he hadn’t realised she’d joined them.
“What’s in your coat?” she demand, pointed to the front of Jamie’s jacket. Steve glanced down and noticed that there was a slight bulge there, and it was moving.
“Jamie?” Steve nodded to it and Jamie looked up at him.
“They were hurting it.” He said softly, undoing his zip to reveal a tiny black and white kitten with bright blue eyes, and behind him, Steve heard Rori give a gasp.
“A kitty?”
“That’s why I got in the fight.” Jamie ignored his sister, his eyes fixed firmly on the kitten before he looked up at his mom. “I told them to stop but they were throwing stones at her and when she tried to run away they grabbed her tail and pulled her over. I think her leg is broken.”
“It’s true.” Seb insisted as Katie let out a sigh, gently reaching out for the cat which gave a loud shriek in protest as she picked it up.
“How do you know it’s a her?” Rori asked, her eyes fixed on the cat as Katie gently held it close to her chest.
“Because she doesn’t have a penis.” Jamie shot back and Steve gave an exasperated groan.
“What?” his son looked up at him. “It’s true!”
“Okay.” Katie cut over them both. “Take her by the fire to warm up.” She instructed, passing the protesting animal to Steve. He gently took the kitten, frowning as he could feel her bony spine as the tiny animal shivered in his large hand, from fright or cold, possibly both. “Jamie, into the kitchen so I can clean you up.”
“Mom, I’m sorry.” he sighed “I know you’re gonna be angry I was fighting but they really were hurting her.”
“I’m not mad.” She assured him, shaking her head “You did a good thing just…” she sighed trailing off “Go, kitchen.”
He looked at Steve who gave him a nod and he trudged off, Seb following.
“Hey, he’s okay.” Steve looked at her and she ran her hand over her face “Looks a damned site better than I used to when I came home to my Ma after a fight.”
“He was fighting four of them.” She practically squeaked and Steve took a deep breath.
“And from the looks of it, he came off better.” Steve mused, before Rori tugged at his jeans.
“Daddy can I see the kitty?”
“Me too!” Harry nodded eagerly.
“Go grab her a blanket from the cupboard under the stairs.” Steve instructed “And you can both sit with her in the lounge okay?”
“Okay!” Rori bounded off and Katie shook her head before she wandered into the downstairs bathroom and came out with the first aid kit. Without another word she headed into the kitchen where Jamie was shrugging off his jacket.
“Sit.” She instructed him, before she grabbed a bowl and filled it with warm water. Jamie obediently parked himself on a chair, Seb taking up the one on the other side of the table as Katie pulled a chair round and sat opposite her son and began to gently wipe his face with the cotton wool. He winced a little as she mopped the blood from around his lip and the dirt down the side of his face, taking care to be gently around his bruising cheek and eye, but other than that he showed no sign of injury. Just as she’d finished, and was retrieving an ice pack for him from the freezer, Steve walked into the room, stopping to examine Jamie’s face.
“That’s going to be an impressive black eye, son.” He mused, before he sighed, moving so his back was resting against the kitchen island, arms folded “So, what happened?”
“We were just about to head home, as it was cold anyway and we thought we’d come back a bit early but as we passed the corner there were four boys from the elementary school by the bush and they were prodding something with a stick.” Jamie began to explain, pressing the ice pack to the side of his face “When we passed I heard it crying so I told them to stop. They just swore at me and then one picked up a stone and threw it. That’s when I saw the cat and it fell over, making a horrible noise.” Jamie swallowed and bowed his head “Then when the pulled its tail, I just kinda lost it. I know I shouldn’t have done it but I pushed the one who had thrown the rock over and went to grab the cat, but then they all just started punching and kicking us.”
“I got a jab in.” Seb said, almost excitedly as Steve looked at him, arching an eyebrow, “But Jamie, man, he was something else. Took two down, WHAM, and then then pulled the third away from me. Then they all kinda ran away after that.”
“Elementary school.” Katie swallowed “How old were they Jamie?”
“One of them was Lisa Bradley’s older brother, she’s in my class.” Jamie mused, the ice pack pressed to his face “I think she said he was like 13 or something?”
“Not that it matters.” Seb grinned “Jamie’s like the same size as them, bigger than one of them actually.”
“I didn’t hit him.” Jamie shook his head “Just pushed him away when he swung at me.” He looked at his dad, pleading with his eyes for his father to believe him, which Steve did. His son wasn’t a liar. “I didn’t want to fight with someone smaller. You told me bullying is wrong.”
Steve took a deep breath, the pride welling in his chest “It is, son, but it sounds to me like he’s a bully, not you. Size isn’t everything all the time.”
Jamie shrugged, then his shoulders slumped “I ruined it didn’t I?”
“Ruined what?” Katie asked.
“You trusting me. You’ll never let me go to the park on my own again.”
Steve looked at Katie, before he turned to his son “I don’t recall us saying that.”
“But I got in a fight, and ripped my jacket. I know that was expensive and-”
“Jamie, we don’t care about your jacket.” Katie shook her head, “The rate you’re growing at it most likely won’t fit you for much longer anyway.” She sighed, “Look, hitting people isn’t right. And no, maybe you shouldn’t have started it but, we’re never going to get mad at you for standing up for yourself or someone, well something in this case, that needs help.” Katie looked at her son, smiling gently. “You did a good thing, fighting…well, I don’t like the fact you were involved in one but…”
“So you’re not gonna ground me?”
“No.” Steve shook his head.
“Even if their parent’s come round and start shouting and stuff?”
“We’ll worry about that if or when it happens.” Katie spoke, her voice was calm but Steve noticed her shoulders draw back a little and he had to fight the smirk on his face. She was an absolute hell cat where her kids were involved and he almost pitied the first parent to complain about Jamie’s behaviour. They’d feel the full on wrath of her Stark temper, and it wasn’t going to be pretty. With a deep breath she stood up, “Now, you boys thirsty? I got some peach tea if you want it?”
“My favourite!” Seb beamed “You’re the best Mrs R!”
With a soft smile, Katie gathered the bowl of dirty water and cotton pads and turned towards the sink. As she passed Steve he gently pushed away from the counter, reaching out to stop her. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and she took a deep breath, as she saw the tension leave her body before she continued across the kitchen.
“I’ll go check on the cat, make sure Rori hasn’t dressed it in a tutu or something.” He said, making for the door.
“I think she needs to go to the vet.” Jamie looked at him, “She was hurt real bad.”
Steve looked at Katie as she had pulled the jug of tea from the fridge. “Okay, if she needs to go I can take her whilst you guys have dinner.”
“You sure?” Steve looked at her and she nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll call them, see if John Mason is working.”
“I like him.” Jamie nodded “He was really kind with Lucky, and he’s nice to Stark too.”
With a nod, Katie moved from the room, calling out to Rori and Steve made to follow, stopping by Jamie as he did so, placing his hand on his shoulder.
“I’m proud of you, Son.” Steve’s head cocked to one side as Jamie looked up at him “We both are.”
“Thanks Dad.” He smiled softly.
“Just, maybe try not to take four of them on at once next time.” Steve arched an eyebrow. “Not that there should be a next time, but if there is…just don’t. You’ll give your Ma a heart attack.”
 “It’s not broken.” John Mason said, looking a Katie. “Just dislocated. To be honest the malnutrition and dehydration is more of a worry along with the nasty infection she has in her ear. Poor thing has been through the wars.”
“Yeah, she feels very skinny.” Katie sighed “She going to be ok?”
“Next forty-eight hours will be critical.” The vet straightened up. “We’ll get her on a drip and see if we can locate an owner. She’s not chipped so chances are that won’t happen. But if she makes it we’ll get her in at the shelter.”
Katie nodded “Could you keep me updated on how she is? My son got into a bit of a punch up during his efforts to rescue her.”
Mason smiled “Absolutely.”
“Thanks. Oh and you can send the bill to me. I’ll front it, not the rescue.”
“That’s very kind Mrs Rogers.” he smiled “I’ll be in touch.”
Katie left the vets, rubbing her temple. She had a banging headache and needed a fucking stiff drink. She drove the short distance home, and frowned as she pulled up their drive. Steve was stood on the stoop, in full on Captain mode if his body language was anything to go by. His hands were on his belt buckle, broad shoulders squared, face set in a furious expression as he faced off against a pair of people stood at the bottom of the steps, the woman waving her hands excitedly. Katie let out a groan, as she would lay odds on these being the irate parents of one of the boys Jamie had been in a fight with, but her groan turned into a growl as the woman stepped up to Steve, pushing him in the chest. In a flash she was out of the car and ran over, gripping the lady by her hair and yanking her backwards down the stoop before she released her, shoving her harshly on the shoulder. The woman stumbled back a little, into the man who was stood there looking completely abashed, like he would rather be anywhere else. Katie pulled herself upright and glared at the pair of them before pointing at the sharp-faced woman, her eyes blazing with anger.
“Touch my husband again and I’ll break your arm.” Katie snarled, looking the woman up and down “Who the fuck are you?”
“Your son kicked the crap out of my boy!” The woman shrieked and Katie grimaced, her voice was as irritating as nails scraping down a black board. “I want to know what the hell you’re going to do about it.”
“As I pointed out, if your son hadn’t been part of a group throwing rocks at an animal, this wouldn’t have happened.” Steve’s voice was calm, but laced with authority.
“So you’re saying he deserved it?”
“I told you, James has been made perfectly aware that violence is not acceptable.” Steve avoided spitting out the yes that had flown into his mind, instead remaining as diplomatic and as calm as he could “But as far as we’re concerned, that’s end of the matter. So, if you don’t mind, I think you need to leave.”
“End of the matter?” the woman exploded “My son has got a broken nose, a black eye and he’s shaken up to heaven!”
Steve bit back the smirk that was threatening to spread across his face, the amusement that his ten year old really had managed to kick the crap out of a boy three years his senior really wasn’t appropriate but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t like bullies, in any shape or form.
“Oh, my heart bleeds.” Katie wasn’t quite as subtle, not that Steve expected anything else. As predicted, she was in full Momma Bear mode. Just like she was whenever anyone messed with her kids. “Go tell someone who cares, because I sure as hell don’t.”
"You know, it makes me want to barf the fact we’re all supposed to kiss your ass after everything that happened.” The woman scoffed and Katie simply looked at her, rolling her eyes. She’d heard it all before. “Fucking Katie Stark, married Captain America…” the woman continued, “parading around like she owns the place. God, you think you’re so special don’t you?”
At that Steve groaned as he saw Katie stiffen even more, her shoulders rolling back a little as she drew herself to full height, her body language one of a snake ready to strike, and he’d seen it countless times before, none of them ending particularly well for the other person involved.
“Not special, no.” Katie shook her head, her voice low and steely “But I’m certainly better than some piece of shit parent that brings their kid up with an attitude which makes them think it’s acceptable to not only harm a defenceless animal but be part of a gang of four boys who pick a fight with two kids three years younger than them.” She then stepped forward into the woman’s space and at that Steve hastily made his way down the stoop steps, ready to break up what he sensed was going to become another fight. “Now I suggest you get the fuck off my property before I drag you out of the gates myself, and trust me, patching up your son’s bruised ego at having the crap kicked out of him by a ten year old will be the least of your worries if that happens"
Steve slid his arm between the two women and gently moved Katie away. She acknowledged his touch, taking a step back but her eyes, which were blazing with anger, never left the woman in front of her. 
"Come on, Hallie..." the man next to her spoke
"Yeah, go on Hallie," Katie hissed, unable as usual not have the last word, "fuck off back to your troll cave and mark my words, your son goes near mine again and I’ll be the one stood on your door step. You got me?"
The woman swallowed, her face slipping before she turned and left, Katie’s eyes following them out of the gate.
“Stupid bitch.” Katie spat as she spun to Steve who shook his head, “What?”
“You’re scary when you’re angry.” He stated simply, raising an eyebrow.
“What do you expect?” She blazed. “Coming round here, shooting her mouth off, shoving you in the chest. I don’t like people touching my stuff. Fuck her.”
Steve chuckled and wrapped his arm round her shoulder, pressing a kiss to her temple and quickly changing the subject. “How’s the cat?”
“Vet says in a bad way but we’ll see. Her leg wasn’t broken but she’s poorly” Katie sighed, her demeanour calming somewhat as they stepped inside the house. “He said he’d call me when they have news.”
“Rori’s already been asking if we can keep her.”
Katie groaned “Why am I not surprised?” she paused as Steve shut the door. “So were they the only ones to turn up then or-“
“Yeah.” Steve nodded “I took a call off the parents of two others, but both were very apologetic when I explained what had actually happened.”
“How are you so calm about all this?” Katie stopped and looked at him. “It’s normally me that’s level headed when it comes to stuff they’ve done but-“
“Honey, I got my ass kicked all over Brooklyn.” Steve smiled gently, shrugging “As I said before, my Ma saw me in far worse states than Jamie came home in, and whilst I don’t like what happened, rightly or wrongly I’m kinda pleased that he’s way stronger than I was and can stand up for himself. Gives us a little less to worry about, don’t you think?”
Katie pondered his words for a moment before she let out a soft sigh. “I need a drink.”
**** Three days later on the Monday, after lunch, the entire Rogers family sat in the large living room watching Home Alone. Katie was curled up on one of the sofas her feet resting in Steve’s lap as he absentmindedly traced circles on the skin just above her right ankle, his eye focussed on the TV. Rori lay tucked up against his other side as she nestled into him, her legs hanging over the arm of the sofa whilst Emmy, Pete and Harry were sat on the larger sofa opposite, Harry perched on Emmy’s knee. Jamie was sprawled in the large armchair with Stark, his hand tangling in his faithful dog’s fur and Flossie was napping in her pack and play to the side of the room. Katie loved moments like this, having all her kids together, laughing and joking and chatting as they watched, every so often Steve making some kind of ‘dad’ remark that would earn him a groan in response, or cause Jamie and Emmy to exchange exasperated glances whilst he turned and winked at Katie, knowing exactly what he was doing.
This was what the holidays were all about to them both. Their family.
Feeling her phone vibrate, Katie shifted a little to locate it from down the side of the cushion and Steve looked at her, questioningly as she glanced at her phone.
“Be right back.” She said, leaving the room so as not to disturb them.
“Mrs Rogers, its John Mason.” The vet greeted her as she answered, shutting the door to the kitchen. “I just wanted to update you on Erica, the kitten you brought in.”
"Erica?" Katie blinked and the vet gave a little chuckle.
“Sorry, yeah, one of the vet nurses kinda nicknamed her and it stuck." The man's tone was almost apologetic. "It’s short for America. Cat-tain America to be specific" Katie let out a little groan of a chuckle “You know you'd really get on with my eldest daughter." The man laughed "Well, despite the odds being stacked against her I’m pleased to tell you she pulled through. She was extremely weak when you brought her in but she's healthy enough to be moved to the shelter tomorrow where they can continue to look after her until she hopefully finds a home" "Well I appreciate it. Thank you for letting me know. Are you emailing the bill over?” "No, there's no charge." The vet replied. "It’s Christmas after all. The time for good will and all that." Katie smiled "Well in that case I'll give an extra donation to the shelter. We normally take them something this time of year, especially seeing as that’s where our dog came from." "Yes how is Stark after we last saw him?" "He’s good." Katie turned her head to eye up the mutt in question who had followed her into the kitchen in the hope he was going to sneak some coveted human food, not a care in the world at the fact the last time he had snatched something he shouldn’t, it had cost them almost four hundred bucks and a Jamie melt down. "The sickness drugs obviously worked as he was fine. No chocolate poisoning thank God. I’d like to say it taught him a lesson on not eating things that are not meant to be eaten by him but sadly no, he still sticks his nose into everything, including my shoe closet. The vet laughed “Yes, they keep us on our toes. Well, lovely talking to you Mrs Rogers. Hopefully, no offence, but we won't see you soon and I hope you have a lovely Christmas." "You too. And thank you."
With that she put the phone back in her pocket and headed into the lounge.
“That was the vet.” She said.  Steve looked up at her, and the paused the film, all eyes turning to her. “The kitten is fine. She pulled through.”
“Well that’s good news.” Steve smiled, as Jamie gave a little grin and Rori cheered.
“They’re going to take her to the shelter tomorrow.”
“But it’s Christmas.” Rori said gently, her face falling. “She’ll be all alone.”
“She won’t” Katie assured her, knowing full well that she was as much of an animal lover as Jamie. “She’ll have other cat friends. Hey, they even gave her a name, they like her that much so…”
“What?” Rori asked.
“Erica.” Katie grinned, her eyes flicking to Steve “Short for Cat-tain America.”
At that Steve let out a groan as Peter and Emmy both snorted, Jamie howling with laugher but Rori’s face remained deadly serious.
“They should have called her Emmy.”
“Why?” Emmy looked at Rori who gave a shrug.
“Because she’s like you.”
“What, has a furry face and whiskers?” Pete quipped, causing Jamie to howl even more. Steve gave a grin as Pete easily dodged the blow Emmy aimed to the back of his head, his spidey senses telling him it was coming.
“No.” Rori rolled her eyes, sighing dramatically “I mean because she was all alone too until Jamie found her, just like you were until momma and daddy found you” she looked at her sister, the expression on her little face serious as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Steve and Katie exchanged a look, both of them sideswiped by Rori’s comment.
“I just hope she’s as lucky as you were.” Rori shrugged. “And that she finds a family that’s kind to her.” With that she turned back to the TV. “Now, can we finish the movie?”
“Erm, yeah.” Steve pressed play again and Katie excused herself to start dinner. He waited a few minutes before he headed out into the hallway to see Katie hastily pulling on her jacket.
“I need cheese for the lasagne.” She looked at him and he arched an eyebrow.
“Yeah, right. Cheese.”
She shrugged and headed out of the door, and Steve turned to see Jamie stood behind him.
“Ten bucks says she’s coming back with the cat.” Jamie spoke and Steve snorted.
“First rule of gambling, you bet on a cert not against it. No deal.” He folded his arms as Jamie grinned “Not a word to your sister until your mom gets home or we won’t hear the end of it.”
***** About forty minutes or so later the system announced that Katie was home and Steve and Jamie exchanged a look. A few moments later Katie called them all out into the hallway and Steve watched as Rori and Harry shot out first, the rest following, as they heard Rori gave a shriek.
“Are we keeping her?”
“An early Christmas gift from Jamie to everyone.” Katie smiled as she crouched down and opened the little cat carrier and reached in for the kitten, which looked a damned site better than when Steve had last seen her.
“Jamie, you’re the best!” Rori turned to her brother and hugged him tightly. Jamie grinned and hugged her back before Rori turned round and held her arms out, Katie handing the kitten over.
“Hi Erica!” Rori beamed at the cat who looked at her, then around the room blinking before giving a tiny meow.
“Okay, look, if the cat’s staying can we at least think of a better name?” Steve pleaded, before he smiled and looked at Katie “What about T’Challa?”
Katie laughed as his suggestion was met with a resounding chorus of protest.
“Nope.” Rori shook her head, looking at him. “It’s bad luck to change an animal’s name. And now we have a dog named after Uncle Nee and momma, and now a kitty named after you.” She shrugged, her attention turning back to the cat and Steve watched Erica batted slightly at the little coloured woollen balls that adorned Rori’s sweater. Rori gave a giggle, gently pressing her nose to the cat’s head.
In the corner of his eye, Steve noticed a flash of white and tan fur but before he could do anything, Jamie grabbed Stark’s collar to stop him jumping all over Rori and the kitten.
“You’ll have to take them into the lounge so they can meet each other.” Katie instructed and Jamie nodded.
“Come on, I’ll help.” Emmy smiled.
“Me too, I love cats!” Peter grinned, and together they all headed into the lounge, Rori talking excitedly about all the tricks she was going to teach her new pet, leaving Steve and Katie alone in the hall.
“Funny looking cheese.” Steve quipped, as he looked down at the bag of items from the pet store, finally meeting his wife’s eyes with a smirk as she looked at him, her expression a little sheepish. “And after all that abuse you gave me last week over saying maybe.”
“Shut up.” She mumbled, and then with a grin she moved and slipped her arms round his neck. “I’ll make it up to you later.”
“Oh, I know you will.” He smirked, his hands resting on her hips. “And for the record, the next time you say that our little Diva knows how to play me, I’m totally gonna remind you of this.”
“I don’t doubt it for a second, Soldier.” She grinned, pulling his head down towards hers, kissing him deeply, “But for the record, it was the name that totally did it.”
“Sure it was.”
“That and the fact it’s black and white.” She grinned, a mischievous look in her face “Like your beard.”
“Well for that I’m definitely shaving.” His lips brushed against hers and she laughed, shaking her head.
“Please don’t.” she whispered, her teeth nipping at his jaw line, her mouth sliding softly down his neck and Steve gave a little moan, his fingers flexing on her hips.
“Well, maybe you can convince me to keep it.” He spoke softly, as once more his lips claimed hers.
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thicctails · 4 years ago
Summer of Whump Day 10 [Camping/Trapped]
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Hhhhh I am so behIND SCHEDULE
 Omega shifted on her pile of blankets, trying to get comfortable. Pillow’s quiet snores were all she heard as she stared tiredly into the darkness. Her salamander friend hadn’t stopped growing, and he was beginning to take up quite a bit of space. He was more of a “Bed” than a Pillow at this point. His large tail swung around as he dreamed, the appendage catching her in the side. She let out a quiet cough, pushing the heavy tail off of herself. Enough was enough. She obviously wasn’t going to be getting any sleep like this.
 Grabbing her favourite datapad, she jumped down onto the floor, not worrying about the slight noise that came as a result. Almost everyone was out gathering needed supplies, leaving Wrecker as her sole guardian for the night. Wrecker was, as usual, trying to sleep off his headache. Omega wandered throughout the ship, eventually deciding to curl up in the pilot’s seat to read. The seat dwarfed her, and it still amazed her that, someday, it wouldn’t seem so big.
 The datapad’s gentle glow was soothing, but the story it held wasn’t all that long. It was a children’s story about a little Porg that was different from his other siblings. She loved this story, because at the end the little Porg found a family that loved him, even if he looked different. After she’d reread it a few times, Omega set the datapad down and stared out of the windshield. The night brought a sense of calm to the planet they had been staying on for the past week, and as much as she loved the energetic hustle and bustle of the marketplace during the day, a break was always nice.
 Her eyes widened as she spotted something that she’d never seen before. A blink of light appeared before her, just outside the protection of the windshield. They glowed for a moment, then faded, then appeared again. Omega sits there, watching the lights in wonderment. Then, one lands on the glass, and she sees that it’s a bug that’s glowing.
 “Whoa.” Omega breathes.
 She wants to see the fascinating bugs up close, so she opened the Havoc Marauder’s door and steps out into the warm night air. She walked around to the front of the ship, staring in delight as the blinking insects flit around her. One lands on Omega’s nose, blinking every few seconds.
 The young girl giggled, the light shining in her large brown eyes. The insect slowly lifted off, its tiny wings buzzing slightly. Omega followed after it, wanting to see where the little bug was going.
   The glowing animal led her beyond the ship, and more and more bugs joined them as they neared an open field. Nocturnal flowers bloomed under the combined glow of three moons, and unseen animals chirped in the trees. Omega ran her hand along the tall, soft grass, feeling the dew that had formed. A frog jumped out of the grass, its bulbous throat expanding as it croaked. Omega, who had only ever seen the animal in datapads, crouched down and stared in awe at the smooth amphibian. The frog croaked again, hopping into the grass again. She followed it, hopping as it had. She giggled as she jumped up and down, her head popping up above the grass every few seconds.
 Suddenly, her foot slipped, and Omega yelped as she began to tumble downwards. Rocks and roots scratched up her skin, and to top it all off, she hit something hard once she reached the bottom of whatever ditch she’d fallen into. Coughing, she rolled onto her side, wincing when she felt her shoulder scream in protest. Biting her lip, she used her legs to maneuver herself into a sitting position. Now that she was no longer face down in the dirt, she blinked, taking in her surroundings. Within seconds, she spotted something white laying in the dirt. Confused, she peered at it, leaning forward. It looked like…
 She gasped, scrambling back.
 That was clone trooper armor.
 Panicked, she pressed herself against the side of the ditch. She tried to get to her feet, but a sharp pain in her lower back had her sliding back down. Her breaths came in shallow pants as she curled up into a ball, hoping beyond hope that her lack of movement might save her life.
 A long, tense moment passed, but the clone trooper showed no sign of movement. Afraid, but curious now, Omega crept forward, her body shivering in pain as she moved. Now that she was closer, she could see that, like the armor of the Bad Batch, there were stripes of colour on this clone’s armor. Lines of blue decorated the scuffed white suit, and she found herself reaching out  to touch them. The paint was chipped in some areas, and she could feel scratches in the armor. Whoever this was, they’d been around for a while.
 She paused for a moment, trying to sense with the Force what exactly she was dealing with here. No buzz of danger had appeared, and she actually felt a pleasant, warm feeling in her chest. This person, it seemed, was not unknown to the Force, and it seemed to like him. Deciding to take the risk, she used her good arm to remove the clone’s helmet. She needed to find out why he had collapsed here, and to check if he was even alive. Breathing could be hard to see under plastoid.
 She was surprised to see that the man’s hair was blonde like hers, and she wondered what gene had been modified in the two of them to give them both the unique hair colour. Placing the helmet aside with care, she saw a small prick of dried blood on the clone’s neck. Had he been shot with something?
 Omega pressed two fingers to the man’s throat, holding her breath as she waited. There was a good chance that she was touching a corpse right now, and that idea didn’t sit right with her.
 Lub dub… lub dub…
 Oh good. Not touching a corpse.
 Exhaling in relief, Omega sat back down, hissing as the pain in her lower back started up again. As much as she liked the high level of movement her normal clothes gave her, perhaps she should start looking into ways of making herself a suit of armor. With all the trouble she got into, it might be worth the effort.
 The nighttime animals sung all around her, and despite her less than awesome situation, she smiled. She wasn’t alone, and she wasn’t in total silence, two things she was very grateful for, even if her company was a stranger who could, at any given time, wake up and decide to kill her.
 Actually, maybe she should take his blaster.
 Just as she started to reach over, a sound made her freeze. Something had just stepped on a stick.
 Moving into a crouch, Omega peered upwards towards the ditch’s ridge. The tall grass swayed, obscuring her sight. She kept staring, sure that she had heard something. However, when nothing appeared, she looked away, easing herself back down into a sitting position, rubbing at her sore shoulder. Distracted by her pain, she failed to notice the growing buzz at the back of her mind. Until, of course, it became a screaming alarm bell that was yelling “LOOK OUT, MORON!”
 Omega’s head snapped up as a snarl shattered the night’s calm existence. She flinched back as a lithe figure leapt down into the ditch. It looked like a long Loth Cat, bigger in size and sporting a thin, spine-covered tail. The animal stared at Omega, it’s large, silver eyes making her tense up in fear. It considered her for a moment, then turned towards the downed clone. It opened its mouth, saliva dripping down its fangs.
 “Oh no you don’t. You’re not eating him!” Omega yelled, grabbing a nearby rock and throwing it at the cat. The feline hissed, jumping back. It growled at Omega, its tail flicking back and forth.
 The command to get back passed through her head, and she listened to the instinct. Her body made its displeasure known as she threw herself away from the animal, landing on her back as a spray of quills embedded themselves into the dirt. The pain stunned her for only a moment, but it was for longer than she could afford. A weight appeared on her chest, pressing down on her collarbone. Curved claws pricked her skin, causing beads of blood to seep into her shirt.
 Omega yelped, trying to kick the cat off with her good leg, but the animal simply scratched the limb with a hind paw, slicing the skin of her knee open. Tears pricked at her eyes as adrenaline kicked in, her body going into panic mode. Her brain shoved the memory of one of Hunter’s lessons into her immediate thoughts, and she swung her fist up towards the cat’s face, trying to catch it in the eye. She managed to land a hit, and the animal screeched in pain. Its head jerked back, and she punched it again, this time in the throat.
 The large feline fell back, allowing a bleeding Omega to put some distance in between them. Her body shook as she tried to figure out what to do. She didn’t have much time; the animal was already rolling back onto its paws. She reached out, trying to connect with the Force. If she really did have a connection with it, than she should be able to do something!
 A feeling of strength and power rippled through Omega suddenly, settling in the palms of her hands. It felt as though she could grab anything within a few feet of her, although she wasn’t quite sure how. However, she didn’t have a chance to try, as the cat was now coming at her again, claws unsheathed and fangs bared. Terrified and out of options, she focused on the cat, closed her eyes, and swung her hand to the side as hard as she could.
 The animal yowled in shock, flying into the wall of the ditch. Stunned, and now feeling tired, Omega stared at the animal, her eyes wide. She… she had done it! She’d used the Force!
 The cat shook its head, whipping around to snarl at Omega. The girl’s excitement disappeared. Apparently, she hadn’t used it well enough to dissuade the predator. Omega shrunk back, too hurt and tired and scared to think of another plan. The feline dropped down, its eyes locking onto her as it pounced forward, jaws open wide. Omega shut her eyes and covered her face with the arm she could still use, awaiting the attack.
 But it never came.
 Instead, the sound of a blaster being fired made her open her eyes and lower her arm. The cat was on its side, unmoving but still breathing. She looked to her left, and there was the clone, holstering his blaster. She felt relief wash over her when, upon noticing her, the man didn’t move to shoot her too.
 “Are you alright, little ‘un?” His voice sounded groggy, like he’d just woken up from a nap.
 Omega nodded, not sure she could do much else.
 The clone stared at her, his head tilting slightly. He blinked, like he wasn’t sure if he was seeing things right.
 “I’ve seen a lot of clones in my lifetime, but never one that looked like you.” He smiled at her, before looking around cautiously. “Where did you come from? Are you runnin’ from the Empire too?”
 “I-I am, but we’re not in any danger right now!” She said, stuttering a bit. Her pounding heart was making speech difficult. “I’m here with my family.”
 “Family?” The man asked.
 Omega’s cheeks turned a bit pink in embarrassment. “S-sorry! I meant my squad, not family...” She trailed off a bit at the end. Were they a family? Echo, Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech were all brothers, but she was something different, a clone that was even more different than they were. What was she to them?
 “Your squad? What’s your squad number?” The other clone, who was getting to his feet, offered her a hand as he stood. She took it, not minding when he supported her with a second hand when her legs wobbled. The adrenaline was beginning to wear off, and she was starting to feel exhaustion seep into her muscles.
 “Omega! Omega, where are you?!”
 Omega looked up, a smile coming onto her face.
 “Wrecker!” She yelled back.
 “Wrecker? Wait…” The other clone seemed to come to a realization just as Wrecker appeared at the edge of the ditch. The enhanced clone tensed at the sight of someone holding Omega, before he realized who exactly he was looking at.
 “Rex!” He cried, his face lighting up.
 Omega felt Rex laugh, and she turned to look at him. The blonde was smiling and shaking his head.
 “Of course.” He said, looking at Wrecker with a grin. “Of course it’s you crazy bastards.”
 “You know him?” Omega asked, not really sure who she was directing the question to.
 “Oh, for sure! Rex is an old friend of ours!” Wrecker said. “Now get up here so I can hug ‘ya!”
 “I would, but this little one is hurt. I doubt she can climb out on her own.” Rex said, letting Omega lean on him. Side by side, they almost looked like they were a father and daughter.
 “Oh kriff!” Wrecker cursed, just now noticing the bruises and cuts. “Hunter’s gonna kill me- what happened?!”
 “A cat tried to eat Rex, but I distracted it.” Omega said, finding it hard to stay upright. “Then it tried to eat me.”
 “While I’m not glad you got hurt, I must thank you for keeping that thing off me. You’re a very brave and very strong girl, Omega. Those Quill Prowlers are quite scary. I’m surprised you didn’t get hi-!” Rex cut himself off, looking down at Omega’s boots. “Oh dear.”
 “What?” Omega and Wrecker asked at the same time. Omega looked down.
 There was a quill sticking out of her boot.
 “Oh.” She said, before promptly passing out.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years ago
Stark Spangled Forever
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A Very Rogers Christmas Part 2- You Gotta Be Kitten Me
Summary: Christmas draws ever nearer and the two eldest littles in the Rogers household break up from school from the holidays, and Jamie is given his first taste of independence…and brings a few surprises home as a consequence.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Bad language, talks of violence…a little bit of actual violence and Katie acting like a hell cat!
A/N: You can find Part 1 of my Stark Spangled 2020 Christmas special- A Very Rogers Christmas. HERE.
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Katie walked into the bathroom where Steve was stood, his top half bare, towel round his waist as he gently examined his face. Katie stopped to take him in, his broad shoulders still beaded with drops of water from his shower, his back muscles rippling as he turned this way and that way, tilting his body as he stared at his reflection. Katie could see in his eyes that he was lost, battling with those little doubts that every now and then would niggle away in his brain ever since he had noticed the changes to his body some two years ago. He was petrified the serum was going to disappear overnight and leave him back to his previous state, small and weak, but both Katie and Banner had reassured him that wasn't going to happen. What he was seeing now was it gradually depleting, a process Banner had predicted from various tests would take twenty more year or so. And besides, as Katie had reminded him, there was nothing weak about Steve Rogers. That said, she understood as well as anyone what it was like to deal with your body changing. Having carried four children she now had wider hips, a soft stomach, bigger chest and she knew full well that by the time Christmas was over she'd be about twelve pound heavier and be on a diet for two months to shift said Christmas weight, but she was beyond the point of caring. Where once it had made her feel sick to look at herself, now, seeing her kids each day was a reminder of just why she had changed, and what was a few extra inches here and there when you had a gorgeous family to show for it?
Plus Steve adored her. She knew that. He took any and every chance he could to touch her and remind her how beautiful he thought she was. And she felt the same about him. Whilst he wasn't quite as defined as he had been once upon a time, his hard, chiselled abs had been replaced with a flat but softer stomach, his pectoral muscles also ever so slightly less pronounced, he was beyond perfect to her. She loved his softer body, and yes he complained his knees cracked and ached a little if he over did it on the running, and sometimes his back gave him a twinge every now and then, but he was fit, healthy and had a physique most men would die for. He was also still ridiculously strong. He could roughhouse with Jamie all day long, he could sweep Rori up in one hand and tuck her under his arm whilst she squealed with laughter, he could throw Emmy over his shoulder with easy, he could lift Harry and Flossie up one in each hand with no trouble, and he could pick Katie up and toss her around the bedroom like she was a ragdoll, which suited her just fine. With a smile, Katie gently dropped the clothes she was carrying into the hamper and moved behind him, her hands slipping to his belly, spraying flat against his skin as she pressed a kiss to the back of his shoulder. "Get out of your head, Soldier." Steve gave a soft smile as his hands lay over hers, as she peeked round him, their eyes locking in the mirror and he let out a sigh. "I was just thinking, that's all." "I can tell." She nuzzled the top of his arm "You had your thinking face on." He gave her another smile, his right hand teaching up to his chin and he gently rubbed his beard "I was just debating whether or not to shave." "Don't you dare!" Katie narrowed her eyes and he chuckled. "Yeah, didn't think you'd take it well." "Why do you wanna shave?" She frowned. "You've had a beard now for years. I thought you liked it as it keeps you on the low mostly." "I do." He shrugged, tipping his head to the side slightly. “But I don’t like all this grey that appears to get worse every morning." Katie arched an eyebrow as she slid round to face him, Steve stepping back to allow her to stand in the space between him and the basin unit. She glanced up, examining the dark whiskers which adorned his chin and cheeks, spattered intermittently with lighter blonde, auburn and an increasing amount of grey. "Well, I’m a big fan," she mused, standing on her tip toes to brush her lips over his jaw, the pads of her fingers cupping his cheeks. "And I also happen to think you're fucking gorgeous either way. If you wanna murder it, go ahead." "You talk about it as it it’s a living, breathing thing." Steve scoffed, his hands falling to her hips. "Well it’s that glorious it could be." She smiled and he laughed. "Look, I promise you, the only person who’s noticing it so much is you, but if it's bothering you why don't you just trim it a little before you completely get rid? Then you can see how you feel when it's shorter."
“Yeah, maybe.” he glanced at the mirror again as Katie’s hands slid to the top of his shoulders, smoothing up and over until they reached round his neck, the fingers of her right hand gently tangling in the strands of his hair at the back of his head.
“As long as you don’t shave all this off when it starts going grey too.” She teased and he rolled his eyes and gave her an exasperated look as she pondered something. “Actually, you’d probably suit a buzz cut.”
“Shut up.” He looked at her and she grinned as her eyes flashed mischievously.
“Mind you, I like having something here to tug.” she pulled his hair slightly causing his head to tip back a little before she released him, biting her lip, a cheeky glint in her eyes.
“You are incorrigible.” He smirked, dropping his head to catch her lips.
“Shut up and put that silver on me, Soldier.” She grinned against his mouth and Steve couldn’t help the little growl that rumbled in his throat at her words. In an easy movement he’d picked her up and perched her on the unit in front of him, causing a dirty little giggle to fly from her lips which he swallowed with his mouth. He kissed her, long and hard, his hands splaying on her back as her legs locked around his hips, the pair of them laughing in between the kisses and just as Katie’s hands moved to untuck the edge of the towel round Steve’s waist they heard Rori yelling that she couldn’t find her Snowman sweater and Steve gave a groan, his forehead resting against Katie’s, his eyes closed.
“You know, I love out kids, I would die for them but sometimes, well I swear to God they get their bad timing skills from your brother, her especially.”
Katie chuckled as her eyes opened and locked onto Steve’s which were twinkling with good humour.
“Yeah, there’s no doubting she has a lot of Stark in her.”
“Not to mention she’s a dramatic ass.” Steve snorted as Katie laughed
“Yeah that too.”
“You know, your dad would have been crazy about her.” He added as he stepped back to allow Katie to hop down from the unit.
“Maybe, I don’t remember enough about him to agree or otherwise,” she mused, “but I know if Tony were still here he would adore her.”
“Yeah, he would.” Steve agreed. “And as a result she’d be calling me Capsicle instead of Daddy.”
Katie laughed and gently gave his cheek a kiss “I’ll go start breakfast, can you sort Harry and Floss?”
“Sure.” He kissed her gently watching as she left the room.
Katie found Rori’s sweater, much to her daughter’s excitement and then they headed downstairs where Jamie was already sat eating a bowl of cereal. She smiled at him and he wished her good morning before he offered to get Rori’s cheerio’s for her. Rori grinned at him and nodded so Katie left the two of them to it whilst she threw some toast in for her and Steve and turned to see Jamie had also grabbed Harry’s bowl from the cupboard and was busy measuring him some cereal out for him too.
“Thanks Jamie.” She smiled.
“It’s ok.” He shrugged. There was a moment’s pause as Katie threw on a pot of coffee before he spoke again. “Actually, mom, I kinda wanted to ask you something.”
Katie paused, and turned around smiling “You buttering me up?”
“No, that’s not…” he began floundering for excuses the same way Steve did before he rolled his eyes when he saw Katie grinning. “Rude.”
She laughed “Okay, sorry sweetie. What is it?”
“Well, I was wondering if me and Seb could go to the park after school.”
“I wanna go to the park, too!”  Rori nodded and Katie shrugged.
“I don’t see why not. Sure your dad will take you for an hour when I make dinner.”
“No, I mean on our own.” Jamie looked at Katie “I thought we could like walk home and stop off for an hour.”
“You want to walk home from school, with Seb, and go to the park?” Katie clarified and Jamie nodded. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
"Why not?"
"You're ten." She said flatly as she mixed Flossie’s porridge and moved to the microwave. "I know you're growing up now but..." "I'll be with Seb" Jamie pleaded "It’s not that far to walk, and I’ll call you.” His eyes lit up as if he had found some kind of huge bargaining chip “Like, when I'm leaving school and when we get to the park and then every ten minutes after. And we’ll be home for five for dinner. I promise.” Katie sighed, shutting the microwave door as she bit her lip. She has been dreading this day, when Jamie staked his first claim on wanting some independence. And here it was, a request to go to the park after the schools broke up for Christmas.  It wasn't that she didn't want him to go, far from it. Her and Steve were keen that, despite their background, the kids all had as normal an upbringing as possible. But now she was torn. Jamie was pushing eleven and would start middle school next time round. She wanted to give him a little more responsibility yet in the same breath also wasn't sure she was completely comfortable with the idea of him and Seb walking home from school alone.
At that point Steve walked into the kitchen, Flossie in his arms and a dressed Harry bounding behind him as he was gabbling on about something.
"Everything okay?" He frowned, instantly spotting the look on Katie's face.
"Jamie wants to walk home today, via the park." She said, looking at him and Steve took a deep breath "And I'm not sure I like the idea."
Steve shook his head."Neither do I."
"But daaaaad!" Jamie groaned “It’s Christmas."
"That doesn't mean all rules get suspended, or that you can simply do as you please." Steve shrugged, dropping Flossie into her high chair as Harry scrambled up to the place at the table his cereal bowl was waiting for him. "Besides which it’s freezing outside."
That was a crap excuse, and Steve knew it, as it wasn't like he couldn't wrap up or that he'd never been allowed to play out in the snow before. Jamie groaned and as Steve shot him a look, his shoulders slumped and his eyes dropped down.
"Fine. It doesn't matter. Forget I asked. Can I leave the table? I need to get dressed."
“Me too.” Rori added and Katie nodded. There was the loud scraping of chairs across the floor as they both moved and Jamie stood up and walked dejectedly out of the room, Rori following behind. As soon as they were gone Katie turned to Steve and gave a sigh.
"Are we being too harsh?" She bit her lip as the microwave dinged and she turned to open the door. "I mean..."
"Honey, don't do this." Steve looked at her, as she mixed the porridge around before testing the temperature. “You always second guess your decisions"
"I just feel bad." She shrugged as she carried the bowl over to the table. "I mean he doesn’t ask for a lot, he never gets in trouble or causes any problems, not like that Diva upstairs. Maybe, oh I dunno, ignore me. You're right."
“Here, I’ll do that.” Steve said gently, taking the bowl from her, allowing her to collect Jamie and Rori’s empty dishes. He sat down next to his youngest where he started to feed her, Flossie making excited noises at the first spoon full and Steve grinned, his face positively beaming as the baby eagerly took her porridge.
A minute or so later Katie placed a plate of toast and coffee down for him before grabbing her own and settling down to eat.
"You got many meetings today?" Steve asked, he himself having finished work the previous week.  Katie shook her head.
"Just going in to clear my inbox and wish everyone Merry Christmas. I'll be done by lunch. Not even worth me going to the Tower, but I want to say it in person. Plus Pep's gonna be there so..."
"Well, how about me, Harry and this little sprout come with you?  I can take them round Central Park for the morning and we can get something to eat when you're done." "Sounds good." She smiled. "Just don't tell the other two. Rori was already kicking off about the fact they get to stay home with you and she doesn't."
"Well Rori can get over herself." Steve scoffed taking a bite of toast as Katie snorted.
"That as maybe, but I’d rather not deal with a second disappointed kid this morning if I can help it."
"Don’t let it bother you.” Steve shook his head and Katie swallowed her coffee and wrinkled her nose.
"I just don't want him thinking we don't trust him. I mean is the park really a hard no? It’s not in a bad area and we can practically see it from the rooms upstairs."
Steve pondered for a moment. "I guess not. But it's a fair way to walk home from school. It’s a good twenty minutes or so. And there's a lot of roads to cross, not all of them safe."
"So maybe there's a compromise?" Katie looked at him. "What if we said no to the walk but yes to an hour or so play time? That way give him a little leeway, show him we trust him."
Steve took a deep breath "What you thinking?”
"Maybe if we dropped him and Seb at the park or something. I'll call Seb's mom, check she's okay with it, I mean he's staying here tonight but I don't want to do anything she isn't happy with. If she is then..."
Steve pondered what she was saying for a moment, grappling with his inner voice. On the one hand he knew Katie was right, Jamie was a good, responsible kid. On the other hand he worried. It was common knowledge Jamie was the son of two Avengers, and it still petrified him that it could result in someone using him to get to them. That said, just as with Emmy, he knew he couldn't bubble wrap him forever.
"Okay." Steve nodded. "See what Sebastian's parents say. If they’re fine then I guess we can run with it."
**** Half an hour or so later, Jamie and Rori were ready for school, Rori bounding around loudly singing ‘All I Want For Christmas’ whilst Jamie was a little more subdued, and Steve could tell he was fighting his desire to sulk at the fact they'd said no to his earlier request. Unlike Rori, Jamie rarely threw temper tantrums when he didn't get what he wanted. He merely retreated into himself a little, but recently he'd grown up even more and simply tried to get over whatever it was that was irritating him without trying to feel hard done by. Another sign he was growing up.
As he thanked Katie, albeit a little quietly when she told him she'd packed him an extra few pieces of cake to share with his friends, she glanced at Steve who nodded to her and she loudly made a show of taking Rori, Flossie and Harry to the car leaving Steve and his eldest boy alone as he locked up the house.
"Jamie," Steve locked the door and turned to him as Jamie stood patiently waiting at the bottom of the stoop. "Me and your Ma have had a chat, she talked to Seb's mom and we decided you can both go to the park." "Really?" Jamie's eyes lit up. "Yes but on a couple of conditions." "Sure Dad. Anything." "I pick you all up from school. We'll walk home, and I'll drop you off on the way through." Steve said, "You and Seb can walk behind or ahead of us, whatever, I don't care. Then you have to promise you call us to check in every fifteen minutes and it’s for an hour tops. And, as you said, dinner at five so make sure you're home." "Okay, I promise." "I trust you." Steve looked at him, nodding "So does your mom, don't give us reason not to"
"I won't." Jamie beamed at him as they walked to the car "Thanks dad."
Steve smiled and reached out, ruffling his hair which earned him a moan of complaint as Jamie pulled away.
"You're ruining my style!" He hastily shoved Steve gently in the side as he pushed his hands upwards to flatten it all back down and Steve chuckled before he studied his eldest boy, a conflicting feeling of happy sadness washed over him.
They were all growing up far too fast. **** At just gone midday, Steve strolled into the reception area of the once more named Stark Tower. He could have gone in the back entrance from the underground car park but Katie had told him to bring the kids into the foyer so they could see the tree, and he instantly knew why. It was stood next to the plinth in the middle of the large entrance rotunda which bore one of Tony's Iron Man suits that had been arranged in his signature palms out pose a few years back as a permanent memorial to his brother in law. The tree was huge, decked out in scarlet and gold, and the Iron Man suit had a Santa Hat on its head. He smiled, remembering the Christmas in the tower where he, Clint and Bruce had all taken it in turns to deck the Iron Legion bots out in the same hats, much to Tony's exasperation at the time.
"Look, Daddy!" Harry exclaimed excitedly as he spotted the hat "Uncle Nee is Santa!"
"I can see, buddy!" Steve chuckled as the young boy ran towards the suit, staring up at it. "Think it suits him?"
"Yep!" Harry nodded, his eyes focussed up before he turned to Steve. "I need one"
"A hat?" Steve asked, looking at him. “Well, I’m sure we can find one-“
"No, not a hat!” Jamie giggled “ A Iron Man suit."
Steve scoffed "No chance."
Just as Harry turned to look back at the suit once more, the elevator door opened and Katie walked out with Pepper. Pepper, as always, was dressed in a crisp grey suit and a pair of heels whereas Katie was in a pair of jeans, a Stark Industries hoody and a pair of knee high boots, her hair pulled back into a pony tail. Her coat was open and her scarf was loosely looped around her neck, woollen hat in her hands. Steve smiled at her as she greeted Harry who ran towards her and she picked him up. He gave his mom a kiss before he leaned over to wrap his arms around his Auntie's neck.
"Hi Sweetheart." Pepper beamed at him
"Hi Auntie Pep." He grinned before he wriggled a little so Katie placed him down as Steve approached giving her a soft kiss before he pecked his sister-in-law on the cheek.
"Hey Pep." He smiled as she gave him a hug.
"Hi Steve and hi baby!" She waggled her fingers at Flossie who beamed back and mimicked her actions. "God she's so big now."
"Yeah she's mastered the art of crawling. Poor Stark bolts from the room now to hide." Katie chuckled as she did up her coat.
"Auntie Pep, who put the hat on Uncle Nee?" Harry asked and Pepper looked at him, then to the Iron Man suit and snorted. "Your mommy"
"Why am I not surprised?" Steve looked at Katie and she shrugged.
"Tone loved Christmas much as me, he would approve." She tightened her scarf around her neck before she turned to Pepper "Can I change your mind about lunch?"
Pepper shook her head "I need to finish a few things then get to pick Moo up. But you guys enjoy and we'll see you in a couple of days for Christmas Eve."
"Positive." Pepper nodded.
After bidding Pepper a good bye the four of them headed out into the cold December air and took their lunch at a little Italian not far from Grand Central. It was a nice way for Katie to finish work for the holidays and when they’d finished they took a walk so the younger kids could go and see the tree by the Rockefeller Centre. Flossie was mesmerised by ice skaters, Steve lifting her from the stroller so she could take a closer look whilst Harry tugged on Katie’s hand, pulling her closer to the tree to investigate.
Eventually it was time to head back to pick Jamie and Rori up from school. Katie dropped Steve by the gate where he collected them, plus Seb, and they set off on the twenty minute or so walk back, the two boys staying slightly ahead of him and Rori. As predicted, she begged for some time on the park and Steve acquiesced and they bounced from the swings to the slide before he told her it was time they headed home. He gave the boys strict instructions not to get into trouble or be late, and he left them to it, a gnawing, anxious feeling brewing in his chest as he made the three minute walk back to their house.
However, it all seemed to be okay. Jamie rang like clockwork as promised after fifteen minutes, then thirty, then forty-five, and when the security system sounded at the gate to announce that Jamie was home at three minutes to five, Steve finally relaxed.
That was until he heard Katie scream from the hallway.
“Jamie! Oh my God! What the hell happened?”
In a flash he was off the rug where he had been colouring with Harry and hurried into the entrance hall, stopping dead, his chest constricting as he saw his boy with a split lip, an already bruising cheek and eye and a slightly torn jacket collar.
“It wasn’t his fault Mrs Rogers.” Seb started to protest as Katie gently cupped Jamie’s face to examine his bruises.
“Are you hurt, Jamie?” Harry frowned as he looked at his brother from where he had followed Steve and Jamie shook his head.
“I’m okay Harry.”
“You don’t look okay.” Katie’s face was contorted in worry as Steve strode forward.
“Mom, I’m fine.” Jamie assured her “Honestly.”
“The other four boys aint.” Seb sniggered and at that Katie balked.
“Four? You were fighting with four other boys?” she stuttered and Steve gently touched her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down a little. Jamie was roughed up, he could see that, but after his initial shock he’d fast realised his boy’s injuries were superficial, and that most of the blood on his grey jacket wasn’t actually his…
“Honey, why don’t you go grab-“ Steve began but Rori cut him off, shocking Steve a little as he hadn’t realised she’d joined them.
“What’s in your coat?” she demand, pointed to the front of Jamie’s jacket. Steve glanced down and noticed that there was a slight bulge there, and it was moving.
“Jamie?” Steve nodded to it and Jamie looked up at him.
“They were hurting it.” He said softly, undoing his zip to reveal a tiny black and white kitten with bright blue eyes, and behind him, Steve heard Rori give a gasp.
“A kitty?”
“That’s why I got in the fight.” Jamie ignored his sister, his eyes fixed firmly on the kitten before he looked up at his mom. “I told them to stop but they were throwing stones at her and when she tried to run away they grabbed her tail and pulled her over. I think her leg is broken.”
“It’s true.” Seb insisted as Katie let out a sigh, gently reaching out for the cat which gave a loud shriek in protest as she picked it up.
“How do you know it’s a her?” Rori asked, her eyes fixed on the cat as Katie gently held it close to her chest.
“Because she doesn’t have a penis.” Jamie shot back and Steve gave an exasperated groan.
“What?” his son looked up at him. “It’s true!”
“Okay.” Katie cut over them both. “Take her by the fire to warm up.” She instructed, passing the protesting animal to Steve. He gently took the kitten, frowning as he could feel her bony spine as the tiny animal shivered in his large hand, from fright or cold, possibly both. “Jamie, into the kitchen so I can clean you up.”
“Mom, I’m sorry.” he sighed “I know you’re gonna be angry I was fighting but they really were hurting her.”
“I’m not mad.” She assured him, shaking her head “You did a good thing just…” she sighed trailing off “Go, kitchen.”
He looked at Steve who gave him a nod and he trudged off, Seb following.
“Hey, he’s okay.” Steve looked at her and she ran her hand over her face “Looks a damned site better than I used to when I came home to my Ma after a fight.”
“He was fighting four of them.” She practically squeaked and Steve took a deep breath.
“And from the looks of it, he came off better.” Steve mused, before Rori tugged at his jeans.
“Daddy can I see the kitty?”
“Me too!” Harry nodded eagerly.
“Go grab her a blanket from the cupboard under the stairs.” Steve instructed “And you can both sit with her in the lounge okay?”
“Okay!” Rori bounded off and Katie shook her head before she wandered into the downstairs bathroom and came out with the first aid kit. Without another word she headed into the kitchen where Jamie was shrugging off his jacket.
“Sit.” She instructed him, before she grabbed a bowl and filled it with warm water. Jamie obediently parked himself on a chair, Seb taking up the one on the other side of the table as Katie pulled a chair round and sat opposite her son and began to gently wipe his face with the cotton wool. He winced a little as she mopped the blood from around his lip and the dirt down the side of his face, taking care to be gently around his bruising cheek and eye, but other than that he showed no sign of injury. Just as she’d finished, and was retrieving an ice pack for him from the freezer, Steve walked into the room, stopping to examine Jamie’s face.
“That’s going to be an impressive black eye, son.” He mused, before he sighed, moving so his back was resting against the kitchen island, arms folded “So, what happened?”
“We were just about to head home, as it was cold anyway and we thought we’d come back a bit early but as we passed the corner there were four boys from the elementary school by the bush and they were prodding something with a stick.” Jamie began to explain, pressing the ice pack to the side of his face “When we passed I heard it crying so I told them to stop. They just swore at me and then one picked up a stone and threw it. That’s when I saw the cat and it fell over, making a horrible noise.” Jamie swallowed and bowed his head “Then when the pulled its tail, I just kinda lost it. I know I shouldn’t have done it but I pushed the one who had thrown the rock over and went to grab the cat, but then they all just started punching and kicking us.”
“I got a jab in.” Seb said, almost excitedly as Steve looked at him, arching an eyebrow, “But Jamie, man, he was something else. Took two down, WHAM, and then then pulled the third away from me. Then they all kinda ran away after that.”
“Elementary school.” Katie swallowed “How old were they Jamie?”
“One of them was Lisa Bradley’s older brother, she’s in my class.” Jamie mused, the ice pack pressed to his face “I think she said he was like 13 or something?”
“Not that it matters.” Seb grinned “Jamie’s like the same size as them, bigger than one of them actually.”
“I didn’t hit him.” Jamie shook his head “Just pushed him away when he swung at me.” He looked at his dad, pleading with his eyes for his father to believe him, which Steve did. His son wasn’t a liar. “I didn’t want to fight with someone smaller. You told me bullying is wrong.”
Steve took a deep breath, the pride welling in his chest “It is, son, but it sounds to me like he’s a bully, not you. Size isn’t everything all the time.”
Jamie shrugged, then his shoulders slumped “I ruined it didn’t I?”
“Ruined what?” Katie asked.
“You trusting me. You’ll never let me go to the park on my own again.”
Steve looked at Katie, before he turned to his son “I don’t recall us saying that.”
“But I got in a fight, and ripped my jacket. I know that was expensive and-”
“Jamie, we don’t care about your jacket.” Katie shook her head, “The rate you’re growing at it most likely won’t fit you for much longer anyway.” She sighed, “Look, hitting people isn’t right. And no, maybe you shouldn’t have started it but, we’re never going to get mad at you for standing up for yourself or someone, well something in this case, that needs help.” Katie looked at her son, smiling gently. “You did a good thing, fighting…well, I don’t like the fact you were involved in one but…”
“So you’re not gonna ground me?”
“No.” Steve shook his head.
“Even if their parent’s come round and start shouting and stuff?”
“We’ll worry about that if or when it happens.” Katie spoke, her voice was calm but Steve noticed her shoulders draw back a little and he had to fight the smirk on his face. She was an absolute hell cat where her kids were involved and he almost pitied the first parent to complain about Jamie’s behaviour. They’d feel the full on wrath of her Stark temper, and it wasn’t going to be pretty. With a deep breath she stood up, “Now, you boys thirsty? I got some peach tea if you want it?”
“My favourite!” Seb beamed “You’re the best Mrs R!”
With a soft smile, Katie gathered the bowl of dirty water and cotton pads and turned towards the sink. As she passed Steve he gently pushed away from the counter, reaching out to stop her. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and she took a deep breath, as she saw the tension leave her body before she continued across the kitchen.
“I’ll go check on the cat, make sure Rori hasn’t dressed it in a tutu or something.” He said, making for the door.
“I think she needs to go to the vet.” Jamie looked at him, “She was hurt real bad.”
Steve looked at Katie as she had pulled the jug of tea from the fridge. “Okay, if she needs to go I can take her whilst you guys have dinner.”
“You sure?” Steve looked at her and she nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll call them, see if John Mason is working.”
“I like him.” Jamie nodded “He was really kind with Lucky, and he’s nice to Stark too.”
With a nod, Katie moved from the room, calling out to Rori and Steve made to follow, stopping by Jamie as he did so, placing his hand on his shoulder.
“I’m proud of you, Son.” Steve’s head cocked to one side as Jamie looked up at him “We both are.”
“Thanks Dad.” He smiled softly.
“Just, maybe try not to take four of them on at once next time.” Steve arched an eyebrow. “Not that there should be a next time, but if there is…just don’t. You’ll give your Ma a heart attack.”
 “It’s not broken.” John Mason said, looking a Katie. “Just dislocated. To be honest the malnutrition and dehydration is more of a worry along with the nasty infection she has in her ear. Poor thing has been through the wars.”
“Yeah, she feels very skinny.” Katie sighed “She going to be ok?”
“Next forty-eight hours will be critical.” The vet straightened up. “We’ll get her on a drip and see if we can locate an owner. She’s not chipped so chances are that won’t happen. But if she makes it we’ll get her in at the shelter.”
Katie nodded “Could you keep me updated on how she is? My son got into a bit of a punch up during his efforts to rescue her.”
Mason smiled “Absolutely.”
“Thanks. Oh and you can send the bill to me. I’ll front it, not the rescue.”
“That’s very kind Mrs Rogers.” he smiled “I’ll be in touch.”
Katie left the vets, rubbing her temple. She had a banging headache and needed a fucking stiff drink. She drove the short distance home, and frowned as she pulled up their drive. Steve was stood on the stoop, in full on Captain mode if his body language was anything to go by. His hands were on his belt buckle, broad shoulders squared, face set in a furious expression as he faced off against a pair of people stood at the bottom of the steps, the woman waving her hands excitedly. Katie let out a groan, as she would lay odds on these being the irate parents of one of the boys Jamie had been in a fight with, but her groan turned into a growl as the woman stepped up to Steve, pushing him in the chest. In a flash she was out of the car and ran over, gripping the lady by her hair and yanking her backwards down the stoop before she released her, shoving her harshly on the shoulder. The woman stumbled back a little, into the man who was stood there looking completely abashed, like he would rather be anywhere else. Katie pulled herself upright and glared at the pair of them before pointing at the sharp-faced woman, her eyes blazing with anger.
“Touch my husband again and I’ll break your arm.” Katie snarled, looking the woman up and down “Who the fuck are you?”
“Your son kicked the crap out of my boy!” The woman shrieked and Katie grimaced, her voice was as irritating as nails scraping down a black board. “I want to know what the hell you’re going to do about it.”
“As I pointed out, if your son hadn’t been part of a group throwing rocks at an animal, this wouldn’t have happened.” Steve’s voice was calm, but laced with authority.
“So you’re saying he deserved it?”
“I told you, James has been made perfectly aware that violence is not acceptable.” Steve avoided spitting out the yes that had flown into his mind, instead remaining as diplomatic and as calm as he could “But as far as we’re concerned, that’s end of the matter. So, if you don’t mind, I think you need to leave.”
“End of the matter?” the woman exploded “My son has got a broken nose, a black eye and he’s shaken up to heaven!”
Steve bit back the smirk that was threatening to spread across his face, the amusement that his ten year old really had managed to kick the crap out of a boy three years his senior really wasn’t appropriate but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t like bullies, in any shape or form.
“Oh, my heart bleeds.” Katie wasn’t quite as subtle, not that Steve expected anything else. As predicted, she was in full Momma Bear mode. Just like she was whenever anyone messed with her kids. “Go tell someone who cares, because I sure as hell don’t.”
"You know, it makes me want to barf the fact we’re all supposed to kiss your ass after everything that happened.” The woman scoffed and Katie simply looked at her, rolling her eyes. She’d heard it all before. “Fucking Katie Stark, married Captain America…” the woman continued, “parading around like she owns the place. God, you think you’re so special don’t you?”
At that Steve groaned as he saw Katie stiffen even more, her shoulders rolling back a little as she drew herself to full height, her body language one of a snake ready to strike, and he’d seen it countless times before, none of them ending particularly well for the other person involved.
“Not special, no.” Katie shook her head, her voice low and steely “But I’m certainly better than some piece of shit parent that brings their kid up with an attitude which makes them think it’s acceptable to not only harm a defenceless animal but be part of a gang of four boys who pick a fight with two kids three years younger than them.” She then stepped forward into the woman’s space and at that Steve hastily made his way down the stoop steps, ready to break up what he sensed was going to become another fight. “Now I suggest you get the fuck off my property before I drag you out of the gates myself, and trust me, patching up your son’s bruised ego at having the crap kicked out of him by a ten year old will be the least of your worries if that happens"
Steve slid his arm between the two women and gently moved Katie away. She acknowledged his touch, taking a step back but her eyes, which were blazing with anger, never left the woman in front of her. 
"Come on, Hallie..." the man next to her spoke
"Yeah, go on Hallie," Katie hissed, unable as usual not have the last word, "fuck off back to your troll cave and mark my words, your son goes near mine again and I’ll be the one stood on your door step. You got me?"
The woman swallowed, her face slipping before she turned and left, Katie’s eyes following them out of the gate.
“Stupid bitch.” Katie spat as she spun to Steve who shook his head, “What?”
“You’re scary when you’re angry.” He stated simply, raising an eyebrow.
“What do you expect?” She blazed. “Coming round here, shooting her mouth off, shoving you in the chest. I don’t like people touching my stuff. Fuck her.”
Steve chuckled and wrapped his arm round her shoulder, pressing a kiss to her temple and quickly changing the subject. “How’s the cat?”
“Vet says in a bad way but we’ll see. Her leg wasn’t broken but she’s poorly” Katie sighed, her demeanour calming somewhat as they stepped inside the house. “He said he’d call me when they have news.”
“Rori’s already been asking if we can keep her.”
Katie groaned “Why am I not surprised?” she paused as Steve shut the door. “So were they the only ones to turn up then or-“
“Yeah.” Steve nodded “I took a call off the parents of two others, but both were very apologetic when I explained what had actually happened.”
“How are you so calm about all this?” Katie stopped and looked at him. “It’s normally me that’s level headed when it comes to stuff they’ve done but-“
“Honey, I got my ass kicked all over Brooklyn.” Steve smiled gently, shrugging “As I said before, my Ma saw me in far worse states than Jamie came home in, and whilst I don’t like what happened, rightly or wrongly I’m kinda pleased that he’s way stronger than I was and can stand up for himself. Gives us a little less to worry about, don’t you think?”
Katie pondered his words for a moment before she let out a soft sigh. “I need a drink.”
**** Three days later on the Monday, after lunch, the entire Rogers family sat in the large living room watching Home Alone. Katie was curled up on one of the sofas her feet resting in Steve’s lap as he absentmindedly traced circles on the skin just above her right ankle, his eye focussed on the TV. Rori lay tucked up against his other side as she nestled into him, her legs hanging over the arm of the sofa whilst Emmy, Pete and Harry were sat on the larger sofa opposite, Harry perched on Emmy’s knee. Jamie was sprawled in the large armchair with Stark, his hand tangling in his faithful dog’s fur and Flossie was napping in her pack and play to the side of the room. Katie loved moments like this, having all her kids together, laughing and joking and chatting as they watched, every so often Steve making some kind of ‘dad’ remark that would earn him a groan in response, or cause Jamie and Emmy to exchange exasperated glances whilst he turned and winked at Katie, knowing exactly what he was doing.
This was what the holidays were all about to them both. Their family.
Feeling her phone vibrate, Katie shifted a little to locate it from down the side of the cushion and Steve looked at her, questioningly as she glanced at her phone.
“Be right back.” She said, leaving the room so as not to disturb them.
“Mrs Rogers, its John Mason.” The vet greeted her as she answered, shutting the door to the kitchen. “I just wanted to update you on Erica, the kitten you brought in.”
"Erica?" Katie blinked and the vet gave a little chuckle.
“Sorry, yeah, one of the vet nurses kinda nicknamed her and it stuck." The man's tone was almost apologetic. "It’s short for America. Cat-tain America to be specific" Katie let out a little groan of a chuckle “You know you'd really get on with my eldest daughter." The man laughed "Well, despite the odds being stacked against her I’m pleased to tell you she pulled through. She was extremely weak when you brought her in but she's healthy enough to be moved to the shelter tomorrow where they can continue to look after her until she hopefully finds a home" "Well I appreciate it. Thank you for letting me know. Are you emailing the bill over?” "No, there's no charge." The vet replied. "It’s Christmas after all. The time for good will and all that." Katie smiled "Well in that case I'll give an extra donation to the shelter. We normally take them something this time of year, especially seeing as that’s where our dog came from." "Yes how is Stark after we last saw him?" "He’s good." Katie turned her head to eye up the mutt in question who had followed her into the kitchen in the hope he was going to sneak some coveted human food, not a care in the world at the fact the last time he had snatched something he shouldn’t, it had cost them almost four hundred bucks and a Jamie melt down. "The sickness drugs obviously worked as he was fine. No chocolate poisoning thank God. I’d like to say it taught him a lesson on not eating things that are not meant to be eaten by him but sadly no, he still sticks his nose into everything, including my shoe closet. The vet laughed “Yes, they keep us on our toes. Well, lovely talking to you Mrs Rogers. Hopefully, no offence, but we won't see you soon and I hope you have a lovely Christmas." "You too. And thank you."
With that she put the phone back in her pocket and headed into the lounge.
“That was the vet.” She said.  Steve looked up at her, and the paused the film, all eyes turning to her. “The kitten is fine. She pulled through.”
“Well that’s good news.” Steve smiled, as Jamie gave a little grin and Rori cheered.
“They’re going to take her to the shelter tomorrow.”
“But it’s Christmas.” Rori said gently, her face falling. “She’ll be all alone.”
“She won’t” Katie assured her, knowing full well that she was as much of an animal lover as Jamie. “She’ll have other cat friends. Hey, they even gave her a name, they like her that much so…”
“What?” Rori asked.
“Erica.” Katie grinned, her eyes flicking to Steve “Short for Cat-tain America.”
At that Steve let out a groan as Peter and Emmy both snorted, Jamie howling with laugher but Rori’s face remained deadly serious.
“They should have called her Emmy.”
“Why?” Emmy looked at Rori who gave a shrug.
“Because she’s like you.”
“What, has a furry face and whiskers?” Pete quipped, causing Jamie to howl even more. Steve gave a grin as Pete easily dodged the blow Emmy aimed to the back of his head, his spidey senses telling him it was coming.
“No.” Rori rolled her eyes, sighing dramatically “I mean because she was all alone too until Jamie found her, just like you were until momma and daddy found you” she looked at her sister, the expression on her little face serious as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Steve and Katie exchanged a look, both of them sideswiped by Rori’s comment.
“I just hope she’s as lucky as you were.” Rori shrugged. “And that she finds a family that’s kind to her.” With that she turned back to the TV. “Now, can we finish the movie?”
“Erm, yeah.” Steve pressed play again and Katie excused herself to start dinner. He waited a few minutes before he headed out into the hallway to see Katie hastily pulling on her jacket.
“I need cheese for the lasagne.” She looked at him and he arched an eyebrow.
“Yeah, right. Cheese.”
She shrugged and headed out of the door, and Steve turned to see Jamie stood behind him.
“Ten bucks says she’s coming back with the cat.” Jamie spoke and Steve snorted.
“First rule of gambling, you bet on a cert not against it. No deal.” He folded his arms as Jamie grinned “Not a word to your sister until your mom gets home or we won’t hear the end of it.”
***** About forty minutes or so later the system announced that Katie was home and Steve and Jamie exchanged a look. A few moments later Katie called them all out into the hallway and Steve watched as Rori and Harry shot out first, the rest following, as they heard Rori gave a shriek.
“Are we keeping her?”
“An early Christmas gift from Jamie to everyone.” Katie smiled as she crouched down and opened the little cat carrier and reached in for the kitten, which looked a damned site better than when Steve had last seen her.
“Jamie, you’re the best!” Rori turned to her brother and hugged him tightly. Jamie grinned and hugged her back before Rori turned round and held her arms out, Katie handing the kitten over.
“Hi Erica!” Rori beamed at the cat who looked at her, then around the room blinking before giving a tiny meow.
“Okay, look, if the cat’s staying can we at least think of a better name?” Steve pleaded, before he smiled and looked at Katie “What about T’Challa?”
Katie laughed as his suggestion was met with a resounding chorus of protest.
“Nope.” Rori shook her head, looking at him. “It’s bad luck to change an animal’s name. And now we have a dog named after Uncle Nee and momma, and now a kitty named after you.” She shrugged, her attention turning back to the cat and Steve watched Erica batted slightly at the little coloured woollen balls that adorned Rori’s sweater. Rori gave a giggle, gently pressing her nose to the cat’s head.
In the corner of his eye, Steve noticed a flash of white and tan fur but before he could do anything, Jamie grabbed Stark’s collar to stop him jumping all over Rori and the kitten.
“You’ll have to take them into the lounge so they can meet each other.” Katie instructed and Jamie nodded.
“Come on, I’ll help.” Emmy smiled.
“Me too, I love cats!” Peter grinned, and together they all headed into the lounge, Rori talking excitedly about all the tricks she was going to teach her new pet, leaving Steve and Katie alone in the hall.
“Funny looking cheese.” Steve quipped, as he looked down at the bag of items from the pet store, finally meeting his wife’s eyes with a smirk as she looked at him, her expression a little sheepish. “And after all that abuse you gave me last week over saying maybe.”
“Shut up.” She mumbled, and then with a grin she moved and slipped her arms round his neck. “I’ll make it up to you later.”
“Oh, I know you will.” He smirked, his hands resting on her hips. “And for the record, the next time you say that our little Diva knows how to play me, I’m totally gonna remind you of this.”
“I don’t doubt it for a second, Soldier.” She grinned, pulling his head down towards hers, kissing him deeply, “But for the record, it was the name that totally did it.”
“Sure it was.”
“That and the fact it’s black and white.” She grinned, a mischievous look in her face “Like your beard.”
“Well for that I’m definitely shaving.” His lips brushed against hers and she laughed, shaking her head.
“Please don’t.” she whispered, her teeth nipping at his jaw line, her mouth sliding softly down his neck and Steve gave a little moan, his fingers flexing on her hips.
“Well, maybe you can convince me to keep it.” He spoke softly, as once more his lips claimed hers.
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sunseteyes · 5 years ago
theme/s: bestfriend, confession, makeout, only mild nsfw
this is my second present for my friend because sae is her baby haha. anyway, feel free to listen to the song whilst reading!
You knew you couldn’t be selfish to call him yours.
He’s different; his job, his life, heck even his identity. As much as he kept secrets from you, you knew there was more to him than just that bubbly, slightly cringey, cute guy you met in the net.
You were bored by time when you matched with him in some random dating app, not really knowing you’d enjoy his crazy jokes and eventually, his company. It took you awhile before he actually went by your place and vice versa. However, he preferred the latter since he said he has a lot of work and he’d bring at least his laptop when he comes by your place or he’d have to go home early to finish his work. He’s a very busy man, you realized. That’s also why you two never progressed into something other than that line between friendship and being an official couple.
It was not what you two intended anyway at first. There were some casual flirting—wait, scratch that. There were a lot of flirting especially in texts or calls. However, he tends to shy up and just friend-zone you whenever you see each other in real life. You figured it was just his personality and he was never really interested to get serious so you pushed aside those budding feelings, going to several blind dates setup by your other friends or hookups that only lasted for just one night or at most, a week.
No one was like Luciel—or if that’s really his name.
You figured out it was not his real name when you got to talk to one of his friends—Yoosung, who went by his place one time to pickup some Honey Buddha Chips when he saw you, surprising the hell out of the boy. You could remember how freaked out he was that “Seven”—another name of his—was not telling anyone he has someone who he hangs out every now and then. You two exchanged numbers at that time and became friends. You tried to flirt with him, but you just couldn’t do it.
He’s just not Luciel.
Until one day, you realized you’d been trying to find him in every person you meet, setting up the standards to match the kind of person he is. Ah, shit. You totally fell deep into this one, you cursed to yourself.
“Hey, hey, are you still watching?” a voice pulls you from your train of thoughts, the owner of the said voice being the center of said thoughts. You sigh as you turn to Luciel, gazing at his golden eyes, laced with dark bags underneath, his glasses sitting comfortably under his sharp nose. He seems tired but he still made time for you to hangout today. Why does he have to be so kind? Why is he making it hard for you not to fall deeper into that unfair thing called love—or whatever it is?
“What? What’s wrong?” he asks, his smile falling as he looks at you worriedly. “Do you not like the movie?”
You avert away, avoiding his eyes, afraid he’d see through the hundred bricked walls you’ve built up against him, just like the security gate that he has before you could get in his home.
“It’s not that-“ your voice comes out rushed. “-maybe I’m just tired.” you were—it’s not a lie. You’re tired of hiding these feelings and not acting upon it. How could you? You’re too afraid to break whatever friendship you had with him—the only relationship that mattered to you right now.
“Oh.” he lets out. “Do you want to-uhm-stop watching? Do you want to sleep? You can sleep for awhile, I think. If only you want to though! I’m not forcing you or anything.” he blabbered, clearly embarrassed.
Don’t do that, Luciel, you say to your mind. Don’t make me hope.
“No, it’s alright. Let’s watch.” you say, dropping your hands to fish some Honey Buddha Chips that were settled onto a big bowl in between the two of you. However, before you could even do so, a familiar warmth envelops your hand and your head whips to Luciel, surprised.
He has a blush on his cheeks, almost resembling the color of his hair. “Y/n-I could tell something’s bothering you. What is it? You should not feel this way, it’s your birthday.”
Ah, that’s right. The reason he probably invited you was because he felt bad he couldn’t even go to your birthday gathering, where you gathered several of your friends to a club last night. Your head still spins from all the stuff that went on; all the drinking, kissing, dancing. Have you hooked up with someone else? You can’t even remember. Maybe you did. All you knew was that you hated Luciel’s work—for taking him from you, even if he wasn’t yours anyway.
“It’s nothing.” you brush his question away, but not his hand. His hand felt too warm and amazing against yours. You’re too selfish to push it away.
The look on his eyes made you want to say what’s been bothering you. But it’s not that simple. You can’t really tell him you’ve been in love with him after almost two years of friendship; that you can’t get him off your head even if you’re fucking another person or in another blind date, finding his warmth and touches in other people. Did you though? Nope. Not a single one.
His thumb brushes softly against your hand, butterflies spreading from your stomach, traveling to your heart. He’s not one to initiate skinship and it made you wonder why he’s doing this now. You wanted to question him, you really do. But how could you? You’re afraid he’d stop it altogether.
“It’s not nothing.” he objects, his voice soft. “Today’s your special day. Uh-Do you want to do something else? Do you want to play games? Do you-“
“You can’t-“ you cut him off from his rambling, pulling your gaze away from his eyes to divert your attention back at the television screen. “You can’t give me what I want.”
You tried focusing, despite the distraction that his hand provided. However, your efforts were futile. You can’t even get the gist of the movie by now. Is this an action movie? Or comedy? You’ve got not a single idea.
You felt him remove the bowl in between the two of you without letting go of your hand and move closer, until he was inches away, his whole body facing yours. “Come on, tell it to me! I’m sure I can probably hack my way into it.” he laughs, trying to lift up the mood, probably.
“You can’t, Luciel.” you used his name—fake name, your tone indicating that the conversation was over and you didn’t want to talk about it. You could tell he wanted to push it but he kept his mouth shut. It ached you to act like this to him. But what could you do? One look from him will make you get on your knees if he wanted. One touch and you’d be crumbling down your walls to let him in. Maybe-
Maybe you should stop hiding?
I mean, there’s nothing left to recover, right? If this keeps on going, it would just be the same as being heartbroken from the unrequited feelings. Were you willing to risk Luciel and your friendship?
You were not the one who decided that, however, for a hand grasps gently on your chin, making you face him once again. You noticed how he had leaned closer to you, taking your breath away at the current proximity between the two of you.
“Hey...” you snap, a bit harsher than you intended. “What are you doing?”
He was blushing, but he did not back down. This is not just part of those flirting you’ve done before—it’s different from all of those you’ve done before.
“I...” he trails off, almost like he wanted to say something. But then he lets out a sigh, bumping his forehead into yours while closing his eyes.
You could smell him—it was not the scent from the Honey Buddha Chips he’d probably eaten all day, but rather it was a the sweetness and freshness of his perfume, most likely sprayed earlier on before you came. Bergamot with hints of lemon? You don’t really know much about luxurious perfumes but you could tell that he’d spent a generous money on this one.
You couldn’t hold back. It was your fault for cutting that thin thread of separation between friends and something more. You were the one who held on his jacket, pulling him closer to you and inhaling on his scent.
His eyes shot open, now looking at you with a surprised look. You could feel your heart pound when you met his golden irises, observing his reaction.
You dreaded as the seconds pass by, silence hanging between the two of you despite the distant noise from the built-in speakers that was installed in his living room. Yet, the only thing you could focus on were his eyes, his scent, his warmth, his soft breaths—in short, him.
Until he finally closes his eyes and relents all the restraints that bounded him from doing something more, leaning forward to brush his lips slightly onto yours, testing the waters.
Your heart jumps but you didn’t move away. Instead, you decided to let it all go and met his lips again, this time giving in to your inner desires for once and for all. You knew you should’ve stopped, should’ve pushed him away. But what can you do when you’ve just ached for him that much?
The kisses were light as a feather, and his lips were inexperienced. Yet, it didn’t fail to make your heart flutter like a high-school girl kissing her crush. The hands that gripped on his jacket pulled him closer, deepening the kiss as a result.
You pull away to kiss the side of his lips, a hand raising to cup his jaw, relishing on the way he responds. You did sense uncertainty in his aura however, and it made you stop your actions.
“Is this... okay?” you ask, voice hushed in a whisper, like you’re afraid anybody else will hear despite knowing no on else was there aside from you and him.
He peaks a look at you and nods, a simple action yet it weighed much more than anything else you’ve done your whole life. You caress his cheek, as gentle as a dove flopping its wings as it glides into the air. You adored the way he leans into your touch, resembling a scene of yourself petting a cat.
“There will be no going back.” you spilled the words out of your mouth, as if telling it to yourself at the same time. This time, he looks you straight in the eye behind his Gucci glasses, his messy vermillion locks adoring his head, accentuating more of his sharp but adorable face.
“I know. I just-“ he pauses, his brows furrowing. “I can’t hide it anymore. Whenever I see you sad, it hurts me how I can’t comfort you the way I want to.”
You held the sides of his face and gave him all of your attention, letting him speak further. His expressions told you a lot of his emotions, mirroring the inside with the outside with how exposed he was.
“I want to hug you whenever you’re stressed, I want to kiss all of your tears away. You don’t know how much I want to take your mind away from all the things that brings a frown to your face.” he rattles on, pouring out all of his emotions to you. You’ve never seen him look so broken and desperate, and you just want to hug the daylights out of him.
But you did more than that, pressing your lips to his once again, lasting for a couple of seconds before you lean back and gaze at him lovingly. “You can, you know. You just have to let me in.”
He didn’t respond verbally after that. Instead, he kissed you again, filled with emotions of the moon that chose to show itself in the darkness of the night.
Moments passed by in a blur; his touches making you feel light-headed and his kisses being the only thing that’s keeping you from pushing on. It was finally happening—he’s finally the one in front of you, taking you to bed, not just some random stranger you’ve picked up from the bar or someone who you’ve just had your first date with.
“Luciel, I-“
“I’m not Luciel.”
Your head snapped to look him in the eyes. “What?”
“Don’t call me Luciel.” he says, glancing up at you from his position below you as you straddled his lap, his hands wrapped around you protectively.
“I want you to call me by my real name, Saeyoung.” his golden irises held the sincerity and trust that he felt towards you and you can’t help but gaze adoringly at him, raising your hands to cup his cheeks before grasping upon the temples of his glasses and gently remove it out of his face. You had to stretch a bit to place it on the bedside table but once you came back in front of him, he pulls you once again into a heated make-up session, spreading more butterflies flutter in your stomach.
Both your tops were discarded in a matter of seconds, heat rushing through your blood the more exposed you two were becoming.
He pecks your cheeks and his lips travel down your neck, and then down to the valley of your breasts.
Tracing down on his arms, you grabbed into his hands kissed his fingertips, taking his breath away in the process. You could see the way he looks at you and you then wondered why you even were worried before.
However, a sound of ringing echoed throughout the walls of the house and you recognized it as your own phone. You fish your hand on one of your jeans’ pockets, feeling Saeyoung resume his soft kisses on your neck, pulling you close.
“Who’s that?” he questions, his voice muffled by your skin as he peaks at the screen.
“I don’t know, honestly.” you respond and you were about to ignore the call and turn off the phone when he speaks again.
“Answer it.”
“What? Why?”
He looks at you intensely. “Answer it, babe.”
It might have been the way his tone accentuated with the pet name that slipped out of his mouth or the way he continued giving you open-mouthed kisses on your neck and chest, but you obliged. You felt giddy, and nervous by the time you held the gadget on one ear, making sure you won��t make a single noise that would hint that you were being intimate at the moment.
A voice greets on the other line and you immediately recognize it. From what you could recall, it was someone you met at the bar last night.
“Hey, I thought you’re free tonight?”
You avert your eyes to Saeyoung, who was busying himself with marking your skin or running his lips and tongue on it. Yet, you were quite certain he could hear the conversation very well with the way he ducks his head and refuses to meet your gaze.
“Oh-uhm, sorry, who are you again?” your voice came out breathily more than you intended.
“You forgot? You slept with me last night.”
Both you and Saeyoung froze, thickness suddenly looming in the air around you. It took awhile but he reaches out to grab your phone from your ear and put it away before tackling you to bed, pulling you underneath him as he hovered on top of you.
“Do you really want to do this with me?” he whispers and that’s when you noticed the hurt in his golden orbs, gleaming beneath the beauty of its color. You thought he was going to be angry at you, but his reaction pained you more.
You nod at him while softly saying, “I’ve never wanted anyone else other than you.”
Your affirmation was all he needed to hold you tight all night and never let you go from now on.
feel free to send requests~ as for birthday dedications, i’ll post the guidelines probably tomorrow or the day after so please do check it out!
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