#House Of The Dragon story
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multific · 2 years ago
Padam Padam
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Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: Your father wished for you to marry Prince Aemond to strengthen the bond between your and his family. What your father didn’t know is that you heard about the Prince before, and you were very interested.
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You swore your heart stopped and then quickened up the moment you saw him.
Aemond Targaryen.
You heard the rumours about his eye, yet all failed to mention the handsome face, the tall figure and the built muscles.
Your father wished for you to marry Prince Aemond to strengthen the bond between your and his family.
It was purely political and yet you couldn't stop staring at him. His handsome face, his beautiful hair, his tall frame and his long fingers, which you were sure could be used for other things than holding a sword.
You didn't say anything during dinner. You mainly observed his family and fantasised about your future husband.
You could faintly hear your father talking to the Queen about the details of your wedding, but your senses were mainly focused on the man sitting across from you.
After dinner, you were ready to head to bed. Sleep off your sinful thoughts, but as you rounded the corner, the same man stood in your doorway, waiting for you.
"My Prince, how may I help you?" you asked as you walked up to him, not looking into his eye.
"Am I truly that repulsive that you refuse to look at me?" his voice was filled with venom and anger.
You should have known that he was cautious about his lost eye.
"Quite the opposite, My Prince." you answered honestly and hoped no one else was there to hear.
"You dare lie to me?!" he almost yelled, but he did raise his voice, which was not appreciated by you. Your eyes met his.
"I will have to ask you to not raise your voice at me. I am to be your wife, not your slave, it is not my fault you don't believe my words. And now, I would like to go and sleep, excuse me." you said as you rounded him.
He just stood there, too stunned to speak. By the time he gathered himself, you already locked yourself into your chambers.
He could only stare at the closed door before he turned to leave.
The next morning you woke up, you recalled the events before you got into your bed and you felt both relieved and bad.
You were glad you stood up to Aemond and didn't let him yell at you. But you also feared he might want to call the wedding off.
You felt like you should apologise, but at the same time, you didn't want to.
You didn't want for him to know that it was okay to yell at you. You were not about to have a relationship where you would go insane much like your aunt did.
You entered the hall for breakfast.
"Daughter! Sit next to the Prince." your father said and you obliged.
Sitting down next to Aemond and to your other side was his sister.
After breakfast Aemond's mother asked you to walk you through the castle with you.
Now, you have spoken with the Queen before so you didn't feel as nervous.
You had a feeling that she liked you. Or she really wouldn't let you marry her son. You assumed.
Later that day, you were resting in your room when there was a knock.
"Come in." you looked up from your book and your eyes met with the Prince. "Prince Aemond, how may I help?"
"I came to apologise for my behaviour. Yesterday, I wasn't myself, please forgive me."
"I forgive you, but I will not believe that it wasn't you, My Prince." Aemond looked at you, confused, so you continued. "I believe everything you said you meant, I believe you are holding back always. I can see in your posture. You have some deep regrets and anger inside you. A huge fire is burning inside you, My Prince."
"And you will be the wife of such a man. You might end up getting burnt."
"I sure hope so. If it means the fire is who you really are, Aemond, I wish to see it. All of it."
"How can you say that? Most women run from me, scream even just by the thought of me."
"I suppose you can say, I am not most women." you stood up from your chair, your book on the floor, long forgotten. "I always admired fire, I heard of you, when my father told me, I am to marry you, I felt joy. If what you are saying is true, if women are truly scared of you, then excuse me for admitting this, but at least I can be selfish and keep you all to myself."
"You want me?" he genuinely sounded surprised.
"With everything I have. Anything you are willing to give me, and I will give you myself." for a moment his eyes went over your figure. "I believe that everyone is born to find their pair. I trust my instincts that you, Aemond, are my other half."
"You are speaking nonsense." you smiled softly as you watched the light hit his perfect face. Oh, how you wished to run your fingers through his beautiful white locks. 
"It is okay if you won't believe me now, I am sure you will soon realize I do not lie."
"Did your father put you up for this? Forced you to speak such things?" he was getting angry, you took a step closer and placed your hand on his chest.
"My father would marry me to a goat. I am speaking the truth." his eye searched yours.
But you were no liar.
You meant every word.
You deserved him as much as he deserved you.
You wanted him as much as he wanted you.
And soon, he would realize that he was destined to be yours as much as you were destined to be his.
His lips hang open as he thought.
He looked ever more handsome when he was thinking.
Soon, he moved his head, letting his lips rest on yours.
He wasn't skilled, but neither were you. It was okay.
More than okay.
It was perfect.
Your heart skipped a beat.
Padam padam.
Yes, you were ready to get burnt.
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A/N: This piece was inspired by a song with the same title from Kylie Minogue. Hope you enjoyed it! 
Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​ @noname2246​
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lyrasky · 8 months ago
【ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン】シーズン2第1話ネタバレ あらすじ解説 愛のある者と愛がない者の格差 感想 House Of The Dragon2-1
【ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン】シーズン2第1話ネタバレ あらすじ解説 愛のある者と愛がない者の格差 感想 House Of The Dragon2-1 クリックしてアマゾンへ #HouseOfTheDragon #ハウスオブザドラゴン #EmmaDArcy #Targaryen #MattSmith #RhysIfans #SteveToussaint #EveBest
待ちに待った【House Of The Dragon ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン】シーズン2!「ありがたや〜」と見ているとついつい呟いてしまうくらい大好きなアイルランド〜イングランドの昔話のような舞台、セット、衣装、言い回しがお祭り状態なTVシリーズで嬉しくなってしまいます。 皆さんご存知でしょう…こちらの作品は、数々の賞を受賞した【Game Of Thrones ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ】のスピンオフ・ドラマになります。だからこのトラディショナルな雰囲気は当然のことなのですが、その中でもあの作品をただの王冠争奪戦ドラマではなく、より摩訶不思議な世界観にしている1番の要因でもあるダーガリアン家に焦点を当てた壮大なストーリーになっています。 そのシーズン2が放送開始になったので今日は、【ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン】シーズン2のあらすじや解説を致しましょう。 本家の【Game Of…
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bbygirl-aemond · 9 months ago
i love how aegon was like "i'm gonna break the generational cycle of my dad ignoring me by being the best dad to jaehaerys ever" and instead he actually just continued viserys's original generational cycle of ignoring daughters in favors of sons and now one day aegon's going to look at jaehaera when she's the only thing he has left and maybe then he will finally understand why viserys treated rhaenyra with such guilt
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saintlucretia · 7 months ago
the feeling when your fictional crush is so wild you can't even defend them:
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talesofesther · 7 months ago
I'll crawl home to her
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: Tales of Aemond's love for you.
A/N: In Ewan's words; the only thing that can beat Aemond is love. If you like this story, you'll like my ongoing series too. ;)
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Aemond loves you behind closed doors.
He loves you with the way his pinky hooks around yours under the tables, during supper and council meetings.
He loves you with subtle looks and barely there smiles across rooms filled with people where he can only see you.
He loves you when he comes back tasting of heartache and guilt, with raindrops or tears staining his cold skin and clothes clinging to his body. When he stumbles into your room whispering sins against your embrace only for you to kiss the words, kiss his cheeks, kiss his scar, kiss the tears away. He clings to your body, your nightgown nearly ripping with his desperation.
But it's alright, because there's only you and him and the soft light of the candles in your room. It's alright because you cradle his head, fingertips burying between wet silver locks. It's alright because you whisper forgiveness into his ears, even if he feels undeserving.
And maybe war is now inevitable, but for a fraction of a moment, Aemond feels entirely at peace.
He loves you when you watch him from afar and notice the stiffness of his shoulders, the tapping of his fingers on the table. And then you'll find an excuse to call his name and get him away from the crowds, asking for some help with something mundane. You lace your fingers together, loose and yet so present. You take a familiar route through a lone hallway, you open the doors to the library hidden away in the confines of the Keep, pull him in, and close it again.
Aemond falls to you, his forehead is leaning against yours, his eye is closed, and he can breathe. You feel like fresh air. He nuzzles his nose to yours before asking for a kiss, it's all timid and bashful, he's not sure how to love yet, all he knows is that he feels it, insistent and warm; all-consuming.
But you hold his cheeks, you guide him, you teach him. Your fingers are in his hair and your soft lips touch the corner of his mouth; all delicate and devoted, Aemond doesn't know what to do with this much love, he might crumble.
His hands are around you, all over, and he's almost afraid to hurt you; even if you promise time and time again that he could never. Aemond sighs against your lips, and it sounds a lot like; "I am yours."
He loves you because there is no need for words with you. When he holds himself back from going to you all day—between planning for a war he's fighting alone and hearing his own mother talk of him as if he were a monster—the arrival of the night feels like a reprieve. It's the moment he waits for the most, for he can lay down his armor.
Aemond walks by the garden, picking up a single blue flower. He hides it away as he walks to your chambers, no one needs to know—even if everyone already knows anyway. He gives you the blue flower, with pink on his cheeks; he feels like a young boy in love—perhaps he is.
You kiss him, sweet and soft and tasting like the blueberries you stole from the kitchen earlier. And Aemond could cry, because if he has you, he's not alone.
You're the one who takes off his eyepatch, and then his coat, and his pants, and pulls loose his hair—you brush your lips over his shoulders when you do it, and he knows no one could love him the way you do. There's nothing sexual about it even if you're the muse of all his desires. He simply lays with you in bed, his head on your chest, and you trace the outlines of his body as you speak about your day. There are goosebumps on his skin, and he loves to hear you speak, about anything and everything, it soothes his troubled soul.
It's quiet, and Aemond falls asleep with the feeling of you braiding his hair. It'll be a little curly in parts when morning comes. He never minds it.
And he loves you with the way he won't be able to speak the three words. But he'll trace and kiss them on your skin every single night. And you understand, because you always say them back.
He loves you because of the way you sometimes hold the tip of his fingers with yours behind your backs.
He loves you with the way he'll threaten death to anyone who looks at you wrong.
He loves you with the way he could burn the whole world and yet not let a single flame touch your skin.
He loves you because you'll kiss his lips even if he tastes of blood and war.
He loves you because you'll hold his pieces together when everyone else is trying to tear him apart.
He loves you because even in the darkest of days, you're always there in the end.
He loves you because even if you exchange nothing but glances when amidst other people, you'll embrace his very soul in private.
He loves you because you wait with bathed breath when he takes Vhagar to the skies, and never think twice about mounting on a horse to gallop towards the woods outside of King's Landing when you spot the dragon's large silhouette bringing him back.
You jump from the white horse, Aemond jumps from Vhagar, and you meet each other in the middle. He holds you close in a needy embrace, as if each minute could be the last. And when you pull back, you don't ask questions or make demands, you simply run your thumbs over his cheekbones and breathe easiness into his skin. The feeling of you is always like coming home.
Amidst a world of war, you're a safe haven.
He loves you because you are the one who taught him what love feels like.
Aemond loves you behind closed doors. Wholly, truly, passionately. And with all of him that no one else is allowed to see.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Aemond's taglist is open, let me know if you'd like to be added. Or you can follow @talesofesther-library and turn notifications on to know when I’ve posted a new story/chapter.
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
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birdmans · 7 months ago
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hoosbandewan · 2 months ago
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Day Six: Aemond + weapons
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goldenxshine · 4 months ago
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☾⋆。°✩ The Silent Gaze ☾⋆。°✩
aegon ii targaryen x high-born!reader
summary: Shy and reserved, Lady Y/N secretly admires the confident Prince Aegon Targaryen from afar. At a feast, an accidental spill brings them together. From that moment, Aegon begins seeking her out, and an unexpected bond blossoms between them.
The grand hall of the Red Keep was alive with light and laughter. Torches lined the stone walls, casting a warm glow over the gathered nobles, knights, and courtiers.
Aegon Targaryen, eldest son of the king and heir to the Iron Throne, stood among his family’s closest allies. His silver hair, a mark of House Targaryen, glinted in the torchlight, and his easy smile made him the subject of many an admiring gaze. He laughed often, a sound that seemed to charm everyone in its reach, his presence drawing people to him.
Watching from the edge of the hall was Lady Y/N. She stood out not only because of her colorful attire - she always wore colorful dresses. But also for her quiet, almost invisible presence.
Unlike the other young ladies vying for the prince’s attention, Y/N was shy and preferred not to mingle. She knew that her social skills were somewhat lacking. Words often failed her in conversation, and she was quick to retreat into silence, hoping her quiet demeanor would shield her from the gaze of others.
But she found herself unable to keep her eyes off Aegon. She was fascinated by him - by his confidence, his humor, his personality, and the way he could make everyone around him feel noticed.
She often caught herself glancing his way, watching how he interacted with others, how he laughed. There was something comforting in just being near him, even if he didn’t know she existed.
Over time, her fascination had blossomed into a quiet, secret admiration. She never dared approach him, of course, knowing that someone like her, a shy, a bit socially awkward lady had no chance of catching his attention.
But she found solace in just observing him, letting her thoughts drift as she listened to his voice carrying across the hall. It was a voice she had come to know well, though he had never spoken a single word to her.
The feast tonight was in celebration. The Red Keep was filled with cheer, and goblets of wine flowed freely. Y/N sat at a table off to the side, a safe distance from the center of the revelry. Her friend, Lady Joanna, chattered beside her, but Y/N’s thoughts were elsewhere.
Unconsciously, her gaze drifted across the hall to where Aegon stood, deep in conversation with a group of knights.
Aegon seemed to feel her gaze; he paused mid-laugh and glanced around the room. Her heart jumped, and she quickly looked down, her cheeks turning red as she realized how close she had come to being caught.
“Y/N, are you even listening?” Joanna teased, nudging her friend.
“Of course, I was just… thinking,” Y/N murmured, her voice barely audible over the din.
Joanna gave her an exasperated look, following her gaze to the prince. “Oh, I see. The famous Prince Aegon. You should just go talk to him, you know?”
Y/N’s eyes widened, and she shook her head. “No! I-I couldn’t. He… he doesn’t even know I exist.” Her voice trailed off as she toyed nervously with a bracelet on her left wrist.
“That’s only because you’re always hiding over here” Joanna replied. “You’re lovely, Y/N, and anyone can see you’re a lady of grace and intelligence. You just have to give him a chance to see it too.”
Y/N couldn’t imagine it. Her heart raced at the thought of speaking to him, of somehow capturing his attention. But she dismissed the thought. A prince and a girl like her? It was impossible.
The evening went on, and Y/N tried her best to enjoy the company at her table, though her gaze still drifted now and then to where Aegon mingled among the guests.
Finally, she reached for the pitcher of wine, hoping to calm her nerves a bit with a small sip. But as she poured, her hand trembled, and the cup tilted in her grip.
She heard someone approach the table and shifted to make way, but her movement was too sudden. Her hand caught on the pitcher, and before she realized it, her wine had splashed across the sleeve of the person beside her.
She gasped in horror, her heart sinking as she looked up to apologize - only to find herself staring straight into the eyes of Prince Aegon himself.
“Oh! I-I’m so sorry, Your Grace!” she stuttered, her face turning red as she reached instinctively for a cloth to dab at his sleeve. She felt clumsy and foolish, knowing that her worst fear had come to life. Of all the people she could have spilled wine on.
Aegon chuckled softly. “There’s no harm done, my lady. It seems the wine wanted to find its way to me tonight.”
Y/N froze, hardly daring to breathe as she looked up at him. His expression was surprisingly kind, his violet eyes sparkling with amusement. His voice a bit drunk. She was mesmerized, her embarrassment momentarily forgotten as she realized that he was looking at her - not just a glance, but with interest.
“Y/N,” the lady mumbled, hardly trusting herself to say it. “Lady Y/N.”
“A lovely name,” he replied. He tilted his head, studying her in a way that made her heart race. “I haven’t seen you much at these feasts, have I?”
“No,” she replied, feeling awkward under his gaze. “I… I tend to stay out of the way.” She looked down, unable to meet his eyes, her cheeks again flushing with color.
Aegon chuckled, a warm, genuine sound that seemed to ease her tension. “That’s a shame, Lady Y/N. You don’t seem like someone meant to stay hidden.”
He held her gaze, and for a moment, Y/N felt something shift between them - a spark, faint but undeniable.
The moment was quick, but it lingered in her heart long after he had moved on. She replayed their conversation in her mind many times, feeling the weight of his words and the warmth of his a bit drunk gaze.
For the first time, a spark of hope flared in her heart. Perhaps Joanna had been right. Perhaps she wasn’t entirely invisible.
In the days that followed, Y/N found herself crossing paths with Aegon more often. Whether by chance or fate, she was never quite sure. She would catch him glancing her way during court gatherings, a small sly smile gracing his lips when he saw her. He seemed to have a way of finding her, even in a crowded hall, and each time their eyes met, Y/N felt her heart flutter.
One afternoon, she found herself in the castle’s gardens, enjoying the peace among the blooming roses. She hadn’t expected anyone to join her, so she was startled when a familiar voice broke the silence.
“Lady Y/N,” Aegon said. He sounded surprisingly sober, smiling as he approached. “May I join you?”
She nodded, trying to hide her surprise. She wasn’t sure why he had come, but she was grateful for his company.
They walked together in silence for a moment, neither quite sure what to say. Finally, Aegon spoke, his tone gentle. “You know, I often find myself in these gardens. They’re… peaceful.”
Y/N smiled softly. “Yes, they are. It’s a place where one can think without interruption.”
Aegon glanced at her. “You must have a great deal on your mind.”
She hesitated, uncertain how to respond. But something in his eyes encouraged her to speak. “It’s just… difficult, sometimes, to be in a place like this. Everyone here is so confident, so sure of themselves. I often feel like I don’t quite belong.”
Aegon looked at her with an understanding she hadn’t expected. “I think you belong more than you realize, Y/N.”
She looked up at him, her heart racing as she took in his words. She could feel the warmth of his gaze, the softness in his tone. For the first time, she allowed herself to believe that he might truly see her - not as just another courtier, but as someone worthy of his attention.
Over the following weeks, their paths continued to intertwine. Aegon sought her out at feasts, engaged her in conversation, and even invited her to accompany him on walks through the castle grounds. They talked about everything, and Y/N found herself opening up to him in ways she had never imagined.
Each time they spoke, she felt her feelings for him grow. She found herself captivated by his kindness, his intelligence, and the quiet strength he displayed. And slowly, she dared to hope that he felt the same.
One evening, as they strolled through the gardens, Aegon stopped and turned to her, his expression serious. “Y/N,” he began. “I… I’ve come to realize something.”
Her heart pounded as she waited for him to continue.
“I find myself thinking of you more often than anyone else,” he confessed, his gaze unwavering. “There’s something about you, something… genuine and beautiful, that I can’t ignore. You make me want to be a better man.”
Y/N felt warm as she listened to his words and that was the moment she realized, the prince felt the same way about her as she felt about him.
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pausegame · 2 months ago
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Neri de Acutis & Rook de Riva | Dragon Age: The Veilguard (2024)
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ponypickle · 6 months ago
I will never not be sad by the de-fangification of our female characters on hotd. we could've had all of them serving cunt and warfare/bloodthirstiness but instead they are all 'peaceful' and everything is the men's fault 🙄🥲.
a cersei-esque alicent dead set on having her kids on the throne at all costs because she believes it's their gods given right, ready to slay everyone who gets in her way
rhaenyra asking her feral husband to eliminate anyone and anything that offends her, like vaemond, a son for a son, etc. stopping at nothing to get HER throne because SHE wants it, not stopping at anything to achieve her goals
rhaenys ready to ride into war for her queen to slay all her enemies instead of feeling bitter as she came across in the show a lot of the time
baela truly being the embodiment of her father in female form, being feral and ready to eliminate everything at once, etc.
oh, the show we could've had if they just weren't scared of the audiences reactions to powerful decisive women that aren't apologetic about their claims to power and what they believe is their's.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 month ago
My first writing commission! This will be a multipart series for HOTD. Featuring yanderes, political warfare and overall mayhem. And perhaps?? some time traveling??
Thank you @dawntheday for commissioning this project.
// tw/cw: reader is not a targaryen. canon based violence, incest, sexism, the usual. canon divergences. reader is gender neutral but is described as ethereal. reader gets pimped out (implicit/short descriptions). seggs/light smut. basically a lot of disgusting shit happens.
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Childbirth was one of the most traumatic, painful and bloody experiences known to man. The sheer agony of a child being ripped out of your womb, kicking and screaming. And yet, so many deemed it miraculous event. All joy, love and positivity.
It was horrific to even witness.
But the Gods wouldn’t be satisfied for you to be a bystander. No. You would find out that childbirth was worse when you were the one being born.
Sentience was a curse. One forced upon you since the beginning. You could feel the push of your mother’s walls, constricting you, flattening you, forcing you out into the world. Her screams, your cries, and the panicking voices of the midwives as you finally, finally made it out were all too much. The blood all too much.
You never really forget that experience even as you grew older. Features of your youth melted away to reveal ethereal beauty. One that commanded worship and awe.
That was another thing the Gods made you have to torture you. Droves and droves of sick and twisted people at your doorstep as your birth parents watched in delight, their coffers filled to the brim with gold.
But perhaps it wasn’t always a curse. Your beauty, I mean. Now that you’ve stolen much of their earnings and escaped to another continent.
A journey by sea it took. For you to crawl your way into the newly conquered lands. Bloodied and battered from the journey. Exhausted yet eager to renew yourself in the new lands your feet would walk upon.
Your first ever job was at a Brothel. Taking in clients like the way your parents did to you not so long ago, but of your own accord.
That was where you met Aegon Targaryen. Aegon the Conqueror. Loud, proud, and scrotum heavy. You’ve heard of the classic old tale where the men of his family would visit this place to sow their oats. Bastards upon bastards littered the place. You knew that one of these days, you would be bear his spunk and parade it around like many others. Your ego ached for it even. To conquer the conquerer. To bear a dragon’s seed.
Little did you know, the dragon already knew you.
“I dreamt of you.” He said as he ravished you, eyes filled with an emotion you couldn’t recognize. You certainly hadn’t seen in your family’s nor have your old clients. “Like I dream of the walkers. Of an apocalypse to come.”
You’ve heard of his rough and relentless way in the sack. How your fellow workers complained of the way they were treated, how they couldn’t walk any further than two feet after he was done with them. The man did not view them as anything more than objects after all. Something to toss aside when he was done.
But if anything, he’d been the most attached and sappiest man you’ve ever had the fortune of bedding. Disgustingly so.
“You. You are the calm amongst those nightmares.“ He was gentle, loving. Nothing like Aegon the Conqueror that you’ve heard of. Nothing like the Aegon the Conqueror that you wanted.
As soon as he fell asleep, you went and disappeared.
It is not long before he calls upon you. Again and again, murmuring about dreams and winter. You’ve even met his wives. All so eager to meet you. All so kind and benevolent. All so unlike the expectations you’ve set in your mind and heart. Expectations you were willing to brave through. Somehow, drama and your potential death was better than the constricting vice they held over you. Memories flashed through your head. Of your mother, of your birth. Of blood and viscera.
You try to leave but are sent back to Aegon’s chambers in an instant.
“You may leave. You may run. But nothing will stop you from finding your way back to the Dragon’s nest. Fate wills it so.” He said, but all you heard was a challenge.
“You’ll find that I’m quite stubborn regardless.”
You quickly find out that Aegon knew your movements from his dreams. Each plan of yours to escape had been foiled before it had happened.
And so you stopped, you let him and his wives coddle and fuck you when they wanted.
Years later, an opportunity presents itself. A cliff overlooking the ocean. So vast and wide. Yet to be taken and shackled by the man who took your freedom away.
You do not hesitate. Not for one moment.
You jump. You bet that Aegon did not foresee that coming considering he was too shocked to catch you. Your death would be swift you suppose. At least it wouldn’t be as arduous as repeating the same day over and over again.
Your eyes fluttered open, a meeting between [e/c] and purple. You grimaced as you see her platinum blonde hair and luxurious outdoor clothing. Blood across her face and a knife in her hand.
It can’t be . . .
Tears fall down your cheeks. Your broken cries echo through the woods.
a/n: future chapters will be longer because hotd is hotd.
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multific · 2 years ago
Push and Pull
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Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: A couple of months ago you were arranged to marry Aemond Targaryen. The Princess of the East they called you, somehow you fell in love at first sight with Aemond. But now, your insecurities come forward regarding the woman from his past.
Aemond was beyond confused.
Just that morning, you told him how you never wished to be his wife.
And now, there you stood, crying your heart out as you kept going on about Alys.
Aemond would be a liar if he said he didn't love Alys, he sure did. His relationship with her however had to end when his mother announced his marriage to the Princess of the East. 
Aemond broke off his interest with Alys the moment he was told he would marry someone.
He didn't wish to bring suffering to a woman. While he did love Alys, he knew his duty as a prince.
Then you arrived.
And what a lovely Princess you were. Much like him, you were reserved and he often found you with your nose in a book. 
Your beauty took his breath away.
You were much like him, yet so different.
Aemond learned that you were the fourth child in your family, meaning no one really took care of you.
All your siblings were boys.
But nothing broke Aemond's heart more than seeing you cry so much.
"I know you wouldn't even look my way if it wasn't for our marriage. I know I will be never her." you whispered the last part.
It made Aemond move.
He was now standing in front of you, he grabbed your hand as your other hand grabbed his wrist, afraid he would hurt you.
"I do not want you to be her. I want you to be you. Princess of the East. My Wife. As you are. I do not want you to suffer."
But it was clear, you didn't believe him.
And he was not blaming you for it.
Everyone often reminded you just how beautiful Alys is, how much Aemond loves her.
"I will not lie to you, I do have feelings for her, but I also have feelings for you. You are my wife, the woman I will live with for the rest of my life. I wish to have a great relationship with you. So we could try and be happy."
Aemond let go of your hand but you didn't let go of his. Holding his wrist, he felt you pulling him closer.
Your other hand came up to his shoulder and started to push him away.
Pulling him and pushing him at the same time. 
It was confusing. 
He was confused.
You could see it in his eyes.
"I want nothing more than for us to be happy. But I refuse to live in the shadows of another woman. Refuse to be a second choice because I know you would go running back to her the moment you would be allowed to. Your duty keeps you here, your mother keeps you here. If I cannot be the only one you love, I don't wish false promises of happiness from you." Aemond looked straight into your eyes, his free hand moved to remove his eyepatch.
He honestly thought you might get scared or disgusted but no, you didn't even blink as you looked into his eye and the sapphire which replaced his lost eye. 
"I want to have you as you are. You are my wife. You are my only love. I do not wish to have anyone else. She is the past, you are the present and future." he tried to take a step but your hand on his chest pushed him, while your other on his wrist pulled him.
It was clear to him, you were conflicted.
You wanted to be held by him but you were also scared of empty promises.
He understood, bringing your hand to his lips he kissed the back of it.
"I swear on my dragon's and my own life. I am not lying when I say these words to you, Y/N." suddenly your hand on his shoulder stopped pushing. Instead, you grabbed his shirt and pulled him close with both of your hands, arms moving around him, Aemond hugged you back.
You really hoped you didn't make a mistake by trusting him.
You really hoped he was not lying.
You weren't sure what you would do if you found out that he did.
But somehow, as his breath tickled your neck and he pulled you close, smelling your hair, you had a feeling he really wasn't lying. 
He will have you as you are, his perfect wife. And you will have him as he is, a great husband who promised you the sky and the stars as he pulled you in for a kiss.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​
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immi-immi · 7 days ago
I am team black for the right of women to rule. I am team black for Rhaenyra, the rightful Queen. I am team black for Rhaenys, the Queen Who Never Was. I am team back for Daenerys, whom Jaehaerys refused to name his heir. I am team black for Aerea, whose claim was greater than Jaehaerys'. I am team black for Rhaena, whose right was taken by Aegon and Maegor. I am team black for the Amethyst Empress, usurped by the Bloodstone Emperor. I am team black for the women surpassed in favour of men.
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 8 months ago
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talesofesther · 7 months ago
and still, you have me
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: After everyone has left his side, you go find him.
A/N: A little something to heal our hearts from the finale. Here's a shameless plug of my ongoing series with Aemond, which has similar vibes to this story. <3
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The night was late and quiet, tension high in the Keep as war loomed on the horizon. You'd been walking the lone hallways of the castle for a while now, smiling at each member of the king's guard who bowed their head at you.
You'd decided to leave your shared room with Aemond when the night stretched on and he was yet to show up. Having heard of his disagreement with his mother and sister earlier, you had a hunch he was keeping his distance, denying himself respite as he sometimes did.
However, it took you only a short while to find him. At times you thought he did it on purpose, that he wanted to be found, by the people who cared enough to look.
You pushed open the doors of the council chamber, which was now empty. The long table and stone walls softly highlighted by the golden glow of torches and candles. At the far end of the room, the doors that led to the balcony were open, and there, you found your Prince.
Leaning on the balustrade, Aemond overlooked the immensity of King's Landing under the clear night sky, his long silver hair softly moving with the wind.
You walked closer to him, quiet and careful, taking notice of his tense shoulders and head hanging low. If you had to guess, you'd say his talk with Helaena hadn't gone well.
Aemond straightened his back when he heard you approaching, you could almost feel part of his guard coming up again. Despite the way most people feared him, there was something delicate about him, you knew well. Under so many defenses, he protected a fragile heart.
The Prince took a deep breath in, he still refused to turn around and look at you. "Will you leave my side too, ñuha prūmia?" There was a crack in his voice as he spoke the last of his words.
"Only death could make me do such a thing, my love." You promised in the same breath.
Aemond turned around then, taking the remaining step that still separated the two of you. His eye shone bright under the moonlight, as did the dried tear tracks on his cheeks. He tried hard to keep his face impassive as he raised a hand to touch you but pulled away before he did so.
The turmoil was evident in how he softly furrowed his brows as if his thundering heart caused him pain, in how his lower lip wobbled, and how his eye quickly filled with new tears as he looked at the last person who stood by him. There was fear, guilt, and sorrow as he turned into the lonely young boy he once was before your eyes again.
"And what if-" Aemond stumbled in his words. He gulped, breathing through his nose, "What if the Stranger takes me before he does you? What then?" His voice was low and quiet, as if couldn't bring himself to utter the question any louder.
"Then I shall live the rest of my days in black, mourning the loss of the one I love," you spoke just as softly, gently taking one of Aemond's hands in yours. And he shuddered, you couldn't know if it was because of your touch or because of your words. "Yet glad that I got to share my time with you."
Aemond's lips parted, and the tear in his eye hung by his lashes when he blinked. There were suddenly no walls, he could crumble before you, just like that. His hand gripped yours tighter, and before his tear rolled down his cheek, he closed his eye, leaning forward so his forehead rested on yours. "Nyke ȳdra daor gūrogon ao."
You kissed the words, almost as an act of rebellion, your lips finding the edge of his with lingering affection. "Yn emā nyke mirre keskydoso." Devotion and love dripped from each syllable.
A low hum came from Aemond, and he followed after you once you pulled away, chasing your warmth.
"I will go with you," You spoke with ease, catching his gaze so he saw the sincerity in your eyes.
He kept quiet, with shallow and shaky breaths falling past his lips as he simply looked at you. Yet his hand held yours tight, refusing to let go.
"To Harrenhal. I will fly with you." You brought your free hand up, thumb brushing over Aemond's cheek and drying away the single tear that had fallen.
He closed his eye at your touch, and allowed himself to fall, for you were there to catch him. Aemond leaned his head on your shoulder, both arms coming to circle your waist and pull you against his body.
You held him back, squeezing him to you as your fingers buried in his hair. You could feel his tears dampening the fabric of your dress, could feel his nails digging into it with desperation as if you'd vanish if he didn't hold tight enough.
Aemond had refrained from asking you, because of how close you'd been with Rhaenyra once. Perhaps he lacked the courage to ask you to choose sides and risk losing you. Yet now, as you held his broken pieces together under the stars, he realized you'd chosen his side long ago.
If it would be you and him against the world, then so be it.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
High Valyrian translations: ñuha prūmia = my heart nyke ȳdra daor gūrogon ao = I don't deserve you yn emā nyke mirre keskydoso = but you have me all the same
Aemond's taglist is open, let me know if you'd like to be added. Or you can follow @talesofesther-library and turn notifications on to know when I’ve posted a new story/chapter.
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
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spiderluvbot · 17 days ago
🖇TAKE ME BACK TO THE NIGHT WE MET ! jacaerys velaryon.
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pairing — modern!jacaerys velaryon x fem!reader. summary — apparently, sleepovers are for meeting future boyfriends. genre — fluff, slice of life, first meetings. notes — this is pretty short, but i wanted to post something as a late valentine's day gift (it was meant to be a valentine's day gift but i spent all day yapping about cobra kai to my bby @orchidveil). hope you enjoy it 💗💗💗 warnings — none. word count — 1.101
this is part of my how to lose a guy in 10 days series.
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jace got up from his bed one more time, exhaustion weighing him down, tense muscles groaning as he paced around the bedroom. a part of him wanted to leave helaena and her new friend alone, but it was nearing four a.m. and a bigger part of him needed at least two hours of sleep before they left for the lake house.
he sluggishly reached her door, his fist hovering in the air in doubt before finally knocking.
the door swung open almost instantly—but it wasn’t helaena. instead, he was met with a pajama-clad stranger with her face caked in shades of white and pink.
a cute stranger, with sparkly eyes and plump, glossy lips.
"uh, hi." the girl stared at him with wide eyes, her hand lifting in something that looked almost like a wave as she whispered awkwardy.
his eyes drifted past her. he could see helaena standing in front of her bathroom mirror (with a similar look, but changing the pink for yellow and bright green) and an episode of rupaul's drag race paused in the tv.
"hi, it's nice to finally meet you." he answered tiredly, offering what he hopped was a polite smile, before leaning against the doorframe in an attempt to catch his aunt's attention. "helaena, can we talk?"
as if she had just noticed his presence, she turned excitedly, running towards him with a handful of brushes and crashing against you in an attempt not to fall down. "jace! this is my friend y/n."
smiling at her antics, jace turned to you and reached a hand. "jacaerys."
"jacaerys?" you raised your eyebrows, which at the moment were nothing but thin, dark red lines, before shaking his hand.
he chuckled, looking down for a second. he liked the way you said his name.
"yeah, uh, jace." his cheeks had started to feel warm; your touch left a tingling sensation on his skin. he reached up to scratch his neck, trying to ignore the feeling your hand had left in his. "she talks a lot about you."
"all good things, i hope." you smiled at him, and the fluttering in his chest started waking him up more and more by the second.
"all good things, yeah." he whispered breathlessly. he turned back to his aunt, clearing his throat before discreetly nodding towards the hallway. "hel?"
she only frowned, not seeming to understand the gesture, before gasping in recognition.
"are we being too loud again? aemond came to complain about it a few minutes ago."
jace stole yet another glance your way. you stood quietly next to helaena, staring at him with a worried frown, and before he knew, it all of his complaints were gone.
"no, it's fine. i can't sleep anyways." bullshit. he had been trying to get a decent sleep for the past five hours, and the constant waking up was already taking a tool on him. but you were prettier when you smiled instead of looking concerned. "i was just wondering if you guys wanted some popcorn."
his fingers twitched nervously against his leg as helaena's gaze flicked back and forth between him and her friend. he hated popcorn, he's always hated popcorn. and right now he was praying to anyone that would listen that she didn't remember that small fact.
"sure, thanks!"
the breath of relief he was about to let out was cut short when helaena shut the door in his face. still, he couldn't help but walk away with a smile as he heard you chastise her for it.
a few minutes later he was sitting in the dark in the kitchen counter next to a big bowl, face smashed against his fist and eyes fighting to stay open as the hum of the microwave kept him awake.
he heard the wooden floor squeak and turned to find you approaching with hesitant footsteps, your hands tucked behind your back.
the make up was gone, replaced by those under eye patches that helaena liked to keep around, and he could finally see you fully. even in the dim light, you were prettier than he’d thought before.
"hey, i thought you could use some help."
he watched as you pulled the chair next to his, his eyes accidentally drifting to the sliver of skin between your shirt and shorts before he mentally scolded himself.
"hey! what happened with the—" he pointed to his face in explanation.
"oh, yeah i'm all clean now. sorry about that," you grimaced. "we're really into rupaul, apparently."
"what were you meant to be?" he asked.
"well i was meant to be marie antoinette, and i think helaena wanted to look like a mantis."
jace let out a small laugh, getting up as the microwave stopped. he saw you pull three glasses from the cupboard, and focused on the way your own laugh sounded as you walked past him.
the light from the refrigerator illuminated your face, momentarily distracting him as he poured the popcorn into the bowl. he hoped you hadn’t noticed him fumbling to pick up a few stray pieces.
"what do you want?" you asked, showing him two different bottles, but he wasn't paying attention to that. the soft light made your skin look warm, and his fingers itched to touch it while tucking away the stray strand of hair falling over your face.
"whatever you’re having is fine." he said with a small smile, waiting for you to finish.
once you headed back upstairs —and the two of you were in front of helaena's room once more— he allowed himself to stand closer to you, sure that the darkness would hide the prominent blush on his face, and handed you the bowl.
"i tought you were gonna have some too." you said, although it sounded more like a question.
"take it, i'm not that hungry." he shrugged.
"thanks, jace." you smiled brightly, handing him his glass before stepping inside and placing everything on helaena's nightstand.
he really liked the way you smiled, he liked the fact that you were smiling at him even more.
"wait!" he winced at his loud outburst as he watched you reappear in the doorway. "are you coming with us tomorrow? for the trip?"
"oh, yeah." you smirked, your pretty eyes teasing him. "you're gonna have to deal with me all week."
"i'm looking forward to it." he murmured to himself as he watched you close the door, too busy hurrying helaena out of the bathroom to look at him.
he didn't sleep at all that night, even when the two of you did. he was too busy thinking about you.
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