#House Gray
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promethea-silk · 2 months ago
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[collab with @vahalia-cress]
The meeting called by her sister had been the perfect catalyst to rekindle their communication. Through and through, Cordelia’s inexperience with maintaining meaningful relationships seemed to follow her even regarding the sister she had truly come to hold dear. Some time had past since their last face-to-face interaction and much had transpired since Tural. There had been the occasional correspondence from one or the other but despite her attempts to be present and engaged in growing closer to her familial ties, her innermost instinct at what might have brought most to become more connected had caused Cordelia to stray in her ability to provide any sort of comfort and therefore seemed to pull back. Valeria’s death had been a shock to all those around her and while Cordelia found herself tending to matters regarding the integrity of her own household, she had ached to do more for Vahalia in the time following her twin’s passing.
Cecily was being seen to, thoroughly, allowing Cordelia some time to disconnect from the matter to attempt at reconciliation in her decision of unity with her last remaining family. She was pleased for Vahalia to have accepted her invitation, having the tearoom prepared with what she recalled of her sister’s preference of tea and some assorted snacks. Tilly had been instructed of the Cress woman’s arrival time and to have her guided there while Cordelia tended to the fire.
It was Tilly’s knock and voice at the door that ushered her presence forward with the Lady Cress in tow. Despite all that she had gone through in the stretch of several months, Vahalia looked much like herself save for the rounded midsection that barely gave itself away even to the most discerning set of eyes. There was grief and a mother’s glow upon her face, a battle from day to day – to be sure.
“Cordelia.” Vahalia spoke as she stalked the floor towards her half-sister, leaning inward and reaching for her hand. She placed a well-presented and meaningful kiss on the space by cheek and temple, “It’s good to see you again. I feel as if this has been long overdue, certainly in part due to my own busy schedule. I did receive your letter after the funeral but I had things that kept me from a proper reply. I had not wished to injure our chances of finding the people who were responsible for her death as I surmised I might have been watched closely, possibly missives being scoured through. Now…it’s easy to discuss as the threat has been contained.”
Cordelia leaned into the kiss, giving Vahalia’s hands a gentle squeeze. “Oh, I place no blame on you. Truly, much of your world has been through life altering changes and while I certainly would have been invested in aiding in securing your revenge, I also understand the importance of timing and such.” Smiling softly to her kin, she pulled away to settle in comfortably while Vahalia pulled to the seat across from Cordelia and found a nook to nestle and lounge herself into elegantly, “I suspect I’ve missed much, you have my apologies for such.”
The raven haired woman went about pouring their tea into cups, setting one in front of her company and taking the other into her lap. “I would say we have both missed quite a bit between us. Another congratulations, of course. I look forward to meeting my new niece or nephew and I most certainly need to see the twins soon. Admittedly, I never thought I would say I missed a child but now there are two.” 
Graciously Vahalia accepted the tea and hovered it below her nose, taking in the aroma, “You and I both. It wounds me that Valeria will not be able to meet them, but I am pleased that I have yet another such as yourself that will be present.” she looked to the tea and stole a gingered sip from the rim.
“They tend to grow on you quite quickly. Perhaps it as they say, when they are of no relation to you, children aren’t typically enjoyable but when they’re your own – well…” Vahalia’s words clipped and she tipped her head slightly.
Cordelia continued to hold her teacup in her lap as she listened to Vahalia, smiling softly across to her though there was a flash of sadness in her eyes briefly. “I am… truly sorry for not having been more supportive in the time after Valeria’s attack. I did have a hand in the events that set this all in motion and whether I had or not, you are precious to me and while she and I had not the opportunity to grow closer, she was still of my kin. You were both owed more.” She nodded, punctuating her thought before she finally brought the tea to her lips, relishing in the warmth of the vapors tickling her nose. 
The teacup in Vahalia’s hand settled on the table before her, “There is no need to be sorry, you run your own business and House. That in of itself is enough to keep people wrapped up for long periods of time.”
A low hum escaped her, finger tracing the ornate design along the shell of the teacup, “Things have been well with you I hope? Business, personal life and health?”
Cordelia sighed softly, tipping her teacup in different directions as she watched the tea swirl around the cup. With a smile, she looked back up to Vahalia. “Ah, yes, very well. I have completely healed-“ she commented, a delicate hand raising to graze over her chest briefly where she had met the unsuspecting end of a blade during their time in Tural. “Business is busy as per usual, nothing I can really complain about there.” 
Her lips pulled into a faint smile before she continued on, her teacup being lifted to her lips as she spoke over the rim. “And it would seem that I am engaged.” 
“Engaged? My, I never expected you of all the people I know aside from myself to settle back into married life. I’m sure it will look good on you regardless. Being able to make your own choices is freeing.” there was a small smirk as she lifted her teacup, expression glinting over the rim briefly as she looked across to her sister.
“Congratulations, have you begun preparations as of yet or do you plan on having a private affair of it?”
A sound resembling a dry laugh came from Cordelia as she leaned forward to rest her cup to the table now, one leg lifting to cross over the other when she finally sat back. “I share in your surprise, if I am being honest. I never planned to remarry nor did I entirely wish to, but I always kept the prospect in mind for the potential future. At the very least, if I am to maintain the control of the Gray line, children are required to do so. While they may not hold the Gray name, they will inherit both Gray and Corvin entirely.” 
She took a slow breath in, glancing over to the crackling fireplace and it was released with just as much control. “I would much prefer a small private matter but I imagine there may be some… kickback on that decision that I will have to manage.” Shoulders rose and fell in a gentle shrug. “I do hope this one fairs better than the last. I would hate to have to make myself a widow twice over.” 
“Let's hope your second marriage is as fruitful as mine and you don't find yourself settled with regrets or you just might have to become a widower twice over as you said.” Vahalia sipped after her quip.
“A shame you'll be giving the name you worked so hard to rein in as yours to become a Blythe.” Vahalia followed Cordelia’s gaze, “Has Damien fought you on the matter? I'm sure there will be quite the amount of push back considering most are not be keen on seeing their family fortune and legacy go to heirs of a different name, family and line. Gray being the family you married into, especially since kin of the Gray name, directly, still lives.”
The Witch-woman licked her lips and regarded her teacup, “Be careful of whom you keep the company of and choices you make. At every turn there will be those who will look to erase your path forward.”
Cordelia turned her gaze back to her sister with a well-placed smile tinged with darker features. “I have no concerns regarding Ricard or his intentions, it is a known understanding that all Gray holdings will continue to belong to me and they will only be forfeit to my heirs.” A soft tch of her tongue came as she settled back further into her seat comfortably. “Damien has no leg to stand on, though he has sent his little sister to attempt to do his dirty work for him since he’s incapable of it on his own. Nevertheless, you are the first to know of the engagement, there is plenty of time for them to riot in tantrum soon.” 
She pursed her lips, tilting her head slightly at an angle with curiosity. “I also was unaware you had remarried… granted with child on the way, it could be an assumption but the technicality of it all is neither here nor there as it would matter not to me. A babe of yours would be welcomed by me despite the circumstances.” 
The sable-haired woman angled herself in the seat, elbow finding the armrest and her knuckles gracefully kept her jaw propped, eyes scanning Cordelia’s mien as she spoke. She wasn’t about to dabble in Gray's affairs nor that of Cordelia’s and Ricard’s as there was much of her own to tend to, however, the support would go without saying as she certainly knew Cordelia was aware.
They spoke each other’s language, after all.
“I remarried before leaving Tural. Hakan Belgrave as I’m sure you know him to some degree. He has grown into the idea of wanting a larger family beyond just the twins and I agreed. What better way to spend my days to come than married to the right sort, in both necessity and adoration.” she smirked lightly and tilted her head along her knuckles more, “I’m….happy.” she mused softly.
“I cannot say I’ve felt that feeling in quite a long time. Hakan is certain the child will be a girl. However, as we both know, sons are often favored but I’m no longer within the cage of Ishgardian society to care. Loosely tied and my property exists all the same as needed, when needed. Finally, I have someone who walks with me in all matters, is open-minded, apt, and willing to do what is necessary. By any means necessary, no less. My darkness is his, and his mine.”
Vahalia pulled her hand away from her jaw and she reached for her teacup, “I can only hope the same for you with your union to come. Do give Ricard my congratulations. I’ll be sure to send a gift in due course for you both.”
Cordelia’s expression softened, a reaction not many had ever been exposed to from her. “It warms me to know you have found happiness and a partner that tends to your wants and needs as such and even further that you’re bringing a new little one into the world.” A thoughtful sigh escaped her slightly parted lips as she rested her elbows to either side of the chair comfortably. “And for Ricard and I, I welcome the engagement and am hopeful that the sour blood between you may ease even if just enough to accept him as my other half. As I said before, I never anticipated or cared to remarry and somehow he has changed that which I can only perceive to be a positive thing. I will certainly extend your well wishes to him.” 
A low hum escaped Vahalia and she nodded across to Cordelia, “What I think is inconsequential. As long as you are happy, then I am happy for you.” Sure, she could have gone into rhyme and reason, a plethora s to why Cordeila was far too good for the man she was tying herself to. But it had always been her choice to make, regardless. The third time was a charm and Ricard finally happened to bag himself a Cress after shifting through each of them.
Cordelia had a wild heart, one that mirrored Vahalia’s in a sense and deep down, Vahalia suspected that in time, she would grow restless – perhaps bored with the barefoot life staying settled within the confines of Ishgard and estate life. Forever craving more that Vahalia knew Ricard could not provide for her, but there was hope.
A fond smile was afforded to her sister and Vahalia tilted her head, “You’d make a lovely bride and a lovely mother, I’m sure of it. Should you ever need to get away for a spell, Black Water Bay is always open to you and yours and I will do my best to ensure Ricard is welcomed with open arms.”
Part of Cordelia was surprised with Vahalia’s response, it was welcomed all the same. “I am… happy, that is. Truthfully, it has all been quite the adjustment in feelings, learning how to navigate it all.” She hummed through a soft released breath, adjusting in her seat so that she swapped from one leg over the other. “And I do appreciate your kindness, I imagine whatever Ricard will be much the same. Certainly, depending on your schedule at the time, I hope you will be able to attend? Hakan is welcome, as well, of course.” 
Low was the chuckle that left Vahalia followed by that signature hum of hers, “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it for anything. It is to be a big day for you and your happiness is a sliver of my own and I wish to see you take the next step forward of your own. It’s a powerful feeling being able to make your own choices without the hands of men interveneting to shift and build your world around you. This is of your own accord and making, there is pride to be had there in that.”
Vahalia gracefully pulled herself from her chair, layers of silken and lace decorated skirts slithered in tow as she made for Cordelia’s side and crouched by the armrest to level with her kin, “This may be bold, but have you ever considered me to be anything but?” her hand found the top of Cordelia’s, “You sound apprehensive, perhaps not as jubilant as a blushing bride could be over a person they love. I know not of what holds your hesitation of pensive tone but know this, no harm will come to you. Ricard may be many things but he certainly isn’t Ambrose. And should he step out of line toward you in any capacity, I will come for him. You are my only remaining sister; even if only by half. I feel it in full. You have my support and protection, reciprocity I know we both share for one another.”
The warm digits that had found Cordelia’s hand gently slipped away to the cooler touch of the hardwood under the Lady Gray’s forearm, “My bond with you will continue to remain infallible.”
Cordelia’s gaze followed the other woman as she stood and moved closer, a concerned curiosity filling her expression until her honeyed words met her ears. She placed her free hand over the one that covered her other, if only briefly to offer reassurance in her own words and appreciation for the regard of Cordelia’s wellbeing. “It is not apprehension in the man, himself, or even truly the decision to marry… “ Her eyes narrowed slightly, stained lips pressing together as she formed her thoughts carefully. “I never thought myself capable of having a reason to feel or express jubilance for such an occasion. However, you are right, Ricard is not Ambrose and I do not foresee there being any sort of transgression against me or any of the work I have put in to get to where I am. He accepts that I may not be the warm, expressive, placating wife that most men of Ishgard expect of their spouses and for that… I have grown to learn how to love another.” 
Her hand fell away before Vahalia’s did, chuckling as if she were almost embarrassed. “Listen to me, like a young schoolgirl.” She took a deep breath before maintaining her gaze on the contrasting light eyes of her kin. “And mine, with you. Though, should your Hakan do any ill deeds against you, I trust full well that you would see to him before I even had the chance.” 
An impish smirk pinned into the corner of Vahalia’s lips, dimple flashing, “Only in the bedroom, dear one.” she mused though loosed a soft chuckle and stood, “He treats me very well and ensures I make sound decisions. As is the way of spouses, no?”
Sidestepping, Vahalia lowered her hand to adjust the fabric that covered her legs, “I should be heading back else some might come snooping where they ought not to. Fatigue has been catching up to me as of late and I’ve been on strict orders to rest and relax since much of the Whitlock situation has been handled and buried.”
The sable-haired woman lowered once more, though this time to place a tender and affectionate peck to her sister’s cheek, “Shadows guide you, and blessed be, sister. The tea was wonderful, do look forward to my parcel.”
"Be well." Cordelia spoke softly, leaning into the brisk kiss to her cheek as she offered her own.
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super-nova5045 · 7 months ago
and just when you think you’re at your absolute lowest a blonde motherfucker comes along and makes everything so much worse
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gummi-stims · 2 months ago
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🪰Fly fursuit from crownedfeline on tiktok!🪰
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dcvina-claires · 1 year ago
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i am a tragedy enjoyer before i am human
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vigilante-apologist · 1 year ago
Main character trios are meant to end up as a polycule and you can’t change my mind
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weirdgirlvampire · 1 year ago
Oh characters doomed from the start we’re really in it now
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unisonhearts · 2 months ago
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hi... looking for mutuals💗
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lizstiel · 3 months ago
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in which scott realizes he is not immune to the logan brainrot
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wwwson · 2 months ago
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More old art
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atlasjoyce · 1 month ago
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Matthew and his cute house
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promethea-silk · 9 days ago
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The unexpected resounding booming knock upon the manor door echoed through the otherwise quiet hallways of the Gray estate. None within had any anticipation of company for the evening, heightening Tilly's wariness of the unknown stranger on the other side of the large wooden door as she approached. Lord Blythe was not planned to be returning for the night and the Lady of the house had not suggested they were anticipating any other visitors.
Nonetheless, despite the uncertainty, the mousey brown-haired woman unlatched the door to be greeted by a darkened silhouette with fiery ringlets billowing from the fur lined hood that covered most of her features. "I seek the Lady of the house, please, ma'am. I have gone days making attempts to reach her and have received no correspondence in return." And with that, it all clicked into place just who the visitor was. Tilly shook her head and bowed it slightly as she eased the door slowly closed. "I'm sorry, miss, but Lady Gray is not acceptin-"
A hand reached out to splay over the wood, keeping the door from closing completely. "I do not care for what Lady Gray wishes. I will see her." And with that, the woman pushed past the smaller statured Tilly and began through the halls with keen knowledge on how to navigate them.
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The soothing sound of a needle piercing fabric mingled with the crackling of firewood. Cordelia sat by the window, vespertine skies and snowflakes blowing in the wind her view as she delicately strung the glistening string through the silk that was nestled within the embroidery hoop. These materials required a gentle steady hand as they were rather delicate in nature and the design she weaved into it was intricate. A simple tune was hummed as she worked mindlessly, truly effortless on her behalf having done the same quality of work many times before. It was only when she heard the approaching hurried footsteps toward the room that she paused briefly.
"I have written and sent verbal communications and you ignore them all as you sit weaving thread? That is what consumes your busy life that you cannot speak with me?" The redhead began immediately upon finding Cordelia in her view, Tilly rushing up behind her already apologizing.
Lady Gray sat unmoved save her for metronomic threading; up from the bottom of the fabric and back down, silent as her focus remained on her work.
"Do not raise you voice to me Cecily." Cordelia warned, her voice unnervingly controlled. "If I had wished to entertain your requests to see me, I would have answered. Therefore, I trust you are smart enough to deduce that I do not care what purpose you found yourself in Ishgard or what that has to do with me." Even as she spoke, her foot slowly bounced in the air as one leg rested over the other while her fingers continued their dance.
Cecily ignored the desperate Tilly tugging at her arm and rushed forward in Cordelia's direction. Not crazed, but with a purpose. "My brother and I have business with you, Cordelia and you know full well my reason for being here and it is high time that we address this issue and finalize the transference of estate. "
As Cecily approached, Cordelia swiftly released her embroidery, hand plucking the small scissors from her lap as she rose to meet the redhead with the metal tip pointed in her direction. "Come one ilm closer to me, Cecily and the Gray family will be one less member...and as it stands, by my last count, there aren't many of you left hm?" Cecily froze where she stood, her jaw noticeably clenching as she took a deep breath.
"Lady Gray- our family belongs in this estate and as primary shareholders of our businesses, all of which you stole when Ambrose ... died." The accusation dripped from the words spoken through tense features. "I would see this all resolved briskly as to no longer cause nuisance for anyone involved. Don't you wish for peace to move on and be free of this past?"
Cordelia hummed, slowly lowering the scissors to her side as she looked the other woman over. She and Ricard had been planning to blindside little unknowing Cecily by inviting her to dinner to discuss just that but what better than to have the little sparrow fly closer to their trap than they imagined. Considering the possibilities for a moment, Cordelia narrowed her eyes over the slightly shorter younger Gray. "The hour is late, Cecily." She began, softening her tone as she lowered back to her chair and returned to her prior work.
"Let us discuss your concerns over dinner, hm? I cannot guarantee anything to be absolved as you and Damien wish but perhaps we can reach some sort of an agreement. Two nights from now, return here and I will hear you out." With that, Cordelia dropped her attention from Cecily to the design in her lap causing the other woman to aggravatingly accept defeat in the simple win of compromise in the moment. She huffed a sigh and turned to follow Tilly's guiding urge out.
"Oh, and Cecily? This invitation is only for you. See that Damien remains in his little hovel in Coerthas. His temper will only sour the possibilities of the evening."
[@ricard-blythe-ffxiv for mentions]
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siriuslyinlovewithwolfstar · 10 months ago
sirius: I don’t need therapy. i’m completely fine!
remus: then tell me why you cried for one hour and then proceeded to lay in bed the whole day after listening to family line by conan gray
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thecatcrew · 3 months ago
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Nyla was begging for chicken in this picture 🤭💕
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 1 year ago
Tom Blyth x Actress!Reader
no y/n and i try to avoid descriptors but do use she/her. you star in house of the dragon and your character is aemond targaryen’s girlfriend (let me live ok i know we could change him! he told me!!) aaaand also tbosas as sejanus girlfriend (get it bc rachel and josh and now you and tom). your character in tbosas is nova may winter.
your social media ~
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just a fun little social media series, will do this in between editing my coriolanus snow x reader series. first part below the cut, sometime early 2023.
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liked by enews and others…
tmz_tv trouble in paradise? rachelzegler and tomblyth spotted looking a little cozy last night! wonder how yourname and joshandresrivera feel!!!
yourname heartbroken!
↳ joshandresrivera shocked!
↳ yourname betrayed!
↳ joshandresrivera bamboozled!
↳ yourname flabbergasted!
↳ joshandresrivera devastated!
↳ yourname yeah that we weren’t invited hadbdjsndj
↳ tomblyth i hate you both 😭
↳ rachelzegler you guys literally had reshoots for tbosas though????
↳ tomblyth and we offered to reschedule for when all 4 of us could go?
↳ yourname fuck we’ve been exposed
↳ joshandresrivera gotta blast!!!
username wait are they really dating?!
↳ username no. rachelzegler is dating joshandresrivera and tomblyth is dating yourname.
↳ username waaaait i just read tbosas. obviously coryo and lucy gray, but also yourname character is dating joshandresrivera character 😂 so everyone had to kiss each others significant other 😂😂😭
↳ username oh to be yourname and rachelzegler
🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 30 minutes later 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍
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liked by taylorswift and others…
yourname here to serve your #snowbaird needs! first 3 📸 are the love of my life and tomblyth is in the shots too.
rachelzegler hahaha i love you
↳ yourname marry me when???
tchalamet where was the post for paul and luna when dune came out? #fakefriend #betrayed
↳ yourname timothée??? i literally made a whole youtube video talking about my experience with dune? and i sung your praises for like 10 minutes???
↳ tchalamet not the full first name 😳
joshandresrivera and what about the ship for our characters 🤬
↳ yourname istg you’ll get an entire post dedicated to u once the film is actually out.
↳ joshandresrivera carry on 🤭
ewanmitchell aemond and juliette didn’t get a post either 🤨
↳ yourname aemond killed my baby lucerys, he doesn’t get shit 😞
↳ ewanmitchell you did a whole post when osferth died????
↳ yourname my sweet baby osferth did not deserve to die either 😔
username damn yourname your onscreen boyfriends are low key needy af 🫣
↳ yourname i know right 😩
tmz_tv 👀
↳ yourname this was a joke. i’m laughing at you, not with you.
yourname has blocked tmz_tv
tomblyth caption got me like 😧… and what’s the last photo my love?
↳ yourname my lockscreen is what it is.
↳ username “my love”
↳ username she said my lockscreen hahdudsbdifesz one of us one of us
hunterschafer you’re my spirit animal
↳ yourname hunter is the ACTUAL loml you guys
↳ tomblyth “heart been broke so many times” - rod wave 😧
username i read the book. coriolanus has to choke nova may. tomblyth did u develop a choking kink 🤭😏😏😏
↳ yourname hahahaha username i love you so much for this
↳ username someone spoil it for me why does he choke her
↳ username nova may figures out that coriolanus is the one who betrayed sejanus right when he’s executed and she goes to confront him later. this is when he and lucy gray first get to the cabin. she has a gun but he manages to throw it to the other side of the room. and at least in the book he slams her against a wall and tries to kill her by choking her.
↳ username istg they better put this scene in the movie.
↳ username but does he kill her?
↳ yourname watch and seeeee!
↳ rachelzegler so proud of my girl yourname! we can’t talk about it too much because #spoilers but you guys she’s incredible and it was so cool to watch her and tomblyth film that scene
username i bet tomblyth felt so bad having to be mean to yourname
↳ yourname all jokes aside, tomblyth aka the actual number 1 love of my life, he did feel so bad 😭 i love seeing him turn into coriolanus because it’s obviously so different from who he actually is as a person. but after each take he’d immediately ask if i was okay 🥺🥹
↳ username god i’m so single
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if you’d like to be tagged in future tom blyth x actress!reader let me know!
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Dave Malloy has announced he's next going to be writing musical adaptations of that really old movie with the train, the encyclopedia britannica 1955-1971, roblox, the classic joke "knock knock who's there orange you glad i didn't say banana", the kalimantan borneo cave paintings, the smell that passes through your dreams when you are almost asleep and think of the first time you felt truly unsafe, and Ghost Quartet by Dave Malloy
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bouncytrait · 14 days ago
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playing around new preset @simmerbaddy ❤️
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