#Hot Tub Safety
robertsbarbie · 1 month
so glad i did not go to the birthday but also really fucking pissed i wasn’t there
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poolcovers · 7 months
All About Pool Covers
Pool covers are often considered luxurious accessories for homes with pools, but they are so much more. They are, in fact, essential accessories that provide significant benefits to the pool owners. If you are a responsible pool owner, you should regard pool covers as an indispensable part of your swimming pool, and installing and maintaining.
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the-panda-queen · 7 months
Brothers Favorite Sleeping Positions w/ You
cw: slightly suggestive with some, gn reader, some can be read platonically
Part 2 here
Lucifer: Loves to sleep face to face. Will wrap his arms and legs around you and nestle his face in your hair/ on the top of your head. Will grumble if you try to switch to spooning. He wants to wake up and see your beautiful face. (.づ◡﹏◡)づ.
If you’re the type of person to wake up in the middle of the night for a lil snack just know he converted one of his nightstands into a mini fridge. He might pretend it’s always been that way but seeing it’s filled with all of your favorites you’ll see through his ruse easily. If you need to go to the bathroom he’ll let you go and stay awake til you get back before nestling into you again. Take too long and he’ll go looking for you.
Mammon: Big fan of spooning. While he does eat up being the little spoon, he likes being the big spoon more. He’ll tuck one arm under your head and rest his hand on your chest, giving it a lil squeeze while his other arm goes over your waist and hand rests on your pelvis. He’s not trying to seduce you, he just finds it comforting.
Leaving for a midnight snack or bathroom is difficult. He won’t wake up but whine and grumble once you leave his grasp. Once you come back to bed he wraps around you immediately as if trying to fuse with your skin. Good luck if you try to leave again.
Also he runs even warmer in his sleep so if you’re feeling a bit hot get ready to sweat buckets cause he sure as heck ain’t lettin go twice. (;′⌒`)
Leviathan: Once he’s comfortable enough to share a bed or his tub he’ll wrap his tail around you and hold you close. You have a bit more freedom in the position you want to sleep in. He’ll just snuggle in any way you let him. If you sleep in his tub it’s a mess of arms, legs, and tail being wrapped in.
He keeps snack in his room already so if you get hungry there’s no reason to leave. You’re close enough to share a sleeping space with him so he’ll definitely have your favorite snacks too. Going to get the snacks he’ll subconsciously shift into his demon form to elongate his tail so it can still wrap around you. If you need to go to the bathroom his tail obviously cannot follow. Will definitely cry in his sleep thinking you left him. (╥﹏╥) Hurry back!
Satan: Likes to fall asleep with you resting your head on his chest and running his fingers down your back. He’ll listen to the gentle sound of your breathing as you fall asleep then knock out himself soon afterwards.
Getting a snack or going to the bathroom in the middle of the night isn’t a hassle with him. He might shift a little in his sleep but not much else. In half awake state he’ll feel your side of the bed, if it’s gone cold you’ve been gone too long he’ll assume one of his brother has taken you and rush out of the room to track you down.
Asmo: Loves when you both sleep au naturale, you never know what could happen ;) -nothing will happen Asmo is very serious about his beauty rest especially on a school night plz don’t tease him it’s cruel T_T adores sleeping on your chest. He’ll listen to the steady thrumming of your heartbeat as he falls asleep while circling his arms around you.
Leaving his bed is difficult, your left arm is dead from him resting on it and his bedding is so soft and cushiony you have a hard time rolling out of it. Once you make it out Asmo has rolled to the middle of the bed with his body splayed out. (*  ̄︿ ̄) Good luck trying to get back in, you’d honestly just be better off going to your own room once you’ve gone to the bathroom/ had your snack. Sorry
Beel: Is very worried about hurting you in his sleep. You’re so fragile it scares him. Feels most confident in your safety if you're laying on top of him, like he's your bed. If you’re the type to sleep through the night he’ll do his best to ignore his stomach grumbling and also try to sleep through the night as well. Can generally hold off on waiting to eat in the morning if it’s for you. The brothers have mixed feelings on this arrangement, on one hand their snacks are less likely to “disappear” but that means you have to sleep with Beel.
If you wake up in the middle of the night for a snack or to go to the bathroom he’s stoked. Will gladly take you down to the kitchen with him and give you whosever snack is in the fridge, doesn’t matter who it belongs to. (* ̄▽ ̄)旦 且(´∀`*) If you try to deny the snack he’ll give you a soft smile and tell you he’ll take them blame so please eat. The brothers hate this arrangement even more. Will definitely try and stop the two of you from sleeping together.
Belphie: As long as he feels like he’s being the one pampered he’s fine. He likes when you both fall asleep face to face and he can snuggle into your chest. He’ll wraps himself around you and rest his tail along your back (canonically it has spikes in it so please be careful moving in your sleep, it will hurt if to try to lay on it).
Another one who’s difficult if you’re one who gets up in the middle of the night. His grip becomes a vice and you’re having to wrestle yourself free. Gasping you hurriedly run out of the room to do your business, even giving yourself another moment before making your way back. Once you come back though he’s quick to wrap around you once more. Will definitely mumble his grievances about your departure however brief. he might even bite you to teach you a lesson on leaving him <( ̄ ﹌  ̄)>
felt like it got kinda long towards to end but oh well.…should I do the rest of the cast next? lemme know!
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peppermint-toads · 8 months
you watched a stray water droplet run down simon’s bicep, and you craned your head to the side, licking it up off of his skin.
he pressed his whole palm onto your wet cheek, smushing his thumb over it with a heavy pressure.
you were so tired from crying. your lips and eyes and face were all puffy. your entire face felt raw and red.
simon had sweetly coaxed you into the bathroom, turning the water on as hot as it could go so the steam could start to clear your stuffy head. he’d pulled you down into the bath after him, settling you between his legs and letting you rest against his chest.
he shushed you and stroked your hair until your chest stopped hitching and breathing calmed down.
“bad day?”
“yeah,” you sniffed, your chest starting to heaven again.
“shhh, shhhh, we don’t have to talk about it. not now.”
you just nodded into him. breathing in and out. that’s all you needed to think about.
the world had gotten to you that day. simon had come home safe from another deployment that week, and you just felt overwhelmed by all the possibilities that didn’t even happen.
you were his tough girl. he took pride in the fact that you could handle it, handle him. but sometimes you just needed to be soft.
you always felt so guilty, crying in front of simon. he went through enough, and it was selfish of you to react to his safety of all things like this.
you turned to face him as much as you could in the confines of the tub, placing both of your hands on either side of his face.
“you’re really here?”
he smiled softly. you stared at the thin sheen of perspiration that glistened on his face from the thick air in the bathroom.
he hummed and you could feel it rumble in his chest.
“you’re stuck with me.”
he was just trying to lighten your mood, but those words meant everything to you. you took a shuddery deep breath and nodded quickly, assuring yourself that it was true.
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loveanddeepthroat · 1 month
Hiii :3 not sure if you take requests for the other lads boys, but I love the way youu write and wondered if we could get some Zayne fluff 👉🏽👈🏽 Maybe like start of a relationship and mc gets her period unexpectedly when staying at his and gets super insecure about it and tries to go home but Zayne is concerned about her suddenly wanting to leave and finally gets the reason out of her, but he’s just super helpful and eases her worries. Thank you, love your blog!
The Bare Minimum
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Pairing - Zayne x f!MC
Summary - You feel as though your world is ending when a day dedicated to some much needed time with Zayne is ruined by Mother Nature. You're desperate to get home without him noticing, but he was more prepared for this than you expected.
Word Count - 2.7k
Warnings - Multiple mentions of periods and blood.
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You weren’t sure what was suddenly bothering you, but you were certain that it was catching Zayne’s attention.
It was one of those extremely rare occasions where both of you had a completely free weekend. No hunting, no surgeries, no plans.
You were both at the very peak of your designated lazy Saturday—squished together on the recliner chair in his living room, eating takeout and watching the kind of TV shows that didn’t require too much attention. Between your impromptu make out sessions that consistently progressed into you straddling his legs, you weren’t even sure what was playing on the television. 
You were just happy to be with him in such an unusual setting for the both of you. A typical day where you were both blessed with synced schedules would be spent outdoors. Long, scenic walks. Trips to the library to pick up and return a few books. You dragging Zayne around the local mall against his will.
Neither of you were up for any of it this weekend. Your missions for the past few weeks had been exhausting, a few ending in swift trips to Akso for wounds that had looked worse than they had felt. Between Zayne’s concern for you and the demanding nature of his own job, he was feeling rather exhausted, too. He didn’t often indulge in lazy days, but you were pretty sure he just wanted to keep you cocooned in the safety of his home after seeing you injured one too many times.
After your fifth rather raunchy performance on his lap, you were feeling oddly uncomfortable. You put it down to aches and pains due to the exertion of your body recently, but even as you settled back beside him again, tucked under his heavy arm, you could feel the sensation creeping down your thighs and across your back.
It couldn’t possibly be that dreaded time of the month. You had another five days to go before you had to come up with reasons to not stay at his place for a week. Your relationship was still fresh and new, so you weren’t comfortable with the idea of being on your period whilst staying the night. There wasn’t a clear reason why you’d be so conscious about it, it wasn’t as if Zayne would chastise you for your womanly troubles.
For you though, it just felt a little too nerve wracking. Discarding sanitary products in his bathroom wastebasket. The possibility of leaking whilst you’re blissfully unaware in the land of sleep. And the most horrifying of all;
Your cramps.
Mother Nature was never kind to you in the first 24 hours of your cycle. There were many a day and night where you couldn’t unfurl yourself from the foetal position you would so quickly find yourself in. Mood swings, hot flushes, and an need for all things sugary and sweet.
Zayne didn’t need to see that side of you yet. The poor man would wonder where the hell his girlfriend had disappeared to, and why there was an emotional, writhing mess clutching a XXL tub of mint chocolate chip to her chest in her place.
As the minutes went by, you felt all of the familiar warning signs. His arm around you had been soothing and sweet all day, but was starting to feel like a furnace on your skin. The unmistakable feeling of the devil himself twisting your uterus with his bare hands was becoming stronger, and your squirming was drawing attention.
“Would you like me to move?” Zayne finally asked, brows slightly furrowed in your direction.
You had to get away from him. More so, you had to get off of the recliner, worried that if you were bleeding, you might have bled through to it.
Shaking your head quickly, you pulled yourself up to your feet, subtly eyeing the thankfully pristine spot where your ass had been perched all day. “No, of course not,” you reassured with a synthetic smile. “Just have to use the bathroom.”
He opened his mouth to say something, but you quickly hurried away before he had the chance. There was no time to waste.
As soon as the lock on the bathroom door clicked, you rushed to check yourself. The sight of fresh blood on the stark white toilet paper made you want to cry immediately. Of all the times for you to get your period five days early, it had to be whilst you were at Zayne’s.
You were at a complete loss on what you could do. You didn’t have any sanitary towels to hand, and your light grey sweatpants had succumbed to a slight stain that he may have already seen.
If the ground opened up and swallowed you whole, it’d be a miracle.
Silent panic turned to tears of frustration. All you could do was wrap a wad of toilet paper around itself to act as a makeshift pad, and steer clear of Zayne. Thankfully, you hadn’t yet unpacked the gym bag you brought for the weekend, so swiftly grabbing it and legging it back to your own apartment should be easy enough.
You cleaned yourself up as best as you could and flushed away all evidence of your period, trying to compose yourself whilst you did. The sheer level of agony your cramps were already bestowing upon you had you almost doubling over at the sink as you splashed some cold water onto your face to rid yourself of your tears.
This had to be a nightmare.
A gentle tapping on the bathroom door almost startled a small scream out of you. Zayne’s soothing voice sounded from the hallway, “everything alright in there?”
Things were getting worse and worse by the damn minute. You couldn’t possibly get by him to retrieve your bag without him seeing your ridiculous tears and the evident pain you were in.
“Yeah,” you called out, your shaky voice betraying you.
He remained silent for a moment, clearly not convinced in the slightest. “What’s the matter?”
You weren’t getting away from this. He knew something was up, and he wasn’t going to let you suffer in silence. It wasn’t in his nature to just feign ignorance, especially when it came to your health or comfort.
“Nothing,” you called out again, hoping to whichever god was listening that he would just accept your answer.
Another bout of silence hung in the air, like he was trying to figure you out through a closed door. You were beginning to feel like a cornered animal, desperate for a route of escape.
You waited and waited for him to say something else, but you heard absolutely nothing. A small sigh of relief escaped you as you quietly opened the door, only to find him still standing there. You quickly tried to shut it again, but his foot took place in the small gap to stop you.
Not wanting to jam his foot, you gave up, folding your arms around yourself as if they were going to hide you. “I need to go home,” you say quietly, avoiding his gaze.
He nudged the door open with his socked foot, still saying nothing. You could feel him analysing you from head to toe. 
He was such a bloody doctor sometimes.
Eventually, he folded his own arms across his chest. “Why do you want to go home?”
“Need to go home,” you corrected, not wanting him to think that you didn’t want to spend the night with him. “I…I have to—”
He cut you off with an outstretched hand, waiting expectantly for you to take it. All you did was stare at it, confused by his intentions. 
Well, you also winced as Mother Nature gave you a swift boot to the abdomen.
“Can you come with me for a moment?” He asked in that gentle tone of his, eyes softening. “Please?”
You took his large hand with a small sigh, not seeing any other way out of this situation. Heat pooled in your cheeks in your sheer embarrassment. 
This wasn’t how your weekend together was supposed to go.
Zayne led you into the bedroom, letting go of your hand once you were both inside. Panic flashed in your mind as you couldn’t think of any reason why he would bring you into the bedroom.
“I really can’t—”
He turned away before you could finish your sentence, heading into the en-suite bathroom and reappearing with a small wicker basket.
You almost gasped at its contents as he approached you again.
Pads and tampons of every shape and size were nestled within, along with painkillers and heating pads for your back. You eyed multipacks of brand new, comfortable underwear in there, too, and some small plastic bags to dispose of your sanitary products.
You weren’t sure if it was just the beginnings of your expected emotional rollercoaster, or the innocent way he was holding it out to you, but you burst into very pathetic, blubbering tears. 
He quickly placed the basket down on the bed, holding your waist with his hands. “Don’t cry. I’m sorry, did I get the wrong—”
You quickly shook your head, dragging your forearm across your eyes to diminish your tears. “No. No, I’m sorry,” you reassured him. “I’m sorry. I just—did you buy all of that?”
“I did,” he said quietly, looking a tad bit sheepish. “I didn’t know which ones would be best for you, so I asked a female assistant—”
“You asked someone?” You were in disbelief. He’d gone to the store, looked like a lost sheep in the sanitary products aisle, and asked a clerk to help choose some options for you.
“I realise now that I should’ve asked you, instead.”
You shook your head again. “No, I’m not chastising you, Zayne. I’m…I’m hugely impressed—in awe, in fact.”
Zayne frowned at you, evidently puzzled. “Impressed? Is this not what a boyfriend typically does? I didn’t do anything special.”
Little did he know, he actually had. 
You were certain that you weren’t the only woman on the planet who had previously been made to feel inferior or shamed by others in regards to your period. 
There were so many instances where men—and even the occasional woman had mentioned it as a way of insult. Must be her time of the month. Time for someone to change their tampon. 
Once, you had accidentally pulled a pad out of your bag instead of your notepad in the middle headquarters, and every last one of your male colleagues avoided you for the remainder of the week. It was as if you were infected with a disease that would kill them.
Finding yourself standing before the exception was a shock to your system. A good shock. 
A real gentleman. 
You felt your eyes well up again. Tears of fear and worry had become tears of contentment. Finally, for once in your life, you were comfortable in the presence of a man during your cycle.
“I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed here whenever you stay,” he explained further.
“I love you,” you simply whispered back, a small smile curling your lips.
He still looked thoroughly perplexed at your reaction, like this shouldn’t have been something that was happening to you for the first time. Like every other man you’d ever come across will have treated you the way he has.
“I love you, too,” he said, cupping your face with his large, gentle hand. “Were you really going to leave?”
You nodded guiltily, feeling a little silly about your initial freak out. Something had been healed within your soul by his nonexistent judgement of your cycle, and even if he didn’t understand it, you were so very lucky and grateful to have a man like him.
He brushed away some of the damp streaks on your cheek with his thumb. “I don’t want you to go, but if you want to—”
“I’m not going anywhere,” you whispered back.
The corner of his mouth twitched. “Good. We have more episodes of Love Hospital to watch.”
“I thought we were watching Police Passion?”
He blew out a short laugh before dropping a tender kiss to your smiling lips. It made your heart feel warm and full, a feeling you never wanted to let go of.
“I’ll give you some privacy,” he said before taking his leave.
You took the wicker basket of supplies into the en-suite, the smile on your face not wavering as you studied it. He’d even put a rather pricey bottle of body wash in there for you, the description on the label claiming that its contents would soothe and relax you with scents of chamomile and jasmine. 
Everything was so tidily placed inside, a true reflection on how much he actually cared about your needs. Even a single incorrect pack of sanitary towels kept somewhere in the bathroom would have been enough for you to know that you didn’t need to be uncomfortable with him, but he’d made an effort. 
A serious effort that he saw as the bare minimum.
After picking out the best suited candidate in the sea of pads and tampons, you got yourself showered and sorted into fresh pyjamas from your bag. The cramping in your stomach started to bother you as soon as you finished getting changed, so you fished around in the basket for the unopened box of ibuprofen and a heating pad for the seizing muscles in your back.
Once you’d emerged from the bedroom, Zayne was nowhere to be seen in the living room. The area around the recliner you had both been lounging in all day was cleared and tidy, not an empty takeout carton or half drunk cup of tea in sight.
Making your way into the kitchen for a glass of water, you found him steeping a mug of raspberry leaf tea to aid your cramping. You quietly grabbed a clean glass to fill with water, popping two capsules of ibuprofen into your hand to take.
Zayne glanced at the clock to memorise what time you were taking this dose, in case you required another later on. “How are you feeling?”
You smiled softly at him. Despite the storm of misery striking through your body, you still had a reason to smile.
“Happy,” you murmured sincerely. “Despite the devil himself tearing away at my insides.”
He offered a small smile of sympathy back, pulling the sopping teabag out of your mug of tea to discard it. “Do you need anything else? I can go out if there’s anything you want,” he offered sincerely, not at all troubled by the idea of you needing anything more from him.
Good lord did you love this man.
“Just you, please,” you requested, wanting nothing more than to just cuddle back up with him until the painkillers kicked in.
He obliged your request immediately, picking up the steaming mug of tea with one hand and slipping your hand into the other to lead you back out to the recliner. Before you could seat yourself in the little gap beside him, he gently pulled you onto his lap.
You couldn’t help the little flash of panic that shot through you at the thought of sitting on him during your period, but he clearly didn’t care. His hands just got straight to work with the heating pad, placing it where you needed it the most.
The rest of the evening was spent with Zayne giving you some luxuriously soothing back rubs to ease the pain—which had quickly been alleviated thanks to the ibuprofen and tea—followed by your regularly scheduled make out sessions whenever his hands started to wander. There wasn’t an ounce of bother in him whenever he turned you to straddle his lap, his all time favourite place to have you. 
He wasn’t bothered by anything when it came to taking care of you.
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A/N: Thank you so much for sending in a request, anon! I adore Zayne so it was nice to have a prompt for my first oneshot for him. 🩵
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blkkizzat · 8 months
Work From Home Nanami = best house husband
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a/n: lol this is nanami brainrot while I wait for my Toji fic to get beta'd so I know how dog it is. ETA: FYI, this is a semi-repost of a self-ship collab with a now deactivated account. I repurposed my selfship part to reader and expanded to WFH. cw: smut (pussy pounding, gagging on CAWK) fluff, nanami being the perf husband and male specimen per usual wc: 1.6k
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WFH!Nanami doesn’t have to worry about waking up early to go into the office but he still rises with the sun to get his day started and do his favorite thing, which is to spoil you. Waking you up with gentle kisses, placing a hot espresso by the bedside and being your personal snooze button when you tell him 5 more minutes (he is so punctual it will be 5 mins on the dot). 
You will still likely end up strolling into the office late regardless though because knowing you, you can’t start your day until you’re squirting all over daddy. But this is Nanami, he is nothing if not efficient so your early morning romp is definitely in the shower where he can clean you up after in order to get you out of the door sooner, your breakfast is already packed to-go. 
WFH!Nanami love language is acts of service. You never stress about what to do for lunch either because there’s always a Michelin star worthy bento waiting for you next to your keys before you leave for the day. 
In fact, what Nanami doesn’t know is that his bento is famous not only around your office, as your envious coworkers gather round to see what your perfect husband has prepared for you today, but also on TikTok. The ‘KentosBentos’ TikTok account you made has over 350K followers who not only watch for the mouth watering yet nutritious bentos but to also hear you gush over the cute little notes your hubby leaves for you. 
Your top video has over 2.5 million likes and thousands of swooning women in the comments when WFH!Nanami made you an extra special lobster bento for your birthday and left you the note: ‘In all the world there is no love for me if I don’t have yours. Happy Birthday to my lovely wife, whose smile shines bigger and all the more brighter than the sun, moon and stars.’ 
Continuing with acts of service WFH!Nanami always has an equally delicious dinner ready for you when you get home. On days you work overtime and arrive home late, there's always a warm bubble bath waiting for you first. You love to rest with your back laid against Nanami’s utterly ripped torso in the tub while his thick arms envelope you. Relaxing into the safety of WFH!Nanami’s hold, your doting hubby kisses your temple and gives your keyboard fatigued hands a delicate massage. Nanami is nothing but a patient yet active listener while you recount your stressful day at work.
On days when you both get the opportunity to work from home you email WFH!Nanami a meeting invite to block off his calendar for 30 min during lunch. The invite is always titled ‘Ken and Barbie’s Lunch Meeting’. The location? ‘Pound Town’ The time? Noon, sharp!
Of course WFH!Nanami never actually schedules it on his work calendar lest his boss sees the meeting. (Gojo would never let him hear the end of it). As a result, since he never actually has the time officially blocked off, on some rare occasions he does actually get booked for a real lunch meeting at Noon that he cannot reschedule. 
Meeting or no meeting though you are determined to keep your lunchtime dick appointment with WFH!Nanami. A noon dicking is a noon dicking and it’s a non-negotiable for you as you don’t often get to stay home from work! 
WFH!Nanami is focused and poised during his camera-on meetings with his team. Therefore he doesn’t hear you open his office door. Nor does he see you as you drop to the floor with feline grace, hips swaying seductively as you crawl right under his desk. In fact, Nanami does not notice you at all until your soft hands grip his thick powerful thighs and you’re sliding your body up between his legs. Never faltering on-camera, WFH!Nanami’s stiffened jaw and tensed shoulders are the only tell-signs of you palming his rapidly hardening cock under the desk.
WFH!Nanami who tests the absolute limits of the stress ball he keeps handy (usually for tough negotiations) when he feels you press your hot mouth on the fabric covering his dick. You know your stoic husband won't ever outwardly falter when on the clock but you know inside he is a mess. That much is clear to you by the girth bulge straining against his tan fitted slacks.  
WFH!Nanami who knows you are upset about him working through your ‘lunch meeting’, but wishes you wouldn’t torture him like this while he’s on the clock. He can tell you are enjoying yourself though as your sinful little tongue drags tiny kitten licks over the hard bulge in his pants. Soon though you are pawing at his zipper and pulling his girthy cock free through the hole, not even bothering to undo his belt. Taking him fully into your mouth, WFH!Nanami bites his inner cheek, when his boss Gojo makes a comment on how he looks more tense than usual when he should be thrilled after closing the biggest deal of the year. 
WFH!Nanami who takes a long moment to deeply clear his throat before he calmly relays to Gojo that he is very pleased with the win but already thinking of the next big acquisition for their company. Yet Nanami’s voice hitches ever so slightly when your pink stiletto nails dig into his muscular thighs. It fools the rest of the team but Gojo merely raises a brow before cheerily moving on to the next subject. 
WFH!Nanami spares a look downward at you once the work conversation has shifted to see you gazing up at his mouth full of his cock. You wear an angelic look as if he can’t tell the hand that left his thigh and is now slotted between your own isn’t furiously rubbing at your clit. He knows you are pleased at finally drawing a reaction, even a small one, from him while on the clock.
WFH!Nanami whose eyes twitch when he’s closing the call he sees his boss Gojo’s knowing smile and hears the start of the question, “So Nanamin… is Y/N, working from home to–”
WFH!Nanami doesn’t stay to hear the end of the question, quickly exiting the call and ignoring the message pings full of raunchy emojis he receives from Gojo. 
WFH!Nanamiwho is still seated grabs you by your hair and ruthlessly face fucks you as soon as his camera turns off. He forces you swallow all eight and a half inches of him as you gag and slobber around his girth. Your jaw begins to ache but your eyes still roll back into your head with pleasure and you go limp in his grasp. You are willingly allowing your loving husband to turn your throat into his personal cocksleeve as you rub your cunt up against his leg, so close to cumming from the chafing of his slacks against your cunt.
Frustrated and annoyed it isn’t long before WFH!Nanami cums himself. His leg you are riding jerks up into you giving you the extra push you need as you moan around his cock and cream on his leg leaving a wet spot. WFH!Nanami has you choking down his thick seed. His cum and your drool dribble down the sides of your face when he finally slides out of the warm cavern of your throat cunny, leaving you panting as you try to catch your breath.
WFH!Nanami wordlessly wipes your face with the tissues he keeps on his desk and promptly ushers you out of this office, locking the door behind you. You aren’t upset though as you know what's in store for you once his work day is over. The locked door is more to keep him IN, than keep you OUT. Nanami would have to take the rest of the day off if he were to properly discipline you now. You being forced to wait and wonder how long he would take to finish his work was part of the punishment anyway.
You know WFH!Nanami is ready to administer your punishment once he calls you out by your FULL government name “Y/N Nanami!” Tonight is different and there is no dinner nor warm bath for you. Just a tired Nanami, weary of his bosses teasing and ready to take out all his frustrations on his wife’s naughty little cunt. 
Your cunt in question nearly starts voguing in anticipation as heat pools between your legs once you are called into the bedroom. You already know what time it is once you see WFH!Nanami loosen his tie and take off his belt slowly while sternly saying your name once more.
The belt and tie? 
Oh, the belt is used to tie your arms behind you and the tie is now a gag, for having such a filthy cock-loving little mouth he will tell you. It’s not long after that until you are face down, ass up getting pounded into the mattress as WFH!Nanami nearly cracks the headboard with the force he is using to thrust into you. Your cries of “K-Kento!” are muffled into the makeshift gag when a firm slap causes your ass to ripple more aggressively against his pelvis. 
Nanami growls deeply into your ear.
“Welcome to Pound Town, Barbie.”
Any muffled cries for mercy fall on deaf ears as WFH!Nanami is too focused on his retribution for your earlier antics as he continues to wreck your pussy from behind. His heavy balls smack against your clit and your sloppy cunt echos vulgar squelches that bounce off your bedroom walls and erotically ring in your ears. The hand pressing your head further into the pillow beneath you is the same hand Nanami wears his wedding band on. It glimmers brightly even in the dimly lit room.
WFH!Nanami loves seeing his ring and remembering his vows in the moment. 💖
©blkkizzat 2024. do not steal works or graphics, do not translate.
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a/n: Nanami brainrot overload (i wfh! lord god when is it my turn, bring me a nanami i BEG) and day 18 without adhd meds lol, finally finished something though. Nerd!Geto and The Nursery ft. Toji is soon I promise!
reblog to get your on WFH!Nanami but comments and likes are always appreciated!
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blueicequeen19 · 3 months
Shot in the Dark
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Warnings: non-con, lady-napping, threats of violence, drugging, forced o’s, dark Rafe
A hand clamps down on your mouth and a strong arm wraps around your waist, hauling you away from the Chateau. You try to scream as you kick and claw at your attacker, the sight of JJ on the couch getting smaller and smaller as you’re hauled away into the dark.
By the smell of his cologne, you knew who it was before he even spoke. You were on the verge of a panic attack for an entirely different reason now. Rafe wouldn’t hurt you like you’d done him but he had no intentions of ever letting you go again. He’d made that vow after you’d shot him and left him to bleed out in front of the Cameron mansion. You refused to go down without a fight though. As soon as his hold loosened, you threw your head back and felt the satisfying crunch of bone and cartilage followed by a string of curses.
“Son of a bitch.” Rafe growled, his hand fisting your hair and yanking you back just as you’d taken a step to run. Your back collided with his chest, nearly knocking the wind from your lungs as his arms engulfed you again.
“Did you miss me, baby?” Rafe groaned in your ear, a hand coming up to grip your throat in a firm hold.
“Fuck you.” You wheezed, digging your nails into his arms.
“I plan to.” Rafe kissed your cheek, smearing his blood across your face before yanking the door open on his Range Rover. He spun you to face the inside of the vehicle, blocking your exit.
“How’s this going to go Rafe? You can’t lock me up in your mansion forever.” You snap, resisting his attempts to force you into the cab. Something hard suddenly presses against your back followed by the click of a safety. Terror squeezes your insides.
“I plan to use whatever means necessary to get you to stay. Whether it be by force and threats or a baby. Either way you’ll be mine.”
“A fucking baby?! I’m not having kids with you!”
“How about I start with burning the place down with him still inside?”
“Have it your way.” His holds vanishes for a split second before something sharp pricks your neck and your world suddenly starts to spin.
“No.. Rafe..”
Then everything goes black.
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The smell of soap greets you first as you start to come to. Your hands graze your inner thigh as heat covers you from your toes to your chin. When your eyes finally open you see that you’re naked in a bath. The water is hot and heavenly. As you try to sit up, arms engulf you and bring you firmer against a bare chest and a hard cock.
“Rafe..” You rasp, your head still too heavy to make sense of anything.
“I love hearing you say my name like that.” Rafe murmurs in your ear, his lips grazing your neck.
“You’re nothing.”
“I don’t give a shit what you think about me. Those Pogues have brainwashed you. They turned you against me and you don’t even care.”
“Why would I care? After everything you’ve done to them? To me?”
“Tell me.. does he make you feel as good as I do?” Rafe’s hand suddenly cups you between your thighs, his fingers caressing the sensitive flesh that begs for attention. You bite back a moan as you plant your feet against the tub.
“Better.” You snap, attempting to shift away from his teasing but it only results in you grinding against his cock at your back.
“Is that right?” Rafe smirks, taking your earlobe between his teeth as he sinks two fingers into your aching pussy. A loud moan escapes you before you clamp your mouth shut, fighting off the intense pleasure.
“Stop it.” You bite out, digging your nails into his thighs.
“Why? You’re so close to cumming. I can feel it by the way your pussy grips my fingers, sucking me back in because you’re hungry for more.” Rafe taunts in your ear, grinding his cock against your back.
“God, I could come all over your back just listening to the sounds you make.”
“I’ll—shoot you— again.” Your body starts to shake with the impending orgasm.
“Go ahead. Ride me when you do it.”
“You’re fucked up.”
“Tell me you hate me as you cum.” Rafe adds a third finger.
“Say it. Tell me you hate me.” His teeth clamp down on your neck and his free hand twists your nipple as you suck in a breath.
“I hate you so fucking much.” You growl, your back arching as the release explodes from you. Water splashes over the sides of the tub as you thrash in his hold, warmth covering your back as he cums right along with you.
“Scream. Come on, fucking scream.” Rafe snarls, grinding his palm against your clit until you scream your second release. You jolt forward when he releases you, nearly dunking your head in the water as you fight to control your breathing and the way your body shakes. Just when you open your mouth to smart off, his hands grip your hips and yank you back, filling you with his cock in one go.
“Ugh, Rafe!” You reach back, fisting his hair at the nape of his neck as his legs pin yours open and his hands roam your body.
“Now.. about that baby..”
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gojoidyll · 8 days
stubborn heart ch. 7
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yan!capitano x wife!reader
summary | or in which capitano is told he needs a wife. and he begrudgingly agrees.
warnings | y/n tries something out from the book she read...
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For the rest of the day Atri had left you alone. That, however, didn’t stop you from worrying over the books you had gotten. And after dinner that night, you had finally decided to at least take a peek at what the books had to offer.
So, carefully sneaking into the library and pulling the first “spicy” book the cashier had recommended to you, you had retreated by to the safety of your room. Luckily you had already gotten to bathe and do your night routine (alone), so you could jump right into the warm covers and crack open to the first page. You doubted that you would see a sex scene in the first chapter of the book, but you were prepared to throw the book halfway across the room if need be.
Though, with how the first few pages were turning out, you doubted you had much to-
You paused as you read over a sentence again.
“To wind down and relax, I always took a bit longer in the bathroom. What would usually consist of a quick rinse and wash would result in me taking the much needed time to just simply take a moment and breathe. Typically, I wouldn’t be able to do this due to the men skulking about in the camp, but since they are out on their own missions, time permits me to take care of myself. After carefully rubbing the soap up my thighs, I let my fingers gently trail up. My fingertips slowly, lightly reaching up to tease my folds. I let out a small sigh. My head falling back against tub as I slowly pushed-“
You slammed the book shut, your face beat red. Truth be told, you never indulged in pleasuring yourself either. So, to read it so casually really sent your mind into a whirlwind.
You gulped as you reopened to the page you were on after calming your racing heart. You knew you needed to learn about this eventually so there was no backing out now! Though, of course, that didn’t stop you from slamming the book shut from time to time before going back to reading.
Arkan, please please give me more-
You slammed the book shut once again before glancing to the door. Why is Atri-? You looked to the other side of the room and noticed how the sun started to rise causing you to sweatdrop.
“Oh dear…”
“M’lady, are you up?”
Turning back to towards the door in a panic, you were quick to fumble around before rolling over to your nightstand, opening the top drawer and throwing the book into it, and shutting it tight.
“Y- yes! I’m awake!”
“Oh good! Breakfast will be done soon!”
“Thank you! I’ll be down after my bath.”
Atri was quick to dismiss herself as you let out a sigh of relief before getting out of bed and making your way to the bathroom. Though, once in there, you gave the tub a side glance, your mind going back and thinking of that first “scene.”
“Maybe I should try?”
You bit your lip; your mind was practically racing at the thought of trying it. The book made it sound like it felt good, so maybe…?
You went over to the tub and crouched down to turn on the hot water. It was worth a shot, right?
You tried to set everything up as the book had done. You knew you were alone, you tried to get as relaxed as possible, and you even already bathed yourself, which only left one thing to do. Though, as you recounted your memory and moved your hands and fingers as the book had described you found that it was not what you were expecting at all.
No matter how you rubbed yourself or how you pushed a single finger into your resisting cunt, you couldn’t get to the point of cumming like the female lead did.
It honestly got you frustrated. No matter how far your finger reached, no matter how you rubbed your inner walls, no matter how much you played with your folds or clit, you just couldn’t cum.
“Am I broken or something?! Oh archons, what if Capitano finds out I can’t cum?! What if I am unable to cum at all?1 He’ll kick me out as quickly as he married me,” you cried as you got out the tub. Your hands reaching for the towel as you started to dry yourself off, “what am I going to do?”
With a new problem on your hands, you got ready for the day.
“Oh dear, you look like a kicked puppy,” Atri said as she set your breakfast down in front of you and you could only give her that sad look from earlier.
“What’s wrong?”
“Well… so I read one of those books.”
“Mmhmm, and?”
“I tried out one of those scenes… where the female lead was,” you looked around to make sure no one else was listening or near you both before you leaned closer to her to whisper, “you know touching herself, and well…”
“I can’t, you know, do it…”
“You can’t touch yourself?”
You shook your head, embarrassment already making its way across your face, “no, not that.. I can’t cum… you know, that word.”
“Ahhh, I see.”
“Is that all you have to say?! Why am I the only one worried?! I mean, doesn’t this mean I am broken or something like that?”
Atri giggled to herself before answering, “maybe you need Lord Capitano’s help.”
You immediately deflated, “yeah, but if he learns I can’t cum, won’t he just toss me out?”
Atri rolled her eyes before patting your shoulder, “you’re overthinking it.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
Before you could argue any more, someone cleared their throat causing you both to turn towards the entrance of the dining hall where a messenger waited by the door.
“Lady y/n?”
“Lord Capitano has sent you a letter.”
You tensed up right then and there as the messenger walked over and gently placed the letter next to your breakfast.
“Thank you,” you managed to say.
The messenger bowed and took his leave, letting both you and Atri to stare at the unopened letter.
It’s only been a day, and yet he already sent you something. You really didn’t want to open it.
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@nas-ha @simp-simp-no-mi @emmathecouchpotato4583 @sendria @riotakire @littlekohai77 @lvtuss @kreishin @floffytofu @nastylilcvnt @mikoslightnovels @feral-childs-word @barbatoss-bitch @venicecherryblossom @squirrelboxer @temperamentupgrade @avalordream @immahuman @xavlyzn @greensunflowerjuna @sarah22447 @naviabestgiirl @nevermoresworld @depressedbearblogs @ppancakesforu @0vendettaself @lilyalone @mochiivqi
some say "no blogs found" when I try to add them </3
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jaemna · 6 months
paranoia » njm + ljn
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‼️currently being edited and rewritten!! i didn’t really like the pacing so i’m revamping it, check back soon‼️
genre | smut (mdni!!) jaemin x afab!reader x jeno
word count | 3k
summary | an innocent game of paranoia with your friends while on a ski trip makes you realize that maybe you never knew you wanted to fuck your boyfriend jaemin’s best friend. and maybe, your boyfriend is okay with that.
warnings | smut, swearing, alcohol consumption, threesome, unprotected sex but he pulls out, established relationship with jaemin, jeno is shy and a little bit of a perv ig?, dom!jaem sub!jen basically, cuckolding, lots of pet names from jaemin he’s a sweetie pie
a.n | this fic was purely self indulgent lmaoo, when i would go on choir ski trips in high school we would always play paranoia in the hot tub at the resort (no nomin threesome though unfortunately ugh unfair) and my bestie and i had major brainrot one day a few years later and uhh this was born!
also if anyone doesn’t know what paranoia is, basically you get a group of friends and sit in a circle, one person whispers a “who in the group is most likely to” type question to the person next to them so the rest of the group doesn’t hear it, and then they answer it out loud. if the person who asked wins rock paper scissors the other person has to reveal what the question was, but if they lose then the question remains a secret (i added the caveat that if you lose and you really don’t want to tell you can take a shot as a safety)
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“ooohhh,” haechan muses, his hand scratching at his chin. he glances around the circle of his friends surrounding him in the hot tub, eyeing everyone very intently and contemplating the question ningning had just whispered in his ear.
“probably renjun,” he answers after some thought.
“renjun??” ningning gapes. “my money was totally on mark.”
“shut up! you’ll give it away!” haechan hisses.
the pair turn to each other and present their fists. after three slaps to their hands, ninging lets out a ‘ha!’ when her two fingers snip at haechan’s open palm.
without missing a beat, haechan reaches into the middle of the circle, snatching one of the pre-prepared shots sitting in a slot in a little yellow floaty.
“you loser!” ningning yells. “was it not you who said you’re a pussy if you chicken out when i took a shot?”
“cry about it.” haechan throws the shot back down his throat and tosses the little plastic cup behind him to clatter on the wet tile. suddenly ningning grabs haechan by his shoulders and in one swift motion his head is completely underwater. his arm holds his fruity blue cocktail high in the air so as to not spill it, but it still sloshes around as he flails, frantic bubbles rising up to the surface. jisung reaches forward and grabs the floaty to pull it away from the chaos and keep the shots from dancing across the water.
haechan resurfaces when ningning lets him go, coughing dramatically and wiping the water away from his eyes. “my drink! my drink!” he sputters.
you giggle at the antics of your drunken friends, but its difficult to give them your full attention when jaemin is pressed against your left side. his right hand glides across your thigh under the hot water, dangerously close to the bottom of your white bikini.
he’s paying no mind to the game. his nose is pressed against your neck, his breath feeling cold against your skin in comparison to the hot air around you. you swat at his hand when his thumb brushes against the fabric between your thighs; jaemin has never been one to shy away from public affection, especially when he’s tipsy, so you’re the one tasked with keeping him under control. you find that it's hard to care that much though, considering that even before the game began you were already three shots deep. jaemin just chuckles, lifting his free hand to brush your wet hair from your shoulder and places a hot kiss behind your ear.
you turn to look over at him, your head tilting back and to the side so your lips brush lightly against his own as you move. it's snowing, the night sky completely clouded over, but the heat from the hot tub makes the puffy white flakes dissolve in the air before they can touch the water, and they fizzle away as you watch them land in his hair. jaemin catches his bottom lip between his teeth, a dazed and loving smile matching the way his glossy eyes look at you in the winter air. you lean forward just a bit to meet him in a kiss. he sighs happily, leaning in closer to deepen it.
the game has made its way down the circle and someone grabs your attention by telling jaemin that it’s his turn. he chases your lips when you pull away, your face flushed upon remembering you aren’t alone, all the while he seems unphased.
without looking away from you he hums in thought, watching as the condensation clinging to your skin rolls down your chest. he brings a hand up to cup your ear and whispers his question.
“who’s most likely to fuck you better than me?”
even in the steamy air, the blush that rises to your face is unmistakable. your eyes widen, making a devilish smile appear on his lips.
“ohhh look at her face!” karina says coyly. “must have been a spicy question!”
you’re too stunned to speak. you’d never been conscious of it, but apparently you knew the answer to this question before even being presented with it.
your eyes then flicker over to scan your group of friends; everyone’s eyes are on you and all of a sudden you feel like you’re a second from overheating.
“you’ve gotta answer, baby. its part of the game,” jaemin teases, snapping you out of your thoughts. the smirk playing his features is mischievous; his hand slyly finds its way between your legs again, and when his fingers slip under the band of your swimsuit and press roughly against you, you blurt out your answer without being able to stop yourself.
its clear everyone was under the impression that the question presented to you was intimate, and a series of surprised and boisterous hoots and hollers erupt all around you. jeno laughs nervously from a few spots down the circle, rubbing a hand across the back of his neck. you swallow hard. it's too late now to wonder if you should have just kept your mouth shut.
jaemin pulls your attention back to him. your eyes are apprehensive when they meet his; he immediately takes notice of your change in demeanor, and he gives you a sweet, reassuring smile. when you smack your hands down in sync, he waits just a second to see your fist still clenched, and he slips two fingers out of his to let you win.
“that’s cheating!!” haechan whines from across the hot tub. “you saw her play!”
jaemin just presses a soft kiss to your wet cheek and drapes his arm around your shoulders. “cry about it.”
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the next morning, you wake up to the sounds and smells of breakfast being made. through the dehydration and dull headache of your small hangover, what you’d said the night prior runs rampant in your head.
you feel a strange sense of guilt gnawing at you. jaemin acted no differently than normal following your confession, but you can't shake the feeling that you’d upset him. it was his best friend's name you’d said after all, so you aren’t quite sure why he hasn't at least brought it up again.
the dream you’d just awoken from involving said best friend didn't help settle your nerves either.
you shuffle out of the sheets and walk into the kitchen of the small condo you and your boyfriend are sharing for the weekend. you take a seat on one of the barstools surrounding the kitchen island, tapping your fingers on the marble countertop as you watch jaemin from behind him. he hums to himself, dropping ingredients into a sizzling pan.
“jaem?” you start. he spins around, and he grins at you.
“good morning, my love,” he greets you, crossing the space and leaning down to kiss you.
“are you mad at me?”
in retrospect, it's a stupid question; he hadn’t given any indication that he was upset with you at all, but your worried conscience outweighs your common sense.
jaemin’s smile falls, a look of confusion replacing it. “of course not, baby, why would i be?”
“because of last night,” you mutter, your shoulders slumped.
jaemin takes a seat on a stool across from you and pauses to think. “i don’t remember you doing anything last night to make me upset, babydoll.”
“i mean, like, what i said in the hot tub.”
he blinks at you. after a second, his face lights up in realization. “what, about jeno?”
you nod, lowering your head in shame. jaemin chuckles, placing a warm hand under your jaw to bring your eyes back up. his thumb brushes against your burning skin.
“baby, why would i be mad about that? i asked you the question in the first place.”
“because he's your best friend.”
“so? as his best friend, i know better than most that he’s attractive,” he jokes. you’re honestly confused as to why he's so casual about it.
“i um- i had a dream about him last night.”
when he lifts a brow and tilts his head, you reach up to tightly squeeze his hand that still lays on your face and scramble to clarify. “but it didn't mean anything jaem, i promise! please don’t be mad, please, i really would never do anything like that-“
“baby, shh, its okay,” he cups your face in his hands, squishing your cheeks together. heavy, anxious breathing fills your chest. “i love you and i trust you, i promise i’m not upset with you, sweetheart.”
a sigh falls, your worries dissolving into the warm air. jaemin presses a kiss to your forehead. an idea seems to pop into his head just then, and he smirks.
“besides, there's no one i'd rather share my girl with than my best friend anyway.”
heat rushes up your neck again. “share?”
“well yeah, if you’re comfortable with that. i’d love to help my pretty baby bring that dream to life for a night.”
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there's snow piling on the sill just outside the bedroom window, but jeno’s forehead still glimmers with a light sheen of sweat in the soft glow of the bedside lamp.
as you and the girls were on the slopes earlier in the day, jaemin pulled jeno aside to talk to him once he knew you were on board with his idea. jaemin had always known jeno thought you were pretty, it was in the way he looked at you and spoke a little softer to you than most. but it didn't bother jaemin; after all, who could really blame him? jaemin had fallen in love with you for a reason.
needless to say though, jaemin’s proposal left jeno completely shocked. he really tried to hide his crush on you so as to not upset anyone; losing his best friend over it wasn't worth the risk and he saw how in love you were, he would feel like a monster if he did anything to ruin that. so learning about your little crush on him made his heart flutter in his chest.
he would have to be an insane man to decline this offer.
so now, you kneel in front of him on yours and jaemin’s bed, your bare knees digging into the plush of the mattress. you’d just showered after your long day of skiing, and the lingering scent of vanilla has jeno reeling already.
“are you nervous?” you ask him. your shorts are riding up, disappearing behind the hem of your thin white tshirt. your hair is still damp, and the wetness seeps through the fabric, making the top of your chest slightly more visible.
jeno gives a hesitant nod, a quiet laugh slipping through his shy smile.
“me too,” you admit, matching his timid demeanor.
jaemin catches your eye from his spot by the window, the ice clinking in his frosted glass as he stands between the sheer curtains.
“she's a good girl, jen. she’ll do what you tell her, right baby?”
you turn back towards jeno and give him an innocent nod. jeno feels embarrassed by how hard he already is just from your sweet doe eyes and the way you puff your lips up in a little pout. you lean forward on your knees, your fingers gripping the sheets. your elbows push your chest forward and jeno has to remind himself he doesn't have to force his gaze away this time.
“tell me what you want, nono,” you coo. jeno swallows hard.
“show me what happened in your dream.”
you obey immediately, crawling forward and situating yourself on his lap. your fingers trace ever so delicately up his abdomen and chest; you can feel how his muscles are tense under his shirt, but when you dip down to press warm, feathery kisses to the side of his neck, the strain fades away almost instantly. you grip his shoulders and rock yourself against him. his fingers dig into your hips and he shudders at the soft, slow friction.
jaemin watches you intently, leaning his weight on his arm against the perch of the window, and he lifts his glass to take a sip. this brand new view of you absolutely captivates him; you look so.. so pretty it makes him twitch in his sweat pants.
with your lips still attached to jeno’s neck your hands find their way down his waistband. you tug at the elastic of his basketball shorts, reaching in to palm him over his boxers, eliciting a low groan that vibrates against your lips. his head falls back and his eyes flutter closed.
pulling away you scoot back enough to pull the fabric away from his waist, watching as his cock springs up and out of his shorts. you keep your gaze locked with his as you grab him by the base and drag your hand slowly up the shaft. jeno whimpers as you pump your fist up and down, squeezing every time your fingers reach the tip.
you lift yourself up and stand on your knees that sit on either side of jeno’s lap, your chest almost pressing against his face as you use his shoulders for balance. he has to suppress the moan that rises in this throat when you shove your shorts and panties off your legs and sink down onto him without warning.
your wet hair sways in front of your face as you bounce slowly up and down on him, adjusting to his length. you’re so warm and soft and you grip around him so well that jeno feels delirious; he might not be able to last long.
your lips suddenly mesh with his and he feels like he's on cloud nine. jeno’s tongue flicks into your mouth and he feels you dig your nails into the back of his neck, tugging at his hair. you whimper into his mouth as jeno kisses you like his life depends on it.
suddenly your hair is tangled in jaemin’s grip and your head is yanked back, your lips pulling away from jeno’s with a wet smack and a loud cry is ripped from your throat. your head falls back onto jaemin’s shoulder and an earth shattering whine echoes through the room. jeno feels embarrassed by the heavy groan he can't help but let out, until jaemin looks at him with a knowing smirk.
“you like that, jen? she’s very vocal.” jaemin’s free hand reaches up to squeeze the base of your neck. “isn’t that right, baby girl? you make such pretty noises when you feel good, yeah?” you nod, reaching a shaky arm up and behind you to scratch at jaemin’s shoulder. you let out a trembling whimper.
“you wanna show jen how good i can make you feel, huh?”
your swollen lips press together; a strangled ‘mhm’ is all you can manage.
jaemin then pulls your hips towards him, a sticky wet sound making you blush as jeno slips out of your folds. the empty feeling doesn't linger for long, however. jaemin replaces him immediately, slamming his hips up into you and hitting the spot that makes you crumble every time.
your face looks so beautiful to jeno in this moment, scrunched up in pleasure. jaemin’s hand still grips your hair to tilt your head back as he rams into you, his face buried in your neck leaving messy purple bruises across your skin.
jeno thinks he might just cum untouched from the sight.
one of your hands reaches out to grip jeno’s cock again in an attempt to aid him in just that, but jaemin is fucking into you so mercilessly that you can’t manage to keep up a steady pace. so jeno grips your hand in his, guiding your arm up and down. tears begin to spill through your lashes and you see stars behind your closed eyes. jeno kisses up your jaw on the side opposite jaemin, making his way up to lock his lips with your own once again.
“ah, a-ahh hah.” you begin to babble and whine and your kiss becomes sloppy. jeno knows you’re close. he begins to pump faster to reach the height you’re at, and as you clench around jaemin’s cock and scream out through your orgasm your head falls forward to rest on jeno’s shoulder. with a humiliatingly loud moan jeno cums with you, sticky thick ropes shooting out and painting your thighs a milky white.
jaemin rides you through your orgasm, and when you start to whine from overstimulation, he pulls out and let’s you fall back on his chest. your vision is blurry, your breath is labored. in jaemin’s warm arms you decide that staying completely conscious would be entirely too difficult, so you allow yourself to drift off.
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later that night, you lay in bed between both jaemin and jeno, your exhausted body having been cleaned up and taken care of by the pair of boys. jeno is out cold behind you, snuggled up into your back and snoring softly.
jaemin is settled in front of you. your arms wrap around his neck as you kiss him, pressed up against his bare chest. his fingers trace along your side as he hums on your lips, moving slowly and tenderly along with you.
he grabs your chin softly in his fingers, pulling away from the kiss gently. you smile dreamily as his thumb brushes your bottom lip.
“did your dream come true, baby?” he asks, his voice breathy.
you sigh. “it was even better.”
“of course, you were there.”
its rare that you fluster jaemin, but his eyes light up at your words and you swear you see him blush in the dim light. he grins at you, leaning down to connect your lips again.
“wait,” you say suddenly, stopping him. though its only been a short while your memory is foggy, and you realize you don't remember jaemin reaching his own high. “jaem, did you not-“
somehow, jaemin reads your mind. “don't worry about that, baby girl. i wanted you to feel good tonight.”
“noo jaem that’s not fair to you,” you whine, beginning to slide your hand down, but he catches it.
“we’ll wake jeno up if you do that, baby,” he whispers. you glace over your shoulder, noticing how jeno is basically spooning you, his face buried in the fabric of your sweatshirt between your shoulders and his arms circling your waist.
you smirk, turning back around.
“why not let him help, then?”
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shotmrmiller · 7 months
im ngl i've been driving myself insane with the thought of harboring Ghost in your home. Like in the 09 mission The Hornet's Nest where Roach falls off the one roof?
Yeah, make that Ghost and there's no other choice but for the guys to leave him behind. The LZ is too hot, the enemies are swarming like moths to a flame.
The floor comes to him.
He grits his teeth at the agony, choking back a scream. Ghost just fell off a height that should've broken at least a couple ribs; maybe they did, he doesn't know, there's too much adrenaline coursing through his veins.
He's seeing duplicates, the buildings in front of him blurred. There's buzzing in his head, loud like bees. His chest aches, it burns with the lack of oxygen. His throat feels swollen as he wheezes; each breath feels like shards of glass in his lungs.
The white noise dissipates slowly. His vision realigns, lines and details sharpening. The unseen force that squeezed his throat finally lets go, setting him free from its deadly hold., his chest expanding to the point of discomfort— deep inhale, loud exhale.
Breathe. Focus.
There's radio chatter in his ear— Price snarling at Nikolai to fucking wait, that they can't leave him there in the hornet's nest but even with his vision blurred, Ghost can see that they're getting lit up, and he's not gonna have the entire team blow to bits in the helo over him.
He's just one man, and there's a whole world to save.
There's a searing pain in his arm when he shifts, he can't remember the last time his eyes welled up with tears, but fuckin' hell does it hurt.
His hand trembles violently, and it takes him a couple of tries to finally get his thumb to firmly press down on the button of the radio in the front of his tac vest.
"Leave me! Just go!" he roars.
Price argues back that no man is to be left behind, but Ghost can hear far too many voices in a different language get louder. They'll be killed hovering in the air like that.
"Price! Go!"
The voices in his ear are deafening. He rips off his headset, letting it sit around his neck.
The helicopter above him disappears.
The avalanche of footsteps gets closer and with a strangled noise that scrapes the back of his throat, he moves. Move to safety, get away from them, hide.
Ghost pushes forward until he stumbles, falling onto one knee— using his injured arm to stabilize. White hot pain licks from the wrist up, flames threatening to consume him whole.
A few stray tears escape the corners of his eyes.
He's too blinded by the throbbing in his body to realize that someone is grabbing his other arm.
"Can you hear me?"
Ghost thinks he might be hallucinating your voice. His agony is transcendent.
"Hey! We don't have much time!"
He turns his head to his left, and there you are. A civilian, by the looks of it. And you're trying to lead him away. Where? Are you leading him to a trap?
"Quickly! They're almost here! I can hide you, but you need to get on your feet!" you piped.
Ghost gets up without a fight, decision-making dulled by everything he's feeling.
"Come on, this way!" Your hand grabs his forearm tightly as you drag him away. He trudges behind you, breathing ragged.
Clarity comes and goes, but then he feels your small palms push him forward, into your tiny home.
His eyes drag as he takes in his surroundings. A tiny television in the living room to his left, and an ugly brown couch placed in front of it. To this right is your kitchen, food still steaming on the stove, and a scratched teak dinner table with just two chairs sits by a dirty window.
"Okay, okay. They shouldn't come in here, but if they do, I want you to go to the bathroom and sit in the tub with the curtain closed. Understand?"
His chin tips forward unbidden.
"Good. Uhm, I saw that your right arm is injured. A makeshift splint will have to do, alright?" You briskly walk away, opening the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink.
Ghost stiffens, swallowing thickly. If you pull anything underhanded, he's going to have to kill you.
The tension melts from his shoulders when he sees that you're simply pulling out a first aid kit, and some other stuff to wrap his most likely broken arm up.
You pull out a chair before opening the kit. "Sit. I'm not standing while I do this."
He huffs but complies. "Yes, ma'am." Unafraid to order a stranger around. How peculiar.
The minutes drag on, each one more agonizing than the last. It's a relentless cycle of pain... until it finally stops. The residual pain makes him dry heave.
"Whoa there, please don't puke."
Ghost gives a pained chuckle. "I'll try."
Your fingers tighten the knot in the fabric. "Can't say it's pristine, but it's better than having your arm dangle uselessly, I think." You stare at your handiwork for a second longer, before rising from your seat.
"I'm not sure who you are, but you look like actual military and not a thug with a gun. Did you have a team?" you quietly ask as you put away the medical supplies.
He cuts his eyes to you and doesn't answer.
"Yeah, I suppose it wouldn't be smart of you to blindly give information I don't need to know."
He shakes his head imperceptibly.
"Right. Well, I'm sure you know that we need to lay low, so unfortunately, that means no tv. Sorry." How cheeky.
Ghost simply hums in response.
He looks down at his injured arm. It's wrapped tightly, enough to keep it from moving but not enough to cut off his blood flow.
Not the work of a regular civilian.
You must've noticed him scrutinizing your work because you speak up. "I've worked in the medical field before. Nothing spectacular, but I can deal with a broken bone or two."
He closes his eyes, feeling the exhaustion of the day creep up on him.
So bloody tired.
Ghost takes a breath and opens his eyes. No rest for the wicked, he thinks.
He puts his headset back on, as well as he can with his one arm.
There's a crackling sound in his ear.
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zablife · 3 months
Ask Me Why I'm Like This
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Johnny Davis x female reader
Johnny Davis Masterlist
Summary: After Benny leaves you questioning your life choices, Johnny is there to pick up the pieces.
A/N: This is in response to @semperamans's amazing fic about toxic!Benny. The thought of providing the reader with some loving aftercare from Johnny wouldn't leave my mind so I hope you don't mind that I ran with the idea, darling!
The phone only rings this late at night with bad news, someone's in hospital or jail, but regardless Johnny answers because as club president it's an indication he's needed somewhere. When the caller doesn't immediately identify themselves he takes a deep breath, the whimpers and shaky breathing on the other end of the static filled line telling him everything he needs to know.
"What's wrong, baby doll, hmm? Tell Johnny," he hums to you gently, finger stroking the receiver as he might your delicate cheek if only you were standing in front of him now. He's well aware if he doesn't take care in this moment, you'll give up and slam the phone down and that's the last thing he wants.
"I saw B-b-benny..." you stutter before breaking down again.
His hand slides down his face as he remembers he was the one to tell you Benny had returned, practically encouraging your return to the kid’s doorstep.
"Where are ya?" he asks over the sounds of your muffled cries. "You know I'll come," his deep voice promises in a slow, steady rhythm.
His fist clenches tightly at his side as he waits for your reply because it's times like these he could throttle Benny for his carelessness. Johnny tries to steel his mind and yet he still imagines you running from the safety of the telephone booth. He pictures you stumbling into the darkened street in a thin nightgown, weak and vulnerable. It isn't hard because this isn't the first time he's had to find you in the middle of the night after Benny's wetted his dick.
"M-montrose," you sniffle.
"Okay, stay there," he instructs. "You don't move, alright?" he adds for good measure.
"I w-won't move," you repeat back to him through hiccuped sobs.
Twenty minutes later, Johnny's bike is roaring toward you, his eyes wild with fear. You amble toward him as if in a dream, waiting for your knight in shining armor.
He brushes the fringe from your forehead, as he asks, "You okay?"
You nod as he helps you climb onto the bike, arms finding a comfortable spot low on his abdomen instinctively. "There's my girl," he coos before driving off into the twilight.
The cold clutch of your fingers against his stomach bothers him despite the lingering heat of the day. Johnny wonders if it hadn't been a bad idea to introduce you to Benny after all if this was going to be the aftermath.
When he parks the bike in front of the house, he has to help you from the seat, your exhausted body still trembling. "You don't look so good," he blurts before he catches himself.
"M fine," you mutter, heading toward the house and he rushes to catch up, gathering your bowing body under his strong arm. Scooping you up, he carries you up the flight of steps, suggesting a bath to calm your nerves.
That's not the real reason, of course. With your body pressed so tightly against him, he can smell Benny on you and feel the sticky remnants when his hand brushes the backs of your thighs. He grits his teeth when he thinks of Benny's selfishness, especially after the constant reminders that bordered on threats. "Wear a rubber, kid. Don't want you ruinin' her life, you understand?"
As your head rolls into Johnny's shoulder with a drowsy little yawn, he knits his brow, wondering if this scene will replay itself in the fall over a child Benny will want nothing to do with. But Johnny's eyes soften at the corners, the beginnings of a smile lighting his face as he thinks of his hand being the one to rest protectively over your stomach.
The daydream is fleeting, no use borrowing trouble when all you need is the steaming hot water filling the large tub in his bathroom. He busies himself with finding items for you, a soft towel and one of his worn t-shirts.
Your toes sink into the plush bathmat, giggling at the baby pink Betty must have chosen long ago. Johnny doesn't notice, or maybe he thinks it's his knuckles brushing softly against your ribcage as he slips your nightie over your head. Whatever it might be, neither of you consider your nakedness as you slip into the water with a hiss. What you have with Johnny is far too comfortable for anything resembling modesty.
That's why it surprises you when Johnny turns his head, muttering something about making a pot of coffee. "It'll sober ya up," he decides with a nod, turning to leave you in the froth of too many bubbles.
“M not drunk,” you protest, small hand darting out to paw at the leg of his trousers. “Just need somebody to hold onto," you confess, reddened eyes and puffy lips staring up at him like he's your whole world.
And he can’t ignore that, your plea for comfort within the safety of his arms. Without another thought, he’s undressing and sloshing water onto the floor as he seats his hulking body behind you. "I'm here. You're not alone," he tells you, caging your body between his muscular thighs.
You rest your head against his chest with a sigh, fingers searching his beneath the soapy water. When you’ve locked hands you whisper, “I never meant it to happen like this, I swear. But you always take such good care of me. Don't know why I didn't come here in the first place...”
Johnny can hear the catch in your throat before he hushes you, placing a kiss to your temple as he feels his cock stirring. Why do you have to be so goddamn sweet at a time like this, he wonders? It makes him want to ravish you, but that’s the last thing he should be thinking about after Benny’s had his.
He tries to displace the thoughts, but they return with a vengeance as soon as he takes up a sponge and lathers it. Stroking along your exposed arms, then down the valley of your breasts. He can’t help but notice how you drop your knees open for him as he draws closer to your core, heart thundering against your back as he wonders if he should be the one to clean the mess Benny's left.
You reach a hand behind you deftly, landing at the base of his neck with little effort and you begin stroking your nails along the shorn hairs, feeling them prick against you with every passing sweep.
As he draws figure eights against your delicate folds you moan softly into his chest hair, the exquisite feeling pulling high pitched whimpers from you. "D-don't stop," you beg as his calloused fingers finish what he's begun, knowing the friction against your inner wall will be too delicious to stop now.
You come with his name on your lips, melting into him as your orgasm washes over you like the waves of lukewarm water lapping against the side of the bath. It isn't nearly what Johnny craves, but he accepts tonight is about you and your needs, especially as he notices how droopy your eyelids have become.
He shifts beneath you, resting your chin on the ledge as he drains the tub. Lifting you out in one swift motion, he drapes you in downy softness, the scent of him encircling you like a bulwark.
"M tired, Johnny," you mumble against his neck and he wastes no time laying you across his bed, dressing your limp body like a rag doll before tucking you beneath the covers. He places a kiss to your cheek as he turns out the light, sliding in beside you to cradle you against his warmth.
Just as he thinks you've drifted off, your small voice cuts through the silence. "Why am I like this?" you whisper, lips grazing his collarbone.
"Like what?" he asks, trying not to bob his chin which rests lightly atop your head.
"Fucked up....lost..." you mutter in confusion, bottom lip teetering between your teeth precariously.
Johnny finds your cheeks, pinches them between his thumb and forefinger as he brings your face up to meet his eyes which have only just adjusted to the dark. "You're not lost when you're here with me," he reminds you and that thought calms you instantly.
Wrapping an arm around his waist you drift off into the most peaceful sleep you've had in weeks.
Read the epilogue here
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poolcovers · 8 months
Swimming Pool Covers – Guide to Closing an In-Ground Pool
Prepare your Swimming Pool Cover when closing an in-ground pool. Have you got your swimming pool cove ready for the winter season? As the swim season comes to an end, all pools must be closed for the colder months.
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citruslullabies · 5 months
Can we please have some more dog moments from Dogday please?
Sure can do sweetheart! Dog moments from Dogday💚
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Dogday is well.. extremely loyal
He waits for you every day, waiting patiently for you to come back to him. Fearful that one day you won't
But you always do, and he can't help but adore the loving hands that return to him and save him from himself and his story
The clock ticked effortlessly, each tick feeling like an hour but it had only been a minute. The large canine sighed as he waited by the door of the cabin you all called home, with Biscuits nuzzled into his side as he waited. Peanuts waited too, howling sometimes as he felt you took too long to come home and Cubby just kept her distance from everything until she knew you were home.
His floppy ears drooped even more, eyes weary as he thought of any possibility. Even after you had all left the factory, his heart still couldn't fathom the fact that they were all safe and he still worried for your safety when you were away. In a way, being in the outside world rather than the factory made him fear for you more. So when he heard the fumbling of keys and saw the door open, he immediately got up and greeted you with a wagging tail. "Angel! You're home. How was your day? Did anything happen at work?" He asked, following you around like a lost puppy dog when he was a grown man. He listened to you rant and ramble, listening and just glad you were home. He would lay by that door and rot if you hadn't.
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Dogday doesn't like baths
He can tolerate them but... He isn't gonna like em
And he has no clue why, when he was a human he loved taking hot showers. Not it just felt like an inconvenience to him
Dogday grumbled as you forced his oversized body into the tub before turning on the faucet, ignoring his groans and stares of displeasure as his arms were folded over his golden chest. The warm water felt nice but something about having wet fur just irked him.
He felt your gentle hands rub the soap into his fur, and he didn't mind that.. he just didn't like when you'd get a plastic bowl and fill it up with water before dunking it on his head or wherever he was soapy. Grumbling every time you did and shaking as payback, getting you and everything surrounding you soaked. You turned your back for a moment, grabbing a brush to brush a knot you found in his fur.. and he took the chance. Slowly, he lifted himself up and tried to sneak out of the bathtub but was quickly caught red-handed.
"Dogday!" You scolded, walking back over and ignoring his big guilty puppy eyes as you got him back in the bathtub. He huffed and wanted to fight against you, but just gave up. You're lucky he loved you so much.
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Time for the angst guys
Remember how I said he'd just lay and rot in front of the door if you didn't come back? Yeahhh..
He waited, and oh how he waited so very patiently. Waiting for hours with each tick that echoed through the house for you.
It had been days and he was scared, wanting to go out and look for you but you had told him to stay. And he was loyal to your demands... But he found himself too heavy to move and take care of himself or anyone else inside as long as you were gone. He continued to wait, ignoring a worried Poppy and Kissy. Ignoring the worried stares and even Cubby coming along and trying to get him to move despite her distaste for him.
He stayed and waited. And waited. And waited. Your scent started to leave the house, and that broke his heart. You smelled like nostalgia and home, like a fresh baked pie on thanksgiving but the home was now empty and abandoned. The pie now rotten and the good smell fading, all he could smell was the rain outside and the sadness he felt.
Nothing could make him move, and he continued to wait for you. And he would stay waiting for as long as it takes.
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Thank you for requesting hon!
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itsphoenix0724 · 11 months
Hold Me Gently (Azriel x Reader)
Summary: Azriel knew exactly what he signed up for when he became the court's spymaster, but sometimes everything gets too much for him to handle.
Warnings: Smut, angsty, negative thoughts about oneself, some dark stuff mentally
Word count: 1.6k
Bonus Chapter!
A/N: Hi loves! I'm excited to put this out for you guys I've been working on it for kind of a hot minute. Please read the tags carefully. I hope you all enjoy it, and as always constructive criticism is welcome. Plus I've got a special surprise coming in December that I may announce later this week so keep a look out. <3
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Azriel swore sometimes he could still hear the screams that echoed off the stone walls of the Hewn City rattle around in his brain for days. Rhys had been clear this time. 
Get the information through whatever means necessary, no matter what. 
So that’s exactly what he had done, and it had taken hours. He sent Rhys a message with the information and winnowed directly into your bedroom. He knew you were downstairs in the kitchen because he had sent his shadows earlier to watch you, but he couldn’t bear to have you look at him right now. To have you look at him like he was the most amazing thing in the universe when you had no idea what horrors he committed just an hour earlier. Azriel hides his shame from the portrait of his mating ceremony, turning away from even your painted adoration. He is not the smiling male in that picture. He is not the male who deserves to put his blood-stained hands around your waist. He doesn’t deserve any of it. Not your kindness, not your comfort, not your kiss, or your smile. Not when he spent half the day ripping a man apart. 
Maybe that male had a mate waiting at home too. 
He sneaks carefully into the bathroom, turning the bathtub's faucet to boiling and letting the tub fill. Az peels off his leathers layer by layer, and they hit the clean white tile with a sickeningly wet sound, none of the blood is his. As he watches the red slowly seep onto the floor he knows that the tile’s just another thing he’s ruined. 
He wishes he could peel his skin off as well. 
Azriel sinks slowly into the tub, letting the sting of the hot water work every muscle. He wanted to erase everything, to let the water cleanse away his disgusting actions. His shadows send a whisper of you humming quietly from the kitchen and he almost bursts into tears. How had the cauldron given him someone someone so gentle? How did you wake up in their bed every day and not know you slept next to a monster? Az sinks under the surface, unable to bear the rushing in his head, and doesn’t come back up until his lungs are screaming for air. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You knew something was wrong when your mate didn’t immediately come to see you after returning from his mission. You had heard the faucet start to run while chopping vegetables for dinner, and you assumed Az was quickly rinsing off before he joined you. After half an hour had passed you started to become concerned. You knew your mate, and even though he never told you specifics, he sometimes needed time after his return from the Hewn City. You silently creep up the stairs of your home, avoiding all the creaking floorboards that might tip Azriel off. You swing open the bedroom door, but he is nowhere to be found the only evidence of him is a trail of blood that sends your heart into overdrive. You follow it to your bathroom door, now more worried about his safety than anything. The bond beating in your chest is dark, and it has been since Az left your bed this morning. Throwing open the door you’re met with a wall of crushing darkness. You fight through the swirling blackness, trying to call Azriel’s name, but you can’t see two feet in front of you. A rouge shadow comes to circle your wrist dragging you to your mate’s hunched form in the bathtub, base instinct takes over as you climb into the water hissing as the burning water scalds your thighs. “Azriel,” You call his name, taking his head in your hands. His hazel eyes seem unfocused like he’s looking through you than at you. “Az,”  you rush out again. “Are you bleeding? Are you hurt?” You tilt his head this way and that way before scanning the rest of his body. You shake him at the shoulders trying to get him to see you. Finally, as if Az just realized you were there, he looks at you. 
“The blood isn’t mine.” is all he says before his head thumps back against the porcelain as if it’s too heavy to hold on his own. Your shoulders sag in relief. “You shouldn’t be in here. Go back downstairs I’ll be there in a minute.” He runs the wet silk of your nightgown in between his fingers. You have no intention of leaving this bathtub until you figure out what's wrong with your mate.
“What’s happened?” You push running your fingers through the threads of his inky black hair. “Did the mission not go well?” Azriel scoffs, looking unbothered, but you can see the muscles in his throat tightening with effort to keep something hidden. You try to pull at the bond again, begging him to lower the obsidian shields he builds around himself, his hands shake with the effort of keeping them impenetrable. He still avoids your eyes, yet you try again refusing to yield. “Sweetheart…” you whisper softly and the Shadowsinger cracks before you. His walls rush down and crash against you like a tsunami, the wave of self-hatred that he had been holding in barrels against you with enough force to bring down the mountains. Silver lines his hazel eyes and your heart almost cracks in two. Wrapping your arms around Azriel you cradle him to your body, his hands tighten around your waist seeming torn between pulling you closer and pushing you away. His shoulders shake with the force of his sobs and all you can do is keep stroking his hair and make soothing sounds, trying to calm him down enough to speak. Az takes a shuddering breath, but the tears still stream down his face. You chase them away with the pads of your fingers. 
 “I do not deserve you,” he grinds out, voice rusty from the tears. You rub soothing circles into the joints of his shoulders and it makes Azriel want to throw up. “I am the monster mothers warn their children about at night. I’ve committed horrors that should make you run away in terror” You shake your head with feverance. 
“I would never run from you Azriel. There is nothing too dark or too ugly that would make me love you any less. I promise you I can handle it.” Azriel does nothing but collapse back against you shaking his head back and forth. “Just talk to me please.” He takes a deep inhale, trying to calm his racing heart. 
“I bled a male dry today. Rhys needed information, and he was harder to break than anticipated.” It’s all the information Az is willing to give. You have to stamp down the fury rising in your own chest. Both at Rhysand for putting your mate through this and at the Hewn City itself. 
You’d tear this court apart brick by brick for making Azriel feel like he’s less than deserving of his life. 
You’ll have to talk with Rhys later because for now, your focus is Az and Az alone. You refuse to allow him to continue to carry on like this, cursing yourself for not realizing the effects of this position wearing on him sooner. 
“Look at me.” You pull his jaw towards you, forcing him to meet your eyes “There is no universe where you are not deserving of happiness. You have a job to do, and I understood that when I accepted this bond. I do not fear you, I do not balk from you, and I do not love you any less because of that.” The bond sings with light as the weight finally starts to leave your mate's shoulders. Golden eyes study you intensely before he hauls you against him in one fluid motion and crashes his lips to yours. He tastes like burning whiskey, and kisses you so fiercely you’re afraid your lips might bruise. You hold him together the best you can, afraid that if you let him go he will shatter into pieces before you. “Are you sure you want this right now?” You ask, you’ll give Az whatever he needs, and if he needs a distraction from his head then you’re happy to provide it to him. He nods, leaning down to press his lips to your collarbone. You run your hands along his back grinding yourself into him, and pour love and devotion down your side of the bond to him. His hardness presses against you as he nudges aside the scraps of lace before sheathing himself into the hilt. You let Azriel take what he needs, fucking you on his length, rocking you back and forth. He’s hitting the spot inside you that makes you see stars with such force water sloshes over the edge of the tub, washing away the blood from Azriel’s leathers. You run your hands along the edge of his wing and he roars, one hand almost cracking the porcelain of the bathtub. He changes his pace to pure brutality, using you like no more than a toy. Your thighs shake with the effort to keep yourself upright. He’s ruthless in the way he moves like a hungry predator finally tearing into its kill. Your orgasm tears through you with blinding energy, and you unravel faster than you’d like to admit, but Az always manages to have that effect on you. He loses himself soon after you, tumbling over the edge with so much force he rips the bottom of your nightgown into ribbons. You stare at each other for a long moment, relishing in the afterglow and grateful for the hot water in the tub. 
“I’m sorry for ripping your nightgown,” Azriel rumbles and you laugh a beautiful golden sound. 
“You can buy me a new one later,” you promise, “but for now let me wash your hair.” 
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 6 months
Shelter from the Storm
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: past weather/storm trauma, tornadoes (nothing wild, there just is one kind of nearby), established relationship, hurt/comfort, fluff for days Word Count: 0.9k
Summary: There are tornado warnings, and you're terrified. Emily comes home and helps make it better.
You knew what the sirens meant. You’d known since you were a little girl, huddled in a closet with blankets and pillows and your mom’s arms wrapped around you. Since your dad at the storm door, clothes flapping in the wind, while your mom screamed, “Get in here! It’s coming!” You associated the sirens with the scent of fear, the sound of trains, with homes leveled to the ground–every home on the street but yours.
Heart beating rapidly, you dashed into the bathroom, throwing a quilt and blankets into the empty tub. The power flickered off, leaving you in complete darkness. You felt panic rising in your lungs, but sprinted to the bedroom to scoop up Sergio, who was hiding under the nightstand. You slammed the bathroom door shut, sat in the tub, and placed Sergio next to you, where he curled into one of the pillows. Shaking, you covered yourself with the quilt and placed a pillow over your head. You knew what to do. But you also knew that if the tornado really did hit you, none of it would matter anyway.
You weren’t a praying person, but you hoped with everything in you that Emily had made it to Quantico before the storms had gotten this bad. Or, even better, that the pilot had delayed their flight and avoided it altogether. You’d left your phone in the other room, so you couldn’t check, and you weren’t about to leave the bathtub safety cocoon you’d created.
You weren’t sure how long you sat there in the dark, your breath heavy and desperate and hot underneath the quilt and the pillows. You could still hear the claps of thunder, so powerful they shook the building. You could see the blue-white of lightning underneath the door. So you stayed hidden, uncovering your face every few minutes to take in greedy gasps of breath, each one only making your anxiety grow. Your fists were clenched so hard that there were little half-moons forming in your palms. You were exceedingly thankful for Sergio’s warm body pressed against yours.
You yelped when you heard a knock on the bathroom door, peeking an eye out from under the quilt to see Emily walk in and kneel in front of the tub, her face illuminated by a candle she set on the counter. You were equal parts relieved and infuriated.
“How you doing, honey?” she asked gently, pushing the quilt off of your head to reveal a very red, tear-stained face.
“Did you drive here in this!?” Your voice wasn’t nearly as authoritative as you wanted it to be. Really, you just sounded scared. You were shaky and weak from anxiety. “There are tornadoes, Em!”
“It’s just stormy now,” she reassured you, running her thumb along your eyebrow as she cupped your face. “No more tornadoes. I didn’t drive until I was sure they were over.”
“There could be more.” Your voice was barely more than a whisper.
“Well, why don’t we wait in bed instead of in the bathtub? Since the tornado warning’s over for now.”
A large boom of thunder shook the house and you gasped, shrinking back into the quilts and pillows.
“Come on, honey,” Emily said, taking your hand and gently pulling you to your feet. “I’ll keep you safe, I promise.”
You let Emily guide you to the bedroom, where she’d shut the blackout curtains so you couldn’t see the lightning. There were several candles lit across the room, bathing it in a warm glow. It’d be romantic if you weren’t terrified.
Emily was so soft with you, so gentle as she removed your glasses and set them on your nightstand. Gentle as she pulled the covers up over your shoulders. Gentle as she climbed into bed next to you and pulled you into her chest, covering your ears with her hands when you jumped at another peal of thunder.
“Shh,” she said over and over again, her breath warm and comforting against your forehead. “It’s okay. I know it’s scary, but you’re okay. I’m right here. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
You felt your heart rate slow down, the air return to your lungs in big, painful gulps. Adrenaline seeped out of you as if through a sieve, leaving you spent and exhausted.
Emily watched as you struggled to keep your eyelids open and smiled softly. If you could just go to sleep, you’d be fine. She ran a finger slowly across your brow bone and down the bridge of your nose, over and over, knowing it was impossible for you to keep your eyes open when she did.
“Are you trying to put me to sleep?” you accused, eyelids fluttering.
“What if there’s another tornado?” you protested, but she could tell you were losing the fight.
“I’ve got the volume on the alerts turned all the way up, okay? I promise I will wake you up if I need to. Just go to sleep, honey. Everything’s gonna be alright.”
Her heart swelled as she watched you fight sleep and lose. Your chest rose and fell rhythmically, and she felt an aching, almost desperate love for the way your body curled toward hers, for your now limp hand that was wrapped around hers and held close to your face, so close she could feel your breathing.
She adjusted the covers once more, making sure you’d be warm but not smothered, then wrapped an arm protectively around you, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. The weather channel, Emily knew, had all but promised that the threat of tornadoes would be minimal for the rest of the night. But she also knew that if one happened to spring up, if it happened to come your way, if it happened to rip the roof off your house, to plow its way through your room, that she would not hesitate to cover your body with hers.
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ravencincaide · 8 months
A Hit Beyond Rock Bottom 
Summary:  You may not be able to bond with your children but you were still going to be a good mother, a wonderful mother. You would not abandon them and you’d make sure they didn’t unnecessarily suffer in this cruel cruel world. If only Dazai and Chuuya would let you. 
Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya xfem! Reader (skk x fem!reader) 
Author note: An independent part two for Happy unhappy home!Check that fic out if you’d like more angst, skkx reader new parents and see more of what happened right before this scene! 
Warning: Cursing, depression/ postpartum depression, New parents/exhausted parents =bad choices/reactions, Angst, 
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The water was warm. 
Yet against your freezing body it felt almost burning. Boiling. Scalded your skin on the feel- yet left the flesh normal coloured, barely tinted pink in comparison to its usual pale shade. As you stare at your hand, you understood that it couldn’t be as hot as it felt. And yet each shift- each rocking back and forth motion seemed to hurt you. The manifestation of imaginary pain. A pain you just wanted to stop as much as the responsibilities and the lonely suffocation feeling. And yet the more you thought of leaving the safety of the bathroom- of the bathtub, the more it filled you with dread. It made the tears stream harsher down your cheeks. Thankfully your crying was muffled by the sound of the running water. 
You held the twins closer to your chest, cradled them. Rocked them back and forth, back and forth in the water. Here, in this tub, in this warm liquid they’d be safe and comfortable, They were protected, sheltered in their mothers embrace. Fed and clean. Not loved- not yet at least but tolerated and guarded. You were going to shelter them- from the darkness, from the yelling downstairs, from the world that only consisted of pain. You would save them from all this suffering. 
They were not loved; but at least not abandoned. They were cared for and their every need met. Even if you did not bond with them- you wouldn’t forsaken them. They were yours; your two precious ginger balls of anything-but-joy. Yours- they came out of you and you had put so much into their care and well being at expense of your own. They were the physical token- the manifestation of your deep love for your partners. More accurately- for your once partners; Dazai and Chuuya. The thought of their names broke something in you. Reminded you of your earlier argument; 
“– we think you might have postpartum depression”  
 The way they looked at you–the iciness in their eyes- as if you were a murderer. No, as if you were worse than a criminal. All because there was something so inherently wrong with you that you couldn’t love them; your twins. A sob tore through your chest, then another as the twins let out a sleepy coo’s. As if sensing your distress amidst their slumber. You brought them even closer to your chest. Then bit your lips hard- so hard you tasted blood- to hold back the wail which threatened to spill into the open. No.. Quiet. You had to be quiet. The twins were snoozing. A good mother would let them sleep. Rest peacefully. A good mother would make sure her babies were fed and happy and sleeping in her embrace the way they were supposed to. The way things were always supposed to be. Happy, cared for and safe. 
You couldn’t love them but you could be a good mother for them. You were going to do everything right for them. You would make sure they were safe and peaceful. You would make sure they did not experience the painful reality that was this world; protect them from the agony that existed all around you. The endless torture- the human existence. 
The sound of the smashed bathroom door snapped you out of your trail of thoughts. It made you aware of water overflowing out of the bathtub and then the paddling of feet right through the mess. 
“ No, don’t take them from me. They’re mine, MINE, STOP!” you screamed as you felt hands grasp at you. You felt them grab at your arms, trying to pry them away from your twins. Two male voices hollered- the sound rang painfully in your ears. They were more desperate now, trying to take your twins out of your hold “ They’re mine! Don’t take them from me!” you screamed just as the babies were torn out of your grasp, away from your chest. 
You felt panic set in, and rushed to stand up in the tub, desperately trying to follow Chuuya out of the bathroom. You felt lightheaded, dizzy and yet forced your body out of the tub. You stumbled, your ankle bruised as your feet made painful contact with the bathroom floor. You ignored it trying to run and yet--- You were blocked by Dazai’s chest; his hands on your shoulders; they pressed down painfully onto your skin. He was holding you back from going after Chuuya, from going after the twins. 
You realized you were screaming- making inhuman wails of anguish. You were trying to escape his hold, thrashed and screamed in the inhuman fear of not seeing or hearing your babies. The terror of never seeing them again. 
“ -donna” you managed to shake one hand off your shoulder and did another desperate attempt to leave the bathroom. But Dazai held you back; he pushed you further and further away from the door and towards the bathtub. His now free hand grasped at your chin, trying to get you to look up and face him. To look at him. You thought he was saying something- could see his lips moving but all you could hear was the rushing water around you and your own desperate cry
“ THEY’RE MINE, I’m their mother, you can’t; YOU CAN’--” 
The force of the slap threw you to the ground; your knees made contact with the bathroom floor and the several inches of cold standing water there. The coldness of it sippied into your body, chilled you down to your soul. But not as much as the sudden silence in the bathroom. You didn’t realize what happened. Stumped by the fact that your normally controlled lover would dare raise his hand against you. To hurt you, to humiliate you. You. If not his lover then at the very least the mother of the twins- the children. Your children. 
You said nothing, did not even look at him as Dazai knelt down to your height a few paces away. He wasn’t touching you anymore. Did not even reach out to check on you, to comfort you. Just stared at you as if you were no different from anyone else in his life; no different from any of his so-called students. 
“ I have never had a reason to hit you. You’ve always been a smart girl- don’t give me another reason to do it, again. If you’re sick- get help.” You felt a shiver- a fear induced shudder settled in your body as Dazai stared you down. The distance between you was so painfully obvious. The clear indifference on his part hurt you more than the thumbing of your cheek and the pain in your knees. 
Why couldn’t he see that you were doing your best? That you just wanted to be a good mother, and a good partner. That you just wanted to be appreciated for everything you did. That you just wanted to be his and Chuuya’s wife. 
“ They’re fine!” Chuuya’s voice echoed from outside the bathroom. “ Heard that Mackrel?! The twins are fucking fine- thank fuck for that” 
You heard Dazai breath out a sigh- an frustrated hissing noise. His eyes searched you for a moment longer, searched your gaze. But you didn’t meet his eyes. Did not even look at him as the tears streamed down your cheeks.
In ice cold fashion Dazai stood back up. He fixed you with one final pointed look. A sharp glance filled with detest and anger. Like you were his enemy. Then he brushed past you and out towards the wailing twins and Chuuya outside. He did not care about anything else besides them. No, he left you all alone on your knees amidst the still gushing water. Left you all alone to do whatever you wanted, seemingly completely indifferent to whatever happened to you. 
More tears rushed down your cheeks, your hands balled into fists. Your cheek stung, your throat hurt. Yet not as much as the sound of your twins wailing and the words of sweetness and comfort spewing out from Dazai and Chuuya’s mouths. Words of praise and affirmation they so easily uttered towards the babies, yet not towards you. 
The kind of words that just told you, you had just lost it all.  Your family, your lovers and most probably, most frighteningly; your twins. 
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Authors note:... Happy ending and resolving it all? Nope not this one either. Better luck next time?
This fic exists thanks to all the people who wished to see how this series of fics would end. Thank you so much for your continued support and motivation. I know this one does not entirely fit the style but trust me, I have a plan with it (or well more of an idea really)
Click here for: Part 1 and part 2; or Check out Raven's masterlist. For next part see: The word that made the difference
©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else without my consent, please inform me!
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