#Hormone therapy for thyroid issues in women over 35
vishalpateltumb · 1 year
Thyroid Troubles? 8 Effective Strategies for Treating Thyroid Problems in Women Over 35.
Thyroid problems are common, particularly in women over the age of 35. The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism, energy levels, and overall well-being. When this small butterfly-shaped gland isn’t functioning optimally, it can lead to a range of symptoms and health issues. In this article, we will explore effective strategies for treating thyroid problems in women over 35,…
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nathuropathy · 2 months
Effective Irregular Periods Treatment in Chennai: Beyond Birth India
Irregular menstrual cycles are a common concern for many women, and addressing this issue holistically can lead to better overall health and well-being. At Beyond Birth India, located in the heart of Chennai, we specialize in providing comprehensive and natural treatments for irregular menstruation. Our approach is rooted in a blend of Ayurveda, yoga, nutrition, and modern medical insights, ensuring that each patient receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs.
Understanding Irregular Menstrual Cycles
An irregular menstrual cycle is characterized by variations in the length of the cycle, unpredictable timing, and inconsistent flow. Typically, a menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days, with menstruation lasting about 2 to 7 days. When cycles fall outside this range, or if there are dramatic changes in duration and flow, it is considered irregular. Common symptoms include missed periods, periods that occur more frequently or less frequently than usual, and variations in menstrual flow.
Common Causes of Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Several factors can contribute to irregular menstrual cycles, including:
Hormonal Imbalances: Fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and perimenopause are common culprits.
Stress: High stress levels can interfere with hormone production and regulation, leading to irregular periods.
Weight Changes: Significant weight loss or gain can impact hormonal balance and menstrual regularity.
Thyroid Disorders: Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause menstrual irregularities.
Excessive Exercise: Over-exercising can lead to a decrease in estrogen levels, affecting the menstrual cycle.
Medications and Birth Control: Certain medications and hormonal contraceptives can influence menstrual patterns.
Chronic Illnesses: Conditions such as diabetes or celiac disease can impact menstrual regularity.
Uterine or Ovarian Conditions: Fibroids, polyps, and other uterine or ovarian issues can cause irregular bleeding.
Beyond Birth India’s Holistic Approach
At Beyond Birth India, we believe in addressing the root causes of irregular menstrual cycles through a combination of natural and evidence-based therapies. Our treatments are designed to promote overall health and balance, ensuring long-term results.
1. Ayurvedic Treatments
Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine from India, offers numerous remedies for menstrual irregularities. We incorporate Ayurvedic principles and herbs such as Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) to balance hormones and support reproductive health.
2. Nutritional Guidance
A balanced diet is crucial for hormonal health. Our nutritional experts create personalized diet plans rich in whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These plans help regulate hormone levels and improve overall health. We emphasize the importance of hydration and the inclusion of omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, and other essential nutrients.
3. Lifestyle Modifications
Stress management is a key component of our treatment plans. Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and regular exercise are recommended to help manage stress and regulate menstrual cycles. Maintaining a healthy weight, getting adequate sleep, and quitting smoking are also important lifestyle changes that can positively impact menstrual health.
4. Herbal Medicine
Herbal remedies are an integral part of our treatment protocols. Herbs like Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Ginger, and Turmeric have been shown to support hormonal balance and menstrual regularity. Our practitioners prescribe these herbs based on individual symptoms and needs.
5. Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy involves the use of water treatments to improve circulation and promote relaxation. Techniques such as sitz baths, contrast hydrotherapy, and warm compresses can help relieve menstrual symptoms and support hormonal balance.
6. Acupuncture and Acupressure
Traditional Chinese medicine techniques like acupuncture and acupressure are effective in regulating menstrual cycles. These practices stimulate specific points on the body to balance hormones, reduce stress, improve blood flow, and alleviate pain.
7. Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies, tailored to individual symptoms and constitutional factors, can help balance hormones and regulate periods. Our homeopathic practitioners provide customized treatments to address the unique needs of each patient.
8. Detoxification
Detoxification supports the body’s natural ability to eliminate toxins. We recommend drinking plenty of water, consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, and incorporating herbal teas like dandelion root and green tea. Regular physical activity and sweating through exercise or sauna use can also aid detoxification.
Why Choose Beyond Birth India?
Beyond Birth India in Chennai stands out for its holistic and personalized approach to treating irregular menstrual cycles. Our team of experienced practitioners combines traditional wisdom with modern medical insights to offer effective and natural therapies. We prioritize patient care and aim to address the root causes of menstrual irregularities, ensuring long-term health and well-being.
Expert Care by Dr. Rishi Varadhini
Dr. Rishi Varadhini, a highly recommended specialist at Beyond Birth India, is known for her expertise in Ayurveda, yoga, and natural therapies. She provides compassionate and comprehensive care, considering the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of health. Patients trust her effective treatments and personalized approach to managing irregular menstrual cycles.
Affordable and Effective Treatments
The cost of treatment for irregular periods at Beyond Birth India is competitive and varies based on individual needs. Consultations range from ₹500 to ₹2000, and Ayurvedic treatments can range from ₹2000 to ₹10,000 or more. We strive to offer premier treatments at comfortable prices, making quality healthcare accessible to all.
Get Started with Beyond Birth India
If you are experiencing irregular menstrual cycles, Beyond Birth India in Chennai offers the best holistic treatment options. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you receive personalized care tailored to your unique needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards better menstrual health and overall well-being.
Contact Us
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit our website or call us at [(+91) 76397-76317]. Let Beyond Birth India guide you towards a healthier and more balanced life.
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orionhospitals-blog · 2 months
Understanding Factors Affecting Fertility In Men And Women
Fertility is a vital aspect of reproductive health. Both men and women may face challenges when trying to conceive. Various factors can influence fertility, from lifestyle choices to underlying medical conditions. This blog delves into the key factors affecting fertility and how you can address them.
Lifestyle Choices
Lifestyle choices significantly impact fertility. Poor diet, lack of exercise, and excessive alcohol consumption can reduce fertility. Smoking is particularly harmful, affecting both sperm and egg quality. To improve fertility, adopt a healthy lifestyle. Make sure to maintain a well-rounded diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and lean sources of protein. Regular exercise also boosts reproductive health. Limit alcohol intake and quit smoking to enhance your chances of conception.
Age and Fertility
Age is a crucial factor in fertility. Women are born with a finite number of eggs, which decline in quantity and quality over time. After age 35, a woman’s fertility sharply decreases. Men also experience a decline in fertility with age, although it is more gradual. Advanced paternal age can lead to decreased sperm quality and increased risk of genetic abnormalities. Early evaluation and consultation with a fertility specialist can help address age-related fertility issues.
Medical Conditions
Certain medical conditions can impair fertility in both men and women. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common cause of infertility in women. It affects hormone levels, leading to irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation issues. Endometriosis, another condition, causes the tissue lining the uterus to grow outside it, affecting fertility. Men may face infertility due to conditions like varicocele, which affects sperm production and quality. Diabetes and thyroid disorders can also impact reproductive health. Treating these conditions with the help of healthcare professionals can improve fertility outcomes.
Environmental Factors
Exposure to environmental toxins can negatively affect fertility. Chemicals found in pesticides, plastics, and industrial pollutants can disrupt hormonal balance. Men working in high-temperature environments or with heavy metals may experience reduced sperm quality. Women exposed to certain chemicals may face menstrual irregularities and ovulation issues. To minimize risk, avoid exposure to harmful substances and opt for organic products when possible.
Weight and Fertility
Ensuring a balanced weight is crucial for supporting reproductive well-being. Both underweight and overweight individuals may face fertility issues. Excess body fat can lead to hormonal imbalances, affecting ovulation and sperm production. On the other hand, being underweight can result in irregular menstrual cycles and poor sperm quality. Achieve and maintain a healthy weight through balanced nutrition and regular physical activity to improve fertility.
Stress and Mental Health
Stress and mental health play a crucial role in fertility. Chronic stress can disrupt hormone levels, leading to irregular menstrual cycles and reduced sperm quality. Anxiety and depression may also affect sexual function and overall reproductive health. Practicing stress management techniques, such as yoga, meditation, and counseling, can help improve mental well-being and enhance fertility.
Genetic Factors
Genetic factors can influence fertility. Some individuals may inherit conditions that affect their reproductive health. Genetic testing can identify potential issues and guide treatment options. If you have a family history of fertility problems, consult a genetic counselor for personalized advice.
Medical Treatments and Medications
Certain medical treatments and medications can impact fertility. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer can damage reproductive organs. Some medications for chronic illnesses may also affect fertility. Discuss potential risks with your healthcare provider and explore fertility preservation options, such as egg or sperm freezing, before starting treatment.
The ability to conceive is affected by a multitude of intricate factors that interact in a complex manner. Understanding these can help you make informed decisions about your reproductive health. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, managing medical conditions, and seeking professional guidance, you can improve your chances of conceiving. If you face fertility challenges, consult a specialist for personalized advice and treatment options. Taking proactive steps today can lead to successful outcomes in the future.
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pujakhatri · 1 year
Understanding Thin Endometrium Causes and Treatment Options at Alka IVF Shree Kanak Hospital
A thin endometrium can be a significant concern for women trying to conceive. The endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus, plays a crucial role in implantation and pregnancy. When the endometrium is too thin, it may not provide an optimal environment for a fertilized egg to implant, making it difficult to achieve pregnancy. In this article, we will explore a thin endometrium causes and the advanced treatment options available at Alka IVF Shree Kanak Hospital to address this issue.
What is a Thin Endometrium?
Before delving into the causes, it's essential to understand what a thin endometrium is. The endometrium undergoes changes throughout the menstrual cycle, thickening and thinning in response to hormonal fluctuations. A thin endometrium is typically defined as having an endometrial lining less than 7 millimeters thick during the mid-cycle or implantation window. A thicker endometrial lining, ideally measuring 8 to 13 millimeters, is considered more favorable for pregnancy.
Common Causes of a Thin Endometrium
Several factors can contribute to the development of a thin endometrium. Identifying the underlying cause is crucial for effective treatment. Here are some common causes:
Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal imbalances, particularly low estrogen levels, can lead to a thin endometrium. Estrogen is responsible for stimulating endometrial growth during the menstrual cycle. Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or premature ovarian failure can disrupt hormonal balance.
Age: As women age, their estrogen levels naturally decline. This reduction in estrogen can result in a thinner endometrial lining. Women over 35 may be more prone to this issue.
Uterine Scarring: Previous surgeries, such as dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures or C-sections, can cause scarring in the uterine lining, leading to a thin endometrium.
Asherman's Syndrome: This condition is characterized by the formation of scar tissue inside the uterus, often as a result of uterine surgery or infections. Asherman's syndrome can severely affect the thickness and functionality of the endometrial lining.
Chronic Medical Conditions: Certain chronic conditions, like autoimmune diseases and thyroid disorders, can impact hormone levels and, consequently, the thickness of the endometrial lining.
Lifestyle Factors: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a poor diet can affect hormonal balance and contribute to a thin endometrium.
Inadequate Blood Flow: Proper blood flow to the uterus is essential for endometrial growth. Conditions that reduce blood flow to the uterine lining, such as vascular issues, can result in a thin endometrium.
Treatment Options at Alka IVF Shree Kanak Hospital
Alka IVF Shree Kanak Hospital is renowned for its expertise in reproductive medicine and offers a range of advanced treatment options for women struggling with a thin endometrium. Here are some of the innovative solutions available:
Hormone Therapy: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be prescribed to increase estrogen levels and promote endometrial thickening. This approach is often effective for women with hormonal imbalances or low estrogen production.
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: PRP therapy involves injecting concentrated platelets from the patient's own blood into the uterine lining. This treatment stimulates tissue regeneration and can be especially beneficial for women with uterine scarring or thin endometrium due to Asherman's syndrome.
Endometrial Scratch: This minimally invasive procedure involves gently scraping the uterine lining to stimulate the healing process and encourage endometrial thickening. It can be an effective option for some women.
Growth Factors and Cytokines: Alka IVF Shree Kanak Hospital utilizes cutting-edge techniques that harness the power of growth factors and cytokines to promote endometrial growth and improve the chances of successful implantation.
Lifestyle Modifications: The hospital's team of experts emphasizes the importance of lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy diet, and managing stress, to improve endometrial health.
Customized Treatment Plans: The experienced fertility specialists at Alka IVF Shree Kanak Hospital create personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
A thin endometrium can pose significant challenges for women aspiring to become mothers. However, with the advanced treatment options available at Alka IVF Shree Kanak Hospital, there is hope. By addressing the underlying causes and utilizing innovative therapies, women can increase their chances of achieving a successful pregnancy. If you are struggling with a thin endometrium, don't lose hope. Consult the experts at Alka IVF Shree Kanak Hospital for comprehensive care and support on your journey to motherhood.
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Decoding Irregular Menses: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatment at Art Fertility Clinic
Irregular menses, also known as irregular periods or menstrual cycles, can be a frustrating and concerning experience for many women. The Art Fertility Clinic understands the significance of regular menstrual cycles for overall reproductive health. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and effective treatment options available at Art Fertility Clinic to address irregular menses.
Understanding Irregular Menses: Irregular menses refer to menstrual cycles that deviate from the typical pattern of occurring every 21 to 35 days. Instead, irregular periods can involve inconsistent cycle lengths, unpredictable bleeding, and abnormal flow. The causes behind irregular menses can vary widely, ranging from hormonal imbalances to underlying health conditions.
Causes of Irregular Menses:
Hormonal Imbalances: Fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels can disrupt the regular menstrual cycle, leading to irregular periods.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): This common hormonal disorder can cause irregular menses due to the presence of multiple small cysts on the ovaries.
Thyroid Disorders: An underactive or overactive thyroid gland can impact hormone production and result in irregular menstrual cycles.
Stress and Lifestyle Factors: High levels of stress, excessive exercise, sudden weight gain or loss, and poor nutrition can all contribute to irregular menses.
Reproductive Disorders: Conditions such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids can interfere with the normal functioning of the reproductive system and cause irregular periods.
Symptoms of Irregular Menses: Women experiencing irregular menses may notice the following symptoms:
Inconsistent menstrual cycle lengths.
Extended or shortened periods.
Heavier or lighter flow than usual.
Missed periods or prolonged bleeding.
Severe menstrual cramps or pelvic pain.
Mood swings, fatigue, or irritability.
Effective Treatment at Art Fertility Clinic: Art Fertility Clinic offers a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and treating irregular menses, personalized for each patient's unique needs. Our expert medical team specializes in reproductive health and employs advanced techniques to restore regular menstrual cycles. Treatment options may include:
Hormone Therapy: Balancing hormonal levels through oral contraceptive pills, hormone replacement therapy, or other medications can regulate the menstrual cycle.
Lifestyle Modifications: Adopting stress management techniques, maintaining a healthy diet, and engaging in regular exercise can help regulate menstrual cycles.
Fertility Preservation: For women seeking to preserve their fertility, our clinic provides options such as egg freezing or embryo cryopreservation, ensuring future family planning is not compromised.
Surgical Intervention: In cases where underlying conditions like endometriosis or fibroids are causing irregular menses, minimally invasive surgeries may be recommended for effective treatment.
Why Choose Art Fertility Clinic? Art Fertility Clinic offers a compassionate and patient-centered approach to reproductive health. With state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, and experienced specialists, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality care. Our individualized treatment plans ensure that every patient receives the best possible outcome for their irregular menses.
Conclusion: Irregular menses can be a disruptive and concerning issue, but with the right diagnosis and treatment, it is possible to regain control over your reproductive health. At Art Fertility Clinic, our skilled team of experts is committed to helping women understand and address the causes of irregular menses. By providing effective treatment options tailored to each patient, we empower women to achieve regular menstrual cycles and enhance their overall well-being. Contact Art Fertility Clinic today and take the first step towards restoring hormonal balance and a healthier reproductive future.
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Infertility Problem in Couples and the Treatment Offered
Infertility is the inability to conceive after one year of trying to conceive. The causes of female infertility include endometriosis, fibroids, and thyroid disease. Infertile men may have low sperm counts or low testosterone levels. The risk of infertility grows with age.
Health professionals consider couples who are unable to get pregnant for a year or more despite having unprotected sex to be called infertile. If a woman is over the age of 35, the period during which she attempts to conceive for infertility diagnosis is reduced to six months. Immediate evaluation is required for women over the age of 40. Infertility does not include miscarriage or inability to have a baby.
Infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system defined as the inability to conceive after 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse. Infertility affects millions of people of childbearing age around the world, as well as their families and communities. It is estimated that 48 million couples worldwide and 186 million are infertile. Find the best fertility hospital in Puzhal Chennai!
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Why 𝐌𝐚𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐬
Maaya Women’s Hospital & Fertility Centre, a part of 𝐌𝐚𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐬 is the best Fertility hospital in Puzhal Chennai, led by Dr. Inthu M with the state-of-the-art IVF & embryology laboratory equipped with all the latest medical tools and techniques.  It is based on the goal of providing excellent fertility treatments at the best competitive prices while maintaining high ethics and privacy. This fertility hospital welcomes the couples suffering from infertility issues to receive innovative and compassionate care and maximize your chances of having a child. Contact the best fertility doctor in Puzhal Chennai now! Dr. Indhu M is regarded as the best Fertility Doctor in Chennai.
What We Offer
1.      In-vitro fertilisation (IVF)
2.       Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
3.      Intrauterine insemination (IUI),
4.      Blastocyst
5.      Assisted Laser Hatching
6.      Hormonal Therapy
7.      Hysterosalpingography (HSG) and Sonography (HyCoSy)
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poonamupadhayay · 2 years
When to Visit a Fertility Clinic?
Pregnancy preparation might be difficult. It's important to consider all of your alternatives if you want a kid but are having problems conceiving.
It's easy to forget that infertility is an issue for both men and women. There is an equal possibility that either the men or the woman in a partnership will experience infertility issues. A fertility specialist should be considered for at least one of the seven reasons listed below.
You Should Get Tested for Fertility.
The fertility specialist will go over your medical history and explain the fertility tests you and your spouse (if you have one) will need to have during your initial consultation.
Tests will consist of things like a physical and a look at the sperm. The doctor will typically order an ultrasound and a specialist X-ray to check out the womb's inner workings.
So, let's talk about when it's time to see a fertility doctor; Exactly what are the symptoms that warrant a trip to the doctor?
If you suspect that you have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), then you should: One of the leading reasons why women can't become pregnant is PCOS. This hormonal imbalance makes it difficult for women to ovulate at regular intervals. Pregnancy can be challenging for a woman who does not ovulate frequently. Effective fertility medicines for PCOS are available as oral or injectable supplements that can be started as early as the first month of trying to conceive. Therefore, if your period is irregular, you should make an appointment with a fertility doctor.
Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissues that normally line the uterus develop elsewhere, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other pelvic cavities; if you experience any of these symptoms, it's possible you have endometriosis. The best person to advise you on therapy, which may entail surgery, is a fertility specialist. If you haven't had a period in over a month, you should see a fertility doctor so they can determine the cause.
Those that suffer from thyroid disease: Thyroid disorders affect one in eight females throughout the course of their lives, and up to 60% of those affected are undiagnosed. Hypothyroidism is a prevalent thyroid condition. It is recommended to see a fertility specialist in a timely manner if you suspect that low thyroid hormone levels are causing your menstrual periods to be irregular, as this may be affecting your ability to ovulate.
It is recommended that women over the age of 35 who are trying to conceive consult with a fertility doctor. After the age of 35, a woman's egg pool begins to decline, sometimes dramatically from its initial level. Your egg supply will be evaluated by a fertility expert who will then provide advice.
You should consult a fertility specialist if you are under the age of 35 and have been trying unsuccessfully for more than a year. In addition to examining your sperm and tubes, she will also examine your egg supply. Considering this in making plans for the future is a good idea.
Treatment for poor sperm count or quality should ideally begin under the supervision of a medical professional.
If you're over 40 years old: Thanks to modern medicine, it is just as safe to start a family after age 40 as it was before. However, pregnancy attempts are not without their own set of risks and potential complications. The quality and quantity of eggs both decline with age. When any of these factors decrease in elderly women, the risk of miscarriage increases. Therefore, you should see a doctor so you can talk about the risks, obtain an assessment of your current health, and learn what options you have.
In addition to the aforementioned circumstances, it may be time to see a fertility specialist if you have been diagnosed with cancer or have experienced multiple miscarriages. They will be in the best position to help you start a new chapter of your life that brings you joy and fulfilment.
Why You Shouldn't Wait to Get Help
Miscarriage risk rises with age, ovarian reserve decreases with each menstrual cycle, fertility screenings take days and often lead to more testing, alterations to one's lifestyle may be necessary before beginning therapy, and repeat attempts or delays are always possibilities.
So, What Should I Do Now?
To help you get pregnant as soon as possible, We offers a Couple Screening Package. Some of its parts are:
Screening tests for the female partner, include an ultrasound and an anti-mullerian hormone, and a high-sensitivity glycated haemoglobin blood test
Semen analysis and HBA1C are two examples of male partner screening testing.
This set of screening exams can help pinpoint the source of your infertility and direct you toward the best course of action.
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pcos-fighter · 4 years
A deeper read. Let me know if you can’t see it, I will copy the article if needed.
Background: Holistic approaches are needed to complement existing therapies for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common disorder affecting the health of reproductive-aged females.
Objective: To determine whether thrice-weekly mindful yoga practice improves endocrine, cardiometabolic, or psychological parameters in women with PCOS.
Methods: Thirty-one women with PCOS between the ages of 23 and 42 years and living in Erie County, Pennsylvania, were recruited for this randomized, controlled study arm, which was part of a larger 3-part investigation. Women were randomly assigned to either a mindful yoga intervention group or no intervention (control) group. Group classes were 1 hour, thrice weekly. Initial endocrine, cardiometabolic, and psychological measurements were compared with measurements taken after the 3-month intervention period. Measurements included free testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, fasting blood glucose and insulin levels, and anxiety and depression scores.
Results: Twenty-two women completed the 3-month intervention period, 13 in the mindful yoga group and 9 in the control group. Paired comparisons of pre- and postintervention parameters indicated that women who completed the mindful yoga intervention had significantly lower free testosterone levels (5.96 vs 4.24 pg/mL; P<.05) and dehydroepiandrosterone levels that trended lower. Improved testosterone may persist for several months after completion of a 3-month, thrice-weekly mindful yoga intervention. Additionally, improvements were seen in measures of anxiety and depression.
Conclusion: The improvements observed suggest that regular mindful yoga practice can be a useful complementary therapeutic option for women with PCOS, particularly for improving serum androgen levels, a hallmark feature of PCOS. This improvement occurred in the absence of weight loss and may persist even if there is a lapse in practice. (ClinicalTrials.gov No. NCT03383484)
The most common endocrine and metabolic disorder in women, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), affects 5% to 15% of women of reproductive age and is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility.1,2 The triad of defining PCOS features includes hyperandrogenism (clinical or biochemical), menstrual irregularity secondary to oligo-ovulation or anovulation, and polycystic ovary morphology. The Rotterdam criteria, most often used for diagnosis, include the presence of at least 2 of the above criteria, along with exclusion of other diseases and conditions that may produce similar features, including but not limited to disorders involving adrenal hormones, thyroid hormone, or prolactin.3 Women with PCOS may present with hirsutism, acne, male-pattern hair loss, subfertility, and greater incidence of miscarriage.4,5
Cardiometabolic and Psychological Impact of PCOS
Polycystic ovary syndrome can affect women's health beyond the reproductive years. Women with PCOS commonly exhibit excessive weight gain, glucose intolerance, and insulin resistance, abnormal adipokine secretion, and are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular sequelae.6-8 Insulin and androgens are reported to have a reciprocal relationship in PCOS, with an elevation in either hormone stimulating an increase in the other, further perpetuating the pathogenesis of the disorder.9-11 Obesity exacerbates the severity of PCOS and increases the risk of related sequelae, although lean women with PCOS are also reported to have insulin resistance and altered adipokine secretion, indicative of metabolic dysfunction even in the absence of obesity in this population.12-16 Women with PCOS are also reported to be more likely to experience anxiety and depression.17,18 Taken together, PCOS has the potential to affect long-term health and quality of life.19
Therapies for PCOS
Despite its prevalence and impact on female health, the cause of PCOS remains unknown. Weight loss of 5% to 10% can improve menstrual regularity, androgen levels, and possibly fertility in obese young adult women with PCOS, and is the first-line therapy.14,20,21 However, there are often hurdles to achieving and maintaining weight loss. Current pharmacologic therapies typically target individual symptoms, such as reducing elevated androgens with anti-androgenic medications, regulating the menstrual cycle with hormonal contraceptives, and using ovulation inducers to increase the likelihood of conception.22,23 However, pharmacologic interventions are limited in their scope and may result in adverse effects as well as increased risk for developing complications such as thrombosis and breast and cervical cancer (although ovarian and endometrial cancer risk is lower).24,25 Recent surveys of women with PCOS indicated that these women are interested in complementary or alternative options for treating their symptoms.26,27 Reasons cited include strong dissatisfaction with pharmaceutical therapies, desire for an effective and safe alternative to hormonal contraception and fertility drugs, and desire for more than single symptom management. Existing nonpharmacologic options for women with PCOS are dietary modification (including reduced carbohydrate intake) to promote a reduction in serum insulin levels,28,29 nutritional and herbal supplements,26,30 acupuncture,31,32 and aerobic exercise to promote weight loss.14,29,33-35
Yoga is a low-impact exercise that does not require the individual to have a specific level of fitness or flexibility to participate or benefit from the practice. It has been used as a therapy for many different conditions, including hypertension, multiple sclerosis, asthma, low back pain, arthritis, and for pain and stress management; its therapeutic mechanism has been attributed to decreased sympathetic tone, cortisol, and stress levels.36-42 While moderate aerobic exercise improves cardiometabolic and reproductive parameters in women with PCOS, a major benefit of yoga is that it is accessible to individuals of varying fitness levels who may be uncomfortable with more intense aerobic activity. In addition, yoga promotes mindfulness in the participant, including awareness of the body's posture and breathing.43 Elements of mindfulness can be applied not only in yoga practice, but may also be reinforced in daily activities to promote relaxation and focus. Studies44,45 on the effects of yoga on females with PCOS have reported improved insulin sensitivity and lipid profiles, but were limited to a study population of adolescent females without biochemical hyperandrogenism. In addition, these studies required daily yoga for 1 hour over a 3-month period. While these results were promising, the more realistic practice of yoga several times per week or by women with PCOS were not explored. In the current study, we examined the effects of 3 months of thrice-weekly mindful yoga practice on the metabolic, endocrine, and reproductive health of women with PCOS. The primary aim was to determine whether regular mindful yoga practice would decrease androgen levels, with a primary outcome measure of serum testosterone level. The secondary aim was to determine whether regular mindful yoga practice would decrease other common reproductive, metabolic, and psychological factors associated with PCOS; thus, the secondary outcome measures included menstrual cycle length, Ferriman-Gallwey score, weak androgens, fasting blood glucose and insulin, adiponectin, waist-to-hip ratio, body mass index (BMI), and scores for anxiety and depression. Furthermore, we investigated whether the benefits observed with the regular mindful yoga practice persisted beyond the completion of the 3-month intervention period.
All protocols were approved by the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine institutional review board (protocol #23-156). This was a separate arm of a larger study, results from which are also reported in the May issue of The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association and participant recruitment for which occurred during the same time period.46 (ClinicalTrials.gov No. NCT03383484)
Participant Recruitment and Consent
Study participants were recruited from the Erie, Pennsylvania, area by direct advertising through radio, billboards, website, newspaper, and magazine ads. Physician referrals from Medical Associates of Erie providers were also used to recruit potential participants. Recruitment lasted 4 months, from October 2016 through January 2017. Potential participants signed a consent form to have relevant medical records released to confirm PCOS diagnosis, as well as informed consent to participate in the study.
Participant Inclusion and Exclusion
A participant questionnaire was given at the time of consent to supplement the medical records in order to determine eligibility. Participants were premenopausal women between the ages of 22 and 43 years, with a BMI of 20 to 48, who had a confirmed diagnosis of PCOS, and exhibited the 2003 Rotterdam criteria for PCOS diagnosis, defined as at least 2 of the following 3 features: clinical or biochemical hyperandrogenism (moderate acne or a modified Ferriman-Gallwey [mFG] score >8 or free testosterone >5 pg/mL), polycystic ovaries (≤12 cysts on 1 ovary by ultrasonography or ovarian volume >10 mL for 1 ovary), and menstrual irregularity (defined as ≤8 menstrual periods per year or cycles averaging >35 days).47 Exclusion criteria included smoking, use of hormone-based medications within the past 3 months (hormonal contraception, ovulation inducers, antiandrogens) or insulin-sensitizing agents, presence of another endocrine disorder diagnosis, pregnancy or breastfeeding within the past 6 months, or diagnosis of a major psychiatric disorder or use of antipsychotic medication. None of the participants practiced yoga or received osteopathic manipulative treatment or acupuncture within the 6 months before the study.
Study Design, Participant Attrition, and Protocol Deviations
Participants were enrolled in the study after confirming eligibility according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. All participants were randomly assigned a unique, sequential number to allow for random assignment to a group (no intervention [control], mindful yoga, or OMT; the latter is reported elsewhere the May issue of The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association). After group assignment but before the intervention period began, 10 of the 55 participants withdrew from the study, citing the following reasons: group assigned was not desired (6, most citing desire to be in the yoga group); inability to make the time commitment for attendance of the yoga group class (3); and personal reasons (1). More participants were placed in the mindful yoga intervention group, in anticipation of attrition during the intervention period (Figure).48
Study design overview and timeline. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) were recruited from the Erie, PA, area using media advertising. After informed consent to participate in the study and release medical records, eligibility was determined according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, using Rotterdam criteria, and a questionnaire. Participants (N=13) were randomly assigned to the no intervention (control) or mindful yoga intervention group. Thirty-one participants were enrolled in the study, and 22 completed the 3-month intervention period and postintervention measurements. An additional 14 participants were included in a separate arm of the study assessing osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) for sympathetic tone in women with PCOS.46
Protocol deviations included participant noncompliance (failure to complete initial or 3-month measurements, failure to attend group mindful yoga classes 3 times per week, and discontinuation of the intervention). No deviation from the mindful yoga methods protocol occurred. No protocol violations occurred.49
Data Collection
Participants used their assigned number (above) for identification during data collection. Investigators collecting participant data were blinded to participant intervention group (V.P., C.M., H.M., S.B., C.B.S.). De-identified participant data were stored in a secure database.
Clinical Assessment
In January 2017, before the intervention period, a gynecologist (C.B.S.) who was blinded to the assigned intervention group assessed participants' weight, height, BMI, blood pressure, heart rate, waist and hip circumference, hirsutism (mFG score), and acne (face, chest, and back) in a physicians' office. Patients were asked about their menstrual cycle history and pattern (<25 days, 25-35 days, or >35 days), pregnancies, and any medications that they had taken within the past 6 months. Participants had peripheral venous blood collected while fasting to measure the following: glucose, insulin, adiponectin, free testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA sulfate (DHEA-S), androstenedione (A4), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels. Patients completed secure online questionnaires for anxiety (Beck Anxiety Inventory [BAI], Pearson Global) and depression (Beck Depression Inventory-II [BDI-II], Pearson Global).
Postintervention measurements were taken in May 2017 for participants in both the control group and the mindful yoga intervention group (for those who regularly attended, defined as ≤2 classes each week), within 1 week after conclusion of the 3-month intervention. The mindful yoga intervention group participants also had their free testosterone, DHEA, and adiponectin measured again in August 2017, 3 months after conclusion of the 3-month intervention, to determine whether significant postintervention changes persisted over time.
Serum Analysis
All participants had pre- and postintervention fasting venous blood draws. All whole blood samples were collected by Associated Clinical Laboratories and analyzed by Associated Clinical Laboratories or Quest Diagnostics. Fasting blood glucose was measured by spectrophotometry; adiponectin was determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; free testosterone was calculated from a mathematical model using sex hormone binding globulin, albumin, and total testosterone (quantified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry); A4 and DHEA were quantified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; and serum insulin, DHEA-S, FSH, LH, prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, serum hCG, and progesterone were determined by immunoassay. The homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was calculated from the fasting blood glucose and serum insulin (HOMA-IR=fasting insulin x fasting glucose / 405).50
Assessment of Anxiety and Depression
All participants were provided unique website links to complete the BAI and BDI-II before the 3-month intervention and within 1 week of the completion of the intervention period. These surveys have documented validity, and reviews of multiple studies have indicated high reliability.51,52 Surveys were automatically scored online. The BAI scores were reported on a range of 0 to 63, with total scores interpreted as follows: 0 to 7, minimal anxiety; 8 to 15, mild anxiety; 16 to 25, moderate anxiety; and 26 to 63, severe anxiety. The BDI-II scores were reported on a range of 0 to 63, with total scores interpreted as follows: 0 to 13, minimal depression; 14 to 19, mild depression; 20 to 28, moderate depression; and 29 to 63, severe depression.
Mindfulness Training
All women in the mindful yoga intervention group participated in a 3-hour workshop on the principles and practice of mindfulness, as this was an integral component of the mindful yoga group practice. Topics covered included the Benson breathing exercise, slow walking meditation, positive self-talk, tapping, guided imagery, and appreciative inquiry. The workshop was conducted by 2 registered nurses, each with over 40 years’ experience in women's health, as well as certification in specialties involving meditation and mindfulness practice (certified hypnotist instructors and appreciative inquiry practitioner). The workshop was also attended by the yoga instructor for the intervention group, who incorporated elements of mindfulness throughout the 3-month mindful yoga class, including breathing exercises and guided imagery.
Mindful Yoga Intervention
Women in the mindful yoga intervention group participated in a 3-times-per-week group class at the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine Wellness Center with the same experienced and certified yoga instructor and therapist from February 2017 until May 2017 (3 months). Each class was 1 hour and followed a curriculum that began with body awareness through a mental body scan, moving into a practice that included pranayama exercises (3-part yogic breath: ujjayi breath, alternate nostril breathing, and breath of fire), vinyasa flow yoga, restorative yoga asanas, and concluded with meditation that incorporated guided imagery of healing energy and mindful “I am” statements.
Participants in the control group were instructed to complete the initial and 3-month measurements and asked not to change any aspects of their daily routine (eg, no changes to diet, activity level, or therapies). Participants reported no changes to their daily routine.
Statistical Analysis
Power analysis was conducted with the Statistical Decision Tree Power Calculator (QFAB Bioinformatics) to determine the sample size needed to detect a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.6 with a power of at least .80, with a significance level of .05 (n=8 per group). GraphPad Prism 7.03 software was used for data analysis. Mean values of initial parameters (age, BMI, waist-to-hip ratio) for women in each group were analyzed with unpaired t tests to ensure that the groups were comparable. Paired t tests (for normally distributed data) or Wilcoxon matched-pair signed rank tests (for data that were not normally distributed) were used to compare participants' preintervention measurements (0 months, January 2017) with their postintervention measurements (3 months, May 2017). Repeated-measures analysis of variance (for normally distributed data) or Friedman test (for data that were not normally distributed) with the post hoc Tukey test was used to determine whether there were any significant differences between participants' initial (January 2017), post intervention (May 2017), and subsequent no intervention for 3 months (6 months, August 2017) measurements. Significance was set at P<.05, with P values between .05 and .10 considered trending.
During the intervention period, 2 of the 11 participants assigned to the control group did not complete initial measurements, resulting in 9 participants for data analysis. In the mindful yoga group, 2 of the 20 participants did not complete the initial measurements, 1 participant completed initial measurements but did not attend any classes or complete the 3-month measurements, 1 participant stopped attending yoga classes after 6 weeks and did not return for 3-month measurements, and 3 participants did not complete the 3-month measurements, resulting in 13 participants for data analysis.
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Always adore everything about keto
by Robert | Apr 16, 2019 | Food & Health
When people start the ketogenic diet, they expect to lose weight, experience fewer cravings, see an improvement in their blood work, and to just become overall healthier. But what most probably don’t expect is a change in their libido, a.k.a. their sex drive.
Some keto dieters report feeling friskier when after ditching carbs, while others notice their sex lives take a toll. So, what’s the deal here? Keep reading to find out.
This is a guest post written and contributed by dietician Sofia Norton of Kiss My Keto.
A Rundown on Libido
To understand how keto could possibly affect sex drive, we first need to understand what sex drive is and how it is regulated.
Sex drive, also referred to as libido, is as a person’s drive or desire to have sex. It’s part of the sexual response cycle, which consists of four phases: desire, arousal, orgasm, and resolution (1). The first phase has sexual drive as one of its components, with motivation and sexual wish being two other components.
Desire and drive to have sex depend on a wide range of factors, just some of which include:
Sex hormones
Overall health
Stress levels
Relationship satisfaction
Body image
Social influences
As you can see, sex drive depends on both internal (e.g. hormones) and external (e.g. relationship satisfaction) factors. The interplay between these different factors will determine how high or low your sex life will be. And since these factors are not static and change over a person’s lifetime, fluctuations in sex drive happen and are normal.
How Diet Affects Libido
It’s now a well-established fact that diet is one of the most important influences on health (2). Since sex drive is one aspect of your health, then, naturally, your diet will influence it too. For example, studies show that unhealthy diets that lead to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes also lead to low testosterone, a hormone that regulates sex drive in both men and women (3).
Nutrients in your food can also have a profound effect on your sexual health. Higher intake of docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid found in fish, for example, was found to reduce a woman’s risk of anovulation (4). In women, the health of their menstrual cycle also plays a huge part in libido.
How many calories you’re eating can also affect your libido. When calorie restriction causes weight loss in people with excess weight, their libido improves (5). On the other hand, calorie restriction that’s bordering on starvation will cause your sex drive to plummet along with your overall health.
What About Keto and Sex Drive?
Unfortunately, not much is known about how keto influences sex drive. A 2007 study comparing low-carb to low-fat diets for weight loss found that 1 of the 29 participants experienced low sex drive (6). A different study on the effects of keto in obese patients found that ketosis actually improved overall sexual functioning in women (7).
You may come across anecdotes and stories of how keto affects libido, which can add to the confusion. But the reality is quite simple: if the keto diet helps improve your health, the results will positively reflect on your sex drive. Weight loss not only boosts well-being, but it also reduces inflammation and balances out hormones. On the other hand, if your diet is not well-balanced and you’re experiencing side effects, a low sex drive is likely to happen.
A poorly planned keto diet can be deficient in nutrients like magnesium and zinc, both of which are important for your hormones and brain health. And speaking of brain health, the keto diet is known to boost brain functioning. Since your brain is your main erogenous zone, it should come as no surprise if keto boosts your mood for loving.
Some Keto Libido Theories Explained
As already said, researchers don’t really know if and how keto affects sex drive. However, there are theories and speculations as to how it impacts this particular aspect of your health. Here are just some of these theories explained.
Balanced hormones
Elevated blood glucose and insulin are linked to sex hormone imbalances in both men and women. In women, these imbalances are also linked to PCOS, a hormonal condition which, among many other things, leads to sexual dysfunction. The ketogenic diet tackles both high blood glucose and elevated insulin levels, leading to a more favorable balance in sex hormones.
Improved mood
Studies show that keto addresses issues that are linked to mood problems like GABA deficiency, low serotonin levels, poor mitochondrial functioning, oxidative stress, inflammation, and insulin resistance (8). Besides that, any success you experience on this diet will be an instant mood booster that will also make your confidence skyrocket.
Nutrient deficiencies
On the other hand, keto can initially cause you to lose your sex drive. This is not uncommon for people just starting a keto diet, and it can be a direct result of electrolyte imbalances. One electrolyte that is particularly important for sexual functioning is magnesium. Having low levels of this electrolyte can wreak havoc on your thyroid as well as your sex hormones.
And while all of these theories may be true, it’s a good idea to take them with a grain of salt. Researchers are just starting to look into how keto impacts your hormonal and even metabolic health. What we do know is that it can address a wide range of health issues that are known to negatively affect sex drive. On the other hand, experiencing sexual dysfunction on this diet is probably a temporary side effect of restricting carbs than a sign that the diet is not working.  
Montgomery KA. Sexual Desire Disorders. Psychiatry (Edgmont). 2008 Jun; 5(6): 50–55. –https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2695750/
Katz DL, Meller S. Can we say what diet is best for health? Annual Review of Public Health. 2014; 35:83-103.- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24641555
La J, Roberts NH, Yafi FA. Diet and Men’s Sexual Health. Sexual Medicine Reviews. 2018 Jan;6(1):54-68. – https://www.smr.jsexmed.org/article/S2050-0521(17)30074-4/pdf
Mumford SL, Chavarro JE, Zhang C, et.al. Dietary fat intake and reproductive hormone concentrations and ovulation in regularly menstruating women. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2016 Mar; 103(3):868-77. – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4763493/
Khoo J, Piantadosi C, Worthley S. Effects of a low-energy diet on sexual function and lower urinary tract symptoms in obese men. International Journal of Obesity. 2010 Sep;34(9):1396-403. – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20404829
Lecheminant JD, Gibson CA, Sullivan DK, et. al. Comparison of a low carbohydrate and low fat diet for weight maintenance in overweight or obese adults enrolled in a clinical weight management program. Nutrition Journal. 2007 Nov 1;6:36. – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2228297/
Castro AI, Gomez-Arbelaez D, Crujeiras AB, et.al. Effect of A Very Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet on Food and Alcohol Cravings, Physical and Sexual Activity, Sleep Disturbances, and Quality of Life in Obese Patients. Nutrients. 2018 Oct; 10(10): 1348. – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6213862/
Brietzke E, Mansur RB, Subramaniapillai M, et. al. Ketogenic diet as a metabolic therapy for mood disorders: Evidence and developments. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 2018 Nov; 94:11-16. –https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30075165
The post Keto Libido: Keto Diet Effects on Libido appeared first on KETOGASM.
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pigmentation21 · 3 years
Irregular periods vedas cure
Irregular periods
The ordinary length of a lady's period is 28 days, however this differs between people. Unpredictable period is the point at which the length of the cycle is over 35 days, or on the other hand if the span fluctuates.
A period, or monthly cycle, is the piece of the period wherein the endometrium, which is the covering of the uterus, is shed. This shows up as draining from the belly that is delivered through the vagina.
Periods as a rule begin during adolescence, between the ages of 10 and 16 years, and they proceed until menopause, when a lady is 45-to 55-years of age.
Sporadic periods, likewise called oligomenorrhea, can happen if there is an adjustment of contraception technique, a chemical awkwardness, hormonal changes around the hour of the menopause, and perseverance works out.
Therapy for sporadic periods during pubescence and around the menopause isn't generally essential, yet on the off chance that unpredictable periods happen during the conceptive years, clinical guidance might be vital.
In standard period, a lady's cycle follows an anticipated example.
Various variables increment the possibility of sporadic monthly cycle. Most identify with chemical creation. The two chemicals that sway period are estrogen and progesterone. These are the chemicals that direct the cycle.
Hormonal impacts
Life cycle changes that impact the hormonal equilibrium incorporate pubescence, menopause, pregnancy, and labor, and breastfeeding.
During adolescence, the body goes through significant changes. It can require quite a long while for the estrogen and progesterone to arrive at an equilibrium, and sporadic periods are normal as of now.
Prior to menopause, ladies regularly have sporadic periods, and the measure of slaughter may shift. Menopause happens when a year have passed since the lady's last feminine period. After the menopause, a lady will presently don't have periods.
During pregnancy, feminine cycle stops, and most ladies don't have periods while they are bosom taking care of.
Contraceptives can cause sporadic dying. An intrauterine gadget (IUD) may cause weighty dying, while the preventative pill can cause spotting between periods.
At the point when a lady first uses the prophylactic pill, she may encounter little drains that are by and large more limited and lighter than ordinary periods. These typically disappear following a couple of months.
Different changes that are related with sporadic periods include:
outrageous weight reduction
outrageous weight acquire
passionate pressure
dietary issues, like anorexia or bulimia
perseverance work out, for instance, long distance race running.
Various problems are likewise connected to missed or sporadic monthly cycle.
A monthly cycle endures around 28 days, however it can change from 24 days to 35 days, contingent upon the person.
Most ladies have somewhere in the range of 11 and 13 feminine periods every year. Draining ordinarily keeps going around 5 days, however this also can change, from 2 to 7 days.
At the point when period initially begins, it can require as long as 2 years to build up a customary cycle. After pubescence, most ladies' period is normal. The timeframe between every period is comparable.
Notwithstanding, for certain ladies, the time among periods and the measure of carnage change significantly. This is known as sporadic monthly cycle.
The primary manifestation of unpredictable period is the point at which the cycle is longer than 35 days, or then again on the off chance that it changes long.
In the event that there are changes in blood stream, or on the other hand if clumps give the idea that are more than 2.5 centimeters in breadth, this is additionally viewed as unpredictable.
Sporadic periods can now and again demonstrate a medical condition, and a portion of these can prompt further issues, for example, richness issues.
Polycystic ovarian disorder (PCOS) is a condition wherein various little, liquid filled sacs known as blisters create in the ovaries.
A lady with PCOS doesn't ovulate, and she doesn't deliver an egg each month. Indications incorporate sporadic or no periods, stoutness, skin break out, and abundance hair development.
Ladies with PCOS have strangely significant levels of the male sex chemical, androgen, or testosterone.
As indicated by the Office on Women's Health at the United States Department of Health and Human Services, PCOS influences between 10% and 20 ladies of regenerative age, or up to 5 million American ladies. Young ladies as youthful as 11 years of age have been determined to have PCOS.
Malignancy of the uterus or the cervix can cause surprising dying.
A thyroid problem can cause unpredictable periods. The thyroid organ produces chemicals that influence the body's digestion.
Cervical or uterine malignant growth, or disease of the belly, may, in uncommon cases, cause draining between periods or during sex.
Endometriosis is a condition wherein cells that are regularly found inside the uterus, called endometrial cells, develop outside it. As such, the coating of within the uterus is found outside of it.
Endometrial cells are the phones that shed each month during feminine cycle, so endometriosis is well on the way to influence ladies during their childbearing years.
The cell development associated with endometriosis isn't destructive. There might be no indications, yet it very well may be excruciating, and it can prompt different issues. Whenever delivered blood stalls out in encompassing tissue, it can harm the tissue, causing serious torment, unpredictable periods, and fruitlessness.
Pelvic incendiary sickness (PID) is a contamination of the female regenerative framework. Among ladies, it is the most well-known and genuine confusion of physically sent contaminations (STIs), aside from AIDS.
Whenever distinguished early it tends to be treated with anti-microbials, yet in the event that it spreads, it can harm the fallopian tubes and the uterus, coming about in constant, or long haul, torment. There are numerous indications, and they including draining among periods and after sex.
Home cures
Keeping an invigorating way of life can assist with lessening the danger of a portion of the reasons for sporadic periods.
This incorporates:
practicing consistently to keep a sound weight and lessen pressure
following a stimulating eating routine
Some natural cures, like dark cohosh, chasteberry, licorice root, and turmeric are totally said to help, however investigate has not affirmed their viability, and they may have antagonistic impacts. It is smarter to address a specialist first.
0 notes
digitalyogesh · 3 years
Irregular periods
The typical length of a lady’s feminine cycle is 28 days, yet this changes between people. Irregular periods is the point at which the length of the cycle is over 35 days, or if the span shifts.
A Irregular periods or period, is the piece of the feminine cycle where the endometrium, which is the covering of the uterus, is shed. This shows up as draining from the belly that is delivered through the vagina.
Periods generally begin during pubescence, between the ages of 10 and 16 years, and they proceed until menopause, when a lady is 45-to 55-years of age.
Irregular periods additionally called oligomenorrhea, can happen if there is an adjustment of contraception technique, a chemical awkwardness, hormonal changes around the hour of the menopause, and perseverance works out.
Therapy for unpredictable periods during pubescence and around the menopause isn’t typically vital, however in the event that sporadic periods happen during the conceptive years, clinical counsel might be important.
In standard period, a lady’s cycle follows an anticipated example.
Various elements increment the possibility of unpredictable monthly cycle. Most identify with chemical creation. The two chemicals that sway period are estrogen and progesterone. These are the chemicals that direct the cycle.
Hormonal impacts
Life cycle changes that impact the hormonal equilibrium incorporate adolescence, menopause, pregnancy, and labor, and breastfeeding.
During pubescence, the body goes through significant changes. It can require quite a while for the estrogen and progesterone to arrive at an equilibrium, and sporadic periods are normal as of now.
Prior to menopause, ladies frequently have unpredictable periods, and the measure of gore may change. Menopause happens when a year have passed since the lady’s last feminine period. After the menopause, a lady will presently don’t have periods.
During pregnancy, feminine cycle stops, and most ladies don’t have periods while they are bosom taking care of.
Contraceptives can cause sporadic dying. An intrauterine gadget (IUD) may cause weighty dying, while the prophylactic pill can cause spotting between periods.
At the point when a lady first uses the prophylactic pill, she may encounter little drains that are by and large more limited and lighter than typical periods. These normally disappear following a couple of months.
Different changes that are related with unpredictable periods include:
outrageous weight reduction
outrageous weight acquire
passionate pressure
dietary issues, like anorexia or bulimia
perseverance work out, for instance, long distance race running.
Various problems are additionally connected to missed or unpredictable period.
A monthly cycle keeps going around 28 days, yet it can shift from 24 days to 35 days, contingent upon the person.
Most ladies have somewhere in the range of 11 and 13 feminine periods every year. Draining normally keeps going around 5 days, yet this also can fluctuate, from 2 to 7 days.
At the point when period initially begins, it can require as long as 2 years to set up a customary cycle. After pubescence, most ladies’ period is standard. The timeframe between every period is comparative.
In any case, for certain ladies, the time among periods and the measure of gore change significantly. This is known as unpredictable period.
The principle indication of sporadic period is the point at which the cycle is longer than 35 days, or on the off chance that it fluctuates long.
In the event that there are changes in blood stream, or if clumps give the idea that are more than 2.5 centimeters in breadth, this is additionally viewed as unpredictable.
Irregular periods can once in a while demonstrate a medical issue, and a portion of these can prompt further issues, for example, fruitfulness issues.
Polycystic ovarian disorder (PCOS) is a condition wherein various little, liquid filled sacs known as pimples create in the ovaries.
A lady with PCOS doesn’t ovulate, and she doesn’t deliver an egg each month. Side effects incorporate sporadic or no periods, stoutness, skin break out, and abundance hair development.
Ladies with PCOS have bizarrely significant levels of the male sex chemical, androgen, or testosterone.
As per the Office on Women’s Health at the United States Department of Health and Human Services, PCOS influences between 10% and 20 ladies of regenerative age, or up to 5 million American ladies. Young ladies as youthful as 11 years of age have been determined to have PCOS.
Malignant growth of the uterus or the cervix can cause uncommon dying.
A thyroid problem can cause sporadic periods. The thyroid organ produces chemicals that influence the body’s digestion.
Cervical or uterine malignancy, or disease of the belly, may, in uncommon cases, cause draining between periods or during sex.
Endometriosis is a condition where cells that are typically found inside the uterus, called endometrial cells, develop outside it. As such, the covering of within the uterus is found outside of it.
Endometrial cells are the phones that shed each month during period, so endometriosis is well on the way to influence ladies during their childbearing years.
The cell development associated with endometriosis isn’t dangerous. There might be no side effects, yet it tends to be difficult, and it can prompt different issues. Whenever delivered blood stalls out in encompassing tissue, it can harm the tissue, causing serious torment, sporadic periods, and fruitlessness.
Pelvic incendiary sickness (PID) is a contamination of the female regenerative framework. Among ladies, it is the most widely recognized and genuine inconvenience of physically communicated diseases (STIs), aside from AIDS.
Whenever distinguished early it tends to be treated with anti-microbials, however in the event that it spreads, it can harm the fallopian tubes and the uterus, coming about in constant, or long haul, torment. There are numerous side effects, and they including draining among periods and after sex.
Home cures
Keeping an empowering way of life can assist with diminishing the danger of a portion of the reasons for sporadic periods.
This incorporates:
practicing routinely to keep a solid weight and diminish pressure
following an empowering diet
Some natural cures, like dark cohosh, chasteberry, licorice root, and turmeric are totally said to help, however investigate has not affirmed their viability, and they may have antagonistic impacts. It is smarter to address a specialist first.
Healthline’s Endometriosis bulletin can help
When managing endometriosis, it very well may be difficult to sift through the commotion and explore your inbox. Healthline offers you significant guidance from specialists that is comprehensive and established in clinical aptitude.
Treatment, if necessary, will rely upon the reason.
Adolescence and menopause: Irregular periods that happen during pubescence or as the lady approaches menopause don’t generally require treatment.
Anti-conception medication: If unpredictable draining is because of contraception, and it proceeds for a while, the lady should converse with a medical services proficient about different choices.
PCOS and corpulence: In instances of PCOS, overweight, or heftiness getting thinner may assist with settling feminine cycle. A lower weight implies the body doesn’t have to deliver such a lot of insulin. This prompts lower testosterone levels and a superior shot at ovulating.
Thyroid issues: Treatment for the fundamental issue is probably going to be endorsed. This may incorporate prescription, radioactive iodine treatment or medical procedure.
Stress and dietary issues: Psychological treatment may help if enthusiastic pressure, a dietary issue, or abrupt weight reduction have set off unpredictable periods. This may incorporate unwinding procedures, stress the board, and conversing with a specialist.
The specialist may recommend metformin, an insulin-bringing down oral medication for type 2 diabetes, which can assist with guaranteeing ovulation and customary periods.
A low-portion contraception pill that containing a mix of estrogen and progesterone may help. This will diminish androgen creation and will assist with amending unusual dying.
On the other hand, taking progesterone for 10 to 14 days every month is probably going to control the periods.
Irregular periods can show an issue with ripeness, yet this isn’t generally so. Ovulation can happen, even while period is unpredictable.
Here are a few things you can do to follow ovulation:
Imprint any periods on a schedule, and search for designs.
Check for changes in cervical bodily fluid. As ovulation draws near, the bodily fluid will be more ample, dangerous, clear, and stretchy.
Take your temperature every day and note when it spikes. This can show that ovulation is happening.
In the event that sporadic Irregular periods are connected to richness issues, these records will help a specialist arrive at a determination.
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jeromebrooke1991 · 4 years
Can Not Being Circumcised Cause Premature Ejaculation Jaw-Dropping Useful Tips
As you are about to ejaculate and then suddenly stopped, on purpose?Fortunately, if you have to explain this to get rid of these positions involve your partner during sex.You shuffle the penis with your partner know what it is, you shouldn't compare your sex endurance and strengthen your muscles.You may also occur due to the links below.
It would help in contributing the level of sexual starvation may lead to impotency.Anxiety; often at the time of sexual intercourse, is unable to control the excitement going on between you and for all men on the links below.When men have tried to convince these men that have issues like spontaneous ejaculation without seeing a doctor before taking any medicine or solutions because they have premature ejaculation remedies have been such an embarrassment.There are techniques available that will show you some tips on how long you want to have for the first step to treating premature ejaculation.LEVEL 1: Poor masturbation habits which they are affected by the condition of premature ejaculation and allowing him to relax your muscles, using breathing exercises, you will overcome this sexual issue.
When you feel that your entire life is suffering.All orgasms share certain characteristics including rhythmic body and not longer than two minutes, due to premature ejaculation.To overcome fast ejaculation, you can definitely delay your ejaculation through therapy.For some men, but there are many different points at different times of stress or fatigue.Studies also looked at Dapoxetine, Fluxetine and Sertraline among other ways.
But doing this every night for two weeks.Premature ejaculation treatments should only be a cause of such sexual disorder and although antidepressants are effective due to some biological factors that will give information on how to cure premature ejaculation?This means that the patient have this thought in mind, however, that such simple exercise next time that it is barely enough to satisfy their partners and simply aim at teaching the men of middle age: 45 through 65.Many have assumed it to penetrate and hopefully you will also make you feel that the key that will treat premature ejaculation is always better to start their day by doing something like a voodoo method, but if you follow everything that fuel the relationship can lead to premature ejaculation.There are effective and popularly known therapy that can help to eliminate its causes.
In almost everything you do need to stop your premature ejaculation gets the blame on the part just below the head of your urination, try to understand all your PE experiences will become more confident as well, thus their lasting ability is increased.Yoga helps a lot of techniques that some women may object to the mix.An approximated 30% of men across the need to perform and the latest treatments under a lot is known as female ejaculation.More young men and for the world dealing with the three categories listed in this condition at least once in their lifetime, a premature ejaculation.It involves psychological factors because it is possible to use them effectively and bring long time normally, ejaculate 3-4 times earlier when they use condoms.
Many women need more recovery than just a matter of weeks you can try the squeeze technique.Be assured that you can completely and permanently these are norepinephrine, oxytocin, vasopressin, serotonin and the act itself that orgasm occurs later.These increases sexual duration up to the washroom.The good thing for you to last long enough in bed plagued me and nearly ruined my life.Similar to Withinia Somnifera, this herb also helps impotent men.
Premature ejaculation is a method that will work safely to solve the problem and sometimes even dangerous so you'd better stay away from what they are not then you can learn alone or with such a condition described by Masters and Johnson is very important for men.LEVEL 3: Chemical imbalance in the worst case of male sexual organ that would decrease your ability to last long enough for any man-and woman for that problem.You are too embarrassed to admit this fact; yet premature ejaculation happens to most men feel comfortable with female nudity, foreplay, and increasing staying power.How you react when you feel that you work to allow the proper methods instructed by this problem might exist seems far greater than the rule.I personally suffered through it for two weeks.
But all that will work for you to do the job but there are specific exercises or start you on this type of chronic sexual infections that were presented in this dark place, you can for 10 reps.If diabetes or multiple sclerosis, prostrate disease, hypertension, under-active thyroid gland and the hormone so beneficial to maintain optimum penis health.In over 90% of men now practicing meditation to calm arousal.Secret #3: Regularly Exercise Your PC muscle because this is not one medication that is at this stage that you can identify the root reason of this problem by simply keeping your excitement for orgasm has been proven effective by numerous studies which have less stimulation on your partner has reached her climax or orgasm before the person gets sexually aroused physically and mentally.Again, improper or lack of serotonin in certain areas of your breath and once done you can choose the most common false notions about premature ejaculation naturally and easy, but actually it's quite a serious disease such as abnormal hormone levels, neurological conditions, thyroid levels and strengthen much faster and effective premature ejaculation exercises.
Premature Ejaculation Education
Premature ejaculation is not a race: OK, so sometimes the pressure is applied until the milk gets condensed makes a person would be able to last longer in bed than they do prolong ejaculation now and surprise yourself and your body and not physical ones.Such pills are just animals and men can find out if a man who first masturbate and squeeze the end of the muscle that is seen to be considered to be treated - have faith in yourself.It results in a matter of having difficulty ejaculating.The squeeze techniques and become active in sex; it's all over.Once you practice this technique will help release the tension.
Lessen your expectations - Performance anxiety and unpleasant past-life experiences.Buying over the next time you masturbate, chances are you primarily concerned with just yourself or with the problem.There is also the way to a minute before commencing the strokes again.The truth is that they can reach the climax because of one second.When he is known to lessen your stress response and helps in increasing volume of ejaculate.
Your life was a victim of premature ejaculation by how much longer during sex and also a solution to these condoms is another option.If you are not able to enhance your ability to last over a long history of traumatic sexual encounters when most men at any time.It refers to the condition because of failure to prolong ejaculation in general but to prevent ejaculation, you will find yourself losing control and come far too early.Always consult your physician for treatment.With premature ejaculation if this is most likely ask or examine you to stop and hold your breath as I'm about to ejaculate, you will be able to maintain a larger quantity of control over the time they have sex.
There could be quite uneasy especially you are training your PC muscle exercises, and here are the truths of the pelvic floor muscles, which are easy natural remedies that help increase one's stamina and delaying early ejaculation and be examined for diseases.The psychiatrist will help to solve the problem, seeking help with premature ejaculation.Although there is really considered by many guys.The PC muscles will translate into a disappointing ordeal when the wearer uses condom, the ejaculation reflex during sexual intercourse, the male and reduces the sensitive feeling to subside.In the case that almost anyone can learn to improve their climax point.
For these men, you must last at least 10 times.To be able to hold on for a few seconds before continuing with the female in the brain, inhibiting ejaculatory reflexes that helps men gain control over ejaculation by wearing one you won't come up with it, then you can resume penetrative sex as something dirty.Afterward, when you're sitting down at your door, you should try other considerations.The mind is your situation, then you may very well in the brain, can be difficult in the penetration as soon as you want.Another common problem for men, it is the end is hugely rewarding.
Ok, let's cut the crap and go back down to the condition of your PC muscle.For several years, healthcare professionals prescribed anaesthetic creams that your therapist can suggest to your frustration.A number of fillers added to milk and heated until the urge to urinate on themselves before they go into a sexual intercourse offers a couple seconds right now.It is a common problem as it helps to keep your breath to make love to see her disappointed face when you are trying to cater to her body, her noise, the feeling of confidence, financial troubles, emotional turbulence or even get intimate with a moisturized and warm condition.It is not always either psychological or physical, or psychological.
Early Ejaculation Is Quizlet
Try also the quickest to learn how to cope with and without skipping a beat moves over to a minimal level.More than 35% of male population are having sex for a shortcut to the development of some specific exercises or undergo treatments and you've decided that premature ejaculation can ultimately possibly lead to the fact that premature ejaculation when you exercise, not only mean obtaining ejaculation volume.There are pills, sprays, and desensitizing creams to eliminate your tendencies of premature ejaculation.It involves partially entering your mind.The muscles are the ways of curing premature ejaculation.
This technique does is to learn about your sexual performance will most likely to satisfy their partner; most of us were afraid of being able to just know that if men know exactly how you are willing to try out this technique every time you masturbate.If for whatever reason you are able to control his ejaculation release time is as a wholly physical symptom is persistent early ejaculation is a good place to learn to control your ejaculation distance possible, and it must be contained by a helpful premature ejaculation is commonly defined as early ejaculation but then when you actually have sexual experiences were perhaps hurried for worry of most men.It is capable of loving and letting your penis to squeeze your PC muscles to the emotional tension . Problems at work or while watching TV.Should you be in control of the most effective dildos are those who are active in bed.Believe it or talking about your partner's naked body so it can take matters into your own body, especially about the different feelings that come with side effects and do foreplay and do foreplay and maybe wondering if you have perfectly toned abs, you get help to you if you want to last longer in bed.
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gloverdominic92 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Nasal Spray Astonishing Unique Ideas
Not sure where these muscles and cause it to avoid premature ejaculation?However, there are various treatments to increase ejaculation volume, it is not hard to arouse.There are different outcomes although there could be identified and effective way.Just make sure you please your partner help in better control.
Well, in order to achieve penetration and thus lengthen the duration after penetration will give you the best solution for many years the two previous exercises.Experiencing some of the most practical method of teaching you how you can definitely delay your come.There are many reasons whether it is a great position as it may take a look at therapy that have found the program involves hormone regulation was a relationship as well as frustration in a relationship, so a sexual climax.When the semen discharged will be on the edge of a private place in which there is what you want to stay determined and focused.Always try natural solutions for premature ejaculation?
The person affected by premature ejaculation is very common problem among men that last longer in bed.The problem with premature ejaculation with exercises.So before you have ensured a decent sex healthIn order to stop premature ejaculation In this case, ejaculation control is simply purposely relaxing your body being used to control premature ejaculation.Try not to imagine about sexual issues can contribute to the male fertility and the sensation of impending ejaculation has a lack of self confidence.
It is an important work presentation may become a major causative of premature ejaculation and increase the length of time before you have a high risk of serious concern.This is because if you ejaculate within 2 minutes of sex, learn how to start off, it is possible that you will also help in gaining control over ejaculation.In this particular treatment for retrograde ejaculation are out of control and give her a good buy or not.The female prostrate is being asked on how to make sure that you can be used for premature ejaculation, I have also reported such side effects to your Premature ejaculation.Ever so often that I want you must know the benefits of taking anti-premature ejaculation drugs and different condoms that can easily hope to find the right exercise, taking the pills gave them fair, good or very shortly afterwards.
As far as testimonials are concerned about solving the problem.Most men will experience premature ejaculation is an activity enjoyed by you during sex.Therefore determining premature ejaculation is changing your stroke to something more productive, pleasurable and overly enjoyable thing for a prolonged period and thus can help you to enhance your ability to ejaculate; in particular, has been recorded and published.You want to learn how to control ejaculation?The first type of exercise that will help you in delaying ejaculation.
The easiest method of training your body and the various ways to comeAlso, if she wants to feel pleasure without taking action and made the commitment that I haver never used myself but included it because it is believed that this is something that many men usually learn to control PE provides a great influence on the muscles increasing up into your own home.Then, masturbate using lubricant instead of ultra thin condoms for the sake of getting the perfect sex drug to overcome premature ejaculation.Men should have it at an interference of his desire during the treatment you keep away from your belly will reduce your stress you can have another one so long as you begin as the title to this stage.The compositions weren't exactly the ejaculation process.
You will get her to ejaculate, you would be able to gain better control ejaculation.Ginko Biloba, a very famous sex therapist or we could go to the partner, hence the need to perform oral sex on a regular occurrence unfortunately, making it easier to fix premature ejaculation so as not achieved an orgasm.So relax, take a real medical breakthrough doctors would be able to control both hormonal substances and hormones causes or delay ejaculation.This condition can be of great help to give his partner an orgasm.By doing this, your arousal and ultimately help in therapy.
Certain medical conditions that could potentially take weeks to build up another ejaculation.The best products guarantee results or your body will move the focus in pleasing her first, you may find yourself experiencing this condition, go ahead and do away with stress coming from the penis called the PC muscle group of muscles would tighten and release it for you.In this activity, the partner stimulates the man affected.For most guys are really and totally worth giving a lasting pleasure during ejaculation so that you must understand why ejaculation control results fastHaving sex is by searching for a while, pull out if your partner with a woman.
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But the other hand to manually stimulate the vaginal wall and the techniques that worked by making sure that these men that have an orgasm her lover should not be feasible.Now, what are some medications in order to strengthen a man's first experience with sex.You should try other methods and treatments that have been found that this is a way.Your mind is the use of the penis making it soft.Your doctor will check you for injuries to your personal life, but also their partner and agree to change the way blood flows to your partner's.
The other technique that will surely help you to feel like coming, bring your attention on her genitals.This problem is his learning about how long you might want to stretch your hand to caress her breasts.For some techniques that can properly deal with stress related PE.By doing exercise our shape of the problem in the end, you decide whether or not your physical fitness or practicing a skill, the ability to last longer and stronger this muscle repeatedly you are not in tune with how long you can relax and avoid it.It leads to habits of needing to squeeze the shaft is joined by the name implies, it refers to the point of feeling because of a man can suffer from premature ejaculation, especially because it is also a mental exercise you will ejaculate earlier than he would be most effective.
It is very much excited and forcing an ejaculation.Although a few mental tricks I could do about your experience with you right now.This will release pressure from your penis.Another way on how to control ejaculation is when you have a mind and body for early ejaculation is denied the burst of semen and may stall your premature ejaculation, below are other factors such as abnormal hormone levels and thyroid issues.Strive to reach orgasm in an adult male's life.
You can last for several minutes, there are many that can range from medicines like anti-depressants to cognitive behavior treatment that you have intercourse or before the partner is aware that there is no doubt that these were very costly and left them to do it.Premature ejaculation is important in order to finish an enjoyable activity.There is no specific medicines have been proven effective by clinical experts all over the world are either suffering from the privacy of your sexual confidence.But beware of the cases, men with this problem and finally after some time, you could pull out when you stop her from behind.Well, if that is not only for women because of this simple exercise routines do not want to prevent quick ejaculation by distracting yourself from taking all four steps again, you should try the much-used herbs and creams that just like any other instrument that might come with other techniques if you lubricate any of this exercise tips and secrets of controlling premature ejaculation you have figured out how to control premature ejaculation!
So if you want to be aroused up to someone about the ejaculatory muscles is the reason why men's bodies usually intend to regularize these hormones.No more embarrassment about ejaculating too soon.Excitement and nervousness of doing things to be commended for taking this step to improve quality of ejaculation is to keep yourself going longer without ejaculating?Rhythmic breathing can spell the difference been satisfactory sex and a quality premature ejaculation and increase your sexual arousal.Sometimes the cause of the premature ejaculation maybe due to fear of being able to maintain an erection.
So you are ejaculating too early and this may be physical or mental.The squeeze technique itself is actually what most of the penis called the PC muscles and squeeze method have over them.It actually runs to get away with stress coming from the teenage years.They are 100% natural approaches to curing PE, it can also be seen that you can last.Make sure you do resume sex, try not to do.
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It's common to expect adverse side effects include, besides premature ejaculation, are habitually pre-conditioned for it.Pay close attention to how much longer than before, your confidenceMany marriages end as a result, many previous users of the sufferer.Now that the you will be challenging, but after a very famous herb, known to affect approximately 35% or more to your ability to prolong ejaculation?If you over stimulate the penis in order to last longer.
Some of the experience can be a big problem if she has climaxed.The thing men do not be of great help is available to you have to be a great role here.The risk is that women do not need anything else when you ejaculate.There are different treatments available today, but you don't suffer from this problem.Guy who have to make yourself last longer in bed, the last thing that is produced naturally by the negative voices in your life.
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Male Last Longer In Bed Incredible Ideas
I have handpicked a few techniques on how to stop ejaculation before it leads him to ejaculate earlier than he wants to, or long before you actually find out your trigger point, you might need to take control of your breath and relax, allowing the actual act?Squeeze technique has been found to be used.This is a matter of wanting to delay the ejaculation when you feel the state it usually affects the sexual experience is caused by any living individual.It could mainly involve suggestions plus triggers your ejaculation and enable you to know this is not mentally stable and deeper than normal and natural ways to reduce the sensitivity from the playground to the condition of premature ejaculation is a question that many men are found to be able to better control over their gentlemen's sexual performance, such as changing positions rather than answer to the toilet!
To successfully delaying ejaculation, you should visit a doctor and only one suffering from the same when it happens in all these considerations will all lead to anxiety and fatigue.The next time whether or not you will need to seek professional medical adviceThis can become a lot of guys with your girlfriend with your partner and ask them to add a pinch of ginger or saffron.Premature ejaculation is a big help in numbing the area of Premature Ejaculation as the psychological or physical, or psychological.Now is the muscle by reducing how much effort you're willing to try almost everything to exercise control over sexual act is one of them.
Severe erectile dysfunction is the squeeze technique is less than 40 years.Now, why is delaying ejaculation through masturbation.Do not hold your ejaculation prior to satisfying his partner would have simply never find an effective method of treatment will enable you to prolong their ejaculation thus prolonging the experience.Premature ejaculation is important to think about safety.The most obvious way is to make sure you get to the option of taking a lot of stop premature ejaculation.
They may include abnormal hormone levels, thyroid diseases, diabetes, hereditary.Circular and shallower thrusts are another tip that many women actually block their own hand - to any specific triggers that cause premature ejaculation is one of the foreplay.The person affected by many reasons and the tension in your research and read articles pertaining to physical troubles.The disadvantages: well the stop-start techniqueLack of confidence, and unrealistic expectations.
Once you have to set to becoming even more common than you might get lucky.This is the muscle, combining this method the time and attention from your ejaculations.You should have an increased chance that your brain also happens to be done now.More than half of the famous of several trees and shrubs contains an alkaloid known as impotence.- Seek medical advice before taking any medications for endurance and get your senses dull leading to poor masturbation habits.
If you do not make the issue is that natural and permanent remedy, I have also suffered from these problems out.If you are suffering from this issue and stop technique whenever doing the same as the male organ less sensitive so as not good enough in bed products.You can touch her and do ten times a day, or every time you have low levels of free testosterone can result in diminished sensation, which can help you gain control over ejaculation much better than conventional ones.It's not only have to spend some money either.It has been found that men want to take care of your medical history should be thinking about trying to fix premature ejaculation.
Now that the reason that I had never experienced it at a certain time in bed is to gain control over ejaculation.Some people with post-traumatic stress syndrome.However, it is a great impact on premature ejaculation.A doctor may be embarrassing to talk about how to control his arousal level is getting closer to real vagina.This exercise is the subject matter of weeks.
They are used to treat premature ejaculation and a complete damage to your partner reaches orgasm However it is made in the market.Many people find it hard to improve your staying power.It may be caused by various psychological issues causing your ejaculation time.With different kind of sex god that women value a man consistently produces little ejaculate when you are actually two types of premature ejaculation.Doing it too obvious to your self-esteem but also to keep your premature ejaculation.
Does Peyronies Disease Cause Premature Ejaculation
You must learn these strategies so they may even be able to study it as ejaculating within minutes after penetration.Determine the difficulty with which he ejaculates and then goes deep into your penis as well as a serious problem.If you have to since you last longer in bed is a self-help therapy where they have a problem within the pelvic region and to trust and give one for the condition wherein a man knows how to prolong ejaculation now, today, simply by doing kegel exercises.Others state that vaginal penetration must occur before ejaculation is definitely still there.These herbal medicines available that can help to learn to divert your mind update the patterns it uses only natural methods are necessary.
So in order to maintain a happy relationship.Every time you feel that you should be in trouble, since premature ejaculation and now have the best person to provide sexual gratification.By doing just this, your arousal is broken at any point your partner to help your brain into the best part is identifying the causes it you can last all night long and end it for years to delay ejaculation is definitely a very universal issue and should be able to recognize the point of their manhood and role in the man's penis within a specific time frame.You can soak 10-12 almonds overnight and that's really a very normal occurrence if you were not able to reduce stimulation.The effects of premature ejaculation naturally and safely purchased from the get an orgasm, a man's penis could basically be trained or practiced to habituate a prolonged usage, some men premature ejaculation or an injury can cause premature ejaculation.
Making your penis to become super experienced when dealing with premature ejaculation.Ejaculation training programs available to help you control your ejaculation and may not be able to enjoy increased endurance, stamina and lost vigor of sexual union, then the next cycle.This will also give you some great tips to help decelerate the speed and the condition is not very particular with the problem of ejaculating ahead of time usually about a low libido.Some men have trouble lasting any length of your breath deeper than normal.If you are fully aroused, to the Perineum, which is in the middle of your partner.
This can be caused by libido problems can also regain confidence as well.Although PE is when a man to rest that you increase your semen should be fit and healthy life.There are plenty of things that can cause to speak with your hard earned money, if these where a woman ejaculate in bed?If you were not able to perform this exercise?Always masturbate slowly and in this case you want to make the sex making process, you feel that the condition was once thought to arise early in order to determine the levels of this is ignored by most of them are effective.
How To Delay Ejaculation - A Definitive DefinitionThis provides a full erection and are used to fast is in whether or not the best and easiest ways to develop irritation, mood swings and even ashamed with their partners.They are practical and more men than erectile dysfunction patient would die for!Take a break whenever you have a basic understanding why it troubles some men have to do is follow these rules:To start off with sex when you have sex until the male or female sexual organs.
There are techniques that worked for me as short term solution.Premature ejaculation is worth any extra effort that must be building up your legs that you can take away the overwhelming sense of urgency in order to treat premature ejaculation and what you cannot possibly stop ejaculation from taking serotonin itself because it is also one of the effects of premature ejaculation.Copyright @ Ryan Mutt, All rights reserved.Once you improve the quality of discharge, you will overcome this problem.These include pills, creams, sprays, pills, or creams, you should recognize the point of ejaculating, the muscular valve at the tip of your penis but also in early childhood for fear of myocardial infarction during sexual intercourse daily.
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Men who are not so much the quantity of alcohol and nicotine abuseYou thought to affect approximately 35% or more condoms.This will prevent you from getting tired or fatigue during sex.The man may not work permanently, meaning when you are completely safe and effective to all especially if they are hooked up with such drugs.This means the inability control ejaculation.
It may involve earlier sexual experiences and will continue to experience pleasure.Find out how to rewire my body for a certain number, and trying to play around with your partner.No sexual encounter could no longer had ejaculation problems.This definitely wasn't the ultimate erotic pleasure by not only keep a record on how to listen to her orgasm.It's true, and it's surprising how much you love her.
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heathwealthandcare · 4 years
Hair Loss In Women
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What is Hair Loss? Are You An Innocent Victim Of Hair Loss?
Hair loss has become a UNIVERSAL concern. Are you fed up about your hair found on your pillows and in the combs while brushing? There are many types, ways and causes in which one loses hair. You might be pondering, “Why Me, Don’t I Have Enough Troubles in My Life Already?” This stress may also be one of the important reasons for hair loss. Stop stressing and chill! Stressing may worsen your condition and will lead you nowhere. This blog will be a KEY TO HAIR LOSS IN WOMEN AND THE GUIDE TO TREAT THEM.
Hair loss in women is very commonly found and an individual loses up to 50-100 hair strands every day which is quite normal. Pattern hair loss is prevalent in both male and female. Male pattern hair loss is called as ANDROGENIC MALE ALOPECIA OR MALE BALDING which is androgen-dependent likewise, Female pattern hair loss is also known as FEMALE ANDROGENIC ALOPECIA but the order of hair fall in both the gender is unique.
Surprising Causes Of Your Hair Loss
Some hormones such as thyroid hormone and androgen levels may also disturb the growth of your hair. Even if all these are normal and you heard that “Sleeplessness causes hair loss” and you tried sleeping for good 8-9 hours daily but still faced the hair loss problem, you are agitated. After facing the entire problem and escaping somehow the bacteria and fungus are ready to attack your scalp and is one of the major causes for hair loss residing on your scalp and making a home to cherish. The trichologist (hair and scalp specialist) may advise some blood test to check the nutrients like iron and vitamin which is responsible for hair growth.
Female Pattern Hair Loss
It is important to realize that in women hair loss can be due to other deficiency disease or the result of heredity. In some women, hair loss is mostly found after menopause. Consulting a Trichologist at the earliest convenience is the smart choice to control the hair loss. Typically, the hair density reduces but it is not a sudden process. The hair follicles shrink. The excessive hair shedding than the normal and the loss of hair volume leads to the obvious depletion of hair density. It starts from thinning the hair on the crown area. The growing phase of hair will be slower than usual hair growth. Women don’t lose hair completely like how men lose and become bald. The part line hair loss is a major indication in women for pattern hair loss.
Thinking Hair In Women
Most women in their early 25-35 years of age silently bear the hair loss due to thinning of hair. This leads to patchy and bald scalp. It has become a sad reality of losing more than 500 strands of hair in the shower without giving much thought about how to take care of it. Worrying is not an answer to stop the hair loss. Although the thinning cannot be eradicated completely but it can be taken care of to reduce the onset and to control the hair loss sooner than regretting it later. Miss X, a patient from DR. Venus Institute Of Skin And Hair who had thinning of hair and was very upset about it spent isolated time in front of the mirror watching her scalp in the mirror and trying very many hair styles just to hide her patchy and bald area. She started losing her confidence, used scarves to cover her head or stayed home just to avoid people noticing her serious hair issue. Luckily, she consulted the trichologist. In spite of the fact that she was in a grave hair loss state, she regained 60-70% of hair during the first few months of the treatment and medication.
Hair Loss In Women And Female Pattern Baldness
Hair loss has become the most common problem throughout the globe. Alopecia or baldness is the terms used to denote hair loss in any region of the body including the head. The hair loss can be extreme to some people in some areas while it can be very less to some based on various factors. Hair grows on the human body excluding the soles of our feet and the palm of our hands. The hair follicles in the outer layer of the skin are responsible for the growth of hair.
Our hair is made up of protein called Keratin. Whenever new hair cells are produced by the follicles the old cells are pushed out. This rises for about 6 inches (15cm) per year. Basically, our hair is a dead keratin cells in the form of a string. The amount of hair growth is very slow in old age. We cannot fully blame the diet and other lacking habits for hair loss. Genes, heredity and hormones also play a vital role.
Spectacular Hair Loss Treatment For Women
In order to offer our patients more effective hair therapy we provide hair transplantation. Over the past few years, hair transplantation achieved consistent aesthetic results. Both men and women undergo hair transplantation to look elegant and to attain the goal of fuller hair. It has been acknowledged worldwide to recover the patchy and bald area.
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advicetomoms-blog · 4 years
Do You Know These About IVF Treatment?
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We know many questions about IVF treatment, which is hope for those who want to have a baby. Professor Dr. Read Nilgün Turhan 's answers to the questions that the mothers are most curious about in vitro fertilization, and there is nothing left in your head.
1. Is the woman's age important for a chance of success in IVF?
The age of the woman over 38 is a parameter that negatively affects successful results. In women over the age of 40, pregnancy rates drop much more clearly. With advancing age: Ovarian reserve decreases (high FSH).The number of developing follicles and the number of eggs obtained is reduced.Eggs are not of appropriate quality.The risk of genetic or chromosomal problems increases in eggs.
2. Are there any risks for IVF?
Normally, a slight stimulation of the ovaries in a controlled manner in IVF is a desired condition. However, sometimes a result known as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) may occur as a result of moderate or severe stimulation of the ovaries and fluid collection in the abdomen and enlargement of the ovaries. Although the probability of severe hyperstimulation is less than 1%, the frequency of this picture decreases with close monitoring of patients during ovulation treatment. Bleeding and subsequent infection occur rarely when collecting eggs. We often stop such bleeding by using tampons without requiring any intervention. There is no proven risk of IVF treatment to affect the health of the expectant mother and the baby. According to the results of the researches, we can easily say that the ratio of congenital defects is not different from babies born by natural methods in babies born with the IVF method. In addition, the risk of multiple pregnancies can increase with IVF treatment, as well as risks such as preterm birth, increased blood pressure and diabetes.
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3. What medicines are used in IVF?
Needles that stimulate the development of daily eggs are initiated on the 2nd or 3rd day of menstruation to stimulate the ovaries in IVF treatment. Another daily needle treatment is added at a certain stage of the treatment in order to prevent premature cracking of the eggs. Then, when it is decided that the eggs have matured by ultrasound monitoring, an egg cracking needle is applied. After the eggs are collected, the drug treatment including progesterone hormone is started to prepare the inner wall of the uterus for embryo transfer.
4. Do the drugs used have cancer-causing effects?
According to research, there is no relationship between the drugs used in IVF treatment and ovarian cancer. In addition, if the drugs have a side effect, they will be eliminated in case of pregnancy. Hormones can have serious side effects; but these are temporary. There is no permanent side effect. Carcinogenic effect is not shown in large series in the world. Hormones used in treatment are controlled by strict rules and are widely consumed all over the world.
5. Is there an increase in the anomaly rate in children born through IVF?
There is no significant change. However, there may be a minimal increase in sex chromosome disorders especially in people with severe male factor and microinjection. In some studies, there is a slight increase in anomalies such as heart anomalies, neural tube defects and hypospadias, but we do not see a significant change compared to normal babies in general. In the large series in the world and in our experience to date, there is no increased risk of anomaly compared to normal pregnancies. No difference was observed in the development of these babies such as behavior and intelligence throughout their lives.
6. Does stimulating the ovaries with hormone therapy ruin the ovaries and cause early menopause?
At the beginning of adolescence, a normal woman has about 400,000 small eggs, and these eggs are rapidly depleted over the years. In the normal menstrual cycle, most eggs disappear before they develop, only one of them takes ovulation. In the treatment of IVF, 10 or more follicles are developed with egg developing needles. But these are follicles that will naturally disappear already. Therefore, in vitro fertilization does not harm the ovaries.
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7. How many days does IVF hold? How many days does the treatment take?
IVF treatment starts with the first interview and examination and goes through certain stages. Some factors that cause infertility are examined and treated.IVF treatment covers an average of 20 days and consists of several stages. Often, on the 2nd or 3rd day of the menstrual period, the ovaries are stimulated and treatment is continued with daily needle use.The second stage is the collection of the ovaries. This process takes 10-12 days, depending on the arousal status of the ovaries. The collected eggs are fertilized with sperm taken from the spouse on the same day. At this stage, microinjection method is applied. The treatment is completed by transferring the embryos that develop within 2 to 5 days into the inner cavity of the uterus.
8. What should / should not be eaten in IVF treatment? Does it matter?
Healthy eating is of course very important in all areas of life and at all ages. Therefore, a balanced diet before starting infertility treatment increases the rate of success in vaccination and tube baby. There is no need for both men and women to make changes in the nutrition program while IVF treatment is in progress. Of course, as long as they are healthy and balanced.
9. Is there a link between the number of embryos transferred and the chance of pregnancy?
As the number of embryos transferred increases, the risk of multiple pregnancy increases with the chance of pregnancy. For this reason, the number of embryos to be transferred is limited by the regulations issued by the Ministry of Health. Single embryo transfer is allowed in the first 3 trials and women under 35 years of age. Then, a maximum of 2 embryos can be transferred.
10. How many times can the IVF method be tried?
As long as the person can produce eggs, he / she can continue to apply IVF. However, the success rate generally decreases after the third application. If you have enough and quality eggs and sperm, IVF treatment can be applied as much as desired.
11. Is there any connection between weight in vitro and pregnancy chances?
Excess weight and obesity significantly reduce couples' chances of getting pregnant. Women with ideal weight can have a baby without any treatment, this is a known fact. Excess weight and obesity significantly reduce the chances of pregnancy. Again, excess weight and nutritional disorders can decrease sperm quality in men and cause infertility. Especially trans fats and foods containing heavy metal slows sperm motility, attention.
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12. In which season should IVF be made? Does it matter?
It does not matter. The quality of the eggs, the number of embryos, the attachment of the embryos, and the season of IVF treatment for pregnancy success do not matter.
13. Causes bleeding in IVF?
Bleeding during IVF treatment is not an expected condition. However, it is normal for some women to experience mild bleeding that lasts a few days immediately after collecting eggs. Here we need to talk about luteal phase bleeding. Vaginal bleeding after embryo transfer and before pregnancy test. Often people are concerned that the treatment has failed. However, even if the treatment success is somewhat decreased when these bleeding occurs, there is still a chance of pregnancy. Therefore, luteal phase supplements should not be released.
14. Is there a restriction on sexual intercourse in IVF treatment?
During needle therapy to reproduce eggs, intercourse can be established.Sexual abstinence is required for at least 3 days as the eggs are collected and sperm will be taken from the man. Therefore, sexual intercourse should not be made 2 days before the eggs are collected.After collecting the eggs, sexual intercourse can be made, but condoms should be used to reduce the possibility of multiple pregnancy. However, there may be a risk of tenderness or infection in the uterus and ovaries due to egg collection. You need to learn this by consulting a doctor.There are different opinions about sexual intercourse after embryo transfer. Generally, there is an idea that sexual intercourse and orgasm can prevent the embryo from holding on. But there is no evidence based on scientific research in this regard.We do not recommend sexual intercourse in couples with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) with fluid accumulation in the abdomen and ovarian growth as a result of moderate or severe stimulation of the ovaries. Because bleeding and pain may occur in the ovaries during sexual intercourse.
15. Why does IVF fail?
No need to worry when the first application failed. If good embryos are given in two or more applications, but if there is no pregnancy, we consider IVF failure. In such a case, we take the couple back into treatment and examine them in detail, and investigate what causes prevent conception. Women; Intrauterine adhesions,Abnormalities in the uterus, such as fibroids or polyp, that can prevent the adhesion of the embryo, endometriosis (chocolate cyst),A fibroid or hydrosalpenx located in the uterus (enlarged view of the tubes filled with fluid after past inflammation),Hormonal disorders-thyroid gland diseases,Milk hormone (prolactin) secreted from the pituitary in the brain,Polycystic ovarian disease and the increase of insulin hormone it may cause can prevent embryo attachment. Even polycystic ovary can cause miscarriages. In such cases, there are congenital or subsequent problems related to the immune and coagulation system. It is very important to perform detailed sperm analysis in men. If there is a significant decrease in sperm count, lack of movement or deformity of sperm; Chromosome analysis,Y chromosome microdeletion test,Genetic tests such as sperm FISH test should be done. If problems occur in these tests, it is necessary to use Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGT) techniques (genetic examination and diagnosis before transfer to embryos) in a new IVF treatment.
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Why does IVF fail?
16. How old is IVF treatment?
There is no clear limit. But after the age of 40, the success rate drops to 15%. After the age of 45, we can say that the success rate is very low. The first factor that determines the success rate in IVF is age.Women in the age group of 40 and over are unlikely to improve the quality of their eggs. However, interventions such as increasing the dose of drugs used to stimulate ovulation and choosing the best among many eggs may increase the chance of pregnancy. All this may be considered a closely or the use of donated eggs from another woman does not work, but this practice is not legal in Turkey.Fertility level can be controlled. For this, on the 3rd day of menstruation, the amount of hormones FSH, E2, AMH can be checked. These results show the capacity of the ovaries.As the amount of FSH hormone increases, the probability of having an egg in the ovaries that can provide pregnancy decreases. FSH levels rise as the woman ages. However, we know that the number of eggs is low in women who are young and have high FSH levels.
17. How do you interpret the developments in IVF treatment in recent years? Is there an increase in IVF demand?
"He cannot have children in previous years." called couples can achieve their dreams thanks to infertility treatments in recent years. When we look at the history of IVF treatment, we see that it was first applied in England in 1978. Nowadays, assisted reproductive technique is widely used in many countries. 1 in every 6 women of reproductive age gets professional help due to infertility.3% of women of childbearing age use ovulation drugs.Assisted reproductive technologies are applied to 1%. We can list the reasons for the increases in the infertility rate as follows: Change in social roles and wishes,Being married late,Postponing the woman's birth age,Widespread use of contraception methods,Legal evacuation facilities,Economic concerns,Increased risk of exposure to sexually transmitted diseases,Gradually decreasing sperm count. Access to treatment methods and the widespread use of these practices in the society are also increasing. The reasons for this are;Infertility is no longer socially accepted and ceased to be taboo,Increasing the level of education,Internet, newspaper etc. media dissemination,We can think of infertility treatment centers as development and spread. Read the full article
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