heathwealthandcare · 4 years
Hair Loss In Women
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What is Hair Loss? Are You An Innocent Victim Of Hair Loss?
Hair loss has become a UNIVERSAL concern. Are you fed up about your hair found on your pillows and in the combs while brushing? There are many types, ways and causes in which one loses hair. You might be pondering, “Why Me, Don’t I Have Enough Troubles in My Life Already?” This stress may also be one of the important reasons for hair loss. Stop stressing and chill! Stressing may worsen your condition and will lead you nowhere. This blog will be a KEY TO HAIR LOSS IN WOMEN AND THE GUIDE TO TREAT THEM.
Hair loss in women is very commonly found and an individual loses up to 50-100 hair strands every day which is quite normal. Pattern hair loss is prevalent in both male and female. Male pattern hair loss is called as ANDROGENIC MALE ALOPECIA OR MALE BALDING which is androgen-dependent likewise, Female pattern hair loss is also known as FEMALE ANDROGENIC ALOPECIA but the order of hair fall in both the gender is unique.
Surprising Causes Of Your Hair Loss
Some hormones such as thyroid hormone and androgen levels may also disturb the growth of your hair. Even if all these are normal and you heard that “Sleeplessness causes hair loss” and you tried sleeping for good 8-9 hours daily but still faced the hair loss problem, you are agitated. After facing the entire problem and escaping somehow the bacteria and fungus are ready to attack your scalp and is one of the major causes for hair loss residing on your scalp and making a home to cherish. The trichologist (hair and scalp specialist) may advise some blood test to check the nutrients like iron and vitamin which is responsible for hair growth.
Female Pattern Hair Loss
It is important to realize that in women hair loss can be due to other deficiency disease or the result of heredity. In some women, hair loss is mostly found after menopause. Consulting a Trichologist at the earliest convenience is the smart choice to control the hair loss. Typically, the hair density reduces but it is not a sudden process. The hair follicles shrink. The excessive hair shedding than the normal and the loss of hair volume leads to the obvious depletion of hair density. It starts from thinning the hair on the crown area. The growing phase of hair will be slower than usual hair growth. Women don’t lose hair completely like how men lose and become bald. The part line hair loss is a major indication in women for pattern hair loss.
Thinking Hair In Women
Most women in their early 25-35 years of age silently bear the hair loss due to thinning of hair. This leads to patchy and bald scalp. It has become a sad reality of losing more than 500 strands of hair in the shower without giving much thought about how to take care of it. Worrying is not an answer to stop the hair loss. Although the thinning cannot be eradicated completely but it can be taken care of to reduce the onset and to control the hair loss sooner than regretting it later. Miss X, a patient from DR. Venus Institute Of Skin And Hair who had thinning of hair and was very upset about it spent isolated time in front of the mirror watching her scalp in the mirror and trying very many hair styles just to hide her patchy and bald area. She started losing her confidence, used scarves to cover her head or stayed home just to avoid people noticing her serious hair issue. Luckily, she consulted the trichologist. In spite of the fact that she was in a grave hair loss state, she regained 60-70% of hair during the first few months of the treatment and medication.
Hair Loss In Women And Female Pattern Baldness
Hair loss has become the most common problem throughout the globe. Alopecia or baldness is the terms used to denote hair loss in any region of the body including the head. The hair loss can be extreme to some people in some areas while it can be very less to some based on various factors. Hair grows on the human body excluding the soles of our feet and the palm of our hands. The hair follicles in the outer layer of the skin are responsible for the growth of hair.
Our hair is made up of protein called Keratin. Whenever new hair cells are produced by the follicles the old cells are pushed out. This rises for about 6 inches (15cm) per year. Basically, our hair is a dead keratin cells in the form of a string. The amount of hair growth is very slow in old age. We cannot fully blame the diet and other lacking habits for hair loss. Genes, heredity and hormones also play a vital role.
Spectacular Hair Loss Treatment For Women
In order to offer our patients more effective hair therapy we provide hair transplantation. Over the past few years, hair transplantation achieved consistent aesthetic results. Both men and women undergo hair transplantation to look elegant and to attain the goal of fuller hair. It has been acknowledged worldwide to recover the patchy and bald area.
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heathwealthandcare · 4 years
10 Ways To Relax In Less Than 5 Minutes
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When you’re on a busy day, it’s hard to keep it together. Sometimes you only have 5 minutes or less between meetings, appointments , or in a lunch break to catch your breath and try to relax, so you can be in your best for the rest of the day. Next, we’ll give you 10 tips to relax in less than 5 minutes.
1. Talk to a Friend
In a stressful moment, a quick chat with a friend can work miracles! It can be a talk during a break or a phone call.  We all have that one friend that help us to put our feet back to the ground. It’s very important to have an outside view of our worries and problems, and to listen the voice of someone close to us telling us to keep calm and that everything will turn out ok. Sometimes, that’s all we really need.
2. Meditate
Nowadays we have a lot of information and tools that teaches how to meditate. It’s very important to learn how to meditate and to understand that we can do it anywhere. We don’t need to go to a temple or to go on a retreat to the mountains. Sometimes we just need five minutes of piece.
When you’re feeling anxious, find a quiet and comfortable place and concentrate on your breath: take a deep breath, hold your breath for a few seconds and take a deep exhalation. You’ll feel more relaxed and relieved.
3. Eat chocolate
We all know how chocolate make us feel better during a lousy day, even if we don’t know why. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, which causes our brain to release “feel good” hormones in our brain like dopamine and serotonin. Studies have found  that people who rated themselves highly stressed to begin with had lower levels of stress hormones after eating chocolate  every day for two weeks. Chocolate, specially dark chocolate, can indeed reduce stress. So, go ahead, grab a piece of chocolate and enjoy!
4. Have a cup of tea
Drink a cup of tea is one of the easiest and faster ways to relax.  According to specialists, Chamomile tea is a gentle relaxant that acts as a nerve tonic and a sleeping aid. If you’re experiencing a long day and can’t seem to calm down, brew yourself a nice cup of chamomile tea with some added honey for a boost of nutrients.
You should also avoid coffee, because caffeine can contribute to nervousness and mood swings. You can drink to three cups of tea a day, if you are feeling anxious.
5. Close your eyes and listen
Sometimes, for us to calm down all it takes is to take a little break. But it has to be a real break – no phone, no scrolling through social media, no checking the email box nor thinking about what you have to do later. You really need to stop and that means to stop all the noise in your head. An easy tip is to go to somewhere calm, to close your eyes and to listen to the silence around you. You’ll see you’ll feel better after and more focused for the rest of the day.
6. Get a massage
This tip is for a stressful weekend, one of those when you’ve so much to take care that you don’t even know where to start. Our suggestion is for you to start with a massage. You can ask someone close to you to do it or go to a professional. We promise you than in the first few minutes of the massage, you’ll feel instantly better. To treat ourselves shouldn’t be seen as a luxury, but as necessity.
7. Squeeze a stress ball
Many professionals have a stress ball on their work desks. You may have noticed one of two colleagues that have one.  A stress ball is an  easy, portable, and non-violent way to relieve tension. Sometimes we just need to project our stressful energy to something, and squeezing a stress ball might do the trick.
8. Pet a cat or play with a dog
Do we really need to explain this one? A boyfriend or girlfriend is okay, but sometimes all we need is to snuggle with our cat or with our dog. Anyone with pets will understand the amazing relaxing effect of arriving home to them. It’s a fast and effective way to relaxing after a long work day and to forget about our problems.
After a rough day, remember to snuggle up with a pet for an instant smile, since pets can boost self-esteem and even ease the sting of social rejection.
9. Write down your problems
Writing has been used by people to relax and to deal with the world since the beginning of times. So there is no need to explain the unique cathartic effect of writing. Even when we were little, many of us kept a diary: “Dear diary, today I had an awful day”. Don’t be afraid of putting your emotions on paper. They’ll seem less intimidating after you do it. Sometimes to write is the best way to think about things.
10. Watch a funny video or tv show
To watch a funny youtube video or a comedy tv show is an instant way to feel good. It’ll help you in two things: first, it’ll keep your head away of your problems and second, depending of the tv show, you can see the same problemas you’re dealing with in real life, perfectly portrayed through the life of the characters, in a comic point of view. For this two reasons, it can have a strong relaxing effect.
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heathwealthandcare · 4 years
10 Things You Should Never Do Before Bed
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If you are having trouble falling asleep and don’t know why it may be because you are doing some things that you never should before going to bed. Amalia Home Collection promotes healthy sleeping habits and routines surrounding this intimate part of our day. Our collections encourage feelings of comfort and tranquility in the home, so don’t let other bad habits prevent you from getting the rest you deserve
1. Check your work email
We know how hard it is to resist the temptation to open our inbox when we see a new email notification. Part of us doesn’t want to think about work problems outside the office, but another part of us cannot help yet be curious or feel guilty to let our colleagues down.
We suggest that no matter how curious or anxious you might feel about the subject of the email, resist the temptation to open it. If it is not something that can or should be solved at that moment, then it’s not worth your peace of mind. Remember, if you disconnect in your free time, then you’ll be a reenergized and thus better professional during your work hours.
2. Drink lots of water
Drinking the right amount of water during the day is essential, but there are optimum and ill-advised hours to do so. One of the latter is before we go to bed as we may feel bloated or will need to get up often at night to relieve ourselves. To ensure a good night’s sleep without interruptions, avoid drinking water right before bedtime.
3. Exercise
Like drinking water, exercise is also essential for our health and well-being. But exercising before falling asleep is a bad idea. You may think that your exercising will exhaust you, enabling you to sleep, but in fact, you will be more awake as the movement stimulates your mind and body with chemicals.
4. Use technology
Smartphones seem like a necessary evil, but remember, these devices are a source of artificial light that greatly affect the body’s melatonin production schedule and natural circadian rhythms.
It’s also necessary to admit our addictions to these items. Technology at just an arm’s length away has become our main source of entertainment but also a distraction. When we hear a notification, it’s nearly impossible for us not to check and satisfy our impulse.
Ideally, you should stop using electronic devices at least two hours before bed. Also, don’t forget to silence notifications. This way your phone won’t light up and wake you before your alarm.
5. Drink alcohol
If you are someone who likes to have a glass of wine for dinner, then what time you have dinner matters more than for others. If you are going to drink wine during your meal, try to plan accordingly in order to avoid drinking alcohol at least three hours before bedtime.
Even if you think it helps you relax or makes you tired, it’s a false expectation. The sugars in wine will reanimate your mind during the night and make it impossible to get truly restful sleep.
6. Argue
If you live with your family or a partner, you know that sometimes fights start when we least expect it and at the worst timing. When we’re tired after a long day, we forget that we are more sensitive and the same happens to our partner. This fatigue might lead to a fight before going to bed over something you ordinarily would be calm or rational.
If you can sense an impending argument, try to avoid it by asking to put off that conversation until morning. An argument before bedtime will guarantee of an awful night of sleep.
7. Work
Establishing boundaries between our office and our home is needed for maintaining healthy relationships amongst our long-term commitments. Sometimes, taking work home with you is unavoidable – maybe a big presentation is due the next day or you’re catching up after a few days of being sick. You could even be trying to learn a new skill for your career or be a remote worker entirely.
Even in these cases, create a workspace away from your bed and don’t work too close to bedtime. If you want to be better at any of these tasks and goals, then you need to turn off and recharge.
8. Have caffeine
We all know the effect of caffeine on our bodies and minds. If in the morning this effect is in our favor, then before bed is extremely harmful. If you like to have coffee after dinner, be sure to check the time first. If you habitually eat late then try to give it up in this case for a good night’s sleep.
And don’t forget what other items have caffeine, like chocolate and certain teas. Test out which items have the most effect on you and act accordingly.
9. Eat
Good eating habits aren’t just for your health or losing weight – they play a role in how well you sleep at night. For that reason, be smart about what you eat and drink and when you do it. For example, eat dinner as early in the evening as possible and avoid heavy, rich or sugary foods and refined carbs such as white bread, white rice, and pasta.
Even something light will still trigger your metabolism, take you out of ketosis, and induce digestion. All of these systems will impact the quality of your sleep.
10. Watch a scary movie
Watching movies at home can be a great way to relax. But if you’re going to watch a movie during the workweek when good rest is needed to wake up early, then you’ll have to be selective about your choice of films.
Very heavy dramas, movies that you can relate to which lead to complicated thoughts, and above all, horror movies, are the kind of movies you should avoid watching before bed. Horror movies will provoke nervous stimulation and may linger in your mind after you turn off the movie, leading to insomnia or nightmares. If you’re going to see a movie after dinner, choose a light-hearted and enjoyable one.
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heathwealthandcare · 4 years
Can a woman lose weight on 1200 calories a day?
American restaurants typically serve massive amounts of food. That, paired with the a clean-your-plate mentality (did your parents do that? Mine did!) equals too much food being consumed in single sittings. Your protein should be the about the size of your open palm, carbs and veggies should be the size of your closed fist. It seems small, doesn’t it? When you eat healthy snacks throughout the day, not only are you keeping your metabolism going, you’re also aiding in not overdoing it at meal time.
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“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing–that’s why we recommend it daily.” -Zig Ziglar
Losing weight can be frustrating and confusing. Keto diet? Carb-free? Atkins? South Beach? Teas?? WRAPS?? PILLS??
I’m here to tell you: chill. It doesn’t have to be complicated and you don’t have to follow some fad diet to get results. I’ve put together a list of simple life hacks to help get you started on your way to losing body fat. Will this help you lose 10 pounds overnight? If you’re looking for those kinds of results, you won’t find them on my site.
What these hacks will help you do is feel better, and get into healthier habits that can result in weight loss.
1. Don’t drink your calories.
Sodas, teas, juices, sweet coffee drinks, and alcohol are all big culprits of empty calorie intake. These can be sneaky, and add up over the course of a day. I want to be clear though: following a calorie count isn’t as important as simply nixing unnecessary sugars and carbohydrates in your diet.
2. Drink more water.
3 out of 4 Americans are dehydrated. All of the above mentioned drinks do have water in them, but in order for your body to be able to process them, it uses the water in your body to adjust the acid levels in your stomach to be able to do so. That leaves less water for your body to actually hydrate your. Dehydration can cause fat retention, headaches, brain fog and more! Drink your water!
3. Cut out fast food.
Sure, it’s quick and easy when you’re pressed for time, but fast food (along with portions, see #4) is one of the big reasons why a large majority of Americans are overweight. Look at any urban street corner and I’ll bet you can find a fast food joint. Preparing healthy snacks for yourself such as fruit, veggies with hummus, a protein bar, or boiled eggs will help when you’re pressed for time and hungry. When you eat healthy snacks throughout the day, you’re much less likely to get hangry and make an unhealthy decision. People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.
4. Portion control
American restaurants typically serve massive amounts of food. That, paired with the a clean-your-plate mentality (did your parents do that? Mine did!) equals too much food being consumed in single sittings. Your protein should be the about the size of your open palm, carbs and veggies should be the size of your closed fist. It seems small, doesn’t it? When you eat healthy snacks throughout the day, not only are you keeping your metabolism going, you’re also aiding in not overdoing it at meal time.
5. Move!
Whether you’re sitting behind a computer most of the day, or tend to watch a lot of TV, it can be easy to grow stagnant. Go for a walk after dinner, or get up and do jumping jacks during commercials. You’d be surprised how just moving you’re body a little more than normal can lead to weight loss.
6. Skip fried foods.
I’m sure you know that fried foods aren’t good for you. Yes, they taste delicious. Cooking at home can help you avoid fried foods, but when you’re dining out, it can be hard to pass them up. Remember your goals, choose a baked option instead and know you’re making a change in your body.
I say this all the time: Take it one meal at a time. Don’t get down on yourself because you ate badly yesterday. Pack your healthy snacks and do better today.
7. Stay motivated.
Zig Ziglar said it best: motivation doesn’t last. Create a vision board on Pinterest, or cut out magazine pictures and glue them into a notebook of things that motivate you. Have a goal you’re working towards? Find a picture of something that reminds you of it and put that front and center. Look at your vision board every morning to remind yourself of what you’re going to accomplish!
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heathwealthandcare · 4 years
5 Things You Should Never Do in the Morning
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If you ever feel like you don’t get enough done in the day, it’s because you’re doing what you should never do in the morning.
One of the worst feelings we can experience at 5 p.m is thinking, “I was so busy today but I accomplished nothing.”
This lack of progress is the greatest source of demotivation. It’s why employees quit, small businesses fail, and why we are tempted to give up on our dreams.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.Did you know that just five common morning mistakes are holding you back?
Most self-employed experts fall into these time traps. But the most successful independent entrepreneurs overcome these obstacles and dominate their days. In turn, their productivity and income soars.
Here are five things you must NEVER do in the morning if you want to get more done, have more focus, and be hyper-successful.
#1 – Never Hit The Snooze Button
Sleeping longer is probably one of the greatest desires you had back when you were working for a big corporation. But when you hit the snooze button you are subconsciously telling your big goals and dreams that they don’t matter. That leads to a lack of urgency in life, lower productivity, and frustration by the end of the day.
Make the mindset switch this habit. When your alarm goes off, wake up with a mindset of taking on the day and tackling your top project so you make progress every morning.
#2 – Never Write Your To-Do List
Wait, what? How am I supposed to get organized?
The truth is that if you’re setting your to do-list first thing in the morning, you’re already too late!
You need to know your number one priority the night before, and have a plan in place to start working on it immediately. That’s how the most successful people in the world, from the greatest writers of today (like J.K. Rowling and Stephen King) to the most successful artists in history, control their mornings.
#3 – Never Check Email
One of the worst things you can do is roll over and start scrolling through your email. When you do that, time seems to disappear into a black hole and you can never get it back. Worse, email often leads to social media, and then you can kiss another 30 minutes goodbye.
While it’s tempting to check your email for work payments, important meetings, and the final score of the Yankees game, you must realize that email can wait.
You are much better off going to work on your top priority with a clear mind. This is how you make profound progress in the work. Give at least 30 minutes, if not 60 or more, to your top priority.
#4 – Never Mindlessly Surf The Internet
Here’s a scary thing to do. Add a time tracker application to your computer and mobile phone that can tell you how much time you spend each day on every website you visit, from Facebook to Instagram to CNN.com, TheDrudgeReport.com, and even your bank account. You can also use this free Time Tracker sheet.
When you see those numbers you might be shocked… and maybe ashamed you wasted so much time. Just think of what else you could be doing with those hours that correlate directly to your success.
Don’t let your Internet rob you of the progress you so badly want to make. ]
Add another program to your computer called Internet Freedom. This app can block you from visiting certain websites or from using the Internet at all during certain times.
With these new boundaries in place, you’ll have made time for what matters.
#5 – Never Eat or Drink Food That Makes You Feel Unwell
Many of my clients have impeccable morning routines. They wake up early, they set their minds to a positive attitude, they give gratitude, and then they spend time thinking about growing their empires.
It sounds like the perfect morning, and for some it is, but for others, the tranquility and success of this morning is all but destroyed with poor nutrition habits.
They eat cereal, milk, and juice for breakfast, then wonder why they are falling asleep and no longer productive at 10 a.m. Or worse, they consume 300 calories of sugar in their morning mug of caffeine, leading to a hard crash at 11 a.m., and then in order to compensate they have more caffeine and processed foods at lunch to get “energy.”
Too many people lose the day through their diet rather than their work habits. Don’t make the same mistake.
Make a note of what you eat and how you feel. Establish cause and effect between what goes in your mouth and how you feel in your mind. (It’s a direct relation!)
When you find the right fuel for your efficiency, you can double or triple your productivity, even if you already have an effective morning routine in place.
These are the 5 secret habits missing from so many of my client’s morning routines, and possibly from yours, too. But when you follow all of these NOT to-do rules, you’ll protect yourself from the time-management pitfalls holding you back in life.
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