The riders of the apocalypse, the herolds of the end, all four of them will be found here soon enough for RP's. This blog (hopefully) will include SFW and NSFW RP's.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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He chuckled a little and lifted her off his cock, taking her into a princess carry to bring her back to his own lines. He would've thrown her over his shoulder like a common warspoil just to tease her a vkt more... but by now her belly was so cumbloated that it would probably have been uncomfortable for her.
They spend the next seven days in his wartent, on a pilw of pillows and blankezs that served at his bed. Only on the fifth day did he call for Kali to bring them some of her delicious cooking, as a reward she was the first to taste her queen and to submit to her. When she was finally exhausted, she was replaced by Tifa and Sumeragi. The two cows giving their new queen and mistress a taste of what civilization had to offer... and their milk offcourse.
On the last day it was Yang who brought the food, though it had been prepared by Winter. Krieg wanted to show off his dragon concubine to his queen. It was his last boast towards as once they had caused the little blonde to pass out from pleasure together, they too collpased into the sheets and pillows. Neither of them needed sleep... and yet they found it in one anothers arms.

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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He embraced her, nice and tight, pressing his lips against her neck before he moaned out in his own orgasm. This time the load was big enough theat he could feel the warmth through her skin... It made him chuckle a bit. He would have to ask about this other children... But for now he麓d focus on making her look 9 months pregnant, maybe he麓d even test her stamina.

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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"I would not." he admitted. "Just don't overdo it. Without the hunters, you don't want to ruin the ecosystem by flooding it with predators~" he cooed and gave her another kiss. He loved doing this, plotting and planning with a woman that could keep up with his thought even while she bounced on his massive bitchbreaker. The vision of doing this daily from now on excited him enough to bring him to the verge of orgasm...

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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"Oh but offcourse, who would be better suited to leading my harem than my beloved wife~" he muttered softly and kissed aher lips. "Just remember to keep those two seperated. Oh and also... are you sure you want to keep producing them? It麓s not like you need them to destroy the world anymore~"

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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"No, I am just not good at expressing my thoughts..." he admitted with a slight shake of his head, his hips kept thrusting now bouncing her on his lap. His orgasm was way too close for "There is nothing you have to offer me on a military, political or strategic level I couldn麓t take by force. Our factions are not equal and your realm shall become part of mine." he reminded her. "Consider yourself and your realm conquered..." he murred and locked eyes with her. "But..." he contiued before placing his forehead against hers. " ...there is no law that forbids me from taking a warpoil as my bride and crowning her as my queen." he wisperred. "WE will be equals Salem... Not as partners in an alliance but as king and queen of the same realm."

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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"Oh my dear, you are probably imagining something like me leading you arround by a leash or something, showing you off like a broken bitch?" he murred and showered her neck in kisses.
"No... a ring and you clinging to my arm when we leave os more than enough to annpunce the conquest of the Grim Queen to all of remnant...~" he moaned precum beginning to leak from his cock. "Your babybump will be the only hint at how mutch we are fucking..."

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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He chuckled. "Just because my dear brother ignores you, doesn麓t mean I can麓t redirect his gaze... Or borrow his scythe for a bit~" he said with a dark chuckle. "But no, you麓ll spend the next eternity with me~ Throning on my lap like the prized queen and mighty trophy that you are~" his words ended in a long moan and it took a moment till he could finish his promise. "No harm or grief shall befall you, no worry shall furrow your beautifull brow. That is what I offer you if you become mine... That and plenty of brainmelting bareback sex leading to as many children as you want~"

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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"Not just self doubt but denial~" he teased her kissing her throat in a small show of genuine, tender affection... though it was also a good position to tear her throat out. A reminder that conquerring and collaring her was still a possibility to him, owning her was always an option, even if it didn't come with the submission he was actually looking for.

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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"Naawww, so uncertain about your own fertility that you don't think you already are?" he teased her though his lips parted from his playfull grin into a deep moan. "But alright then... I'll keep filling you up till you are nice and round... and I'll keep topping you off to remind you of just how knocked up you are every... every day!" he moaned and met her wild bounces with more rapid thrusts.

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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"Offcourse!" the word was half shouted half moaned as she began to ride him proper. "Most women your age I麓ve met showed... as mutch skin as horny teenagers! They just did it in a more elegant way~" he grinned, thinking back to his beloved Kali or that blonde huntress he had aquired more recently and he even wasted a thought on Themis. "Especially those without offspring~" he doubled down on his theory. If Salem, THE Salem had had children, it would麓ve probably changed Remnant quite drastically... Just like his own offspring did.

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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He laughed. "You are a hag first and foremost~" he teased and gave her another kiss, now rolling his hips to meet her bouncing.
"A milf... I'll make you tonight~" he promised, another orgasm approaching for him as well.
"And a gilf... well give it atleast 20 years okay?" he asked playfully and gently bit her shoulder, wishing to mark more of her pale skin with his affection.

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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"No sutch thing as better men~" he retorted though his tone was soft and affectionate ad well. "You'll learn that in due time~" he continued before returning her kiss, his lips equally ablaze with passion. "And to be fair I didn't know you were horny... all I knew that I was... that dress and your hairstyle are quite sexy~"

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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"All warfare is based on deception~" he grinned and couldn麓t help but steal another small kiss from her lips. "Question is, what麓s the deception, the barbarian pillaging towns and branding any hot girl I see... Or the calculating general that let麓s the world most powerfull woman bounce on his cock at her own pace, letting her march into defeat at rythm of her own desires~"

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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That strength was once again demonstrated when he seperated from her oh so perfect lips. Despite yearnibg to taste her again almost immediatly, Krieg held strong. "You know... I thought the Grimm Queen would be wilder... but you fuvk more like a lonely housewife than a worldending menace~" he teased her though then his expression softened. "Is that why you wanted to end this world? To escape the lonelines?"

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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Krieg showed a wide, loving smile at that request. In between all those animalistic moans and needy wimpers that was her request. "Will you give me strong, beautifull children?" he teased her as the last twitches of her orgasm massaged his cock. His voice was warm and full of genuine affection, his ragged breath tickles against her skin even as he pounded her very core hard enough to make her limbs go numb.
Precum began leaking from his tip, though his genuine orgasm was still a while off, he already rewarded her with his warmth. His thrusts grew rougher, yet another sogn that her master was getting closer to fullfill her singular desire.
11A of the Misogyny gif list for Selvaria Bles from Krieg @thefourriders
The powerful and feared Selvaria Bles was dancing for a man. In fact, she wasn't just dancing, she was almost completely naked, only her not-entirely goen sleeves covering her arms, and she was doing a belly dance for the man. The lewd body of hers, the source of many of her insecurities, of her doubt, of her power and position, was now fully exposed to Krieg, and she was lewdly shaking it for him, showing off her lewd curves on display for him alone as she danced like he had ordered her.
Her huge breast swere swinging, her ass gyrating and shaking in an inviting primal dance as she did exactly what he had told her to, and danced the way he liked. Selvaria's body was made to breed, to be fucked and used and plowed and abused. She was amde to serve men, to serve cocks, and especially to serve Krieg's. And she was smiling happily at it. she was inviting him to fuck her, she was looking forward to being used by her master, to being fucked and knocked up.
"Please, sir." she smiled lewdly at him. "Please fuck my obscene lewd body, use me the way i'm meant to!"
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At this point, he didn麓t really want her to be just like the others. A giggling, leaking fucktoy like Sumeragi or a mindbroken worshiper like Jay Lee would simply not fit the oh so mighty grimm queen. Though she provoked him into going that far everytime she opened her mouth, that was part of the appeal. He couldn麓t forgo her intellect or pride, not just because he found both atleast a little appealing but also because it would diminish her as a trophy. He麓d have to polish her though and desire could make anyone more agreeable. That was afterall why he let her dictate the pace of her riding and only trailed his powerfull hands through her long, milkwhite hair and across her alabaster skin, he wanted more of her too.

closed starter with @a-den-of-demons
Krieg was in no way opposed to parley. Sure, he existed for violence, it was one of his favorite past times along with enjoying the spoils of war... but even the minor skirmishes with Grimm at the northern edges of his freshly conquered territory ad been tiring.
Fightibg mindless monsters was dull and even if he could feel a wider commanding mind behind their actions, the individual enemies never suprised him. It was a chore like chopping wooe, not glorious combat.
That was why he had happily agreed to a parley with their so called queen. If he could make her a vassal, he coule move all the way to the northern pole without any further annoying struggle.
Thus it was that he left his honorguard of seasoned, mindbroken huntresses, warriors and assassins behind, riding alone towards the Grimm horde to meet their Matriarch in between their forces.
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