#HongIce all the way
paty0831 · 6 months
Hongice week 2024 || Day 3
Chapter 3: Watching the other sleep
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human AU
Advertisement: A little bit of NSFW content
It's official, Emil and Li have been dating for a few months now; they are in a stable relationship. Their parents didn't object to this, as long as it didn't affect their grades at school. While Lukas and Yao did not agree, as they see their younger siblings as little children who cannot take care of themselves. Their brothers did not prevent Li and Emil from continuing their relationship; however, they were annoyed that their siblings saw them that way.
They were both at Li's house having a sleepover, eating pizza and deciding which movie to watch.
“What do you want to watch?” Li asked.
“Anything, as long as it's not something for little kids”
“Let me guess, your brother only lets you watch PG-13 movies”
“Yeah, he thinks I'm not ready to watch age-restricted movies”
“...Emil, are you thinking what I'm thinking?”
“How about, when Yao goes to sleep, we watch an adult movie?”
“Well, I don't think I'll get another chance until Lukas goes to college... OK”
Around midnight, Emil and Li went to the living room TV and searched for a 16+ movie on streaming. They found a movie whose plot was about a teenage couple who wanted to lose their virginity before graduating from high school. The film contained slightly explicit sex scenes, which caught Li and Emil's attention. At the end of the film, both felt an urge to experiment with each other, but they were not sure if the other felt the same way.
“... Did you like it?” Li asked a little shyly.
“...it wasn't bad... did you enjoy it?”
“Yes, it was a good movie”
They both remained silent for a while until they couldn't stand the urge anymore.
-Do you want to do it? - Li asked urgently.
Emil kissed Li and pulled him into his room, where they both let themselves go.
The next day they were sleeping naked in Li's bed, while their clothes were lying on the floor. The first thing Li saw when he woke up was Emil sleeping on his chest and he enjoyed that view until the latter woke up.
“Ah!" Emil was startled to see Li's face all of a sudden, "What's wrong? Why do you see me? Do I have something on my face?”
“No! Of course not, it's just... you look cute sleeping”
“Oh," Emil was flattered, "thank you”
They both got lost in each other's gaze until....
“Li,” Li's mom's voice was heard on the other side of the door, “breakfast is ready”
“... We're coming mom” Li answered, trying to pretend nothing had happened.
To be continued...
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nordickies · 1 year
You've spoken about your opinion on sufin but do you have any opinions/headcanons about other nordic shops like dennor and hongice?
I like DenNor, and I get why people ship it! But I just personally never really got into it. To me, they're so brother-coded. Or it may be just one of my delusions once again and me flipping the script. To me, Denmark is a ridiculous older brother, who likes provoking his younger siblings when he's bored and Norway is a more reasonable younger brother, who actually takes care of everything behind the scenes. Denmark is more outgoing with a lot of friends, while Norway is a bit weird and quiet loner. They're opposites, which makes them very entertaining!
Same thing with HongIce; I should be able to ship it. But it just never clicked. It also just never felt that natural. I know they have some canon interactions, but it still feels a bit pushed, y'know. Just taking two of the younger characters and shipping them together. Even shipping Indonesia and Iceland makes more sense to me, and it's something I'm way more interested in. Iceland is just such a tough character to ship anyone with regardless. I just really vibe with the idea of him being so detached from dating and not being particularly interested in the whole topic altogether. And even if he was seeing somebody, he wouldn't dare to introduce them to his family. I do, however, adore Iceland and Hong Kong as friends! They'd have a lot in common; having international friends is cute and fun, and I should make more content about it <3
But I do want to clarify this by saying that it's a me issue, not an issue with the ship itself. I still consume HongIce and DenNor content; I don't dislike the idea nor do I avoid them. I just don't have a strong opinion on the issue one way or another. And there are other relationship dynamics that I prefer with them even more. That's really the only reason why I don't ship them
I've mentioned it before but I see the Nordics as found-family. I always felt that bringing romantic feelings in there is ultimately gonna make it unnecessarily messy and awkward. Unless you're into Nordic polycule!
In my experience, shipping just takes up so much screen time. It doesn't leave a lot of room to explore other things in storytelling. I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way. Especially, when we're talking about country personifications. The world-building aside, you can use these characters to tell something meaningful about your people, compare and learn about different cultures and history. That's so much fun for me; I love seeing and researching topics like that! Storytelling-wise, romance adds drama and it has its place - but it's not going to be fun if that's all that there is
I have to confess that I don't really care about shipping anyway. I'm so out of that loop. Is it imagining two of your favorite characters kissing? Having sex? It probably means different things for different people but I just never felt particularly interested in that. However, I do like imagining and pondering when, where, and why these characters got together. How do they get along? What sort of obstacles they might have? Will they overcome those? It's not so much about thinking how they're together but when and why. But then again, I do that with all sorts of relationships; romantic, familial, parental, or platonic. That's probably why shipping is just a "whatever" topic to me. I get the same "kick" by seeing characters being best friends rather than romantic/sexual partners. But it's true; some characters just make sense as a couple. But DenNor and HongIce are just not those kinds of pairs to me
I am fascinated by people who are really into shipping though. Your minds are so intriguing. You really like the idea of that character getting railed blind and I can respect that. But this shows that people consume and think of fiction in different ways, and all of those ways are valid. So just because I don't ship your OTP, it doesn't mean anything. It doesn't even mean it's bad. I'm just one voice with one opinion! Also if people tag my posts as [ship x], whatever. You can consume and take my posts as you want <3
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coffebuns · 12 days
Genuine question, how is HongIce questionable? I've never seen anything wrong with the ship itself, so it was suprising to see it listed alongside franada and usuk. Unless I am misunderstanding (I'm not upset or anything, just genuinely curious if it's something I've missed?)
lol no i didn’t elaborate at all, thank u for asking. they’re just not soemthing Im into anymore because Im an adult now & i used to ‘ship’ them when i was also a teen. I still think they’re cute but not in the same way i used to because I’ve outgrown the appropriateness of liking them together imo 🤷‍♀️
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ama-the-weeb · 1 year
HONGICE WEEK DAY 2!!! Prompts: Modern Day Nationverse / Historical. I went for Nationverse because I had a more solid idea for it. Fic under cut! (@hongiceweek)
If there was one thing nearly all nations could agree upon, it would be that the meetings are absolutely boring. Well, that’s what Hong Kong thinks, anyway. The past few minutes of this world meeting have just been constant droning on and on about something he honestly couldn’t care less about.
Hiding his phone under the table, Hong Kong scrolls through various social media sites. Anything to give him some relief from the utterly boring meeting. Suddenly, a notification appears: a text message from Iceland.
“I can see you scrolling from here,” it says. Hong Kong holds his breath to restrain a laugh. 
“Yeah, I am, this meeting is hella boring.” Hong texts back a reply.
“Set off a distraction if you can, then we can ditch this stupid meeting,” Iceland suggests via text.
“Great idea,” Hong Kong texts back. 
For a few moments, he sits there, plotting to himself. How will he go about derailing the meeting so bad that he can easily sneak out without getting noticed? He looks around. France is a few seats in front of him. France is dramatic, isn’t he? Say, if Hong Kong threw an eraser or something at him, he would freak out, wouldn’t he?
It’s a good plan, but Hong Kong doesn’t have anything to throw… Until he looks over to the person sitting next to him. China has a tiny eraser sitting just within grabbing range. Hong quickly looks at China; he is spacing the hell out. 
As fast as he possibly can, Hong Kong grabs the eraser and throws it at France as subtly as he possibly can. The reaction is immediate as the eraser strikes France in the head. He gasps dramatically and starts yelling something in French before turning around and yelling at the poor nation who was directly behind him. The situation furtherly escalates due to the poor nation in question being none other than Italy Romano.
The on-going screaming match is a big enough distraction that Hong Kong finds that opening he needs to sneak out. Finally, he leaves the Meeting Hall of Boredom and comes face to face with Iceland, his best friend and crush. 
“Good one,” Iceland congratulates him, the smallest of smiles on his gorgeous and pale face.
“Thanks,” Hong Kong replies. “Now let’s get the hell outta here!”
With a nod, Iceland takes Hong Kong’s hand and they make their way out of the building. Hong Kong swears to himself to cherish this moment.
“So, where do you want to go?” Iceland asks as they walk down the sidewalk.
“I dunno,” Hong Kong mumbles.
Iceland sighs and awkwardly lets go of Hong Kong’s hand, his face flushing a light pink color. 
“I’m gonna check my phone and see if there’s anywhere cool nearby,” Hong Kong comments, pulling out his phone and ignoring the several text messages from his old man China. 
“Find anything?” Iceland asks after a few moments of silence. 
“There’s a park nearby, we can go and enjoy the nice weather there.”
“That sounds nice.” Iceland smiles, and Hong Kong makes an effort to burn the image into his memory.
The two of them then make their way to that park, Hong Kong guiding them and noting every turn they have to take to get there. They chat about nothing particularly important and make fun of the funny things they picked out from the boring meeting. They eventually get to the park after about 10 minutes, but it doesn’t feel like it.
“And here we are,” Hong Kong says, dragging Iceland with him into this beautiful park. 
“Wow.” Iceland sighs. “It’s really pretty.”
Hong Kong has to stop himself from saying “Just like you.”
The both of them find a nice bench to sit on. They chat and simply enjoy each other’s company.
“I’m glad we ditched the meeting together,” Iceland comments.
“Me too,” Hong Kong replies.
Their time together is interrupted by the sound of Iceland’s phone going off. He picks it up and visibly winces. After a couple of moments, he hangs up and sets his phone down. 
“That was Nore,” Iceland mumbles. “He’s mad because I vanished. We should head back now.”
“Yeah,” Hong Kong mumbles back, not wanting this moment to end just yet. “Wanna hang out more after the meeting?”
“Yeah,” Iceland answers. “I would love that.”
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darcymariaphoster · 2 years
Welcome! New Year, New Pin!
Idk how you found this space, but you're more than welcome to stay! 💕 I've somehow turned into a Hetalia/Nordic Hetalia blog, so I thought I'd better change up my pin to better reflect that.
Quick notes: I really only tag things to either gush about whatever I'm reblogging or because I believe that one day it will actually work as a functioning system that I can use to reference. So my tagging system is mostly useless to you. I rarely reblog or post anything nsfw and I haven't quite found a personal tag that will work for that, so sorry if you stumble into one of those posts.
This is a "please interact" blog! More details below! ⬇
I am an author! I have been writing fanfiction since I was 13 and I still have a lot to learn and improve upon. You can find my writing here. My top 5 fave fics that I've written this last year are (in no particular order):
Your Guardian Ghosts
Anything Goes
Finding You
I Asked for Coffee and Got You
Phantom Hearts
Ships: I am, at my core, a SuFin and DenNor shipper. However, I have also become an avid NorFin shipper, along with SuNor, SuDen, and DenFin. I have also been introduced to RomNor and ScotNor, and the people involved know that they are in the process of converting me to those ships. I'm pretty sure Iceland is aro/ace in my head because I really just don't love shipping him with anyone. (I don't hate HongIce, I just don't personally go out of my way to ship it. 🤷 Ice is just a solitary creature to me.)
This year (2023): My intention is to slow down on how many stories I write in one year. I kinda overdid it this last year, and I got burn out a couple of times. My focuses for this year are to wrap up my two almost finished wips and continue progress on my longer wip. I also have a new series I started, based off an AU I wrote in 2021 that I look forward to sharing with you! Other goals I have are to write a few more character studies and maybe expand on some of the pairings I have been exposed to, and really challenge my writing skills. There are some aspects that I feel like I've left behind recently that I'd like to bring back and hone better.
Bonus: I've decided to open my askbox this year for 1k story prompts, headcanons, refs, and some get-to-know-me's. If you have questions about my writing, writing processes, or other things about me that I haven't answered before, send them in. I'd also like to work more with 1k sprints to challenge my writing, so please send me a prompt and a pair/writing request at your leisure. I usually only write human AUs, so if you'd like any headcanons, give me a character and I'll see what I can come up with. (All of my country-verse headcanons, I feel like, are meh but I'm willing to give it a go if you want some of that, too! After all, I have done a few of them in the past.) If you want blog/artist/fic recs, lemme know!
If you made it this far, thank you for reading! And please enjoy your stay! [And don't forget that spam-liking/reblogging is not only appreciated but encouraged here!]
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lietpolski · 1 year
0 for Iceland if you're still doing these?
im SADLY still doing uni work so yes i'm still doing these asks to make it more bearable :,) oh oh but i'm excited to talk about iceland thanks for asking about him!! :DD
1) what would their social media page/activity be like: almost none! it just doesn't seem like his kinda thing u know it goes against his old man energy... but he does use social media to talk to people and keep up with what the others r up to, he just doesn't post much! except for nature pics on instagram <- i think that's canon but don't quote me on it
2) what animal they remind me of: puffin is a boring answer so i'll say he gives off cat energy!! not in a catboy way, in the clingy-but-pretending-not-to-be way
3) my thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone: LOVE his design!! i think his outfit is unique and looks so nice (if u forget the shoes). i did kinda prefer him with the blue eyes he had innnn the movie was it?? but purple looks cool! ALSO ashy-haired iceland is the only iceland to me ok!! he and finland look too much alike in the newer seasons >:(
4) physical headcanons: i think he has a rlly good sleep schedule! like we're talking,, 10pm to 6am he's insane like that. i like to think of him as just slightly shorter than nor, and taller than finland! umm this isn't a headcanon it's canon but i feel like it's an unpopular opinion on tumblr :,) but he's 17 to me! he's also on the slender side. he never had to fight the way the other nordics did, so he's a bit twiggy
5) social headcanons: yes ok!! i covered his relationship w/ denmark in that ask so i won't talk about it again. i think it's so sweet how he looks up to sweden in canon, and while i don't think he grew up close enough to him to view him as a father figure, he's kind of a dad friend to him! ice definitely values social connections a lot, but he still struggles with making them, so he pretends not to. it's been better since the internet became a thing! but u have to think about what being a preteen growing up with ur only friends being your brothers does to someone :,) he's still not the best at socializing and making friends. ALSO NOT A HC BUT I LOVE THAT HE HATES ENGLAND ITS VERY FUNNY TO ME i hc he gets all >:/ when norway talks about hanging out with england like eugh. that guy?
6) psychological headcanons: like i said i think loneliness and self-isolation are def things he's struggled with. the other nordics help a lot but ! i think especially when he was growing up he felt insecure about physically growing so much slower than everyone around him, too. he & norway are also super interesting to me! i think his whole not wanting to call him big brother thing would be more than just him wanting to look grown up (but that too!), he feels awkward being emotionally vulnerable with norway, after growing up extremely close to him but then not hearing from him at all during his formative years (when denmark had to step in). they love each other all the same, but the awkwardness in their relationship is more than just him being immature! don't get me wrong they get along though and tease each other and talk on the phone about silly things and i adore them
7) ship(s) with them that I like or at least consider: aah i like hongice a lot !! i've literally only ever found one good fic of them BUT IT WAS SO GOOD that i fell in love with them as a couple!! i also think him and luxembourg or hongice + lux would be fun!
8) made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever): aah i don't actually think i have any :,) it's not canon anymore because of him making friends with the aseans, but prior to those strips i would've called him the nordic with the least relationships outside of the group. i think he's friendly with the others around his age though! taiwan, seychelles, liechtenstein, lux, latvia! and he likes america, although he overwhelms him
9) Headcanons about their past: hrmrm in the hongice fic i mentioned he stayed in london during ww2 and i think that idea makes a lot of sense & i really like it!! the rest i've pretty much covered. i'll add that in my head he lived with norway growing up (canon is kind of contradictory, but one strip implies he lived in iceland even after he met norway). i just think it makes more sense that they wouldn't leave this kid all alone?? but it does also mean he witnessed a lot of difficult things (sweden & denmark's fights especially) so it wasn't always a happy time
10) content about them I'd like to see more of: him & denmark like i said !! also more nationverse hongice i feel like it's so rare!! and i loooove things going into the complexities of him & norway as siblings. plus anything about his young teens because we only ever see a frame of that in canon i'm p sure!!
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5577v · 2 years
masterpost for my versions of various hetalia characters i like bc i want their identities to be respected and their stories to be understood here (will be continued)
mathias (denmark); nonbinary; any pronouns
- gay
- hyperactive adhd and dyslexia (& ptsd?)
- he just like me fr... happy idiot who wouldn't hurt a fly (unless it's swedish) but also has a lot of internalized issues that he only started addressing at around the 70s/80s. she's also not exactly stupid or anything, just awful at reading tones or organizing herself. picked up smoking from his relationship with netherlands. an alcoholic but pretends they're not
- had things going on with tim/netherlands, ludwig and occassionally ber but every time she was just trying to run away from the fact that he's in love with his bestie the norwegian
lukas (norway); ???; he/she
- bi
- generalized anxiety
- it has taken him until like the 2010s that maybe raising herself as a woman for hundreds of years and enjoying it has made her might not exactly cis. also has extreme paranoia but refuses to address it. has a lot of internalized issues going on that he needs to deal with but would rather just look sexy than talk about his feelings
emil (iceland); trans guy, he/him
- ??? likes men
- ptsd and depression
- came to terms with his identity in about the 80s
- has started talking to leon in the 90s online
tino (finland); cis guy, he/him
- pan
- neurotypical
- hard of hearing/deaf
- also TONE deaf xd he always sticks his nose into other people's business and tries to "help" but isn't always exactly helping... also alcoholic no. 2
berwald (sweden); cis guy, he/him
- gay
- asd
- it's hetalia sweden what do you want
eduard (estonia); agender; they/he
- fluctuates/unlabelled
- idk tbh but probably not nt
- just living their best life out of all of them tbh. the only person without constant existential dread haunting them
raivis (latvia); cis guy, he/him
- ???
- generalized anxiety
- definitely more of an actual teen in my interpretation than the uwu-fied version of the manga. smart fella who doesn't know how to deal with having so many things expected from him. of course he fell in love with the one person who isn't expecting anything from him and instead cares about his feelings
leon (hong kong); ???; doesn't mind any pronouns, mostly he/him
- a queer mystery.......
- asd
- tbh his canon version is kinda bland i will not lie... but i still like this goofy guy. i write him as someone like mathias but more tame and less hyperactive. they're still an incredibly strange person though - i HAVE a specific personality in mind but i don't know how to describe it... like every interaction with him is just a fever dream in a way because he's really just saying things and you can't read his expression
my ships that i enjoy:
long term (in my stories) - dennor, estlat, sufin, hongice (i know it's basic i'm sorry)
short term - densu, nedden, gerden, norfin, estice
outside of those charas: gerita, gerfra, ruspru, lietpol etc etc...
i also want to clarify. i'm trans (enby) myself and either me or my hetalia friends have several of the illnesses listed, we didn't assign the characters those to make them "quirky", but because we're projecting and want to see some better representation :]
also - i barely associate them with being countries rly. i mostly see them as people living their own lives who happen to be immortal and represent their citizens, they're not bound to stereotypes or politics or anything.
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coralcatsea · 3 years
1, 4 and 9 for the salty asks?
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
HongIce: I can guess why people like it. I still don't feel like there's much of a reason to get invested – unless you specifically main one of them, I suppose.
SuFin: I wanted to like the Nordics, but I just can't seem to get into them. This ship, or at least the fanon version that was really popular for a while, always came off as pretty bland, too. I know a few more interesting traits have been added to Sweden and Finland since then, however, so it'd be nice to see if that might affect the ship in a way that would make it more interesting as well.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
PruCan: I've never cared for PruCan for as long as I can remember. I've heard all the reasoning for the ship, I just don't think it makes much sense. It's definitely a popular OTP, probably the most popular Prussia ship along with PruHun, except I can easily see why PruHun is popular whereas PruCan seems so random. I don't really understand how it got to be so high up there when there's nothing about it that really stands out in comparison to some of the other ships, but that's just my opinion. I'll give the details of why it doesn't make much sense to me if someone is interested enough to send an ask/message me, but otherwise I'll stop here since I don't want people commenting or reblogging this to explain PruCan to me. Again, I know the reasoning. I simply disagree with it.
GerIta: This one makes more sense than PruCan, but I still dislike it. I can't help perceiving their relationship as that of the dynamic between a babysitter and a kid. I don't really feel like they're on the same maturity wavelength. Imagining them genuinely connecting is difficult for me. I know there's more to Italy than just being childish and cutesy, but that's what most people seem to focus on. Now, I will say that occasionally I find some content for the ship that has potential, but the majority of the time it's not for me.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Mm...before I say anything, I want to clarify that 'dislike' in this context will mean mild annoyance or that I want to like them but am disappointed with their portrayal.
For the first category, Latvia. As a character, there's not much to him. I just find him kind of annoying and that's all.
The micronations are also in the mildly annoying category. Molossia and Seborga are probably my 'favourites', but I'm not really huge on any of them. I guess Sealand would have to be my least favourite since he gets the most screen time out of all of them, and honestly I feel like while it's cool to be informed of their existence, most of the time spent on them could be better spent on fleshing out other characters.
That leads me to the second category. Characters I want to like, but am disappointed with. Italy, Canada, and the Nordics.
Okay. Italy. Some canon and fanon moments with him ARE funny, don't get me wrong. Still, I feel like this character has so much potential that doesn't get used. His interesting sides are barely explored in favour of him being cutesy. And repetitive. There is hope, though. Italy bragged to England in one of the recent strips and that's something a little different. Maybe we'll get more stuff like that.
Then there's Canada. I will say that he has certainly gotten more fleshed out thanks to some of the later strips, but it was primarily exploring his passive aggressiveness and self-pitying. That's fine, he can have that, buuuut I feel like it should be balanced out with more of his interests and him getting along with other people. Example, I like the moment where he's excited about ninjas. I also like the strip where he and America decide to do a cooking show together.
Now for the Nordics. I wanted to like them. I really did. I was interested in the cultures, I had a book about Norway, I always thought the mythology was cool, I did a whole school project on Sweden and cooked some Swedish dessert, and – I'm going off on a tangent. The point is, I had high hopes for them and...they're kind of boring? The cultures barely got shown or talked about and their personalities don't grab my attention. I did mention that Sweden and Finland gained a little more depth after a while, but even so... I never understood the fandom hype around the Nordics. One day perhaps I can join it. One day.
And that's that! Anybody who reads this and doesn't like what I have to say, remember, we all have opinions! I'm not attempting to dictate what others can like.
Salty Ask List
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puffintalia · 4 years
How about 41 for HongIce for that drabble thingy?
41: "Wait a minute. Are you jealous?"
sorry it look so long, anon! i admit, i kinda misremembered the prompt too
this is kinda a prequel to ever fallen in love
"Admit it," Eiríkur said, glowering at his friend. His eyes were weirdly intense, glinting in a way Leon had never seen before. His eyebrow cocked as the corner of his lips stretched up. "You're jealous." 
"I am not," Leon said. What would it be like to feel those lips? What would they- no. Shake the thoughts away. Eiríkur wasn't into guys, surely. Still… He set his drink down on the table. "I just don't think you should be letting her touch you like that." 
"What's it to you?" Eiki's smirk twisted into a frown, but he waved the girl away. It was strange how much more confident he was when he was drunk. If Leon had to guess, he'd say it was that well-hidden hot-headed side finally pushing to the front, but he was far from an expert. Whatever it was, it was somehow even more attractive. 
"Nothing," Leon lied. His chest twisted as that manic grin flashed back onto Eiki's face. His cheeks were growing hotter and hotter - shit. How obvious was it? 
No. He wouldn't let himself be jealous. He was doing this out of concern for a friend. No romantic feelings whatsoever. 
He reached up to cup Eiki's face, swiping his fringe away from his eyes, feeling himself sway slightly as he moved. He leaned forward, not really sure what was going through his head. The world felt like it was floating. What time was it, even? One, two AM? He was impressed Eiki had lasted so long. He'd never been one for parties. 
Not that either of them had much experience. Sure, he'd had friends, but between Alice's constant hovering presence and the whole disaster around his sexuality, parties were… never something he'd been invited to. 
It was that thought that made him hesitate, letting his hand fall to his side. 
"What's wrong?" Eiki asked. His eyebrows furrowed. "I thought…"
Would Eiríkur push him away like they had? Leon looked up at him, his sharp features softened by the hazy lights. Listed the things he loved about him: his rare, brilliant smile, his gentle, cautious approach to everything, the light that shone in his eyes when he'd found a cool new fact about… words or literature or something. The contrast between his ripped jeans and scuffed army boots and his hand-knitted jumper, still two sizes too big for him. He was pretty, Leon would admit that, but he was more than that. For once, he'd found someone whose soul was just as golden. 
Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the excitement of his first real uni party. Maybe it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the way the world slowed to a halt, the background noise of the party faded into little more than a hum, the shitty disco lights for hire suddenly freezing, framing Eiríkur like a violet halo. 
Leon didn't think it through. In that moment, something clicked, a switch flipped in his mind. A sudden epiphany.
The next thing he knew, he had an answer to the first question. Soft, sweet, the taste of cheap vodka still lingering. He could get lost in it, could spend the rest of his life drifting in that feeling. It finally felt right. 
Eiríkur pulled back and Leon looked at the floor, feeling his cheeks redden. "I'm sorry," he said. He couldn't look him in the eye. This was it, he'd lost it all, he'd-
"You should've said," Eiki said. There it was, that precious smile. He was almost laughing - why would he be laughing? "Do you know how long I've been trying to drop hints? I mean I knew you were oblivious, but wow, Wong." 
Hints? About wh-
Eiki grinned, weaving their fingers together. He sighed and leant his head on Leon's shoulder. "I love you, Leon Wong. Even though you're an idiot." 
Leon smiled. "I love you too. Even if you're more of an idiot." 
Raising an eyebrow, Eiki feigned offence. "What did I do?" 
"Tried to make me jealous." He leant up to nuzzle his cheek. "Meanie."
"It worked, though." 
"... It did."
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liluwrites · 4 years
Happy birthday @drowning-in-dennor !!! I hope you have a wonderful day! ❤ Please accept my birthday offering of a small hongice drabble:
The thing about Emil is that he is indisputably, unquestionably, without a doubt the cutest person on this entire planet. 
There are a hundred - no, a thousand - reasons why Emil is superior to literally everyone else, and if Leon had the time, he could list every one of them: his shy smile, his soft cheeks, his beautiful lavender eyes; the way his ears go red when he eats even mild curry, the way he flushes when Leon winks at him, the way he goes limp and whiny in hot weather, sprawling himself on the floor in front of the electric fan.
They’re ordinary things, things he wouldn’t notice in anyone else, but Emil simply does them better.
Right now, Emil is wrestling with his chopsticks, holding them completely wrong (how has he even managed to twist his fingers like that?) and it’s the most adorable thing Leon has ever seen.
A lump of rice drops from Emil’s chopsticks, and he makes a noise of frustration. “Why isn’t it working?”
“You’re not holding them right, Em,” Leon says, smirking.
Emil pouts at him. “Yes I am. I’m doing exactly what it said on Wikihow.”
He laughs. “No, you’re not. Let me show you.”
He reaches across the table to guide Emil’s hands, but Emil pulls back from him, flushing. “Leon, we’re in public,” he hisses. 
“So, keep your hands to yourself.”
“Fine.” Leon shrugs, trying to hide his amusement. “If you won’t let me teach you, then…” He picks up a piece of rice with his own chopsticks and holds them across the table to Emil’s mouth. “Aah.”
Emil goes scarlet. “Leon, no. You are not feeding me in a public restaurant.”
“I guess you’ll just go hungry then.”
A long silence. Emil sighs. Then, he opens his mouth obediently and takes the mouthful of food. “Mmm.”
Leon grins. “Good?”
Rather than answering, Emil opens his mouth again eagerly, like a baby bird. Unprepared for the display of cuteness, Leon is pretty sure he suffers some kind of cardiac arrest - but, like the good boyfriend he is, he feeds Emil another spoonful of his own meal. And another, and another.
Emil is so preoccupied with eating that he doesn’t notice the spontaneous combustion occurring inside Leon’s chest - but that’s how it always is. Emil is so oblivious, he has no idea how perfect he is.
Someday, Leon will tell him. He’ll tell Emil just how much he means to him, all the tiny things that make him fall so deeply in love he can’t think of anything else, the way his heart beats to the pulse of his name. He could write it in poetry, compose it as a song, shout it high from the rooftops - but he doesn’t. Instead, he just sits with his boyfriend, feeds him, revels in the moment of closeness and love, and he lets that be enough.
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Ooh! I'm making my Hogwarts house list too and I was struggling with Hong Kong and Iceland. Wanna hear which houses you put them in!
:D what characters have you sorted into houses so far? Also I want to see that AU when it’s released 👀👀 hogwarts AUs give me life
But to answer your question:
HONG KONG: Gryffindor. First of all, I associate him with red (fireworks, firecrackers, his flag is red, plus he loves to make a bang both figuratively and literally), and second, he doesn’t really fit anywhere else in my head. He’s rebellious, loves pranks, doesn’t care about following the rules if the rules are unjust, loves taking risks, even if it results in failure, motto for living life is probably “yolo”, he has a lot of gryffindor spirit. And even though he’s not innocent (I think his experience under England definitely wasn’t bad and way better than other colonies, and he grew rapidly during that time, but he was still a kid and really lonely at first, not to mention disoriented and sorta confused), he still has an idealistic take on the world. He believes that things will be better, people just have to work towards it. And even though he sometimes despairs that Karens and homophobic, transphobic, racist bitches (I guess in an HP AU this would be people who hate Muggleborns but whatever) won’t change no matter how hard he tries, he keeps on being awesome and trying to make the world a better place (think Justice, a core Gryffindor ideology).
ICELAND: Hufflepuff, I can’t really see him anywhere else? There’s a really good argument for Ravenclaw here (I considered him a Ravenclaw because of that until I started actually thinking about it myself), but to me, he’s not eccentric or scholarly enough to be a Ravenclaw, a house that tends to own its individuality and odd quirks. Like his whole persona is built around conformity and not trying to stand out (although it doesn’t work), but he doesn’t own the parts of himself that are different from others and I don’t think that’s a Ravenclaw thing. He’s also very externally motivated (cares about other’s opinions of him), while both Ravens and Hufflepuffs are internally motivated, but: he’s not really “special” in any way, I don’t think he has too much “innate talent” and is more of a well rounded person due to working at things he wants to get better at, and definitely is loyal to the core to people he loves. He’s really trustworthy because he treats people’s secrets seriously; he knows how personal it is to reveal something you hide and really loves being someone important enough to confide in, it gives him a sense of closeness and approval (pls help me find a better word). Also he might not be patient and really hates waiting, but he wants everybody to have a chance at succeeding (fairness) and does his best to make sure people are included (he feels really awkward tho but it’s okay, his heart’s in the right place) because he knows what it’s like to feel like an outsider.
Edit: also I think they’d (if this is a HongIce Pottertalia AU) have an interesting dynamic with their respective houses; Iceland feeling like he’s too “boring” for Hong Kong, since the Gryffindors are typically like the “cool kidz at school” while Hufflepuff is often overlooked for being not special, and it just exacerbates Ice’s self esteem issues, what he’s always wanted is to blend in, but not to be unrecognizable, to be a nobody. Hhhh potential for lots of angst and misunderstanding.
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paty0831 · 5 months
Hongice week 2024 || Day 7
Chapter 7: Final
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human AU
Warning: Mention of NSFW
It was Saturday morning, the Asian family was having breakfast. They were all talking, but Li wasn't paying attention.
“What are your plans for today?” asked their mother.
“I wanted to take my brothers to karaoke, to cheer Li up. He's been very depressed," said Yao.
“It's OK, Li's situation is worrying," their mother replied.
“Did you hear that Li?” Yong Soo said, touching Li with his elbow, "We're going to karaoke”
“Wait, what?” Li reacted, realising what was going on.
“We're going to karaoke, pay attention," replied Yong Soo.
“Well, have fun”
“You too” said Mei.
“Why? I don't want to go”
“To make you feel better. You've been depressed lately,” added Mei.
“I don't want to sing”
“Come on Li,” Yao interjected, “Food's on me”.
“...well," said Li unconvinced.
When Li and his siblings arrived at the karaoke, Li was surprised to see Emil there, accompanied by Mathias and Lukas.
“Li?” Emil was equally surprised.
“What a coincidence," said Li rather cheerfully.
“Not exactly," said Yong Soo.
“I knew how much you missed Li," said Lukas turning to Emil, "so I called Mathias”
“And I texted Yao to meet again," added Mathias.
“So we agreed to meet here and decided to surprise you," said Yao.
“Thank you very much," said Emil smiling.
“Thank you," said Li gratefully.
Emil and Li hugged each other tightly and kissed for a minute.
“I'm glad to know that you still love me," said Emil.
“Of course I love you. I will always love you”
“Me too”
“How about singing a duet for us?” said Mei.
“Yes! To share an experience together,” added Mathias.
“I don't know, I have stage fright,” said Emil.
“Come on Emil,” said Li to encourage Emil, “Besides we probably won't do something together again for a long time”
“OK, but I'm only doing it for you,” he said referring to Li, “and I don't want anyone to laugh at me. It's my first time”
They all nodded, although Emil knew Mathias and Lukas wouldn't laugh at him anyway.
“What do you want to sing?” asked Li.
“...do you know the song "I don't want to miss a thing" by Aerosmith?”
“Yeah, I know it. It's a good one”
That said, Li and Emil went on stage and sang the song as a duet. Li sang the first verse, Emil joined him during the chorus. During the second verse Li fell silent, allowing Emil to sing it alone; Emil noticed this, but did not want to make a fool of himself by remaining silent, so he continued. Afterwards, the two sang the rest of the song together. At the end of the song, they both received applause from the rest.
“Well, I enjoyed it," said Emil smiling, which surprised Lukas and Mathias, as he doesn't smile often.
“Yeah, me too”
“Hey,” said Mathias, “We have a lot of time, we can sing more songs and then we can go to other places”
That said, the whole group stayed for an hour at the karaoke and then went to an amusement park, where they split into groups. Yao, Yong Soo and Mei went their way, Mathias, Lukas went their way, and Li and Emil went their way. This allowed Li and Emil to spend time together as a couple: they went to attractions such as the Ferris wheel and the tunnel of love. Afterwards they both went for candyfloss and sat down together to chat; first they caught up with each other, then they decided to change the subject.
“Do you think we can have a long-distance relationship?” said Emil.
“We could try, I don't think it will turn out bad if we try hard... I just hope it doesn't turn out bad like in Romeo and Juliet”
“Maybe it shouldn't end like that... you know, I had a dream that we were figure skaters, our families were at odds, but we defied your parents and ended up together, but when we wanted to talk to our parents I woke up. We were together anyway despite your parents' complaints”
“Your dream was better than mine. I dreamt a sort of Romeo and Juliet in the middle ages, which ended tragically... I can't believe that in your dream we defied my parents”
“Yes, we did, and when I woke up I wondered if it might be possible for us to be together again”
“Maybe so," said Li.
The next morning, the table was ready for breakfast. The whole family was there, or almost the whole family, only Emil was missing. His mother went upstairs to wake him up, but she got a shock...
“Emil is not here!”
Emil's dad got scared and ran upstairs, Lukas came up after him.
When they saw this, both parents decided to get ready to go out and look for him. Lukas stayed behind in case Emil came back. As soon as they left, Lukas called Emil to ask where he was.
“Emil, where are you? Mom and dad are worried, they're out looking for you”
“I'm sorry Lukas, but I can't reveal my location. I'll just tell you that this is the only way that Li and I can be together”
“Of course not, there must be another way. You just have to think for a while”
“Don't you think we have already looked for another way to be together? This is the only solution we could find”
“Please Emil, come home. Here we will help you to think of something”
“...I'll think about it,” saying this, Emil hung up.
Lukas was worried about his brother; he hoped that he would consider it and come home.
At Li's house, his family was also worried, as Li was missing. His parents went out to look for him anyway, while Yao, Yong Soo and Mei stayed behind.
“I think Li ran away with Emil to start a new life somewhere else," said Mei.
“I'd say you got that from one of your romantic movies, but I think you're right, why else would he run away?” added Yong Soo.
“We have to find out where he is," said Yao, upset, "He could be somewhere dangerous”
“So that mom and dad can catch him? Better not," said Yong Soo.
“I didn't say anything about ratting him out; I just want to know where he is so I can help him”
Then Yao took out his phone and called Li.
“Calm down Yao, I'm fine”
“Yes, but where are you?”
“I'm not in a dangerous place; do you think I'm an idiot?”
“I know you're not, but I won't calm down if you don't tell me”
“Well, I'll just tell you that we're safe. Bye, I have to go”
“Don't hang... - Li hung up before Yao finished the sentence.
“Li, I'm not entirely sure this is a good idea," said Emil uncertainly.
“You'll see that it is”
“I have a feeling they're going to find us quickly”
“I don't think so. Everything is going according to plan; we just don't have to tell anyone where we are”
“The plan isn't even well thought out, you improvised it yesterday and I don't know how you convinced me”
“It's just that you love me and you didn't want us to stay apart”
“Well, yes, and now what's next?”
Their parents searched all day, their siblings tried to call them again, but they did not answer. Both families were worried. Emil's parents went to the police headquarters to speak to the chief:
“I'm sorry, but a person cannot be considered missing until 24 hours have passed,” the chief told them.
“We're talking about a minor! What if something bad happens to him in the course of the night?” Emil's father replied, upset.
“It's the law”
“Please help us, officer," pleaded Emil's mother.
“I can't…” she heard a knock on the door, “Come in”.
“Excuse me, officer," said the receptionist opening the door, "but there's a couple who insist on talking to you”
 “Yes, send them in. We're done here”
The receptionist let the couple in, who were Li's parents.
“Officer, we are desperate, our son Li is missing," said Li's mother in despair. Emil's parents heard that as they walked out, which got them thinking.
Li's parents were leaving the headquarters in annoyance and Emil's parents intercepted them:
“Is your son missing too?” asked Emil's mother.
“Yes," said Li's father in surprise, "Yours too?”
“Yes, and we think the boys might be together," replied Emil's father. Li's parents realised that it was true.
“I know we have our differences, but we should work together to find the boys, since the police won’t help us”
Li's parents hesitated for a moment, but in the end, they agreed.
Li and Emil's parents spread out in different parts of the city to search for their sons, and asked their closest friends to help them cover more ground, including Mathias' parents. Hours passed and there was no sign until Mathias' father arrived at a gas station on the outskirts of town, where one of the employees told him he had seen Li and Emil:
“Yes, I remember them. They came here; they asked me to look after their bikes while they went into the store for food”
“And did you see where they went when they left?”
“That way," he said pointing to the road, implying that they were fleeing the city.
“Thank you very much”
Afterwards, Mathias' father told the others.
Li and Emil are on the road walking, as they got tired of cycling. They found a sign that said the nearest town was 20 km away.
“Li, I still don't think it's a good idea”
“Of course it is. We're pretty far away”
“Yeah, but at this rate we'll get to the next town by night”
“Well, all right. It wasn't a good idea, but what do we do about our parents? They'll surely separate us forever”
Emil was sad to remember that.
“I'm sorry Emil, I just wanted to be with you, even if it meant running away from home, moving to another town and starting a new life”
“Do you know why I followed you even though your plan is absurd? Because I love you and I would do anything to be with you”
They hugged each other and decided to go ahead with their plan. They kept walking until a car approached that Li recognised immediately, it was his father's car.
“Emil, I think they found us. Let's go"
As the two were about to get on their bikes to go, the car parked in front of them. Afterwards, Li and Emil's moms came out, who were upset and ordered them to get in the car. They, knowing that they already were in too much trouble, decided to get in without arguing. In the car, their parents scolded them:
“What were you thinking boys, we were very worried!” said Emil's mother.
“I'm sorry mom,” said Emil apologetically.
“That's not enough! They deserve to be grounded,” said Li's mom, “Li, you are forbidden to talk to that boy again. We'll make sure you’ll lose all contact with him”
“That's enough, Mom!” said Li on the verge of tears, “It's been enough punishment being away from him for a year! That's why we ran away! Because we don't want to be separated for another minute!”
“That boy is a bad influence on you!”
“Wait a minute! My son is not a bad influence!” said Emil's mother.
“Yes, mom! Emil is not bad! Besides...! I was the one who incited him to run away,” Li said that last part in embarrassment.
“Yes, this was all my idea. Emil is not to blame, just for loving me too much to follow me... But mom, I don't want to be separated from Emil again”
“I love Li too," said Emil, "I love him very much, it was his idea to escape, but I followed him because I don't want to be separated from him again either”
“...if we let them get back together, they would do bad things at night again," said Li's mother.
“We didn't do anything wrong that night. I just went to sleep at his house”
“Yeah, plus we promised Lukas we wouldn't do that”
“What? Lukas already knew?” said Emil's mother in surprise.
Both families arrived at Emil's house, consulted with Lukas about what had happened and he told them what had happened, and Li and Emil confessed that they had already had sex before what had happened with Lukas. Li's parents realised that Li and Emil were willing to give up these practices in order not to be separated. After hours of discussion, Li and Emil's parents decided that they would no longer separate them, but that they would be punished for running away. Li and Emil had their phones taken away for a month; however, Li returned to the same school as Emil so they could see each other more often. They did not resume sexual activity until after school.
Their relationship lasted for a long time. They both entered the same university and after graduating they got married. Today, they live in a house in the suburbs, where they live a quiet life with their children.
The end
@hongiceweek Sorry, I'm late
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askfantasydennor · 4 years
Mathias: Hello? Is this thing on?
Tumblr media
Mathias: Woohoo! It's working!
Lukas: ...hi. I apologise for my boyfriend. He can be... the equivalent of an excitable puppy at times.
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Mathias: Thank you!
Lukas: *sigh* Anyway, send us in an ask. It can be anything: the species/abilities of our friends, our favourite food or our plan to take down the government before they kill all us magical folk.
Mathias: Exactly! Send in some asks and we'll see you soon!
Admin: Hello and welcome to the Ask Fantasy DenNor blog! This directly corresponds with my Wattpad/fanfiction.net fanfic 'Underneath the Mask'.
- Asks must be relevant to this blog
- If you want to send me a question start it with 'hey Admin' or something like that.
- Specify who the ask is for first. It will be mainly Dennor but other characters will make an appearance too and there will be times when you can ask them something.
- No NSFW. At. All.
- There are specific ships in this AU: Dennor, UsUk, PruCan, HongIce, RoBul, GerIta, Spamano, SuFin, RoChu, LietPol, AusHun and TaiViet.
- This is also a soulmate AU. Each magical species has a different way on knowing who their soulmate is. Only a few couples know that they are soulmates. I will specify more on this later.
I think that's it! So please send in some asks!
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mayflowers07 · 5 years
Hetalia ships described in the simplest way possible
Gerita: “Wait have we ever met before?”
Spamano: Red as a tomato
Prucan: Lonely brothers
Pruaus: Du bist eine verdammte Fotze
Aushun: She wears the pants in the relationship and damn she looks amazing in them
Usuk: Time for another round of everyone’s favourite game: DOES THIS COUNT AS INCEST?
Franada: Only exists to match USUK let’s be real
Fruk: So! Many! Wars! Can you keep your sexual tension to yourself please and thank you
Rusame: Which economic system is good and which is an evil virus of Satan?
Rochu: Does red symbolize love or communism? Jokes on you it’s both
Ameripan: Otakus unite!!!
Giripan: Gets a lot of pussy 😏
Sufin: “WE’RE NOT MARRIED... anyway here’s our two kids, our dog-“
Dennor: Any Alexander Rybak song
Hongice: What do you mean they don’t have any canon or historical interactions?
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disaster-fruit · 4 years
Do you have any ship that bothers you? Maybe because it doesn’t make sense or just a excuse for another ship? (For both LH and Hetalia)
Oookay, lets see
This is just my opinion and it’s not at all intended as an attack to ships or shippers, ship whatever you want yadda yadda yadda
I mentioned before, but any relationship that could be read having one character raising the other since childhood bother me. So UsUk, Spamano, Franada, etc are a huge no for me. Also anything involving Colony/Colonizer.
Some random ships make me go ?? and its not that they bother me but i just don’t get why people would ship them at all… Like PruCan for example, I just….. don’t get it. It’s so random ???? But then I remember I kinda like HongIce which is exactly that in the sense that it makes no historical sense, so hm, I’m a hypocrite. But mostly I like my ships to have long, heart wrenching HISTORY together.  
But… there are limits. AmeViet for example is a ship that shares history but it’s a history I don’t want in any way to be molded to something romantic. In LH I think the only ship that would be a big no for me would be BraPar, for the same reasons.
(Buuut if im being honest, I sometimes get the impressions BrUru is very much “ship as an excuse to other ship” lol. And its not even that I dislike bruru, and actually I think this impression I have is probably wrong, so don’t @ me ahduahus)
I don’t want to start any discourse or anything, these are just my opinions and they come from reasons and interpretations many won’t share, I’m not in favor of ship bashing, etc, etc, etc.  
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Am I allowed to ask mun about things? If yes what about SuFin? I've only seen DenNor, SuNor and HongIce on your blog-
The narrative isn’t too much ship based at all. Basically a lot of the “ships” are important to the overall narrative rather than ship content. Norway’s relationship with Denmark will be developing further, as they distance. The pairing between characters you see now might not be showing up in future updates for the sake of the story advancing and relationships developing.
As for SuFin. I wouldn’t expect much. Sweden and Finland treat each other as best friends, like blood brothers in a way. I don’t see Finland being romantically inclined with anyone for he’s a very very hard working man. He doesn’t find the time, neither does Sweden at moments.
//Mun is totally cool with any questions btw I don’t bite guys.
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