#Hong Kong legal risk
panchitacarmensita · 8 months
Aligning Corporate Strategy with Legal and Regulatory Standards in Hong Kong
When establishing and growing a company in Hong Kong, it is vital that business leaders factor in the region's complex legal and regulatory environment into strategic planning. Failure to adhere to employment ordinances, tax codes, intellectual property laws and other standards can undermine your entire China/HK growth agenda. This article provides best practices on aligning organizational strategy with key compliance benchmarks.
Start by Building a Legal/Regulatory Risk Profile
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Gather input from your Hong Kong legal advisors on the primary laws and regulations that will impact core business functions based on your growth roadmap. Recruit specialists for insights across domains – an employment lawyer to advise on ordinances around pay, working conditions and termination requirements; a corporate attorney familiar with documentation needs as outlined under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO); and a team with nuanced understandings around taxation in Hong Kong/Mainland China.
Emphasize Governance and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
With your risk map complete detailing major compliance pressure points around formation, sales, trading, hiring, operations and more, use this framework to drive governance moves that harden the organization against illegal or unethical actions. Expand procedures around everything from acquiring entities in China to information sharing standards that prevent insider trading incidents that might imperil your HK stock listing. Appoint board oversight committees on ethics and regulatory policy.
Monitor Regulatory Trends Proactively
Laws and policies do not remain static – from 2023 increases to statutory severance pay to tightening rules against monopolistic practices among Mainland businesses by the State Administration for Market Regulation, regulations shift frequently. Continuously follow key policy proposals and moves by agencies like InvestHK, while participating in trade associations that can help represent your interests in government discourses.
Align Business Objectives with Compliance Mandates
Finally, let mandatory requirements guide corporate strategy itself by identifying opportunities. With crackdowns on corruption and tax evasion, build competitive advantage via best practices in transparency and disclosure around transactions, modeling anti-bribery across China operations. Where competitors resist minimum wage increases or workplace improvements, embrace these to attract top talent across Hong Kong and Shenzhen centers tapping young professional desire for purpose-driven leadership.
By viewing ongoing legal and regulatory reform as intrinsic to strategy rather than counterweights to growth, foreign companies can sustainably thrive across Hong Kong and mainland China's vast ecosystem, while accelerating competitive edge, financial performance and positive societal impact.
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darkautomaton · 8 months
Corporate Secretary in navigating legal and regulatory frameworks in Corporate Hong Kong
In the bustling corporate landscape of Hong Kong, the Corporate Secretary emerges as a pivotal figure. This professional's expertise lies in guiding companies through the complex maze of legal and regulatory requirements. In Hong Kong, a global financial hub, the importance of this role is magnified due to the stringent regulatory environment.
The Corporate Secretary ensures compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations, a critical task in Hong Kong's dynamic business environment. They are the custodians of corporate governance, ensuring that the company's operations align with legal standards and ethical norms. Their role extends beyond mere compliance; they also provide valuable counsel to the board of directors, influencing strategic decisions.
Advising on corporate governance is another key aspect of the Corporate Secretary's role. They stay abreast of changes in laws and regulations, ensuring that the company adapts swiftly to new requirements. This includes overseeing corporate policies, managing risk, and ensuring that the board's decisions are implemented effectively and legally.
In the realm of shareholder engagement, the Corporate Secretary plays a crucial role. They facilitate communication between the board and shareholders, ensuring transparency and fostering trust. This includes organizing annual general meetings, managing shareholder queries, and maintaining shareholder records. Their role is vital in enhancing investor relations and protecting shareholder interests.
Moreover, the Corporate Secretary is instrumental in corporate transactions. They oversee due diligence processes, manage regulatory filings, and ensure that all corporate actions are in compliance with legal requirements. Whether it's mergers, acquisitions, or divestitures, their expertise is indispensable in navigating these complex transactions smoothly.
In conclusion, the Corporate Secretary in Hong Kong is a linchpin in ensuring that companies navigate the legal and regulatory frameworks effectively. Their role is multifaceted, encompassing compliance, governance, shareholder relations, and transactional support. As Hong Kong continues to evolve as a global financial center, the importance of the Corporate Secretary in steering companies through this landscape cannot be overstated.
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moosemonstrous · 9 months
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - bottle it up
“Oh Lord, he’s twelve,” Maria mutters under her breath. Carol elbows her in the side. “I didn’t know he was an actual child!”
“He’s nearly nineteen,” she says and immediately winces. Maria’s eyebrows travel all the way to her hairline. “Shut up.”
“Nearly nineteen? And you signed off on this?”
“We were both his age when we joined up.”
“Yeah, to a boot camp! Not to punch demons in the face!”
Carol refuses to sound like a middle-aged man defending his choice of a date. “Don’t make it weird.”
“It’s already weird!” Maria lowers her voice when Ivanov gives them an unimpressed look from across the control room. “It is! And even if he wasn’t barely legal, remember what happened with Spector?”
Carol smiles at Scott, who hates when people are whispering around him because God forbid anyone has a conversation that doesn’t directly involve him. Which is kind of a mean thing to think about a co-worker, but someone cleared out the fridge in the rangers’ quarters and Carol isn’t getting her yoghurts back until the next shipment comes in. Shatterdome catering isn’t big on dairy.
“Victoria said there are no indications in his scans,” she says as quietly as she can without actually whispering.
“Well, there are no indications Maximoff is a dick, and we all know the truth about that.”
“Captains,” Ivanov clears his throat. “I see you are ready to join the discussion.”
“Aren’t you going to introduce the new guy?” Carol can hear Maria bite her tongue on ‘kid’. This is why she never comes along to the strategy meetings.
And this one is a lot more crowded than usual. Tony thinks they’re on the brink of seeing a Cat-5, so ever since the destruction of Horizon Bravo it’s all hands on deck, every time. They have a full complement of comm and monitoring officers at every available station, instead of the usual skeleton crew. With their newest addition comes Amadeus, even though he has a history of being kicked out for being disruptive. All the excitement of the last few days must have gotten to him, though, because he’s merely scrolling through the news feeds rather than actively winding up the Romeos.
Who are standing on opposite sides of the room and very obviously not on speaking terms. Great. Hopefully the prospect of hazing the new guy will unite them before go time.
“This is Robbie Reyes, joining us with Hell Charger,” Ivanov says. Reyes stands next to him like it’s taking his entire spine not to hide under the table. “Which is why we need to talk tactics, if you’re quite ready.”
The thing is, the Hong Kong jaegers got pretty good at figuring things out as they’ve gone along. They might not all have liked each other, but they were a good team. Only Qi and Qiao are no more, and the whole debacle with core replacements grounded the triplets for the second demon in a row. They can’t have a rotation, they don’t have enough firepower, and now they are getting a solo pilot who should, as the kids say, be at the club instead. Everyone around Carol is getting younger and more fragile by the second, and it’s starting to feel like she has an expiration date.
Or maybe she’s just grumpy because Clint hasn’t even tried to pretend he isn’t hiding something when they spoke. Or because she doesn’t like Tony messing with a tried and tested formula again, like every previous attempt didn’t end in tears. Or because Ivanov has always been so damn careful, it puts her on edge when he starts to take stupid risks like this. Or because she didn’t tell Maria exactly how young Reyes was, because she knows it’s too young and has no idea what to do about it-- Take a pick, apparently.
Maria silently squeezes her elbow.
“We are at T plus five hours, and the lookout confirmed the demon is heading west of the Breach.” Ivanov points to the screen showing air footage of a trail of bubbles on the surface of the ocean. The screen below is a heat signature – a big one. “Our readings show a category four, two and a half thousand feet. Special properties as of yet unknown, but Miss Grey is monitoring for any tells.”
Jean waves a hand from over her station. “The press already have a name, Razorback,” she says, never taking her eyes off the reports coming in. “A private underwater drone recorded an extended lumbar vertebrae.”
Pietro chuckles. “The devil works fast, but the press works faster.”
“That’s no way to refer to Miss Walters, Corporal.”
“Could really use Typhoon with this one,” Alex huffs in the general direction of the Weis. The triplets all shrug simultaneously – what can you do? Crimson Typhoon is one of the oldest jaegers still going, so it was naturally the first candidate for extensive repairs. “And now we have an experimental rookie to watch out for.”
“He has you beat at sim scores, Summers B,” Amadeus points out. “Although I guess that’s not hard.”
To his credit, Alex doesn’t lose his temper immediately. “Who invited the nerd again?”
“He’s here to monitor Hell Charger’s output,” Ivanov says.
“And Major Brooks’s recommendation is that Mr Reyes stands back to guard the Miracle Mile while Coyote Tango, Romeo Blue and Eden Assassin take on the demon.” Uh oh, Amadeus is using proper titles. “So this last-minute switch-up nonsense puzzles me a little, Colonel.”
“Merely a proposal. Put forward by Corporal Maximoff, to give proper credit.”
“As a joke,” Wanda cuts in. Pietro doesn’t deny it, which means it probably wasn't and he’s using his sister to get out of having to admit it's a terrible idea. “Assassin doesn’t do well with small targets.”
Ivanov wasn’t really going to put them on beastie defence, was he? Stuck between the Colonel and Cho, Reyes seems to alternate between wanting to shrink and puff up. With that eye still bruised – it’s really taking an awful long to heal – he looks like someone beat him up behind the bleachers. When Carol glances at Maria, she can already tell what’s on her mind. “No,” she hisses.
“What? I didn’t say anything.”
Ivanov is clearly sick of the chatting. “Do you have a suggestion, Captain Danvers?”
Carol shoots Maria one last look before turning to the Colonel. “Just that we should stick with Eric’s plan. Hell Charger is still largely untested.” And you can’t hit the kill switch outside of a five hundred mile radius, but she’s not going to be the one to mention it out loud. “I’ve seen Reyes wipe the floor with the recruits, I’m sure he can handle the vermin.”
Oh god, is he blushing? Carol just knows the next family dinner will have a new guest. And when Maria hears about the baby brother, too...
Jean raises her hand to get everyone’s attention. “It’s emerging,” she says. “Changed course towards Taipei. Fourteen hours until contact, Khatyrka confirms they are standing back.”
“We better get ahead of it, then.” Fourteen hours always sounds longer than it really is when you account for final checks and transport times. “Eden Assassin on point, us and Romeo Blue on flanks?”
Maybe because they have a rookie on board, or maybe to get it all over with, for once nobody tries to argue just for the sake of it. Ivanov brings up the map of the Philippine Sea onto the table screen to pin locations down and each team’s respective air support officer descends around it to sort out the logistics.
As the rangers start filing out to get their kit going, Carol can’t help but notice that Reyes seems to be meeting his ASO for the first time. She stays back to watch him for a moment – she can’t imagine getting into a jaeger on her own. It’s better that he’s nervous rather than cocky–
Then, Ivanov puts a hand on the kid’s shoulder, and just for a moment his expression changes from mildly confused to positively murderous.
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humanrightsupdates · 6 months
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A Chinese transgender activist due to be released tomorrow after serving a prison sentence in Hong Kong will be at grave risk of persecution if she is deported to mainland China. She must instead be allowed to remain in Hong Kong or travel to another destination, Amnesty International urged today.
Lai Ke (also known as Xiran) was convicted in Hong Kong of using “forged” documents to attempt to travel from China to Canada via the city last year, according to friends of hers who have followed the case closely. She will complete her sentence on March 2 and faces imminent removal to mainland China, where her friends say she faced harassment by police prior to leaving in May 2023.
Lai Ke had been a vocal advocate for transgender rights in China alongside her partner. According to her friends, her partner was imprisoned in China in June 2023 on account of her own activism and her transgender identity.
“There is a very real risk that Lai Ke will face persecution – including further imprisonment – if she is returned to mainland China,” said Sarah Brooks, Amnesty International’s China Director. “The Hong Kong authorities must urgently clarify Lai Ke’s pending immigration status. As she is due to be released after serving her sentence, authorities must free her without conditions and allow her to travel onwards to a destination feasible for her. In any event, the authorities must allow Lai Ke to legally challenge any deportation order following her release after serving her sentence.” (Human Rights Watch)
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TODAY (May 14), I'm on a livecast about AI AND ENSHITTIFICATION with TIM O'REILLY; on TOMORROW (May 15), I'm in NORTH HOLLYWOOD for a screening of STEPHANIE KELTON'S FINDING THE MONEY; FRIDAY (May 17), I'm at the INTERNET ARCHIVE in SAN FRANCISCO to keynote the 10th anniversary of the AUTHORS ALLIANCE.
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#20yrsago England’s love affair with the utility bill https://web.archive.org/web/20040706124142/https://cede.blogspot.com/2004_05_01_cede_archive.html#108455091554008455
#20yrsago RIAA’s funny bookkeeping turns gains into losses https://web.archive.org/web/20040607052730/http://www.kensei-news.com/bizdev/publish/factoids_us/article_23374.shtml
#20yrsago Read this and understand the P2P wars https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=532882
#15yrsago Sarah Palin’s legal team doesn’t understand DNS https://www.huffpost.com/entry/crackhocom-sarah-palins-n_n_202417
#15yrsago Was 1971 the best year to be born a geek? https://www.raphkoster.com/2009/05/14/the-perfect-geek-age/
#15yrsago Charlie Stross on the future of gaming http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2009/05/login_2009_keynote_gaming_in_t.html
#15yrsago UK chiropractors try to silence critic with libel claim https://gormano.blogspot.com/2009/05/two-things.html
#10yrsago Cable lobbyists strong-arm Congresscritters into signing anti-Net Neutrality petition https://web.archive.org/web/20140527030122/http://www.freepress.net/blog/2014/05/12/tell-congress-dont-sign-cable-industry-letter-against-real-net-neutrality
#10yrsago London property bubble examined https://timharford.com/2014/05/when-a-man-is-tired-of-london-house-prices/
#5yrsago A year after Meltdown and Spectre, security researchers are still announcing new serious risks from low-level chip operations https://www.wired.com/story/intel-mds-attack-speculative-execution-buffer/
#5yrsago Jury awards $2b to California couple who say Bayer’s Roundup weedkiller gave them cancer https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/14/business/bayer-roundup-verdict/index.html
#5yrsago AT&T promised it would create 7,000 jobs if Trump went through with its $3B tax-cut, but they cut 23,000 jobs instead https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/05/att-promised-7000-new-jobs-to-get-tax-break-it-cut-23000-jobs-instead/
#5yrsago DOJ accuses Verizon and AT&T employees of participating in SIM-swap identity theft crimes https://www.vice.com/en/article/d3n3am/att-and-verizon-employees-charged-sim-swapping-criminal-ring
#5yrsago Collecting user data is a competitive disadvantage https://a16z.com/the-empty-promise-of-data-moats/
#5yrsago Three years after the Umbrella Revolution, Hong Kong has its own Extinction Rebellion chapter https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3010050/hong-kongs-new-extinction-rebellion-chapter-looks
#5yrsago Lawyer involved in suits against Israel’s most notorious cyber-arms dealer targeted by its weapons, delivered through a terrifying Whatsapp vulnerability https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/13/technology/nso-group-whatsapp-spying.html
#5yrsago The New York Times on Carl Malamud and his tireless battle to make the law free for all to read https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/13/us/politics/georgia-official-code-copyright.html
#1yrago Google’s AI Hype Circle https://pluralistic.net/2023/05/14/googles-ai-hype-circle/
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mariacallous · 1 year
Earlier this month, several prominent outlets carried news that artificial intelligence will not pose a danger to humanity. The source of this reassuring news? A bunch of humanoid robot heads connected to simple chatbots.
The news stories sprang from a panel at a United Nations conference in Geneva called AI for Good, where several humanoids appeared alongside their creators. Reporters were invited to ask questions to the robots, which included Sophia, a machine made by Hanson Robotics that has gained notoriety for appearing on talk shows and even, bizarrely, gaining legal status as a person in Saudi Arabia.
The questions included whether AI would destroy humanity or steal jobs. Their replies were made possible by chatbot technology, somewhat similar to that which powers ChatGPT. But despite the well-known limitations of such bots, the robots’ replies were reported as if they were the meaningful opinions of autonomous, intelligent entities.
Why did this happen? Robots that can visually mimic human expressions trigger an emotional response in onlookers because we are so primed to pick up on such cues. But allowing what is nothing more than advanced puppetry to disguise the limitations of current AI can confuse people trying to make sense of the technology or of recent concerns about problems it may cause. I was invited to the Geneva conference, and when I saw Sophia and other robots listed as “speakers,” I lost interest.
It’s frustrating to see such nonsense at a time when more trustworthy experts are warning about current and future risks posed by AI. Machine learning algorithms are already exacerbating social biases, spewing disinformation, and increasing the power of some of the world’s biggest corporations and governments. Leading AI experts worry that the pace of progress may produce algorithms that are difficult to control in a matter of years.
Hanson Robotics, the company that makes Sophia and other lifelike robots, is impressively adept at building machines that mimic human expressions. Several years ago, I visited the company’s headquarters in Hong Kong and met with founder David Hanson, who previously worked at Disney, over breakfast. The company’s lab was like something from Westworld or Blade Runner, with unplugged robots gazing sadly into the middle distance, shriveled faces flopped on shelves, and prototypes stuttering the same words over and over in an infinite loop.
Hanson and I talked about the idea of adding real intelligence to these evocative machines. Ben Goertzel, a well-known AI researcher and the CEO of SingularityNET, leads an effort to apply advances in machine learning to the software inside Hanson’s robots that allows them to respond to human speech.
The AI behind Sophia can sometimes provide passable responses, but the technology isn’t nearly as advanced as a system like GPT-4, which powers the most advanced version of ChatGPT and cost more than $100 million to create. And of course even ChatGPT and other cutting-edge AI programs cannot sensibly answer questions about the future of AI. It may be best to think of them as preternaturally knowledgeable and gifted mimics that, although capable of surprisingly sophisticated reasoning, are deeply flawed and have only a limited “knowledge” of the world.
Sophia and company’s misleading “interviews” in Geneva are a reminder of how anthropomorphizing AI systems can lead us astray. The history of AI is littered with examples of humans overextrapolating from new advances in the field.
In 1958, at the dawn of artificial intelligence, The New York Times wrote about one of the first machine learning systems, a crude artificial neural network developed for the US Navy by Frank Rosenblatt, a Cornell psychologist. “The Navy revealed the embryo of an electronic computer today that it expects will be able to walk, talk, see, write, reproduce itself and be conscious of its existence,” the Times reported—a bold statement about a circuit capable of learning to spot patterns in 400 pixels.
If you look back at the coverage of IBM’s chess-playing Deep Blue, DeepMind’s champion Go player AlphaGo, and many of the past decade’s leaps in deep learning—which are directly descended from Rosenblatt’s machine—you’ll see plenty of the same: people taking each advance as if it were a sign of some deeper, more humanlike intelligence.
That’s not to say that these projects—or even the creation of Sophia—were not remarkable feats, or potentially steps toward more intelligent machines. But being clear-eyed about the capabilities of AI systems is important when it comes to gauging progress of this powerful technology. To make sense of AI advances, the least we can do is stop asking animatronic puppets silly questions.
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theopulenthq · 3 months
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Welcome to The Opulent HQ, Ghost, Alex, Nikki, C, Ari, Kira,R, and Mandy! Please review the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours!
{jacob anderson, 31, cisman, he/him} we are so glad to see you safe, {CHIEF OF STRATEGY & FINANCE} TSAR ISAAK STASOV of RUSSIA! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are BRILLIANT and OBJECTIVE enough to handle it. just don’t let your HIGHLY UNMOTIVATED & DISCONTENTED bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU HAVE BEEN FALSIFYING FINANCIAL LEDGERS TO FUND PERSONAL PROJECTS IN RUSSIA. {ghostie}
lorena's betrothed WC
{yaya dacosta, 37, demi woman, she + her} we are so glad to see you safe, SECURITY ADVISOR SADE BUGAYEVA of RUSSIA! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are FORWARD-THINKING and ADAPTABLE enough to handle it. just don’t let your INTIMIDATION bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU HAVE GAINED MUCH OF YOUR POWER IN YOUR POSITION THROUGH BLACKMAIL, AND ARE NOW HEAVILY ENTANGLED, BEHIND THE SCENES, IN THE WEBS OF MANY COUNTRIES, INCLUDING ASSISTING THE FUNDING OF JAPAN'S SIDE OF THE WAR WITH CHINA. {nikki}
taking both kaito's penpal wc & eliana's co-conspirator wc!
{lee soo hyuk, 36, cis man, he/him} we are so glad to see you safe, TSAR NIKOLAI STASOV of RUSSIA! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are BRILLIANT and HEADSTRONG enough to handle it. just don’t let your ALOOFNESS bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU ONCE FLED FROM YOUR DUTIES AND LIVED UNDER A DIFFERENT IDENTITY FOR A HANDFUL OF YEARS - DURING WHICH YOU WERE BRIEFLY HELD HOSTAGE BY UNKNOWN FORCES. {alex}
{adeline rudolph, 27, cis female, she/her} we are so glad to see you safe, TSARINA/MASTER OF LAW AND JUSTICE KATERINA STASOV of RUSSIA! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are GROUNDED and RIGHTEOUS enough to handle it. just don’t let your CANDOR bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out DESPITE YOUR DEVOTION TO LAW AND ORDER, JUSTICE IS WHAT MATTERS TO YOU MOST. AND YOU PURSUE IT, EVEN IF IT MEANS MANIPULATING INTERNATIONAL LAWS AND FREEING REVOLUTIONARIES FROM LEGAL PROSECUTION TO DO IT...  {admin c}
taking felix's romantic wc
{Charlotte hope, 29, ciswoman, she/her} we are so glad to see you safe, TSARINA AND MASTER OF THE ARTS ANTONINA STASOV of RUSSIA! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are SOPHISTICATED and METICULOUS enough to handle it. just don’t let your VANITY bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU HAVE ACCIDENTALLY WITNESSED ONE KINGDOM SPYING ON ANOTHER. {ari, 29, est, she/her, N/A}
{ honda kyoya, 25, genderqueer, they / him } we are so glad to see you safe, TSAR YURA STASOV of RUSSIA! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are THOUGHTFUL and EMPATHETIC enough to handle it. just don’t let your RESERVEDNESS bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU HAVE RECENTLY RECOVERED FROM AN ILLNESS, AND HAVE PARTIAL HEARING LOSS THAT YOU ARE KEEPING HIDDEN. { kira, 25, gmt+3, she/her }
{ ke huy quan, 50, cis male, he/him } We are so glad to see you safe, VICEREGAL CONSORT HAIYAN FENG of HONG KONG! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are COMPASSIONATE and RELIABLE enough to handle it. Just don’t let your UNCERTAINTY bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find YOU WILL DO ANYTHING TO KEEP YOUR FAMILY SAFE, EVEN IF IT MEANS PROTECTING THEM FROM THEMSELVES {r., 28, est, she/her, n/a}
{camila mendes, 28, ciswoman, she/her/hers} We are so glad to see you safe, [TSARINA/MASTER OF THE HUNT AND AGRICULTURE] [NATASIA STASOV] of [RUSSIA]! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are [PERSUASIVE] and [PERCEPTIVE] enough to handle it. Just don’t let your [GLUTTONY] bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out [YOU KILLED THE PERSON WHOM YOU OWE A SIGNIFICANT DEBT TO]
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the50-person · 1 year
The risk goes beyond formal arrest and extradition. The bounties on offer may encourage vigilantism, and sympathetic governments may turn a blind eye to or even facilitate extra-legal rendition of the eight exiled activists.
This is illustrated by the 2015 case of the five Hong Kong booksellers who disappeared from various locations, including Thailand, and later showed up in China where they “confessed” to crimes in the state media.
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newstfionline · 2 years
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
California Has More Than 100 Gun Laws. Why Don’t They Stop More Mass Shootings? (NYT) California bans guns for domestic violence offenders. It bans them for people deemed a danger to others or themselves. There is a ban on large-capacity magazines, and a ban on noise-muffling silencers. Semiautomatic guns of the sort colloquially known as “assault weapons” are, famously, banned. More than 100 gun laws—the most of any state—are on the books in California. They have saved lives, policymakers say: Californians have among the lowest rates of gun death in the United States. Yet this month, those laws failed to stop the massacres of at least 19 people in back-to-back mass shootings. The tragedies in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay have confounded Americans who regard California as a best-case bastion of gun safety in a nation awash with firearms. Inside the state, gun rights proponents say the shootings show that California’s strategy is a failure. Gun safety groups, meanwhile, have already begun mobilizing for more laws and better enforcement.
Peru’s protest ‘deactivators’ run toward tear gas to stop it (AP) When police fire tear gas at protesters demanding the resignation of Peruvian President Dina Boluarte, most run away. A few, though, run toward the gas canisters as quickly as possible—to neutralize them. These are the “deactivators.” Donning gas masks, safety goggles and thick gloves, these volunteers grab the hot canisters and toss them inside large plastic bottles filled with a mixture of water, baking soda and vinegar. The deactivators made their debut in Peru street protests in 2020, inspired by protesters in Hong Kong who in 2019 unveiled new strategies to counteract the eye-stinging, breath-stealing effects of tear gas. With protesters in Lima facing a nearly daily fusillade of tear gas, more people have joined the ranks of deactivators trying to shield them and keep the demonstrations going.
France braces for major transport woes from pension strikes (AP) France’s national rail operator is recommending that passengers stay home Tuesday to avoid strikes over pensions that are expected to cause major transport woes but largely spare high-speed links to Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands. Labor unions that mobilized massive street protests in an initial salvo of nationwide strikes earlier this month are hoping for similar success Tuesday to maintain pressure on government plans to raise France’s retirement age. Positions are hardening on both sides as lawmakers begin debating the planned change. France’s prime minister, Elisabeth Borne, insisted this weekend that her government’s intention to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 is “no longer negotiable.” Opponents in parliament and labor leaders are determined to prove her wrong.
Russia’s Convict Fighters Are Heading Home (NYT) He was released from a Russian prison and thrown into battle in Ukraine with a promise of freedom, redemption and money. Now, Andrei Yastrebov, who was among tens of thousands of convict soldiers, is part of a return from the battlefield with potentially serious implications for Russian society. Mr. Yastrebov, 22, who had been serving time for theft, returned home a changed man. “We all feel like he is in some sort of hypnosis, like he is a different person,” said a relative of his, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals. “He is without any emotions.” President Vladimir V. Putin’s decision to allow a mercenary group to recruit Russian convicts in support of his flagging war effort marks a watershed in his 23-year rule, say human rights activists and legal experts. The policy circumvents Russian legal precedent and, by returning some brutalized criminals to their homes with pardons, risks triggering greater violence throughout society. Since July, around 40,000 inmates have joined the Russian forces, according to Western intelligence agencies, the Ukrainian government and a prisoners’ rights association, Russia Behind Bars, which combines reports from informers across Russian jails. Ukraine claims that nearly 30,000 have deserted or been killed or wounded, although that number could not be independently verified.
Biden says no F-16s for Ukraine as Russia claims gains (Reuters) The United States will not provide the F-16 fighter jets that Ukraine has sought in its fight against Russia, President Joe Biden said on Monday, as Russian forces claimed a series of incremental gains in the country's east. Ukraine planned to push for Western fourth-generation fighter jets such as the F-16 after securing supplies of main battle tanks last week, an adviser to Ukraine's defence minister said on Friday. Asked if the United States would provide the jets, Biden told reporters at the White House, "No." The hundreds of modern tanks and armoured vehicles pledged to Ukraine by Western countries in recent weeks for a counteroffensive to recapture territory are months away from delivery. This leaves Kyiv to fight through the winter in what both sides have described as a meat grinder of relentless attritional warfare.
Winter has come for Afghanistan (Washington Post) For much of the past year, the West’s policymakers and analysts were possessed by one haunting question: How bad will Europe’s winter be? The prospect of a deep cold spell as European governments rationed gas supplies conjured images of a bleak winter from Lviv to London, with industry going dark and pensioners scavenging for firewood. The worst did not come to pass. But consider another part of the world that has receded from the West’s attention over the course of the Ukraine conflict. Afghanistan is currently in the grips of its worst winter in more than a decade. Temperatures recently plunged to below minus-34 degrees Celsius (minus-29.2 degrees Fahrenheit). Officials in the local Taliban government said the cold has been lethal, leading to more than 160 deaths over the span of about two weeks, and killing more than 70,000 livestock. The dismal conditions have struck a society ill-equipped to cope.
Suicide bomber kills 88, wounds over 150 at mosque in NW Pakistan (AP) A suicide bomber struck Monday inside a mosque in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, killing at least 88 people and wounding more than 150 worshippers, officials said. Most of the casualties were policemen and police officers as the targeted mosque is located within a sprawling compound, which also serves as the city’s police headquarters. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the bombing, said Saddique Khan, a senior police official in Peshawar, but the Pakistani Taliban have been blamed in similar suicide attacks in the past.
Iran says drone strike targeted military complex amid ongoing shadow war (Washington Post) Iran said a drone strike lightly damaged a defense ministry complex in the central city of Isfahan on Saturday, an attack that reverberated across capitals as tensions with the West and Israel mount over Tehran’s advancing nuclear program, arms supply for Russia’s war in Ukraine and lethal crackdown on months-long anti-government protests. Iran’s Ministry of Defense said that three drones struck around 11:30 p.m. local time Saturday, according to a statement carried by the IRNA state news agency, in an attack that caused “minor damage to the roof of a workshop.” There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the Saturday strike. But Israel has a history of conducting attacks on Iranian nuclear program facilities as part of an ongoing shadow war between the two regional rivals, a campaign that appears to have escalated following the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018, three years into the landmark agreement. One U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity said the strike appeared to be the work of the Israeli military.
Russian embassy says North Korea lifted lockdown in capital (AP) Russia’s embassy in North Korea says the country has eased stringent epidemic controls in capital Pyongyang that were placed during the past five days to slow the spread of respiratory illnesses. North Korea has not officially acknowledged a lockdown in Pyongyang or a re-emergence of COVID-19 after leader Kim Jong Un declared a widely disputed victory over the coronavirus in August, but the Russian embassy’s Facebook posts have provided rare glimpses into the secretive country’s infectious disease controls. Last week, the embassy said that North Korean health authorities required diplomatic missions to keep their employees indoors and also measure their temperatures four times a day and report the results to a hospital in Pyongyang. It said the North Korean measures were in response to an increase in “flu and other respiratory diseases,” but it didn’t mention the spread of COVID-19 or restrictions imposed on regular citizens.
Radioactive needle in a haystack: Tiny capsule lost in rural Australia (Washington Post) Emergency officials in Western Australia warned that a tiny radioactive capsule was on the loose, with a harried hunt underway along a lengthy stretch of highway for what was essentially a toxic needle in a haystack. The Department of Fire and Emergency Services in Western Australia, a largely rural state that makes up the western third of the country, issued a hazardous materials warning Saturday evening, cautioning that the radioactive capsule had been lost while it was being transported from a mine near the town of Newman to a suburb near Perth, the state’s most populous city. The capsule—which is less than a third of an inch long—went missing somewhere along the more than 800-mile stretch of road between Newman and Perth, the department said. It contains cesium-137, a radioactive material used in gauges for mining, one of the main industries in resource-rich Western Australia. Despite its size, the capsule is dangerous, the department warned. “Exposure to this substance could cause radiation burns or radiation sickness,” it said, cautioning people not to touch it or move it if they come across it. Anyone who sees the capsule should stay at least five meters (16 feet) away from it and report it, the department said.
Palestinian Man Fatally Shot as Violence Continues in Israel (NYT) A Palestinian man was fatally shot outside an Israeli settlement in the West Bank and Israeli settlers carried out nearly 150 attacks against Palestinians and their properties across the region, according to reports on Sunday by Palestinian state media and the Israeli Army. Sunday’s violence was the latest to grip the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Jerusalem since Thursday, in a series of raids and attacks that have left more than 20 people dead. Palestinian officials said that across the West Bank on Saturday night and into early Sunday, Israeli settlers had carried out 144 attacks against Palestinian civilians or their properties. One official, Ghassan Daghlas, told Wafa that settlers had hurled stones at more than 100 motorists and vehicles and had set fire to six vehicles in a wave of violence. At least 22 Palestinian-owned shops were attacked and at least one Palestinian home near the city of Ramallah was set on fire by settlers, Palestinian media reported.
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vistaspr22 · 2 years
The State of Mexico v. HSBC Bank
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“It wasn’t just HSBC’s money laundering crimes over many years for the most notorious drug cartels. It was their admission of it and then their audacity to continue to commit those crimes.”
The United States Financial System is easily the largest in the world and in many aspects, the most advanced. It is also one of the most idiosyncratic systems, characterized by an unusually parochial set of laws and regulations that both constrain competition and shield inefficiencies. Banks doing business in the US routinely submit confidential reports to an intelligence office within the U.S Treasury Department known as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation), is a banking and financial services organization, with multiple branches in several countries including the USA.
HSBC in the U.S took on clients whose massive wealth translated into huge profits, but who turned out to be criminals. Its compliance staff negligently monitored customer activity, filed reports lacking crucial customer information on 16 shell companies that processed nearly $1.5 billion in more than 6,800 transactions through the bank’s Hong Kong operations alone. More than $900 million of that was linked to criminal networks. Leaked records show HSBC processed at least $31 million for companies that were later revealed to have moved stolen government funds from Brazil. And more than $292 million for an organization, Vida Panama, branded by U.S authorities as a major money launderer for drug cartels. As the Mexican drug war spread in the mid-2000s, HSBC provided essential U.S. dollar-denominated accounts to narco-gangs needing to clear hundreds of millions of dollars in drug earnings (200,000+ people who died in Mexico because of the funds that passed through HSBC).
The cartels designed carefully shaped boxes that fit HSBC’s teller windows to deliver the massive amounts of illegal cash pouring in. HSBC didn’t report any unusual activity after Drug Enforcement Administration agents posing as drug dealers deposited millions of dollars in Paraguayan banks and then transferred the money to accounts in the U.S. through HSBC. All this information is based on dozens of leaked interviews and Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) with more than12 past HSBC anti-money-laundering employees. Former HSBC compliance officers said that the bank did not give them adequate time to meaningfully investigate suspicious transactions and that branches outside the U.S often ignored requests for crucial customer information. They stated that they were treated as a second-class workforce within the bank, with little to no authority to shut down problematic accounts. Instances where Bank employees misrepresented data sent to senior managers, and where management altered risk ratings on certain clients so that suspect transactions didn’t set off alarms were plenty. The bank understaffed its anti-money laundering compliance division and hired naive, incompetent, and poorly trained personnel.
Task at Hand:
As the legal representatives of HSBC Bank or The State of Mexico (as allotted), you are required to defend the stance and further the interests of your client in the court of law. You shall deliberate the case on the following grounds, and suggest strategies to overcome the same:
a) The Issue of Money Laundering and furthering the Activities of the Mexican Drug Cartel
b) The Question of Negligence and Non-Compliance to International Banking Laws
c) The Necessity for Increased Monitoring to ensure Banking Efficiency and a New Standard Operating Procedure for Cross-Border Transactions
This round shall be conducted as a moot court, and shall include the following components, in a to-and-fro format:
1) Opening Statements: Introduction to the Stance and Establishing Legal Precedence
2) Legal Argumentation: Providing an Interpretation of the Law to Support your Case by using the Existing Legislations, Previous Verdicts and Legal Principles, as well as Suggesting Remedies and Solutions
3) Closing Remarks: Concluding your Arguments and Suggesting Final Proposals.
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panchitacarmensita · 8 months
How Corporate Secretary Helps Compliance with Changing Laws
In the ever-evolving business world, the role of a Corporate Secretary is increasingly significant, especially when it comes to compliance with changing laws. This holds particularly true in dynamic business environments like Hong Kong, where legal and regulatory landscapes are in constant flux.
At the forefront of their responsibilities, Corporate Secretaries in Hong Kong ensure that companies adhere to current laws and regulations. Their expertise lies in interpreting legal mandates and translating them into actionable corporate policies. This role is crucial as non-compliance can lead to severe legal consequences and reputational damage.
Corporate Secretaries also play a vital role in monitoring and anticipating changes in legislation. Their ability to foresee potential legal shifts and prepare the company accordingly is invaluable. They keep a close eye on developments in corporate law, financial regulations, and other relevant legal areas, ensuring that the company is always a step ahead.
In addition to keeping the company compliant, Corporate Secretaries serve as the bridge between the company and regulatory authorities. They maintain open channels of communication, ensuring that any changes in laws are understood and implemented effectively. This role is particularly challenging in a diverse market like Hong Kong, where laws might be influenced by both local and international factors.
Corporate Secretaries also have the crucial task of educating and advising the company's board of directors and management. They provide insights on how legal changes impact the company's operations and strategic direction. This involves not only understanding the letter of the law but also grasping its practical implications for the business.
Moreover, Corporate Secretaries contribute to risk management strategies. By identifying areas where legal changes could pose risks, they help the company to mitigate potential legal and compliance risks. This foresight is essential in maintaining the integrity and reputation of the business.
Finally, Corporate Secretaries are instrumental in implementing and updating compliance programs. They ensure that all aspects of the company's operations align with the latest legal requirements. This includes revising internal policies, conducting training sessions, and ensuring that all employees understand their compliance obligations.
In conclusion, the Corporate Secretary's role in ensuring compliance with changing laws is multifaceted and indispensable, particularly in a complex and rapidly changing legal environment like Hong Kong's. Their expertise not only safeguards the company against legal pitfalls but also positions it to navigate the legal landscape proactively and strategically.
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darkautomaton · 8 months
Best Practices in Corporate Risk Management in Hong Kong
With an increasingly complex legal, regulatory, economic, and technological environment, effectively managing organizational risks is critical for companies striving towards sustainable growth in Hong Kong. By taking a strategic approach to identifying key risk exposures and establishing governance policies to address vulnerabilities, both local and multinational corporations can enhance resilience.
Conduct Extensive Risk Assessments
The foundation for building robust risk oversight is to regularly conduct enterprise-wide assessments, tapping perspectives from leaders across functions on risks emerging within main business units, as well as at the corporate level. Special focus should be placed on emerging risks - from supply chain disruptions to fast-evolving cybersecurity threats. Risks posed by Hong Kong regulations and legal responsibilities around data, employment, IP, taxation and import/export controls should also be incorporated.
Appoint Centralized Risk Leadership
While business heads are accountable for risks within their domains, oversight at the core by a Chief Risk Officer and/or risk management committee provides critical independence and cross-functional coordination. Responsibilities span creating risk reporting procedures to keeping senior leadership and board directors appraised, to aligning mitigation plans with corporate strategy. Risk managers also liaise with insurance providers to secure proper coverage against financial hazards.
Implement Key Risk Policies
Findings from risk assessments should drive key policy changes, be it business continuity planning to address operational crises, instituting ethics training to reduce fraud and corruption, or enacting information handling protocols to avoid data leaks, hacking and illegal trading incidents that would undermine Hong Kong stock listings. Anti-money laundering and sanctions/export controls compliance also need special attention in Hong Kong as a gateway between China and global trade.
Monitor External Signals
In addition to internal risk monitoring, closely follow legislative or law enforcement policy shifts, as well as economic/political disruptions arising locally as well as in mainland China that stand to impact operations. Participate in trade groups and maintain contacts in agencies like InvestHK to receive critical market updates. Regular stress tests help evaluate Hong Kong megaprojects like the Greater Bay Area growth plan or One Belt One Road initiative - and gauge ensuing risk reprioritizations.
By approaching risk oversight as an integrated corporate capability monitoring both internal weaknesses and external threats, companies gain enhanced visibility into vulnerabilities which allows preemptively strengthening of operations against cascading Hong Kong/China hazards - thereby boostinglong-term performance and valuation for shareholders.
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keanu-55 · 2 days
The Investigation of Three Sheep: Unraveling the Controversy and Its Significance
Recently, an incident involving live-streaming e-commerce has drawn high public attention. The "Hong Kong Meicheng mooncakes" promoted by Three Sheep Network Technology Co., Ltd. during live-streaming sales have become the focus of public opinion due to suspected consumer misguidance. The Hefei market supervision and administration bureau responded quickly to this incident, announcing the initiation of an investigation into the involved enterprise and stating that it will handle relevant issues in accordance with laws and regulations. At the same time, Luo Yonghao's "Making Friends" live-streaming room, another well-known anchor, demonstrated a responsible attitude with practical actions. For similar issues, not only did they publicly apologize but also promised consumers compensation of "refund plus three times the amount".
As an emerging business model, live-streaming e-commerce has developed rapidly in recent years. However, with the expansion of market scale, some problems have also emerged. The "Hong Kong Meicheng mooncakes" incident is not an isolated case. It reveals the challenges faced by the live-streaming e-commerce industry in the process of rapid development. The cooperation model between merchants and anchors, product quality control, and after-sales service all urgently need to be standardized.
According to the provisions of China's "Anti-Unfair Competition Law" and "Advertising Law" and other relevant laws and regulations, no operator may make false or misleading commercial promotions of their goods or services. In this incident, if it is finally confirmed that Three Sheep Network Technology Co., Ltd. indeed has illegal acts of consumer misguidance, it will face corresponding legal sanctions. This is not only a warning to enterprises but also a wake-up call to the entire industry - no matter how innovative the business model is, it cannot deviate from the legal framework and must ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of consumers are not violated.
In the face of frequent quality and service issues in the field of live-streaming e-commerce, strengthening industry self-discipline and external supervision is particularly important. On the one hand, enterprises themselves need to strengthen compliance awareness and establish and improve internal management mechanisms to eliminate the occurrence of violations from the source. On the other hand, regulatory departments should increase law enforcement efforts and maintain market order and protect consumer interests through regular spot checks and irregular inspections.
In this era background full of opportunities and challenges, ScanA product launched by Knownsec, with its advanced technology and professional services, has become a powerful guarantee for information security in the e-commerce industry. Whether it is for data security protection of live-streaming e-commerce platforms or helping merchants discover and solve potential risk points in a timely manner, ScanA can provide one-stop solutions. Through intelligent technical means, ScanA helps enterprises move forward steadily in a complex and changing market environment and achieve sustainable development.
With the continuous maturity and development of the live-streaming e-commerce industry, it is believed that under the joint efforts of all parties, a more fair, transparent, and healthy market environment will gradually take shape. In this process, technological products such as Knownsec ScanA will play an indispensable role in helping build a more perfect e-commerce ecosystem.
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oliverethanrobin · 3 days
Why Tokenization is Paving the Way for Blockchain’s Future
As the technology of blockchain evolved after the development of Bitcoin, many breakthroughs have been made with tokenization being one of them. Tokenization is disrupting the handling of digital assets and making a revolutionary impact in the lives of people as well as businesses. Companies such as the Hong Kong based Justtry Technologies which deals primarily in blockchain development and consulting, it becomes crucial to stay abreast with methods of tokenization.
In this article, we will demystify how and why tokenization is transforming blockchain and why organisations should be taking note of this ingenious concept.
Tokenization is the process whereby a token is issued to represent the value of an asset, and this section seeks to explain how it functions.
In its simplest form, tokenization means to take a concrete (real, digital or legal) asset and divide it into a token which is situated on a blockchain. These tokens can be anything, including real estates’ shares, company’s stocks, digital art pieces, and even ideas and contents. While other assets are mostly tangled up and sequestered in various systems, tokenized assets are comparatively easier to transfer, trade, and to divide in case needed making the market participation faster and easier.
For example, let us nucleate a token out of a share of valuable arts; nobody will have the full worth of the token, but only a percentage amount. This not only makes markets fair in the sense that anyone can invest in highly illiquid ‘private’ assets, but also highly-liquified …
The following are the importance or benefits of tokenization in blockchain
Enhanced Liquidity: Tokenization enables assets to be traded faster and with less complications and this is helpful because the so-called illiquid assets such a property or artwork can now be easily bought and sold.
Transparency and Security: Tokenized assets are on blockchains, and any exchange is recorded on a distributed and immutable ledger called a block chain. It would also minimize the risks of fraud since traders will only deal with parties that they trust.
Reduced Transaction Costs: Tokenization also eliminates the middlemen, for instance, brokers or banks that can otherwise charge collage fees, hence being cheaper to use by both investors and issuers of the tokens.
Fractional Ownership: One of the features that arise from tokenization is that assets can be split into smaller digestible portions which can be sold in markets.
At Justtry Technologies, we guide organizations to discover the possibilities of using tokens to enhance productivity, safety and creativity within organizations.
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Tokenization in the evolution of Blockchain’s future
Tokenization’s position in blockchain cannot be overemphasized — it is not only about revamping and enhancing existing established processes but also developing new ones. Let’s explore the impact in greater detail:Let’s explore the impact in greater detail:
Accessibility and Inclusion: Tokenization brings the ownership of assets closer to the dream of ownership for everyone. Now, an actual real estate can be separated into some tokens and thus, many investors can invest in it without having to invest large sums of money. It has provided the startups and the smaller businesses a way to have easier funding opportunities.
Interoperability Across Platforms: Tokens are flexible and can be applied in a number of places throughout DeFi. Whether as trading, staking, or lending, these assets are capable of flowing from one application to another.
Improved Fundraising Models: ICO and STO stand for tokenization for the new fundraising model where tokenization is taking place. There are two methods through which blockchain can be used for equity thus providing liquidity for both sides of the coin; Companies can tokenize equity or utility in their business and sell it to investors via blockchain.
Automation and Smart Contracts: Tokenized assets can be exchanged automatically due to smart contacts —self-executing contracts that include predefined conditions. This also makes it easier to transfer ownership and assets and is also easier to manage.
Where Justtry Technologies focuses on blockchain and tokenization services, enterprises can be ready for the future of decentralised, safe assets.
The following are some of the ways that Tokenization is affecting various industries Tokenization is revolutionalising the perception and approach on various industries.
While blockchain is often associated with cryptocurrencies, tokenization is finding use in various industries:
Real Estate: Tokenized properties are easily transferable, enable fractional ownership of the property and attract investors from different parts of the world.
Art and Collectibles: Tokenization helps in creating ownership of art, music, and collectibles in the form of tokens, which are further exchangeable in different platforms.
Healthcare: Data as well as equipment used in medical practices or researches can be tokenized for purposes of transparency in order to increase collaborations between institutions.
Supply Chain: This also means that tokenising supply chain data facilitates an unadulterated way of maintaining records of product origins, quality and delivery.
Communities of interest means tokenization is no longer merely theory, but is now a key driver towards the growth of blockchain. With increased globalization tokenized assets would create quicker, more secure and more efficient transactions across the different markets. In the existing environment of the new digital economy, business needs to adapt to tokenisation as this is the only way to survive.
That is why at Justtry Technologies we are happy to provide you with the blockchain consulting and development services that will unveil the limitless opportunities of the tokenization. We cover everything from secure asset transfers through to new fundraising models to help enable the growth of your startup or enterprising business.
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mckallen · 3 days
Why Hong Kong Banks Decline Applications: Key Factors and Solutions?
Setting up a bank account in Hong Kong is a smart move for individuals and businesses aiming to leverage one of Asia's most stable and dynamic financial hubs. However, the process can be complex, and both personal and corporate applicants may face several challenges.
Wondering what might cause your application to be rejected? Let’s explore the common hurdles and how you can boost your chances of success.
Common Challenges
Incomplete or Incorrect Documentation Proper documentation is essential for a successful application. Even small mistakes or missing details can lead to rejection. Make sure all forms are accurately completed and that you provide every required document.
Lack of a Local Address Many Hong Kong banks require a local address for both personal and business bank accounts, which can be challenging for foreign applicants. Consider obtaining a registered office or virtual business address in Hong Kong to meet this requirement.
Insufficient Proof of Business Activity For corporate bank accounts, banks need to confirm that your business is legitimate and operational. This often requires submitting business plans, financial statements, and contracts. Startups may face more scrutiny, so provide as much supporting documentation as possible.
Involvement in High-Risk Industries Businesses operating in high-risk sectors like cryptocurrency, gaming, or certain types of trading may face additional scrutiny. It’s important to show that your business complies with legal and regulatory standards to avoid rejection.
Poor Credit History Both personal and business credit histories are critical in the approval process. If there is a history of bad credit or financial instability, banks may hesitate to approve your application. Ensuring a clean credit record can significantly increase your chances.
Regulatory and Compliance Issues Hong Kong enforces stringent anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulations. Failing to comply with these regulations is one of the quickest ways to get rejected. It is essential to ensure that your business complies with these standards prior to submitting an application.
Language Barriers While Hong Kong is a multilingual city, language differences can still cause communication issues during the application process. If you’re not fluent in Cantonese or Mandarin, consider hiring a consultant or translator to assist you.
Maximizing Your Chances
Double-Check Documentation Review all paperwork to ensure it’s complete and error-free. Even minor mistakes can result in rejection.
Seek Professional Guidance Hiring a local consultant familiar with Hong Kong’s banking system can be invaluable. They are capable of providing guidance throughout the process and ensuring that all requisite requirements are satisfactorily met.
Prove Your Business Viability For corporate accounts, submitting thorough documentation on business activities, financial health, and operational history will strengthen your application.
Ensure Regulatory Compliance Make sure you adhere to Hong Kong’s AML and KYC regulations, as these are non-negotiable.
Maintain Good Credit Both personal and business credit should be in good standing. Address any outstanding issues before applying.
Opening a bank account in Hong Kong can be a complex process, but with proper preparation, attention to regulatory compliance, and professional guidance, you can greatly improve your chances of success. At McKallen Consulting, we’re here to help you navigate the process, ensuring a smooth and successful application. Let us assist you in securing your financial foothold in Hong Kong.
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