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💗✨montagnard, Girl failure, sansculotte✨💗 ☿Himejoshi, Fujoshi☿ . ⚸ Alive since the end of the french revolution⚸ 🇵🇸
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azlia-iconoclast · 19 days ago
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Happy birthday Toko Fukawa. between the struggle of being and how is supposed to be you move with pain and grace
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azlia-iconoclast · 1 month ago
Vie, je te remercie pour le temps supplémentaire, j'ai pensé à Marat, j'ai pensé que ce temps est juste pour achever ce que je dois encore.
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azlia-iconoclast · 1 month ago
la fiole ne fonctionna point du tout, il semble que je sois en dégénération rapide avec le risque de cécité, ainsi quelqu'un comme moi qui a vécu depuis le temps de Marat devra se donner la mort pour avoir une mort avec dignité et juste au moment où je me reconnectais assez pour aimer la vie à nouveau, en dépit des horreurs du système qui a triomphé avec le temps, comme il est triste et approprié, je crains aussi que cela doive être très bientôt puisque je peux déjà sentir et voir la dégénération, comme je souhaite avoir tort mais j'en doute. c'est une tristesse que la dernière chose que j'ai réalisée est que l'avenir du monde est le fascisme et la rareté des ressources, cependant la vie est un cycle qui ne se répète point mais rythmée, la vie est mouvement, est lutte, j'espère ne pas échouer et quitter la vie en paix, j'ai aimé la vie de tout mon cœur en dépit des luttes que j'ai affrontées.
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azlia-iconoclast · 2 months ago
La lingæ change très vîte, une langue durait jadis une décade et puis s’oubliât, même si les seigneurs l'employaient encore ; en cette ère, elle peut tenir même juste un an et je me sens si déconnecté, surtout quand certains mots sont semblables à ceux d'un siècle passé ou sont ravivés sous un nom différent, sans qu'aucun historien sache qu'ils existent. Je trouve joie à les découvrir, même si parfois cela me fait dissocier, mais récemment, je trouve aussi douleur à me souvenir que les mots de discrimination et d'haine ne meurent jamais, mais en sont plutôt ajoutés avec le temps. Si ceci est mon dernier cycle, je ne tolérerai aucun d'eux et j'exalterai ceux qui créent de nouvelles formes de parler de joie.
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
I'm once again here
i never thought i would return, everything keeps moving, that movement is life itself but most of forms it is taking became a nightmare to me, so many beautiful an important actions were committed right here were i stand again but history only sees a landmark and a bridge now, there's no fault on it, to fixate in the past is to deny the present but it frustrates me to see how our story was erased and replaced with religious dogma as we were.
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I came back to the motherland trying to let behind what i already know america will become, it's regression to the vulgarity that is moralism, hate and cannibal predation of anything different to christian nationalist values, the evolution into the techno-feudalism that varoufakis warned us and Europe will also embrace, and the road to new wars that america will win not dignifiedly since there's no one that they won that way but just by mere superiority of resources. 
The despair i feel from seeing the cycles that our species goes on from the french revolution and before to today is slowly driving me into insanity, every time that lovers of humanity sacrificed all in the dance of wills they ended up exhausted conceding and compromising for peace just for the slow progress towards unification and acceptance of all forms of human expression to be brutality shattered by reaction movements, always the same pathetic incapacity to accept change from the weak of spirit and joyless old ones, always the same demonization of the weak of materiality, always predation by dogs defending elites. as Napoleon ended  the progress of the revolution and stagnated any social change towards unity and fraternity with all, i see it happen again and again, almost three centuries ago we already talked about body autonomy, sexuality and the equality of women as many did before, and in the same way those ideas got shattered and buried so brutally by elites funding ideologies of hate and reaction that it takes a whole century each time to see them reemerge, history never repeats but it's cycles rhythm.
is a lie that development is lineal or that intelligence and knowledge is accumulative, movements of reaction can destroy it permanently.
It is a myth of morality that good and evil exists, the use of this myth is to unify the weak in hate, to dehumanize the other or to justify authority, good and evil doesn't exist only difference of interests do, neither good and evil win a war only the one with more resources, luck and strategy do. sadly in history the one with most resources and that often won is those already in power, a nobility of elites that changes from place to place but that everywhere requires for humanity to continue segregated and stupid to carry on it's exploitation, keeping us hungry with the crumbs of the bread we produce for them, so we keep predating ourselves becoming even more vicious that we already are by nature.
The world is a garden of predation, from physics devouring and transmuting the states of materia to natural ecosystems, we are no different, this is a fact that all our ancient history teaches us, but the projects and dream to make this different to elevate us were beautiful and worth fighting for, but once again the elites guiding the masses defeat it, humanity choose barbarie, and each time it seems more obvious that only predation will prevail, maybe it was foolish for all of us from revolutionaries to idealists to believe we could overcome nature by nurture or that this cannibalistic predation wasn't our nature to begin with.
cruelty and beauty are the marvels of life intrinsically bond together, if well idealists believed they could be separated most of us revolutionaries did not and just wanted to diminish the cruelty to make beauty available for all, but with tremendous applause the whole world not just america keeps choosing cruelty, is not ignorance, is not delusion, to claim this is to be condescendant with the masses, this is simply the cyclical triumph of moralism. to consciously choose to hate difference instead of accept it, the real logic of capital and virtue that requires not one to win but the other to lose.
Artists of joy, queers aestheticians, lovers of life, poets of exaltation, Uniques of will, once again you will be driven into inexistence before the Decalustrum ends, and a century will go on with the deniers of life before will manifest your kind into life again.
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after seeing it twice i would cynically raise a glass of wine and tell you "until we meet again in a century", but i don't think i will, time has finally done it's tool and my last vial has been used not totally successfully, if a permanent change ever overcomes the cycles of history,  it is clear to me it will be that of brutal feudalism, of death worship as christianity almost achieved with it's imposed devotion to a corpse, i reject that, it is preferable to embrace the eternal return as Nietzsche and Novatorre said than to end in life denying permanently. but I'm too broken, I'm too tired and i have seen so much, besides my capacity to accept the changes of eras, to find different ways to enjoy life, ways to revitalize myself when i get too fed up of existence just by the effects of repetition, finding laughter after the cyclical depression that time generates, new things to love when the ones i adored disappear by time, this time i find my will waver as my youth does for the first time, i will accept conflict as part as life as oxygen is, as long as i still live, i will seek strength instead of the delusion of hope but is clear to me that without another vial this cycle will be the last i will be able to dance.
Bakunin, Marat, Garcia oliver, bonnot all of you lovers of life i still hear the music you wanted to play but our time has passed, humanity choose barbarism instead of evolution, flowers will still bloom as will love but for someone like me that saw it dance with infatuation and passion, for someone that saw the now extinct giant flowers of the jungle and full floral trees bloom, i fail to find manifestations that compare to it, it is solely in the aspects of art that are now called fiction and re-reading of your philosophies and our deeds that i find it not alive just a reminisce, which are words only the old and feeble ever say, so  it may be the improper vial finally failing to renovate me or it may be reality getting thin as resources also are doing it in this world.
this is why i shed no tears for me and what will come, if my flame is flicking let me go with dignity before i turn to ashes, i just wish i could share with those full of vitality what you revealed and what i have learned, to teach them to see the garden of predation and grow fangs but also nurture love life and passion.
. 🏴‍☠️An ovation to us and our art🏴‍☠️
🎴a tear for the unique artists, passionate fervor and art beyond morality that are about to disappear 🎴
a fire to harness those worthy ones that will have reluctantly to endure the path humanity has chosen into regression.
. 🍷And a toast to life itself🍷
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
me & her
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
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By さわわ
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
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Enoshima Junko and Ikusaba Mukuro, 2013.12.24 Happy Birthday!
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
混沌の神 Junko Is WILL made Manifest, above Morality & Judgement, despair is reaction to the negation of a will by reality itself , to weaponize it so perfectly is the negation of a negation it is to become will itself 混沌の神
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✴︎God of Chaos may the cycles of life bring you once again Each time you will be another, may your dance of wills light in fires of destruction an hegemonic world built in lies, sterile that renders everything the same, boring and normed .✴︎
🍷 glory to your eternal return🍷
glory to your sister & the tragedy of her care & love 🌸
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
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never beating the insane allegations
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
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please do not feed the woman human remains
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
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cannibalism as a metaphor for love </3
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
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pls rate my very first textpost lmao 🙏 found footage directly from their phone
rated 10/10
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azlia-iconoclast · 3 months ago
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tokos your marus
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