#Homestuck fanfic
kittenmurd3r · 2 days
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hi guys chapter 4 is here hope u like my ms paint skills
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Hey guys! This past month our Coalition has been writing our latest Competition: Monsterstuck! Yall should join us in reading and voting from now until October 1st! You can choose between Scariest Monster, Angstiest Injury or Death Scene, Best in Executing a Twist, and more!
There were 12 entries in total, featuring a wide variety of monsters (both scary, and not!) List below the cut for yall to check out.
(Artwork by our awesome admin @arealpeople)
(1) Bad Dog
Becquerel will keep Jade Harley safe at any cost.
(2) A Fish Out of Water
Sollux is unlucky with love, this is until he meets Feferi at a party.
(3) Do Robots Dream of Eternal Sleep?
You are designation BR-0, a V1 model.
(4) Lady Woegoth and the Emerald Flame
Four months and thirteen days after defeating the notorious White Wizard, Rose Lalonde goes after one of his followers in a desperate bid to save the world.
(5) Cottage in the Woods
Dave wakes up in a cottage in the woods with little memory of how he got there. Luckily, there's a kind young woman there to take care of him.
(6) Vantaswocky
They took their vorpal swords in hand; Long time the manxome foe they sought— So rested they by the Tumtum tree And stood awhile in thought. And, as in uffish thought they stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as he came!
(7) To Touch the Stars
Kanaya asks squid mermaid Rose out on a date with a bouquet of flowers and gets to see the stars up close.
(8) Crestfallen Kings and Queens
You stare in awe and terror at the deepsea monstrosity behind the glass cage taking up nearly half of the entire facility.
(9) With The Tides
It's been a year since she disappeared. You don't want to go.
(10) Our C A M P F I R E S O N G song! (there is no song)
Staring into the scarlet flames, tales are told to raise some manes.
(11) Not Your Mama's Ship Fic
Adventurer Extrordinare Jake English is visiting Inverness, Scotland for a week.
(12) Her Deep Disquiet
In 1894, Miss Jade Harley, a private detective employed by the Crocker-English Company, went to a small New England town to follow the trail of a missing woman. This series of letters is all that remains.
Special shout out to our authors! @eridan-amporaa ; @dave2olkat ; @orangestorapples ; @ambrosianlullaby ; @jonayariley ; @bralsradoesfanfiction ; @june-egbert-official ; @manifestmerlin ; @bigtopcheezborger ; @neapolitangirl ; @tehstripe ; @aspendrake1185
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insufferablemod · 7 months
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You watch him hem and haw over answering, feet shifting, same beat up black shoes, scuffing the gravel, cape swishing behind him in a one-two step. The halo of his hair, bleached eery white in the street lamp, how the light never seems to catch the rim of his shades. You missed this, you think. The bits of him that are so unsettlingly inhuman, how he's so close to you, but just far enough that you couldn't reach to touch. - Metempsychosis
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kabutoden · 7 months
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vexwerewolf · 4 months
I don't really work on Lancestuck any more but I'm so incredibly proud of this exchange
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jellysmudge · 6 months
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DERSE ROYALTY AU LINEUP!!!! All the Strilondes are siblings in this AU, and are princes and princesses. Derse and Prospit are warring countries, one of which uses magic to fight (Prospit) and the other relies on vaguely industrial machinery (Derse). Magic is outlawed in Derse. I’ll give more info if wanted!
I tried to strike a balance between extravagance and practicality depending on personalities. Dirk and Rose’s clothing are the most embellished, but while Roxy and Dave’s outifts may seem plain, the dye used to get such vivid colors would probably be horrifically expensive.
Dirk: He is the oldest, and therefore the first in line for the throne. I tried to show how he is trying to keep up put-together appearances, but is still mainly focused on combat-readiness. Notice the visible steel toes on his boots! He would also probably carry his sword around at his hip.
Roxy: Her outfit is one of the most practical for plot reasons (not to be divulged yet). She prioretizes outdoor-preparedness, with a hood for harsher weather. When in the palace, she would probably enjoy wearing much fancier, flouncy attire, like fluttery dresses.
Rose: The most prim and proper, even more than Dirk, and the least practical. She would absolutely love showing off her fashion, and doesn’t need much movement as her work and/or hobbies would likely be academic in nature. I added pearls to her bodice because they make me think of sea creatures!
Dave: He barely wears any embellishment on his clothes, and is usually out on the training grounds with the knights. Hence the sturdy, well-made leathers. He is following Dirk’s combat-driven ways, just with less pressure from outside forces.
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verminvamp · 4 months
MorE arT foR mY aU ^,..,^ thiS timE witH latunA >,..,< bC i loV eM ♡,..,♡
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tonyzaret · 9 days
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Full video:
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jadedharleys · 7 months
guys i dont think this is what uquiz is meant for
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classpectpokerap · 3 months
ur fanfic goes so hard i am waiting for the next chapter and shaking i need to know if nep remembers them
thank you so fucking much. genuinely. its insane to me the traction this fic has gotten to the point im getting asks about it (A NEW PHENOMENON FOR ME.) here is a preview of the next chapter
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and if you stumble on this ask and have no idea what im talking about.
read square rooted, my "jasprose and davepeta are sent back in time to 4/13/2009" time travel isekai. lots of shenanigans. so fucking many shenanigans
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dave2olkat · 11 months
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Character designs for Roxy, Calliope, Hal, Equius and Nepeta for my fanfic, GOLD PILOT! While it'll mainly be a Davesolkat fic, I still wanted to draw how everyone will be looking like :) Doing everyone was lots of fun and I kinda want Nepeta's sneakers
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Bracket forming! - This post will update as the blog progresses.
Hi! There's so many fan adventures. This is about as much to find the 'best' fan adventure as it is to show off lesser known ones.
Submissions closed! I am sifting through entries and seeding the bracket
rounds under the cut.
round: JUST FOR FUN.
round: PRELIMS
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a response to the magic ask.
rose... have you begun experimenting?
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ROSE: Who’s to say? No matter what I tell you about my magic, you would never be able to know if I were telling the truth.
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vexwerewolf · 11 months
Good morning, good afternoon, please observe one of the rawest pieces of dialogue I have ever written
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jellysmudge · 2 months
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Continuation of this post. Kingdomstuck aus are my fav. These are some clothing designs for what the strilondes might wear in Prospit.
Prospit has a very warm climate, very different from the subpolar climate in Derse (long, incredibly harsh winters, and short summers). I liked drawing Roxy and Rose the most:}}
References/designs for the Prospit royalty will be coming soon!!
Also link to the fanfic: here
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verminvamp · 2 months
ParT 4 o,..,<
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