starrun · 1 year
3 for the ask meme!
3) How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?) [Ask meme Q's here]
Definitely thinking and focusing on the sounds of the environment, most often the hum of my spaceship and the small sounds my droid makes while in rest. Though sometimes I would also listen to audiobooks or other kinds of narration to sleep, especially while on-planet. I probably started doing this while at Royal Imperial, considering I would have been bunked with at least 3 other people, usually more.
Thank you for the ask!
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eopie-udesii · 2 years
Hey, bit of a weird ask - who would Eopie most enjoy explaining her special interests to?
hi!! thank u so much for the ask!! & don't worry, it's not weird at all 🥰
i think Eopie likes talking to Dess about her special interests most of the time, mainly bc he is always willing to set aside some time to listen. he loves to see her talk about something she's so deeply invested in. there's also the added benefit of Dess being a medic as well, so she doesn't have to pause & explain a bunch of technical terms.
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oflgtfol · 2 years
did i really use the word email in yaim’la. would star wars even call it email. i feel like it should be called something stupid instead
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kcrabb88 · 1 month
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Kill the Lights
Chapter 17
Summary: When Obi-Wan interferes in the Fives incident, Palpatine decides he's had enough of the Jedi Master getting in the way of his attempts to corrupt The Chosen One. Obi-Wan, catching on to Palpatine's plans, goes missing. When photos and videos of Obi-Wan's torture are made public, Anakin starts to unravel. Quinlan searches the Coruscant underworld with increasing desperation. Dooku wonders if he's made the right choices. Obi-Wan, trapped and tormented, tries to reveal the truth about who the Sith lord is. Schemes come to light. Myths merge into reality. With the Republic in the clutches of a Sith, the Jedi, the clones, and their friends in the senate fight to find one of their best--and save the galaxy's guardians from extermination. Chapter Summary: Obi-Wan receives an unsettling holomail message. Fox stands up against Palpatine. Palpatine falls further into obsession. Anakin finds his courage. Quinlan worries Obi-Wan is keeping secrets. The galaxy, embroiled in conflict, waits.
A paint-dripping image fills his mind. A rocky hill and a black-cloaked Muun at the top of it. A sharp-faced and growling boy at the bottom. Bruised. Burned.
If not power, then nothing, Master Kenobi.
Obi-Wan centers himself in the light and out of what might be the dregs of Sheev Palpatine’s memory that echoes the letter he sent. A bond. A bond has been formed and it’s the last thing Obi-Wan wants, but he will use it.
A Muun. That’s a shred of evidence as to the identity of Palpatine’s dead master.
He intends to find out more.
“Did you come here because you supposed I would bow to your threats in person?” Obi-Wan asks. “Do think again, Chancellor.”
“Oh,” Palpatine says with an almost indiscernible chuckle. “I did miss your insolence, Master Jedi.”
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pentacass · 1 year
keeping myself sane at work by thinking of alternate ways ves signs off on holomails when she's 100% done
hatefully yours,
don't speak to me again,
rolling my eyes,
patience running thin,
unapologetically insane,
may the force leave you like your wife did,
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galaxacious · 6 months
writing patterns tag game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thanks @musewrangler, I'm mostly happy to have ten fics posted:
(Content warning, I wrote a few Roosterteeth fics from 2020 and before, so some of these feature Ryan Haywood.)
Well. [A Quadrillion Ways to Die, Star Wars]
“It’s too late!” Commander Gherant shouted from near the Pit. [The Galaxy Revolves at a Million Miles a Day (Around Me), Star Wars]
Piett sat down at his desk and opened his first piece of holomail, stifling a yawn. [Gut Feeling, Star Wars]
There wasn’t meant to be a planet here. [Blood and Copper Oxide, Star Wars]
Geoff’s phone buzzed in his pocket. [Spite the Dying of My Light, Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter]
You don’t get to be someone like the Vagabond without becoming a jack of all trades. [No Man is an Archipelago, Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter]
“So we’re all in agreement, then.” Geoff said. “This is Ryan’s fault.” [Detective Roger Davis and the Detective Roger Davis Detective Agency, Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter]
Geoff looked up from the dining room table when he heard footsteps and an odd rolling sound. [Smile and Wave at Close of Day, Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter]
“I feel old.” Peter said. [Unmitigated Disaster, Spider-man/Avengers]
Los Santos had a population of around five million, which meant there were roughly forty thousand fliers in the city. [Earn Your Wings, Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter]
I don't really see much of a clear pattern, except where I abruptly changed fandoms. (If you know, you know.) I like a bit of understatement - you wouldn't tell from the first fic that the emperor the galaxy just died, or from the fourth that an epic space battle was raging on. I often like to take a breath before diving into the thick of it.
Also looking at these stories, man. I used to write more and write recklessly. Throw in a bunch of artwork that only took an hour or two instead of weeks. It used to be so easy to put myself out there. I miss that.
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sullustangin · 2 years
Fluffy February Day 3: Anniversary
Rating: PG
Fandom: SWTOR
Time:  26 ATC
Pairing: Theron Shan/Smuggler, guest starring Jace Malcom
Words: 1025
Jace Malcom did not want to screw this up.  
His relationship with Theron had always been…thready at best.  There would be a time when they got along fine, saw each other semi-regularly….and then they wouldn’t see each other for months.  Then they’d reconnect… and then nothing.
Jace had done enough reading to know that was a consequence of what happened to Theron when he was a kid.
Jace was still angry about that – angry at that Jedi that just abandoned the boy and didn’t tell Satele.  He wanted to be angry at Marcus Trant, but he really couldn’t reasonably justify it; he didn’t know until Jace did about Theron’s whole parentage.    
…somehow, Jace let Satele off the hook, every time he thought about the situation.  He got her logic – so did Theron.  It didn’t stop the hurt when Jace thought about Theron as a state’s ward or how little Satele thought of Jace’s ability to be a better man – better than his hate and his trauma and –
But then she’d never seen him with his friends’ kids, and she didn’t know how many times over he was someone’s godfather. 
She’d met Kal, which probably hadn’t helped his cause, but they both laughed about it later.
She never met his mom or his dad, who Theron probably would have spent a lot of time with if –
Mom and Dad were gone now. They weren’t the same after Kal died. Jace was all by himself for a few years there.  He supposed it was better that Mom died before the war kicked up again.  He didn’t think she’d be able to take the worry of him being deployed again like that...
Especially since he went right back to Alderaan, almost sixty years old at that point.
Then there was Theron…and Jace had to admit, he’d been a high-end clinger to the poor guy.  He sent him a holomail randomly, once, to ask about his birthday cake for his seventh birthday, because Jace didn’t know and desperately wanted to know… because he would have wanted to be there.
Theron, by that point, was turning 27, and simply didn’t answer the message.
Then came Theron’s whole defection from the Republic to go save his not-girlfriend after she died in the Eternal Fleet Incident…
Ok, so Jace was wrong about that one.  Really, really wrong.  
The Alliance was now a third faction in the galaxy, and the dead girl was his daughter-in-law.  They were safe.  They were happy.  Theron finally seemed anchored by someone.
Jace Malcom did not want to screw this up.  
He never thought that a piece of parchment could weigh so much.
“Happy anniversary!”  Jace greeted them as they entered one of the numerous meeting rooms in the Alliance’s command complex.  Eva’s droid had ushered him upstairs while the pair had finished handling business in their war room.  
Eva and Theron both slowed down and looked at each other.  “Did we--?” she asked.
“I don’t think we did,” Theron replied as he pulled out his datapad.  “At least both of us forgot, so no hard feelings –”
Jace gestured with his hands in the negative. “No, no, I’m early.  Really early, honestly.  I don’t know if I’ll see you again before the actual day.”  Then he flexed his fingers nervously as he lowered his hands. “… I have a gift.  For Eva.”
Jokingly, Theron asked, “What about me?”
“I’m still happy she didn’t kill you; you can wait til your birthday, son.”  The smart response sent Theron a step backwards--
Dammit.  His temper –
But Theron didn’t leave. He let out a rough guffaw and smirked. “Valid.”  Crisis averted; Theron still had that sharp sense of humor that verged on the gallows.  It came with years clocked in service, Jace had to admit.
Eva silently watched the exchange play out between father and son.  She only became animated again when Jace extended a hand with a sealed –
“Parchment?” she asked aloud as she took his offering.
“First anniversary is meant to be flimsi, but … that isn’t available on flimsi” was all Jace offered for an explanation as she pulled her boot knife and carefully sliced through the wax seal.
The dark eyes raced across the page as she read through the document.  Every word.
Jace knew she wasn’t formally educated, but he also knew that she was bright; she wouldn’t have been able to hold Theron’s attention if she wasn’t.  
Her breathing shifted, and Theron was at her side in a split second.  “What --?”
“It’s all right.”  A sad smile finally came across her face.  “It’s… finally all right.”  She passed the document to Theron.  Then she turned her gaze to Jace.  “Thanks.”  
It was a simple word, but the depth of gratitude in her eyes – Jace sniffled, despite his best efforts.
“Exonerations?” Theron stared at the words on the page, puzzled.  “But they were never –”
“Brought to trial, formally? No.  Not for the smuggling.”  Eva gave a little sigh, and Jace thought it sounded like a small child’s little frustrated huff—a ghost of the little girl she’d been.  “…the Republic used to try to save labor by putting fugitives with known children on trial.”  She ran a tongue along lips that had gone dry.  “The charge that stuck best was child abuse – don’t take your kid to the doctor, don’t enroll them in school, what kind of parent are you?”    
Realization dawned on Theron, brutally, and he stared silently at the paper in his hand. 
Jace said, gruffly, “They don’t do that anymore.  Stopped... maybe fifteen years ago.”  The Pub finally got it right... took awhile, but it always did, in Jace’s mind.  He knew better than to mention that to either of them.
“Convicted in absentia, if they ever got collared, the Pub wouldn’t have any problems removing the children from the parents.”  Now Eva crossed her arms – no, she hugged herself.  “Your father got my parents exonerated.  Records expunged.”  She gave a little sigh.  “Athene and Hadrian are officially not bad parents.”  Then she shrugged. “Already knew that –”  then she fell silent, her emotions playing across her face.
Jace had nearly a foot-and-a-half and close to two hundred pounds on Eva Corolastor but she still managed to almost knock him over with the ferocity of a hug.
When Eva let him go, Jace saw Theron standing there, those olive-gold eyes of his gleaming bright.
When Theron hugged him, that’s when Jace got all weepy.
He was such a softie, as Kal had said.
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intheinkpot · 1 year
*Thorn and Rin coming up with names for their twins*
Thorn: Let’s name our daughter Ashwin because she'll scatter the ASHes of her enemies into the WINd because she'll WIN everytime.
Rin: ……. You're not allowed to name our children anymore.
*Rin names the boy twin Cassius and Thorn sulks at breakfast*
Thorn: It's FINE, i GUESS, seems a little BORING tho
Rin: *casually sips his coffee and reads his holomail* Yes, dear.
A couple days later:
Lana: Why is Thorn sulking?
Rin: I named our boy Cassius.
Lana: Why? It sounds like a good strong name.
Rin: Because she hasn't been able to come up with a fun little story behind it yet.
Lana: Ah. Oh dear.
Rin: Yup.
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mechanicalmaniac · 1 year
DAMN that's better than the jobs I've been applying to. You got an application I can fill out?
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starrun · 2 years
So... my younger brother's name is Lucas. And I really like star wars. And im trans masc. Would it be fucked up if I wanted to name myself Anakin?
Nope, not fucked up at all. If you're worried about the implications of naming yourself after a villain, plenty of people use fictional characters' names as aliases just because they like the way they sound. When I was growing up people using the names of anime characters was the norm, villains included. They aren't real people, there isn't anything wrong with using a name you vibe with.
And there is no saying you need to stick with that name forever. You can use it as an online alias, or use it for a little while until you find something you vibe with more, or whatever. You do you, have fun, use names that are meaningful for you.
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ask-dindjarin · 1 year
Off on the next adventure. Will send holomail.
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dirthara-dalen · 8 months
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Despite no updates on Malgus, it was nice to finally hear from Shae again. Prior to the meeting he had received a holomail from Indigo in regards to Shae harassment. He believed Indigo had nothing to do with Heta and felt bad for him.
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When he was called back to the meeting room later that day he did not expect to find Zenith there. He also did not expect to be regarded so coldly. It was clear the twi'lek mistook him for Cain at first as he knew both of his brothers had spent time on Balmorra. When it became clear that he had no interest in joining the alliance he didn't push the subject but requested Lana have some people keep an eye on him.
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mandadlorianstuff · 1 year
Just sitting in this work meeting thinking about if Din gets junk holomail like hot twi'leks in your area
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roboticxbutler · 6 years
[@glowinggreencranium] "Oi Lawrence! Get your smelly metal butt in here, I got something I need to get off my chest!"
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Suppressing a sigh, the robotic butler appeared in the doorway carrying a large basket of dirty laundry. “Is this terribly important, sir? I’m rather busy at the moment.”
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pentacass · 2 years
[From: Vestra Lenshe] [Subject: Going dark]
My love, I will be out of contact for a while. Darth Marr has asked for my assistance in a...discreet matter. No communications until it is done.
You are in my thoughts, and my heart, as ever. I’ll see you soon.
[From: Ashara Zavros] [Subject: re: Going dark]
Aw, shucks. I miss you already.
[From: Andronikos Revel] [Subject: re: Going dark] 
Love ya back, baby girl.
[From: Talos Drellik] [Subject: re: Going dark]
My lord, I’m afraid you sent that holomail to the entire crew.
[From: Vestra Lenshe] [Subject: re: Going dark]
[From: Xalek] [Subject: re: Going dark]
I have forwarded your message to Lana, my lord. With the whole thread.
[From: Vestra Lenshe] [Subject: re: Going dark]
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Kit: My Master got his first spam holomail and he called the Temple Guard.
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