#Holiday Rental Insurance
jamesdreeto · 8 months
Atlantic Insurance
With Atlantic Insurance as our trusted partner, you can navigate the complexities of the business world with confidence. Their team is dedicated to ensuring that our enterprise is safeguarded against potential challenges, allowing us to focus on our core objectives without the burden of uncertainty. Choose Atlantic Insurance for reliable protection and a steadfast commitment to the enduring success of the business
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atlanticinsuranceau · 8 months
Atlantic Insurance
Safeguard the enduring success of our business with the unparalleled protection offered by Atlantic Insurance, meticulously crafted, customized business insurance solutions are designed to fortify our enterprise, establishing a resilient and secure foundation by shielding it from unforeseen risks. With Atlantic Insurance as our trusted partner, concentrate confidently on what matters most, secure in the knowledge that your business is safeguarded against potential challenges.
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itshomobirb · 27 days
i bought a used wheelchair off ebay and it's supposed to arrive on monday and tbh im so excited !! ik it's gonna take awhile to build up more arm strength but im so much wagging my tail at the idea of being able to do short lil mental health walks with it
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rentandrelaxus · 2 years
Vrbo Travel Insurance for hosts
Vrbo Travel Insurance for hosts
While you are supposed to unwind on a holiday, traveling does come with some risk. Enter travel insurance.  Travel plans change. Trips get canceled. Property can break.  To ensure that both hosts and guests have a memorable experience, Vrbo offers a number of ways that they can safeguard themselves against most unfortunate events. Without insurance, you run the risk not only of incurring…
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thelordfool · 2 years
It never stops! Haha! TL;DR: I need $1000 By Sunday, November 27th so I don’t lose my job because of a car accident
paypal: asrielelijahking / venmo & cashapp: thelordfool
and I still need the $700 from my last post.
I need a rental car so I can get to/from work while I wait for insurance to take care of this situation. I am NOT at fault for this, more below.  CW FOR CAR ACCIDENT + INJURY RESULTING FROM SUCH IN READ MORE
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On Monday November 21st as I was driving home from the first day of my new job, a car from the center lane (whose driver was talking on his phone) pulled as if to make a right hand turn and collided into my car, as I was in the right hand lane (there were three lanes - center, left, and right). I was going 40 MPH at the time of the incident and sustained minor neck, back, and arm injuries.
The collision caused me to veer off the road and another car was hit as well due to the negligence of this driver. My transmission + alignment are busted but I don’t think the car will be totaled. Due to the holiday, insurance isn’t bothering to send an adjuster out right away, or if they have, they haven’t said anything to me about it.
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I want to book for 3 weeks while winter sets in and we can get this settled. I’ll also be needing to book chiropractor appointments around my work which adds to more stress, but as I’m not at fault, insurance will pay for that + I am getting a lawyer. I’m hoping I win enough to cover my expenses but I don’t have ANY money right now. Please please please share
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smirk-mode · 10 months
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I got really bored and made my own Mineopoly board...
(all images from bing ai - no way I was wasting weeks doing all these myself!!)
And here's the Risk (Chance!) and Camphor Wood Chest (Community Chest Cards!)
Risk Cards
Advance to Go (Collect $£200) Advance to Titan. If you pass Go, collect $£200 Advance to Pluto Advance to Olympus Mons. If you pass Go, collect $£200 Advance to the nearest Space Service Station. If unowned, you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, pay owner twice the rental to which they are otherwise entitled Advance to the nearest Space Service Station. If unowned, you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, pay owner twice the rental to which they are otherwise entitled Advance to nearest Corporation. If unowned, you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, throw dice and pay owner a total ten times amount thrown. Bank of Callisto pays you dividend of $£50 Your life is saved! Get Out of Purgatory Free! Go Back 3 Spaces Industrial Accident. Go to Purgatory. Go directly to Purgatory, do not pass Go, do not collect $£200 Make general repairs on all your property. For each mining shaft pay $£25. For each complete mine pay $£100 Parking Fine $£15 Take a trip to Tebay Services. If you pass Go, collect $£200 You have been elected Chairman of JMC. Pay each player $£50 You receive a faulty merchandise refund from Diva Droid International after your mechanoid causes and industrial accident. Collect $£150
Camphor Wood Chest Cards
Advance to Go (Collect $£200) Bank of Callisto makes error in your favour. Collect $£200 Medibot Insurance fee. Pay $£50 From sale of mining stock you get $£50 You're a Hologram! Get Out of Purgatory Free! Industrial Accident. Go to Purgatory. Go directly to Purgatory, do not pass Go, do not collect $£200 Holiday fund matures. Receive $£100 Outland Revenue Refund. Collect $£20 It is your birthday. Collect $£10 from every player Hologramic insurance matures. Collect $£100 Pay medibot fees of $£100 Pay JMC training fees of $£50 Receive $£25 mining consultancy fee You are assessed for mine shaft repairs. $£40 per shaft. $£115 per mine You have won second prize in a GELF beauty contest. Collect $£10 You inherit $£100
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bijesperfahey · 2 years
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I wasn't going to do this but fuck it!!! I need some help!
My car was broken into and (we think) attempted to be stolen. The good news: they failed and nothing else of value was taken!!
The bad news: My car is currently totally unusable.
The worst news: My insurance can't get anyone here until 1/4 to look at my car and I can't get a rental which is covered under said insurance until 1/3 because of the holiday.
I'm just looking for a little help to 1. Help me afford an Uber when my coworkers can't help me get too/from work and 2. Help me pay either for my deductible to get this thing fixed (or a down-payment on a new car if it comes down to it).
Literally any amount will help but I'm shooting for 600 to at least help get things started!
Paypal: nategill4
Cashapp: $nategill4
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miseriathome · 10 months
A drunk driver hit my car (and a few other cars) last night, which is sooooo cool 🙄 /s
He hit a pregnant lady and her angry stepdad, a guy who lives two hours away and had come up for Thanksgiving, and me, on my way to pick up friend-with-cancer for dinner. The police stuff took about two and a half hours and we finally managed to eat around 9:30 pm.
Called off work and forfeited my holiday pay so I can spend all morning making phone calls to skeleton staffs who won't be able to do anything until Monday at the earliest.
It looks like I won't have my car back for some number of weeks but at least the rental car is affordable. A friend who understands insurance bullshit says I may be able to have it subrogated to the other party, although the cost to me would be about the same anyways.
Although when I called the other guy's insurance, they said they couldn't "determine liability at this time." And while I understand that the rep was required to say that, it's still so 🙄🙄🙄. She also called it "a little fender bender" which. Bruh, there is extensive damage to my car and it's non-drivable. I got hit by a goddamn pickup truck.
Physically and financially I'm fine, emotionally I'm annoyed as shit.
My next two shifts are night shifts that my friend and I signed up for together, and we're going to be betting breakfast after, so I'm looking forward to that.
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kennysmoviepage · 2 years
You can learn a lot from watching “Planes Trains and Automobiles,”it’s timeless!
Check your update on your map app
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Maybe get the rental insurance
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People around the Holidays don’t take lightly to bad attitudes
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Pack lightly
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It’s cold in the winter snuggling is approved
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Did I say it’s cold dress appropriately
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Don’t forget anyone this thanksgiving
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Don’t travel alone
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And most importantly kindness goes a long way
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Lastly Happy Thanksgiving and kick off your socks and enjoy Planes Trains and Automobiles
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laf-outloud · 2 years
I've been keeping an eye on this and they FINALLY updated the production dates - TW is now listed though January 23, 2023
Wow! That is quite late! WIndy finished filming on Dec. 1st and even if they finished early, that's still at least 4 extra weeks that TW would have had to film (if we allow them a three week break for the holidays). If they take 10 business days per episode (which is still on the high end for the CW), that's 2 whole episodes after WIndy finished their 13. An entire month of rentals, payroll, insurance... I can't imagine that the reshoots early on took an entire month, so they must have lost time somewhere else. Either way, if the ratings don't sink them, this will.
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Playing The Numbers
Dear Future Husband, 
I hate money. 
I mean, obviously I don’t hate what money can get for me, I just hate dealing with it, calculating it, and, well, dealing with it. Did I mention dealing with it?
I’ve had a business idea for a while (several actually, but one in particular) and since I’ve been having some weird stuff happening at work recently, I’ve been putting more time towards the research and development of said business. 
And everything is money. 
That probably sounds stupid, because it’s a business, so of course it’s about money - net profit is the end goal, so you have to be serious about your expenses and find every possible way to bring in as much cash as you can, or else what was the point in opening the business in the first place?
But at the same time, money is exhausting. 
Itemizing everything that would be an expense so I can know how much to get for a start-up business loan is insane. 
The business is kind of a hybrid of service and product. Without actually detailing what I’m working on, I’ll use this as an example: 
Imagine you have a bar that also offers games. So you could go to just buy some beers and hang out or you could go and learn a new game or join a game.
So you’ve got the drinks and snacks, which are products, and you charge a sitting fee so people can come and play the games. 
In this case, you have no idea how popular this will be, right? So you have to guesstimate how many people you think you could get in everyday, maybe more on the weekends and holidays, for party rental, etc. Maybe you even offer classes so people can learn new games. 
And you also have to calculate how much of everything you need, so which brands of alcohol are you going to buy, what quantity of each do you need (well, no idea who’s going to order what, and do you even have a stock room big enough to have enough of all the things?), you also need the cups and the glasses and the snacks (which snacks? how many of each?) and the bowls and the coasters and the napkins and the towels and cleaning supplies and purchase all the games and then maybe you invest in a 3d printer in case game pieces go missing and you want to print some replacements, etc. 
That doesn’t even include the initial setup of the place, which will most likely have to be redone if the location wasn’t previously a bar or had party rooms, and even if it was a bar before, is it oriented the way you want? 
So I’ve been itemizing. So. Many. Things. 
Maybe too many things, but thorough is better, no? 
At this point, based on pure speculation for how popular my business is going to be (because honestly, who even knows?) my guesstimation is that between “sitting fee” (also membership for people who want to come in regularly and want to save a bit on the “sitting fee”) and “classes” and “party rental” and “drinks and snacks” I can bring in around $400,000 a year in gross profits. 
That seems impressive. 
As someone who grew up pretty much dirt poor and has never had more than like $1,500 in my bank, and even THAT is a rarity, I can’t even fathom bringing in close to half a million dollars. 
But then you have to calculate expenses. 
And between lease, payroll, internet, phone, insurance, security, pos system, marketing, bookkeeping, office supplies, food supplies, cleaning supplies, etc, I’m at around $250,000 in expenses without even including loan payback.
And that also doesn’t include renovation of the space, which would depend on location, but still probably have to come out of my pocket. 
And I know not all businesses make money the first year. And I know there’s an initial investment of a lot of money that becomes less as time goes on (spending thousands on games but then the games belong to you, so your investment in future games will be less out of pocket annually), but also... 
I need to make money. 
Some people have the freedom to start and close businesses on a whim, but if I put my time and energy into something like this, I need it to be successful because I literally cannot afford anything else. 
I was trying to guesstimate how much money I personally would make from an endeavor such as this, and I conservatively chose $60,000. 
First of all, that’s so much money!
Second of all, that’s not enough money. 
So let’s discuss why that is. 
Let’s start with taxes:
I played with the calculations myself and then used a tax calculator from Forbes and got a different amount in the same price range. Because I could be doing it wrong, let’s use the Forbes amounts. 
On a salary of $60,000 a year*, I’d be paying around $5,968 to federal taxes and $2,534 to state taxes. 
That leaves me with $51,498. 
First things first, 10% to tzedaka. That’s $5,149.80 right off the bat.
That leaves me with $46,448.
As soon as I can afford it, I’m moving out of my current situation. I don’t know if I could buy a place right away, but I need space to breathe, so I would look for somewhere to rent in the meantime. Rent in my area has been around $2000/mo lately and going up. So let’s guesstimate $26,000/yr just for rental. (And that’s hoping it’s furnished. If not, I’ll have to pay more to furnish the place.)
That leaves me with $20,348. 
Then we have to include utilities. At the very least heat/ac, which in my area is conservatively $2200 annually. 
That leaves me with $18,148.
Let’s talk kosher food. Right now I pay a large chunk of the grocery bill and it comes to at least $200/wk. I should probably be rebudgetting and adjusting this, but in the meantime, that’s around $10,400/year just for food for the family. If I lived on my own, I’d guesstimate cutting that at least in half, if not by thirds. So, let’s be go wide here, just to be on the safe side and put it at $5,000 annually.
That leaves me with $13,148.
When it comes to cars, I would need a new one. By new, that means new to me, not actually brand spankin’ new. A lot of places I’ve been looking show that a car lease would be around $475/mo plus a deposit for a car that isn’t even new. Most have contracts for 2+ years, so I’m looking at a minimum of 24 months on a contract. So for one year, that’s still around $5,800.
That leaves me with $7,348.
I have credit cards to pay off that I’m appalled to say have gotten ridiculously high, and although I could do higher payments than usual without paying off the full amount, I would get some major peace of mind. Regardless, if I just paid about $75/mo to each one for the first year, that’s $3,600,
That leaves me with $3,748.
Not to mention if I start making that much per year, my student loans wouldn’t be deferrable anymore and I’d have to start paying those. 
And I haven’t even factored in insurance. 
This doesn’t include regular toiletries, cleaning supplies, gas, the moving costs to get all my stuff to a new place and/or furnish it with things I don’t have like couches and kitchen utensils... just basic other living expenses. 
And without a safety net, I’d be stuck, so I can’t even take that $3,000 and invest it in anything.
$60,000 a year and I’m still barely making it. 
That’s insane!
Like, it doesn’t even make sense! 
And the thing is, that it’s easy to say “so just don’t _____ for the first year” but let’s play out those scenarios:
Don’t get a new car.
Ok, so I’m either stuck still sharing a vehicle with MotherLivelyHeart (which is an absolute joke - have I told that story?) or I have to uber/lyft all the time, which is also not cost effective. Add to that, I can only share the vehicle if I live in the same general area as MotherLivelyHeart, and that would depend on finding a place within reasonable distance. 
Don’t get a new place.
Ok, so I’m stuck in the same position I am right now, with MotherLivelyHeart breathing down my neck all the time. If I’m running a business like this one, I will not be able to function if I’m still living with my mother. She always has “ideas” and feels like my ideas are part hers too, so if I’m making money here, she has to insert herself somehow to make money also. Everything is an idea for money and I need to be able to breathe. I need space. I need the nagging to stop. I need the micromanaging to stop. I need to be self-sufficient.**
Don’t get a new place by yourself - find a roommate.
At the moment, I’m so done with living with people. I don’t want to be beholden to anyone and I don’t want anyone being beholden to me. I don’t want them to be inviting strangers into my space, and I don’t want to have to deal with the dynamics of “who’s been drinking my milk” or “who’s stuff is in the washer when I need it” or “whose turn is it to take out the garbage” or “who didn’t refill the toilet paper” etc. I just need space, especially if I’m running a full time business at the same time. If I were getting married, that would be different, but that’s not even an option while I’m dealing with a startup, so... yeah, no. 
And these may seem like excuses, but I know myself and I know that any of those living situations put me in a position of being extra-stressed. And if I’m stressed, I’ll implode and stop going out and stop showing up and stop doing what the business needs and it’ll close, making me not only a public failure, but also still broke. 
So it’s exhausting. 
I know I need a mentor and I’ve been looking for someone who could guide me, but even something like the Jewish Women Entrepreneurs charge money to be a part of their little gang, when all I need is someone to guide me through this whole thing who has experience and expertise and will help me avoid major pitfalls I can’t even see because I’ve never done this before and don’t even know what to look for. (Is it a vine or a snake? Not a clue.)
So it’s a lot. 
But the money isn’t. 
Which is insane! (I think I’ve mentioned that already...)
And I know that the net profits are technically also mine and that I wouldn’t even be on the payroll as an employee per se, but at the same time, I need to be able to reinvest most of those profits back into the business and I want to be able to put myself on a reasonable pay scale. 
But it’s no wonder people are complaining about inflation and tuition costs and everything. At $60,000 a year, I, as a single person, would barely be making it. And these are with conservative numbers! Odds are some of the taxes would be higher, gas prices fluctuate, I might have to pay for water wherever I live, etc. 
There are so many unpredictable contingencies and at the end of the day, I’d still be barely scraping by, despite making significantly more than I do currently.
I know some of these expenses would go away after the first year (like furniture  and kitchen utensils are usually a one-time buy), but at the end of the day I’d still be paying almost 1/6 of my take-home in taxes and 10% of that to tzedaka (which would be very exciting because it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to consistently pay 10% of my salary to tzedaka). And still around 55% of my salary to a roof over my head and food on my table. 
And what would that mean for my employees!?
I want to pay a livable wage, especially if I can find trustworthy people who will be full time employees at this joint, and I know their expenses are none of my business, but if I manage to find someone able to work for $50,000 a year, is that even a livable wage!? And if I pay them less, will they have to find other jobs to supplement what I’m paying them? And if they’re stressed with multiple jobs, are they the best employees? Would I have to look for college kids who are living at home to work for me? Do I even want to deal with that population of GenZ in the work place? 
I know I’m an over-thinker.
I know I stress about the wrong things at the wrong times and all that, but these are genuine concerns of mine. 
And this is just the research phase! 
I don’t even have an official location or full business plan or appointments for financing or any of that!
But this is all still an investment of time and energy and I need to know that the outcome will be worth it. 
I’m hoping it’s all rainbows and sunshine at the other end, but I know better and I need to be at least partially prepared. 
It’s also crazy to be making huge plans like this while there’s so much global uncertainty and we’re also supposed to believe that Moshiach is coming today!
Like, why would I be investing time and energy into something here when we’re all going to fly to Israel on the wings of an eagle and live happily ever after there?
And all this as a single woman in my 30s. 
My family knows about this business idea, as do a couple of my friends, but I don’t do well when there’s pressure from other people. I can’t handle the expectations and assumptions, so I haven’t told anyone I’ve been doing this kind of work lately. 
I just kind of want to do it and then let people know. 
So I’m really alone in this. 
It would be so amazing to have a partner to bounce ideas off of. It would be so amazing to have a partner to work with. Someone who I could trust with everything from my heart to my money. 
But I don’t. 
And it’s possible that going through this process will make me enough to be self-sufficient and put me in a better mental health space to be able to open myself up to the possibility of marriage. But all of that is conjecture. I just kind of have to do it. 
I just wish I had some kind of decent support system to help me through this right now. It’s very lonely and very stressful and this is before anything is even officially in the works. I can’t imagine how much better/worse it’ll be. 
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
*This would come out to about $5000 a month, or $1250 a week. Guesstimating I’ll be working about 60hrs a week, that comes to just under $21/hr. Not a terrible salary, but if I work more hours than that, the $/hr goes down. 70hrs of work/wk puts me at just under $18/hr. 
**The crazy thing is, I still do majority of the shopping and cooking. I can have an insane week at work and come home every single day and still have to “forage” for food in the fridge and pantry. Despite living with two other people, if I cook, I cook for everyone, if they cook, they cook for themselves. I cook for myself, I clean for myself, I put gas in the car, I pay for oil changes and repairs... the only benefit to living here is not having to pay rent, though MotherLivelyHeart has initiated conversations previously inferring I should be paying rent despite paying the electric bill, which has been going up. Unrelated, but kind of related, have we discussed how when it’s humid outside, it rains in my room? I’ll have to look back at previous posts to see, because that’s a whole story. And it’s been on-going for like 4-5 years.
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elistodragonwings · 2 years
I'm usually skeptical of how much influence supposed internet "challenges" actually have, but having now been the victim of one yeah, this one's real: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kia_Challenge
The internet tells you to steal a car and you go do it? What is wrong with people? I hate to be all "kids these days" but seriously, what is wrong with people? This is not normal teenage behavior!
They stole a disabled person's only car while they were traveling out of state for the holidays, and they did it in the middle of the day in a location with obvious security cameras, for fun?? FUN?? Our friends had to get a rental car to go home and leave their dog behind because they couldn't bring it in the rental, and there's been so many of these thefts in the area that they can't even find a place to do the repairs or even one that has the space to store the car for the month+ while waiting for the parts. The damage isn't even that bad, yet getting it fixed is so difficult, there's a risk the insurance will just declare the car totaled rather than have to pay to store it somewhere, and shipping the car the 500 miles back to their home is out of the question entirely.
How is this fun? Teens sometimes push boundaries, try to get away with illegal stuff, I know, that isn't new. But this isn't shoplifting or underage drinking or taking dangerous risks because you don't fully grasp personal safety. This is a felony. I'd have less outrage if it were stolen for money or parts because that's comprehensible, but because TikTok told you to? What the hell?
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pingcall-getlead · 2 years
Effective Moving Inbound Calls Strategy For Flight Booking
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Flight booking call lead generation is a critical aspect of the travel industry as it provides a direct line of communication between the customer and the travel agency or airline. This approach allows potential customers to ask questions, clarify doubts, and receive personalised recommendations that help them make informed decisions. By offering such services, travel agencies can establish a good rapport with their customers and build trust, which can eventually lead to loyal and long-term relationships. Furthermore, Moving Inbound Calls prove to be an effective way of generating leads that are highly valuable and have a higher chance of converting into actual bookings. This stands true with the statistics where moving inbound leads have proven to be 10 times more likely to convert than outbound leads. 
Strategies for Flight Booking Calls Inbound Lead Generation
To generate high-quality leads, travel agencies or airlines need to employ effective strategies that encourage potential customers to call and inquire about Flight Booking Call. 
Some of the strategies employed by lead generation companies include:
24/7 Availability: Customers should be able to call at any time of the day, including holidays and weekends. This ensures that they have access to the information they need when they need it, increasing the chances of converting leads into bookings.
Provide Personalised Service: Train staff to provide personalised service by answering questions, offering recommendations, and providing solutions that meet the customer's needs.
Offer Incentives: Offering incentives such as discounts, loyalty points, or free upgrades can encourage potential customers to book flights and become repeat customers.
Advertise Toll-Free Numbers: Promote toll-free numbers that customers can call without incurring charges. This strategy is especially effective for international customers.
Handling Flight Booking Calls
Handling flight booking calls requires attentiveness, professionalism, and excellent customer service. By providing accurate information and recommendations, addressing customer queries and concerns, and following up with essential details, travel agencies and airlines can establish a good rapport with their customers and build trust, which can eventually lead to loyal and long-term relationships.
Handling moving inbound calls is a critical part of lead generation as it directly impacts the customer's experience. Here are some tips for effectively handling inbound calls:
Greet the customer with a warm and friendly tone. Introduce yourself and ask how you can assist them.
Listen attentively to the customer's query and ask follow-up questions to clarify any doubts.
Provide accurate information and recommendations that meet the customer's needs.
If necessary, provide alternative flight options, such as different dates or routes.
Offer additional services such as hotel bookings, car rentals, or travel insurance.
End the call by thanking the customer for choosing your service and providing them with a confirmation number and other relevant details.
PingCall is a leading call lead generation company that specialises in providing inbound flight booking call services to travel agencies and airlines. With PingCall, travel agencies and airlines can generate high-quality leads by providing excellent customer service to potential customers who are interested in booking a flight. 
Wrapping Up!
Flight Booking Call lead generation is an essential aspect of the travel industry that can help generate high-quality leads and increase bookings. By employing effective strategies and handling inbound calls with care and professionalism, travel agencies and airlines can provide personalised service that meets the customer's needs and builds trust.
PingCall's experienced team of professionals is equipped with the necessary skills and tools to handle inbound calls efficiently and effectively. They have extensive knowledge of the travel industry and understand the importance of providing personalised service to customers.They employ effective strategies, handle Moving Inbound Calls with care and professionalism, and provide accurate information and recommendations that meet the customer's needs. SOURCE URL: https://medium.com/@pingcall69/effective-moving-inbound-calls-strategy-for-flight-booking-1fd8fe53387e
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ruthiesrambles2 · 2 years
🤡 🤲
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Honestly it's not objectively funny but nothing will ever top my unpublished seventh day chapter that was just this one line:
"On the seventh day, Melanie rested."
But also I'm quite partial to "miss Audrey's sweaty wigs"
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
You can have a long one because I'll not get round to this for at least a few months.
It had been a thoroughly miserable day, even without the rain bouncing noisily off the window panes. Ruth watched as the droplets splattered heavily, the sky outside dark and ominous. She could see by the reflection of the streetlight that the road was already under standing water - an inch or so she would guess - and the trees were being buffeted by the strong winds, their branches leaning dangerously close to the house. Ruth sighed. At least if one of them did come crashing through the roof, the insurance payout would be a good excuse to finally leave.
The tourist season in Kendal had continued to flourish, but Ruth’s bed and breakfast had not. The once glowingly reviewed hotel had not reached capacity once over the summer, a combination of the rise in holiday rentals nearby and the obvious disruption of the construction crew next door. Ruth had even found herself refunding several guests after the builders had picked up their tools at 7am one morning and seemingly hadn’t stopped until nearly 10 that night - a legally unchallengeable problem for a location that people usually visited for some peace and quiet. Not that she hadn’t tried. The council had told her their hands were tied, the contractors apologised but insisted they were just following orders, and the new owners themselves had practically laughed at her down the phone.
And so Ruth had found herself, for the first time in a long time, ready to give the whole thing up. The bank wanted more money that she didn’t have, and meanwhile the house kept throwing up problems that needed a cash solution. The real overwhelming factor, though, was the boredom. Ruth thrived on the chaos of a full house, but the dwindling guest numbers had left her deflated and uninspired, and finally ready to throw in the towel, after 10 long years of building her business.
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bromoeastjava · 2 years
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Mount Bromo Sunrise tour from Bali Island is one of the short trip have supplied for Our clients who interested to start their tour from Hotel or Bali Airport. This travel package 2 days 1 night duration that included 1 night hotel or homestay around Bromo mountain.
Mount Bromo is indeed a popular vacation spot in Indonesia, many foreign and domestic tourists always fill the Bromo mountain area, especially during the long holiday season. On this Mountain tourism, You will presented to see amazing of sunrise, village plants, local farmer activity, and also Mount Bromo Milky Way who aim the photography purposes.
The trip from Bali Island by car need 13 hours totally, If You think this duration feel too long, You can choose Mount Bromo Sunrise tour from Surabaya or Malang Airport that only need 3 hours by car.
Inclusive Facility :
Experience local driver
Private air conditioned transportation
Transportation fuel, parking fee
Highway fee if You need to finish in Surabaya
Entrance ticket
Mineral drinks during the trip
Private 4 WD jeep for Mount Bromo Sunrise tour
1 Night hotel & breakfast
Ferry ticket from Gilimanuk Port to Banyuwangi Port
Travel responsibility (if any problem in inclusive facility)
Excluded :
Lunch and dinner
Personal insurance and tax
Madakaripura Waterfall tour
Horse ride rental
Before you start the Mount Bromo Tour package from Bali, We recommend You to bring a jacket, gloves, songkok and others because the weather at Pananjakan Peak and other peaks is very cold. You can also go to Bali in the area of ​​Mount Bromo.
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southgatetravels · 2 days
Self-Drive Car Rentals in Trivandrum at the Lowest Price: Explore Affordably
Trivandrum, the charming capital of Kerala, is a city rich in culture, heritage, and natural beauty. From the architectural splendor of the Padmanabhaswamy Temple to the tranquil beaches of Kovalam, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this vibrant city. Whether you're visiting for leisure or business, getting around on your own terms is key to fully enjoying what the city has to offer. And what better way to do so than with a self drive car rentals in trivandrum @lowest price that doesn’t break the bank?
In this blog, we'll explore how you can enjoy self-drive car rentals in Trivandrum at the lowest prices while still ensuring a comfortable, convenient, and hassle-free experience.
Why Choose Self-Drive Car Rentals in Trivandrum?
Self-drive car rentals have become a popular option for travelers and locals alike due to the freedom they offer. Here are a few reasons why they’re a smart choice:
Affordable Travel: Renting a self-drive car can often be cheaper than constantly hiring taxis or using ride-hailing services. Especially if you plan to stay for a few days, a flat-rate car rental can save you a lot of money.
No Dependence on Drivers: You’re in full control of the car. No need to wait for drivers or share your space with someone else. Whether you want to start your journey early in the morning or take a late-night drive, the car is yours 24/7.
Flexibility and Freedom: With a self-drive car, you can create your own itinerary, stop wherever you like, and explore the city and surrounding areas at your leisure. You’re not tied down by fixed routes or schedules.
Comfort and Privacy: Whether you're traveling with family, friends, or even solo, a self-drive car gives you complete privacy. You don’t have to worry about sharing the vehicle with strangers, making it an ideal option for travelers concerned about hygiene or privacy.
How to Find the Lowest Priced Self-Drive Car Rentals in Trivandrum
Finding a self-drive car rental at the lowest price requires a bit of planning and research. Here are some tips to ensure you get the best deal:
Book in Advance: Car rental prices often fluctuate based on demand. Booking your rental in advance ensures you lock in a lower rate, especially during peak tourist seasons. The earlier you book, the more likely you are to get a budget-friendly deal.
Compare Rental Companies: Don’t settle for the first rental service you come across. Take the time to compare prices across multiple providers. Many local and online car rental services offer competitive pricing, and shopping around can help you find the lowest rate.
Opt for Economy Cars: If you’re looking for the lowest possible rate, economy cars like the Maruti Alto, Hyundai i10, or Tata Tiago are usually your best bet. These compact vehicles are fuel-efficient and perfect for city driving, making them ideal for budget-conscious travelers.
Check for Discounts and Promotions: Many car rental companies offer seasonal discounts, promotional deals, or special rates for longer rentals. Be on the lookout for such offers when booking your car.
Avoid Peak Season Surcharges: Prices can skyrocket during holidays, festivals, or peak tourist seasons. If possible, try to plan your trip during off-peak times to get the best deals.
Pick the Right Fuel Plan: Some rental companies offer options for either pre-fueled cars or "fill-up on your own" plans. Choose the option that works best for your budget. Often, filling up the car on your own can save you money compared to pre-fuel charges.
Compare Insurance Options: Many rental companies include insurance in their rental rates, but sometimes it can increase the total cost. Ensure you’re getting adequate coverage without overpaying for unnecessary add-ons.
Popular Self-Drive Car Options at Budget Prices
Self-drive car rental companies in Trivandrum offer a wide range of vehicles to suit different budgets and preferences. Here are some of the most affordable options available:
Compact Hatchbacks Compact cars like the Maruti Alto, Hyundai Santro, and Tata Tiago are perfect for budget travelers. These cars are affordable to rent, easy to park in tight city spaces, and provide excellent fuel efficiency. They’re an ideal choice for short trips around Trivandrum’s cityscape.
Economy Sedans If you need a bit more room without compromising on affordability, economy sedans like the Honda Amaze or Hyundai Xcent offer more comfort and space while still being reasonably priced. These cars are great for small families or groups of friends.
SUVs for Groups For larger groups or those planning a longer trip, affordable SUVs like the Mahindra Scorpio or Renault Duster offer more space and comfort. While these may be slightly higher in price than compact cars, they provide excellent value for money when splitting the cost among passengers.
Best Places to Explore with Your Self-Drive Car in Trivandrum
Once you’ve secured your budget-friendly self-drive car rental, you’ll want to make the most of your time in Trivandrum. Here are some must-visit destinations that are perfect for a road trip:
Padmanabhaswamy Temple This iconic temple is a must-visit in Trivandrum. Having your own car allows you to visit at your own pace, avoiding the crowded times and exploring the area at leisure.
Kovalam Beach One of Kerala’s most famous beaches, Kovalam is just a short drive from the city. You can head to the beach early to secure a great spot, enjoy the serene views, and indulge in water sports.
Varkala Beach A little farther from the city, Varkala Beach is a hidden gem worth the drive. With your self-drive car, you can take your time driving along scenic routes and stop whenever you like to take in the stunning coastal views.
Ponmudi Hill Station If you’re in the mood for a longer trip, Ponmudi is a scenic hill station about 55 kilometers from Trivandrum. The winding roads and breathtaking views make for an unforgettable drive, especially if you enjoy a bit of adventure.
Neyyar Dam and Wildlife Sanctuary Located about 30 kilometers from the city, Neyyar Dam offers a peaceful retreat from city life. You can spend the day picnicking by the dam, exploring the wildlife sanctuary, or taking a boat ride—all with the convenience of your rental car.
Key Considerations for Budget Self-Drive Car Rentals
When renting a self-drive car at the lowest price, keep these considerations in mind to ensure a smooth experience:
Check for Hidden Fees: Some rental companies might include hidden fees like late return charges, fuel surcharges, or extra insurance costs. Make sure you’re aware of all fees upfront.
Inspect the Vehicle: Before driving off, inspect the vehicle for any pre-existing damages and report them to the rental company. This prevents any disputes when you return the car.
Mileage Limits: Some rental services have mileage limits. Ensure you understand any limitations and know how much extra you’ll be charged if you exceed them.
Driver’s License and Age Requirements: Always carry a valid driving license. Check if the rental company has any age restrictions, as some may charge extra for younger or less experienced drivers.
Self-drive car rentals in Trivandrum at the lowest prices allow you to explore the city and its surrounding beauty without stretching your budget. Whether you're looking to visit iconic landmarks, relax by the beach, or venture into the hills, having your own vehicle gives you the ultimate freedom. With the right planning, comparing rates, and booking in advance, you can secure a great deal and enjoy a comfortable, affordable trip in Trivandrum.
So, the next time you’re planning a visit to Trivandrum, consider a self-drive car rental to make the most of your journey. Happy driving!
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