#HoO spoilers
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helpallthenamesaretaken · 1 month ago
can't believe the same man who wrote wottg percy also wrote THIS
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people literally drowning out him out with applause when he tried to downplay himself?? making him walk around the mess hall because they wanted to be his friend?? "I want to be percy jackson when I'm older"??
take me back to when percy was characterised like this I beg of you rick
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several-breathing-eyes · 1 year ago
So you know how in Percy Jackson, Amazon the company, is actually the Amazons, the group of warrior women.
That means Jeff Bezos isn't real in Percy Jackson and is just a fake person the Amazons made up to be their CEO.
So now I have this image in my head of a bunch of Amazons huddled around a table trying to come up with the concept of Jeff Bezos.
"Make him bald!"
"Ooh! And make him evil, as all men are!"
"What evil things does he do?"
"Oh um..."
*Voice from the back * "He doesn't let his workers use the bathroom?"
"Oh that's awful."
"Quick add it to the list!"
"What should his name be?"
"No, that's not quite right."
"No, another ancient power has already made a false figurehead for a company with the name Steve. They may accuse us of copying them."
"How about Jeff?"
"It's perfect!"
Just a couple of badass warrior women trying to come up with their corporate mansona.
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hermemescabin · 1 year ago
Times Percy could have told Annabeth he loved her for the first time:
When they reunited after 6 months apart.
When having a private romantic snuggle sesh in the stables.
When he’s saying goodbye to her as she leaves on her solo death quest.
When he refuses to let her fall into Tartarus alone.
When he’s trying to convince her to leave Tartarus without him.
When he actually chose to do it:
After making out with her in front of Piper.
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demigods-posts · 10 months ago
that rule of three people per quest is always in tact when you look for it. in tlt, it was the og trio. in som, it percabeth + tyson. in ttc, two people out of five died. in tbotl, annabeth's quest boiled down to percabeth + rachel for a brief period. in the hoo series, one of the seven died, leaving the other six, which is a multiple of three. this shit is crazy.
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sonseulsoleil · 1 year ago
Rick Riordan really said: what if Orpheus refused to let go of Eurydice's hand and they fell into the underworld together? what if Orpheus had no magic song to sing, no secret way out, but he refused to let Eurydice go alone? what if they fought their way out of the deepest, darkest pits of hell and despair side by side? what if they carried each other home, broken and terrified but together? what if they saved each other?
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applecidersstuff · 6 months ago
I’m reading HOO for the first time, and…
I knew that Percy was unhinged in his books, but why does HOO becomes twice as crazy as soon as he enters the chat?
Like tlh was more or less sane, there were some parts, but mostly it was okay, but as soon as Percy comes into the book all of a sudden Ares is calling some girl ‘centurion shish kebab’ Percy’s casually roasting Hera and her son, actively trying to get Nico to tell him who he is, sending Romans into mass panic, oh and all of this is accompanied by Nico girlbossing roman house elves in the back.
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kosmicpowers · 8 months ago
Nico Di Angelo
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californiannostalgia · 1 year ago
I am so fucked up about piper jason and leo
I got my percy annabeth and grover hyperfixation out of my system (and my luke and thalia obsession as well), but it's winter break and I'm still busy and I'm thinking about the lost trio
because heroes of olympus is sort of their series
hazel, frank, reyna, nico: all iconic characters with chilling moments of incredible awesome
percy and annabeth: we all know we will never stop yelling about these two
but leo, piper, and jason set the tone. they set the expectations. wolf baby, invention child, and knife teen, putting out multiple bangers like: 'what the fuck is my last name', 'what the fuck is my knife trying to say', and 'why am I on goddamn fire'. they were hyperactivity central. they had so much fuckery going on in their lives.
HOO was about these suspicious bastards learning to trust other people and to live with their own failings. they were supposed to be the enemy: a spy, a Roman, the first shot fired in a war. and they said, nope, I'm gonna be a hero today. they kept trying to kill themselves as a solution to a problem, and then they went on to kill giants and gods.
they had no chance of blending in. their heritage made them so very visible, at all times. but the good thing about having the weirdest best friends is that you no longer feel so horrific being the weirdo that you are.
they beat the biggest fucking Great Prophecy, but they still couldn't outrun the Fates. every time I think about them I am messed up.
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all-da-ladies-luv-leoo · 1 year ago
“I chose her because I couldn’t imagine we’d ever be friends.”
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soapywankenopy · 11 months ago
frank zhang is the type of guy to slide and fall on a banana
jason grace is the type of guy to say "he's right behind me isn't he?" when he suspects someone is right behind him (it's not ironic)
reyna avila ramirez arellano is the type of girl to use the term "girlboss" unironically
hazel levesque is the type of gal to doodle horses and ponies and unicorns, etc. in her school book when she's bored in class
dakota is the type of guy to chug his beverage and then sigh and say "i needed that"
octavian's the type of guy to rub his palms together when he's thinking
lavinia asimov is the type of gal to use bubblegum flavored toothpaste
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universe-of-peoples · 11 months ago
Jason’s story was always a tragedy.
From coming from a difficult family situation to being given to the wolves as a toddler to becoming a child (literal small child!) soldier and never getting to find out who he was as a person outside of the legion to being whisked away and losing his memories and being forcefully given a girlfriend who in the end really didn’t love him and then losing his best friend in a battle and never getting to learn that his friend actually survived before he -
He DIED. As a teenager who for the first time was finally finding out who he was and what he wanted to be. He had plans for what he wanted to be his life’s work much earlier than the average person would figure it out but despite that he never got to complete his life’s work because he died too young.
Jason’s story was always a tragedy.
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helpallthenamesaretaken · 1 year ago
annabeth "has a fanclub among the nature spirits of olympus" chase x percy "has a cult among the reptiles of tartarus" jackson
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fully-automatic-ass · 1 year ago
i don't think that we as a fandom acknowledge the fact that percy isn't the only person who's (canonically) undergone abuse as a kid- so has leo
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kermitthesog · 9 months ago
reminder that this exists:
“Then someone else appeared from the crowd, and Annabeth's vision tunneled.  Percy smiled at her-that sarcastic, troublemaker's smile that had annoyed her for years but eventually had become endearing. His sea-green eyes were as gorgeous as she remembered. His dark hair was swept to one side, like he'd just come from a walk on the beach. He looked even better than he had six months ago-tanner and taller, leaner and more muscular.  Annabeth was to stunned to move. She felt that if she got any closer to him, all the molecules in her body might combust. She'd secretly had a crush on him sonar they were twelve years old. Last summer, she'd fallen for him hard. They'd been a happy couple together for four months-and then he'd disappeared.  During their separation, something had happened to Annabeth's feelings. They'd grown painfully intense-like she'd been forced to withdraw from a life-saving medication. Now she wasn't sure which was more excruciating-living with that horrible absence, or being with him again... Annabeth didn't mean to, but she surged forward. Percy rushed toward her at the same time. The crowds tensed. Some reach d for swords that weren't there.  Percy threw his arms around her. They kissed, and for a moment nothing else mattered. An asteroid could have hit the planet and wiped out all life, Annabeth wouldn't have cared.  Percy smelled of ocean air. His lips were salty. Seaweed Brain, she thought giddily.  Percy pulled away and studied her face.”
literally giggling and kicking my feet right now
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 year ago
obviously I'd be thrilled to just get the whole PJO series adapted and then end it there. However: Heroes of Olympus as a story can be cleaned up sooooooo much in a way that PJO just doesn't need to be, and a tv adaptation offers the perfect opportunity to do so
like honestly my hottake is that I think Disney could solve both the problem of adapting a long, convoluted sequel series and a lot of the problems HOO as a story has if they a) do The Lost Hero and Son of Neptune in the same season and b) deliberately wait until the PJO actors are in their 20s to do it
Just thinking about this a bit more:
three 12-14 episode seasons, with TLH/SoN in S1, a modified MoA in S2 that deals with some of the Argo crews' HoH subplots, and then HoH/BoO in S3
Percy and Annabeth are in their 20s and newly engaged when he disappears. This sets up the arc of Percy dreaming about settling down with Annabeth in New Rome in a more organic, functional way and also gives us as viewers a chance to see that the aftermath of the Titan War has resulted in tangible, lasting change for the demigods of Camp Half-Blood
Grover replaces Coach Hedge as the Seven's collective Protector+chaperone, which solves the series' problem of Grover's absence and the absence of the PJO Trio's friendship
the whole show/story takes place over ~6 months instead of the year it did in the books, and Percy+Jason's individual quests happen concurrently (simply not letting Percy sleep for 8 months and making an episode where he establishes himself at the Roman camp for awhile before he's forced on the quest with Frank and Hazel would solve about half of the problems on the Roman side of the series)
Season-wise, things mostly sort themselves out:
The first season starts off introducing the Lost Hero trio and we find out that Percy's missing at the end of the first episode. The second episode opens with Percy waking up at the Wolf House and starting his journey to New Rome. We get one episode entirely devoted to amnesiac Jason and Percy integrating into the new camps, making friends, and learning about their missing counterpart before the quest plots start up.
The season then alternates between Jason, Piper, and Leo's "Find Hera" quest and Percy, Hazel, and Frank's Alaska quest, with intermittent jumps to the Greek and Roman efforts to find Percy and Jason. It ends with Percy and Jason regaining their memories and each camp realizing their leader is on the other side of the country in "enemy" territory.
The second season opens around a month later as the Argo II docks in New Rome. Percy and Jason have both been given time to make friends, integrate themselves into the opposing camp, and become adjusted to a different way of life with all of their memories intact. They haven't physically returned to their home camps as they've both independently come to the conclusion that Hera switched them to initiate inter-camp unity and are wary of doing anything that would disrupt that goal. However, Percy and Jason have both managed to get messages to Annabeth and Reyna respectively at some point in that month, so everyone knows everyone is safe when the Greeks finally arrive in New Rome.
Cue MoA's various plotlines, which would be cleaned up and streamlined significantly while also integrating in some of the HoH arcs like Hazel learning how to manipulate the Mist, Frank learning how to use his shapeshifting powers, Piper coming into her own as a daughter of Aphrodite, Leo's seventh wheel arc and the Calypso subplot, Jason struggling to figure out what his place is, the Jason-Nico friendship, etc. Also set up the Greek v. Roman dispute and Reyna following them to Greece. Season ends with the Annabeth-Arachne confrontation and Tartarus fall.
The third season combines HoH and BOO; the season alternates between Percy and Annabeth's journey through Tartarus while the rest of the Seven finish their various character arcs via gathering the elements for the Physicians' Cure and journeying to the Doors of Death. After they rescue Percy and Annabeth and close the Doors, they plan to head straight to Athens to take on Gaea. Reyna reaches them just after, and Annabeth sends her and Nico off with the Athena Parthenos with Grover as their Protector.
The final battle switches between The Seven+Gods vs. Gaea+The Giants at the Acropolis and the Greeks vs. Romans at Camp Half-Blood. The Gaea plotline is resolved at the Acropolis, the Greek-Roman plotline is resolved as Nico and Reyna triumphantly arrive at Camp Half-Blood with the statue, a functional Greek-Roman working relationship, and the gods' blessing. This helps streamline the mess that was Blood of Olympus and actually provides a workable story resolution.
We get a final aftermath/epilogue episode that sorts out and ties up all remaining plot threads, teases Solangelo, and ends with Percy returning home to see his mom and planning out how to move to New Rome after he and Annabeth get married.
Obviously this is the roughest possible sketch of how it could be done, but I genuinely believe doing something like that could fix some of the biggest issues HOO has conceptually while streamlining all of the quest bloat. It'd be interesting to see them try, anyway.
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need-a-name-101 · 9 months ago
My roman empire is Jason and Piper’s relationship in hoo.
I think about it so much, how Piper had fake memories about her relationship, which she believed to be true. Do you ever think how she had to remind herself again and again in the lost hero that she and Jason aren’t together. And when they had a chance to be together maybe it was because of those fake memories she felt like she had to be with him.
Jason who had to explain to Piper how he doesn’t remember her, how he isn’t supposed to be here. Do you ever think that he felt guilty or pressurised to be with her?
I know that they break up by the time we reach toa, but do you wonder if before Hera’s plans and schemes Piper ever went down the path of realising that she’s queer?? Do you ever wonder if the mist hadn’t altered her memories of Jason being her boyfriend things would have been different? Like if the mist made her believe that they were friends?
One thing is true that they do very deeply care about each other, and if Jason hadn’t died, their friendship would have been something beautiful.
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