#HnY commentary
jgnaguiat · 1 year
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👁 Pineal Activation (Simulation Stimulation) 29 . 06 . 2022 Spraypaint, flourescent paint and acrylic medium on wood stretched canvas 20 x 24 inches — for 'The No Name Show' at @gravityartspace. "The No Name Show by Gravity Art Space is a one of a kind exhibition program in the Philippines. A playground and platform for masters and contemporaries to explore their art-making beyond their name or 'brand', in the power and privilege of anonymity. The No Name Show first launched in 2021 and started as a commentary on the peculiar habits of our supporters on acquiring artworks by name. It is now a year ender program celebrating artist-run practices and spaces amongst our artist community, art appreciators, and most specially the new generation of art collectors, to seeing artworks in person and obtaining them by taste." Maraming salamat, Indy & Melai! HNY 🍻 — #jgnaguiat #gabenaguiat #artph #picasso #contemporaryart #thenonameshow #gravityartspace #pinealglandactivation #psychedelicpainting #psychedelicart https://www.instagram.com/p/CmvO81FvJh3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dog-forest-spirit · 3 years
Finally...some good content
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hawtsoup · 3 years
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giseihana · 3 years
literally no one asked but I've reached the mt. hakurei arc in my rewatch and i cannot emphasize how happy i am
best arc in the series, i will not be persuaded otherwise
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tatlinanise · 3 years
Narita Ken's commentary on SR in HNY
I found another JPN source for Narita Ken's (Sesshomaru's VA) commentary on HNY and SauceRib from the latest official guidebook. Looks like it's really legit and really fucking hilarious
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As translated:
Impressions of the Official Guidebook of Yashahime (Revised)
Comments by Narita-san
He feels like it's set in "another world" (AU)
When he found out Sesshomaru had kids, he instantly thought "Why!?" (lmfao, didn't we all?)
He doesn't believe Rin is Sesshomaru's romantic interest
He believes that Sesshomaru feels more like a parental guardian (there's that word again -"hogosha") to Rin
If he had to choose between liking or disliking Rin, he likes her though.
Murky TL here, but apparently in HNY, Narita chose to act in a way where Sesshomaru "didn't have to clarify his (romantic) feelings to Rin (is that why it feels like he barely cares xD)
Overall, this guidebook ended up being a blessing and a curse to antis. I say we were fed well.
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bakusaigaa · 3 years
no matter what “side” you’re on, this dumb show is pissing everybody off and that truly is a testament to the lack of effort sunrise put into this. like i have a lot of movies and shows that i enjoy despite them being junky or a B movie, it’s more of a fun experience when you go into them knowing what they are. but HNY isn’t like that at all. it’s bad writing, bad plot, bad animation, and disrespect of source material all crammed into one and expects to be taken seriously. it isn’t some underlying funny commentary, it isn’t edgy, it isn’t secretly highbrow, it’s just...bad. and i can’t understand how anyone could think otherwise.
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chenoehi · 3 years
It’s interesting to me that in addition to attempts (by a minority) to change the series start date of 1996 to the 2000s (more on that in another post), people are now also trying to say that Inuyasha is not 200+ years old. And the main reason why I see them doing it is because it’s a popular response now to “Well, what about Inuyasha being shipped with Kagome, a 15 year old?” So now Inuyasha can’t be 200+ anymore, he has to be 15 in human years, even though he was always around 15 mentally despite being 200+ years old (that’s never changed). Technically, that’s not even right. Inuyasha was pinned to a tree for 50 years so he’d be at least 75.
Instead of just pointing out that Inuyasha and Kagome are the same age mentally, now people on all sides of the issue are just deciding that facts are what they make them so they can support their position. I’m not even just talking about Inuyasha’s age because his age was never confirmed in the original manga or show that I know of. I’ve just come across posts and other comments on tumblr right now that state no one shipped Inuyasha with Kagome while she was 15 and that she was only shipped with Inuyasha post her return to the feudal era. I nearly had a stroke. Really, my brain stopped working for like five seconds. Is that really how far people are willing to go?
I don’t personally know where the information about Inuyasha’s age came from before, just like I don’t know why it’s assumed Sesshomaru is 900+ (personally I doubt that he is). But it has been the long-held belief that Inuyasha was around 150 when he met Kikyo and then he spent 50 years pinned to the tree making him about 200 years old. Mentally and physically, he looks to be 15 just like it’s said that Sesshomaru is 19 years old and Koga has said to have the appearance of a 15 year old or an 18 year old (depending on where you’re getting the information).
There is nothing that I know of in the manga or anime that states he’s 200+ years old, just that we know he’s been pinned to the Sacred Tree for 50 years making him at least 50+ years old. It has been vaguely implied that he’s much older. Inuyasha said his mother died a long time and that could just mean it feels like a long time ago if she died while he was still a young child, or Inuyasha aged more slowly than humans and so by the time his mother died he was still young. Considering that after 50 years he looks the same as he did when he was pinned to the tree, I’m more inclined to believe he’s a slow ager and it really has been a long time. There’s also the arc in the anime with all the commentary on Sesshomaru being miffed about how Inuyasha could not help with the fight against the panther demons because he had been pinned to the tree, along with their initial battle over Tessaiga, all vaguely suggesting that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have some longer history than a few years. Because that’s all it would have been if Inuyasha were only 15 years old before being pinned to the tree; we see him running in a forest as a child, presumably when his mother died, and he’s alone. He was possibly 8, 9, maybe 10 (he’s not a tall guy). But, we could always throw that out and forget the panther arc because that was filler. There’s always the issue of people talking about Toga as though it has been a long time since he was alive, and so it certainly feels like it could have been centuries since he was alive just like it feels as though Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have a long history with each other. But that’s still not confirmation obviously.
So, with seemingly no confirmation in the manga or anime, it must have been left to Rumiko or someone to suggest ages for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. They had to come from somewhere and had some basis. I don’t personally know if Rumiko herself came up with those numbers. Honestly, even if she did, it’s kind of like a Dumbledore being gay situation all over. Just because J.K. Rowling decided Dumbledore could be gay doesn’t excuse it not being explicitly stated or shown. Prior to the Fantastic Beasts series, it was just implied as a possibility at best. Now, with Yashahime, they are going with Inuyasha being 200+ years old and have confirmed that in the actual show. Whether you want to accept the show as canon or not, it was previously held that he was 200+ years old and now we have evidence in the show’s sequel that he is, in fact, that old. It’s not a retcon per se if they confirm what we already believed. If Rumiko stated that Sesshomaru was 900+ and then Sunrise decides upon an age for Sesshomaru that’s younger than that, we could say that’s a retcon. Technically, none of their ages aside from Kagome are confirmed in the show, but you could still say it’s a retcon I guess if it goes against something the creator stated (even if the creator didn’t put it in the show, which I have a problem with personally).
I find it very transparent to shift things on a dime so that you can bolster your argument. Take for example, my personal theory that Sesshomaru is closer to 500 years old than 900 or 1,000. I think we’ve been given some information that supports this theory and it would make sense to me personally. Does that change anything with the Sesshomaru/Rin dynamic? No, not really. So my saying I think he’s actually 500 instead of 900 can’t be used to support an argument that ‘well, Sesshomaru’s actually younger in demon years, and well, 500 years old isn’t as old as 1,000 in demon years’. That would be a stupid argument. We already know from Inuyasha that at 200 years old you at least have the maturity of someone around the age of 15. Sesshomaru is older than Inuyasha, therefore, he has to have the maturity of someone older than 15. Therefore, anyone who has a problem with the sessrin pairing is still going to have a problem. But apparently it’s popular now to say that Inuyasha was only ever 15 (as in 15 human years) and to also state that he grows at the rate of humans (even though we don’t actually know that for a fact). All to avoid having to discuss their age gap. There is an age gap. If it wasn’t confirmed before, HNY has confirmed it now.
Technically, the InuKag age gap is not the same as the sessrin age gap because while Inuyasha may be 200+ years old, he’s mentally 15 and Kagome is also 15. So anyone who has a problem with sessrin because Rin was still a child when they met doesn’t need to try and change Inuyasha’s age. If we’re talking about mental age and maturity of the characters upon their meeting, these two age gaps are apples and oranges.
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superpixie42 · 3 years
To everyone hate watching S2: thank you for tagging all your rant/commentary/synopsis posts. While I am mildly concerned for all of you and all these black boxes on my feed, I appreciate being able to scroll past them with my fingers in my ears.
For those of you who want to make a filter list I've found:
hny commentary
hny spoilers
Anti Yashahime
To be an effective list so far. I put the list in filtered tags AND filtered content both.
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generallygothic · 3 years
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𝕳𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖞 𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗! 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 Oh, hi! How's it going? Remember me? 💫 I seem to have taken a little unauthorised, unplanning posting break recently, tending uninterruptedly to life beyond the squares. But I've been lurking; I've been hanging around. 💫 In the approach to this weird-ass year's retreat, I've noticed an increasing number of folk apologising for depleated content creation. It's something I do, every so often, because I'm always disappearing off into woods both metphorical and luxuriously literal. This time, though, I'm dusting the megaphone off to say 📢: Down with this sort of thing! Down with putting unnecessary pressure on yourself. Down with expectations and rules that turn a fun thing into an obligation. 💫 Instead, I'd like to say ↬thank you↫ for sticking around, for chatting books and weird history with me, for joining in readalongs, the spooky nerds book club & write club, for sharing thoughts & recommendations that keep my tbr alive, for checking out the [currently snoozing] blog, & for bearing with my when irl > ig. 💫 Happy new year, spooky nerds! Have fun. Oh, and books? I recommend this one! More commentary to follow in a separate post, er... ...maybe 🖤. . #hny #newyearseve #2020 #2021 #bookstagram #bookish #books #lollywillowes #bookreview #witch #gothic #generallygothic #bookclub #readalong #reading #positivity #mentalhealth #literary #spookynerd https://www.instagram.com/p/CJeiUjyAzlt/?igshid=lz2ifrqyx6nw
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theqweens · 7 years
Time Is Money !
I tuned in to the popular social platform known as YouTube for the hottest reality show to hit the streets, ahem excuse me; I meant the Web…lol Time is Money is a new thriller series hailing from the city of Queens, unlike it’s predecessors Respect Life and popular hit series; Money and Violence which are both based out of the borough of Brooklyn. There are so many new online reality series, one…
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dog-forest-spirit · 4 years
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Moroha’s character literally exists to provide gaps in information to move the plot along but i’m FED on these “remember when Kagome did this?” and “Moroha’s dad used to act like this” and i’m not upset
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dog-forest-spirit · 4 years
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dog-forest-spirit · 4 years
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dog-forest-spirit · 3 years
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dog-forest-spirit · 4 years
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dog-forest-spirit · 4 years
so...miroku could have sealed inuyasha full demon powers the entire time...and setsuna just magically remembered she was sealed and miroku sealed her....
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