#Hl leo
hurricane-leo · 6 months
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A new friend???
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pey-up · 6 months
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He means the fucking world to me you dont understand
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astronnova · 11 months
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why is this so cute michella and klaus would get along so well i think
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breach-of-conduct · 3 months
"hey russell i found a loose syringe of god knows what" AND THEN SHE INJECTS HERSELF WITH IT?!!!!! ALYX. "Is this medicine?" She says like she didnt just inject it into herself
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lord-here-i-am · 4 months
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Hl. Leo III.
Gefeiert Am 12. Juni
Hl. Leo III. Papst * um 750 in Rom † 12. Juni 816 daselbst
Leo war Priester in Rom und wurde 795, in unruhigen Zeiten, zum Papst gekrönt. Nach seiner Wahl sandte er die Schlüssel zum Grab des hl. Petrus und das Banner der Stadt Rom an den Frankenkönig Karl und erkannte damit dessen Schutzherrschaft über Rom an. Seine Gegner hatten Leo zuvor Meineid und Ehebruch vorgeworfen, ihn bei der Prozession am Tag des Apostels Markus überfallen und misshandelt. Leo floh 799 zum Frankenkönig nach Paderborn, erhielt die Zusage seines Schutzes und versprach wohl als Gegenleistung die Krönung Karls zum Kaiser. Am Christfest des Jahres 800 krönte er Karl in Rom zum Kaiser. Ob die Initiative zu dieser Kaiserkrönung von Karl oder von Leo ausging, ist umstritten; jedenfalls stellte sie einen Wendepunkt in der europäischen Geschichte dar; sie kennzeichnet das Ende der päpstlichen Abhängigkeit von den östlichen Kaisern. Karl, der Große, versuchte immer wieder, sich in Bereiche des Papstes einzumischen: 809 ließ Karl auf einer Synode in Aachen das "Filioque" anerkennen; Leo III. verhinderte aber, dass das "Filioque" in das Nicänische Glaubensbekenntnis eingefügt wurde, er ließ in der Peterskirche Tafeln mit dem unveränderten Glaubensbekenntnis aufhängen und vermied so den Konflikt mit der Ostkirche. Bei der Kaiserkrönung von Karls Nachfolger Ludwig in Aachen 813 war Leo nicht anwesend, er wollte offenbar die Macht der fränkischen Kaiser über Rom nicht uneingeschränkt anerkennen. Dennoch begann unter Leo die Entwicklung zu einer Gesellschaft, in welcher der Kaiser die weltliche und der Papst die geistliche Macht innehatte.
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hamatoblueleonardo · 2 years
"A) wtf happened while I was sleeping dude???
B) :D cookies???"
A) I got glass in my eye-
It's more than that but I can't be bothered lol
B) [They stand on two legs, holding a plate of chocolate chip cookies above their head to present them to leo]
*giggles excitedly*
I'm not gonna question it yet again, and yessss!!!
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
Merry Christmas Ace!
@ace-of-tales Look at me, remembering you have a tumblr now. XD Anyway, yes, as per our FF.net conversation, here’s the follow-up to the last two years of Christmas fics, with Klaus and Leo meeting the rest of Victor and Alice’s Secundus found family. . .hope you like!
“Soooo – blood weapons?”
“Richard, darling, you could open up the conversation with something a little less personal.”
Klaus chuckled, waving a hand. “It’s all right – we explained this to Victor and Alice previously, but I’m not surprised you’re interested too.” His eyes flicked over Richard’s form. “And, if I’m honest – I was looking for a way to politely ask about the mechanical arm?”
“Arms!” Richard corrected cheerfully, pushing up his other sleeve to reveal another limb made of metal and wood. “Legs too – honestly, pretty much all of me except the head. Still an organic brain under the old chapeau.” He tapped the brim of his hat with a grin. “I’m what we call a ‘Mixed Bag’ here in the city.”
“I think ‘cyborg’ would be the term back in Hellsalem’s Lot,” Leo told him, adding milk to her tea. “It’s quite something, though. I assume you designed it all yourself?”
“Mmm – on the fly, too! Had to come up with some designs really quick because – well.” He grimaced a little. “As it turns out, I have some pretty severe reactions to mercury, which can be something of a problem in my chosen profession.”
Klause winced. “I see. . .er. . .so is that. . .”
“The reason for the green? Yup,” Richard nodded. “Never did figure out how to fix the discoloration, so I just came to embrace it.”
“And if you’re wondering about my unusual skin color – where, I have it, anyway,” Emily interrupted herself, wiggling her bony fingers, “it’s a weird side effect of Dr. Finklestein’s resurrection process. Something to do with the chemicals he use to prep the corpses.”
“I see – sorry if we were staring before,” Leo said with a faint blush.
“It’s fine – I think everyone new to the city stares for a little bit,” Marty said, offering her a plate of tarts. “Doc and I had to take some time to adjust back when we first arrived. It’s a lot to take in.”
“Indeed – there aren’t many places in England like Secundus,” Christopher agreed, swiping a tart for himself. “Such a great concentration of Touched, all living and working together in harmony, it’s – perhaps not unique, but certainly rare.”
“Maybe. . .but Hellsalem’s Lot is one of the weirdest places on Earth,” Leo responded, accepting the plate with a nod. “Thanks. . .I just feel like we should be better prepared for things being strange and unusual.”
“Mmm – as previously mentioned, I have the ability to make weapons out of my own blood, should the need arise,” Klaus said. “That should probably preclude being surprised by a largely-robotic hatter and his Reanimated wife, no matter how unusual the skin colors.”
“Perhaps, but – you came here to England to get away from your local brand of weirdness, right?” Victor said. “It’s not surprising you’d be, er, surprised by our brand. If any of us ended up in Hellsalem’s Lot, I’m sure we’d be doing a lot of staring.”
“I suppose,” Leo allowed. “Just don’t want to be rude, is all.” She picked up a tart and bit into it. “And – oooh, wow. This is incredible. Who made this?”
“Here!” March waved cheerfully from the other end of the tea table. “Glad you like – I tried a new recipe this time!”
“. . .okay, I’m allowing my staring in this instance because I’m curious as to how you didn’t get fur in them.”
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xxmargarettexx · 6 months
...Remember my post about how Mr. D could have called Leo 'Louis Vuitton'?
...Percy could have been Pet Jar (PJ), Annabeth could have been Air Conditioner (AC), Luke could have been Lady Cruella (LC), Will could have been William Shakespeare (WS), Piper could have been Private Message (PM), Frank could have been Fried Zucchini (FZ), Kayla could have been Kim Kardashian (KK), Jason could have been Jello Grapes (JG), Reyna could have been Revolutionary Anti-Racist Action (RARA), Lester could have been Luigi's Pineapple (LP) and Hazel could have been Hearing Loss (HL) (It's ridiculous, why is my thought process like this)😭
(I'm sorry this was what I was thinking of instead of sleeping) (Prob edit this later when I get more ideas)
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findingtruenorth23 · 1 year
More HL headcanons
Part 2, some of which you’ll see in the Darkness and Light fics
Ominis’ wand is Hornbeam, considered to make a very sentient wand, with a unicorn hair core
Sebastian’s wand is Aspen, common for good duelists who are strong minded, with a dragon heartstring core
Both Anne and Sebastian played on the Slytherin Quidditch Team—Anne was probably a Seeker and Sebastian could’ve been a Beater or a Keeper.
Garreth Weasley was definitely on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, probably a Beater but could also be a Chaser.
Imelda is almost definitely a Chaser.
Sebastian and Anne are October Scorpios, and I feel like that is self-explanatory
Ominis is a January Capricorn as evidenced by the fact that he is so done with everyone’s shit
Garreth is probably a Leo based on the golden retriever energy
Solomon resented his brother, perhaps because he felt his brother was the favorite. This led to him resenting both twins, but especially Sebastian, who reminds him of his brother.
All of the Sallow boys have names that start with S. Any girls born to the family either have a different tradition or Anne was named after a family member. Both scenarios would be extremely common in the 1800s (and even today).
Ominis has three living siblings. Corvinus (little raven, grandfather’s name), Marvolo (inflicting injury, probably a family name), and Eris (strife, from the Greek goddess of discord). He is the third brother, so the siblings’ names could literally mean “Little raven inflicting injuring, fortelling misfortune, and causing strife,” when put together.
Ominis was told he was defective, broken, imperfect, a mistake, and any number of insults during his childhood—both from his siblings and his parents. He only voices the negative self-talk that comes from his childhood traumas to those he trusts.
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gil-shalossssss · 2 years
Percy - PJ
Annabeth - AC
Jason - JG
Thalia - TG
Luke - LC
Magnus - MC
Hazel - HL
Frank - FZ
Piper - PMcL
Nico- NdiA
Reyna - RARA
Grover - GU
Meg - MMcC
Will - WAS
Alex - AF
Carter - CK
Sadie - SK
Leo - LV
Thoughts: Those are some very appropriate initials for Alex, Percy is a pair of pajamas, Carter is Chris Kratt, and now I'm wondering if Will's life is actually in danger or if it's just a red herring. Also Magnus has the same initials as Luke's mom vujkrridkfbx—
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alarrytale · 6 months
With this younger generation of celebrities... I'm talking the 1D boys, Shawn, Taylor etc. Do you think that lavender marriages will be a thing for them or is it going out of style now that it is easier to come out? I'm thinking about when compared to the older generation of actors like Tom C, John T, Leo, Hugh, Bradley etc. I can't see those guys coming out, especially Tom C and John T. They never will. It'll come out after they've gone. There are definitely still lavender marriages in HW. Do you think it will be the same with Louis' generation? I'm also thinking about Lewis H or is it Ronaldo?? Who is ruthlessly mocked and people can see he is a closet case. Louis etc is still fairly young and it will be incredibly sad if they go the same way, it'll be like nothing has changed and the tptb wins. It especially hurts seeing other closeted celebrities CO and talk about how damaging the closet was to their mental health, and to know others are going through the same thing now. Also the long term damage it will do. Stress and bad habits are catching up with HL and a lot of that could be attributed to the closet. When people CO it seems like a weight has been lifted. I don't know how people can say that people adapt to the closet when many who CO say it was traumatic for them, that it made them feel suicidal, that they resorted to drugs and alcohol to cope etc.
Hi, anon!
I think it depends. I'm not sure it's a generational thing, a society thing, or a working field thing, perhaps all of them. I think lavender marriages unfortunatly still are a thing, but in much lesser extent than it used to be. For some people marriages aren't as sacred and/or they see it as a neccessary evil with more benefits than disadvantages. They see the benefit to having people's speculation around their sexuality die. The speculation usually does when people get married. These closeted queers are usually career/image focused and prioritise career/image over relationships. If you're in a hypermasculine field or in a field where out queers are non existent, like action movie actors, footballers or race car drivers, then you're more likely to enter a lavender marriage i'd say. There's been little progress in these fields between generations and coming out might still hurt your career unfortunatly.
In the field H and L operate in it's increasingly common to come out, and queers are succeeding. It's not automatic that you'll lose opportunities or your level of fame when you come out, quite the opposite. It can be an advantage that sets you apart and exposes you to a new target audience, the queers. I don't think it will be beneficial to H and L to enter into lavender marriages. So i don't think that will happen. An engagement? Eh maybe, but i doubt it.
I very much agree that coming out is good for your mental health (as long as you're in a supportive environment). I've yet to see someone regret it, but i have seen people regretting not doing it sooner. Even those who've lost career opportunities over it are glad they did it.
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hurricane-leo · 6 months
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pey-up · 6 months
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He's exploding you with his mind
@hurricane-leo <- comic blog!!
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leozapps · 1 year
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i know deep in my heart and soul that if leo came to hl and joined libra 3 years earlier he would've been a fucking menace
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vulnonapix1234 · 2 months
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Dear Michaella,
As you might know by now, everything can happen here in HL.
Even so, I can barley believe what happened since the last time I wrote you.
It's nothing bad! At least I hope so...
I honestly don't know how to explain this and I am begging you to not freak out, but I guess that you are an aunt now.
It's a bit complicated.
Let's start with the basics.
You remember Femt? The King of depravity that tried to gift you that monsterous wheelchair?
He and another one of the 13 King, Aligura, Queen of Monomainia, decided to do a collab.
"The wishing mirror"
A small portal that could turn you into what you want to be.
Just by going through it, you could fundamentally change your looks or give yourself powers.
Needless to say, it was extremely dangerous and we had to destroy it as quickly as possible.
During the battle to destroy it, one of our most valuable members was thrown through it.
He is alright now, but my insides feel still feel like they are getting squeezed when I think about it.
My sweet little sonic is a human now.
Even though he is laying next to me, I still can't believe it.
Miss Luciana says that he is in the body of a healthy 3 year old.
He is so small. Sure, he is a lot bigger than usually, but God.
He is so tiny. A baby. I can't.
How am I supposed to keep him alive like this.
I am scared and on the wink of an panic attack.
I can barley care for myself and no one knows when or if he turns back.
I am just glad that the other members are standing behind and helping me.
Mr Steven even doctored up some papers and certificates.
The feeling I got when I saw him use "Watch" as surname was abnormal. Are you supposed to feel happy and terrified at the same time?
Miss K.K. lend me some clothes and toys for him, but till now, he hasn't paid any attention to them.
Till now, he just has been clingy towards me and even tried to hide in my pullover.
I think that he is extremely scared and this is stressing me out even more.
What do I even do now?
I just thought that it would be cute to draw sonic as a human.
I drew him as a little kid (3-5) because that is the level of intelligence I think he has. He is my son now. Or moreso leos. I made a zappleo extra because Sonic does look like something that came from zapps loins.
Human Sonic
(Femt and Aligura decided to cause trouble)
About 3-5 years old
Leo is trying... single mom life
Libra tries, but Sonic prefers Leo
Deeply loves his friends (lots of art)
Not allowed on missions/side jobs --> separation anxiety x100
Moral dilemma of turning him back vs keeping him human.
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Some things to remember about Femt Kekkai Sensen’s character
🧪casually creates a legion of man-eating beastlings while cooking himself bacon and eggs for breakfast
🧪makes sure said beastlings all die in 6 hours 6 minutes and 6 seconds because he needs the screens for watching BBC Planet Earth in the evening
🧪makes Sonic the key to his game in ch.1 just so he could play a pun on the “monkey” being the “key”
🧪has developed 81 ways of ending the world. Loses to Libra at every one of his games
🧪complains of Leo being “too normal” for someone living in HL because the boy refuses to kill
🧪…while he himself immediately trusts Leo to guide him through the shifting dimensions of a restaurant despite knowing the latter for like five minutes
🧪bails Klaus, someone on the enemy team known for his hotheaded sense of justice, out of jail with no catch at all intended and fully doesn’t expect Klaus to find him suspicious
🧪similarly helps Leo out of captivity in the anime and doesn’t get mad when Leo refuses to play his game
🧪is always assuring people of his better intentions (e.g.: “Don’t worry, kid. I love this restaurant and I want to uphold its policies” “Rest assured I wouldn’t do anything to Nightow”)
🧪supports Aligura’s endeavors to get her (ex-)boyfriends back. is invested in Despair’s well-being enough to learn his life story and encourages him to have fun with the Second Collapse
🧪describes himself as a NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) in one of the extras
🧪has god-tier powers and a larger-than-life attitude while being canonically 168 cm tall and weighing 55 kg (that’s around 5’6 and 121 lbs, for reference)
The conclusion here is that Femt is deep down a kind-hearted loser with pathetic charm and I’m dying to see him portrayed that way in fanwork
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