fraumagdagoebbels · 5 months
One of the last photos and recordings of Adolf Hitler from April 20, 1945, his birthday, shows him awarding members of the Berlin Hitler Youth who were at the end of the Second World War.
The video was shot under the supervision of Heinrich Hoffmann.
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carbone14 · 1 year
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Garçons des Jeunesses hitlériennes lors d'une compétition de planeurs faits maison – Worms – Allemagne – 1938
©Bundesarchiv - Bild 133-288
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sectumsempraxz · 1 year
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Die Brücke (1959) dir. Bernhard Wicki
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1938 Wittgendorf, damals Kreis Zittau: Kirche, Kriegerdenkmal (Gefallenen-Ehrenmal), Schule und HJ.-Heim des Ortes (Hitler-Jugend-Heim) mit Appell-Platz.
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hoerbahnblog · 2 years
Hitlerwetter 1a/12 – Begeisterung und Angst und Schrecken – von Tillmann Bendikowski (Auszug)
   C.BERTELSMANN Hitlerwetter Tillmann Bendikowski Einleitung + Begeisterung und Angst und Schrecke (Auszug) 1a/12 – Januar 1939 Literatur Radio Hörbahn stellt dieses Buch in besonderer Weise vor. Können die Menschen in einer Diktatur tatsächlich glücklich an einem Badestrand liegen? Frisch verliebt durch die Straßen schlendern, in ein Café oder ins Kino gehen? Können sie ausgelassen tanzen,…
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wandervogel-france · 2 years
Le Mouvement de la Jeunesse hitlérienne - 1937
Le Mouvement de la Jeunesse hitlérienne – 1937
Lorsque — les querelles apaisées — un historien se penchera sur les problèmes politiques et sociaux de l’Allemagne contemporaine, il sera amené à consacrer une partie importante de son ouvrage aux mouvements de jeunesse qui jouent depuis nombre d’années déjà un rôle primordial dans l’histoire de ce pays. L’historique de ces mouvements n’a pas encore été fait avec l’ampleur et le sérieux qu’il…
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unhonestlymirror · 8 months
Why does posting art on this website recently feel like making an art exhibition for Hitlerjugend
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shittywriterbrain · 4 months
can't believe that all of babylon berlin season three's themes are absolutley devastating, gereon's and lotte's personal life falling apart, the rising power of the conservatives and the nazis and the inevitable crash of the stock market waiting to happen. meanwhile the overarching crime plot is motivated by the dumbest criminal rivalry and some annoying little guy with comic book villain attitudes. what
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apas-95 · 3 months
The sexualisation of children, not simply the sexual abuse of children, is itself reactionary, and historically has been associated almost exclusively with reactionaries.
The widespread child rape of the German Nazis in occupied territories and at home through the Hitlerjugend, the taking of child 'comfort girls' by Japanese Imperial and US troops in occupied lands, and the fact that the overlap between 'virulent racist' and 'open lolicon' approaches 100%, are all fundamentally built off of the exact same bourgeois sexual politics - wherein women and children are property of men; and where the middle-class man especially fetishisises and pursues the greatest possible power differential he can, both for practical reasons, and as an ideological extension of the strict reinforcement of social hierarchy that bourgeois reaction requires.
It is utter insanity (I mean, neurodivergence) to see self-described 'communists' trying to defend open sexualisation of children under the the supposed incapability for anything labeled 'kink' to be harmful - something obviously at odds with the notion that sexual politics exists in the first place! Sexuality must simultaneously be so insignificant as to merit no critique, but also so fundamental as to allow no critique - the 'just stop talking about it' approach one must take when they realise they are standing on historic ground tread only by the most reviled and monstrous enemies of humanity as a whole.
If it cannot be understood on the grounds of basic human decency, then let it be made clear politically: It is a complete and utter willful blindness to the material world to imagine that there exists some 'sex positive', communist way to support the sexualisation of children in the era of fascism.
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carbone14 · 2 years
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Les membres des Jeunesses hitlériennes forment une svastika en l'honneur d'un soldat inconnu – Allemagne – 27 août 1933
©Associated Press
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hoerbahnblog · 2 years
Hitlerwetter 1/12 – Friede auf Erden – von Tillmann Bendikowski (Auszug)
   C.BERTELSMANN Hitlerwetter – Einleitung + Friede auf Erden (Auszug) – von Tillmann Bendikowski 1/12 Literatur Radio Hörbahn stellt dieses Buch in besonderer Weise vor. Können die Menschen in einer Diktatur tatsächlich glücklich an einem Badestrand liegen? Frisch verliebt durch die Straßen schlendern, in ein Café oder ins Kino gehen? Können sie ausgelassen tanzen, lachen und zufrieden sein,…
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crabcackes · 10 months
I don't want to talk about James Somerton anymore, that’s my fandom blog, lol  but in my poll about his wacky lies I noticed that a lot of people think that the lies he told were his originals.
That is not true.
Here a some examples of fake claims that he also plagiarized ( based on Todd in the shadow vid)
The record box office for a recent Chinese blockbuster was obviously faked - Grace Randolph, youtuber, who also lies a lot.
There was a deleted dickpic subplot in "Birds of Prey" - also Grace Randolph.
J.K. Rowling says Draco is pro-trans - Clickhole article (Yeah really clickhole, how is this real? How can you have so little critical skills )
Only Boring gays survived AIDS - Fran Lebowitz quote
Basically James Somerton is a human version of GPT (idk maybe he did use gpt in later videos but then again gpt is usually better at hiding plagiarism) he sucks up information from all over the internet both reputable and clearly fake and combines them into some horrible amalgamation without any critical thinking. (And sometimes he plagirizes badly and turns repetubale information into turds too) Some of the sources he stole from are straight up homophobic, right wing propaganda meant to harm and discredit the community.
That is why he is so damaging to the community. He not only steals, he takes fake harmful plagiarized information and then he sandwiches it in between two plagiarized academic articles.
His video about gay holocaust is a very awful example of that. Between all the academic papers he stole he inserted claims that SS and hitlerjugend had a lot of gay men which is a claim lifted from homophobic, conspiracy theory sources like pink swastika and similar.
Basically if you watched some of his videos, you've been fed disinformation hidden between something academically sound and believable and because not all disinformation he said is as obvious as examples above or in my poll, it is extremely hard to undo the damage. 
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er1chartmann · 3 months
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Adolf Hitler meets a group of Hitlerjugend in the chancellery garden during his last public appearance on camera on 20th of March 1945
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matan4il · 5 months
what do we do in the face of indoctrination and bigotry like this, when it's being taught to small children in the United States? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6rUBp-LjRc/?igsh=NGhpeXNldWFpOWNm - this is so terrifying tbh :(
Nonnie, you're right. :( This is truly petrifying.
What's so horrifying is of course that kids that age do not have the required tools of knowledge and critical thinking to make an informed decision on this, they basically have no free will here, they're being used to promote someone else's political agenda.
I wish I had more details, because I do think there's a difference between an "educator" organizing an event like this, and a parent. If it's the former, parents might be approached to stop this indoctrination and exploitation of their kids, especially if it was done without their consent or their own full understanding. If it's a parent doing this to their own kid... :/ That's harder to deal with (and so much worse in what it means for the kid).
Education is always a touchy subject. Every parent, every educator, wants to give the kid they're responsible for the set of values they truly believe is the most important one, and in that sense, there is always a degree of indoctrination involved in education, or even just in parents passing on their own culture and heritage (and with that, its values, beliefs and mentality) to their kids. Good parents and educators allow the kid to eventually choose their own path, even if it's very different to theirs (and there's a question of what's "very different" and what's "actually immoral" when a kid chooses another set of values), however the path they choose for the kid to begin with is always one without any free choice on the part of the child. Even trying to avoid teaching them a certain set of moral values ends up being a moral choice, made entirely by the parents or educators.
But when it comes to a subject that's purely political, does not directly entail these kids and their families, their people or their culture, and requires so much knowledge that even most people who live this conflict are still unaware of many of its facts, this is just pure indoctrination and exploitation to boost the adult's political ego and agenda, and I imagine at least some of those kids might grow up to resent having been used this way.
I guess that's my biggest hope in that sense.
The millions of German kids who grew up with openly antisemitic parents, who were sent to the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth), who were even at a certain point recruited to fight for the Nazis (some allied soldiers reported having taken captive German kids as young as 8. Many German teen soldiers actually got quite a reputation for being brutal fighters, because they were so much easier to mold into fanatics when it came to the Nazi cause), some of them probably grew up to be adults who still believed in that hateful ideology. But some of them, or at least their own kids, were able to step back, and realize what was wrong with what the adults of that generation did, so they ended up denouncing their own parents or grandparents. That's not easy to do. It's true that that did require to a great degree the universal condemnation of the Nazis and their antisemitic, genocidal crimes. But it IS possible.
The biggest problem we have right now, is that the condemnation of the antisemitism in the anti-Israel movement is not yet universal. There are enough people still buying into the lie that it's "anti-Zionism, not antisemitism," despite all proof to the contrary. And I'm scared of thinking what would it take to make it into a universal condemnation. Especially since not even the atrocities of Oct 7 managed to make people realize how heinous it is to support Hamas. I can only hope it wouldn't take an actual second Holocaust. But I do believe in the capacity of people, even those that adults invested in brainwashing them, to eventually step back, and realize that they were a part of a hate movement, meant to demonize, harass and persecute Jews. To be ashamed of that, to denounce it, and to do what they can to make up for it... Every young German person standing by Jews today, at our time of need, is living proof of that.
So yeah, one day these brainwashed useful ignorants might wake up, and look with horror at what they have enabled and the antisemitism they were guilty of spreading. If not, their kids or grandkids might look at them with shame. Let's hope it's the former rather than the latter. But most importantly, let's not stop working to spread the truth about this wave of hatred and how harmful it is to Jews (and as extension, to non-Jews involved in this conflict as well), by speaking up wherever we can, and try to help get a step closer to that day when the condemnation of this hate is universal.
Thank you for the ask, and please take care of yourself during these scary times! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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catgirlforeskin · 1 year
crossdresser anon here: I actually don’t like that you call anyone remotely gnc an egg and refuse to respect our identities! but I’ll say the slurs anyway because you suck
Ok this is way funnier, seeing a trans woman make an egg joke and immediately going “oh thank GOD I have an opportunity to start saying slurs!”
Hitlerjugend new uniform is thigh-highs I guess 💀
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mkultrafied · 6 months
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Captured soldiers of the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend in France, 1945
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