#Hisuian Zorua Drayton AU
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ducydoo2000-art · 1 year ago
So over on @cheemken’s blog I’ve rambled about my lil AU where Drayton is a Hisuian zorua yeeted to present Unova when ingo and PLA protag make it back to present times! He’s found by his human parents and eventually takes the form of a human and adopts the name Drayton! I’ve finally gotten his design down, at least his blue berry academy outfit…still wanna figure out his casual wears
Half illusion:
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Half illusion Drayton has his zoura ears (and tail although his jacket tends to hide it pretty well), his hands and feet have a gradient of his paw fur colour into his human skin and he has a few scars from his time in hisui as well!
He has the ice tera although he’s not entirely sure on how to activate his tera form….
He’s the smallest zoura you ever did see…so tiny….
His move set is Icey wind, Rest, Shadow Ball and Dragon Claw (which he somehow learned from spending so much time around dragon types)
Full illusion: 
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There’s not much to say about full illusion Drayton, after all he’s trying to pass off as a human! So no weird features here besides his eyes that glow in the dark and sharper then normal teeth 
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scarvi-tealdisc · 1 year ago
After slowly writing this out through the week, I'm done with the second chapter! What I'm learning from writing this is to find a balance between writing out Zorua's POV while progressing the vague plot I have in mind. I want to write out all the ideas I have but I also don't want to drag stuff out for too long you know?
Anyways, I hope this is an enjoyable chapter! This AU is inspired from ideas shared by @ducydoo2000!
Series: Pokemon
Characters: Drayton (Hisuian Zorua)
[Read previous chapter]
Chapter 2
Awareness slowly trickled back in as it roused from a deep, dreamless sleep. It wanted nothing more than to burrow back into that peaceful darkness but its body had other plans. No matter how much it tried to ignore, it became painfully aware of all the aches and pains plaguing it.
A soft whine slipped out of its slightly parted mouth. With eyes still shut, it slowly turned on its side. It stretched out its front paws first, then the back legs. A surprised yelp erupted from the sudden ripple of pain. While dulled, it was present enough that it immediately went into alert, eyes snapping open. 
It didn’t know where it was.
This was not the icy landscape that it knew all its life. This wasn’t even the rocky, damp cavity of its den. While it was in an enclosed space, the smooth grey-white barriers were foreign to it. Various objects were scattered all around this strangely bright cave, nothing recognizable sans vague understandings of its origins.
It seemed to be laying on something soft and plush; akin to that of its littermates huddling together and it got to be the one laying partially on top. It experienced a fleeting sense of awe when a cautious press against the plushness left no imprint. It went right back to being smooth and soft.
The brown colored objects reminded it of wooden boxes the elder Zoroark brought back from time to time. They were often filled with food to share with the pack, and it was always a special occasion as they’d feast like kings on various berries rarely found within the frozen terrain. 
It also spotted various differently colored cloths draped over the boxes, on the floor, even hung on the walls. Those were vastly superior to the tattered, dulled ones often used to pad out the sleeping nest. Like the boxes, the cloths were typically brought back by elder Zoroark that returned back from…
Its ears flickered to the odd noise coming from the wall. One section had the same brownish shade of the boxes, and its eyes widened in surprise when it suddenly swung open.
“Oh, it seems like you’re awake.”
At the sight of the tall, shadowed figure of a human, memories instantly rushed back with such intensity that it made its head hurt. 
The singular step towards its direction prompted it to jump out of the soft bedding it was on, scrambling immediately towards the closest object that provided cover. It wasted no time in wiggling underneath the crack and went to the far back of the wall. 
“Ah, guess I scared you huh.”
The human’s foreign words carried no malice but it would not lower its guard. Now it knew that it was trapped in a human’s den with no immediate escape routes. That spot where the human entered seemed to be the only one that led outside but it couldn’t get there, not with it being closed once more. 
Approaching footsteps provoked it into growling, fur puffing up alongside the wisp on its head. Even though it was trapped, if the human tried anything to do harm, it will fight with all its might. Sharp teeth and claws still hurt when aimed at fleshy bits after all.
The human’s feet paused in front of the crack’s entrance. It barred its teeth when yellow-gold eyes peeked at it. The shade evoked memories of its parent, bringing forth sorrow that nearly drowned out its wariness. Unfortunately, it could not afford to mourn its lost, not when faced with extreme danger.
The stand off between it and the enemy lasted for what seemed like forever before the human conceded first. That instinctive fear of being stared down by a predator eased up ever so slightly once those yellow-gold eyes disappeared.
“Okay, I’ll leave you alone. At least eat the food here, alright? It’ll help you recover faster.”
It remained on high alert until the human moved away from its cover. Something was placed on the ground next to the soft bedding, nothing discernible to its eyes right now. Distant footsteps eventually faded altogether once it was left alone, the entrance opened and shut at the human’s exit.
Despite being the only one within the cave, it remained hidden for quite awhile, curled up into a small ball of fur. Its lack of knowledge about humans meant that it had a severe disadvantage, namely that it didn't know their hunting periods.
The elder Zoroark only went out during dusk and dawn, where they had the cover of darkness to further conceal their presence. It could not tell day or night in here, making it more difficult to gauge the human’s return. A single lapse in judgment might spell the end so it had no choice but to wary.
Still, it couldn’t remain that high strung for long. Being alert left it exhausted, reminded of the wounds it sustained before it was caught. Speaking of, it never really crossed its mind during its panic that the injury should’ve hurt more. It was still aware of its dull, persistent presence but that was it. No stabbing, sharp pain.
Curiosity eventually made it uncurl from its tight, protective ball. It twisted its head to look down at its leg. Some kind of white cloth was wrapped around the injury, and a tentative sniff made it rear its head back when a strong, foreign scent assaulted its senses.
How did it get there? The only one it could think of was the human that captured it but that made zero sense. If it took the time to really think, dulling the pain was counterproductive for the human. Wouldn’t it be better to leave it injured so it had little chance of fighting back? And going by that line of thought, the entire set-up seemed off now.
Why did the human bring it back to this cave? It awoke atop soft, warm bedding instead of something cold and hard. Being unconscious meant that there were plenty of chances to put it out of its misery and yet, upon entering earlier, it wasn’t immediately attacked. The human merely followed after it, observed for a moment before leaving it alone again.
It didn’t understand the human’s actions. For all of its short life, it was taught that humans were the enemy. Humans will harm its kin so it must remain hidden. The thought that this could all be some elaborate trap to lower its guard crossed its mind once again but then that begged the question: why?
Why was it kept alive?
This ambiguity made its head hurt. In a way, it’d be much easier had the human simply snuff out its life back in that unknown scenery. Then it wouldn’t have to live with this uncertainty of having its life toyed with. 
It whined softly. It missed its parent, its littermates, its den–all of which no longer existed. It knew that its parent protected it so that it could live on but…
The sound of its stomach growling pulled it away from spiraling. It couldn’t remember the last time it ate. Hunger gnawed at its belly before but the pain took greater presence. Now with it dulled, the hunger came knocking back with a vengeance.
Perhaps it could seek out food within this cave? Surely humans wouldn’t leave their den devoid of anything to eat? It recalled the elder Zoroark bringing out berries from a stash hidden within the den when the elements became too harsh for hunting. It believed that humans were as smart as they were cruel so with that fueling it, a little furry body eventually crawled out of the hiding space. 
It made a cautious sweep of its surroundings, eyes flickering to the closed entrance. It needed to be alert, ready to hide again if the human returned. 
Now with it out in the open, a faint sweet scent caught its attention. It came in the direction of the soft bedding, where upon closer inspection, it found a bowl of… something.
The scent came off from the pile of brown and red bits. It didn’t recognize the brown stuff but the red ones reminded it of berries that it ate before. Did the human left it here before they left? Why? Was it because they wanted to feed it? Another reason why this entire situation made its head hurt. None of the human’s actions made sense.
Its stomach growled once more. Hunger beckoned it to take a bite out of the sweet scented mystery food. This might just be a trap where the food was poisoned but it also smelled really good…
Well, if it was poisoned, perhaps it won’t be such a bad way to end. At least it’d be on a full stomach. That was how it tried to rationalize the situation. 
Swallowing, it cautiously approached the bowl. Leaning down to take another tentative sniff, it decided to go for the red bits that it thought were berries. After a few slow bites, its eyes widened in surprise.
The red bits were delicious! It did taste like the berries it ate before but much sweeter! When it took a bite of the brown stuff, the taste was different but no less appetizing. It began to scarf the mystery food down before long, uncaring at the prospect of it potentially being poisoned in the face of such tastiness gracing its tongue. If it was meant to die after finishing this, at least it wouldn’t be hungry. 
Somehow, it avoided choking from eating everything so quickly. By the time only morsels were left in the bowl, it wobbled a few steps towards the bedding, flopping down rather ungracefully atop its softness.
Rationally, it should go back into hiding instead of being vulnerable like this. Time must have passed while it ate, and while it didn’t know how long humans took to hunt, they could return at any time. Yet with a belly full of yummy, potentially poisoned food, summoning up the energy to do so felt like an impossibility. 
Sleepiness now clouded its vision, the want to close its eyes and slumber on became increasingly hard to ignore. In the end, it decided that it will only sleep for a moment. Just enough to ease the exhaustion before it went back into hiding. Surely it would pick up the sound of the human’s return. It did have good hearing after all.
Soon, it fell into a deep sleep. Unlike what it thought, it remained snoozing on when the entrance opened, unaware of the human that peeked into the room to find it lying on the soft bedding.
“Ah, at least someone was hungry,” the human whispered in their foreign tongue. 
Had it been awake, it would be confused that the human opted to carefully approach it, as if mindful of the noise they made so they wouldn’t disturb its sleep. The emptied bowl was picked up instead, and with the same amount of consideration, the human left the room just as quietly. 
Outside of the hastily prepared room, Drayven idly tapped a beat atop his forearm. He glanced down at his bandaged hand, the one that got bit yesterday by the strange Pokemon now sleeping peacefully inside. 
When he came across the injured little one during one of his morning walks outside of Opelucid City, he knew that he had to help it. Maybe he should have exercised more tact on how he approached it—his wife certainly gave him an earful while she disinfect the wound—but at the very least, he got it back home after it exhausted itself within his arms.
Drayven knew that for a speedy recovery, he should have brought the little one to a Pokemon Center instead. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to, not when he saw how terrified it looked. Call it instincts but he had the feeling that had he done so, he would never be able to see it again. 
The Pokemon didn’t look like anything he saw before. While it did have a similar build to Zorua, that was where the resemblance ended. Drayven concluded that the little one might be a rare Pokemon, and if he took into consideration the open fear it had towards him, one that had an unpleasant experience with humans.
This was all speculation of course but that was what his gut told him. If Drayven were to put his trust in something, it’d be just that. It was that very same feeling that led him and Elyssa to adopt the girl his dad introduced them to after all. 
Speaking of his dad, maybe it was time that he asked for the old man’s opinion in this matter. If anyone knew how to handle wild and distrustful Pokemon, it’d be him.
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cheemken · 1 year ago
More hisiuan zoura!Drayton ÒwÓ
Focussing on opelucid city and it freezing over!!! 
Reading your tags on my ask and you’re right! I think he’d still be scared, even more so in this AU because he can hear/understand kyurem! Even when it’s all the way up in the sky on the Plasma Frigate Drayton can still hear kyurem and he knows it’s a legendary and he should be scared
He’s terrified of what happened to opelucid city, well it’s cold just like the ice lands it’s not natural at all, the ice to jagged and sharp there’s no fluffy snow to jump around in just the bitter cold and sharp ice no comfort at all! His new home is in ruins….
Well Drayton is scared, absolutely terrified even, he knows he can help! He’s not bothered by the cold at all even in his human form! So he helps the civilians of opelucid as a zoura! The civilians know about the strangely coloured zoura that seems to live in opelucid and are greatly thankful for it helping out during the freeze over, not knowing that the zoura is Drayton, with Drayton’s help I believe in this AU the death count of humans and Pokemon are a lot lower then in canon, a lot less people and Pokemon froze to death because Drayton can stand the cold!
In a previous ask in the tags you mentioned that iris would end up catching kyurem and in canon i think Drayton would eventually warm up to it! Not in this AU tho! Drayton can’t help but be intimidated by it even once it’s in iris’s care, he knows it won’t hurt him and it was all team plasma fault really but being around such a big Pokemon, a legendary at that! Makes Drayton’s Pokemon instincts scream at him to either obey it because it’s so powerful or run away in fear because it’s so powerful, Drayton also hates it because it makes his instincts flare up and reminds him that he’s not really a human he’s just a Pokemon playing human
When iris first said she caught kyurem and brought it out Drayton attacked her out of fear (he can still use pkmn attacks in human form just not as powerful as he’s still keeping up the illusion of the human form) as his instincts were going haywire telling him to runaway and he did, he was missing for days until Crispin called iris saying that Drayton just showed up at his doorstep in Virbank City (not sure if Crispin knows he’s a zoura yet or not or if the reveal happens here, gotta flesh out the reveal more lol) Drayton honestly has no fucking clue how he ended up from opelucid to Virbank he kinda just mentally blacked out when he ran away but Crispin comforts him none the less!~Drayton angst anon💛
Ough the mental image of Drayton suddenly hurting Iris just hits cbxnnx
Imagine along w the fear that Kyurem is there w her, Drayton also felt really guilty over hurting his sister too, and he didn't mean it ofc he didn't, he was just really scared that he suddenly attacked her
But also cdndndk pls, the reveal chmdndmd Crispin hearing scratches on his door and sees this odd looking Zorua, and the Zorua was like, shivering y'know, eyes wide and scared as it scurried inside, hiding behind the couch. And that made Crispin confused as fuck, like yeah he heard stuff abt the white Zorua in Opelucid, but he never thought he'd actually see the exact Zorua here inside his home, how did it even get here?? Nevertheless, the poor thing was scared, it looks like it's abt to cry too, so Crispin was helping it warm up to him and even calm it down
Imagine once he brings the Zorua to his room, it transforms to Drayton, fucking imagine how he'd react lmfao like nursing this Zorua back to health only for it to transform into one of your friends, and he starts crying saying he accidentally hurt his sister and how fucking terrifying Kyurem actually is up close, like, Crispin needed a minute to process everything cause holy shit one of his friends is actually a pokemon—
Then Iris is searching every corner of Unova to look for Drayton. Look, while he attacked her, she knows he was just scared, and her brother was still young y'know, and ofc he wasn't exactly human, who knows what people would do to him if they found out, and she fears what'd happen if the Shadow Triad or Ghetsis finds out abt what Drayton really is, so imagine her relief when one of Drayton's friends suddenly called her saying he's there at Virbank which made her confused as fuck too cause how the hell did he get there from Opelucid???
But yeah, Iris calling out her Hydreigon flying over to Virbank, found Crispin w Drayton w him but like,, he's a Zorua, being held by Crispin. Crispin giving her a sheepish look, saying Drayton already explained things to him. But also cbmdnd imagine how cute it'd be, Drayton just jumping from Crispin's arms to Iris', nuzzling her close, he missed her and ofc he's glad she isn't mad at him for attacking her. And she's there telling him that Kyurem didn't mean to scare him too, and Drayton knows that now, he can hear Kyurem's voice from within the Master Ball
Pls your honour a lil bit of soft, but also Iris making sure Crispin won't tell anyone abt Drayton's secret, and ofc he won't tell, why would he go against the fucking Champion of their region lmfao
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ducydoo2000 · 11 months ago
thanks for inspiring one of my fics btw in my fic Drayton gets zorua-ed by being blasted by Terapagos
Anon you cannot say this without dropping the fic/hj (that is if it’s finished)
But I’m very happy hear my silly lil AU inspired you to make your own AU! I know I was joking around with you sharing it but honestly if you’re comfortable sharing I’d LOVE to read it! It seems like an interesting AU! I’d love to know more so please don’t feel shy about info dumping about your AU if you wish! 
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applesjuice · 1 year ago
i just noticed this, but you say Cynthia is the number one Akari hype woman? Does Kieran keep the name Akari after hisui or do they go back to using Kieran? Also i just wanted to say i love this au, its so good, i love how you write and explain this stuff <3
Omg thank you so much! I feel like I tend to over explain things to be honest.
Kieran goes by Akari when they get back, they still don't remember their name, though their friends back in Hisui were calling them Kiki as a nickname.
Drayton is the one who is like "Kieran!?" And that's how they learn Akari's real name. Legally though, Kieran is dead. But also i like the idea of Kieran and Carmine being like, their western names, with Suguri and Zeiyu being their legal names. Legally Kieran (Suguri) is now "Akari" but they will go by Kieran as their chosen western name again after getting reintroduced to everyone. Too much paperwork and questions on the legal end of things, it was easier to just roll with their Akari ID and using OG info to get a new birth certificate issued than dealing with legal red tape to reinstate an old social security number.
Kieran does pose and take a photo in front of their own grave though yolo
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bottle-of-harpoons · 1 year ago
Silly AU concept
Drayton is a Hisuian Zorua that Drayden adopted. He's been living life as a human and no one knows he's really a pokemon.
One day, some members of the Elite 4 get jumped by some wild pokemon. A stray attack hits Drayton, causing him to loose his illusion.
Crispin, Lacey, Amarys and Carmine see this but they just think Drayton trained a zorua to take his place for league duties so he can slack off somewhere.
So Carmine's looking for Drayton so she can tear him a new one. Meanwhile Drayton's hiding out in the league room, pretending to be a wild zorua to avoid Carmine's wrath.
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peachyyjellie · 1 year ago
this is very random to send on your account, but as a fellow drayton enjoyer would you appreciate it if I sent one of my drayton hisuian zorua aus on tumblr Mine involves him being accidentally kamehameha-ed by terapagos
YES HI ANON feel free to send it my way!! sounds like it’ll be really interesting! /gen
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ducydoo2000-art · 1 year ago
zorua drayton and crispin, drayton sleeping on crispin's lap
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Someone help him, he’s been stuck in the club room for half an hour….
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scarvi-tealdisc · 1 year ago
So, I've been pretty invested in an AU where Drayton is a Hisuian Zorua shared by an anon at @cheemken's blog. I've seen fanart of Drayton with a Hisuian Zorua so I latched onto that and started this writing project. I've got a vague plot, a hope and a prayer so hopefully this would be an enjoyable read!
Series: Pokemon
Characters: Drayton (Hisuian Zorua)
Chapter 1
It had no welcome for the stinging bits of ice that pelted its fur, though that was the norm in Alabaster Icelands. It trudged on through the heavy snow, whimpering with each step that put pressure on its injured leg. 
Eventually, the frozen downpour became so harsh that it bruised skin beneath thick fur. It deviated off the path, taking refuge in a small cave some fifty meters off the path. The ground underneath was cold but dry, so it curled up into the smallest ball possible in a meager attempt to warm up.
A blizzard soon rolled through, its howling winds whipping the sharp pieces mixed with snow into its shelter. It burrowed further back, the rock scraping against its small body until the wind couldn’t touch it.
The raging snowstorm drowned out its soft, pitiful whimpers. It wished to see its littermates. It yearned for the gentle nip of its parent whenever it got a little too rowdy. It wanted to curl up with its pack, the littlest ones at the center, surrounded by safety and warmth. 
It weakly lifted its head and cried. 
It cried out for littermates that have long gone missing, for a pack scattered by human invasion, for a parent who bled crimson amidst the pristine snow. 
It cried until it could cry no more, head drooped in exhausted defeat. From the pain permeating from its injured leg, it knows that it can’t survive long within this harsh, frozen landscape. Hunger gnawed at its stomach, having not eaten anything since it ran from the humans. 
The baser part of its instincts screamed at it to get up, to keep moving, to keep on living for its kin. Though like the roaring winds outside, exhaustion drowned out everything else. Even if it wanted to, it knew deep down that it wasn’t possible. The only attacks it knew were to scratch and bite. It never got the chance to properly learn from its parent, and now it never will. 
Shivers wracked through its small frame due the frigid temperatures and its fear, present and ever growing. An uncertain future loomed over it, even if it could think of a future. It was highly likely that it wouldn’t survive through the week, either from a worsening wound, getting picked off by larger predators or humans deciding that its existence was not tolerated.
Briefly, the wisps on its head waxed and waned from resentment, burning white hot in its stomach. What did it do to deserve this fate? It lived peacefully with its pack within a territory far from human settlement. The elder Zoroark have taught it and its littermates of how dangerous human could be, to instill a sense of wariness that could be the difference between life and death. 
It was safer to hide than to fight, they were told.
They hid but the humans came to them anyway, braving the harsh cold they were forced to live in with stronger creatures at their beck and call. What could they have done at such an onslaught but to flee?
Some chose to fight. Others unwillingly so, like its parent who fell in an attempt to protect it. The opportunity given so tragically allowed it to run, run, run. 
Its resentment faded as quickly as it flared. Whimpers once again filled the small space. Cold, hurt, exhausted, hungry–it could do nothing to ease any of it. Truly, the only fate left for them was a slow, painful end. 
Yellow eyes slowly slid shut. Exhaustion had finally claimed it. Perhaps if it was lucky, it’d fall into a deep, deep slumber where it no longer experienced anything bad. Maybe it could dream of being with its parent, safe in its arms. 
As it succumbed to its fatigue, it remained unaware of the blizzard’s sudden end due to the giant vortex that formed above the cave it took shelter in. Energy befitting that of the gods surged from the rift and–
Ever so slowly, it opened its eyes.
Slow blinks sharpened its vision until it saw… greenery. Even as exhausted as it was, it quickly scrambled to its feet, whimpering from the stab of pain that radiated due to the sudden movement. While its senses were dulled, it went into high alert, head slowly turning to take in its surroundings. 
This… where was this place? Throughout its short life, it only knew of the vast, white landscape of the Alabaster Icelands. The elder Zoroark had shared tales of human settlements being amidst greener pastures but it seemed like an impossibility to its young mind. A place where it was green and not white? Where it was warm and not cold?
The unfamiliar area struck fear within it. All kinds of scents wafted around it, and it flinched from every snap and crackle that came from the foliage. It did not know where it was, only that being exposed like this made it an easy prey for predators.
It should get up, see if there was a burrow or cave somewhere where it could hide until it felt a little calmer. Standing on wobbly feet, it was only able to take a few pain filled steps before–
“Oh? Now what's this?”
Ice filled its veins at the sound. It was the unfamiliar tongue of humans. Flight instincts kicked in and it ran. Or at least it tried to. Its legs buckled beneath its exhaustion, a soft whine slipping out from the pain. 
The wisps on its head briefly flared as it thought of its resentment, at the injustice of it all but it faded, shackled by the whims of its battered body.
“Oh no, it looks like this little one is hurt…”
Through closed lids, a shadow casted over its form, the human having caught up to it. It didn't recognise the tone, a stark difference from the raging bellows dipped in fury when humans slayed its kin. If it could delude itself into believing, it sounded almost… gentle.
No, that couldn't be right. Humans are never kind to its kind. 
In its momentary distracted state, the human had closed the distance even further. When hands started to cage its sides, instincts kicked in alongside the surge of cold fear. Using up the last dredges of its energy, it turned to bury small teeth into flesh, where it tasted warm iron from drawn blood.
The human hissed in pain, the fleshy cage loosening just enough for it to wiggle free. Still, its freedom was short-lived, having no strength left to even run afterwards.
To think its last act was a foolish one. It showed hostile desperation and it will be met in turn by justified retaliation. Such was the nature of humans towards its kin.
“Yowch. Guess that was pretty stupid of me to do.”
As a dark shadow loomed over its battered body, it curled up into the tightest ball it could, incapable of putting up a fight anymore. Shaking and whimpering, it hoped the human could at least grant it the slightest bit of mercy by giving it a swift, painless end.
A heavy pressure settled on its back. A strong shove will break its spine, so it braced itself for the inevitable. 
Instead of feeling crushed bones, the oddest sensation occurred instead. At the crown of its head, it felt… gentle brushes. Through the unpracticed motions of a too smooth surface, it remembered the times where its parent groomed it. 
“Shh… that's it. I'm not going to hurt you.”
Unbelievably, it felt… comforted. It could not understand the human's words but the tone somehow soothed it. In its mind’s eye, it recalled times within the den where its parent groomed it after spending time outside. Those were the moments where it felt safe, comforted, loved.
Tears sprung to its eyes, eventually spilling over to dot the ground. It once again cried for everything that it lost, sorrow aching deeply within its soul.
Humans were the cause behind it and yet, it was this human that gave it a feeling of comfort with their strange gentleness. Perhaps this was simply a trick to lower its guard and strike when the opportunity arose but by this point, it truly couldn't care anymore. 
Eventually its cries tapered off when it succumbed to exhaustion once more. It remained still as the human properly picked it up, secured within gentle arms. 
Life for it will take a turn that it would never see coming but for now, it slept on.
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cheemken · 1 year ago
Moreeeee hisiuan zorua!Drayton >:D
Been doing some thinking and I don’t think the reveal to Crispin would happen during the kyurem incident too much is already going on
It just happens on a regular day when Crispin drops by Opelucid city for a visit! The two boys are chilling in Drayton’s room when they end up falling asleep together (platonic sleeping together my beloved) and Crispin wakes up first and sees a lil white zoura sleeping next to him and he’s hella confused until Drayton wakes up startled and falls out of bed and transforms back into his human form and panics he doesn’t realize that it was Crispin who found out he’s just panicking because he’s been found out in his panic he transforms back into zoura and cowers away from Crispin
Now Crispin is HELLA confused and concerned! One of his best friends is apparently a pokemon??? And he’s never seen Drayton so scared besides the kyurem incident, Crispin being the not sharpest tool in the shed kinda just reaches down to pet/comfort Drayton and promptly gets bitten by Drayton, yeah not his brightest idea….Crispin had to leave Drayton’s room to get his hand bandaged and he makes sure to close the door so Drayton doesn’t go off and hide somewhere else in the house
Well in the search for the first aid kit Crispin passes the kitchen and realizes that he could make Drayton one of his favourite dishes to hopefully calm him down so once he’s all bandaged up he gets to work in the kitchen making one of Drayton’s favourite dishes and realizes it’s something that ghost/or normal types like, yeah that probably should’ve been a hint about his friend….once he’s done he returns to Drayton’s room and notices Drayton hiding under his bed so he leaves the food near the bed and Crispin goes to sit on the opposite side of the room to give Drayton space as he tries to look up what zoura Drayton is because he sure as hell doesn’t look like a unovaian one but he couldn’t really find much
Drayton eventually comes out of his hiding place once he smells the food and realizes it’s one of his favourite dishes and his head finally clears of panic once he’s finished eating and he shifts back to his human form, he notices Crispin and realizes he bit his best friend and promptly starts to cry which sends Crispin for a loop once he hears Drayton crying because he’s never actually seen him cry, yeah he’s seen his friend close to tears before but never actually sobbing like he is now so he rushes to comfort him, thankfully he’s not attacked since Drayton is in a clearer headspace
Crispin manages to move them back to the bed where Drayton ends up crying himself to sleep against Crispin as he’s exhausted from the panic attack and the crying and Crispin just holds him gently as he sleeps curled up against his best friend, eventually iris comes home and finds the two in Drayton’s room where Crispin quietly asks about Drayton and explains what went down well iris was away and how he found out Drayton was a Pokemon, iris looks at her lil bro and ends up explaining everything to Crispin
Also the bite mark eventually scars over and Drayton hates looking at it >:) ~Drayton angst anon💛
Aww bcndbd
He must've been really young during that tho, idk, it'd be dope if Crispin and Drayton are childhood friends in this au hahaha
But that's dope👀👀
Aughgh Dray accidentally biting Crispin, not being able to look at him much bc he scarred his hand. But also y'know smth dope if Crispin would sometimes hold Drayton's hand w his scarred one, going on how it's okay now, he doesn't have to feel guilty over smth he didn't mean to do. Sometimes Drayton would run his thumb over the scars, and Crispin would just smile at him telling him they finally healed, and he shouldn't feel bad anymore
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ducydoo2000-art · 1 year ago
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Not entirely accurate to the prompt you gave me but eh
He tries to avoid pokeballs the best he can! They make him nervous….
I did say on @cheemken’s blog that’s actually how Lacey found out he was a zorua!
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cheemken · 1 year ago
Another one of the Pearl clan members Drayton was friends with was the very own muppet man himself, Ingo! Ingo had found him shortly after his zoroark parents were killed and since Ingo didn’t believe in the stigma against hisuian zorua and zoroark he had took Drayton to Lady Sneasler’s den to be taken care of until he could take care of himself as Drayton was a really young zorua when his zoroark parents were killed, he would sometimes shift to be a Sneasel to try and playfully trick Lady Sneasler but she knew how many children she had, although as time went on she had started seeing Drayton as one of her own as well! (Drayton collecting parents like Pokemon fr lol)
To say Drayton was surprised to see ingo in Nimbasa City at Gear Station well he was visiting Lacey was an understatement! He really wants to talk to ingo about hisui, knowing there’s someone else who knows about ancient sinnoh makes him really excited! But….hes not sure if Ingo remembers hisui as he knows ingo had memory issues in hisui about where he came from and such so now Drayton is afraid that Ingo has forgotten about hisui, he hasn’t but Drayton doesn’t know that and Drayton is too worried to bring it up to ingo so….he just doesn’t…~Drayton angst anon💛
Ough,, Sneasler taking in Drayton and treating it like one of her kids🥹 that's so cute bcxmbx
But y'know abt Ingo too, if the word got out from Opelucid abt a strange white Zorua, dyou think Ingo would think it's specifically Drayton or just a random Hisuian Zorua?? Or maybe it really was just a normal Unovan Zorua, just w white fur, bc ofc, he really hasn't seen it yet
Since he got back, he's still trying to recover, Emmet and Elesa are taking care of him, but y'know imagine once he hears news abt the strange Zorua, he's there remembering this one Zorua that used to follow him and Sneasler around
But imagine tho when Drayton went to Nimbasa w the others to visit Lacey, they met the subway masters, and ofc for Ingo, looking at Drayton, there was just smth so so familiar abt him that he can't point out what, and that bothered him for the entire day
Once they got home, Emmet asked him what's been gnawing at him, and the he asks abt Drayton. Emmet said he's Drayden's grandson, Ingo just found out really, ofc, he wasn't updated w a lot of things now, he's still kinda recovering, taking things slow, but damn was he really gone that long that Drayden's son has a child now? Still, why did Drayton seem so familiar to him, he just met the boy, not officially really, as he and his friends already went off before Emmet could challenge them to a battle
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scarvi-tealdisc · 1 year ago
I’m so happy that my AU could inspire you to make a writing project for this year!!! I’ve honestly been tossing around the idea of an ask blog with this AU but I’m not sure as ask blogs don’t tend to do well for me….its still an idea tho!
And funnily enough I’m actually making an edit on what Drayton looks like in the AU but I’m SUPER curious on your take on what he looks like!!! 👀👀👀👀👀
I've seen art before of people saying Drayton is H.Zorua coded and when I stumbled across the ideas of him actually being one, the brainworms took over haha! It's definitely a fun AU considering I've seen others like Kieran being Ogerpon AU. With the vague plot I have in mind, I'm definitely going to take loads of creative liberty + it'll definitely be a fun writing exercise for me (as English is not my first language).
Ooh I'm excited to see the edits whenever you make it! I'm still waiting for the ref sheet to be fully colored by the artist I'm commissioning but here's a sketch that I got before under the read more!
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I wanted elements of his original design but with inspirations of his Zorua form in it! To others his form would look solid but with family and close friends, his pompadour is more wisp like haha
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cheemken · 1 year ago
Okay I need to share this lil AU I made before I just implode
Drayton is a hisuian zorua! He got isekai’d from hisui when Ingo/PLA protag managed to find a way back to present time! He landed in Unova along w/ Ingo but Drayton landed near opelucid city and was found by his soon to be parents! He was injured when they found him and he certainly didn’t trust them as ppl in hisui never treated him well (his zoroark parents were killed :( ) so they had a bit of trouble nursing him back to health until Drayden made a visit bc his son made a phone call about a weird zoura that was injured
Once Drayton saw Drayden he was literally just pikachu surprised face with stary eyes bc he thought Dreyden looked so cool!!!! So he begrudgingly allows his parents to nurse him back to health but he also sticks to Drayden like glue so he was nicknamed Drayton :)
Once he’s healed up he started causing mischief like zoura tend to do! Although he’s grown to like his parents along side Drayden now! One day he shifted to look like a human child similar to Drayden and Drayden’s son just to cause a bit of mischief and eventually he just starts spending a lot of time in his human form as he finds out being a human is fun!!! Like really fun!! Eventually one day his parents kinda just sit him down and ask him if he would like to be a human bc they notice he stays in that form a lot and become their son (they cannot have biological kids bc fertility issues so I imagine Iris is also adopted!) so he becomes their son and the nickname Drayton becomes his official name!!! Although he still shifts back to a zoura sometimes at home or in private!
I think iris was away training or something when Drayton first arrived and her parents just called her saying they adopted another kid but once she comes back home she’s told the full truth about her new baby bro and let me tell you, THEY HIT IT OFF INSTANTLY!!!!! Vibing together as dragon sibs!!!
Eventually Drayton becomes a trainer which is a little weird at first but all of his pkmn joined him willingly as they wanted to get stronger! Plus having a trainer who’s a Pokemon makes it easier for him to understand their needs and wants! He also enrolls into blueberry Academy for the fun of it as he wants to learn a lot about being human! He absolutely THRIVES in the polar biome as it reminds him of Alabaster Icelands!
No one but his family know he’s a zoura so making friends is a little challenging at first bc his first friend knew he was a zoura and now he’s keeping that part of himself hidden but eventually he meets the rest of the E4 and they all click quite well together!!!
Jeebus this ask is probably pretty long oops and I didn’t even talk about how’d Drayton would be when opelucid froze over, that’ll probably be its own ask lol~Drayton angst anon💛
You've heard of N is a Zoroark, now get ready for Drayton is a Zorua hahaha
That's interesting tho👀👀👀
Cute how he looks up to Drayden so much he wanted to look like a younger version of him hahaha
But also imagine tho if he and N interacts too, like N immediately knows Drayton is a Zorua, bc he thought it was his own Zorua. Imagine N and Iris arguing bc of that tho, N saying how hypocritical it is for Drayton, a Zorua, to disguise himself as a human, to "capture" his fellow pokemon. Ofc, Drayton was quite young during that, he was scared of N, but Iris was there defending him that N has a lot of nerve saying that, considering that he himself has captured pokemon too. N said those pokemon are his friends, Iris shot back how Drayton's pokemon are also his friends, he didn't capture them, they joined him willingly
It'd be cool to see if Iris and N have some sort of beef over that tho, bc ofc, N was kinda misguided at the start of the story, while Iris is rather protective of her brother. Even after things settled down and N tried to atone for his misdeeds, and while Drayton was starting to be comfortable w him, w N even leaving his own Zorua for Drayton, he and Iris still don't see eye to eye
But y'know as a mischievous Zorua, would he even be a slacker in this au? Imagine him turning to a Slakoth sometimes too that'd be cute hahah
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cheemken · 1 year ago
I am back with more hisuian zorua!Drayton stuff
His sleeping habits won’t leave my brainnnn, I think he’s turned both his at home bed and dorm bed into nests of blankets, pillows and totally not clothes he’s stolen from family and friends, he doesn’t really realized he’s turned his beds into nests, he spends so much time in his human form that his more pokemon instincts kinda just happen unconsciously 
He doesn’t even realize that when one time the E4 + Carmine and Kieran can over for a sleepover he made a giant nest on the floor for everyone to sleep together in, the others noticed but didn’t say anything to not embarrass Drayton (this was after the reveal), he sees the E4 + Carmine and Kieran as part of the pack just like his family so in his mind they all gotta sleep together
He also still occasionally crawl into his parents or iris’s bed and sleep with them (and drayden and subway twins when they visit) bc again pack instincts, he’ll also sleep with his Pokemon curled up around him as well sometimes!💛
Oh that mental image is so cute your honour I'm gonna combust that being smth that keeps him safe too imagine him just snuggling close to someone who sleeps next to him too in his lil Zorua form🥹
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ducydoo2000-art · 1 year ago
Uh huh can y'all send art requests for hisuian zorua!Drayton AU? I'm bored n wanna draw da boi
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