#Historical gems
ratective · 4 months
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pearl in traditional western kraków clothes
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latest-info · 4 months
10 Hidden Gems in History You Didn't Learn in School
History is a vast tapestry woven with countless threads of human experience, innovation, and interaction. While school curriculums often focus on the major events and figures, there are many lesser-known but equally fascinating stories that offer rich insights into our past. Here are ten hidden gems in history that you likely didn’t learn about in school, each one a testament to the diverse and…
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ultravioletness · 2 years
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gay knights and dames collages part two
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gifti3 · 2 months
hii im posting this old fic for asmo, it was for his bday but i put it off cause i wanted to keep editing it and before you know it its been over year of it just sitting untouched 〒▽〒 so i decided to just post it without a reading over it again its pretty light hearted and silly, its an AU where Asmo is literally a queen and reader is one of those passing merchants (probably) reader is gn here and yep thats it!
Queen Asmodeus's Birthday
This was the first time you'd actually be present during Asmodeus's birthday. You heard about previous ones in passing during your travels, but now you'd get to experience all the hoopla in person.
You observe yourself in the mirror and smooth the front of your outfit down. It wasn't something you would usually wear on a day to day basis, but today….what the Queen says goes. Like any other day really, but now wasn’t the time to be contrarian. If any day needed to go smoothly, today was that day. So after one more look, you exit your room.
Making your way down the hallway you dodge several servants handling last minute preparations. You head downstairs and weave your way through mingling guests.
When you enter the grand banquet hall--not to be mistaken with the regular one--you whistle to yourself. It always looked nice but today it was at exorbitant levels of presentation. The long tables, the walls and even the ceiling seemed to be covered in the Queen's favorite shades and flowers. Everything was so flowery and pink.
Your eyes fall on the “Esteemed Guests” table and you make your way towards it.
"Hey guys." You greet the group of brothers. You nod at a few faces you weren’t quite familiar with, but they must be important to the Queen if they were at this table.
Before the brothers can say anything you interject. "No need to comment on the outfit. I know," you smile.
Several of them shut their mouths.
You take a seat at the head of the table, Asmodeus's spot. His chair was quite literally the center of attention. In the middle of the room it sat, the most immaculate and eye-catching. It was almost gaudy to be honest. And from here, you'd be able to see him from anywhere in the room.
“So…when does this start?” you ask.
“Hopefully he comes out within the hour,” Satan answers.
You’d think he was exaggerating if he wasn’t currently reading. In all this noise, you weren't sure how.
Lucifer sat back with his eyes closed, probably thinking of work, while Mammon and Levi talked (or maybe they were bickering) about something. Beelzebub frowned while rubbing at his stomach and Belphegor’s head was laid on the table.
Even though they seemed indifferent about being here, you knew they wanted to keep their brother happy. And anyways if they missed today they wouldn’t hear the end of it until his next birthday.
By the time his Majesty is formally introduced to the hall, an hour must have passed and Beel looks visibly famished. He gently nudges Belphie awake though. 
“Ah, the star finally appears,” Solomon says. You had met the sorcerer for the first time today but he seemed decent from the conversation you had. Mostly everyone at the table seemed a bit perturbed by his presence though.
Anyone standing around moves quickly to sit down so as not to be chewed out by other guests for blocking the view.
All attention turns to decorative stairs at the front of the room as the Queen appears. Slowly rose petals magically start falling from the ceiling. Everyone watches as Queen Asmodeus gracefully makes his way down, his (very expensive) skirts following down behind him. 
Mammon sits back crossing his arms and says under his breath. “He does this every year…” 
You wonder if anyone outside his brothers would ever grow tired of it though. You swear you could see tears glistening in some of these guests' eyes.
You manage to catch Asmo’s eye and he winks at you.
The whispers amongst the guests go silent once Asmodeus begins talking to his closest family, friends and allies.
"Thank you for gathering here to celebrate this special day--my birthday. Seeing everyone's lovely faces smiling for me makes me so happy!"
You hear a couple of dreamlike sighs among the crowd.
"I’m excited for the fun to start so please everyone enjoy the food. The festivities will start right after.”
There’s cheers and Beel’s face brightens as servants file in with various dishes.
Asmo makes his way towards his seat waving and talking to people along the way.
"How'd you like my entrance MC? Wasn’t it perfectly befitting for someone like me," Asmo asks by the time he finally makes it to the table.
Most of his brothers look exasperated but you grin. “It was very Asmodeus-like. You look really amazing by the way. Your dress is very beautiful.”
He smiles at the compliment. “Not as beautiful as me though, right?”
“Heh, of course.”
Satisfied with your answer, Asmo rests a hand on your shoulder.
"Thank you all for coming. I hope you all brought presents ❤️"
Lucifer smiles, already prepared with his gift, "Happy Birthday Asmodeus."
“I didn’t skimp out this year so you better be grateful,” Mammon says.
All the brothers take their turns passing their presents for Asmo to open and gush over. And these were no simple gifts. These were items the average person could only dream of having but apparently this was nothing too hard for these brothers to acquire.
You watch Asmo brandish the beautiful sword Santa had given to him. You had never seen anything like it before. Where did he even find that? Maybe you should inquire with him about it later.
During the rest of the dinner, you see a shift in Asmo’s demeanor from fairly pleased to absolutely bored. Finally, he stands and clinks his glass with a fork to get the room's attention.
He takes a drink and raises his glass high. "Let's get this party started!"
It had been 3 hours so far. The beginning of what would definitely be a way too long party.
You hadn't seen the Queen since dinner as he was mingling with the endless party guests.
How many people could one person remember off the top of their head?
Escaping the noise would be impossible even if you wanted to. You could hear Queen Asmo's subjects singing, dancing and lighting fireworks through your room window when you made a quick stop for the restroom.
You take a bite of your kebab, waving at someone you don’t remember the name of. Galavanting from room to room to keep yourself entertained in this overstimulation fest.
Maybe you'd go back to the 'bathing room'. It was always interesting there.
Suddenly, you find yourself wrapped in a warm embrace and surrounded by the scent of fruit and alcohol. 
“Darling I haven’t seen you in so long.” Asmo says dragging out the end of the statement.
“It’s only been a few hours though.”
“Might as well been years.” 
You roll your eyes but pat his arm soothingly. “But you’re enjoying yourself right?”
He hums. “Everyone is here for me, adorning me with gifts and praise. I’d say it’s within the top 3 best birthdays!”
“...Isn’t a good chunk of your usual days filled with that though?”
He rests his head on you. “It’s different though.”
Before you can ask more, several people approach you two to talk to the Queen. Asmodeus hooks his arms with yours before you can walk off though.
“Asmo, please let me go. Keeping up appearances for this long is killing me.”
“But I don't want you to disappear again!” He nuzzles into your arm and you let out a sigh.
“Can we at least take a break?”
“Are you trying to get special private time with the Queen?” Asmo gives you that stupid innocent smile that was rarely innocent.
“Er, I mean it would be nice…” You hadn’t been able to spend much time with him these last couple days since he was so busy.
“Okay since you’re one of my favorite guests I’ll give you special attention. But you owe me!”
And with that Asmo drags you away to his room.
As soon as you’re behind closed doors you flop on his soft bed. Even with the sounds of a party as background noise, you’d be able to rest your eyes.
“Wait, did you invite me here just to sleep?” You feel the bed dip beside you.
You mumble incoherently before turning your head to look at Asmo’s pouting face. You couldn’t help smiling at his expression though. 
How did he do it? You probably looked very disheveled right now but there sat your Queen completely perfect as always even though he’d been all over the castle today.
“Hmm, has my beauty stunned you~?” Asmo’s lithe fingers trace a pattern on your cheek.
“Maybe…” you sigh and get up from the bed. “That reminds me. You said I owed you and I haven’t given you your birthday present yet.”
You beacon him towards his dressing table and retrieve the small box. You planned to give it to him this morning but he wasn’t here. So you left in his room hoping he would find it on his vanity before the day ended but inwardly scolded yourself for the choice when he eyed you at the dinner being the only one closest to him who hadn’t given him anything.
“Happy Birthday!” You hold out the gift to him with a small smile.
Asmo’s eyes widened a bit. Was he actually surprised? His expression turns pleased as he takes and carefully opens it.
“It’s beautiful…” He carefully pulls out the silver necklace and holds it up. It was adorned with several small jewels but the main star was a deep red painite that sat in the middle.
“And it’s very unique.” The merchant in you was screaming for giving away something this rare for free. But making sure Asmo was pleased with his present was much more worth it. 
You help him put it on and watch as he admires himself in the mirror.
“So you like it right?”
“Of course I love it!” Asmo stands, grabs your hand and leans in to press a kiss to your lips. “I might have to show you how much I love it. You always know what to get me…” 
You lean in hoping for another kiss but Asmo places a finger on your chin to stop you.
“After the party. I want to take my time with you….” He gives you a quick squeeze and leads you out of the room before you can complain.
The next day when you wake up in Asmo’s arms to the sound of people being unusually loud through his window. That couldn’t be what you think it was.
You stare blearily at the ceiling. "When does everyone stop partying exactly?”
Asmo yawns and cuddles into you. “Hmm, usually in several days.”
“...How are you sleeping through this?”
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markiafc · 2 days
it still shocks me, even now. that a mainstream drama from the most (?) sanitized and bastardized age of c-dramas would be this real, true exploration of mahayana buddhism. of the pure land buddhist school 净土宗 specifically. my school of buddhism i was raised on, in real life! that in chinese buddhism, different schools are formed around sutras of choice. sanlun & the 3 treatise, tiantai & the lotus sutra, etc. and at the core of pure land buddhism is the heart sutra. which we explicitly see in the show when lxy needs guidance most, lxy renaming himself in reference to it and to the recitation mantra - recitation/chanting 念佛 being the primary practice pure land buddhism revolves around. it goes through all the main concepts with authenticity. it is truly unreal that this show exists and hits so close to home.
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floralfairie · 2 months
May 4th, There be Fairies Here
She wandered off into the hallowed ground,
the wind and bird the only sound
Ancient stone walls where cherubs watched from above
Greeted her with warm welcome, wings soft as a dove
The call to her roots and nature was strong
Kick off her shoes and run, barefoot all along
The stone lined path led into the garden
While ghosts haunted the ancient cathedral,
“There be faeries here”, she said in a tone that was gleefull.
The little red berries might keep the mischievous at bay,
But everyone knows sometimes they all like to play
There is a cost when dancing with faeries and ghosts
But no one can keep her the town which is her home.
(All photos are mine, taken on iPhone, & poetry written by me) 2024
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teawithemmie · 2 years
My favourite photos of the Queen part two
Don’t ask me who my favourite Disney princess is
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isilrina · 5 months
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Heyo! It's Monday again.
Just wanted to pop in and let you know that I've been enjoying some much-needed rest and quality time with my family in the beautiful south of France, just as planned. 🇫🇷
Today, we visited the stunning Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, and my husband snapped some lovely pictures for me to share with you all (more on my Insta) 📸✨
See you around! 👋😊
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hardcovernights · 10 months
I’m currently reading Alexandra Vasti‘s In Which Matilda Halifax Learns the Value of Restraint and I cannot wait for her full length debut next year oh lord
Our mmc Ashford just got out the reading glasses for some light work and had to ("brutally"!!) pack them away again until further notice because Matilda would not stop staring at him. Just getting absolutely hot and bothered for this old man with his spectacles that she starts making him uncomfortable. Real
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 11 months
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frames on wall
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historical-hollywood · 6 months
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Ann Blyth smiles as Countess Marina Selanova in The World in His Arms (1952)
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ratective · 1 year
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garnet is the only one who will try to argue with a philosopher that literally shares her philosophy if shes bored (she really loves winning arguments)
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lionofstone · 4 months
i spent four hours today learning how to make jewellery
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i am feeling so satisfied about this tbh i got inspired bc i saw a necklace i liked on pinterest but it was. exceedingly more than i could afford but i figured i was clever enough to make something similar and GUESS WHAT. i was :))
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travelernight · 5 months
Portugal: Experience The Magic – Top 10 Fairy-Tale Locations You Need To See
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nny11writes · 2 years
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wkaustubh · 7 months
Thailand's Hidden Gems: Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations
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Introduction: Unveiling the Hidden Treasures
Thailand, renowned for its vibrant culture, awe-inspiring temples, breathtaking beaches, and bustling city life, holds a secret not everyone knows about – its hidden gems. In this article, we'll delve into the off-the-beaten-path destinations that unveil a side of Thailand less explored, showcasing both the enchanting temples in Thailand and the pristine beauty of Thailand beaches.
The Enchanting Khao Sok National Park
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Introduction to Khao Sok
Tucked away in southern Thailand, Khao Sok National Park is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. The lush greenery, limestone cliffs, and the stunning Cheow Lan Lake offer an escape into a pristine wilderness.
Activities in Khao Sok
Discover the park's biodiversity through jungle treks, explore hidden caves, or opt for a serene canoe trip. Khao Sok promises an adventure away from the tourist crowds.
Chiang Rai's Whispering Temples
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The Unique White Temple
Chiang Rai, in the north, is home to the extraordinary Wat Rong Khun, or the White Temple. Unlike any other temple in Thailand, its intricate design and symbolism captivate visitors, making it a must-visit.
The Blue Temple
Uncover the lesser-known yet equally mesmerizing Blue Temple, Wat Rong Suea Ten. Its vibrant blue hue and stunning architecture make it a visual treat, providing a spiritual experience off the usual tourist path.
The Serenity of Pai
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Pai's Bohemian Vibe
Escape the mainstream and head to Pai, a small town in the mountains of Northern Thailand. Known for its relaxed atmosphere, hot springs, and vibrant street art, Pai is a haven for those seeking tranquility.
Pai Canyon Adventure
Embark on an exhilarating journey through Pai Canyon, offering panoramic views and challenging hikes. Pai guarantees an offbeat experience, away from the conventional tourist spots.
Koh Lanta's Undiscovered Beaches
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The Allure of Koh Lanta
Move beyond the bustling crowds of Phuket and explore the serene beauty of Koh Lanta. With its pristine beaches, vibrant marine life, and relaxed atmosphere, Koh Lanta unveils a different side of island life.
Secret Beaches of Koh Lanta
Discover hidden beaches like Bamboo Beach and Klong Hin Beach, where tranquillity reigns. Koh Lanta promises an authentic island experience away from the commercialized beach destinations.
The Cultural Tapestry of Sukhothai
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Sukhothai Historical Park
Delve into Thailand's rich history at Sukhothai Historical Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The ancient ruins and temples provide a glimpse into the country's cultural roots, away from the modern hustle.
Wat Saphan Hin – A Hidden Gem
Explore the less-visited Wat Saphan Hin, a temple atop a hill, offering a serene retreat and a panoramic view of the surrounding landscapes.
Conclusion: Embark on Your Offbeat Adventure
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Thailand's hidden gems beckon, offering a unique experience for those willing to step off the well-trodden path. Whether it's the untamed beauty of Khao Sok, the cultural richness of Sukhothai, or the tranquility of Pai, these destinations promise a journey like no other.
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