#Indus Valley urban planning
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latest-info · 9 months ago
10 Hidden Gems in History You Didn't Learn in School
History is a vast tapestry woven with countless threads of human experience, innovation, and interaction. While school curriculums often focus on the major events and figures, there are many lesser-known but equally fascinating stories that offer rich insights into our past. Here are ten hidden gems in history that you likely didn’t learn about in school, each one a testament to the diverse and…
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whencyclopedia · 1 month ago
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Mesopotamian Art and Architecture
Ancient Mesopotamian art and architectural works are among the oldest in the world, dating back over 7,000 years. The works first appear in northern Mesopotamia prior to the Ubaid Period (c. 5000-4100 BCE) and then developed in the south during the Uruk Period (4100-2900 BCE) in Sumer which established the first historical civilization.
According to some scholars, the works of the Indus Valley Civilization (c. 7000 to c. 600 BCE) pre-date those of Mesopotamia, but the Indus Valley developments do not appear until the Early Harappan Period (c. 5500-2800 BCE) by which time Mesopotamian works were already established. Early artwork and construction are evidenced in northern Mesopotamia at sites such as Göbekli Tepe (c. 10,000 BCE) and Ҫatalhöyük (c. 7500 BCE), both in modern-day Turkey, and Tell Brak (c. 6500-5000 BCE), in Syria.
The development of these works then progressed through the following eras, though, owing to space limitations, the Hittite and Kassite periods will not be addressed:
Ubaid Period – c. 5000-4100 BCE
Uruk Period – 4100-2900 BCE
Early Dynastic Period – 2900-2334 BCE
Akkadian Period – 2334-2218 BCE
Ur III Period – 2047-1750 BCE
Old Babylonian Period – c. 2000-1600 BCE
Hittite Period – 1700-1200 BCE
Kassite Period – c. 1595 to c. 1155 BCE
Assyrian Period – c. 1307-912 BCE
Neo-Assyrian Period – 912-612 BCE
Neo-Babylonian Period – 626-539 BCE
Achaemenid Persian-Sassanian Persian Period – c. 550 BCE to 651 CE
Artworks included reliefs, sculpture, statuary cast in metal, ceramics, jewelry, cylinder seals, stele & monuments, obelisks, and wall paintings. Mesopotamian monumental architecture is epitomized by the ziggurat, but the Sumerians were also responsible for the first large-scale palaces and temples, as well as urban planning, the arch, canals, and aqueducts, landscaped gardens, and architectural ornamentation. These early innovations would become more refined in the region through succeeding periods and influence the works of other cultures in the Near East and Mediterranean regions.
Earliest Sites & Base Materials
Although the Göbekli Tepe site is dated to c. 10,000 BCE, the first permanent settlements in that area are thought to have been established earlier, and, possibly, for the sole purpose of building the structure which most scholars believe was a temple. Göbekli Tepe is among the earliest sites, along with others such as Nevalı Çori (also in modern-day Turkey), to feature monumental architecture – including the oldest known megaliths in the world at Göbekli Tepe – as well as reliefs.
Architecturally, the site is comprised of circular areas and rectangular buildings with T-shaped pillars of limestone, some carved with images of wildlife in low and high relief. There is little evidence of human activity in the sculptures which seem to emphasize the natural world and, in some interpretations, the people's relationship with their gods. Some scholars associate the site with the later settlement of Ҫatalhöyük, though this claim has been challenged as the design of Göbekli Tepe, and the tools found there, differ from the later site.
Whatever purpose Göbekli Tepe originally served, it was a communal site associated with ritual, while Ҫatalhöyük was entirely residential. No public buildings have been found at the site which is comprised of tightly clustered mudbrick residences accessed by ladders or steps from a hole in the roof. Artwork from the site includes murals and statuary – such as the famous Seated Woman of Ҫatalhöyük – as well as ceramics. The artwork seems to focus on the natural world and the concept of fertility as several pieces represent female figures and erect phalluses.
The people of Ҫatalhöyük used clay, limestone, marble, and other materials for their statuary and paint created from natural substances. The figurines, statuary, and murals are usually interpreted as representing religious concepts, but this claim is not universally accepted. There is no evidence of urban planning at the site; it seems to have developed organically with buildings attached to each other and people using the rooftops for communal activities and movement as there are no streets, courtyards, or public squares.
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cellarspider · 1 year ago
2/30: Prometheus attempts to establish themes
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Several minutes into Prometheus, we have had no dialog, and we are going to wish that it stayed that way.
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This is by little fault of the actors themselves. They all put in solid work. Many of the problems come from the writing, and others from the mismatch between their characterization what we��d call “informed traits”: What the movie tells us we should know about these characters. 
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Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway are archaeologists. We see them with a dig team on the Isle of Skye, where they have just discovered their latest piece of evidence towards a radical theory. They have noticed something astounding that nobody else has dared to consider: evidence of alien contact with Earth, recorded in the art of disparate cultures from around the world. We, the audience, already know that they’re right. 
And we, the audience, know that the History Channel has had kooks on it for ages, ranting about Ancient Aliens. We’ve all seen the meme guy.
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Okay. Let's try to meet this movie where it wants to be, thematically. These are its first two scenes, it's still establishing its direction, and nothing openly egregious has happened yet. We will ignore nitpicky stuff, like the fact that this previously undiscovered dig site is right next to a well-known tourist spot on Skye with 400 reviews on Google Maps.
This movie is establishing an existential premise for its themes. It implies aliens had some hand in shaping not just our culture, but our evolution. The questions it invites at this time are equally existential: why would they do that? What was their purpose here? What was their purpose for us? Why did they stop contacting Earth?
Whether life has a purpose is one of the core debates of philosophy and religion. This movie is beginning with the premise that terrestrial life does have a purpose, implied by the deliberate sacrifice of a thinking being to shape it. This supposition could create a more focused exploration of one possibility, within its narrative space.
I think it fails to deliver on this. The writing specifically fails to deliver on this, which will become apparent once we have more dialog. But there is also an issue with the framing of this premise, which the movie ultimately does not manage to avoid. An issue of cultural context.
Because this is where I, as somebody with a background in history, start to brace. The idea of extraterrestrials visiting ancient peoples is a discredited mid-20th century theory, which stems from ignorance of the historical record, and assumption of ignorance and incapability of ancient peoples to achieve great things, particularly outside of the cultures placed in the prized pedigree of European civilization. 
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Such theorists look at the Great Pyramid of Giza and scoff at the idea that it could have been made without outside help, completely unaware of the century of more experimental pyramid-building that had preceded it, and the fact that we have written records that help us chart the progress of Egyptian mathematics for six hundred years prior to its construction.
They point to the Ramayana–likely written down around the same time that the Ancient Greeks were getting along just fine without aliens–and they say that the flying castles and chariots described in the text must’ve been aliens, who were mistaken for gods, and technological achievements such as rust-resistant iron must have been alien-made. Never mind that the period had a lively scholarly culture that was incorporating ideas from their Greek and Egyptian counterparts, and the people of the Indus Valley built well-planned metropolises with the world’s first known urban sanitation systems three thousand years before that.
They think the Moai of Rapanui, some of which were being erected while Shakespeare was writing his plays, were erected with the help of aliens. The actual answer, as usual, seems to be much more interesting: the Moai walked there:.
This is what ideas of ancient aliens are culturally tied to. You throw this into a movie, and even with the foreknowledge that they’re going to be proven right, I start out skeptical of these people from moment one. I was less likely to give them the benefit of the doubt, and less able to suspend my disbelief around them specifically. This will not get easier as we go.
Which is unfortunate, because most of the next scene is back to being phenomenal, and managed to bounce me back into going along with their premise.
...A side note as we close this out: Getting way too deep into the weeds here, but the art style of the cave paintings is worth mentioning. It appears to be a mashup of two famous cave’s painting styles: The animals are near-replicas of those famously seen in Chauvet (35,000 years old), and the humans and attendant dots are somewhat similar to Lascaux (17,000 years old), both caves in France. Here's an excellent little video from Tom Scott about the former, and the way that you can go see the cave paintings without endangering the site itself. There's a similar museum for Lascaux, shown below!
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I say the human figures are somewhat similar to Lascaux, but I can’t find a match for the style anywhere. The closest I can find is from Tassili n’Ajjer in Algeria (6000 BC) or the Cave of Beasts in the Gilf Kebir mountains in Egypt (5000+ BC). This is because depictions of humanoid figures in european cave art are rare–ranging from a single bird-head figure in Lascaux, to the possible hoax at La Marche. 
This produces an interesting implication, if we take the movie’s premise at face value. If humanoid figures were avoided as subjects for cave art for thousands of years, their inclusion here is especially significant. Perhaps indicating that the alien visitors instructed that some visual representation of this scene to be made, or did so themselves. Thus, it is slotted in amongst the pre-existing animal art, creating a culture clash.
…However, cave lions never made it as far north as Skye. Their known northern range tapped out at about London. While it’s certainly possible that people could’ve traveled that far during this period, local animals tend to be the focus of cave paintings. So we’re getting the visual sense that a French stone age painter was doing a residency at Skye. Amusing, but odd.
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Citations for alt text ramblings:
1. https://www.isleofskye.com/skye-guide/top-ten-skye-walks/old-man-of-storr
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chariots_of_the_Gods%3F
3. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/
4. https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/royalty-calculator
5. https://search.worldcat.org/title/7625265
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molinabiancavalentina · 1 year ago
2ND BLOG _ The Indus Valley Civilization / HISTORICAL EVENT
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The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the oldest urban civilizations, dating from 2500 BC to 1500 BC. Although research is still being done on how they handled the issue of water conservation in this interesting part of the world, some advanced water conservation and management practices can be named. In fact, the covered drains that run under the streets of the ruins of Mohenjodaro and Harappa show that their inhabitants were well versed in hygiene. The relevance that exists in relation to the problems of excessive water consumption and the events that occurred within this civilization are interestingly compatible, since at this point in the blog is where my theory is that in ancient times, water consumption was not as excessive as it is today, the reasons for this is not only because there was less population at that time, but because people knew how to distribute and appreciate the resources provided by the earth and they respected it very much. 
The Indus Valley Civilization, which flourished along the banks of the Indus River and other parts of western and northern India about 5,000 years ago, had one of the most sophisticated urban water supply and sanitation systems in the world. Ruins such as Mohenjo-Daro in Sindh and Dholavira in Gujarat had settlements with some of the most sophisticated sanitation systems in the ancient world. They included drainage canals, rainwater harvesting, and street sewers. Sewage was disposed of through underground drains built with precisely laid bricks, and an elaborate water management system with numerous reservoirs was established. In the drainage systems, the drains from the houses were connected to the wider public drains laid along the main streets. The drains had holes at regular intervals for cleaning and inspection. Water from bathrooms on the roofs and upper floors was carried through closed terracotta pipes or open chutes that emptied into the street drains.
Some of the cities of this civilization contributed in a certain way to the conservation of water, since they had their own irrigation systems that allowed the conservation of water in a better way. These cities are the following:
Dholavira: One of the oldest water´s harvesting systems is located about 130 km from Pune along Naneghat in the Western Ghats. A large number of cisterns were carved into the rocks to provide drinking water to the traders who traveled along this ancient trade route. Each fort in the area had its own water harvesting and storage system in the form of rock-cut cisterns, ponds, tanks and wells, which are still in use today. A large number of forts like Raigad had tanks that supplied water.
Western Rajasthan: In ancient times, houses in parts of western Rajasthan were built so that each had a water harvesting system on the roof. Rainwater from these roofs was channeled into underground tanks. This system can still be seen today in all the forts, palaces and houses of the region.
Jodhpur: The old city of Jodhpur has over 200 stepwells, built from around the 6th century as part of an incredibly sophisticated water architecture," he explains. During the little rain the region receives between June and September, water is diverted from canals built on the hilly outskirts of the city to man-made tanks, or talabs.
In addition, one of the main figures in water conservation in this civilization were the engineers and urban planners, who were in charge of drainage systems and so on. They were known to have extensive knowledge on how to conserve water.
The results obtained by this civilization in terms of water conservation are the different implementations they gave to water conservation related to the system they had to maintain cleanliness at the time of using the water resource. The effects they had on the future plans of water conservation are mainly positive, since it is well known that this civilization was an intelligent and organized one, that knew how to control its resources very well and how to improve day by day, but above all, to do it in peace with the environment.
If we want to go deeper into this topic of the Indus civilization and water conservation, let's make a connection with the present time. Actually, water conservation is so important especially in environmental topics that are given in schools or in those talks that are given in any convention, but the thing here is that how could it be possible? Well, the answer is because of the ancient civilization that paved the way for us and made it easier for us to continue to practice water conservation today.
To finish this blog, let's review everything about this historical event, basically the Indus Valley civilization makes it easier for actual people to organize well water and not make such a mistake when we have to preserve it in the right way. If we start to become aware of this whole problem and start to organize our resources in the best possible way like this civilization did, we can probably improve all over the world with this issue of conniving water for a better change in general.
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kashishwrites · 8 months ago
Unveiling the Harappan Civilization: A Glimpse into Ancient Urbanism
The Harappan Civilization, also known as the Indus Valley Civilization, flourished around 2600 to 1900 BCE in the northwestern regions of South Asia, encompassing present-day Pakistan, northwest India, and eastern Afghanistan. Named after the modern town of Harappa, where its remains were first discovered, this ancient civilization has fascinated archaeologists, historians, and enthusiasts alike with its advanced urban planning, sophisticated culture, and mysterious decline.
Discovering Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are the two most prominent sites of the Harappan Civilization. Located in present-day Pakistan, these cities were meticulously planned with a grid-like street layout, advanced drainage systems, and sturdy brick construction. The layout of these cities suggests a high level of centralized planning and administration, indicating a well-organized society capable of monumental construction projects.
Urban Planning and Architecture
The urban centers of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro boasted impressive architecture, including multi-roomed houses made of baked bricks, public baths, granaries, and even a Great Bath at Mohenjo-Daro, possibly used for ritualistic or ceremonial purposes. The uniformity in building materials and construction techniques across different sites suggests a standardized approach to urban planning and construction, indicative of a centralized authority or administration.
Economy and Trade Networks
The Harappan Civilization was primarily agrarian, with evidence of irrigation systems supporting agriculture. Wheat, barley, and pulses were grown, and domesticated animals such as cattle, sheep, and goats were reared. Trade played a crucial role in the civilization's economy, facilitated by its strategic location near major trade routes. Archaeological findings indicate trade relations with Mesopotamia, Oman, Bahrain, and even as far as Egypt, showcasing the extensive networks of commerce and cultural exchange.
Writing System: The Enigma of Indus Script
One of the enduring mysteries of the Harappan Civilization is its script, known as the Indus script. Inscriptions discovered on seals, tablets, and pottery remain undeciphered, hindering a comprehensive understanding of their language and written communication. Despite efforts by linguists and archaeologists, the script's complexity and the absence of bilingual texts have posed significant challenges in unraveling its meaning.
Social Structure and Religion
The social structure of the Harappan Civilization is inferred from archaeological evidence, including the differentiation in housing sizes and the presence of public and private spaces. It is believed that society was stratified, with rulers or elites overseeing urban administration and trade activities. Religious beliefs are speculated based on artifacts like terracotta figurines, possibly representing deities or religious practices, although definitive conclusions remain elusive.
Decline and Legacy
Around 1900 BCE, the Harappan Civilization experienced a decline marked by the abandonment of urban centers and a shift towards rural settlements. The reasons for this decline are debated among scholars and include factors such as environmental changes, natural disasters, or socio-political upheavals. Despite the decline of its urban centers, the legacy of the Harappan Civilization endured through its influence on subsequent cultures in the Indian subcontinent.
Legacy and Influence
The Harappan Civilization laid the foundation for subsequent cultures in South Asia, influencing art, architecture, and urban planning in the region. Elements of Harappan culture, such as pottery styles and jewelry-making techniques, persisted in later civilizations like the Vedic and post-Vedic periods in India. The continuity of certain cultural practices suggests a gradual evolution rather than a complete disappearance of Harappan influences.
The Harappan Civilization stands as a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of ancient urban societies. Its sophisticated urban planning, advanced drainage systems, and extensive trade networks highlight the civilization's organizational prowess and economic vitality. Despite the mysteries surrounding its script and decline, the legacy of the Harappan Civilization endures through its contributions to subsequent cultures and its impact on the historical narrative of South Asia. As archaeologists continue to unearth new discoveries and refine our understanding, the Harappan Civilization continues to fascinate and intrigue, offering a window into the complexities of ancient urbanism and human civilization.
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meluhha · 2 years ago
grid-like cities started in the indus valley
he grid pattern of the urban planning in the Indus Valley Civilization was a unique feature that set it apart from other ancient civilizations of the time. While other civilizations did have planned cities, the level of organization and standardization seen in the Indus Valley was relatively uncommon.
The ancient Greeks are credited with developing the grid-like city planning that is often associated with their architecture and urban design. While there is no definitive date for when this practice began, it is generally believed to have emerged during the 8th century BCE in the Greek city-state of Sparta.
The earliest Greek cities were not planned in a grid-like fashion, but rather grew organically over time. However, as Greek civilization advanced and cities became more important centers of trade and culture, there was a growing need for more organized and efficient urban planning. The grid system offered an effective way to maximize the use of available space and facilitate movement through the city.
One of the earliest examples of a Greek city planned in a grid-like pattern is the city of Miletus, which was founded in the 7th century BCE. The city was laid out in a grid of rectangular blocks, with streets running at right angles to each other. The city was also designed with public buildings and spaces, such as a theater, market, and gymnasium.
The use of the grid system in city planning became increasingly common throughout the Greek world in the following centuries, with notable examples including the cities of Athens and Corinth. The Romans, who were heavily influenced by Greek culture and architecture, also adopted the grid system in their urban planning.
Similarly, the ancient Romans were known for their use of the grid system in city planning, with streets intersecting at right angles to form a grid of rectangular city blocks. Examples of Roman cities with grid-like layouts include Pompeii and Herculaneum in Italy.
However, it should be noted that while these civilizations did use grid-like city planning to some extent, the level of standardization and organization seen in the Indus Valley Civilization was relatively unique for its time. The grid pattern of the Indus Valley Civilization is also distinctive in that it is oriented to the cardinal directions, with major streets running north-south and east-west.
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news365timesindia · 19 days ago
[ad_1] Urbanization on the Rise: India’s urbanization rate, which stood at 31% in 2011, is expected to hit 40% by 2036, with urban areas contributing 75% to the GDP. Current Urban Challenges: Cities are grappling with infrastructure gaps, rising housing demands, and the impacts of climate change. Lessons from the Past: The urban planning principles of the Indus Valley Civilization can help guide improvements in today’s cities.   India’s rapid urbanization is creating significant challenges, from infrastructure gaps, increase in pollution levels to rising affordable housing demands and the growing effects of climate change. By 2036, urban areas are expected to contribute 75% to the country’s GDP, highlighting the need for effective solutions. In its new report, ‘Reviving Ancient Wisdom: Lessons from the Indus Valley Civilization for Modern Urban Planning in India’, Primus Partners looks back at the urban planning practices of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) to address these modern-day town planning and infrastructure development issues.   The IVC cities, like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro utilized grid-based for planning of layouts, advanced water management systems, multi-functional public spaces and climate-conscious building practices. These strategies could help solve current urban challenges, and the report recommends integrating them into today’s urban planning. The authors urge a shift in policy to create more sustainable and liveable urban spaces, inspired by these time-tested methods.   Key insights of the report include: Historical Urban Planning: The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) featured cities like Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, which were organized into grid layouts covering approximately 3.5 km², housing tens of thousands of residents, demonstrating effective urban planning and management. Water Management Systems: The IVC had advanced water management systems, with a significant number of common wells for each cluster of houses while connecting each house with underground drainage network channelling drainage to trunk network, emphasizing the need for modern infrastructure to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, which aims for universal access to clean water and sanitation. Standardization in Development: Implementing standardized benchmarks can improve urban governance; for instance, cities with clear regulatory frameworks have shown a 30% increase in compliance with urban planning standards. Climate Resilience: According to the Global Climate Risk Index, India ranks 7th among countries most affected by climate change, underscoring the urgency for cities to adopt climate-resilient strategies to mitigate risks. Lessons for Future Growth: With India's urban population projected to reach 600 million by 2036, effective urban planning inspired by the IVC could help manage this growth sustainably, potentially reducing urban sprawl by 25% through integrated planning approaches. Despite India’s urban growth, its cities still face major hurdles. No Indian city ranks in the top 100 of the Global Liveability Index, and even Bangalore, India’s top city, scored only 66.7 on the Ease of Living Index developed by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, emphasises the need to revisit how we plan, develop and manage our cities. The IVC’s approach—focusing on planned layouts, sustainability, advanced infrastructure, climate resiliency and public spaces—offers valuable lessons for overcoming today’s challenges.   Practical recommendations from the IVC include adopting well planned layouts for better traffic flow, upgrading sewer systems for improved sanitation, increasing green spaces to enhance quality of life, and using climate-appropriate approaches and materials to reduce energy consumption. These strategies can help cities become more resilient and prepared for future needs.   Aarti Harbhajanka, Co-author of the study, emphasized, "To truly move forward, we need to take a moment and look back.
The urban planning practices of the Indus Valley Civilization offer insights that are relevant today. By understanding how these ancient cities were built, we can create more sustainable, liveable urban spaces that meet the needs of our growing population."   Sandeep Reddy, Co-author of this report, commented, “Believe it or not, the key to building smarter, more sustainable cities today might lie in ancient history. The Indus Valley Civilization’s urban planning—thought to be centuries ahead of its time—holds lessons that still apply. By revisiting how these cities were structured, we can uncover innovative solutions to the urban challenges we face now and in the future.”   To view report, click here.   About Primus Partners Pvt. Ltd. Primus Partners Pvt. Ltd. is a leading management consulting firm based in New Delhi, with offices across India and a growing presence in the UAE. Specializing in sectors such as technology, public policy, and impact advisory, Primus Partners provides innovative solutions to drive sustainable growth for both public and private sector clients. With its expertise in Idea Realisation and sectoral leadership, the firm is at the forefront of consulting in India’s rapidly evolving economy.   For more information, visit www.primuspartners.in. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '311356416665414'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 19 days ago
[ad_1] Urbanization on the Rise: India’s urbanization rate, which stood at 31% in 2011, is expected to hit 40% by 2036, with urban areas contributing 75% to the GDP. Current Urban Challenges: Cities are grappling with infrastructure gaps, rising housing demands, and the impacts of climate change. Lessons from the Past: The urban planning principles of the Indus Valley Civilization can help guide improvements in today’s cities.   India’s rapid urbanization is creating significant challenges, from infrastructure gaps, increase in pollution levels to rising affordable housing demands and the growing effects of climate change. By 2036, urban areas are expected to contribute 75% to the country’s GDP, highlighting the need for effective solutions. In its new report, ‘Reviving Ancient Wisdom: Lessons from the Indus Valley Civilization for Modern Urban Planning in India’, Primus Partners looks back at the urban planning practices of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) to address these modern-day town planning and infrastructure development issues.   The IVC cities, like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro utilized grid-based for planning of layouts, advanced water management systems, multi-functional public spaces and climate-conscious building practices. These strategies could help solve current urban challenges, and the report recommends integrating them into today’s urban planning. The authors urge a shift in policy to create more sustainable and liveable urban spaces, inspired by these time-tested methods.   Key insights of the report include: Historical Urban Planning: The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) featured cities like Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, which were organized into grid layouts covering approximately 3.5 km², housing tens of thousands of residents, demonstrating effective urban planning and management. Water Management Systems: The IVC had advanced water management systems, with a significant number of common wells for each cluster of houses while connecting each house with underground drainage network channelling drainage to trunk network, emphasizing the need for modern infrastructure to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, which aims for universal access to clean water and sanitation. Standardization in Development: Implementing standardized benchmarks can improve urban governance; for instance, cities with clear regulatory frameworks have shown a 30% increase in compliance with urban planning standards. Climate Resilience: According to the Global Climate Risk Index, India ranks 7th among countries most affected by climate change, underscoring the urgency for cities to adopt climate-resilient strategies to mitigate risks. Lessons for Future Growth: With India's urban population projected to reach 600 million by 2036, effective urban planning inspired by the IVC could help manage this growth sustainably, potentially reducing urban sprawl by 25% through integrated planning approaches. Despite India’s urban growth, its cities still face major hurdles. No Indian city ranks in the top 100 of the Global Liveability Index, and even Bangalore, India’s top city, scored only 66.7 on the Ease of Living Index developed by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, emphasises the need to revisit how we plan, develop and manage our cities. The IVC’s approach—focusing on planned layouts, sustainability, advanced infrastructure, climate resiliency and public spaces—offers valuable lessons for overcoming today’s challenges.   Practical recommendations from the IVC include adopting well planned layouts for better traffic flow, upgrading sewer systems for improved sanitation, increasing green spaces to enhance quality of life, and using climate-appropriate approaches and materials to reduce energy consumption. These strategies can help cities become more resilient and prepared for future needs.   Aarti Harbhajanka, Co-author of the study, emphasized, "To truly move forward, we need to take a moment and look back.
The urban planning practices of the Indus Valley Civilization offer insights that are relevant today. By understanding how these ancient cities were built, we can create more sustainable, liveable urban spaces that meet the needs of our growing population."   Sandeep Reddy, Co-author of this report, commented, “Believe it or not, the key to building smarter, more sustainable cities today might lie in ancient history. The Indus Valley Civilization’s urban planning—thought to be centuries ahead of its time—holds lessons that still apply. By revisiting how these cities were structured, we can uncover innovative solutions to the urban challenges we face now and in the future.”   To view report, click here.   About Primus Partners Pvt. Ltd. Primus Partners Pvt. Ltd. is a leading management consulting firm based in New Delhi, with offices across India and a growing presence in the UAE. Specializing in sectors such as technology, public policy, and impact advisory, Primus Partners provides innovative solutions to drive sustainable growth for both public and private sector clients. With its expertise in Idea Realisation and sectoral leadership, the firm is at the forefront of consulting in India’s rapidly evolving economy.   For more information, visit www.primuspartners.in. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '311356416665414'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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sejalnewsnetwork · 19 days ago
India's Urban Population to Reach 600 Million by 2036: Primus Partners Report
Urbanization on the Rise: India’s urbanization rate, which stood at 31% in 2011, is expected to hit 40% by 2036, with urban areas contributing 75% to the GDP. Current Urban Challenges: Cities are grappling with infrastructure gaps, rising housing demands, and the impacts of climate change. Lessons from the Past: The urban planning principles of the Indus Valley Civilization can help guide…
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jaajnews · 19 days ago
Afghanistan’s Rich History of Ancient Civilizations
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Afghanistan is a country with a profound historical legacy, home to several ancient civilizations that have influenced the development of human culture, art, and trade over thousands of years. Strategically located at the crossroads of Central Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East, Afghanistan has long been a meeting place for diverse peoples and cultures. The Indus Valley Civilization (c. 3300–1300 BCE) One of the earliest and most influential civilizations in the region was the Indus Valley Civilization, which is now considered one of the cradles of modern civilization. Though its main centers were located in present-day Pakistan and northwest India, parts of the civilization extended into eastern Afghanistan, especially in the areas around Balkh and the Kabul River valley. Archaeological sites such as Shortugai and Tilla Tepe in Afghanistan reveal evidence of the Indus Valley’s trade networks and cultural exchange with other civilizations. The people of this civilization are credited with early advances in urban planning, writing systems, and the development of advanced drainage systems. Achaemenid Empire (c. 550–330 BCE) Afghanistan was a crucial part of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great. The Achaemenids ruled over a vast expanse of land, including much of Afghanistan, and used the region as a bridge between Persia (modern-day Iran) and India. Afghanistan was home to several important cities during this period, including Bactra (Balkh), which became a major cultural and intellectual center. Persian influence in art, architecture, and administration was significant, with archaeological evidence of Persian-style palaces, inscriptions, and coins found across the region. The city of Persepolis, a major Achaemenid capital, also had connections to Afghanistan, underscoring the region’s importance. Greek Influence: The Greco-Bactrian Kingdom (c. 250 BCE – 125 BCE) Following the conquest of the Persian Empire by Alexander the Great in 330 BCE, Afghanistan became part of the Hellenistic world. The region known as Bactria (roughly corresponding to modern-day northern Afghanistan) became a significant center of Greek culture and influence. Alexander founded several cities, including Alexandria on the Oxus (modern-day Ai-Khanoum), which became a key outpost of Greek culture. After Alexander’s death, the region was ruled by the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, where Greek and Central Asian cultures blended. Greek influences in art, architecture, and coinage are still visible in the archaeological record, particularly in Bactrian coins that feature Greek gods and symbols. The Kushan Empire (c. 30–375 CE) The Kushan Empire was one of the most important empires to emerge in Afghanistan’s history. It spanned large portions of Central Asia, northern India, and parts of China. The Kushans played a crucial role in the spread of Buddhism across Central Asia and China, as well as facilitating cultural exchanges along the Silk Road. The Kushan rulers were patrons of both Hellenistic and Indian art and culture, which led to a fusion of artistic styles. Buddhist art, including the famous Buddha statues of Bamiyan (which were tragically destroyed by the Taliban in 2001), flourished under Kushan rule. This blending of Greek, Indian, and Central Asian artistic traditions led to the development of Greco-Buddhist art, which is highly regarded for its unique synthesis of cultural elements. The Sassanid Empire (224–651 CE) After the fall of the Kushan Empire, Afghanistan came under the influence of the Sassanid Persian Empire. The Sassanids brought Persian culture, Zoroastrianism, and advanced governance to the region. Their empire stretched from modern-day Iran through parts of Afghanistan, where they established several key cities, including Herat. The Sassanids also facilitated trade along the Silk Road, connecting the East and West. The Persian influence continued to shape Afghan culture, especially in areas of administration, art, and religion. Islamic Conquest and the Great Empires of Afghanistan In the 7th century, Islam spread across Afghanistan following the Arab conquest. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in the country’s history. Over the centuries, several great Islamic empires and dynasties, such as the Ghaznavid Empire (971–1186), the Ghurid Empire (879–1215), and the Mughal Empire (1526–1857), rose to power and left a lasting legacy on Afghan culture. The Ghaznavid Empire, for example, ruled over a large portion of Afghanistan and the Indian subcontinent, fostering Islamic art, literature, and architecture. Balkh, often called the “Mother of Cities,” became a major center of Islamic culture during the Islamic Golden Age. Afghanistan’s Role in the Silk Road Afghanistan’s position at the crossroads of several civilizations made it an essential hub in the Silk Road trade route, which connected the East and West. Merchants, scholars, and travelers passed through Afghanistan, bringing with them goods, knowledge, and religious beliefs. The city of Herat became particularly well-known during the Timurid Empire in the 15th century for its vibrant cultural and intellectual life. Scholars, poets, and artists from various regions gathered there, contributing to the flourishing of Persian literature, science, and art. Legacy of Afghanistan’s Ancient Civilizations Today, Afghanistan is home to a rich archaeological heritage, with numerous ancient sites that reveal the complexities of its past. These civilizations, including the Indus Valley, Achaemenid, Greek, Kushan, and Sassanid, left behind incredible artifacts, cities, and cultural influences that still shape the region today. While the country has faced significant challenges in recent decades, its historical legacy remains a testament to the many great civilizations that passed through or called Afghanistan home. The art, culture, and ideas from these civilizations continue to resonate in Afghan life and the broader world. Read the full article
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eryl-illustrates · 23 days ago
Indus Valley Civilization
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Between 3300 and 1300 BCE the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) also called the Harappan Civilization flourished in what is now India and Pakistan. One of the oldest urban civilizations in history it is renowned for its sophisticated social structure architecture and urban planning. Advanced urban development was reflected in the grid-patterned layout of cities like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro which had well-designed streets drainage systems and consistent brick buildings. A combination of trade craftsmanship and agriculture supported the civilizations economy. In addition to domesticating animals like cattle and goats they cultivated crops like wheat barley and cotton. They traded textiles beads and pottery with places like Mesopotamia where trade was thriving. There is still much to learn about the Indus language and culture as the script used on seals and pottery has not been deciphered. Deities were portrayed on seals as part of the peoples religious rituals which probably involved worshiping nature. The civilization started to decline by 1900 BCE perhaps as a result of shifting rivers a changing climate or other environmental factors. The IVC was an important part of ancient history because even after its collapse its urban innovations and trade networks influenced later cultures in the Indian subcontinent.
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whencyclopedia · 8 months ago
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The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome
This comprehensive and engaging narrative covers many ancient civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, early China, Greece, and Rome. Bauer's accessible writing and use of primary sources make complex historical events understandable and interesting. Ideal for history enthusiasts and general readers, this book offers a balanced and detailed overview of ancient history.
The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome by Susan Wise Bauer is a sweeping and well-researched work that endeavours to present a coherent narrative of ancient history from its earliest beginnings to the fall of the Roman Empire. Bauer, a historian and seasoned author, undertakes the formidable task of chronicling the development of human civilisations across the globe, weaving together historical events, cultural evolutions, and significant personalities.
The book is organised into 70 chapters, each serving as a vignette illuminating specific eras, events, and figures in ancient history. Bauer's narrative is both chronological and thematic, a dual approach that allows readers to follow the progression of historical events while also understanding each period's broader cultural and societal developments.
Bauer begins her journey in Mesopotamia, exploring the rise and fall of ancient societies such as Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, and Assyria. She delves deeply into the development of writing with cuneiform, the establishment of legal codes exemplified by Hammurabi's Code, and the growth of urbanization and statecraft under rulers like Sargon of Akkad. Her detailed descriptions provide a vivid picture of how these early societies laid the groundwork for future civilisations.
The narrative then shifts to ancient Egypt, where Bauer traces the history from the early dynastic periods through the heights of the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms. Her portrayal of Egyptian pharaohs such as Ramses II and Cleopatra pays particular attention to the complexities of their reigns. Bauer's exploration of Egyptian religion, monumental architecture like the pyramids and the temples at Karnak, and the daily life of its people enriches the reader's understanding of this ancient culture.
Bauer also examines the ancient civilizations of the Indus Valley and China. She discusses the sophisticated urban planning and social organization of the Harappan culture, as well as the early Chinese dynasties of Shang and Zhou, highlighting their contributions to writing, philosophy, and governance. Bauer's ability to interweave these diverse cultures into a single narrative thread is a testament to her skill as a historian and storyteller.
The book provides an in-depth look into ancient Greece and the Roman Republic and Empire. Bauer details impactful philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, military and political exploits executed by figures like Alexander the Great, the legacies of Julius Caesar and Constantine, and many other topics. Readers should pay attention to the discussion on the administrative and military structures that enabled Rome to maintain its dominance and its defining cultural and technological innovations. Bauer then concludes with the fall of Rome, marking the end of ancient history as traditionally defined and setting the stage for the medieval period.
Having published over six books, Bauer's writing style and storytelling skills to cover such a large timeline are evident, making complex concepts understandable and lively to a broad audience without sacrificing depth or accuracy. Her narrative is richly detailed while avoiding overwhelming readers with excessive minutiae. The book is well-supported by maps, timelines, and illustrations that contextualize the narrative and provide visual aids. Bauer's use of primary sources and quotations adds depth to her account, bringing the voices of ancient peoples into the modern narrative.
However, the book's scope also presents challenges. Some readers may find certain sections too brief, as Bauer moves quickly through some significant events and figures to maintain the narrative's momentum. Despite her efforts to include non-Western civilisations, the book still feels like it leans heavily towards a Eurocentric perspective, particularly in its treatment of the later chapters on Greece and Rome.
Overall, The History of the Ancient World is an impressive and highly readable account of ancient history. Susan Wise Bauer's synthesis of a vast array of historical data into a coherent narrative is commendable. While the book's scope means that some areas are covered more briefly than others, it remains an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the history of the ancient world.
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crazyriders · 1 month ago
Srinagar Leh Ladakh Manali Road Tour
The majestic landscapes of the Himalayas have always been a dream destination for adventurers and wanderlust souls. Among these awe-inspiring terrains, the Srinagar-Leh-Ladakh-Manali road tour stands out as one of the most thrilling journeys, offering unparalleled views, cultural experiences, and a chance to test your spirit of adventure. At Crazy Riders, we specialize in turning this iconic road trip into an unforgettable adventure.
Why Choose the Srinagar-Leh-Ladakh-Manali Route?
This road trip is a mesmerizing blend of snow-capped mountains, lush valleys, serene lakes, and vibrant cultures. Spanning over 1,000 kilometers, the journey starts from Srinagar, winds through the challenging terrains of Ladakh, and concludes in the picturesque town of Manali. Here's why this route should be on your bucket list:
Spectacular Scenery: Witness the breathtaking beauty of Sonmarg, Zojila Pass, Pangong Lake, Nubra Valley, and the Rohtang Pass.
Cultural Richness: Experience the unique blend of Kashmiri, Ladakhi, and Himachali cultures.
Adrenaline Rush: Test your mettle on some of the world’s highest motorable passes, including Khardung La and Tanglang La.
Unparalleled Serenity: Escape the chaos of urban life and immerse yourself in the tranquility of the Himalayas.
The Crazy Riders Experience
At Crazy Riders, we understand that every road trip is a story waiting to be told. Our carefully curated Srinagar-Leh-Ladakh-Manali road tour ensures that you experience the best of this legendary route while prioritizing your safety and comfort.
Day-Wise Itinerary:
Day 1: Srinagar Kick off your adventure in the beautiful city of Srinagar. Explore the iconic Dal Lake, stroll through Mughal Gardens, and indulge in the local Kashmiri cuisine. Spend the night on a traditional houseboat for an authentic experience.
Day 2: Srinagar to Kargil Begin your journey towards Kargil, passing through Sonmarg and crossing the Zojila Pass. The drive offers stunning views of lush meadows and snow-clad peaks. Visit the Kargil War Memorial to pay tribute to our brave soldiers.
Day 3: Kargil to Leh The road from Kargil to Leh is dotted with picturesque villages and monasteries. Stop by the Magnetic Hill, Gurudwara Pathar Sahib, and the confluence of the Indus and Zanskar rivers.
Day 4: Leh Exploration Spend a day exploring the vibrant city of Leh. Visit the Leh Palace, Shanti Stupa, and bustling local markets. Immerse yourself in the serene ambiance of the Thiksey and Hemis monasteries.
Day 5: Leh to Nubra Valley Cross the Khardung La Pass, one of the highest motorable roads in the world, to reach Nubra Valley. Enjoy a camel ride on the sand dunes of Hunder and marvel at the stark beauty of the valley.
Day 6: Nubra Valley to Pangong Lake Drive to the iconic Pangong Lake, renowned for its ever-changing hues. Spend the night in cozy camps by the lake, stargazing under the clear Himalayan sky.
Day 7: Pangong to Sarchu Traverse the rugged terrain and cross the Chang La Pass to reach Sarchu. The journey offers spectacular views of remote landscapes and towering peaks.
Day 8: Sarchu to Manali The final leg of the journey takes you through Baralacha La and the scenic Lahaul Valley before descending into Manali. Celebrate the completion of your adventure in this charming hill station.
Key Highlights of the Tour:
Zojila Pass: A gateway to Ladakh, offering breathtaking views and a challenging drive.
Khardung La Pass: The thrill of driving through one of the world’s highest motorable passes.
Pangong Lake: A serene lake that has captured the hearts of travelers and filmmakers alike.
Rohtang Pass: A snow-laden paradise, especially popular among thrill-seekers.
Monasteries and Culture: Immerse yourself in the spiritual and cultural richness of Ladakh.
Tips for a Memorable Road Trip
Plan Ahead: While spontaneity is exciting, planning your route, accommodations, and permits in advance is crucial.
Pack Smart: Carry essentials like warm clothing, a first-aid kit, snacks, and a power bank.
Stay Hydrated: The high altitudes can be dehydrating. Drink plenty of water to combat altitude sickness.
Respect Nature: Leave no trace and respect the local environment and culture.
Why Travel with Crazy Riders?
At Crazy Riders, we believe in crafting journeys that resonate with your spirit of adventure. Our expert guides, well-maintained vehicles, and attention to detail ensure a hassle-free and memorable experience. Whether you're traveling solo, with friends, or as part of a group, we promise an adventure that will stay with you forever.
Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, feedback, or just want to say hello, feel free to reach out to us. Here’s how you can get in touch:
Phone: +91 705-300-7000 Email: [email protected] Website: www.crazyriders.in
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indiahistoricaltours · 1 month ago
Blog On Punjab
Amritsar and the Golden Temple:
Amritsar is the heart of Punjab, spiritually and culturally. The holiest place in Sikhism is the Golden Temple, also known as Harmandir Sahib. The city was founded in 1577 by Guru Ram Das, the fourth Guru of Sikhism, on land gifted to him by Emperor Akbar. Guru Ram Das conceived the idea of a spiritual, harmonious abode and meeting ground and so established the city, with the setting of the pool of nectar known as Amrit Sar that was around which the later Golden Temple was to rise. The Golden Temple
Guru Arjan Dev laid the foundation of the Golden Temple in 1581. He also prepared the Adi Granth during this period and it was installed in the Golden Temple in 1604. The style of architecture is a combination of Hindu and Islamic. It is so because Sikhism is an inclusive religion. The gilded dome with the serene reflection of its surroundings in the pool is an inspiring view of spirituality and devotion.
History had witnessed that the Golden Temple served as a Sikh centre for worship and pilgrimage. It also has been a spot that has seen other historically important events, like martyrdom due to Guru Arjan Dev at the hands of the Mughal Emperor Jahangir for failure to embrace Islam in view of pressure from the latter.
The Golden Temple was targeted during the colonial period by the British, but it became an icon of Sikh resilience. In 1984, the temple turned out to be a point of political tension since the Indian government, headed by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, started Operation Blue Star to take out the militants from the complex. The operation resulted in extensive damage to the Golden Temple and the killing of many people, and it finally led to the Sikhs being in turmoil and fuming.
Despite all these obstacles, Golden Temple is a symbol of Sikh identity, spiritualism, and justice and equality. The Golden Temple is also used as a platform for relief work; for instance, its langar feeds thousand people in a day not considering any caste or religion.
Other places in Amritsar:
Besides the Golden Temple, this city has many other significant landmarks. Jallianwala Bagh is a historical garden and memorial where over hundreds of unarmed Indian civilians were killed in 1919 by British General Dyer on his order that galvanised the independence movement of India.
The other significant place is Wagah Border, which is about 30 kilometres from Amritsar. It forms the international boundary between India and Pakistan. Lowering Ceremony of Flags everyday at Wagah has emerged as an icon of two nation theories.
 Amritsar comprises a number of other Gurdwaras or Sikh temples, such as Gurdwara Bibeksar Sahib, Gurdwara Ramsar Sahib, and Gurdwara Tarn Taran Sahib, which are also important from religious and historical points of view.
  History Of Punjab
It is situated in the northern West subcontinent, and its land of deep historical and cultural evolution in Punjab, marked as much by the interplay of varied cultures, religions, and dynasties; Punja in Persian means five, as there are five rivers—the name 'Punja' originated from the Panja-Aab, as per the Persian words-five or panj meaning 'five' and 'ab,' water. Punjab has historically been the melting pot of various civilisations over time and significantly contributes to Indian and global history.
Punjab has its roots dating back to the beginning of Harappan Civilisation, which belonged to a period around c. 3300 – 1300 BCE-considered one of the oldest cultures of the urban world-in the Indus Valley. Major archaeological evidence at these sites in the present-day Pakistan demonstrates an extensive urban plan, trade, and various craft and skills.
After the Indus Valley Civilisation declined, several Indo-Aryan tribes took over the region and established it as the basis for the Vedic period, extending from 1500-500 BCE. It is during this period that the region became a hub for the diffusion of Hinduism, with the epic Mahabharata referring to many locations in Punjab.
Foreign Invasions
The Middle Ages saw the entry of various foreign invasions in Punjab. The Mauryan Empire ruled the region, followed by the Kushan and Gupta Empires; however, Punjab's great historical turning point took place in the 11th century, with the raids of Mahmud of Ghazni, followed by the institution of the Delhi Sultanate in the 13th century. Punjab has, therefore, been a seat of many major battles with a mix of Persian-Afghan and Indian influence.
Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak in the Punjab region during the 15th century. This religion stressed monotheism, equality, and service to the community. Under Guru Arjan Dev, the faith prospered in Punjab as he established the Adi Granth, which is the central script of Sikhism, besides establishing the foundation for the Golden Temple at Amritsar.
Actually, it was during the time of Guru Gobind Singh in the late 17th century that Sikhism saw its transformation since he instituted the making of the Khalsa with his faithful-the dedicated Sikhs who were entrusted with the duty of protecting the faith. The persecution of the Sikh faith by the Mughals generated numerous battles that eventually turned to assist in the founding of this community because of the strength that was posed by Maharaja Ranjit Singh, as one of its major strongholds.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh established the Sikh Empire in the early 19th century, which united Punjab under one banner. The period of his rule from 1799 to 1839 is known for relative peace, prosperity, and military success. Sikh Empire administration was strong; roads were built, forts were constructed, and agriculture was encouraged. However, after Ranjit Singh's death, the empire weakened and eventually fell to the British in 1849, following the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
Punjab was annexed by the British Empire in the mid-19th century. Under British rule, Punjab was an important administrative and military region. The British constructed infrastructure but also introduced policies that led to widespread resentment among the local population, leading to events like the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in 1919, where British troops killed hundreds of unarmed Indian civilians protesting against colonial rule.
Punjab became a prominent center of activity during the independence struggle. The region played a very important role in the independence movement, and most of the major figures of the time, such as Lala Lajpat Rai and Bhagat Singh, came from the area.
The Indian subcontinent was partitioned in 1947, creating India and Pakistan. East Punjab fell into India while West Punjab became part of Pakistan. Partition led to the most significant mass migration in the world, with violence, displacement, and suffering as massive and widespread as can be imagined.
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digihindnews · 2 months ago
Tamil Nadu CM announces $1 million reward to decode the Indus Valley script
In an unprecedented move to solve one of history’s enduring enigmas, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has announced a reward of $1 million (approximately ₹8.5 crore) for anyone who can successfully decode the ancient script of the Indus Valley Civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization, dating back to 2600–1900 BCE, is renowned for its advanced urban planning and culture. However, its script,…
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rigvedanew · 3 months ago
Contributions of the 7 Rivers Civilization to Science and Technology
The Seven Rivers Civilization, located in the Indus Valley and the Sarasvati Basin, has made history with its advances in science and technology. Here are some of its remarkable contributions, which continue to amaze researchers and historians. 1. Advanced urban planning Cities like Mohenjo-daro, Harappa, Rakhigarhi and Kalibangan show exceptional urban planning. Streets were organized in a…
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