#Hire Chaffeur
capitalchauffeur · 6 months
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Elevate your Belgravia experience with our luxury chauffeur service. Our professional drivers and luxurious vehicles ensure seamless and stylish transportation for all occasions, from airport transfers to special events. Experience the epitome of sophistication with our premium service.
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schoenht · 1 year
Just wanted to say your smau is so good like where do you come up w the dialogue man i laughed so Hard
idk man i walk into the fortress of my mind, call out to the spirits, so they dont answer and make me breakdance instead and then give me some scroll with nothing on it kung fu panda style
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londonwheelslimo · 3 months
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Hire Newmarket Chauffeurs for luxurious transportation tailored to your needs. Our expert chauffeurs and prestige vehicles provide a premium service for weddings, events, and corporate travel. Enjoy personalized service, comfort, and style. Book now and experience the best.
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spiribia · 28 days
people on hinge were looking for one person who would be their personal chaffeur, chef, handyman, motivated and career-driven, and personal finance expert, who will pamper them and treat them like a princess. girl hire a cast and crew or find a multi talented polycule maybe composed of a jock, a nerd, a goth, and a prep
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tallochar · 1 year
Inspired, in part, by this post by @mzminola but also something I've been ruminating on for a couple of years now.
Talking about pre New52 canon here mostly, though opinions about New52 or post Rebirth canon are also welcome to be added on, just specify it so we don't talk at cross purposes?
One of the thing that messes with me as an adult thinking back on comics is that you simply cannot put Alfred as the single member of staff who is dealing with all of the Manor.
I mean you can, comic logic, Alfred Is Not Of This World, whatever you want personally want.
Me personally, I cannot.
I need Harold to be down in the Batcave dealing with that part of the property until he dies in the 2000s at the very least, but also, consider how many hours there are in each day and how much Alfred has to do and how he's always serving dinner in time and laundry is done and everything is restocked and yet he also has the time to be personally chaffeuring the members of the family around and someone is also going to be having to deal with the household expenses and count balancing and -- and --
I cannot just accept that Alfred is doing it all, on his own, with the occasional WE-affiliated-and-vetted company called in to deal with, say, catering for a big event or whatever.
Especially not if Bruce is young and Alfred's supposed to be raising him, like oh god no, which is why the idea @mzminola talked about in their post (Bruce raised by his relatives) has taken root in my brain and is now my own personal very much cherished headcanon and a source of plenty of excuses for Bruce but also varied and eclectic skills and connections.
But okay, let's say that Alfred got left in charge of just managing things for Bruce until Bruce is of age and can take over things himself (in theory, in practice Bruce definitely pushes all he doesn't want to deal with about the house on Alfred and all he doesn't want to deal with about the company on Lucius Fox and sets up a contingency to get Tim to deal with shit for Bruce if Bruce were to be unavailable / unsteady / acting sus), while Bruce is being passed around from relative to relative.
There's still the staff that the Manor had before the death of Thomas and Martha to deal with. Gotta downsize that but you cannot just boot everyone and close shop.
I mean, yeah you can, but also, some of those people were probably there for a long time and Alfred wasn't just going to throw them out.
The way things work out in my brain is if Alfred is the "face" of the staff and the only one who, usually, interacts directly with The Family, while the others are in the background minding their own business, asking no questions at all.
They probably lost some people in NML during the Manor collapse, and the staff had to go through the harrowing process of getting new people that they didn't know nor trust in and then do their own version of vetting and making sure there was nothing hinky about any of them and that they understood the importance of the privacy of their employers, etc. etc.
Some of them must have retired at some point or moved on and were let go with more than fair compensantion and retirement packages and some stuff actually got outsourced a bit as technology progressed and things changed.
Especially after NML, actually.
Alfred is not going to hire someone just to come by to do all of the laundry, but he might have a trustworthy laundry service that is Bristol-based and is used to dealing with Rich People without asking questions.
And I am not say that they have to be In The Know life Alfred and Harold.
Actually, I prefer the idea that they aren't and that they just have this cushy job and loyalty to the Waynes and are all well compensated for being quiet and dealing with stuff on their own.
Sure, Alfred deals with the supernatural side of things, absolutely, and I am sure he has state of art machinery for, say, dealing with the costumes after patrol, but the Manor is huge and the upkeed is time consuming and exhausting and Alfred is too busy to do everything on his own.
So basically what I am saying is:
I have a might need for Alfred and his skeleton crew of long-time, trusted employees who keep the Manor running and stay out of the way of the bosses and everyone lives better like that.
I need Alfred's list of Trusted People who can deal with the family's laundry without messing it up and come do repairs when they are needed Upstairs since Harold won't leave the cave.
Give me Bruce's different childrens' different relationship's with said skeleton crew and Bruce's own distant relationship with them too and their reactions to things.
Allow me to have the skeleton crew sticking around and keeping the Manor up and running whenever Alfred is off around the world with Bruce for recovery / training / support purposes or who are still there and keeping things going when Alfred is too busy feuding with Bruce to look after everything else.
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diksha012 · 7 months
The Pinnacle of Road Travel Elegance: Your Choice for Exceptional Trips
In the world of road travel, this makes elegance be more than a notion; it is one that transforms into one creepy experience that is imprinted into the mind especially during special events such as weddings. The stage of your walk to the altar, or to your wedding reception, or even a honeymoon must shout the grade of your sophistication. When seeking vintage chaffeurs targeted at weddings nearby, look no further that the glamorous hire of a Bentley and modern wedding cars near me to guarantee your travel is top-notch.
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Elevating Style: Luxury rent for road Bentley synonymous with an eteran stylish and suave elegans all along the elite group. Choosing a Bentley hire for your wedding is not a mere decision concerning with conveyance; it is a golden contour that defines you and justifies you with the highest level of comfort. The designs shape, well-fitted make up and other details make a rides in a Bentley stand out, being the best on the road. You are gearing up to get near your destination and the Bentley then appears that it is more than a car; it then becomes a part of the story that then adds that special touch to your wedding day.
The Modern Touch: Brides and grooms who are looking for an amalgamation of the latest trends and the newest features would find modern wedding cars to be the finest combo of fashion and sustainability. All-inclusive scripts of these cars bears sleek looks and modern technology, both a luxury ride and an event which accompanies the modern wedding idea perfectly. It can be from an electric car to the latest super cute car. The current vehicles offer a wide range of choices, \ driving the choice that is consistent with the theme of the contemporary event.
The now-journey-of-a-lifetime (which started as the journey-to-wedding-venue) commences at the wedding venue. The selection of the wedding limo is a key element that helps to make the entrance and exit for bride and groom outstanding. No matter what it will be a vintage Bentley or the latest luxury vehicle and the car selected should display the superior taste of the bride and the groom and a hint to the further life built together. With customized options and meticulous attention to details, the bride and groom car hire services help to create an atmosphere around the special couple road journeys that are equally special and peculiar as their love story.
Extravagant wedding cars, modern wedding car services, as well as Bentley hire are of great significance in gaining the magnificent views of road travel on your special day. These are not just cars; they are representatives of status, fashionable marks and individual outlooks that all add up to the immortal experience of the banquet. Certainly, being the best day in your life, make the journey both a trip to remember a trip to cherish – with a cheerful ceremony that is as classy as the magnanimity that a Bentley or modern wedding car is. The choice of distinguished trips decides the tone of remarkable moments impending: the tracks you tread are illuminated with unceasing luxury and class, and you are well assured that your road to marital enlightenment is handsome and classy.
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sunlit-music · 5 years
How to start your own limousine driver business or chauffeur business. The comments are made by other people at the website whirlpool dot com, not by me. The advice applies to people living and working in Australia. You’ll need an Australian Business Number (which can be obtained via the accounting app Airtax), a Class C drivers Licence and a clean driving record. Ask your car insurance company if you have a clean driving record. You’ll also need comprehensive car insurance.
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vehiclehire · 2 years
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Vehicle Transportation Near Me
Advance Vehicle Hire has expanded to become the leading local provider of vehicle rental to individuals and businesses. We have a vehicle drop-off service that is available 24 hours a day.  We use cutting-edge vehicle reservation systems. Please contact us right away.
Visit: https://www.avhire.com/
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Ok so I know some people in the fandom don't like talking about Magnus' past lovers because anyone that isn't Alec everyone just turns their heads but ok listen. Your last response about Magnus and queer history my head immediately went to Freddie Mercury and oh please I would like a little more insight on how they met and their relationship. The only thing we knew was that Magnus would go to his concerts and even drag his friends along. What I would give to learn more about them.
FUCK MY LIFE anon listen idk if you fully know what you're getting yourself into by asking me this because i am literally OBSESSED with Magnus' relationship with Queen and Freddie like im literally VIBRATING rn i was answering the questions in order but i just HAD to answer this one immediately because !!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck fuck fuck i love magnus' relationship with Freddie Mercury and Queen so much you dont understand, i have already made some posts and i still plan on making a playlist of Queen Songs That Remind Me Of Magnus but anyway hell yeah let's DO this
okay so first im gonna talk a little bit about how i view their relationship. now, they probably weren't in a very serious relationship, since theres this whole Magnus Locked His Heart Ever Since Camille thing, but Magnus and Freddie have SO much in common i cant really think this was just a fling, either. so here's what i think: magnus and freddie were good friends who sometimes hooked up and that definitely had chemistry to have something special, but it never happened because Magnus never fully allowed himself to give in to it and neither did Freddie - im assuming their relationship was in the 70s, since in the 80s Freddie met his husband, Jim Hutton, and at that time Freddie also had a hard time trusting and loving. also, Magnus was already in New York, so it couldn't have been too serious. but Magnus would go around to watch their concerts and every time he would find Freddie somehow (it wasnt that hard, really, you just had to go to the local queer scene) and they would sometimes hook up, sometimes just talk and enjoy each other's company, sometimes both. that's what i think it's most likely.
but the absolutely OFF THE CHARTS amount of vibing they must have done. i dont think you fully understand - unless you're a queenie trash bitch such as me - just how similar magnus and freddie are. here's a short, comprehensive list of Freddie Mercury Traits:
Freddie was seen and stereotyped as an overly sexual, lothario, diva and inconsequential kind of guy, and to some extent he put on this facade, but in reality he was extremely closed off and insecure and loving, and this was mostly a persona he put on to protect himself
Despite that whole persona, Freddie was an extremely compassionate guy who did everything he could to help others, particularly other queer people. His personal assistant, his chef, his chaffeur, all were other queer guys (sometimes his exes even) that had nowhere else to go and were in need of a job, and Freddie was just like "oh, would you look at that, you're hired now. I'm gonna pay you, hm, 3 million" it was so. When Jim lost his job Freddie hired him as a gardener. They literally met because they were talking in a club and Freddie was all like "lets all go to my house" and brought in a bunch of strangers to his home. That's the kind of guy he was. His house was always open as well
Freddie was loyal to a fault and a little bit too trusting, and was stabbed in the back a few times. The most well-known one is P*ul, who outed him against his will despite them having years of friendship, a blow that Freddie never fully recovered from, but there were others. Despite being a shy guy and reluctant to open up, he actually wore his heart on his sleeve and this sometimes ended up hurting him, a lot
Freddie felt absolutely lonely and like he was unworthy of being loved. This is not a secret, its a common theme in a lot of his songs, the most prominent of them being somebody to love. He wanted to be loved and taken care of but at the same time wouldnt allow himself
He was also very insecure. Jim says in his book that Freddie would frequently ask him, out of the blue, if he loved him, despite the fact that they were, you know, married (not in the paper, of course, but Jim bought him wedding rings and Freddie called him his husband, so i consider them married)
He was constantly scared of being an inconvenience. When he found out he had AIDS, his first instinct was to tell Jim that if jim wanted to leave him he would understand. Jim, of course, said that was bullshit and he wouldnt leave Freddie because of that
He was a perfectionist and always wanted to do his absolute best, nothing less. He was also a creative genius as we all know
He loved cats and would bring random cats into his home constantly
He loved fashion and pretty things
He was a queer, gnc man of color
He had a pretty protective side to him; queen's bassist, John Deacon, was extremely shy and said that Freddie pretty much shielded him from the press attention, and also helped him polish his song writing skills and always wanted him to do his best. After Freddie died, John quit the showbusiness.
I mean, remind you of someone? Holy fucking shit, i nearly lost my goddamn mind when they mentioned that he hooked up with Freddie, because they're so similar in their issues and insecurities and interests it's almost meta. I don't know if that was on purpose or not, but i thank the sh writers every day for that line tbh honestly i am so blessed
Unfortunately i think they might kind of be too similar - you get two very insecure, afraid to be hurt people who kind of have a persona together and it's kind of hard to have them have a meaningful relationship. But where Freddie was shy, Magnus was extroverted and easygoing, and there were always parties (something the both of them loved) and they had enough common interests to bond over. Also, they both couldnt help but wear their heart on their sleeves, even when they tried not to. And i mean, i am 100% sure that Magnus absolutely loved Queen, because 1- who doesnt? 2- the songs are so intense and heartfelt and beautiful and theatrical and that's right on magnus' alley; 3- the lyrics just speak to him, because there Freddie was, writing about wanting to be loved and fearing to open himself up, and there was also Brian writing all these songs about seeing your loved ones die, and Roger was a domestic abuse victim - there was just so much for him to relate too. So i can definitely see Freddie and Magnus staying up awake late at night, looking at the window and talking about themselves, their fears, the personas they have created and how hard it is to break out of them, when they were alone in a hotel room and everyone else who was at the party was gone. Just the two of them, having heart-to-hearts, then sleeping, but the next day the magic was gone and they were both back to guarding themselves - also, Magnus was avoiding getting involved with mundane men, if you go by my headcanon. so there was just too much holding them back
but it was still an important relationship that helped the both of them learn more about themselves and get a little more used to opening up and allowing themselves to talk about themselves. they didnt really break up as much as drift apart - Freddie had the band and Magnus was high warlock of Brooklyn and the political tensions in the downworlder community were high. But they both got their happy endings after all - Freddie met Jim and they were together until the end of his life, and Magnus met Alec, who will be with him for the rest of eternity too because i said so :) so its all good, in the end, and Freddie will always have a special place in magnus' heart, as both an amazing human being that he was honoured to meet and someone who was really, really important to magnus and that helped him become who he is today and be a little happier and more comfortable with himself
he still loves queen and listens to them constantly. sometimes its bittersweet to think about him, but most times its just good to hear these songs that mean so much to him and think of how far theyve both gone
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sombreboy · 4 years
And Jimin couldn’t wait to see him either. His mind kept wandering to the young artist even when he was bustling backstage. He delegates tasks to a couple crew members and walks over to a standing mirror to check his appearance. He’s ethereal, dressed in a soft white shirt, wrapping high around his neck and tied with a loose bow. On top of that is a fitted jacket with large black lapels, covered entirely in dark gold accents. He wanted to be seen, and this would definitely do the trick. (1/2) 🦕
His guests haven’t even arrived and he’s already getting looks from the backstage crew and hired models. He adjusts his tight pants to hug comfortably, drawing just the right amount of attention to his toned legs and small waist. “Park, it’s time.” His stage manager approaches with a waitlist in-hand. “Follow me to the entryway. It’s time to greet our guests.” (2/2) 🦕
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Guests trailed in one by one, or in groups, filling up the venue. However, Jungkook was still just on his way, in no rush in all honesty. He hated to be in the middle of a cramped crowd. Although he knew he would most likely be allowed to pass through the line, he preferred it to simply arrive a little later than everybody else. It gives him a grand entrance, in some type of way-- It always drew eyes towards him that he actually would show up. He knew the game.
‘‘We’ve arrived, Jeon.’‘ The chaffeur announced as they parked in front of the building, his slick black car surely turning heads already, curious as to who would show up late-- and with that type of car, surely somebody of importance.
Jungkook wondered if Jimin was anxious to see him, or maybe even a tad bit worried about whether he would show up or not.
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heavyarethecrowns · 6 years
could you please summ up for me all the key figures in a household staff ? for exemple what's a footman an why is it different from a vallet?
Butler - A butler is a domestic worker in a large household. In great houses, the household is sometimes divided into departments with the butler in charge of the dining room, wine cellar, and pantry. Some also have charge of the entire parlour floor, and housekeepers caring for the entire house and its appearance. A butler is usually male, and in charge of male servants, while a housekeeper is usually a woman, and in charge of female servants. Traditionally, male servants (such as footmen) were better paid and of higher status than female servants. The butler, as the senior male servant, has the highest servant status. He can also sometimes function as a chauffeur.
Chaffeur/Driver - A chauffeur is a person employed to drive a passenger motor vehicle, especially a luxury vehicle such as a large sedan or limousine. A woman employed to drive a passenger motor vehicle is a chauffeuse
Chief of Staff - Those with larger estates and houses may also find that a chief of staff (COS) can be indispensable. The role can be very broad, but can include the general management of a home or property portfolio, staff or events. On a personal level, a COS can be a right-hand person to a principal and their family.
Chef - A private chef oversees all meals, taking responsibility for kitchen management and budgeting, maintaining impeccable hygiene standards and planning and preparation of the finest quality ingredients. They can develop menus and meal plans, accommodating any specific dietary requirements, as well as cater to formal functions and events. A private chef can also travel with the principal and family when necessary.
House Estate Manager - Estate Managers are responsible for hiring and training staff and usually oversee ongoing personnel management. Some Estate Managers have a more ‘hands-on’ role, depending on your needs, but their primary roles involve the management and supervision of other household staff
Housekeeper - A housekeeper is an individual responsible for the supervision of a house’s cleaning staff.
Houseman - A versatile solution for many households, is having a houseman will ensure the general up keep of the household and gardens.
A valet - A valet or “gentleman’s gentleman” is a gentleman’s male servant; the closest female equivalent is a lady’s maid. The valet performs personal services such as maintaining his employer’s clothes, running his bath and perhaps (especially in the past) shaving his employer.
Footmen - duties include admitting visitors and waiting at table such as filled glasses, placed and removed dishes etc. while standing at meals.
A Ladies Maid - A lady’s maid is a female personal attendant who waits on the lady of the house, and is a position very similar to a gentleman’s valet. In a larger household, various footmen might be assigned specific duties (for which there might be a traditional sequence), such as the silver specialist. Usually the footmen performed a range of duties which included serving meals, opening and closing doors, carrying heavy items, or moving furniture for the housemaid to clean behind. The footmen might also double as valets, especially for visiting guests.
Wardrobe Manager - They oversee the inventory, purchasing, and planning of your wardrobe, with experience handling the clothing of high profile and high-net-worth individuals. Familiarity with maintaining luxury fashion items and caring for them accordingly is a prerequisite for a qualified wardrobe manager.A wardrobe manager’s skills can overlap to varying degrees with those of Lady’s Maids, Personal Assistant, and Laundress, but a dedicated Wardrobe Manager is focused on curating and caring for all aspects of maintaining the extensive array of a client’s attire.
Laundress - A laundress is responsible for maintaining all the clothing and linens for the household
Personal Assistant/EA - Carrying out your personal and business tasks with ease
Nanny/Manny - A nanny provides child care within the children’s family setting.
Maternity Nurse - A maternity Nurse is skilled in supporting, caring for and teaching new parents how to care for their newborn baby while also allowing parents the time to rest
Family Office Staff - Its sole function is to centralize the management of a significant family fortune. Typically, these organizations employ staff to manage investments, taxes, philanthropic activities, trusts, and legal matters. The purpose of the family office is to effectively transfer established wealth across generations.
Handyman - A handyman, also known as a handyperson or handyworker, is a person skilled at a wide range of repairs, typically around the home. These tasks include trade skills, repair work, maintenance work, are both interior and exterior, and are sometimes described as “side work”, “odd jobs” or “fix-up tasks”. Specifically, these jobs could be light plumbing jobs such as fixing a leaky toilet or light electric jobs such as changing a light fixture.
Security - residential team members, security trained drivers and close protection operatives, each with specific skill
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tragiciismsarchive · 7 years
open to all.
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“well eat me up and shit me out, you must but onto something there. i will definitely risk my job, and my fat paycheque because you want a night of freedom from the chaffeur / bodyguard that your father hired. sorry little darlin’, you ain’t leaving my sight.” nick spoke, a dry chuckle escaping his lips as he continued to follow the other around. “so what’s on the agenda for tonight?”
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daydreambts · 4 years
God I wanted to throw my purse at this head, but I really don’t think I’d be that good a stripper so I stilled my hands “Sir, I meant no disrespect to you or your effort but this is not me making excuses over the case being difficult, this is me telling you how our present circumstance effect the case. I know how to do my job sir and I know how to do it well, I will find something that gets us out of this but right now until I know what it is, I would not find it moral of me to guarantee anything to you, other then the fact I will ensure we get the best possible outcome with the circumstances presented.” Saying as calmly as I could.
Looking back up into his eyes, “ I didn’t mention anything other then the fact that if we don’t get leverage soon this might have court hearings, which you need to be prepared for” I tried to smile because to be honest the look he was giving might actually make me shit my pants but he doesn’t know that, well I hope.
“I hope that reassures your confidence in me and my abilities as a lawyer and employee, Sir”
"Not quite." Jimin smirked. "But I'm going to have to take a gamble and entrust this case to you if I want to save face. It would reflect poorly on me and the company if I hired a third party."
He pulled out a credit card and flicked it across the table to you. "While you're working on this case, you can use it for charging and for withdrawals; subject of course to auditing." He flicked a set of car keys next. "It's in the last of my parking slots. You also have a chaffeur assigned to you; his number is stored here." He slid over a cellphone next. "I expect you to use this only to call contacts relevant to this case and myself."
"You've been relocated to the office next to mine. You have until tomorrow to read the files. I expect you to have a report with possible leads by then." Standing up, he straightened his suit. "I certainly hope you are worthy of the trust you're asking for." he told you before leaving.
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myaekingheart · 7 years
So it seems as though I've spiralled back into another one of those spells where I just hardcore hate myself. For the past couple days, all I've been able to think about it is the thought of getting a job, ever since I had that stupid fucking dream the other night. I dreamed that I was working the register at some upscale fast food restaurant taking orders as people filtered in, got their food, and left. I couldn't help but think to myself, "God this is so easy! Why didn't get a job earlier?" and then five minutes later, I broke out into a massive panic attack mid-dream. Numb hands, cold sweat, hyperventilating, feeling like the place was closing in on myself, the whole enchilada and that's when I realized why I don't have a job. Granted, I know anxiety is no excuse for being unemployed, I'm not an idiot. Ever since that dream, though, I just have not been able to stop thinking about jobs and how I don't have one. I don't necessarily want one but at the same time, I keep feeling increasingly uncomfortable with my parents sending me money for all my bills and rent and whatnot. I feel bad that they're stuck supporting me like they always have. I kind of want the independence of having a job and earning my own money, anyways. There's just all the stuff holding me back and making me feel like an absolute failure, like the fact that I am 20 years old and have never worked a day in my life. I feel like a total scam because as I sat here today filling out job applications, applications that wouldn't let me move forward without submitting a resume, this disgusting tinge of guilt and disgust fell upon me as I had to sit here and fill out that I had no work experience. And I know the application is only step one. As much as saying I have no experience pains me, I think the thought of anything that might come next is even worse. I've filled out job applications before, twice for Spirit Halloween, both times of which at the end of the process, they've immediately told me I'm either not qualified enough or not what they're looking for and that was fine. I don't fear rejection in job applications. If anything, a gross part of me prays for rejection because that means I can get out of this. The thought of moving forward and getting a job offer terrifies me. I don't like thinking about having to step foot in these places for an interview, having to paste a smile on my face and lie about how I'm a team player and enjoy being a corporate slave, and explaining why I've never had a job before at my age. I don't like the thought of getting hired and then having to work a menial, pointless job for shit pay and being trapped in a store filled with people complaining left and right at me about things that are probably not beyond my control. I am honestly such a difficult fucking person because like I know I need a job but I don't want a dead-end job that won't have any positive effect on the future of my career. I don't want to work a pointless job that has nothing to do with what I enjoy or strive to pursue as an actual career. I want to be a writer so why not look at freelance writing jobs? I did and I can tell you that the results are not good. I want a job that parallels my career goals but I don't want to sit here and waste my time ghostwriting someone's novel, working my fingers to the bone only to get zero credit for the hours of time I've spent on this thing, or churning out pointless articles for someone too fucking stupid to write it themselves. I applied for a job at a local Books a Million and at my university's bookstore because I figured, hey! Why the fuck not? It's as good as I'm going to get, I guess. The thing that terrifies me about Books a Million, though, is that I just feel like I'm not fucking good enough. I feel like I really know next to nothing about the majority of the books out there today, I feel like I don't read enough to work at a bookstore and that if someone came up to me with a question about something, there's a fat chance I wouldn't have any fucking clue what they were talking about. I've never even read Harry Potter (nor do I care to-- I tried but I'm one of the few who just could not get into it). The university bookstore is really the one I'm banking on most, honestly. It would be nice to get to know my way around campus before starting classes there in January, plus it would be the easiest to get to in terms of transportation. Which brings up another point of contention: I am 20 fucking years old and I still don't know how to drive. I don't even have my permit. I've never been behind the wheel of a car save for Mario Kart and the Tomorrowland Speedway and if my experience with either of those is any indication, it's probably a good thing that I don't drive. I should've learned a long time ago but I have always put it off, terrified of getting in an accident and knowing full well that I will without a doubt get overwhelmed because of literally every single thing you have to pay attention to and worry about. I feel like I'll definitely get massive sensory overload behind the wheel of a car. Again, however, not a valid excuse for never learning how to drive. It's not that I enjoy people having to chaffeur me everywhere. I wish I could be totally autonomous and independent and in my dreams, I am, but in reality I know I'm just a failure who knows next to nothing about being an adult and am failing miserably at it. My boyfriend keeps telling me he wants me to get a moped, thinking that that would be better for me because it'd be easier to be aware of my surroundings on one of those as opposed to a car but I'm skeptical. Not that I wouldn't love to come off as a motorcycle bitch or whatever but still. My only other option is the bus which I mean, I didn't have a problem with that. I've taken public transit thousands of times in my hometown to my community college, but never in this city. And that makes all the difference, honestly. My hometown was dull suburban where nothing ever happened except the occasional heart attack during bingo. There were sketchy people, sure, but it wasn't in massive volume. Here, however, things are vastly different. This is the city where there's homeless people and drug dealers abound! My boyfriend is very protective of me and he's always made off this facade about wanting me to stay safe, liking the fact that when I'm home he knows where I am and that nothing bad will happen to me, that he's skeptical of the bus and doesn't exactly feel safe with the idea of me taking said bus. It's built up this understanding in my head that the outside world is dangerous and that I should avoid going out there alone at all costs. But he's also a little frustrated that my parents never encouraged me to learn to drive before I moved up here, because he knows learning to drive up here is going to hell and he wishes I would've gotten it done sooner. Which also makes me feel like a failure. Like, how pathetic could I possibly be? Never worked a day in her life, never been behind the wheel of a car. I'm practically a child. And I sure as hell feel like one, too. I'm embarrassed and ashamed of myself for letting myself get so far behind. I've avoided becoming an adult for so long that now I have absolutely no choice and I'm not even the slightest bit prepared. All I want to do is stay home and eat Oreos and lay around in pajamas writing shitty fanfiction but I can't do that because I am an adult with my own apartment 300 miles away from my family. My academic achievements shine but my personal achievements fall short big time and I'm so fucking ashamed of myself for that. I should've taken care of this shit a long time ago. I should've grown up a long time ago but I'm terrified. I'm so fucking terrified. In a way, living up here still doesn't even feel like everyday reality. A part of me still processes this as temporary, like I'm on a trip to visit my long distance boyfriend like how it was for the past year and then at the end of the week, my parents will show up and take me back home and everything will go back to normal. But that's not normal anymore. This is my new normal and I need to learn to adjust to it. This is my home now and this is my life now. I can't sit around on my ass like a house guest anymore because I'm not a house guest. This is my house and my new town and I'm not a dependent living under my parent's roof anymore. I am a full-fledged adult and I need to start acting like one, even if I'd rather shoot myself in the mouth than go through this horror. I still don't feel ready. I don't know if I'll ever feel ready. I'm so motherfucking scared and the worst part is knowing that this is all my fault.
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smoothshift · 7 years
Describe the cars' owners! via /r/cars
Describe the cars' owners!
OK, here is a list of a few cars' descriptions.
Your job is to read these descriptions, and describe the people owning these cars.
So, here goes:
1st car - A 2004 black LWB Lincoln Town Car, parked by a Subway in Louisiana. It has 2 small stickers advertising a chaffeur-car-for-hire company on its rear windows.
On the rear, there is a lot of bumper stickers: a Lynyrd Skynyrd one, a Creedence Clearwater Revival one, a Kansas one, a Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band one, an Aerosmith one, a Make America Great Again one, a local classic rock station one, and an NRA membership one.
In the backseat, there is a white suit, white trousers and black tie. The dashboard has a Bluetooth speaker on top. At the center console, you have an empty gun holster.
2nd car - A 1976 Ford F-250 stepside truck. It's parked by a lumber mill in the Appalachian region. The exterior is quite destitute,,with the entire lower portions of doors,,bed and fenders either rotten away or Bondo'd up, and a spray can blue paintjob.
The bed has a homemade wooden high side installation and bed liner, both rotten. On the bed, there is a flannel shirt and a chainsaw.
The interior has a lot of wear and tear. There is no radio; instead, you have an old iPod+cheap speaker combo. The odometer shows 451,930 miles. On the passenger seat, there is a cheap Chinese tablet.
3rd car - A 2016 Tesla Model S P90D, parked at a strip club in Reno. It looks very fresh and seems to be detailed relatively often. The rims are aftermarket, and painted glossy black.
Inside, there are business cards for a hotel in the glovebox, a book titled "How To Lower The Taxes Of Your Business" on the passenger seat, and on the backseat, some Walmart shopping bags old McDonald and KFC takeout bags.
4th car - A 2014 Chrysler 200 sedan. It is parked at a small house in St. Louis. The front bumper is broken after an accident, but the lights and plate holder are OK. The trunk has a leasing company sticker on it.
Inside, you can see Whole Foods shopping bags, a brand-new Macbook, a toolbox and a catalog for Samsung TV sets.
5th car - A 1998 Toyota Sienna. It is parked in a lot in Detroit. The exterior is quite rusted. It has cheap, thin steelies and a spray can painted rear bumper.
Inside, the seats are removed. The car has some cheap Chinese goods loaded inside. Also, there is a sleeping bag and a cheap feature phone on the passenger seat.
So, what can you say about the owners of these things?
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