sonics-atelier · 2 months
I present to you some memes in honour of Elaingate ( thank you @praetorqueenreyna for the tag 🙌 )
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Bottom line - Stop being a bunch of hypocrites 💖
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wrongplaceworsttime · 2 years
look, i won’t argue with anybody that izuku lost control of himself this chapter due to everybody who was wiped out, but the people who are claiming that bakugou was a small part of it or whatever are straight up wrong. bakugou is the only person who got multiple panels, and mirio straight up identifies that bakugou is the most pressing thing on izuku’s mind rn:
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izuku is certainly upset about how (almost) everybody who was there got taken out, and i’m sure he feels buckets of guilt because he was supposed to be there, but horikoshi had mirio explicitly single out bakugou as the most important factor here. it’s not “reading too much into things” if it’s literally told to us ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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orangegaytorade · 4 months
Wait hang on is this the Emma people are trying to hate Sam for killing?!? She literally expressed that she was going to kill Dean anyway.
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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putragismf · 2 years
I hate the fact I’m not the most confrontational person because there are way too many things I want to address to some people but don’t know how to even go about that
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sophiesonlinediary · 5 months
listen i’m so conflicted on taylor as a human right now like i get the tortured poets is about her being her own person, going through a crisis, and making her own mistakes, but i can’t excuse her saying “without all the racists” when she had a boyfriend who was/is openly racist. also the line “all this bitching and moaning” pissed me off still a great song though i totally understand not wanting millions of strangers to prey on your personal life but when you date a man like m*tty healy that is a terrible human with no morals we shouldn’t stand by and be like “oh he’s just a rebound it doesn’t really matter” when the hipocrasy is visible, you date a man who stands against everything you’ve done in your fandom like religion and accepting everyone for who they are no matter sexuality, gender, or race, then she goes off and dates him and expects us not point it out, especially when he’s said terrible things about your friends? and then her only then saying that he was a bad man because he broke her heart. look girl i know you were going through something but i can’t defend you anymore i love your music but i just can’t.
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ladydeath-vanserra · 4 months
Hello 👋
I love your thoughts on anti ic and the way you delve into everything and actually name the issues within them .
I have a rant about Feyre :
I liked her in Book 1 but book 2 onwards Mr SA melted her brain . There are lots of things that irk me about feyre : Her Hipocrasy first and foremost
The Hipocrasy is strong with this girl istg , like you're the one who does a free public porn show for the guy who SA you and then have the gall to compliment rhys when he uses his powers on keir for calling you a whore. Like wtf ? I am on kiers side in this , if your dictator ( because that's what rhysand is ) was fingering a fae in front of all of his court I'd be disgusted too .
The scene where feyre starts crying because of nestas expenditure ? Like bitch you have 5 houses and your "friend s" are always out drinking and fucking and you don't have a problem with that ? I actually think mor is an alcoholic and her relationship with cassian is incestuous.
Feyre locking Nesta in the HOW even after her trauma when tamlin locked her up in the manor like are you kidding me rn ? Seriously if I was nesta I would've verbally rendered feyre to a pile of dust .
Coming to that she also has no phycological damage from the 3 months rhysand SA her and made her do lap dances but when your sister is snarky and calls you for her decisions you have the gall to have trauma about that ? Be fr bro I call my brother whore for fun 💀( only children shouldn't be allowed to write sibling relationships - sjm )
Sorry if this got too long , I just wanted to rant to someone and I hope you understand ( you're one of the few people in this fandom with actual functioning neurons )
Thank you 💗
Yeah, I don't really get Rhysand's whole,,, well anything regarding politics tbh. He talks down and degrades the CoN and treat them as nothing more than oppressive misogynists' in front of them and then proceeds to perform sexual acts with the woman he then wants to be viewed in a professional, respectable and political light and when that doesn't happen, due to the whole sexual act and 'Rhysand's harlot' or whatever she called herself, thing, Rhysand then assaults Keir
So like.... he can assert authority and abuse power when it comes to disrespect to the girl he literally wanted to be his plaything in front of these people, but he can't assert authority when it comes to protecting the vulnerable populations of the CoN or to establish progressive laws. He says Keir is in charge of the CoN and that he can't use the Darkbringers without his permission but then he assaults the Steward of the CoN. High Lord or not that doesn't make a lick of sense if he ever wants to be viewed as a legitimate ruler. I would also be disgusted by such vulgar acts- besides these people did not consent to be witnesses to sexual acts of display
Feyre crying is... I dunno. Like I chalked it up to hormones, but I am more concerned with Rhysand's blatant manipulation and emotional and financial abuse of reading off expenses in front of every single member of the IC. That is a form of shame and humiliation in order for Feyre to 'get her sister under control'. But I also agree, I think it's completely unnecessary and hypocritical of Rhysand and Co to look down their noses at Nesta for spending money when Rhysand himself said that the IC bleed him dry with their flagrant spending on alcohol and parties- which is said in ACOMAF but then it gets played off for the Laugh
Feyre and Rhysand locking Nesta up in the HoW is just sooooo. guh. How is it that when Tamlin does it for *checks notes* five minutes it's the most egregious, unforgiveable sin but when Rhysand and Feyre not ONLY lock her up, they demolished her home, they had Elain pack up her belongings, they made her live with a man Nesta repeatedly, verbally said she wanted nowhere near her. Plus the humiliation factor of not only being talked at in front of the IC, but Rhysand, Feyre and Amren talking about Nesta via Mental Powers in front of Nesta. There was so, so much wrong with that entire scene and the fact that both the narrative and the fandom cannot see why that scene was so disgusting is quite frankly, alarming
Like I can get that Feyre could have emotional and internalized feelings of a bad self image via Nesta from childhood, but I am also aware of what can happen when children are forced into extremely small proximity with each other with a very toxic and unhealthy household. Nesta and Feyre both were at each other's throats. they were both awful to each other and there is a rather large amount of assumption by Feyre and a large amount of miscommunication with both the girls
Rhysand however, with all his abuses of Feyre UtM, just... being forgotten about, just like that, is very weird. Very weird, especially if Nesta is still paying for sins from before the first book even took place. Feyres not getting triggered from the Weavers cottage? shes not getting triggered with his "Feyre Darling"? She's not getting triggered being in the CoN where UtM was inspired by? She's not getting triggered wearing those scraps of clothes? She's not getting triggered when Rhys uses paint on Feyre in Chapter 55 or whatever chapter it was just like he did UtM in front of Tamlin??????
Feyre brings up UtM ONCE to Rhysand and he gets all hyperventilatey and says theyll 'talk about it later' and then guess what, it doesn't. It just gets explained that he just had to torture his mate and what it was doing to him
give me a break
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savorynights · 4 months
Happiness is
Crazy is
the pace.
I could be good,
i could be sane.
But i had to take
the hard way.
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Morality is
Only the truth
shall set me free
But even that doesn't
matter anymore.
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wingsdippedingold · 5 months
Funny how miss stargirl feyre always hates on nesta for mistreating feyre but never replies to the SA that rhysand put feyre through UTM , its giving Hipocrasy to me
brought exactly that up and she said I infantilized nesta because i said that she was like 20 whereas rhysand was 500, and then proceeded to not make any comment on what i said about rhysand
you'll find it if u scroll back a bit in my blog, but beware it made my head hurt
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sonics-atelier · 4 months
Lmao the reason I don't waste my time on pro ic people is because even if I try to have a proper discussion and ask them why rhysand who btw is filled with the facist and zionist ideologies of sjm and who Sexually Assaulted Feyre is justified they always change the subject to Nesta or Tamlin or god knows who, like hun I'm asking you about your pookie can do no wrong Rhysie Poo, not them, Hipocrasy btw because yall hate on the character but then when you ask them why they don't condemn SA they're like look nesta threw money away and bs 🤡
Conclusion : To All of the Anti Ic community, do not waste your time and energy on people who lack the spine to condemn Sexual Assault, they are free to exist in their spaces and we in ours.
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witheringhouls · 2 months
was thinking ab an ode to life in the shower and-
would Will, after working at the tattoo parlour for a bit longer, let Jane/other workers practice on him? bonus question: if he end up being a tattoo artist in the future would he tattoo himself when he gets bored? bonus bonus question would Will ever let Mike/Jane/others give him any piercings? THATS ALL THANK YOU!!!
Omg thank you for the ask I have THOUGHTS. He would let Jane/ the other workers pratice on him after working there for a little longer. He doesn't really see the point of going to a different place and is just like 'i trust new guy Steve , I'll let him drill ink into my skin'. At first i think will would be really scared to tattoo himself and then one day literally fucking nobody comes to the parlor and when he comes home he's so excited and he has tattooed like the absolute smaller little ghost or some shit on his ankle and Mike is just so inlove but also dying laughing. ( I know tattooing dumb shit on his ankle and then being really excited to show it to someone is more in character for Mike but shhhh ). I think will really wants some piercings from Jane and Mike (not as many as they have but like a few) but mike is absolutely horrified by the idea not because he's against will having piercings but because will refuses to get them done professionally because he wants them done by Jane or Mike. And he wakes up one night to find Jane giving will a piercing having like numbed the area with an ice cube and piercing with a hot needle and is so upset (don't really know if that's the right word) that Jane has to point out the hipocrasy because she did all of Mike's piercings like this and Mike has a shit ton of piercings . Bonus : mike then refuses to say it looks nice for about a week because he thinks will looks really good with piercings but absolutely does not want Jane to pierce him again.
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ladydeatharcheron · 4 months
Thank you sm for your accurate takes and amazing posts, I'm in love with your blog, your posts about how People hate Nesta for lashing out due to trauma isn't okay but them overlooking the sexual abuse Ricecake Mc Downward Arrowman put Feyre through is peak Hipocrasy and I'm glad you are calling this behavior out, please keep slaying 💗
Omg thank you so, I feel so heard and seen posting my thoughts on tumblr because I called abusive and a bitch under every post on tiktok for liking her LOL. I’m sending you all lots of love, keep climbing your mountains 🫶🏼
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moonpufferfishy · 2 years
Nancy without the BadassTM girl vibe would just be a horrible character
And here is why:
I was thinking about Stranger Things and it occurred to me that i never liked Nancy as a character
I really like basically all the other female characters, they well developed and consistent in the way they are portrait I just don't like Nancy
Ok but why?
I already had some dislike for her becouse of the deep rooted hipocrasy portrait by her in the show (i would compare it to Cameron on HouseMD) and the "Holier-than-thou i know better and have the moral high ground" atitude
Like in s1 she was leaving her friend behind to fit in with Steve (who genuinely loved her) by her own choise, than she blames him about barb's death, cheats and finds herself with Johnathan, they seen happy and healing from things, and then s4 happens and she shows interest on Steve again when Johnathan is away
I honestly think the writers focused so much in making her a badassTM that they ended up making her a horrible person
It is possible to make a character a badass competent person without jeopardizing their morals, she seems to have intense morals in s1 but that got thrown out the window letter on, they literally made her so inconsistent just to have her act in a way that fits the planed narrative
And her characterization was sacrificed in the process
This is in no way shape or form about the actress, its about lossing a character in the "Oh look she's a BadassTM" thing the writes did, and the incredibly moraly dubious actions she makes
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cleoenfaserum · 1 year
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jp-barbedwire · 2 years
I enjoy this crowd. I see my types of faces here. I enjoy the culture in this arena tonight. Here im a good man. How r u all doing tonight? I am a samurai nd it shows here. U pick nd choose your piipol, i chose this crowd to be the man in. The man of the hour. The man sho will talk his way into gold and superstardom. I dont have time tho... for this 1 thing... the baby back bull shit of some venues. If i read tht i hate bgr or im too much of a thug over the word Nigga, thts the 1st hipocrasy tht i dont understand about most americans,and for nothing now ima negative to you fucking ppl...., ppl like tht deserve only my malus raining down uppon them. And when i find u nd u state tht im too this and tht, truth be told... did u ever hear my music? So shut the fuck up america. Nobody has this gift. The gift of the voice. Lerrings so destructivly deep tht it shatters reality like glass. And then its too much to entertain everyone to some of you whores. Listen, faggot. I do wht i want whenever the fuck i feel like. If i want to say this 1 awesome joke about me being proud of something tht i am, u fucking let me, you fucking bitch, if not face me in the ring you fucking pussy... nobody wants it... then every failiure have to stand clear out of my way....
Play theme song- a metal song* i pose a lil nd i exit
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lauriepinkney64 · 2 years
spiritual injury, the original wound
Created: Sunday, January 29, 2023 7:18 AM
Updated: Sunday, January 29, 2023 8:24 AM
upon meditation and reflection of my current past i found a significnt spiritual wound incurred within the organized religon i was raised. 
i was born to a family that were devout members of the sda church.  we went to church every week, and attended their church schools, and abode the laws and rules of this church during the week, man head of household, no fun and observance of sabbath from friday sundown to saturday sundown. strict.  it relaxed, the fervor, as we aged, and we'd even skip church or sometimes only sabbath school, (sundayschool), sometimes opting to have 'church' outside like at a park, these were by far more spiritual gatherings than any id had in the church building.  i could feel source profoundly when outside in nature.
i was baptized at age 12, mostly because my cousin had been, but during the preparation class or classes i felt something significant begin to expand inside., my grandfather was re baptized with me and that moved me more than my own baptism.  this feeling has never left me, it is the reason i love to help others, i want to assist the lost  i want to comfort the hurt and i want to heal the wounded,  this is my purpose.
as i became more myself and grew into teenhood, i began to feel the discord between the church teachings and the words actions and feeling atmousphere in the church family.  i saw the judgement of those deemed not og or not falling within the rules of this church, ie wearing makeup and jewelry were discouraged frowned upon , judged and seen as vanity, or divorced, or didnt observe sabbath the right way, or chose to eat meat, sda is largely vegegarian. so many harsh misunderstandings and judgements  from a group designated to heal these wounds not inflict them, so much visible obvious hipocrasy, things didnt match up!  i was blessed with a youth group leader couple in my 14th year of life.  they used the living bible, plain real talk, and introduced me and others to the cs lewis chronicles of narnia, this inflamed my imagination and passion for learning the broader knowing of the universe, these two angels delved into daniel and revelation in a way that was powerfully inspiring and motivating for me to uncover the truth of all spirituality and about myself.  this was when i began to peel away from that which i was raised with and began learning things first hand, and i felt such distance between me and church, i felt repelled, i made a cursery attempt to appear connected to church mostly for mom so she'd not worry and i was fearful to admit my lifestyle choices, love women, dont love church.
i felt rejected and judged harshly by my church family, in that subtle way that happens in dynamics like that.  i had loved this church, been loyal and devout to the teachings, i had depended on its teachings to help me navigate my life and when i finally understood a  truth of myself i found that i was not included as i am, i was deemed unfit or sinful, just being myself, this is not unique to sda, in this era, '70's, almost all organized religon seemed to feel that way, change or we wont accept you,  it was invalidated and pronounced a sin, who i am is a sin?  the one place i had before found solice, found a home, a community and i wasnt wanted. i was deemed bad.  or misguided, judging my self discovery and seeking self understanding as invalid and wrong somehow. blasphemy even. 
leaving the church of my youth which had included school and the social contacts i had made, and birth family, i experienced grief, i had no support system anymore and i had to develop my own without their help.
as  i aged i found myself identifying with the lesbian community, and found comfort solice acceptance there, and peace within myself about myself.  this allowed me some grace to begin the healing journey.
this injury was big and i buried it deep, it makes sense it is foundational and near the last of my 'flies in the ointment'.
years later after trying to make a straight life for the approval of my family and church supports, and having become bulimic and terribly depressed i accepted who i was and came out to her.  she guessed before i said it..she also said i was on my own about telling my dad, another cut to the mother wound that i would bury until she was buried. he did not react well.  he asked me 'what do you want from me?!" i said i just want to know you still love me,  he seemed so angry, like he was taking this personally, as if i did this to him ,  he told me 'if you are with anyone just dont ever bring them around here', he was furious.
he avoided me and ignored me and basically cut me out for over a year which hurt me so much, mom told me later that she'd finally said something to him, if you don't get over this you are gonna lose her' she stoodup for me, finally!!! 
he did come around when i needed a car, he helped me and financed a vw bus combi he had, this helped us regain some communication.  it stayed somewhat stilted for awhile then i met patty and my family suddenly became protective, worried i was being used or taken advantage of.
i came to pattys home after a tumultous relationship with a woman with a daughter, i stayed for the kid but had to leave from the abusive behaviors toward me by her mother.   patty welcomed me with open arms, she loved me, fed me, held me, allowed me sanctuary to heal.  she has been my angel.
my brother even came to sheridan to see that all was copacetic., i was working with her son, she was my employer technically.
she has been integral in my further growth,  i was in need of a heavy mother energy and she provided this often without even realizing it.  she helped me see my history realistically and gently suggested that my 'close knit family' really wasn't so much, and urged me to have the courage to look at all things honestly, i learned how not to lie to myself, coping skill, and i began a new method of introspection without toxic positivity,  it has helped me to heal so much.
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