anicyresurrection · 11 years
If I got something wrong, or you think you should be there, let me know!
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MEMO #394
Major Boothroyd and the Quartermaster's Office are reminded, again, to move the toothpaste tubes away from the tubes of explosive putty in the storage room to avoid any future unpleasant instances.
On the bright side, Agent DeMornay is expected to make a full recovery.
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agentbrompton · 11 years
Day 9: 30 Days of Character Development
9.) Who does your character trust?
Hazel:  I trust my younger brother and sister.  I know they love and appreciate me.  I trust Maria, because if you can't trust your best friend, there's no point to it.  And I trust my brothers....Alastor is a devoted thing, and I love him for it.  Loki and I...it's an odd bond but I know he's on my side if I need him.  And far from least, I trust Logan.  I simply do...you have to trust the person who holds your heart. ::smiles::
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The issue at hand, is a complex one, and I do want to see it resolved in a peaceful way. I know one of the parties closely tied to this is currently on vacation, so I will be holding off putting out any attempts to organize a sit down with all involved until they return. I already have some who want to be present who are involved and that's good, once a time is coincided with the lot of us I will make sure everybody knows, and the chat will likely take place on Skype. The parties involved know who they are but I will tag them, all of them. This is not to name and shame as I am tagging everybody even myself. Plus last I checked most of you follow me. Please go ahead and contact me via fan mail so we can work together on a time sooner rather than later. This conversation we will all have will not be an attack session. I will not let people point fingers and yell, it's to voice grievances and try and find away through this that doesn't seen this RP group torn apart.
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brucejekyllbanner · 12 years
An (Unnecessary) Escort
Bruce sat fidgeting in a small room on the Helicarrier, the cold metal of the chair slowly making his back go numb, as he waited for his escort. He still hated it here. The flying ship held too many bad memories that caused the Other Guy to stir sluggishly at the back of his mind. Honestly, he didn't understand why whichever agent was escorting him to India couldn't have just met him at Stark Tower, since he'd been spending most--all right, all--of his time there.
Maybe Tony had something to do with everyone staying away...
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cycerotesla replied to your post: Lady Hel, Deadpool is offering to babysit. He may be immune to the touch, but this is something that can NEVER happen. At all. Ever.
No, under no cercumstances is it safe.
shieldhumanresourcesdept replied to your post: Lady Hel, Deadpool is offering to babysit. He may be immune to the touch, but this is something that can NEVER happen. At all. Ever.
it’s a HE, and he isn’t
Duly noted. 
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akihiro-daken1 · 12 years
Eram Quod Es, Eris Quod Sum: Part 4
Daken blended into the background, still projecting the pheromone mix that made him unnoticeable. He expected at any moment for the AI to pick up the visual, but he had plans just in case. He always did,
Deeper into the bowels of the building, closer to the bottom and more classified floors, he strolled with a clipboard held in hand. No one ever challenged someone wearing fussy glasses and carrying a clipboard with an earnest face; such people were best left alone lest they audit your personal accounts and find out about the unauthorized doughnut runs every Monday and the suspiciously high number of pens gone through in a month. Attitude and minor props were better than all out disguise every time.
He ducked into an office labeled :DIVISION HEAD: and killed the man as soon as he had determined the lack of cameras in the area. Armed with the man's ID and a new level 9 clearance, he engaged the Do No Disturb light and locked the door on his way out. Expedience, and the man would have an open door policy. 
Moving slightly faster he coded into the secure storage areas and moved to the specific chamber, deactivating the security with the dead man's card. The doors whooshes open with the distinctive in-swell of air which indicates a hermetically-sealed environment. UV lights, probably no longer needed to cure the acrylic casing, are pushed to the side of the room. There is nothing else stored in here.
Daken let the doors slam behind him, he'd have enough air for this, and slowly circled the clear block and the piteously shrunken and shriveled thing within.
They did this thing the proper way, did they not?
He'd been there, and he still couldn't believe what they'd done. Mutants, working together, were a formidable force. No moisture remained in Victor Creed's body, and even the air had been removed from him. He'd been freeze-dried and encased in acrylic. He could eventually heal from this, yes, but only with access to ambient air and moisture. Hence the hermetically sealed room. He'd bet that rather nasty touch was Deputy Director Hill's; she seemed the type to think of things like that.
Time to wake the devil.
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un-agenthughes · 12 years
Operation: Chicken Little
Hughes marched into the broom closet he was assigned as an office and sat down behind his desk. He called it a broom closet because despite being about as big as a low level executives corner office, it was miniscule in comparison to the size of other UN officials offices. Then again they had Egos to match their sizes.
And oh how those egos had flared. He'd just sat in on a lovely six hour session of the UNSC as they bickered back and forth over who had authority over the damned rock that hit in Russia. Russia's representative of course claimed sovereign rights over the damned thing, but Treaties were treaties, and Russia had signed the SWORD Treaty in good faith.
This of course was politics so Russia spent hours arguing what 'good faith' actually meant. Eventually though it came to a vote and even though Russia bemoaned an unfair majority rule and pointed fingers at both "Imperial America" and "A British Empire who thinks they still rule the world" the decision was just that, a decision.
So Hughes now had his job to do, which was sadly not taping the mouths shut of every official he'd spent hours listening to. Pinching the bridge of his noes he booted up his terminal and opened up a secure data feed through the UNSCs own network, to a line piggy backed along CERNs networks and out to the CIA before finally reaching it's intended precipitant.
"Deputy Director Hill this is Agent W.D. Hughes of the United Nations Security Council, I require your attention if you please."
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anicyresurrection · 11 years
The truth is as clear as ice (RP HillHRdirector)
Coulson had moved quickly over to the AC vent as soon as he entered the room. He would wait, he would have to, the room was full. He needed to talk to Agent Hill, the drinks was just the easiest way. And it's not like he could get drunk, that always made it awkward, even if it wasn't so warm. Where was she?
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agentbrompton · 12 years
Phase II || Agent Brompton - OW, Hati...
Hazel:  ::sitting in a triage room, arguing with the medic, the knife still in her shoulder::
Maria Hill:  ::still seeing equations, but the boiling rage, worry, and guilt are enough to counter it.  strides through the commotion, silencing people with a Look::
Hazel:  I'm telling you, just Get It Out of me and I'll be *fine.*
Maria Hill:  ::stops outside, turns to the suddenly quiet organization of agents trying to piece together what had happened.::  I want him found, and I want him found /now/. Do not approach, armed and dangerous. Find him, tail him. Do NOT be seen, do not move in less than pairs. I will fire anyone who disobeys my order, and believe me that will be the merciful option. Move.  ::turns to enter the room::
Hazel:    ::aaand it just gets better.  She’s sitting on an exam table, her arm immobilised in a sling with a throwing knife sticking out of the top of her arm where the shoulder starts, looking rather pissed already due to the pain:  Hallo, Maria. 
Maria Hill:  Hazel. ::ouch. Been there, done that, so feel your pain:: Any permanent damage?
Hazel:  There won't be.  Once they take the feckin' thing *out.*   ::she reaches into her shirt and pulls out the runed talisman::  It won't leave any damage but I can't get it out myself.  I think it's in the joint or the bone.
Maria Hill:  ::looked around, the doctors studying the Xrays, and made a decision. She nodded once, stepped up quickly by her friend, and braceing one hand against the  rest of her shoulder, hauled the knife out sharply. The doctors panicked::
Hazel:    ::yelled and grabbed the site with her hand, wincing and going pale for a moment::
Maria Hill:  ::Sets the knife on a tray, noting the lack of blood::  Better now?
Hazel:    <m>  Will be.  ;;takes a breath::    Thank you.    ::lets the docs come over and check it all out...not a scratch::  <m>  Told you so.    ::looks to Maria again::  *Thank* you. 
Maria Hill:  ::nods:: you're welcome. remind me to thank Loki, as well.  Now, what the hell happened?
Hazel:    I had errands to run after I left you.  I took some sweets to Stark Tower and had tea with Kim and Pepper.    And the accounting department here had requested cupcakes for a birthday or something, so I took a car, drove to Stark, then drove here and was walking in the lot with the boxes and someone called out to me.  It was Hati.  I stayed away from him.  He was offering to help me with the boxes.  When I declined, he started acting strange.  Said "don't let it in" and "I'm not me"  He wasn't coming closer so I turned to get to the checkpoint and he yelled and next thing I know there's a feckin' knife in my arm and I'm running.    ::sighs::  I don't know where he went.  I'm sorry.
Maria Hill:  No, no that's fine. You did the right thing in running  How did you know it was Hati?
Hazel:    He introduced himself.
Maria Hill:  ::nods, taking notes::
Hazel:    He called me by name.  I know the first time we texted he teased about needing more pics of me.  ::rolls her eyes::  I just...I was just going to drop these off and then come straight back home.  I didn't expect him to be here.  They all got ruined anyway.  ::scowls::
Maria Hill:  You're alive, that's more important that some cupcakes. ::or it is to me:: You didn't actually send him pictures of you?
Hazel:    NO.
Maria Hill:  ::relieved::
Hazel:    He had one the first time we talked.  Must have been in whatever he got my number from?
Maria Hill:  ::nods:: Possible, unfortunately.
Hazel:    I was also sort of known in London in the foodie circles.  Had my pic taken with Gordo a few times for the rags.  :;shrugs::  Not like I'm exactly under an alias here.  :;tests her shoulder and winces again, blanching::
Maria Hill:  Very few are. So you said he didn't seem like himself?  ::grabs some ibuprofen from a bottle on the counter and hands it over with a glass of water since the doctors all melted away::
Hazel:    ::pops the pills first and then takes the glass, drinking deeply::  Thank you.    No, he didn't.    I know I don't know him well at all and hadn't seen him, hadn't heard him before.  But even so, he wasn't acting like the cocksure jackass that he should have been. 
Maria Hill:  How was he?
Hazel:    Hesitant?  He didn't seem to want to come close.  The Hati I've been talking to...I have no doubt that he doesn't worry about personal space. 
Maria Hill:  ::maybe it was the salt?::
Hazel:    He....he was trying to warn me.  ::frowns suddenly and looks towards the door::  I turned to walk, I heard him say something..just a word...and then he said "no."....  And then he called out my name like he wanted to tell me something urgent.  Or...like he was warning me.
Maria Hill:  ::nods again:: Did he mention an... Oizys?  ::consulting notes from earlier::
Hazel:    The....oh, gods, where did I hear that today?  ::casts her mind back::  Hati told me to ask you about "the park...the thing"  And then he told me "don't let it in.  I'm not me"
Maria Hill:  :pales::  Damn it.  Have you told Loki you were in contact with Hati?  ::because I certaintly didn't…but then,I was under orders::
Hazel:    I asked him when I first was contacted.  He told me he wasn't sure of the truth of who it really was but to stay away from him.   And....it was Hermes who said something about an Oizys.  Said that Hati was trying to crack in using evil magic?    I was going to ask you about it but..we got a bit distracted when I saw you.  ::sighs::  I'm sorry.
Maria Hill:  HERMES said that, huh? I know ARGUS filed a report that included the term.   I didn’t realize they agreed
Hazel:    I was checking my email.  It said that he had claimed that an "Oizys" was in charge now?  And you ordered salting and all sorts of things.  Maria, I thought Hati was *dead*
Maria Hill:  ::confused:: why would you think that?
Hazel:    ::deep sigh::  The last time we "talked."  He asked me to do him a favour.  He said....he had something to do, more important than harassing SHIELD resources.  He said that if I hadn't heard from him by midday or so on Sunday, to go to his place and retrieve a box.  Said I'd know what to do with what was inside.  I didn't hear from him.
Maria Hill:  ::brows furrow:: You didn;t forward that chat to me.  ::neither did HERMES, and we WILL be having a chat about that::
Hazel:    It was a personal request from family.  And I didn't expect that he wouldn't come back.  Maria, I mourned him.  ::sighs::  The letter he left me broke my heart.  I was starting to get to him. 
Maria Hill:  If we can get him back, that might save him.   But... ::sighs::  It was family. I don't understand it, and I never will, really. He's dangerous without her in charge.  But with her?
Hazel:    Who is "her?”
Maria Hill:  Oizys. I guess that's her name. I saw her...
Hazel:    :blinks::
Maria Hill:  ::hasn't mentioned the park, and never told HAzel she was in the medical ward... oops::
Hazel:    :;uh huh, you wanna get into that?  We can get into that, muahaha::
Maria Hill:  Dammit, I haven't had time for all of this. It's all be happening too quickly
Hazel:    Everything does.  ::sighs and rubs her cheek::
Maria Hill:  Met Hati last week, by the way. 
Hazel:    ::eyes her:: 
Maria Hill:  Well, week before, actually.  Before Alastor's birthday.  ::good thing no one's in here::  Remember how I was gone for a week before?
Hazel:    Aye.
Maria Hill:  YEah, I was groundside, tracking down some security leaks, mostly to do with Hati.  Got me a meet with one of our agents who was suspected of passing him information
Hazel:    Oh.  Was this before or after he was ranting about being kidnapped?
Maria Hill:  ::eyebrow:: Right before, and he wasn’t kidnapped, he was arrested.  So I met with the agent, but something was in the shadows. She has young kids, I sent her home, made sure she got out of the way.  And up strolls Hati.
Hazel:    ::shrugs and ...damnit, don't move the shoulder...::  Sounds like him.  And the Hati I met today, wasn't at all like that.
Maria Hill:  ::nods::  Anyway, we were talking. I do believe he meant to kill me before he saw who I was.  But we talked about some things, classified and under investigatiopn things and then... the world changed
Hazel:    ::frowns::
Maria Hill:  It was night, but it got darker, the texture of the air became more oily... HAti tried to get me to run, but I couldn't, there were... zombies or something, I'm uncertain what they were, all around us. My men, my snipers, hadn;t seen them come up.  Hati was terrified.  The this... woman walked up, small, skinny, dark hair.  And she spoke, and it broke him. She could have killed both of us right then, I know it, but she just destroyed him and laughed, and then vanished
Hazel:    Destroyed him?
Maria Hill:  Broke him down, he was all but weeping in a ball at my feet
Hazel:    :slowly pales again, not from pain::  Dear gods.  And..so...what is she?  Do we know?
Maria Hill:  No idea. I can;t find anything on her
Hazel:    ::shakes her head slightly::  He ...I swear he didn't want to hurt me today.  I don't think it was *him* that threw that knife.
Maria Hill:  I believe you.  But he's dangerous. HE kills people for the fun of it, Hazel.  I wasn’t gone for a week because I had things to do, I was gone for a week because they wouldn’t let me out of the medical ward here in New York HQ.  After the... thing left, he was just like he was when he first came out of the shadows before he recognized me. 
Hazel:    ::frowns and eyes her::  Maria...
Maria Hill:  he was on the hunt
Hazel:    ::sighs::  He's a creature, not a human.  ::carefully digs a folded piece of paper out of her pocket::  This might make sense to you, now. 
Maria Hill:  he did give me the option to leave, mind you, but he'd have gone off and killed someone else. I couldn;t let him. So I offered to stay and try and talk with him.. stupid, maybe  :nods after reading::  He leave anything for me in there?
Hazel:    No.  There were some things I wasn't sure what to do with, you're welcome to look.  The other letters are delivered, and the scotch was marked for me.  ::sighs::  One of the letters...couldn't find the person it was for.
Maria Hill:  What was the name on it?
Hazel:    Uhm.  Skoll.
Maria Hill:  Skoll? That would be his brother according to myth
Hazel:    Brother?  Well...we couldn't find him. 
Maria Hill:  I'll look.  what else was in there?
Hazel:    Letters, bottle, and a couple of scraps of paper.  I'll let you look at them.  He'd marked the box with protection runes.  He warned me to not touch anything else in the apartment, so I didn't.
Maria Hill:  Loki will need to go through it, I think.  I doubt if she's letting him go back now
Hazel:    Well, I hadn't even had a chance to tell Loki about any of this.  Not that he'd care.  He didn't seem to be interested when I asked the first time.
Maria Hill:  Family isn't his strong suit
Hazel:    No.  I can tell you I didn't see anything special there.
Maria Hill:  I will see if Dr. Strange can take a look
Hazel:    It was rather a nasty apartment on the cheapest end of town.
Maria Hill:  We'll quarantine it
Hazel:    ::sighs::  I know he's a psychotic feckhead.  But I'm worried for him. 
Maria Hill:  yeah  ::is too, but that's her job, Family is different::
Hazel:    How are you feeling?  I didn't expect to see you out of your rooms today.
Maria Hill:  I feel... angry.  IT helps, actually.  Apparently Alastor can concentrate on important things, I just have to be feeling an excess of any emotion.  it's a different approach
Hazel:    Did you have a chance to talk to him?  ::glancing around, still deserted::
Maria Hill:  Yes
Hazel:    Good.    Maria.  I'm sorry you came down here for this.  I'll be fine.  it'll just hurt like hell for a while, I wager.
Maria Hill:  You do things for you family. Someone once taught me that
Hazel:    ::smiles a little::   I appreciate it, Maria. 
Maria Hill:  ::nods, and awkwardly pats her hand:: I am going to go harass people now, while you make good your escape. There's a Quinjet up top for you, Storm piloting.
Hazel:    Good.  I trust him.  :;sighs::  Listen.  When you get back up, come find me?
Maria Hill:  I will. I want to se that box
Hazel:    ::nods::  I want that knife please?
Maria Hill:  ::looks at it…picks it up and hands it over hilt first::  To the victor go the spoils
Hazel:    That which does not kill me....pisses me off.
Maria Hill:  ::grins::
Hazel:    ::eases down off the gurney and carefully shrugs the coat around her again…the knife gets settled securely into her purse, and she smiles thinly to Maria.
Maria Hill:  ::nods and goes out to distract people::
Hazel:    ::carefully makes her way out and up to the awaiting QuinJet and Storm...::
Maria Hill:  ::DISTRACTS::
Hazel:   ::is tired and dammit this is going to be sore for weeks
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When The Castle Crumbles
Alastor and the Fire Bomber had been in the air for maybe half an hour when ALICE again brought up the messages she had. ~Agent Zingari. Priority One Messages from my Helicarrier Core have gone unread for two hours and forty seven seconds. I highly recommend reading the files now.~ Alastor sighed but finally gave in. “Fine ALICE we’re off the ground and moving home so go ahead and open the files. He skimmed over the files and his eyes slowly widened as he realized what he’d put off. Contingencies HALO and QueenUnderTheMountain had been activated. To make matters worse however, HALO had been shut down, cut short of notifying Hazel and Logan, by Maria. “ALICE where were the files accessed.” ~The Files were accessed in New York Base. Files were accessed utilizing Level Six security clearance. Individual accessing files does not match records for clearance.~ The reports went away and were replaced with recorded images of a young looking man, Asian descent from the complexion, black hair in a Mohawk style. “What is the status of New York Base?” ~New York Base is on lockdown, weapons fire has been registered in the lower levels. Victor Creed’s holding cell has been compromised. All reports ceased as of one hour ago. Deputy Director Hill in route.~ “Shit.” Alastor gave a motion with his eyes, which the HUD registered and swiped away the information. “Move railgun into booster position.” He felt the mechanisms behind him in the back of the armor get to work as the usually shoulder mounted gun pivoted 180 degrees backwards. Its housing lifted slightly out of the armor and shifted till the gun laid flat against the raised portion of the back of the armor. ~Boost position achieved~ Alastor took a deep breath to prepare for the sudden shift in momentum he was about to subject himself to. “Set course for New York base, full boost.” The leg and feet repulsors kicked up propelling the armor forward past the QuinJet. ~Activating boost mode~ The coils of the rail gun crackled with energy as the ARC reactor transferred power to the weapons repulsor generator. After a few moments, and the generating of a bright blue light that glew like a beacon in the darkened sky the railgun released the charged up repulsor energy, propelling the armor forward towards New York. And Alastor found himself gritting his teeth against the strain, if he made it he’d have to have the techs work on the inertial dampening levels.
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geniecoulson-blog · 12 years
An Icy Reception
Genie Coulson sat in the middle of an smorgasbord of experiments. Someone had set off 12 different kinds of slinkies in order to see which went down 5 floors of Stark Tower fastest. Someone else had set different kinds of rubber on fire. A third person was seeing what kinds of paper made paper planes fly the farthest and the smoothest. They all had their own reason to do that. And they all loved it here. Genie included. Even if her own way was a bit more... convoluted. Tony Stark had known her brother, Phil Coulson. Phil Coulson had somehow died six months ago just before The Battle For New York, and other than how his sacrifice was valued, no one said anything else. The funeral had been a nightmare. All funerals were. But all these important people had shown up. Captain Freaking America included. Her mom had fainted when he showed up in a dress uniform with Dog Tags made for Phil. Her father had yelled at Tony Stark, who had just taken it. Clint, Clint didn't talk much. He just watched everything, like always. But he had seemed strangely stiff and sad. Genie knew something else was bothering him,but he refused to say. The fact he did show up meant a lot to her. Pepper Potts and Doctor Banner managed to break up the fight between her dad and Tony Stark, and in a surprise twist, Pepper was included in Phil's will. Natasha Romanov hadn't said a word. Genie ignored her own experiment (seeing if any experimental metals would float.) And started to sketch Wonder Woman and Phil fighting crime. She had gotten the letter after the funeral. Tony Stark had found her papers on physics and wanted to hire her. She had accepted. It was Stark, it was New York. It was non military... just what she needed. As she finished drawing Phil providing Wonder Woman with some covering fire, something exploded. Her Chochlear implants overloaded briefly as debris went flying. "Lizzie if this is one of-" she started to say, but cut off as someone dressed in purple walked into the wreckage of the room. "I am Wizard of the Frightful Four, and you will do exactly as I say." He announced to the room. Welp, this sucked. ((OOC: Hi there! Welcome to the RP. In this RP, Genie finds out not only is her brother still alive, but he's now half Jotun... and was resurrected and brainwashed by The Mandarin. While I can do it with ShieldHR, I think it would work much better if more people were involved. Things to note: Headcanon involving Clint, Genie, and Phil. Both Genie and Clint grew up hard of hearing. When Phil met Clint, he started to sign snarky comments to Clint subtly during meetings. This evolved into signing conversations and then a friendship. If you want to join, fanastic! More the merrier. Please note both Shield HR and myself before joining in. If not, please enjoy reading it!))
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❤ to shieldhumanresourcesdept
(I’m assuming Hill and not Facchino ^.^)
[text] Grettings Hill, I have missed our delightful conversations.
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Locked Out
It'd been a long, long day. Paper work was piling up, with a few up coming operations, the Mark-II project, and his recent 'development'. His work out had been interesting, and by interesting he meant a confusing show for everybody else. He was still getting used to some of the enhancements and the smell of so many people working out had almost been overwhelming. To top that off he'd managed to rip the speed bag off the wall in a fit of frustration when it hit him in the face.
He was working on the quick to anger thing.
Now he was on his way home though, and he was going to pull off his clothes and take himself a long hot shower, regulations about shower length while in flight be damned. Pulling out his card he slid it through the reader. And he raised his eyebrow at the negative buzz. He slid the card again and it didn't accept. Mumbling he pressed his thumb to the biometric reader and again unauthorized.
"Work you damn thing!" He smacked the reader and thankfully it didn't snap off, but it didn't accept the card either. Groaning, in a way that was almost a growl he pulled his ear piece out of his bag and contacted Maria. "Deputy Director Hill I have an issue, I have apparently been locked out of my quarters."
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