un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
Hughes nodded and then stood up. "Well Mr. Hammer, as you've accepted my offer, you are officially in my care. Which means I'm going to get you of this room and into some of your personal clothes, the articles you had with you when you were taken into custody. We'll have to eat that pizza on the go, because it is a very long flight back to the UK. Plus I'm sure you would like to get out of this prison."
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
"Well … all the normal agents had dress codes. But I was in tech. In the basements. The triskelion usually let us hackers just kind of … hide away and wear our own clothes." he shrugged a bit, "I wasn’t really a people person."
He nodded, fiddling with his cuffs, “Yeah. They came hard and fast.”
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"You're entering a very professional field Mr. Hammer. For the second time, the fact that you had no dress code at SHIELD makes me realize I knew less about that organization than I thought." He sighed, "I was a liaison to them, I thought I knew the inner workings rather well, but I didn't see HYDRA coming more than they did."
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
Weasel had seen a lot. Murder, mayhem, bullets to the head, himself being threatened with death multiple times in the last few months, being locked up in essentially a cage more than once. But this, this moment, when he was told he might have to wear a suit on a daily basis.
He had never looked so terrified.
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"Now why would you want that?" He raised an eyebrow, "You can wear whatever you can afford, but there is a dress code to follow you understand."
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
"I accept." he didn’t hesitate a moment. 
But after a moment of silence, he did speak again, “Can I uh … trade the suits for like, a really sturdy pair of jeans?”
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"Proverbially. Be a good boy and you earn some autonomy like me." Hughes made a motion of opening both arms wide, "First class air travel, finely tailored suits, Gitmo guards concerned they'll look at you the wrong way and find themselves on a worse assignment." The man smiled, "What I'm trying to say, is the next words out of your mouth probably should be 'I accept'."
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"Well it saved my life, don't get me wrong, I'm appreciative of that, just didn't want to be a living weapon." He shook his head, "But we're not here to talk about me, we're here to talk to about you. There is a lot of dark work to be done in the digital world for the governments of the world, so don't think you'll be out of work and not earning favors."
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
Weasel slid back into his seat, “Not your choice? Fuck, nobody has any decency anymore. I know a ton of people who would have lined up for that kind of experiment, but they gotta do shit to people without their permission? Sucks. Plain fuckin’ sucks man.”
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"Don't get too curious, I'm a walking violation of over a dozen international laws and humane rights. Because believe me, I didn't ask for all this." The barrel slid back into the arm and the fingers slowly folded back into place and within a few moments Hughes' hand was back to normal, seemingly totally organic. "But yes I am hooked up to the wifi."
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
Now most people would be scared of seeing a man turn from human into a weird cyborg menagerie. Hell even Weasel should have been nervous of the gun pointing at him. But instead, he leaned forward, eyes wide and sparkling, “Oh my god. Hello beautiful you are gorgeous. I mean … the mechanics, not you or the fact it’s a gun. I hate guns. But the merging of bioorganic and technology. That’s fascinating. Do you have to boot up? Do you have processors? Are you hooked up to the wifi?”
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"You could say that," He leaned back in his chair and pulled out a lighter, lighting up the cigarette and taking a puff. "Only my crime's a bit more, complex than yours. See, some people get arrested for owning a weapon without a permit, or carying one concealed without a permit, little things like that." He lifted up his left hand and the skin seemed to peel back at seams and his fingers folded back and a barrel slid out between the opened fingers. "Now, when you are the weapon, your punishment tends to be a bit more, server. It was death, or work, or a life in a box. So, I chose work."
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
Weasel listened intently, watching the cigarettes. It had been a while since he’d had a smoke, “So uh …”
He wet his lips, before looking up, “Does that mean you used to be like me?”
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"It's a progressive thing kid." Hughes reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarets, the expensive flat shaped ones people tend to smoke for appearance more than anything. "You'll be moved from here to a prison closer to my complex, get a nice individual cell. Then you'll probably get a grace period where you can work and prove yourself. Do that, you'll probably be allotted an apartment and put under house arrest of sorts. You know, baby steps. You do good you end up like me, fancy suit, good pay check, able to go wherever, but always watched."
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
Weasel gave a shrug, before nodding, “i figured as much. I mean hell, the government is spying on everyone anyways, might as well help that I know you will be. Next time I end a phone call I’ll be like, by bro, by unsc.”
He leaned back, closing his eyes, “So what do I have to do? I mean, is it gonna be a rat in a maze thing? I have a cell forever and you let me out for walkies? Or do I … I mean, do I ever get to have a place that’s mine again?”
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"That falls in line with what we know about you."  He leaned forward, and looked the man in the eyes, the cold grey cybernetics whirling as they zoomed in on him. "So I'm going to be a bit frank with you here Mr. Hammer. You've left that situation for a very similar one. Because of your record, and your history, with SHIELD and HYDRA, it is very, very unlikely you will ever be a free man again. At best you can hope to forever be observed. The UNSC has a knack for doing this. Finding people who are put in situations in which they've committed a great deal of crimes, sometimes for simply being, and putting them to work. It's much better than the alternative, i can tell you that from experience. You either work for the system, or the system works you over. You've shown you can do what's needed. It just depends on if you ant to continue doing that."
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
"I was a prisoner." he was firm when he said that, eyes down. Sure he wasn’t in cuffs, or in a cell, but there was a constant threat of death. He didn’t like what he did, but didn’t want to rock the boat. Maybe he was a bit spineless.
"Mostly computer stuff. They had me hack into systems and get control of the computer programs, change security codes, get them access. I uh … I sent out the message from the triskelion, and then uh … worked a lot on communication patches, and removing security patches from communication devices … and I had to her them get into the systems at the fridge."
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"I see." He picked the phone back up, took out a stylus and scribbled notes down. "And what did they have you do while under their charge? According to what information we do have you were not a prisoner, at least not a normal one. So we would like to know how you assisted them in your tenure under their care."
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
Weasel set the tablet down. He wasn’t surprised. Leaning back in his chair, he nodded, shrugging, “I do the dew …”
After a moment of looking around the sparse room, he chuckled at the question, “With a gun. Obviously. I was working at the Triskelion, tech. Then these Ops guys come in and tell me to either send this message or they were gonna blow my brains out, I tried to get info from them, but you know … gun to head. So … I mean come on, I didn’t even have clearance for my own gun!”
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
He held up a hand, refusing the tablet. "The file is now being red by others." And himself, of course. He picked up the phone, tapped the screen a few times, bringing up a message box and sending a message with a pizza order to the forward reception desk of the facility. They'd take care of it and make sure it got to the room without incident. "Alright then. Pizza's ordered. And some mountain dew. I have a feeling it's a thing you drink." He sat the phone down and clasped his hands together. "So now lets talk about you. How did Hydra 'acquire' you?"
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
Weasel nodded, biting his bottom lip, “Got it. But if I unencrypt it, I can’t promise you’ll like what you see. I’ve seen lots of “normal” people turn out to be evil scum bags.”
But he wanted that pizza. He hadn’t had pizza in months. He dragged his fingers across, typing as fast as he could. The firewalls weren’t that hard to bypass, and backdoors were easy to find.
After a few minutes, he slid the tablet forward, smiling, “I got you April.”
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"I like peperoni and mushrooms, with extra peperoni to be truthful." He leaned forward, eyes whirling and coming to focus on weasel as he typed. Every tap of the screen, every bit of data that the man worked into, passed through Hughes' mind. "There are about seventeen files in a folder we managed to decrypt the name of. It's named Finances. Pick one, and supply it. If it proves to be information on someone financing HYDRA, you may get more goodies down the road."
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
Weasel didn’t hesitate one bit, the moment the the phone was on the table, his hands were on the tablet, “You could have at least given me a laptop, I’ll have limitations.”
No he wouldn’t, but he hated typing on a tablet. Too smooth. His fingers began to swipe over it, and he began to fish into the database, “Is there any file in particular you want, and please tell me you don’t like pineapple on pizza.”
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"Alright I'll tell you what. You provide one file, unencrypted and open for us to go over and I'll order you a pizza hmm?" He pulled a phone out of his pocket and sat it on the table. "Provide info, I provide dinner. But I pick the toppings because frankly if I'm ordering a pizza I'm having some too and you can't be too picky right now."
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
Weasel stared at the tablet, his fingers tapping on the arm of the chair. Yeah he’d help, obviously, he wanted out. But he wanted to try and get as much as he could before he did.
"Can I … get something to eat or something? I mean if I’m helping, you said you’d help me. I’m kind of starving. Gitmo doesn’t really offer good meals."
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"Maybe he was. But that isn't the point. Point is you do have information. You did see things. You do know how to access information." He opened the dossier and pulled out a tablet. "This was supplied to us, along side you and your compatriots. We know it has information on it, and we know its encrypted. Rather than waste taxpayer money on getting in decrypted. We can have you do it, for free. Relatively speaking."
He reached over the table and placed the tablet in front of Weasel, folding out the small stand on the back. "The tablet is wirelessly tethered to a very secure router outside this room. Information going out of that router is being very carefully monitored. You try something silly, bad things happen." What Hughes failed to mention was that he was also tethered to that tablet, and he'd know the moment Jack did something. And bad things came in the form of a taser.
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
"China?! What’d I ever do to them?"
… oh yeah.
Weasel frowned, slouching back in his chair. He’d cross his arms if the cuffs weren’t so tight on his wrists.
"What kind of information? I didn’t know a damn thing HYDRA was doing until the second they started doing it. And even if I had the computer access, I wasn’t in their heads during all this. Garrett was a freak. Did you see his eyes? He was crazy."
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
"Frankly Mr. Hammer we can hold anything against you we want. But, despite your record of doing less than reputable things, your files don't read as a HYDRA, nor does your psych evaluation. Which is why you're in a nice interrogation room with me and not some CIA agent, or worse, on a plane to the Russian Federation to get quality time with the FSB. They wanted you bad. So did the Chinese."
He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Essentially, I am your one 'get out of jail free' card. 'Get out' and 'Free' being figurative for the moment of course. I need information. And by I, I mean we, and by we, I mean the United Nations Security Council. I have representatives of fifteen different nations breathing down my neck for information. So I'm going to breath down yours. And I highly recommend you cooperate because the more useful you are, the more comfortable you become. Understood?"
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
Weasel had been there for what felt like an eternity. It could have been years, months, weeks! Or … a few days. Time had lost all meaning, mostly because he didn’t have a watch.
So when he’d been pulled from his cell into an interrogation room, he was sure he was going to be thrown to the wolves and hung. Par for the course. It was unexpected to see a man walk in looking more business than torture, and Weasel became mesmerized by the cybernetics behind his eyelids. So much so he didn’t hear the question at first.
Though when he did, he rolled his eyes, “Oh come on, HYDRA I get it. and the hacking. But you can’t hold Wade against me! You try telling him to leave.”
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
Debriefing: Pop goes the Weasel
Hughes could never claim that he wasn’t always busy, but to say that the past few months had not be the hugest cluster fuck of intelligence asshattery that he’d ever encountered would be a bigger lie. First Steve Rogers was labeled a fugitive, and then literally within days a massive information leak, compromising agencies and operatives around the world. And worst of all, the revelation that HYDRA, the biggest threat of World War II, was not only alive and well but had infiltrated SHIELD.
The chaos that followed was the sort of thing that HYDRA probably reveled in. SHIELD collapsed. HYDRA, apparently prepared for this, scattered to the winds. SHIELD, what was left of it, got labeled a terrorist organization, and the entire intelligence network world wide all but collapsed in a matter of seconds. So why was this important to Hughes? Well Hughes was a secretarial operative for the UNSC, the United Nations Security Council for those of you who immediately imagined space ships and hinge-jawed aliens.
What that means, is that not only is he an intelligence operative, but he reports directly to the Council. The big five, China, France, Russia, the UK, and the US. And then of course there were the non-permanent members he had to deal with. From Australia to Rowanda. It means he acts as the eyes, ears, and hand of the most powerful governments in the world.
So when their biggest intelligence agency collapsed, all their eyes and ears fell on him. He had to sift through the mess, he had to see why the other Alphabet Agencies missed it. Why the CIA, the FBI, the FSB, and MI6 missed that the biggest and most famous terrorist group in the history of the world had been alive and well as a cancer in the biggest international security agency in the world.
And frankly he’d found a huge pile of bullshit in the past several weeks. The UN and their individual agencies were so focused on SHIELD, who’s individual agents knew as much about HYDRAs infiltration as they did. That was until a few agencies went abuzz about some large mercenary operation in the UAE. Nothing definitive could ever be determined about the operation because the information came after the fact, but then someone left Hughes a bunch of presents.
A few dozen in fact, wrapped in orange and laced in cuffs and chains sitting quietly in Guantanamo bay. They simply showed up at an American Embassy in the Solomons, all sitting quietly in two cargo trucks. The drivers didn’t even know what they were carrying, just that they were to deliver the trucks and a note. A note that simply read:
Still doing your work.
Nobody had any clue who QoS was, but that took a back burner to their new guests. Nearly each individual had a record as being a SHIELD agent. And every single one admitted to being a member of HYDRA. Except for a small handful, who had been in their own truck. Each of these had another note. Name, rank, position, and a confirmation from ‘QoS’ that they had indeed worked for HYDRA, but under threat of death.
The CIA leapt at their new captives, but the moment Hughes got wind of it he was in route to Gitmo. And that’s how he found himself here, at this moment, looking through the one-way glass at some scrawny young man who looked so out of place in his orange jumpsuit and bonds.
Holding the dossier under his arm he let out a sigh and opened the door into the interrogation room, closing it behind him. Adjusting his tie he stepped forward, placed the folder on the table and pulled a chair back, taking a seat and looking across the table at the young man.
His eyes focused on him, dark grey and swirling circuitry, not even hiding that they were cybernetics as he looked him up and down. “Hammer, Jack. AKA. Weasel. Several counts of grand larceny. Cybercrime, and known associate of Wade Wilson.” He tapped the folder in front of him. “All this history and you expect us to believe you were not an active participant in the HYDRA takeover of SHIELD?”
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un-agenthughes ¡ 10 years
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William Hughes ID Card by kahn-iceay
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